Taurus Venus
63 posts
Pisces sun | Aries moon | Virgo rising
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shizen-hime · 5 years ago
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shizen-hime · 6 years ago
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Coughton Court Gardens |  Bob Radlinski
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shizen-hime · 6 years ago
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shizen-hime · 6 years ago
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Cottage house at Descanso Gardens
The garden gazer on Flickr
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shizen-hime · 6 years ago
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shizen-hime · 6 years ago
what to do when everything’s a mess
Wash your hair. Don’t worry about all those articles online about the best haircare products of 2019 and whatnot, get in, wash it like you usually do, get out. Leave it to air dry, it’s less work for you.
Brush your teeth. Even if you brushed them this morning and are probably going to brush it tonight, do it anyway. Especially if it’s exam time, all that tea or coffee you’re most likely downing (props to you if you only study with water) probably makes them feel kind of gross.
I know most of these lists tell you to run a bath, but let’s face it, for those of you who even have a bath in the first place, the thought of filling that tub and sitting there in complete silence for a couple hours seems like a trek. And ironically exhausting. So instead, just brush your hair, take a nap (set a nice soothing alarm) and once you’ve gotten out of bed, wash your face or at least splash cold water on your face.
CLEAN clean clean clean CLEAN. Easier said than done, but at least start by clearing one messy component of your area; it could be your floor, your desk or your bed. You don’t need to clean and re-organise your entire room marie condo-style for you to actually have a reason to take the time to clean in the first place. A little goes a long way, and you don’t ALWAYS need to do the hard yards ya know.
I would say read a book, but sometimes your brain is melting or buzzing so it can’t really focus on anything lengthy. So instead, find someone reciting a poem online, and just listen to it. I recommend Jeremy Irons and his voicing of tons of T.S Eliot poetry, or Allen Ginsberg reciting his own poetry (Howl is a classic).
If you’re one of those people who drowns their sorrows by listening to music, don’t listen to music!! Don’t reinforce your pain!! So to that I say, listen to a podcast. If the classic podcast genre of true crime is a little too stressful and you’ve already cried twice today, listen to interviews with actors, screenwriters and directors. It can be really refreshing to listen to people you already enjoy the content of talk about their work. I recommend Awards Chatter and Happy Sad Confused.
Stop staring at screens! Just physically sit outside for a bit, you don’t need to go for a jog or do a general workout, just…sit. People-watch, try and memorise the exact scene in front of you, from the mis-en-scene to all the colours and sounds and the way the sunlight feels on your eyelashes. Write it down if you want to, you could even denote a single notebook to your little outdoor descriptions. Or just write on a napkin. To each their own.
Have you eaten today? And I mean something hearty, something that isn’t primarily made out of air and salt. Something that falls under the umbrella of snack does not count; meal is more like it. If not, eat. Preparing food might feel exhausting, but so’s going a relatively long amount of time without something nutritionally substantial.
If you’re feeling emotionally heavily, get out a notebook or even just a scrap of paper, a pen and cry until your eyes are as blurry as can be. With tears down your cheeks, scribble out how you’re feeling. Don’t bother with how neat or messy it is, whether the sentences even stay on the lines, it’s not about being aesthetic. In fact, it’s about being as messy as possible. Let all of it out, and let is act as a physical manifestation of what’s going on in your head. Don’t fight it or deny it, relieve yourself by both constructing and understanding yourself. 
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shizen-hime · 6 years ago
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shizen-hime · 6 years ago
Hi, I sent an anon before. Was born august 24, 2000 at 2:14 PM in Virginia Beach, USA. Really eager to see the results, I've never done a natal reading before!!
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Long time without doing any of these! I’m sorry for my inactivity, I’ve been kinda stressed because of my life.
So as always just remember I’m not English and I’m still learning~ Any type of feedback is much appreciated!
Let’s see what we got here~ Also remember I won’t focus on personality traits (since we all know our personalities more or less) but difficulties and stuff we can use to help ourselves~
Starting from your Asc, we see we got a really impressive first glance personality, since we got a Pluto in your first house, which will make you be someone with a really powerful destructive and constructive personality and someone who might experiment a lot of crisis/transformations through your life. I can see it’s a hard aspect for you, since we got it in conjunction with Chiron (search for the Greek myth and you’ll understand what it does to us) and in opposition with your Jupiter, which is the regent of Sag (your Asc). People is usually afraid of Pluto, because it’s kinda uncontrollable. But it can also be used as a creative way. You are someone with a really, really strong personality and that can be really necessary at some point. Be aware in what you say and HOW you say it. I’m starting yo see yourself as someone who might get extra mad if someone is not behaving as you expect or maybe saying stuff you don’t agree with.
