#so glad hinata was there too
danshou · 4 months
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Who's calling please?
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marcelineuntitled · 2 months
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fanart for This Is Not The End by @kings-highway
potentially my favourite fic ever!! <3
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 1 month
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(Hajime says “Nanami, wake up!”.)
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thatstroubling · 1 year
Poll: What is, on average, the best Danganronpa chapter across the 3 mainline games?
AKA all Danganronpa murders are the same <3.
Parallels among the murders of the same chapter are listed below:
Chapter 1, AKA: "In a murder committed out of fear and panic, after dusk, in a location where the protagonist appeared shortly before, a strongly motivated individual, after taking initiative on their own, is murdered as a result of a betrayal by the protagonist's best ally, after which the corpse of the victim is found slumped on the floor and during the trial for which the blame is for a prolonged time placed on the protagonist or their ally (who was indeed involved, but ultimately is not the blackened)."
Chapter 2, AKA: "In an attempt to maintain allegiance to an important individual and to uphold a sense of honor for their Ultimate title, a capable classmate bludgeons to death the mentally strong yet physically weak (or mentally weak and physically strong) fan favorite (who therefore ends up dying too early) in a hands-on-hands physical confrontation, after which the placement of the corpse as well as the "perceived" crime scene is messed with to pin the blame on another person."
Chapter 3, AKA: "A-not-mentally-well-adjusted individual commits an immaculate and complicated double murder for a unthinkably irrational or amoral cause, which includes a body appearing at the crime scene out of nowhere in a seemingly impossible fashion, and in which one of the victims is the one who was lured out by the killer and willfully takes part in the action (but unknowing that it will result in their own murder) and in which the other victim ends up being the socially ostracized individual, simply because they happen to be at a wrong place at the wrong time."
Chapter 4, AKA: "Within a set-up for a locked room murder mystery, the good-hearted fan favorite becomes a part of a two-person life-and-death allegiance to perform a heroic act of self-sacrificial killing using an unknown murder method with the intention of getting themself killed so that everyone else may live, while one person is revealed to have had a deeper insight into the killing game for some time."
Chapter 5, AKA: "In an unsuccessful attempt to bring the killing game to its conclusion, the most malicious student of the class orchestrates an almost perfect, convoluted and seemingly unnecessarily but indeed intentionally violent murder (which serves as a way of mangling the corpse to a point where the murder method is concealed), whose solving hinges on the protagonist's new but trusted ally's confession about their not-really-consenting involvement."
Chapter 6, AKA: "After a retrospective investigation that brings to light new circumstances about the game's setting as well as its previous events, an existential crisis consumes the remaining survivors as the identity of the class and the killing game itself is revealed, during which Junko Enoshima appears (of course), and which ends with the true protagonist killing the mastermind in order to seek redemption, freedom and hope for their classmates.
P.S. This whole thing was primarily inspired to by my desire to prove Nagito's assumptions from chapter 4 wrong:
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Most of these are fortunatelly not true when we also take V3 into account: while Rantaro was important, he wasn't stabbed; a serial killer was revealed in the third chapter, not the in the second; and I wouldn't exactly classify chapter 4 murder as a suicide in either sdr2 or v3 (though we DID have two people playing Russian roulette in the Funhouse, yikes). All in all, the murders wouldn't have been nearly as shocking if they correlated with what had been already pointed out in the second game before, so I'm not really surprised that there ended up being other similarities among the murders.
That's all, thank you for reading <3
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nicka-nell · 3 months
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How they act when they have a crush on you
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Pairing: Atsumu x, Suna x, Kuroo x, Ushijima x, Daichi x, Hinata x, Iwaizumi x, Oikawa x reader
Warning: fluff, mdni
Part 1 | Part 2 (end)
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A total bully. Constantly in teasing mode.
Whether it’s in class and he throws little paper balls at your head, pulls your hair while you’re tying your shoes in the gym, or “borrows” your homework to copy it and give you your notebook back with a scrabbly drawing next to your exercises.
Atsumu takes every free opportunity to pick on you, thinking that you take it as a form of pleasant affection.
You’re chatting with some friends in sports class when you get hit in the back of the head with a ball. It wasn’t a powerful throw. In fact, you barely felt it, but you know immediately who the ball came from when you turn around with a grim expression and see the wide-grinning blond Miya brother running towards you. “Sorry sweetheart. But ya were standing in my throwing lane.” he grins and picks up the ball. Oh, how you’d love to hit him in the face with the ball.
After school you just want to go home, the umbrella is already open as it is pouring like hell, when you feel two strong hands snatching the umbrella from your hands. “Hey sweetheart, I’m sure ya won’t have a problem if I borrow the umbrella, will ya?” Atsumu smirks at you again, already holding the umbrella in his hands so that he doesn’t get wet. You’re next to him, but half your body still gets wet as you try to take the umbrella away from him. “Hey, I’m a damn superb athlete. Can’t risk it to get sick,” he complains, putting his arm around your shoulders and pulling you towards him so that you don’t get completely wet. You walk home together for quite a while until Atsumu leads in the opposite direction to his own home. With your umbrella, of course. You can prepare yourself to arrive home soaked and chilled. Awesome.
Atsumu would never think of telling you that he has a crush on you. He assumes that you already know this and that you also have feelings for him, but are too shy to tell him.
When a guy invited you out for ice cream and you agreed, Atsumu complained to Osamu. Osamu first had to make it clear to him that you two are definitely not a couple and that you certainly don’t assume that he has feelings for you, because Atsumu is also just an asshole towards you.
Atsumu interrupts you sulking while you’re eating ice cream with the guy, completely ignores this dude and tells you that you shouldn’t eat ice cream with other guys because he likes you and it annoys him when you do things with other guys who aren’t him.
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Suna is probably more of a secret, very laid-back admirer who takes things rather slowly.
He doesn’t behave any differently towards you in everyday life. That’s why it’s not obvious to outsiders that he has feelings for you. Even for you.
You’re in the same circle of friends. He’s not particularly jealous when you talk to other men. Possibly also because he knows exactly what he has to offer and is convinced of himself to a healthy degree.
But after a while, you notice that he’s more interested in you. He always likes your pictures on social media. Sometimes he comments on them with emojis. A fiery heart, or a smiley looking mischievously to the side, or even a smiley with heart eyes. Sometimes he also speaks to you directly about your pictures.
Rarely does he tease you.
“Saw your picture yesterday. Looked good,” he says calmly, his legs up against the wall as he lies on his back on the bed, his head hanging off the edge of it as he looks at his phone in his hands. You’re sitting on the floor with your back against his bed, still finishing up a few things for your group work for school, when you look sideways at him. “Thank you, that was with Tsumu. We played CoD,” you answer him. “A game date?” he replies with an almost arrogant look, still scanning you from his casual position as you shake your head and roll your eyes. Suna wouldn’t admit it, but deep down, he’s glad you denied his question.
Your free classes are for learning. But sometimes you use them to just relax, chat or do nothing. While one or two of you are studying in the school's common room, you approach Suna, who is sitting on a bench with Atsumu and Osamu. Both boys are looking at Suna’s phone, who’s playing a game, when you approach him and ask curiously what he’s doing. All three boys look at you before Suna grabs your hand and casually pulls you onto his lap while resting his head on your shoulder. His hands are around your waist while his phone is in his hands in front of you. “It’s a new mobile game that came out. It’s based on a webtoon,” he answers, still focused on his phone.
Suna would probably confess his feelings to you first. However, his confession is rather spontaneous.
For example, in a store when you buy some fruit sticks on the way back home and he also pays for your stick. Outside, you tell him that he didn’t have to do that and that you can pay for it yourself, but out of the blue, he just tells you that he did it because he likes you. “So what does it matter? I did it because I like you. So bad?”
