#so i just put it wherever
hyunpic · 4 days
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ren-054 · 6 months
Renée Sterling: Oh, they have to find my darling husbands! I’m so worried about them!
Detective Monty: Seriously, what do you see in those two?
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too-many-lavellans · 2 months
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Camp Canids
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krysmcscience · 1 month
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Hi, I woke up to this yesterday, and my brain is still exploding.
I don't even know how they came across my Ko-fi with how little traffic I got, but they did and were wonderful and I am so unbelievably grateful???
I can't even remember the last time I felt truly hopeful, but here I am. Feeling hopeful.
What a world.
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moonilit · 1 year
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“Tell me about Kanver,”
Self-Immolation By @itsjustliah, chapter 14
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spark-circuit · 2 months
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velite needs to become either playable or a quest chain NPC and i'm not even kidding
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pyrriax · 10 months
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(there's a cat in my garden, she reminds me of you. lying on her back, sunlight catching her fur in the prettiest way, all soft edges and love. i cried over you yesterday. did you know that? why couldn't you stay just a moment longer? now i have to grieve you, and i'll start with letting the cat in the garden inside. she'll sit in your spot, clean her paws of the dirt, and take up the empty space. i'll love her like i loved you. like i love you still.)
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kayvsworld · 1 month
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scenes that make you take a stress lap around the living room
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tillywunderwing · 8 months
psst. hey. do you ever worry that you’re writing characters ‘ooc’ in fanfiction? well guess what. you’re not. that’s just your au now.
“they would not say that” yes they would, my au version of this character would totally say that
“ummmm this character’s powers don’t work like that” but they do. in my au
“these characters would never canonically be dating” buddy oh boy i cannot wait to tell you what fanfiction writers have been doing since the advent of their craft!! anything goes in my au!!!
the medium is inherently transformative do whatever you want forever ok ly byye
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shirajellyfish · 13 days
ADHD mood (again)
I swear sometimes having ADHD is like living in a world where inanimate objects just teleport sometimes. Every day at random objects just teleport around your space.
The teleport happens completely at random. Usually paying really close attention to an object can delay it teleporting, watched pot never boils and all, but not always. Sometimes you're trying sooo hard to look at this thing so it doesn't teleport away, but then you blink or sneeze or look over at a noise you heard and oops it's gone.
It doesn't matter if you put an object in That Place You Will Remember It, because it will probably teleport somewhere else before you need it.
It doesn't matter if you have a special place for the thing, it's not going to stay there. No matter how many times you put it back, it's going to keep teleporting around.
It doesn't matter if you try reaaaally hard to remember where you put a thing. It's not there anymore, it teleported.
And after a while you stop bothering to try and remember where you put things, because it's faster to just look around at places things are likely to teleport to.
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crypticpine · 6 months
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Slowly realizing to trust my gut. While it's not perfect, it's pretty good. Also realizing it's ok to stylize it instead of copying it perfectly.
The reference:
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ruined-sketchbook · 4 months
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Roman and Remus + Remus' tattoo for my TMA/TSS AU I've been brainrotting over (breakdown for the tattoo under the cut)
One of the things I found out while concerning my FBI agent was that a lot of people don't like to taxidermy pets/aren't happy with their taxidermied pet because they don't tend to look right/like themselves afterward...all this to say Remus was definitely convinced Roman got bodysnatched before he found out what ACTUALLY happened.
(Tagging @lickoutyourbrains and @glacierruler hope that's okay)
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daily-ethoslab · 6 months
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OK so my room gets ungodly hot durring the summer like suffocatingly hot. I never thought it was enough to melt rubber or plastic or whatever mouse pads are made of but yea my mouse pad melted. I don't have any pictures of it happening but like here's a before and after of my desk I guess ( I had to dig for these)
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this photo was me showing off my glasses but it does have my disgusting mouse pad that outlived my last mouse. (still has my current 1 tho)
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vs a photo I took just now. you can kinda see the resedue of the horrid dark sludge that i cleaned off.
no that's not graphite, a pattern on the desk, or dust, that's the mouse pad leaking into the desk. it would not go away no matter how hard I tried to clean it.
I have tried everything and it kinda just stays there. I don't use that desk anymore so eh but yea my last mouse pad melted
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villainvirus · 9 months
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the chomperrrrrr
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 7 months
I know it isn’t exactly a new thought to consider that, post the Death Engine, Zoraxis had ample opportunity to capture the Agent if they got there quickly enough… And maybe after that they’d torture them, kill them, convert them to their side.
But I think the opposite is an interesting concept, too.
What if the Agency took Solaris with them when they secured Phoenix from the wreck?
What would they do with her? Would they let her die, or try to stabilize her condition? And if they succeeded with the latter, what then? She’s the mind behind the most dangerous tech the Agency has ever seen. Do they keep her as a prisoner? Try to use her wavering loyalty to convert her to their side?
And how would Zoraxis handle it? Solaris probably got under Zor’s skin, true, but better that than letting the Agency use her impressive intellect for good- god forbid.