The opposition with Jupiter might make yourself... suppress the opportunities life gives you? Like you might feel yourself thinking you’re not worth it and that you cannot change or stuff like that. Be aware because this kind of thoughts affect in the real life. You won’t attract something you think you don’t deserve. Or you won’t grow yourself if you think you can’t!! Being this Jupiter in the 7th house, I can see this kind of thoughts will come through others. It’s like if you see you’re not worth (or whatever you think it’s wrong with your personality) because you see others think like that. Like a mirror, if you know what I mean. Remember that you are you and others are others and if you feel others think of you in a way, that’s because you think like that (if that makes sense).In a way, this aspect might make you get distracted or fighty about stuff that doesn’t matter in a way to avoid YOURSELF to change and grow.
Ok let’s see your Sun! We see a Virgo baby who is extremely intelligent, as i see it! MAYBE your thoughts go faster than yourself and MAYBE you can see yourself talking stuff you don’t know about, BUT you are someone who reaaally enjoys having a good conversation. MAYBE you can be too analytical and critical about other’s mistakes but you’re someone really hard working~ I think you will focus yourself in finding new horizons and learning new things all your life, but don’t think you know all the answers because you will not! I think in a way you’ll want to expand your mind spiritually and you might have difficulties to do so, but as always everything can be worked at~ Also you can find it hard to find something that makes it worth it? Like what you want, what you need, what you gain in life (like money for example). This is a bit related to what we talked about, like you will have to find yourself thinking if everything is worth it, if I am worth it (and you are, everyone is, you just have to work on it).
Continuing with your Moon, we see it similar to your Sun because it makes you someone extreeemely curious and talkative, but this time focusing on “the others”. BE AWARE of what you say. I kinda see like you can end up talking about stuff you’re not sure or being in a gossip thing and that can be very harmful for yourself. Relax, let your mind go blank, then think and now you can talk clearly. Learn to listen instead of talking. Your friends and life partners will mean the most to you and they will always be the primary source of strength and kinda also expansion for you. I think you’re highly social, and if not, the social will make you be pain in the ass for you because it will be necessary for you (I’m also a Moon in the 7th and it can be super tiring). I think you will be someone who will conservate really good your friends/partners (if you like them) and you will always find you can be yourself with the closest people. The small aspect with Saturn tells that although you can be kinda dispersed sometimes, you’ll always be a hard and disciplined worker, conservative and careful in that aspect. I see yourself as someone who would be really good at making others work for you (although you should always be nice, thanks c:)
Let’s start to finish little by little~So we see a really powerful Venus as well, since it’s in the 10th house. Being it in Venus I can feel you will not use the appearance/things realted to beauty as a career, but your love and kindness for others. You have a lot of compassion and you can fit the needs and demands of others really well, and that could be related to your main career, although you might not use your creativity in that (like maybe what you want in life is seeing UFOs but you want to help disabled people or something like this xD).But yeah as I see it I think your hobby will always be trying to search for new philosophies and maybe you won’t find yours until you’re 65. But I see a lot of passion in that, in your superior studies as well (like university or similar, but it can also mean self taught).
I’m finishing with the North Node, which kinda makes you see what you’ve come to do in this life. You’ve come to totally transform yourself and to embrace this powerful transformation energy you got, although you can find the world tells you you can’t. You will probably encounter things related to agressiveness, secrets, anti-social and social stuff, adventurous sex things that will slowly make you think in new ways to see the world (adding you’re someone extremely curious). You will find balance between power and self control until you find a balance (all of that if you work about it). Being it in Cancer I feel it could be all related in your own and other’s feelings (stuff like meditation, mystical/magic “sciences” like astrology, tarot, etc will make you open your mind a lot too).
I think you’re still veeeeeeeeeery young and you might’ve find yourself experimenting this kind of rejection energy from others (which can be a reflection) during your childhood, and that might make you close yourself up. Don’t! Life gives tons of turns and you have to open your arms to it. Hope you liked my brief interpretation, see ya!
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shizen-hime · 6 years ago
It’s valid if you want to buy some land in the middle of nowhere and live in a cottage or a hobbit home and be surrounded by trees , hills or swamp/bogs
Live out your goblin dreams! There’s no written rules against it! The way you live is not set in stone! You collect your own stones!!!!! It doesn’t have to be today! It doesn’t have to be right away! But you make those steps to get there!!!
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shizen-hime · 6 years ago
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Such a big mama we got here!!! It’s funny because some of the planets positions are similar to my chart! Please remember I’m still learning and English is not my first language!!
