#syndicate crossover au
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messedupfamily · 10 months ago
What If...
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Sorry for not posting much on here lately!! I've been quite busy with other projects and real life stuff that this whole AU kind of ended up being put to a halt for a while...That is, until Vs The Doom Syndicate arrived! Which gave me the perfect opportunity to draw this.
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coolcattime · 3 months ago
AU Snippet December: Day Twenty-Seven!
Mianite Libris Crossover!
“On the positive side, we haven't woken up in a prison, so things aren't the worst they could be,” Tom said, trying to reassure both the reasonably worried women.
Like, sure they might be in an unknown world with absolutely no idea how they were going to get home. But they seemed to be in a medical tent which was certainly better than the cell he'd woken in in Ruxomar.
“Are you three criminals then?” Tom's eyes widened as he realised he had said the exact wrong thing as a stranger had wandered in.
“Not last I checked,” Martha said, standing up with a smile. She just hoped her read of the girl being more curious than scared was correct. 
She looked to be around the same age as Andor and Alyssa. A teenager who was just about an adult. That was the detail that Martha held in her head because it was one thing she could deem as normal.
That was quite a thought for a woman that currently found herself in the company of two zombies. But the girl staring at them with a tilted head was completely blue which, given that she didn’t seem to be undead in any way, was odd even for their group.
“I mean it's okay if you are. I've done crime!” The teenager said a little too upbeat.
Martha stared at her, taken aback, as Tom started cracking up. “Like mostly just theft… and doing business without a licence.”
She bounced on her heels.
“Oh and--!”
She turned away from them all. 
“Altair! Is it identity theft if you only steal their identity for like a day?”
“Yes!” A voice called back. “...Wait, what are you doing?!”
As Martha continued to just stand mouth agape, and the teenager seemed to be obliviously making whatever others were here with her panic, Tom strode over to Capsize. He threw an arm over her, grinning. 
“Seems we've landed somewhere fun.”
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bucketwritingpail · 1 year ago
Wip Wednesday anyone?
Danny joins the Blood Syndicate au pt.1
Cw: lying about ages, recruiting minors (gangs)
"I don't think we should be recruiting kids, Wise."
"I'm not a kid," Danny stated defiantly, tilting his chin up and puffing out his chest in what he hoped looked like an intimidating stance.
The ghost guy didn't look impressed, crossing his arms as he asked, "And how old are you then?"
"I'm-" shit. Fuck. He couldn't say fifteen, they'd definitely kick him out for that. What could he pass for then? "Eighteen?" He hated how much it sounded like a question but it was worth a shot. " I'm eighteen," he said, projecting as much confidence as he could muster into his voice this time.
The ghost raised an eyebrow. "You wanna try again with a more accurate number?" There were a few snickers from the group and Danny felt himself deflate a little.
"I'm seventeen in june," he muttered bitterly. Still a lie but probably more passable. It was only a year.
"You know what? You're in," Wise said with a wide sweeping gesture, he held out his hand for Danny to shake.
"That's still a kid, Wise."
"And I'm your fucking leader, Fade. What I say goes. Besides, I was a year younger when I first joined, and I know the lot of you were too. We take in Bang babies who need a place to go. That's the policy."
Fade looked like he wanted to protest further, but swallowed it instead and sighed. "Fine," he ground out.
"Good," Wise Son said, jutting out his chin with an air of finality before turning back to Danny. "Now, kid-" Fade coughed. "That we've settled the possibility of you sticking around," he continued, ignoring the rather unsubtle remains of objection, "You've got to understand what you're getting into. Capiche?"
Danny nodded.
"Y'see, we've got a rule here. You can only join up with us if you can beat us all in a fight. You still wanna try out?"
Danny took a quick look around at everyone and nodded again.
Masquerade stepped forward with an amused expression. "You sure about that, runt?"
Danny stared him straight in the eyes and nodded again. Then, with his own amused lilt to his voice, "I am one hundred percent confident I could beat you all without breaking a sweat."
The gang members all shared a look.
"Alright then," Wise said.
