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Full Moon in Taurus // November 12th, 2019 // “Talking with a Bull”
As the cold becomes more harsh, and the leaves leave their trees here in the North Western Hemisphere, the Universe has our backs with tonight’s beautiful Full Moon in Taurus. There's no better cure for onset seasonal depression, than gallivanting in the fields which Taurus energy inhabits. While we are still enveloped in Scorpio season, this Full Moon will feel like a warm spring day in the middle of the winter of your soul for most.

A reminder about Full Moons… In accordance with astrology, when the Moon reaches it’s Fullest Phase, it is a time for endings, completions, and harvest. In most magickal teachings, the Full Moon is a time for banishing things from your life, or removing obstacles. Under the light of a Full Moon, nothing can hide. Under her brilliance everything that is hidden comes into illumination. This could be why so many people think the “crazies” are out under a Full Moon. It’s not that the “crazies” are out per say…but the “crazy” can for once be seen where it once was hidden, or it is the “crazy” inside of YOU that is being mirrored by the light of the Full Moon!
The last time we experienced a Full Moon in Taurus was back on October 24th, 2018. Think back to what you were doing during that Full Moon, as the themes may pop back up again now for further enlightenment.
Earth element. Ruler of the 2nd house of Wealth, and ruled by the planet of beauty, and love, Venus. Taurus seeks comfort, security, love, and beauty. When in the realm of Taurus, you are asked to find that which brings you satisfaction, and find a way to posses it, or own it. The reason for owning that which you enjoy, is so that you may enjoy it at any time, whenever you want, because it is yours. This leads often to gluttony, which is one of the pitfalls of Taurus energy. Imagine it like a cake that you enjoyed so much, you ate the entire thing. Taurus is no stranger to a belly ache from overindulgence.
A main aspect at play with tomorrows Full Moon will be Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, and the Full Moon laying Opposite of Mercury. Mercury rules all things communication, and mind. It has been backtracking in full retrograde motion since Halloween Night, and those of you here in the Northern Hemisphere may have felt the ruthless effects of jokes perpetrated by Mercury in excess. Weather for Trick-r-Treating here was horrible as expected, and travel delays were abound on my social media feeds. Trick-r-Treat nights had to be re-scheduled, and many people traveled great distances just to receive very minuscule candy hauls.
Those kinda mishaps are still bound to happen under the energy of Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio. Mercury Rx Scorpio will be Opposite of tomorrows Full Moon. In Astrological Terms, an opposition is when planets are across the Zodiac wheel from each other. It's a challenging or "hard" aspect because the energies are at odds. When the Moon meets with Mercury in any aspect it calls for the expression of emotions, the communication of feelings, and thoughts about why you feel the way you do.
Under this Full Moon, you may feel the desire to express your emotions concerning security, the things in which you own, what is valuable to you, what you need to feel comfortable, and many more Taurus themes. The issue with these two planetary forces being opposite of one another, will be how you go about expressing these themes. You may have trouble putting your finger on just what is valuable to you, or what really will make you feel more comfortable, and secure in your skin. Maybe you know what you need, but cannot seem to find just the right words to express it. Maybe you're usually very vocal about these matters, but Mercury's backspin has you second guessing, and retreating into a shell only Cancer would envy. In some form or fashion you will feel a drive to release, but choose your words wisely. The energy of a Full Moon, mixed with this retrograde is a breeding ground for verbal disagreements, arguments, and misunderstandings. If you don't know how to put what you feel into words right now, meditation, relaxation, and social media detox may help smooth out your souls wrinkles. Don't be a charging bull.
We are blessed as this will be the only really harsh aspect with tonight’s Full Moon. Getting into some of the wonderful aspects which may effect your day to day...
This Full Moon will also sextile Neptune, and Jupiter. In Astrology a sextile is an aspect formed when planets are two signs or about 60 degrees apart. It is a positive harmony between planets that opens up new pathways for growth. Neptune rules the 12th House, and all things subconscious, dream related, our imaginations, our addictions, sacrifices, universal love, psychic awareness, and enlightenment. With Neptune Sextile this Full Moon in Taurus, all of the doors to the subconscious are wide open, and love is fostered to clean out the skeletons. Full Moons are often times of climax, and endings. If you, or someone you love is currently struggling with addiction, or substance abuse, this Full Moon is a perfect opening to begin seeking treatment, or help with getting it under control. Neptune will aid in any sacrifice you must make, even if it must be made again in the future.

Neptune Sextile this Full Moon may have your psychic antennas in the air, picking up more of the undertow of this reality than usual. Neptune rules all the unseen elements. This Full Moon illuminates the caverns of our souls, asking us to filter through paranoia, and physical reasoning for psychic gatherings of information. All magickal activities will get an extra boost for this aspect. Be cautious as Neptune is still Retrograde in Pisces. There will be opportunity for mistakes, and overlooking important facts in the fogs of Neptune Retrograde. It can be at times like swimming in a very dark ocean, where you feel the waves, you taste the water, you think you know which way you came from...but suddenly you feel you are in stormy waters, and there's no land in sight.
Given that Jupiter will also Sextile tonight's Full Moon in Taurus, you will have all the luck on your side to integrate this moon's energy to the fullest. Jupiter always expands everything it touches. This will expand the mystical qualities of Neptune, as well as the Mercury activity mentioned above. If you begin to converse with anyone, and it seems to be heading down hill, don't let Jupiter expand on that! Push more love, more understanding, more acceptance, and let Jupiter expand those qualities in your communication. Jupiter will be the sliver of land in the distance. It's just must swim from the dark waters of Neptune towards it.
This Full Moon will also trine Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn.
In astrology, the trine planetary aspect occurs when two planets are in synchronicity with one another. They are working toward the same agenda and want the same outcome. As Pluto and Saturn are still in Capricorn, I believe we can see that very well. They have both been in Retrograde motion for much of this year, but are both now direct, and this Full Moon will magnify their capabilities.
Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn has been the culprit of most of the social change that is going on among our society. When Saturn had moved into Capricorn, it really set the stage for all secret government activities, people in power, deeds done in the dark, exposure of sexual abuse, the hard iron fist of the police be exposed entirely, and seen in the light. Pluto had been preparing us all for the slow gradual release of all these secret, dark, and transformation facts to surface, and then Saturn came in to allow karma it's opportunity.

We will end this Saturn in Capricorn cycle on March 21, 2020, but will retrograde, and move direct fully finishing it's cycle on December 17, 2020. Pluto is nearing closer also to switching into Aquarius, and will make it's final decent 2023-2024.
This Full Moon Trine both of these aspects will allow us to make peace with some of the information which has surfaced over this entire Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn cycle. Full Moons bring climaxes, and endings, while also amping up the energy, so it may feel like just when the darkness was about to envelope you, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. As we pass into the Aquarius energy, those who have been gifted all of the good karma Saturn can also bring, and those who have been exposed, will feel like they are being baptized in this light, as it washes away the struggle to maintain the way things are, and instead step into the transforming energy of Pluto. Like a burning phoenix, this light cuts through to the bone.
This Full Moon will have you pondering these things, while finding your own ways to make peace, and find some form of security within. Taurus is all about that comfort and Security! Mercury will bring these things into your communications, and into your meditations.

I hope that this Full Moon in Taurus finds you well star being!

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Venus, Mercury, & Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio // October 11th, 2019 // “Talk Dirty To Me”

As we get further into the spooky season here in the Northern Hemisphere, everything will begin to take on the hues of Scorpio much sooner than usual.
Without question the end of October has always belonged to Scorpio, with it's connections to the occult, and death. This year, it feels as if we've skipped Libra season, and headed straight into the depths of Scorpio. It began with Mercury's entrance into Scorpio on October 3rd, and then Venus following suit on the 11th. The Stellium that had been tracing the sky since August has finally met it's last legs, as it will not be continuing into Scorpio. However that energy will be replaced with the last Mercury Retrograde of the year, and an interesting New Moon on the 27th, both happening in the sign of Scorpio. With all of this powerful energy headed our way, and the veil beginning to thin, this should be a Halloween to remember! Let's dive in!
First let's look at Mercury in Scorpio, and Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio.
Mercury may flaunt a dualistic nature, able to osculate between ideas, and persona, but that fails to match the intensity of the Scorpio, symbolized by not one, not two, but 8 different faceted symbols. Mercury in Scorpio brings out the dualistic nature of each of these 8 symbols: lizard, snake, scorpion, eagle, spider, the wolf, phoenix, and the rabbit. Each have their positive, and negative qualities, and all will be on display in those you meet, and congregate with while Mercury is in Scorpio. As Mercury rules our communications, and thoughts, you may have more morbid conversations, and thoughts than usual. Dark images will find their way to you, through media, personal messages, and society, you will feel an urge into the abyss. Discussions may revolve around death, mysteries, the occult, psychology/mental health, regeneration/rebirth, and sex. You may find your thoughts are more obsessive about such topics than usual, and your usual obsessive thinking, could become more compulsive. Keep an eye on obsessive thinking now, as it could become detrimental to your mental health, and well being. Now may be a time when you feel comfortable talking about sex with others, and exploring the darker sides of your own sexuality. Especially in the area of "talking dirty". Remember! Mercury rules our communications!

Mercury will enter the shadow on the 11th, and fully retrograde on the 31st, in celebration of Halloween here in the U.S. Any planet beginning to retrograde goes through a "shadow" period. "Entering/Exiting the Shadow" means that the planet is preparing, entering the energy field per say, of fully stationing retrograde. During retrograde, a planet doesn't actually move backwards, but slows down it's orbit making it appear to move backwards from our POV on Earth. During the "shadow period" you get a taste, or a clue as to what the current retrograde cycle has in store for you. It then will find a way to re-peat itself during retrograde, amplifying the energy, and then softer once more as the planet "exits the shadow".
As Mercury Retrogrades in Scorpio, and during these shadow periods we will experience set backs, delays, and internalization's in regards to everything Scorpionic in our personal spheres. This could manifest in many different ways. On the one hand Halloween in the U.S means Trick-or-Treat. You may have travel delays, or roadblocks in regards to taking your kids out that evening. You may find an issue with their costumes, your own costume, or anything new purchased at this time. The longer you wait to buy a costume now, the better the chances of it ripping, tearing, or somehow being wrong the night when you need it. You may also want to be very vigilant about checking your kids candy this year, as Mercury is the trickster, and tricks will be more prevalent than treats this year. If you plan to meet up with anyone on that night, or for party's this year, you will want to double check your directions, and make sure everyone's phone's are charged, and even have a backup plan if you were to get lost from one another. These are some of the ways Mercury will be playing tricks on us all this year.
Other ways Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio could effect you this spooky season involve all of our personal lives. As Scorpio is known for it's mystery, and secrets, you may now uncover a secret with a very dark nature. It may be something intense, that you cannot clearly see a way around. While it is difficult to swim in the deep depths of Scorpio, you will be transformed from having uncovered such mysteries. These secrets could involve the occult, sex, death, inheritance, and other peoples money. It is in the nature of Scorpio to want to seek revenge, or become obsessive once such information has come to the light. It would be ill advised to seek any form of revenge during a Mercury Retrograde, as it will need to be re-done, or will not turn out how you hoped. I also advise against letting any jealousy which comes to the light take you over, as it will lead you into more trouble than it's worth.

This ties in Venus also stationed in Scorpio.
Venus is the planet of relationships, love, pleasure, beauty, and the archetype of the divine feminine. While in Scorpio, Venus is stirring up the vixen within us all. You may feel intense sensuality, sexuality and intimacy brewing within', and being mirrored by the social atmosphere. While Venus loves to take in all of life's pleasures, it is important also to maintain some form of harmony, and balance. Take care not to become so engulfed by your desires that you let the scales become unbalanced. Watch for manipulative, and controlling behavior with this transit. The desire for pleasure, and the crossed wires of Mercury Retrograde could easily turn the vixen you just met, into a succubus.
I hope that you find ways to enjoy the spooky season, and roll with the punches of Mercury & Venus in Scorpio. While it may take you some extra time to get to the Halloween Party, there will be plenty of tricks-and-treats to go around for all of those brave enough to slink through Scorpios shadows with a light heart.

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Pluto Direct in Capricorn // October 2nd-3rd, 2019 // “Out of the Shadow”
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Neptune Square Jupiter // June 16th, 2019 // Boxing With The Man Mirror
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New Moon in Gemini // June 3rd, 2019 // Controversial Conversations
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New Moon in Taurus // May 4th, 2019 // Dream a Little Dream
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Uranus Enters Taurus // A Shock for The Books // March 6th, 2019
Blessings star fam! Long time no forecast from the Hef, here at H.H!
I hope all of you reading have missed my reports as much as I've missed writing them for the shop! This article doesn't mean the shop is back open just yet, as that will officially take place sometime around May 15th (if not sooner). I've got some interesting ventures in the works, so be on the look out for posts as we lead up to re-opening again in May! I had, HAD, to write this article for Uranus's entrance into Taurus!
In the year 2019, few astrological shifts can compare to the move of electric Uranus into the rich soils of Taurus.
There are a couple of other astrological influences which will effect the landing as we head into this unexplored terrain. Mercury will station retrograde at 29º Pisces at 1.20pm EST on March 5th, the day prior to Uranus's entry into Taurus, and there will also be a New Moon in Pisces at 15º. It's important to note, all of this Pisces energy will likely add a touch of surreal, and a dream like fog over everything. On the one hand the retrograde of Mercury will have you rethinking your plans, and probably feeling like going inward no matter how much change is happening outside of your cerebral fantasy world. If Uranus shifting into Taurus hits you heavy in the first few days, this Mercury shift may be the cherry on top of a horrible situation. Mercury Retrograde is notorious for being a thorn in one's side, causing chaos, playing pranks, tricking us, and having a laugh. Take extra time in planning any travel now, and DO NOT BUY ANY NEW ELECTRONICS until at least March 28th. Often when we make commitments to new things, plans, contracts, ideas, or work, we end up having to come back and re-do it when it's done during a Mercury Retrograde. Better to save yourself the trouble before hand. Those born with Natal Mercury Retrograde in their birth charts however, will see progress in communication, talking more about their dreams, being in the right place at the right time, ect.
The New Moon on the other hand could have you feeling a MAJOR re-birth on the horizon. If you have significant Taurus, or Pisces placements, are a fixed zodiac sign (Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio), are the adventurous type, or you just feel done with everything you've been doing for awhile, NOW is the time to act, to change your life in significant ways! Regardless of the Mercury Retrograde, it might be worth a re-do if it meant you could come out of it all with a re-newed since of livelihood, love of life, and perspective. New Moons are always a time of new beginnings, planting seeds, and new ideas! We may feel bombarded with many new ideas, and way's of seeing even the mundane suddenly, that we are confused about which option to pursue. You may have so many ideas you can't remember, so it may be best to keep around a small journal to jot them down before they dissolve. Remember that every great thing you ever saw, and every experience you ever enjoyed, was once a dream, or an idea. Keep the faith, and have patience as you plant these seeds!
Back to Uranus's Entry into Taurus... this will effect us all, not only on an individual level, but on a planetary level. Ruled by Venus, the perpetrator of beauty, and love, Taurus can be slow, but steady, in smelling the roses. Taurus is the ruler of the 2nd House. This means Taurus effects everything we value, our possessions, money, all things material, expenses, desires, career, and our food. Taurus is known for effecting the Earth, or in a Natal Chart, one's relationship with grounding. Uranus is the planet which effects all things electric, and our technology. Uranus boasts themes of revolution, liberation, freedom, shocks, surprises, the unpredictable, the eccentric, change, innovation, the future, science, chaos, and humanity as a whole.
Put these two together, and what'daya get? Take the information above and apply it to the house Uranus will be visiting for a better picture of the kind of unexpected shocks, surprises, and jolts that will begin to become prevalent in your life. Look below for your Sun Sign for more information! Or message the shop for a Natal Chart Reading specifically for this transit, and how it will effect you over the next 7 years!
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Uranus will enter your 2nd House
The themes that will come up involve your values, your possessions, money, the price you pay, the price you ask, all things material, expenses, desires, career, your neck, and throat, what is yours, how secure you are, how stable you are, your physical world, what brings you pleasure, self-worth, things that bring you comfort, working on coming out of your comfort zone, or creating one, your resources, your personal talents, promises, getting a grip, defense/ammunition, and your personal strength, examining your relationship with the natural world (nature), lack of/working on - themes of patience, practicality, finding something to reach for, reliability, solidity, interest/attention- to art and music.
