#so hope you like it and maybe change your mind about venus retrogrades being ALL BAD
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Venus cycle: conjunctions with the Sun, its retrogrades and how it all works
Because Venus just stationed retrograde so here's all you need to know 💖
One of the best aspects one can have in a natal chart is probably Venus conjunct the Sun. There is one catch though - the orb of that conjunction has to be smaller than 1 degree (or, even better, 0°17' - this is the orb I personally give), otherwise Venus is said to be combust. Now, combust planets aren't necessarily all bad, but being so close to Sun makes them operate in a shadow or, how I like to call it, on a backstage. Venus being overshadowed by the big hot luminary will still be full of charm, allure and talent but it may feel like it's not being recognized. Alternatively, those talents can be used on a literal backstage, for example, when working with or for other people who present themselves on stage - literally or figuratively.
But what if Venus is extremely close to Sun, within that small orb? Well we call it cazimi - which means in the heart of the Sun. It gives Venus bonification but also carries the energy of a reset of some sorts because it marks the beginning of a Venus cycle - people born on a conjunction have the ability to start projects, constantly reinvent themelves. They're often also trailblazers.
How often does a Venus cazimi occur? About once a year BUT - and that's an important part - they're conjunct in the same sign every 4 years, alternately when Venus is direct (exterior/superior conjunction) and retrograde (inferior conjunction). So, this year cazimi will happen when retrograde in Aries, 4 years ago happened when direct and 8 years ago when retrograde again. So 8 years is Venus' synodic cycle - this is how it takes for her to be in the same position in regards to Sun. Her cycle is nearly perfect and you've probably heard that if we were to connect the points of cazimi on a chart with lines, it would create a star (it's also often called the rose of Venus). And because of that perfect nature of the cycle, conjunctions in the same sign happen almost at the same degree each time, just being roughly two days shy of and exact cycle. And because of that, it slowly moves backwards. So, for example, the Sun-Venus exterior conjunction in Aries happened on March 31st 2005 (10°31’), then March 28th 2013 (8°10’) and March 26th 2021 (5°50’)… and so on.
It is stereotypically said that Venus retrograde is not a favorable time. I'd say yes and no. During the retograde, Venus goes into the underworld, goes through a rebirth and comes back as a feisty warrior-like morning star (just like in the myth of Inanna, who was the sumerian og incarnation of a goddess of love). This means Venus changes her point of view and becomes indeed more feisty, demanding and sometimes scandalous. A few Venus retrograde examples? Amy Winehouse, who had a very specific, recognizable image and a distinct musical talent that couldn't be replicated - you hear Amy, you instantly know it's her. She had a darker vibe, very in the style of Venus retrograde. She also battled mental health issues and addiction. Mariah Carey is a more optimistic example (again, talent like no other) although for years media coined her as a diva (in a pejorative way) and as a child she suffered discrimination from peers (that's the element of retrograde-y banishment). Actresses like Charlize Theron or Jodie Foster carried their retrograde-y character through movie roles they were choosing (Atomic blonde, Mad Max, Monster, The silence of the lambs or The Accused all have the essence of an underground Venus). Jack Nicholson is another one who embodies that theme in a lot of the movie roles he picks (One flew over the cuckoo's nest, The shining, The witches of eastwick), he also has a very distinct charm to him, despite not being conventionally attractive. Interestingly, since Venus rules women in one's chart, he grew up thinking his mother was his sister and his grandmother - his mother. Very retrograde-y.
So, Venus retrograde doesn't have to be bad. And we'll talk about it in a second when we look at Dua Lipa.
For me though, what's important is, that people born during the retrograde or close to the superior conjunction, are somewhat branded with Venus' synodic cycle. It's like they carry a meter, a clock that's counting down to important events in their life. And I think this is one of the most powerful ways astrology shows how predestined our lives are. There's an amazing episode of The Astrology Podcast (watch HERE) where they look at lives of "time twins" Hitler and Chaplin and every. single. breakthrough they had in their lives happened during the Venus retrograde in Aries (they were both born during retrograde in that sign). Heck, Hitler even died during one. Now tell me it wasn't literally written (and set in stone) in the stars?
Dua was born exactly on a Venus cazimi in Leo. What's more, that conjunction is right on top of Regulus, a fixed star that symbolizes royalty, succes and wealth. Sure, Dua's popularity doesn't match the one of Billie Eilish or Taylor Swift but she slowly but surely gained a pretty decent popularity worldwide - and that is rare for a British-based artist. Her Venus cazimi lays in her 3rd house of thought and adds themes of her Venus-ruled 5th house of creativity.
And, you guessed it, Dua does operate under Venus cycles. She was born during a superior conjunction, so while Venus was direct, somehow she's more influenced by retrogrades. Her first single was released during Venus retrograde in Leo in August of 2015, which clearly brough her luck. During the retrograde in the same sign in 2023 she took a pretty huge part in the Barbie film (a very Venus retrograde-y movie as well). After the release and after retrograde was over, Dua hit a reset (literally as she wiped her whole instagram) and started promoting her next album - and that is the reset I was talking about in the beginning. It's constant reinvention. During that time she also announced that her real ascendant lays in Gemini as opposed to Libra, which is a funny cherry on top.
She also seems to react to other retrogrades as well. During one in Capricorn a few year ago she released her newsletter and then podcast Servce95, which seems to be pretty popular to this day.
See??? Starting things during the retrograde doesn't have to be bad!
Similar example? Ella Fitzgeralt was also born with Venus cazimi in her chart. She was a Leo rising and the conjunction fell into her 10th house in Taurus - a sign ruled by Venus. She was destined to be on stage and to become a music icon - Taurus is known for beautiful voice and grace so this is a perfect representation of a cazimi in that sign.
Her life was also directed by Venus cycles. Her debut stage performance took place one day after Venus conjoined with the Sun in Scorpio in 1934. She had heart surgery in 1986 right before the retrograde. Then in 1991, also before the retrograde, she performed on stage for the last time in her life. Ella eventually passed away just a few days after the cazimi in Gemini in 1996.
So, we see some of her important life events coincided with Venus going retrograde or conjoining the Sun… although in her case, it all took place in signs other than Taurus, interestingly.
Okay but timing aside… let's look at a couple of other examples of people being born with Venus in the heart of the Sun and see how it affected their lives.
Gordon Ramsey! This is one of my favorite examples of a Venus cazimi because it's not stereotypically obvious. Gordon wasn't necessarily endowed with beauty and charm but let's not forget that Venus rules food, pleasure and taste! His natal conjunction falls in… Scorpio. This is probably where his prickly nature comes from. Venus is also presence and he became one of the most recognizeable and charismatic tv personalities of the recent decades.
Princess of Monaco, Charlene, was also born with Venus cazimi that landed on her MC. Her ascendant is in Taurus so Venus exalted her as a person and literally put her on a royal throne through marriage with Prince Albert. Sun rules her 4th house of family so that brings in the family aspect to the mix. Unfortunately, Venus cazimi doesn't have to mean luck in love. She has other stuff in her chart that indicate pain and struggles, like her Moon being besieged by Mars and Saturn. She was labelled as the saddest bride in history as she got married after news broke that her soon-to-be husband was having affairs left and right (she tried to escape the country 3 times, allegedly and cried during their wedding). She's with his ugly ass to this day. What's important to note is that her Venus is still in the same degree as the Sun although it passed the 0°17' mark - does Venus really get combust at that point and is this also the reason for her partner's hidden secrets?
Interestingly, her time twin is Ukraine's president Zelenskyy - they were born on the same day (!!!) and have ascendants in neighbouring signs (he's a Gemini rising). It's safe to say they have a similar experience as being the face of politics (it's the Sun's throne but also Venus rules diplomacy and riches). Additionally, Zelenskyy used to be an actor - another venusian career. And just like Charlene, depending on the school of thought, his Venus is already combust and there are themes of suspected hidden "backstage" activity he was accused for for a few years now. Could that be a combust Venus' doings as well? What's certain though is that the conjunction did endow him with likeability and composure either way.
I know you're all asking: but what about love? It is commonly said that number one rule during a Venus retrograde is to stay away from new relationships as they may end quicker than they started (or, quicker than Venus goes direct again that is). Honestly? I'd say no to that and although it may be that people from the past may come back during that period for a brief fling, if you find someone new during the retrograde and you feel there's substance to it, that might be your long-term destiny indeed. Just like we've seen with Dua and Ella, starting something on a retrograde may actually produce good results. Do keep in mind though that you may be putting a timer on that relationship. Also, the relationship may be a bit frowned upon so take that into consideration.
To top it all off, you know who got together during Venus retrograde? Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Their romance started in 2004 when our lovely benefic was retrograde in Gemini (fitting as Angelina is a Gemini while Brad is the sister sign - Sagittarius). Brad was still with Jennifer Aniston so that was scandalous indeed. But that didn't stop them and they quickly became the it couple everyone was swooning over. 4 years later their twins were born (right after the retrograde). 4 more years later - they got engaged (right before the retrograde). Another 4? Angelina filed for divorce. And this is how two whole Venus synodic cycles later Brangelina ceased to exist. That's some impressive astrology right there.
#this is probably my fav research that i ever did#with some of the most impressive astrology#so hope you like it and maybe change your mind about venus retrogrades being ALL BAD#random#astrology#mercurytrinemoon#venus#venus retrograde#retrogrades#astrology notes#astro notes#dua lipa#gordon ramsey#ella fitzgeralt
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Energy Update: Libra Season 2021
Happy Autumnal Equinox and the start of Libra! Libra season is going to be a bit of a doozy this year as it includes the nadir of retrograde season - Mercury retrogrades from 9/27 - 10/18 which will also occur from 25-10° Libra. Mercury is also joined by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron which will all be retrograde for some of the same time as Mercury. Libra is the sign of scales which implies balance but we have to keep in mind that there are low vibrational and high vibrational sides to all signs. High vibe Libra sees all sides of an issue and seeks compromise but low vibe Libra seeks to control through the veil of compromise - often using people-pleasing and emotional manipulation. Libra, the cardinal air sign ruled by Venus, can be overly concerned with the outward appearances of relationships - having things look good on the outside while there is a festering wound underneath. Ascetic Libra can get so lost in the ideal of something that they forget to come back down to earth and see what is really there. We've got some big truths to confront this month as the Sun, Mercury, and Mars make squares to Pluto in Capricorn and oppositions to our wounded healer Chiron in Aries. These read on the surface as pain points to revisit from 2020 as last year was characterized by squares between Mars (and Chiron) in Aries and our everything in Capricorn. Most specifically - during 2020, Mars in Aries (notably Libra's opposite sign) squared Pluto three times last year due to its own retrograde cycle: on 8/13/20, 9/29/20, and 12/23/20. If you are unsure of how this aspect will affect you, refer back to these days. Something that you thought was resolved around how we enact our desires may be coming up for review during this time. The truth is seldom kind and with Chiron in play, it may be downright painful. As the 7th sign, Libra can be prone to projecting their problems onto others and we are being asked to review, rework, and reimagine these tendencies all month long. Where have you been blaming others for problems that you created for yourself? Where have you labeled an outsider as Bad or Wrong because it was easier than stepping out of your ego and seeing them clearly? Here the opposition of Aries and Libra comes clearly into play. Though we call them opposites because of their placement in the chart wheel, Aries and Libra are often not very different from one another. While Aries's ego story is very concerned with the self and individual accomplishment, Libra's ego story is concerned with the perfection of coupling. This is a month to watch out for family enmeshment and co-dependency. We've spent a full year Othering anybody who was not inside of our bubble or family unit and look where it has gotten us. There is a sense that all that glitters is not gold - that no matter how silver-tongued the Libra story may be, you need to actually look - not with your favorite pair of rose-colored glasses - but with the harsh light of day. You may be forced to take on the perspective of somebody that you have Othered or otherwise wronged. The big flex this month is to extend grace to the people that you have treated poorly (let's be clear - we all have them). I hope for your sake that it's not your Other's that you have wronged but with Mercury retrograde in Libra (the sign of relationships), expect some relationship drama if you and your Other's haven't been being open and honest. Expect a drastic change in direction especially around 10/8-10/10 when the Sun, Mars, and retrograde Mercury form a stellium at 16° Libra. Projection is the big button issue all month - the flex is to recognize those tendencies in your own life and step away or make amends as fits the situation. This is a great month to unfollow the people that make you crazy in your life to create more peace of mind. This is a great month to work on seeing the perspective of your Others with whom you experience conflict. This is a great month to plan for that next step that you've been putting off because it makes
you uncomfortable. 2020, 2021, and to a lesser degree 2022 were HOT astrological years - the kind you see only once or twice in a lifetime. It's been a lot. I get it. We are all tired. We all want to nope out and go back to something that we want to call normal but likely wouldn't recognize anymore. But we're not quite to the end yet and we can't go backward - the only way out is through. Even as you are forced to reencounter some of you harder moments of the last year (maybe earlier depending on your life circumstances) - the big flex is to do it through the eyes of experience. Sure, you know that hole in the ground. Sure, you've fallen in it before. You might even have SCARS from that very same hole. See it there. Take a moment to recognize it. Name it. And then walk the fuck around it. Master that and you have nothing left to fear about retrograde season.
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#witchblr#words#mine#energy update#astrology#Libra season#2021#september 2021#October 2021#Mercury retrograde#Mercury retrograde in Libra#Mercury opposed Chiron#Sun opposed Chiron#Mars opposed Chiron#Libra#Libra stellium#retrograde season
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Hello. How would one go about rectifying their birth chart? I have no idea what time I was born and won’t be able to find my birth parents but I really want to know my rising sign and house placements. Thank you very much 💚
I’m not sure if Tumblr changed the way you can search for keywords or tags on someone’s blog, but I answered this in depth before and I can’t find it now. Oh well, I’ll explain this again and hopefully I won’t forget to include something;
First things first, if you know the hospital you were born at (if you were born at a hospital), you can actually order the birth certificate from them that would have your birth time. Obviously not all hospitals may have this option, but if it’s an avenue that you can and haven’t tried to take yet, definitely do this. If you live in the US, you may need to contact your state’s Vital Statistics department and get it from them instead.
If this isn’t an option for you, read on
1. Physical Appearance - You may refer to my post on physical appearance to help you with this. Just keep in mind when reading that post that those descriptions are the extremes of each sign and there’s a very big chance that you have features from several different signs. In addition to that, the only real life examples I could provide in that post were celebrities who also have features from several different signs than just the one they are being used as an example for. Also, some people just look almost entirely like their Sun sign versus their Ascendant, at least that’s what I find when I try to guess people’s sign.
2. Day VS Night - If you know if you were born before or after 12:00 noon, that will narrow your ascendant possibilities down by half! This is because if you were born during the day, the Sun will always be ABOVE the ascendant-descendant line (So, in the 12th, 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th, or 7th house). If you were born at night, the Sun will always be BELOW the ascendant-descendant line (in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th house). With this knowledge, there will only be 6 different charts that will work where the Sun is above or below (day vs night) the ascendant-descendant line.
