#so if you needed extra info on anything i'm game lol
jewvian · 1 year
Hello! I have a few questions for you, I just discovered your blog and you seem cool. What are your favorite Jewish/Israeli foods? Do you think the hatred and anti-Zionism towards Jews and Israelis are unjustified or is it okay to hate this country, its people, and their government? What are your favorite proverbs in Hebrew (if you'll translate them into English I would appreciate it)
Oh hello! Thanks for your compliment lol I am in fact very cool 😎
Your questions are so random in order lol like the jump from fave food to antisemitism is nuts lmao no shade tho, I'll try answering them all as thoroughly as I can!
It's a complicate question cuz like Israeli cuisine is still in its diapers, it's still evolving so it's more about combinations of dishes and types of food that create this cuisine. Like we have schnitzels in baguettes with spreads like hummus and harissa and topped with sauerkraut and freshly sliced vegetables. These combinations are Israeli cuisine in my opinion lol falafel is still number one in my book, shawarma as well. Lots and lots of veggies, grilled meats, grape juice in a glass bottle. That's the vibe for me lol Jewish food however! I'm Ashkenazi, so Eastern Europe cuisine also speaks to me dearly. You can't get a better dish than a matzo ball soup, sorry y'all.
And now to the heavy stuff huh? To put it as simply as I can cuz some people are thick as fuck, criticism is fair game - hatred isn't. You can criticize the Israeli government as much as you want, we do it here too, but using this justified criticism as a tool to spread antisemitism and bigotry and just full on hatred is, you guessed it - wrong! I've seen too many "critics", let's call them that, revert straight into blatant antisemitism when confronted (and even spread it casually tbh) so I am always super weary when seeing these kind of people online. Sometimes they are worse than far right extremists, there I said it. Like at least I know a neo Nazi simply hates me, but the far left will do cartwheels trying to justify their opinions in a way that doesn't paint them as antisemitic while at the same time spew the worst tropes, proving they've never interacted with a Jew before. "I don't hate Jews, I just think they are evil colonizers! Also is human meat kosher?" I wish I made that sentence up but it was posted on this site not long ago. So there you go anon.
Wow favourite proverbs, that's hard lol Jewish people love their idioms and proverbs lmao few jump to mind tho, like there's the famous "if you will it, it's no dream" by Theodor Herzl, which is essentially the country's unofficial motto lol hmm oh there's my fave: "man plans and God laughs" meaning you can plan your life as much as you want but God will fuck you up eventually! There's also "we survived Pharaoh - We'll survive this too" which means like, we made it through the worst in the past so we can overcome whatever harsh shit is in front of us today. Jewish proverbs in general can be either super insightful and clever or the silliest shit you've ever seen in your life lmao there's no in between! You either gonna learn an important lesson or just get back at someone with the snarkiest sentence a human ever created. "If he were the grim reaper - no one would die" I think this one is self explanatory lol yeah so these are just the ones I remember for now I hope they were enough for you 😊
That's it I think lol I hope I managed to answer your questions, if you want more info on whatever subject - I'm here and I'm still very cool so you're welcome to send more lol
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explodingchantry · 13 days
hi sorry to come into your inbox for this but i just need. to gripe. every new bit of info we get about the new DA game is making me more and more preemptively tired lol. mostly the way it's looking like eeevery bit of lore that's been revealed has something to do with such and such book. or this comic over here. or this podcast from two years ago. or THIS podcast that is happening now that's a ~discord exclusive~. or this youtube series. or this random VA talk show. etc etc ad nauseam. i am so tired of videogames coming with HOMEWORK you're expected to do just to know what's going on
Please never apologise for sending messages!!
I think its honestly REALLY funny how bioware just doesn't know what it wants. On one hand they say that the new game is fine for newcomers, the way they did for dai, and use this as an excuse for how dumbed down some of the writing is - but then in the other hand the majority of the characters and plot beats have origins hidden behind pay walls.
It was already bad enough when, to understand each game properly you had to have paid for the previous one's dlc (want to know anders' past as a warden? Buy awakening! Want to know wtf is up with Morrigan and the eluvians? Buy witch hunt! Want to know who tf corypheus is and what hawke and varric even have to do with him? Buy legacy! Want to understand ANYTHING about veilguard? Play the descent AND trespasser, our epilogue that we hid behind a paywall!!!!!) and you know at least the dlcs were pretty good on their own so I could forgive it a little bit.
But there's so much extra media now omg I haven't touched a single one of the comics because I'm not rly into American comics, I've read almost all the books and some of them are genuinely fucking mid. And at least back in the day the books were more... Bonuses? You DONT need to read the stolen throne to understand anything on the games, but it's INTERESTING. it explores characters you mightve been curious about. I love that ! Or the last flight is really interesting, just, to see how the 4th blight was beaten, to get to know those legendary heroes, and know why griffons went extinct. A bit annoying because you do need to read it to also understand how the hell they're coming back - but it still feels a bit more like a bonus than a necessity.
But then we have asunder, which also in general just kinda sucks as a book, that is really really needed to understand the mage rebellion, Fiona, Cole, and the cure for tranquility. The characters will explain a lot of those things to you in game, but it leaves you with the certain feeling that you're missing something. It's a huge advertisement for asunder.
Similarly wicked eyes and wicked hearts is hollow if you haven't read the masked empire which is also my least favorite book because it's so damn fucking boring I literally never managed to finish it, but it's mostly because I hate Trick Weekes' writing lmfao. Gaider was wildly misogynistic but my god at least he was entertaining as a writer whenever he didn't butcher female characters.
That's two major plot beats in inquisition that require reading one of the books. And ofc it's major villain and another major plot beat that require having played the previous game's dlc to properly understand.
And since then we've had so much more. I don't know. It's just complicated because I *like* book characters showing up and the books having importance in the sense that, I like reading and I'm a lore nerd lol. But I think there's a lot of frustration to be had as to the sheer quantity of extra media you need to consume if you want to be invested in the story. Because you could say "well just don't buy them then" but I LIKE dragon age, it's story, and plot, but omg some of the books and comics are also so hard to find and so EXPENSIVE. I think tevinter nights costs like 20£ if you want it on paperback rather than Kindle, and don't get me started on the dozens of comics.
At least the podcasts and discord only content isn't nearly as offensive, imo, because they're free. But also there's another issue with all of this extra content - it's that it doesn't get fucking translated. Not often, anyway. Not in as many languages as the games do. That means there are many, many many many players and fans who are just not allowed to learn more about their favorite game series because they don't speak English, because theyre not rich enough to buy 10 books and 20 comics. It feels a bit wrong
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Can Ma Kent be the sweet old southern woman oddduck needs? Someone who listens and lets her talk about Bruce and her frustrations with Clark and Lois but not try to solve it or pry for more info or anything? I just want oddduck to have a safe space rn lol
"Ma I'm sorry I-"
Martha waved away his concerns cheerfully and kissed his cheek, "You know we'll be fine. Pa will be perfectly happy to watch the game and I'll go see Y/N-" Her eyes narrowed when her son winced, looking a little ashamed of himself.
"Ma I don't know if-"
"Even if she's irritated at you right now she'll be thrilled to see me," she snorted.
Clark nodded slowly and stooped to kiss her cheek, "Call if you need anything-"
"We''ll be fine," she assured him, watching him go. Shaking her head and picking up her jacket and her handbag.
"Kids fighting, you think?" her husband asked.
"Not fighting," Martha said, kissing the top of his head and making sure he had a cold drink at hand. "I think, Clark has been meddling where he shouldn't-"
"With what?"
"Never you mind," she said smiling a little. What Lois had let slip and what she'd gleaned from talking to you briefly would have been enough to make the rest of his hair go grey.
"Can't hear you I'm going to so watch a Lecture," she said, heading towards the University where you taught.
Martha snuck in and hung near the back. It was a big room and the students you were teaching were in various states of paying attention. But the ones that were? They were enraptured. And Martha understood it. She'd watched you hone this for years- ever since you were a little girl.
