#so i'd really appreciate it if people could
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justwantswafflefries · 3 days ago
Grace Chastity from NPMD (yes, really)
First Blorbo: Mipha from BOTW. Childhood Blorbo: Peril from WoF. Kind of, except Ragatha my main blorbo now
An animatic of Ragatha I saw on TikTok to the boradway version of Just a Ragdolly that made me cry
Her girlfailure loser swag
As of now i feel like shes been underutilized tbh
The people that think shes a horrible person after episode 4 piss me off. She's broken just like everyone else and should not be demonized for saying what she said on the sauce
Extrovert but like... one that NEEDS to be around people to function because thats where she gets her self worth from
an emotional trainwreck
Only to my sister
No. Nothing could make me hate her
Not really
No bc im a strong multishipper
I sure hope so
yep! mainly jax, but i enjoy ragapom, bowtie, gatordoll, etc.
yes. People pleasing sweethearts who just want to be liked
ragatha brainrot is too strong, i fear
I adore Amanda Hufford. Theyre so funny and sweet and just an all around amazing person. Theyre part of the reason I love Ragatha so much
joke answer: make her evil real answer: Have a scene where we see her really struggling with her self worth (but the shows not over yet so, who knows?)
Twas October 13th and I had just finished watching NPMD. I saw TADC had released an hour beforehand and I gave it a watch. It was all downhill from there/j
Nope! I thought Pomni would be my favorite actually!
I'd love more people to join Amandacult, personally!
I believe so. Ragathas a character that ive connected with in ways that no character ever has with me before.
reblog if you’d like people to send you asks about your Blorbo
who’s the Blorbo that you’ve never posted about on your blog?
who was your first ever Blorbo, who was your childhood Blorbo, and are they still your Blorbo?
was there any specific point / any specific moment that suddenly made this character your Blorbo, or did you slowly grow to love them more and more until they became a Blorbo to you?
what’s the thing you love the most about your Blorbo?
what’s the thing you dislike the most about your Blorbo?
if you could talk to your Blorbo, what would you say to them?
what’s the one thing the fandom gets wrong about your Blorbo?
is your Blorbo an introvert or extrovert?
describe your Blorbo in 3 words
if your Blorbo were real, would you trust them with your life?
have you ever written a fanfic about your Blorbo?
do you talk to your family or in-real-life friends about your Blorbo?
is there any crime, any wrongdoing your Blorbo could commit that would make you stop loving them and remove them from your hyperfixation entirely?
have you ever distanced yourself from your Blorbo / have you ever left a fandom because people in the fandom were being too toxic?
have you ever gotten involved in ship wars?
is your Blorbo canonically alive?
do you like seeing your Blorbo suffer?
do you ship your Blorbo with any character?
when it comes to Blorbos, do you have a type?
if you have more than one Blorbo, do you love them all equally?
if your Blorbo is from a live-action media, are you also a fan of the actor who plays them?
would you still love your Blorbo if they were real?
is your Blorbo a victim of badly written script / bad plot / character assassination in the hands of canon?
if you could change one canonical thing about your Blorbo, what would it be?
how did you first discover your Blorbo?
when you first discovered your Blorbo, did you realize from that moment that they would become your Blorbo?
do you gatekeep your Blorbo? / would you want more people to know about your Blorbo?
have you ever been attacked online just because you liked your Blorbo?
has a fanfic about your Blorbo ever made you cry?
do you think this character will still be your Blorbo three years from now on?
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crazyinlovewithmarvel · 7 hours ago
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Well, as you can probably work it out, it's someone's birthday!
Normally, birthdays are cetralised around the person whose birthday it is. Well, not for me. I'd like to take a moment to appreciate the people that surround me, and celebrate it with them. And this post is, hopefully, supposed to do just that! So, here we go!
First off, @itzzkaylaaa. Kayla, I have loved you ever since I got here and will continue to do so. You are so precious, kind, caring and many more things to compliment those things. Your words in your roleplay posts paint the most perfect picture in my mind and I love it. I love you, and hope you know that. I hope you have a stunning day as well. 💛
Secondly is, @under0-0s and @the1-and-only-peggycarter. Yes, this is a combo, but who cares. Raani, Jules, I adore you to the moon and back and will argue about how I love you two more until my voice goes hoarse, and even then, I'll still argue by writing. You two are so sweet and mindful of others. Whenever I have a sad day, the two of you manage to make me feel so much better, and I love you for that. I love you two more and hope you have a chaotic and comforting day as well. 💛
Thirdly, again a joint paragraph, @thatone-midgardian and @hufflepuffavenger. Dani, Sherry, I love to roleplay with the two of you so much. Even when I say that I'm not feeling up to it, you two are so considerate about it and never make me feel bad about it, and I want to thank you two for that. Again, like the others, you two are so kind and I wouldn't know what to do without you two. I love interacting with the pair of you so much and hope you have a graceful day. 💛
Next is @over-bi-the-wayside. Wren, I genuinely think that you need to be taken into consideration here. I've never seen anyone give you a compliment on here, but then again, I could be blind as hell. I adore talking to you, and over a couple a weeks ago, I'm so happy that you were there for me, so I could talk to you about certain problems I had. It really helped me. I love you so much and hope you have a gorgeous day. 💛
Continuing on our journey, next is @eponastory and @lunamarvels. Story and Luna, I love the pair of you, and love to read your roleplay posts (weird, I know). The interactions that I've had with the two of you have always been positive and so heartwarming. It's so comforting and I really really hope that you two know this. I really hope that we have really nice interactions and hope that nothing will get in the way of it. I love the two of you, again, and hope you have a beautiful day.
Next stop, @thescarleteevee. Eve, everytime I see you in my inbox, I always get a small smile creep onto my face. I love to see you sneek into the ask box and just greet me with a small "hello!" I find it so sweet and couldn't imagine you not doing it. It fills me with such a lovely comfort, and sometimes, I'm not sure that immediately comes across when I answer, and I just wanted to clarify that I adore you doing it. I love you so much, and hope you get better from your sickness. Again, have a glorious day as well! 💛
And finally, to anybody else reading this! I love to interact with you as well. If I havent interacted with you yet, please don't feel scared to just send a small "Hey! I'd love to roleplay with a character of yours!" in my inbox, and I'll be sure to reply! And finally, I hope, to whomever it concerns, that you have a lovely day and have a load of fun, even if your at work! 💛
From, the birthday girl, Bea 💛
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skyborneveggie · 1 day ago
Ooh for the 'send me a character' game:
Part of me wants to say Killua, because of your recent hxh reblogs...
But I'd of course also like to hear more Matsuda thoughts from you. So take your pick-- whichever you're more in the mood to talk about :)
Ahhh two of my favorites 🥺, can I do both? :>
First Matsuda! Since this has been primarily a dn blog for a while now ahaha.
favorite thing about them: I think out of everything, what I find to be most admirable about Matsuda is his ability to persevere & continue on despite knowing that others see him as useless; and despite himself even having internalized that opinion of himself. It's bittersweet, the way he tries to let it roll off his shoulders & not let it dissuade his enthusiasm for his work. He tries so hard to be like "if this is who I am, then so be it," and then embrace that role for all it's worth in the name of the objective.
least favorite thing about them: Does this mean least favorite thing about how they're written; or thing I'd like least about them if they were a real person? Regardless, the one & only scene of Matsuda that I don't really care for is the one where he seems gleeful at (what he thinks is) Light cheating on Misa with Takada.
favorite line: "I have to kill him. This guy has got to die!" CHILLS every time.
brOTP: Not exactly brotp, but I do enjoy the father/son dynamic between Matsu & Soichiro. Also, another not-brotp, but I think the Matsuda & Mikami dynamic could be interesting, as they both come to terms with the mutual loss of their pedestalled icon. Perhaps a wary & melancholic understanding, that they can't find with others.
OTP: I loveee toxic Matsulight. I love the idea of Light being attracted to Matsuda through a subconscious sense of empathy over their similarities, but also being in denial that such similarities exist. I also love the idea of post-DN Ide patching Matsuda up after Light's imposed destruction, taking care of him & helping him heal. Honestly, I could ship Matsuda with anyone because to me he is just so lovable~
nOTP: Sayu/Matsuda. Just because for personal reasons, I want Sayu to escape the narrative 🥺. She still has her entire life ahead of her, and I want her to have the chance to branch out & heal & become a new person. I don't want her to feel like she has no choice but to cling to the people she knew before everything changed, as a way of trying to hold onto a previous, untraumatized version of herself. I don't want her entire life to be mired in decisions based in trauma & grief.
random headcanon: Idr who it was, but someone mentioned they headcannoned Matsuda as secretly really enjoying being Misa's manager & that he considered switching careers after the Kira case. I really like this one, I feel like Matsuda was actually a really good manager. He had the right amt of enthusiasm & booked Misa some really good gigs.
unpopular opinion: I'm not sure if it's an unpopular opinion, but how Matsuda is highly influenceable & lacks conviction/faith in his own ideals! To quote you since you summarized it so succinctly, he's "heavily motivated to act in the way that makes the people he looks up to proud, rather than his choices flowing primarily from his own principles necessarily." I feel that because of this, while he is very sweet & wholesome, he tends to edge more towards morally neutral than morally good for me, and has a capacity to be swayed towards bad.
song i associate with them: I'm not very good with songs for characters, but perhaps Closer to Fine by Indigo Girls for post-dn Matsu? A bittersweet but hopeful song about trying to find your way out of the muddled grey and black and white, and trying to come to terms with the fact that there may no answers as to the "why".
favorite picture of them: How could it not be this lol
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Now Killua!!! Omg thank you for asking about him, I love him very much & have cosplayed him before <3
favorite thing about them: It's hard to put into words, but I really appreciate Killua's vulnerability, both physically & emotionally, especially in juxtaposition with his combative strength. I find it poignant to the themes of hxh that Killua's special combative abilities have come at the expense of his personal & bodily autonomy, and that this is shown through implication to be the terrible thing that it is. I also really love that despite trauma, he is able to let himself just be kid & form meaningful connections & allows himself to find joy 💜
least favorite thing about them: Related to my favorite thing, I find it incredibly frustrating that Killua is incapable of letting any vulnerability leak out in front of Gon!!!! Killua has a lot going on internally & goes through a couple breakdowns followed by moments of self-realization, but always away from Gon's perception. He doesn't even tell Gon he tore his brother's nen needle out of his forehead iirc 😭. Part of it, I think, is that he doesn't want Gon to treat him any differently, he just wants to pretend he's a normal kid with no trauma to weigh him down & have fun freely. Which is completely understandable. And he's also just a kid, who doesn't fully understand or know how to express emotions. But it is very painful to watch him go through so much internal turmoil while holding onto the image of Gon as his guiding light; while Gon has no idea anything is happening in his friend's mind at all. 😭😭😭 (There is a very good post here about their miscommunication.)
favorite line: "Yep... I'm so humble :3", when he's demonstrating the difference in power between Hisoka, Gon, and himself. Adorable moment!
brOTP: Killua & Leorio get along just like squabbling siblings lmao, but you can tell they have a fondness for eachother. I feel like Leorio is the older brother Killua should have had 🥺🥺🥺
OTP: Killugon is so dear & sweet! I feel like their friendship is built up so masterfully; where two people who it feels like shouldn't get along, fit together perfectly. And then they seem to keep on going perfectly, until all of a sudden the cracks come out, and they don't anymore, and they both have to grow up a little to fix it.
nOTP: Killupika. I don't hate it, but I can't really see it either. From my two watchthroughs, Killua & Kurapika's interactions didn't seem to leave much of an impression on me because I cannot remember them 😅
random headcanon: I enjoy the fic trope that the reason Killua is the Zoldyck heir because of his white hair. Usually I've seen it in conjuction with white hair being symbolic of containing stronger power, but I like it best when that's not the case & it is solely tradition for the white-haired child to be the heir. I find it very amusing and canon-type silly lol.
unpopular opinion: I have only seen the anime so perhaps it is different in the manga. But I remember thinking on my second watchthrough that while Gon said some very harsh things during the palace invasion, Killua's insecurities during this arc started before then when Gon simply said "let's go," and Killua didn't know if he meant it as a friend or teammate. Tbh I think that insecurity is something Killua needs to work on on his own for a while, & that the temporary break might be good for them. They are both two very traumatized kids who have problems with boundaries & communication. I feel like they need a little time to figure out their own needs & wants & identities, without imposing or being imposed upon by each other.
song i associate with them: Again I'm not very good with songs for characters, but maybe White Foxes by Suzanne Sundfor, as a visceral song about wanting to leave your constrictive gilded cage and embrace a more organic, freeing existence.
favorite picture of them: Early style sketchy Killua <3
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arsonists-oatmeal · 2 years ago
Idk if it’s the constant background buzz of the trauma of being a poc in a racist society coming to the forefront, or the fact that a lot of racism I’ve personally faced was from white queer folks But. I have been seeing a lot of “I was from a conservative family/was conservative until I found out I was queer” stories again, and to those people, I Have Some Words That I Hope You All Will Listen To So congratulations on getting away from your conservative family/your self discovery of queerness! Genuinely good job, it isn’t easy. You’ve probably had to unlearn all the homophobia/transphobia/queerphobia that you were taught growing up. Your journey of unlearning bigotry has just begun. Conservatives are really fucking bigoted, not just in the queerphobia but also the racism. You have unlearned the first part, but that second part is still there. There is a still a lot of internalized racial bias that queer people who grew up Conservative have, and a lot of those people make the mistake of thinking just because you are now one marginalized identity, you are now incapable of any kind of bigotry for the rest of your life. Being queer =/= being a poc. We are all marginalized but we’ve got a different set of problems and the ways people oppress us. So don’t make that mistake. Keep unlearning. You’ve already started doing it, you can keep on doing it. You will be a much more educated person from it, and not end up being an ass to a lot of poc
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dragonsarrow · 12 hours ago
I appreciate the link here for the post on bluesky, thank you. I didn't expect this post to blow up tbh, and I especially didn't expect SG to respond. I wish I'd included the other union demands other than the AI-related stuff. It's really good that they've acknowledged the AI issue here, but this is really only the tip of the iceberg in terms of issues.
