#so i dont know if itd be worth it. i dont have two fucked up siblings who could lift a boulder like that.
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sydmarch · 4 months ago
it was so stupidly difficult to find any nutritionist who has experience with arfid & takes insurance so after having to go through all these referrals my therapist sent me & jumping through hoops I lowkey hate the lady lmao feels like such a waste of time & energy
#its only our third time meeting but its so beyond fucking frustrating to feel like we spent the whole hour going in circles & lowkey arguing#& like she never actually listened to any of the things ive told her. like the ENTIRW REASON i told her i was seeking extra help after#dealing w arfid type noncense all my life was 'achieving goal x is always kind of tough but im trying to do it while also achieving goal y &#im struggling with finding a way to balance the two things' like thats IT & then as shes suggesting things to try im like idk of those are#worth the effort bcus they conflict w goal y & shes like. have you considered not worrying about that so you can focus on x?#like NO bcus thats what i was previoislt doing & it doesnt fucking work for me! & she was just not understanding what i meant by adding#variety or having 'better options' shes all like. ok but even if this new thing conflicts with goal y it can just be another option for you#like thats not the POINT i already have enough options i can switch between that conflict with that like the whole point is i need to fill#the gaps w things that are nutritionally different. like if im ok with something thatll use up a significant portion of ny daily values of#shit then i already have multiple options that i actively like well enough i dont wanna waste my time adding more that are things i think#are just ok but take more work. literally whats the point of that#& im like i think rather than me just thinking of random shit i think i could try itd be helpful if I could like get some guidance on like#what are some things that fall into somewhere into this category or this adjacent category while also not being this other thing & then i#cab like determine from there what i already like & can try & add more of & things from that list that sound like sth i can try#& shes like well idk theres a lot of foods out there. YEAH ABD ISNT IT YOUR FUCKING JOB TO KNOW ABOUT FOOD? like i gave fairly specific#parameters this isnt like a 'list every food on earth' type of question what am i even paying you for if you cant come up with a list#like that. & she jept getting hung up on like well lots of things that are the most calorically dense are gonna be like that like ok it#doesnt have to be the MOST dense maybe think about it like 'the densest things in this other category' which sounded straightforward to me#but she was just like continuing to argue & also like getting hung up on reminding me that everything is dependent on portions like#I FUCKING KNOW?? like if a serving of something is like 10% of my dv id rather find something where a serving is 5% etc. idk how thats like#a hard concept like whats the point of adding something to be like oh sure ill have a third of a serving & get 50 extra calories out of it#be so fr rn im so beyond frustrated still even tho its been hours since i talked to her this is more stressful & annoying than the stress of#just trying to figure shit out on my own i fucking hate having to try & re explain nyaelf ivee & over & have someone just talk over me &#fail to understand what im getting at. im one more shitty session away from quitting & just resigining myself to 70% liquid diet#anyways#texticles
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skeletalheartattack · 1 year ago
Jinjo fruit gummies?
dont even get me started. bought a pack of these the other day and i could hear all the fruit snacks inside the package whistling and begging for help. when i opened it they all flew out one at a time in a spiral pattern with sparkles and shit saying 'jinjo!' before vanishing into thin air. i was so hungry dude. whatever. atleast i got this damn jiggy now. hope i can get access to hungry world in gruntildas fucking castle.
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akascow · 3 months ago
UGHHH the way viktor was afraid of people forgetting his accomplishments and how his memory will be short lived only for it to ACTUALLY HAPPEN is SO FUCKING HEARTBREAKING
because he was never included in the hextech credits, his name isnt as publically known and ppl will only see him as That One Guy who started a cult and tried to take over the world or smth (IF that. like do most people even know thats viktor in there or is it just another Piltover’s nameless baddie of the week to them… sad)
and the FEW people who knew him and his contribution to hextech are either just dead or probably saw him as a villain as their last memory of him, was he even worth saving in their mind??
the ONLYYYY person who understood him and loved him for who he was (other than sky ofc, who also died lmao) was taken with him in death, so viktor’s story wont even live on in honor for how he truly was and what he really stood for, bc jayce is the only one who can accurately describe him post-mortem
and people will probably think jayce (THE GOLDEN BOY, MAN OF PROGRESS in the eyes of piltover) died trying to fight him bc no one knows what their conversation was about before they went out, or how jayce was willing to sacrifice himself too because he shares blame in it all, so theyll likely just villainize viktor for that as well, 'the one who killed jayce talis- creator of hextech'
and no one is alive to mourn him :( so fucking depressing
also i dont blame jayce for 'taking all the credit' like some people do lol ive seen ppl say he was egotistical and taking it all in for himself and pushing viktor aside, but he literally always says viktor is his partner and never implies that HE ALONE developed hextech or that hes the sole creator in it all
like its always been 'OUR inventions' and 'my PARTNER' and 'WE created this' whenever jayce talks about hextech. he literally corrects viktor from "your [jayce's] hextech dream" to "our hextech dream" the very first night they partner up bc, despite knowing this man for maybe 4 hours max, he already recognizes the importance of their partnership and that hes not the sole idea-man in this project anymore
i think that whole negative idea was probably developed from jayce signing every single page in his notes,, but itd make more sense to me that he'd do that- not out of arrogance- but he might share the same fear that viktor has: in being forgotten for his work... so he signs every page making sure no one can take a piece out of context and pass it as their own years down the line, or erase the possibility that forget the origin of the creator, especially in a world where a species like yordels are seemingly immortal, names hold a lot of weight as time withers tangible things away
and im assuming jayce recognizes that the fact that being from the undercity could have easily silenced viktor's ideas and contributions in the eyes of the public, and jayce doesnt want to diminish his work towards it. two very important lines jayce hears from viktor that night are "do you think i want to spend my whole life as an assistant" and "a poor kid from the undercity, no one believed in me, i was an outcast the moment i stepped foot in piltover" and he probably took those to heart (paraphrasing those quotes bc i have the memory of a goldfish or smth)
i feel like its moreso piltover to blame (? imo) lmao they set up jayce as the golden boy, and piltover is all about names and status and wealth. they very obviously discriminate against zaunites (and viktor himself states that too) like yeah we dont see the whole process of The Man of Progress being made,, BUT viktor expresses how he doesnt want to go out in front of people in Progress Day, so jayce is very much just respecting his wishes and boundaries to not drag him up there when hes clearly uncomfortable at the thought yk?
viktor might also recognize himself that piltover will use his knowledge as a celebrity idol for people to look at rather than as an actual scientist for people to acknowledge and appreciate. he wants to be known for what he did, not a soulless face for people to gawk at. makes sense tho, irl u usually dont remember celebrity actions unless theyre negative, but you do remember scientist's accomplishments rather than what they look like
ppl bring up the hexgate blueprints at the end and how it only has Jayce's name on it as another argument and idk i feel like it has multiple things to stem off that before getting to the 'jayce took credit for everything' idea?
maybe they were changed after the whole cult incident, like viktor's name taken off, which yeah thats obviously depressing in itself. i think its more likely bc piltover wont want their whole gimmick to be associated with that incident, rather than jayce purposefully leaving viktor's name out of it... thats probably the strongest explanation imo. we gotta remember viktor is quite literally jayce's best friend- do you really think jayce would take away his best friend's accomplishments like that? lets be real yall HAHA
my own guess is that jayce was actually the sole designer in the hexgate design, and while they can share custody, maybe viktor doesnt take credit for things that werent his ? like yeah they worked on the hextech ideas together but it could be more like jayce drew up the plans and viktor helped with the science of it idk, but thatd explain why only jayce's name would be on it (in a non depressing way that kind of makes sense), bc jayce designed the hexgates specifically
maybe viktor didnt want his name on it either bc reasons i said above, tho this is unlikely to me bc he probably wouldnt want his name taken off if he was scared about legacy erasure,, but these are just theories idk
anyway i think blaming jayce for viktor's erasure is kind of - uhm -stupid because jayce has always made it his goal to not just save viktor but to include viktor every time he brings up hextech in conversation, whether it calls for his mention or not. because jayce knows drilling viktor's name association as co-contributer to hextech into the heads of other people is important, considering viktor's background, and jayce's own current social status as the golden boy: the leverage he holds when he speaks. people will listen lol
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activesplooger · 7 months ago
Vox x Mom!Reader | Had this idea, heres a prompt I was thinking of:
You had worked for Vox for years, yet you two knew very little of eachother. He had always thought you were more of an attractive employee, but that was the extent of his personal feelings for you.
One day, you came into work with your 4 year old daughter, Amelie. You apologize profusely for having to bring her in and how unprofessional it was. Vox wasn’t a huge fan of kids, however, he didn’t mind too much since you were a good worker and you had promised she wouldn’t leave your side.
Amelie ends up escaping your cubicle unbeknownst to you and stumbles upon Vox’s office. Amelie bothers Vox for a bit and begs him to let her watch cartoons on one of the various moniters he has in his office. Amelie, being a child, rambles about her home life and mother even thought she probably shouldn’t have and certainly said wayy to much. “Do you have dad? I dont.” “My momma is so funny she always worry!” “Why does momma always work so late here?”. Vox pries a bit and finds out about your personal life.
He knew Amelies deadbeat dad wasn’t in the picture, and wasnt paying child support. And well, his workers wages werent great, even if you worked hard and worked overtime. Suddenly, he has an idea.
He invites you out (which shocks you) and cuts right to the chase. He explains his situation, which essentially is just that hes touch starved. He makes an offer, he’ll help you out financially if you have “sessions” with him as he pleases.
This offends you, of course, did he think you were some kind of whore?! You were about to tell him off until he offers you 5k per session. Fuck. You didnt want to do this… But it could help you a ton. You were living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to support you and your child. You reluctantly agree, but set some boundries like no one can find out. Hes definitely fine with that one, hes not too fond of other people knowing.
