Your Spiritual & Synchronistic Connection to Angel Numbers
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Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ TUESDAY APRIL 13, 2021
Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ TUESDAY APRIL 13, 2021
By: Shelley Young
If you were given the most beautiful, tender creature to care for, what elements would it need in order to thrive? You would provide it shelter (safety), sustenance, love, acceptance, encouragement, guidance, and develop trust through consistency. If you only provided those things some of the time, that being would have trouble relaxing enough to simply flow in its own unfoldment.
If you are having trouble with anxiety or embracing the unfoldment of your own evolution, we encourage you to focus on providing the elements we have mentioned above with a focus on consistency, for it is your consistency with your self care as your own loving guide and parent that allows you to settle into a greater state of peace and acceptance regardless of what is going on around you.
This creates a wonderful space for the discovery of your highest expression of self and everything that then becomes possible from that state of embodiment. Is it time you made the sacred commitment to be consistent with your self love and self care so you can thrive from a space of safe attachment?
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ MONDAY APRIL 12, 2021
Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ MONDAY APRIL 12, 2021
By: Shelley Young
Dear Ones, you do not need to allow fear to hold you back from where your heart wishes to go. You can acknowledge the part of you that is feeling fearful as being a normal part of your human experience and still gently and mindfully guide yourself forward using the tools of encouragement and curiosity. The part of you that is attempting to keep you safe through the use of fear will settle when it realizes the your inner wise one is leading the way.
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ SUNDAY APRIL 11, 2021
Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ SUNDAY APRIL 11, 2021
By: Shelley Young
Creating a safe space is essential for your growth and evolution. If you do not have a space of safety created for yourself, any wounded aspects of self will continue to be triggered. You must create still waters so they can settle, and from there they will find the courage to come forward and finally have their needs acknowledged and met. This means stepping back from any situation you know is not safe for you, be it physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. It also means making the sacred commitment to not be abusive towards yourself through your negative self talk or poor choices.
It is time, Dear Ones. It is time, as your own loving parent and guide, to assume responsibility for creating the environment that will support you in becoming all you can be. This does not mean shunning others, but rather wisely withdrawing from situations that you know are not healthy or empowering, understanding that to do so supports the highest good of all because it is never loving to support another in showing up in a lesser version of themselves, either. It means allowing your wisdom to take the lead because the foundational work you are doing now will set you up beautifully for the phase of your incarnation you have just entered. It is time.
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ FRIDAY APRIL 9, 2021
Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ FRIDAY APRIL 9, 2021
By: Shelley Young
Many of you are far more comfortable with giving than receiving. Today we encourage you to grow and expanding your willingness to receive. Say yes to help. Breathe in deeply. Acknowledge your worthiness. Receive compliments gracefully. Open your heart to truly feel the love and support that has always existed for you! A heartfelt thank you is all that is required to shift into the joy of receiving.
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ WEDNESDAY APRIL 7, 2021
Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ WEDNESDAY APRIL 7, 2021
By: Shelley Young
Dear Ones, acceptance doesn’t mean you are committing to stay in energies that are not your preference. Quite the opposite! Acceptance means you are choosing to not use your energy to continue to engage with the unwanted through resistance. Acceptance is being willing to keep moving with the flow, embodying your faith and trust, secure in the knowledge it is all serving you in one way or another.
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ MONDAY APRIL 5, 2021
Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ MONDAY APRIL 5, 2021
By: Shelley Young
Dear Ones, instead of using the phrase “I want” as you think about what you would like to experience, which in its essence holds an energy of absence and lack, why not use “I embrace”? “I embrace” indicates it is a choice that is already available to you now and that you are willing to receive it whole-heartedly. It opens up many new pathways and possibilities because it is a much more empowered declaration. If you pay close attention you will feel the energetic difference between the two phrases. What will you embrace today?
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ FRIDAY APRIL 2, 2021
Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ FRIDAY APRIL 2, 2021
By: Shelly Young
Dear Ones, you can’t have presence without being willing to feel. Feeling allows you to have the full experience. Feeling doesn’t need to be overwhelming. If you are uncomfortable with diving into feeling fully, you can slowly enter and explore your feelings, much like you would if you were entering a body of water and you were unsure of the temperature.
