Victoryai's Blog
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victoryai · 13 days ago
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😮‍💨SATURN IN 1ST HOUSE: I'm not gonna sugarcoat it for you darling 🍃this is a year to be serious! You need to be responsible for yourself and probably for others too💪. This is either gonna break and remold you or break and destroy you!(especially if Saturn is debilitated). It however indicates that you're maturing and therefore you need to stand on your own. This placement alone makes this year"not so fun". Wake up babe!
Second scenario is start YOU decide to fix your life. You wake up early , you plan your day, you quit smoking , you pray to God , you get a job, you eat healthy and you mind your bizness!!. You decide to train yourself to be a better person🎯fr.
😩SATURN IN 2ND HOUSE: Why does Saturn want you to be a penny-pincher 😭 WTF. This year brings difficulties related to finance and money. The might be a sudden loss of money, or your source of income becomes stiffened up. For example, maybe you depend on your Husband for money because you don't work and then suddenly he loses his job. I urge you to save up before entering into this year. It may also be that you have to work harder this year to provide for yourself or family . Or it rather shows you being more conservative/stingy with money or deciding to save for your future. Try to be happy and not keep a low self esteem.
🤐 SATURN IN 3RD HOUSE: Frequent travels will drastically reduce this year, it might have you cancelling trips or going on stressful journeys that you don't want to. You talk less or might be in confusion if you plan to learn something new. You might be at loggerheads with your siblings, cousins, neighbors etc or you might be responsible for either of those this year. They might be hurt coming from your siblings or they're away from you and you can hardly communicate with them.
😓SATURN IN 4TH HOUSE: phew 😔 this year brings responsibility attached with family members. You might have to move in with a family member or a family member moves in with you. Whichever way, it causes discomfort to both parties 😓 or you might move to a house you don't like, incur losses in real estate or because of family members. Apart from the physical effect, this placement is emotionally uncomfortable 😣 and draining too. You don't know how to process your emotions because you're having a number of 'em anger, sadness, pain, happiness, hope, everything just seems to collide in your heart. Sometimes you hold back yourself from crying 😭 but when you do, it's uncontrollable 😔. I'm sorry.
😐SATURN IN 5TH HOUSE: There's this kinda boredom 😭 that makes you feel like nothing excites you sometimes. Sometimes, it feels like people don't see you as attractive. You don't feel like having fun this year😔. Another scenario is that you might newly be a parent(which might not be something you want at the time) thus you have the responsibility of another human being (your kid of course) on. your shoulders . Maybe you have to stop work or all the fun activities you used to do or you have to pay for child support. Another scenario is that you find it difficult to have kids or something bad happens to one of your kids.
I'm sorry 😔.
🤕SATURN IN 6TH HOUSE: This is the WORKLOAD placement, you might really have a lot on your plate, tight schedules and all . Working till you're too exhausted to move an inch. Having issues with Boss and colleagues at work place, doing most of the work. Another scenario is that you might be really sick 😷 it might be chronic and really impact your health. Another scenario is that you have to render service to a sick person (involuntarily) or someone who needs help or you might also be involved in community service
😬SATURN IN 7TH HOUSE: First scenario is that you have a hard time getting along with people or people don't find you friendly or sociable. You might just decide not to have new relationships this year and just keep to yourself. Might indicate a strain in an important relationship. Second scenario is that you may finalize a romantic relationship, I mean you decide to take it to the next level like getting engaged or married or maybe...... you guys breakup this year ouch 😬. Sorry.
😤SATURN IN 8TH HOUSE: This year you might decide to take a break from forming deep relationships with people and decide to be free from intimacy, or it might be that you start a joint account with someone else which might be eating into your funds and draining you. Or rather become responsible for other people's money or property or have inheritance handed down to you with much difficulties and procedures. Slowly but surely there is a long lasting transformation ahead.
🤧SATURN IN 9TH HOUSE: If you're a student or someone involved alot in education then you might need to be extra careful in anything pertaining to that. Sudden obstructions or blockages are common in school life with this Sr placement , stressful times in school, missing exams, losing school work and all.
Another scenario is that your plans on travelling are being obstructed. Problems with your visa getting approved or renewing your travel documents, having long stressful journeys, having issues with your mentors and teachers, contemplating if you have right beliefs or if your religion is the right path, or even people criticizing your beliefs or knowledge.
😏SATURN IN 10TH HOUSE: This is also another placement for responsibility to your work and career this year. Creating a solid public image is important this year as well as performing all your duties at work. It might also show that you're taking public Life more seriously and getting recognized by people but with that comes haters yk and people who seek to put you down. Plus you might also get promoted and your workload increases.
😕SATURN IN 11TH HOUSE: This Sr placement brings strained friendships or your friend community, like being the bad egg among your friends or feeling left out or struggling to make friends . Having a very close friend leave you physically or emotionally, getting picked on online or might even point to building a name for yourself online then you have the haters pop in to say hi 😏. Fighting so much for a higher goal.
😵‍💫 SATURN IN 12TH HOUSE: This Sr placement proves to be helpful if you're seeking to break away from bad habits and addictions like drugs because it places an obstruction at that delulu version of you. It might also be negative in a way that you feel attacked my fate or by forces or negative energy that you cannot comprehend like the lurking of badluck. Might make you depressed or isolated from the world. There's a possibility of jail term!😲.
