#i just couldnt stand talking to my dad today and he keeps talking to me UGHHH and my paternal grandma… her field her words i just am
thoughtfulseason · 1 year
i truly never had a more real pms. i wanted to break things, punch someone, cry, smile, laugh and now im sobbing like crazy
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puhpandas · 1 year
Tony Becker vs. a Panic Attack
(3,320 words)
Gregory helps Tony with a bully, but has a panic attack in the process. Tony helps him through it as much as hes able. (!!!warnings: a panic attack, a fistfight, implied/referenced past child abuse, pepper spray mention)
Tony had just been trying to get through the school day.
Usually, bullies leave them alone. Tony and Ellis and Gregory. It's not that they're immune, just that they're pretty much invisible. They're more ignored than ridiculed.
But of course, they've had their share of targetting. Enough to recognize which day is gonna be an eventful one, where the bullies decide to pick on them that day for whatever reason.
This is one of those days. Mitch Watterson is one of the more bigger, bulky kids in class. Not much of an airhead, but more just overconfident in himself because he grew up being feared by others.
At least that's what Tony thinks. He likes to do that. To try to understand why some people are the way they are. Its interesting to delve into what events could lead up to the person they are today.
Mitch has been eyeing him all day. First it started with mean stares, then turned into tossing paper balls at his head in class, until it eventually evolved into Mitch throwing taunts at his back.
Tony knew this was coming all day, which is why it isnt suprising when Mitch corners him at his locker, when school is minutes away from being let out for the weekend.
"How many did your dad kill again?" Mitch sneers at him when Tony hadn't reacted the way he wants so far. He'd been targeting basically the one thing Mitch knows about him that's a sore spot; his Dad. So far, it's taken everything in Tony to not spew what he thinks are facts at him, just to defend his Dad.
"Enough to get caught." Mitch grins at him, a glint in his eye that only gets more prominent when Tony finally reacts.
Tony furrows his brows so hard they hurt. He frowns as he says "He didnt kill anybody. It was just a felony--"
"It was just a felony." Mitch interrupts, his voice high in pitch to mock Tony's. "Heh. Why are you defending him, are you like him? You gonna kill me, too? Are you planning my murder right now?"
Tony grits his teeth as he slams his locker door shut, but he stays silent. He knows Mitch doesnt know what hes talking about, just saying things that may be hurtful, even if they dont make any sense. He really wants to hit Mitch right now, but he knows hes pretty average for his size while Mitch is big and beefy. He would be starting a fight he couldnt win.
Mitch doesnt seem to have the same restrictions, though. When Tony doesnt respond, he let's out a mean cackle and begins to step towards Tony menacingly.
"Maybe I should snuff you out before you can begin." He says, a mean smile on his face as he boxes Tony in. "You're the son of a criminal, and apples never fall far from the tree."
Tony knows that isnt what Mitch really cares about, hes just spewing bullcrap to rile up Tony before he beats him up. All Tony can do is back away to keep distance between him and Mitch, and he hisses under his breath when his back hits a wall.
Mitch cackles at the display, and Tony feels panic grip his chest. Mitch has Tony right where he wants him, and if he doesnt do something soon, Mitchs fists are soon gonna start flying.
Tony wracks his brain for a plan, or even just an idea on how to get out of this, and right as he begins to form a short half-hazardous plan, a figure steps in between him and Mitch.
If the blue shirt and spiky hair isnt indication enough, the fact that he can still see Mitch over the figures head definitely is.
Tony feels his heart drop when Gregory stands between him and Mitch, posture straightened and chest puffed out. Tony can only imagine the hatred and disgust twisted on Gregorys face right now, but he has no doubt it's there. It's an expression hes seen on his face multiple times when they witness bullying.
Tony freezes, not knowing what to do. He'd thought Gregory already left for the day. Mitch stops in his tracks too, looking at Gregory almost curiously. Sure, Gregory has a reputation in school for being tough and not someone you should mess with, but picking a fight with the biggest, meanest boy in class?
Tony cant see a scenario where this ends well.
Mitch seems to recover from the initial surprise quickly, and it's not long before an evil grin spreads across his face, and he laughs. "Well, well, well. Look who decided to step in."
