#so good 🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱
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c-kiddo · 11 months ago
watched dune 2
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full-time-femboy · 4 months ago
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What if you wanted to doodle all of the Drawtectives based on their new silhouettes, but God said, "No. Only Gma"
Im obsessed with her new bun!
Commissions - Kofi - Drawtectives Keychains
Reblogs appreciated 💜
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muttonrats · 6 days ago
Narilamb, but Narinder is jealous of cultists showing love to lamb, so Nari starts dating Bop the worm to spite them
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castielsprostate · 2 days ago
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littlefang666 · 7 months ago
Imagine being a fan of Littlefang666 on tunglr dogt com in the years of our lord and then she goes silent, except foor someone propping her corpse up to reblog a few times every once in a while, for like YEARS. and then suddenly i pop back on here like hi lol.
Like imagine following me and that happening and being like "unm, okay hi haha okay then"
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virichemia · 6 months ago
That feeling when you see a character from some sort of media and be like: that's my character now and forever.
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just-spacetrash · 1 year ago
text so good its got me writhing
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dreamingofbabylon · 1 year ago
coworkers had the doors locked today cause there was some type of Crime situation earlier that morning down the street but another coworker was supposed to stop by with her dog so when I heard a knock at the door I was like yaaay lalalalala but it was NOT a doggy it was a yucky CUSTOMER and it was such a flurry of emotions. person. stranger notdog. grownup at the door have to look Normal and Customer Service Voice I have never had to interact with Customer here why are you here we are not even OPEN and I have to listen politely as she tells me abt something she bought 3 years ago that needs repaired going all "ohh yep hah I see" pretending to know fuck about shit like "just a moment, I'll be right back with someone who can help you : ) " and scuttling to thebasement like 👁👁 help. The Killer is here and I walked right. into her Trap I have doomed us all
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fersrsbizniz · 2 years ago
Also that sweet ask reminded me that I legitimately need to find some time and just read a bunch more of the Chess fanfics out there because every one I have had the delight of reading so far has been awesome
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fictionallyinparadise · 2 years ago
Everytime I see any art of John I go fuckin feral. Foaming at the mouth. That drawing of that guy gripping his thigh tightly. Banging my fists on the ground.
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troutguitar · 8 months ago
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victoryai · 17 days ago
You can reblog↪️ but please have the decency not to steal 🚫 my work.
🚍SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 1ST HOUSE: This year's focus is doubled on you. This year is almost like taking a journey back to the year you were born. This year has your name written on it. It's going to be easy for you as you'll feel so much in your own skin. This is a year to solidify your life purpose.
🚍 SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 2ND HOUSE:This wonderful year (with more favourable positions) is pointing to an increment in your finances, wealth and self esteem. If afflicted, it may be pointing to financial losses. If your planning to change your diet or eat more healthy , then go for it this year. You'll see the changes
🚍 SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 3RD HOUSE: This nervous 😆 year is bringing forth more school work to you 😂. It's inviting a lot of movement. You might have a new sibling too. I had this the year when my lil sis was born. I also wrote a major exam and became a senior in 🎒 school that year and was learning new courses. You're always on the go. Stay away from crazy gossip with friends pls 😂
🚍 SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 4TH HOUSE: This year ahead shows a lot of staying indoors. I had this when I was 2 so I was always with My Momma and indoors too. Where else would a two year old child be? 😂. If you're grown already you might spend more time with a lot of extended family members. If afflicted it might show issues at home. You might buy a new house or reconnect with family more😊
🚍 SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 5th house . This year you might get pregnant 😮 so take it easy 😉. If you're looking for love (more casually)there's a 70% chance you'll get it. if your a parent already, focus on your kids pls. It might also be a year you decide to take things light and fun . However it might also indicate that your taking a short time educational course. If you love Casinos, you're likely to bag 💰 it this year. Go baby!