I've gotta clarify some things:
1. The anti-AI clauses are only a small part of the overall union contracts. I made a mistake by only mentioning the AI stuff, and it's because I saw Miller's bsky post mention AI specifically being a current issue. I highly encourage everyone to check out the sag-aftra demands online, easily accessible with a search on google.
2. I'm aware some of the VA team is non-union, such as Korb. This is an issue. The refusal to join the union is harming other, union, VAs. Anyone who does work without being in the union, is a scab and is crossing the picket line. This hurts everybody, even themselves, even if they don't think it does. Everybody needs to be in the union.
3. This post from SG is a big ol' nothingburger. We need to be asking WHY they're not signing it. We need to be asking WHY they're so unwilling. And just what are the "variety of reasons" that they won't sign union contracts for? And WHY won't they tell us?
4. It's good that SG has responded publicly to this. It means they're listening to us. And we need to keep pressuring them. This is only the beginning and if we don't keep pressuring, nothing will change.
5. This is not only a SG issue. This is happening with other companies as well, and we need to put pressure on all of them. I made this post about SG because they released the new Hades update, and I saw a bunch of VA and VA-adjacent users on social media talking about it. I have a decently-large following on here and thought more people needed to be aware of what's happening in the industry.
6. Here's some of the responses on bsky. Done my best to censor names, don't harass people on there or else you're getting The Horrors inflicted upon you.
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I'm sure there's more I could add but I've gotta get back to work, so that's all I've got for now. Peace.
Hi. I love Hades and Hades 2 as much as everyone else but we NEED to make some noise because Supergiant is refusing to sign contracts with fair pay and anti-AI clauses. And they are straight up recasting VAs to punish VAs who are striking (sag-aftra has been striking for 7 months).
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We really need to make noise here because this mistreatment will continue if we don't.
I'm providing a link for the company contact page in the replies. Please send them a comment on their contact page and encourage others to do so. Maybe even leave a steam review about it, idk.
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traumasurvivors · 2 months ago
I try really hard not to do this because I feel so guilty over asking for any type of help, but I am in a really desperate position. I know I recently asked for help when our bank screwed us over, but my living situation has changed. And I am desperate to get out of it. I’m in so much debt I can’t actively change anything at this moment but I really need to.
I really, really hate to ask but I would really appreciate any help spreading the word about my business @flappyhappystim. This is an advertising post that I share on that blog.
I also have a ko-fi .
I also have some digital books I wrote on Etsy for $1 CAD. This is a book about my healing, and this is a poetry book. As well as a digital workbook for $6 CAD
I really appreciate any spreading of this post, or my post about my business.
Edit: I got an ask about my PayPal and I think this is the link for it.
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star-mum · 22 hours ago
Good morning lovelies :3
"Leave a mark on you that can't be so easily erased" sunny I swear to god if she's not carving her name on my skin im gonna be really sad
doing my usual deal with Sunny where I put my trust in her completely and just ignore all the content warnings (no one got me like she's got me)
"That was one thing she never missed - money. Yeah. Fuck that" starting with an anticapitalist message, very nice, very good :3
"You pointed a gun in Abraham’s face the moment that he approached Glenn’s prone body" LOOOOOOOVE HER ! yes she will step up to this mountain of a man who's very heavily armed
"you were only into women" LESBIAN READEEEERRRRRRR !!!! YEEEAAAAHHHH
"Nights when being so close to you had been for survival - but it had also been a privilege" WOOOOOOOOOWWWWW
"When I first met you, I thought you were the last damn woman on earth" maybe Im too sensitive but this is still the most fucked thing to say to someone, idc how casual shit was between them THAT IS FUCKED UP
"And I know you thought the same about me" i mean... Eugene was there and she still picked you (it's not Much but it is Something)
"And I know that you have too.” HAH ! Gay ass
"I’m gonna have to be the one to get the starch of your pants and kick you squarely in the ass" well that's a sentence, i think (he just Says Words sksksks)
"God's Dirty Little Loophole" 👁️👄👁️ the what now, ma'am? "and you don't need to open them to get behind" WHAAAAAAAT (what kinda conversations were you having with your parents sksksksk)
"she grabbed both sides of your head and firmly planted her lips on yours" :O
"Eugene shouted, shuffling up the street" SIR SKSKSKSKS
"imagine that blade pressed up against your skin" let's absolutely fucking go, gays
"No. What are you doing here?” 🥺 oh
"He got inside her head once again. And this time, not for the better" we can't all be winners but for fucks sake man! that's MY ass that's grass now
"It’s an electrolyte drink mix" PINK GATORADE BABY !!! THE BEST FLAVOUR THERE IS
"She swore sharply under her breath in Spanish" I appreciate the vagueness instead of google translating something
"Not all of us are princesses" well not with that fucking attitude you can't, you dick
"thankful for Eugene and his big mouth" oh yeah hi Eugene ! 👋 (i always keep forgetting you're still here)
"You didn’t know that it was Rosita’s sniper rifle" 😌 hihi
"There was another way to get this done" bite him so it looks like a walker related incident
"All of your danger alarms were screaming and you had no clue what to do" OKAY ! Star's self defense guide (i am not an instructor but I am an over-thinker)
1. never give up the element of surprise: don't give him time to reach for the gun, tackle him to the ground (it doesn't matter if he weighs more than you, use your momentum, swipe one of his legs to get him off balance, just do it, push him towards the basket on the floor so he falls on his back)
okay class is over, that's all I got
POKE HIM IN THE EYES !!!!! DONT HESITATE !!! (sorry class is back on for a second, just remembered this)
"rearing up against him as though she were ten feet tall" when walking home at night after class I always do the math in my head of "could i take this guy if tries something?" whenever I see a man walking down in my direction (as a last resort only cause I will find the easiest way to get as far away as possible) and it's almost always a yes, based only on the fact that I want to win/live more than he does
"You heard me, bendejo. Pick. It. Up" it's pendejo by the way !
"fuck my wife in my bed" ngl I'd still give her shit for the housewife thing after this (cause I'm an asshole)
"that defiant thing rose up inside of you again" manda ela ir se fuder também, FODASE
"flipping out the blade and causing it to glint in the light" we are so close to Rosita carving her intials onto the Reader ☺️
"You crazy slut" MAYBE SO...!
"She grabbed the meat of your inner thigh with her left hand" YEAH ???? IT'S TIME ????
"very clear sight of her initials now carved into your thigh" YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS !!!!!!!
"She took the time to bandage your leg nicely before the two of you went to sleep" 😌
Baby Said
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Dom!Rosita Espinosa x Sub!Fem!Reader
aka the Rosita Knife Kink fic
Tell me now - what’s that look on your face?
She puts her hand on my lips, begging - ‘please, end this conversation.’
Baby Said: ‘Let me taste your silhouette. You can talk between my legs.’ 
I know you really want to. 
When you first met Rosita, you thought your attraction to her was hopeless and fated to die quietly inside of you. But it turns out - she felt the exact same way about you.
Though she doesn't quite know how to deal with her attraction to you or the new relationship that it blossoms into. She's only dated men in the past, and she never felt this way about any of them. She has never been this insanely in love before. Tempted to run away from her feelings, silently pulling away from you, she is shaken back to reality when she finds Spencer brazenly flirting with you one night.
There is only one obvious solution in her mind: claim you. Make sure the world knows that you're hers. Leave a mark on you that can't be so easily erased. (Not that you would want to.)
Dom!Rosita Espinosa x Sub!Fem!Reader. Strangers to Lovers. Smut. Set during Season 6.
Word Count: 15,100
The Walking Dead Masterlist | AO3 Link
Detailed warnings and author's notes below.
Warnings: the reader character goes by she/her pronouns and has a vagina and breasts; there is no major descriptors of the reader’s race, age, or looks in general (though when I was writing this, I did have in mind that the reader is around the same age as Rosita, Glenn, Maggie, and Tara - so she would be in her early to mid twenties, but that is not a hard fact); this fic DOES use Y/N; even though most of my reader characters are bisexual, the reader is explicitly a lesbian in this fic; Rosita speaks Spanish and it is not explicitly mentioned if the reader speaks Spanish as well and understands these words or not; this fic is about Rosita discovering her sexuality after the apocalypse - it could be implied that she is bisexual, but I wanted this fic to be about her discovering her true sexuality through loving the reader (so Rosita could be a lesbian or demisexual) - but she sex she had with men in the past was not traumatic, just not particularly exciting; mentions of Rosita x Abraham, including mentions of Abraham and Rosita having sex; Abraham and Rosita do break-up before Rosita and reader get together so there is no cheating; very background mentions of Sasha x Abraham (but in this version, Rosita is not at all upset about it or upset about the break-up because she’s in love with the reader); the reader calls Rosita ‘Ro’ or ‘Ro-Ro’ and she’s the only one who is allowed to use this nickname for her; this fic is set during Season 6, but there is no mention of Negan (I wanted to set this during the ambiguous time skip after the mass of Walkers is taken out in episode 8 - but I did mention Deana and Noah being alive - fucking details); mentions of common Walking Dead themes - death, Walkers, killing Walkers (and people) to survive, gun violence, etc.; lots of Spencer Monroe bashing (I fucking hate him!!!!) - mentions of Spencer having a one-sided attraction toward Rosita and toward the reader (attractions that are definitely not returned), mentions of Spencer ‘flirting’ with Rosita in a way that borders on harassment, implications that Spencer is homophobic/lesphobic and that he has a gross stereotypical fantasy of having a threesome with two women just because those women are in a relationship; the reader works as a school teacher in Alexandria (mainly teaching the teenagers); there is a scene of Spencer harassing the reader in a way that she finds scary and intimidating, (at one point, the reader even fears for her life in Spencer’s presence), but Rosita swoops in to save her.
This is a smut fic; there is sub/dom dynamics - Rosita is the dominant one (she is more of a mean dom) and the reader is submissive (the reader is somewhat of a brat at first); the main kink here is knife kink - the reader gets turned on watching Rosita use a knife while teaching a self defense class for the inexperienced Alexandrians and Rosita uses this to her advantage later; Rosita cuts off the reader’s clothes, and gives the reader a few small cuts with the knife (not major or painful) and teases her with it, and this ultimately culminates in Rosita carving her initials into the reader’s thigh - this is described as painful, but it is a pleasurable pain; general pain kink; Rosita slaps the reader (and she likes it); the reader is stripped naked and Rosita remains clothed; choking kink - not to an extreme and there is no major breathplay, but Rosita does take a hold of the reader’s throat and squeeze for a short period of time; thigh riding - Rosita grinds her knee and thigh between the reader’s legs; sweat kink - the reader fantasies about licking sweat off Rosita; blood kink - the reader is turned on by (remembered) visuals of Rosita covered in blood, and Rosita licks up the reader’s blood after cutting her with the knife; dumbification kink - Rosita calls the reader stupid (and she likes it); degradation kink - Rosita calls the reader ‘whore’ (in both Spanish and English, yay multiculturalism!!) and ‘stupid slut’ and ‘babydoll’ and ‘fuckhole’; discussion of housewife kink and kinks around ‘gender roles’ (in which Rosita is framed as the ‘man’ and the protector and the reader is framed as the more submissive ‘wife’) (though the reader is very competent in protecting herself, and it’s something Rosita is attracted to when they first meet); discussion of the reader being kept in a cage (that does not actually happen during the fic); oral sex - reader receiving; fingering - reader receiving. And I think that’s finally it for this fic.
A/N: I am soo excited to post this fic because it's my first ever fic for Rosita and I have been wanting to write for her for sooo long. I actually intended for this fic to be 'simple' and to be like 3k, but I am actually so happy that my first fic for her turned out to be like 15k and is actually really complex - she deserves it. I hope you guys enjoy it!! I love her so much and I hope that I did her justice.
Rosita knew that for most people, there was a Before and an After. 
Before - back when the world was ‘normal’. When the world was ‘good’. When society was ‘functioning’. In her mind, that was all bullshit. People had been starving and living on the streets before too. Society had never been fully functional. 
After - the now. When the dead walked the earth, after the society that everyone knew, the life that most people had been comfortable with had crumbled away. When, in most people’s minds, everything ‘good’ had died and gone. 
But Rosita had a lot of trouble thinking of it that way. 
She was one of those people who - in a lot of ways - struggled to survive in the Old World. She had to find creative ways to make ends meet and money was always tight. 
(That was one thing she never missed - money. Yeah. Fuck that.) 
A lot of those ways involved getting dolled up and schmoozing for tips from men who were twice her age, working late nights at sleazy bars, and once she learned that it paid better, straight up scamming guys out of their ‘hard earned’ cash. Morality was never one of her strong suits, but beauty was. And guys always think that a pretty face is a truthful one. 
When the world fell apart, she saw no sense in falling with it. It was just another hard time that she would learn to live through. 
Abraham came along with his big truck and his even bigger ambitions, talking about saving the whole damn world like it was his god given right. At the time, Rosita wasn’t sure there was much left to save, but he and Eugene were two more men who liked her for her pretty face and she liked their big truck and their guns - she liked her chances of survival with them. And she was always willing to join forces with someone who had something to teach her. 
So she embarked on a mission that she didn’t have much emotional stake in. Not at first. 
The first time she had sex with Abraham, she knew it wasn’t love. But, as far as she was concerned, love was a myth anyway. She was bored and he was warm, and that was all she really needed to know. 
She was alive. She had some sense of purpose. Her life didn’t feel much different than it had before. In fact, it was better - without the dread of debt or bills hanging over her head. Even if that had been switched out for the literal dead hanging over her head every now and then. 
Life was once so perfectly clear and simple to Rosita - and then she met you. 
Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene found you on the side of a hot, desolate Georgia road, tears in your eyes as you desperately stripped the riot gear off (who they later knew to be) Glenn. You had been trying to assess his condition after he had collapsed while fighting Walkers - his body clearly still weak from the flu that had almost killed him at the prison. Tara stepped up to protect the both of you, using the butt of Glenn’s heavy artillery to smash in the rotting heads before she posed to the three strangers that she ‘hoped they enjoyed the show’. 
You pointed a gun in Abraham’s face the moment that he approached Glenn’s prone body. It was something Rosita immediately liked about you - you were fiery, unafraid, and protective. You didn’t even flinch at a man so much larger than you - looked him in the eye and threatened him with a fierce tongue. It was why Rosita chose to approach you, chose to be the one to barter peace and hammer home the logic that you and your friends would never survive on the road alone. That Abraham and his big truck were truly the best option for you. 
She later found herself surprised that Glenn was on such a determined quest to find his wife. With the way you fussed over him, dabbing a wet cloth on his forehead after you finally let Abraham hoist him into the truck, checking his pulse every few minutes, making sure he was draped in shade and comfortable. Rosita thought for certain that the two of you were together. 
You laughed so hard when she told you this a few days later that you almost snorted up one of the beans that you had been eating for dinner, choking and sputtering on your food as Glenn and Tara gave Rosita a strange look. After you came down from your fit of laughter and regained your breath, you told Rosita that Glenn certainly wasn’t your type - you were only into women. 
You and Glenn had an intense closeness because he had saved your life, more than once, and you valued him intensely as a friend. You quickly added that you loved Maggie just as much as a dear friend, and hoped that she was alive out there somewhere. You hoped that his search would be fruitful. You saw nothing but comedy in the idea that you might be romantic with him. 
Rosita had no idea why she became so utterly fixated on this. 
It wasn’t like she had never met a lesbian before. She had worked at gay bars, she had plenty of gay friends. When she worked as a bartender, Drag Nights were one of her favourite events to work at. She wasn’t just fine with queer people - she embraced them. 
Tara was a lesbian too, and she didn’t find herself laying awake at night thinking about Tara’s laugh and wondering what Tara thought of her. Wondering what Tara’s hair smelled like, wondering if Tara’s skin was soft. Wondering if Tara was warm enough and wondering if she had eaten enough that day. Sure, she grew to love Tara as a friend during those days on the road together, but you were the one who was always on her mind. You were the one she couldn’t stop thinking about. 
Even more than the goal of protecting Eugene and saving the world. And increasingly, even more than Abraham. 
Even during times when Abraham would loosen his leash on Eugene just enough to insist that they sneak off somewhere to go have sex - Abraham would be inside of her and she would still be thinking about you. She would be grinning at him, kissing his neck, secretly terrified that you would overhear Abraham’s heated grunts about how much he loved her tits and that you would think less of her for it. 
She could never get you off her mind. 
There was just something about you. 
Your laugh was melodic, your skin seemed to shine under the bright Georgia sun. Even though your hair was messy and hadn’t been properly attended to in days, you looked gorgeous. You were so gorgeous. You always managed to make Rosita smile with bits of your well-timed humor, and every bit of conversation she had with you was mentally engaging - more so than she ever had since society had dissolved. Hell, probably since long before that. 
She found herself drawn to you in ways she had never been drawn to any other person in her life. 
And she found herself oddly disappointed when the group found a real home at Alexandria - not because she didn’t like it there. But because after a few days of probationary caution from Rick, the group dispersed. She and Abraham (and Eugene, like a damn child, unsure where else to go) - started living in their own place. You started living with Maggie and Glenn. 
And like clockwork, she saw you a lot less often. She worked her job keeping watch over the walls and teaching the Alexandria residents how to fight and defend themselves, and you took up a job teaching the few children that lived in the town as a school teacher - and the two of you crossed paths less and less often. Your lives became less entwined. 
And stupidly, Rosita found herself yearning for the days when the two of you slept on the train tracks with your backs pressed together - quiet nights when she could fall asleep to the thumping of your heartbeat and the sounds of crickets in the bushes. Nights when being so close to you had been for survival - but it had also been a privilege. 
Rosita was puzzled when she walked into the bedroom one night to find Abraham packing - seemingly clearing out all of the drawers where his things were kept. 
It was something that instantly put a knot in her gut, though she tried her best to ignore it. She tried to tell herself that this didn’t mean anything bad. 
“Packing your stilettos?” She asked casually, posing it as a joke, hoping that he wouldn’t notice the way her voice shook. “We’ll only be gone a night.” 
She was referring to a run that was happening soon - one that he would need a much smaller, lighter bag for. 
“I’m goin’.” He replied gruffly, refusing to look up at her as he continued stuffing things into his large duffle bag. 
That bad, twisted feeling in her gut continued to brew, and she continued to try and ignore it. She tried to stay steady. 
“I am too.” She replied, that shake in her voice now more determined to break through. “But - tomorrow.” 
She hoped that he would reply in order to say that he was just overpacking out of paranoia. That his PTSD was acting up again. But instead, he said something that caused her stomach to truly twist up horribly as acid splashed at the back of her throat. 
“I’m leavin’.” He declared firmly, finally zipping up the bag and hoisting it over his shoulder. 
He finally looked at her, finally surrendering. The scared, small look in his eyes - one that she did not recognize from him - finally clued her into what was truly going on. 
He was leaving her. He was leaving the house and not coming back. He was leaving the relationship. 
Though a small part of her was terrified at the prospect of being alone, something that hadn’t happened in her life in a very long time, she found herself more scared at the realization that: this wasn’t all too upsetting. This wasn’t nearly as upsetting as it should have been for her. 
She had found herself drifting away from Abraham for a while. She had never been all too attached to him in the first place. She loved him in a sense, of course. But likely in the same way that she loved Glenn and Maggie and Tara and Eugene. She loved him as someone she couldn’t lose because they had been through too much together. 
She knew that she had never loved him as some deep, affectionate romance. 
But still, part of her screamed to hold onto him. He was an anchor, he was real. They had been through so much together. They had been a pair for so long. It was difficult to imagine sharing a bed with someone other than him. 
“Why?” Rosita whispered, almost afraid to bring the question to life in the air. 
“It happens.” Abraham grunted back - short, unwilling to truly explain. 
This only made her bubble with anger. 
‘No.’ She thought bitterly. ‘Tell me fucking why. Explain it to me if you’re going to leave me alone.’ 
“Are you serious?” She whispered sharply, more so to herself, angry that he refused to even engage in the conversation - that he was just fleeing without even an explanation. 
“This is how I want it.” He added, still refusing to truly engage with her at all. 
So now was the time Abraham Ford was choosing to be a man of few words. For hours she had been forced to sit in that stupid fucking truck, listening to him yammer on, listening to his weird metaphors and his winding war stories. And now he was choosing to clam up. 
“Why?” She demanded once again, raising her voice louder, trying to force an answer out of him. 
“Why are dingleberries brown?” He snapped, raising his voice louder than hers, trying to scare her away from the conversation. “It’s just the way shit is!” 
He then moved to leave the room, and she stepped in front of him, blocking his path to the door as she began to scream in his face, demanding answers out of him. 
“No, no!” She screamed. “After everything we’ve been through, you are not walking out that door unless you can tell me why! Tell me why!” 
She smacked her hands against his chest, trying to force his attention toward her as he stared down the hallway at the front door with intense, militant concentration. Of course. Focus on the mission. Fucking asshole. 
Abraham stopped with a huff, grabbing her arms - not with any real force, just to keep her from annoyingly swatting at him as he finally looked down at her, finally ready to give her the answer she so desperately sought. 
“When I first met you, I thought you were the last damn woman on earth.” He declared, firm and unapologetic. 
A wave of shock went through her, and she went limp under his touch. 
Her eyes went wide in a quick moment, they both knew that the other was thinking the exact same thing. It was the truth. The relationship had never been one of fondness or ‘love’ - it had never been one like Maggie and Glenn’s. Their relationship had been one of convenience. One to provide warmth against the coldness of the world. A good fuck to remind you that you’re not dead when there’s so much death around you, right in front of your face. 
Before Rosita could speak up, something in her gut telling her to defend herself - her brain screaming to deny the truth, Abraham continued on. 
“And I know you thought the same about me.” 
He said, finally letting go of the tense hold he had on her wrists - in that moment, both physically and emotionally releasing her. Unconsciously telling her that it was okay for her not to be in love with him. It was okay for her not to be hurt over the end of the relationship. 
He wasn’t expecting to be chased. 
“And well, I’ve learned to be okay with that. You’re a damn fine woman and I was lucky to have even five minutes with you.” 
“Abraham-” She breathed out, unsure where her words were even going. 
“But I’ve found someone else.” He declared, charging right past anything she had to say. “And I know that you have too.” 
“What?” Rosita gasped, entirely shocked by these words. 
She wasn’t entirely shocked by the revelation that Abraham was finally leaving her because of another woman. She had seen him hanging around with Sasha with increasing frequency. She had seen how close they had grown since the church. And she knew that he was too self upstanding to start fucking Sasha behind her back. Of all things, Abraham was not a cheater. 
It was the latter half of what he said that really threw her off.
He thought that she had someone else waiting in the wings? Did he believe that Spencer’s stupid one-sided flirting actually meant something to her? He had to know that she absolutely despised the guy, and that she would never pursue a relationship with someone as soft and stupid as Spencer.  
“What the hell are you talking about?” She gaped. “Do you think I’ve been cheating on you?” 
“No,” He shook his head, as if insulted by the idea. “Dammit - I was hopin’ to make this whole thing easy on you. To make this easier on the both of us so that you’d stop bein’ so damn stupid and just stop lyin’ to yourself. But I guess I’m gonna have to be the one to get the starch of your pants and kick you squarely in the ass, huh?” 
He had never before called Rosita stupid. She stood there, gaped with shock for a moment before she gathered the only words that she could. 
“Abraham, what are you talking about?” She asked firmly, now well and truly confused. 
He was leaving because he wanted to be with someone else. What the hell did that have to do with her being ‘stupid’? 
The small grin that graced his lips was the same one he usually held right after he smashed a Walker’s head open, or right after he ripped a particularly nasty fart that polluted the truck in a way that made him laugh when nobody else did. 
“Oh come on, darlin’.” He chuckled. “The way you’ve been eyein’ her up - you make it pretty obvious.” 
Abraham wasn’t talking about a guy? 
When Rosita stood in dubious silence, Abraham was forced to clue her in. 
“Y/N.” He said. 
The name hitting the air was like a slap in the face for Rosita. 
He was leaving for Sasha, and he - he expected her to go after you? 
“Abraham, I’m not - I like guys.” Rosita sputtered out, eager to cover up the odd feeling rising in her throat, the feeling that something was wrong. The sense that she had been caught somehow. “I’ve been having sex with you. What - you think I’m gay all of a sudden?” 
“I think you spend a hell of a lot more time lookin’ at that woman’s tits than you ever look at me.” He shrugged in return. “And hell, I can’t blame you. She is one fine-” 
“Aye. Stop it.” She hissed sharply, kissing the inside of her teeth while she gave him a glare. 
“Alright, I get it. You don’t want me talkin’ about your girl that way.” 
“She is not my-” She let out a harsh sigh, cutting herself off while Abraham let out a chuckle. 
You would never want her. 
But that thought also struck her in the gut harsher than a blade piercing through her skin. The idea that she had been hiding here, cowering in an unhappy relationship with Abraham, hiding from her feelings for you. Hiding from someone she truly wanted to be with because she believed that you would never want her back. 
Maybe it didn’t matter if she was gay or straight or whatever. Maybe it mattered most that she was terrified of being rejected. Especially if it was being rejected by you. 
There was a pitting silence, in which Abraham stared her down with a knowing look while she turned all this over in her mind, and she hated just how smug he was. 
“Shut up.” She spat at him, though he hadn’t said anything, simply wanting to dull volumes that his smugness was hurling at her. 
Rosita was now swimming in a terrible mix of feelings - annoyance that Abraham was right, insecurity (something she so rarely felt), fear, anxiety, dread. Those confusing feelings for you bubbling toward the surface. Something she had brushed off before as friendly fondness that she was quickly learning to call affection - romantic affection. 
She became even more annoyed when Abraham let out a bright, bellowing laugh, now fully smiling at her. She resisted the urge to smack him, now wanting to blow off some steam by getting into a physical fight. She knew he wouldn’t have taken the bait anyway. 
“Fine.” He sighed, still smiling. “You don’t have to believe me. But hell, if a monkey puts on a three-piece suit and believes it’s a man, it’s still a damn monkey.” 
She wanted to point out how she hated being compared to a monkey, but she ground her teeth - because he was right. She hated it when he was right. 
“Rosita - I love you. I would still die for you or kill for you. Nothing’s gonna change that. But we both know it’s not the same anymore.” He continued on, becoming oddly soft for a moment, making her flex with a small smile now. “And I can’t sit around here waitin’ for it to be the way it was. Hell - I don’t think I want it to be the way it was. I like the way it is now.” 
“When did you get all shiny and whole?” She asked, silently knowing that this was the touch of ‘love’ on him - the glimmer of a woman who had made him feel whole in a way that she never could. She found herself oddly okay with that. She enjoyed it, in fact. She was happy for him. 
“I started goin’ to church.” He shrugged, throwing out one last bad joke. 
Rosita nodded, smiling at him, calmly accepting the truth - he was happier now. At least one of them was. 
She just wasn’t sure if she was ready to find her happiness. It was a terrifying prospect - approaching you. Exposing herself to you when she might get rejected. The idea that even if you said yes, even if you felt the same way - she would be embarking on a relationship like one she had never experienced before. She would have something so damn precious to lose. 
Abraham turned and began to walk toward the door again, and Rosita reflexively called after him. 
“Abraham?” He stopped and looked over his shoulder at her. “Do you think-?” 