The first couple sessions are purely transactional, and seeing Amelie light up at the new things you could finally afford made it all worth it. However, as time goes on, the sessions get more passionate and loving. You two start to actually care about eachother and even move in together. For “convience” is the excuse you two came up with.
Amelie pretty much adopts Vox as her new dad, despite him bluntly telling her hes not every time. One night, you get caught up in something (idk) and cant make it home for a session, nor can you take care of Amelie. Begging Vox to babysit her, he finally agrees.
You come home and find Amelie in Vox asleep on the couch, Amelie clutching onto his arm and snoring softly. He had a storybook in his limp hand slumped against Amelies small figure.
Time passes and you three become a little family. A tad dysfunctional but… still, family.
rushed i just had a thought lol. do ygs fuck w this? lol i thought itd be a cute lil prompt :)
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seandiazworms · 1 year ago
sean diaz + daniel diaz modern hcs
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i kind of forgot this was exclusively modern at the end just ignore that LMFAO
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- sean has no social media presence whatsoever
- a lot of people from school follow him but he only follows lyla and his track team back 😭 popular loner energy 🥀🐺
- i feel like if sean went to hs now hed be sm more popular esp w girls but hes rlly humble so he doesnt see it at all
- hes stupid and just thinks theyre being nice
- it gets on lylas nerves bc he refuses to believe anybody wants him 😭
- all his stories are like fireworks he posted when he was thirteen that he never bothered to delete
- its titled Highlights bc he doesnt know how to make an aesthetic instagram
- if anything, if he posts now its skate videos, drawings, or funny pics of daniel
- sean def takes 0.5x photos of daniel where his eyes go two diff directions and threatens to send them to lyla whenever he starts acting up
- daniel always throws a tantrum and esteban gets mad and tells sean to delete the pics (he doesnt)
- speaking of daniel he def got wayyy into skibidi toilet
- daniel tries to explain skibidi toilet n sean just tunes him out and says “uh huh” every so often
- hes those impressionable kids that gets into literally anything on the internet. among us, squid games, ROBLOX FOR SURE. sticky ipad baby energy overall!
- sean plays roblox with daniel on very rare occasions. i can imagine daniels avatar is decked out with limited items and sean is a bacon haired woman 😭
- daniel has definitely swiped estebans card a couple times under his nose for his robux…
- daniel purposely chooses games hes good at to watch sean struggle and die over and over again
- daniel watches weird kid youtube videos like… among us 24 hour challenge with spiderman and elsa giving birth kind of videos. sean gets really pissed off partly bc theyre rotting daniels brain and partly bc daniel always put it at max volume in the living room
- once sean gets paid he always goes thrifting. he fs goes to the bins and finds dirty dookie drawls every weekend 😭 but its worth it bc he finds cool shit
- as a skater boy i feel its obligatory for him to wear those afflication types of clothing as well as ironic graphic tees
- sean def wears baggy jeans in 2023 🙅‍♀️ none of that straight leg jeans from the game!!
- he also probably loves those ironic wolf shirts w the galaxy print n thinks theyre so funny
- sean also buys clothes in his style for daniel from the thrift n records 360s of daniel in his skater outfits
- “can i go play roblox now?” “no u have to cover ur nose when u turn around”
- got a buzzcut and surprisingly it looked really good
- esteban, daniel, lyla, and practically everyone else in his life kept making fun of him for being bald and would rub his head like a genie bottle tho
- daniels go-to is “well- well at least i don’t look like… look like caillou!” bc i imagine he tries to make funny comebacks but always stutters in the middle 😭😭
- eventually grew it back out bc he got annoyed at everyone making fun of him. they dont see his blond album cover early 2000s vision 💔
- daniel has no room to talk bc sooner or later he goes to the barber and gets a fucked edgar bowlcut
- sean laughs until he can barely breathe 😭 when lyla sees she TRIES to cheer him up about it but its too late
- even esteban laughs a little but only when daniel cant see bc he knows how much itd hurt him
- back to the blond album cover… sean LOVES music. his playlists are hours long
- i feel like he indulges in a super LARGE range of music likeee from bad bunny to deftones to pinkpantheress
- everybody hates it when he has aux and boos him off
- when esteban orders mexican food, sean and daniel both get horchata. sean dgaf if hes grown he still loves it!!
- i imagine esteban slowly stopped enforcing mexican food and culture overtime. bc of this, daniel knows barely any spanish and has 0 spice tolerance. sean always makes fun of him bc he goes gets water after a couple hot cheetos
- daniel tries to recreate those videos of people eating carolina reapers in hot sauce to prove a point and almost dies
- sean absolutely LOVES halloween. horror movies, costumes, the weather, everything abt it
- a part of him always gets jealous of daniel bc hes no longer considered trick or treating age anymore
- lowkey hed be willing to pull up in a full body costume just so he can trick or treat again
- when watching horror movies, sean will get way too immersed and start judging the people in the movies 😭
- daniels not allowed to watch but he peaks around the corner when estebans not watching
- “why the fuck is she just standing there? RUN! WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!”
- “language mijo”
- he acts like he cld fight off the killer and explains his mastermind plan during the movie
- he doesnt admit it but he gets jumpy after a horror movie 😭 esteban and daniel take advantage of this every single time
- sean daniel and esteban are a tight knit family REGARDLESS of sean’s moodiness and daniel’s annoying gen alpha brainrot theyre so 😢
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yes im aware that 2016 wasnt tjat long ago but i dont want to imagine sean diaz enjoying dank memes and saying boi 💔
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shadowblade8192 · 5 months ago
well let it be on record that i was asked for this (insert image for ask that was send cause it got deleted somehow. the original asker has said they didnt do that so it was probably on tumblrs end. in the reblogs there will be a screenshot of the original ask)
so, most of this is gonna be out of chronological order because i cant remember the order i got a lot of these in, though i do remember the first two physicals. first one i got was pc steam version. most playtime in this one due to getting it first and still going back to it cause multiplayer is easy, and also free unlike consoles) gifted it to quite a lot of my steam friends.
then my grandad introduced me to gog (and gave me fallout 3 and nv) and i got the gog version of terraria (identical to steam except its drm free and doesnt contain any steamworks stuff like steam multiplayer (though you can direct ip connect) or steam achievements (there are ingame achievements) or steam cloud) we'll get back to this one later as i have more to say
so, onto the physical copies i will not be going in chronological order as i only remember the first two chronologically (also i will note i got the steam and gog versions before any physicals)
Nintendo Switch
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so like 2 years ago now i got a switch for my birthday, first console ive ever owned (i was a pc girlie), whats the first game i get for it? Wrong! it was mario kart (thats why i wanted a switch). naturally when i got the switch it did not come with a game packed in so i ended up cycling a couple miles to go and buy mario kart. shortly after i got terraria cause hey i liked the game on pc itd be nice to play it on the go (my laptop was shit and also it stopped working properly shortly before i got my desktop pc the year before my switch). also the third game i got for it was breath of the wild which i thought was worth mentioning
Xbox 360
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second one i ever got was the xbox 360. i found this while on holiday in a cex for £1.50 (same time i got botw for the switch, see i said it was worth mentioning), and thought itd be neat to start collecting terraria physical copies for all the consoles because well a £1.50 game is a good place to start. havent played it yet, only verified the disc works since i dont have an xbox 360. it was a couple months (and collected terraria copies) down the line before i decided "hey this collection is cool why dont i get the consoles to play them on and eventually 100% each of them" which lead me down buying broken consoles and repairing them which is how most consoles i own came into my possession. if theres anything notable about the repairs ill mention them alongside the game. you can clearly tell i have no plan on how this post is going im just rambling as i remember something anyways this is where things stop being chronological and im just gonna group similar consoles together, which leads us to
Xbox One
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the xbox one version has two different box art variations. why do i have both despite only being able to use one at a time? because theres two of course! the later one (right) is what i got first before hunting for the second one i got (left) because the right one is more common in cex and the left more common on ebay for.... some reason i dont know. nothing much to note otherwise except 100%ing this one was a fucking pain in the arse i didnt actually do it until about 9 hours ago. id basically 100%ed it some months ago (the standard 115 ingame achievements as of, but of course the ps4 and xbox one versions dont just have the standard ingame achievements like steam has, nonono thats to easy. they have their own that are more relics from the old gen consoles (ps3/vita/xb360/wiiu), and are xbox live/psn achievements. most are unique but some are just ingame ones (but not all 115 for.... some reason). and now we get to the achievement i was never able to complete until today. pet collector. most of these were fine, easy, completed alongside the others. except pet collector. now it requires you to "get all the pets". this is thankfully untrue, it requires you to get all the pets that were in the game as of when that achievement was introduced. a few i could get easily by looking up "<pet name> seed xbox" and getting the ones from chests, the rest i just got naturally, except, the zephyr fish. random chance from fishing, if you have insane fishing power, the maximum possible in the game, it wont even hit 0.5% chance, and its lower with lower fishing power. thankful xbox one has rolling recording so i was able to quickly capture the moment that i caught it (i was checking the wiki to see if there was anything else i could do to get this fish easier, then returned to the game and caught it there and then): (there was a video here but im cutting it in the hopes that i can actually send the post. its on my blog somewhere). i had a much easier time with this achievement on ps4. speaking about playstation,
Playstation 3
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ha you thought i was gonna talk about ps4 werent you, or not i dont know what youre thinking. anyways this one was another cheap one, i got the ps3 version [on the right] for about £2, checked the disc works, and i still dont have a ps3 so i havent played that yet. also found a japanese ps3 version for a couple quid that comes with inlays and all that. cant read a word but its cool to have
Playstation Vita
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This was one of the more pricy versions, with it [the english version] being about £15, played on a modded vita that i bought. notable things about that vita, the rear touchpad came broken but it was just unplugged, also the previous owner didnt wipe it and their memory card was just, full of porn (no i wont share it i factory reset it all) japanese version i got from someone selling it from japan, cheaper than the english version which was pretty funny to me
Playstation 4
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so. a lot here. first one i got was the (boxed) playstation hits version, which came with a... original print disc? someone somewhere has bought a ps4 original box with the playstation hits disc from a random cex in some city. maybe ill meet them some day. anyways, next i got the original print with original print disc, nothing really of note, then found out there was a newer print without playstation hits on it (this doesnt exist for xbox one i checked trust me), tracked one down and paid a surprisingly low price. it had the right disc. now the odd ones out of the ps4 lineup, the disc in the jewel case is a standalone playstation hits disc (which came as a disc i provided the case myself) because i wanted one since i got confirmation it existed after getting that middle box art variation with its own disc. now, unique thing here, its the usa version. the ps4 is region free with discs, so i could play it. but. different region versions are different applications with different save data and different achievements trackers. i have only played this one to test the disc works im not doing 102 hours all over again to 100% the american version (yeah it was about 102 hours i did on expert mode this time, plus two minutes that i went into a journey mode drunk world to get a kite since it wasnt windy at all on the main save). finally, the bonus collectors edition. this has the box ive shown in the image, plus in the plastic wrap its stealed in theres an original print of the box art in there too. inside the big box is the stickers, poster, and... drum roll please.... the terraria branded pickaxe 2gb usb-2.0 flash drive. its by itself on ebay for like £30 or more and i got this whole bundle for under £20. i do not want to break the seal just for a 2gb usb drive ill use once and never again (american one is cropped, wouldnt upload if it was separate and i cant retake the pic for reasons. i think theres an image limit? or limit for images on separate paragraphs?)