She didn't know if it was innate or if you practiced it in the mirror. But either way, she enjoyed it.
"Alright All, remember. Mid Terms are next week. And there are 3 essay questions- You only have to do ONE. If you do all three and get them right, there's extra credit in it for you-"
She watched you dismiss your class and waited, watching you gather your papers and your laptop, making her way down the steps, "Excuse me professor?" she teased. Beaming at you when you look up.
"I thought-"
"They got called in to work," she explained, "so I thought I'd come bother you. Make you get a slice of pie and some coffee with me."
You smile and pull out your laptop again, "Just let me email my next class and let them know they get a day off."
Martha listened for a little while. She knew there was a lot you weren't saying. About how annoyed you were with her son and his wife.
"I told them to get a dog if they want something to parent," you tell her.
"Good," she said, smiling a little. "Now about this man-"
"He doesn't even like me that way so I don't understand-"
Martha shook her head fondly. If he wasn't sweet on you, he wasn't as smart as Clark said. You're a cutie. Not a model. But there was a girl next door quality. A sweetness. A warmth. And you were smart? He'd have to be blind and stupid. And she could see, from the way you flustered a little talking about him, the way your cheeks heated that you liked him. "What's your mother say?"
You shrug, "I'm sure she'd have a lot to say if I told her anything-"
"I mean why would I tell her after-"
"That wasn't your fault," Martha said softly, patting your hand. Trying not to worry about the fact that you'd only taken a couple bites of your pie and were now aimlessly picking. You were upset. This was bothering you.
"I chose-"
"You chose him because he lied to you, baby," she reminded you. "And then he left you."
You nod and Martha squeezed your hand again, hoping that Bruce knew what he was doing. He was going to have his work cut out for him if he was going to convince you of anything. And she hoped you were wrong. That he did like you enough to do the work.
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fernsnailz · 1 year
also if it's not bothering i'd like to ask you if you have any tips on how to make a zine/fanzine? i've been wanting to for a while but i am unsure how to and it feels kind of intimidating
yeah no worries! the good news is that personal zines are pretty easy to make because you can put basically anything into one and make it any length/size you want. they also come in a lot of different forms - you can make one that's just a digital pdf, post some loose pngs online, draw it out on some sheets of paper that you staple or fold together, have it printed at a professional printing service, or create an entirely new method that works for the zine you're making. it's up to you and depends on what resources you have or what zine you want to make - which is always the first step! start with an idea or general theme you want to make your zine about, which can be quite literally anything. is it a fanzine about some characters you like? a personal comic? a various collection of your art, writing, or other creations? again, can be literally anything.
i can help most with digital zines because that's what i've made and participated in so far. really the biggest hurdle with any zine is just making the stuff that goes in it - i was very ambitious to make dance in fire over 30 pages, especially since it was my first solo zine. i say start small, zines can be as few as four pages if you want. if you do want to make a longer zine, something i did that i highly recommend is finding old sketches or unfinished/unposted art that you can use as a starting point for some pages. or just keep them in an unfinished state! sketch pages are always a welcome addition imo.
another thing i recommend if you're making a long zine (though is entirely optional) is keeping a tracker with the pages you want to make or have already been completed. this is part of what my tracker spreadsheet looked like for dance in fire - just a way for me to log when things are done, what things needed to be changed, any info i wanted to keep written down. this was a HUGE help for me personally since i was dealing with a lot of pages of just. stuff.
Tumblr media
with digital zines, you don't necessarily have to make every page the same size, but i suggest sticking to one page size to keep everything cohesive. for dance in fire, every page is about 7x10in (with a little bit extra added for print bleed). once everything is done, there's a couple of different ways to combine everything into one pdf. sometimes you can export multiple canvases as a single pdf depending on the drawing program you're using - my version of clip studio can't do that, so i uploaded 37 individual pngs of the pages to an online pdf converter and just downloaded that lmao
last thing to figure out is where to host your zine - if you have a pdf, there's a few online file hosting platforms you can share them on. i used itch.io which is mostly for indie games and creators, some other people i know use github. these are good places to host your zine if you want to sell it, but you can probably also do that on ko-fi or patreon if you wanted? idk i don't have experience with those
that's all i got for now! there's some tricky stuff to figure out if you're printing a digital zine, but i'm still in the process of figuring that out myself so that might have to be a guide for another time lol
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obsoleteozymandias · 3 months
hello!! i'd like to request a twisted wonderland matchup if ur still doing them! if not that's totally cool :) feel free to ignore this!!
here's my info!!
i use any pronouns and i'm aroace irl, but i still like fictional characters LOL. my mbti is intp, and my "big three" zodiacs are pisces sun, aries moon, and sagittarius rising.
personality: for how i'd describe myself, i'd definitely say i try my best to be optimistic about things. whenever i ask people if my personality is the sun or the moon, they usually say i'm the sun LOL. i've been told that i have a relaxing voice and that i have a comforting presence. from my perspective, i'm decently quiet and shy and i get pretty nervous talking to new people irl, but once the conversation gets going, i can talk to anyone just fine. i tend to be agreeable, and i think i'm pretty easy to talk to. my friends say i'm a sweet person , but that i also seem to get lost in my thoughts a lot or daydream often. i've also been told by many people that i'm pretty funny, and my humor tends to rely on a mix of my vocabulary and the latest trends. i'm playful and silly by nature, often teasing my friends and goofing around, but i'm also capable of providing genuine advice and comfort to people if they need me to. i like a lot of playful banter in my life. i've also been told that i'm trustworthy and reliable whenever i work with other people. additionally, i'm more detail-oriented, mainly because i like to go in-depth and consider things with logic if i can. but, at the same time, i can be a bit impatient and impulsive if i really want something, but not so much that i do anything too reckless, if that makes sense LOL.
likes: psychology (so much so that i want to pursue a career in it), astrology, history, playing video games (mainly roblox, cookie run kingdom, the persona series, and twst), sweet stuff and candy, watching the sunrise, sleeping / taking naps, cats, listening to music
dislikes: bugs (i'm terrified of them ☹️ just the thought of touching them makes me shudder with fear), dirty rooms, injustice, canned green beans (i gagged last time i ate them 😭), singing in front of other people, dancing (only bcuz i'm really bad at it and it's embarrassing, LOL), overly arrogant people or people who think they're "above" me
hobbies: i spend a lot of my free time on my phone and in my room. i don't go to new places often, but i love to play games with my friends and chat on the phone. occasionally, i'll try out a new makeup look that i find online since i'm somewhat into beauty stuff. i usually spend a couple hours a day on tiktok (my attention span is cooked 🙁), but lately i've been trying to get back into drawing or painting!! i want to utilize a bit more of my creativity instead of just sitting around all day LOL. additionally, i'm a bit of a clean freak, so if a room in my house is getting a bit dusty, i'll dedicate a few hours to cleaning it up and reorganizing.
extra: im super sorry if this ended up being rlly long 😭 tysm for ur time!!
Extra info means extra points to write about no need to apologize!
== Twisted Wonderland ==>
I match you up with…
Rook Hunt
Rook sees your inner beauty, as he does with most people, right away. The instant he meets you he’s going on about how lovely you look, and how your shyness hides away a vivid personality. 
How does he know these things? Pure instinct. But it’s a refined and usually correct instinct, so make of that what you will. 
He flutters around you day in and day out, asking you questions and testing you reactions to anything and everything. He’s a bit overwhelming at first, but once you really get to know him, he’s a reliable friend and always there to pick you up when you’re feeling down. 
He’s also taken by your interest in psychology. He himself is very observant and notices quite a lot about others that they don’t even know, and so the study of how the mind works fasniates him. If you tell him a factoid or two about psychology, and how you think it applies to one of your classmates or peers, he’ll be thrilled and praise you for your intelligence. 
Once you get close, he’ll often bring out the playful and silly side of you, absolutely taken with your smile and the sound of your laughter. Perhaps it’s then when he realizes that he’s fallen for you.