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victoryai · 14 days ago
Do you feel astrology and religion are one and the same?
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This is such a great question, I must say and I'll answer it from a Christian perspective.
Astrology and religion can never be one and the same for me. As a Christian, Astrology is an integral part of my religion. I always have this special definition, Astrology is 😁 the signals of God coded in the stars which are interpreted by astrologers.
It is the way by which God gives us information about what is to come and when. An astrologers work is to tell you what is ahead but it is your duty to figure out how you want so solve that issue.
One verse that shows us just how important astrology is, is Matthew chapter 2:1-2
Matthew 2:1 (KJV) Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,
Matthew 2:2 (KJV) Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.
The multitude of wise men that came to see Jesus had clearly used astrology to locate him and there is no doubt about that. They star they saw was likely a remarkable celestial event that signified the birth of the Messiah
Religion involves a God, Astrology is of the stars and I don't worship stars lol😂 .I worship the one who created them!.
I'm of the belief that whatever religion you believe in, astrology should be an integral part of it.
Peace ✌️ out!🕊️.
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victoryai · 15 days ago
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Venus in a woman's chart explains the type of lady she is when it comes to matters of the heart 🫀. How she acts when in love and how she displays her feminine role. If you're a guy, understanding your lady's Venus would really help!💕.
Plsssssssss note that theses are my experiences with the Venus signs, no offense 🤕😂.
♈ Venus in Aries:Let's all say "fiery lady" together. 1...... 2...... 3...... FIERY LADY!!!.
This is a fiery one indeed and when she is in love she most likely makes the first move to approach the fellow. She is bold and she knows what it is she wants. She will not beat around the bush. She has attitude wft 😒 and believe me when I say when this lady loves you, she will do sh*t for you. Like beat someone up lol 😂 . The way she expresses her love makes single people jealous 😒. The downside of this is that she can be crazy 🤣 for you dis minute , the next minute she might want out of the relationship 😒 but don't let her go!😭
♉ Venus in Taurus: Let's all say "luxury queen" together. 1...... 2...... 3..... LUXURY QUEEN!!!
Girllllllll..... You like money 🤑!! You like Food 🥑!! and You have an amazing voice 🎤!! buh you know what else, most of you are stingy 😒. This is the lady who will stick with you if you can provide her every need. Take her to that restaurant, buy that jewelry, just name it and she will adore you. This girls loveee to eat too, make her fav meal. When it comes to love, she like to stay sensible and make grounded decisions often thinking if he can provide a safe abode for her. They want baby girl treatment lol 😂. Just like Bulls, they are very stubborn when they make their decisions. Did I forget to say, they are pretty 😍
♊ Venus in Gemini: Let's all say"chit chat queen" together. 1....... 2...... 3..... CHIT CHAT QUEEN!!!. She never gets tired of talking and talking and talking. If you're looking for a partner and best friend, then you're def looking for her. She's not hard to understand, she only wants you to constantly text her and check up on her, take her to that concert of her fav musician and she will go to the moon and back for you!. She'd really love it for you to compose a song about her and get along with her friends too!.
In love she acts like a kid actually, gifts you little notes and whatnot and makes you listen to all her gossip for the day😂💕😩.
♋ Venus in Cancer:Let's all say"baby ��" together. 1.......2.......3....... BABY!!😂.
Such a softie. All she wants is for you to give her your time. Stay indoors together,cook, cuddle on the couch, little hugs here and there. She wants you to understand her and be able to cope with her feelings' . she kinda gets attached too soon if you do all these for her and starts thinking of having a family life with you😭. Imagining how the kids will be running round' the courtyard waiting for their Papa to get back 🤭. So cheeky . pls don't hurt her😭. In love, she thinks with her heart considering how you treat her and your relationship with her family and yours as well ❤️‍🩹 and how private you can be!
♌ Venus in Leo:Let's all say "actress" together. 1.......2.......3...... ACTRESS!!!.
Uhh 😬 she is an actress ! She doesn't like when you don't notice her new lipstick 💄 or her new outfit! It upsets the hell outta her. She wants you to be like "WOAH 😳😳😨 You look so gorgeous 🥰!! even if she just woke up😒😂. Likeee she's literally so dramatic because she wants your attention and she wants to be the only thought in your head 😆. She wants you to show her off to the world. Stand on the railroad and shout " this is my girl...... stay away cos I love her!!🤭😒.
She wants to be the mother of your kids and live a life of fun with you. Forget the fact that she's always dramatic, she will stand by you!.
♍ Venus in Virgo: Let's all say Ma'am together.1.......2......3...... MA'AM!!! .
Oh my word!! How perfect she thinks she is amazes the world 😂. She literally wants everything step by step 🪜. Their love for procedure is something to admire. . So she wants everything according to her *to do list* and you better not wear dirty clothes when coming to pick her up cos she will sniff you out lol 😂. In love she'll literally remember every single detail of you, what you like, your type of coffee, your fav color etc, she'd help you out with daily stuff and problems like where to shop, what brand to buy, cleaning your apartment, paying for stuff etc. Virgo venuses are so clean wtf . She would help you with chores while scolding at the same time lol 😂 , make sure you're fine and don't eat junk!, takes you for check up everytime 😚🤭. The 💊 pills she gives are love portions 🥺☺️
♎ Venus in Libra: Let's all say "woman" together. 1......2.....3..... WOMAN!!!