Gemstone/Crystal for this transit: Citrine- Natural Citrine is a premier stone of manifestation, imagination, and personal will. Carrying the power of the sun, it is warm and comforting, energizing and life giving. It stimulates the chakras like the sunlight of spring, clearing the mind and stirring the soul to action. Called The Merchant's Stone for its properties of increase in the cashbox, sparkling yellow Citrine not only assists in acquiring wealth, but helps in maintaining it. It is a stone of abundance and manifestation, attracting wealth and prosperity, success and all things good. It also encourages generosity and sharing good fortune. Citrine assists in all fast money ventures, and is especially helpful in financial speculation and for commercial success. Carry one in the purse or wallet to attract money and stop excessive outflow.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Uranus will enter your 1st House
The themes that will come up involve your personality, appearance, ego, early childhood memories, who you are becoming and will become, both internally and externally, your personality and presentation to the world, your essential qualities, approach to life, demeanor and basic sensibilities, the head, the face, your existence, the self, finding your individuality, self-pride, and identity, examining aggression in yourself/others, working on impatience, learning to assert yourself differently, learning to lead/asking who is the leader, examining your competitive side, becoming more outspoken, examining the energy you have/what you give it to, taking more risks, and going on more adventures, time lines speeding up (sometimes out of your comfort zone).
Gemstone/Crystal for this transit: Blue Calcite - can aid you in accepting yourself, even your imperfections. The light blue rays are excellent for recovery efforts from addiction or destructive behavior patterns. They aid in curbing tempers and helping us become more tranquil and composed. Their rays are potent and they can aid us in changing our lives to become more optimistic and confident. They are also helpful in dealing with grief, letting go of the past, and easing feelings of guilt.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Uranus will enter your 12th House
The themes that will come up involve your subconscious mind/thoughts, hidden enemies, the unconscious, your self-undoings, imprisonment, hidden psychological problems, your weaknesses, your karma, past lives/future lives, your dreams, your sleeping patterns, psychic phenomena, clairvoyance, paranormal activities, unconscious abilities, self-sacrifice and suffering, secret charity, behind the scenes activities, illegal jobs, illegal affairs, confidential documents, secrets, all large animals, monasteries, asylums, hospitals, prisons, rehabilitation centers and every institution that imposes limitations, the feet, toes, and lymphatic system, working on becoming more adaptable, compassion, working through confusion/becoming more confused then usual, examining your own escapist tendencies, and those of other around you, taking time for reflection/meditation/yoga more often, shyness, intuition, sympathy, and the meaning of unconditional love.
Gemstone/Crystal for this transit: Blue Apatite- can be used as a dream stone to access the subconscious for creative problem solving, as well as for exploring other lives and karmic patterns.It is a particularly strong stone to use in past-life or alternate-life work, because of its ability to access the energy levels where the Akashic records and an individual's soul patterns exist.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Uranus will enter your 11th House
The themes that will come up involve your friends, groups, how you interact with organized patterns of people, and how you blend into collective structures, memberships, learning more about your own individual uniqueness, experiencing freedom, liberation, and revolution or feeling a lack of these things, forming more of your own opinions, learning to be more outspoken, examining the fairness/injustices in our society, the immediate results that come from your career, social status, Step-children and adopted children, humanitarian causes, donations and volunteering through financial aid, volunteering through work, hopes, dreams, and wishes, aid through connections, opening of gates or even economic support from strong friends, the calves, shins, and ankles, learning when to be attached to something/detachment, revolution, rebellion, humanity as a whole, science, technology, moments of genius, visions of the future/experiencing futuristic worlds/places, and free thinking. As these themes seem to contradict one another, you will ironically be examining the paradoxes that reside in our shared reality.
Gemstone/Crystal for this transit: Lapis Lazuli- Beautiful blue lapis lazuli is excellent for improved communications between friends. This gemstone encourages honest, well-thought-out communication. It will make it easier to speak from the heart, with compassion and understanding. Lapis lazuli also has the ability to give you a deep self-awareness that can help you see where you might be able to improve in order to be a better friend.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Uranus will enter your 10th House
The themes that will come up involve your career, how you appear in the eyes of your community, your public standing and rank in society, becoming an authority figure of some kind, occupation, your dream job, governmental institutes, your dominant parent, how you appear in the eyes of the people that surround you, your reputation, the opinion of those who observe you, how you will be remembered when you die, judgement, who has the power, how can you get the power, becoming a mentor for other people, guiding them with your influence, your legacy, and the karma you will leave behind, examining themes of impersonal determination to achieve (in yourself/others), your personal ambition, self-control, personal achievements, examining ways in which you may be narrow minded, and dealing with perceptions of narrow mindedness in others, authority figures of all kinds, organization, starting a business, or examining themes of business becoming prominent in your life, examining ways in which you have become callous/the perceived callousness of society, how you can provide for yourself, ways in which you/society are conservative/conventional, depression, discipline, hard work, the elderly in general/ideas of growing old, your personal societal status, way's in which you/society are miserly, traditions, things you've become a master at/working with masters of trade, and perceptions/concepts of "time".
Gemstone/Crystal for this transit: Black Tourmaline- Black Tourmaline is an excellent grounding crystal for meditation and healing, one of the very best protective stones, Black Tourmaline soothes panic attacks, especially those caused by dark or confined spaces, or in places where the atmosphere is frightening, blocks other people from throwing negative energy at you or attempting to harm your reputation, and will help ground you so that you can accomplish the business you need to get done.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Uranus will enter your 9th House
The themes that will come up involve philosophy, higher Knowledge, expansion, whether it is knowledge, traveling or the spreading of ideas, abstract ways of thinking, luck, writing and publishing, teachers, professors, anything foreign to you, foreign culture, religion, language or social structure, import/export business, second spouse's, one's/someone's third child, grandchildren, in-law relatives, the law; advocates, jury and all people that work in the law department, religion, priests, gurus, spiritual people, perception of the Universe, God or gods, or even our denial of a higher existence, the meaning of your own existence, profound life-changing spiritual events, cults, the hips, thighs, and buttocks, what are your aspirations, how do you acquire knowledge, concepts about the transference of knowledge/facts/wisdom, examining your personal morals/having them tested, how strong is your personal optimism, talking to more people (especially those far away), playing practical jokes/having them played on you, examining preaching (what it is to you, how do you preach, ect.), expanding in size body wise, idea wise, or luck wise, finding a quest worth taking, examining how you are reckless, or where you could be more reckless, seeking something, finding humor in situations, being more spontaneous/having more spontaneous ideas, going back to college/taking up a new class, and finding ways to be more versatile.
Gemstone/Crystal for this transit: Amethyst- Amethyst will increase your spiritual awareness and transmutes unhelpful energy into energy that is beneficial to you. It is a high vibe crystal that also calms and soothes, bringing about peace, love and happiness. Use amethyst to provide protection to your psychic energy and spiritual communication.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Uranus will enter your 8th House
The themes that will come up involve birth, re-birth, death, deaths of other close people, near-death experiences, occupations connected with death such as undertaker and everything connected with the realm of the dead, other people's money, sex, taboos, inheritances (both material and spiritual), legacies, wills, the occult world, conscious magick, mysticism, the mysteries of life and existence, taxes, debt, loans, credit, spouse’s resources, "letting go" of things/people which no longer serve you, sacrifice for evolution, paying back of negative karma, compassion's, obsessions, jealousy, manipulation, hate and other feelings related to our shadow side, shadow work, and the genitals, examining your own emotional power, finding your true passions, and your personal depths, becoming more observant, who has control, how can you gain control, what role does control play in your everyday life, themes of possessiveness in yourself, or others, in what ways are you cruel, in what ways have you perceived cruelty in the world around you, your psychological health, what role psychological health plays in the world around you, destruction, you ability to destroy, ways in which you self destruct your life, your sensitivities, things becoming extreme, sudden fears of becoming too vulnerable, hiding your emotions in your shell, dealing with trauma, concerns about survival, suspicions, mystery's, and ultimately spiritually transformative experiences.
Gemstone/Crystal for this transit: Sunstone- Sunstone provides a source of strength if you are dependent on others emotionally, or have suffered the sudden loss of a partner. It helps alleviate fearfulness and stress, and protects against those who drain your energies or finances. It is also an excellent crystal for phobia sufferers to ease fear of the dark, enclosed places, or the presence of other trigger. Use this to light your way through the depths of the 8th house!
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Uranus will enter your 7th House
The themes that will come up involve your relationships and partnerships between you and other people, marriage, divorce, your partner, open enemies, your associates, close business partnerships, your grandparents on your mothers side, cooperation, agreements, things you do out in public, seeing yourself through another, concepts about relationships, what is right and fair, how should an individual be treated and what is justice between people, balance, fairness, harmony, allies, beauty, beauty standards/ideas, the kidneys, and lumbar region, ways in which you adjust to changes in your life, the overall aesthetic of your life, examining your personal attractions/what you're attracted to, concepts of peace, and how you can achieve it/teach others how to achieve it in their life, ways in which you are a people pleaser, people who people please you, and your over all expression of your actual desires, ways in which you aim to be a perfectionist, examining concepts of being polite/why we use manners, feeling torn between two opposing sides (as you can see reasons for both), feeling social/anti-social, examining ways you can create more harmony in your socialization, examining themes of superficiality, and what role it plays in your reality, examining themes of grace, and idealism.
Gemstone/Crystal for this transit: Rose Quartz- The fair and lovely Rose Quartz, with its gentle pink essence, is a stone of the heart, a Crystal of Unconditional Love. It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion and peace, tenderness and healing, nourishment and comfort. It speaks directly to the Heart Chakra, dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments, and circulates a Divine loving energy throughout the entire aura. Reawakening the heart to its own innate love, it provides a deep sense of personal fulfillment and contentment, allowing one the capacity to truly give and receive unconditional love from others.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Uranus will enter your 6th House
The themes that will come up involve your job and service, health and personal hygiene, pets, daily routines, and responsibilities, occupations, service towards others, others service towards you, diet habits, healing and self-healing, small animals, discipline, responsibility, effort, and patience, obligations, uncles and aunts, obsessive-compulsive behaviors and habits that do not change quickly through time, the work environment, co-workers, the abdomen, and digestive system, learning more ways to be adaptable, examining ways in which to be cleaner, neater, and more organized, becoming careful/examining ways in which you are too careful, trying to gain order in your life/dealing with complete chaos, examining the smaller details in situations, precision, practicality, purity, examining your personal faults, and the faults in those around you, becoming skeptical to things, how can you help/how can you be helped, examining the system in which you live/have created, examining your personal modesty/lack of modesty, humility, and themes of alchemy.
Gemstone/Crystal for this transit: Amber- Yellow, brown, or red colored amber is believed by some to be a powerful gemstone with uses ranging from treating headaches and stress to promoting self-expression. It’s also said to promote cleansing and purification, which may help to bring illnesses out of the body and alleviate pain so that the wearer can heal.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Uranus will enter your 5th House
The themes that will come up involve pleasure, love, entertainment, how you expresses yourself, your personal road towards happiness, fun, gaming, hobbies, athletic activities, recreational games, gambling, financial speculation, creativity, collecting objects, searching, hunting or simply playing with luck, manias and obsessions, sex as a recreational activity, romantic relationships and flirting, falling in love, getting excited and enthusiastic, meeting new people and goofing around, theaters, drama, and acting, leadership, innocence, first born children, children in general, one's own inner child, and partly rules one’s childhood; more particularly, it rules what the native chooses as, how you played as a child, and discovered the world around you, childhood creations, amusements, and performances, artistic or athletic tendencies, your personal pride and showing off, and all types of celebration and partying, the heart, upper back, and spine, sustained vitality and loyalty, the loyalty of others, sudden desire for recognition, ways in which you are a boss in your life/vs/who's the boss of you, where you find courage in your life/vs/where you lack the courage to push plans through, how you feel about being conceited/ways in which you are conceited, finding determination, finding ways to feel more "royal"/learning about royalty, faithfulness, trust, generosity, warmth, and your relationship with the Sun.
Gemstone/Crystal for this transit: Apache Tears- Heal Grief and Give Protection and Grounding. Apache Tears are a type of Black Obsidian, but they have a more friendly vibration than some of the other types of Obsidian. They are not altered but are natural crystals that heal grief. Apache Tears are helpful for surfacing grief held in the emotional body in order to cleanse and heal old trauma or wounds. Apache Tears is best known for it's ability to help one overcome depression. Use this stone to heal your inner child, and all inner wounds for more happiness, and fun in your everyday life.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Uranus will enter your 4th House
The themes that will come up involve foundations, the home, the family, the roots, ancestors, domestic issues, your property and real estate, land, houses or even subterranean places, origin, the grandparents, the lineage and traditions passing from them, as well as material things that are coming from previous generations of your family, broken/strengthening family bonds, your less dominant parent/mother, your own feminine energy, place of residence, the collective karma of your lineage, and influences that your ancestor’s actions have on your whole family, magickal powers passed as a blessing or curse from elder generations, your bloodline, nurturing (how you nurture yourself, and others, how others nurture you), safety/lack of safety, empathy, nostalgia, cooking, examining your emotions/moods, and their patterns, examining your insecurities and their roots, the chest, the breasts, and stomach, your nesting instincts, what is your shell, what are you protecting yourself from, things smothering you/you smothering something, what is tender in your heart?
Gemstone/Crystal for this transit: Selenite- selenite is connected to the crown chakra – your direct line to the Divine. It is high-vibrational and self-cleanses. Selenite’s white light brings clarity and breaks through debris that clouds our auras blocking us from connecting with our ancestors. Use selenite in conjunction with obsidian, as it can leave you feeling “flighty” after use and obsidian is a strong grounding stone.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Uranus will enter your 3rd House
The themes that will come up involve perception and sharing of all connections, changeability, curiosity, intellect and of all low-level knowledge(primary education until high school) you obtain in your life, brothers, sisters, and relatives, while also everyone else that is close to you such as neighbors, communication, both the actions the individual does to communicate and the devices he uses, telephones, letters, small walks to see a friend nearby, TV, radios, and newspapers, transportation,you may get a new form of transportation, short travels in nearby places, discovering a new special skills of speech or hands, working on your physical hand writing, trying painting, sculpting, becoming a mechanic, routine behaviors in the nearby society, from how you behave when you go to the nearby store, to how you greet your neighbor and so on, examining what type of filters we are using to perceive reality, low-level communication and conversation, gossiping, chatting and small-talk, needs and desires to be informed, issues concerning the usage of the internet, blogging, information junkie, learning a foreign language, playing jokes/having jokes played on you, learning more about you own adaptability, examining you own mulit-fascited personality/moods, becoming nosy about others lives/having someone suddenly become nosy about your life, examining you own dexterity, being slick, examining the symmetry's in the world/your own self, and the duality's within society/your own self , experiencing people who you perceive to be "two-faced", or seeing ways in which you can be "two faced, experiencing flashes of information, and examining your own intelligence.
Gemstone/Crystal for this transit: Chrysocolla- a great stone for public speaking, not only because of the confidence you’ll be feeling, but also because of the new beginnings Chrysocolla aids in realizing. If you’ve ever thought about strengthening your communication, use Chrysocolla to bring about a new you who is a powerful communicator. The personal power that Chrysocolla imbues is known to banish phobias, release limiting beliefs and mental tensions, and activate your motivation.
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December 22nd // Full Moon in Cancer // “Home is Where the Heart is”
Merry Solstice!! Today marks the beginning of Yule, and brings us one day closer to the Christian celebration of Christmas!
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November 22nd, 2018 // The Sun Enters Sagittarius // Fire At The Dinner Table

Happy Solar Return Sagittarius!
This year as the sun returns into the sign of Sagittarius, it'll feel like one cosmic birthday for all of the fiery archers out there! Jupiter has just made landfall into their 1st House, raining down an air of specialness, and luck over all those born with heavy Sagittarius emphasis in their natal charts, as well as an extra burst of luck for the rest of us in our own houses where Jupiter is now transiting.
If you feel like Jupiter musta passed you up, don't fret, Jupiter has all year to rain down all sortsa luck, and at times un-luck, to all you bois, and girlz.