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Like Atsumu, Kuroo is someone who would tease you to get your attention. But not in that childish way with paper balls in your hair.
But at the same time, Kuroo would also help you and is very attentive.
In sports class, you are currently learning the basics of basketball - how to dribble, make a lay-up and so on - before your sports teacher tells you to practice on your own for the next 30 minutes. Kuroo grins at you and throws you the ball. “Do you think you can beat me in a one-on-one?” he smirks, knowing full well that you can’t. Nevertheless, you accept his challenge, start to play and quickly lose the ball. “You need to be less stiff. Try to move with the ball. And... try to keep the ball at about waist height when you dribble,” Kuroo says as he dribbles past you to make a smooth 3-pointer. 
You’re sitting on a bench in the shadows during your break. It’s a hot summer day and you just want to get somewhere where there’s air conditioning. “You should drink more. It’s pretty hot today and you’re not an oryx antelope that can go without water for long,” says Kuroo, who suddenly stands next to you at the bench and holds out a small bottle of water.
He always acts so tough around others, but he cares about the people who are important to him.
Would he tell you that he has feelings for you? Probably not, but at some point you would notice it yourself and ask him casually. 
If you asked him about it, he’d start off by rambling and beating around the bush, but then eventually admit to having feelings for you.
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Ushijima would probably behave the same way towards you as he usually does. At least that’s what he thinks.
But you can actually see him looking in your direction from time to time and subconsciously observing you.
He also subconsciously thinks of you, asking Tendou, for example, whether he could imagine that you might also like certain things.
In class, you are all already in the classroom waiting for the teacher, while you talk to Semi about the new shop next to the school and Tendou tries to tell Ushijima about the latest manga he has read. Tendou quickly realizes that Ushijima isn’t paying any attention to him, but that his gaze is instead wandering toward you and Semi. “Wakatoshi? Were you even listening to me?” Ushijima barely visibly flinches, noticing that his thoughts were somewhere else when he looks over at Tendou again. “Can you lend me the magazine? They always have such interesting promotions on the last page,” he says, completely forgotten that his attention was still on you earlier. Unlike Tendou, who purses his lips and narrows his eyes.
“Uhhh, tell me, did you watch the new K-Drama series? The one with the lawyers and the forensic scientist? Mmmh, the lawyer’s secretary is sooo cute!” Tendou chants as he walks with Ushijima towards the gym for training. “No. Do you think Y/n would like the series? She likes watching these things, doesn’t she?” Ushijima asks dryly, not realizing that he’s only thinking about you again. “Mmm, I don’t know, maybe you two should watch the series,” Tendou replies, hoping to finally get a little more out of Ushijima, but he doesn’t respond to his statement anymore.
It would take so long for Ushijima to realize that he has feelings for you. Whether he finds out on his own, because he realizes that this rapid heartbeat is not because of his “suddenly worsening condition”, or because Tendou gives him a few clues to think about his feelings for you.
However, Ushijima would tell you as soon as he recognized it for himself. But not with a bouquet of flowers and a romantic dinner.
No, he would simply ask you at the next opportunity, if you were interested in him, because he is pretty sure that his interest in you goes beyond friendship. Not caring if you were alone or around friends during his confession.
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Sawamura is a little gentleman. He would show his kind of affection through small things. The typical “act of kindness”.
Whether it’s opening the door, holding your school bag while you put on your jacket, or simply walking home together, even if it means a ten-minute diversions for him.
“Ah damn...” you curse quietly as you sit in your seat in the classroom and realise that you’ve forgotten your pencil case at home. “Dai-“ you’re turning around to ask Sawamura if he can lend you a pencil only to see him holding one out to you already, with a slight smile on his face. “Thank you.” You whisper quietly and turn back to the front.
You’re on your way home after a pretty exhausting day at school. All of you stayed a little longer in the school library today to study for your final exams. So it’s already dark when you go home and you’re upset about not bringing a jacket. “Here. Next time you should remember to pack something warm. You never know when it might rain and the temperature could drop,” Sawamura says calmly, holding out the jacket he wears for volleyball training. He himself is still wearing his school uniform jacket. After all, he doesn’t want to catch a cold. You gratefully accept the sports jacket and put it over your shoulders. Sawamura wouldn’t admit it, but he wouldn’t mind if you forgot your jacket next time as well, and wore his instead, because seeing you in his way too big jacket somehow makes his heart beat faster.
Sawamura would think long and hard about whether to confess his feelings to you, because he wouldn’t want to ruin the friendship between you. But in the end, he would be the one to confess his feelings to you first, in the hope that you would return them.
Unlike Ushijima, however, he would do it at a moment that suits him. For example, when the two of you are alone, on the way home together, in a quiet and laid-back environment and a relaxed atmosphere.
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Hinata is so clumsy and although he tries to hide his feelings a little bit and keep them under control, even a blind man would understand how much he has a crush on you.
As soon as you enter the room, he gets all nervous and his vocabulary suddenly shrinks so much that it feels like it only consists of 30 words.
Even if Hinata appeared nervous towards you, he would never be someone who would tease you or have a cheeky remark on his lips. Nor would he ignore you. He would also be the cheerful and friendly whirlwind towards you, just a little awkward. He would try to support you, even if it was just carrying the bench in the gym together with you.
“H-hi,” Hinata stutters and turns away, glowing red in the face, as you smile at him and greet him too. “I’ve brought water for myself,” he says with a smile and holds out a water bottle to you. You give him an irritated look, but then giggle. “For you? Yes, that’s nice, but why are you giving it to me?” you ask and notice Hinata blushing again. He’s probably embarrassed right now. But you think it’s cute. “Eh, I mean for you. You. I’ve got my bottle here! See? It’s even full!” he says and reaches for the bottle in the side of his bag, wanting to shake it to show you that it’s full. But instead, he presses down on the bottle and splashes the water on his face. You giggle, but reach into your own gym bag and pull out a small towel to put on Hinata’s wet head so he can dry off. A gesture that is probably too much for his nerves right now.
Tired after his hard and long volleyball training with Kageyama, Hinata is just about to get on his bike and ride home when he sees you sitting at the bus stop in the dark. A little confused, he asks you what you are still doing here at this time of night when you tell him that you missed your bus."Then come on, I’ll drive you home!" he says with a cheerful smile and you don’t even have the chance to say no. Because you’re already sitting on the front of his handlebars while he pedals his bike and takes you home. He doesn’t seem to care that you live in the opposite direction to him and that it will take him even longer to get home, thanks to you. “Hold on tight, the Shouyou taxi is fast as lightning,” he says with a grin and drives you home.
With Hinata, it’s a fifty-fifty chance whether he confesses his feelings to you or not. Either he confesses them to you, but then because he babbles and the words just fall out of him with nervousness, or you tell him at some point that you have feelings for him.
If you are the one who confesses his feelings first, you can literally watch a fuse burn out in his head and how he is completely overwhelmed until he realizes what you have just told him.
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Iwaizumi is similar to Sawamura. He would also shine through his act of kindness. Even if he would try to hide it coolly.
However, Iwaizumi also has a protective and slightly jealous side, especially when Oikawa gets the idea to flirt with you. He doesn’t like it when you feel uncomfortable or when other guys get too close to you.
“You shouldn’t carry such heavy things. You’ll damage your back,” Iwaizumi grumbles, before taking the bag with all the water bottles for the volleyball team from you and hanging it over his shoulder. “Hajime... I’m not five anymore... I can carry the bag by myself.” You answer him with a sigh. He’s a bit like your mum... far too caring. The only thing missing now is that he shouts after you in the morning to always bring a jacket so that you don’t freeze in the summer when it’s thirty degrees… “Never mind, I’ll carry the bag now...” he replies casually and turns his head away from you, but the tips of his reddish ears betray his coolness.