3. The Chart Ruler - Depending on what sign the ascendant sits in will dictate what planet rules the birth chart. For example, if you’re a Cancer ascendant, then the Moon is the chart ruler. The chart ruler is as vital to the entire makeup of the birth chart as the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant itself. The chart ruler indicates prominent themes and overall focus to an individual’s life. If you play around with different ascendants, really analyze the condition of the chart ruler for each other. What house is it in? What other planets is it aspecting?
4. The Moon and Neptune - SOMETIMES the Moon and Neptune can be indicators of either an individual who was adopted as a child or someone who is unsure of their roots. You can play around with these placements and see if in the end any of them really click with the rest of your chart rectification;
Moon in the 10th house = Indicator of someone who was adopted as it is the furthest away from the 4th house
Neptune in the 4th house = Indicator of someone who was adopted and/or confusion and uncertainty of roots/upbringing
Moon (and/or Sun) in the 12th house = Uncertainty of parental figures
Ruler of the 4th house in the 12th house (e.g. if the 4th house is ruled by Aries and Mars is in the 12th house) = Uncertainty of roots
Ruler of the 12th house in the 4th house (e.g. if the 12 house is ruled by Cancer and the Moon is in the 4th house) = Indicator of someone who was adopted/being fostered or has parental figures other than their biological parents
5. Life Events - This is a really big one for chart rectification and it’s easier if the person trying to rectify their chart has lived a lot of life. Write down all of your major life events, I mean ALL of them. This can be relationships, major illnesses/broken bones, deaths, traumas, achievements, education, births, transitions, and so on. Things like relationships and illnesses are almost always indicated in the birth chart. The 7th house and planets in it often indicate the people that come into our lives seeking a relationship with us or the relationships one pursues. Specifically planets in the 7th house can indicate the likeness of the people that come in to your life or the circumstances in which you meet them. The ascendant can indicate what someone is “prone” to health wise, even if it’s something as minor as acne or cracky joints or astigmatism. These are just some things to consider that are very helpful in deciphering someone’s birth time.
6. Recent Transits - To coincide with life events, if you’ve had any recent life events, you may observe them through transits. Particularly focusing on retrograde periods, Jupiter transits and returns, Saturn transits and returns are really helpful. It wasn’t very long ago that we had the great Jupiter/Saturn conjunction; was there anything in particular that happened for you as that conjunction approached? Mercury is currently retrograding and people tend to see its effects based on the house it’s transiting over. What area of your life do you feel a sudden urge to change? Did you try to change it? Was the outcome reckless or impulsive? Mercury is retrograding in Aquarius right now so a lot of people may feel the impulse to change something very quickly or recklessly.
7. Your Interests - Your wants in life are a huge component in describing who you are. Your birth chart, in a lot of ways, will compliment your interests. Your interests include self expression (ascendant), your hobbies (5th house), your attractions and relationships (5th and 7th), your career goals (6th and 10th), your desires in general (the house Venus occupies), and your opportunities/dreams (the house Jupiter occupies). Big career goals? Maybe Aries is at the 10th house. Artistic inclinations? Maybe Venus is in the 5th. Wanna marry a Scorpio? Maybe Scorpio cusps the 5th or 7th house or Mars sits in one of these houses. Shooting for a PhD? Maybe Jupiter is in the 9th house. Weird fetish for hands and arms? Gemini on the 5th perhaps. It’s almost always all there as long as you’re not making any big stretches (like for example... A lot of people wanna be rich or famous and they don’t have Jupiter in the 2nd or 10th house). It has to make sense at the end of the day and align with the other criteria. Also, if you’re someone who is fashion oriented, these posts 1 2 of mine might interest you as I drew correlations to specific styles and the signs (there’s 12 separate posts in total, but you can find them all linked in those two).
8. Don’t use placidus - With chart rectifications, only use the equal or whole sign house system. Since chart rectifications are just a speculated chart, placidus will over complicate things with uneven houses and intercepted signs.
This is everything that comes to mind. I’m sure there’s lots of resources on google as well for chart rectification. I hope this helps though
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Venus in Gemini 2020 - How Ganja Babes Do Retrogrades
venus entered gemini and will be chilling with her for a while*. the first month she’ll just be doing her regular thing, but then she’ll swing backwards or *~retrograde~* around mid may for about a month and a half and that’s gonna be “interesting” . after that she does this cute thing called a shadow period where she starts going forward again and getting back to her regular business. after about a week, the gemini chapter ends and she heads into cancer.
*(entered on 4/3/20, will retro 5/13/20, go direct 6/25/20, shadow period till 7/29/2020, leaves for cancer 8/7/2020)
heres whats happening with your sun moon and rising if you’re a hot girl who smokes weed (which I know is the majority of us 💚)
aries - she’s in your 3rd house. expect some dope convos with ur squad. smoke them out. catch up on some homework together. when she retrogrades, there’s a risk of miscommunications (even tho these aren’t always necessarily bad). watch ur deadlines. u can read old texts if u want but u know the risks going in. once she starts going direct, u can clear up any friction with people, & expect some super happy random memories to resurface.☎️
taurus - she’s in your 2nd house. good time to lean into some kitchen witch stuff, smoke and try some recipes, or a new cute fitness routine. you have online shopping energy, everything looks like it was made just 4 u. honestly it is a pleasant time to treat yourself. when she retrogrades, don’t freak out but you might low key be a lil broke. thats ok bc as long as you keep a weed stash u can stay cute and comfy. when she goes direct again, money stuff will sort itself out. focus on your physical health.🛍
gemini - she’s in your 1st house. ur gonna be feelin extra cute. everything will look good on u. it’s a good time to smoke and try some looks, have a lil 80s fashion montage and stare at ur self in the mirror for a little while. when she retrogrades, things might not feel quite as cute but rest assured it all definitely is. consider revisiting some clothes you haven’t experimented with in a while. upcycle some of them into rags or other things. when she goes direct again, you’ll be leaning into an updated, more refined aesthetic. a glow up, if you will.👩🎤
cancer - she’s in your 12th house. time 4 naps, baths, incense, meditation, and of course, water pieces such as your bong or bubbler. there’s general desire to enjoy ur alone time. maybe if you don’t usually get to spend time with just u and ur thoughts. an opportunity 2 do so presents itself. when she retrogrades, expect some extra happy sleepy hazey vibes. be careful that other people’s vibes aren’t influencing yours too much. as a matter of fact, *watch* the vibes of those around u. be selective abt who u share ur weed with. when she goes direct again, you will be a well rested baby. your boundaries and patience may have been stretched little but u come out the other side stronger and cuter.🎏
leo - she’s in your 11th house. your social media presence is cute af, and u can be assured that u are loved by a squad. ur future is looking bright, no matter what u choose to do with your time rn. hit your bong and let yourself dream about your long term goals. its vision board time bb. when she retrogrades, you might have some temporary setbacks to one of your longer term goals try not 2 get pessimistic abt the future. your goals might change after you get some new info. when she goes direct again, your life vision is updated, its ~cuter~, if you had any messy vibes during the retro period, you bounce back and build confidence in doing so. ur doing amazing, sweety. 🔮
virgo - she’s in your 10th house. your neighbors who see u occasionally thru the windows and at the grocery store think you are soo cute. and they are correct. your life aspirations are looking super promising, and you can build up whatever life u want for yourself. when she retrogrades, you do run the risk of feeling less cute than u actually are. someone might recognize or see you when ur not feeling quite ready to be seen, but pls rest assured that you are always probably cuter than u feel. don’t let anyone hate on your dream life building process. when she goes direct again, you might be a little more ok w being seen & letting your aspirations b known. pack yourself a nice reward bowl and take a selfie.🎀
libra - she’s in your 9th house. perfect time to become pen pals with someone imo, u know you’ve got cute handwriting. bless your school supplies w ganj smoke. stuffs starting to really “click;” whatever you’ve been studying is getting a new *~look~*. consider getting a cute new journal. when she retrogrades remember to check on your school work, and any adventure plans u may have had. u might experience some mental roadblocks which lead you to new way of seeing something. when she goes direct your perspective on your life will be different; good different. take a nice long stoned walk with a cute mask on.📬
scorpio - she’s in your 8th house. we both know it’s time for a closet purge. Get rid of whatever isn’t working anymore. clean ur sex toys. have some edibles and update your collection of nudes. when she retrogrades, u may find yourself missing ur old things but that’s ok, things change. u might start feeling hyper critical of ur nudes but remember that you are still that bitch. when she goes direct, you, friend, are on the verge of a total aesthetic rebuilding. a change from the inside begins to show itself on the outside. your confident sexy energy has returned.📀
sagittarius - she’s in your 7th house. ur collabin’ on projects with ur friends, ur doin the zoom coffee dates, ur smokin out the squad, u already know everyone loves u. when she retrogrades, an old life character returns, maybe someone who hasn’t crossed your mind in a long time. someone whose dms you slid into out of boredom might reach out to you. are these good things? idk bb follow ur heart! when she goes direct, u might b letting someone go, or sweetly reconnecting with someone, probs a little bit of both both. someone’s place in your life is getting a lil bit of a downgrade and making room for someone else’s upgrade. it’s a different vibe but u make it work.🤹���♀️
capricorn - she’s in your 6th house. as we already know, you have been organized, meals have been prepped, groceries are shopped, you are rolling with things. if you haven’t already, now is a super cute time to start, or revisit a bullet journal for even more cute daily brain organization. sometimes i like to smoke and try out different layouts and i think u would too. when she retrogrades, any existing routines you’ve created for urself might get a little disrupted and have to change a little (this could apply to school, work, whoever you live with, anything day 2 day). rest assured that no matter what you will be able to keep things cute. when she goes direct again, you life’s order should b restoring itself, and any errands you’ve been behind on will be caught up so dont even worry. breathe&take a hit.🎸
aquarius - she’s in your 5th house. creative projects you’ve got going on are about to go swimmingly. ur lil brain is probably just bursting with dope ideas and i am proud of u. this is a very sexy time period, perfect for spending time experimenting with edibles. when she retrogrades, you might feel a little bit of insecurity regarding your creative endeavors, maybe just a lil loss of confidence for whatever reason. consider looking back thru your old stuff, old art pieces, old music you’ve made, anything you started or finished, and I bet its actually pretty dope and cool. when she goes direct again, you can expect to be finishing a project up and maybe even have a cooler one lined up who knows. some of that natural aquarian confidence will come back, much to ur loved one’s delight.🎈
pisces - she’s in your 4th house. try to reconnect with your family of choice. even just a casual text. ur inner child will feel pretty content and chill. being at home will feel extra cozy and nice. hit your bong whilst wrapped in a blanket and watch a cartoon. when she retrogrades there might be some fam drama, even if it doesn’t necessarily revolve around u. you might something find offsetting your comfort zone or challenging some of ur boundaries. remember not to let anyone mess with u bb. when she goes direct again, expect some healing within your fam unit. Some nice happy memories return will come to your mind’s forefront.🧸
hope ur high right now bb sweet dreams♊️💕🌿🌸🌺🍣♊️
#astrology#Zodiac#horoscope#Aries#taurus#Gemini#Cancer#leo#virgo#libra#scorpio#Sagittarius#Capricorn#Aquarius#Pisces#Venus#venus signs#Venus in Gemini#gemini venus#Venus transit#venus retrograde#retrograde#retrograde venus#Air signs#fire signs#earth#earth signs#water signs#Aesthetic#chill
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Chart reading: part 1
Your dominant planets are: 1. Venus, 2. Pluto and 3. Saturn. Your dominant signs are: 1. Capricorn, 2. Leo and 3. Scorpio. Your main mode is Cardinal. You are Fire dominant. FAMILY, SIBLINGS, EARLY LIFE If you have any siblings, they are Aries or Taurus. Though, I have a feeling you might be an only child. You have Taurus IC and a bit of Aries over your 4th house. You were put under a lot of pressure in your early life. Parents wanted you to go out there and establish yourself and to go after your desire, wishes, dreams and hopes. You have retrograde Pisces Saturn in the 2nd house. I find it challenging to truly interpret your early family life. I feel one of your parental figures might have not been emotionally and/or physically present? And I think that might have been the father. But still something is saying that the mother as well, was rather distant, cold and not as present due to work responsibilities and duties at home? It’s very strange. I can’t seem to comprehend it. Or maybe your mother was not present at all? Because you have Pisces Saturn (which represents the parental figure, the father), yet the Moon in the 12th house (which represents the mother). Did someone have an emotional problem or some escapistic tendencies (either oversleeping, alcohol/drug or other substance abuse?)You have Capricorn Moon in the 12th house. You might have a very cold, yet understanding, forgiving, compromising bond with your mother. You’re a Capricorn Ascendant, but most of your 1st house is in Aquarius and you have Uranus there as well. You are unique, unconventional, non traditional, eccentric and you like to surprise people, sometimes even provoke. Due to Uranus in the 1st house, people don’t know what to expect from you and you might suddenly surprise them with a new change in your behaviour, mannerisms or your physical appearance. PARTNERSHIPS AND FRIENDSHIPS You have Sun conjunct Venus. You are far more popular than you think. You are very charming and social. People see you being confident and they want a piece of that for themselves while spending time in your company. You just naturally believe in yourself and you’re confident in who you are, so people are confident to be themselves in your company too. You have Venus sextile Mars. You might be attracted to younger partners. Or partners who energize you. And Venus trine Jupiter. You might be very giving when in love. You might be overgenerous with your time or money. You can overlove too. You expand when you are in love. You learn something new about yourself, your love language, how others love and how to treat others. You have Cancer Descendant and Leo and Virgo over your 7th house. You want a confident, compassionate, expressive, childlike partner, who is bright, communicative and isn’t afraid to share thoughts with you. You have Mercury, Sun, Venus in Leo in the 7th house. Communication and mental connection are extremely important to you when it comes to relationships. This area of 7th house and Leo will be emphasized for you. The topics of Leo and of 7th house will be of great importance in your life. That is drama, acting, performing, networking, business, platonic and romantic relationships, long term and one on one relationships. You have Virgo Chiron in the 8th house. You have very high standards and ideals. Beware of posing much of your expectations on your partner and put them under pressure to “perform” the best they can. Sometimes others' definition of love is not the same as yours. It’s subjective and someone can have a totally different “love story” and how the relationship should love than you have in mind. You are cautious with your body and physical intimacy. Because you are aware that you don’t just give your body to a person, but your soul and mind too. So body mind connection is extremely important to you, you take it seriously and you need a mutual deep trusted bond.
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Forecast for June 29 - July 5
So I am up for a job writing weekly forecasts for a site and the site isnt up yet but I wrote this for it as a sample/draft type thing. I might also start doing individual sign forecasts, I'm not sure if the employer wants that yet. I just wanted to post this here and see what ya'll thought of it. Any critiques would be greatly appreciated!!! 💜💜💜
Yay! Venus isn’t in retrograde anymore! But do not worry, we still have plenty of retrogrades to go around.