As for the Sun's entrance into the sign of Sagittarius, get ready for some interesting philosophical conversations at your Thanksgiving tables, as well as a yearning to go visit some relatives/friends you haven't seen in quite awhile! Mercury Stationed Retrograde on November 16th in Sagittarius, so this Holiday season will be bringing all kinds of feelings, friends, and stories up from the past. Mercury Retrogrades are notorious for making us retrace our steps. You may find yourself having to re-do food you cooked/burned, running back into your house a million times for things you forgot to grab, or getting stuck on the road due to some form of road work this Thanksgiving.
You may experience your cooking devices on the fritz, or forget to turn on/off your oven by accident. As the Sun is now in the fiery sign of Sag, along with Mercury Retrograde, you would be wise to keep a fire extinguisher close by! You may encounter a glitch that could have fiery consequences! Make sure you turn off that oven before leaving to grandmas!
To all of you who are planning to go Black Friday Shopping, the most wise words of advice I could give this year...DO NOT DO IT.
Mercury Retrogrades are the worst time to purchase anything new, especially anything with moving parts! New technology, new televisions, and new phones will be the biggest let downs, as Mercury Retrogrades effect our technological devices more than any other transit. You will either receive/give a device that will break soon, have glitches, malfunction, or otherwise have a defect you cannot ignore. As this retrograde is happening in a fire sign, more devices will be prone to catching fire. (think back to those exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7's back in 2016) If you purchase anything during this time, you will regret it. For the last few years Mercury has been retrograde in December, very close to Christmas Shopping season. This year however, we are blessed to be going through this retrograde earlier, making the middle of December the perfect time to shop for your Christmas trinkets. Mercury will go direct in Sagittarius on December 6th. If you can be patient until then, I believe you will find the perfect gift!
As the Sun rules our identities, ego, and "self", when filtered through Sagittarius, you see more philosophical conversation, where people who don't normally join into the banter, find themselves compelled to debate about the bigger picture above. With Mercury Retrograde along side of this transit however, you may feel yourself swimming in a sea of opinions and thoughts, but unable to communicate them properly. There may be a lot of conversations around you concerning spirituality, religion, and people "foreign" from you. If you speak your own opinion, it may be perceived differently from your original intent. Mercury Retrograde will have individuals taking fiery offense to anything you put on the table, while also leaving you with more internal conflict than could be spoken.
As Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, and the "great benifec" in astrology, you may feel torn this holiday season about how generous you are with others. You may look at your beautiful Thanksgiving spread, and feel an emptiness in your gut when you think of all of those without. It may eat away at you until you make some form of donation, or invite someone to share in your bounty with you. The more generous you are with others this Thanksgiving, the better, luckier, and happier you will feel. The real joy this season lay in your ability to make another smile, not just yourself.
As Sagittarius is the adventurer of the zodiac, ruling all distant travel, you may feel like traveling farther away than usual for your holiday festivities. Even if you don't find yourself straying from the usual on Thanksgiving day, you will feel more, and more of a tug to travel somewhere farther than usual to interact with a friend, or family member from the past.
As you trek off for your Holiday festivities this season, keep these things in mind...
Think before you speak. Jupiter can react tactlessly, and once it's said, it cannot be unsaid.
Remember to turn off all cooking devices, and electric items before leaving your home
DO NOT go Black Friday Shopping unless you wanna waste money on things which will break/glitch due to Mercury Retrograde
Give a little more than you get this season!
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November 8th-9th // Jupiter Enters Sagittarius// “Christmas in November”
I've been meaning to write this article, and an article for the New Moon that just occurred in Scorpio all week. Alas, I am surrounded by Scorpio energy where I reside, and there were 2 birthdays of importance the past couple of days. I'm off the birthday wagon, and am here to let you know, if you don't already...
Jupiter, the planet of good luck, wisdom, and abundance exited Scorpio on the 8th-9th, and is now headed along a new year long journey home with the fiery archer Sagittarius, where it will reside until December 03, 2019.
Jupiter is such a wonderful force among the stars. Jupiter rules the 9th House in astrology related to all things discovery, philosophy, and spirituality. It touches our religions, our beliefs, and our knowledge. At the heart of it, Jupiter is the great teacher. Jupiter puts our beliefs right along our daily paths, so we may see them, understand them, and evolve in which we hold, and let go of. Jupiter is often referred to as the "great benifec" in astrology, meaning Jupiter wants to do the ultimate good for us! We as mortals however, are left with the final decision, and cannot blame Jupiter if we do not take up these "gifts." The "gifts" of the universe are strange packages, covered in translucent ribbons, wrapped in vibrations. You can sense them as they are placed before you, but are told to wait. In some hearts these gifts cause fear, rather than joy. If you have not been putting in the soul work asked of you until this point you will not be able to touch your gifts, only sense that they are there. There at last may come a moment where time ticks you into gear, but only Jupiter may decide if you are worthy to open the gift. Jupiter you see works like a coin. Heads is lucky, and tails the most un-lucky. As other planets transit Jupiter, you may have periods of the worst luck you've ever seen in your life, then the coin flips, and other transits make it hard to believe you could be so lucky.
Many people who expedience this transit come to me after it is all said and done, and ask.."Where is my gift?" "Where is all the luck you said would come to me!? Things are worse than before!" "Where's all the money you said I'd get?" "Where's that soulmate that was supposed to come my way?" But ah! Have they learned nothing? Ah. Are they blind? Jupiter is the planet of wisdom for a reason! Jupiter will give you EVERYTHING you ask for! These gifts sit in wait, right under your very nose! Those who do not embrace wisdom, and growth cannot see. Jupiter is not only known for his luck, but expansion. If you were touched by Jupiter per-say with gifts of physical money, yet you spend every dime on new shoes or clothes...then who are you to ask where your fortune lay? It lay exactly where you placed it...into physical luxuries. If you were expecting Jupiter to bring your soulmate into your sphere...yet you were glutenous with the food of this world to the point you lost confidence in probably bumped into that "soulmate" along the way...but due to your excess and current weight gain you lacked the confidence to let that stranger turn into your one and only somebody. These two examples can be some of the ways Jupiter's excess in gift giving, and perhaps in an individuals gift taking can go off the rails from the desired outcome. Jupiter is the natural ruler of Sagittarius, so this transit over the course of next year will have those affected feeling a sense of "going home." Weather this home is in your heart, a literal place, or a niche you've carved out for yourself in the world, those touched by this transit will know when they feel it that their journey has been made. Jupiter and Sagittarius are both known for their sense of adventure, and what a journey the next few years will be! Uranus is set to kick it into high gear in Taurus next year. All of these changes will effect everyone in different ways, and the best way to know how this will effect you is by examining your personal natal chart. Look to the house where Sagittarius lay, where your natal Jupiter is stationed, and then to your 9th House for clues on what Jupiter will touch over the next year. As a general here is my personal interpenetration on what each Sun Sign can expect until December 2nd of 2019 in the area of Jupiter:
Aries - 9th House - The Gift : Spirituality
Jupiter has spent the last year stationed in your 8th House of death, re-birth, sex, and other people's money. In the Western world, many people view death as a negative. People do not talk about it openly, and it is considered disrespectful if you do. The thing about all of the topics is that they are methods of transformation. Transformation as in turning one thing into a whole new thing, like alchemy. The last year, you may feel as though you yourself have died, and been re-born, completely transformed from the person you were before. If you examine even the not so lucky things that have happened to you in this area since 2017, you may see a connection between them, and your personal inner growth. Since 2017, you had more luck than anyone when it came to other people's money. You may have received a loan, an inheritance, or settlement. The flip side to that coin, you may have also felt extremely unlucky at times, as people you loved may have died, you may have "killed" relationships, you may have had to watch someone you love unable to change (re-birth), you yourself may have not been able to change, others may have asked you for large sums of money, and you may have had some debts to pay. You may have had a few lucky sexual experiences, where you were able to touch the soul of another through the act of sex. You could have also experienced the downsides contracting STD's, or experiencing your own fears related to all things sexual. These are the two sides of Jupiter. Now! Jupiter moves into your 9th House of spirituality, wisdom, and philosophy. How perfect considering where you've come from since 2017! As you try to make sense of the gifts Jupiter gave you in your 8th House you may feel drawn to religion, spirituality, and ritual. You may feel drawn to churches, spiritual gatherings, and catch yourself muttering a prayer or two. You may feel drawn to go back to school, or get another degree. These places may be where you find the lucky gifts, and knowledge of Jupiter. There is nothing that can stop Aries when they are deadest, and determined. They walk into the fire, guns blazing, without fear of failure. This is how you will approach the lessons of Jupiter in the 9th. Jupiter in your 9th house is going to hit heavy. The 9th House is Jupiter's domain, and it also being stationed in it's home sign of Sagittarius is like a double dose of power. What lessons have you learned since 2017 involving death, re-birth, and other people money? Did you find yourself on the un-lucky side of Jupiter, asking a spiritual organization for financial help, only to be turned away? Did you watch a spiritual organization take part in the burial of a loved one in which they did not do justice to the life that person lived? Did you experience excessive money mooching from all those close to you? OR did you feel the almighty luck of Jupiter when you were down and out? Did you receive more help than you ever thought anyone would give to you? Did it touch your heart when you were hungry and the church fed you? Did it come over you to give money away for no reason often? Were you re-born from an act of kindness, or your will and determination? These experiences which you've held since 2017 will aid you in your journey over the next year, as Jupiter lays another gift before you, begging to be opened. Perhaps you can take these lessons and implement them in more spiritual ways, and with those who reside in the spiritual institutions across our country. The events which unfolded while Jupiter was in your 8th House may also have you feeling like running far, far away. Jupiter and Sagittarius are the masters of travel, and they rule all things foreign affairs. If someone you loved passed away during the last Jupiter transit, it could have left a raw spot on your heart, the kind that makes your feet move faster than your head. You may find yourself traveling more, and farther off than you ever have. When astrology speaks of "foreign travel" that doesn't always mean another country!
The road traveled many times leads you to a foreign land, there sits a man with a cane, and a story...he holds your gift in a tattered old bag...
Taurus - 8th House - The Gift: Death, Re-Birth, and The Money of Others
Jupiter has spent the last year in your 7th house of Partnerships, and Marriage. You were bestowed with more luck than any other sign in the areas of partnership. Partnership to the universe means the act of fully merging with another being. Being able to let go of your self, and move into unity with the "other". You were given lessons, and your patience may have been tested in how you cooperated with the "others" in your life. "Others" could have been your intimate relationships, your business relationships, people whom you made contracts with, or people who you agreed with. You may have found yourself questioning these relationships, and choosing some over others in favor of greater unity within these relationships. There is the possibility during transits to Jupiter where you may have seen some of the most un-lucky aspects you ever experienced in areas related to partnerships. You may have seen some of your greatest partners turn into some of your worst enemies, you may have put divorce on the table in your marriage, you may have broken agreements, you may have refused to cooperate, or experienced others refusal to cooperate with you. There may have been times where you felt like you were in a literal war zone in your relationships with others, or our society as a whole. This could have had you more interested in "doomsday", or conspiracy theories. Now Jupiter enters Sagittarius, and your 8th house of Sex, Death, Re-Birth, and Other People's Money. Just as before, and always, Jupiter has two sides, and the expansion of Jupiter can expand in both directions. If you do the soul work which is asked of you by the universe, and on the upswings of transits to Jupiter, you may experience the most mind blowing sex you've had in some time. You may find that in your sexual relations you are able to finally fully merge with your intimate partner right to their soul! You may finally try out all of those things which you've wanted to in bed, but were too afraid to do before. You may find more ways of experiencing sex which are out of your usual sphere, including ways which are above body, or physical touch! During the upswings of Jupiter in your 8th House you may find it easier to "let go" of things which may metaphorically/literally "die" in your life. Feeling an overwhelming presence of life after death in your waking reality. With Uranus entering Taurus for good next year, you are on the chopping block to let your most authentic self shock the world around you! You will have to "let go" of the things which are changing around you, so that you may have open arms to embrace the most liberating, and genuinely fated period of the life you've lived thus far. The re-birth you may luckily find yourself in has the power to change your entire life in the most unusual, and shocking ways! You may find yourself drawn to areas labeled "occult" during this period, and it may be there where you find the gifts Jupiter has left for you! There may be interesting, and shocking happenings related to ghosts, inexpiable moving objects, dreams, gurus, shamans, and magick. You will feel drawn to this now, and will find much knowledge and wisdom about the world there. During these periods you may even see a strange lump sum of money appear in your hands from a family inheritance, loan, gift, or happenstance. It might be a shocking amount! Do not let the expansion of Jupiter allude you into over spending it though! You would be wise to balance this luck now, for when the harsh transits strike. When the harsher transits hit Jupiter along the next year, you may experience the exact opposite of everything mentioned above. Your sex life may halt to a stop, as feelings of disconnected desires emerge. You may find it harder during these times to connect with your intimate partner sexually, and feel frustrated. There may be a shocking death happen in your sphere, that will hit you right in the soul. You may find it difficult to move past such an unlucky, and unusual event as this. They will hit out of the blue, like the lightening of Uranus. You may find it extremely difficult to be re-born, or change your habits. It will seem during these harsh transits as if there is no life after death, and there is no life during life. You may find that you are being asked for more than you can give during these times. It may seem as if all that anyone wants from you is finical help, or a hand out. You may see the underbelly of your life, as Scorpio rules the 8th house, and all things which reside in the darkness, or our shadow consciousness. There is a gift to be retrieved from those dark depths. If you should be so brave to believe in the luck the universe has given you, you may retrieve it. Trust must be formed in order to move about the darkness. It may shock you to find the gift inside of the darkness is your own eternal light. Gemini - 7th House - The Gift: Marriage, and Partnerships Jupiter has spent the last year stationed in your 6th House of Health and Daily Routines. During this time you were blessed with more luck than any other sign in managing your day to day activities, your habits, and your health. Work falls into this house, and it is ruled by the perfectionist Virgo. Over the last year you may have felt drawn to try to perfect your habits, to form more long term healthier behaviors. You may have been drawn to find the perfect place of employment, and may have had a lucky break or two in the job hunting department. That doesn't mean you were lucky financially, just in the work you were able to do. You may have been lucky with finding the right friend to talk to about your own personal mental health, or found a great therapist. The mental habits which you keep can affect your physical health, and you could have felt drawn to try to re-wire your inner workings so that you could approach life with more enthusiasm, and joy. As Gemini is ruled by Mercury, as well as Virgo being ruled by Mercury, you may have seen some changes in the way you communicated with yourself, or others. Watching your words to form better habits about the way you spoke or what was said. After all, your surroundings, and the people you surround yourself with can have an effect on your health as well. During the harsher transits to Jupiter, this past year could have had your health, and daily routine completely scrambled. The expansion of Jupiter's force could have had you struggling to get your daily tasks accomplished, and you may have let a lot slip in terms of your health. This could have caused you worse health issues out of negligence, or inability to act. You could have suffered a "mental breakdown", or felt like you had no control over your mentality at times. These forces which seemed out of your control could have cause you to loose, or quit your job, and made it complicated to get back into the work force. Through all of these struggles, the positive up-swings of Jupiter could have had you making waves to put those pieces back together. Now as Jupiter enters your 7th House of Partnerships and Marriage, the ball is in your court to re-established any lost connections, to merge with other people through friendships/agreements, and to finally not feel alone in this big empty. The kind of connections we make in the 7th House are selfless, and focus more on unity, than separate components. Like a friend who knows you so well, they could finish your sentences. You will receive the luck of Jupiter in all areas where your cooperation in required to form harmony. The 7th House is ruled by Libra, and the planet Venus. There is a balance in a partnership, this is how unity can blossom. During this transit you will receive the most luck when you remove yourself from the situation, and think about the group as a whole, and how you can help to balance it. This will bring you the most favorable outcomes in your day to day life. During this time you may receive a literal marriage proposal, be asked to partner with someone in your business, get a new room mate, form a new agreement with someone/society as a whole, sign a new contract which will be favorable, negotiate favorably, and find yourself feeling united rather than alone. The harsh transits to Jupiter may have you reverting back to working on your daily habits. There may be times where it seems like you cannot connect with anyone in your day to day life, when you are so lonely it hurts, and when you cannot seem to cooperate with or receive cooperation from those in your life. There will be times during these harsh transits when you will feel as if there is no way you could unit with the person in your midst. You will find it hard to put yourself in their mind set, or understand why in the world they've done what they do. There will be tensions in your partnerships during these harsh transits, and partnerships which may bring you feelings of great harmony may wreck havoc on others in your life, creating enemies.