… Though, that’s if they even know she’s alive at all…
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amethystpath-writes · 2 years
Test Me
Hi! I was wondering if u could do a bit where the hero breaks into the villains mansion/layer to get some plans or something but the plans are in the villains ✨bedroom ✨and the villain is in the ✨shower ✨ and they catch the hero. A little ✨spicy ✨ u know? If u don’t want to do this I completely understand no pressure! Thxxxxxx😁
Mm. If you were honest about wanting the spice, I promise you are going to soak this up. Not explicit, but quite easily suggestive. Hide your phones. If you think you shouldn’t read it 🤷‍♀️ then don’t.
A lockpick, a desk, and a disk drive. Hero’s team had gathered the information on Villain’s base; now it was up to Hero to gather the plans hidden within. It was right in front of her- a sparkling silver lock just waiting to be sprung by deft hands- her hands.
"I wish you would have broken in sooner. I would have asked you to join me."
“It’s what I was here for,” Hero blurted, and she hadn’t even bothered to look at him as she hid her hand behind her back. Looking away from the locked drawer, though, she found herself losing her breath. “I-I wanted to see you.” Not like this, she wanted to elaborate, but…hell, she couldn’t think.
Villain was in a towel- and only a towel.
Maybe if he thought she were interested in him, then she might make it out alive. Would he kill her? Hero wasn’t sure.
Regardless, this was much more of Villain than what she had wanted to see, and she didn’t know what to do.
“I have something to tell you,” she played on.
“You want me to believe you came here to confess feelings?” Villain laughed and smiled something toothy and arrogant. “I wish I could believe you, Hero, but here’s the truth: you wouldn’t know what to do if I returned your flirtations.”
“I’m sure I would,” Hero insisted. “Test me.”
Somehow, Villain’s smile became wider, more cunning, more handsome, more capable of making Hero regret being here. “Oh, I don’t think you want that.” He spoke in a rasp, one challenging and impossible to ignore.
“What makes you think I can’t take it?” Even she noticed her own voice shake. “Is it because I’m the quiet one, only there to do everyone’s dirty work? I can’t have my own interests and explorations, Villain?” Anything to invite her stay, to give her time to initiate a plan B.
He hummed politely. “Fine, then. What would you do if I told you that that sneaky little outfit flatters you? That black exemplifies those gorgeous curves, and harshens the edges of your cheeks?”
Her cheeks, as Villain had pointed out, now grew pink, though surely in the dark he couldn’t see that. At least, she desperately hoped not.
No one ever paid her compliments. She was quiet and reserved, and she did her job. She was nothing interesting, nothing worth complimenting, and nothing to waste a breath on. That was what she told herself anyway. But here Villain was, standing half-naked with nothing but a towel, telling her how pretty she appeared to him…even if it were only a lie to toy with her.
He could say nothing else that would fluster her more. Or so she thought.
“What if I told you how badly I wanted to grab that wrist from behind your back, walk you into that wall, and pin your hands above your head? That I wanted to make you beg- not for your life, but for something better? What would you do, Hero? Would you take me up on the offer if I told you it wasn’t too late?” He stepped towards her, and she felt herself taking a step back to match.
Suddenly, Hero wasn’t afraid he might kill her. She was afraid of the tingle in her brain and the way that the lockpick in her hand felt slick in her fingers.
She needed to focus. If she wasn’t careful, she would drop the pick, and ruin any chance of getting what she needed. Not that she could open the lock in front of Villain, but maybe if she gained a say in this…this interrogation…then she could distract him. She could ask for a drink! A glass of red wine- wasn’t that a flirtatious beverage? And while he left to get her a drink, Hero would unlock the desk, take the drive, and leave.
But before she could ask, Villain continued in his taunts. “What if I told you that naked would flatter your body even more? That it’d have been stunning plastered against my shower wall? And ohh, that hair,” he sighed with closed eyes. “How beautiful it would look- dark, and damp with steam.” He took another step, then another. Before Hero could even think to count the footsteps, the cloth of her black sweater made her skin itch. Her back was against the wall. “Sweetheart, your head wouldn’t even touch the water before I ravished you.” His dry knuckles grazed against the sharp, albeit soft-skinned frame of Hero’s cheeks. “You would have chills from more than just the air. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
His voice flattered her just as much- quiet and hushed, as if this were a scandal in his own private home. It sounded thrilling. It felt thrilling. Hero’s heart thumped harder now than when she’d been caught. It shouldn’t have been possible. Never had her heart beat so hard against her ribcage, like it was trying to escape. Like it depended on Villain’s voice and commands to keep her alive.
His hand trailed down her cheek, down the centre of her chest- where she gasped, but didn’t stop him- to her stomach, then right above the waistband of her pants.
“Hand me the lockpick,” he whispered, head beside her own, “or I might pleasure you here…instead of giving you the courtesy of a warm shower.” It was no threat; it was an invitation. Hero felt his lips curl, tugging her hair ever-so-slightly away from her ear. “Either way, I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself.”
Hero swallowed. Would it be so bad, she thought, to be taken by Villain? With his smooth talking and easy compliments, it was hard to consider walking away. Whatever she decided, she wasn’t getting the disk drive. Maybe she could have something else. Something enticing. Something fulfilling. Something she’d never had before with a man who paid no one else any attention.
She could spoil herself.
But only this once.
And never again.
At least, that’s what she told herself.
I have more like this if you’re looking for more: Distracted
Gasps of Air
And I have to give a shoutout to the queen and king of similar drabbles @save-the-villainous-cat and @epiclamer. They’re probably more accustomed to this sort of thing.
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