#apocalypse au where ranboo lives and its all happy and good and wonderful
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synchlora · 4 years ago
the birds don't just Disappear during the apocalypse, and they still need care. so the RV crew found ranboo in a city area and bc they had to stay in place for a bit (for ranboos sake) tommy ended up feeding and befriending a lot of the local pigeon flock (partly just because he could, partly because it took his mind off of Serious Things). he kept chickens as a kid and always liked pigeons, though he didn't have them before the apocalypse.
tommy ended up close with one particular pigeon he came to name Reginald. she is literally the most simple looking bird, exactly what you'd expect when you hear the word "pigeon," she is Not some fancy color mutation. she's a blue bar, nondescript feral, but tommy could spot her anywhere. and thats mainly because she spots him first. he helped untangle her feet from hair and string one of the first times he went to visit the flock, and while she was quite upset by it in the moment, tommy has worked to gain back that trust and she has over time recognized him as Nice. she'll often fly up onto his head when he comes over to feed the flock (he's always got extra safflower seeds for her as a treat).
and its pretty obvious from the get go that she's not familiar with the flock (straying to the outer edges, getting wing-slapped away when the flock is feeding, she generally just is never Within the flock). tommy is dramatic and thinks this is because she's an Outcast and shit, but she's probably just lost tbh, just ended up visiting where other birds were finding food. so she is even more drawn towards tommy considering he's her only shot at food lmao
but the crew ended up needing to move along and tommy, being as stubborn as he is, could not leave without this bird. and so he decided to give her the choice to come with him to the RV or to stick with the flock back in the city. and (surprise, surprise) she went with tommy :]]
so they have a little dog crate set up as her home in the RV and when they're stopped in a place for a while, they'll set up some netting along a frame to make a small, makeshift aviary for her to get fresh air in
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synchlora · 4 years ago
So other aspects of survival in the apocalypse au? Wouldn't ranboo need like physical therapy after he gets his arm cut off? His balance would be totally off and he was bed bound for a really like time, completely reliant on medication. I can imagine a concoction of pain med and like anti biotics and other meds were great for him or his stomach. How does he recover with eating? His balance? His strength? His endurance? Will it ever be the same or is he (besides the lack of arm) permanently changed now?
bro I would fucking die for u king thank u for the ask <33 gonna just dump everything here so I apologize if the answers aren't super structured lmao
(the usual warnings of medical discussion, malpractice, and general descriptions of a very rough recovery from a surgery. stay safe please)
theyd definitely help him out w physical therapy, thought it'd probably be a while until he gets back on his feet bc of the infection. hes bedridden for. probably two months tbh, its rough. the whole time he's fighting off the infection and also dealing w the nastier side effects of the medications he's on (ie dependencies on pain killers theyre running low on, antibiotics fucking up his gut, and a lack of medicine for treating severe ocd which has Never been worse).
so the first priority would likely be making sure hes even comfortable enough to move around. theyd definitely take it slow, working on having him just walk around the campsite/rv for a few minutes a day until he can build up more strength. this isn't just physical therapy for getting used to the new balance of missing an arm, its also re-adjusting to movement after having been bedridden for so long and being So fucking sick.
they expend a lot of resources, especially food which they can't afford to spare, on getting him back up to health. he has bad reactions to a lot of rly strong foods and he has to be careful not to eat too much at once or else his stomach just can't handle it. but the one thing they make sure of despite everything is they make sure he drinks fuck tons of water. he needs more fluids bc he's sick as hell but because he's also so often just passing food right through his system or throwing it right back up, hes very prone to dehydration. they are lucky they have a good source of water (uhhh pretend like i have this worked out bc I dont yet <3 just know they have some steady source lmao) because that's half of what's keeping him alive.
overall, his diet for recovery is mainly canned things, particularly stuff high in protein. this meant soups, canned tuna, cooked canned veggies, and any other things they could salvage that seemed light on the stomach but also pretty heavy in protein. ranboo cannot fucking stomach eating chicken noodle soup, cooked carrots, and tuna (or any fish really, not worth the risk) after his recovery. he had way too fucking much of that during the most awful period of his life and he physically can't eat those foods anymore.
and it sucks because those are often the foods they can find. they've got canned foods all over, its most of what they have in the beginning and ranboo just. cannot eat a lot of it. and thats a huge change and massive adjustment they all have to make. its absolutely something ranboo feels a lot of guilt over, feels like they have to do so much to work around it and it just generally sucks getting into a headspace like that.