Rook is a romantic, sure, but he’s also knowledgable about your tastes and preferences. If you’d want a beautiful confession by moonlight, him singing a ballad beneath your window, then you’d get that. If you’d want a small and intimate confession, him gazing into your eyes lovingly, you’d get that. Whatever it was, two things would be certain: it would be terribly romantic, and it would be perfect. 
Whatever hobbies you have, Rook will absolutely be a part of them now. You want to draw? He’ll be your model, or watch you as you create! Playing video games? He’ll be your player 2! Whatever it is, he enjoys it, so long as he gets to be by your side. 
He hides his emotions fairly well from others around him, but when he’s around you, he tends to let you in on some of the smaller or more negative things he feels. It’s here that he appreciates the part of you that gives good advice. 
In turn, he’s always a willing confidant, and absolutely will tell you if you need to take a break from being the school’s therapist. 
He won’t just tell you: he’ll scoop you up and run away with you if needed, laughing like a madman and cuddling you so you wouldn’t be able to escape.
One thing is certain: whatever challenges or trials you face in life, Rook will be there to help you through them. 
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yesimwriting · 10 months
Hey girl I'm about to have my first batch of finals this year what are your tips for surviving? I feel so confused on the best ways to prepare 😭😭 thanks 🙏
omg as a self proclaimed academic weapon whose current projected GPA range for the end of semester is 3.9 - 4.0 and who went to a college prep high school i feel like i have finals/midterms down to a science
I have some general finals steps and then some even more general advise where I expand on the tips below the cut. I got kind of carried away😭 pls let me know if you need me to expand on anything
Step 1. List out everything that's due (all projects, essays, and exams) in order of when they're do. If multiple things are due the same day, order them from the assignment you're least confident in to the assignment you're most confident in.
Step 2. Personalize your schedule. Half the battle of finals is a mental game bc it's easy to see all the things you have to do and freeze bc it feels like nothing's going to get done or that you'll be working every second of the day until finals end. If you break your assignments into blocks/chunks, you'll still be able to take small breaks and feel less overwhelmed.
So like if you have 3 essays and 2 tests within two to three days of each other, tell yourself you'll write 2 essays and study for one test on the first day or that you'll write one essay everyday and study on the last two days. If that makes sense lol.
this doesn't mean to over schedule your life!! i don't write out time stamps for every break, i just like to do assignments a day or two in advance so that I can take breaks if that makes sense.
Step 3. Do your projects/essays first. I've always been someone that likes doing projects before studying for tests. Because projects/essays are something that have tangible ends,, you'll feel a lot more productive/better getting those out of the way. The exception to this is if you have a big test coming that's before your essays/project, study first lol.
Step 4. Make study guides. Ik it's annoying, but you're more likely to study more if you have a cheat sheet you can just look over. More on this in general advise.
-- This is just general advice. ---
Tip 1. Study guides are life savers. It's one thing to have all of your notes, but typing/writing everything you need so that it's in one place makes it so much easier to take advantage of small moments. I do best on tests when I make my study guide in advanced and then just reread it a bunch the night before and then right before the test.
If it's a harder topic with more information and you think you need more time with the info, I still think a study guide is a great way to just have something that you can look at whenever you have a a few minutes. You're more likely to study more when you have something that you can just pull out and read a few times than if you just have miscellaneous notes you have to waste time looking for/gathering.
Tip 2. Plan/accept study breaks. Sometimes you just need to do something else. It feels like you're wasting time, but if you're super tired/overwhelmed, you're definitely not working efficiently, so if your body is telling you to walk around for a little or scroll on your phone for fifteen minutes or do something else to mentally get away, accept it.
Tip 3. Don't fall for the 11:59 trap. This might just be bc I'm a night person so I do a lot of homework late at night, but I think knowing something is due at midnight adds some extra stress. It makes it harder to take breaks and gets more overwhelming bc the deadline is right there.
I like to make the day before the 11:59 deadline my personal deadline. Ofc there are exceptions to this, like if the assignment is smaller,, like a discussion post or just answering some homework questions, and you know it won't take up your entire day and you'll have time, it's okay to leave it. Especially if you have larger assignments or other things to study for.
Tip 4. Do the harder assignments first. This may be personal preference, but I always do the more draining assignments first. This doesn't always mean the longest/objectively the hardest. Sometimes it's just getting your least favorite/worst subject out of the way so that you can check it off your list.
Tip 5. Personal reward system. This is why it's good to have hobbies! it's not a good idea to make needs rewards, like food/water and bathroom breaks,, please don't do that!!
but the amount of times i've told myself that if i finish/get to a certain point in an assignment i can go onto tumblr and read a fic is insane 😭
small rewards like that that are just fun are super helpful,, so if you have any hobbies that are like reading, scrolling on your phone, watching a certain show, etc,, you can use that to motivate you as long as you can quantify it.
Like don't say you can scroll on your phone as a reward unless you're done for the day, say you can scroll on your phone for X amount of time so that it doesn't take up the entire day,, if that makes sense lol
that's why i tend to like other rewards better, because phones aren't set up to have a natural, satisfying end. But if you tell yourself that you can watch an episode of a TV show or read a specific fic or read a chapter of a book,, you'll feel better when it's over. That's more of a personal opinion though.
sorry for how long this is 😭i hope it helps
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wearethekingdom · 2 months
okay so I know we’ve caught up a bit but honestly, I feel like I don’t know much about how things have been with you lately and I feel bad low key :( because I’d really like to know about your life! so, what’s new with you? Doesn’t have to be anything big, but just, how’s life been lately? Are you on summer break? (I don’t know how things work outside of America </3) Have you seen any new movies or read any books or played any video games lately? This is an invitation to info dump about literally anything that interested you lately too btw :3
Omg hey bro so how you fix the problem is by messaging me /lh like if you just wanna talk about your and my life then you can message me asking and stuff, I have a friend on here and we literally just chat about our lives for like 4 hours at a time
ummmm so I went to sleep away camp or whatever ygs call it in the US for 3 weeks, its an Irish spoken one so you know I ate that up, volunteered for the youth club camp and lost a child at a theme park while doing so (we found him, he was fine) and got some horse riding back in cuz I missed out on like 5 weeks of training lol
With movies I haven't watched a whole lot cuz I've literally had like. No time. I'm seeing the Kneecap movie tomorrow with my bf which I'm very excited about and I'm gonna see I Saw The TV Glow on Monday with some friends even though it's showing kind of late at the cinema (7:45pm), tbh I'm going in completely blind with but people say it's good so I'm simply just going to watch it. I've also rewatched alot of matt damon movies because why wouldn't I? I'm still his number one fan, currently watching The Martian as we speak which I've never actually watched before, kind of disturbing but it's okay because again, it's matt damon!
What I said all those months ago about my partner will need to fight for me when it comes to matt damon? I still hold to it. Guess who my bf looks like 😐 you will never guess its totally unpredictable 😐
I have readdd The Twelfth Day of July by Joan Lingard, it's a book about this guy and girl and the guy is a cath and the girl is a protestant and how they hate eachother and its really good, I love it a lot. I also read all of Diane Olivers short stories while at irish camp, they're really good and I totally reccomend her stuff, I think you would like some of her more scary short stories, a lot of her stuff is unpublished though cuz she was died at age 22 and she really needs more recognition, like when I looked up her most famous story I couldn't even find her other stuff at all.
Games I played Alan Wake about this guy (who is an author) who goes on holiday to this island and his wife goes missing so Alan has to investigate it while this story that he doesn't even remember writing becomes a reality, there's a second one I just haven't played it yet. I played The Quarry about a group of young adult camp counsellors who have to stay one day extra before they get to go home but there's creepy stuff on the property that wants to kill them and it's so good my fave character is my profile picture, we love Dylan Lenivy.