“Uuuhh my favorite manager is back” grins Oikawa, who runs up to you and hugs you as if you were best friends, but quickly lets go of you when he is hit in the back of the head with a ball. “Hey Shittykawa, leave her alone. We’re here to train, not to flirt with women. Especially not with our manager, you idiot!” Iwaizumi yells annoyed and approaches you both, while Oikawa tries to hide behind you. “Not my face, not my face!” Oikawa begs from behind you, leaning his head against your back. Iwaizumi tries to pull him away from you as the coach calls everyone together and demands their attention.
Iwaizumi would definitely be the first to tell you that he has feelings for you. But also alone, not in front of all your friends.
He would pull you aside, casually ask if you had a moment and just before he confessed his feelings to you. His tough determination would leave him and he would scratch the back of his neck until he got the words out almost sulkily, not looking you in the eye at first, before repeating his words with more determination, this time looking at you.
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Oikawa would try to win your attention with every second.
Whether it’s in class because he offers to answer difficult questions and flaunts the answer to make himself look smart and strong in front of you, or whether it’s in training when he scores 5 points only with his serves.
Even your teacher doesn’t call you by name as often as Oikawa does when he wants your attention.
He also doesn’t like it when he sees you with other guys. He always pushes his way in between your conversations and tries to be close to you.
“Oh hey, Y/n-chan, what are you talking about right now?” he asks with feigned curiosity, his arms draped over your shoulders as he stares darkly into the eyes of the young guy in front of you. “Oh eh, we were talking about the new movie that airs tomorrow,” you reply, looking back over your shoulder at Oikawa, who suddenly looks at you with a smile, the dark expression completely gone. “A movie? Shall we go together?” He’s not really in the mood for the cinema, but if it means this guy leaves and Oikawa can spend more time with you, it’s a win-win.
Oikawa walks out of the changing room with a big grin on his face. Freshly showered and in everyday clothes after his team won the game against a neighboring team. “Did you see how many points I scored in that game? It’s amazing, isn’t it?” he asks, totally full of himself, as he puts his arm over your shoulders and pulls you closer to him. “Yes... you really scored a lot of points. But Hajime was also really-“, ”Iwa-chan could only score so many points because I’m the best setter. Right? You saw that, didn’t you? How I pass the ball into Iwa-chan’s hand?" he interrupts you, almost as if it annoys him that you were about to praise his best friend. With a sigh, you just chuckle. “Mhh yes, that’s right. You’re really great.” you answer him and watch as his eyes sparkle even brighter and he happily presses you against his chest. “I knew you only had eyes for me, little birdy.”
Since Oikawa assumes that every woman likes him anyway, he also expects you to like him. Would he tell you that he has feelings for you? Maybe.
The fact that you two are always doing so much together and that he’s like a clingy puppy somehow blurs the line between friendship and relationship.
At some point, when a guy had asked for your number, Oikawa had then shouted loudly that the guy should leave his girlfriend alone. You looked at him in confusion and there was a brief, awkward silence until you asked him if by any chance he had feelings for you.
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memoriastellarum · 2 years
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lilacqiqis · 8 months
A/N:Uwaaa first actual post on this blog!! I'm excited and hopefully you guys (3 people) will like it <3-Mod Lilac
Hair playing (ft. Naruto, Kakashi, Hinata, Itachi, Sasuke. GN!reader)
tw: none
More under the cut
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🌙 It's no shock that Naruto loves being affectionate in every way possible, having his hair played with is one of his favorite activities!
🌙 Pat your lap and he'll get the signal instantly, rushing up to you and putting his chin on your thighs with that iconic smirk.
🌙 Give his scalp a few scratches, it's comforting to him. His hair is oddly soft despite him seeming like he has a shitty hair routine... Wonder what his hair care routine is? "Heheh, I don't really have a routine... I just dip my hair in the hot springs and call it a day!" Maybe the hot springs has some kind of magic imbued in it?
🌙 Sometimes, Naruto will play around with your hair. He's a goof, and ends up messing up your hairstyle or tugging too hard... He'll apologize with a crooked smile, so don't get too mad at him <3
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🌻 Kakashi doesn't mind it when you play with his hair. It's nice, actually. Reading his book while you run your fingers through his gray locks... It's a peaceful moment he'll cherish.
🌻 He'd also like if he was pressed between your thighs while you played with his hair, so do the man a favor and indulge him a little. It's nothing inherently sexual... Kakashi just likes your thighs.
🌻 He loves falling asleep on your lap while you mess with his hair. Perhaps you can take his vulnerable sleeping state to pull down his mask... Nope. He'll catch your wrist and stop you before you get the chance to. Perhaps he has a special sixth sense for that...
🌻 Sometimes, Kakashi will tie your hair for you (if it is long enough to tie). It's a small act of affection, but it's sweet regardless. He isn't exactly one to play with your hair often, but sometimes he'll grab a strand while you're talking and twirl it between his fingers.
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🦋 Hinata is such a sweet girl, letting you do what you want as long as it makes you happy. And if playing with her hair makes you happy, then she's more than willing to sit down and let you run your fingers through her hair.
🦋 She doesn't mind at all if you randomly play with her hair, she's glad you like her hair so much! Who wouldn't though? Her hair is silky and long, absolutely gorgeous. She takes extremely good care of it and her hair has a soft scent of lavender.
🦋 If you ever asked, she'd help you do your hair. Hinata enjoys brushing your hair, but if you prefer it messy she's fine with that too.
🦋 Tie her hair and do different hair dos! She'll love it, a pink hue on her cheeks as you braid or curl her hair. Even if you suck at it, Hinata will try to compliment you regardless on your skills.
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🌹 You want to play with Itachi's hair? Go right ahead, darling. If it makes you happy... Itachi is happy too. He'll untie his hair and crouch down to lay his head on your lap, letting you do as you wish.
🌹 The look he gives you while you run your fingers through his strands is so... Soft. He enjoys your touch, being as touch starved as he is. He'll run circles on your thigh with his hand, giving you the sweetest smile.
🌹 Let him pamper you as well, he loves taking care of you and making you feel good. Itachi will return the favor with soft kisses as he motions for you to lay in his lap.
🌹 King of scalp massages, the way he runs his hands through your hair is comforting, he doesn't care if your hair is crunchy either the man persists. Please don't tell him no, he's just so eager to make you comfortable and happy, it makes him twice as joyful. But if you really don't like it he'll stop, not wanting to go against your wishes.
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🌱 "What? No, don't touch my hair."
🌱 Proceeds to get mad when you say it's okay. Sasuke really expects you to pressure him so he can pretend he hates it 😭. If you do pressure him however he'll grumble and say "Fine. I'm only letting you do this because you'll just keep pestering me."
🌱 Acts uninterested as you play around with his hair, but he is ecstatic on the inside. He won't admit that ever, not even to himself, but this makes him feel extremely comfortable.
🌱 I don't see Sasuke as the type of person to play with your hair, and he's probably refuse if you asked him to. What a spoiled boy... Don't worry, he'll get more soft as time goes on.
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sugarlywhispers · 1 year
s.kiyoomi + gf moments
☆— fem reader, crack, fluff
☆— a/n; i don't know what this is, i just had a thought and felt like writing it.. it could become a serie of events until the Sakusa Kiyoomi finally admits he loves y/n (?) idk, let me know if you like the idea😊
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You have been best friends with Bokuto since you were young. Your friendship was so fun and purely like brother and sister that you even decided to move together once high school was over and your University period of life began. Even if you were very different in personalities, somehow you both worked together and couldn't imagine a life without him as your bestie-almost brother.
After some time living together, you got very used to seeing some people around the house almost everyday, his volleyball teammates.
First, it was Miya Atsumu and Sakusa Kiyoomi. Atsumu was the biggest flirt you have ever encountered in your life, almost to the point in which sometimes it annoyed you. In a good way though. He was a cutie.