back to physical strength and recovery, it takes a while but he learns how to balance himself and where his center of mass has shifted. and while he knows how to balance now, he still has to build up strength and muscle mass he lost from literally starving half the time from a combination of a genuine lack of food and from being unable to keep anything down. there was a period of about a week where he wasn't keeping just about anything but water down and the other three we fucking terrified they were gonna lose him. so hes got a long way to go to get physical strength back.
this was a huge point where protein was important and these couple weeks of building that strength and eating that diet are a big factor in why he can't eat many of those foods now.
but the thing is, living in an apocalypse isn't exactly prime real estate for recovering from major surgery and an infection that by all natural laws Should Have killed him. theyre on the run a lot and even the rv can be unsafe at times. while during his recovery hes not actively going on missions with the others, there are still nights where they have to run to avoid anyone finding the campsite (and tbh i may even re-write the rv to be mobile later bc I just Cannot imagine them staying in one place for so long when its so incredibly dangerous lmao).
and so that means moving. which can be very difficult even on the Best nights. nights when his body Doesn't feel like its on fire screaming for fentanil, nights where he Doesn't feel like his lungs are going to collapse from coughing, nights where he Doesnt feel phantom pains of his arm getting shredded to pieces.
oh! and phantom pains that's a thing. he experiences it pretty bad, especially in those first months after amputation. they are excruciating and often keep him from sleeping well if at all. his sleep is already so fucked up by pain and phantom pains are just one of many things that pile into the category of shit that keeps him up at night.
he is absolutely permanently changed in many many ways. from very physical things (like the amputation, massive loss of weight and muscle mass, and being unable to hold food down) to a lot of mental shit (like the trauma of the entire surgery, the hellish three months of recovery, and his ocd getting Much worse) its really fuckin rough. hes got his friends (more like his family by now) but that absolutely does not mean its all happy times. there are bad days. there are worse days. there are days where he can't do anything but scream and cry, days where he doesn't even feel real, days where he wishes he wasn't real.
but there is recovery. even within all of the changes and trauma, he does have people he can rely on and who rely on him. he has a family that wouldn't leave him behind for anything and who have gone to the ends of the earth to show that devotion and care in the past. lifes not perfect, jesus christ its far from even good most of the time, but its not all doom and gloom either. its singing around campfires with a family you stitched together in a month, its laughing until you cry into your best friends shoulder, its falling asleep in one anothers arms because you feel so incredibly inexplicably safe.
and maybe thats what keeps them going.
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synchlora · 3 years ago
anybody wanna hear abt the apocalypse au?
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synchlora · 4 years ago
the apocalypse au has just become like [infodumps abt amputation] [infodumps abt pigeons] [infodumps abt technology i don't even understand yet actually but have been reading too much on]
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synchlora · 3 years ago
Fundy 💀 and eret 👕
fundy has many fears. dying, losing his friends, being left behind, being hated, yknow. a lot of things he has reason to fear. and he's a bit of a mess because of this, constantly feeling paranoid that someone he loves and trusts will leave him, hating how convinced his gut feels that his friends will all turn their backs on him. its a terrifying world, but sometimes it feels more terrifying to be in his own head
eret doesn't have much, traveling light is key you know, but she does have a couple of important items. the first is an old watch from their grandmother, a long-broken, shitty little golden watch with a band that pulls on their hair far too much. its one last memory of the woman who practically raised him. the other is a little hair clip in the shape of a little green leaf. it's pretty badly made-- the paint is peeling and the charm has had to be glued back to the clip itself multiple times-- but its all he's got left of elaina. leaving the apartment was not planned, certainly not under the circumstances it was in, and all she ended up taking with her was whatever she happened to have on, which happened to include a loose clip in her hair
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synchlora · 3 years ago
biting screaming clawing at the walls of my enclosure THE APOCALYPSE AU.. :stickman_violence:
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synchlora · 4 years ago
Oh? Pigeons in your apocalypse au? Do the RV crew and the rocketduo communicate with each other via pigeon? Do they have pet pigeons? Please tell
there is a loft at the rocket duo apartment complex thing (working title </3) !!! its not run by niki and jack but it is avaliable for open use of anyone w permission at the apartments. and that loft is a hub for messages that are sent to that particular city area.
pigeons become an important facet of communication in this world, and that loft is an important connection for that. so whenever the RV crew stop by to visit, they always leave with two or three pigeons that they can send messages back to the city if need be.
usually they'll send them only if its dire, but if they don't have any urgent messages, they'll send one to say they're headed back into the city, when they expect to arrive, etc. its a good system to keep in contact with the city when they're busy on the move. though rocketduo and others can't send messages back bc of the nature of the RV crew traveling constantly.