THENNN I played A Way Out with my brother set in the same prison as Shawshank Redemption, these 2 criminals set a plan to escape prison and get their revenge on the guy who murdered one of the mens brothers and well the other one kind of gives away the whole story so I won't go into detail on that one but it's depressing, it's a little disturbing and you get attached to Leo and Vincent the main guys.
Ive just been chilling this last month before school starts again and hanging out with my friends, I was going to go to NI for a while but there's protests and people setting streets on fire so I'm not going anywhere near there for now.
But yeah that's my life, you should totally reblog this with your telling of your life I would love to hear about it!!!
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caramelcoffeeaddict · 11 months
Weekend WIP - Ask Game
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more).
I was tagged by @bitbybitwrites. thank you for tagging me!! I don't post fics until they are complete, so unless I've mentioned the story on my blog, some of these answers are not going to make sense to anyone but me, LOL. also, I try to only work on one WIP at a time, but I do have a few partially started/outlined stories sitting in my drafts folder on my hard drive, and I guess they are technically WIPs even if I'm not actively working on them, so here goes nothing...
1. WIP List:
Andy Hummel's Last Will And Testament
Breaking Stereotypes
I Taste The Truth
You And Me And The Beat
The Escape Plan
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?:
Breaking Stereotypes is currently just over 55k words, so definitely that one ;)
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?:
Probably Breaking Stereotypes?
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?:
Currently, I'm only focusing on Breaking Stereotypes, and I'm really looking forward to finishing it and getting it published.
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?:
I Taste The Truth is a pretty intimidating story to write. Which probably explains why I haven't even looked at in a few years. why? because it involves a lot of world building since Kurt is part-Fae in that fic, and I want to make sure I can explain things properly without info-dumping, but also make sure that I'm not leaving out important info that lives in my head but a reader might need extra context for.
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?:
again, I Taste The Truth. for all the same reasons that I explained above.
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?:
none of them? I've only ever had a beta read a fic if the story was written for a challenge where a beta was a requirement of the challenge.
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?:
all of them!! that's why their WIPs, LOL. Breaking Stereotypes was fic I started in 2017. I think I put it on official hiatus in 2019, and have only really done minor edits here-and-there until this year when I finally figured out what direction to take the story.
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?"
as of right now, Breaking Stereotypes is the only story with an OC. Her name is Candice. She is the manager of Blaine's band as well as Trent's girlfriend (Trent is bi in my fic). She's a smart and snarky, and she takes her job very seriously.
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?:
I don't have a lot written for it yet, but my guess is that You And Me And The Beat will be the sexiest ;)
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?:
I honestly don't know. Andy Hummel's Last Will And Testament, maybe?
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?:
all of them? again, I don't know. I think my characterization is about equal across all my stories? I could be wrong though.
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?:
You And Me And The Beat? maybe?
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?:
Definitely Breaking Stereotypes.
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?:
I don't put expectations on my fics. not the way this question implies anyway. the only expectations I have are things like "I expect this to have 20 chapters" or "I expect this to be around 20k words" or "I expect to complete this story by next week". I don't expect anything else from them. I really am that annoying person that writes stories strictly for my own enjoyment because these stories are in my head and I want to get them on paper so I can read them. even though I complain about it, the creative process of bringing these stories to life is the best part of writing fic. I just share the completed stories with the fandom for fun, because I figure there might be other people out there that will enjoy it as much as me. if not, no worries. it made me happy, and that's all that matters.
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?:
daydream? yes. I think about all of them often. usually just the one that is my main focus of the moment, but sometimes one of the others likes to remind me it still exists, and tries to command my attention ;) however, I don't usually have dreams about my WIPs. (I have occasionally gotten an idea for a story/WIP because of a dream though)
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?:
I Taste The Truth has that element of including Fae attributes and otherworldly components, which makes it different from my other WIP stories.
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?:
The Escape Plan is a fun and silly fic.
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?:
nope. sorry.
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.:
I honestly can't remember what I have or have not shared about each of these fics, so I don't know what you don't know. but if you have questions you can always feel free to send me an ask! I love talking about my fics with people.
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akatsuki-shin · 4 months
Wuthering Waves: 1st Day Review
Platform: PC/Laptop
Server: Asia
UID: 701132966 (let's be friends!)
Progress: Left Jinzhou City + Reached the Rearguards' Base
It's just going to be a simple review of what I like and what I don't like from my first day playing this game. Obviously, everything's going to be pretty subjective, so no need to be salty if I happen to dislike something you like.
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Graphic and animation look pretty neat; I think HSR still looks better but I quite enjoy this one
Love the characters + NPC + enemy designs; I'm not saying it's super grand, but I find them easy on the eyes
As usual, I'm playing with JP dub because I love the voice actors and they don't disappoint so far
Found some mini-games and they're quite fun (e.g. Lion Dance flipping challenge, gliding/grappling challenge, raced against an old man in a dungeon)
Likewise, exploration mechanism feels pretty fun for the time being
Also love the music and sound works
Unexpectedly, I don't feel as dizzy as I thought I would be with the camera works so that's a good point, I guess
I can't yet say whether I like the equipment/upgrade/grinding mechanism because I'm still very early in the game. I'll observe this some more until I progress further.
Story hasn't shown anything interesting so far, I can't find anything that gets me hooked (this is an important aspect for me because I'm a story-heavy player); actually it's pretty much info dump up until this point
Subjectively-speaking, I prefer games with lots of handsome guys and obviously this game hasn't provided many of them since everyone you've met until this point is 90% female characters (I honestly won't last long if they keep throwing girls my way, so hopefully there will be more guys in the next update lol)
I'm not quite used to this kind of battle system; there are too many mechanisms and I can't read the tutorial/tips while fighting at the same time (I end up just hitting and dodging while spamming attacks and skills)
Exiting means automatically logging out unless you Alt+F4; who the hell think of this dumb idea
You can't use PlayStation Controller on PC unless you install DS4Windows or similar external software/driver, which is pretty dumb in my opinion because it means extra hassle
There's also no built-in Inverted Camera for the camera rotation; people ended up using some self-made codes on reddit or set it up manually using DS4Windows setting (like me), which is a lot of hassles
Voice-over is sometimes delayed, which is kinda annoying
I'm located in Indonesia and play in the Asia server instead of SEA. The ping was changing between yellow and red while I was playing but I didn't experience any lag whatsoever. There was one occasion in the first mini boss battle (under Jue's statue) where I lost connection for a few seconds, but that was all.
Anyway, will continue playing for now. Hopefully I will find stuffs that gets me hooked on this game for the long run.
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bellakenobi · 1 year
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Tutorial - Extracting the assets from Shining Nikki for conversion for Sims games (or anything, really)
Finally! In advance I'm sorry for any errors since english isn't my first language (and even writing in my actual language is difficult for me so)
And first, a shoutout to The VG Resource forums, where I found initially info about this topic 😊 I'm just compilating all the knowledge I found there + the stuff I figured out in a single text, because boy I really wanted to find a guide like that when I first thought about converting SN stuff lol (and because there's a lot of creators more seasoned than me that could do a really good job with these assets 👀)
What this tutorial will teach you:
How to find and extract meshes and textures (when there's any) for later use, and some tips about how stuff are mapped etc on Shining Nikki.
What this tutorial will not teach you:
How to fully convert these assets for something usable for any sims game (because honestly neither I know how to do that stuff properly lol). It is assumed that you already know how to do that. If you don't know but has interest in learning about CC making (specially for TS3), I'd suggest you take a look at the TS3 Tutorial Hub, the MTS tutorials and This Post by Plumdrops if you're interested in hair conversion. Also take a look on my TS3 tutorials tag, that's where I reblog tutorials that I think might be useful :)
What you'll need:
An Android emulator (I recomend Nox)
A HEX editor (I recomend HxD)
Python and This Script for mass editing
A 3D Modeling Software for later use. I use Blender 2.93 for major editing, and (begrudingly) Milkshape for hair (mostly because of the extra data tool).
Download everything you don't have and install it before starting this tutorial.