Feeling a bit more sensitive and withdrawn? That is not unusual during this period due to Cancer season being in full swing as well as Mercury also being in this cardinal, watery sign. The planet of intellect, reason, rationalization, communication, and the conscious mind is in the sign of Cancer which is ruled by the Moon, a planet that operates very differently than Mercury. What happens when retrograde Mercury goes into Cancer? A more emotional reaction in our interactions.
We may be more inclined to lean towards emotion rather than logic, which can sometimes lead to conflict especially in the home or family due to Cancer being the most maternal sign in astrology. A mercury retrograde makes it difficult to complete plans and since Cancer rules our home, be on the lookout for practical things going wrong in your home. Home renovations, buying or selling a home, and as always be careful of technology going awry. (Buy a good phone case!)
It’s not all negative though, Cancer Mercury can help us reconnect with loved ones who we have lost touch with. Don’t be surprised if a family member who hasn’t reached out will try to mend broken fences out of the blue. Take this time to relax, breathe and take some time for introspection. Try to think of what makes you feel secure, comfortable, and emotionally at ease. What in the material world can help put your emotions at ease? We all need a comfortable place to retreat to.
Mars moved into fast paced, action loving Aries, the sign that it rules naturally, where it will stay until January 7, 2021. After the procrastinating, daydreaming nature of Mars being in Pisces it is a breath of fresh air to move into it’s home of Aries. All those fantasies you have been daydreaming during Mars in Pisces have the opportunity to become reality with Aries’ ambitious determination.
As a whole we might feel a desire to take back control of our lives, which can lead to some head butting. The Warrior’s biggest flaw is his impulsivity. Don’t confuse confidently tackling issues head on with rushing hastily into a situation due to an inflated ego.
Due to the emotional nature of Cancer and the fiery aggression of Aries we can either go down a road to victory with our loved ones and neighbors or unnecessarily create outrage due to our emotional impulsivity. Treading lightly and with purpose is very important especially in these times.
Cancel culture is a perfect example of people losing sight of what they were originally fighting for. What was once a fight for ridding our society of toxicity turned into shooting allegations at people and issues that were never real targets. Rushing into petty arguments will only waste time that could’ve been spent on real change in our world. Make sure to channel your energy efficiently.
Speaking of big change, Saturn has been in retrograde since May 11, 2020. Saturn rules Capricorn and co-rules Aquarius, two signs it will be jumping between this week. Saturn is a planet many fear but it is a necessary teacher. It has been dealing out karmic debts in Aquarius since March 21st. Aquarius here is trying to teach us to come together to change our society. The world literally stopped due to unprecedented circumstances which forced us to sit down and reevaluate our lives and what motivates us. We became even more dependent on our technology (Aquarius loves technology) to communicate and inform one another. Tensions rose while we all suffered from cabin fever, ultimately causing us to snap, and react dramatically when we witnessed great injustice and cruelty in our world. Our devices helped us document the injustices all around us. We joined together to fight back and rebel against the authorities who mistreated us.
The Saturn retrograde caused us to look into our past and revisit past events that affect our present. Digging up old skeletons from way back in the closet, out of the dark and into the light to be reviewed and exposed. Ugly things that were hidden and as a society we were too scared to look into have been drudged up in order to reprimand shameful behaviors in the past.
On Thursday, July 2, Saturn will move back into Capricorn where it will push us to put in the effort of all that we started. With Saturn in Capricorn rewards are not easily reaped, hard work has to be implemented in order to gain rewards. Like a firm father, saturn in Capricorn teaches us that cutting corners will not lead to lasting results.
June 30 will bring about the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, luck, abundance, and faith meanwhile Pluto is the planet of death, transformation, evolution and renewal. Together they can help bring about the change we have all been seeking. All that has been starting earlier in the year by the conjunction between Saturn and Pluto on January 12. What started as a very difficult shift will bring hope to many. We can all use a little hope nowadays. All the changes we are going through are necessary but with growth come growing pains and Jupiter is trying to tell us to hold on and keep going, keep pushing on, try to embrace the changes as we push through to a new cycle in life. Flexibility is a very important attribute right now. And above all, have faith that after all the hardship, rewards will be waiting on the other side.
Finally on Sunday, July 5 we will experience a full moon in Capricorn further extending this theme of authority and control. Deep rooted feelings of not wanting to be controlled might surface. Watch out for confrontation and an abrasive attitude. Power struggles could be a theme during this time.
Capricorn's energy is very much career and work oriented. These power struggles could end up causing conflicts with your coworkers or boss and lead to impatience with one another. Moon in Capricorn could also bring to fruition all that you have been working towards since the beginning of the moon cycle, especially in terms of work and career.
This is not just any full moon though! It is a partial full moon eclipse! What does that mean? Werewolves. Just kidding! But energies will be all over the place, so you might just feel like one. Emotional ups and downs, maybe some chaos, a couple arguments out of the blue here and there but not to worry, everything is temporary. It would be wise to practice being self aware and control your impulses.
All in all, we have quite an exciting week ahead of us all. Self restraint and focusing your energy where it is needed seems to be the theme for the week.
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July Forecast for Aquarius
Surrender to change, Aquarius—it’s coming whether you like it or not. July is a month of many expressions from above, including two alchemical eclipses, a rare double-header of new moons bookending the month and (eek!) communication planet Mercury spinning retrograde from July 7 to 31. There won’t be a dull moment on deck, Aquarius—so brace yourself for an active month that could transform you in crucial ways.
Against the backdrop of the Sun in Cancer and your sixth house of health, fitness and organization (until July 22), a July 2 total solar (new moon) eclipse lands in Cancer, jolting you into action. Is it time to go full KonMari on your clutter? Or maybe change your habits around eating and exercise? You may get doctor’s orders to do so, or the urge might come from a desire to reconnect to your body. The way you’ve structured your life could have pieces falling through the cracks, and this cosmic event is your unsubtle prompt to shift your systems, stat! At the July 2 Cancer solar eclipse, a powerful new six-month cycle of vitality opens up.
This is the midway point in a series of eclipses falling on the Cancer/Capricorn axis between July 2018 and July 2020, activating your analytical sixth house (ruled by Cancer) and your twelfth house of spirituality and release (ruled by Capricorn). For the past year, you’ve been transforming the balance between mind and spirit, control and surrender. There have been moments that awakened you to a need to be more alert and attentive or to more deeply connect to the earth. (We have THREE Aquarius friends who have turned their land into small organic farms in the past year!)
The second eclipse might require you to keep a few friends on standby for emotional support. On July 16, a Capricorn lunar (full moon) eclipse will land in your twelfth house of closure, healing and transitions. A chapter of your life may come to an abrupt end, and all the attendant emotions can surge up just as suddenly. If you haven’t dealt with grief or mourned a loss, this could be one of those long-awaited “ugly cry” days that helps you heal. With alchemical Pluto riding close to this full moon, the intensity is multiplied.
This eclipse might also bring a spiritual awakening, a soulmate encounter or a moment of profound epiphanies. You may see someone’s true colors—and the palette could be shocking. This eclipse may expose a secret or bring hidden information to light. Look back to January 6, 2019, when a corresponding Capricorn solar eclipse set events into motion. Since astrology is cyclical, endings clear the way for beginnings. Trust that if you have to release anything, it’s for the highest good—even if whatever’s “next” doesn’t immediately show up. In fact, breathing through the unknown instead of anxiously trying to micromanage events will be your biggest—and most rewarding—spiritual challenge.
In between, there could be a couple moments that starkly expose the “control freak” that we all have within us. Control is an outcropping of fear, after all. And you’ll get a front-row seat to some of your own untended anxieties when the Cancer Sun forms its annual oppositions to Saturn (July 9) and Pluto (July 14) in Capricorn and your illusion-fueled twelfth house.
Your mission: To uncover where more boundaries are needed in your life. Have you fallen into a role of codependent enabling and sacrifice? As the Sun opposes boundary-hound Saturn and power-player Pluto, you may need to cut some of those cords in no uncertain terms. Or, if you’ve put up TOO many barriers, you’ll see where to let go and open yourself up to receiving support. You may have to trade some ego or a sense of control—but it will be a small price to pay for feeling like others have your back!
Adding to the fun, Mercury will be retrograde from July 7 to 31. It will split its time between Leo and your partnership zone (until July 19) and Cancer, ruler of your health and organization zone, from July 19 to 31. Shore up your defenses around travel, technology and communication, all areas that can be affected by chaos when Mercury goes rogue. Triple-check reservations, back up data and practice extreme patience!
During the Leo leg, take extra precautions in your closest relationships. Explain yourself with explicit clarity and check to make sure the other person REALLY heard you. Try the mirroring technique, silly as it may feel, where one person says something and the other answers to the tune of, “What I hear you saying is…” then adjust as needed. Contracts fall under the seventh house AND Mercury’s domain, so tread lightly (if at all) around signing any paperwork. If people seem to misunderstand you at every turn, take a deep breath and try again! Be sure to extend the same courtesy to others as well.
With argumentative Mars in Leo and your partnership house all month, it will be extra challenging to get on the same page. And when Mars plows into a fiery square to your co-ruler, volatile Uranus, on July 11, you could reach a breaking point. A family member or living-situation stress might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back if you’re not careful.
Really watch those stress levels when Mercury backs into Cancer and your wellness zone from July 19 to 31. Avoid multitasking or taking on too much, especially since you’ll be susceptible to a late-summer cold or flu. Wash your hands regularly and avoid anyone who’s sniffling or hacking!
Camaraderie could light the way starting July 22, when the Sun swings into Leo and your partnership zone for a month. While you may feel a bit low-power now, you’ll have people to lean on coming through. Cut back on all the extraneous social engagements and focus on the folks who truly have your back. One of them could rise up as an incredible friend and champion on July 25, when Mars in Leo forms a flowing trine to effusive Jupiter in your camaraderie zone. And who knows…maybe there’s something beyond just friendship in the cards for you, whether that’s a romantic relationship or a business alliance. With these two excitable planets aligning, it’s a perfect day to explore possibilities! You don’t have to commit to anything…just enjoy that blue-sky dreaming.
The first moment to even CONSIDER making it official doesn’t come until July 31, when Mercury ends its retrograde (amen!) and a rare second new moon lands in Leo, cutting a six-month trail into your zone of committed relationships. Between now and next February, something beautiful could unfold if you play your cards right. Follow the synergies and see what happens. Or, if you’re ready to take it official, this new moon could prompt talks of getting serious.
Love & Romance
With impassioned Mars roaring through Leo and your dynamic-duos zone from July 1 to August 18, all kinds of partnerships heat up, from romantic to professional to creative. Couples might find themselves arguing a lot—perhaps over the pettiest of problems—yet at the same time feel ever more attracted to each other. Lusty Mars can crank up the sexual chemistry AND the combativeness, so be prepared for both.
One thing to stay aware of: Expressive Mercury is going retrograde this month, and from July 7 to 19 the reversal happens in Leo. During this cycle, miscommunications can abound with your romantic partner and close connections. Anticipate this by being extra clear about what you’re conveying and don’t make assumptions. If you must get something off your chest, be sure to do it when both parties are able to really hear each other. Springing a “we need to talk” on someone out of the blue will NOT get you the response you hope for.
July 16 features the year’s only Capricorn full moon—also a potent lunar eclipse—in your twelfth house of release, fantasy and healing. If you’re in a solid relationship (or have one in development), surrender to soulmate-style love. If you’re barely hanging on in a union that’s passed its expiration date, this lunar push could be the thing that helps you cut bait. Single? Be vulnerable and willing to stretch beyond “the usual.” That’s when the magic can happen!
Should any misunderstandings arise between July 3 and 27—which is kind of inevitable when Mercury is retrograde—tactful Venus in soothing Cancer will support you in talking things through diplomatically. And since Venus is in your analytical sixth house, you’ll be able to keep enough emotional perspective to not get defensive or be inappropriately giving (read: codependent).
Wherever you land at the end of the month, a bold and loving Leo new moon on July 31 extends an olive branch and helps you make any kind of fresh start you desire. Start over, go deeper, reinvent the whole relationship: The world is your amorous oyster!
Key Dates
July 17: Venus-Saturn Opposition You may not be in the kindest, gentlest mood today, as “by the book” Saturn faces off with sensitive Venus in your nitpicking sixth house. Your instinct might be to lash out at someone or get defensive if anyone so much as suggests you try to do something a little differently. Ouch! Deal with the real issues, but anything that might be more in the “molehill” category, leave it alone for now.
Money & Career
Back to reality, Aquarius? July’s financial stars are delivered without any window dressing as the Sun travels through Cancer and your practical, analytical sixth house. This zodiac realm also rules wellness—and your “fiscal fitness” could be put to the test by the first of two groundbreaking eclipses. On July 2, a Cancer total solar (new moon) eclipse could catapult you into a new line of work, perhaps one that involves sustainability, health or data. Check in on your stress levels while you’re at it. Today’s world is a pressure cooker, and that can take a toll on your physical state. With Mercury retrograde from July 7 to 31 (in Cancer from July 19 on), you’ll want to seriously filter the information you take in. If it leaves you feeling upset and fearful, it’s okay to change the channel—or walk away from that screen.
A second eclipse on July 16 could bring a major turning point. Is it time to say “enough already!” and wave the white flag? Because this lunar (full moon) eclipse is in Capricorn and your twelfth house of endings and transitions, a part of your life that no longer serves you could be “eclipsed” away. No more hanging on by your teeth, Aquarius. Make space for new relationships instead of staying mired in struggle. Remember: Suffering is optional! When you quit trying to force an outcome and surrender to a bigger plan, miracles can and will arise. And they’ll come through the NEW people you allow into your life. As the Sun enters Leo and your partnership house on July 22, prepare to make contact with some fascinating folks who can help you on your path! On July 31, the day of the Leo new moon (and the end of Mercury retrograde), someone’s promises could materialize. You’ll know who’s solidly on Team Aquarius soon enough!
Key Dates
July 9: Sun-Saturn Opposition Guard the perimeter! You’d love to let the whole world into your inner circle, but until someone has proved their trustworthiness, keep private info under wraps around them. It’s not being paranoid—in this age of rampant identify theft, an Aquarian can’t be too safe!
Love Days: 28, 4 Money Days: 11, 20 Luck Days: 9, 18 Off Days: 2, 7, 16
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hi! so my jupiter is in leo 4th house. it's stationary (D) i've never related to the descriptions like AT ALL. how could it be stationary effect this.
Hello!!! ❤️💙💕❤️💙💕❤️💙💕 I’ve been meaning to answer this for a while but I had to figure out how to start talking about it bc I haven’t talked about stationary planets before, so I might use this as an opportunity to do a small intro for everyone else as well?? If that’s ok??❤️💙💕
Stationary, Direct, Retrograde - Planetary Motions, Beginner Friendly? ⬇️
🚫long post🚫
Primary and Secondary Motions
Most people would already know what a retrograde is, since ‘mercury retrograde’ hype is what drew mainstream media into astrology.
I’ve described it on my blog as a planet doing a backflip, but if we actually think about it - before it can do that kickass flip - it has to be station so it gets a good lift off and landing, right?