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synchlora · 3 years ago
king if you post it lmk please
I wanna read it so bad
:DD !! will do! idk how much of a story id make from it, its mainly vague ideas of hahah look at these funny characters atm acjsivsjcvsj but it is v v fun
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synchlora · 3 years ago
ooo I'd like to hear a summary :0
!!! pogggg lets go
[ warnings ahead for death, infection / gross wound shit, major injury, medical malpractice, medical shit, blood, etc. just be careful kings ]
so! it is your classic zombie apocalypse au of the main dsmp centering specifically around benchtrio and wilbur! :D starts off at the beginning of the apocalypse following tommy and tubbo
tommy and tubbo both narrowly escape their own homes. tommy's sister saved him when his parents turned and attacked them (she ended up dying so he could escape). tubbo's family boarded up their house but ended up overwhelmed and told him to leave, and he escaped in their truck.
tommy and tubbo were already old friends, and so they were the first people one another reached out to. they ended up meeting up at an old park near the train yard, tommy taking significantly longer as he was on foot. anyway blah blah blah sappy reunion they both cried and a lotta shit yeah.
SO. theyre fuckin using tubbos truck as their main form of transport when they finddd! an abandoned camper van at a nearby farm! ignoring the trauma of finding the dead family inside the farmstead, they collect supplies and decide to hitch up the trailer to their truck (theyre both getting a little tired of sleeping in the trucks cabin).
so! they've got a trailer, some more food supplies they were in desperate need of, and gas to last them a little while. overall, they only move when they've got to bc gas is fucking Rare, but they are somewhat mobile.
and so this is how they end up in a large city where we meet our next character! ranboo :]]
I have more written on this if you look through the tag, but basic gist is they find him in an alleyway while looking for supplies and he is zombie-bitten and on deaths door. tubbo wants to kill him bc dude he's gonna turn into a zombie soon and tommy won't have any of it. they end up taking him in, even though neither of them know if or how to cure him.
cue a trip to the city hospital searching for supplies they don't know how to use! aaaand cue wilbur joining the story. wilbur is curious what they're doing with equipment they can't even name, and the pair are desperate enough that they confide in him. he tells them he's a doctor (not true, this man is a dropout med student </3) and he offers to help them cure their friend.
and they're desperate enough to accept.
so wilbur comes back to the can with them and checks over ranboo. ranboo's arm is incredibly necrotic and the bite is starting to actually infect his system. after a lot of deliberation, wilbur concludes that the best course of action is amputating his arm (it is a total loss from the elbow down At Least) and hoping to have some chance to fight off the zombification infection that is starting to go septic.
and of course tommy and tubbo are at a loss, saying they can't fucking do this bc how the Fuck are they gonna amputate his whole arm with one "doctor" and two scrappy teenagers that are half starving most of the time.
but. its the only option.
SO I also have another post that goes into detail on how this all goes butttttt long story short: they do not have general anesthetic. they have to use regional anesthesia. basically, this means an IV of a pain killer and anti-anxity medication plus some localized anasthetic. so ranboo is very much awake during the procedure, yet awareness isn't exactly strong.
so: tommy watches his IV and makes sure he gets the medicine amount he needs, wilbur cauterizes and ties off major blood vessels, and tubbo performs the surgery itself (ie cutting the skin, muscles, and bone). its hell. ranboo is awake and not in Too much pain, plus the medicine is making him far more open to suggestion and calming, but it still is. a little traumatizing to say the least. tommy just about faints a few times. tubbo keeps his hands steadier than ever. wilbur just hopes he doesn't kill the kid.
but he survives it! and recovery is hell for two fucking months because not only does he have to deal with recovery from amputation BUT he still has the zombification infection in his system! so he is taking a bunch of pain killers for his surgery, dealing with drains and re-dressing bandages, and is getting a fuck ton of anti-biotics, anti-fungals, just about Anything they think that might help him Not Die.
aaaand this is a long time but he fuckin lives! he beats the gotdamn infection! and yeah its a fuckin mess :]]
continued plot involves other characters as well, like niki and jack and quackity and sam and eret! but I'll leave this brief with just the beginning story :D more stuff is in the tag as well if u wanna look around :ooo
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synchlora · 3 years ago
god..... I need to bring back the apocalypse au......