While Kiyoomi was very chill and shy, he mostly kept to himself if no one bothered him; but he had the most snarky and filled with sarcasm answers for whatever antics Boo and 'Tsumu could come up with. You loved it.
Then Hinata Shouyo joined the team, and it was like a whirlwind uprooted everything in his path. He was the most outgoing and sociable and kind human being you have ever met.
And it all became like a routine. Everyday after practice, all of them would come to have dinner at yours and Boo's apartment. By this time, you already know all of them and how they all liked things and their meals. Especially Omi. He was a particular, rare especimen.
Bokuto had warned you before introducing him, how he did not like physical contact or how he wouldn't take off his mask if he wasn’t playing in a match or eating. He warned you not to feel offended or take it personal if he bluntly commented on how things were not clean enough or whatever.
But surprisingly, he had never looked down on anything in your apartment or even commented anything in front of you.
There was even one time he did comment in the middle of dinner, "I'm surprised how you maintain everything this clean and organized considering you live with Bokuto…"
"Hey!" Boo complained, mouth full of food, while everyone laughed.
That same night, Boo had pestered you about how the Sakusa Kiyoomi liked you. Of course, you couldn't believe it. The man barely spoke to you outside of those moments the team was present at your apartment. 
It was until one night, when everyone came of course after practice to have dinner you were already cooking, when he did something you never thought he would do.
Of course, the amount of noise they made even before getting inside the apartment was a clear sign they were almost there. Shouyo and Boo always came straight to hug, picking you up and squishing you hard as a greeting. Atsumu would fist pump and wink at you before throwing himself on the sofa, of course putting some other volleyball's team match on the TV. While Omi would simply bow slightly with his head, not even getting too close to you, standing on the entrance of the kitchen.
By this time, you already knew and respected each one of them and their ways to show how much they appreciated you.
"It smells so good, Y/N," whined Shouyo as he entered the kitchen and made his way to the fridge to pick something to drink.
Omi was so quiet you have not realized he had followed the red-mostly orange-head and was standing at the door of the kitchen.
"I'm glad you think that," you smiled happily.
"He says that about almost everything. He would eat a bug and say exactly the same thing if he's hungry enough."
To say that you were surprised to hear his deep voice speak that amount of words was small. Yet, you couldn't avoid finding it funny how he always got the cleverest answers and dark humor. So you laughed, while Shouyo pouted, drinking from the beer he took from the fridge–it was Friday night after all.
You kept cooking, smiling and listening to how Shouyo complained to his teammate how evil he was with him when he was all nice to him.
"Alright you two…" you meddled, smiling happily at the incessant noise from everyone around, "If you're gonna keep arguing, you could at least help on setting the table, right?"
They both nodded while moving around to find what they needed, still arguing, but now about something else which sounded like Shouyo's height. Omi loved getting on Shouyo's nerves when it came to his height.
"What's that, Y/N?" Shouyo suddenly asked, signaling to a set of a plate, forks, a glass and a mug that were separated in a corner of the cupboard.
"Oh. That's Omi's," you said, your attention anywhere but said man.
"I don't remember leaving my stuff here," he commented, with no mean intention in his voice towards you.
"No, I mean… I know you don't like your stuff mixed with everyone's, so I picked a set I always clean twice and kept it separated from everything else. No one touches or uses that but you," you answered him, still looking at the food you were cooking over the oven.
Oh, God, kill me now, was all you thought as silence reigned in the kitchen.
But then, you felt a tall, warm presence behind you. You knew it was Omi, Shouyou was not that tall–he was only a head over yours, while you knew Omi was much taller.
It was the first time the Sakusa Kiyoomi got that close to you and it shocked you to the core. But what surprised you the most was when you felt his chin rest on your head comfortably.
"Thank you, Y/N," you could feel the vibrations of his deep voice and the rumble of his chest on your back saying your name, his entire dark but comfy aura so close to you, all you could think was how good it felt.
If you would have turned a bit to Shouyo's direction, you would have seen him with his eyes open wide, like those funny cartoons where their eyes popped off their face to express shock. Thankfully, he didn't say anything, he simply turned on his feet and flew from the kitchen to the living room where Tsumu and Boo were.
"You're welcome," was all you could say, almost a whisper, as he comfortably stayed there, barely a centimeter of distance between his body and yours.
If you weren't shocked enough by that, you definitely almost collapsed when you felt one of his fingers timidly caress your hand that was not holding the spoon you were cooking with, resting next to your hip. It had been barely a touch, yet the warmth and little tingling it provoked made you take a deep breath to gather your mind straight.
If you hadn't before, now you definitely were falling for this rare specimen. 
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skyahri · 6 months
How They Found Out P2 |Naruto Men X Reader| HC
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Characters: Sasuke Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara, Kakashi Hatake
Summary: The aftermath of your relationship becoming public. Part two to How They Found Out
Warnings: Mentions of sex, marriage, kids. Pretty low key tbh.
Part One
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Sasuke Uchiha
What an absolute nightmare.
Once you heard the front door shut, Sasuke basically collapsed on top of you.
He groaned. His night had been ruined, and on top of it, Naruto was sure to cause drama for the coming days.
"It's okay, Sasuke. They were sure to find out anyway."
"Our relationship going public and Naruto catching us having sex are two very different issues, and it's a bit concerning that you think I'm worried about the latter."
You kick him off of you with a laugh and suggest a shower. There was no way your escapades could continue on after all the fuss.
The next morning, you basically had to drag Sasuke out of the house.
He'd been moaning and groaning and grumbling since last night, so much so that he started to sound like Shikamaru.
Who knew Sasuke could complain so much.
Once you were out the door and the second your friend's eyes caught you, they pounced.
All at once, they hounded you about what Naruto may or may not have seen (Naruto has a habit of being a bad storyteller, so who knows what actually went down)
Sasuke refused to answer any questions until the chaos had settled down. They did eventually, albeit reluctantly.
"It's true."
That just sent them all reeling again, begging for details.
You two already discussed what you'd keep secret and what you'd share, so the meeting went pretty smoothly once everyone agreed to keep their composure.
Until fucking Sakura started asking questions about your sex life.
After that, you zipped your mouth and refused to answer anything further.
They'd just have to live on not knowing anything.
Shikamaru Nara
After news got out, Ino decided it was her place to convince Shikamaru to, in her words, "be a man and ask her out already!"
He ignored her, convinced she was full of it and brushed her off.
But her words lingered in his head.
Your friends were all beginning to settle down; Naruto and Hinata had just gotten married. Talk of kids had started to circulate in the group.
Were you wanting marriage and children?
The slow buzzing quickly turned into an almost constant fog in his mind. He'd never been so distracted before.
What a drag.
Within the week, he was knocking on your door.
"I need to ask you about something."
Weird. You could read him pretty well at this point, but this energy he was putting off was new.
"What's up, Shika?"
"Do you want to get married?"
Your eyes widened and jaw dropped. When you tried to answer, you found yourself at a loss of words.
"I mean, damnit, I- do you want to get married eventually? Or have kids at some point?"
You stared at him like he had two heads.
"Are you feeling alright? Why don't you come inside?"
He didn't fight you. He walked in and sat at your table in silence while you made him some tea.
You'd pried it out of him that Ino was behind this sudden change, and assured him that things would be okay.
"Look, I never brought it up because I know you're not a feelings guy, buy yeah, I guess I would like to have a family. I thought that's what you wanted, too?"
He got that irritated look on his face. The one he always gets when people ask him to work.
"It is, but,"
"But don't worry about it. I work on your time, so whenever you're ready."
You gave him a kiss on the cheek.
He let out a sigh of relief, glad to have fallen into such a situation with someone who understands him so well.
