#everyone knows the implications..... everyones considering the implications......
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theelf-online · 16 hours ago
Hello I’m taking this as approval to infodump my entire piglin lore onto you and you can’t avoid it. This will be all over the place and also below a cut. because it gets LONG
Anyways Piglins have a non-monogamous culture but not really in a traditional sense. They have many different relationship types/types of love that are all seen as equally valued. Many of these types are ones that by human standards carry an implication of power dynamic, but for piglins the point is that they're an equal exchange. Some of these are a relationship like that between a mentor and a student (think about how a student learns from the mentor, but mentors also learn via teaching their students) or a caregiver and their ward, but there are others that are between two piglins who are "total equals", between rivals/competitors, and one that's more like friends with benefits. And all these relationships are not inherently romantic. They can be any combination of romantic, platonic or sexual. For example one couple might be platonic and sexual, another purely romantic but not sexual, etc. etc. All of them are held on the same standard of "serious relationship" regardless of the details. And also more familial dynamics that are like "basically siblings" and other similar 'found family'-esque relationships because biological family isn't really a thing (more in depth explanation later). There's also no strict male/female requirements (gender/sex stuff described more below) so homophobia just really isnt a thing. Some piglins also only want to have one partner per relationship/love type which is closer to the piglin equivalent of monogamy but that is very much a personal preference, and many piglins don't mind having overlapping dynamics between partners, and some only have relationships of one type. There are also rare piglins who are entirely monogamous and only hold one partner, but it's not the norm and they might get teased by friends about it. (My friend likes to insult me and compare this section to homestuck quadrants or uh... leprechaun relationships? I don't know homestuck /lh)
There are gender roles within piglin society but their sexual organs do not correlate to gender. They are sort of are what they are. There are many piglins who might be considered trans by human standards who wouldn't see themselves as trans because their physical features never changed or defined their identity. There's also a third gender beyond "male"/"female" which has a more spiritual role similar to that in many native cultures. Because of this, its very normal for "male" piglins to also give birth. As far as children go, everyone takes care of kids and parents aren't really responsible for their kids, and its common not to know who exactly their birthing parents are, but for those who do know its not really a big deal. There are some piglins who take on more of a care giving role as a sort of job but they are not exclusively responsible for the young piglets.
Their society is very barter based, and the reason gold is so highly valued is because it's easy to work with due to the softness of the metal, especially due to the heat of the nether. The societal "love language" is gift giving and creating things for others (usually out of gold). The way they "mark" their partners is by creating things for them to wear. For example one piglin might create an earring for their romantic partner to wear, signifying their committed relationship. Should the other person intentionally take off the earring (outside of regular maintenance, hygiene, etc. reasons) it would be seen as a sign that they no longer consider the person their partner. And because of the polyamorous nature of piglin society, many piglins are decked out in golden jewelry from their partners and friends. Different gifts also mean different things, but that is a very social based thing, and between two groups of piglins, the same object could have very different meanings.