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sageoffrigga · 8 months ago
Legend of Zelda x Assassin's Creed AU:
Hytham - Zora
Basim - Zonai
Eivor - Hylian
Ezio - Rito
Altaïr - Hylian
Malik - Zora
Jacob and Evie - Hylians
Alexios and Kassandra - Hylian
Callum Lynch - Rito
Dimitrios - Hylian
Asad ibn Basim - Hylian/Zonai
More to come! I promise!!
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megamindfandombookclub · 9 months ago
Do you remember when the Doom Syndicate wanted to raise Metro City to the moon, well what if that happened earlier when Megamind was a teenager, Megamind tries to prevent this because upon meeting Roxanne he gives up on this plan he made with his best friends but whatever happens wrong and instead of the moon, Metro City ends up in Mushroom World in New Donk City
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It is also far and close to the Mushroom Kingdom
technically Megamind transported everyone to the world of Nintendo's favorite plumber who wears red and in other words - Super Mario
and also the story is not just about Megamind but also about Matt Murdock who lives in the Mushroom Kingdom, because this universe is full of pipes and so it is not an accident that several crossovers fall here
I chose Metro Kingdom because it suits Megamind and the city they live in as it would be the city next to a kingdom and city in the Mario universe
that sounds really nifty! I hope we can see more of your thoughts on this!
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rwac96 · 2 years ago
crime syndicate Wonder Woman Donna Troy did she ever find her way to remnant
Superwoman: *exhales* No. *scowls* Not yet.
*behind the 'Diplomat' was the Promoticon in shambles, courtesy of Ultraman*
Superwoman: One, those brats covered their tracks well. Two, there's...you know who. I like my boy toys not barbecued via Heat Vision.
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cippicat · 10 months ago
The pair we didn't know we needed
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Arno and Jacob as requested by @drumheartfb !
Arno is so done with Jacob’s shit
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fantastic-nonsense · 1 month ago
An Explanation of DC's Multiple Universal Reboots and How to Navigate DCU Canon
This is an expansion of a shorter explanation I gave on my Batfam Starter Recs reading list. I figured it might be helpful to have it as a standalone explanation for new comic readers learning how to navigate DC's various attempts to deal with the concept of canon.
The Multiverse is a storytelling device within DC Comics that explains how most of the comics DC has published are tied together or are separate from each other. There exists a "main" universe, where most of DC's published comics collectively take place, and then several alternate universes where things happened differently than they did in the main universe. The multiverse allows writers to explore various concepts like "what if the Jack the Ripper murders happened in Victorian-era Gotham?" and "what if DC's women were the primary heroes of their universe and fought in World War II?" without affecting anything going on in the main universe.
DC Comics canon works in three "mainline" universes:
the pre-Crisis universe (everything published from the beginning of DC Comics until the Crisis on Infinite Earths event in 1986)
the post-Crisis universe (everything published between 1986 and 2011)
the post-Flashpoint universe (everything published from 2011-now)
In the 1980s, management at DC decided that continuity had become too outdated, convoluted, and contradictory to tell coherent stories within a shared universe as more stories were told, new characters were introduced, and new context to prior stories was added. The company had previously attempted to solve this problem in the 1960s by publishing "Flash of Two Worlds," assigning existing stories to two different universes (Earth-One and Earth-Two), and creating a smattering of other alternate universes (Earth-Three was the home of the Crime Syndicate, evil AU versions of the Justice League, for example), but found that this did not actually solve the issue.
So. They decided to do a total universal reboot. That reboot was initiated by the company-wide crossover event known as Crisis on Infinite Earths, published from 1985 to 1986.
COIE effectively rebooted the entire internal DC Universe from the dawn of time onward. A new universal history now existed: the vast majority of characters/character history, history, and events from the varying alternate timelines that existed in the previous universe were retold, retooled, condensed, and/or thrown out in favor of a new, theoretically streamlined single reality. From 1986-2011, DC Comics mainline continuity was published in this shared universe, which industry professionals and fans alike called the 'post-Crisis' universe; in-universe, we refer to this primary version of DC's continuity "New Earth" (or occasionally, Earth-0).
For a wide variety of reasons that I won't get into here, DC completely rebooted their universe again in 2011 following the Flashpoint event comic. This new primary universe—interchangeably called the New 52 universe, post-Flashpoint universe, or Prime Earth, depending on the conversation—once again drastically changed many characters’ histories, personalities, and relationships with each other (sometimes for the better, most of the time for the worse). This is the current universe for DC's main comic line.