Wii U and 3DS
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these were also on the more expensive side, £20 and £15 respectively. nothing much to note about the games themselves, except the wiiu version can be played with the wiiu gamepad or pro controller... and also the fuckign wii remote with nunchuck. this isnt on the wiki. if i knew how to edit the wiki page to add that control scheme in i would. discussion page on the wiki talking about it here and if anyone wants the full inputs so they can put it in PLEASE message me i just want it on the wiki. nothing much to note on the repairs for my wiiu, but the 3ds. well. lets start by the fact that i bought this during a college day when i didnt have a lecture, and one of my friends (coincidentally an ex) had their 3ds xl with them, so i asked if i could just check this game works and it did. played about 5 mins and didnt touch it again. then i bought a broken new 2ds xl off ebay. broken (i knew this) not fixable by me (i wasnt aware till i tried). big problem, it wouldnt boot and also the shoulder button switches broke off and my soldering iron is too big to fix that, and also it was homebrewed and i didnt have the original nand backup cause it wasnt mine. it rotted in my electronics drawer for about two and a half years (maybe three and a half). onto the new 3ds xl i got, the only problem with that was a nonfunctional sd card reader. hey wait a sec i have a 3ds sd card reader on an old broken 3ds (2ds xl) so i swapped those out and its worked fine since. homebrewed it and i have the nand backup for that. so this was early this year. now. lets go up to last month. ive just built a computer monitor using the lcd panel and top case from my old shit laptop, a controller board for the panel i got off aliexpress, a cardboard box to store the aforementioned controller board, the laptops charger (fit perfectly into the dc port on the controller board and also was the right voltage), and some speakers (theyre shit but they work), and thought "hey my electronics repair skills have improved, lets go back to that old new 2ds xl, i found a motherboard replacement. its also a special variant one i have so i could sell it if i wanted to make money". so i bought the motherboard (and a new volume slider cause i lost that little bit of plastic), put it all together, and it worked! it all booted up! and i was so caught up in the euphoria of all that i failed to notice that the top screen was cracked inside that i could only notice now that the rest of the console worked. back to aliexpress, new top screen arrived, some broken glass, a ripped ribbon cable (of the old top screen) and some superglue later and i have a perfectly functioning new 2ds xl. which i am not playing terraria on cause my new 3ds xl is better. but hey i can streetpass with myself now that was worth the £40 i spent on repairs
PC Collectors Edition
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first one i got here was the one in the middle, backed up the bunny.exe that activates the collectors edition and then shelved it. that one and the second one i got (left) were both used and thus the steam keys were already used. the later one i got (right) is sealed (thats why i have two of the same box art). there are more i am trying to find, theres one box art variation where the orangey red info box is massive, and one where its not present at all (so yeah theres still more, theres also a japanese 3ds and wiiu version but theyre like £60 and £100 on ebay and im not spending that much on a videogame. im sure the fact im specifying videogame will not come up later) its good, if you can get a good deal on one and want the bunny pet id say its worth it, though since all the exe does is change 1 bit in the registry its easy enough to manually do it even if you dont have the physical collectors edition if you know what youre doing (and on linux and mac you have to do it manually as theres no linux/mac versions of the script) speaking of linux like i did in the brackets, theres a fun bug where mouse4 and mouse5 cant be assigned ingame and arent registered at all which sucks cause i used those to grapple and quick mount. naturally using the windows version via proton does fix this, but provides us with fun new bugs such as all key presses in text boxes are doubles so trying to type anything including world seeds eennddss uupp lliikkee tthhiiss and also steam overlay is just completely broken, though i did find a fna update script for the linux port that updates the engine allowing mouse4 and mouse5 to be used, i got it off github somewhere.
now thats all the game versions, lets move on to some other cool stuff. firstly (and no pic for this because the frame i got makes any pictures look complete pants but its sick as fuck in person) is the "heroes of terraria" poster from the terraria.shop site, also some pins from the same site which i keep on a cork board thing on my wall next to the transgender tardis dr who pin i got, plus a hoodie (the world of terraria one in green and gold) plus some tshirts (like 4 of them, one was a heroes of terraria on a tshirt). theyre cool but you know whats cooler?
Terraria Official Handbooks
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if youre my age or a bit older (or a bit younger i dont know) you might remember those minecraft handbooks. well, around 2015 terraria got their own for version these arent really wiki replacements, and i think theyre aware of that (hell they even link to the wiki, and being 2015 they link to the official gamepedia one (before fandom fucked it up) and the unofficial wikia one (which i think became fandom. fuck that website. use the wiki.gg wiki its the new official one)), theyre more "hey show this to someone to get them into the game like a parent or friend or other person". theyre pretty cool, i got the bundle of these for quite cheap in very good condition, i did give them all a read through and you can tell theyre 1.3.0 guides, theres a LOT thats changed. maybe after 1.4.5 relogic will commission more? id like that but then again we have a wiki thats very comprehensive so i doubt it and now one more thing what i would personally consider the pride of my collection the single item i am most proud to have yes, even more so than handbooks and sealed game copies let me show you:
Terraria OST Vinyl
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this released in 2021 (and as a result only has the first four volumes, also unrelated to the time it doesnt have the otherworld ost, related to the time it means theres no deerclops and no aether, and no 11 or more tracks that are coming in 1.4.5 which will presumably become volume 5. will they do a reissue of the vinyl if that happens? my wallet hopes not) and is SO EXCEEDINGLY RARE i have only seen a handful of listings, going for £150/160. until i found one for about £100 so i didnt think i just clicked buy and id personally say it was worth it due to rarity and being also SEALED so i havent touched the seal on that (i also dont have a vinyl player and i ripped the .wav files from the game files (i also paid for the .mp3 files from steam) so i dont really need to use the vinyl), and i really wanna get it framed. honestly this is just the thing im most proud of having. anyways i said id get back to the pc version (i think) so now im gonna mention the gog version
gog.com is a website (woah) that sells exclusively drm-free games. tl;dr if you have downloaded the games backup installer (or installed the game from them its still drm free) they cannot do SHIT you OWN that thing you can do whatever you like. install it on one of your pcs. install it on every pc you own. steam wont let you use windows 7 now? thats cool i can use the gog offline backup installer on any os (that the game itself supports). why am i mentioning this? well i thought itd be cool to collect backup installers. downloading them whenever new versions drop (was only really doing it with windows until last year so i only downloaded on other oses myself) but i only started playing on steam with, and gog with 1.4.1 or 1.4.2 i cant remember which, how can i get older versions now? i can only download the latest version via gog, plus patch exes to patch older versions to slightly less old versions given that i already have older versions, and even then i can only currently download patches for and onwards (i was grabbing patches as i went). so i contacted gog support. they were able to give me linux, windows, and macos backup installers for and, which was very cool and was one of the two versions i most cared about since they were right before 1.X.0.0 updates. the other being, since gog terraria did release with that version as the first one it released with. even going back to support a year later going "hey i was allowed access to older ones before, do you have" and they could only give me and (and the latest version direct from gog.com being so began my hunt. eventually finding the gog version of lying around on the internet archive (thank you internet archive youre a real one), alongside a couple other misc versions i didnt have. i also found a couple i had to torrent (i wish gog let me have them all so i didnt have to resort to pirating a game i paid for but media preservation is at the heart of piracy so thank you media preservers youre also real ones. that includes internet archive im thanking you twice), so bringing me to now where i have basically every 1.4.4.x on windows, a handful of 1.4.x.x on windows, and,, and on all platforms, and on windows (linux/mac didnt get native versions till the beta on and then fully on oh i also have the mobile version but theres nothing really interesting of note there. switch versions better portably (and steam deck too)
and thats my full collection basically. at some point im hoping to get the 2 collectors edition box arts i dont have and 2 japanese game versions i dont have, but waiting for listings to show up online/reasonable prices respectively. if youve made it to the end of this... well done. maybe in the future ill talk about my dr who dvd collection, or the turnip boy robs a bank wii version i have (its real only haters will say its fake). anyways post ended thats all i can think to talk about.