Ooh yeah!😆👠this is a typical woman!. She is pretty, she is accommodative, she is nice, she is all. The downside of this could be that she is too tolerating . All she wants from you is that you act like a real man, take up your responsibilities, defend her and treat her right! This baby doesn't really need much 🥺 she just want the basic things and nothing more. In love she is level headed and balanced. Pls marry her😭.
♏ Venus in Scorpio: Let's all say "Miss intense" together. 1.....2....3.....MISS INTENSE!!!.
Hmm this lady wants all of you, your soul your life, your body , your commitment and your cash 😭😂 lol.
She wants you to be all in or all out. She wants to be the first to hear that secret you haven't told a soul. She wants collaboration. She wants to work with your whole being in sync with her. She wants to share everything with you that you guys can't differentiate what's who's anymore.... She is an invader into the depths of your heart 😭🫀. She loves, she really loves!!.
♐ Venus in Sagittarius:Let's all say "adventuress". 1.....2....3.... ADVENTURESS!!!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW 🔥 . This ladies are soooo on fire 🔥. And her sense of humor is top notch 👌😊. I assure she will make your life fun 😂. The type to wanna have long talks and gossips in between . Be mentally rich in all her fav topics and she would never leave you. She is the type to experiment with people though! She might date you because she wants to write a research on how fat guys behave on dates 😂😂. Apart from these all she might be very religious though and won't hear a word against her beliefs. I mean she is so intelligent 🧠🤓 omg 😱. In love, she would take you round the world or round her imaginations 🤭.
♑ Venus in Capricorn:Let's all say "Boss" together. 1..... 2.... 3... BOSS!!!.
This is a high class babe 😚 she ain't gonna lower her standards so work harder. In love she knows what exactly she wants and she won't settle for less! She might be a well known lady or someone people look up to. She's strategic and knows when to make the right hit 🎯. She's handled responsibility at a young age and now she's very much refined. If you met her in her thirties you might think she's lying 😚🤭. Practical and long term are the words.
♒ Venus in Aquarius: Let's all say "eccentrika". 1....2....3....ECCENTRIKA!!!
She does love you! Yes she loves you but. with a little bit of hesitation!😉 Because she remembers that the internet told her not to trust no one 😂. In love, she acts too normal... which is dislikable😭, so most people say shes detached and whatnot 🤕 but . She loves techy stuff and all, new age technologies are glued to her eyeballs. If you wanna get her?be in her friend group first, buy her a headphone, talk to her and follow her on Instagram, like and repost her stuff😂😂😂😂 and fight for what she fights for 😭.
♓ Venus in Pisces: Let's all say "Too Good" together. 1....2.....3.....TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE".
She's too good too be true, too soft to be true, too dreamy to be from this world. She's all too good 🌬️🍃. She's too forgiving, too 🙂 nice makes me wanna 😭 cry. In love she will live/die for you. She will go the extra mile if she has to. Love makes her kinda high. She will tolerate you and will feel what you feel. She's too lazy to stay mad at you for long 😂🥰 She gets addicted to love eventually. If you cheat on her she knows, gets depressed 😔 and forgives you, that's how much she loves you 😭
She loves with all her heart 🫀and brain 🧠. She's so pretty 🌬️.
Hold on I'll answer your ask! 😭
Don't steal my work and don't repost on other apps
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victoryai · 28 days ago
What the solar return ASCs would say 👀
You can reblog ↪️ but have the decency not 🚫 to steal my posts
🌞Sr ♏ Scorpio ascendant: Mmmn Alright, Can someone explain what is happening 🤔😭??.
🌞Sr ♍Virgo ascendant: wtf 😒, I need to break this repetitive cycle😓.
🌞Sr ♉ Taurus ascendant: Oh lord I wanna maintain my shape. Don't let me eat to much 😭
🌞Sr ♑ Capricorn ascendant: I don't think I have the response-ability to respond to this responsibility😭. Lighten my yoke Lord! 🙏.
🌞Sr ♓ Pisces ascendant: Why won't drugs be legal? 😭😂 wtf 😒
🌞Sr ♌ Leo ascendant:I was in the club yesterday and dem niggas wanted my number so badly. Why are they so obsessed? ❤️‍🔥😂
🌞Sr ♎ Libra Ascendant: I want a glass cake for my wedding 💒😌💭.
🌞Sr ♈ Aries ascendant: This is my time!!!! This is my time!!!!!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥.(Alright nigga that's enough don't burn my blog 👀)
🌞Sr ♋ Cancer ascendant: Emotions are not hard to navigate, you just need to stay in doors more often 😭😂😓💒🛌. Life is a rollercoaster 🎢.
🌞Sr ♊Gemini ascendant: I can't sit still. Movement is liberation 💪🧐😂.
🌞Sr♒ Aquarius ascendant: *coughs* 😷 *winks* 😉 *smiles*😊. The world is right in your phone nigga 😴.
🌞Sr ♐ Sagittarius: I think I'm infected🤢 with laughter 😂😂😂😂. Alright, so where was I in talking about Yeinstein, oops 😂 I meant Einstein. I think here is getting too boring better leave now 🏃‍♀️😂.
🌞Show me some love by liking this post😌💕
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victoryai · 28 days ago
You can reblog ↪️ but please have the decency not 🚫 to steal my posts
Juno represents your union and marriage with your spouse . Juno persona chart shows how both of you act and live in the union. According to me, Pls note that Juno is about the union and not your spouse . Juno focuses on you both(the union) not your spouse.