Jupiter sent your gift through another, and if you can unite, the ribbons will unloosen on their own, unveiling the greatest gift the 7th House can bring...harmony.
Cancer - 6th House - The Gift: Routine, and Health
Jupiter has spent the last year touring your 5th House of Children, Creation, and Pleasure. During this time you were luckier than any other zodiac in anything connected to those areas. You may have literally had a child, or spent more time with your children if you are a parent. You may have had more luck in bringing out your inner child as well, taking more time to enjoy fun, games, or anything which brought you pleasure. Often it's when we connect with our own inner child that we fully are able to immerse ourselves in the little joys of life. Children do not know the more serious sides of life yet, and allow themselves to be fully immersed in anything that heightens their five senses, or brings them happiness. Because the 5th House is ruled by the Sun, and the sign of Leo, the joys found there relate entirely to the self. You may have found yourself drawn to create more around you, not just artistic creation, but anything which might bring you pleasure. The things which were created may not have always served a practical cause, but may have brought you great personal happiness. The 5th House where Jupiter spent the last year may have drawn you more into gambling, and risk taking as well. During the last year you may have taken a great risk, or two, gambling the outcome of your happiness. Lucky Jupiter may have given you just the break you needed, and you could have won a literal lump sum of cash. You could have won at anything you took a risk with during the upswings of Jupiter. During the harsh aspects over the last year however, Jupiter's luck could have taken a swing for the worse, leaving you feeling burnt out, joyless, and like destroying everything around you. You may have spent a large sum of money gambling on conceiving an actual child, only to have been unsuccessful. This could have shown itself in the form of a miscarriage, or even something going horribly wrong with the birth. You could have spent lots of money on creative projects only to have felt blocked and unable to use them. There may have been periods where it felt like the world, or your inner self, was in a constant state of destruction, where nothing had the opportunity to grow, or be born. These creative blocks could have had you feeling like pleasure was out of your grasp more than ever before. Now as Jupiter moves into your house of Health and Daily routines, you may find that the gift Jupiter has to give this time, is your ability to pour yourself into your work, and make sure that the day-to-day tasks which keep your reality running smoothly are taken care of. If you have found yourself stuck in your daily routine, or unhappy with your residence of work, you may over the next year have the luck needed to find the perfect job for you. If you've been struggling with any form of health concern, it may go away unexpectedly, or you may find the medicine you need to cure it. You may start a new daily regimen which has an incredibly positive effect on your health, You may find that along your usual routine, some lucky unusual factor begins to work through you, helping you to find better habits, faster ways of accomplishing your work, and bringing some much needed order into your daily life. Some people travel all over the world in search for peace. They look, and they hunt, and they try on many hats in the search for a lucky break. Then there are those stories about people who just happened to find a 100 dollar bill on their way to work, or who just so happened to bump into a movie producer that made them famous...all on their usual everyday route! This kind of wacky luck is about to stumble into your life over the next year! It may seem at times as if every station on your way to work is playin' your favorite song! During the harsh transits to Jupiter during this time you will have to watch out for absolute chaos in your every day routine, and health. When harsh aspects transit Jupiter this time around you may find that you cannot seem to get to work on time, or get all the work designated to you accomplished without strain on your physical health. It may seem during these harsh transits like you can't seem to shake a cold, or a mental rut. A mysterious ailment, or disease could show up during those times, which will need to be looked at by someone in the medical profession, or it could have absolute un-lucky and adverse effects. You may see yourself during these harsh transits to Jupiter working harder than you ever have, yet receiving the same pay, or less pay than before Jupiter entered Sagittarius. Not only will it seem like you're working harder, but the work you do will feel like it is killing your body. If the work itself doesn't feel like it's hurting your body, the out-of-routine drinking, drugs, or other escapism behaviors you participate in to ease the pains of your work could have absolutely un-lucky effects on your health.
Robert Frost said taking the path less traveled made all the difference...but in Cancer's case this Jupiter cycle, taking the well trodden path is the way to the lucky parcel Jupiter seemed to drop along the way for them. Sometimes we don't need a new scenery...but new eyes to see what's been there all along.
Leo - 5th House - The Gift: Children, and Creation
Jupiter has spent the last year touring Leo's 4th House of Home and Family. The Leo was luckier in these areas than any other sign in the zodiac. The 4th House rules all of the foundations on which we build our lives from the very beginning. While often when you hear the word "home" you think of an actual physical place, we all have a home within ourselves. So this time period may have brought about an actual lucky change in physical address, or the universe helped to support you in finding your internal home.This time period could have had you reminiscing on the "good" old days that you remember in your home growing up as a child, spending more time with your living relatives immediate/distant, and learning more about your family history, with all of it's rich traditions. You may have looked for new ways to enact some age old traditions, and made some new ones of your own. You may have felt like pushing your luck with DNA tests (, 23andme, etc.) During this time you may have felt more drawn to your mother, or whichever parent you were more nurtured by from birth. Thoughts about them, and situations involving them could have brought you lucky breaks.
During the harsher transits to Jupiter during this time, you may have felt like the most unlucky person in the world regarding your home, and family. You may have been kicked out of your apartment, extremely uncomfortable in your living situation, or felt a strained relationship emerge again within your family unit. Memories from your child hood may have brought old wounds back into the forefront for healing, and you may have felt like the people/person who used to nurture you neglected you more than usual. During these harsher transits to Jupiter it may have seemed only lucky that your home didn't crumble around you in the midst of all the chaos. You may have felt like you couldn't find the home within your heart, that maybe you were even growing colder, and perhaps maybe some old traditions should die. Now as Jupiter stations into Sagittarius your luck will find it's face in the 5th House of Children, Creativity, and Pleasure! How perfect considering Leo spent the last year pressing their luck in the area of "home"! Leo is the natural ruler of the 5th House! The 5th House is Leo's home. In the 5th house a person can re-inact all of those golden years in their day to day! The Leo over the course of the next year will be luckier than ever in areas involving children. This could mean a literal conception/pregnancy, or this could reveal itself in the form of getting closer to your own inner child. Everyone has an "inner child". This is the part of man which still finds beauty in the butterfly, or that still loves building sandcastles. Those things you work all year to do on vacation, are the lusts of the 5th House. You could find the lucky gift Jupiter has left you when you can tune into your natural ability to create, and enjoy your creations over the next year. Your lucky gift will reveal itself as you allow yourself to have fun, find your personal pleasure, and push your luck! The 5th house also is connected with gambling, gaming, hobbies, and athletic events. You will be luckier during the upswing cycles of Jupiter than any other zodiac when it comes to games of chance! This is the perfect time to invest in lottery tickets, scratch offs, betting, and card games. You will find that luck will be on your side more than most any other sign (along with Aries) due to the fact Jupiter is stationing into a fire sign, just like yours! You will get an extra dose of luck just for the like minded energy. You will feel the drive to create something very special, and powered by luck during this phase, which could be something related to anything in the artistic fields (drawing, sculpting, painting, dancing, acting etc.) You will be luckier than any other zodiac in your endeavors there, and my find your work is more well received than ever before. People will be drawn to your work, and may not even know why it is so interesting to them, just that it brings them the same pleasure it brought you to create! During the harsher phases of Jupiter in Sagittarius, you may find that all of this luck turns inward for processing, seeming like you are un-lucky in all of the areas mentioned above. Those who do conceive during this time, born under the sign of Leo OR with a Leo Moon, should take extra care during these harsh transits that they do not miscarry, or experience complications. During the harsh transits to Jupiter over the next year, you may feel like you have more trouble connecting with your inner child, and that the world is for suits&ties rather than your carefree approach. You may feel like "All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy". It may during these times feel like you are blocked creatively, and that you cannot seem to "birth" what you are trying to create. Like writers block, it can seem like you have all the words, but they make it to the page, and are complete rubbish. You may spend large amounts of cash on pleasurable pursuits that cause you more trouble than joy. During these times you can invest large amounts of money into creative tools, and supplies which lay to waste. During these harsh transits, your patience, and will shall be tested, making the gift which Jupiter has to give Leo all the more pleasurable once it is finally achieved.
A child reaches out it's hand with your gift, then runs begging you to chase.
Virgo - 4th House - The Gift: Home
Jupiter has spent the last year transiting your 3rd House of Communication, analytical intelligence, and Travel. You were luckier than any other sign in the zodiac in these areas. During this past year you may have found yourself traveling to nearby destinations, communicating more with those in your community, and visiting/spending more time with your brothers/sisters. The trips you took, though they may have been places you've seen your whole life, may have suddenly been very lucky for you in your times of need. You may have luckily been at the right place, at the right time for some event. You could have been lucky in communicating with your siblings, or surrounding community in ways you hadn't been before, finding it easier to get your point across. Others could have looked to you as a source of intelligence, and your analytical knowledge could have been an advantage in some tough spots. As the 3rd House rules our communications, during the upswing cycles of Jupiter you may have been lucky in receiving a new phone, laptop, or television. The positives of this transit may have gifted you a new mode of travel, or transportation, like a new car, or bike. You could have been lucky enough to enjoy lots of small talk with many different people, finding it easier to talk about the weather, and the like.
During the harsher transits to Jupiter the past year could have had you tongue tied, stuck in one place, and un-luckily loosing a mode of communication/transportation without anyway of replacing it. The harsher effects of transits to Jupiter may have saw you arguing more with your siblings/local community. There would have been moments where it seemed like everything you said came out wrong, was misinterpreted, or that you could find no way of communicating. You may have chosen to remain silent in some cases, knowing that it would go that way if you spoke anyways. You may have broken, or lost your phone, laptop, or television, or there may have been more technical glitches in these devices than usual. There may have been a repo on your vehicle, you may have been unable to make a payment on it, or your lack of transportation could have had you feeling low. In feeling low, you might have also felt some form of criticism of your analytical intelligence, receiving signals of mistrust, and skepticism from those whom you tried to inform facts to. Now as Jupiter enters Sagittarius, it will move into your 4th House of Home, and Family. This may feel strange to you at first, given that your Jupiter is moving from the natural "Home" of Virgo, your 3rd House. It may somehow feel as if you are repeating parts of your last Jupiter cycle. While you were given gifts that helped you to feel "at home", in your element during the last Jupiter cycle, there are remaining "gifts" still in wait in that area.
This time around it is about more than your own personal idea of "home". While we all have a "home" in our hearts, there is still the physical aspect, of where we've lain our "roots". Our 4th House "home" connects us with all of our personal ancestral memories, and shows us the growth cycle of the seed that was planted there long ago. During the upswings of Jupiter, you may find yourself getting more interested in learning more about the traditions you family has held, and you may have a lot of luck in researching more into your families history, and bloodline. You may want to get a DNA test done at this time, or you may have themes pop up involving cultures which are ironically related to your own. You will be lucky if you should want to dig into old family photos, or relics, and may uncover something which was hidden from your family, but has great traditional significance.
You will also be lucky during the positive transits to Jupiter in renovating your literal physical home, or in find the home of your dreams to move into. You would be wise to look into what's out there, no matter how many times you may have house hunted before. Something may present itself which was not there before. The improvements you make during the upswings of Jupiter in Sagittarius will stay in tact for quite sometime, and will have the luck of the universe to withstand even expected deterioration. You will be able during these transits, to not only see the best version of your secure self, but to help yourself emotionally lay a foundation which will not waver even in storms.
During the harsh transits to Jupiter during this cycle, you will have to watch out for all of the unlucky opposites of the above aforementioned. You may during those transits experience negative influence over your home, and places you thought were steady may crumble. You may find you have to do more repairs than you originally planned, and find a flaw in the foundation of the home that's been there since it was built. You may have unexpected issues pop up in your home in more ways than physically, as the dynamic during these transits may go from secure, to absolute chaos. During these times it may feel as though there isn't anywhere you can call "home", like Dorthy ever searching through Oz. During these harsh transits, you may uncover family history which will shock, disturb, and maybe even disgust you. You may find it hard to accept that you were born from the same seed as they, and find it difficult to learn the truth about your linage. There may be a part of you which refuses to integrate your own truth, until it shakes your foundation. There may be a desire to change everything about the way your "home" has been operating, even with traditions which have been put in place before you were born. However, during the harsh transits to Jupiter, these changes will not be well received, and your family may feel as though they must disown you for disrespecting these age old traditions. You may also at times feel as though the foundations in which you built your relationship with your more nurturing parent, are under great strain. Hold tight during these phases, as the tables will turn again, and luck will once more be to your benefit.
In the closet of ancestors old, lay in wait a gift untold, many generations unfold, as Jupiter reminds you your roots must always grow...
Libra - 3rd House - The Gift: Conversation, Communication, and Connection
Jupiter has spent the last year traveling through your house of Wealth and Finances. During this past year you were luckier than any other sign in the zodiac in these areas. When you hear about the luck bestowed by Jupiter, often money comes into the conversation. People want to know if Jupiter will be hitting their money houses, however those touched in their 2nd house have much different finical luck than those with Jupiter in the 5th, or 10th. The wealth related to the 2nd house is not money you come into by winning the lottery, or receiving an inheritance, but more so the wealth you generate to yourself through hard work, and active manifestation. You may have felt like during this past year you were paid more than ever before for the work you took part in, receiving maybe more internal wealth than physical wealth for the work you had done.
At times on the upswings of Jupiter you may have been able to see how valuable other things than money could be, weather it were a smile you brought to someone who was down, or how your work helped someone who couldn't help them-self. The wealth you saw during this time may have felt like absolute luck, as you happened to get a job you had wanted, or were able to find employment where you had once struggled. You may have felt more lucky than usual in sorting through what was valuable to you, and what wasn't worth it. During the positive upswings of Jupiter you may have had more luck than usual in curving your spending habits, and implementing an actual budget. You may have also been luckier than any other sign in keeping up with/finding your lost possessions.
However during the harsh transits to Jupiter since 2017, there may have been times where you felt like the most unlucky person in the world with finances. You may have had something come up which cleared out a large portion of your bank account, or you may have spent more than you meant to, leaving you high and dry. There could have been moments where you put in more work than you ever saw payout, and it seemed like everything you did for the people in your life was taken for granted. There may have been moments during the harsh transits to Jupiter where you couldn't find anything inside of yourself which you deemed valuable, and moments when what seemed valuable to you in the past was actually sucking you dry. These phases could have had you towing the line of poverty, while having you ask for more than you were willing to work for. The riches of this world during those phases seemed in the end fools gold. Now as Jupiter glides into Sagittarius, and your 3rd House of Home, you will being to see more luck in this area, as we move away from your feelings of value, and worth. The gifts Jupiter left you with last cycle may now see you more able to discern what is valuable, or expendable, as you make your path ahead, traveling, and communicating these ideas and more with those around you. Over the next year, someone in your immediate circle, as in a neighbor, community member, cousin, sister, or brother could prove to be very lucky for you! It is recommended that during the positive transits to Jupiter in your 3rd House, you should take every opportunity to make small talk with those around you. Some small detail that comes up in everyday conversation could have major advantages for you. You may during this time grow closer with your sibling, or someone similar to a sibling in the coming year. You will feel drawn to travel often, even if it is just a short distance, and you will want to communicate the things on your mind with those around you as much as possible.
During the positive transits to Jupiter, you could receive a new way of communicating in the form of a new phone, television, or computer. You may even be so lucky to upgrade your mode of transportation, and perhaps may purchase a new vehicle!
During the harsher transits to Jupiter in your 3rd House, you may find that you are unlucky in all of the areas mentioned above. During transits such as this, your bad luck will befall you in the form of a communication breakdown, a technical glitch, or blockages on your travels. You may find that you are unable to get your point across during this time, and will have trouble conveying your ideas without stepping on the toes of those your speaking with. During harsher transits you may be so unlucky to have a malfunction with your vehicle, or mode of transportation. You may find that you loose your cellphone, it gets broken, or your computer completely craps out on you. These periods will be testing your words, and your actions, as if it were really worth saying, you'd say it regardless, and no matter the cost. If you were meant to get there, you'll find a way, in irony making a new mode of transportation.
Oh the places you'll go, oh the place you've been, but places near and far could never a good conversation with an old friend.