Now, before we continue, a little advice:
I wrote this tutorial assuming that people who would benefit from it will not put the finished work derivative from these assets behind a paywall or in any sort of monetization. These assets belong to Paper Games. So please don't be an ass and put your Shining Nikki conversions/edits/whatever behind a paywall.
The tutorial starts after the cut (and it's a long one).
Step 1:
Launch Nox, then open Play Store and log in with a Google account (if you don't have one, create it). Now download Shining Nikki from there.
After downloading the game, launch it. It will download a part of the game files. After that, log in on the game, or create a new account in any server (the server is only important if you want to actually play the game. For extracting it doesn't really matter since the game already has the assets for the upcoming events and chapters. It also doesn't matter if you actually own an item in game, you can extract the meshes and textures even if you don't have it in game). If you're creating a new account, the game will lead you through the presentation of it etc (unfortunately there's no way to skip it).
After that, click on that little arrow button on the main screen. There, you can download the actual clothing assets. Wait for the download to finish (at the date I'm writing this tutorial, it is around 13GB). When finished, close the game (not the emulator).
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Step 2:
Now we're going to copy the assets to our computer. Click on Tools, then on Amaze File Manager. Navigate to Android > data > com.papergames.nn4.en > files > DownloadedBundle > art > character. This is the folder where (I believe) most of the assets are stored.
Now, where the stuff is located respectively:
Meshes are on the meshes > splitmeshs folder
Textures are on the textures > cloth folder
Tip: Want to really data dump everything? Just select the folders you want and copy to your PC! 😉
Click on the three dots on the side of the wished folder, then in copy. Then click on the three lines on the left upper corner to open the menu, and then click on Download. Now just pull the header of the app to show the Paste option and click on it. It might take a while to copy completely (the cloth folder might take longer since it's bigger, so be patient).
If you're confused, just follow the guide below:
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The copied folder will be located at C:\Users\{your username}\Nox_share\Download
Step 3:
Now that we got the files, we need to make them readable by AssetStudio.
For this, we need to open the desired .asset file on a hex editor, and then delete the first 8 bytes of the file, and then save.
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You can see it is a pain to do that manually to a lot of files right? This is why I asked my boyfriend to create a script to mass edit them. (I only manually edit when I'm grabbing the textures I want, because afaik the script won't work with .tga and the .png files, more about that forward this tutorial)
How to use the script:
Make sure Python is already installed, grab the nikki-fix-headers.py file and place it on the folder where you copied the folder from the game (mine is still the Nox_Share Download folder).
It should look like this, the meshs folder and the script.
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Let's open the Command Prompt. Hit Windows + R to open the Run dialog box, then type in cmd and hit Enter.
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Now follow the instructions pictured below:
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The folder with the edited files will be at the same location:
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Now, we finally can open it all on AssetStudio and see whats inside 👀
Step 4:
Open AssetStudio. Now click on File > Load Folder and select the folder where your edited meshes are (mine is "splitmeshs-fixed"). Wait the program load everything. Click on Filter Type > Mesh, and the on the Asset List tab, click twice on the Name to sort everything by the right order, and now we can see the meshes!
To extract any asset, just select and right-click the desired groups, click in Export selected assets and select a folder where you wish to save it.
Stuff you need to know about the meshes:
Step 4-A: Everything is separated by groups.
Of course you'll have to export everything to have a complete piece. Only a few pieces has a single group. When exporting, you have to select every group with the same name (read below), and the result will be .obj files of each group that you have to put together in a 3D application.
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Step 4-B: The names are weird.
They're a code that indicates the set, the piece, the group.
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Items that doesn't belong to a set won't have the "S...something", instead they'll have another letter with numbers, but the part/piece type and group logic is the same.
As for the parts, here are the ones I figured out so far:
D = Dress
H = Hair
AEA = Earrings
ANE = Necklace
BS = Shoes
ABA = Handheld accessory
AHE and AHC = Headpieces/hats/hairpins
AFA = Face accessory (as glasses, eyepatches, masks)
(maybe I'll update here in the future with the ones I remember)
Step 4-C: The "missing pearls" issue.
Often you'll find a group that seems empty, and it has a weird name like this:
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I figured out that it's referent to pearls that a piece might contain (as in a pearl necklace, or a little pearl in a earring, pearls decorating a dress, etc). The group seems empty, but when you import it to Blender, you can see that it actually has some vertices, and they're located where the aforementioned pearls would be. I think that Unity (SN engine) uses this to generate/place the pearls from a master mesh, but I honestly have no idea of how the game does that. So you'll probably have to model a sphere to place where the pearls were located, I don't know 🤷‍♀️ (And if you know how to turn the vertices into spheres (???) please let me know!)
Step 5:
Now that you already extracted a mesh, we're gonna extract the textures (when any). Copy the textures > cloth folder to your PC like you did with the splitmeshs folder.
Open it, and in the search box, type the name of the desired item like this. If the item has textures, it will show in the results.
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Grab all the files and open them in HxD (I usually just open HxD and drag the files I want to edit there), and edit them like I teached above. Then you can open them (or load the cloth folder) on AssetStudio, and export them like you did with the meshes.
Stuff you need to know about the textures, UV map, etc:
Step 5-A: The UV mapping is a hot mess (at least for us used to how things works in sims games).
See this half edited hoodie and the UV map for a idea:
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So for any Sims game, you'll have to remap everything 🙃 Also, stencil-like textures all have their own separated file.
As for hair, they all use the same texture and mapping! BUT sometimes they are arranged like this...
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Here's the example of a very messed one (it even has some WTF poly). Most of them aren't that messy, but be prepared to find stuff like this.
Shining Nikki just repeat the texture so it end up covering everything, for Sims you'll need to remap, and the easiest way is by selecting "blocks" of hair strands, ticking the magnet button to make your seletion snap to what is already placed (if you have familiarity with blender, you know what I'm saying). Oh, some clothes are also mapped with the same logic.
Regarding the hair texture, I couldn't locate where they are, but here is a pack with all of them ripped and ready to use. You can also grab the textures from any SN hair I already converted :)
The only items with a fine UV map are the accessories, at least for TS3 that the accessory has a UV map independent from the body.
"But I typed the ID for the set and piece and couldn't find anything!"
A good thing to do is to search with only the set ID and edit all the files with it, because some items (especially accessories) share the same texture file. But if even then you can't find anything, it means that there's no texture for this particular item/group because Shining Nikki use material shaders* to render different materials like metal, crystal, some fancy fabrics, etc. So you'll have to bake or paint a texture for it.
*I believe that those shaders are located on the other cloth folder in the game files. This one is way bigger than the other one and once I copied it to see what it was, AssetStudio took ages to load everything, almost used all my 16GB of RAM, and then there was only code that the illiterate me didn't know what it was 🤷‍♀️
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So that was it! I hope I explained everything, although it is a little confusing.
If you have any questions, you can comment on this post or send me a PM!
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master-of-fluff · 2 years
Ok iv been needing to make a new pinned post so here it is :D
Hi! I'm Kari but i also go by Fluff.
I'm a minor running a multi fandom blog that posts mostly Ninjago, Tmnt, Batman, AVM and AVA, Transformers, and basically anything about heroes or ninja. Very rarely I'll reblog voltron, rwby and bnha tho I don't really interact with those fandoms cuz they kind of scare me lol.
I also like astronomy, the colors purple and blue, cats, cooking and lots of other cool stuff.
Other blogs that I'll associate with me are my writeblr that i'm trying to revive and also needs a new intro, my witchblr and my crafts blog.
a list of my aus;
-ripples au
Basically what if Lloyd and Kai unlock their elements early and Kai gets kidnapped in the pilots instead of Nya because of it, you can read the unfinished fanfic on my ao3 @/hikari_hikari though im planning a rewrite rn
-hybrid smith siblings au
Au where Ray is a demon and Maya is an angel who fell in love and went to ninjago in disguise to be together after bwing shunned by their society 
this results in their kids gaining demon/angel traits as they grow older with no knowledge of what's going on
-polyninja fam au
The ninja decide they're done with saving the world and run away, they then adopt Lloyd, turn him back into a kid with yesterday's tea  and go live in the light house for a bit, finding echo and also adopting him.