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ma-lark-ey · 1 year ago
to begin: THE COVER???
The fucking NARCISSUS/DAFFODIL. Stop stop stop. Nora stop. She said it wouldn’t be a sun but I WASNT READY.
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warning in advance for how many reaction images will be in this post. Miss Nora Sakavic has a way of making me unable to verbalise how devistated I am so I turn to goofy photos.
Also, just so we’re all on the same page:
it’s 1:20 AM. My roommate IS asleep. I am fighting the demons (downloading this book) but i am winning (it is queued on my kindle)
Okay so context is that my Kindle is at 10%
I tried to go to bed and read this in the morning but I am
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SO NOW I HAVE FRANTICALLY FOUGHT A WAR (figured out how to get this book) AND I AM READY FOR BATTLE (to cry over Jean)
Also my kindle cord is too small for me to properly lay in bed so im literally about to lay on my stomach kicking my feet like a middle schooler WISH. ME. LUCK.
oh we’re jumping right in okay. god. hi baby :((
OH. I am just adding onto my #1 Riko hater agenda right now.
“The golden rule— not where the public can see” DIE. LITERALLY DIE TETSUJI
“The lack of broken fingers this time” THIS TIME??? JEAN. JEAN.
im so.
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“and he had wasted them texting Renee a heads-up.” Nora please we’re only four pages in bro
Renee i love you im marrying you please give me a kiss. Mwah Mwah Mwah. She said “Bitch. Lay back down.”
currently also reading a batshit raven!neil fic and just. on the ground. about all of this.
stop the way I literally went “who the fuck is Nathaniel” Im too transgender for this.
Me, seeing the Abby content we need in this world:
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Jean dont call that hellscape home bbg
Renee beating self worth into this man. ily
“Jean couldnt remember the last time he was allowed to wear color” LITERALLY KILL ME
Nora I need you to be less good at describing pain please and thanks
he fr be moving this man like a doll. love you wymack
tied him up with racquet laces I. h. lays on floor softly crying.
Jean fr out here plotting 50 ways to kill his brother. he fr though Neil was the problem. no girl Neil just has no tact and autism rizz. Kevins the fucking snitch
no one:
Jean @ the Moriyamas;
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“that man is years overdue for a head-on high-speed collision” YOU TELL EM DADMACK
Jean please just sleep like a normal human man. God.
Even Jean be out here like “Kevins a little Chihuahua ass drama queen. Bitchboy. Wet cat man.”
Kevin: look, bro, if the 5’3 twink with enough daddy issues to make riko blush and chugs ‘fuck around and find out’ juice for breakfast can escape the moriyamas and not die, so can you.
Testuji. Testuji when I catch you. Tetsuji
Jean what the fuck makes you think anyone but Andrew Minyard will ever tell Neil what to do. Girl.
“If I am not a Raven, who am I?” A MOTHERCUCKING TROJAN BABYYYY
“I have to go to my next class.” I forgot they were in college deadass. Neil is straight up my age im gonna throw up.
Okay. It is. *checks time* 3 AM. I cannot keep my eyes open, which means i must put Jean away for sleep.
Hiiiiiii Thea….
“Good morning, Paris.” Now, the average man will see this as a reference to his frenchness. but real ones know Paris is prince of Troy, the man who married Helen of Troy & started the Trojan war.
do y’all think Jean has a french accent wait wait wait. obviously itd be very slight at this point but is it there. necessary question.
Assessing Thea like a fucking state exam right now. Neil could not have cared less about your ass I am gaining so much information
Hate of my life Riko moriyama.
the way I literally got up and had to pace and stim for a moment even though I fully expected this. autism. my roommate is concerned. not really. she’s used to this she watched me read TKM and dramatically reenact the Ichirou Car Talk.
wow??? AFTG team actually seems happy and well-adjusted and friendly with each other??
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Random Note: I’m currently watching Blue Exorcist & one of the main characters is a girl name Moriyama and I’m literally just sitting here like “This girl is way to nice and innocent to have that name.” Because she literally is the nicest girl to ever exist. Why is she cursed with the same name as my mortal enemy (Testuji)
“Tonight’s experiment was the icing on the cake, an invaluable experience no matter how it ended.” Jeremy, my love.
He has empathy… Never before seen footage. Y’all get the cameras!!
He’s so shaken about Jean,,, holding you so gently Jeremy. Here as a guy who knows nothing at all about Jeremy since I’m. so new here. but god.
Jeremy: are you sure a Raven can abide by Troja—
Kevin: Bro Jean is so pathetic he’s a bottom fr. He never disobeys an order
Jeremy: I. Okay you didnt have to say it like that, bro.
I will literally never stop respecting the Trojans strat in the final they really said. “If these fucks can win the championships with nine players, surely we can.” and then willingly got their asses handed to them.
“Xavier stumbled when he got the next serve off, and the Fox guarding him gamely hauled him back upright before running for the ball. It was a simple gesture, but it endeared Jeremy to them” I dont remember if this bit was described in tkm so i’m going to guess that’s Nicky or Matt. Aaron would fucking never.
Nah because like. Yes this proved to the Trojans how resilient the Foxes were, but it was also a message to the audience, yk? Like we know the Foxes were getting shit for their quick rise to the top after they pulled their shit together, but I personally think that the Trojans did this both for their improvement & for Foxes’ publicity. This game proved to the public at large how devastatingly *good* the Foxes were, because of their small size. The second best team in the league crumbled playing the same conditions the Foxes did *every game* and got to championships with. They proved that Foxes were, in fact, a D1 team who earned their keep.
oh hes got daddy’s money. Well. not. officially. yo what I mean.
“it was always best to have a paper trail” Neil Josten would have an anuerysm hearing those words.
Bye Jeremy I’m. Love you so much. Why do you feel like a sixty year old man in your early twenties.
“between seven and twelve students.” yikes.
“you ever feel like— like you’re making a choice you cant come back from? But even knowing everything could go completely sideways, you’d make that choice every time?” okay so coming out allegories i could make aside, Jeremy is so… where to start with him. He reminds me of Percy Jackson. Endlessly loyal and selfless to the point its a bit stupid but endearingly stupid.
Okay so we’re alresdy hateflirting. noted.
Its also extremely sunny today in Podunk Hicksville where I live so it feels very On Brand.
“Jean had seen that smile in a half-dozen broadcast… He could picture it too easily, and he dug his fingernails into his own face in vicious warning.” Awww you think you can best the gay worms in your brain. goodluck with that Johnny.
“isn’t that reason enough to keep living? To rediscover simple delight one moment at a time,” keeping this quote for eternity
“enough sunlight to chase away Evermore’s shadows. They are willing to take a chance on you. Aren’t you?”
Kevin Day autistic king. taking this hesdcannon to my grave .
“the conspiracy theorists were working overtime” no girl they just aint stupid.
I want to start keeping record of all the times Jean is like “[name] wasn’t decent enough to [thing]” because its SO funny. We LOVE a petty king.
also keeping track of all the insults he throws at Neil.
Neil likes to think he’s SUUUUCH a loner boy no friends angsty “dont speak to me” resting bitch face ass motherfucker. In reality he is a jack russell terrier — ceritifed jack russell owner who’s dog thinks hes soooo big and bad but said dog literally cries when you dont let him in the bed or say hi to people on the street
Jean is SOOOOOO dramatic 😭😭
Jean: Why would you let Kevin do this.
Neil: let him?? He did that on his own.
Jean: you’re proud of him for being a problem, arent you?
Neil: oh you fucking know I am, bitchass
“but other than his outstanding murder charge there was nothing interesting about that Fox.” i’d consider that very interesting information, Jean. Youre just deranged
“with milk, juice, and vodka dominating one shelf” that’s Aaron, Nicky, Andrew/Kevin in order. Im correct.
“There was an entire drawer dedicated to cheese.” Yeah that sounds like Nicky.
“Half the drawer was full of mini candy bars. Jean threw them all into the trash” bro Andrew is going to kill you in cold blood and not even Neil can save you.
Jean is SO dramatic. Give him Kevin’s crown.
Seeing the media coverage of the championship is the food I needed thank you Nora for this. I am eating it up. om nom nom
The sportscasters referring to athletes with their first name is batshit. What. why. huh. Absolutely not.
Renee protecting Jean from discovering Riko’s death through media & not through them…
Everytime boys start fistfighting in this series I hear Roxanne from Megamind. “Ladies, ladies, you’re BOTH pretty.”
a) Jeans reaction to finding out was exaclty what I expected
b) I’m FASCINATED to know who called campus security. Jeremy?? Renee?? Someone in Fox tower???
Neil was gentle with someone other than Andrew? I didnt know he knew how to do that…
the Jean-Renee dynamic is so fucking important to me. MLM/WLW solidarity. theyre besties.
Literally snuggling Jeremy
Oh he’s got Fox potential. Hiiii Jeremy. Give me the traumadump bbg
Oh Jean. you’re about to have such a gay awakening babe i can feel it in my bones.
“A mite bit hecked up” PLEEEASE JUST SAY FUCK /ref
autism coded lookingg motherfucker (stares at Jean.)
The chaos of Cat and Laila’s house is so fucking cute. Its about to be two lesbians and their distrustful pitbull rescue in this bitch and im ready for it.
watching normal people discover the cult that is Evermore. Finally someone having a normal response to that madness. What the FUCK.
wait theres actually a cardboard dog i thought it was fanon joke.
oh my god there is actually a fucking cardboard dog. i.
jeans brain just got actually shattered by this living room. he cannot comprehend this.
Cat & Jeremy, realizing the cult rumors are real: I THOUGHT YOU WERE KIDDING! I thought it was joke! I even wrote it down in my diary! “Kevin made a very funny joke today!” I laughed at it later that night!
Okay, last night; I went to bed at 2:30 AM 45% through (college my beloathed). we’re back in business.