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synchlora · 4 years ago
Ranboo 🎨 what makes him happy
yoooo :D happy ranboo time (for once :])
i think something that he hadn't rly explored before procedure was a lot of storytelling. but, yknow, being completely bedridden for two months gave him plenty of time to think abt it lmao. him and tommy in particular would go back and forth telling increasingly more extravagant and dramatic stories to one another on days where ranboo felt good enough to talk. theyd make characters and play out stories that would last for hours and hours of adventure, usually ending in some stupid, silly ending that frustrated ranboo to no end. ranboo was more keen on making the endings serious and brooding, whereas tommy was far more predisposed for comedically timed backstabbing. but, on days where it was harder for ranboo to talk-- days where the fog was too much to even think through-- tommy was always there to tell him new ones. and he'd always give them some happy, but still serious ending just for ranboos sake (even if he was fast asleep by the ending)
even after he got back to walking, after he started getting out there able to do more physical tasks, he kept making stories. it wasn't something they'd ever even considered, but it not only gave them a way to get out of their head, but also gave them a way to put down significant memories. anything he ever remembered about the past, he would write. and it was a massive help to get him out of the world around him, and even process some of the shit he'd been through
and being able to write for his friends was definitely an unexpected (yet welcome) bonus
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synchlora · 4 years ago
brrrrrr thinking v hard abt the apocalypse au so I am literally making an ask game here we go. send me a character/group + emoji and I will respond :]]
💀 what do they fear?
🏥 dump some medical shit abt them
🤝 how did they become friends?
🚲 do they have any transport?
🎨 favorite hobby
👕 important item to them
❔ random trait
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synchlora · 4 years ago
Do the characters have any regrets ?? Or what are some things they miss? (Apocalypse au)
OOOH BOY do they! :DD
gonna center this around the rv crew bc theyre the main center of the au atm and doing Everyone would be a lot (but I may return to this later to add more as I flesh out the characters better 👀👀)
he has some regrets, mainly centering around things he Didn't Do. he wishes he would've helped his sister before he left his family. wishes he wasn't such an idiot when he got home, wishes she didn't have to sacrifice herself to get him out. he really blames himself for that, thinks he was too loud and thats what got her killed
he has a lot of regret around ranboo as well, he regrets not helping in the situation more. felt like he was useless compared to wilbur and tubbo, and he blames himself for a lot of the pain he went through. maybe if he just knew a little more or was actually helpful then ranboo wouldn't have suffered so much. yeah, he survived, but tommy regrets that he wasn't able to help more in ranboos recovery
he misses watching the moths on the back porch light at his house
hoooooly shit don't get me started, this kid has so many fucking regrets, mostly of things he Did Do. he regrets running away. thinks he should've died with his parents, and has always seen himself as a coward for running away with the car and basically condemning them. he fully blames himself for their deaths, even if he would've died in the fire with them otherwise
he regrets not being there for tommy. tommy struggled with adjusting to life post-apocalypse and he wishes he would've been in a better headspace to have given him more time and care. sure, he'd also just been through an incredibly fucking traumatic event himself, but he still feels like he should've alleviated more of tommys struggles
and OHHHH BOY RANBOO :]] some of his biggest regrets circle around ranboo. he didn't even want to take ranboo in at first, for gods sake he held the guy at gunpoint the first time they met. he was gonna kill him then and there, and he still feels horrified looking back at his actions that day. and, christ, the amputation too. he was the one to propose the idea and to perform the fucking surgery. he blames himself for all of that trauma that ranboo carries (considering how fucking traumatic the procedure was w/o generalized anasthetic). those two months where ranboo was on deaths door post-surgery were months tubbo prefers not to remember, they were rough and he genuinely believes he caused all of that pain
he misses the big green and blue patterned blanket that burned with his home
ough this kid is Fucked Up man. he may not remember shit from his past but that doesn't mean he can't make just about every action or lack thereof into something to regret.
