#so fucking irritated
peachyykira · 5 days
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Pet peeve is people who chew with their freaking mouths open.
Usually, my reaction is pretty manageable, but if I'm overstimulated, I will literally have to leave the table. Otherwise, I'm going to lose my ever loving God damn mind.
Sorry, in case it's not obvious, I'm next to a open mouth eater, and I'm about to lose my god damned mind.
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thoughtfulseason · 1 year
i truly never had a more real pms. i wanted to break things, punch someone, cry, smile, laugh and now im sobbing like crazy
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lawsforhumanity · 2 years
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artschoolglasses · 1 year
Americans not giving a shit about the wildfires burning down forests and homes in Canada until smoke starts spreading across the border. Meanwhile Indigenous communities across the country are far more likely to be impacted by the fires and I’ve seen all of one link to a charity and about nine million memes. 🙃
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deluxeyellowflower · 9 months
If you're USamerican and feel very strongly about how people vote in this upcoming election, if you feel hopeless about how those around you aren't voting, here's some suggestions.
Sign up to be a poll worker or election worker in your county. You might need to call or email the local election office to find out how to do this.
Get very familiar with your local voting process and its bureaucracy. Know the important deadlines and remind people of them. (Being a poll worker helps a lot with this.)
Ask your friends and family if they're voting. Have progressive voting guides on hand if they don't know who or what to vote for. Offer to drive people or go with them to vote. Fill out your mail-in ballots together.
Organize and join get out the vote campaigns. Canvass. Table. Flyer. Call. Text.
Don't shame people for ambivalence, disinterest, or hostility to voting. Be curious. Provide practical advice and tangible support.
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isagrimorie · 4 months
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Star Trek Voyager 4x09 - Year of Hell, part 1
Janeway: We're going through their space whether they like it or not.
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asilentfrenzy · 7 months
remember when
"Rhys bared his teeth. My limbs turned light, trembling at the dark power curling in the corners of the room. Not fear - never fear of him. But at the shattered control as Rhys snarled at Lucien, 'My mate may one day find it in her to forgive him. Forgive you. But I will never forget how it felt to sense her terror in those moments.' My cheeks heated, especially as Cassian and Azriel stalked closer, those hazel eyes now filled with a mix of sympathy and wrath. 
Lucien, to his credit, didn't back away a step. From Rhys, from me, or the Illyrians. 
The Clever Fox Stares Down Winged Death. The painting flashed into my mind."
(it's the "forgive you" for me lmfao like shut the actual fuck up)
he has the audacity to say this shit to lucien when two books prior -
"'You draw blood from me, Lucien, and you’ll learn how quickly Amarantha’s whore can make the entire Autumn Court bleed. Especially its darling Lady.'
'Oh? Here I was, thinking you still mourned your commoner lover after all these centuries,' Rhysand said, stalking toward me."
"'I knew you liked to stoop low with your lovers, Lucien, but I never thought you’d actually dabble with mortal trash.” My face burned. Lucien was trembling—with rage or fear or sorrow, I couldn’t tell. 'The Lady of the Autumn Court will be grieved indeed when she hears of her youngest son. If I were you, I’d keep your new pet well away from your father.'"
"'Amarantha will enjoy breaking her,' Rhysand observed to Tamlin. 'Almost as much as she'll enjoy watching you as she shatters her bit by bit.'" 
Those invisible claws lazily caressed my mind again - then vanished. I sank to the floor, curling over my knees as I reeled in everything that I was, as I tried to keep from sobbing, from screaming, from emptying my stomach onto the floor. "
(damn. i wonder how it felt to feel her terror in those moments 🤔)
anyway, friendly reminder that rhysand is the biggest fucking hypocrite in the series and feyre & co's self-righteous attitudes are absolutely insufferable 🤗
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mythtakens · 2 months
so here's a scenario if a character was, completely random example, shot by a sniper in the street and they had one singular coherent thing they said in between getting hit and waking up in the hospital days later. what do you think is the most absolutely sickening heartwrenching line you could have that character say. like for instance to their closest friend. who is let's say idk covered in the blood that just sprayed out of them straight into said friend's face. a best friend who is actively trying to stop them from continuing to bleed out in that moment because they were just SHOT by a SNIPER and they're DYING. let's chew on this hypothetical situation for a minute or five. what is the most insane yet still fully in character thing a person could use the last of their energy to say in the chaos of everything that's happening before passing out. they're in pain, they're in shock, hell they're not even fully aware at this point right and this is something that could easily easily be the last words they ever speak. what do you think would be the version of those words that would clock me in the face the hardest and why did Eddie Diaz from 9-1-1 say it on network television in 2021
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darlingod · 2 months
Thinking about how Jude said this about Cardan
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Also really really really thinking of the quote “To love is to be changed.”
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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curufiin · 5 months
also i think people should stop using ace as a synonym for sex repulsed actually
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sigsfigs · 2 months
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lxnarphase · 3 months
hi guys i just wanted to ask you guys to BLOCK AND REPORT the account @/zianzaz-slvtz (link) because they have reposted and stolen my works and tried to pass it off as theirs, im sure it's a troll or something because there's no icon and the blog is new, but i really am annoyed that i have to make this a post
here's a work of mine that is a longer sukuna work but they turned it into some lame tiny piece
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and then they also stole a piece of my choso work as well
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 15 days
"shipping saiki is aphobic because he's aroace!"
stares at you with my demiromantic asexual in a committed relationship eyes then looks at the camera like im in the office
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blackkatdraws · 2 years
This Side of Paradise - Stanarrator animation
song link here!
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