🚍 SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 6TH HOUSE: I see that someone here needs to start developing good habits and taking extra care of your health. Pls avoid getting into conflicts or court cases. You might be if service to persons who need help. If you're a doctor or health worker expect more in your plate. You need to be clean this year 😮‍💨
🚍SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 7TH HOUSE: So chessy 😊, yet so unlike you. For most people, this will indicate a new love affair or meeting the one 💘, being a spec, random compliment from strangers. For those that are married, take care of your spouse and marriage too. For a few , it could make you uncomfortable 😣 because you're sitting in the house of other people who are so different from you. You might not understand yourself lol.
🚍SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 8TH HOUSE: This year is exploring your natal 8th house. With a year like this there's a chance of entering into a joint account or business with someone else. Make Sure you can trust that person. You might also receive large amount of shares or inheritance . When this year ends you could be richer or poorer. If you're considering surgery, you might go ahead this year.
🚍SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 9TH HOUSE: 😋 This seems to me like someone is about to travel and stay away for a long time. Matters of education also arise too. You might start or finish college. The year I had this, I travelled and started going to college . You just want to explore the world and meet new minds. Religion is also highlighted.
🚍 SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 10TH HOUSE: This year is about your job and your boss. Your energy is directed towards your job. You might also become famous. Get an increment or promotion. Become a role model for many too. Its going to be a year packed with responsibility too
🚍 SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 11TH HOUSE: Those midnight wishes seem to be coming true😇. Those long term goals manifesting. You might be very different and innovative this year, maybe you become more interested in technology. Make more friends. Do something online and become famous.
🚍SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 12TH HOUSE: 😭😭😭The year I had this , it seemed like some bad luck just followed me. I had a few losses too(not financially tho) I almost fell into depression but I'm glad I didn't. I started to learn astral projection. I was surprised that I easily let go of addiction too😊. If you're familiar with this house it wouldn't be hard for you
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arelliann · 6 months ago
Wiggly Wednesday 🪱🧠
Tagged by the lovely @just-my-latest-hyperfixation <3 one of these days I’ll manage to actually post on a Wednesday, but until then
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I am forever thinking about...
Golden retriever Steve.
Actual golden retriever Steve. Who Eddie finds curled up and shivering by the side of the road one night, and he's always had a weakness for an underdog. So he corrals the largest, fluffiest dog he's ever seen - it's probably not a wolf, dear god please say it's not a wolf - into the back of his van, blasts the heating, and disregards every traffic law on the way back to the trailer.
It takes a little bacon, and a lot of blankets, but the dog - who Eddie promptly names 'Ozzy' - gets comfortable pretty quickly. He's not a wolf either it turns out. Or if he is, he's the sappiest, friendliest, most well trained wolf in Indiana. In no time at all he's splayed across Eddie's chest, tail wagging enthusiastically as Eddie scratches between his ears.
Wayne gets home to find the two of them tucked under a blanket fort and just rolls his eyes, warning that this had better not be a repeat of 'that damned racoon incident'. So Eddie takes that as his blessing.
Ozzy spends the next week glued to Eddie's side.
He's an excellent guard dog. When a jock gets too big for his boots at a drug deal - and Eddie's about 30 seconds and one more snide comment away from a broken bone - Ozzy jumps forward, teeth bared and growling menacingly. He gets extra bacon and belly rubs that night.
He's also weirdly good at housework? Running off to get a towel every time he knocks over a drink with his overexcited tail. Which is often. And despite Wayne's insistence that it's just the weed talking, Eddie swears he caught Ozzy dusting one time.
There are downsides of course. Despite Eddie's constant complaints, Ozzy loves sports. Catch, fetch, chasing his own tail, and playing with the young kids at the trailer park. He even likes to settle onto the sofa in the afternoon and watch baseball games with Wayne.
Nevertheless, by the end of the week Eddie is spending every morning, evening, and night curled up in bed with his own personal space heater.
And then he wakes up one morning, and a very warm, very naked Steve Harrington is lying on top of him.
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No pressure tags for @blipblot @sourw0lfs @sidekick-hero and @penny00dreadful
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🧠🪱 Wiggly Wednesday 🧠 🪱
I was tagged by @runninriot - thx love ❤️
Today I'm thinking of ...