© Victoryai
♈ Juno in Aries: Your marriage/union is filled with bursts of energy and action. It's like a blockbuster movie. Life after marriage will NOT be boring 😄. You and your spouse create a union of energetic souls. You both have your own separate identities that if not handled well could damage this beautiful union. It's very possible one of you approached the other spontaneously and asked to date when you both met. Too much energy can however turn into agression if not kept in check 😭. You all can play fight 🥰 but don't let it get violent. If one is jealous they won't hide it. Cheesy couple 😤😁
♉ Juno in Taurus: This is what I love to call the chill 🌬️marriage. You guys are so steady and grounded 🥺. You're that couple that buys expensive stuff. Rich and comfortable are the words. After you say yes,you hardly go broke because this marriage has 🤑 and omg you guys look sooooo good together, people might think you guys have more than you actually have. You guys might have met in a restaurant or shopping mall, or an exotic place, or a place filled with products, goods or money. You guys eat healthy tho😁. Marriage is bringing money to upgrade you.
♊👬 Juno in Gemini: This couple can talk for hours♥️. They literally act like siblings. Always laughing at an inside joke🤣. This is the description of high school love 😘. They might have started as friend, met at school or neighborhood and have so many similarities. They're the type to write love letters to each other and roam around town at evenings. Travel short distances together such as going to school together. They're also the type to bicker alot sometimes. Childish couple 💩
♋🦀Juno in Cancer: The homie couple 🫂. Awwn 😊. You guys are so clingy. Your marriage is so sweet and homie. You both love to build a home together in a safe space. So shy🥺. This union makes both of you so empathetic and soft. Even if you are a naturally tough person, this union will soften you. You guys might have met at one of the others house or were introduced through family members.
♌ 🦁 Juno in Leo:The fun and spotlight couple always grinning from ear to ear. You both are people to get married because you derive joy from it or because you want kids so badly not because you see it a duty. Together you both will plan your outings together,make the other more confident. The downfall of this blissful union could arise because of ego or lack of passion.
♍ Juno in Virgo: In health and in sickness, till death do us apart. This Juno reminds me of marriage vows that are kept till the end. This is the marriage that will be there through thick and thin. If poorly aspected by rash planets or houses, it could mean that you guys always fight in your marriage. I know a lady who has this and she and her Husband always be bickering then the next minute they're laughing Wtf 😒😂. It might also mean that you guys may later turn out to be enemies then probably end in conflict or court 😭. I'm sorry 😔.
♎ Juno in Libra: This is a marriage!!!!!! 😆. Y'know all those countryside love stories where they meet, fall in love, get married and grow old together 😉. If your 7th lord is also well placed, then it will show a very balanced ⚖️ married life. You and your spouse will be able to settle very comfortably in your marriage with peace of mind 🌬️. The downfall of this union could be a third party interference.
♏ Juno in Scorpio: This is indicating that after marriage you guys might have a joint account/share funds together or keep important/confidential secrets from one another. Don't do that!👀. There's a tendency to get suspicious or jealous easily not because you dont trust them but because you don't want to lose them🥲. You both are passionate about love 💕* wink* 😉
♐ Juno in Sagittarius: When foreigners meet there's always curiosity to explore and understand the world together 🥺. You liked my phrase?😉🤭. Alright, you both might be foreign to one another. I mean that you guys might be from different countries, brought up in different ways or even religion but altogether what brings you together is curiosity/knowledge/adventure. You both might also meet at a place of learning or worship e.g university /church. Somewhere far from home. The marriage itself will be characterized by 😊 fun, learning, morals/religious beliefs or a significant distance between you both (physically or culturally. Don't laugh too much, you might end up falling in love 😂.
♑ Juno in Capricorn: The couple that every one knows is together! or should I say power couple? Your marriage is going to make you high class or put you in a place of authority . You guys might be a celebrity couple or be in the same line of business. Marriage promises stability to you both. With other saturnian aspects inclusive, they might be a significant difference in age or status btw you both. You might get married late too. Make sure you don't get to caught up in the public eye after marriage, people are nosy 💩.
♒ Juno in Aquarius: You and your spouse are similar in many ways . Might be closer than people expect. From my observations, there's some weirdness with this union. I observed this in a chart and Her husband was about 30 years older than her(but it was also conjunct Uranus). People are just really confused about what to say concerning this union.
Another scenario could be that you were first friends then it turned into a love story 🤭 or you both truly were not expecting it to take you guys this far. Maybe it was something casual , then boom 🤯 before you knew it, you were getting married. You might meet online or through friend or big events. Marriage will help you achieve that long term goal
♓ Juno in Pisces:🌬️🍃. Juno in Pisces is the ultimate union of souls 🌬️. You both will never meet another person apart from your partner that will be able to understand you on a deeper level. Your spouse is someone that can be so far away from you, but so near at the same time. You guys might frequently dream bout each other even before meeting. Marriage will make you moreeee spiritual and in tune with other realms . Another scenario (take with a cup of coffee) is that overtime you both can grow apart 😭 due to emotional distance. One might go to jail because of this union (physical or mental) I'm sorry 😔.