he regrets getting infected (though that's not rly in his control), wishes he hadn't have even lived because god his life made it so much harder on tommy and tubbo and wilbur. they didn't even know him for gods sake but they still cared. he wishes they didnt
they wish they could remember what was before, desperately wish to have known what their life was like. that's not so much of a regret as something that eats away at him though. every time he shows any disdain or discomfort or just not "good" emotions, he hates it. he regrets any negative emotions, feels like he's just ungrateful as shit. their first big argument with wil is a huge regret, and even though tommy was fully on their side through the argument, they still feel like it was out of line to act like that
I dunno man he just has. fucked up emotional responses and he doesn't know how to let himself feel those w/o feeling awful abt how others perceive him
they miss whatever was before, no matter what it was
now, wilbur is very interesting bc from the outside, he hides his regrets very well. but OH DEAR GOD he fucking hates so many of the choices he's made.
he regrets going to med school, he regrets moving away from his parents even though they were pieces of shit. he regrets dropping out. he regrets ghosting his friends even when it was desperate times, regrets letting eret and fundys roommate die when he should've gone to help them. he regrets staying in this fucking town, staying in that godforsaken hospital roaming the halls like some unsettled ghost. he regrets meeting tommy and tubbo, he regrets just about every aspect of what happened with ranboo, he regrets lying.
he just wishes he could do it all over again. be more honest, no matter how hard it is. he wants a do over
he misses not feeling like he's being watched all the time
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synchlora · 4 years ago
Tell me more about eret and Fundy in your au! Also! I would love to hear more about tubbo, ranboo, and Tommy before they meet Wilbur
YOOO let's go eret and fundy development time :]]
eret & fundy
SO. eret is (or rather was) a social science major along with niki (law student), fundy (computer science major), and wilbur (med student) at the same college, so the four of them knew one another well. fundy, eret, and their friend (elaina :]]) all roomed together freshman year onwards until the apocalypse. niki and wilbur lived together for a bit too but wil dropped out and also moved out on his own soon afterwards (leaving niki to move in w jack)
and with that backstory we get tooooo: eret, fundy, and elaina in the apocalypse Trying Their Best. long story short for that, elaina gets sick with what they hope is just pneumonia, turns out to be more sinister (as in yknow. zombie disease). and obviously the whole trio r panicked, not sure what to do here. and so they call on the only person they know who has Any medical knowledge: wilbur. and what does he do?? completely fucking ghosts them
and so here they are: no access to any medicine or professionals, too afraid to take their friend anywhere because they will probably just fucking kill her. and it progresses. Fast. its the lung infection version, so it spreads fucking fast, like within the godamn Week fast. and she is completely fucking out of it within a few days
so fundy and eret are terrified. fundy has always been very openly nervous, and while eret has tried to keep a brave face, even she starts to break as the situation just gets worse. and then, it's too far gone. and elaina is awake, but not in the way that they hoped. she's completely turned, and this realization came only after she lunged at fundy. in desperation to keep him safe, eret ended up killing her (i will figure out the logistics of this later rip). and they're both in fucking shock
they run off, leaving the apartment behind and taking only what they need. the car ride is silent and erets not really sure where they're going. just. anywhere but there
he ends up pulling off the side of the road, the sun is rising on the horizon, they've been driving all night. the two of them only break the silence to cry
bench trio before wilbur
gonna be honest, before wilbur they were just fuckin scrambling around trying to figure out what to do with very little medical knowledge. they are about as clueless (if not more so) than eret and fundy. so yeah, tommy and tubbo are Stressed
that first week or so, tommy and tubbo are scouting the area for some sign of a place that would feasibly have supplies. this is an unfamiliar city to them, so it takes them a while to find a hospital while also conserving gas and only traveling in daylight. its also made extra difficult considering they don't want to leave ranboo on his own. hes struggling enough with the disease, he shouldn't have to fight off zombies on top of that. but they also can't exactly bring him along either
they compromise by bringing the RV to stay parked in the hospital parking lot for a while, staking out a camp there. its risky, especially considering the density of zombies at night around the hospital (many were brought there when it first broke out as you'd imagine) but its one theyre willing to take
from ranboos perspective, this sucks. everything is painful, their arm feels like its gonna fucking fall off, their sight is failing them half the time, its a horrible combination of nothing to do and everything being overwhelming. however, because his infection isn't in his lungs, it is far more difficult for it to take root (which gives him a lot more time). but this does mean that it makes his bones hurt inside of his arm, which was a pain he did not know was even possible. most days are bad days, with days where he's completely nonverbal being the hardest to cope with considering he can't talk and signing with one arm is difficult, just about as hard as writing with his left hand. makes it difficult to communicate and those are days where everything feels all the more hopeless
basically: before wilbur, its hell. after wilbur, its also hell, but at least it passes eventually
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synchlora · 4 years ago
Please talk more about Tommy and Tubbo in your apocalypse au!!!