...Eddie, stupidly high and with a mad case of the late-night munchies, stumbling his way up to the fast food counter. The guy behind it has his back turned, talking and laughing at the freckled girl in the kitchen, but when he hears Eddie approach, he turns. 
“Hi,” Eddie mutters. “Can I have a- fuck!” 
“I'm afraid we're not that kind of business,” says the apparition behind the counter. 
“... huh?” says Eddie. 
The apparition laughs, a sound like bells. “Never mind, what can I do for you?” 
“Are you an angel?” Eddie blurts, and scowls when he gets another laugh in reply. He thinks it's a fair question. Regular humans don't have eyes with golden flecks of toffee and hair like spun honey and sun-kissed, caramel skin that looks good enough to lick, and fuck he is so hungry!
“No, man,” says the guy, gesturing at his name tag. “I'm Steve. I work here.” 
“Steeeve,” Eddie slurs. Even the name tastes sweet. “Hi, Steve, I'm Eddie, it's a pleasure to- … Wait, is God, like, in trouble or somethin’? Forcing his angels to work in the service industry? I've never been much for organized religion, but-” 
The girl in the kitchen doubles over laughing, sending a large, silver tray rattling to the ground. It goes boioioing. 
“Okay, listen,” says Steve. His voice is so gentle and slow, Eddie could listen to it for hours. “How about you just let me take your order?” 
Right, food. He needs food. Like a whole truck full of it. 
“Stevie,” he declares, letting the v sound linger on his tongue, soft and velvety. “I'd be forever grateful to you if you could fast forward me one of your finest Whoppers. No, you know what? Make it a Double Whopper.” 
“Oh,” says Steve. Those pretty eyes go serious, and oh no, Eddie has disappointed him! “I'm afraid I can't.” 
“What?” Eddie croaks, blinking tears from his eyes. “Wha- … Why not?” 
“Because, Eddie,” Steve smiles, and taps his name tag again. Or the logo on it, more specifically. “This is a McDonald's.”
He gets Eddie a Big Mac. Eddie returns a few nights later, more sober, to discover that Steve is still just as angelic. Him ordering a Whopper becomes their little running gag. Their first date is at a Burger King.
Tagging: @rozzieroos @stervrucht @arelliann @dartlekey @eyesofshinigami
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zoologica42 · 1 year ago
temperate stream dashboard simulator
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🌊Smexy_eel_lady Follow selfie from my new apartment! I found a lovely rock somehow in my budget and I'm f(eel)ing so lucky!
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#finally made it ♻️ 🪱detritus_luvr Follow Enough with that, TELL US HOW YOU FUCK
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🐸 flychomper Follow I can't believe how many of my logmates haven't heard of/seen BROOKlyn 99, do they all live under a rock?
♻️ 🦞benTHICCC-biome Follow I can't stand this, it's 2024 and people on this wetsite still use "live under a rock" as an insult. I can't fucking even, do you know how disenfranchising it is to hear people talk with scorn about the way you and your family have lived for generations? go dry out, sir. ♻️ 🪷lowflowvegetation Follow reblogging bcs important, but also please don't tell people to dry themselves out!
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🐟deepchannelfan Follow callout post for @smoothturtleleech I have no issue with parasitism, but have any of you noticed how turtleleech \only\ parasitizes turtles? kinda problematic imo. #calloutpost ♻️ 🐢smoothturtleleech Follow I also parasitized your mom last night lol
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🐠riverartist Follow Art and artist! Really happy with how this one came out! took me about 10 hrs to get the pebbles together and assemble them.
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#artistsontumblr #sculpture #pebblework
♻️🐍nerodiaaa Follow wtf that's so cool! lmk if you take commissions ♻️🦎sal-the-mander Follow going to make this my streamsaver #the highest quality content on this horrible wetsite
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🐟salmonidayyyy Follow I love you catadromous fishes I love you anadromous fishes I love you migrants. Never let anyone tell you that you aren't stream fauna bcs you haven't spent your whole life in the stream or weren't born here {flaps you with my fins]
♻️🛶virgeon-sturgeon Follow Thanks bro, I really needed to hear that, {flaps you with my fins].