Planetary motion is a thing - there’s primary motion and secondary motion.
First, let’s explain the primary motion. Say we know the earth spins once every 24 hours. Once every day. We know this because we get hours of daylight aka. we’re facing the sun (close or directly facing it as we spin - sorry, those who live in the polar nights and midnight suns ;;) and periods of darkness aka. when we’re not on the side of the sun, but other continents are having their daylight time. That’s from our earth’s perspective.
Along with that, we get stars and planets in our skies. The primary motion is the apparent rising, path, and setting of the planet from our earth perspective. If we were to snap a certain time period of it - at a certain place, to the exact minutes and second, it would be our chart.
That’s the path of the planets in relation to us. We can see the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc. But no earth - because we’re looking at it from earth (we’re earth). We’re earth-bound. And this is our sky chart (chart of our sky, at the time we select/use for the chart. At the certain place in relation to us.)
There’s more signification to these motions in other techniques and methods - but we’re not getting to that today. ( link | link )
So, primary motion explained. What’s secondary motion?
Ok so earth example. We know we spin, it’s how we get night/day (in relation to the sun) - but we also know we have to orbit around the Sun. That’s 365 days. Two motions - easy to get right?
What does it mean for other planets? Well, Secondary motion is how we track other planet’s progress/direction. This is where stationary comes in.
Stationary planet - is when a planet is motionless in it’s path (no apparent motion) - usually occurs when it’s about to go into retrograde or it’s leaving one to go direct.
Since we’re talking about orbits instead of spin - consider how Mercury orbits the sun every 88 days. That’s so much faster than us!! We’re not tracking how many time it spins - we’re checking in on Mercury to see how it’s doing so far in it’s orbit (in relation to us and it’s own progress) in the way we can - which is against the zodiac belt.
If one day you see Mercury (from our perspective) just stay in Scorpio for like, a day - you might be concerned and ask ‘?? buddy why did you pause??’ - it’s because Mercury is about to do a cool backflip, or maybe it’s already done one, but it has to get ready (‘station’) first in order to do it’s motion.
What’s stationary?
So you can think of stationary as - well, being motionless. In the secondary movement. It’s a significant time that changes should be focused on (when this happens during transits aka. every time we’re S.R and about to go into rx and when we’re S.D to go direct again) is that the S.D period (what you’re talking about) is gathering in strength point.
If we’re looking at this in transit, it’s also Prime Time to focus our energy into fueling what it is the placement, house and planet/sign is focused on. The reason/explanation for this is that it’s slowing in motion/motionless, it’s energy is concentrated/focused in one significant area (house/context/planets in activation about to go through pivotal motion). Where it lands in your house, placement, signs - that’s where we should read and learn where the energy is intense/collected.
This is possibly why people say stationary movement is an interesting period - because this is when changes actually occur. Larger planets have larger influences on worldly, bigger things- personally planets can affect us directly. With larger (outer planets) these don’t affect personality as much but when it’s stationary - it’s making connection to the Sun (it trines the sun) and thus, there’s a personal connection to us through external factors or external means.
Stationary Retrograde (about to go into retrograde, S.R.) and Stationary Direct (about to go into direct, S.D) rather than being completely 'ughhh’ emoji like how we usually talk about retrogradation - we see stationary period as an opportunity to exert and fuel our energy into the topic/subject of the house and placement that is relevant - it could be good to us. There’s a belief that S.R is when it’s weakening and S.D is when strength is gathering. That’s possibly why we do so much prep prior to and after rx motion - hopefully, because we know these periods (shadow periods) also tend to affect us.
Outer planets (so very very slow) that are about to change motions are also trine to the Sun. That’s usually when you can tell whether or not an outer planet is about to go S.R or S.D - is more significant because it’s in relation to our core, our Sun, our direct self (astrology wise). Rather than say - oh it’s a description by itself. It’s more useful to define it via personal aspect to what is relevant to us.
For the natal stationary person
All of this talk, what does it mean??? So to actually answer your question about stationary planets - it has to do with evaluating it’s aspect to the Sun.
Everything we’ve talked about at this point - has been about our and other planet’s relation to our center - the fizzing ball of Large Fire. Because that’s where it’s actually significant, and what we can actually think about and concentrate on.
To actually answer your question anon; you asked why you don’t relate to your Leo Jupiter in 4th, and if it being S.D makes a difference? If we look at stationary interpretations - in a broad sense, most would consider it an accidental debility. The explanation for this, is the planet itself is powerful - especially during a gathering time period. However, the person’s ability (or inability) to realize and use it’s potential makes it a debility because they let it go to waste (trine to sun).
Debility is a weakness (as opposed to dignity which is it’s strength). To clarify, some people describe this as stationary being a ‘stand still’ - and thus, without moving (which is what planets are supposed to do) - a deadlock is formed and things are hard to produce, act, or displayed.
Certain elements of the person (i.e. what is trine) is in the essence of the person themselves. This can give them significant boost or concentration in said area (like what we said about planets being stationary in transit, above) - but it might not actually be noticeable to the person (as with most case of trine). This is particularly significant - because we’re talking about a non-personal planet here.
Jupiter isn’t a personal planet, it may be close to you, but it isn’t your personal object. It’s your guidance and teacher, perhaps wisdom and knowledge. These we can’t control but is influenced by regardless.
It can also be a part of our essence, but do we have control of who we are, or how we’re hard-wired right into our system when it’s so intertwined with our character/how we just do things? That’s why trine aspects are hard to control and use, especially if it’s stationed in a deadlock period, and is an outer/social planet like this as well (larger influence, a little more impersonal than personal planets i.e. mercury, mars, natal venus s.r or s.d.)
This isn’t personal, but others will see it and perhaps not you. We can’t actually control this, but the thing we can do is to try looking at it’s aspect to the Sun, and also keep in mind that to the person themselves - you are referring to a planet (and it’s aspect, that trine) that you can’t control. I’ve heard that other stationary natives may also experience the same.
Also keep in mind - the period you are born is a significant key activation. Jupiter being motionless and about to get back into being direct again signifies changes, and preparation for said changes. Those with stationary planet in their natal usually goes through significant pivots in their life during S.D or S.R periods as well - so look out for it.
So. To answer your ask: Yes, being stationary direct has significations (maybe not as much or as positively as you might think) - but that explains why this Leo Jupiter becomes a debility to the person themselves. And how trine aspect to the Sun can be interpreted (w/ motions like this) this way as well.
More if you want to learn:
To find out (for others) if you have an S.R. or S.D planet (I won’t take anymore questions for personal placement being in these motion and what it means bc oof im tired) - if you use astro.com, click ‘additional tables’ and it’ll show you if you have anything in S.R or S.D in your chart.
Second helpful tip:
Why do planets seems to go into retrograde or do a backflip?? Here’s an answer (and video) that I’ve already talked about that explains the topic.
Third, and last, helpful tip:
Here’s some resources and links on the topic, hopefully this will answer your question anon! If i haven’t helped you in anyway ;; I hope at least it’ll give you some insights and for anyone else as well:
TheRealAstrology - Stationary Planet
StationaryPlanet - This is vedic, but might be fun to read (esp. the note about having potential and not letting it go to waste)
Quora - ‘What does it mean when a planet is stationary in a natal chart?’ - second answer is the best one, please check out the quote as well!
Quora (again) - ‘What does stationary Jupiter in natal chart mean?’ - this one is a good explanation of motions, and why it’s relevant to the conversation. As well as a good explanation of why trines are so hard to get under control. I hope this helps!
Other general resources available about the topic:
Astrology.com - Rx and Stationary Explained
Pandora astrology - Jupiter station and rx
Power of Planetary Station - examples of public figure chart/events and world events during certain planetary motion period
Retrograde Planets: Transversing the Inner Landscape by Erin Sullivan (book) - has examples of sun-trine combination along with S.R or S.D and how it affects people personally.
Astrologyweekly - looking at terms related to the motions of planets
I can’t believe i’m so drained gathering all this info in one place, but I hope this answers your question and help others who want to learn more/was curious about this as well. Thanks for asking!! I hope this helps!!
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MONEY: With Uranus in Taurus affecting your house of money, material possessions, self-worth and personal resources until July 7th 2025, it’s inevitable that your financial status is going to our , hopefully for the better. If you’ve been thinking of a change of employment or career, give it deeper thought and research, because there are many retrogrades this year, which will cause false starts, problems and delays. Uranus in your house of financial security, urges you to be more of your own person, using unique talents to make money instead of following the status quo. What those talents are, is the question you must the answer to during this cycle .
The Full Moon Super Moon in Virgo, occurs in your house of work, service to Self and others. This particular aspect will facilitate and ending/.change in how you work, whether self-imposed or imposed by others. Criticism maybe the cause of this, so you might have to confront things that have been said or defend what you believe to be right.
Mercury will be in Scorpio, and your house of joint financial partnerships, September 20th - December 1st. which will seem to be important during this time. However, when mercury retrogrades in Scorpio, October 14th - October 28th, you might sense, feel or find out that someone has been less than honest about their intentions, which will require either a break or at least a restricting of the partnership.
For financial increase to occur you must be wiling to change what you feel is the best way to make money and have the self-worth to try something different, relying more on developing your own talent/abilities instead of working for others. This will take a tremendous amount of courage, determination, perseverance and patience, which are not attributes of Aries. Therefore, this is a sign from the Universe to be open and wiling to internal growth, so you can go within and release latent potential
POWER: The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, July 5th, affects your house of career, goals and ambitions, bringing with it opportunities to climb the ladder of success or at least initiate career change and a chance for greater recognition. With Jupiter also in Capricorn until December 20th, you’ll be able to pick and choose the offer that best suits your needs and objectives. However, bear in mind, Jupiter is a magnifying glass and will shine a light on your strengths, weaknesses, fear, insecurity and doubt. Remember, don’t settle for less than you deserve.
Both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn too, bring up issues/karma from the past that haven’t been dealt with and need to be cleared up before you can move forward . While Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn, July 2nd - September 29th and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, April 25th - October 4th, fear, insecurity and doubt will be the strongest. Digging deep will enable you to find the power within to achieve what some might consider the impossible.
When Saturn moves into Aquarius and your house of hopes and wishes March 23rd - July 1st, you’ll feel driven to make your visions tangible.. The retrograde of Saturn in Aquarius , May 11th - July 1st, will highlight the changes you have to make in and around your life (certain individuals), that aren’t truly supportive of this process you need to go through for hopes/wishes to become a reality. Some people grow and some are just really slow at doing it, but you can’t be all things to all people or hold back your own growth process because o thees choose to stand still. Saturn will move back into Capricorn for the last time, July 2nd - September 29th, giving you a chance to finally confront internally/externally the obstacles that stand in you way of progress. Don’t fear this confrontation. By the time Saturn permanently moves into Aquarius, December 18th - March 8t 2023, you should be ready to build a new support structure with people who actually have your best interests at heart and are moving forward like you.
The Harvest Moon in Pisces, September 2nd, is a “sign” to change course with current spiritual practices/modalities, if any and be ready to begin something that is more conducive to empowerment, inner growth, and expansion of awareness. These are the inner tolls you need to make it to the top.
Ultimately, stagnation, vacillation/procrastination is not an option. 2020 is a challenging year, but potentially a successful one for those who are determined to move forward with the Universe.

When faced with problems, difficulties and delays, especially of a physical nature, seek out, not only professional help, but spiritual help and guidance, preferably in the form of past life regression. There have been lifetimes of excess at the expensive of others, and incarnations of contempt towards others, that in some way, shape or form affected them adversely. Now, the hands of time have come full circle to present you with the karma of these lifetimes. Therefore, what you experience in 20202 correlates back to events from the distant past. Once you’re able to fully understand and integrate these experiences, healing and balance will occur.
MONEY: The first Full Moon/Super Moon of the year in Virgo, falls in your house of creativity, risk and happiness. This aspect will give you reason to think about what it is that make s you happy and whether or not, up to this point in time, all your efforts have been rewarding/fulfilling. Probably not. But you have to come to this conclusion on your own, in order to start making significant changes to do better and serve your own needs when it comes to employment. There are many other aspects that affect career, work, ambition, authority and power, this year and hopefully, you’ll be able to navigate your way forward to bigger and better things.
Gemini rules your house of money, material possessions, self-worth and personal resources and tis year there is sufficient activity in this house to influence significant change. Venus enters Gemini April 4th - August 8th, a time for increased focus on the area of finances. Between April 4th - May 13th, the chance to make more money or at least improve finances will be available. However, May 13th - June 25th, Venus is retrograde and what may have seem to be a good m only-making idea will bring little profit. Plus it will be hard to garner interest for any projects/ideas you’re trying to present. Once the retrograde is over things will improve. By November 30th, the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, the cycle of a tight budget should be over.
The planetary Nodes of the Moon will be switching signs May 6th - January 19th 2022. This aspect affects the planet and individuals too. For Taurus, this will be time of learning new ways to make money, discarding old standards that have worked up to now, in favor of learning a new skill or financial knowledge to enhance your value. It will make a big and positive difference to your earning potential and worth. the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, November 30th, will mark the end of the old financial cycle, a realization that something new has to take the place of current employment.
Sagittarius rules the house of joint financial partnerships and tis house too has a lot of activity to warrant more change in this area of life. The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius June 5th, influences you to see the the direction joint financial partnerships have been moving towards, doesn’t work for you, things have reached a point of stagnation. It’ll be necessary to speak up and be honest, sot that you can sever ties and move on. It will take a few months for the “dust to settle”. December, the 18th, the last New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, indicate that assuming you allow the Universe to guide you, you’ll be ready to finally get rid of people, things and situations that are holding you back from learning, growing and success. This will be the time to make vast changes in work home, friendships, everything that no longer serves a positive purpose in your life. . Although there will be individuals who don’t wish you well, hoping you’ll make mistakes in your progress. Trust your instincts and you’ll know who these individuals are, plus you’ll be meeting new people ready to help you succeed. The South Node in Sagittarius is also in this house, urging you to see your potential though a larger lens and embrace new ways of doing things.
Jupiter will be entering Aquarius December 20th, for one year, so you won’t be stuck for choice when it comes to career change. Choose the opportunities that allow you to be the person you really are, not the person people want you to be. By doing this, not only will you achieve financial success but happiness/fulfillment too
POWER: Saturn switches signs on March 23rd, moving into your house of career, goals, ambition, authority and power. If you haven’t already felt the urge to fine-tune your uniqueness into something special, you soon will. In order. If you’re serious about making your mark and achieving significant recognition, you can’t “follow the herd”. Courage and self-worth is needed to be different and follow the “beat of your own drum”. Saturn stays in Aquarius until July 1st, when it moves back into Capricorn for the last time, July 2nd - December 17th, highlighting the beliefs, fear, insecurity and doubt you’ve held onto about how to succeed/move forward. Throughout the Capricorn cycle this year, you’ll have the chance to delve deeper into the influences that shape your perception about being successful and appreciated for your work.