"Not too long, though. It's been almost two years, Shika."
On second thought, this was a total drag.
Kakashi Hatake
The next morning, you two made sure to bump into his students.
They seemed rather pleased with themselves, that they had been the ones to finally catch Kakashi lacking.
It only took a single look for Sasuke to realize it was all fake. They'd been bested by their sensei once again.
That quick glance he got from Kakashi told him not to say anything to the others, which he hadn't planned on anyway.
"Kakashi sensei, why didn't you ever tell us you were seeing someone?"
He set a hand on Sakuras head and ruffled her hair.
"I try not to share my personal matters with children. That's what friends are for."
Enter Gai, who happened to hear.
"You didn't tell us either, Kakashi."
He just shrugged, sending Gai into a fit.
News traveled fast in the village. What else is to be expected when romance rumors come up about the Hokage?
Kakashi was actually very calm about the whole thing.
Despite dreading this day for a long time, he was actually very content with the outcome.
There had been so much going on when you initially got together. Wars and death and PTSD and all that.
But now was a time of peace. A perfect time to actually start living, and this was just the beginning.
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petriquors · 1 year
POV: your best friend is in love with you
a/n: post-timeskip, MSBY4, gn!reader
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“Hell no.”
“What do you mean, ‘hell no’?” you whine. “Come on, Atsumu; I haven’t been on a date in months—”
“Because men are animals—”
“You’re an animal!”
Touché, Atsumu thinks, while he stares at your bedroom ceiling. He’s supposed to be helping you pick out an outfit for this first date you have planned for tonight, and, genuinely, he doesn’t like anything you’re picking out. Every outfit looks perfect on you, so much that his heart leaps into his throat every time you emerge from your closet, and that’s exactly why they’re not good enough.
Because you won’t be wearing them on dates with him. Like an animal, you said, he’s territorial; and no one deserves to be going on dates with his best friend when it’s so obvious that you’re meant to be with him.
Panic sets in as soon as Kotaro realizes what he just did. There were lips. And skin. His lips. Your skin.
All you were doing was giving him a hug goodbye. You hug him all the time, even though he’s started holding you a little tighter; you’ve started to joke that he’s going to crush you with his chest. It’s adorable.
He’s been playing with fire lately, between the tighter hugs, the lingering looks, the fleeting touches to your hands and the small of your back. But now, he thinks that he’s about to get burned.
He kissed your forehead. 
It was just for a second, a quick brush of his lips against your skin while you were in his arms. Now that the hug is over, you’re standing in front of him, smiling.
You pat his arms, smile a little wider, and finally tear yourself away. “See you later, Ko!”
He breathes a heavy sigh while he watches you leave. You didn’t notice. Deep down, Kotaro wishes that you did.
“Hey, sunshine!”
When he hears Hinata shout a cliche pet name at the top of his lungs, Meian picks his head up to watch what’s about to happen, betting that Hinata’s going to get a Sakusa-shaped elbow to the face. Where he expects to see his glowering junior, however, he sees you.
You giggle something in response, and the MSBY captain watches Hinata’s face light up from over your shoulder. You fling your arms around him. He pulls you into his chest. It makes Meian’s heart ache as if someone’s squeezing his hand too hard.
“Sunshine, huh?” he teases Hinata once you’re out of sight. “Since when are you dating anybody?”
Hinata gives him a blank stare. “We’re not dating. That’s my best friend.”
Meian can’t help the way he rolls his eyes, or the dry, disbelieving chuckle that falls from his lips. “Yeah, sure they are.”
The weight of a month-long training camp falls on your shoulder when Kiyoomi’s head rolls to the side. “Missed you,” he mumbles, eyes closed.
He’s next to you on your sofa, after he dragged himself to your apartment first thing when he got back—before even going to his own place.
He had shampoo and a spare change of clothes already packed, anyway. And when Kiyoomi, exhausted from the frustration of a new routine, shows up at your door, who are you to deny him a warm shower and a shoulder to rest his head on? It’s what best friends are for, you told yourself. 
Little do you know, that’s what he told himself, too, but he was trying to convince himself that’s all this is, and absolutely nothing more.
“‘M glad you’re home,” you murmur, patting his wet curls.
There’s a tiny, upward twitch to his lip. Best friends, he reminds himself. That’s definitely all this is.
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sassycheesecake · 9 months
The stadium is bursting with life and energy, people are ready to watch the long awaited game between Argentine and Japan‘s national volleyball team.
You came over to watch your husband play against his high school rivals, it’s been a dream of his ever since he left Japan.
Currently, you’re having a big heart attack, since you only turned around for a second to buy some onigiri snacks for you and your son, to find out said four-year old was just gone.
Panic flows through your veins along with adrenaline, you’re looking for that little brunette boy everywhere, when you remember that Mathéo has probably gone to look for his father.
Luckily at that time, Hajime Iwaizumi, 27-year old Athletic Trainer is currently helping Team Japan stretch for warm up when a heard a familiar voice of a child calling his name.
When the former Ace turns around in confusion, he sees Oikawa’s son, running towards him with big excitement in his dark brown orbs.
'Mathéo surely is a solid copy of his father.' Iwaizumi thinks as he greets his godchild.
"Mathéo, why are you by yourself? Where is your mum or your father?" The brunette crouches down as he looks around in concern to look for you or his best friend.
When you spot your son with Iwaizumi, you breathe out a big sigh of relief but you have to scold your son for pulling a stunt like that.
When the Athletic Trainer hears you, he is relieved that you found him and your son. But he is also happy to see you again, last time he visited you and Oikawa was almost over a year ago.
"Mathéo! Don’t do that again, I was looking everywhere for you! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" You scold the young boy and he looks incredibly guilty, almost ready to cry when he hears that you were so worried.
"I am sorry, mama. I just saw uncle Hajime and I wanted to say hello."
You sigh, feeling bad but also relieved that he is okay.
"I know but don’t run away from me again. Be glad it’s me scolding you and not your father."
"Yes, mama. I'm very sorry." Mathéo looks to the floor for a second, before looking at the Japanese players again, watching them with amazement and a big gleam in his eyes.
When you get up again from your crouched position, Iwaizumi notices something about you.
Your belly is having a small bump again.
"Has Shittykawa really knocked you up again?" He snickers a bit and raises a brow at you in amusement.
"Please don’t remind me, I had a moment of weakness with those eyes of his. Besides, Mathéo really wished for a sibling. He is already four years old. Can you believe that?" You look at your son in amazement and love, he looks exactly like his father, except that he has a very quiet personality, more like yours.
"How far along are you?" Iwaizumi interrupts your thoughts, looking at you with a smile, folding his arms.
"13 weeks now, Tōru really hopes for a girl this time." You grin at the brunette rubbing your stomach a bit.
"You shouldn’t run though, it’s not good for you during your early pregnancy." Still ever the concerned mother duck, Iwaizumi scolds you a bit.
"I know, I know, I was just in a huge panic mode, because I couldn’t find him." You sigh with a smile.
Iwaizumi smiles at you yet again and unbeknownst to you, a few players stopped their warm up, watching the interaction between you and their Athletic Trainer.
"I didn’t know Iwaizumi had a family." Hakuba states.
"Damn, she’s super hot. Too bad she is married ta our Athletic Trainer." Atsumu wiped a towel across his face, his brown eyes still captivated by the woman.
Hinata hears his teammates talking and looks over and sees Iwaizumi and a beautiful, breathtaking woman standing next to him, talking and laughing. For some reason you look very familiar but he can’t remember exactly where he has seen your face before.
All of sudden, you depart from Iwaizumi and the young boy who was watching the Japanese team, comes up to you to hold your hand.
When you turn a bit to see the players, you spot Hinata, giving him a bashful smile and a small wave at him, walking to the sides to look for your husband and his team.