Let’s start with your Asc. You are seen as a very friendly, funny person, and we can totally appreciate your social abilities. Libra rules Venus, and we can see it in Cancer (same sign as your Moon, which is in her element!!). So I see you way more as a Cancer than as a Gemini, because the Moon is right in your MC, Venus is well placed there and your Mercury (ruled by Gemini) is not really in it’s best place, as well as the house of the Sun.
I think the most important planet in your chart is definitely the Moon. It’s right in your MC, the place of your career, so you’ll have a lot of luck and “fertility” (using this word because Moon in Cancer is a lot of fertility) in your career. It’s like you’ll have a lot of support and you’ll probably be like a mom to everyone in your job. You have a lot of instinctive nature and you know exactly what others need and want in order to pursue your interests. (As an add on I’ll just say that this Moon placement as I said is very fertile, adding your Venus there it can be you get pregnant easily -doesn’t matter if you’re a male or female-). The “bad” part of this Moon is you’re extremely emotional because you catch up the mood and other’s feelings. You’re also very protective, specially on your own home, and kind of... hmm.. conservative at some point? Dunno if I’m using the right adjective xD Also you can kind of lazy or like you don’t want to put a lot of effort on stuff sometimes. The Neptune opposition to your Moon can bring.. hmm.. discomfort from home of what you wanna do in your life as a career? Your IC in Capri tells me your home is kinda conservative, or like they’re always telling you what’s wrong or what’s good and tell you to focus on a “real” career or something like that. Anyways, oppositions is a hard aspect, but not super tense. All Neptune/Moon aspects can increment your sensibility and imagination. Okay so now let’s see this Chiron/Moon square. Squares are way harder than oppositions, and Chiron tends to.. hurt a lot. Being it in your first house (like me haha) can make you not be happy at all with yourself, kinda questioning everything you do or say, the way you are. The square with your Moon can make you feel your Mom didn’t love you enough or prefered doing other stuff instead of taking care of you. You can also feel you’re being criticized by anything (when you’re probably not) and attacked. This aspect gives you a lot of power to help others feel good about themselves and taking care of them, because Chiron makes you a master of your own wound. I think you can end up giving too much as well, so be careful!
Adding your Venus in Cancer (remember your Asc rules it and your Sun’s planet is in a sign that also rules Venus, so it’s an important planet), marriage, children, home, animals, are added to what you love in this world. You also are very curious because it’s on the 9th house (also adding you’re a Gemini), so you’ll love to curious about philosophies, religions, traveling around, also music, arts, nature, etc. Although that, since Cancer is kind of more conservative and your Mercury is also in a conservative sign, you can find yourself kind of wanting to learn new stuff but find it a bit too new? IDK! This also adds on your sensitive nature and I kinda see you crying for anything lol. I see yourself as a really funny person tbh <3
So I won’t talk of the nature of your Sun because I bet you already know how Gemini are, but I’ll talk about the house your Sun and the ruler of your Sun (Mercury) are. Being it at 8th, you’ll have a lot of tendency and curiosity to study anything related to the supernatural, the magic and the occult, this house is perfect for those who like reading Tarot as you do c; You’re not at all happy of what’s on the surface of stuff. You wanna know everything. This position also gives benefit through marriage and your Moon and Venus as well, so yep! You’re definitely made to help others with Tarot, astrology or similar. The trine your Mercury has with Neptune makes you an expert to communicate the mystical, so you’d be an excellent reader. As an add on, it also makes a sextile with your Moon so you’re very entertaining when talking (being such a Gemini baby) and a very good and natural storyteller. Anything related to communication is perfect to you, but as I see it it’s more like person to person communication. You’d be a great psychologist too because you can tell right away how’s the person you have behind. The “bad” part of your Mercury is that it can be too static when it comes to changing opinions, which is cool if you are right, but if not maybe you can find yourself defending something that isn’t bringing you anywhere. But it’s a nice Mercury for a Gemini, I think. Because it can make you... shut up when necessary lol! Sometimes Gemini don’t really know when it’s time of silence and can be a bit... ugh (I personally love them because I love hearing people out and you guys are such good talkers!!!) Anyways, as you can see, your chart barely has bad aspects, so your life is probably very “smooth”! Mine is too! c:
Let’s go and analyze the rest of the planets, those who are not defining your personality! You’re very capable of making new friends as your Mars says, although that, this position can also give a bit of... fights between you and your friends or social circles. I wouldn’t worry too much because Virgo is not a fighty sign and the sextile with your Moon is a nice aspect! You’re definitely a mommy, a teacher, a mentor! You’re also probably very attractive (adding Libra Asc too) and direct, such a nice coach!! Being it at Virgo your Mars will ask you to help people (especially those around you) and to work, to be ambitious!