Despite Mitch continuing to step forward, almost circling them, Gregory doesnt falter, and all he does is match Mitchs pace with a glint in his eye.
"Decided to help your little boyfriend?" Mitch sneers, a disgusted look on his face. "Cute. But stupid. You're no match for me, you know that, right?"
Gregory shakes his head. "There are things that matter more than brute strength." He says, and latently reaches for a pocket in his bag.
Tony thinks this is one of those times where Gregory says something super deep, that Tony cant get out of his head after he hears it, but Gregory doesnt continue that sentiment with something smart, all he says is,
"Plus, I hate bullies."
It's only then that Tony can see Mitchs eyes flick for just a moment, so fast he almost missed it, but Mitch looking directly at where Gregory was reaching and then back at him is too much to ignore.
Tony's eyes blow wide, and he reaches out. "Gregory, watch ou--!"
Mitch is on Gregory before he can finish. He dives at him, almost snarling as he goes to grab Gregory's arm. Gregory startles, moving his arm away from his pocket to use Mitchs momentum against him.
If theres one thing about Mitch, it's that hes painfully predictable. Before Mitch can grab ahold of Gregory's arm, Gregory thrusts his fist directly into Mitchs gut.
Mitch keels over, stopping in his tracks to hunch over. Kids in the hallway begin to stop and watch, murmuring travelling through the hall. Before Gregory can make another move, Mitch has recovered.
"Nice try," Mitch grits out, standing back up to full height, and Tony feels his breath get caught in his throat when Gregory doesnt move to get away. "but you'll have to do more than that to--"
Before Mitch can finish, Gregory's smashing his shoe into Mitchs knee.
At this point, a crowd has begun to form, and Tony can hear some kids ooooh at the blow.
Mitch folds, left supporting himself on his knee as his other one collapses under himself. He let's out some sort of garbled shriek, and Tony cant help the laugh that bursts out of him.
Gregory uses this opportunity to reach for his pocket again, for what is unknown to Tony, but Mitch notices, and when it processes, his eyes blow wide.
In a way that couldnt be predicted, Mitch somehow recovers prematurely, using newfound sudden strength to get to his feet and lunge at Gregory. Gregory doesnt even have time to try to dodge the attack, and he makes a suprised noise when Mitch grabs his shirt, tossing him against the lockers and keeping him there with a forearm pushed against his chest.
Gregory struggles, but his arms are trapped beneath Mitchs, and he isnt letting up anytime soon. Theres a pinch in Gregory's brow, and Tony is faintly aware of himself leaving the safety of the wall to take a step towards them, worried for Gregory, even though he cant do much to help.
Mitch pants, looking enraged. Gregory squirms under his weight, and he grits his teeth.
Mitchs free arm winds back. A punch is Tony's first guess, but the way hes positioned his hand, its not to punch Gregory, no. That's easy to recognize. For some unknown reason, instead, Mitch is winding his arm to backhand Gregory.
Tony almost freezes at the shock, movement staggering, but he catches a glimpse of Gregory's eyes from behind Mitchs bulky frame.
They're staring at Mitch, no his arm, reared back above Gregorys head and trembling with unfiltered rage.
Gregorys eyes, shockingly, are swimming with pure, unadulterated terror.
Tony has never seen Gregory look this way before. Gregory is looking at Mitch like hes winding up to kill him.
Mitch takes a deep breath, arm shaking with barely held back restraint. "This'll teach you not to mess with me--"
He readies his arm to strike, and Gregory flinches and squeezes his eyes shut, trembling badly. Tony thinks this is one of the moments where Gregory looks like a little kid.
Tony sees this go down from behind Mitch, something ugly gripping his chest and clouding his thoughts.
Without thinking, and with sudden strength not even he knew he had, Tony charges forward, shouldering the side of Mitchs body enough to displace him. Mitch cries out, his shock sending him scrambling for purchase as he looses balance.
Tony doesnt stick around to see Mitch fall, but he assumes it happens if the crowd all roaring in laughter is any indication. He reaches for Gregory, a firm grip on his arm, and he bolts.