She choked on her own words, too intimidated to even ask - but of course, he already knew the unspoken question that she was trying to voice. 
‘Do you really think that me and Y/N are supposed to be together?’ 
“I think anybody would be damn lucky to have you.” He said, giving her another strangely warm, genuine smile. “And I know that she spent a hell of a lotta time with her eyes focused on your ass when you weren’t payin’ attention. So I’m pretty sure all you gotta do is go get ‘er.” 
Abraham finally took off then, and as the front door shut behind him, Rosita collapsed onto the edge of the bed. 
This was the first time in so long that she had been truly afraid. 
Terrified that you were so close, yet so far away. Terrified of the idea that she could waltz right up to you and - tell you what? That she was in love with you? (That didn’t sound like a lie. In fact, the longer she sat with it, repeating it in her mind, the more it sounded like the truth. The more it felt like it.) The idea that she could ruin her friendship with you in one single second. 
That almost sounded worse than death. 
Losing you - having you upset with her and not wanting to be around her - that would be a living hell. 
And those words kept ringing through her head. 
‘All you gotta do is go get ‘er.’ 
Fuck - she hated it when Abraham was right. 
Forcing herself up with a burst of anger - anger toward Abraham that he had known about this for so long and failed to tell her, that he waited this fucking long - she rushed toward the front door, only to be stopped with Eugene’s hand on her elbow. 
“Hey, I thought you said we were gonna watch Star Wars later. I was only able to locate a DVD copy of A New Hope, which I find to be inferior to-” 
“Eugene,” She sighed harshly. “When a woman says ‘later’, what she really means is ‘fuck off’.” 
He gaped with shock, enough to let her go, and then he began shouting complaints at her. But she didn’t hear or care to hear what he said as she slammed the door in his face, and began swiftly walking (not running, telling herself not to look too stupidly eager) down the street toward Glenn and Maggie’s house. 
She had to find you. 
The three of you were sitting on the porch, laughing brightly, chatting about something. You and Glenn each had a beer in hand and Maggie was cradling a mug full of something, and she had Glenn’s hoodie draped around her shoulders - it was a very cozy, friendly scene. For a moment, Rosita almost backed off. She almost lost her nerve. 
“My Mama used to call it God's Dirty Little Loophole,” Maggie laughed brightly, adding onto whatever conversation the three of you were having. “You're supposed to keep your knees closed before marriage and you don't need to open them to get behind,” 
“Yeah it's some kind of dirty hole,” Glenn snarked in response, earning him a light smack and an eye roll from Maggie. 
But then - you noticed Rosita, standing in the middle of the dark street. A bright smile broke across your face. And her insides lit up as she remembered in an instant why she was there. She became flared with annoyance once again as she remembered that Abraham was right about the whole thing. 
“Ro-Ro!” You chimed, drawing the attention of the other two toward her. This was a playful nickname for Rosita that you had started using while on the road - one she pretended to hate that she only ever let you get away with. “I actually want you to weigh in on this - if you do anal the first time you have sex, does it count as losing your virginity?” 
Of course. You were cheerfully talking about something nonsensical and delightfully distracting. 
But in that moment, all she could think about was your lips. The way you so sweetly and delicately wrapped around the words, making something so crude seem so perfect. 
She knew that she looked like a mindless Walker, drifting up the porch without a word, not even responding to your question - but she couldn’t deny her magnetism toward you any longer. And she didn’t even care that Glenn and Maggie were watching when she grabbed both sides of your head and firmly planted her lips on yours. 
You immediately went slack under her touch, almost dropping your beer as you melted into the kiss, gently moaning into her mouth - both of you feeling the intense heat and pure chemistry that you had both been trying to deny for so long. A feeling that had been building up between the two of you since the moment you had met. 
(With her back turned to them, Rosita didn’t see the excited, knowing look that the couple gave each other, even exchanging a soft high five as the two of you continued to share that kiss.) 
Rosita pulled away from the kiss after a long, perfect moment - and while you looked at her with a dizzy, vacant expression, your whole body tingling, wondering if you were dreaming, she grabbed the beer from your hands and took a long swig. And then she propped herself beside you against the porch railing, turning to face Glenn and Maggie, who were both beaming with smiles. 
“Personally, I think the concept of virginity is bullshit.” She said, choosing to answer your earlier question instead of acknowledging the fact that she had kissed you. “Why should anybody let a man’s dick define them? It’s completely barbaric-” 
“What’s barbaric is storming out on a man in the middle of a conversation!” Eugene shouted, shuffling up the street in a pair of flip-flops, his flannel pj pants, and his obnoxious ‘Virginia Is For Lovers’ tee shirt.
Rosita rolled her eyes. 
“I am not watching Star Wars with you!” She shouted at him, her words echoing down the near empty street.  
“Wait - you have Star Wars?” Glenn asked eagerly, turning to the mullet-headed man for confirmation. 
“Yes.” Eugene replied. “But some people don’t appreciate the finer points of well-made science fiction.” He eyed Rosita heavily when he said this, and she flipped him a middle finger in response. 
Glenn and Maggie exchanged a look, Glenn clearly asking for permission to go and watch the movie, to which Maggie nodded. Glenn grinned widely and kissed Maggie on the forehead before he eagerly fled off the porch. He and Eugene walked away talking excitedly about the film and then, surprisingly, Maggie stood up from her chair. 
“I think I’m gonna head to bed early.” She said, giving an exaggerated yawn - and then she tossed a wink in your direction. “Goodnight, y’all.” 
“Night, Mags.” 
You and Rosita both bid her goodnight - and then, after the front door to the house closed behind her, the two of you were completely alone. 
“So - you’re not into letting a man define your life?” You posed, snatching the beer back and downing the last of it. 
“Not anymore.” She replied, giving you a grin. 
She then grabbed you by the back of the neck and kissed you firmly once again. 
That was the day she realized it. There was a Before and an After. 
The time in her life Before you, and then - the time After you. 
The time before her world was whole, and after it became whole. 
Your relationship with Rosita was nothing short of electric. 
The first time the two of you had sex was shortly after that first kiss (a matter of hours, actually) - and you had never cum harder than having her between your thighs, pinning you to the bed that Abraham had once slept in while she ate you with a newly discovered passion that had you screaming. (Initially, the two of you had attempted to be discreet, but Glenn and Eugene’s movie marathon certainly didn’t last long after that.) 
You knew that the people around town were likely sick of the two of you. Annoyed by the fact that you two were constantly staring at each other, so sickly in love that you couldn’t resist grabbing and groping each other in public, a simple peck of a kiss often turning into something sloppy in front of your friends when you never meant it to. 
There was just something so intoxicating about the relationship - likely because the two of you had been trying to hold back your feelings, stuffing down the attraction for so long. And now that you got to experience those feelings so freely, now that you got to be with the person that you had wanted so badly for so long - you couldn’t help but to enjoy it. 
You couldn’t help but to enjoy something so good in a world that didn’t seem to have a lot of good in it these days. 
That was why you took any opportunity that you could during the day to visit Rosita. 
Yes, the two of you lived together now, so you saw her a lot more often. You had moved in with her and Euegene after Abraham had moved out, prompting many jokes from your friends about ‘shacking up’ - both to your face and behind your back. This meant that you saw her almost every single morning (if she didn’t get an early start before you did, or if her job didn’t call for her to pull some overnight duty). And you saw her most nights before you fell asleep, but you still felt like you didn’t get enough of her. Even the domestic bliss wasn’t enough to fulfill you when you were so damn lovesick. 
So late one afternoon, after you had dismissed your class, you walked across town to see Rosita. You would deny until your last breath that you semi-regularly dismissed your class early for this specific reason, especially considering that your class was made up of a whopping four kids and they all definitely got more than enough one on one time with you to be well educated. 
You knew that she was holding a self defense class for the under-trained, more sheltered Alexandrians in an open field out by the solar panels. If anybody asked, you had released your class early because the kids deserved to enjoy the nice weather and not because you had an alternate agenda. 
“You’re going to need to carry a knife on your person at all times,” 
She spoke with perfect authority, her voice filling the air in a way that sent chills down your spine. You couldn’t help but to admire her quiet dominance - the natural confidence that she always had when she pressed herself on top of you. You couldn’t help but to imagine that firm, smooth voice next to your ear, giving you instructions about how you were going to behave for her while she took you apart and made you quiver. 
“A well sharpened knife could always mean the difference between life and death against a Walker or a person that wants to hurt you,” 
You loved watching her work. 
She used her own switchblade as an example as she showed the others proper technique - and you couldn’t help but to admire her, a certain kind of deadly heat growing in your stomach as you watched her strong, toned arm wield the blade with confidence, slashing into the air against an imaginary enemy as she continued to spout confident instructions to her class. 
Her sleeveless shirt made it easier for you to enjoy the sight of her bronze skin in the bright sun, enjoying the sight of the sheen of sweat that gathered there. You couldn’t help but to imagine tonguing across her bicep in order to lick up that sweat, worshipping her in the filthiest ways to honor her strength, to show her what a great protector she was. 
Both of you knew that you were more than capable of protecting yourself. But there was a certain thrill whenever she stepped between you and danger. Whenever she stepped up as your protector. One that you felt now as you were reminded of just how strong she was. 
She took another stance, crouching as she slashed her knife through the air again, and she continued to yell more instructions at the class. 
Your lust numb brain couldn’t easily take in what she was saying, though. 
You simply enjoyed the pleasant warmth of her voice rolling through the air as your mind continued to wander. You remembered visuals of her stabbing that knife into soft Walker skulls and having blood drip down her arms. You thought back to a time during the escape from Terminus when she hadn’t hesitated to stab a man in the eye to keep him away from you and his blood had splashed up onto her cheek, making her angered grimace look all the more heroic as she extended a hand out to you and pulled you back from oncoming gunfire. 
At the time, you had been terrified. You had only been thinking of the fight for your life in the face of so much death. But now, you looked back at those memories - flashes of those moments - with a certain fondness. Your mind tunnel-visioned in and you could only see Rosita as a kind of beautiful Combat Barbie, coming to save you. 
It was the kind of rose coloured vision that made your pussy wet as you continued to stand there, admiring her as she stood tall at the front of the group, hands on her hips as she spoke more powerful, firm words. 
Your eyes continued to fixate on her hands - surprisingly, today she had chosen to forego her typical ‘combat’ gloves. So you were blessed with the sight of her bare, rough knuckles and long fingers twirling the thin handle of the knife around, causing the sharp, shiny blade to glint in the blazing sun. 
You almost hated that you couldn’t help but to imagine that blade pressed up against your skin. It was such a filthy thought, but once the fantasy wiggle its way through a tiny gap in your mind - it exploded to life. You knew that you would love how small and powerless you would feel underneath her if she held the knife against your neck. It would be nothing but a threat coming from her - but oh, the things you would do for her under the duress of that threat. 
You would love it if she pinned you down and tore your clothes to shreds with the sharpness of her knife, if she ran the cool metal across your skin. Even if she treated you to the sweet, stinging pinch of that knife’s tip in your flesh - just a bit. Just a little kiss of pain to make the pleasure sweeter. 
(It was a thought that had you squeezing your thighs together, hoping that your underwear wasn’t utterly ruined.) 
Rosita would be the only person you would trust to do it. Someone who had saved you from danger so many times, who had threatened men for even looking at you in a way she didn’t like. She would worship your body with the smallest touch of pain that you needed rather than punishing you cruelly with it. And again, this was a thought that had your pussy throbbing between your thighs as you mocked yourself with something that was probably never going to happen.
(She did like rough sex, but she valued you too much to even consider hurting you.)  
You were genuinely surprised when the group she was teaching began to disperse - you hadn’t realized how long you had been standing there, fantasizing about her. You knew that you were lovesick for her - but fuck, you didn’t realize that it was this bad.
Rosita waltzed across the field toward you, and you suddenly felt frozen under her gaze. You knew that it wasn’t anywhere near a crime to come and visit her - in fact, it was probably welcomed. But you were surprised that she didn’t seem happy to see you. She gave you a stern, firm-lipped scowl with tight, stressed brows pressing down from her forehead rather than greeting you with a smile. 
Perhaps the class was stressing her out, but you had a feeling that it was something more than that. 
“Hey, Ro-” You greeted her with a kind smile and warmth in your voice, and she immediately cut you off, shaking her head as she lifted her leg and retracted the blade of her knife back into the handle with her boot before she tucked it back into the pocket of her pants. 
“No.” She said. “What are you doing here?” 
Your stomach curled with an odd kind of guilt as she stared you down with piercing eyes. Of course she had noticed that you had been dismissing your class early to come and visit her. 
But like you suspected, it was more than that, even if she would never admit it to you. She wasn’t upset about the class she had been teaching or the fact that you had ditched yours in order to come and see her. 
Something had happened a few nights ago. Or rather - very early in the morning a few days ago. 
When changing over the guard shift, when the sun had just barely been kissing the sky, as she had passed Abraham her sniper rifle at the base of the ladder before he climbed up to take her place, she had made a comment about how she was glad that he hadn’t been late. (Which he had been a few other times.) She was glad because it meant that she could rush home to make you breakfast before you woke up. Your favourite was instant oatmeal with cinnamon - something she liked to wake you up with. 
Abraham had chuckled deeply in that jolly way he usually did, and said that he was happy for Rosita, because she had finally found a lover that made her ‘sweet’ and ‘soft’. She had no clue why - but those words got to her. He got inside her head once again. And this time, not for the better. 
She hadn’t rushed home to make you breakfast after he relieved her of her duty. And instead, she sharpened her knife and took a walk out in the woods. She spent the next few hours playing target practice with a random tree - throwing her knife into it so hard, over and over again, that she nearly threw out her shoulder, furiously trying to prove to herself that she hadn’t gone soft. 
For the past few days, she had been avoiding you, even if you hadn’t realized it yet. She was picking up more guard shifts, teaching more classes, volunteering to do inventory at the armory and acting like she got roped into it whenever you asked to spend time with her. 