Allowing yourself to fully feel is a skill many empaths have shut down due to their sensitivities. It doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Start where you are, right now. Are you warm? Are you cold? Tired or energized? Are you comfortable in your body? From the space of your inner wise one, ask your human self how you are feeling. How about your inner child?
Feeling gives you information. It puts you in your body, with awareness, in the Now moment. You can grow this skill, like any other. And you have worked so hard to have a body and and be present on the planet at this time. Isn’t it time to allow yourself the full experience?
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ WEDNESDAY MARCH 3, 2021
Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ WEDNESDAY MARCH 3, 2021
By: Shelley Young
Shifting out of the mind and into the heart, or out of control into flow as a new operating system can feel very foreign at first. Like any other skill, it improves with practice.
Think of learning how to skate. When you first start trying to move forward it feels very awkward and out of control. You might stumble quite a bit. But with practice you will find your balance and before long you will be gliding along enjoying how much easier and fun your forward movement is.
You might still have the occasional fall but you don’t let that throw you. You simply get back up again because you trust in the skill set you have given yourself. In fact, because of your diligence and practice, it has become very natural for you to glide along gracefully and it brings you a lot of joy and satisfaction.
It is the same with your spiritual pursuits. Be kind and gentle with yourselves when you are learning how to navigate differently, secure in the fact that your continued efforts will bring wonderful results.
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ TUESDAY MARCH 2, 2021
Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ TUESDAY MARCH 2, 2021
By: Shelley Young
One of the most powerful things you can do if you are faced with a challenging situation is to wait until you are able to find your alignment and connect with how you really feel, who you wish to be, and what energy you wish to bring to the situation, before you respond. This is infusing consciousness and mindfulness into your response, which will always bring much more satisfying results than immediately reacting from a place that is out of balance ever could because it will be in line with your truth and your highest intentions.
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ MONDAY MARCH 1, 2021
Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ MONDAY MARCH 1, 2021
By: Shelley Young
Dear Ones, when things get overwhelming or confusing and you don’t know how to proceed, all you ever have to do is make your highest choice one now moment at a time. Consciously look for things you can say yes to and gratitude and forward movement will naturally follow. It may seem like you aren’t doing much with these simple acts but your energetic choices today are pre-paving your tomorrows in a very powerful way.
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ SUNDAY FEBRUARY 28, 2021
Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ SUNDAY FEBRUARY 28, 2021
By: Shelley Young
Power – what it is, what it isn’t, and how it should look moving forward is a prevalent theme on your planet at this time. Many of you have resistance to the word power since it conjures up memories or ideas of the haves and the have nots, of having power used negatively against you, or even of you having had power and not using it appropriately.
All of those would be expressions of 3D power – power that has been used to control and separate. What you are currently focusing on is the release and deconstruction of the old 3D power structures and shifting into the creation and implementation of new, far more unifying, 5D systems. A word that better describes that goal would be empowerment.
3D power served the one or the few. 5D empowerment serves the whole. One feeds separation, the other connection. You do not need to fear empowerment, for it is conscious forward movement that unifies and supports the growth and expansion of all.
So if you find yourself bristling at the idea of power, you might find it helpful to exchange the word power with the word empowerment to help you explore what else is possible in a new, non-resistant way that much better matches who you really are and the higher vibrational traits you would like to anchor on your planet.
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27, 2021
Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27, 2021
By: Shelley Young
The energy of regret is an indicator of growth. It shows that you tried something and have discovered it isn’t a true energetic match to who you really are or who you wish to be.
Some of you experience regret and end up getting stuck there, unable to shift out of the resulting energies of guilt and shame. This actually stalls your own growth and expansion. This amounts to choosing to stay in lower vibrating energies as some form of penance which serves absolutely no one.
If you regret an action, we suggest you apologize in a simple and heartfelt manner, showing that you truly have learned from the experience. Then we encourage you to allow the experience to serve your evolution by moving forward and expressing yourself through your newest level of consciousness.