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victoryai · 29 days ago
Hi, Darlings
I've been getting a lot of asks lately, so I haven't been able to make more posts on observations and whatnot. So I guess it's been really boring for most of us here. So I've decided to make at least 2-3posts before answering asks.
Please please please please please do not 🚫
🚫Do not ask me about aspects of random asteroids like Aphrodite, vertex, lilith, vesta etc. Don't say hi, can you explain Aphrodite square Saturn or vertex. You're literally gonna make me cry 😭😭😭. I won't answer that🥲
🚫Do not ask me about posts I've already made. Pls check my blog👀 and read them
🚫Do not ask questions on a post you didn't understand using an anonymous persona. You can simply reply on the particular post and I will answer if I deem fit.
🚫Do not ask confusing questions, put it in a sentence I can understand.
🚫Do not Dm cause your 🥱 bored, let it be for serious reasons pls.
When I answer an ask I'll delete it from my blog after a week (specifically long asks)but I'll leave it posted in my group)😊group link is
I will try my best to answer you😊.
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victoryai · 29 days ago
HELLO i would love to hear your opinion if you don't mind about how having 1st ruler in 12th and 12th ruler in 1st manifest🥰🙏🏻
You didn't specify if this placement is for a natal chart or solar return chart. However, if it's for a natal chart. I would say that the individual is someone very reserved and likes to be isolated most of the time . Likes to listen to the voices in his/her head . A spiritual placement i would say! Has frequent dreams and random thoughts out of the blue . A very private person inwardly . The fact that the two planets have exchanged position of houses even makes this person's intuition 💪 stronger. Also loves to sleep 😴 alot or is a bit lazy 🦥😂. Some astrologers associate this kind of positioning to be auspicious in cancelling any negative effect of the two houses involved (I don't know how true this is though).
But if you meant a solar return chart, then permit me to tell you that house rulerships don't work in Sr charts🤔😊.
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victoryai · 30 days ago
My asc in SRC is in Libra, so I'm expecting a good year at least in terms of appearance, I've never had this positioning before. Anyway, my question is about Venus, Mercury and Chiron in the 7th house. This Chiron could indicate entering into a not-so-good relationship or being disappointed ? (I've never been in a relationship).
Chiron is square Pluto, but sextile jupiter
© Victoryai
The fact that you've never had this positioning before is really indicating that another chapter of your life is beginning to show up. Libra ascendant and Venus in 7th house are two major positions that are used to indicate romantic relationships though. So if you're having both in your Sr then we might also expect that as Venus is indeed an attractive flower 🌹😅This however doesn't mean that you should stress over this placement especially if you're still very young. If you're still a very young darling it just shows that you might have alot of good friends and be surrounded by people who love you 🥰 this year. I must admit that Chiron will bring some difficulties attached to relationships (especially if it's conjunct the sr 7th house cusp)like betrayals and whatnot but you'll have good memories of the relationships that come along with this Sr. I basically had Chiron In fifth house, it was hard to come across something that made me happy that year but I also have memories of happiness 😊 I encountered that year. Btw, Chiron's harmfulness is even more amplified if it's conjunct your Venus👀. Chiron sextile Jupiter is a good placement! If Jupiter is influencing Chiron in such a positive aspect then whatever harmful effect of Chiron will be lessened to an amazing extent!
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victoryai · 1 month ago
"Hey everyone! To make it easier for you to keep track of my solar return observations, I'll be adding a numbered hashtag to each post from now on. You'll see #SolarReturnObs1, #SolarReturnObs2, and so on. This way, you can quickly see which ones you've read and which ones are new!"🤩.
Let's ride......🚗🚘
🤳Uranus in 7th house: Literally meeting alot of people online and having quite a number of friends (mostly online too). People just send you a message out of no where.
🤳 Chiron in 5th house: Unhappiness 😭. You don't feel like you're living life the way you supposed to . You want the fun but youre not getting it.
🤳If you're a student and mars/Saturn shows up for a new Sr year, be very careful (I mean extra careful) with anything that concerns your college or university. Try everything you can to avoid the destructive energy of this planets 😎
🤳 Uranus in 9th house: An unexpected opportunity for education eg scholarship
🤳Mars +Moon in 1st house : Passive agressive anger 🤬. Very draining and exhausting.
🤳 Scorpio ascendant:My face just became really rough for no reason. Pimples on my face😭
🤳Sun in 10th house+ Uranus in 4th house: Leaving home for work.
🤳 Capricorn ascendant: People just be complimenting you, noticing you more often, giving you goods on discount cause you look like a big guy!
🤳Sun in 5th house: Starting school 🎒
🤳Cancer ascendant: Why dat kid become so quiet all of a sudden🤨
🤳I never understood why they associate the 11th house with elder siblings but the year I first became an elder sibling, I had a stellium there 🤔
🤳 Saturn in 1st house: Double up for responsibilities, Make sure you complete all your tasks at work
🤳Venus in 7th house: For some reason, you can't really get this year out of your head and all the good memories it brought you😆.
🤳If you send an ask! hold on I'll def reply you !! 😭💕
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victoryai · 1 month ago
Helloo 🖤🦇
How do I interpret my Gemini Jupiter 7h rx in solar return?