She simply couldn’t face the fact that after all the relationships she had in the past, relationships she had with men, this relationship was going to be the one to ruin her. In those relationships, she had been so level-headed and detached, she had been able to move on so easily after the break-ups - they had come in and out of her life taking nothing from her and leaving her with valuable life skills. 
With you, she was getting soft. She was getting sappy. She was getting attached, she was becoming vulnerable. She was setting herself up to become broken. 
With you, she had so much to lose. 
Rosita Espinosa - the powerful woman - was going to be broken by you. 
“I came to bring you these,” You said brightly, giving her a smile as you extended your hands out, suddenly remembering that you had baked in another excuse to come and see her. You had brought along a bottle of water and a brown paper bag with the other half of a very large sandwich that you had saved from lunch specifically to share with her. 
“It’s pink,” She noted with slight suspicion as she took the bottle from you, eyeing it hesitantly. 
“It’s an electrolyte drink mix,” You explained. “It’s supposed to be good for you. You’ve been out here in the hot sun sweating all day. You probably need it,” 
You resisted the urge to mention how you loved the look of the sweat on her skin - how you would have given her a tongue-bath if she had asked you to. You had a feeling that she wasn’t quite in the mood to hear those remarks from you right now. 
She unscrewed the lid and took a few healthy gulps, and found herself thirstier than she was willing to admit, especially when she found that the drink tasted quite good - you were probably right. You were always good at taking care of her in ways that she forgot to take care of herself. 
“This is lunch,” You said, shoving the paper bag further into her personal space. “Mrs. Gordon made sandwiches for class today - she wouldn’t stop talking about how she made the bread from scratch. And I would be a lot more annoyed about that if it wasn’t really fucking good,” 
After she screwed the cap back on the bottle, she took the bag from you and peeked inside, and her stomach did growl quietly at the sight of the very fat sandwich wrapped in plastic. She had been so busy trying to avoid you that she hadn’t even realized she had skipped breakfast that morning in her rush to get out of bed before you woke up. 
“Thanks.” She said, her tone still sour and curt as she closed the bag again, vowing to take a break to eat later. 
“Is something wrong?” You felt the need to ask, wondering why she was being uncharacteristically cross with you. Perhaps she was just having a bad day, but it felt like she was angry with you - like you had done something. 
She shrugged, shifting her gaze toward the ground. 
She hated that she felt the need to avoid you. Especially when she missed you. She hated that something inside of her ached, that she yearned to taste your sweet lips and hear you whimper as she pressed herself between your thighs. But she had to remind herself that the thing inside of her that was yearning was something soft. Something she could afford to have. 
“I should probably go.” She said, trying her best to shrug you off. “I have to go relieve Sasha at the guard tower - and I’m pulling double duty tonight, so I probably won’t see you before you go to bed,” 
She began to walk away, but your words cut her off. 
“So we won’t get to hang out tonight?” You posed, the disappointment dipping through your words almost causing her to waver in her conviction. 
She could get someone to cover her shift if she truly wanted to flake off and hang out with you. It’s not like there was some big threat approaching town - guard duty was a precautionary thing, and a lot of people did it because they saw it as an easy job. 
Rosita did it to keep herself sharp. 
But then another wave of spite crept up inside of her as she remembered that. She needed to stay sharp. 
“No, I can’t just ‘hang out’ -” 
She swore sharply under her breath in Spanish, and for once it was in a situation that didn’t involve you naked and shoved between her body and some hard surface. You felt oddly scolded by her, as though she knew something that you didn’t. 
“I can’t just sit around doing nothing all the fucking time, okay? Not all of us are princesses - some of us have jobs, remember?” 
This was the first time she had ever called you ‘princess’ with a tone of an insult to it. This was the first time that she had ever insinuated that you didn’t pull your weight or didn’t do an equal amount of work. 
It felt strange - and it definitely felt like it was coming out of nowhere. 
“I have a job-” You shot back weakly, shocked. 
“Yeah, which you keep blowing off to come visit me like some wide-eyed little housewife.” 
She slurred the last word like it was the greatest insult she could muster, causing you even greater shock. Especially considering the last time she had called you that had been with her knee rocking between your thighs from behind, pressing precisely into your cunt while you made dinner for her and she purred into your ear about how pretty you looked in the dumb ruffled apron that Carol had given to you. 
You couldn’t pinpoint why she was so angry, and before you could formulate a reply to her dumbfounding words, someone else disrupted the conversation between the two of you. 
“Y/N?” Carl was walking up to you, holding the novel you had assigned to him in class. “I have some questions about the book - can we talk?” 
“Go do your job,” Rosita snarled at you. “I have to go do mine.” 
You tried to brush off the bizarre conversation as you turned to Carl to discuss the book, but you definitely weren’t going to let it go. 
Later than night, after you had gotten off working a volunteer shift helping out at the pantry with Olivia, you were walking home by yourself, wondering how you were going to approach the problem with Rosita when the solution practically fell into your lap. 
You were carrying a white plastic laundry basket with some things in it - a plate of cookies wrapped in plastic given to you by Carol (delivered with that sickly sweet fake smile that always freaked you out a bit, especially because she only did it in front of other people); a jacket that Rosita had needed mended, now freshly sewn up by Olivia; a couple of pairs of jeans that you liked swiped from the community clothing bin; and a ‘new’ pair of boots that you thought Rosita would like, hoping that the gift would put her in a better mood. All that, and some rationed food supplies for the week for your household. 
With the canned goods and the boots in the basket, it was slightly heavy, but you were balancing it on your hip and the way home wasn’t that far. It wasn’t like Alexandria was some large, sprawling metropolis - walking from one end of town to the other took less than five minutes, even when you walked at a leisurely stroll. 
You thought you had it handled, but it seemed that your arms were pretty exhausted from the day. You had helped to unload a large haul that Glenn’s scavenging group brought back, so your back and your arms were aching from lifting all the boxes - many of them containing heavy books and paper supplies for your future classes, which you were incredibly thankful for, even if they were a pain in the ass to carry all the way down to the house that you used as a makeshift school. 
Between that and your mental distraction, thinking about Rosita, you weren’t entirely surprised when your grip wavered and the basket slipped out of your hand, accidentally spilling your goods out across the vacant street. 
At least - a street you thought was entirely vacant for the night. 
You let out a defeated sigh and dropped to your knees, beginning to gather up everything, just feeling glad that the plastic wrap was on tight enough that it had secured the cookies to the plate and you hadn’t lost your treat. You watched with intense fatigue as a can of your spaghetti rings rolled away - especially knowing that it was one of Rosita’s favourites, and again, you wanted to cheer her up with it, but you were almost too tired to chase the damn thing down the pavement. 
But you were surprised when someone appeared seemingly out of nowhere and stopped it with their foot. 
Your brief moment of relief was entirely ruined when their voice broke through the air. 
“Need a hand?” 
Your gut twisted with disappointment and dread as you looked up the length of his body and saw him grinning down at you. You just hoped that those emotions weren’t too visible, not entirely written across your face as you forced a smile back. 
One awful thing about living in such a small town - you had to be polite to all of the people living there. You had to make nice with the residents to avoid being stuck behind the walls with endless petty drama. As much as you hated Spencer, you had to put up a front of likeability around him. Especially because he was Deana’s son. 
“Uh - yeah. Thanks.” You replied, shoving a few more things into your basket and rushing to get off the ground, hoping that you could make up some excuse that would get you home as quickly as possible. 
Spencer was - he was a piece of work. 
He was one of the only people in town who outright refused to acknowledge your relationship with Rosita. As much as the two of you engaged in PDA or as many times as your friends made jokes about the two of you being like ‘an old married couple’ - he never seemed to acknowledge it. Not once. 
And strangely enough, it didn’t seem to be out of homophobia. But instead, it seemed to be for the fact that he had some kind of one-sided obsession with Rosita. And since Abraham had broken up with her, he thought that he deserved an ‘opportunity’ to date her instead of you. You honestly couldn’t figure out which was worse - if he was actually a homophobe and he was just pretending to be okay with Aaron and Eric’s relationship and Tara and Denise’s, or the latter, which seemed a lot more likely to be true. 
Whenever Spencer interacted with Rosita, he complimented her in some skeezy way - he commented on her looks, he called her nicknames that she hated (like ‘babe’, or ‘sweetheart’). He kept trying to ask her over for dinner, kept trying to invite himself into your home to fix things that weren’t even broken (the ‘leaky’ faucet, the hot water heater, the ‘creaky’ floorboards). 
He had blatantly said in conversation multiple times that your home would function better with ‘a real man in it’. It had been the one time you had been thankful for Eugene and his big mouth - because he always reminded Spencer that he was the man of the house. Even though, compared to Eugene, with his Star Trek sheets and his sock monkey, Rosita most definitely was the man of the house. She was the one who knew how to fix up things and killed the spiders that Eugene screamed like a girl about.
The last time you had needed a light bulb changed but Rosita had been off on a run, you had made a point of inviting Abraham over to do it, and having beers with him on the porch after he had finished. When Spencer walked by, looking for Rosita, Abraham told him very blatantly to ‘get the fuck off my porch’ - even though it was no longer his house, and Spencer hadn’t stuck around after that. 
Spencer picked up the few cans that had rolled away on you and put them in the basket, and before you could beat him to it, he picked up the basket and gave you another unsettling smile. 
“Is this going to your place?” He asked, looking over the items and knowing that was the only obvious answer. 
“Uh - yeah.” You replied. “I - I can take it from here.” You said, holding out your hands, patiently waiting for him to hand you back the basket, but sadly - knowing that it likely wasn’t going to go over that easily with him. 
He was stubborn. And because you were known around Alexandria as ‘the school teacher’ - he wasn’t intimidated by you. He had never seen you bashing Walkers skulls or gutting unkind men when you had been forced to. 
“Oh come on, I can walk you home.” He said, a breathy chuckle in his voice. “A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be lugging around all this stuff anyway. What do you even have in here - some snacks, ooh - are these boots for Ro?” 
He gave another glance at the basket and then put it off to the side, back on the ground - dismissing it for now. You knew that you could have just picked it up and walked away, but you feared that he would have followed you home. Eugene had mentioned playing some card game with Tara and Noah, so you weren’t sure if he was there. Even if he wouldn’t be of any use in protecting you, you knew that Spencer wouldn’t try anything if another man was watching over you. He was a bastard like that. 
“Rosita.” You easily corrected him, annoyance angling on your breath. 
“What?” He replied, confused. 
“Rosita.” You repeated, firmer. “She only goes by Rosita. That’s her name.” 
You didn’t bother making the distinction that she only let you call her Ro, or Ro-Ro - that you got special privileges because you were her girlfriend. Any time you brought up things like that, Spencer usually breezed right past it in conversation. He wasn’t someone who usually cared about facts. 
You felt a pair of eyes on you, and when you glanced over your shoulder, you saw the glint of something dancing in the moonlight. You didn’t know that it was Rosita’s sniper rifle, perfectly pointed at Spencer’s head while he continued to smile at you in that utterly creepy way. 
It had not been your intention to wander past her lookout perch on your way home - it just worked out that way. For a lingering moment, her finger sat comfortably on the trigger, heavily considering putting a bullet through his brain for talking to her girl like that - for even daring to look at you like that. She wanted to prove to him and everyone else in this fucking town that her love for you did not make her soft. If anything, it made her more powerful and ruthless than ever, she realized. 
But then she considered that if she shot him so suddenly, it might scare you. You didn’t deserve to be dirtied with his blood. And if she killed him, if she killed Deanna’s son, she might risk getting kicked out. She couldn’t risk losing the home she had always wanted for you. 
There was another way to get this done. 
“Whatever,” Spencer chuckled lightly. 
He shrugged off what you had said, and when you moved to pick up the basket off the ground, he very pointedly stepped in your way, causing a harsh knot to twist in your gut as he crowded into your personal space. He continued to hold your basket hostage while he looked you up and down with an odd kind of… lust lingering in his gaze. You always knew that he had a thing for Rosita, but you had never considered what might happen if he turned that disgusting attention toward you. 
Even though it had only been a few moments, you quickly learned to hate it. 
“Come on, sweetheart, let me walk you home,” 
You choked on your breath, strangely enough, you did not feel brave enough to call him out on the nickname and tell him how much you hated it. Maybe it was because you eyed the gun on his belt, one he technically wasn’t supposed to have according to his mother’s rules - or because he was much taller than you, towered over you. 
As you took another glance down the street and realized how truly vacant it was - your hand drifted to your belt and you realized that the leather holster that usually kept your knife was empty. Something Rosita would have scolded you for endlessly - but you had been using it to open some of the (miraculously) untouched boxes that Glenn had brought back in order to unpack them, and in your tired state, you had forgotten it - left it behind. The rigid, important rules that Rosita had been teaching in her class earlier that day had already been broken by you. 
So now you were stranded on an empty street with Spencer staring you down in an uncomfortable, piercing way, insisting that he walk home with you. He had a gun and he was trying to get you alone in an enclosed space. All of your danger alarms were screaming and you had no clue what to do. 
“What time does Ro get off?” 
He asked, further reminding you just how vulnerable you were. It was a question you didn’t want to answer because she had told you that she was working a double shift of guard duty and that meant she wouldn’t be back at the house until the early morning. When you were speechless at his question, he reached out, brushing fingers down your neck in a way that made you recoil slightly, tempted to simply run away until you made it to Glenn and Maggie’s. 
“I’m sure we could make the bed and nice and cozy before she gets back-” 
“No.” You said, finally finding your voice to reject him, utterly disgusted by the implications behind his words. 
When you tried to step away from him, moving to act on the idea to simply abandon your supplies in favour of running away (hoping to find Abraham or Rick or Michonne or Daryl or someone) - he reached out and snatched your arm, gripping your wrist so tightly that it startled you, and caused you to freeze as an uncomfortable pain bloomed from the spot where he dug his grip into your flesh. 