Piglins also have weird biology. Piglin "brutes" can easily reach 9 feet tall, with normal piglins hovering around 7-8 feet regardless of sex, although there is natural variation with some piglins just naturally being shorter or taller. Piglin "brutes" are a combination of a job role and a genetic variation. They have traits that make them perfect to be the role of 'brute' (who actually are guardians and protectors of their groups, and often hunters as well being highly respected), but just because someone is born with those variations doesn't mean they'll automatically choose that path in life (but many are pushed by societies standards into that role anyways) and piglins without those natural variations often become "brutes" job-wise. However most players can't tell the difference between the two and so it's mistaken that all Piglin Brutes are variation piglins. All piglins are naturally adept for the heat, and raising their internal body temperature will basically never kill them, unless they're literally on fire. Also because of the heat of the nether, there isn't much bacteria or viruses because they're basically just killed off. Because of this, Piglin immune systems are not equipped to handle them at all, and if they got infected by something like a cold they'd basically just straight up die. Instead their immune systems are built to help fend off fungal infections which are a common risk in the nether. They also don't sweat (no need to bother regulating internal temperature and also water is a precious resource)
Piglins are also in tune with the natural day-night cycle of the nether. The player, being from the overworld, just never can tune into it because it's unnatural to them. Players also don't understand how to get water in the nether (also don't place the water anywhere like an idiot. Netherack is a porous volcanic rock, of course it's just going to go into the holes in the rocks and just evaporate from there). It is possible, but a closely guarded secret by the piglins. The air in the nether is actually incredibly humid, that's what allows the mushrooms to grow in such quantities. All the water in the nether is present in the air, unlike in the overworld where it's mostly in the ground/in rivers and oceans. Piglins have devised a way to make 'cooling rooms' deep underground where water is condensed using cooled sheets of metal. The water that piglins need to survive however is usually just acquired through food. Mushrooms act similar to cacti in actual deserts, often holding a lot of water inside them, and the water that's naturally in the hoglins they eat as well. (They don't require that much water to survive, but they do still need it.) The collected water they do have is seen as a precious resource and is treated in a spiritual manner. Water bathing is done, but again it's a deeply spiritual and ceremonial act, reserved for before unification's, children surviving past a certain point, etc. and normal hygiene is usually done with dust baths (similar to chinchillas). Pure water also isn't drunk much, and is usually made into teas to get rid of the minerally/rock taste that all water ends up with. Tea is usually made with vines, sprouts and roots, and occasionally shroomlights depending on where they live. Shroomlights can be squeezed/crushed to get a sap/nectar-like liquid out of them that could be added to water, so not really tea like the others but close enough. Netherwart was also used, but typically more as a medicinal thing than just for recreation.
Piglins also don't just grunt, they have a complex language system but it's entirely tonal with very few actual vocalized sounds which is why most players just hear it all as grunting (even though there are sounds outside of grunts used). Different groups also have differences in slang and exact tones leading to many different "accents" that sometimes border on being a whole different language. Like someone with a really really heavy Scottish accent and someone with a heavy New York accent might both be speaking English, but that New York accent person will probably have a really hard time understanding the person with a Scottish accent.
These are what I can remember off the top of my head but I'm pretty sure there's more and I'll answer questions if anyone has any. Anyways Peace.
Can we like- start a movement for Piglin rights or some shit
With how much mojang is trying to demonize piglins I really feel like we need to have them unionize.
Start headcannoning random characters as piglins. Make long and educational posts about their lore. Spite the living shit out of what the Minecraft Movie and Minecraft Legends is trying to pull.
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lostinlovingrevery · 3 days ago
Logan idea: him being married and starting a family with his wife 😍
OMG UGH The way I'm so in love with that man
I actually have two fics related to this in my drafts! One is reading finding out she's pregnant, the other is just a peak into family life with reader and logan. it's gonna be teeth rotting fluff. I hope you'll enjoy them <3
implications of sex below the cut, also pregnancy mentions!
Marriage with Logan:
I mean not to be cheesy but...
it's bliss
you all saw him in origins with kayla (gag)
that man is a total lover boy
hes on his knees for you
he will do anything for you
He didn't think he'd get to do something like this. to experience the whole joy of getting engaged, planning a wedding, getting married
just finding his other half....He considers himself the luckiest man in the world
He takes on the role of a hubby proudly
He'll laugh and pretend the wifey and hubby mugs you got him were cliche but he uses the hubby mug every single day proudly and ignores any comments regarding it
He'll proudly introduce you as his wife (or hubby, or partner, whichever term you prefer!)
everyone sees how so in love you both are
holding hands, your arms around each other
he'll admire the ring he put on your finger all the time.
"this is a nice look for you baby"
if you going through with having a wedding wedding, logan is going to be so damn nervous
he fights all sorts of bad guys. standing in front of family and friends, being vulnerable? thats a different kind of fight
but he finds when he sees you, all prettied up walking down that aisle
well, maybe this isn't so bad
but if you end up having a something small and simple, hes just as happy
either way, he's grinning ear to ear by your side. no ones seen the wolverine happier than when he married you
theres a comfort that settles between you both after marriage. a trust that the other is going to be there. you don't have to worry about a thing with him.
If you're getting or already have your own place, your engagement/marriage kicks off nesting in him. Hes' gotta make sure that his baby is taken care of...