Jeremy is so disturbed all of the time. goofy ass.
“Loving something is not enough,”
“When was the last time you enjoyed playing?”
“ Irrelevant.”
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Whats his shirt look like Jeremy. Jeremy whats the shirt look like. Jeremy. Whats the shirt look like.
Okay so I’ve reached my image limit for this post and I dont have fun reaction images on my laptop. so now I will post this & reblog with the rest of this book.
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imagine-shenanigans · 1 year ago
hi! i LOVE you goap x reader fic. seriously, ITS SO GOOD OMG. i love the characterisation and how you write the dark content stuff. anyways, before i run up the word count i wanted to ask- do you have a update schedule for the fic? i seriously devoured the new chapter is not even funny 😭😭😭
the fucking outpour of support and love has been insane on this fic like im not even kidding when i say i expected like maybe ten kudos max until i got further into the fic/itd been up awhile. it feels like being scruffed like a cat and held up high in the fandom. fucking insane.
anyway to actually answer your question before I go back to bed for a couple hours I do not have a schedule! I'll elaborate more and put a tldr lol. But I've found personally trying to keep a deadline has a negative effect on my writing, so what I've instead been doing is making myself write two chapters worth before i post one, or I at least have to have most of the second chapter outlined. So chapter 3 was posted after I figured out exactly how I want chapter 4 to go and got like. 1k into it. so chapter 4 will be posted when I get either all of 5 written or most of it outlined! Depends on the content of the chapter ngl
Since chapter 4 is gonna be like. all fucking porn I know theres nothjng I'll have to retcon/rearrange in 3 lmao
tldr- no i dont have a schedule, but i do make up for it with my insane ramblings on here and also in the fic itself teehee 💖
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ne0nlightzz · 2 years ago
Mk im not gonna make my blog all abt this but right now im torn inbetween forcing myself to keep calm or spiralling and letting my thoughts drift to the worst scenarios possible and back into a very dark place. But i will say if KOSA actually happens im fucked and so are so so soo many other minors on the internet, especially if they are also part of the lgbt+ community.
as much as i hate to admit im genuinely fearful of the possible outcomes of this and go to the worse case scenarios imma admit im fricking scared. this mixed with my states version of the 'dont say gay bill' being passed like two months ago has me questioning if this is all frickin worth it.
but what i actually came to say, besides the little spiralling breakdown im trying to avaoid, we have to fucking stop this, like sign every petition and anything we need to, call every single mf we need to, just to do anything and everything to make sure KOSA does not pass and ruin so many people's lives and put so many people in danger and also basically change the internet and society as we know it. ill probably make a better post about this soon, one more detailed and when im not in as bad of a headspace, but we've gotta at least try our damn hardest to put a stop to this useless bullshit. and i also wanna say, this is coming from my more fearful and hopeless point of view i try not to give into or share, but maybe we need to start pulling together our fandoms and communities irl, maybe we need to get ready to start groups, programs and other stuff for our states n all so we can still somewhat keep together even if its more local and seems impossible, maybe it'll be worth a shot if all shit goes to hell and so we don't have to fully lose things that we love, like out fandom communities, or writing communities. im too sure how itd work but i just thought id pitch a idea if all shit goes down the drain and we still need a upside to the hell or something.
heres some links ive found through others tumblr posts[all linktrees, carrds, etc go to their rightful owners ofc] and i highly recommend scrolling through the stop kosa and other related tags on here (Tumblr), reading up on everything and signing and doing everything you personally can, especially for those who can't do anything.
This was not heavily checked for spelling/grammar errors because im trying to not freak out and im also dyslexic lolz
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omensgate · 1 year ago
fav campaign and why
<this is YOUR invitation to send me asks about anything>
oh god im no good at having feelings or opinions so ill just go down a list rattling off my experiences with the campaigns
for the record from the start ive been cheating, ive Never played this game blind. id consumed a lot of rain world playthrough medias before playing it (im not good at playing games in the sense that i simply do not experience them- im a speedrunner at heart... or not competitive or intelligent, im just walking fast paced from start to end...) and when i did play i always had a map and the wiki open which i think diminishes some of the feeling. but i still had fun moving from place to place
SURVIVOR: its classic. its sweet. its fun. i played about halfway through myself, but the second half i completed with my "Boyfriend" so i remember it as being very entertaining as we both fumbled around and learned together. it serves its purpose well and i think anything i enjoy about rain world can be seen in the survivor campaign at least to start off with... 10/10 nothing special but no loss by playing it yknow. ive also done an outer expanse + baby run (ftr if you want baby fast before going to outer expanse, live in industrial for a while. cannot compete with that pup spawn rate + you can easily make the rounds to check like 5 shelters a cycle before its anywhere near over) which yes -_- did make me cry.
MONK: i.. dont like playing monk. friendliness from other creatures does not mean much to me when actively hostile creatures are near impossible to kill because my spear can travel one (1) slugcats worth in distance so i would not play this with my fairly aggressive play style... i only played it for the short time itd take to get to outer expanse and. again. yes. i cried -_- i think its very sweet, and i am like. (clinically) psychotically attached to monk where its very important to my heart BUT Its not fun as a game experience to me
HUNTER: i tried to jolly co op cheat and play as arti to finish this as i find arti the easiest to play as but i kept crashing which is. you know. very bad for the single campaign where you want to be losing the least so ive never made much progress with this one and i genuinely dont want to open hunter back up because of the crashing. i THINK This was because i was playing w the sunhat mod because ive never experienced that magnitude of crashing constantly and uninstalled it after and have not experienced that again until... well youll read later
GOURMAND: i played this one from the start with my "Boyfriend" and so again it was fun from that, ESPECIALLY because he played as artificer and so was essentially my chariot throughout the campaign... easy way to beat gourmands exhaustion: make your partner carry you. shrimple. its SO fun to beat the shit out of creatures and i do like being forced to just take a moment and walk around slowly, i havent found his exhaustion toooo terrible if youre just patient except when youre fighting creatures that have health enough that you cant kill them in one hit. but being able to just slam something to death is SO satisfying, i enjoyed it. HOWEVER, ive never actually gotten to the END (Due to "Boyfriend" availability, we've stopped just outside the outer expanse gate). and of course, yes, every single fucking time i watch someone go into outer expanse i CRY LIKE A BABY. the first i think DOZEN times i watched people go through outer expanse, id start WAILING whenever i just saw slugcat npcs, it tugs and tears at my heart strings so badly. youre not alone. youve spent a campaign or two trudging through a wasteland empty of kind relatable figures but youre HOME now, just as you left it, and everyones so happy to see you back. im crying now . (do i just cry a lot? Maybe. im at an emotional point in my life... be nice.) 12/10 above survivor def, and gourmands my most favorite to play as in expedition- cant argue with that combat system + exhaustion isnt too bad for me + i love the variety of the world, its not impossibly difficult while not being easy.
ARTIFICER: ive never finished revenge route, ill be going to a different save file to try and it now, instead ive finished the ascension route. i know arti can be... extremely frustrating to play because its hitting a wall again and again and again but i really didnt have too much trouble approaching it knowing i had to be prepared to die + using my map a lot ("WTF this game is so unfair i cant see enemies about to shoot me!" Use Your Map. use your map and slug senses) + of course... ample map skills so im not ambling and getting like im getting lost and dying for nothing. though i will say, i did nearly give up at exactly the end- i think its the camera scroll mod but subterranean made the game near unplayable. like 0.5 frames per second, computer screaming, crashing i think a half dozen times again in an area where i NEEDED the karma to the point where i had to passage in place so i could ascend, and then crashing i think thrice while i was in the depths, including not allowing me to see the end cutscene... specifically that huge room with the big pit would grind the game to a halt i think because its so large and all the enemy AI, and all the spiders and centipedes are a nightmare and i just... hated it. every other leg of the game was fine, rewarding, heart touching but dear fucking lord, subterranean isnt more difficult or intriguing its just "the games not going to play smoothly at all and heres 5000000 ridiculously enemies". i WANT to love it, you know i love arti, but its just impossible to play if you want to ascend. and of course revenge route is crazy short which feels bad. removed from my experiences though, i think its beautiful with the one caveat that revenge route is TOO short. ive watched way too many people who were interested in the lore never get to even the third dream because theres just not enough shelters if you run straight to metropolis, which makes me sad. but the story generally is beautiful and i love it (and i could talk about it later, some of the things people say about arti makes me.. insane. either that shes totally righteous in her actions, or that her pups deaths are her fault)
SPEARMASTER: playing this one while cheating both using the map to plan exactly the route you need and to go through precipice as arti for the double jump + to swallow the pearl made it an absolute dream. yes the world is very scary but you can avoid a lot of the worst parts by simply not being there <3 one part: i did forget to change back to spearmaster before going to moon and she did crash my game so . remember to do that. very good campaign both for me to have played without doing anything as intended (never touched a broadcast), combat is fun, but also a very good story. i really like five pebbles and... i cannot get into the degree of five pebbles apologist i am i genuinely cant detail this without going off the rails. regardless; much 2 think about.