Panic spread through you, and your breath stilled in your chest. You wanted to scream, but nothing came out. 
“No?” He repeated back, clearly aghast that you would dare to speak the word to him. In a moment, he shifted from playing at kindness to something a lot darker - rage painted across his features in a way that utterly terrified you. “Come on, I’ve seen the way you look at me. You can’t tell me that you waltz around here in those tight pants and those low cut little shirts because you don’t want a man’s attention,” 
The only person’s attention you ever wanted was Rosita’s. 
You tried pulling away from him, but he dug his hand into your wrist harder, making you wince. Your heart thumped inside your chest, and you wondered for a terrified moment if he would be the type of person to stab you or shoot you in the head and then spin some story about how a Walker got you. 
“No, I-” 
You let out a breath of relief when Rosita’s voice came from behind you, and Spencer’s touch quickly retracted from you - like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, quick to rip his hand back from something he knew he wasn’t supposed to be touching. Though she had been angry the last time you had seen her, you found an intense comfort in watching her approach - you knew that an angry Rosita would always be kinder and safer than a Spencer who pretended to be kind. 
You melted into her touch as she wrapped a firm arm around your shoulders from behind, pulling you into her and very pointedly away from Spencer, making a gap between you and him as she glared at the man over your shoulder. 
“Everything good here, babe?” She said, her voice low, her breath puffing against your cheek, the words very clearly directed at you, but still loud enough for him to hear them. 
“Better now.” You sighed, leaning into her body, feeling protected by the arm around you - by the warmth of her presence against your back, and the hard prodding against your lower back that you knew had to be a knife on her belt. (One she would never carelessly forget somewhere.) 
Spencer, clearly anxious under Rosita’s gaze, scrambled to explain himself. 
“I was just-” 
“You were just backing the fuck away from my girl.” Rosita barked out sharply, cutting off whatever bullshit he would attempt to spew. 
You would be lying if you said that the power and dominant possessiveness in her words didn’t turn you on. It was something that had been latent in you for hours - since you had become obsessed, watching her handle her knife with so much skill while she taught her class. And now it was back again with a vengeance as she woefully let you go and stepped around your body to face Spencer, rearing up against him as though she were ten feet tall, even though she had to crane her neck to make eye contact with him. 
“Come on-” 
“No.” She growled. “Whatever you were gonna say - no. Whatever you’re thinking - no. Whatever you think you can do - fuck no.” 
She then pointed to the basket on the ground, and with power so intense that it nearly crackled in the air, she ordered out: 
“Pick it up.” 
“W-what?” He stuttered out, clearly intimidated by her but making some feeble attempt to stand his ground. 
“You heard me, bendejo. Pick. It. Up.” 
Spencer then moved toward it in jolting motions just as stuttery as his words, and you watched with intense magnetism, in utter awe of Rosita’s power as he bent below her and picked up the basket, and then she snatched it from his limp arms and in turn, shoved the rifle from her watch duty into his arms, which he clumsily took. 
If he had anything more to say, he didn’t dare attempt to get the words out. Not while she was looking at him with a tight jaw and fire in her eyes. 
“I’m gonna take this, and you’re gonna take my watch, and you’re gonna feel lucky that you get to walk away from this with all your limbs intact, comprende?” She spat out harshly, putting a thick accent on the last word, showing just how angry she was with him. 
“Ro, I was just joking around-” He made one last attempt to make amends, and one final, fatal mistake along with it. 
“It’s Rosita.” She corrected him sharply. “And you can go ‘joke around’ - by yourself, at the top of that fucking watch tower.” 
She said, clearly injecting a double meaning to her words as she propped the basket on one hip and pointed to the tower she had just come from. 
“I’m gonna take my stuff back to my home and fuck my wife in my bed - because that’s my goddamn job, not yours.” 
Rosita put an intense amount of fire on the possessive words, causing goosebumps to spring up across your skin within seconds. 
Before Spencer could speak another word, Rosita put that free hand on your lower back and ushered you away, leaving Spencer gape-mouthed in the middle of the street and shocked at the pure vulgarity of her words. 
Which was something that had your pussy throbbing between your thighs as you took a sideways glance at her still very mean, rage fueled expression. It was the most vulgar way she had ever claimed you in front of someone else - and especially after the conversation the two of you had that afternoon, you had a feeling that whatever crisis she was having was most definitely over. 
She had a new mission in mind now - a new divine purpose. 
And that divine purpose started with shoving you down onto the bed so roughly that the springs screamed in protest. But neither of you could come close to caring as she kicked the bedroom door closed with her foot and shed her jacket - you stared at her with lustful eyes as she flipped off her hat as well, causing a few stray hairs to escape from her neat ponytail. She was a vision in a tight tank top, the round neckline dipping to reveal just the right amount of cleavage, her jeans tight as usual with her knife holster clipped to the hip, making her look all the more powerful. 
You were settled in the middle of the smooth comforter (you always made it a habit to make the bed - you liked to keep a neat and tidy home, even though it didn’t matter much these days) on your elbows as you watched her, trembling with anticipation as to what would come next. You wondered what was in store for you with such a powerful woman - if she would treat you like a precious angel as she normally did, or if you were finally in for the punishment that you had always craved at her hand. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?” She huffed out, her power and intensity filling the room to capacity, making it near impossible for you to breathe as you continued to stare up at her, mesmerized. 
It left you speechless - unable to answer the question, your brain numb to the fact that she had even asked you something as you squirmed aimlessly, unconsciously seeking friction between your thighs. 
She shouted, crowding into your personal space, planting a firm knee on the bed between your thighs and grabbing your face with a fierce, tight grip - her thumb digging into your cheek on one side and her two fingers disturbing soft skin almost down into your teeth on the other. 
“I’m fuckin’ talking to you.” She snarled, her quiet voice much more intimidating than a full on scream. “What’s wrong with you, are you stupid? Why the fuck were you talking to him?” 
The feeling of being underneath her, being trapped there - it made your heart thump and made your pussy ache, but strangely, something inside of you flared with defiance. Something in you screamed to see just how far this would go. 
“Me?” You snapped back in reply. “He approached me! He-”
Rosita didn’t care to listen to the rest of your excuses - her anger at Spencer was still boiling inside of her, and she was too tense and fed up from all the emotions that had been running high inside of her for the past few days. She had been trying to avoid you, trying to deny everything she felt for you. She needed to protect you, to keep you away from scum like him - but you were too damn stubborn. You couldn’t just shut up and see how special you were - how perfect you were. 
She pulled her grip away from your face, hauling her hand back and swinging her arm to collide the back of her hand sharply with your face. At the same time, she shoved her knee right up against your cunt, making for a dizzying combination when pain bloomed across your cheek and the first bit of contact caused between your thighs tingles to spread through your swollen, aching pussy - trapped inside of your jeans. The combination of sensations made you moan weekly and arch into her touch, only proving how much you needed her. 
She spat out harshly, the filthy word bouncing off your skull in the most delightful way. She could call you anything in her velvet voice and your pussy would leak because of it. 
She then reached down to take a hold of your throat, tentatively gripping, not nearly enough to make you dizzy - just enough to truly possess you, to show you that she was in charge. It was something that had you gasping and leaning into the touch, aching for more. And she shoved her knee tighter against your clothed cunt while she gave you another sharp glare. 
“You should have been at home! You stupid slut! What the fuck do you expect when you’re running around out there at night, huh? You think the world is gonna treat pretty little whores like you nicely?” 
It was her very guarded way of telling you that she cared. Her way of telling you that she had moved you into her home so quickly after the relationship started because she wanted you to be protected. She preferred that you took a calm day job as a school teacher while she was the one on guard duty, the one out beyond the walls doing runs so that you wouldn’t have to worry about facing the harsh reality of the world. She would have killed a thousand men for you if it kept your hands clean and your mind unburdened.  
She probably would have killed Spencer to protect you if she hadn’t been more worried about the consequences from Deana. 
But still - instead of telling her that you had been working at the pantry, filling your basket with things to bribe her into a better mood with, that defiant thing rose up inside of you again. That thing that begged for her to squeeze harder around your neck - for her to strip off your clothes and fuck you senseless. That part of you that was angry that she had been so harsh with you earlier that afternoon. 
“Maybe I liked it,” You choked out, rubbing yourself down against her knee, unable to resist playing the whore that she accused you of being. “Maybe I was happy to finally get some attention from someone,” 
Unknown to you, this was just the right button to push. Rosita’s possessive instincts flared up again, and she ticked with rage as she became fueled by the goal to have you thinking of nobody but her. 
“Oh, attention?” 
She mocked you, the faux-sweet tone already making you dizzy. Your stomach flipped when she reached into her back pocket and pulled out the switchblade from earlier that day - your breath hitched as she pushed the button, flipping out the blade and causing it to glint in the light. She had seen the way you had been staring at her during the class - the lustful look on your face so damn readable. Of course she was going to use that to her advantage. 
She leaned down, putting more pressure on the hand holding your throat as she brought the blade close to your cheek, causing you to let out a harsh whimper. 
“Seemed like you only wanted my attention when I had this in my hand.” 
“Ro-” You whined, arching up, unintentionally making yourself breathless as you leaned into her tense palm stuck to your throat, pressing the seam of your jeans tightly to your clit where her knee was still so firm between your legs. 
It was a combination of sensations that made your brain melt between your ears in the most perfect way. All too quickly, your bratty act melted away, and now, you were incredibly pliant under her touch and all too desperate to see what she would do next. 
She let out a mocking laugh, giving you a grin that could have cut down a field of Walkers with its sharpness, and your heart pounded in your chest as you waited for her next move. 
“What, babydoll? Are you so damn eager for the slightest lick of attention that you don’t care if it’s my fingers or my knife? You want me to slice you up?” 
You knew it was insane, but you couldn’t deny how fucking soaked you were - and you knew she felt the heat coming off your cunt, that she saw the lust absolutely glossing over your eyes. 
A look of dawning came across Rosita’s face - shock flickered over her features for just a moment before it was restored to calm, intense control. She was hit with the realization that you truly wanted this - you truly wanted the pleasurable pain that her knife could bring you, especially when she was the one controlling it. She gave your throat a tiny squeeze, ensuring you that she could give you exactly what you needed before she continued. 
“Oh my god - you really do want this, huh? You crazy slut.” 
You gave a nod and let out a moan - a sound that only doubled in on itself when she placed the cool blade flat against your cheek, beginning to oh-so-slightly skim the sharp edge along your soft skin. 
“Hmm…” She said, as though truly contemplating. “No, I can’t mark up this pretty face.” 
Then she moved the knife downward, and you let out a sharp gasp when you felt it press under the thin strap of your tank top. You were wearing it under a loose flannel, which had mostly fallen off your shoulders in your haste to get to the bed and was now tangled around your elbows. You hadn’t put on a bra that morning, as the only good one you had needed a hole sewed up in it, and you knew that your lust-hardened nipples were more than visible through the thin fabric of your tank top. 
“Maybe… here?” She grinned at you, pretending to be indecisive when she was the most sure-minded person that you knew. 
You let out a loud, rattling moan when she yanked the knife upward, tugging it through the fabric of the strap, cutting it completely loose and free from your body. This left only your shoulder bare and didn’t even mark your skin, but the act of her cutting off your clothes felt so erotic to you that your blood was thumping even harder through your veins. You couldn’t hold yourself back from grinding even harder against her knee, humping her like a bitch in heat as you panted harshly into the air, gasping for breath and becoming utterly overwhelmed with lust. 
“I shouldn’t even let you have clothes,” 
She whispered furiously, skimming the tip of the knife along your cleavage, barely pressing it down, leaving behind just a tiny sting where the utmost point scraped across your skin - just enough to leave you buzzing and arching up into the touch. By the time she let go of your throat, passing off the knife into her other hand to place it under the other strap, you were panting earnestly, watching her with intense rapture. 
“I should just keep you here, in this room, naked. I should keep you in a fucking cage so that scum like Spencer can never even look at you,” 
Her words alone made your clit practically vibrate between your thighs, utterly entranced by the idea of being a caged whore for her. 
She punctuated this point by ruining the other strap, making quick work of it. So quick that the tip of the knife left the tiniest little indenture on your shoulder, one so small that it drew up the barest little droplet of blood. Of course, she was eager to lean down and tongue over it, moaning into your skin as she sucked this small trace of blood down, making you shove your fingers into her hair and moan loudly in return. 
“Rosita, please!” 
“Say that you’re mine.” She demanded, her breath becoming airy too, showing that you definitely weren’t the only one affected by this. 
“I’m yours,” 
You were her mindless puppet now, and you easily complied with the demand. You absolutely loved the feeling of the words on your tongue while you looked into her dark eyes, loving the honey sweet madness that danced there - something that was eventually going to drive you insane but made you feel perfectly at home for now. 
“Again!” She barked. 
The power was swallowing her whole, but she couldn’t help it. If she had you, she was capable of anything. 
“I’m yours!” You replied, louder this time, more desperate. 
“What the fuck were you thinking, huh?” 
She posed, moving to straddle you across your thighs, sadly removing her knee from between your legs and taking away the thing you had to hump against. She pinned you to the bed with her body weight while she brought the knife to the top of your shirt, slicing into the fabric and quickly tearing it apart, revealing your heaving breasts - your nipples pebbled tight with lust. 
“Going out after dark, going out alone - are you fucking stupid?” 
Stupidly, as she accused you of being, you thought this was actually a question that required you to answer. 
“I thought-” You began, but she sharply cut you off, pressing the blade to your lips in a way that made you immediately freeze up, letting out a whimper. 
“That’s it! That’s the whole fucking problem!” She hissed in return. “A dumb slut like you shouldn’t be allowed to think. You’re just a stupid little fuckhole. You should know your place.” 
You began panting harshly again as she ran the knife down across your neck - just barely skimming the blade across your skin as she ran it down your chest and over the mounds of your breasts, teasing you as your panting became more intense with anticipation. The whole time, she stared you down with a very certain, serious gaze. You felt so delightfully trapped underneath her - there’s no other place in the world you would have rather been. 