Hinata can’t help but feel like you look extremely familiar, that young boy really reminds him of a certain brown-haired Setter that was once and honestly still is Kageyama‘s archenemy.
Iwaizumi turns back to the group and sees that some of the players are giving him weird looks.
"What?" He asks harshly into the round.
"Since when do you have a wife and a kid??" Suna frowns.
"What are you talking about?" Iwaizumi frowns back in confusion.
"The goddess of beauty itself that was just standin' next ta ya a minute ago." Atsumu clarifies.
"Also, I don’t know if you noticed but the kid looks nothing like you." Kageyama adds as well.
Iwaizumi finally understands but can’t help himself to be ticked off by Kageyama‘s last comment.
"Because she’s not? You have known me for what?Almost four months? You ever seen a ring on me or that woman visiting me at work? She is only a very good friend of mine. She used to be Aoba Johsai’s manager." The Athletic Trainer explains.
"That’s why she looked familiar! Her name is (Y/L/N) (Y/F/N) isn’t it?" Hinata is very excited and hopes to talk to you again, after meeting you in Brazil with Oikawa together almost 6 years ago.
"Well, believe it or not, it’s actually Oikawa (Y/N) now."
Another voice chimes in, the sentence carried with pride and smugness.
Some of the players tense up and almost growl at the sight of Argentine‘s official Setter walking up with an agonizing smirk.
"Nice to see you again Shōyō. Hope you and the suckers behind you are ready to lose." Oikawa just loves to rile people up, seeing the reactions of them are always a blast for him.
"The fuck did ya just say-" Atsumu growls and is ready to physically fight the opponent Setter when they hear that exciting voice again.
"Papa!" At the sound of his son‘s voice, Oikawa immediately turns around with a big smile.
Little steps run towards the brunette and Oikawa bends down to his son‘s height to catch him.
Standing up again to his full height, Mathéo smiles widely with closed eyes as he hugs his father‘s neck.
"Mathéo, this is Shōyō Hinata, your pa played with him in Rio when he visited the city. Can you say 'hi'?"
Mathéo turns to the orange-haired Wing Spiker for a second and immediately hides his face in his father‘s neck.
"Sorry about that, got my dashing looks but his mother‘s shy personality." Oikawa chuckles a bit, patting his son lightly on the back.
Hinata walks a bit closer to Oikawa‘s son, being extremely good with kids.
"Mathéo, do you also want to play volleyball when you grow up like your papa?"
Mathéo turns again to look at the orange-haired Opposite Hitter and hides his face partly to look at Hinata while being attached to his father.
"I do." Mathéo whispers out, still wary of the stranger.
"Maybe later on, you can show Shōyō how good you can receive already." Oikawa suggests to his son and he slowly comes out of his shy shell and nods enthusiastically at his father’s words.
"After of course, your amazingly talented dad has beat every single player. Especially Kageyama or the blonde idiot that only ranked second place in Japan‘s best Setter." Oikawa‘s pointy finger booped the tip of Mathéo‘s nose and the little boy squeals in delight.
"Mama said you shouldn’t say those words. They’re mean." Mathéo's face changes immediately again and he scolds his father, who in return just scoffs lightly at the words.
"Mijo, I am just telling you the truth, watch the game and you‘ll see what I mean."
"Okay papa!"
Oikawa farewells Hinata and wishes him good luck.
When the Setter seeks out his wife, he sees her standing by the sides, talking to some of his teammates.
Making his way towards her, he feels a great amount of pride flowing through his system. He’s got a family now and he is ready to show the world what he’s got.
Unbeknownst to Oikawa, lots of looks of glowering eyes follow the Argentinian Setter‘s movements, getting riled up by his words, they are ready to fight.
Let the battle begin.
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dark-konohagakure2 · 3 months
can you write about hokage!naruto who's tired from all his responsabilities and asks for a cute shinobi to be trained so he can use her mouth as stress reliever every time he needs it!!
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tw: dub/noncon, blowjobs, infidelity, power imbalance, praise, throat training, dildo gags, age difference, public humiliation
All characters depicted are 18+
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Naruto has been under a lot of stress lately, being the Hokage is as difficult as ever, not to mention he recently got a new addition to his family in the form of an adopted son. Naruto's troubles seem to be never ending, so he decides to invest his resources into something he really needs: a stress toy.
Of course Naruto would never use Hinata as a stress reliever to suck him off all day, he loves her too much for that, so instead he has a slightly younger shinobi picked out and "trained", of course she doesn't know what the training entails before it's already too late and she has a dildo gag locked into her inexperienced mouth.
The training isn't too intense for the poor girl, and it only lasts a few weeks, but it is utterly humiliating. The gag is locked with a seal that won't release until she has completely lost her gag reflex, so sometimes she'll have no choice but to go out in public with the gag in, letting everyone in the village instantly know that she's the Hokage's new personal cockwarmer.
When her degrading training is finally finished, she'll be forced kindly asked to go to the Hokage's office to "assist" with his daily paperwork. Naruto himself is actually quite nervous about being sexual with someone other than Hinata, but it doesn't take him long to get very used to it.
"A-ah, fuck..! All that training really paid off didn't it..? Now just stay quiet, I still have all this paperwork to fill out, so you'll be down there a while..."
Despite his initial nervousness, Naruto quickly gets used to the feeling of having her warm, young mouth around his shaft, and she doesn't even gag anymore thanks to the training, which boosts his ego somewhat. The feeling of her mouth servicing him makes the endless paperwork much more bearable now.
Naruto also likes that he has the opportunity to be as rough as he wants with her. His wife is a delicate woman in the bedroom, so Naruto can use this well trained girl to fulfill his darker desires, like making her choke on his thick cock for hours on end.
Naruto will use her mouth like his personal cumdump, shooting his load into her mouth over and over again until he's satisfied. He's often too busy with work to have sex or masturbate, so the Hokage is very pent up and needs an outlet for his sexual frustrations.
On most days he isn't done with her "services" until the tail end of his day, since he can't resist how good her oral skills feel. Once he's finally done, Naruto will send her off, being sure to remind her of her job from now on.
"G-Good girl... I'm done all my work for today, so you're dismissed for today. I'll definitely see you again tomorrow..."
Naruto is very glad that he acquired something to make his job as Hokage both more bearable and pleasurable. While normally this would mean he can get his work done quicker, he's in no rush to go home when he has such a perfectly wet hole for his cock under his desk.
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marcelineuntitled · 3 months
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i like this one a lot :)))
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Type Of Boyfriend They Are
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Karasuno x Gender Neutral!Reader Headcanons
Warnings: Language. That's pretty much it.
Author's Note: I've been having a pretty heavy case of writer's block especially with a lot of things going on in my life right now. My mental health is a bit unstable, but I had this idea written down in my list of writing ideas and thought that it was so cute. I hope you all enjoy, and I'll probably make headcanons for the rest of the schools too!
Hope you all enjoy and I hope that you all are doing well <3
~Mod Shoyo <3
-Kageyama, Shoyo, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Daichi, Asahi, Sugawara, Tanaka, Noya
Kageyama Tobio:
He’s very stand-offish when the two of you first meet
“uh… can I help you?”
Once the two of you get to know each other though, you find out that he’s actually a closeted crackhead under that harsh exterior he has
After dating for a couple of months, he’s very comfortable with you and loves spending time with you
Whether you like volleyball or not, he’s asking you to help him practice, come to his games, come to his practice matches, he wants you to be there for EVERYTHING
If you manage to show your support by making him a sign or putting his number on your cheeks at one of his games??????
He definitely will deny it, but he absolutely adores it.
“You should do this more often, it was sweet.”