Speaking of babies...
Starting a family!
Oh boy
or girl?
However the conception happens, planned or accident
logan will be thrilled (after he gets over the nerves)
he'll be so supportive to you. he may take a moment and go vomit out in the bins outside but he's happy, truly
hes so supportive
i mean i talked about pregnancy headcanons before but imma go into it again
he hates seeing his love in pain, suffering, etc etc. will hold your hand the entire way.
Hold your hair back during those morning sickness events uggh
will make you tea, slice apples, whatever the hell helps you
will rub your back, feet, shoulders. whatever
he thinks your mood swings are adorable (he won't say that to your face though. he knows you'll just tear him apart)
very handsy. can't help it. you looked good pregnant w his kid
every doctor appointment. hes there.
hes strong for you, god knows you're doing the heavy lifting but he's definitely going to be anxious. worried about every little groan and huff you let out. worried about labor. your safety. the babys safety.
hes so happy to be here but he's also terrified of losing it
yes, if you wake him up at 2 in the morning, he'll go get you those weird things you're craving. he'll do it happily. no you're not bothering him.
loves when you get a burst of hormones and become feral over him. he literally wants to bang you all the time but you're pregnant and not in the mood usually
you give him small kisses at first that end up getting intense and becoming more bc you're both just so happy and your hormones is making everything so intense and he's the only thing you want and need
When you're big, big, like 8-9 months. He's all over you. You could bite his head off over his clingyness but the most he's gonna do is sit across the room with his tail between his legs
his instinct screams to stay close and to protect. he's not going anywhere
designing the babies room together
bad bad wolverine is holding up lil jammies with sheep on it. "This is cute" he mumbles.
you can't even bring yourself to tease him over it because he's so damn cute like this. also hes' right. those are cute jammies. put em in the cart
Logan really doesn't care about the babys sex. he's just happy to even.. have all of this. and with you.
he'd be a great boy or girl dad honestly.
they're both gonna have him wrapped around their finger
you buy a plush wolverine animal for the babys crib and logan gets emotional over it
"yknow sweetheart these things are pretty mean in real life." he says as he holds back tears. "don't know if we should..."
he's gonna go into slight shock when they baby comes. like. woah, this is happening? really? actually happening?
Of course when you start reacting to your contractions, hubby mode is going to kick in. He's all over you, talking you through everything as you go the hospital
hes scared, terrified, but hes not gonna worry about himself when you need him more than ever
WILL cry when he meets yalls baby for the first time.
Going to feel like he'd been waiting his whole life to meet them.
He's going to be an amazing dad. hes got all sorts of life experience to share with them
your kid(s) will adore their dad (and you!)
they may have their teenage phase where everyone annoys them
but Logan having memories of how his family/parents were broken apart. he doesn't want that to happen
no ones a perfect person/partner/parent. logan tries pretty damn hard
movie nights
waking up to the kids running into yalls bed
him literally trying to steal ONE private moment with you, but your child is in a "i only want this parent phase!" for one of you and won't leave you alone.
your kid(s) gagging whenever you kiss or get affectionate. it happens often.
"mom and dad are really gross"
Im gonna add adoption in here too
he's gonna be really nervous because he doesn't want to scare whoever you adopt with his mutation, and just his general self. hes big and scary.
but you meet the child you two are meant to raise and he's in love
he adores the kid just as if it was his biological because to him it doesn't matter
thats you and hims child and he's going to do his damn best to take care of you and any child you may raise together
I just love him and I want me and him to build a lil life together on a farm or a cabin and have little ones that look like him running around and just *sobs*
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just-spacetrash · 1 year ago
text so good its got me writhing
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pineappleliar · 6 hours ago
oh yeah for the question about if canto 4 disproves this with Faust recruiting Yi Sang ehh??? There’s mixed messaging in that. For one Yi Sang was kinda out of it for most of the Room era, so there’s a chance he was already in it and just didn’t really know. As well it seems like Faust’s whole deal is a corollary to whatever Yi Sang invented; same base logic, taken to a new extreme. So that could be why Yi Sang gets no 1 and Faust gets no 2.