Nobody follows them. In fact, the halls are completely empty, everyone having gathered for the fight or left the school. Tony pants as he sprints, eyes scanning for a place to hide.
He slows in front of the bathroom, skidding inside and dragging Gregory with him.
Tony releases Gregory, hunching over to support himself with his hands on his knees as he catches his breath, his heart hammering.
Adrenaline is still coursing through him, and he feels himself tremble, even after his refills his lungs and his legs stop burning from the sprint.
He takes one moment to listen, and see if any footsteps are racing down the hallway, ready to chase them down, but he hears nothing.
Tony begins to relax, but unlike himself, Gregory hasnt caught his breath yet. In fact, it sounds like Gregory cant breathe at all.
Panic grips at Tonys chest again when he whirls around, and sees Gregory leaning against the wall, knees wobbling and hand clutching at his heart, breaths short and fast.
Tony freezes, not knowing what's wrong. He hovers, taking a hesitant step towards Gregory. "...Greg? Are you--"
Tony doesnt get to finish. Gregory suddenly chokes on air, knees giving in as he slides down the tiled wall onto the disgusting school bathroom floor. He scrambles backwards, as if somethings attacking him. And so unlike what Tony's seen from Gregory, he pulls his knees up to his chest, hiding his face in them.
Tony stands there like an idiot, unsure of what to do. He fights himself to move, because Gregory cant breathe and hes obviously freaking out for some reason.
Hesitantly, Tony crouches down in front of Gregory, pausing for only a moment as he wracks his brain on what to do before settling a hand on Gregory's knee.
"Gregory!" He tries to get his attention. "Hey, Greg, are you okay?"
Tony's hand reels back when Gregory startles away from him like he burned him. He flinches so violently at Tony, that he almost feels hurt.
No. Tony shakes the idea away. Its not his fault. Dont get that into your head.
Tony thinks this is one of those attacks. Where something triggers it and you feel like you're gonna die. He cant remember the name right now, but he thinks that's what's happening.
Despite knowing what it is, Tony has absolutely zero clue how to help.
Tony makes a humming noise, bouncing anxiously as his hands hover, completely useless.
Gregory chokes again, making the most upsetting noises Tony's ever heard. Gregory flinches again, even though Tony didnt touch him.
Tony doesnt know what to do. He doesnt know how to help. You can't look for clues, here. You cant piece together a picture. Theres nothing about this he can latch onto to decipher, to figure out a way to help that wont upset Gregory further.
But Gregory is panicking, and he cant breathe, and even though Tony is scared and doesnt know what to do, he cant leave Gregory to just sit there and hyperventilate without at least trying.
So he takes a deep breath, steeling himself, and Tony schooches closer to Gregory this time not touching him. "Gregory? Hey, Greg. It's me. Tony."
No response, but Tony doesnt give up. "Um. It's your friend. I'm not Mitch, or, uh, anybody like that. I don't want to hurt you. Can you look at me, please? Can you even hear me?"
Tony perks up when Gregory peeks through his knees, slightly raising his head. Tony can tell that Gregory cant really see him, even though hes looking at him, but Tony smiles anyway.
"Hey." He says to Gregory, trying to keep his voice soft. "Um. You're okay, Greg. Were just in the bathroom, so were not nearby any bullies, or adults. It's just us here, okay?" Then he whispers. "If this is even helping?"
When Gregory reacts again, it's his trembling calming a bit and his head raising slightly.
Tony is really good at recognizing change in behavior. It's what a good investigator does if he wants answers from somebody. Gotta know if they're lying, or if they perk up if they know something. So when Gregory's eyes dart towards him ever so slightly, he notices, and grins.
"Greg." He says, relieved when Gregory isnt about to hyperventilate himself into unconsciousness anymore. Hes not completely okay yet, but it's better than before. Tony reaches out, but after a moments consideration, retracts his hand, just settling on setting it in his lap. "Hey, are you seeing me now?"
Gregory's eyes widen ever so slightly. "T--" he tries, but his voice wavers so much he coughs a bit. Tony leans forward a bit, worried, but Gregory catches his breath, if not normal breathing, then hard and fast but still functional. "H-Hey."