Shoyo teases you guys all the time and says that you’re the only one that brings out the rational side of Tobio
That will normally end with Shoyo getting hurt somehow, no matter how much you tell Kageyama to leave him alone
You still love him though <3
Hinata Shoyo:
The absolute biggest ball of sunshine ever
Golden. Retriever. Boyfriend. 
He’s very heavy on physical touch and quality time
No matter what you’re doing, Shoyo always wants to be there just to see what you’re doing
“Ooh whatcha up to lovey?”
He’s like a lap dog. He will lay his head in your lap just so he can stare up at you while you’re doing whatever you’re doing
Whenever you show up to his games he gets SO NERVOUS???? Like his stomach issues multiply by a hundred because you’re literally in the stands to watch HIM.
In the end, he always tries his best because he wants you to be so proud of him and enjoy watching him play!!
Everyone on the team loves you, you’re literally the only person that can make Shoyo shut up for more than five minutes because he just LOVES to admire you and appreciate how perfect you are.
“You’re so gorgeous… we should like… kiss or something.”
He’s so affectionate it’s too cute.
Yamaguchi Tadashi:
Tadashi just loves when you’re being you.
He’s always sneaking glances at you and just thinking about how soft your features are and how lucky he is to have bagged someone like you.
“Hey love, I found this super cute keychain while I was at the store with Tsuki the other day and it reminded me of you!”
“I remember you saying that this was your favorite and they only had one left, so I had to get it before someone else that wasn’t you did!”
He’s just so thoughtful. He always remembers the little things.
The very first day you kissed him? He celebrates it every year by giving you a million smooches.
You only like one very specific flavor of ice cream? He will never ever give you a different flavor and goes to multiple stores if he has to when they don’t have it
He isn’t the biggest with PDA, but he will most definitely hold your hand and kiss your cheek, forehead, or your hand.
He just gets a little shy when he’s out in public with you, but only because he doesn’t want other people looking at you and thinking that they have a chance with you.
He’s so non-confrontational, but if push comes to shove, he’ll make sure that everyone knows you’re his.
He just loves you so much and he’s so glad that you’re his. Forever. <3
Kei Tsukishima:
Likes to play this game in public where he acts like he isn’t your boyfriend
“Excuse me, do I know you?”
You can be sarcastic too, so he’s just glad that you can take jokes and rip on his teammates or randos in the street
This dude has such a killer resting bitch face when he notices people eyeing you.
Noya tested his luck flirting with you one time and, despite Noya being his upperclassman, Tsuki almost killed him with just one look
He secretly loves how much you fuss over him.
“Babe, your glasses are so DIRTY. Here let me clean them before you run into something,”
He literally stopped the habit of cleaning his lenses because you’ll just take them and clean them for him
He loves watching you fog the lenses up with your breath and wipe them with the microfiber cloth that came in his case
Even if you only look like a big blur of colors to him and you’re all blurry <3
Tanaka Ryuunosuke:
The most respectful yet horny boyfriend at the same time
“What the hell do you mean that guy cat called you?”
He says as his hand is resting on your ass, giving it an occasional squeeze from time to time.
Very overprotective, but not in an overbearing way
Despite how loud and chaotic he may be (especially when he’s with Noya) he always picks up on your small cues and knows when you’re uncomfy or feeling a little out of place
He loves to bring you up at all times
“You know that’s crazy, because my baby loves to eat meat buns and can easily smash like seven of them in one sitting. *sigh* I’m so in love.”
Daichi literally just told him what he ate for lunch today when Tanaka asked.
PDA is his JAM.
Always has a hand somewhere on you and loves how you just nuzzle into his touch whenever he’s with you
It’s everything he’s ever wanted in life and he’s so stoked that he finally has it
His favorite place is your ass though. It’s easy access and it’s very soft and comfy in his palm
Nishinoya Yuu:
The type of boyfriend to annoy you and push your buttons all day and then just lay a million kisses all over your face at the end of the day as he tells you how much he loves you
He’s so hyped up to do anything with you
He’s definitely the type to enjoy running errands with you because he pretends that you’re married already and that these errands are just married couple tingz
He loves to embarrass you in public
Yall will be at a store while you’re just looking at clothes and trying to find some new outfits before he starts yelling as loud as he can so that people from five aisles down can hear him
You literally walk away and act like you don’t know him for the rest of the day
Nonetheless, he’s so appreciative of you and makes sure you know how much he loves you
The second that you first announced to the team that you were dating, you could’ve sworn you saw tears of joy falling from Kiyoko’s eyes
You keep him grounded and always help bring him out of the dark places his mind goes to when he messes up during games
Hearing you tell him how good of a libero he is and how amazing he is always snaps him out of things. He’d be a wreck without you
Daichi Sawamura:
The most caring boyfriend ever literally what the fuck-
He worries about your well-being all the time and isn’t afraid to show how much he cares about you no matter where you guys are
Sure, he’ll scold you for being clumsy and tripping in the gym, but also?
“Why the hell did they wax the floors before we started practicing? We’re just gonna dirty them again anyways?”
He’s such a passionate lover
“Hey, you look like you’ve got a lot on your mind. What can I do to fix that?”
He’s so good with communicating his feelings to you and wants you to know whatever’s going on with him and reassure you no matter what
Absolutely adores pressing kisses to your temples. He loves how you just stare into his eyes with the biggest smile ever and can see your pupils shift into hearts every time he does it
The two of you just make so much sense being together? Match made in heaven type of shit
His very older brother/dad morals have rubbed off on you and now you’re yelling at the boys the same way that he does. 
He always whispers to Suga or Asahi about how proud he is of you while watching you scold someone for being immature 
Asahi Azumane:
The literal definition of Cottage Core
When you hung out with him at his house for the first time, he had so many succulents and well-cared for plants
He’s so soft, he just loves you so much
He loves when you give him scalp massages after taking his bun down
Whenever you go to his house after practice, he’ll shower and have you wash his hair for him because he can’t relieve the tension he feels on his head like you do
He writes you love letters and leaves them in such random places for you to find
“Hey honey, did you leave a letter in my bento box? When I opened it, it had a little bit of curry sauce on it.”
He just blushes and giggles slightly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
Loves to call you the cringiest/cutest pet names ever.
Honey pie, sweetums, sugar plum…
You giggle every time he says it out loud because his teammates can’t help but make fun of him whenever they hear it
They’re so cringe coming out of anyone else’s mouth. Not his though <3
Sugawara Koushi:
You will never ever catch Suga smelling bad.
Even after practice, you can’t smell that musty stench of sweat on him because it’s masked by all the deodorant he puts on.
MOST DEFINITELY smells like a bath and body works scent. It changes depending on the season and he loves smelling good according to the season
“Suga, is that… champagne toast?”
You bet your sweet ass it is.
Suga gives the most heartfelt and warm hugs in the world, it’s like hugging a warm blanket.
He’s so loving and it shows in all of his words and actions.
“Aww darling, let me wipe your nose. I told you it was going to be cold and to wear a thicker sweater when we talked on the phone this morning,”
When he says stuff like that his face is literally just >:(
His kisses are so soft. He loves to kiss your nose because of the way it scrunches up after his lips leave
“Do you not like my kisses?” Smooch. “Is that what you’re trying to tell me?” Mwuah. “I won’t stop until you accept my kisses.”
You just keep scrunching it because you love when he kisses you. He knows that, he just loves to make it a little fake argument between you two <3
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goteique · 16 days
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+cw. — fem!reader, established relationship, ( domestic ) fluff, love & comfort, slight angst, mature language, atsumu being atsumu, mention of hinata and bokuto. beta-read by my beloved ray.
+wc. — 1.2k 
+syn.—  Sakusa has gotten used to you pretty quick ever since he started living with you but now that he has known the bliss, he does not want to go back to living alone.