Saturn in the 6th house gives good health and a very rigorous working nature. The sectile with the Sun makes you a nice worker (we can see that in the rest of your chart) and very disciplined too. You can easily finish any project and you’re very loyal to your friends and family (tho we already know that because of your Cancer nature!). Being it in Aries is not it’s best position, it can make you unable to express your best qualities, like maybe people don’t end up to see the best of you, idk. It’s like you’re probably never, ever like “ME, ME, ME!”. I like this (my bf also has it) but it can be hard to you to put yourself before others when it’s necessary and can kind of make others pass over you. As an Aries Moon I tell you it’s necessary to be self-centred sometimes lol.
Your Jupiter tells you’ll probably build your career in search of security and roots (adds on your Cancer nature and your Capri IC). It gives you a lot of fortune in your family, like you’ll always be secure there (important for you!!!). I can kinda see a conservative home but like you’ve never lacked of anything at all. You’re like one of my best friends whose always tired of his family (specially mom) because she’s very conservative but at the same time he’s totally spoiled and his parents have never said not to anything he needs or wants to do in his life. So I think there’s a bit of discomfort of what your passion is but not too much?  Being it in Aqua gives you a lot of freedom and humanity when it comes to dealing with thoughts, but it also gives a fix mentality like your Mercury.
Let’s end up with your North Node, which kind of says “what you’ve come to do in your life”, as a different lives point of view. It says you’ve actually come to deal with friendships, develop a sense of social purpose and to leave selfishness and vanity behind and you should use your creative abilities to help others. Usually the North Node is placed in a “difficult” position for the person, like if you had to achieve what’s hard to do for you, and I kinda see you as a really social person, so idk if maybe I’m wrong! 
Anyways I think that would be all, for any question just ask! There’s tons of more stuff to be said but I’m still not a professional so I can’t say it all :__o
Hope you enjoyed this! <33 Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu
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shizen-hime · 6 years ago
hi, thanks for ur response, about the being all air thing..i do have Neptune conjunction moon very close and Neptune square Venus and Venus square moon and i’m very curious about those placements too are they also important bc I feel more emotional than just air u know?
of course! you are very emotional, mostly because the houses 1-7 drain a lot of emotional energy and I’ll say this Moon/Neptune conjunction can do that too~ I guess having little water can make someone not knowing what to do with their feelings? Usually little water makes people not be able to empathize well with others, and having so many planets on the 1-7 houses will kind of force to do that, which will drain you emotionally. I also wanna clarify 1)I’m still learning and 2) it’s not like having 0 water will make you not have feelings or something like that! It’s just that maybe you can’t deal with them properly.
I think the Moon/Neptune conjunction makes the emotional way stronger, I didn’t have it in mind when I said the emotional thing~ Aqua is not a really emotional sign, but it’s rational, so it can make you help you not get lost in the Neptunian worlds. People with this aspect can get lost in their own imaginative worlds, and if used correctly, can make the person a fantastic medium or similar (having the pars of fortune right there is kinda telling you you’ll have good luck if you search for new esoteric philosophies - remember to look at carl g. jung you’ll love it-). Being such a curious person you are and in the 9th house, I think this Moon will make you move a lot of your curiosity! Philosophy, sociology, psychology are fantastic things you could study, but always focused on this esoteric world we don’t see. I’m still a learner but I believe if you study a bit more of astrology in less than a year you could be way better than me and go “oh my that girl was so wrong about all of this” lol-But yeah, it can make you very emotional, more if we are dealing with so many 1-7 house things that will drain you a lot of relationships energy. I also have this 7 house thing and every time I do something social I’m tired and kinda sad for a day, like I had to spend a lot of my worries and stuff? But at the same time I need it to feel “useful”? The social life with this conjunction is kinda harmful to you, but at the same time you kind of need to know how to deal with that because air needs the social and the houses 1-7 also do. And you can find yourself like if no one understands you (kinda the Moon/Venus square you mentioned but I believe it’s more this Chiron in 7 tbh).This conjunction might make you have do deal with a lot of emotional.. hmm.. strokes? I’m not english so idk how to say it. Like it can suddenly go emotional and you don’t know why exactly. Having little water here will be tricky for you, because you won’t know how to deal with it.
In the end, you’re someone veeeeeeeeeeery wise though. You still don’t know. Having the Sun and Saturn there will make you like that, but of course you’ll have to work on it. I’m sure you’ll be someone people will go to you asking for advice, but you have to study a lot (and I think you’ll love to tbh). You’ll have to, as all of us, use all your aspects in a useful way and understand that things sometimes hurt, but I believe it’s a way the world tell us to be aware of that because we have to work on it? idk if that makes sense lol.