At the same time the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, July 5th, will bring an offer to continue along a familiar career path, which might be hard to resist. You may feel you need to give the opportunity consideration, because prior to this aspect, the Full Moon/Super Moon in Libra falls in your house of work, service to Self and others. This particular aspect initiates an ending of sorts, with certain employers. If you do decide to take the offer in July, make a commitment to continue working on your own projects, when time permits, so that you don’t lose momentum.
Jupiter is also in Capricorn, until December 20th, joining Saturn and Pluto in the same sign, The stars are aligned in a way to provide all the the help you need to chart a new coarse. it won’t be easy to confront Self and beliefs you’ve held onto about security and ambition, especially with the retrogrades of Mercury in Aquarius, March 5th - March 10th and Mercury in Libra October 29th - November 2nd. Therefore, it’ll be necessary to be internally strong and outwardly powerful to combat the things you’ll be faced with.
Uranus in Taurus, March 7th 2019, July 7th 2025, is going to affect how you present your worth/value to the world. A change of appearance is likely, depending on how you want to be perceived. Take into consideration it must be a powerful makeover, so that not only can you attract better opportunities into your life, but people see yours someone who radiates prosperity and then gravitate towards you.
These cycles are there to help you develop empowerment on a deep level, understanding that it is possible to be the Captain of your own Ship and make money at the same time.

Problems experienced this year connected to physical appearance and/or weight can be attributed to past lives of having great physical beaut, but mocked others for their shortcomings. It’s important to give careful thought to how you not only treat others, but respond to them. Unnecessary judgment of another will only cause this to not only happen to you, but affect the area of life you are condemning. If you can find it within yourself to be tolerant, kind and understanding towards the difficulties/problems people experience, healing will begin to take place within you and your life. Follow the Golden Rule.
MONEY: The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10th, brought a change in your financial status. Certain financial issues could have been resolved as a result of previous efforts, assuming you’ve been moving forward with the Universe. Otherwise, financial loss would have occurred, to some degree brought about by the negativity of others. Either way, an old financial cycle is over, leaving the door open for new things to a take place. The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Cancer June 21st, will highlight a new beginning financially, as offers present themselves. However, Mercury will be retrograde, therefore there will be a hint of the past involved and the possibility of the offer not being presented clearly or information being withheld. If yo trust your instincts and tread carefully, you’ll avoid pitfalls.
Uranus in Taurus, March 7th 2019 - July 7th 2025, sits in your house of spirituality, visions, music, dance, film, photography, art, things that are hidden, sorrow/self-undoing, illusion/delusion, large institutions, karmic debt and dreams. This Uranus aspect will undo attachments, people and situations in and around your life that have caused major problems, affecting prosperity and self-worth, because of their hidden agendas. These situations are somewhat karmic in nature. This is an opportunity to sever ties with these individuals etc., leaving behind a lot of darkness in your life, that hopefully will be replaced by those who have your best interests at heart. At the same time, any projects that are of a visual nature will take a different turn, bringing out a more creative unique side of you, which will be the catalyst to increasing financial flow and recognition.
Mercury will be in Scorpio, September 20th - December 1st, during which time a transformation in the area of work will occur, if you’ve been paying attention and help you create a new structure that is better suited to serving your needs. This could mean a change of job, change of position at your current place of work. during the retrograde of Mercury in Scorpio, October 14th - 28th, miscommunication, could stall this process. Therefore clarity is necessary.
Financially, the most important aspects to be aware of are the ones involving Capricorn in your house of joint financial partnerships. Currently Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter are all aligned together in this house, that also represent the past, karma, legacies, hidden agenda, transformation, regeneration and secret enemies. Pluto stays in Capricorn until January 22nd 2024, Saturn in Capricorn until March 22nd 2020, then form July 2nd - December 17th 2020, Jupiter in Capricorn until December 19th. The three planets combined, bring to the forefront a lot of hidden issues that need to be revealed, undermining, betrayal, a lot of negative situations, whether caused by you or others. The most important lesson to be learned during this cycle is to pay attention to whatever it is the Universe is trying to show you/teach you, so the experience doesn’t have to be repeated again.
Once Saturn and Jupiter move into Aquarius,December 18th and 20th, things will ease up, providing opportunity for wrongs to be put right, that have hampered joint financial partnerships for sometime and caused karma.
Being karmically correct cannot be stressed enough for Gemini this year when it comes to money, work,. career and joint financial partnership[s As long as you’re on the right side of Natural Law, everything will fall into its rightful place.
POWER: Venus moves into Gemini April 4th - August 8th, this is the time to be more aware of how others are responding to you and everything you communicate. If you’re being mindful of what you say, how lousy it and its affect, there is less of a likelihood to cause conflict or misunderstandings. However, during Venus retrograde, May 13th - June 25th, words should be chosen with care and extra effort put into presentation, because it will make a difference. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse November 30th, marks the end of this old cycle, you would have to change in the months prior, hopefully. realizing that there the concept of Cause and Affect is very real and applies to everyone.
Neptune in Pisces stays in your house of career, goals ambitions, until March 2025. This particular transit is clearing away preconceived ideas and vision you’ve held onto about how you would achieve recognition and how you want to be perceived by others. Past efforts that haven’t worked out so well, bringing considerable upset in some capacity because of trusting the wrong people, will be evident during this cycle. If you’ve been “hidden”, not receiving recognition, this could be a cycle of being seen and heard.
You’re being given the chance to create something new and powerful, more suited to the person that you really are. Trust your instincts and write down the visions you receive in dreams/meditation because they will have worth/value. Mercury retrograde in Pisces, February 16th - March 5th, will bring back memories/people who contributed to the negativity you experienced in the past. Don’t allow yourself to wallow in self-pity, or be duped by them again, instead remember the experience as something you don’t wish to repeat.
The Planetary Nodes of the Moon will be switching to South Node in Sagittarius and North Node in Gemini, May 6th - January 19th 2022. This cycle is for you tolerant how to share your ideas, truth and knowledge to the world in a way that you can be understood and misunderstandings avoided. Anything that has been communicated by you must be with the greatest of integrity, in order to avoid crisis. The Universe will be there to guide you, if you’re self-aware enough to listen. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, November 30th, will bring to an end a certain way of sharing your ideas and/or verbalizing your truth.
The Harvest Moon September 2nd, should bring this era of negativity to a close in some capacity and/or a realization of what needs to be done to really distance yourself from all of it.
2020 in terms of money/power, is a time to take care of remaining karma that is really holding you back from moving forward, leaving behind people who created disappointment, as a result of not following through with commitments and promises. People you trusted on some level. As the karma is being resolved, deep slow changes and transformations, buried within for some time, will begin to emerge, effecting the long over-due change. Take your time, don’t rush and remember to be kind and compassionate to others along the way. This cycle is for you to metamorphose from your cocoon/shell, to become who you always wanted to be and knew you were.

Life experiences that have and remain to be difficult will not last forever. However, there is karma associated with a great deal of these situations. Everyone has something they are are going through. Some things appear to be worse than others and therefore it’s important to understand that somewhere in the world there are individuals facing far greater challenges. If you apply all the positive ,physical actions you can, to bring balance/healing into your life, things will improve. But there are other important factors to incorporate in the healing process of your life. As long as there is any hate, malice, jealousy, injustice or intolerance towards others, complete haling won’t occur. Learn to forgive, realizing no-one is above Natural Law and everyone receives “the fruits of their labors”, at the right time and place. The Universe never forgets.
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Full Moon in Taurus // November 12th, 2019 // “Talking with a Bull”
As the cold becomes more harsh, and the leaves leave their trees here in the North Western Hemisphere, the Universe has our backs with tonight’s beautiful Full Moon in Taurus. There's no better cure for onset seasonal depression, than gallivanting in the fields which Taurus energy inhabits. While we are still enveloped in Scorpio season, this Full Moon will feel like a warm spring day in the middle of the winter of your soul for most.

A reminder about Full Moons… In accordance with astrology, when the Moon reaches it’s Fullest Phase, it is a time for endings, completions, and harvest. In most magickal teachings, the Full Moon is a time for banishing things from your life, or removing obstacles. Under the light of a Full Moon, nothing can hide. Under her brilliance everything that is hidden comes into illumination. This could be why so many people think the “crazies” are out under a Full Moon. It’s not that the “crazies” are out per say…but the “crazy” can for once be seen where it once was hidden, or it is the “crazy” inside of YOU that is being mirrored by the light of the Full Moon!
The last time we experienced a Full Moon in Taurus was back on October 24th, 2018. Think back to what you were doing during that Full Moon, as the themes may pop back up again now for further enlightenment.
Earth element. Ruler of the 2nd house of Wealth, and ruled by the planet of beauty, and love, Venus. Taurus seeks comfort, security, love, and beauty. When in the realm of Taurus, you are asked to find that which brings you satisfaction, and find a way to posses it, or own it. The reason for owning that which you enjoy, is so that you may enjoy it at any time, whenever you want, because it is yours. This leads often to gluttony, which is one of the pitfalls of Taurus energy. Imagine it like a cake that you enjoyed so much, you ate the entire thing. Taurus is no stranger to a belly ache from overindulgence.
A main aspect at play with tomorrows Full Moon will be Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, and the Full Moon laying Opposite of Mercury. Mercury rules all things communication, and mind. It has been backtracking in full retrograde motion since Halloween Night, and those of you here in the Northern Hemisphere may have felt the ruthless effects of jokes perpetrated by Mercury in excess. Weather for Trick-r-Treating here was horrible as expected, and travel delays were abound on my social media feeds. Trick-r-Treat nights had to be re-scheduled, and many people traveled great distances just to receive very minuscule candy hauls.
Those kinda mishaps are still bound to happen under the energy of Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio. Mercury Rx Scorpio will be Opposite of tomorrows Full Moon. In Astrological Terms, an opposition is when planets are across the Zodiac wheel from each other. It's a challenging or "hard" aspect because the energies are at odds. When the Moon meets with Mercury in any aspect it calls for the expression of emotions, the communication of feelings, and thoughts about why you feel the way you do.
Under this Full Moon, you may feel the desire to express your emotions concerning security, the things in which you own, what is valuable to you, what you need to feel comfortable, and many more Taurus themes. The issue with these two planetary forces being opposite of one another, will be how you go about expressing these themes. You may have trouble putting your finger on just what is valuable to you, or what really will make you feel more comfortable, and secure in your skin. Maybe you know what you need, but cannot seem to find just the right words to express it. Maybe you're usually very vocal about these matters, but Mercury's backspin has you second guessing, and retreating into a shell only Cancer would envy. In some form or fashion you will feel a drive to release, but choose your words wisely. The energy of a Full Moon, mixed with this retrograde is a breeding ground for verbal disagreements, arguments, and misunderstandings. If you don't know how to put what you feel into words right now, meditation, relaxation, and social media detox may help smooth out your souls wrinkles. Don't be a charging bull.
We are blessed as this will be the only really harsh aspect with tonight’s Full Moon. Getting into some of the wonderful aspects which may effect your day to day...
This Full Moon will also sextile Neptune, and Jupiter. In Astrology a sextile is an aspect formed when planets are two signs or about 60 degrees apart. It is a positive harmony between planets that opens up new pathways for growth. Neptune rules the 12th House, and all things subconscious, dream related, our imaginations, our addictions, sacrifices, universal love, psychic awareness, and enlightenment. With Neptune Sextile this Full Moon in Taurus, all of the doors to the subconscious are wide open, and love is fostered to clean out the skeletons. Full Moons are often times of climax, and endings. If you, or someone you love is currently struggling with addiction, or substance abuse, this Full Moon is a perfect opening to begin seeking treatment, or help with getting it under control. Neptune will aid in any sacrifice you must make, even if it must be made again in the future.

Neptune Sextile this Full Moon may have your psychic antennas in the air, picking up more of the undertow of this reality than usual. Neptune rules all the unseen elements. This Full Moon illuminates the caverns of our souls, asking us to filter through paranoia, and physical reasoning for psychic gatherings of information. All magickal activities will get an extra boost for this aspect. Be cautious as Neptune is still Retrograde in Pisces. There will be opportunity for mistakes, and overlooking important facts in the fogs of Neptune Retrograde. It can be at times like swimming in a very dark ocean, where you feel the waves, you taste the water, you think you know which way you came from...but suddenly you feel you are in stormy waters, and there's no land in sight.
Given that Jupiter will also Sextile tonight's Full Moon in Taurus, you will have all the luck on your side to integrate this moon's energy to the fullest. Jupiter always expands everything it touches. This will expand the mystical qualities of Neptune, as well as the Mercury activity mentioned above. If you begin to converse with anyone, and it seems to be heading down hill, don't let Jupiter expand on that! Push more love, more understanding, more acceptance, and let Jupiter expand those qualities in your communication. Jupiter will be the sliver of land in the distance. It's there...you just must swim from the dark waters of Neptune towards it.
This Full Moon will also trine Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn.
In astrology, the trine planetary aspect occurs when two planets are in synchronicity with one another. They are working toward the same agenda and want the same outcome. As Pluto and Saturn are still in Capricorn, I believe we can see that very well. They have both been in Retrograde motion for much of this year, but are both now direct, and this Full Moon will magnify their capabilities.
Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn has been the culprit of most of the social change that is going on among our society. When Saturn had moved into Capricorn, it really set the stage for all secret government activities, people in power, deeds done in the dark, exposure of sexual abuse, the hard iron fist of the police forces...to be exposed entirely, and seen in the light. Pluto had been preparing us all for the slow gradual release of all these secret, dark, and transformation facts to surface, and then Saturn came in to allow karma it's opportunity.

We will end this Saturn in Capricorn cycle on March 21, 2020, but will retrograde, and move direct fully finishing it's cycle on December 17, 2020. Pluto is nearing closer also to switching into Aquarius, and will make it's final decent 2023-2024.
This Full Moon Trine both of these aspects will allow us to make peace with some of the information which has surfaced over this entire Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn cycle. Full Moons bring climaxes, and endings, while also amping up the energy, so it may feel like just when the darkness was about to envelope you, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. As we pass into the Aquarius energy, those who have been gifted all of the good karma Saturn can also bring, and those who have been exposed, will feel like they are being baptized in this light, as it washes away the struggle to maintain the way things are, and instead step into the transforming energy of Pluto. Like a burning phoenix, this light cuts through to the bone.
This Full Moon will have you pondering these things, while finding your own ways to make peace, and find some form of security within. Taurus is all about that comfort and Security! Mercury will bring these things into your communications, and into your meditations.

I hope that this Full Moon in Taurus finds you well star being!

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November Forecast for Virgo
Here, there and everywhere! With the Sun in Scorpio and your social third house, you’re a multitasking maven and a whirling dervish of energy. Your calendar will be packed to the seams with events, meetings, parties and more. Vibrant conversations are what you live for, Virgo, and you can expect to have plenty of them this month. At the November 7 Scorpio new moon, one of those talks could plant the seeds for an exciting collaboration in the coming weeks, so keep your antennae up for kindred spirits today!