+notes. — this is for flufftober ‘fond moments’ collab event for a prompt: quality time hosted by @spookuna. mdni cuz im eighteen plus blog.| redirect to blog navigation. & tagging @tetzoro for poking my pineal glad with a question that became a inspo for this <3
For almost a month, Kiyoomi has had an odd extension of routine that starts after his matches. It starts with going straight home ( to you ), and eating the dishes you made for him which was suggested by a dietitian of course! and then wait at least one hour before hitting the shower, and that too, a cold one since right after he is done drying himself he jumps into bed just to hold you amongst his chest like a hot bag; this . . .this particular moment is what he has been looking forward to for months and now it has finally become a part of his life, and if things do not go south then it might just last for the rest of his life. Just barely thinking of it gets him wide awake. If life was a sleepless dream, then he would not mind sleeping forever at the end of it with you.
Today, however, everything turned upside down. He came home a little late, just a little; ate silently without talking much. Generally, he turns into a yapper right when he sees you. He has so much to talk about yet even with all that bubbling enthusiasm he still does not forget to ask, “Babe, how was your day?”, “Aw, babe that’s amazing. I’m so proud of you.”, “What? Need me to scare the manager? Because I can.” he says while flexing his muscles wearing nothing but a towel around his torso but you know he won’t do that since he has the confidence that you can handle anything all by yourself. After all, you scared the shit out of Miya when you first met him and he will not accept but, indeed, Miya is not easily scared, especially by girls. However, this evening his responses were full of— “umm.” and “umhm” — nods and sneaking glances. The Kiyoomi that is reserved for the world has come home to you today. 
And that one-hour gap, between his dinner and shower, which is generally filled with listening to you as you roam around the house and work and he follows you like a puppy is filled with frequent calls, messages, and screen time today. It sure makes you worry if not disappointed or angry. It has been a month since you two started living together, so this one hour has always been filled with making this small apartment a place that you both could call “home.” Things were slowly falling into place, turning this place into a home. You were happy, and Kiyoomi? He was the happiest man in the world. 
However, crest-fallen.
Sakusa came out of the bathroom freshly showered when you were folding his clothes. Now that he can see your back properly without any thoughts lingering in his mind you look tired, sad, and perhaps. . . a little annoyed. Maybe it is not a good time to tell you the news after all but what else he can do, he does not have much time left either. He tip-toes his way towards you, slowly.
“C’mon out with it, omi. What’s up?” You say and turn towards him with a bunch of his clothes in your hand only to face a half-naked Sakusa, a pink towel wrapped around his torso, his hands in the air branching out in a form of embrace. You chuckle as you walk off to his closet but his stance remains intact just his head following you; 
his jaw drops as he enquires with utmost curiosity, “How do you always know?” which earns him just an endearing glance from you. You keep the stack of his clothes on the shelf, one by one as he finally says what has been bothering him. “I have to move out. . .to Osaka.” You had to pause before keeping the last t-shirt on the stack of clothes. Your hand is still on the edge of the closet wooden frame since you know the moment you close it— is the moment you have to face such a warped reality where you would be alone in this newly bought apartment, with no omi to wait for, cook for, or take care of. . . 
As if he could read your thoughts he mumbles sharply. “Babe, turn around.” He must be still in that pink towel. The air conditioner is on but it seems that he does not mind the cold today. You slowly turn around closing the cupboard with your hands at the back biting your lower lip in anticipation thinking if Kiyoomi had to tell you about moving out to you, then he must have tried all the possibilities of either staying here with you or taking you with him yet none of them must have worked because if it had, you two would not be standing so apart like two curtains drawn apart. 
“Oh dear God,” Kiyoomi groans as he clutches your wrist pulling you into himself. He makes you sit on the edge of the bed while he sits on the floor, legs folded keeping his head on your lap as he draws lazy patterns on the side of your thighs with both hands, simultaneously. “I never thought I’d fall in love even though I’ve planned it in my notebook ever since I was a kid.” He turns his head up, “Now that my love is here I want to keep it, safe, forever.” The water from his hair has left spots on your long tee. You run your nails through his scalp and he lets out a low even groan saying, “So, I took a week off to spend time with you and of course to get the packing done.” He has to rake his eyes open since the exhaustion blended with being sleepy along with your tender touch is too tempting not to give in.
“What?” You ask, surprised. “You did it for me?”
“Yeah. ‘course. Why wouldn’t I?”
A black pup tip-toes its way into the room and both of you watch it walk till it halts right at your feet wagging its tail, tongue hanging out of its mouth. Both of you look at each other, and then a familiar voice turns up, “We’re here love birds.” Sakusa rolls his eyes before turning around and grabbing your bathrobe to wrap himself up probably because now his senses are back enough to let him know how chill the temperature of the room is. You put your palms over your cheeks, it has become warm again, as you look at the pup. 
Just when you crouched down to pat the pup, Atsumu, Hinata, and Bokuto followed into your shared bedroom. 
“So, what’re you gonna name him?” Miya asks with a big grin plastering on his face.
“Heyyyyy.” Naturally, Sakusa protests. Bokuto and Hinata share a look holding back their laughter. 
“Well, I call you Omi when I need something from you, or when I’m angry with you and I call you Mr. sakusa when we—you struggle to put your thoughts out in words so Atsumu interjects. 
“ —fuck.” He is still grinning. What’s he so happy about?
“Yeah. that.” you point at him while keeping your eyes still on Kiyoomi. “So, I don’t see a problem calling him Kiyo.”
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kissatsumu · 1 month
hiii, i love your general Iwaizumi headcanons ❤️ could you possibly write timeskip headcanons or a short fic (which ever feels better for you) with a female reader who's the manager of msby jackals and has been dating Iwaizumi since their high school days in Seijoh. just some fluff, thank youu
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ Iwaizumi x MSBY manager! reader
cw: fem reader, fluff, timeskip spoilers, lowercase letters are intentional
notes: this concept is so cute!! i love high school sweethearts so much ugh
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“okay! let’s go over this quickly so i can leave on time,” you announced to the huddle of volleyball players in front of you.
“why such a hurry?” the jackals setter, atsumu, asked. “you got plans y/n?” hinata chimes in. as much as you’d love to take this opportunity to talk about your boyfriend, you bite your tongue deciding against it. you shake your head, ignoring their questions.
you stood next to head coach samson and team captain meian as you all debriefed the team on schedules, announcements, and other notes. the post-practice debrief concluded and everyone was free to go. as the team left for the locker room, you left the gym and navigated the halls to the building’s main doors.
you exit and are greeted by the sight of your boyfriend waiting for you outside. “hajime!” you call out to him. he turns around to see you coming over to him and he immediately opens his arms up for a hug. “ready to go?” he asks and you nod.
iwaizumi made this into a routine. working closely related jobs that often intersected allowed for you two to be on a similar schedule. he’d wait for you so he can walk with you to the train station to get home. no matter how many times he’s held your hand, iwaizumi still smiles when he feels you intertwining your fingers with his. he listens to you talk about how your team is doing.
you reach the train station and get on board. iwaizumi holds onto the overhead handle and pulls you in close. you cling to his arm for support. you smile while gazing up at your boyfriend. “what’re you thinking about?” iwaizumi asks you, pinching you check.
you giggle. “just thinking.”
“about?” he prompts.
“i like commuting with you. it reminds me of when you’d walk me home after practice when we were in high school,” you mumble out and you nearly miss how iwaizumi’s eyes widen before his lips curl into a small smile. he leaves a chaste kiss to your forehead.
iwaizumi didn’t think about it until now, but he realizes how he always kept up some sort of routine with you during the years; during high school after volleyball practice, he’d walk you home. at lunch, he’d always find you after class and invite you to join him and his friends. during college, he’d always make time for daily phone calls with you. he never thought too much of it, as if spending time with you was instinctual and something he sought out daily.
“well i’m glad i still get to do this with you,” iwaizumi says back <3
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