RIVULET: never played this one + not playing this one very scary looks bad dont want it. no rot no underwater sections no thank you. wont touch it. wont look at it. thank you
SAINT: hesitant to play this one due to the adventure aspect though i already got all echoes with arti so it cant be that bad- of course the story aspect of it all cannot be understated and it fully shattered my world view when i got into it. rain worlds live and die messaging has really helped me through suicidal and delusional periods and im very glad for what can be gleaned from saints story so i do like it a lot. as ive said before its also so amazing how a game with little to no tutorial text or cutscenes can have numerous jaw drop moments (with max karma reveal and descent into rubicon)
SOFANTHIEL: funny haha! (Jumps around
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forestryfae · 2 years ago
so like the goal for today is to clean the kitchen to some degree, do laundry until the racks are relatively full, and ideally clean my bedroom as well, plus i gotta empty the litterboxes
and its not like i cant get it done or anything its just that im thinking about the kitchen and its just so fucking cluttered. theres shit everywhere. ive got machines and hit on the counters and table, ive got two big boxes on the floor full of stuff i wanna get rid of, i cant even reach like half of the shelves in my kitchen and i can only it so much stuff where i CAN reach, and its just so i-wanna-throw-away-everything-core like. i dont wanna have to keep utensils Just In Case i need them, im tired of having to wash plates and keeping them around just for the cats even tho i dont use them myself, its annoying to not ever have a clean tidy kitchen bench and its really easy to forget ive put soemthing on there so i keep filling the dishwasher and thinking im done and i just turn around and theres six more pots i forgot i had sitting on the other side of the room.
i cant even fit my nicer dessert bowls and such in the cabinets cus theyre full of stuff i got as gifts that i REALLY like and wanna keep but also like who needs 8 waterglasses and 8 mugs at the same time. i love all the stuff i have and i dont wanna gt rid of it but every time i go to grab a mug im instantly like "no i dont want that one i want a different one" but its towards every cup and i cant even get rid of more cups cus i like all my cups and i dont even know what i have in the lower cabinets next to where i store the pots. i NEVER use them. if i want something i use often i store it where i can actually reach it and everything else just gets forgotten so you can imagine my surprise at the dicovery that i have four breadmolds and even christmas cookie tins
and its like that with every room in the house, theres stuff in plain sight i dont want to keep, theras stuff i didnt even know i had that i cant decide whethar i want or not specifically cus im so surprised i even have it and because of nostalgia, theres gifted stuff i actually like, then theres gifted stuff i dont even want to keep cus its just utterly useless to me. like the roomba dad "gave" me because he thought itd help keep the house clean. except its a much bigger hassle than its worth and it can only do one room and its a room i dont use so why bother. i als put gave in quotation marks cus hes coming to pick it up some da, no fucking clue when cus he just said "some day", cus he wants it back so grandma can have it. like. yes fair enough shes struggling to keep the house clean but its still annoying that this keeps happening over and over why does my family keep giving me shit then wanting it back. mom gave me their toaster so i wouldnt have to buy one but she went and just took it cus she just needed it while i was in inpatient. like. ive got furniture i got from either her or dad too. a table and chair set, a dresser, some lamps, christmas ornaments and shit, a christmas tree, some bowls mom gave me so id have bwls until i could buy myself bowls, etc. like i dont use any of it and they can gladly have it all back but they do not get to complain when i try to get rid of it and they dont want it either, and i dont want them changing their mind and wanting the stuff i actually like and use back. i wanna keep that one chair dad gave me and thats non-negotiable.
like. i just really wanna start over w the house. sell or give away all the shit i dont want so i can actually manage everything without exhautsing myself and getting rid of stuff i only keep cus i need it regardless of whether i want it or not. starting over completely interior-design-wise so ill have a better idea of what stuff i actually enjoy and what i actually use and what just feels trashy or just takes up space it doesnt need to take.
anyways i cleaned the bathroom today then washed my hair so thats nice
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danepopfrippery · 2 years ago
Hit on something today and its been wrecking me since. Lyft driver asked what i wanted to do pre disability and i said i was really gearing up to make jewelry and accessories…but every time my health didnt outrun me rent did.
He said well internet and like yeah that was always part of it. But 95% of what i liked about it was i was planning to hit all the local events, arts crafts show in the la area as i had studied others doing.
It dont hit in rural hell, theres wasaaaay less events, they suck way harder, are more kid/christian based, and half the year itd be a fucking nightmare. Only ones coming to mind i know of are one in the summer and two near xmas.
Besides i dont want to meet those ppl. I know those ppl. They are all white, mostly over 40 if not 50, have kids etc. ive had ppl stop talking to me there when they realized i didnt have kids (i was 27 and that was nearing 10 years ago so imagine now).
But its sending me cuz ive been buying shit to start backup and make $. Now that i realize i wont be happy (nvm the $ is unlikely to be like pay rent amounts) im kinda like fuck now what do i do w ny time?
Its like college. I did that once in rural hell. Surprisingly good teachers but the ppl were more of the same. Now im deeper in rural hell itd cost as much as pcc and even hicks think its not worth it.
Just really sad. Im accepting i cant afford dick rn but i feel like this just reaffirms my blackhole
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dateamonster · 1 year ago
back at it again babes!! gonna try and finish up the season
witchful thinking
autumn patch! oh i love her!!! doll WHEN
draculaura does not give me a dj vibe lol
frankies crafts 😭 you are my angelllllllll
i get why, but it does seem like a disproportionate amount of eps about draculauras secret witchy habits. i want more clawdeen eps tbh :( also if drac does get into witch camp does that mean shed be going to camp with a bunch of humans? that seems like itd cause more problems than its worth.
love toralei covering for her. thats GROWTH
frankie is so cute and funny this ep
puzzle study group!!!
freud brain!! get that shit outta their precious head!!
i feel like the craft camp thing is so ominous.. especially if her spellcasting is like uniquely tied to her being a monster, i rly wonder how thats gonna play out..
monster match
AW IRIS im glad shes getting romanced. and with skulls! goalsss!
cleos enthusiasm is so cute.
OMG HEATHHHHHHH 💖 the whole school stanning habbey is soo sweet and also very funny to me considering so much of the dynamic in g1 was like. abbey please leave your cringefail boyfriend at home for once. lol
gay background monsters lets goooo. also i think its kinda sweet the monster match gesture thing includes platonic love
frankie is so unbelievably cute but also it keeps throwing me that them and cleo arent like an established couple yet? i guess it makes sense but i literally had just assumed it had happened off screen and that they were already going out.
SCREAMING the draculaura/clawd promposal was rly good too. and like very much taps into that confused-but-highly-devoted himbo bf energy that was so good in g1. all the ships this ep are so incredibly adorable i am NOT going to make it thru in one piece i swear.
i like that frankie addresses each of deuces snakes by name. very polite! also very cute that deuce wants frankie to be his frienddate. i rly love their dynamic so even tho its just to like complicate and add drama to the plot it feels very natural. tbqh i wouldve even been down for a genuine love triangle thing if only because i think frankie being romanced by two exes is very funny AND because ive been a poly frankie truther since g1 lol
i wanna eat that cookie stack.. actually frankie if u wanted to turn deuce down u probably should not have let ur friends eat all the cookies first that just seems kinda rude in retrospect
fhdhdnf the way i was like oh wow that resolved itself surprisingly easiWAIT NOW HES GOING TO ASK CLEO GODDDAMIT lmao genuinely good little plot twist. they got me!
its so funny i literally forgot abt lagoona and gill in all of this. glad she got to do her fun treasure hunt themed monster match. thats very lagoona.
more background gay monsters!! we love to see it!! also spectra and finnegan? kuma and nefera?????? i guess theyre kinda just pairing off all the side characters now to fill out this bit. i dont dislike it i guess, and its not like going to a school dance together means these characters are together forever or anything, but some of the pairing choices are.. curious.
tbh poor deuce getting turned down for his frienddates twice but at the same time dont ask ur ex to be ur frienddate lol just feels a bit taboo.
cleo planning to ask frankie out on tiktok is suuuch a cleo move that i genuinely love it. girl u are a 1000 yr old ipad baby.
BOSSMUMMY they were so right abt that
the monster way
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yall are so rivals-to-lovers gay its unreal
seriously wtf is this class
oh fuck the bloodmoon eclipse?? that kinda came out of nowhere. pacing pacing you know how it is. i like that its timed with the end of the semester tho. end of the semester, end of the season, end of the big main arc. it just has a nice symmetry i guess.
aw and spectra finally got a good grade in hauntonomics <3 its all coming together
OH toraleis come full circle too! i feel like. honestly proud of her telling her mom straight up that theyre friends now. shes rly unpacked some stuff and worked on herself! good for her!
moms and daughters rly are just like that huh
aa the makeover montage!! show me everyones fits!!!!!
ok i could do without them filling space just by using literal screencaps from previous episodes come on guys
GASP is abbey wearing a throwback to her g1 main doll outfit?? the cut of the dress at least looks verrrry similar.
ok quick outfit review time. manny looks very dapper. would wear. abbey of course is stunning. heaths outfit is.. very heath lol. not necessarily a bad thing. ill say its a step up from a tuxedo tee. gill looks fine. lagoona: STUNNING wish her hair was curlier like it seems to be on the doll but still. deuce: very nice! love this style for his hairsnakes. draculaura looks great of course but.. not rly as nice as her doll outfit? was it just an issue with modeling/animating it? still great just not as good as i expected from her. cleo is slaying as expected. frankies outfit is everything, just eclectic enough that i def believe they picked it out for themselves but it rly works for them!! very fun and unique silhouette with a kinda glamrock androgyny vibe. love it! CLAWDEEN THO!!! FAV!!!! her outfit is def my favorite i love the color i love that its a SUIT clawd is getting massively shown up in his mismatched suit and sneakers lol sorry bro you are criminally swagless this ep
lol at the return of the camera spider and GHJHGF the way they are just like yea we might die tonight fucking around with mysterious magics :) lets party :)
OUTFITS REVIEW CONT. i like twylas dress its not super flashy or anything but it rly feels like her style and i appreciate that. i keep trying to get a look at ghoulias fit but shes always off screen too fast. toraleis fit is a little busy color wise but i do like it. its giving theatre kid who got rly into six the musical for a few months and the purple hair and makeup looks good on her.
anymeow :3 MR WOLF!!!!!!!! always so good to see him.
yeah i coulda called that plot twist. time to push catarina in a hole. the all-monster talisman kinda rules tho its so funky looking.
human talisman???? ok i actually didnt see that coming tho i feel like i shouldve. the implications.....
clawdeen and toralei: having a touching moment. lagoona: BITING BITING BITING BITING BITING
the human talisman design is so basic lmao that feels fitting.
clawds spine is. shattered.