You’ll be glad to have a supportive, like-minded crew since this month’s cosmic activity is (once again) intense. Three planets will go in and out of retrograde while two make major zodiac sign changes. It will be hard to know where to put your energy because as soon as you move in one direction, the whole game changes. Good thing you’re one of the zodiac’s four “mutable” signs, which means you’re adaptable and open to change—in spite of Virgo’s reputation as being the consummate planner.
It all begins on November 6, when revolutionizer Uranus, who’s been retrograde since August 7, backs into Aries and your intimate eighth house for a four-month last hurrah. Uranus was in Aries from March 2011 to May 2018, bringing radical shifts to your finances and emotional and sexual affairs. You may have experienced some sweeping, if not seismic, shifts in these areas with disruptor Uranus shaking up the status quo.
Mid-May, Uranus moved into Taurus and your worldly, adventurous ninth house—a much easier placement that’s sparked up nomadic and entrepreneurial urges. But you’ll need to press pause and handle some unfinished “inner work” until March 6. After that, Uranus will leave Aries, not to return in this lifetime. Since the eighth house rules property and shared assets, some Virgos may finalize a divorce or “business breakup,” sell a home or sit down with a financial planner for a rigorous review. While the Uranian fluctuations aren’t comfortable, know that any last wobbles are designed to make sure you’re investing your time, money and energy in things that are authentically you.
The headline news arrives on November 8, when expansive Jupiter makes its once-a-year zodiac sign change, settling into Sagittarius and your domestic fourth house until December 2, 2019. Ready to put down some roots or add a new member to your household? With abundant Jupiter here, your adventures for the next year will be happening close to home…if not under your own roof! You could buy a home, move to a bigger place or turn your current abode into a bustling hub for inspiring guests, salon-style gatherings or maybe even rental income.
You’ve been quite the drifter for the past 13 months, because since October 2017, Jupiter’s been cruising through Scorpio and your third house of neighborhoods and community. This has sparked some exciting friendships and, if you’re looking for a place to settle, introduced you to some fun new cities or districts worth considering. But it’s been nearly impossible to “weigh anchor” for many Virgos. The very nature of the third house is to crave variety, and with globetrotting Jupiter here, you’ve had a veritable buffet of options and ideas. But a lot of them have probably fizzled out or just didn’t move from talk to action.
Are you feeling a little overwhelmed by it all? Good news: Jupiter’s move will help you snap out of “analysis paralysis” and shift into a more serene state. With the red-spotted giant in your security-seeking fourth house, the next 13 months are all about planting deep roots instead of just breezing through town. You could get deeply interested in your ancestry or, since Jupiter rules travel and study, take a field trip to a place connected to your heritage, documenting it for posterity.
Supersizer Jupiter is also shifting from your intellectual third house to your emotional fourth house, getting you out of your head and into your heart. You can anticipate some expansive feelings in the coming year as well as plenty of opportunities to connect with your intuition and creativity. Warning: Your moods can swing from high to low at moments, so make time for sufficient self-care and support.
The fourth house rules women, children and nurturing in astrology and, without resorting to gender stereotypes, this “yin” energy could become a big part of your world. An inspiring woman or female-identified person might play a huge role in your personal growth. This could be a healing year with your mom or a mother figure, though you may go through a couple of painful moments as you evolve your bond or reach for a new level of honesty. At the end of it all, you’ll feel a deep sense of inner connection—and as an anxiety-prone Virgo, you can’t go wrong when you “know thyself” and feel at home in the wider world.
But moving from nomad to nester won’t be an instantly easy process because from November 16 to December 6, your celestial ruler, Mercury—the planet of communication, technology and travel—will turn retrograde, spending the bulk of its backspin in Sagittarius. Think twice before offering the pull-out sofa bed to relatives over the early holiday season, and read every customer review before renting a hotel or Airbnb. Watch for misunderstandings with relatives and roommates, and be sure to safety-proof your home electronics and appliances. Load up on the surge protectors and back up all your personal files, especially digital photos.
On the upside, harmonious Venus will end a six-week retrograde on November 16, which has disrupted friendships and romance for everyone since October 5. The planetary peacekeeper has been backing through Libra and your money house since October 31, so the first couple weeks of the month could raise tension with colleagues and clients or drive up money stress.
Whew! Home is a haven AND a hotbed this month, that’s for sure. On November 22, the Sun begins its monthlong visit through Sagittarius and your cozy fourth house, joining Jupiter and Mercury. Now you’re ready to start hanging the holiday decorations, piping your painstakingly curated seasonal playlists through wireless speakers and just pausing.
But one specific day must be reserved for stepping into “power broker” mode. On November 23, the year’s only Gemini full moon beams into your tenth house of ambition and success, and you won’t want to squander this moment. Everything you’ve been working toward professionally for the past six months could reach a turning point or major manifestation moment. Some Virgos might step into a leadership role, land a new gig or score a promotion. For business owners, this is also Black Friday, and your sales numbers could get a lunar-powered lift. Ready to switch paths? This transitional full moon could give you the courage to leave an unsatisfying gig for a new one.
Make sure you’re polished, prepared and positioned to put your best foot forward today. Even if you’re just attending a gathering, you never know who you’ll meet. The tenth house rules fathers and men, so if you’re celebrating Thanksgiving weekend, you could have a huge air-clearing conversation with an important guy in your life.
For so many people, family gatherings have turned into polarizing political meltdowns for the past couple years. With a full moon in fast-talking Gemini, the stage is set for another round of that. So if you don’t want to “go there” (and we recommend you don’t), set some clear ground rules with your clan and be rigorous about respecting them!
If you’ve been struggling to get a clear read on a relationship, that will get easier starting November 24, when hazy Neptune ends a five-month retrograde backspin in Pisces and your seventh house of partnerships. Since June 18, it’s been tough to assess anyone’s intentions or figure out which direction to take an important alliance in. With empathic Neptune retrograde, your usually spot-on intuition about people might not have been a reliable GPS. Now Neptune’s forward motion helps you reconnect, heal any rifts and get back in sync with your inner circle.
The best day for bonding arrives on November 26, when the Sun and Jupiter make their once-a-year meetup, joining forces in Sagittarius and your caring fourth house. Hello, heart-opening moments! Many astrologers consider this the luckiest day of the year: when the revitalizing Sun and auspicious Jupiter blend their superpowers. If you’ve been hoping to move, expand your family or get in some quality “me time,” book it today, while your heart is open wide and you’re at your most emotionally receptive. Awww!
Love & Romance
Sense and sensuality? The love planets, Venus and Mars, are spending time in the most analytical and practical parts of your chart. Romantic Venus is camped out in Libra and your security-seeking second house, and it’s retrograde here until November 16, making you especially reflective and ready to do any needed repair work. Meantime, Mars is wrapping up a tour of Aquarius that began back on September 10, and will heat up your detail-minded sixth house until November 15.
While Venus retrograde can be a little dicey—people tend to be snippy and oversensitive…and not particularly compassionate or kind—you’ll be able to step back from your emotions and view things from a more grounded place. This is especially true on November 9, when Venus and Mars make their third of 2018’s three harmonious trines. If you need to talk about money or other mundane matters with your mate, these “administrative” conversations can actually bring you closer together. And hey, Virgo, what’s hotter than an innovative person who can life-hack and plan like a pro? To you, that’s sexiness personified!
Relationships heat up—and speed up—starting November 15, when sizzling Mars moves into Pisces and your partnership house for the rest of the year. Things could get hot over the holidays, but with combative Mars here, tension can also flare. Single Virgos might feel pressure to pair up during this sentimental season, but don’t let that cloud your vision. Take your time to make sure someone is long-term material before rushing into anything serious. For couples, be careful not to take out your stress on each other.
Key Dates
November 30: Venus-Uranus Opposition Love is a journey, not a movie whose script is already written. Stay open to the surprises that come from being intimately involved with another person. And don’t try to hide your vulnerable, messy side. It’s what keeps your partnership authentic and your loving bond alive.
Money & Career
Keep a handle on those funds! From November 6, 2018, to March 6, 2019, impulsive Uranus will be retrograde in Aries and your eighth house of long-term finances and investments. This final hurrah through your merging sector could make you second-guess a partnership, especially if it’s started to be a little confining. Do you feel like your voice is being heard and respected enough? Can you really grow in this venture? You might get an out-of-the-blue expense—but you could also score an unexpected windfall. This could be one of those times that you tap into your rainy-day savings or free yourself of any possessions and expenses that have been weighing you down.
Your stress levels may need some managing during the first half of the month since anxious Mars is in Aquarius and your sixth house of administrative affairs. You might feel overwhelmed by a project and need a few extra hands to meet a deadline. Don’t try to push through and DIY—send out a call for help. With Mercury turning retrograde from November 16 to December 3, you’ll want to make sure you have the proper support before things get chaotic.
On November 15, Mars will move into Pisces and your partnership house for the rest of the year, which could bring some dynamic people into your orbit. An exciting contract or offer might come your way. But with rash Mars here, you’ll want to take your time. Don’t rush into anything without conducting due diligence, but if everything checks out, then take a leap of faith.
Key Dates
November 23: Gemini Full Moon This activating full moon in your professional tenth house helps you pursue your career ambitions without fear. With la luna in spontaneous Gemini, you may get a wild hair to quit your job or leave your field altogether and try something brand spanking new. At your current gig, corporate restructuring or rebranding could present you with a brilliant opportunity to advance. Seize it!
Love Days: 16, 20 Money Days: 27, 8 Luck Days: 24, 29 Off Days: 23, 31, 18
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I’ll start reading from all the messages I got! I’ll start with this one since it’s similar to my own chart and it’s easier for me to interpret.
First of all, I’m not English and I’m still learning this, so use my interpretation as a guide (and if you have any feedback I’ll love to hear it).
Same Asc and Sun as me! Let’s start with your Asc. The first thing we see there is your Moon, so you’re probably someone whose feelings are really important. Not like you’re over-sensitive (at least is not in Cancer), but adding it to your sensitive Sun, you feel a lot. I also think you kind of act like a mom to those around you, like you like taking care of the people you love. Your mom can be a really important figure to you (people who has a strong Moon is sometimes too attached to their mom, so you might have to learn how to be more “free”), and your home and family will be your first priority always. Having it at Virgo (and Sun in Pisces) will make you someone who’s very attentive and responsible to others and will work for others a lot. You are very supportive and caring. Also this Moon will make you be able to organize yourself better. Being a Pisces can be a bit messy LOL. But in general you’re probably a very dreamy and sensitive person.
If we go to your Sun, it is placed at your Asc house: the house of health, self (and others) care and daily life, your home and routines. You will probably be someone who’s rather more comfortable having a daily life that fulfills you. Probably being at your nice home is way better than going on a trip. You’re someone who might work at something related to health or maybe helping others. Also, as an extra, you have your fortune point with your Sun, so I think you will have quite a lot of “luck” by making your Sun happy? Not really sure how to interpret it. You’ll probably be very happy with your daily life.
Let’s talk about Mercury and the planets you got in Aquarius. Since your Asc rules Mercury, communication might be something important to you. Placed in Aquarius is a good spot for it and it will make you an original thinker. Maybe you might act as a person who knows everything and you have to tell others they are wrong (when combined with your Virgo Asc and Moon), like maybe you can act like a know-it-all. Having your Venus there too might make you be someone who’s fascinated by new ideas, technology or freedom. In general I think you are someone who’s very intelligent and knows exactly what to say and how to say it. Also you’re probably someone who can despise people who are too full of themselves.
Seeing all your energies together I think you’re someone who is probably putting all their energies in others instead of yourself. Like you make 95% effort so others are comfortable and 5% for yourself. And that’s cool, but remember you have to take care of yourself too. I like putting it this way: you’re not a better person if you take care of others and not yourself, because you are also a person who is created by God (or whatever), so if you put yourself for the last or you hurt yourself by helping others, you’re also being a bad person. In general you’re the type of person that’s always like “no, you go first” or you will never dare to bother others. I’m myself a Pisces-Virgo person, but luckily my Aries Moon can make me go crazy selfish sometimes. It can be tiring being so nice to everyone.
If we continue with Venus, maybe you’re someone who like originality above anything, you have a strong sense of freedom and you’re probably one of those Pisces who’s difficult to “catch”. You probably believe you will find your perfect soulmate and maybe friendships will go before lovers sometimes, IDK.
Jupiter is also at Aquarius, but at the 5th house. So you like creating things or having a hobby. Just letting you know this Jupiter is super well placed. Anything you create will probably be a success. Your sons or daughters will also probably be very cheerful and creative. IDK if you have any hobby or you work as an artist or something like that, but I highly recommend you to work on it because it might make you really successful and bring you a lot of happiness. It can be you make a sudden change in your life when an idea that comes from your subconscious makes these creations even better, since Pluto is aspecting from your IC. Super cool!
It could be you kind of restrict yourself when it comes to make the first step at something. I think you might not know why but Saturn is kind of suppressing your Aries (initiate, start) energy. It’s a good aspect, but sometimes good aspects with Saturn make you kind of inamovible. Don’t be afraid of putting your ideas before others (we’ll talk about it later but this is kind of the whole idea of your chart).
If we go to that Pluto in your IC it might indicate your home or your subconscious might have made (or might make) a big, sudden change of “death and reborn”. Maybe you changed a lot of homes when you were little? the Pluto doesn’t really have any hard aspect, so I wouldn’t say you had a destructive home.
Let’s talk about the North Node and the whole chart thing. So your North Node is what you’ve come to learn here in this life. You have it as me, and it says you kind of have to be more you. It’s like you have to find an equilibrium between others and you, but you should try to be a bit less pushover? Or like be yourself but minding the others. But basically you should be able to say "HERE I AM".
It’s like you kind of are afraid of not making everyone happy all the time and you always put your ideas or yourself at the end. Don’t! Your Saturn is telling you you will be like a “master” of this, but you kinda have to surpass your fears. Don’t go crazy and think you’re more important than anyone else though!! The North Node is in Libra so the “other one” is something you must have in mind. I also see you’re rather an introverted person and you’re a bit afraid of coming up to the world. You have difficulties to do the “action”. Mars in Libra is not the best position, and tough it’s in your Asc, it’s retrograde, so taking action is not your best thing. Your whole chart thing is you not being able to take action and say what YOU have to say. It's like you're kind of afraid on making first steps. If you're conscious of that, when you're older you will have surpassed this.
Your MC also tells about your career, and being it at Gemini you could do something related to communication. Having such creative energy with your Jupiter in Aquarius strengthens this communication, but creativetely. Dunno if you write but I bet you’re definitely good and it would be very healthy for you! You could also be an artist, but in a way you could express what you have to say.
Also! I’m not really good at interpreting Lilith yet but it kinda says “what you could become” or “your worst part of yourself”. It’s like hidden, really hidden since it’s at XII you could be someone who is super full of themselves, though your whole chart is the contrary. It’s like you have this hidden energy, and if you spend your whole life doing the wrong or acting like a bitch this could emerge (tho don’t trust me too much haha).