In my chart I couldn’t see the Venus/Moon-Neptune square, so I wouldn’t really worry too much, since if it exists is because the orb was very big. Having this aspect would make you someone who doesn’t really appreciate other’s emotions actually? Which is something having little water already does. Or you can feel the others don’t appreciate yours. Being Venus in the 11 may make you someone who put a lot of love on social or feel a lot or expect a lot from the social but it’s like you may feel you’re not being understood. Being the signs fix, it may make these energies they don’t want to move, like they both want to “stabilize”. In general having the Venus here and when nice aspected you can enjoy the social very much, but maybe when things “go your way” which sometimes is against the idea of the social, which mean today a bit of me, tomorrow a bit of you.Anyways, I wouldn’t care a lot about them because of what I said before~In general, all the energies of yours are focused on the same stuff: having to deal with the social, which you’re good at but drains your emotional energy, focus your creative/curious energy into something useful for yourself and others, which I believe is something related to this esoteric stuff you like c;
Hope I kind of helped!!! You can ask for more stuff if you want to~As always, studying by yourself all this stuff will make you the best tbh. And you’d help a lot of people c:
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shizen-hime · 6 years ago
Omg u do free readings?? i really want to understand my chart but is so confusing I WOULD LOVE IF U COULD DO MINE... I was born on June 10th 2001 in greensboro NC at 6:13am 🥺🖤 if u don’t do them like that that’s ok thank u so much hehe
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Okay so I was writing your chart and I was almost finishing and everything disappeared :_____D
But let’s make a resume: you’re highly mental and your head is going 200 km per hour all the time. You’re never satisfied with anything and you must search for info of everything. You feel you need a puruse, a philosophy, a career, an investigation all the time.Basically because you’re all air, you’re all communication and information. Mercury on the first but retrograde and in opposition to Mars can make you not able to communicate right, though. And since you’re so air you need to do this well and this kinda hurts you. You’d be a great teacher because opposition aspects are not very hard and easy to surpass to be stronger.
You might feel you want to write or talk about yourself but at the same time it hurts you or you feel you’re bad at it (tho you’d be the perfect teacher -Mercury opposed Chiron). You might feel all your life you’re being criticized or all the world is against you and that others will always be better. You might have a lot of trouble with your lovers, best friends or people you deeply know because of that Chiron/Mars on the 7th house. You might feel you’re unable to make first steps on anything (same aspect as one of my friends which brought a lot of trouble to her, she stayed with the same toxic guy for a year because she was unable to tell him he was being a dick). You’re also someone who might cause a hard or a strong first impression.You’re someone who needs to express yourself though. Definitely writing would be super healthy for you. Maybe talking in a camera if you’re more comfortable. You need to write about yourself, your thoughts.
Your Jupiter in the Asc makes you someone jovial, cheerful, optimistic. You’re a Gemini in a Gemini Asc so you might be someone tall and slender, but maybe the Jupiter makes you someone who can gain weight easily. I felt like pointing it out because of your blog, which is mainly skinny girls and as I see it “anorexia propaganda”. I might feel you might be someone who is conscious about the weight. I can’t say anything except to take care of yourself and eat healthy. I find it so stupid to search for happiness in anything that is physical (body, money, food, idk whatever like this). Jupiter opposed Mars makes you someone who rushes stuff, acts before thinking and this might hurt you or others. Although that, almost all your planets are retrograde, which makes you someone who’s thinking by themselves all the time and overthinking or that doesn’t really know when it’s time to act or to say anything. Meditation would be the best thing to do as I see it. To learn to express what you gotta express and keep to forgive what you don’t.
Your Moon! Very mental too, but dreamy! I said before everything got erased that you should investigate Carl Gustav Jung, a psychologue that used dreams, synchronizations, tarot and the unconscious to trait his patients and search for a way to learn about the unconscious and his own dreams, etc. SUPER interesting. But anyways, this Moon will make you search, travel (mentally basically), investigate, study, search for a religion or a psychology. You need to search and not settle down in anything, since you’re SO Aquarian and you need freedom. You’ll be changing all your life, though sometimes you might feel you don’t wanna. You’ll be needing to demand a lot of freedom from your lovers because you’ll be unable to be with only one person but this will be difficult to you because of what we said earlier about your Mars/Chiron and also they’re retrograde, so you might end up just feeling this for yourself and feel guilty or just bad. DON’T! You need to get what your heart is telling you.You’re very responsible and socially over-conscious. You have this thing about the houses 1-7 which are you and the others and traits that will make you feel you need (and everyone does) to interact, to socialize but at the same time you think everyone hates you or something similar. I have the same issues and in the end you have to learn not everyone will like you, you just need to be yourself. House 7 acts as a mirror: if you don’t like people, people won’t like you. If you think everyone is so nice and cool, you’ll feel you’re so nice and cool to people too. Trust me, this works a lot. You’re younger than me, so you’re probably now “waking up” from the teenager years.