Note: it's my Jupiter Return too
© Victoryai
Let me start by saying Jupiter is the planet of expansion and good fortune so having it debilitated and Rx, might reduce the lucky portion of Jupiter. But Jupiter will always be Jupiter y'know. You might meet a lot of people this year through the means of your phone or travel, you will be lucky in terms of the people you meet this year. Oh! Since it's also your Jupiter return, you won't have stress with this placement except for the Rx which might have you cancelling trips or make you travel because you have to not because you want to. Having more connections, seeking to be with more people than you've had in your life before. Jupiter has already started moving forward, so you'll find it a bit easy. The planet of luck has come back to were it was when you were born. Your luck is double!
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victoryai · 1 month ago
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Here it is dear 👇
Degrees are as important as the rising sign itself. From my observations, they really don't influence how a person looks like for a year, they rather act as part of the main theme of a year highlighting how the ascendant sign will work with it's full energy(00°) or the energy of another sign within it.
0️⃣00° degree: I love to call this the full or fresh energy of a sign. When this happens to be the degree of your Sr asc, then you're going to be fully immersed in the characteristics of your sr asc. i remember having this for a particular sign and everything related to that sign was just double.
✋✋ During further observations, I've noticed that the higher the degree of a sign, the higher the characteristics it exhibits. For example, if 06° would mean stress, exercise or routine, then 18° would mean stress, sicknesses, exercise, service, routine, enemies, conflict (just double of what 06°would mean)
1️⃣01°, 13°,25°:This degree belong to Aries, so expect starting a new chapter of your life, being more energetic. The characteristics of your Sr ascendant will be presented bodly no matter the Sr ascendant. You are the 001!😆bby.
2️⃣02°, 14°,26:This taurean degree brings a hint of stability to you this year. It could also point to being more comfortable than previous years.
3️⃣03°,15°,27°:Honestly said, this could mean you multitask a lot or travel alot (mostly short distances like from home to school, vice versa).
4️⃣04°,16°,28°:This one could influence you to be more concerned about home or stay at home more often. Or leave you feeling emotional mostly 🥲.
5️⃣05°,17°,29°This adds a tint of luck to you this year. A happy feeling that everything will turn out well for you. Makes you feel like a kid again. Might also bring fame too especially 29°
6️⃣06°,18:As I said earlier this might indicate illness and is not generally favourable in terms of debt and lawsuits. 18°is even more worse as it amplifies this but if you're in the medical field then it'll mean more work for you in terms of your patients.
7️⃣07°,19°: This is really favourable if your seeking romantic connections or just want your relationships to flourish well. You are attractive!
8️⃣08°,20°: I almost don't know what to say anytime I have to deal with this sign because I haven't experienced it so much. However, this might point to some change in you, or they are themes of death surrounding you. I have this as Sr ascendant this year and a lot of people I know have died. it's really creepy.
9️⃣09°, 21°: When I had this I really wanted to go to school, the determination was so much. I just wanted to fly. Staying stuck was like a disease to me. Themes of religion also arise too.
1️⃣0️⃣10°,22°: This adds a layer of stress and responsibility to you this year.You decide to become more serious with your life this year and focus on stability.
1️⃣1️⃣ 11°,23°: This is the degree of uniqueness and individuality. Might also mean you become you stay online more than usual, you join a community and build a network for yourself.
1️⃣2️⃣12°,24°: This one makes you instrospective and gloomy. There's a chance of escapist tendencies and frequent dreams.
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victoryai · 1 month ago
heyy Victoryai, im so grateful for your page, i liked ig every post of yours and been witing for your SR and LR chart observations , if no one said this before, just know im very proud of you and may God keep you blessed in every work you put your mind and heart to. i do have a query , my groom is in cancer 6 degrees 4th house, juno in scorpio 13 degrees 8th house, vertex 28 degrees virgo and union 23 degrees in libra both in 7th house, jupiter (assuming as my husband) along with moon in my 3rd house gemini, could you tell me something about my future spouse, like some indications i could meet him this year or atleast cross paths, if yes how so. even if you wont be seeing this text im still grateful fo writing to you take care love <3
Hi there,
Thank you so much for your kind words😊. I really am grateful 😭.
Alright, let me use this question to clear some misconceptions that I have observed and proven. Everyday I see a lot of posts on Tumblr saying that Jupiter represents husband. My reply to that is 🚫 NO, 🚫NO, 🚫 NO. Jupiter in no way represents your Husband. Jupiter represents your higher education, your relationship with God, wisdom, religion, your mentors and your teachers (remember that Jupiter rules the 9th house). The planet that represents your Husband is MARS‼️MARS‼️ MARS‼️. The reason being that the traditional 1st house which is ruled by mars mirrors the 7th house. Just as a Venus represents a wife for a man, so also does Mars represent a Husband for a woman when we flip the chart. Besides mars and Venus stand in opposite direction to one another. ( I'll make a separate post on this to clear the air).
However, if Jupiter is your natal 7th lord, then we definitely need to keep and eye on that one too
Alright, getting back to your question. I very well understand that everyone wants to know when they'll meet the one 😊, including me too 😂. I always say that the Sun is the biggest and most important luminary . Everything revolves around it. So even if Mars(which represents Husband) sits in your Sr 7th house, you might not meet the one if Sun or Venus is also not present there. As for the the asteroids you mentioned, I really don't know what to tell you because I don't give that much attention to asteroids. I mean, I literally had Juno Sr 1st house and boo/marriage didn't show up lol😂
I really hope I answered your question 🌝💕
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victoryai · 1 month ago
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😑 Moon conjunct Saturn in 4th house:I swear 😭 I'm so depressed because of my family. Everybody at home just treating you the way they like without understanding that you're equally going through a lot. They want you to do all the chores cause you stayed at home. Wash their dishes, cook for them, fucking send you to live with a relative .This is so hard. I feel homeless. I'm even crying right now.