Scorpio - 2nd House - The Gift: Wealth, and Finances
Jupiter has spent the last year, hoisted up in your 1st house of Self, the Soul, and the Ego. Scorpio has hosted Jupiter in their 1st house since October 10th, 2017. During this period, the Scorpio was crowned the celestial favorite, and had leeway over every house, and every zodiac sign. Luck was granted in every area, and the self was put into the spotlight for a total soul transformation. Jupiter only visits our 1st house, once every 12 years. The gifts that Jupiter can bring while in one's 1st house are enviable, and everyone wishes they could have that kind of special treatment from the universe always. During the year long stay you had with Jupiter, you may have had a lot of luck particularly with finding out who you really are. You could have hapenstancely ended up in places that really spoke to the inner parts of your soul, and awakened parts of you that you may have been hiding for some time. You were put on stage during this time, to really show the world through your astrological mask what you are. You would have had luck in all areas related to your physical appearance. No matter what you showed to the world, you had the luck of Jupiter for it to be more well reviewed than usual. Your ego was unlocked, and unleashed to be integrated into the other parts of you. Something very personal to you could have been achieved with luck. Something you wanted very desperately.
During the positive transits to Jupiter in your 1st house, you had a window of opportunity to come across your "soul mate". The one you read about in books, or see in movies. This could have happened by a lucky happenstance, or you could have actively been pursing it to a fruitful end. A relationship begun during Jupiter's stay in one's first house has the likelihood of lasting a very long time (given it was not begun under harsh Transits to Jupiter or under Retrograde). Those who were committed may have grown even closer to their "one and only", showing them soul mate qualities they had not noticed before in their partner. While the 7th House rules Marriages/Partnerships, the kind of love that comes about with Jupiter in one's first house is above a marriage, or partnership. It happens in unity from the beginning, and harmony doesn't have to be achieved because it was born so. Perhaps if you were already commuted you hadn't received that kind of love yet from your partner, as there is a large difference in a partner, and a soul mate.
However as Jupiter's beams rained down on Scorpio over the last year, you may have finally been able to distinguish the two, and really connected with the one you love. They could have been there for you the way you needed, made your heart reach new heights, really made you feel understood, and un-alone. You may have had to rub your eyes twice to make sure it wasn't all just a dream. If you are a single Sun Sign Scorpio, and you either do not believe in love, or have yet to find your "soul mate", don't fret. Uranus is in way to shake up your house of relationships over the next 7 years! You will find that relationships are on your mind more than usual, and during this phase will have an opportunity to figure out what it really is that you desire! You may have many interactions of the heart during this time, all leading you to a better understanding of who you are, and what you need in union.
As the first house plays such a large part in what we look like on the inside, it also plays a rather large role in the way we present that inside, to the outer world. During Jupiter's stay in your 1st House, you may have felt lucky in all areas related to physical appearance. You could have lost a large amount of weight, gotten a new hair style, or a change of wardrobe. While some may say such changes lay in the realm of superficiality, these kinds of changes can have a massive effect on the inner workings of an individual in the most lucky ways! When you look good, you feel good, right?
However as Jupiter was Retrograde March 8th, 2018 until July 10, 2018, along with a nice little Venus Retrograde smack dab in Scorpio, October 5 to November 16, 2018, and Mercury right in line retrograding on July 26 – August 18, 2018... the harsher transits and squares on top of that, may have had many Scorpio's experiencing an absolute identity crisis. During these times it could have felt like you were the most un-lucky individual in all of the areas mentioned above. At times it could have felt like you were experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia, unable to discern where the "real you" existed among the many faces you've worn. At times it may have felt like your self confidence was at an all time low. There could have been bouts of weight gain, or a yo-yo effect on your weight. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and expands all it touches. It is common that during harsher transits to Jupiter, that included your waistline. Rather than integrating the ego, and the shadow sides, they could have grown out of proportion, engulfing all of the work you may have put into integration, and throwing you back to square one. During these harsh phases you may have found it incredibly difficult to figure out what your soul truly desired. Desires may have blown out of proportion, asking you to wear your shadow side like a badge of courage to take everything you wanted, rather than manifesting your hearts truest desire. Rather than finding your soul mate during this time, you could have found more harm than help in the heart. Someone may have made you believe they were that fated soul mate, only to pull back before the last second, leaving you high, and dry. You could have been the one to leave your "soul mate" high, and dry just the same, as Uranus will be sending shock waves over the next 7 years in your house of relationships. There could have been so many suitors (due to Jupiter's expansion) that you were confused about which, if any, could be the one. If you were already in a committed relationship, the good times were good, but the bad times...were terrible. There may have been a lot of deception between your partner, and you at this time. At the core you may have been just as confused as they were when your path suddenly changed, or you had an outburst. Now Jupiter glides into Sagittarius, and your 2nd house of Wealth, and Finances. Not only will you be luckier than any other sign in this area, but you will be taught new lessons in the areas of wealth, finances, expenses, charity, asking for finical help, material stability, resources, pleasure from one’s profession, money, where you keep your money, liberty, freedom, productivity, values, self-worth, and your feelings about these matters. The second house asks questions like, "What is mine?" and "What do I value?" When you hear about the luck bestowed by Jupiter, often money comes into the conversation. People want to know if Jupiter will be hitting their money houses, however those touched in their 2nd house have much different finical luck than those with Jupiter in the 5th, or 10th. The wealth related to the 2nd house is not money you come into by winning the lottery, or receiving an inheritance, but more so the wealth you generate to yourself through hard work, and active manifestation. You may find luck over the next year being paid more than ever before for your work, receiving maybe more internal wealth than physical wealth for the work you do. At times on the upswings of Jupiter you may be able to see how valuable things other than money can be, weather it is a smile you bring to someone who is down, or how your work can help someone who cannot help them-self. Wealth can be measured in many different ways, and it's the little things in life. During the positive transits to Jupiter in the 2nd house, you may luck into a new, more pleasurable job. If you've been looking for work you will be luckier than almost any other sign at finding a job which will generate a great deal of wealth for you. This job could even involve handling money regularly. If you work from home, or are looking to begin an at-home business, you will find that you will have all of the resources needed to begin, and expand your work. If you have been struggling with finances, this may be the lucky time to ask the bank, a family member, the church, a friend, or anyone whom you consider a pillar of financial stability for a loan. You may also feel the impulse to give a loan to someone you know who is in financial turmoil. It would be lucky for you to ask if you need to, or give if your asked to, as the principal goes being open to help other people, the blessing will return towards you even stronger, or you get what you give. You will be lucky in paying all of your bills, and debts, which may liberate you from the chains they held on you in the past. As all of this happens you may have this feeling of financial stability, or security, some of you for the first time in your life. It will feel like freedom. Freedom from worry, strife, and hunger. You will feel like the luckiest person in the world not to have to worry about your finances so much anymore. You may find that as you are able to see more of the wealth around you, you begin to develop more SELF-WORTH as well! During the harsher transits to Jupiter in Scorpio's 2nd House, you may feel like the most un-lucky person in the world regarding your wealth, and finances. During these phases it can feel as if you can't catch a break, like you're working more than you're being paid, or that there is no work for you to do. You may have trouble during these times finding your footing, and bills may go overdue. There may be periods during these transits where you will loathe your job, you will dread your work, and you may avoid it at all costs. You may have trouble seeing the value of anything, or even in yourself. You may quit, or loose your job unexpectedly. As Jupiter is the planet of expansion, you may see more money come into your reality than before, but leave just as quickly. You may over spend, and over indulge in anything which brings to pleasure as a substitute for self-worth. This may have your credit cards maxed out, and your hand held out, as it will seem like you need more than you can provide. There may be doors shut in your face when you ask, if it is during the harsher transits to Jupiter. You may find the people in your life asking you for more hand outs, and you will either not be able to oblige, or you will feel taken advantage of. What do you value and why? Jupiter's gift for you over this next year will evolve as you begin to find the wealth which is all around you, and deep within you, not just silver, and gold. "Silver and gold might buy you a home But things of this world They won't last you long And time has a way of turning us old And time can't be bought back with silver and gold "
Sagittarius - 1st House - The Gift: The Soul, and the Soul Mate
Jupiter has spent the last year in your 12th house of the unconscious, self undoing, and imprisonment. During this last year you were luckier than any other sign in these areas. During this last year you were given all of the luck, and lessons for going deep within the psyche and re-wiring your thoughts. The 12th House rules our sacrifices, and our own personal Hell. This was a time period to prepare for the entry of Jupiter into your 1st House. Your luck may have shown itself over the last year when you took the initiative to sacrifice aspects of your life which were only harming you. If you had the courage to let go, you will receive twice what you have let go of, and it will begin to fully resonate with you as Jupiter has moved into your 1st House. During the positive aspects to Jupiter over the last year, you may have luckily uncovered a hidden secret. This hidden secret could have been a literal piece of truth that was hidden from you, or a secret strength, courage, or talent you didn't know you had. If you have experienced a lot of stress, and mental turmoil over this past year, it may have felt lucky that you made it through, and were strong in the face of all of your weakness, and doubts. When you find that kind of inner strength, it can be life altering. From that point forward what used to scare you silly, seems like a cake walk. If you have struggled with mental disease, it may have seemed only lucky that you didn't end up institutionalized or hospitalized during this past year. When you avoided some of these situations by luck, it may have given you more time to sort through your mental workings on your own, and heal. You may have had a lucky encounter or two with all things related to spirituality. Weather you luckily bumped into a spiritual figure, watched God at work, or just had some strange spiritual yearnings come over you, your unconscious mind for the past year has been screaming for awakenings. Over the past year you may have received luck in helping heal others in your life. During this time you felt drawn to offer your services to another, weather solo, or group. You felt that luck was on your side, and that with your help they could be healed. At times your compassion may have swelled beyond your comprehension, as in why should you care for this, but you did. As the 12th house also rules all of our hidden enemies, no matter who may have made a plan to harm you, during the positive transits to Jupiter, you had the protection of the universe on your side. You may have experienced more paranormal events than usual, at times luckily catching a glimpse of something beyond our conscious view. At times it could seem as if there was a guardian angel with you, watching over you. There may have been out of this world religious awakenings, as your spiritual nature expanded. However over the past year when there were harsher transits to Jupiter in your 12th house, you may have felt like you were literally living in your own personal hell. The funny thing is that we are often our own worst enemy, and we hide this from ourselves deep within our unconscious. Your self undoings could have had you feeling like the most unlucky person in the world in regards to your own mental state. Everyone's version of Hell is different, but common themes involve:
Restriction- Feeling like what you need/want is being kept from you on purpose
Bondage- Feeling trapped, and bound to the things which harm you
Self-Harm - Letting things harm you, knowing they intend to, or harming yourself (physically/mentally) with negative thoughts/talking down to yourself
Negative Entities- Actual occult phenomena of beings/ghosts which you don't understand, and which mean to harm/confuse you
Insanity/Madness- Events, actions, and phenomena which mean to confuse your mental state on purpose. These things have no rhyme, or reason, other than to confuse and weaken your state of being.
During the harsh transits, Jupiter's expansion could have had you telling more lies than you ever have in your life. These lies may have pushed anything which was up for review, farther back into the unconscious mind. You could have been keeping a lot of secrets, which threatened to fly out during these phases. Though regardless, continuing to pile up more secrets, and skeletons in your closet. You could have found yourself becoming someone else's hidden enemy. There could have been moments where you felt repulsed, or disgusted with all matters related to spirituality, and spiritual figures. You may have felt blocked from receiving the spirit, no matter how prevalent it made itself in your waking reality. During these phases Jupiter's expansion could have had your illusions growing into delusions, and taking over not only your unconscious, but your waking reality. Your weakness, doubt, and fears may have been all around you, and you may have felt bound to them, or imprisoned by them. Some of you who struggle with mental illness may have found yourselves hospitalized, or institutionalized, or other wise imprisoned. The 12th House rules all places where one might feel bound, and it may have felt at times like in prison, or out of prison...there would be no escaping the bondage. The 12th house rules our hidden enemies, and you could have been surrounded by them, but unable to discern them. Now as you have walked through your own personal Hell, you may begin to rise again, with Jupiter's entrance into your 1st House. This is your lucky year to shine, be seen, and find out your heart's truest desires. During this period, the Sagittarius is crowned the celestial favorite, and will have leeway over every house, and every zodiac sign. Luck will be granted in every area, and the self will be put into the spotlight for a total soul transformation. Jupiter only visits our 1st house, once every 12 years. The gifts that Jupiter can bring while in one's 1st house are enviable, and everyone wishes they could have that kind of special treatment from the universe always. During this upcoming year long stay you will have with Jupiter, you may have a lot of luck particularly with finding out who you really are. You could hapenstancely end up in places that really speak to the inner parts of your soul, and awaken parts of you that you may have seen a glimpse of while Jupiter was in your 12th House. Jupiter in the 1st is like you're put on stage, to really show the world through your astrological mask what you are.
You may have luck in all areas related to your physical appearance. No matter how you present yourself to the world, you will have the luck of Jupiter for it to be more well reviewed than usual. Your ego may be unlocked, and unleashed to be integrated into the other parts of you. Something very personal to you could have the luck it needs to be achieved. Something you want very desperately. Now is the time to figure out, or start to ponder what that is. It will be something very dear, and near to your heart.
During the positive transits to Jupiter in your 1st house, you will have a window of opportunity to come across your "soul mate". The one you read about in books, or see in movies. This could unfold by a lucky happenstance, or you could be actively pursing it to a fruitful end. A relationship begun during Jupiter's stay in one's first house has the likelihood of lasting a very long time (given it was not begun under harsh transits to Jupiter or under Retrograde). Now is the time to put yourself out there if you are a single Sagittarius! Join those dating websites, go to that party, and don't settle. Those who are already committed may have grow even closer to their "one and only", showing them soul mate qualities they had not noticed before in their partner. While the 7th House rules Marriages/Partnerships, the kind of love that comes about with Jupiter in one's first house is above a marriage, or partnership. It happens in unity from the beginning, and harmony doesn't have to be achieved because it was born so.
Perhaps if you are already committed you haven't received this kind of love yet from your partner, as there is a large difference in a partner, and a soul mate. However as Jupiter's beams rain down on your 1st house, you may finally be able to distinguish the two, and really connect with the one you love. They may be there for you the way you've needed, make your heart reach new heights, really make you feel understood, and un-alone. You may have to rub your eyes twice to make sure it wasn't all just a dream. You will find that relationships are on your mind more than usual, and during this phase will have an opportunity to figure out what it really is that you desire! You may have many interactions of the heart during this time, all leading you to a better understanding of who you are, and what you need in union.
As the first house plays such a large part in what we look like on the inside, it also plays a rather large role in the way we present that inside, to the outer world. During Jupiter's stay in your 1st House, you may feel lucky in all areas related to physical appearance. You could loose a large amount of weight, get a new hair style, or a change of wardrobe. While some may say such changes lay in the realm of superficiality, these kinds of changes can have a massive effect on the inner workings of an individual in the most lucky ways! When you look good, you feel good, right? However as harsher transits interact with Jupiter you may experience an absolute identity crisis. During these times it could have feel like you are the most un-lucky individual in all of the areas mentioned above. At times it could feel like you were experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia, unable to discern where the "real you" exists among the many faces you wear. At times it may feel like your self confidence is at an all time low. There could be bouts of weight gain, or a yo-yo effect on your weight. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and expands all it touches. It is common that during harsher transits to Jupiter, that expansion can include your waistline. Rather than integrating the ego, and the shadow sides, they could grow out of proportion, engulfing all of the work you may have put into integration, and throwing you back to square one. During these harsh phases you may find it incredibly difficult to figure out what your soul truly desires. Desires may have blow out of proportion, asking you to wear your shadow side like a badge of courage to take everything you want at the time, rather than manifesting your hearts truest desire. Rather than finding your soul mate during this time, you could find more harm than help in the heart. Someone may make you believe they are that fated soul mate, only to pull back before the last second, leaving you high, and dry. You could also be the one to leave your "soul mate" high, and dry just the same, as Uranus will be sending shock waves over the next 7 years in your 6th house of health, and daily routines. There be so many suitors (due to Jupiter's expansion) that you become confused about which, if any, could be the one. If you are already in a committed relationship, the good times can be grand, but the bad times...may be terrible. There may have be a lot of deception between your partner, and you at this time. At the core you may be just as confused as they are when your path suddenly changes, or you have an outburst.