so !! best friends. they've known one another since loooong before shit went down and so they're the first people one another seek out when the apocalypse happens.
theyre close as hell and were already inseparable before, much less after their lives start to depend on one another. obviously they have arguments, especially considering how tense the world is around them, but they stick together through it all.
that is until some random lanky, malnourished, presumed-dead-body of a teen throws all that off. and his name is ranboo :]]
now, tommy and tubbo have had their arguments before over petty little things and events that seemed major at the time, but by god neither of them had ever even come near the moral quandry of what the fuck to do when a half-zombified kid around their age happens to stumble into their lives and they have to decide what the hell to do with him. I mean, its not that the topic was never broached-- its not like two teenage boys aren't gonna go into the gruesome details of a good ol' fashioned moral dilemma and zombie apocalypse, come on-- but there was never an actual application of all that big talk. until now.
and tommy "I would kill a man with no hesitation if they were a threat" innit suddenly cared a hell of a lot, meanwhile tubbo "well, but think about the mental consequences of the trauma of taking another human life" underscore came across quite cold.
to put it plainly, tommy was ready to go to the ends of the earth to help this guy meanwhile tubbo was actively loading his gun.
and, as you'd imagine, this makes for quite a massive argument when tommy hears the click of the clip in tubbos gun while he's holding a hand out softly to the teen trying not to scare the everloving shit out of the guy. so you can only imagine the fear that crosses ranboos face when he sees a gun held up to it.
tommy, being the ever so polite person he is, drags tubbo away and gestures to the startled teen on the ground in front of them to wait for just a moment. he then turns around the alleyway corner and (still perfectly in earshot) screams at tubbo because holyfuckingshit WHY the fuck is he so ready to shoot this kid????? cut to a just as confused tubbo who is staring between his friend and the near-corpse around the corner that will probably end up eating said friend in however many days it takes that bite on his arm to infect his whole system. and the two of them voice these points through louder and louder shouts-- until a small, near imperceptible little noise breaks through their screaming match.
they turn to see ranboo, hands pressed heavy against his ears, very clearly in pain even without the yelling over what the fuck to do with him. for gods sake, its like he's not even there. he looks up upon hearing the (very welcome) silence from the two other teens in front of him. he lowers his hands slowly, wringing them out irritably.
"you done?" he snappily signs.
tommy and tubbo both look to one another, shame with a hint of shock lining both their expressions before they nod solemnly in a truce.
ranboo eyes the both of them cautiously, staring with particular fear at the gun holstered on tubbos hip. it doesn't hardly take tommy a second before he reaches across to his friend, wrenching the gun from its holster and shoving it in his own belt.
"no need for him to carry that," he shoots a glare at tubbo, who nearly objects, instead lowering his hands to his sides. he turns back to the teen on the ground, looking a little more at ease with the gun away from the kid that was just pointing at him, and he holds out a hand to help him up.
"need somewhere to go?"
ranboo looks at it for a moment, hesitation still lingering across his form. to be fair to the guy, he was just held at gunpoint, yelled over, and then immediately offered a choice to go with two complete strangers that don't entirely have his trust. he raises a hand to respond, just as his stomach growls through the deafeningly silent alleyway.
tommy smirks, though quickly erases his expression upon seeing the other teen isn't exactly laughing at his hunger. going back to his bag, he takes out a granola bar. he tosses it nonchalantly, to which ranboo just about looses his footing to scramble and catch it. his hands shake opening the package, scarfing it down like nothing.
"jeez man, slow down you're gonna throw that right back up," tubbo remarks. a steely glare from ranboo shuts him right up and he raises a hand in faux surrender. tommy rolls his eyes but turns back to ranboo.
"so," he begins and ranboo looks back up to him, finishing the last crumbs of granola stuck to his palms, "'s that a yes?"
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synchlora · 4 years ago
[wakes up in a cold sweat] QUACKITY.
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