😑Had Virgo ascendant last year, having Scorpio ascendant this year. God!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. Why do I have to face two straight up hard years. Last year was really tough and I really hoped this year would be better. But no!!! This year just started and I'm going through hell already. Mercy Lord!!
Lighten my yoke🙏.
😑This pisces stellium is eating me up for real 😔
😑Rx Mars in cancer: Does my family not like me anymore cause their making me cry a lot😪
😑 Neptune tightly conjunct north node in pisces : What sort of confusion is this!?
😑 Uranus square ic: unexpected movement from home.
😑Saturn in 7th house: 1. You like them,they like you, y'all just stare at yourselves and it's over. 2. They like you, you hate them, they won't stop bothering you😡. 3 You like them, they don't even notice you, y'all are dreamers.
😑 Capricorn Venus in 5th house: Stop thinking your gonna find love, you just gonna enroll in an educational program.
😑Sun square Jupiter: Luck might be above your reach.
😑Mars in 1st house: Always being so irritated.
😑Moon in 1st house: moody .
In a really bad mood rn + Next week I'm traveling to where I'm not gonna get the time and electricity and peace of mind to make posts regularly😪. I might be there for a month but I'll def post once a while.
Sending love 😘💕💕
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victoryai · 1 month ago
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🌝 Lr Sagittarius ascendant: I went to church almost everyday that month.
✨I also travelled too.
🌚 Lr Cancer ascendant: Never skipped this lr asc without crying 😭. Likeee, I cried for one reason or the other when I had this.
✨I was so worried 😫 about my Mom. She wasn't sick or anything but I was damn worried 😟.
🌝Lr Sun 15° in 4th house : I travelled to my Aunt's house because of my family.
🌚Lr Sun 5° in 2nd house: I won the lottery menhhhh...🥳. I had bet with little money and won much!. I was lucky
🌝Lr cancer ASC with mars in 1st house:
My Aunt and I were not in good terms. We were always fighting 🤦that month
🌚Lr Sun 18° in Virgo in 7th house: I fought with a good friend of mine😭.
✨I was also having constant headaches that month.
🌝Chiron in 4th house: Pressure from family 😭😭!
🌚 Chiron in 3rd house: Fights with siblings:
🌝Lr Sagittarius ascendant:School matters arising so much!🥲
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victoryai · 1 month ago
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My Babies have been requesting more solar return observations 😁❤️
Note: A person's physical appearance is predominantly influenced by their natal ascendant. However,(due to my observations) the solar return ascendant may exert a subtle(for most cases) yet temporary impact on one's physical appearance for a year. It's possible for others to notice this change more than you
🚕 Let's go....
🚕♈ Aries ascendant: When you have Aries as your Sr ascendant, you tend to look bolder and more confident in your own way. There's something about your face, maybe it looks more prominent. To some people, you just come of as intimidating. During this year you might easily get scars/tats on your face. You might sustain injuries due to the martian influence.
🚕♉ Taurus ascendant: When Taurus shows up as Sr asc, most people tend to add weight. So for a fact, you might look chubby or even look rich/richer. Simply put you look comfortable.
🚕 ♊ Gemini ascendant: This Sr ASC makes people look younger than their age. You might look nerdy and nervous too or mostly in uniform.
🚕♋ Cancer ascendant: Should I call you Mom or Dad😂 cause this one makes you look soft like you have a kid. You look more approachable though. You might be regularly moody and cry alot. It's funny how I cried for one reason or the other when I had this as a lunar return ascendant 😂, like always....
🚕♌ Leo ascendant:The giddy kid or the star or also the new parent!
You seem like you were created to have fun. There's something about you that just shines this year. You're a whole package of entertainment for your fans bby. You look high class 😋!
🚕♍ Virgo ascendant: I'll try to stay positive about this one,😂. There's a high chance you'll look really clean and organized. You look reasonable and efficient, trustworthy too. You might also look petite and lose weight too. It'll be great if you plan too lose weight. You look like you're on a diet bby!
🚕♎ Libra ascendant: omg 😳 you are pretty 😍, you literally look like everyone's spec. You look feminine and gentle. This is giving wifey/husband material 😻. You might also look like you're married 😂.
🚕♏ Scorpio ascendant: Honestly, you're gradually starting to change and transform . You look complex . You could also change completely due to facial surgery or makeup. I guess I'll have to observe this sign more🤔.
🚕♐ Sagittarius ascendant: You look like you have quite a lot in your head! There's that look of intelligence or someone that's currently learning alot. You look like a foreigner to people around you. You might also look like a religious person, maybe you wear religious symbols often. You tend to add weight . Plus you look funny too 🤣.