They all eventually start dating while co-parenting Echo and Lloyd
They all get different jobs that they enjoy and Nya, Pixal and Skylar also end up in a relationship and are motorcycle aunts
Brad and Gene also make up with Lloyd and now the poor ninja have 2 extra kids that aren't theirs constantly over and eating all their food XD
Ronin and Dareth are also there as everyones favorite uncles who teach them to fun games and (whenever ronin can get away with it) how to steal.
-poly ninja high school au (with @/lloyd-garma-gun and @/strangermask)
Basically Zane is pastel goth, Jay is a jock, Kai is a nerd, and Cole is grunge and they're all in highschool
I think this all started with the idea of cottage core Morro and goth Echo but I can't remember if they're in this au
Polyponytail are all apart of a chess club 
And Lloyd Genenand Brad are all cheerleaders.
-nindroid jay au
Jay is Dr.Julian's first nindroid prototype who's power source doesn't work so he's sent to the junkyard, ed and edna find the weird looking robot cute and decide to put him by the junkyard entrance instead of scrapping him, one day he gets struck by lightning -which is actually the element of lightning because this is the same day Libber died- and comes to life
Ed and Edna raise him like their own and also since his parents are inventors he adds a bunch of cool stuff to himself like jets/gliders so he can fly and a welding torch and stuff
Paranormal youtuber's au (with @/wojira, tho I think they deactivated or something idk)
Its not really my au i just agreed to write it (though when I'll get to it idk) Here's the au info though
-evil ed and edna
Ed and Edna are assassins/inventors who turn their son Jay into a living weapon (think cyborg) they trained him to follow orders exactly and replaced how limbs with mechanical ones with different functions.
One day that find the skeleton army's weapon maker (dr.julain) ad get the blueprints for a nindroid they could improve and make better then Jay they decide he's no longer needed.
They leave him in a forest to rot telling him that they'll be back (they won't) 
Eventually Nya and Kai find Jay and Nya fixes him up a bit with her then rudimentary but lastly growing knowledge of mechanics.
 Jay then decides to stick around these kids/adopt himself into the smith family lol
Eventual technoshipping
-bnha crossover
Turns out some people in the cloud kingdom fucked up some peoples life's accidentally.
the cloud council or whatever decide to compensate said people by reincarnating them.
So harumi, morro and garmadon all get reincarnated into bnha with all their former memories
Harumi as hatsume mei's quirkless twin sister
Morro as izuku's adopted older brother
And Garmadon as a martial arts instructor
-manipulative morro au (with @thebluelittlewitch2-thesequal)
Lloyd never gets turned older and since morro isn't about to possess a scrawny useless little kid so instead he manipulates lloyd into stealing the realm crystal for him.
- wings au
Once an elemental master gets to a certain stage they grow wings that have the same traits as their elements.
They're also very bird and catlike
- seven deadly sins au
Idk I haven't really developed this one beyond;
Lloyd is envy
Jay is lust
Kai is wrath
Zane is sloth
Cole is gluttony
Nya is pride
And Morro is greed
Evil mer au
Ninjago but mer-people and also the ninja are all evil with abandonment issues and either Wu is also evil and keets them later or Wu and morro are the good guys I haven't decided yet
Overwhelmed au (made with tex @ninjaslegosmains)
What if being an elemental master came with horrible consequences? Well that's the au every basically. element has horrible drawbacks
Gamer kai au
Kai hears that you can make bank as a streamer and even tho he hates newer technology and he sucks at video games he starts streaming so that the ninja can eat.
occasionally the other ninja make appearances but not often because they kick Kai's ass and the people of ninjago take much joy in Kai learning how to play the games they suggest for the first time
S.H.I.E.L.D's babysitter au
Morro is apart of shield and is tasked with training ultimate spiderman and his team and keep them from running off but ofc Morro was also a rebellious teen once so he low-key enables them.
YJL au's;
800 purrs
Crack Au where aquaman and aqualad have an army of cats because they smell like fish, and conner has already named them all things like 'stray' and 'lil kitty' and given them little leather boots so now they have to keep them.
I'd love asks about any of them!!!
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forsakenmissives · 1 year
I know nothing about football but I'd still like to hear about the au :3
see bc i complain and then i don't even know where to start LOL
ok so ig i'll start with the title From the Sidelines and a little description i have, to pique interest heh
Arthur is Camelot FC's star striker and captain. Merlin is the kitman. Life is hardly ever fair.
anyway . i suppose that's. a little misleading. that being said i think this grew into something waaaaay larger than i originally planned @.@ like it was supposed to be a fun little addition to the surprisingly small amt of footballer arthur fics we have but now this fic has double daddy issues (balinor my beloved...), coming out, sports injuries, shitty coaches (aredick die by my sword) and never making the national team. HUH??? i just wanted merthur to fuck on the pitch... (joke) (just in time for fuck him on the field friday)
also there's side stories. like one is when the players get handcuffed tgt for 24hrs but they've got an uneven amt for it and merlin gets roped in
and then there's the valentine's day arwen special that i somehow accidentally made into a statement about arthur's attitude toward his sexuality?? and feelings for merlin??? through his anxiety about his date with gwen????
“All good?” Merlin asks. “Never better,” Arthur replies, then pivots and walks directly into his closet. He stares at his barren shoe rack before he feels hands on his shoulders, and Merlin is turning him around and guiding him back out. “Wrong way,” he hears him say. “Right.” This time, Arthur marches out his room then down the hall to the front door. “I’ll be back.”
i'm allowed to give this info bc i don't know if i'll ever actually post the extras. i dont' even know when i'm gonna finish the main story sjkdfhgjkf
oh yeah another side story takes place in 2007 (that might be the title for it idk) and it's about uther buying camelot fc for arthur's tenth birthday LOL dont question the legaltiy of arthur playing for his father's club. i dont know and i dont care. this is fiction SIMILARLY dont say shit abt arthur being a striker and captain. it's happened before. it's literally fine. dont even worry about it
there's like. ik i rly only talked about the side stories but u have to realize just how much has already gone into this fic and i wouldn't even say i'm halfway done. i don't think i've written out a single match which is also funny bc i've been keeping up with the prem and actually think i can do it now. i just keep dragging my feet abt it lol
i think the hardest part for me is when im gonna have to seriously injure arthur. i didnt want to but i think it's an important way for his and merlin's relationship to progress and also would explain merlin's attitude toward him in january. its less abt injuring him and more abt him having to sit out of games not for like. lineup stats/compatibility reasons
oh my god typing this all out made me realize we haven't met like. half of the guys on the team yet. i was sitting here like "i need to rewatch eps with all the knights bc i dont trust myself to write percy and elyan accurately" but now i just realized i dont even know if mordred is on the like. squad yet or if he's still with the u18s (after a brief check with my info page he is. i'm gonna be sick)
like i said there is a LOT of info on this . sorry this was so long i just needed to ramble a bit and it also made me realize some info i still need to include so yayyy :3 thank you nonny if u have anything u wanna know in specific like fr anything PLEASE ask. i'd love it so much if u asked. u saved my life <3
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myulmahng · 2 years
teamfight tactics (tft): a beginner's guide for stays
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chan has been having fun playing tft during his lives recently and i know a lot of stays are unfamiliar with it so i wanted to put together something in case people wanted to understand the game a bit! also basically everything i know about tft is just from watching streams or videos about it so this guide is super simple and won't explain how to play or win 😅
first is to clear up that tft is different from league of legends! it's a spinoff game made from the same company (riot) and the champions in tft are from lol. since they're both under riot, you use the same account to play both tft and lol
you can play either on pc or mobile. chan has mentioned he plays on mobile (when he was saying he never even uses the chat function since he plays on his phone).