The gift Jupiter has to give this cycle can be retrieved when you are able to look into the mirror, and actually see yourself. When you can discern your truest self, out of the illusions of Ego, therein lay one of the greatest treasures of all.
In a house of mirrors lay 12 packages, all the same, with different contents...with luck they begin to open them, and throw to wayside those which do not belong to them.
Capricorn - 12th House - The Gift: Hidden things, and Secrets
Jupiter has spent the last year in your 11th House of Friends, Groups, The Collective Organizations, and Networking. You were given luck, and leeway in all areas connected to the 11th House above all other zodiac signs. It was here that your lucky breaks made their way to you over the last year. In the 11th House, you are able to find your niche within a group. This time period had you feeling lucky when you were working in numbers. Your friends, work colleges, and business associates may have helped you greatly in reaching your goals. They may have shown up when you needed help, or you may have been there for them when they were in distress. You may have been lucky to have been invited to more than one social gathering, and if you attended it was sure to have been a wonderful time. There may have been a lot of food, drinking, and laughter during these events. It brought you great happiness, and a sense of belonging to have been able to attend these events. As the 11th House is naturally ruled by Aquarius, you may have felt drawn over the past year to help out large groups in need. You may have felt lucky, or had lucky occurrences when you allowed your greatest humanitarian nature to shine through. You may over the past year have communicated with, or felt drawn to learn about those who are "foreign" to you. You may have went as far to even begin learning a new language, or have traveled out of state/country. At times during the last year it may have felt like the friends you kept close were some of the most loyal, and faithful friends a person could have. If you were unable before to tell who those people were, this transit could have luckily shown you your true friends. Those who supported you during this time were there when you needed them, and may have shared resources with you which you were in dire need of. You may have been lucky over the last year to be able to spend more time with those who you consider friends, and the battles which you faced, you could find them right by your side, ready to go to battle with you against all odds. As the harsher transits effected Jupiter in your 11th house, there may have been times when you felt like the most un-lucky person alive in the areas mentioned above. There could have been bouts of loosing your sense of self in the groups, organizations, and networks in which you belonged. You may have felt at times like so many people wanted to be in your group, or wanted you to be a part of their group, that you instead isolated yourself completely. There may have been moments where it seemed like just your luck that you made not an enemy, but a group of enemy's. You could have attend a social function, or two in which you felt like you didn't belong, or shouldn't have went. You may have been scammed in giving charity to an organization, or have been taken advantage of by a group/friend you tried to help. During the harsher transits to Jupiter in your 11th house you may have been in need, and not received the help you asked for from "so called friends". Backstabbing, and deception could be seen in corners of your groups, and at times it might feel like it was all directed at you. Over the past year you may not have had enough time to take care of your friends, or groups, but somehow seemingly ended up with more, and more new friends. As moments came, and went where you felt the need to help them, you may have accidentally forgotten about the ones who mattered the most. Now Jupiter moves into Sagittarius, and your 12th House of secrets, the unconscious, self undoings, and imprisonment. You will receive more luck, and lessons in this area than any other zodiac sign. During the next year you will be given all of the luck, and lessons for going deep within the psyche and re-wiring your thoughts. The 12th House rules our sacrifices, and our own personal Hell. This will be a time period to prepare for the entry of Jupiter into your 1st House next year, December 3rd, 2019. Your luck may show itself over the next year when you take the initiative to sacrifice aspects of your life which are only harming you. If you have the courage to let go, you will receive twice what you have let go of, and it will begin to fully resonate with you when Jupiter moves into your 1st House next year.
During the positive aspects to Jupiter during the next year, you may luckily uncover a hidden secret. This hidden secret could be a literal piece of truth that is hidden from you, or a secret strength, courage, or talent you don't know you have. If you experience a lot of stress, and mental turmoil over this next year, your luck may be in just making it through, and remaining strong in the face of all of your weakness, and doubts. When you find that kind of inner strength, it can be life altering. From that point forward what used to scare you silly, will seem like a cake walk.
If you have struggled with mental disease, it may have seem only lucky over the next year that you don't end up institutionalized or hospitalized. If you are able to avoid some of these situations by luck, it may have give you more time to sort through your mental workings on your own, and heal. If you are able to re-wire the way you think, you may finally reach liberation from all of your own mental bondage. You may have a lucky encounter or two with all things related to spirituality. Weather you luckily bumped into a spiritual figure, are able to watch God at work, or just have some strange spiritual yearnings come over you, your unconscious mind for the next year will be screaming for awakenings. Over the next year you may receive luck in helping heal others in your life. During this time you will feel drawn to offer your services to another, weather solo, or group. You may feel that luck is on your side, and that with your help you could help others heal. At times your compassion may swell beyond your comprehension, as in why should you care for this, but you will. As the 12th house also rules all of our hidden enemies, no matter who may have a plan to harm you, during the positive transits to Jupiter, you have the protection of the universe on your side. You may experience more paranormal events than usual, at times luckily catching a glimpse of something beyond our conscious view. At times it could seem as if there is a guardian angel with you, watching over you. There may be out of this world religious awakenings, as your spiritual nature expands. However over the next year when there are harsher transits to Jupiter in your 12th house, you may have feel like you are literally living in your own personal hell. The funny thing is that we are often our own worst enemy, and we hide this from ourselves deep within our unconscious. Your self undoings may have you feeling like the most unlucky person in the world in regards to your own mental state. Everyone's version of Hell is different, but common themes involve:
Restriction- Feeling like what you need/want is being kept from you on purpose
Bondage- Feeling trapped, and bound to the things which harm you
Self-Harm - Letting things harm you, knowing they intend to, or harming yourself (physically/mentally) with negative thoughts/talking down to yourself
Negative Entities- Actual occult phenomena of beings/ghosts which you don't understand, and which mean to harm/confuse you
Insanity/Madness- Events, actions, and phenomena which mean to confuse your mental state on purpose. These things have no rhyme, or reason, other than to confuse and weaken your state of being.
During the harsh transits, Jupiter's expansion may have you telling more lies than you ever have in your life. These lies may have push anything which is up for review, farther back into the unconscious mind. You may be keeping a lot of secrets, which will find there way into the light during these harsh transits. Though all the while, continuing to pile up more secrets, and skeletons in your closet. You could easily find yourself becoming someone else's hidden enemy. There may be moments where you feel repulsed, or disgusted with all matters related to spirituality, and spiritual figures. You may struggle during these harsh transits with what spirituality means to you, and what place it has in your life. You may feel blocked from receiving spirit, no matter how prevalent it makes itself in your waking reality. During these phases Jupiter's expansion could have your illusions growing into delusions, and they will threaten to take over not only your unconscious, but your waking reality. Your weakness, doubt, and fears may feel as if they are all around you, and you may have feel bound to them, or imprisoned by them. Some of you who struggle with mental illness may find yourselves hospitalized, or institutionalized, or other wise imprisoned. The 12th House rules all places where one might feel bound, and it may have feel at times like in prison, or out of prison...there is no escaping the bondage. The 12th house rules our hidden enemies, and you may feel surrounded by enemies, but unable to discern them.
The gift Jupiter has to give you this cycle is freedom from these chains which you unknowingly carry around your ankles. However first you must be willing to sacrifice what no longer serves you, or Jupiter will do it for you.
You cannot sacrifice what never belonged to you, and no mirror can see the true face of man. You've held your gift from birth, and it falls between your fingers like sand. A walk through hell...ends in the Stairway to Heaven. A dark tunnel...ends in the light.
Aquarius - 11th House - The Gift: Friends
Jupiter has spent the last year touring your 10th House of Career, Honor, Fame, Public Image, and Awards. Over this past year you were granted more luck than any other zodiac in this area. You may have been lucky enough over this past year to catch a few breaks concerning the work you do. At times while working, it may have felt more like play. If you had been stuck in a job you didn't enjoy working, you may have had a lucky change of career during this time, in which you were honored for your hard work. Even if you didn't switch jobs, you may have received more honors for your work than usual, and many people may have tried to pull you into their business. You may have felt very ambitious during this last year, concentrating on your long term goals. Even if it was not publicly stated to you, your co-workers or the people you work with in your life, could have found new respect for you. They may have been looking up to you as an example of success.
The 10th House speaks of our public image, the person someone else would say you are. During this phase, Jupiter's luck was like a cloak around others perception of you. Showing you in the light as a beacon of inspiration. If you had been planting any metaphorical seeds, setting any goals, or working towards something important to you, this may have been the year when you "reaped what you had sewn". If those seeds were planted with powerful intention, you may have seen your income go up, more demand for your presence at work, more mentions of you in public arenas, your reputation circulating, your status raise, and more power come into your hands.
As the 10th house also rules our father figure, or more fluidly the parental figure that was more of the provider, and dominant parent, you may have had luck come to you from that source. This person may have made you feel special, and honored. They may have helped you to get a job. You may have luckily recognized a talent they passed onto you from birth that has helped your career tremendously, or that you are honored to receive from them. During this time, if this figure is deceased, you may have heard more talk around your community, or from others about how honored they were to know them. People may reach out to you, to let you know what a positive impact this figure had in their lives, and you will feel they did the same for you.
As there are two sides to the Jupiter coin, during the harsher transits to Jupiter, you may have felt like one of the most unlucky people in all of the areas above. Over the past year, the harsh transits to Jupiter could have had your public image in the spot light for less than honorable reasons. At times you may have felt like you were the village fool, and that your goals, and aspirations were nothing more than trivial entertainment for the towns people. You could have experienced public scandals, and heard gossip circulating about you from the grapevine. At times it could have felt like no matter how much ambition, and hard work you put into your career, it gave just as much push back.
At times harsh transits to Jupiter could have had you loathing your work environment, and unable to switch careers. Your co-workers could have shown you new levels of disrespect, and acted completely unprofessional in handling situations involving you. You may have felt like you put all the work in for some honor, fame, or reward, only to be cheated out of it at the last second by a much less worthy candidate. Going back to the dominant parental figure, or the "father" figure in your life...there could have been periods of un-rest, and disrespectful power plays between the two of you of the past year as harsh transits hit Jupiter. This person could have spread around misinformation about you, which may have tainted your public image. This person could have lead you to believe they could help your career, only to turn around and demean you with lies. During this time, if this figure is deceased, or absent from your life in someway, you may have asked yourself more times than one why they had to go, and why they couldn't be there for you. If not to help you, only to see what you have accomplished.
Now Jupiter moves into Sagittarius, and your 11th house of Friends, Groups, The Collective Organizations, and Networking. You will be given luck, and leeway in all areas connected to the 11th House above all other zodiac signs for the next year. It is here that your lucky breaks will make their way to you. In the 11th House, you are able to find your niche within a group. This time period will have you feeling lucky when you are working in numbers. Your friends, work colleges, and business associates may help you greatly in reaching your goals. They may luckily show up when you need help, or you may feel a desire to be there for them if they are in distress. You may be lucky to be invited to more than one social gathering, and if you attended them, they are sure to be a wonderful and joyous time. There may be a lot of food, drinking, and laughter during these events. You will find you are gifted with great happiness, and a sense of belonging to have been able to attend these events.
As the 11th House is naturally ruled by Aquarius, your humanitarian side will bring you the most joy, and luck now. You will feel drawn to help out large groups of people even more than usual. You will feel the most lucky, or have lucky occurrences when you allow your greatest humanitarian nature to shine through. You may over the next year want to communicate with, or felt drawn to learn about those who are "foreign" to you. You may be lucky enough to go as far to even begin learning a new language, or travel out of state/country. At times during the next year it may have feel like the friends you keep close are some of the most loyal, and faithful friends a person could have. If you were unable before to tell who those people were, this transit could have luckily shown you your true friends. Those who will support you during this time will be there when you need them, and may willingly share resources with you which you are in dire need of. You may be lucky over the next year to be able to spend more time with those who you consider friends, and the battles which you face, you will find them right by your side, ready to go to battle with you against all odds.
As the harsher transits effected Jupiter in your 11th house, there may be times when you feel like the most un-lucky person alive in the areas mentioned above. There could be bouts of loosing your sense of self in the groups, organizations, and networks in which you belong. You may feel at times like so many people want to be in your group, or want you to be a part of their group, that you instead isolate yourself completely. There may be moments where it seems like just your luck that you made not an enemy, but a group of enemy's. You could attend a social function, or two in which you feel like you don't belong, or shouldn't have went. You may have be scammed in giving charity to an organization, or have be taken advantage of by a group/friend you try to help. During the harsher transits to Jupiter in your 11th house you may be in need, and not receive the help you ask for from "so called friends". Backstabbing, and deception may be seen in corners of your groups, and at times it might feel like it is all directed at you. Over the next year you may not have enough time to take care of your friends, or groups, but somehow seemingly end up with more, and more new friends. As moments come, and go where you feel the need to help them, you may accidentally forget about the ones who matter the most.
Over the next year Jupiter's gift for you will be finally coming together with a legitimate group of friends, who understand you, respect you, and are there for you when you need them.
"Good friends are one of life's blessings. Don't give them up without a fight." - Golly (Harriet the Spy)
Pisces - 10th House - The Gift: Honor, and Fame
Over the last year Jupiter has spent some time rearranging your 9th house of spirituality, wisdom, and philosophy. During the past year you had more luck in all 9th house matters than any other zodiac sign. During this time you may have felt drawn to religion, spirituality, and ritual. You may have felt drawn to churches, spiritual gatherings, or caught yourself muttering a prayer or two. You may have felt drawn to go back to school, or get another degree. These places may be where you found the lucky gifts, and knowledge of Jupiter. Over the course of the past year, you may have been lucky enough to find your own version of religion, or spirituality which really spoke to the philosophical parts of your soul. You may over the past year have come into contact with a "spiritual teacher", or someone who helped you to tap into those parts of yourself more. It may not have even been a literal person, but something that you learned a lot from on a spiritual level. This "teacher" may have given you gifts of higher knowledge, leading you to wonder, or believe even more that there is something bigger than you out there. You could have been lucky enough to go back to school for another degree, or to finish a degree. There was a possibility you begun to teach yourself more over the past year even, taking up more online courses, or trying to read more often. You may have felt like even when you didn't try you learned something every day. Jupiter rules the 9th House, and also all foreign matters. You may have been lucky enough to move someplace you consider far away from your home town, or taken an enlightening journey to some place you'd never been. You may have had experienced connecting more with people who were "foreign" to you, maybe learning more about cultures which are different than your own. You could have even been lucky enough to have been the foreign teacher to another curious soul. During the harsher transits to Jupiter in your 9th house, you may have felt like the most unlucky person in the world regarding the matters above. You may have felt a strain of your relationship to the abstract ideas of spiritualism, or felt like you couldn't connect with anything higher than this physical plane. You may have experienced being turned away by certain religious sects, or felt out of place when you attend spiritual events. You may have felt even as if just your day to day, lacked a sense of meaning. There may have been moments where you felt like certain religious views were being pushed upon you regardless of your own desires, and this may have made you feel like running far, far away. You may have had unlucky experiences abroad, or been afraid of things which you were not used to, or that were "foreign" to you during the past year. It could have seemed as if you didn't know enough to make informed decisions, or that you had been given false information for fact. You could have been turned down if you re-applied to school, or felt as though you couldn't get over the fact you never finished. You may have felt confused by all of the different philosophies out there, not knowing which one really resonated with you, if any.
Now Jupiter enters your 10th house of Career, Honor, Fame, Public Image, and Awards. Over the next year you will be granted more luck than any other zodiac in this area. You may be lucky enough over the year to catch a few breaks concerning the work you do. At times while working, it may even feel more like play. If you have been stuck in a job you don't enjoy working, you may have a lucky change of career during this time, in which you will be honored for your hard work. Even if you don't switch jobs, you may receive more honors for your work than usual, and many people may have try to pull your influence into their business. You may have feel very ambitious during this upcoming year, concentrating on your long term goals. Even if it is not publicly stated to you, your co-workers or the people you work with in your life, may find new respect for you. They may look up to you as an example of success.
The 10th House speaks of our public image, the person someone else would say you are. During this phase, Jupiter's luck will act like a cloak around others perception of you. Showing you in the light as a beacon of inspiration. If you have been planting any metaphorical seeds, setting any goals, or working towards something important to you, this may be the year when you "reap what you have sewn". If those seeds were planted with powerful intention, you may have see your income go up, more demand for your presence at work, more mentions of you in public arenas, your reputation circulating, your status raise, and more power come into your hands.