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♻️🐌algaegrazer Follow @riffleranger this U?
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♻️🐚riffleranger OP Follow I should be offended, but yes, I am her, she is me
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gooobraghhh · 5 months ago
intro post
I own @the-kennel-keeper , he’s cum to me 19 times so far 🩷
- Giovanna, 19 , bi mtf (1yr HRT)
- Switch, mostly dominate
- extremely t4t (mainly trans guys)
-open to asks, dms are also fine (but if you’re specially engaging me in a way we’re you want me to send dom messages use asks because doing dom stuff takes effort and I don’t have the time to dom a bunch of people in dms) Dms were we talk more normally are good and encouraged, also photos are fine
Sfw account is @resident-white-woman
Anyone who donates to my go fund me and sends proof can get nudes if they want <3 really need to move out :(
Into: teasing, anal, free use, somno, praise, degradation , light cnc, humiliation, light knife play, bondage, orgasm control/ denial, thigh riding, puppy play, intox
Limits: fauxcest, detrans, piss, scat, feederism, under ageplay,
( you can still interact if you participate with these but don’t involve me in them. If it’s anything too much for me I’ll just block)
If you’re a sissy kink blog don’t interact with me
Pet names: Ma’am, Mistress, Miss, Mommy is fine but I don’t like momma, mama, mom or any other variation (dominate),
pet, slut, good girl (submissive)
Anatomical terms: dick/ cock fine in moderation, prefer fem anatomical terms if applicable. Don’t like transfem specific terms like girl cock or princess wand.
Adding sorting tags now that I’m getting more used to tumblr:
#gooobraghhh secret 4th category
(Some ask responses might have the text tag if they are hot enough, secret 4th is for anything that doesn’t fit in the other 3 tags)
Taken anons: 🐾,🫀,🦐, 🪶,🥐, 🥺,🚜,🍬, 🥀,🫐🐕, 🐮, 🎱,☢️,🍃,💋,🪽,☂️,💜, 🦴♟️,♟️,🦩, ❤️‍🩹, 🦨,❄️/🎮, 🦷,🕸️🐾, 🌹,🧸,🩵,🐺,🐇,🐾🧃,J🐕,🌱,🪲,🍊,👑,🦝,🌌,🖤,🪺,🦇,🐌,💫,😶,🐕‍🦺, 🥩,🦌,🌕,🥩🐾,🍒,🕶️,🪴,🎠⭐️,🥩🦴, 🕯️, 🍓, 🐐,💖,🦈,🕊️, 🪐,💿,🌻,🧡,🍑,☀️,😖,🩸,🫣,🐻,🪓,🦉,🍙,🦚,🩻,🐈‍⬛,🐏, 🃏,🧜‍♂️,💚,👾,🕯️,♠️, 🐾📟, 🍀🐾, 🖇️, 🍀, 🤸‍♂️,⚰️, 🐇💐,🪱, 🥃, 🐟, 🚅,👑💎, 🐾💫, 🤭, 👻,🐶🐟,🪝,🪖🦨,🩰🔱🩰, 🫁,🧶, 🌟🐾, 💡,🐇🧁, 🌸,🏝️
Even if you have an emoji try to have your pronouns/ gender in asks. hard to remember everyones. I receive a lot of asks and will delete them for any reason, usually I just couldn’t think of a response, if I never respond to an ask you sent feel free to still send different asks
(Also I keep getting messages so I’m adding this. This is a kink blog, if I make an extremely sexual generalization assume it might not reflect my actual opinion and that it was written for the purpose of sexual content. If that still makes you uncomfortable you can easily block my account instead of sending me several paragraphs about how a thing I wrote in a kink post is problematic when taken extremely literally)
Obviously minors DNI
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