Oof I think I made a good resume! We haven’t talked about the Sun in the 12th house, your Venus in Taurus (yaaay) and your North Nodes + other stuff!
Let’s see, so you’re actually veeeery wise because of Saturn in the 12th as well as your Sun. Your Saturn/Moon trine makes you very responsible but also responsible in socializing, which is perfect for such an air person! Sometimes so much air makes people talk talk talk talk and oof! This Saturn will make you very capable of sacrificing yourself for others and study anything psychological and mystical (PLEASE just take a look at Carl Gustav Jung!! You won’t study him in any career and that’s sad!). Very interested in helping others! Having the 10th house in Pisces also makes you someone who might feel a need to make something to help others as a career. Since you’re a true investigator too and you have a bit of Aquarius on the 10th, searching for new ways to help others would be amazing for you too! You’re such a Gemini creative thinker so go ahead!
Let’s end up with your Sun, which is weird to not say this as a first thing lol.Okay so what we said about you sacrificing for others your Sun is also there! This could make you someone who’s rather... hmm.. “brought” by others, so you’ll have to use your fire stuff (tho it hurts you and it’s difficult) to put yourself behind! Since you got Jupiter in the first house, it can act a bit as a Sun, but it can also act “too much”. Jupiter gives a lot and sometimes is bad.You’re very air and your head goes to 100000000km/hour, but your Sun will demand you to relax as well, to be introspect and MEDITATE. Isolation from time to time will also make you good! You’re very social but it also gives you a bit of anxiety so it’s ok to take rest! Working for others and make charity work would make you feel very good too. Anyways, you’ll need to socialize with others, so isolating yourself forever is not good too.
Oh my, I forget about your precious Venus and the only earth you got :__cYou’ll attract a lot of socializing and you’ll also need that in your life. You feel a A LOT and you actually enjoy all mundane pleasures, such as food, massages, stuff like that. In this house, you’ll receive a lot of help from friends and co-workers! Maybe they’re not your best friends but these type of people will make you realize and make you feel good, like a group more than only one person. Once you enter to a one to one dynamic, you enter to this 1-7 house thing, which is actually very easy to surpass as we said. We see the sextile with your North Node in Cancer. So your Venus will help you feel better and happy. We finish with this North Node.Being it in Cancer, it’s kinda difficult, since you got like 0 water lol. And Cancer are FEELINGS, but feelings that are put into your face and into other’s faces. So this Node is telling you to express these feelings, especially to those friends we said earlier. You’ll need to develop a self-expression and leadership qualities too. You’ll have to surpass this fear of not wanting to make first steps and putting yourself towards others, but nicely!! You’ll grow a lot of confidence, power and self-determination by being yourself and creative!You’re 0 water so for yourself feelings might be like “what’s this I’m not saying that lol” but we all are human potatoes with stupid feelings! Use this amazing Venus you got to be a bit more stable and feel secure to express your feelings.
So again, my recommendations:
- Carl Gustav Jung pleaseeeee!!- Write, talk to yourself! It. will. make. you. so. good.- Meditate too to relax. You need it too. Take long walks by yourself (leave or shut your phone off!!). Your Venus will love if you take her to nature places!!- This is because of your blog, but EAT HEALTHY PLEASE! Aghh your Venus would kill you if she sees you not eating :c It might be because of this Venus you got, or you’re too mutable energy, or this Sun in the 12th house, but you might find yourself being carried by others, being carried by stupid, not healthy fashion stuff and ashhjjhghghgh nooo! >:c- Be. Yourself. You. Will. Fucking. Love it. You’re such an amazing person, very dreamy, very mental, but with really good intentions. You’re just a bit.. unbalanced because you got 0 water and basically 0 earth. So expressing feelings or knowing exactly what you need and want is something that might just not exist. But that’s perfectly fine!!!! You’re a searcher!! Maybe you’re an inventor of a new philosophy!- Never stop investigating or studying stuff! Your Moon will demand you new knowledge, as well as your Gemini nature. You’ll probably never set up in anything, but that’s alright? There’s not a true truth, right? Search for yours! Maybe you’ll find it when you’re 90 and you’ll be like “cool, I loved my life! c:”.- IDK, have fun??? You might be someone who never settles down, but that’s alright too. Since you’re so mutable and so mental, maybe you end up thinking stuff that society and friends tell you it’s what you gotta do, but maybe this is not what you feel deep inside you. Follow your heart! But don’t try to use this excuse as an escape, since you might be a bit like that too xD.