Within these three overarching iterations of the DCU, there were several events aimed to clean up, refresh, or reorganize various continuity problems. You may hear people refer to "post-Zero Hour" continuity, for example, to describe post-Crisis events/character histories that were revamped after Zero Hour: Crisis in Time! was published in 1994. "post-Rebirth" continuity, another common descriptor, refers to the reorganization of the post-Flashpoint/Prime Earth universe that happened after the Rebirth event in 2016.
GENERALLY SPEAKING, these are the most common ones you'll hear about:
Pre-Crisis Universe (1937-1986): "Flash of Two Worlds" (1961)
Post-Crisis Universe (1986-2011): pre/post-Zero Hour (1994-2005), post-Infinite Crisis and One Year Later (2005-2008), & post-Final Crisis (2008-2011)
Post-Flashpoint Universe (2011-present): The New 52 (comics written from 2011-2015), Convergence/DCYou (the first attempt to fix New 52 continuity, lasted from 2014-2016), pre/post-Rebirth (2016-2021)—and within Rebirth continuity there were two events, Dark Knights: Metal and its sequel, Death Metal, that did some minor universal revamps (2018-2021)—and post-Death Metal continuity, also known as Infinite Frontier (2021-present). Dark Crisis (2022) also exists but didn't really change the multiversal lore status quo, just simplified the explanation.
Other important universal lore-related things to note about these events:
Prior to Crisis on Infinite Earths, the DCU was an "infinite multiverse." There were no limits on the number of alternate universes that existed and no in-depth explanation for how they were connected or unconnected to the DCU's main timeline.
COIE destroyed the infinite multiverse and condensed everything into one, single universe. Between 1986 and 2005, there were technically no acknowledged alternate universes beyond the "antimatter universe."
"Hypertime" was created by Mark Waid and Alex Ross in 1999 as a way to get around this rule and eventually became the "go-to" way of explaining and fixing various continuity errors. Hypertime is a network of alternate timeline "echoes" that branch off from the main DCU timeline and occasionally overlap with each other, causing alterations in reality.
Since there could only be one timeline, continuity discrepencies were often "fixed" by explaining that one version of events happened in a previous, now destroyed timeline (that characters may or may not remember). Characters could cross from one timeline to another if needed, but any changes resulting from time travelers messing with events caused the destruction of their orginal timeline.
The "Elseworlds" imprint was another method of writing alternate universe stories without explicitly acknowledging the multiverse existed. DC officially just called these books "non-canon" stories without trying to explain how they existed in relation to the main universe. Most if not all of these stories are now considered part of the multiverse.
The infinite multiverse was briefly restored after Infinite Crisis in 2005 and then merged into a single 52-universe multiverse the year afterwards in 52. This new, limited multiverse was explained as there being an "original" Earth (Earth-0) with each successive universe being further and further removed from that one.
The initial post-Flashpoint/New 52 explanation of the multiverse was that there was a limited 52-universe multiverse. That explanation was somewhat overwritten after Rebirth and fully retconned after Death Metal.
Death Metal introduced the concept of the "omniverse," a multiverse of infinite multiverses. Yes, this is dumb. Yes, we generally ignore it and it has now been fully retconned.
The "Dark Multiverse" (a temporary "dark negative counterpart" of each Multiverse reality created by the fears of a universe's people) is theoretically a thing that exists. No, no one else really understands it either and the concept is generally restricted to the two Metal events.
Since Dark Crisis, the DCU is once again a single infinite multiverse in the vein of late pre-Crisis continuity. Every universe and continuity exists, and some are closer to the mainline reality than others.
Right now, the main DCU is once again a singular multiverse with an infinite number of universes. Technically, every version of "mainline universe" history throughout the existence of the multiverse is now considered to have occurred and is remembered by the inhabitants of Prime Earth. In practice, this means that "everything is nebulously canon or non-canon until explicitly acknowledged by a writer to have definitively happened and/or be something that a character remembers happening to them."