Hope you liked this!
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Twin Flame Energy Forecast 7th-13th January: “New Power”

Twin Flame Energy Forecast 7th-13th January: “New Power”
January 7, 2019
Eclipse Aftershocks And All Major Planets Direct! Push To Break Up Old “Inherited” 3D Timelines. Are You Ready To Unlock A Higher Path?Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!Key themes are Eclipse/New Moon challenges continuing to push for you to make higher choices. Heaviness and past struggles culminate but rise for a final big eruption around Uranus direct…
Things might have felt tough this last week but long term it’s the Universe’s way of breaking open your path to your highest desires.Are you ready?Old Cycles Culminating – Breakthrough The start of this week is set to be intense – not only because we have the aftereffects of the eclipse, but because the Sun is travelling between Pluto and Saturn, two of the major players in the zodiac.
This can tend to heaviness but opens to major transformation – as both planets deal with making conscious any old limiting beliefs, programming and unconscious emotional material in your system.Combining with the Eclipse’s “breakthrough” energies and Uranus now stationing to move direct, spirit shows we’re dealing with powerful changes blasting through.IF you can make new and higher choices. IF you can uplift your perspective in those moments of “reaction” and “automatic” thought/judgment/feeling (you’ll know your own triggers).
Above all it’s about breaking up old negative timelines. Including “inherited manifestations and paths” – what we absorbed and were programmed with from our human upbringings..Facing Shadows To Open A New Pa. In order to manifest a higher state of existence, unconditional love, unity consciousness, fulfillment – we need to break open the old “traintracks” we’ve been locked to.This happens through energy work and making conscious new choices.
If your path has felt blocked and old issues have been rearing their heads the last few weeks, it’s been building up to this.To shake you up, bring you face to face with your “issues” so you can see yourself clearly (or maybe someone else will provide awareness) so you can align with something new and higher.To help with this releasing of negativity and help your system integrate the new changes coming in with more ease – I would highly recommend using energy clearing and management.Spirit tells us, this breakthrough potential is above all about how we see ourselves and our “destiny”.To change our awareness and become conscious of our “stories” and what has caused our experiences and manifestations…Because our beliefs become “self fulfilling prophecies” – thoughts become things, as the saying goes.
Uranus Goes Direct – Forward Motion
When Uranus moves direct we have new momentum again. Spirit says there is a reshuffling going on right now. You’ll feel better by the end of the week wind in your sails again, with new forward motion.Especially as every planet in the zodiac will then be moving direct.However, keep in mind that YOU are the crux of your journey – the outer energies are always interacting with each individual one of us. And no two journeys are the same.
YOU are the one who chooses what to align with, what thoughts and feelings to focus on, what you “nourish” into existence… The planets will never do that *for* you.So when there’s forward momentum, there’s always an increased demand for us to have awareness! What are we moving forward with?Remember that your Free Will is the most powerful agent of change in the universe.
“Bite Size” Online Spirituality Something I’ve noticed in online culture in recent times is an increase in “bite size” memes on astrology, channeled messages and spiritual insights.While this can seem inspiring and informative, unfortunately it can have the opposite effect. Yes, the planets are moving “direct” now. Yes, that indicates a smoother flow of energy…However, your life doesn’t depend on it. Your Reunion isn’t stopped by a retrograde planet – and you won’t automatically manifest blessings just because the planets are all direct or it’s 11/11. You won’t automatically have “good luck” if Jupiter conjuncts your Venus…
If you pay close attention you’ll notice that online culture is a “hype machine” for spirituality and it can be very damaging.Every week there’s supposedly something amazing and shock-worthy happening in the cosmic energies, if you believe the internet…But look back. Did your life dramatically change? Or did things change most when YOU made different choices, got in a different alignment than before through energy work… Even, when you stopped paying attention so much?
What Is The “Movie” Of Your Life?The problem with online “hype culture” in spiritual circles is it keeps people on a traintrack of being spoonfed info about the cosmic energies like you are watching a movie unfolding…
When you really are the MAKER of the movie – you are the writers, the actors, the director, the film itself…You *are* the universe. You can live your life, your way, any time you want.So what is the ticket to your happy journey?!
Uplift your energy and your alignment, so you are in harmonic vibration with your desires – including Twin Flame Union.That’s when things begin to show up TANGIBLY. In the here and now.
energy vibrations
Love Takes Flight Another notable transit for Twin Flames this week is Venus entering Sagittarius 7th January.
With this move, it’s like love gains her wings, spirit shows us. You’ll likely start to feel more lighthearted than in recent times.Travelling through Scorpio, Venus had a hard time, there were challenges in love – and a LOT of purging, releasing old issues from past wounds…Now, we’re set to feel like we’re on a forward path yet again. Love will likely feel easier than in a LONG time, because Venus has been travelling back and forth in Scorpio since early fall 2018 due to her retrograde.
Are You Ready For A Major Change?You’re likely in a different place now completely than you were summer 2018.And that can seem scary, but Sagittarius’ adventurous energy as well as Mars’ fire returning to Aries helps you be brave and jump into something new or unexpected.
You’re ready for change. Likely, you’ve had it with how things were in some area of your life, whether love, creativity, family or appearance related. Even regarding friends.Your patience is thin and right now instead of trying to change the past, you see that the best path is onward and upward.
However, spirit cautions us for this period that there’s a difference between moving on with a feeling of lightness and inspiration, versus running away from old wounds just hoping they’ll go away.
When toxic emotions and old wounds fester, they get worse with time, not better.
Death/Rebirth In The Physical January 11th we have a powerful once a year conjunction between the Sun and Pluto. We’re set to get a revisit however of Scorpio’s watery darkness at this time.
There’s a death/rebirth process going on in terms of physical world situations, long-term plans and self mastery right now…And it’s not easy, but as the Sun journeys to this point this week (active all week but peaking on Friday) you’re set to gain a new clarity into the situation. Your deeper power is awakened.You may have previously felt powerless as a part of your life came to an end… Likely some aspect of the Twin connection or early life situations, even someone passing away… But there is also a rebirth involved.
Maybe you don’t see it yet, but it’s in process. Whenever something ends, there’s a new beginning. Spirit shows us you may be the one to end something once and for all now, because you see that there’s something better if you do.
Old Soul Contracts Ending/New Ones Taking Effect Pluto’s activities can also pertain to walk-in experiences for Twins, and old soul contracts ending/new ones beginning…Check what house 20 degrees Capricorn is in your birth chart for more on what area of your life is undergoing a death/resurrection.
With Mercury conjunct Saturn in Capricorn this weekend, you may feel challenged to see the light at the end of the tunnel… But you’ll be really good at admin work, meticulous planning for the future and other sensible yet mentally challenging tasks.Energy clearing and working on long term manifestation and intention setting are also highly aspected.
What Saturn most “wants” from you right now (and what will pay off) is to stop thinking so much! Spirit shows us, the majority of thoughts we human beings have on a daily basis are not helpful. in fact, they’re useless… even, damaging.The self-berating commentary, the worries, the doubts, the stress, the fear scenarios… Because it can completely derail us.Meditation is HIGHLY aspected right now. You’ll find it easier than usual to focus your thoughts…Right now, Saturn is waiting for you to TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR OWN MIND and words! Because it can be your worst enemy, or your best friend… depending on how you treat it.
Spiritual Challenges – Illusions About The Future Lastly this week we have a square between Jupiter and Neptune that spells out the same story – rein it back a bit!The spiritual projections… the future imaginings… some of it is damaging. Neptune deals with illusions, and Jupiter with excess…
So even if it seems “positive”, spiritual dogma can hold your journey back – perhaps by making you avoid taking responsibility or action, or by clouding your vision with other people’s values when you are meant to attune to YOUR truth and YOUR unique experience.You’ll do well to cut back right now and to re-evaluate what’s been going on in your deeper mind when you’re not paying attention.You’re the boss of your journey and your life… but are there Twin Flame fear scenarios lurking deep down?
Stuff you’ve read about other Twins’ horrible experiences of waiting for 10 years for their counterpart to no avail? Twins getting outsiders pregnant and the like?Well, it’s time to weed it out. I have to do this myself a LOT. Because I hear all the Twin Flame horror stories and there are hundreds of Twins every week emailing me with various needs…The unconscious human mind absorbs this kind of information and over time it becomes our belief systems, which affect our manifestations, which affects our emotions, our experiences, our twin flame dynamics and over time our lives…
How To Align Your Journey With Reunion, Light, Love… I cannot push this point too much – keep your mind and your energy “clean” for a happy journey. You will thank yourself for it. Your quality of life depends on it – and that’s no exaggeration.Because the more clutter you absorb from other people’s projections, experiences, horror stories and beliefs, the more complicated and messy things get for you.
Spirit says, in fact, the biggest problem for most Twin Flames is other Twin Flames. And no, they don’t mean the counterpart.They mean *everyone else* with their opinions, personal stories, beliefs, advice and involvement…
Attuning To Your Own Light – A New Chapter Starts This week, the cosmic message is clear. Go within, clear up in there… And allow your OWN light to begin emanating… lighting up your situation, your path…
You always have your own answers, if you can just learn to listen to your deeper wisdom.And in fact, your soul may be holding up your journey waiting for you to realize it.Make the effort now and you’ll be rewarded thousandfold.So this week, we’ve got momentum changing and all the planets will move direct for a few weeks – but how will you use that time?
I believe in you
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/august-full-moon-2019we-are-at-the-end-of-revelations/
August Full Moon 2019~We Are At the End of Revelations
August Full Moon 2019~We Are At the End of Revelations
By Mahala’s Astrology
We just moved through the full moon of August 15, 2019. This full moon brought in much light, and that light brought to our attention how dark it appears to be on Earth. The war on the astral level is over and the light won and now we are experiencing the clean-up process on Earth. How long will this process last? It appears like we fell back into the darkness when all of those violent shootings happened in the United States. This makes it appear like it is very dark right now but this too shall pass as we start moving into a more peaceful world.
Mars was traveling through the fire sign Leo and that caused many angry events to happen on Earth. Mars is now ready to move into the healing sign of Virgo on August 18. Virgo is an Earth sign and has a different vibration. This event may tone down the dark energy somewhat and cause it to mellow out. The sun was conjunct Venus at the time of the full moon. Venus is considered a goddess and that planet rules money and love. Mars was conjunct Regulus, the heart of the lion and this energy caused many people to activate their heart chakra so they can now “Think with their hearts”.
I think we have lived on this violent Earth long enough and it is time for a change. Maybe we can raise our frequency enough so we can live on a higher vibration Earth. Maybe this heart activation full moon changed the energy on Earth so people will now stand up and say “enough is enough”. We need to manifest a world full of love and light, not fear and anger.
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and magnifies whatever it touches. Jupiter is in Sagittarius right now on 14 degrees and will stay on that degree until the end of August. Jupiter is presently conjunct the Great Attractor which has an enormous magnetic field. As Jupiter aligns with the Great Attractor the evolutionary pull on humanity is very powerful. Will we be able to handle this strong pressure for the rest of this month? If we are manifesting through our heart chakra we should be able to deal with this energy in a loving way. Here is an interesting article about how the black hole in Sagittarius is getting very bright. (Black Hole ‘Wakes Up’)
The meaning of 14 degrees Sagittarius is “The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx.” The opening of the Lions Gate starts in Egypt on July 26 every year. They have a celebration when the Sun raises over Egypt conjunct the star Sirius. That is the beginning of the Egyptian New Year, and it is also the beginning of the Mayan Dreamspell New Year. Here is an interesting article about the Lion’s Gate. (Lionsgate Portal)
Jupiter will be in Sagittarius until December 3, 2019 and will then move into the sign of Capricorn. It takes Jupiter one year to go through one sign of the zodiac. During this past eight months we have seen Jupiter in action. Jupiter rules the Justice system. This includes courts of law, judges, lawyers and the law. This past year has been full of energy around lawyers, court cases, judges, investigations, FBI, and other things around the law of justice and our constitution. There will be much pressure around those issues for the rest of August when Jupiter is still conjunct the Great Attractor although the energy of these law suits will be in the news until at least the beginning of December. Jupiter is now direct and in fast-speed.
Another interesting event that happened this month was the fact that Uranus turned retrograde in Taurus on the same day that Jupiter turned direct, which was August 11. Taurus rules money and we felt Uranus turn as we watched the Stock Market take another plunge. Uranus will be very powerful as it is in its retrograde phase which lasts until January of 2020.
Uranus rules riots and demonstrations (Hong Kong and Russia) and other parts of the world. Uranus also rules light and we will experience more waves of light coming to Earth in the next few months. High tech is also ruled by Uranus and there may be more gadgets or inventions coming to the foreground. They are trying to push the 5G network. I hope they make that safe before they release it to the public.
Uranus has a tendency to take something away before it creates something new, like the Stock Market crashing before a new money system is set-up. Maybe Bitcoin will be our new money system. Uranus rules computers and Taurus rules money. Uranus will be in Taurus for seven years. Taurus also rules the Earth so there will be many Earth changes during this time period. This energy will be directly affecting the West Coast USA.
Uranus also rules our friendly ET family. We will probably see more activity in our heavens as more and more space ships head for Earth to watch the finale of this great experiment. We survived this time and I do not think there will be a major war because a nuclear war will not be allowed. There are and will be more threats of war although if this happens it will probably be more like riots or demonstrations.
We are at the very end of the book of Revelation which is all about judging everything. How many people have been judging themselves, other people, and their politicians? Stop judging! Forget about politics and just love yourself. You are a great Being of Light. To change the world, change yourself.
I think this fall will bring many interesting events to pass as all of the dark continues to be uncovered so we can change that energy to one of love. Jupiter will help bring all the corruption to light as it continues its journey through Sagittarius. Shortly after Jupiter moves into Capricorn there will be a Solar Eclipse on Christmas Day at 9:13 PM West Coast Time. We will not see it because it will be visible over Israel. Will this be another sign in the heavens to tell us that we are at the end of this age and ready for a whole new reality? The original Mayan Calendar ends in December of 2020. That is just a year away although our thoughts can allow us to live on the higher frequency Earth right now. All we have to do is manifest love. (Interview with God Site)
I think the 4D Earth will have many challenges to deal with although those who choose to live on the higher frequency Earth may experience a different reality by manifesting love. With love in your heart you can walk through fire without getting burned. On the New Earth there will be no traffic, no pollution, no politics, no fighting, no war, and no corrupt politicians. There will be a new system set-up to overlook things although it will be by like-minded people living in communities. Our space brothers and sisters are here to help us through this process. It might take a while to create that reality but it is on the agenda. When our frequency is high enough, we can then move to the New Earth. It already exists and is just a thought away. So Be It!
Written in Love and Light
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Gemini New Moon Horoscope
All Times Are Pacific Daylight Time
Gemini New Moon, Monday, June 3rd at 3:00 am
Happy birthday Gemini! It’s your birthday season and this Gemini New Moon is similar to blowing out a candle to make a wish. During the New Moon the Moon can’t be seen in the sky. It’s the time after you’ve blown out your candles and you get a magical moment to see what’s important to you. The New Moon gives you time to contemplate what matters and what you’d like to begin during this solar return when the Sun comes back to the exact spot it shone in the sky the day you were born.