Hope this helped! For any question or anything just tell me
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shizen-hime · 6 years ago
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Mount Rainier, Washington (by Protik Hossain)
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shizen-hime · 6 years ago
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Gracias por confirmar la hora! <3
Procederé a la lectura, que como bien sabrás no soy experta, aun estoy aprendiendo! Por eso un poco de feedback siempre me irá bien.
Me gusta empezar por el Ascendente. Vemos que está en Capricorinio, un signo bastante diferente del de tu Sol. Puedes parecer una persona bastante terca o quizás que tiene unos ideales de querer ser la mejor en todo, bastante tradicional en cuanto a como tienen que ser las cosas. Tener el sol en la casa 7 (como yo) nos va a hacer que veamos el mundo a través de los otros. Es un poco como un espejo. Normalmente da bastantes.. hmm.. malos entendidos? Es como si te expresaras de manera contraria a lo que eres, y la gente normalmente esto lo percibe mal. Pero la vida social (o/y tu pareja formal) van a ser tu centro de atención. A veces hace que seamos muy poco “yo” y que pongamos nuestra energía en gustar a los demás. Siendo una Leonina como eres, estoy segura que esto te preocupa, aunque lo más probable es que no lo dejes ver. Esta posición del Sol hace un poco eso del espejo pero de manera que le echamos la culpa a los otros de nuestro malestar. Todo te parece externo a ti, y en realidad es todo lo contrario. Vas a poner todo tu amor en tu pareja y esta va a ser “parte de ti”, por eso cuando tú no estés bien, va a ser el otro el que se las va a cargar y esto da muchos problemas, creéme!
Podemos ver esta oposición entre tu Sol y Urano, que está en la casa 1, en Acuario. Al estar el signo como “estancado”, igual que Leo, a veces da que la persona no sabe desarrollar estas energías perfectamente, como si estuvieran un poco escondidos. Entonces, esta relación entre tú y los otros parece ser un poco un trabajo a realizar. Continuando con la oposición, y sumando tu Ascendente (y tu Luna un poco), parece como si las cosas diferentes, innovadoras te sentaran mal? Si tiene que cambiar algo, le vas a poner pegas. Quizás lo ves un poco al revés a veces, como si tus ideas innovadoras se vieran denegadas por los otros. Pero creo que te cuesta un poco cambiar de opinión o quizás aceptar a algún tipo de gente? Tener a Neptuno también en la casa 1 va a hacer que se te vea como una persona soñadora, un poco ambigua (lo que decíamos de los malos entendidos porque pareces alguien que no eres) y añadiendo a Urano, poco convencional. Como decíamos, por eso, a parte de que todos estos planetas de la casa 1 están retrógrados, parece como si estuvieran un poco encarcelados. O sea, no creo que estén muy desarrollados.
Creo que es muy importante hablar de tu Luna, potenciada por Júpiter y Venus en casa 6. Seguramente que no te falte nunca trabajo, además pondrás mucho amor en él porque te gustará lo que hagas. Eres muuuy sensible, pero no lo pareces para nada. Pareces una persona fuerte, independiente, que no quiere amor… pero a la vez lo que necesitas es una família a la que querer! De hecho, es muy probable que te cases con alguien y te dediques a cuidar a los hijos y a la casa (algo que te va a gustar teniendo la posición de los astros). Es una Luna muy fértil y una Venus muy sensible. Se recomienda mucho bailar y expresarte con esta Venus. En general, vas a poner mucho empeño en cuidar de la salud (y de otros también). Veo mucho esto de dedicarte a cuidar a otros. Con esta Luna vemos un poco esto de tus ideas tradicionalistas, que quizás chocan un poco con los demás o contigo misma. Para ti, la familia es algo que no se mueve, que es muy importante. Podemos ver un poco también, aunque no están en oposición, este choque entre tu ascendente (lo que proyectas, Capri) con tu luna (tus sentimientos, Cáncer). Parece como si fueras una persona recta, que quiere ser la mejor en algo, hacer las cosas bien, metódica; pero en realidad eres alguien que necesita una família, un hogar, un pasado.  La conjunción de tu Luna con Júpiter va a hacer que seas alguien sociable, que gustes a la gente, que trabajes bien en equipo, bastante como una líder, alguien que resuelve problemas. Vemos a Neptuno dando bastantes aspectos a todos estos planetas de la casa 6, que quizás los “idealiza” o eleva de alguna manera. De alguna forma, es como si te gustara mucho ayudar a la gente pero quizás a tu manera o algo así. Es como que da predisposición a querer ayudar a la gente desinteresadamente pero a la vez esto supusiera un trabajo a hacer.