🚕♑ Capricorn ascendant: Who's the Boss? You!!. You don't look like you want to engage in cheap talk this year. You have this all serious look about you. You move slow and steady like a boss!!. You might even look like a celeb to people 🤣
🚕♒ Aquarius:Nerdy!Nerdy!. You might just look like that one nerd that uses their phone so much like their life depends on it. You look like "I don't give a f***". Your style this year is just very unique and different. You also look "friendly" too😂
🚕♓ Pisces: Oh my babys🌬️ you look like you don't belong to this world. I'm getting ethereal vibes from you. You might also look confused and lost too. Like someone searching for something that cannot be found on earth. You look sleepy maybe because you might sleep alot too. You might look depressed if you get yourself in bad habits like drugs, addiction or alcohol, so don't!!
You might look crazy too🤕 sorry 😔
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victoryai · 1 month ago
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🚍SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 1ST HOUSE: This year's focus is doubled on you. This year is almost like taking a journey back to the year you were born. This year has your name written on it. It's going to be easy for you as you'll feel so much in your own skin. This is a year to solidify your life purpose.
🚍 SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 2ND HOUSE:This wonderful year (with more favourable positions) is pointing to an increment in your finances, wealth and self esteem. If afflicted, it may be pointing to financial losses. If your planning to change your diet or eat more healthy , then go for it this year. You'll see the changes
🚍 SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 3RD HOUSE: This nervous 😆 year is bringing forth more school work to you 😂. It's inviting a lot of movement. You might have a new sibling too. I had this the year when my lil sis was born. I also wrote a major exam and became a senior in 🎒 school that year and was learning new courses. You're always on the go. Stay away from crazy gossip with friends pls 😂
🚍 SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 4TH HOUSE: This year ahead shows a lot of staying indoors. I had this when I was 2 so I was always with My Momma and indoors too. Where else would a two year old child be? 😂. If you're grown already you might spend more time with a lot of extended family members. If afflicted it might show issues at home. You might buy a new house or reconnect with family more😊
🚍 SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 5th house . This year you might get pregnant 😮 so take it easy 😉. If you're looking for love (more casually)there's a 70% chance you'll get it. if your a parent already, focus on your kids pls. It might also be a year you decide to take things light and fun . However it might also indicate that your taking a short time educational course. If you love Casinos, you're likely to bag 💰 it this year. Go baby!
🚍 SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 6TH HOUSE: I see that someone here needs to start developing good habits and taking extra care of your health. Pls avoid getting into conflicts or court cases. You might be if service to persons who need help. If you're a doctor or health worker expect more in your plate. You need to be clean this year 😮‍💨
🚍SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 7TH HOUSE: So chessy 😊, yet so unlike you. For most people, this will indicate a new love affair or meeting the one 💘, being a spec, random compliment from strangers. For those that are married, take care of your spouse and marriage too. For a few , it could make you uncomfortable 😣 because you're sitting in the house of other people who are so different from you. You might not understand yourself lol.
🚍SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 8TH HOUSE: This year is exploring your natal 8th house. With a year like this there's a chance of entering into a joint account or business with someone else. Make Sure you can trust that person. You might also receive large amount of shares or inheritance . When this year ends you could be richer or poorer. If you're considering surgery, you might go ahead this year.
🚍SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 9TH HOUSE: 😋 This seems to me like someone is about to travel and stay away for a long time. Matters of education also arise too. You might start or finish college. The year I had this, I travelled and started going to college . You just want to explore the world and meet new minds. Religion is also highlighted.
🚍 SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 10TH HOUSE: This year is about your job and your boss. Your energy is directed towards your job. You might also become famous. Get an increment or promotion. Become a role model for many too. Its going to be a year packed with responsibility too
🚍 SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 11TH HOUSE: Those midnight wishes seem to be coming true😇. Those long term goals manifesting. You might be very different and innovative this year, maybe you become more interested in technology. Make more friends. Do something online and become famous.
🚍SOLAR RETURN ASC IN NATAL 12TH HOUSE: 😭😭😭The year I had this , it seemed like some bad luck just followed me. I had a few losses too(not financially tho) I almost fell into depression but I'm glad I didn't. I started to learn astral projection. I was surprised that I easily let go of addiction too😊. If you're familiar with this house it wouldn't be hard for you
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victoryai · 1 month ago
👽 Jupiter in 7th house: I started forming many connections and talking to alot. of foreigners that year .
👽 Sun in 6th house:sickness! sickness!sickness!. I just kept falling sick 🤢
👽 As I always say, the solar return works together with your natal chart. When the house a planet is located shows up as your solar return ascendant that that planet is also highlighted . For example my natal mars is in Gemini . When Gemini showed as my Sr asc, I was easily made angry that year. I was just getting irritated at anything I didn't like .
👽moon conjunct Saturn 😭. It's very easy to sink into depression. It'll get to a point that you don't know what to feel anymore.
👽 Jupiter in 9th house. Luck in college and studies
👽Pisces ascendant : Very bad addiction 😭. I really suffered to let go of that addiction.
👽3rd natal house as Sr ascendant: I had a new sibling. My mom gave birth to our last born and I took care of her alot too ♥️
👽 Anytime my natal 9th house pops up as Sr asc, I must travel 🧳
👽Saturn in 9th house: educational delays and blockages😭
👽Uranus in 9th house:you discover something mind-blowing and something mind-blowing happens to your school life too lol😂
👽Juno in 1st house: I was always thinking about the one 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👄😂
👽Saturn conjunct moon in 4th house: Taking care of my Old Grandma and living where I didn't want to live🥲
👽 Gemini ascendant: I changed schools 🎒
More are on the way! Keep the love coming 🫂. I love you guys
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