Unfortunately, not a lot of writers are doing much with that concept right now outside of picking and choosing their favorite parts of mainline canon to focus on and/or re-canonize, but it at least presents a path forward where a lot of the continuity and characterization issues created by the New 52 reboot are able to be properly addressed.
I hope this explanation was helpful for people, and I'm happy to try and field any further questions as well!
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blackcur-rants · 5 months ago
Ideas for albums the Mechs could have done alongside their already existing ones
01. Cyberpunk retelling of events from "The Shahnameh" wherein King Jamshid and his Chief Engineer Mirdas create a powerful super-computer called the Zahhak to help them run their city...only for it to go crazy with power and absorb all the minds of the people into itself using a virus a la The Acheron before being defeated by the heroic hackers Kaveh and Fereydun (who are probably boyfriends in The Mechanisms Universe, because why not).
02. Film Noir retelling of the Hero Twins wherein they are detectives trying to bring down the Brotherhood of Xibalba crime syndicate society that runs their city.
03. Dickens crossover universe involving Fagin and the DeFarges as rival space pirates, Cartmanay and Twistperpip as polycules, Paul Dombey running a spaceship firm, the Dorrits having to escape from a prison planet, and Miss Havisham as a cyborg with Estella as her adopted daughter/repairwoman.
04. Steampunk crossover AU of all the Bronte works featuring Jane Eyre crushing on Helen Graham and queer tension between either Heathcliff and Rochester or between Heathcliff and Arthur Huntingdon or between Rochester and Arthur Huntingdon.
05. Retelling of a classic Shakespeare play, preferably one that hasn't already been adapted a billion times already.
06. Retelling of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" as a space opera about a war between different planets seeking to rule over the same solar system.
07. "Journey to the West" but it's about explorers on an unknown planet.
08. Polynesiian mythology retelling wherein Maui is a biio-engineer who keeps creating whole new planets and ecosystems by accident.
09. Space opera retelling of either "The Ramayana" or "The Mahabharata".
10. Russian mythology retelling about Marya Morevna and IIvan Tsarevic facing down a Koschei the Deathless who's actually a clone of King Cole alongside one of the Bogatyrs who in this retelling is in fact a former Rose Red.
11. Retelling of "Dream of the Red Chamber" wherein the house is a virtual reality computer simulation.
12. Steampunk retelling of "Les Miserables" featuring Javert as a cyborg.
13. Retelling of "War and Peace" with a Rose Red as Napoleon and Pierre trying to shoot down King Cole.
14. Sherlock Holmes but make it Film Noir.
15. Dracula or something Dracula related.
16. Snow Queen retelling.
@lady-asteria @carcosa-commune @cynicalclassicist @miralines @cinderswife
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sparklyhyperbole · 3 months ago
For WIP ask game!
Every one of those sounds delightful, but cruise ship assassins? I love me a good mystery so fire away
Yes!! This one is relatively new.
@zeldaelmo also asked about it too!
"Cruise Ship Assassins
Do I spot a Spyxfamily reference/crossover here??? 👀"
Yes, absolutely 😂
The inspiration on this one is threefold;
-An Affair to Remember, with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr.
-The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie (the criminal syndicate and ocean liner scenes, specifically)
-Spy x Family
Cruise ship assasins is a TP zelink AU. TP Zelda is intelligent and sophisticated in a standoffish way, so I invisioned her in this role.
Zelda is the heiress to her family's jewelers empire. They own diamond mines, cut gems, and sell finished products. She's been summoned home from overseas, so to avoid tabloids and fanfare she independently books a cruise that will dock at her home city's port. She assumes a different name with false papers and all that.
Link, a talented ex spy, now assassin for hire is also on the cruise. More to the point—There's a special gem in her possession which marks her as his target.
She's been instructed to guard it dearly.
He's been tasked to steal it and make her death look accidental.
Except he's not the only one onboard who is dangerous, hired to kill, or not what they seem.
I intend for this to be 2-3 chapters at most.
It's my zelinktines project this year!
Thank you both for the ask!! 💖💖
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bucketwritingpail · 1 year ago
Hey besties! Guess who has a heart rate of 109 for some reason!