Vamos a hablar un poco de estos planetas que tienes en la casa 11, en Sagitario, que de alguna manera se oponen un poco a lo que hemos visto hasta ahora. Vemos que pones mucho empeño en tus círculos sociales, quizás redes sociales también. Pero esto te duele, te afecta mucho. Parece como si lucharas con los amigos, como si fueras un poco competitiva? Tener a Quirón y Marte allí parece como si tuvieras una necesidad de buscar amigos, buscar amigos, pero nunca nadie es suficiente para ti. Te sientes sola en realidad, y no sabes por qué. Quizás das más de lo que recibes y quizás te comparas demasiado con la gente (añadiendo tu Sol) y acabas cogiendo algún tipo de envidia a tus amigos, como si te compararas con ellos y no sabes por qué pero te da rabia? Tener el trígono con el Sol de Quirón (se recomienda mirar quién fue este personaje en la antigua Grecia), puede hacer que te sientas un poco más importante que el resto, y dando las circunstancias del resto de tu carta, esto choca con los otros. O choca contigo, porqué en el fondo es como si los otros son mejores que tú. El estar en Sagitario, parece que no escuches lo que te dicen los demás (Asc Capri, Sol oposición Urano también da eso). Vemos a Plutón allí también, que de alguna manera hace que te asuste bastante todo el tema de la casa 11 y la oposición con Saturno hace esto de que realmente escondes una parte de ti a todos estos amigos. Parece como si te diera miedo enseñar las cosas que haces, tus hobbies, tu manera de divertirte, no sé. Plutón allí también puede decirnos que habrá un cambio repentino de muerte y destrucción constantemente, como si tus círculos de amistades fueran cambiando violentamente.
Otras cositas que hay sería tu Mercurio que te da una fuerza analítica brutal en Virgo y mucha capacidad de hablar con los demás de tú a tú, de manera tranquila y sentimental con ese aspecto con tu Luna. Al estar por delante del Sol (Mercurio es un planeta que nunca se aleja del sol astrológicamente pero va de atrás a delante) se dice que a veces tu intelecto puede ir un poco por delante de ti. Tu Venus está un poquito solita allí pero si la trabajas vas a tener mucho amor en tu casa y trabajo.
Me gusta acabar hablando del Nodo Norte de la Luna, que sería un poco “esto que venimos a hacer en esta vida”. Está en casa 6, junto a la Luna y Júpiter. Esto es lo que has venido a hacer. DAR Y RECIBIR AMOR. Pero de manera que sobrepases un poco lo emocional, tus comportamientos intolerantes o los que son demasiado tolerantes. Como si algún día verás la vida sin los filtros de los otros. Viendo un poco tu carta es como si te dejaras influenciar demasiado por tus amigos o compañeros de trabajo, etc. Es como si en tu vida fueras atrayendo a gente que te va a hinchar un poco el ego para después tirarlo a la basura (y tú vas a hacer un poco lo mismo con la gente porque copiamos estos comportamientos). La solución está en la confianza en sí mismo, en dejarte llevar por lo que tu Luna te pide, que es amor, y poco a poco traspasarás todos estos miedos. Este Nodo Norte aquí te dice que tu felicidad va a venir cuando tú te ayudes a ti misma y a los otros.
Bueno esto es un poco todo, espero que haya acertado en algo, sinó ningún problema y dímelo!  Espero que disfrutes de la vida, que también hemos venido a eso! Sé que me centro mucho en las cosas “difíciles”, pero creo que lo interesante de que te lean la carta es que te digan lo que puedes trabajar, y al verlo así en perspectiva todo te parece más fácil :) Aun así, tienes muchísimas cualidades como ya sabrás!! Los Leos son mis ídolos, obviamente hehe.
hello!!❤ I can ask for you help and read my chart? I'm born 15th of August 2001, in Monterey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, I hope you don't mind, thank youuu💕💕
Sure! I don’t have the time you were born (hour/minutes)! This is super important, so tell me so I can read it~ Also, I’m Spanish so if you want I can read it in Spanish (since you were born in Mexico but idk if you left afterwards or something xD). Anyways I’m totally ok in making it in English too.
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shizen-hime · 6 years ago
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a cute stone table where the fae like to have tea …
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shizen-hime · 6 years ago
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shizen-hime · 6 years ago
hello!!❤ I can ask for you help and read my chart? I'm born 15th of August 2001, in Monterey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, I hope you don't mind, thank youuu💕💕
Sure! I don’t have the time you were born (hour/minutes)! This is super important, so tell me so I can read it~ Also, I’m Spanish so if you want I can read it in Spanish (since you were born in Mexico but idk if you left afterwards or something xD). Anyways I’m totally ok in making it in English too.
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