As the 10th house also rules our father figure, or more fluidly the parental figure that was more of the provider, and dominant parent, you may have luck come to you from that source. This person may make you feel special, and honored. They may help you to get a job. You may luckily recognize a talent they passed onto you from birth that has, and will help your career tremendously, or that you are honored to receive from them. During this time, if this figure is deceased, you may have hear more talk around your community, or from others about how honored they were to have known them. People may reach out to you, to let you know what a positive impact this figure had in their lives, and you will feel they did the same for you.
As there are two sides to the Jupiter coin, during the harsher transits to Jupiter, you may feel like one of the most unlucky people in all of the areas above. Over the next year, the harsh transits to Jupiter could have your public image in the spot light for less than honorable reasons. At times you may feel like you are the village fool, and that your goals, and aspirations are nothing more than trivial entertainment for the towns people. You could experience being the center of a public scandal, and may hear gossip circulating about you from the grapevine. At times it could feel like no matter how much ambition, and hard work you put into your career, it gives just as much push back.
At times harsh transits to Jupiter may make you loathe your work environment, but you may be unable to switch careers. Your co-workers may show you new levels of disrespect, and act completely unprofessional in handling situations involving you at work. You may have feel like you put all the work in for some honor, fame, or reward, only to be cheated out of it at the last second by a much less worthy candidate. Going back to the dominant parental figure, or the "father" figure in your life...there may be periods of un-rest, and disrespectful power plays between the two of you when harsh transits hit Jupiter. This person may spread around misinformation about you, which may taint your public image. This person could lead you to believe they can help your career, only to turn around and demean you with lies. During this time, if this figure is deceased, or absent from your life in someway, you may have asked yourself more times than one why they had to go, and why they couldn't be there for you. If not to help you, only to see what you have accomplished.
Jupiter's displays honor upon you now, and the gift this cycle is drenched in gold. You have earned this, and should be proud, as it will feel like your name is written in lights.
Two fish attend a party in their honor, surrounded by gifts, and drenched in praise. How could you deny your worth, or loose your faith? A seed grows in the ocean just the same.
Keep in mind this transit will last until December 3rd, 2019, when then Capricorn will be crowned the celestial favorite, and each sign will shift again.
If this hit the nail on the head for you, and you would like to know more, see the shop for a more in depth birth chart analysis!
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Here in the Mountains of Eastern Kentucky, my family has had a long standing tradition of upholding many superstitions, and old wives tales. These traditional beliefs make up a good portion of the common sense carried to navigate life’s struggles, and instinct. These superstitions have been held onto because they have provided physical evidence to those who uphold them of truth.
"Dreaming of any kind of fish is an omen of pregnancy."
When I was younger I remember overhearing my family members discuss this superstition. They were discussing the birth of my father, and how his mother (my mawmaw) had a dream of a fish before she had found out she was pregnant. If memory serves, I feel like she had said his name came to her in that same dream. That she was told to name my father Michael if he were a male, and Phyllis if he had been female. She described the fish like something out of the tale of "The Fisherman and his Wife".
This story stuck with me somehow, and as my family discusses their dreams on almost a daily basis, there is always a feeling you get when someone mentions dreaming of fish. Like there's a birth lurking around the corner. This superstition does not always only apply to the dreamer, often it can be someone whom you're close to, or a family member that has conceived.
The iconic "fish" symbol associated with Jesus Christ was once considered a fertility symbol in Pagan teachings. This stems from the story of Ichthys, the offspring of the ancient Sea goddess Atargatis, and was known in many mythic systems as Tirgata, Aphrodite, Pelagia, or Delphine. The word also meant "womb" and "dolphin" in some tongues, and representations of this appeared in the depiction of mermaids. Before Christianity adopted the fish symbol, it was known by Pagans as "the Great Mother", and "womb". Its connection to fertility, birth, and the natural force of women was practiced also by the Celts, as well as pagan cultures throughout northern Europe. There are many more historical myths which show the symbolic relation of the fish, and fertility. They have all helped to shape the superstitions which my personal family upholds.
More scientific information uncovered about why the Fish/Aquatic creatures appear earlier on in a pregnancy can be found in Patricia Garfield's "Pregnancy and Childbirth Dreams". She writes:
"From goldfish bowls, to family wash, to swelling oceans, the pregnant woman's dreams refer to water throughout her pregnancy. The mother-to be will often find herself swimming, as Joan did in the curved pool, in her first-trimester dreams. Where animals appear in a pregnant woman's first trimester dreams, they are often aquatic creatures, such as tadpoles and fish. This water in her dreams possibly depicts the pregnant woman's awareness of the water gathering within her womb."
Very interesting to note the correlation between the fluid in the womb, and all things aquatic in the human psyche. Although the female who experiences this may not even know she is pregnant yet, her body, and her psyche align. The reason we may experience such dreams even if we are not the ones with a fluid filling womb is a mystery. I believe we are connected to the ones we love, and sometimes when we receive signals/signs because those we love cannot hear them themselves.
So the next time you, or a family member has a dream about a shiny fish, it may be wise to follow up with a pregnancy test, or call a cousin. Someone you know may very well have a bun in the oven!
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November 6th, 2018 // North Node Enters Cancer - South Node Enters Capricorn // Shell-less Crabs
One of the lesser known, or least talked about aspects in basic astrology are the lunar Nodes. We are all born with them, and.they're not planetary bodies, but mathematical points. The Moon's North and South Nodes are points, indicating where the Moon's path around Earth crosses the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the belt through which the Sun and planets appear to travel from our perspective on Earth.
Our personal natal Nodes can tell us a lot about our past, and future. While many aspects of a natal chart focus on personality in the now, or forever, these two points focus specifically on who you have been, and who you can be. If you are someone who believes in "past lives", the South Node gives clues as to who you may have been, and what kind of karma you carry over in this life. If you're not a believer in past lives, it can show you who you used to be in this life, or your younger self. Your North Node on the other hand gives you clues as to what sort of "destiny" you shall fulfill if you will. If you listen to your guides, follow the signs, and put in the work, your North Node is an accomplished fate, your most divine way of being, or your best self.
Lately, as a whole consciousness, we've been under the influence of the Lunar Nodes stationed in Leo/Aquarius. As we all have a natal chart, each progression happens to each of us in personal ways. Though often you can spot these themes appearing in and out of your life in various forms, and before you know it, everything begins being filtered through the shifts. While stationed on the Leo/Aquarius axis, the North Node called all under it's influence to stop always putting them-self last. These energies asked you perhaps to be a more authentic version of yourself, as Leo rules the self, however positive, or negative the effect on your community/those close to you. We put "groups" per-say on the back burner, and maybe even friendships. Some may have lost their identity in the groups they belonged to, forcing them to take a step back, for some "self care". Although we have seen many protests, and rally’s akin to our sisters, and brothers of the 60's and 70's, often times those who attended may have used the cause, rebellion, and group to boost them self on social media, or brag about what they were doing to change society. A downside of the Leo archetype, ego inflation. There's a balance to be found.
The Nodes which have been stationed in Leo/Aquarius since May 9th of 2017 are about to light up with activity! They will be shifting on November 6th, 2018 into Cancer/Capricorn axis! There are many monumental shifts occurring during the first half of November, and this is just the start! Other than shifting into a new sign, the Lunar Nodes will also be squaring Uranus, planet of shocks, surprises, and technology! Not only will these two transits shift within hours of one another, but they will both be in their respective signs, and at exactly 00:00 degrees. This energy is special, potent, and powerful, and it's headed our way! Uranus will also be fully Retrograde in the sign of Aries on this same day! I've written another article on this you can find HERE
Uranus has been headed into a retrograde period before finally entering the sign of Taurus for good next year, 2019! Think back to May of this year for clues on what to expect once that happens fully.
This shift could change everything you've been doing in your life as of lately, and possibly your entire life, forever. The Lunar Nodes being so intertwined with themes of destiny, and fate, has me feeling like this change will be HUGE, and! Fated!
Looking at the signs the Lunar Nodes will shift into brings us into one of those good ol' fashion astrological conundrums. We will be reaching to be more Cancer-esq...while also trying to wiggle free of Capricorns stern grip. The puzzle is in Saturn, and Pluto being stationed in Capricorn. These factors nullify one another at first glance, then upon closer inspection begin to swirl, and melt into one another.
Cancer calls water home, and that's where it wished it could stay forever. Of the water element of the zodiac, Cancer is cardinal, Cancer flows with the ebb and flow of the tide, and climbs the silvery beams Mother Moon shines. The season for Cancer lets a warm, spicy breeze blow by, June, and July are the perfect time for swimming in the Northern Hemisphere. Water is often symbolic of feelings, and emotions, which Cancer feels with their soft insides more than they could ever let you see. Cancer is related to all things feminine, mother, nurture, home, family, spirituality, and hysteria.
When we examine the South Node shifting into Capricorn, we've gotta look at all of those things we need to let go of, inked in Capricorn nature. Now, as I mentioned we are still fiddling with Saturn and Pluto there, so we must find a way to keep what is valuable, let go of what is not, and integrate the jagged edges. Capricorn is represent by the Sea Goat. The Sea Goat may have no business trying to climb towering mountains, however it must, it is it's job, and it must reach the top with honors. The Sea Goat is serious, is stern, and the course is charted with absolute precision. Chaos is not permitted in the realm of Capricorn, unless it's under hoof, and out of sight. The Sea Goat knows the rules, and suggests you follow them, in turn teaching you the path of the Sea Goat, the only way to the top. Like it's counterpart, the Cancer, the Sea Goat is skilled in occult practices. Where Cancer feels the flow, Capricorn transforms the ground the rivers flow on. Where would the river flow without the stability of ground beneath? Capricorn is related to all things masculine, power, authority figures, our fathers, our governments, our systems, structure, stability, excessive control, restriction, torture, punishment, and pain.
Our journey thus far with Saturn, and Pluto's placement in the sign of Capricorn have had us reviewing lessons on these topics, as well as showing us the darker underpinnings of the systems we have intact. While things have moved more slowly in these realms due to Saturn, we've had more time to observe, and really see. We've had time to really commit, and attempt to stabilize the out of control aspects in our lives, the more sinister chaos that often sits below the surface. While the Capricorn is an earth sign, it is still half fish. It's lower half has the ability to breath in the sea, and blend the experiences of Earth and Water. It is up to us to make the choice...
land or sea? Harsh punishment, or empathy? Control, or freedom? Slavery, or Brotherhood? Work or family? Do we succeed because of what we accomplish, or are we all born equally successful, perfect? How can we make our reality feel more like "home"?
On November the 6th when Retrograding Uranus Squares the Lunar Nodes, which will on the same day shift axis, something may happen out of the blue which will completely re-write whatever you have going on in your day to day. Whatever plans you may have been making, whatever goals you may have set for yourself, whatever you thought you knew... think again!
Before going any further, and just as a reminder… A planet going “retrograde” means that, from where we are on Earth, it APPEARS to be moving backwards. The opposite of retrograde motion (or Rx for short) is direct motion. The planet is not actually moving backwards however, it is an optical illusion. The planets are still moving forward through space, but because the planets do not revolve around Earth and Earth is also in motion, so many times throughout a year some planets appear to go backwards. In that process, it backs up over a certain range of degrees in the zodiac and ends up passing through that range three times: first forward, then backward and lastly forward again. There are also “shadow” periods as a planet begins to make these passes, and leave them.
At first this may only happen internally, emotionally, or even subconsciously due to Uranus in Retrograde motion. Some little pin prick of a feeling may enter your awareness...some strange feeling like nothing was the same as it was the day before. Everything can be exactly as it was, but somehow you just feel "different"..."weird"..."strange". During shifts like this, especially with retrograde planets, I always feel some sense of deja vu, or like everything around me is somehow so surreal. It feels like being re-set in a way, or like the whole world is a piece of fiction, and I'm just watching. Until slowly the small pin prick bleeds into a new state of awareness, and I begin to take a more, and more active approach.
Uranus is associated with innovation, discovery, progression, rebellion, individuality, change, surprise, electricity, and technology. When Rx Uranus squares the Lunar Nodes we may see internal technology glitches, and crashes, as well as new technology being released, and marketed. We may experience technological malfunctions even in household appliances, or anything with moving parts. Similar to a Mercury Retrograde, but more radical. It's very fitting this would happen right as we approach the 5th of November! Ahaha! V from V for Vendetta is a prefect example of the kind of technology glitches which would spiral from Uranus.
As the Lunar Nodes shift you may find yourself re-thinking, and re-evaluating what direction your heading. Some may quit, or leave their jobs in favor of more family time. Some may switch to working from home rather than outside of it. All will be drawn to escape the hamster wheel that is minimum wage Hell in favor of what is truly important, those who love you...your family...or the family you have chosen. Family is who's there for you, not always blood. You may try more to nurture those who you love who cannot escape the tie between work/survival. Taking on a motherly approach, packing their lunch with more care, making sure they're as comfortable as you can make them before they are in the grip of their bosses. Internally you will not be able to look away from their pain any longer, it will tug at your heart strings each time you/they have to go to their work environment where they are belittled, punished, and used.
There are lessons to learn in each sign of the Zodiac. There are things we can take from each sign of value, and it's not wise to throw Capricorn's structure wholly out the window. It will take the careful planning of Capricorn to reach the goals Cancer has set for us for the next 2 years. We can use Capricorn's willfulness to not waiver from our goals, and their determination to climb the summit of releasing the chains of society.
The Lunar Nodes will remain on the Cancer/Capricorn axis from November the 6th, 2018, until May.05.2020.
The crab removes it's shell...and is held by the sea.
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Retrograde Uranus Enters Aries // November 6th, 2018 // Ram-ification Of Change
Uranus Retrograde enters Aries until Mar.06.2019. Uranus has been touring Aries for the last 8 years, beginning it's lift off back in 2010.
Uranus being an outer planet has a rather heavy impact when it shift's signs, taking 8 years (or more) to shift. It's well known for innovation, discovery, progression, rebellion, individuality, change, surprise, electricity, and technology. Recently this past May of 2018, it gave us a taste of what we can expect when Uranus shifts into Taurus for good. It began it's retrograde motions, and has settled into Aries for a 4 month review. Before we can fully step into the excitement enticed through Taurus, we must have a few more surprise pop quizzes on Aries matters. Uranus was stationed in these houses during the 1st Uranus in Aries cycle, and during this retrograde cycle for each general sun sign below:
Aries / 1st House / Self & Ego Taurus / 12th House / Subconscious & Self-Undoing Gemini / 11th House / Friendships & Groups Cancer / 10th House / Career & Honors Leo / 9th House / Philosophy & Religion Virgo / 8th House / Death & Rebirth Libra / 7th House / Partnerships & Marriage Scorpio / 6th House / Daily Routine & Health Sagittarius / 5th House / Children & Creations Capricorn / 4th House / Home & Family Aquarius / 3rd House / Communication & Travel Pisces / 2nd House / Money & Finances
As Uranus Retrograde Re-Enters Aries, you may experience a shock, or surprises in the area that corresponds to your sun sign, or wherever this hits in your personal natal chart.
Looking to this you can see the areas that were effected with more shocks, surprises, innovation, and progression than others. Uranus hits out of the blue with new ideas, new information, and changes weather we were ready or not. We were asked to make these changes under the guise of Aries, ruled by Mars, ruler of the 1st House, and the 1st sign of the zodiac. The Ram.
We are being called once again to use our aggression in a constructive way to make it through the changes ushered in by Uranus. Aries asks that you be assertive, that you be courageous, that you are active, and quick. This time however instead of applying these old tests to your sphere in a physical, visual may now make the internal changes required to match what you've accomplished with Uranus in Aries.
Before going any further, and just as a reminder… A planet going “retrograde” means that, from where we are on Earth, it APPEARS to be moving backwards. The opposite of retrograde motion (or Rx for short) is direct motion. The planet is not actually moving backwards however, it is an optical illusion. The planets are still moving forward through space, but because the planets do not revolve around Earth and Earth is also in motion, so many times throughout a year some planets appear to go backwards. In that process, it backs up over a certain range of degrees in the zodiac and ends up passing through that range three times: first forward, then backward and lastly forward again. There are also “shadow” periods as a planet begins to make these passes, and leave them.