Anyway, here's some Danny in the Blood Syndicate Au
Tw: transphobia, purposeful misgendering, and violently bringing up trauma (Takes place during the Demon Fox attack so you can probably guess how that's gonna turn out)
"Ooooh and you. You have some delicious little secrets don't you." The voice came hissing out of the fog, echoing in a way that made it I possible to track.
"What are you even talking about? I'm an open fucking book." Danny said, struggling to keep the fear out his voice by replacing it with his signature humor. "The best book you'll ever read."
"Oh? I wonder if that's true. Let's take a look." There! Danny directed a blast of ectoplasm where the voice had just been as it trailed off. He didn't see it hit through the fog, but one can hope.
A prickly feeling worked its way down his spine. It somehow put him further on edge.
A low tutting sound drifted out from the fog, before the Demon thing lunged out at him. It had him by the face and it was laughing.
"Good attempt child, but nothing you can do can hurt me. Now let's read that book shall we?" Fuck this.
Danny thrashed about in the thing's hold, landing as many hits as he could and getting cut up on its talons in the process.
"Such a fighter. You always fight so hard, don't you? For your little town, for your friends, for your pathetic excuse for a life." the thing spat. Danny's blood was boiling. The thing didn't even let him respond, it just held him there as it continued. ''What made you finally run? What turned you into a coward?"
Danny's fist connected with the things face with a satisfying crunch and he rolled away, scrubbing at his face when we e the thing had been holding him with its disgusting claws.
"I'm not a fucking coward." It was meant to be a snarl. Cool and defiant. It came out as a horribly desperate scream. What was that thing doing to him.
The things face snapped back together with a sickening squelch as it stalked forward.
"But you still ran away didn't you? You still hide," It cooed. "Why? Afraid your friends wouldn't love you? Afraid if what your parents would do if they found out your little secret? What was it they liked to say? 'Molecule by molecule.'"
"Shut up!"
"What would you do if your new friends found out about you? About what you are. They would hate you too. Just like your family."
"You don't know that!"
"But you do."
A guttural scream tore itself from Danny's throat. This thing was toying with him. Playing with its food. Well Danny wasn't anyone's plaything and he wasn't a coward. This thing didn't know anything. He aimed himself right at it and let his scream grow into a wail. The destruction would be worth it to get rid of this thing, Wise would understand, if he was even still alive.
Danny felt the power coursing through him, tearing up his throat as it escaped in waves of destruction. And yet, the thing was unfazed, taking the full brunt of the attack and barely flinching.
"Is that all you got, little girl?" No.
"No one calls me that and lives."
The thing tilted it's chin to look down at him shaking from just the effort of staying upright after pouring out so much energy to no avail.
"Strike me down then."
Oh he would, he-
He couldn't move. Fuck.
"That's what I thought." The thing lashed out at him, knocking him to the side and sending him flying into the brick wall. There was a litany of sickening cracks as he slid down the wall, his body falling limp, he couldnt tell if they had come from the wall or his body.
The thing didn't even look back before moving on to its next target. His next team member. One of his friends. He couldn't let that thing touch any of them.
Pain was exploding from every point in his body and lights were swimming in his vision. Then everything went dark.