HUGE AUTISM WIN LOVE U TWYLA aw wish she stuck around but shes got better stuff to do i respect it lol
kind of spicy of them to have catarina do a whole "return to tradition" type speech. catgirl fascism is crazy shit.
damn this is just like pokemon the first movie
that was a fucking Lot but MAMA WOLF IS HERE AND SHES SERVING all as it should be
actually the half fur trim on that jacket is kinda wack but otherwise shes milfing it up for sure. oh and i guess clawdeens the fucking queen of werecreatures now. pretty good for ur first semester girl!
aw manny/twyla.. <3
for all the drama surrounding draculauras arc that got wrapped up p neatly, but i guess u could say the same for clawdeen and her mom. well! good for her!
OH hold on actually i love her friends being like no fuck exceptions to the rules the rules need to change completely thats actually rly good. every once in a while mh pulls out these moments where im like damn! you stuck to your guns and didnt just take the easy happily-ever-after no questions asked route! pretty impressive!
WELL DAMN that was the season finale i guess! overall rly fun! the series pretty consistently struggles with packing a Lot of content in very short time frames but they did everything they could with it and im happy with how it turned out. it wrapped up the important stuff while leaving a lot of interesting little threads for me to pick at, and for them to hopefully explore next season. im hype!
catching up on monster high notes!
spell the beans
looooove clawdeens dad joining the parents association he is involved in his childrens education :3 he is making cookies and making friends :3
momdusa is so milfy i could die the gays stay winning once again
dracula is soooo silly hes winning me over i fear
!! momdusa never moved on from high school and falls over so much and loves her wife wow she is the perfect woman actually
its not my dream dad its YOURS
obsessed w everyone wanting to eat clawdeens dad
THANK YOU for explaining the camera/mirror thing with vampires i was wondering abt that
mr wolf and dracula friendship moment 🥺
EXPELBEAST!! i love when they do something fun and goofy with the mh lore
idk if those were lagoonas parents in the mpa but i wish we got more of them there looked so cute
growing up ghoulia
some of these side characters have such interesting designs the purple dragon girl sitting in front of ghoulia was soo cute
i loove when mh does some classic monster movie stuff. ghoulia clone zombie attack rules.
not to be a broken record but i feel like ghoulias ep here would be more meaningful if she was still more noticeably zombie-like. like she says she moves slower than other monsters but i dont like. see that. let her lurch!
casketball jinx
im so happy to see howleen!!
kaiju girlie is such a queen we love to see it
tbqh i think howleen was right for this one
clawdeen both being on the team and being a cheerleader seems like soo much take a rest bestie 😭
do u think clawdeen had a wolf fursona before she found out she was a werewolf? i think so.
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merlinssaggyyfronts · 4 years ago
its canon gwen and leon went looking for frogs at night as children right?? which means elyan obviously went with them too mhm? SO
gwen was a master at frog hunting. she got so many that the bucket she was carrying them in overflowed and the trio had to hunt them all down cuz the frogs got loose in leons house (this happened on more than one occassion, they never got caught once,,, if you forget the True Loves Kiss incident)
you must be wondering, op, whats the true loves kiss incident? well my dear child, the true loves kiss incident was when leons mother caught leon with two frogs, and no gwen and elyan with him.
leons mom: son, why do you have two frogs in your hands?
leon, age twelve: uh- mother! this is, uh... gwen and elyan! yes, theyve been turned into frogs by an evil sorcerer and i must turn them back!
leon’s mom who knows full well those are random ordinary frogs: ...and how do you plan on doing that?
leon: ,,true loves kiss?
leons mom: what.
leon proceeded to explain the lore behind the curse of the lady and the frog (or in this case, the servants and the squire) and true loves kiss and the (and more importantly how it was a planotic kiss, cuz romantic kisses are gross and cooties)
gwen and elyan were sitting in an alcove right next to them and heard the whole thing (and still tease him relentlessly about it)
gaius: it seems sir gwaine has been turned into a frog
elyan: heh hey leon why dont you give him the true loves kiss hmm
leon: i-
gwen: oh stop bullying the poor guy, elyan
leon: thank you guinevere-
gwen: it would have to be a platonic true loves kiss remember? sir leon wouldnt want to get cooties after all
leon: i hate you
leon is also pretty good at frog hunting (though not as good as gwen). he often times teamed up with elyan to get half as many frogs as gwen did. hes fallen off cliffs and basicaly died on numerous occassions while on the frog adventures, and gwen swears his heart stopped one too many times during those occassions (they eventually grew desensitised when leon would momentarily die then come back to life, often times playing a game of ‘who can find the coolest looking leaf’ while they wait for leon to rise from the dead once again)
leon is somewhat sad his friends dont seem to be concerned when he dies and comes back (ofc they are, its just that ignoring it out instead of thinking of you actually dying hurts bro), but atleast sometimes he gets to keep the coolest leaf they find as a “thanks for not dying“ gift, so hes content
elyan eats the frogs.
just fucking swallows those little slimy things whole. almost dies every time, but his 10 year old self swears it was worth it (and so does his older, knightly self, thank you very much). hes learned from leon to spit at god in the face and cheat death! (leon: elyan no- // gwen: ELYAN YES)
sometime after gwen became morganas maid, morgana started joining them to skip out on dinners with uther. elyan is quick to object since 1. shes a noble (“leon doesnt count cuz, yknow; hes leon” “hey!”) and 2. shes a girl (“gwen also doesnt count cuz shes *gags* gwen” “i will stab you, lil man”)
his objections are very quickly pushed aside when he sees morgana almost eat a bright red (and incredibly poisonous) frog like it was an apple to prove her superiority to him. (it worked, and he is forever in awe, and wants to actually see morgana eat said frog but gwen and leon were so terrified of accidentally killing the kings ward and getting beheaded that maybe, just maybe, he’d keep it to himself)
morganas a PRO at frog hunting. maybe it comes from her training with arthur and the knights (“but im literally a knight” “shut up leon let me have my moment”), or maybe its cuz shes just good at everything she does, but shes GOOD good.
when they get into pairs to play games (yes they do other things too, sometimes the frogs are just too boring) morgana and gwen would pair up and basically always win so they made a rule to not let those two pair up.
it was a tie at first cuz obviously they only have four people so itd be 2 against 2. the dealbreaker was arthur who chose leon and elyans side purely to dwindle morganas chances to spend time with her crush (“you spend time with her every day! whats some game pairing gonna do?” “im in love with her arthur! we need chemistry! bonding! teaming up and beating up whiny little idiots like you!” “whaT DID YOU JUST CALL ME-“)
arthur joined in once.... emphasis is once. elyan kept giving him dirty looks cuz hes the bloody prince and thus a major arse and at one point convinced him to eat a poisonous worm to prove his manliness (“elyan why would you attempt to assassinate the prince?!” “it was FUNNY OKAY-“), and wouldve died if it werent for the fact they were close enough to gaius’ chambers to be able to revive him.
he was basically banned from going with them ever again (“see this is why we dont go to gaius when leon dies!” “shut up and help me find a cool leaf, elyan”)
random detail: the buckets they’d use are faded green (morgana supplied with the dye- they used to be buckets with metal frog eyes and legs molded onto them (curtesy of our favourite blacksmith children of course).
they stopped going frog hunting as they got older and thus gained more responsibilities, but there were occassions where they’d go.
one of which being elyan running away. on that same night, leon downright ran to gwens house as soon as he heard (and was finished with his duties), frog buckets in his hands. on the outside it did look pretty weird cuz why is a knight of camelot carrying some tiny frog buckets, but leon doesnt care. gwen needed cheering up cuz his brother was a lil shit and hes supplying it. (“dont you have patrol today?” “its in the knights code to be loyal, gwen. im showing my loyalty to you by dragging you froghunting to cheer you up!” “...isnt it also in the knights code to be honest? how did you get out of patrol?” “....um.”)
another occassion was when arthur became crown prince (more specifically after the whole tristan du bois incident) and was basically dragged a crossbow-point to go frog hunting with them (‘them’ being leon and morgana, cuz apparently gwen and merlin had some business to attend to (much to both morgana and arthurs dismay).
sometimes, when the world feels like its caving in on them, leon and gwen like to go frog hunting together. they’d reminisce about the time morgana beat up a badger to defend gwens honor, or the time arthur (who sneaked out with them that one other time) accidentally kebab’d three different toads, or that time elyan wore gwens dress to prove it wasnt that hard to run in dresses (it was. he failed miserably and sprained his ankle)
or they’d just sit by a stream where leon died once, and mourn the members of their little group and what fate brought them.