“Do you know your place?” Rosita asked, utterly serious. 
You nodded in quick jolts, believing that she didn’t want you to speak again. 
“Then tell me.” 
“I’m yours.” You babbled out again, loving to say it, knowing it was an answer she liked to hear. 
“And?” She prompted. 
With your brain so focused on the sharp edge running across your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake, and your cunt throbbing between your thighs, you had to rack your brain for what felt like a moment too long, desperately looking for the answer. 
“I’m - I’m a stupid fuckhole,” You stuttered out. 
This revelation earned you the end of your teasing - Rosita finally, precisely, dipped the end of the knife against your breast, making a small, sharp cut right above your nipple. Something no bigger than a paper cut that leaked the smallest amount of blood - a cut that likely wouldn’t even leave a scar. 
Still, the feeling made you moan like a whore as you arched up wildly, the endorphins driving your body wild. She didn’t leave you hanging for long, immediately dipping her head down to tongue along the cut, not letting the blood escape her as she laved over the small cut before she engulfed your tit completely into her mouth. She sucked so harshly on the flesh, devouring you in a way that made you moan even louder and thrash underneath her. 
You didn’t have room to be upset at the fact that she didn’t linger there for long, because she began to descend down your body with more wet, open-mouthed kisses. She even threw in a few harsh, sucking bites - clearly determined to mark you, even if it was in places that nobody would see. Your thighs shook with anticipation and your throat became choked off in your own spit. Especially when she reached for your jeans and was absolutely merciless in ridding them from your body, using her knife to desomate the button in such a harsh way that it clinked on the floor somewhere. 
In the back of your mind, you were thankful that you had picked up those new pairs of jeans. But that ghost of a thought completely dissolved off as she ripped the denim off you, her patience clearly thin and growing thinner by the second. She then took her knife to the leg hole of your underwear at your hip - proceeding to completely cut them off your body. She was forced to peel the scraps off you with how wetly it was stuck to your pathetically hot, overwhelmed cunt. Something that both turned you on a little bit more. 
She swore under her breath as she was faced with the sight - your pussy now freely leaking onto the bed, absolutely throbbing, clearly so utterly needy for her. 
Eye level with your weeping gash, you thought for certain that she wouldn’t hesitate to dive in. You thought that she would want to make an example out of forcing orgasms out of you until you cried just to prove how much you needed her. And you were surprised when she rose up on her knees, locking eyes with you once again. 
“You really wanna be mine?” She asked, a surprising timidness creeping into her voice. 
“Of course,” You replied, a sex-addled warbling in your tone that made it sound like you had been thoroughly fucked even though she hadn’t touched you yet. 
“You trust me?” She wondered quietly. 
You had to wonder why she even asked the question, but you gave your most honest answer. 
“More than anything in the world, Ro.” 
It was a passionate declaration on your part - one that made her entirely certain about her next move. 
She grabbed the meat of your inner thigh with her left hand, pinning your leg down to the bed and forcing you open in a way that made you think her fingers or her tongue were coming next. You received a delightful shock when she took the knife in her right hand and brought the tip of it to the soft, delicate flesh of your inner thigh with intense precision and certainty. 
Sharp stings of pain ran up your body from the place where she dug the knife into your skin, and you began to moan. 
It wasn’t even close to the worst pain you had ever felt, and with the lustful heat already so intense inside of you, your body couldn’t help but to interpret this as the most glorious kind of pain. Especially with the feeling of her hand on your thigh, the knowledge that she was the one doing this to you - it certainly didn’t feel wrong. In fact - it felt so damn right. 
If she hadn’t been holding you down so firmly, you certainly would have been writhing under her. You knew that your pussy was leaking even more, and the sight of your hole pulsing and clenching around nothing with utter need was the only thing that broke her concentration even slightly. It was lucky that she finished up quickly, and didn’t take intense genius to partake in what she needed to do. 
All too soon, she removed the knife from your skin, leaving you aching with the dull aftershocks of the sweet pain. You choked out another moan when she lifted the now red-soaked tip to her mouth and licked your blood off it. She hummed with pride at the taste, feeling utterly content as she looked down at the modestly sized but very clear sight of her initials now carved into your thigh. 
You were marked as hers forever now. 
“Ro, Ro, please-” 
You moaned out, now somehow more desperate than ever, shaking with need, absolutely desperate for her to touch you. She placed the knife on an empty spot beside you, abandoning it for now, very tempted to never wash it again now that it was blessed with your blood. 
“Hey, shh. I’ve got you,” She said, her voice dropping low in a perfectly delicious way. “You’re all mine now.” 
She got low on her stomach once again, propping herself between your legs to collect her prize. She opened her mouth and swiped her tongue across your inner thigh, making the wounds sting even fiercer as she licked up the blood that was freely leaking down onto the bed (mentally vowing that she would bandage you up properly later). And then, she finally turned her head and used that copper tinted tongue to make a greedy swipe along your swollen, untouched cunt - a move that made you moan and arch into her as a lust that had been festering in you all day was finally working to be released. 
She didn’t hesitate from there - you were hers now. Utterly, undeniably hers, and no girl of hers was going to leave her bed unsatisfied. 
She pinned your knees to the bed wide open, careful not to dig her fingers into the freshly cut skin, still admiring her work out of the corner of her eye and absolutely loving it. She latched her lips into your mound and began jabbing her tongue against your swollen clit - sucking the swollen bead intensely and loving every wrecked noise you let out. Loving the feeling of your heartbeat throbbing under her lips, loving the way you kept desperately trying to buck up into her touch even though your body was already too worn out to do so. 
You could do little more than lay there and take it as she opened her jaw wide and laved her tongue over you, drinking up as much of your wetness as possible, intent to truly devour you. She loved how your sweetness mixed with your tinny blood on her tongue - both so sharp and bitter and so utterly you, your essence now absolutely entrenched in her veins, part of you inside of her that would never be able to be washed away. 
She was marked just as deeply as she had marked you. 
Truthfully - Rosita knew she had been marked by you since the day she had first laid eyes on you. 
It was likely why she was so determined to leave a lasting scar on you - so determined to have proof that you were hers. It was why she was driven so mad by the idea of another man even looking at you when she had barely been bothered by him flirting with her for weeks before that. She wanted to protect you from the horrors of the world, she wanted to keep you high on a pedestal where nothing could ever reach you. 
She wanted to crawl inside of you to have your warmth constantly surrounding her because the touch of a man had never compared for her. It had never even come close to this. 
She wanted to bathe in your cunt and the pretty sounds you made whenever she fucked you like this. She wanted to own you the same way that the earth owns the sun - not in truth, but in the belief that it could be possible while bathing in that perfect warmth without completely burning up. 
“Please, please, please-” 
You chanted, humping yourself mindlessly against her face while she selfishly sucked on your clit, not yet with true intent to make you cum, but simply enjoying your taste - simply bathing in that warmth. 
But then she was reminded of her job, reminded of her sacred duty to you. So she took one of her hands off your knee, bringing her fingers - slightly calloused, strong from all the hard work she did to protect the community, to protect you, firm from all the time she spent wielding knives and working the trigger of a gun. And she didn’t hesitate to slide those fingers inside of you while she tongued furiously over your clit. She finger-fucked you wetly, causing intense, filthy sounds to resonate through the room while you gasped for air. 
She hummed against your clit at the pure enjoyment of her name on your lips, and it was those small vibrations that sent you hurdling over the edge, bringing your orgasm crashing down over you. 
You arched up off the bed and flooded around her fingers as you went near-silent, absolutely breathless while your body was rocked by the impossible sensation - your cunt now smeared with blood as your wounds continued to leak freely. Rosita leaned in and tongued over the wound again, enjoying another coppery mouthful with a heady moan of her own as she continued to finger you through your orgasm. 
When she finally pulled away, your heart throbbed at the sight of her - her chin covered in your wetness, her dark hair wild and falling from its once neat ponytail, her lips covered in a trace of red that was more perfect than any lipstick you could have ever imagined. You couldn’t help but to smile at her as you pulled her in for a kiss, savouring the taste of yourself on her tongue. 
She took the time to bandage your leg nicely before the two of you went to sleep. The simple kiss that she laid on top of the bandage meant more to you than any complex words she could have spun. 
You were truly hers now. And there was no running from that. 
The next day when you went to visit her as she prepared for a run - oddly enough, one that would have Spencer on the crew - there was a distinct soreness to your gait. One that made it look like you had just gotten off a very long horse ride as you tried not to rub your sore inner thigh up against your other leg while you walked. Spencer gave you a strange look as you bid Rosita good luck on the run and gave her a long, heated kiss on the mouth - but both of you ignored him.
A/N: Please keep in mind, this is a oneshot, and there will not be a continuation or a 'Part 2'. This story is complete as it is, so if you are going to comment, please only comment about the content that has already been written instead of asking for more.
If you enjoyed this fic, please consider reblogging to show your appreciate, or check out more of my writing on my Walking Dead Masterlist. Happy reading!
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tracle0 · 2 years ago
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Feast your eyes! My pride stars :)!
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mephistopheleswasrobbed · 15 days ago
Episode 5 similarities and differences between Ossan's Love (2018) and Ossan's Love Thailand
[Ep 1; Ep 2; Ep 3; Ep 4; Ep 5]
(disclaimer: I have watched all of the Haruta + Maki version of OL [Ossan's Love, Ossan's Love: LOVE or DEAD, Ossan's Love Returns] except for the specials which I haven't gotten around to, and I've watched the airport AU season Ossan's Love: In the Sky. I haven't watched the original one shot episode and the Hong Kong version.)
(disclaimer #2: This is just for fun. I'm not intending to make any statements over which version is superior or anything like that in this post. If you noticed something I missed please let me know so I can add it! I only rewatched ep 4 of the Jv for this.)
For the sake of my lazieness I will use Tv for Thai version and Jv for Japanese Version.
This episode has taken one storyline from the Jv ep 4 and mixed it with some original content. I'll talk about the adapted stuff/ references in chronological order of the Jv for this episode.
Reveal cont.:
Both versions start right where the previous episode left off. Cher-aim in the Tv is mostly angry about Heng lying to her and asks her dad to choose anyone else besides him. When he declines, she storms off. Meanwhile in the Jv Choko experiences a lot more confusion about the situation, especially H being a guy. Like Cher-aim she accuses H of lying to her which Haruta also denies though since Choko is the boss's wife not daughter it's a bit more serious with her thinking he enjoyed making a fool out of her. Haruta also explaines to her that there is technically no affair happening (yet). Clearly shaken up, she leaves.
Post Reveal Convo:
In both versions boss and H have a talk after C leaves. In the Jv boss assures H that he'll get her to accept them, H is also pretty shaken up about the whole thing and asks boss to reconsider the divorce. Boss kisses his hand and they keep holding hands through the rest of the conversation. Choko takes some incriminating pics of them from outside the cafe. In the Tv it's just a short moment of boss assuring Heng and being happy that he "admited" their "realtionship". He hugs Heng to his chest similarily to how Jv boss did to Haruta at the end of the previous ep and until Choko left in this ep.
Maki = Wife:
Maika asks Haruta about his lunch and when he replies that Maki made it, comments that it's like Maki is his wife. This was clearly an inspiration for the Tv ep 1 scene where Heng showed off his Mo-made lunch to the office and Newyear asked him if Mo wasn't more like his wife not his mom.
Chopping cabbage:
Jv boss comes home to find Choko chopping cabbage, he asks what she's making and if there's enough for him, she ignores him completely. There might be some parallels here to the scene where boss talks to Cher-aim through her door and she ignores him and he mentions that she hasn't been eating though admittedly I'm grasping at straws here.
Choko confronts Haruta (and Maki) on the street in her black divorce coat and tells Haruta she's going to sue him, she calls him a home-wrecker and pushes him over. In a later scene at home with Maki they talk about it, Maki says that she doesn't really have any grounds to sue him as he isn't actually having an affair with the boss. He also calls him a home-wrecker though. I'd say all of this is being referenced in the Tv when Heng comes home and paniks to Mo about being called a home-wrecker on Dr.Phil and Mo reassuring him that he didn't actually steal anyone's husband.
Tough Love:
The previous Jv scene with Maki continues with Maki chastising Haruta for never actually clearly rejecting boss. This conversation is very similar to the Tv conversation between Heng and Mo after boss tells them he has to pretend Heng doesn't exist per his daughter's orders.
Air-con Remote:
For spoiler reasons Haruta is at home and very upset. He tries to turn on the tv with the air-con remote. This is cleary being referenced when the Tv boss is so distracted by his worrying over the situation with his daughter that he tries to use the air-con remote as his phone among other mistaken objects.
Meeting Choko:
There is a small scene of Choko and Haruta meeting where Choko tells him her lawyers will tear him to pieces and Haruta tells her he's planning to talk to boss and wants them to get back together. If you try very hard you could maybe see some similarities here to Cher-aim's attitude during the dinner with her boss and Heng in the Tv.