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damadisangue · 11 months ago
20 questions for fic writers Thank you, @thetentaclecommander ❤️ 1. How many works do you have on AO3? 153! 95 only in Resident Evil fandom. 2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 573,764 3. What fandoms do you write for? Mainly Resident Evil, but I write also for the Arcane, Game of Thrones, Batman and Assassin's Creed Syndicate (incest) fandom. 4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1) The years we shared 2) Dirty little fairytale 3) Unravel me 4) Natural born sinner 5) All beauty destroyed 5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! Always! I always enjoy receiving them and being able to talk to people about the characters and their impressions of the plot. 6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? If I had to choose between those published I would say Forever is not for everyone, in which Alex suddenly dies before Albert and Wesker finds himself dealing with this sudden loneliness, as well as the hallucinations in which he sees his sister. 7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?  I wanna feel you from the inside, because Albert wins and both Weskers are alive and together. 8. Do you get hate on fics? Uhm, no, not really. There were those on Twitter who commented negatively saying that I wrote incest, so I sucked, but no big deal. 9. Do you write smut? Well, obviously yes. I believe it is a fundamental aspect of a relationship and a language through which the characters can express what words do not do. 10. Do you write crossovers? Nope! 11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?  Uhm, as far as I know, no. 12. Have you ever had a fic translated?  Yep! In Chinese and Russian! 13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?  No: I don't think I would do it well. 14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Albert and Alex Wesker. Definitely Albert and Alex. The obsession, the brutality, the blood, the incest, the mutual possession, the total and absolute control that Wesker wants to exercise, Alex's sadistic and violent streak, the fact that they are a wonderful tangle of feelings and teeth and that they bite into each other - and the ramifications that sex can take: violent, raw, brutal, or tremendously and painfully gentle, nostalgic, needy. And then Wesker infected with the Uroboros? It's clearly a wedding invitation for me. 15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? At the moment I would like to conclude a fantasy AU on Resident Evil, but it requires a very large narrative and contextualization effort - the nations, the houses, the monsters, the creatures: I'm a very precise and methodical person so it could take me a long time 16. What are your writing strengths? Uhm, I don't know... maybe the sex and the feelings? 17. What are your writing weaknesses? The description of the environments. I think it should improve. 18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Yes. I'm Italian, so I did that for Excella. 19. First fandom you wrote for?  Batman. A long time ago. 20. Favorite fic you’ve written?  One, not yet published - violent and with torture, but which deeply explores the Weskers and which I will publish hopefully by the summer - and Lamb of God, for the sex scenes and the relationship between Alex and Albert. I'm not sure who to tag, so anyone can use it freely! @judasiskariot @vesperene @tacky-tramp @junotranscends @omgbarbiegurl @doctor-hannibal-wesker @irithyll-writes @joanna-lannister
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megamindfandombookclub · 10 months ago
I'm the important one and I'm here to share another of my au projects with you, the friend and the coolest guy in the world and the fandom club book lair /family/ friends, it's the beginning of the story that is megamind but merged into one plot of one of the games in the Paper Mario franchise that I love a lot It even has a soundtrack and canon with Au
So creative!
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brain0worm · 2 days ago
I was bored so here's a master list of fan fiction I've written and I'm proud of (and my own biased rating and thoughts on them):
Third Chance (life) ? - BSD Hunting Dogs x Genshin Scara crossover.
I merged Genshins world and BSD world and Scara joined Hunting Dogs. 7/10 I fucked up story telling a bit between chapter 1 and 2. My first ever over 10k word fan fiction.
In the Eyes of the Forgotten. - Ticci Toby x Bloody Painter (ship)
Peak of my 2024/2025 Creepypasta phase. 8/10, I was a bit rushing the ending.
No Place Like Here - Creepypasta alternative universe where nobody is a killer.
Ticci-Jack (ship), 9/10 I loved writing that ending. I had more ideas for this fic but couldn't figure out how to connect them all.
Moonlit Blood - AU of BatFam inspired by two other fan fictions. AU about vampire and werewolf packs.
7/10, I thought the ending should've been developed more, but I wasn't in the mood for it, it's not a bad ending, it's just not as good as I wanted it.
Sins of the Shifting Shadow and Nexus - AU of BatFam. Genderfluid Spy Tim.
9/10, I liked writing it, motivation died a bit at the end again, but overall pretty good.
Shadow Syndicate - BatFam AU where Tim is also a Crime Lord.
8/10, I had more ideas for this one, but couldn't put them in without ruining the already set up story.
Flare Assassin — feral cat - BatFam AU where Tim and Cass are twins and Tim's an assassin.
10/10 (very biased) my personal favorite of my fics. Also got to tag: Hydrogen inaccuracies. (10/10 tag by me)
Also got hit by a bike while writing this one.
Very honorable (not, lol) mention:
Bugs, spines and the inbetween. - quick crack fic (with back cracking) using @mrtweezerss oc.
9/10, wish I could've made it to 1k words but I couldn't find a way to describe spine cracking in more words without laughing till tears. Got to tag: crack with back cracking.