With retrograde energy, we do more inner work, reflection, and application than when a planet is direct. The Universe wants the insides to match the outsides. Be daring in your thoughts, be an explorer of possibility, be confident in your inner workings, and be adventurous in giving and receiving love.
You will use this energy most wisely if you do not let your temper get the best of you now. Do not play into war games at this time, not even with yourself-especially not with yourself. As Uranus switches signs you will find that being a bully, being combative, or insensitive will not get you as far as they once did. The War Games of the Ram will not serve you once you're in the pit with a raging Bull. There's no fighting a charging Bull, only enticing it to nail you harder.
Use this time of inner reflection to think over the shocks, surprises, and changes you've been through in the area mentioned above over the last 8 years, and buckle up, because Uranus in Taurus will be charging at you before you know it!
#blog#aries#uranus enters aries#uranus retrograde#uranusretrograde#zodiac#astrology#.hillbillyhocuspocus
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Mercury Enters Sagittarius // October 31st, 2018 // Foreign
On October the 31st, this past Halloween night, Mercury, the planet that rules our communication, entered the fire archer sign of Sagittarius. Mercury had been stationed in the depths of Scorpio since November 7th. During it's transit of Scorpio, Mercury had us using more depth in our communications, and had us traveling mentally or even physically to some spooky destinations. Some of us may have felt or seen a glimpse into the darker side of our interactions with our communities, siblings, or cousins. Some of you may have received a darker message from someone, or had a secret bubble to the surface.
Now, the archer, which represents Sagittarius, is asking us to point our bow to brighter horizons. Sagittarius paired with Mercury uses it's communication skills to take interactions to new philosophical levels. They are the preachers, and the congregation which gathers to absorb spiritual matters of the old, and new. They could also be seen cracking a joke or two along the way, as they love to see others smile. In fact when Sagittarius, and the trickster of the zodiac, Mercury get together you may hear more people throwing a joke or two your way, read more jokes online, or even experience pranks being played on you in good nature.
Sagittarius in it's highest form can be a better judge than even the Libra, represented by the scales. Sagittarius has long been associated with truth, and as they form their own fair sense of the truth, make the perfect tie breakers, or referees. They build their truths based on the experiences they've had, and philosophical ideologies which they may not even know have ancient origins. While Mercury is in Sagittarius you may find yourself inspired to speak out against some of the injustices in this reality, even the ones you yourself may have committed. Especially if they concern members of your community you are close with, your siblings, or your cousins.
As Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, and a planet of expansion, you may notice people speaking more loudly than usual, speaking longer than usual, and telling great tales. Jupiter is also known as the great benefic, and grants luck in all areas it influences. Something you say now, or someone in your community could be very lucky for you now! There is some extra power here, as Jupiter is headed straight for it's home sign of Sagittarius, to make landfall on November the 8th-9th!
While Mercury is in Sagittarius you may find yourself dabbling in foreign languages, or learning more about where your own dialect originated from. You may find yourself speaking with more people from cultures that differ from your own, and may even find yourself traveling somewhere far away, and distant from you. Sagittarius is well known for influencing and representing travel, especially related to places foreign to you.
If this transit effects you in a less pleasant way, it could come in the form of communicating with someone who is extremely impatient, and tactless in their approach. You could find them to be too much, and too abrasive. Someone could tell you a tall tale, which lacks honesty in favor of adventurous fun. As Sagittarius rules the 9th house, which deals with religions, you could come into contact with a religious figure who believes they are being honest with you, but in turn lacks consideration for your personal feelings. These are just some scenarios that could manifest under the negative aspects of transiting Mercury in Sagittarius.
One thing is for certain, and that is Sagittarius despises boredom! Fire signs can be viewed as actions rather than literal fire, and often fire signs are quite active. You can bet on some interesting travels, and far reaching conversations! Keep your bow pointed towards the further! Adventure awaits you with Mercury in Sagittarius!
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APPALACHIAN SUPERSTITIONS - #2 - “Bird Flying Into Window”
Here in the Mountains of Eastern Kentucky, my family has had a long standing tradition of upholding many superstitions, and old wives tales. These traditional beliefs make up a good portion of the common sense carried to navigate life’s struggles, and instinct. These superstitions have been held onto because they have provided physical evidence to those who uphold them of truth.
"If a bird (regardless of breed) fly's into your home (through window, door, or other wise) you can expect a death of someone you know to occur soon."
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FULL MOON IN TAURUS // OCTOBER 24th, 2018 // “Karmic Matador”
4 Days ago the Taurus Full Moon was so blindingly bright, and beautiful here in the North Western Hemisphere! It was so big, so lustrous, and inviting. These qualities scream of the divine power that is instilled in the sign of Taurus, ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, and love.
A reminder about Full Moons... In accordance with astrology, when the Moon reaches it's Fullest Phase, it is a time for endings, completions, and harvest. In most magickal teachings, the Full Moon is a time for banishing things from your life, or removing obstacles. Under the light of a Full Moon, nothing can hide. Under her brilliance everything that is hidden comes into illumination. This could be why so many people think the "crazies" are out under a Full Moon. It's not that the "crazies" are out per say...but the "crazy" can for once be seen where it once was hidden, or it is the "crazy" inside of YOU that is being mirrored by the light of the Full Moon!
When Taurus reaches divinity, they are magnificent grounders of explosive energy. Being a fixed sign, most Taurus will prefer to return laying in the pasture, than ram you with their horns. As they are of an Earth sign, they bear closer ties to the material realm than most. They lavish in the grass, and loaf beneath the stars, sucking in every morsel of poetic beauty they can stomach. Their ability to ground comes in when they cannot take part in such enjoyable activities, and the chaos must be restored, so they can go back to enjoying the physical, tangible parts of this reality.
Often astrologers fixate on the Taurus's love of money, and physical possessions, though this is not always accurate of the Taurus archetype. "Money" in astrology, really refers to anything you find value in. Weather that is a wad of cash, or a beautiful sunset...either could be that valuable thing to gain for the Taurus. The Taurus does love to possess, almost as much as it's counterpart/opposite Scorpio. So it can be said, if the Taurus finds value in the sunset, it will find someway of possessing it for it's very own. To feel that they own things of "value" gives the Taurus security, which is the most valuable thing of all for the Taurus.

As this Full Moon illuminated our world beneath, you may find more Taurusian themes coming to the forefront in your life. A need for security, a need to own SOMETHING/SOMEONE of value, a need to see more of the beauty around you, a need to love and to be loved (Venus), a need to rest, a need to relax, and a need to ground all of the swirling energies about at this time.
With any Moon Phase, we must look to the planetary/star transits that are also around at the time, to get a feel for what makes each Moon Phase unique, and to better understand why these themes show up the way they do.
With this Full Moon we're playing with these configurations:
Venus opposite Uranus
An opposition in astrology isn't as negative as a square, but still brings tension to the table. It's like seeing your enemy from across a crowded room, where you can do nothing but froth with bad vibrations. Venus is the ruler of Taurus, so we're getting an extra emphasis on the planets effect on this sign. Venus is feminine in nature, and currently retrograde in Scorpio (the counterpart of Taurus). Uranus is the planet that brings shocks, and surprises to our doorstep. What lay in wait with Uranus could never be seen coming, and will hit like a bolt of lightening.
This Full Moon may have trudged up some hurt in regards to the love you receive/the love you give. You may at this time fixate on the image across the room, wondering if you should open your mouth, or continue to fixate mentally. The Taurus aspects influence you/them to stand "stubborn as a bull" in your beliefs/expectations. The Uranus influence begs you to open up your heart unexpectedly, with uncertain timing. Though with Venus retrograde in the depths of Scorpio, what lay in your heart/their heart could be viewed in a very "dark" light. The feelings you house could come out with a tinge of jealousy, vengeance, cruelty, or obsession.
On the other hand, if you are a creative individual, this aspect could have your creations, and art oozing with darker, and shocking themes. Venus deals in arts, and she loves a beautiful creation. The art you make now, though darker, will be shockingly beautiful.
Moon-Sun, Venus-Uranus oppositions are square the Nodes of Destiny
These aspects lead one to believe the resolutions which come up now in your life are of karmic consequence. Meaning, what you have planted over the last 6th months is now ready to be harvested. For some, you've been waiting to harvest this crop for many lifetimes. The Nodes of Destiny deal with our past lives, as well as present. If you find your world crumbling around the time of this Full Moon, or soaring to unbelievable success, know this must happen in order to balance the karma you have collected.

The Nodes have been hanging out on the Aquarius/Leo axis since May 10th, 2017. This filter for our reality has had us sulking in the lower vibrations of Aquarius. Even if in the past you were a very sociable person, you may have felt very cut off from the world due to the South Node in Aquarius. Your interactions with others may have you/them coming off colder than you used to be, or cutt off. If you were always this way, you may have felt an extra nudge lately to switch up this old pattern which no longer serves you.
If you've felt this effect more than others since 2017, it can seem like you've been invited to so many wonderful events, or had more company than usual, but you've denied the invites, and hidden from your guests. The North Node in Leo is pushing us all to reconnect with the light, with fun, with our creative nature, and our true selves. In an age of technological advancement, where we can connect at any time with anyone, it has left some unable to connect at all, due to social anxiety, fear of judgement, and fear of offending their fellow man.

This Full Moon's connection with the Nodes of Destiny is reminding us all once again to be ourselves, grab a hold of those social opportunities of play, and to not fear the judgement of those who fear judgement themselves.
Dr. Suess has some wise advice for this configuration: "Those Who Mind Don’t Matter, and Those Who Matter Don’t Mind".
Moon conjunct Uranus
A conjunction is not as wonderful as a Trine, but it is absolutely a positive influence in this Taurus Full Moon Chart. The Full Moon's energy will blend with Uranus in a positive way for most. If this aspect effects you more than others, you will have surprise yourself when you find the time to enjoy the little things in life. You may surprise yourself when you are able to create something of beauty, or finally put an end to procrastinating about something you needed to do. The surprise can come under your nose as well, as something you never expected to end, does, but for the better of your life, leaving you happier than before.
But the big difference between the majestic Trine, and Conjunction, is that all involved are unaware/un-accepting of the other. As an example...if you were to make a cake with someone, you would both say "We made a cake." Where as in a trine, it would be "I poured in the flour, and they mixed in the sugar."
Another example...say your relationship were to end.
During a conjunction, you would both say, "We just weren't compatible. We had issues. This relationship went through struggle, and we decided to call it quits."
During a trine however, the accepting nature of the energy would have you verbalize each of your own parts in such a demise. "They were cold and distant, and I was too clingy."
During the Full Moon in Taurus's conjunction you may find that the lines are blurred around who has done what, but you will feel the result is the same no matter how you put it. You will receive shockingly more positive benefits if you do no fixate on who did what.
Full Moon Trine Saturn
At the end of the planetary influences on this Full Moon, we have Saturn, lord of time and karma, playing the stabilizer. Any friction which comes up at this time can be smoothed over with some of Saturn's morals. A trine is one of the best planetary influences you can experience, so whatever comes in to stabilize the energy will feel like a welcome heavy hand. Saturn reminds us again that what is coming to the forefront now bears ties to our karma. What you have sewn you will reap, and one person's negative karma is anothers positive.
If you feel this influence over others you may even play the part of the stabilizer yourself, over stubborn, and shocking disputes. You may have to talk some bulls down, as they eyeball their enemy like a red cloak.
This stabilizing energy will help you to end whatever you must in your life, and help make these changes stick. Keep in mind all actions taken during phases like these with such ties to karmic planets/aspects will lead you around to future karma. Do not get so love drunk of the pleasures of Taurus that you set yourself up for future windfalls.
This Taurus Full Moon may have you seeking pleasure, beauty, and love on all fronts. It may have you stuck between Taurus's need to survive, and Scorpio's need to die. It may bring up all areas where you have, and lack. But in the midst of all the wild Full Moon energy don't forget to take a coveted page from the Taurus hand book:
There is nothing more in alignment with Taurus than taking the time to suck all the marrow of life. To lay beneath a night sky and watch the stars, or get a large coffee this time instead of your usual medium. There are things to enjoy in this physical reality, and don't you forget it!
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Sun Enters Scorpio // October 23rd, 2018 // “Law of Conservation of Energy”
Happy Solar Return to all you Scorpio's sulking around out there!
The Sun entered the sign of Scorpio two day's ago! (October 23rd, 2018) The Sun keeps up with the zodiac's spin, and changes signs monthly. If the Sun shifts into your Sun sign, you can be assured your birthday is coming soon. In astrology, the sun controls all things related to our identity, our personal will, "the ego", and our father's/father figures. During this phase watch as Scorponic themes bleed into these areas of your life.
Honestly, with the mash up of planets in Scorpio right now, it's felt like Scorpio season since September! Currently the Sun, Mercury, Venus, AND Jupiter are all stationed in this watery sign. We have dark and transforming themes presenting themselves in our conscious ego, our communications, our hearts (Venus is ALSO Retrograde right now!), and our own knowledge/wisdom. These themes will present themselves until these planets begin to shift out of Scorpio (Jupiter heading into Sagittarius later in November).
I've written so many articles around the Scorpio archetype lately, I'm almost sick of reading it myself. The universe however is not finished dolling out our lessons in the underworld. We cannot move into the light until we have seen, faced, and integrated all the shadows that lurk in our own subconscious, our words, our souls, and even the flaws of our own knowledge. With the Sun in Scorpio, perhaps now you are ready to see some of these shadows in the light of day. The sun will begin to illuminate the shadows you've been boxing with, and as they come into the light, you may be surprised at what you see. Often it is our own reflection in the dark water that has been making us flinch.
Scorpio is an interesting sign because it has many forms. While many know the Scorpio to be represented by the Scorpion, big stinger//little body, the Scorpio is also represented by the Eagle, and the Phoenix or Dove. These three forms represent three planes of consciousness: The low/Underworld, The middle/Physical Reality, and the Divine/Heaven. The Scorpio archetype moves through these planes of consciousness, transforming from one to the next as they evolve mentally, and soul-wise.
During Scorpio season, try to channel the watery energy into a transformation from your lowest to your highest form of expression. Watch your shadow thoughts as they creep in, accept them, and watch them, as if they belonged to someone else. Then integrate them in the healthiest way possible for your well being. I've thought often about how one integrates the shadow, without becoming the shadow. Regardless of how many seminars I listen to, or articles I read about Carl Jung's shadow studies, there seems to be no difference in the two to me. Perhaps however, when you watch your impulses, you can mentally go with them momentarily. Play out different scenarios about how your actions might effect you, and the possible outcomes of your own shadow play. If they bring you joy, then there is no option but to integrate them, and go with them until their end. True joy is found without guilt, without sadness, without pain. Consider weather your shadow self actually brings you true joy...or just more of the aforementioned.
In taking a long walk through the Underworld, we can consider this...
In theory, some believe energy can neither be created nor destroyed. As such, the energy inside of you must exists someplace, as it cannot be destroyed, and perhaps you personally didn't even create it, just attracted it.
if holding back your shadow makes you feel like you are living your own personal hell...if it brings YOU pain, suffering, or conflict...
you must know you have chosen to carry that load of energy like the martyr. To protect others then should bring you joy.
In integrating your shadow, and acting upon can choose to possibly unleash such pain, suffering, or conflict on another as a conduit for the energy you have attracted to be released from your being. This release then should bring you joy.
The theory of energy neither being created, nor destroyed leaves one to believe no matter if they choose the path to carry the load, this energy will harm someone/something. In nature, the shadow is dark, in it's essence is pain. Pain which may need to harm, in order to complete transformation. It leads you to believe that no matter how much you want to protect something out there, be it yourself, or another, you cannot extinguish the presence of pain in this reality. Harm comes even in the softest of beds. The shadow is a double edged sword. You take the pain, or they can, and I bet regardless both parties will suffer somehow.
If you find yourself holding back your shadow, or encouraging others to hold back theirs, consider why it is that you run from "pain". Obviously, it hurts, but perhaps deep in your subconscious there is a memory of a time when you found it incredibly hard to heal, in turn creating fears of wounds. Try to trace the depths of your darkest places this Scorpio season, and see if you can't find the place where the wound began, long ago. Only once you find your wound, and heal it, can you begin to heal, and help others.
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