The evidence in favor of at least some ordered recruitment is the weird thing going on with Dante and Sinclair’s numbering. See, Sinclair was originally No. 10, but at some point Dante joined the team, and apparently there’s some significance to the clock head being No. 10, and Sinclair got renumbered to 11. The important note here is that, if everyone but Dante had been recruited, Outis and Gregor would have also needed to shift their numbers, and we see that they don’t. So the implication there is that they hadn’t yet been recruited, and such the numbering fiasco had already been resolved by the time they joined.
(The implication that Sinclair would’ve taken Dante’s role on the bus in a different timeline is something I think about more than is necessary. It also makes me thing of how the mark kinda resembles a flipped version of Dante’s doomsday hands and marks.)
There’s still like 5000 questions worth asking about the subject, of course. Like, was Dante supposed to be sinner 11, and if not, who? If Dante’s sinner 11, why ‘don’t’ they have the same typo on their outfit as Sinclair? What determined the cap at 13 Sinners, and how is it the Kabbalah again when there’s only 11 slots to fill? What was so special about Dante that warranted them getting the timepiece role over Sinclair, if that is what happened? Were any of the other sinners carrying the mark considered for the 10th seat, if any besides Sinclair (and realistically Dante) carry it?
thank you for indulging in my senseless theorycrafting on what was mostly a shitpost.
Limbus Company Sinner numbering is very funny if its tied to recruitment order because it means after hiring 1) the guy who created the parallel worlds tech acting as the impetus for everything, and 2) the multidimensional possibly mastermind behind the whole project, the obvious third hire was the weeaboo vampire living in the middle of bumfuck hell.
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sal-absinthii · 7 hours ago
It is frustrating when people make a show about how open-minded they are but then apply it inconsistently
That being said, I would still have an issue with it even if they weren't also being hypocrites about it, for the same reason the entire ~body positivity~ thing went so off the rails when it started getting flattened into "everyone's beautiful!" (which, I'm sorry, but it's just not true -- beautiful is a relative descriptor indicating that something has more beauty than another and by definition cannot all be equal; what an individual considers beautiful can certainly be very different from another individual's idea of beauty, and it's true that no matter what a person looks like, there is probably someone out there who thinks that is the height of beauty, but that does not mean everyone is obligated to find everything and everyone beautiful) when it was supposed to be "your worth as a person doesn't change based on how many people consider you beautiful."
I know there are people in the fandom who get extremely upset when Snape is called ugly, and insist that he's actually very attractive. Now, that is entirely subjective and they are perfectly free to consider him attractive. However, I have a problem with this weird knee jerk reaction some of them have about it where no one else is allowed to think he's ugly. Whether or not you personally have conventional tastes, he is not described as being conventionally attractive, and I think it's important to be ok with that as well, to accept that how he looks definitely causes people to judge him, but that it doesn't actually say anything about him as a person. And to that end, I don't think there needs to be a reason why his hair is greasy or his teeth are crooked or whatever. It's possible he has some skin condition, it's possible he has sensory issues...but something rubs me wrong about the line of thinking that involves finding some "excuse" (especially when there's absolutely nothing remotely in canon about it) as to why he's "allowed" to look a certain way, because the unspoken implication is still that appearance matters, and he gets a pass because of some special circumstance, and that if he is actually just a regular neurotypical straight white man without any other issues it would not be acceptable, and it's only acceptable as long as we can come up with a reason. You are actually allowed to think that something is unattractive regardless of why (biology, aesthetic or cultural choice, situation, condition, etc) and you are not obligated to defend that, at the same time, you probably shouldn't be going around bullying people for features beyond their control whether you know the reason or not. I dunno, this just gets into a lot of identity politics issues I find very fucked up about Tumblr.
I know the point of this post was about the hypocrisy and not whether Snape's good-looking or not and I fully agree with that. I just additionally think that those people's fundamental premise of "everyone's beautiful! uwu" is itself missing the real point and I am strongly on team Let People Be Ugly.
I love how the Marauders fandom is like everybody is perfect the way they are, they can be black, brown, white, fat, skinny, tall, short, everyone is pretty. Except Snape, no no no, he cannot be pretty, he has greasy hair, you cannot be pretty with greasy hair
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