And thanks @sin-theabstractevil for being my beta reader who puts up with my unhinged ass :3
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garden-ghoul · 6 months ago
my xX star wars/naruto crossover conceptz Xx
they're the exact same kind of trashy action fantasy you see. they even have the same major theme ("be careful when attempting to critique unjust systems of governance in a battle fantasy setting lest you decide they're too awesome and cool to continue critiquing").
anyway. please consider how perfect it is for sasuke to be a wee dathomirian zabrak who gets found by a jedi knight coincidentally in the same sort of way as ms ventress. after the classic dathomirian event of having his village destroyed for no particular reason by his adored big brother (itachi is a man in this au) for sith apprentice bridge burning reasons. turns up at the jedi temple age eight (shocking!!!) and practices to be the Perfect jedi so he can Get His Revenge.
contemplating what the star wars equivalent of sharingan might be since zabraks don't really have any kind of special power. maybe it's just an ability that he and itachi happen to share that's fairly rare for force users? I'll think about it.
it's kind of fun that there's really not that much hereditary ability stuff in star wars, and certainly not as fancy as you find in naruto. I feel like I'd emphasize more about training lineages that pass down special abilities and maybe do a thing where a bunch of padawans now have to be on teams because adult jedi are dropping like flies in the big war against the uhhh other schismatic jedi order from over there. that orochimaru count dooku'd out to found! obv!
ahhh if this takes place in a single galactic republic that would be soo fun? you'd get to play with "what exactly is the place of the jedi in the government." if this is a regional temples thing, maybe some number of star systems drop out of the republic because they need jedi protection! things get so much more interesting if you let the story admit that jedi have different spiritual philosophies and ideas about orthopraxy. the jedi order that's in league with a crime syndicate! the jedi order that decided the sith knew what they were doing! the jedi order that gets really aggressive about eradicating injustice! the jedi order that decided to teach safe dark side use! the possibilities are endless.
anyway the one we're in is the jedi order that's hoarding wealth and political influence to try to eradicate all the other orders. and sasuke is there being a maverick. and sakura is there being barriss offee. and naruto is there being iskat akaris (ie everyone's mean to him because his mom got pregnant and ran away from the jedi temple). truly you can find any type of guy you need for naruto already in star wars. I think kakashi is a regular degular obi wan.
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piscespixiewastaken · 2 months ago
My DSMP AUs and hashtags
Posting this better late than never lol
Here’s a list of all my DSMP AUs and their descriptions.
#troubledsoul au: In progress, published, a crossover between Hermitcraft Season 9 and the guard dog!Dream concept, featuring as much fluff and angst as your heart desires. Includes Hermit!Tommy, Hermit!Dream, Watcher!Grian, and a lovable cast of hermits who just want to talk with XD and Quackity. Surely this conversation will not go horribly
#babydream+awesamdad: In progress, published. Tommy and Tubbo find a little boy in the ruins of New L’Manberg and take him home only to find out some very surprising (and horrifying) details.
#prisontrio timeloop: In progress, unpublished. Sam, Dream, and Quackity go through a timeloop until they learn to get along-ish. Sam and Dream are taking it a little further, much to everyone else’s chagrin. Quackity would like to go home and stop being the third-wheel now.
#rolereversal au: In progress, unpublished. Wilbur leaves for Utah only to end up in a different version of the SMP: this time, he’s the admin and the SMP is originally called the Wilbur SMP. He renames it to L’Manberg after realizing he’s taken on the role of that world’s Wilbur. Chaos ensues. Featuring deer hybrid!Dream who ends up very traumatized, a very angry pig hybrid!Technoblade, and a cast of very nervous SMP members who would like their Wilbur back please; this one is scary.
Unnamed avian!Q and avian!Dream fic: Brainstorming. Basically Quackity goes in Pandora’s Vault to get the revival book from Dream, during their sessions, he finds out Dream has wings. Like, new baby bird wings. Instincts go haywire, he can’t torture a baby bird. Cue the most totally healthy bonding experience two avians can have. Featuring incompetent Warden Sam and the only-bird-on-the-server-thinking-straight Philza. And a very confused Techno.
#fighting god season two: Completed, published. The Syndicate received an invite back to the server to take care of DreamXD, who’s causing more trouble than he’s worth. Also everyone’s memories are returning. (Might be finished, but I will always love talking about this one.)
Questions? Comments? Critiques? My askbox is open (and almost fully empty). Ask away!
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