There may be a way you communicate with others that has changes, or a friendship that has come to a definite end since your last birthday. People often come into our lives for a reason and a season. Honor the lesson they had to teach you and move on.
This makes room for a whole new group of people who are eager to come into your life. It’s likely these are people you know, maybe from this life, maybe from a past life, and they’re looking for you. They’re here to help make your dreams come true.
Finally, take note of the intense dream frequency today. See this time as a portal between research and imagination. The energy is big and is encouraging you to act.
Your patron planet Mercury leaves your sign and travels into Cancer on Tuesday, June 4th. This is a very nice look for you. It’s where you can begin piecing together how you want to interact with others, and where you gather value to provide nourishment to your self-worth. This again reiterates the energy of the New Moon- spend time with those who leave you feeling inspired rather than who drain you. Especially with the North Node of fate traveling through your Second House of value, worth, and wealth over the next year. It’s a date with destiny to no longer take shit from bullies in your life and rather use that authoritative energy to build wealth in your life. Now is truly the time to start that nest egg.
Leo Waxing Crescent Moon, Friday, June 7th at 4:47 pm
Others may want to squabble but you’re in the mood to take charge! ‘Tis the season to begin a project around the wish you made under your birthday New Moon. Now is the information gathering stage.
Also keep an eye out for a possible love interest, or a lover wanting to go to new heights with you over the weekend as Venus floats into your sign.
On Saturday, June 8th. Go toward a love that makes you feel free, that makes you feel like you’re stepping into your power.
Virgo First Quarter Moon, Sunday, June 9th at 10:59 pm
After a weekend of being out and about you’re going to crave staying in and snuggling with someone (cats and pups count) on the couch with a glass of wine or a cup of herbal tea. This is also a great time to hammer out the details of your dream wish. How do you integrate this dream into your life in a responsible way?
There’s divine energy in the air on Monday, June 10th. You’re seeing your work around self-worth connecting to how you make money and how you choose to go deep to satisfy your soul. This sets you on a new course toward your destiny. If you’re frantically searching for clues on where these divine signs are coming from, know it’s all in the details.
There’s a big energy concerning your closet relationships as well today. If you’re feeling backed into a corner know there’s nothing wrong to say that you need time to figure things out. However, if it’s feeling right, go for it! This may be a do-over from when you backed away from a previous situation.
Libra Waxing Gibbous Moon, Wednesday, June 12th at 5:57 am
Your emotions might feel raw. All you want is balance and all you feel is tension pulling you apart. Maybe balance isn’t particularly obtainable, but there’s something to be said for living with the tension and making it work for you. You have to accept your own secrets and feeling of shame to fully accept yourself. This is the time when you start creating a project based on your dream. Tension creates great art.
Destiny is calling to you through your dreams on Thursday, June 13th. This is why you’ve be working on your self-worth since the Gemini New Moon, to prepare and understand how much you deserve this desire because you were born worthy.
Keep this in mind on Father’s Day on Sunday, June 16th. Your father, or a father figure in your life may reveal a secret to you. Don’t let this shake your sense of self, you’ve been working all Moon cycle on who you are in the world. You’re your father’s child, but this doesn’t define how you walk in the world. On the other hand, you may receive some soulful advice that you’ve been seeking.
Sagittarius Full Moon, Monday, June 17th at 1:31 am
The Sagittarius Full Moon shines Truth and light on your loved ones and relationships in your life. Again, going back to June 10th this may be a story about redoing a story around relationships. Luck is on your side with Jupiter Retrograde lingering so close to the Full Moon.
On Tuesday, June 18th you continue the journey of restructuring your soul to fit your new frequency as the Moon and Saturn whisper to each other in a conversation they’re having all year long. This month you’re focusing on the tension between doing inner work on your soul and speaking about your emotional needs.
Speaking about your emotional needs may quickly manifest into something permanent as the Sun travels out of your sign and into Cancer for the June Solstice on Friday, June 21st. Your House of self-worth and wealth receives a welcome dose of sunshine, illuminating all the hard work you’ve done throughout this Moon cycle. Don’t be surprised if sudden resources come your way.
Also keep in mind that the upcoming Cancer New Moon will be an eclipse. This is an important time to set an intention around abundance. Go for overwhelming abundance. The eclipse is meant to overtake you, why not be showered in riches?
Neptune also stations Retrograde on this day. With all this inner soul work you’ve done recently it’s time to look over your career and mission in life. What tweaks are you ready to make to your dreams to achieve what you truly want?
Pisces Waning Gibbous Moon, Saturday, June 22nd at 8:57 am
Going with the dreaminess of Neptune stationing to go Retrograde, this is a time for dreamwork. Nap and dream. Try to remember your dreams and get an idea of what these messages are trying to tell you. You’ve been looking for clues about your destiny, and here’s where you’ll find them.
Embrace the sense of wildness you feel around your dreams and destiny.
You’re discussing your hopes and desires around commitment to partner on Sunday, June 23rd. You’re feeling brave about speaking on exactly how you feel. You know it’s time for the next step. While it doesn’t have to take place this very second, you’re putting your desires out there for your partner to hear and understand.
Aries Third Quarter Moon, Tuesday, June 25th at 2:46 am
Check in with why your hopes and dreams are your hopes and dreams. Is it because of something not working out during your childhood? There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to repeat the past. That said, your even less likely to repeat the past if you understand the inner workings of the patterns that have followed you up until this moment. If you could make a wish for things to be different, what would it be?
Your favorite planet Mercury travels into Leo in your favorite House, the Third House on Wednesday, June 26th. You’re feeling extra good about expressing exactly what you desire. You’re eager to talk about partnership and what helps you feel nourished.
Taurus Waning Crescent Moon, Thursday, June 27th at 6:07 pm
You’re exploring deep, spiritual emotions in the days leading up to the Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse. It’s as if you’re burying lightening bolts in the soil to see what begins to grow during the Eclipse.
On the eve of the New Moon in Cancer on Monday, July 1st Mars joins Mercury in Leo. This might be when the bolts begin to poke their heads out of the soil and send shock waves to anyone who tries to verbally go to war with you. Also prepare for passionate talks to clear something up that’s been bothering you.
Prepare an intention for the Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse around abundance. Use your voice to speak about what you value. This will lead to its manifestation in your life.
Curious about another sign’s horoscope? Check it out in the Shop or join the New Moon Social Club.
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Free Writing
I feel sick. On friday i came home dizzy feeling like I was dead walking and passed out sleeping for most of the night into the day. I woke up sunday feeling a lot better but as i tried to eat my body was not having it. Even now I can’t stomach too much but apples and even then that is pushing it. i feel like at any second i will puke but It’s a faint sensation. I had two dreams that had me startled and put a slight cloud on my day until i forced the thoughts away. The first was strange and happened about 2 days ago. i was in an apartment listening to a friend of mine talk about his life. I was trying my best to fight trying to have sex with him and failing. even going so far as to entering the bathroom with him. ugh. i was pretty upset at myself in my dream cause I watched myself do it but in my head I was like ‘why are you doing this. don’t do it’. so anyway I have a pair of headphones on connected to like a walkkie talkie and I hear my ex’s voice on the other end. he’s talking about old money business and i click the talk end and ask him to repeat it. He is shocked and he says ‘your voice is too much right now’ and I apologize and ask him to repeat it. he starts to cry and i can hear the emotion and I look up feeling his pain. It was strange because I didn’t really care too much about the situation. I feel like I already moved on from him a long time ago and I didn’t regret my decision at all but haring the pain and emotion in his voice was too much. the dream ends and its a shallow dream so i know im near to akinng up. I carried that with me for the majority of the morning and it bothered me because i feel like i am being punnihsed for how the relationship went. I dragged it on for longer then it needed to be. wayyy longer and I still look back now and regret it but I’m learning to move past it and not dwell too much on it. I eventually was brave enough to face being alone and potentially being unloved so there is that. The other dream happened today. jesus had a weir dtanget and left a silly conversation we were having. i think he really just wanted to step away from me and i was actually pretty okay with it. I feel when we talk too much it puts a strain on our friendship. i wanna-say relationship but...I don’t like that. Inn my head im much more happy seeing it as a friendship because that means its safe. i almost don’t give myself any reason to be jealous about others and i can give him my love in friendship and that is much more better for me. but some things he said got to me. He was talking about how dull and boring my life would be without him and at first i just joked about it but now I’m startting to see his point. Would i have been exposed to music without him? not as intense bth.My obsession with music and desire to persue it in some shape or form was inspiredby him and who he pointed out to me. I covet his songs so much. They are like staples for me and i dunno im actually listening to one of his songs now (let ‘em know by bryson tiller). So now that he has done his typical thing pretending to be upset and leaving “for couple of days” I have time to think. Its also venus retrograde whihc is like time to revisit and reassess how I see love, how i want to be loved and how I love others. also how my relationships look like and if there is a need for change. This is a simplistic view but its my understanding of it. So I know his venus is in Leo. which lmao is very fitting. hmm sometimes i wonder if I need to slow down with my thoughts of him. I am fascinated by him, pused by him, fired up by him, irritated, annoyed, and some feelings that i cant or wont name. So where does that leave me? Sometimes in my head i’ll call him allan and that makes me pause. Am i waiting for a saviour again? if i am i need to step back and realize that that only ends in pain and dissapointed hope. My last relationship i leanre da lot but it was under duress. it was painful and like forced me out of my caccoon under his hand and i felt so constrained as i tried to heal. it was too much for me and he never did understand me. Now that i’m just feeling jesus out I now see i see him as a saviour and i’m torn bewteen seeing him as one and being okay with it. is it so bad to have friends as liferafts? but at the smame time i dont think he should be treated like one :/ idk its weird though things have been feeling so surreal to me. watching my hands type and literally giving form to my words is unsettling to me. I feel like something is happening to me and i’m scared that its something bad. i don’t rmember being so sick before. in 3 years i only ever experieneced slight sniffles and here i am full blown sick and shit. i’m worried for myself and my body.I ask for michael’s healing and proetction. I am in a strange place and I wonder what will become of all of this. I feel so out of place. maybe its the books i have been reading too. When i read i somtimes carry bits of it into my life. i wake up in this world slightly disjointed and off. I finished reading parable of the talents and that left me shook. i have oto write a book review for that but ive been avoiding it for some reason? anyway I’m a lil way halfway trough lilith’s brood and I find the book fascinating and also scary in a way. i’m not scraed perse about the alients. or maybe i am idk. I’m more scared of the future where women and children will be vulnerable. why is it that males resourt to being bullies again once oscieties are gone? why sare they the most dnagerous? i mean even now they still are and its wrapped up in laws, decorms etc but in a dystopian futuere? terrifying. I couldnt be like Olomina and dress like a man because I am too fullfigured and womenly to pass. i am worried for myself. I just want to be free....i dunno what is going on with me? I ffeel like im drifting in and out of reality and things feel dreamy. I had a thought about my empathy and pisces power and like...maybe all my empathy is for books? thats when i feel so misty and out of it after reading ike my mind really led me away. im happy im reading again at least. it unsettles me that i am becoming a women. I am entranced with myself seeing the curves, my skin and body seeing how beautiful it is but also seeing how dangerous it is to me and my life. How many times will people punish me for how i look? men mostly. and i dont mind suing what power i apparently have over them but its like i know it will be used aaginst me soon. i never feel wrong for knowing that my body is beautiful. I know it is and i know i am beautiful and a creature many may want to touch and have. I am growing into it and i feel like a flower that is maturing before peoples eyes and im afraid. i know fear is bad so let me say mor elike it unsetles me. but with chnage comes growth and i feel like because of my freeizing myself as i unthaw and turn into who i was supposed to be i am going to blossom very quick. its also weird too because as I say i want this this and this in my body over time i gain that. i was so e skinny and i wished to be thicker and now here i am getting thicker and i know if i atemore id be even thikcer and yet my stomach has not changedd and actually has remained smaller then it as before? i am also finally looking pretty. i felt like such an ugly child and now i wonder if its not that im being graced with it now but that i am seeing it in myself. i know i have eyes that can trap people. I actually look away to make them feel comfortable because if i stare too long at eople they either get caught up in my face (men especially) or they paue for a second.. idk. i feel like im changing t into something that ahs power that i am not comfortble handling;. or am i just being dramatic? the voice in my head is soft and quiet and that is the true me. I have to protect her because thhis world wants to hurt her and she is too good for it. that sounds weird.. But i know i have to keep this shell around me because peope see weakness and want to go for it/. when i gaine dback my sag and leo self i have used it like a shield against people and emotions. only a few know about my soter side/. jesus nampende and allan do. allan has used it and used it agains me to quiet myself, jesus looks down on it and i think nampende is the only one who sees it and sympathzes with it. alone i am soft and always ondering. when im with peoplei am dynamic lughing being wild and having fun. i know that that needs to be my face to protect me. these days i feel like i need to make a descion. I dont know when and what i need to decide on but i know something will happen soon in my life. something big. idk.maybe its the new moon in virgo? or maybe its just me. im usually okay with momnets of confusion but coupled with this sickness and weird feeling im worried. i had my period so im worired im pregnant but....idk.anywasy on a more shallower side im getting my hair done and im trying to get a new phone. i know its mostyly because i wanna just fuck show people i actually am cute asf? for some reason i cna never capture how beauiful i am in pictures. maybe its the dymanicness of my face. idk i mosty want jesus to se it i think he thinks im ugy af and im like not??? if he saw me in person i dont think he would be saying and talking to me the ay he does. but i cant help things and tb its better that way. if i eve rsee him it will be a good suprise for me when i smirk at him like boyyyy you don fucked up;. anywyas im being etty and yes my exercises ha and will be fueled with this drema in mind veen tho i know it may not actually happen nor go the way i want ti to go. ughh sometimes i forget that im 23 and dont need to have it ll figured out. like thast not un expuse but i always be putting so much pressure on myself to know so much and catch up because i froze so much of myself. i know my body ma=eant well with how it chose to protect me but sis, i suffer lol.I am trying my best to just do my best. I feel tested and tested constantly but i guess with trying to be a better person and working on yourself. oh wait. PLUTO. i remmeber asking pluto a month ago to reveal all my bad shit a lotttt over the course of a month and sicne its a slow moving planet its prob now just hitting me. yikes. well if i cna make it through this then i really will be rdy for anything. so much pressure and stimulation i know i can survive but damn i need a break and shit.well i have tomorrow off so im probgonna chill and dhit. i have a meeting with some witches and other femmes in about an hour so lmao idk man im just trying my best. I hoope the universe sees that im trying because awd jesus i am. I love myself through this no matter what. the feeling that im gonna die is creeping up again its so strange i hvent felt this oh...its probably just anxiety over this sickess. ugdwheteriutuieyte45465hthrethuwt im gonna stop lol this has been too long already (peep the change in tone thast my sag self shining through)
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