None of you are going to get it perfect all of the time. That is part of being a human being. You are ever-evolving explorers, trying things, learning, and then trying again. By applying the lessons you have learned through changed choices and behaviours, you are doing exactly what you came into the body to do, and that, Dear Ones, is exactly what is driving the shift of consciousness you are all participating in on your beloved planet.
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ FRIDAY FEBRUARY 26, 2021
Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ FRIDAY FEBRUARY 26, 2021
By: Shelley Young
Shifting beyond codependency doesn’t mean you are no longer going to help people. It means you will start to help people in new, far more empowering ways, and sometimes that will involve lovingly stepping back and holding the space with wisdom and encouragement so others have the opportunity to discover their own divine capability.
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ THURSDAY FEBRUARY 25, 2021
Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ THURSDAY FEBRUARY 25, 2021
By: Shelley Young
Being critical of yourself is a habit that is prevalent in many enlightening human beings. The core of this is wishing to be diligent, to not miss anything that you need to heal or evolve beyond. While the intention is good, you cannot heal or evolve if you are constantly being critical of yourself because your criticism and resistance to self will only keep aggravating the core wound that is looking to be healed.
This is simply a habit, and you can change any unwanted habit by replacing it with one that better serves you. The next time you identify something you feel is less than ideal about yourself, rather than berating yourself or wrestling with it, why not connect with that aspect of self and ask it what it needs? What can you give it right now? Why is it behaving in that way? What did it need before that it never got but you can give it today? How can you love and shepherd those aspects of self forward with your love, acceptance, and guidance? Can you commit to doing that as many times as required so that wounded aspect of self can settle into the experience of safe attachment with you?
You are absolutely capable of becoming your own loving guide, parent, and best friend. Treat the parts of you that are unsure or afraid with the love and encouragement you would give a beloved, innocent child. Your self encouragement will get you so much farther than your self criticism ever could. And the beautiful thing is, once you commit to consistently embracing and reassuring those aspects of self with love, they will all settle in to being one cooperative unit with you which will make your growth and forward movement so much easier. Not only that, it will profoundly shift what you align with because you are guiding yourself forward with the energies of love, compassion, and unity.
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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By: Shelley Young
Many enlightening human beings find it much easier to give than to receive. This is a major theme that is up for examination and healing so those who are in service can move into the full support that is available for them and they so richly deserve.
Over giving often occurs because the person feels it isn’t safe to receive. This belief could have come from past life experiences where you accepted help only to realize that it came with strings attached. Worthiness issues can also be at the core of not being willing to receive. Being out of balance in your desire to honour your service contracts can also result in over giving.
Dear Ones, you cannot run a marathon by only having out breaths! Your greatest service comes from willingly working with the fair balance of the flow, which means breathing in as well as breathing out, receiving as well as giving. You don’t wish to train others to only be takers, do you? Nor do you wish to model for your children that they should only give and never receive love and support.
So today we ask you to sit with any old beliefs that are holding you separate from receiving the love and support you so richly deserve. Identify them, thank them for trying to keep you safe, and then let them go. You are ready to have the full experience of both giving and receiving in ways that allow everyone the joy of being interconnected, supported parts of the whole.
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ TUESDAY FEBRUARY 23, 2021
Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ TUESDAY FEBRUARY 23, 2021
By: Shelley Young
Dear Ones, what you yearn for is not there to make you uncomfortable. It is what creates connection points to your future. Your deepest hopes and desires are the calling cards of your soul. Honour where it is trying to take you. Those little sparks are the seeds of your dreams. If you have a dream that is always there, rather than ignoring it or trying to extinguish it, why not fan it by exploring it and allowing it to unfold into its fullest expression. The higher callings that beckon to you are how you truly wish to express yourself, and that will always hold great satisfaction and purpose for you.
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ MONDAY FEBRUARY 22, 2021
Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ MONDAY FEBRUARY 22, 2021
By: Shelley Young
Dear Ones, your spiritual journey is not about reaching the top of the mountain. It is about finding your way back to your true, authentic self, right where you are. It is like an archeological dig that uncovers the treasure of your own beautiful, divine nature. There is immeasurable joy both within your soul, and throughout the universe, every time you make your way back to the truth of who you are, for it creates expansion for your own journey as well as providing the fuel that drives the shift on your planet. What a glorious system!
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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