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bansheeoftheforest · 4 years ago
Y'all better stop updating the syndicate au while in gone, my wifi is out because the cable frickin melted and it wont he repaired until hopefully Friday, so until then 🔫 /lh
1: The Society being more than tall enough to do leaps of faith off of
2: Listening to Jacob ride carriages, I have decided he loves horses. He and Jekyll are horse boyfriends and after the events of the game + tgs they run away and start a horse farm together <3
3: Having not yet heard anything contradictory. Jacob gives animals names like "Sweetroll" or "Birdy"
4: I HAVE MET THE ROTH, he is wonderful and I love he. Blighter Jekyll would 100% be in the plays when he had the free time because hey! They cant tell him he's avoiding doing work for the gang when Maxwell Roth is Right There and encouraging it. (To clarify, normal theater shows and plays, not like the one he made for Jacob :p)
OOOOOOOOH WHAT IF. They meet while at and escaping the last show. I have no clue how itd go about but it seems very fun and I love the thought of them wearing masquerade clothes n masks,
also, Jacob 🤝 Jekyll, being very likely to have a fear of fire after their respective series' fires
4.5, (just any blighter Jekyll): ALSO we dont have to worry about the blighters caring when Jekyll leaves because they tend to change sides rather easily when the twins conquer their section. So I doubt many Blighters are loyal, and I doubt Jekyll is in a high enough position in the gang to be worth caring about. The only reason he stays in is because of his brothers. Hey do you think the gang would keep the Jekyll brothers' death a secret from him? So he doesn't leave? ALSO ALSO, I saw some asks and I really dont think Jekyll would ever be a templar, the templars are loyal to their cause, and they know full well Jekyll doesn't want to be there, his brothers may be templars but it's far more reasonable hed be a blighter, the templars would never put someone who hated them in their midst. (He would look good in a templar outfit though)
5: Ghost + Syndicate crossover au because by golly I hit /alot/ of people with carriages in this game /j
Game update: The more I play this game the more I want to call Jacob a himbo
The /governor of the bank/ is named twopenny
I have "beat" the game, aka killed Crawford and unlocked the queen Victoria quests
I have so far unlocked 32 throwing knife capacity for Evie because gosh I adore throwing knives
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You cannot stop us Darlene 🔫 (Either way, you just have to wait another day! Hopefully it will be back soon!! <3)
1. Imagine Jacob teaching Henry to do leap of faiths on the roof, a Lodger walks up and just manages to see the tail end of what they think is someone trying to encourage Henry to take suicide. They watch as both of them fall and the Lodger scream and runs to the edge... Only to hear laughter and see Henry and that guy poking out a haybale. That would be fun and also a very easy way to get a heart attack <3
2. Ehehehehe yes!! That's why I love Jacob so much bc Evie just... Insults the horses, or isn't as sweet to them so Jacob my beloved. Jacob and Henry retiring and starting a horse farm together and they get to be happy and take picnics in the forest on horseback and the events of the Jack The Ripper DLC never happens <3 3. He definitely would name all animals he owns smt really sweet. He probably would silently nickname any and all of the animals in the Society and refuse to call them by their names once he actually learns them <3<3
4. Jekyll and Roth being pals until Jekyll realizes how fucked up Roth is, deliberately deciding to take a few steps back but still using Roth as an excuse to get out of Blighter work and also be the star of plays. Roth would gush on about how his eyes are set on Jacob and Henry would first think he was planning to kill him but then he realizes that Roth is just very gay for the enemy.
OOH I HAVE BEEN DAYDREAMING ABOUT THAT SO HARD. Ok mainly it was them already knowing each other but Henry is too busy saving the others so he gets caught and trapped inside the building. Jacob sees him almost passing out from all the smoke and saves him. But I can also imagine Jacob trying to escape and seeing Henry getting caught by burning ceiling beams after having helped everyone else escape so Jacob carries him and ziplines over the debris and until they get to the door... Henry realizing that this is the Jacob Maxwell was working with (or if they met before when Jacob was in the theater, he realizes why Maxwell fell for him) Mmm... Traumatic meet cute <3 I think Jacob has a canonical fear of fire after that, but either way, gimme the two of them both having nightmares about fire and spending late nights cuddled up in blankets comforting each other <3
4.5 I honestly would not put it past them to try to hide it from him but if it was he who killed them, they wouldn't be able to keep it a secret very well... That would certainly be fun to imagine <3
True but blighters are more... The actual gang, ya know? Like they are the fighters and street ruffians and stuff and Henry certainly would not be the same kind of fighting guy like Blighters and Rooks, so I'm mostly just saying Templar because it would fit his role and position better, even if he doesn't want to be. Being a templar also seems to be a bit of an inherited role as well, smt that gets passed down from family and stuff (like, say, if you take a look at the Kenway family and if I remember correctly from them) so it probably would not be impossible that Henry would be forced into being a templar. Maybe not a real templar like his brothers but certainly somewhere between Blighter and Templar. I don't know, I just say templar bc I can imagine Henry in that role better, y'know? XD Or maybe he and Roth would share the title as the leader of the Blighters... Oooohh... That would be fun <3
5. I used to deliberately run over street lights and stuff when streaming the game to my friend and she thought I was really weird. To be fair it's fun to run things and people over and I wanted the achievement <3
Jacob is a Himbo. He really is. Don't worry about it. Himbo Jacob my beloved <3 (wait if Morcant is a Herbo (not bimbo) does that mean Henry has a type--)
Y'know how much I laughed when I realized that? That was fun XD
I still need to get around to the Victoria quests bc so far I have only finished Darwin's, Dickens', and Duleep Singh's memories so! We are both blind with this <3.
Mmm... Au route potential. Perhaps someone who wanted to join the Society but got rejected bc he was actually evil? Maybe Henry has his role until the Twins recruit him?
??? Where??? I think you can actually open most locked doors or find a way inside somehow!! What quest was it?? I have only one golden chest i couldn't unlock bc I skipped most of them and took them later and that's the one in the WW1 memories so I think you can get it somehow?
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synchlora · 4 years ago
I heard apocalypse AU? 👀
PARTICULARLY for the bench trio and wilbur :]] this was literally all sparked bc I saw an au where ranboo dies and I got so viscerally upset over it that I went through. so much effort to make an au where he lives. christ
(so so many warnings abt graphic medical shit, infection, necrosis, Pain, medical malpractice, just. bad things, please be Careful)
tommy and tubbo r childhood friends. they run into one another quite soon after separating from their families. tommy ran from his family after his parents killed his sister, tubbo ran when his family told him to save himself and he blames himself for not saving them.
RANBOO. shows up half fucking dead lmao. many bites, definitely infected to become a zombie, arm is. very necrotic. and what else do tommy and tubbo do when they see another kid their age slowly becoming zombified?? take him home ofc <3
they live in an old rv out in the woods and ooh its shit but its something. ranboo is like. doing a little better??? bc hes not Actively starving but he is also still Infected and struggling w his arm. so tommy and tubbo have got to figure something out w all this
they decide to raid a nearby abandoned hospital for supplies and after taking a lot of medical equipment and drugs they Do Not Understand, they run into wilbur wandering the halls. they r obviously v defensive but wilbur is very curious, especially abt why they are taking basically Useless medical equipment unless they know how to use it
after some talking and deliberation, they learn that wilbur is (or rather was) a med student who was working an internship at the hospital when the apocalypse happened. no clue what happened to his family, they don't live nearby and there's no way to contact them
after long discussion between the two of them, tommy and tubbo decide to risk bringing wilbur back to see if he can somehow help ranboo. yeah its risky as hell to bring a stranger back to their most vulnerable friend but they're desperate as shit and wil seems to at least have Training lmao
so wilbur helps getting the equipment set up and he takes one look at ranboo and is just like jesus christ ive got my work cut out for me. BUT they get shit set up and start shit <- very technical language /s
tommys good at the tech shit, wilbur has the medical knowledge, and tubbo has the nerves of steel. and oooh boy those will come in handy becauseeeee
they have to amputate ranboos arm
basic details (BIG BIG WARNING FOR GROSS MEDICAL SHIT, BE CAREFUL): wilbur instructed, tubbo performed, tommy monitored ranboo Very Closely (hes on so much fucking pain killers its unbelievable. no general anesthetic, they have access but itd be too risky. they do have localized anasthetics though). applied tourniquet to upper arm around bicep area. pinned ranboos arm so he can't move it too harshly and cause unwanted damage. tubbo cut carefully and didn't shake a bit, ensuring to leave a skin flap of healthy, live skin for sewing and wilbur cauterized the blood vessels and major nerves as they went. obviously, as there is no general anesthesia, ranboo is fucking Screaming and also unable to sit still. that's tommys job, to monitor vitals and also literally keep him from yanking so hard he messes tubbo up. tubbo cut through muscle quickly and had a bonesaw to cut through the bone. hardest part of the entire procedure was smoothing down the bone at the cut. ranboo ended up passing out from pain and despite himself, tubbo was relieved at the lack of screaming. tommy was worried as shit at ranboo passing out but he closely watched to ensure he was still breathing and Alive. tubbo finished up and, with more of wil's instruction, covered the wound with the sewed skin (he would have left it open to monitor, but it was too much of a risk with how high-stress it was for ranboo already) left some drainage tubes, put on heavy antibiotics, and dressed the wound with clean gauze. ranboo took several hours to wake up and awoke screaming once again
it is overall fucking Awful and incredibly traumatizing for all involved
ranboo is Very weak at this point, both from the amputation and the steadily worsening yknow. zombification and shit
so the trio looking after him are scrambling around to do something Anything to treat him and try and save the guy
surprisingly, the amputated arm is doing well??? it does not have its own separate infection and the skin is actively healing, albeit quite slowly, around the wound. they've got enough supplies from the hospital to last a while for clean dressings and medications. jesus fucking christ did I mention how many pain killers hes on????
doesn't mean it doesn't hurt but its like. not entirely hellishly unbearable. only agonizing most days
anyway, through all this time theyre monitoring infection signs closely and wilbur is helping adjust doses of a cocktail of antibiotics and antivirals and even antifungals, just fucking Everything man
and.. things start to change
the sickly green tinge to the skin around his lymph nodes starts turning a more natural pink, the darkened veins start to lighten to a more human shade, the glassy fog over his eyes slowly begins to clear
and holy fucking shit did they just cure an infected person?????
hes been sick since they met him and now he's finally starting to get.. better?
dont get me wrong, hes still struggling and in so much pain and my god the dependencies hes got on a Lot of painkillers oough man, BUT. he is alive
and its an ordeal but. he starts to recover. the infection subsides. his arm is fully able to heal now that his body can focus energy to do that. he starts to actually be able to be himself and by god it really made it all worth it
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