the basic premise of tft is that you create a team of champions (aka units) and fight 7 other people's teams. you start with one unit and can level up to put more on the playing board.
this is the starting carousel to choose your first champion, which also comes with an item. this picture only has one player, but normally there are 8! (so all of skz can play together haha)
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this is an example of what the board looks like on mobile! there are a bunch of things on it, but i've labelled the ones most important to know. the pc version is similar, but has even more info displayed on the screen at once
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tft is an auto-battler game which means you just place the units on the board and you don't control them while they fight. the main things you can control are:
1. what units you have
2. what items you put on each unit
3. placement of units
when choosing your units, there are different synergies you can create based on the type of unit and these will give you things like extra speed, damage protection, etc. on the side of the screen, you can see how many units are needed to get the benefit of the synergy
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there's a store to buy different units. if they don't have the units you're looking for, you can use gold to reroll and change the units available. you can also buy xp to level up and put more units on the board (normally your level corresponds to the number of units you can put on, so level 1 means you can have 1 unit, etc). units can either be 1, 2, or 3 star (3 is the strongest) and you can level them up by buying more of them. three 1 star units of the same champion will combine to make a 2 star unit, and three 2 star units will combine to make a 3 star unit. this screenshot shows the pc version of the store.
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next are the items you can put on the units. they have a lot of items and you an also combine them to create better items!
once you have the units you want and any items on them, it's important to position the units. some units are better for close combat or defense and some for long range.
before each round, there's time to move units around, buy more, and put on items. then the combat round starts and you pray your team does well, then celebrate if they win and cry if they lose
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at the start of the game, each player has 100 hp. when they lose a fight, they'll lose a certain amount of hp depending on the damage dealt and how many enemy units are still alive. at 0 hp, you're out of the game. after each round, you can see who won ✅��� and who lost ❎️
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there's also strategies for win or loss streaking bc you will get more gold after each round for consecutive wins/losses. also if you have certain amounts of gold (based on increments of 10) then you get interest and can earn even more gold
tft is super complicated and requires a lot of strategy and knowledge so i consider chan a big nerd (affectionate) to have platinum ranking and play it for stress relief. i'm so glad he was able to get his account back and i've been having a lot of fun watching him play it!
anyway that concludes my very bad and very simplified guide on tft basics! there is lots that i didn't mention and also lots i don't know so i'm sorry if i got anything wrong and feel free to correct me
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detroitbecomeonline · 2 years
Hi everyone :) I'm going to start a lil mod diary because I'm trying my best to learn how to do stuff with like, 0 prior understanding. I'm writing everything I find out because frankly, I can't find info like this elsewhere. I have to figure everything out myself. If you're like me, and have no experience or knowledge in manual modding what-so-ever, I hope this series of entries will help you! If anyone has any information or extra points, PLEASE say something lol. If I'm wrong, I'm begging you to correct me!!!
It's currently 30/12/2022 and for the last 3 days, I've been looking at modstuffs for Detroit: Become Human. I started with the browser model swapper and successfully located the game file it needs. For me, I downloaded DBH through Steam, so I go the HDD (where I keep my Steam stuff) > steamapps > common > Detroit Become Human > and the file will be in the list of BigFiles. HOWEVER I made a new folder just on my HDD called "Original BigFile_PC idx" and copied and pasted the original file into there so if anything breaks, I can just plug my original back in.
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That's how I can get shots like this, because I swapped Connor's game model for North's:
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I have been hanging out in a DBH modding server, and they're talking words my uneducated ass can hardly understand. But what I have picked up is this:
Mokit is like, movement capture? Like how Bryan explained that the little dots on his face capture the actors movement. And there are a bunch of cameras and stuff. idk here's a YouTube vid. So anyway these movements are saved in files and you can switch mokits with characters.
Pretty sure points on mokits are labelled or something, because in the model swapper, an elbow is an elbow, whether you're North or Sumo.
And so also in the model swapper, you can switch out these files. I have no idea how to do this manually. I haven't experimented with the mokit swaps yet anyway.
After that, I downloaded the Custom Texture Tool (also found in More Tools) and yesterday I cracked it open. Here's what it looks like upon opening:
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I locate my game through HDD > steam > steamapps > common > Detroit Become Human. Then this all comes up on the left:
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And I'm like dang. I have no idea what any of this does, but what's really cool is that I can see which files are attributed to which BigFile (which I previously couldn't open). Immediately I go for the catalogue, because SURELY that's where the textures live. It looks like this when I open up the Catalogue tab.
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I chilled out and browsed the files for a bit before searching for Connor. I really liked how these files are named just because of story structure and specific scenes. It makes so much sense, thank you CONNOR_INTO2.
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So rn I can't view a lot of files and I didn't quite understand why, but after a quick Google, it's because you need a specific program to grab em. But anyway, you see that black-red-green-blue square in the third row fifth column in the screenshot? I was like oh man. I know what THIS is for. I export the DDS file (I save the image) and it opens up in PAINT DOT NET. so im like ok ok i'll do it. I gotta.
Using Common Sense, I swatch the red and the green and I keep the text in the parameters of where the old text was so that it goes on Connor's uniform in the right spot. I have no idea what the red and green colours mean. After that, I save it as a separate file in another folder on my HDD. Here is a comparison of the before and after:
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I don't know why they have to be upside down, but yep. + Sorry, it's unfortunate I can't upload the Juicy texture to this post. Must be to do with the DDS file format or whatever.
Anyway, this was the result:
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So I'm like okay, I understand this a little. I want to colour other stuff. After a whole bunch of dicking around with files (and I will not document my painful process), I watch a video on texture maps. My mind BLEW because:
I could identify the normal maps (purple ones).
I understand now that roughness maps will be the maps that make uniform textures shine or not. (I don't know which ones are roughness maps yet).
A few more things:
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This is Connor's uniform jacket and this is his belt, but they're completely different texture maps. I have no idea what the red and green mean. Maybe it's to communicate to the roughness maps what to apply? (Shiny belt buckle vs leather strap.) And for Connor's jacket, here is where I can change the colour and look, but it won't change the fabric texture and actual shape. Anyway, so I'm going to download a 3D model program to see if that gives me a better understanding of things.
I'll update you soon!
~ Trinity
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
Hi! Here's my info for the matchup exchange. Could I get a matchup from 1A (or the Big 3 of UA, whichever you think works better) and a Pro Hero please!
Name: Eren
Age: 19 (almost 20)
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Personality: I'm pretty quiet in social settings but if someone talks to me first, I can keep a conversation going. I will occasionally go up to someone to initial a conversation but not very often. With people that I'm close with, I'm very open and sarcastic. And I make a lot of self-depreciating jokes (even though I have a high self worth).
Likes: Reading, writing, anime, video games, Marvel, and listening to music (stuff like Hamilton, Panic! at the Disco and Offspring). Dislikes: Spiders (deathly afraid of those), being forgotten when I'm gone, and disappointing those who I care about.
Looks: I'm 164cm (5'4") and have an average build (not too curvy but definitely not straight up and down). I have green eyes that everyone thinks are brown and curly/frizzy dark brown hair that is just below my shoulders.
Extra Info: I'm at university and am majoring in English and Writing. I regularly get distinctions and high distinctions with my assignments and have very high expectations for myself. I want to be a published author and have written several manuscripts.
I hope the rest of your day goes well for you!