The Break-up:
Haruta had asked boss for this meeting. They go to the same spot where boss first confessed. When Haruta starts to speak boss starts screaming and saying he can't hear him. Haruta screams "I'm sorry" and bows 90° (they've changes sides compared to the confession so the shot is pretty much the same to when boss bowed 90° to confess, just a neat detail) boss screams even more and falls to his knees. He asks Haruta why, if Choko said something, Haruta denies, boss asks if it's because he's his boss, because he's a man. Haruta tells him he respects him as a leader, that he's a role model and has always been there for them (the team) when they failed, from the heart he thinks he's the best boss ever. But that's respect and not love and he wants them to go back to boss and employee. He says he's not worthy of his love but grateful. They both get up from the ground and boss pulls himself together, says some work stuff to him and leaves. The shot pans to show Choko had been listening, she's also crying. In the Tv this conversation happens in the virtual world because Cher-aim forbade her dad from talking to Heng. Here it is boss who initiates this meet-up. They're dressed in fantasy costumes per their in-game characters and have a bit of a virual fantasy-world date which prompts the game to reward them if they change their status to "in a relationship" to which boss asks Heng to be his boyfriend. Heng removes his arm from boss's grasp and gets serious, boss shouts he doesn't want to hear it and holds his ears closed. Heng pries his hands away from his ears and tells him he has something important to say, he's really sorry. Boss asks why, if it's because of his daughter, Heng denies, boss asks if it's because of him, because he's a man, Heng denies (! this is maybe a small but noteworthy difference. In the Jv H doesn't explicitly deny the man question, he just starts explaining his reason, whereas in the Tv Heng explicitly says "No" to boss's gender being the problem). Heng says he only sees boss as someone he respects, that he always protects them (the team) when they have a problem, always points Heng's mistakes out to him, teaches him to be better at his work, that Heng's so lucky to have him as his boss. Boss asks why he doesn't choose him, Heng says because he doesn't love him, he wants them to go back to how they were before, he thanks boss for falling for him. Then we see boss take of his VR glasses in his home and cry.
While the circumstances of this scene are pretty different between the versions, the break-up/rejection (however you want to see it) conversation itself is extremely similar.
Aftermath with Choko:
Boss comes home and eats dinner with Choko (there's a way too large bowl of chopped cabbage on the table). Boss starts crying as he eats, says that the food is delicious. Choko seems sympathetic. In the Tv Cher-aim comes into the living room as boss is crying after getting rejected. She asks what's wrong and he tells her that Heng rejected him. She hugs him, tells him she's here. He apologises and asks if she's dissapointed to see this side of him. She starts crying too, tells him it's okay, he didn't do anything wrong, they hug again. He tells her he loves her, they hug some more while crying. like last episode we can see here that changing C's character from wife to daughter brought with it the topic of a child accepting their parent's queerness and this time also their parent's weakness/imperfection. In the Jv it's more about former spouses moving on in an (eventually) amicable manner.
New Stuff & Other Thoughts:
the Tv introduced the boss being distracted at work because of the Heng issue thus raising the stakes a little for Heng to make of for the loss of stakes that happened when wife was replaced with daughter (so no divorce, no "affair")
it also gives us some deeper exploration of the relationship between boss and his daughter which makes sense in so far as they'll keep being a family going forward moreso than boss and Choko in the Jv
even more it gives us a deeper exploration into why Mo fell in love with Heng, and Mo's past and current character in general
and a clearer look into how/why/when Heng falls in love with Mo along with a much gentler realisation for Heng that he's developed feelings for Mo (SPOILER! whereas in the Jv this realisation was largely driven by jealousy)
we also get some more original whacky shenanigans of various single brain cell sharing groups and various references to other media (Atots, MLC, Doraemon, Ready Player One, are ones that I caught, maybe LOTR and a thai fary tale I forgot the name of in the fantasy costumes)
in general I'd say the Tv was more gentle with its characters compared to the Jv this week, especially Heng but also boss
ep 4 of the Jv had ca. 3.5 storylines running concurrently, this ep of the Tv tackeled only one of them, one of the others is definitely coming next week judging by the preview, I'm guessing the third might also get its own episode, the point five I'd say is more likely to at least be introduced next week
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starflungwaddledee · 1 year ago
Do you take commissions? If so, do you have a commission sheet? I’m sorry if this is an annoying ask I just really love your work lol
not annoying at all! i really really appreciate this a lot, thank you!
i have done commissions in the past on other platforms, but for now i am not taking them here. i'm not saying that i never will, because sometimes life is.. you know. Like That™️. but for now i'm steering clear of it to try and keep my passion up! 👍
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marlynnofmany · 4 months ago
Lookie what I got! The rarest of collector's editions, with only one in existence! (There's an @ symbol in place of a © on the title page.)
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(There's only one because I fixed it after I ordered my proof copy.)
Someday this will be very valuable, for sure!
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valiant-portabella-pirkko · 2 years ago
alright. know what? with Secrets of the Obscure right around the corner and plenty of new Mists-related sky island settings coming with it, I'll just bite the bullet and interest-check a little something I've been turning in my head for a long, long while.
would YOU be interested in a Mists-based GW2 roleplay guild that uses a lore compliant multiverse system to allow canon, canon-adjacent, lore-breaking, and otherwise 'contradictory' muses to coexist in the same setting?
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simply put: every writer's cast would be set in their own self-contained universe. as such, everyone could bring whatever muses they want with their own personal headcanons, and no one could dictate what is or isn't canon for anyone else. so long as your muses are GW2-based, you're good to go! bring your Commanders, bring your canon-divergent OCs, bring your canon muses-- and yes, even the ones that are 'supposed' to be dead. who can say what might have happened in a strange world far across the Mists, after all?
neutral hubs and in-character safety guardrails would be in place to keep all muses on a relatively even playing field regardless of their power, history, and prestige, too. play hardball if you like, but it might not end quite the way you'd hope. the main rule would be to maintain good OOC etiquette at all times: no godmodding, no metagaming, no theft, don't blend IC and OOC, and so-on.
if that sounds like something you might have interest in, please interact with this post! and if you've got questions or concerns, I'd love to hear them; feel free to send an ask or a DM, or just reply to this post!
#GW2 roleplay#GW2 rp#GW2#my posts#so there's a LOT of reasons why I'm putting this forward#but the biggest is that I really want there to be a place that's actually inclusive for all the creativity that exists in this fandom#there was exactly one Mists multiverse event a while back and it was well-received from everything I saw!#i know i for one had a lot of fun AND felt a lot more welcome and comfortable than i have at any other event#and then... we proceeded to just never have another again.#like. we could have more of that. that niche could still use filling! we can do SO much more with this!!!#and especially with SotO coming out we could have some REALLY interesting locations to meet up too!#I'd be happy to kickstart this stuff but the thing is: it WILL need support. I just can't do it all alone and that's a fact#example: if we want a guild hall in-game we'd have to work together to get one; that'd be great for hosting public and private events#my personal goal is 5-10 participants so that we can have enough to run small events and mingle muses a bit#IF there's enough interest i'll roll out more information at that time. for now tho i'll just leave it at this to test the waters#reblogs are HIGHLY appreciate here: i'm a smallfry in a big sea and not many people check the tags. spread the word if you want to see this#on that note: thanks for reading and hopefully i'll hear from some of you soon. o/#(side detail: that sky pic is a screen i snapped at night in Istan. it's so pretty there ok)
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fiepige · 1 year ago
More Sea Serpent Hobie thoughts!
(been thinking about this au all day, it's completely consumed my mind!)
I was kinda toying with the idea of Hobie being able to take a human form. (In this version most people wouldn't know that sea serpents exist so he uses it as a way to interact with humans without revealing his true nature to them)
He visits a small local fishing village from time to time to hang out with the locals- mostly at the pub, but he also likes hanging around at the harbour
Cause he just gets lonely sometimes and humans make fun company- he finds tales about daring trips to sea entertaining, but he also loves to hear stories about places from far within the mainland as he's always stayed close to the ocean.
Nobody in the village knows what he really is- they all just think he's this odd but kind loner who visits from time to time.
He's well renowned by the people in the village, both for being a nice and helpful guy and because of his unique skills*
He never pays for anything in cash but instead in old trinkets and treasures he finds while out at sea - this resulted in a few arguments at first, but now people have come to accept it, some even look forward to seeing what he'll pull out as payment whenever he visits
if he doesn't have any treasure to pay with he'll offer to pay in favours- specifically favours that involve diving.
*If you need a diving job done he's your guy
He can stay underwater forever and go far deeper than any of the locals.
So if you need to retrieve something from, let's say a sunken ship, he's your guy!
He insists on going on missions alone- it's just easier to get it done if he can dive unseen in his serpent form.
The only people he doesn't get along with are authority figures and whalers!
There aren't any whalers residing in the village but sometimes a whaling boat will come by to restock. Every time they do Hobie terrorizes the crew as much as he can get away with. While also being very vocal about his opinion of them in general. He's gotten in fights with them more than once.
It's also not unusual for the whalers to find their ship vandalised if they stay overnight.
When he's in his human form he lives on a small island near the village, but far enough away that he can't be seen changing from serpent to human form and vice versa
He has a small hut where he keeps some fishing equipment (mostly for show in case a human comes by and wonders how he's able to feed himself on this tiny island) as well as a small garden where he grows different greens.
He'll trade his food for stuff with the villages, he mostly trades for clothes, sewing equipment or beer at the pub
Sometimes he'll disappear at sea for weeks at a time- if any of the villagers question him about it he'll just say he was out fishing- despite him only owning a small rowboat with a small engine, that doesn't work half the time. - He uses it to get to and from the island in human form as to not alert the villagers to his true form.
At some point he befriends Gwen**, who's a newcommer, when a local overhears her lamenting the loss of her mother's trinket at sea, and they suggest she asks Hobie for help- since the guy has a way of finding things lost at sea
Gwen doesn't really believe he can actually find it but seeks him out nonetheless cause it can't hurt to ask
Hobie accepts the job. In exchange he wants Gwen to tell him about the places she's been to before she moved to the village.
(** you can kinda replace Gwen with any character you want. I'm kinda considering making a small fic for this au where the reader takes Gwen's place, but I don't have the time nor energy to write it any time soon. Also I've never written a fic from the first person point of view so I'm not sure how it would turn out lol.)
Lemme know what you guys think! 💙Any input is welcome- it can be world building stuff, story stuff, ideas for hobie's serpent form or something else!
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sysig · 1 month ago
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Not going the best (Patreon)
#Doodles#Just Desserts#Villainsona#Cure#Vent#The start of it anyhow#Draw to take the mind off things - or to approach the hurt without touching it directly#Gift-giving season 2024 was just - bad lol#Birthday was sad and Christmas was sad just toss it plsthx#I mean there were good things! I got a couple plushies for Christmas which I like - I got a Bulbasaur ♥#But there were also a lot of bad things......hghh....#If I turn to Bar it's only fair Charm turns to [Coffee] for comfort#He really needs a name maybe this year will finally be the year I buckle down and make a naming convention#Bit of Cure as well - we're both chibi'd the heck out but ehhh approximate size maybe#She's probably a little big here actually but I dunno maybe she kept her proportions lol - maybe I'm just super chibi'd#Normally I wouldn't turn to her but I needed some cutes and she is definitely that#I watched an anime recently that kinda reminded me of her too hmmm - she won't get any signifiers from it I don't think but maybe new toys#She does enjoy things to play with lol (read: mess with other people with)#Napping without glasses is something that pops up a surprising amount for me huh - I mean yeah that's how I sleep but as an art subject hm#Graphite version of TVAU Charm from the silhouette/ink set! With a better grasp on the expression I was going for#I don't think I Quite got it - it's harder with simple dot eyes to imply directionality#Tiny aside into a brief bit of levity - before things broke bad again lol - I tried a little sample size of moonshine eggnog#Shit's lit honestly it was really tasty and decently high proof so even for such a small amount I got a bit dizzy! Nice#I was gifted the same brand's coffee moonshine and it was neither as tasty or effective but I appreciate the gesture all the same#First night my PC was out - obviously I was worried for her :( I'd only backed up a handful of files not including my Ghostkinz stuff#So I was very worried they'd be affected.... They weren't but boy was that a gamble!#The other stuff... I mean first of all thank goodness I /had/ backed up that handful because a few corrupted while she was out#That last scribble in particular was after the confirmation that my diary was lost And she had bluescreened#We were out and about seeing if we could pass the time until her permissions got transferred over and had just called it that No we couldn't#So we called it and went home and I got to start trying to parse those feelings while still trying to Secret Santa hahaa... Hgh just toss it
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dragoninahumancostume · 3 months ago
My favorite part of being alive is that I've never felt welcome in any space except for that one year when I thought I was a non-binary bisexual asexual girl when I was 13 :)
#Before that I was a weird kid whose only source for human communication instructions was the shows on CN Nickelodeon and Disney XD/Channel#And even though I had friends I never felt loved enough#And AFTER that I realized I was more of a trans guy and that I don't trust women enough to know if I could be in love with one but that#maybe I like men but I can't know for sure because I have the bad habit of falling for any guy who pays attention to me for long enough#And I haven't felt included in queer spaces ever since I realized I wasn't any sort of girl because people in here seem to hate men a little#too much for me to feel safe being anything but a gnc emo girl#And not even getting started on being gay cause people on online spaces that I'm around often act like “girls and the gays!!” as if I'm#effeminate and flamboyant just for my sexuality when truly I'm heavily uncomfortable doing anything deemed as girly#vent post#And even the thought that I MIGHT be a straight trans guy makes me feel horrible cause so many queer people seem to hate straight people#Like hi did you forget that this place is supposed to make people feel safe and respected and proud of being themselves#Oooh and don't forget the autism! Cause I get why people complain about the diagnosis being only for cis white boys but like#I've literally never seen that. Ever. I'm not saying it doesn't happen I'm just saying that it's much harder for me to find any sort of#online diagnosis tool for someone who's not an adult or a parent or a cis woman than it is for me to find any for a girl#Like seriously man#And how I feel like I'm a horrible person for not having g empathy. DUDE I HAVE MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES THAT I'VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO KNOW ABOUT#like chill I'm not automatically a murderer and rapist and toxic and manipulative just cause I can't put myself in someone else's shoes#I'm just a guy who hardly feels alive or human. Of course I'm not going to reel very much about a stranger when i feel like I'm not supposed#to be this person in this place in this body in this mind. I don't feel like I'm here I don't feel like this is me and I don't feel like I#can care about other people and I don't know why but I'd really appreciate it if I could get yk some support instead of feeling like I#deserve death#anyway i'm normal
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helmetjellyfish · 4 months ago
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realized i've somehow never made a minato & asumi post despite them being some of the characters i think about the most in the story. i want them to be friends who get lunch together every other saturday
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