Hi hi again, thank you so much for sending this! I’ve never done a match-up exchange before so this was a lot of fun for me lol, I enjoyed talking with you and I hope you enjoy your match-ups! (I apologize for posting these a day later than I planned, school work had to get done lol but here they are!) Your blog is really cool, and if you ever wanna request anything else feel free to reach out and let me know! :)
For The Students, I’d Match You With: 
Tamaki Amajiki! :D
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I went back and forth on this one a lot, but ultimately I just think that you and Tamaki match up and are compatible in all the most important aspects of a relationship (like your needs and such) but you also have certain differences that help you work better together :)
Headcanons About Your Relationship:
- As anxious as Tamaki is when it comes to social situations, things like bugs/spiders don’t really scare him, so he’s happy to deal with them for you. He doesn’t seek them out or anything, but if a spider appears in your room and you’re freaking out then he’ll happily pick it up and bring it outside for you, so that you don’t have to worry about it anymore :)
- You and Tamaki work really well together in social situations. He likes that you’re generally quiet and don’t expect him to constantly socialize, but he also likes that you’re not opposed to it and can take the lead between the two of you when conversing with others. You’re definitely the one to hold more conversations with your peers when the two of you are out together unless it’s one of the few people Tamaki’s comfortable talking to
- Tamaki also really likes listening to music with you! You tend to listen to a lot of the same music, surprisingly (Hamilton is definitely his guilty pleasure, though he’ll only ever admit that to you and Mirio) so he loves coming over to your place to study or work on stuff for his job and just listen to your favorite playlists in the background
- Tamaki really likes styling your hair! :) And if you have any special hair care products, he’s happy to help you with those too. Helping you with your hair care and styling it helps him calm down and feel relaxed for some reason, and he thinks your curly hair is just so pretty and endearing!
- Tamaki’s the most supportive boyfriend you could possibly ask for when it comes to your major and your studies. He really admires how passionate you are when it comes to writing, and he’s happy to be a beta reader for you whenever you want him to, whether it’s an essay for class that you’re struggling with or a piece of writing you did on your own time, just for yourself. He just loves reading anything you write, and he always has the most glowing feedback for you whenever he can work up the courage to share it with you :>
- Tamaki can make self-deprecating jokes sometimes too, so of course he never wants to tell you not to make the occasional joke, but he does occasionally check in and make sure you don’t mean any of the jokes you’re making, and that you know how amazing you are. He doesn’t push it, he just has to check in every once in a while because the last thing he ever wants is for you to feel insecure or like you’re not enough, and he’s glad that you know just how awesome you are and that you have high self-confidence :)
- Tamaki knows you worry about being forgotten, so he makes sure you know that you are the most important thing in his life and he could never forget you. He keeps little mementos and reminders of you and all the memories you two share all over his home, so you know exactly how important you are to him, and how important you always will be in his eyes
- Tamaki also really enjoys watching anime with you! He’s always so happy whenever you wanna show him your favorites, he gets sucked in so fast and pretty soon he’s begging you to watch another episode with him because he’s just too antsy to wait, but he doesn’t want to watch without you :’)
Song For Your Relationship:
Line Without a Hook by Ricky Montgomery :)
For The Pro-Heroes, I’d Match You With: 
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Shota Aizawa!
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This one just makes sense to me, you two are very similar in a lot of ways and I can just see you fitting perfectly into one anothers’ lives, you get along so well and you understand one another better than anyone else can.
Headcanons About Your Relationship:
- As I’m sure we can all tell, Shota’s not really a social butterfly, so he doesn’t mind that you’re not very social either. Most of your dates are indoors and very one-on-one, he very rarely chooses to go out in public and leave the pile of blankets he loves cuddling under with you so if you ever do wanna go out in public, you’re probably gonna have to be the one to initiate it lol
- Shota’s definitely the type to tease you a bit over your fear of spiders, and be a bit dramatic with his whining when he has to actually get up and take care of one for you, but he’s only teasing. He’s happy to do this small thing for you to help you when you're scared, and he always takes care of the issue for you despite his whining 
- I think I’ve said this before, but Shota actually really enjoys reading with you! :D Especially before bed, he loves settling in for the night with you and grabbing whatever book you’re interested in at the moment as he begins reading it to you in his smooth, low voice and lulling you off to sleep :)
- Honestly I can’t see Shota being a huge video game person himself, but he doesn’t mind watching you play them! Sometimes he’ll just bring a stack of papers he has to grade into the room you’re gaming in and get to work, occasionally looking up to comment on your gameplay and quietly encourage you as he trudges through his grading
- And as a teacher, Shota really admires your passion for writing and the work you put into it. He loves reading your writing whenever he has the chance, and he just finds it really admirable how passionate you are about it and how much you truly enjoy writing :)
- Ooooh boy, Shota’s pretty much the king of sarcasm, so a lot of the time you two just make sarcastic jokes at one another. People often question your dynamic when they first meet the two of you, but neither of you mind, it’s nice that your senses of humor fit so well together :)
- Shota also really admires how you always push yourself to be your best and have such high expectations for everything you do, but he knows you sometimes end up pushing yourself and he’s always watchful for the signs that you’re burning out or need a break. He’s always making sure you take care of yourself and give yourself time to rest no matter what, he cares about you more than he can voice in words and he’s never going to let you push yourself past your limits
- Usually he’s not the best with words, but because Shota knows you have a fear of disappointing others, he always tries to tell you how proud he is of everything you do, and how thankful he is to have you. Despite the teasing and sarcasm in your relationship, Shota truly loves you with all his heart, and he tries his best to tell you that often <3
Song For Your Relationship:
Never Be Alone by Shawn Mendes :)
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eldritch-elrics · 1 year
Here's some answers (based on my own understanding) for your N:A questions:
Yes 2B knows and resents the fact that her true mission is to play along 9S and keep killing/resetting him.
The 9S model is supposedly naturally curious and his curiosity will always eventually lead to him knowing the secret of Yorha.
2B always kills 9S when he discovers. In the events after endings A&B, her death ends that cycle and 9S just breaks down further and further, so YMMV on his reliability as narrator.
I don't recall a talk among fans that there are other B/S mission pairs. I believe that this 2B/9S pair is unique.
ooh hell yeah, thanks for the answers! i'm definitely gonna have to digest this one some more. on the surface it makes sense & is pretty well foreshadowed (both with the amnesia sidequest + various hints at 9S's curiosity, especially in that one ending where he wanders off because he's hungry for knowledge), but it's also one of those twists that forces you to rethink the whole game...
"how did yorha know for sure that 9s would find out" is still a sticking point for me, but it's making more sense the more i think about yorha. like, yorha's plan was always to self-destruct at a certain point (still unclear to me what marked that point, but i bet it was the destruction of adam & eve), and when that happened, they knew they'd have to try extra hard to kill someone like 9s. so my understanding is that 2b and 9s were paired because together they have the skills to get a lot of good combat data/info that yorha needed to move onto the next stage (plus when 9s found shit out they had someone right there to get him), but when they'd brought about that shift to the next phase, they were no longer needed and became even more of a liability. hence 2b's task of killing 9s for good. it's not like they had foreknowledge of 9s's actions; it was just another element of the self-destruct plan. he isn't special, just.... particularly annoying to yorha lmao.
which i guess brings up the question of what yorha was even doing with that combat data/info they collected? i would not be surprised if they weren't even doing anything substantial with it, but i think there was a record somewhere in the game that talked about them using it to make new combat models, like how they used a2's data to create the current e-class? i don't think it particularly matters to the story of the game, just another point of curiosity.
this is also making me wonder if 9s & 2b have prior history which was wiped from their memories before the start of the game. like, i know the problem is that the 9s model is particularly curious, but we've also seen a whole lot of memory resetting going on in general, so who knows, maybe this particular 9s has caused trouble in the past before! seems like something one of the side stories might get into? idk!
OH and now i need to watch the tutorial again because they make a big point of explaining that a few of 9s's memories from that section aren't backed up after they do the black box reaction. which makes me wonder... is there a moment in the tutorial when 9s figures out the secret of yorha??
ALSO wait i think i just realized. at the end of route A/B, 9s retains the secret about humanity even after being killed by 2b. this is either because yorha wanted him to have the secret for some reason (as an excuse to kill him? i know they left that backdoor open...), OR because 9s left all his data in the machine network, so all his shit got backed up without 2b realizing. hmmmmm
anyway, all of this is just rambling & rhetorical questions. trying to figure out my thoughts. once again thanks anon, and don't feel like you have to respond to any of this lol
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