Tony jumps at the fact that Gregory can respond to him now. He leans forward, brows furrowed and hands hovering. "Um. I need you to tell me how to help you, okay? Can you do that? I'm, uh, kinda lost here."
Gregory's breath stutters, and he squeezes his eyes shut, but he manages, "Distraction. Fuh-- Five senses."
"Five senses." Tony repeats, now determined. "Okay. Okay! Uh..." He trails off, glancing around the room. "Okay... first. Greg, whats five things you see?"
It takes some visible effort, but Gregory peels his eyes open, a bead of sweat near his hairline and brows pinched. "U-Um... You, and... the sinks."
Tony nods. "Okay. Okay keep going."
"The... the stalls." Gregory huffs out, his breathing no longer short and fast but gasping and deep. "Um... the tile, the window, an--and my knees."
Tony nods, sagging in relief at somehow helping Gregory calm down, even with his previous cluelessness, Gregory gave him a hint now, and that's all hes got. "Okay! Now four things you hear."
"...My breathing." He chuckles without humor, almost self-deprecating, but stops when it takes too much of his breath. "Um..." He takes a deep breath. "Your voice. The pipes in the wall. The birds outside."
"Three things you can feel." Tony tells him, and this time, sets a hand on his knee, gentle as can be.
Gregory doesn't flinch, thankfully, but he does take a moment to answer, loosening his tightly wound body and taking deep, several seconds long breaths. "...Kay. Your hand." He trails off, shutting his eyes. "...The gross floor, and the nasty wall."
Tony breaths out a tiny half laugh at that, and smiles knowing if Gregory's saying things like that, hes probably feeling at least a little better. "Two things you can smell."
Gregory wrinkles his nose, opening his eyes and giving him a look. "...Dont make me do that in here."
Tony laughs for real this time, and grins when Gregory is able to smile again. "Okay, sure. As long as you're okay now."
Gregory winces when he tries to move his shaky arms to sit himself up. Tony reaches forward, relieved that Gregory's no longer curled up in a ball, flinching away from Tony when he tries to help. He helps Gregory sit up, and Gregory sends him a grateful smile. "Thanks."
Theres a few moments of silence, just Gregory letting himself relax even more and getting his breathing under control. Tony glances at him, questions eating away at him. When the silence continues to stretch Tony fidgets, and the question leaves his mouth without his permission when curiosity overwhelms his sense of thinking before he speaks. "What happened? Why did you react that way when Mitch..."
He catches himself at the last second, but it's not enough. Gregory flinches at the reminder, and he averts his eyes when he gets clammy again, looking uncomfortable.
Tony frowns, scolding himself. Stupid. He thinks. He should be able to push down his curiosity just for a second to help his friends, instead of only caring about getting answers. "Sorry... I, uh..."
"Its fine." Gregory says quickly, and he gets that rigid look on his face Tony recognizes as being deep in thought, mulling something over in his head thats unknown to Tony. He takes a breath. "I... when he was gonna slap me, it just... um... reminded me of stuff that's happened to me in the past, a little. That's all."
Tony's eyes widen ever so slightly when he understands, and he curses internally, feeling guilt curl in his stomach. He never should have asked. "Oh."
Gregory looks away, almost ashamed. "Yeah." He mutters. "Sorry that you had to, uh, see that."
Tony shakes his head immediately. "Its fine, Greg." He insists, leaning forward so Gregory will look at him. "I'll never judge you for stuff like that."
Gregory just stares at him, lips parted, but then he sighs. "Okay. Thanks, Tony."
Tony smiles, then when silence stretches across the bathroom, he decides to change the subject.
"So," Tony starts. "what were you gonna take out of your bag that scared Mitch so bad?" He asks.
Despite himself, a small smirk appears on Gregory's face. "Pepper spray." He says. "I've used it on him before. He cried like a baby."
Tony snorts at the thought of Mitch, the guy who claims to be the toughest kid in school, wallowing on the floor because Gregory sprayed something in his eyes. "So that's what you meant by things other than brute strength."
"Strength means nothing if they cant even touch you." Gregory grins, enough for Tony to see his permanently missing front tooth. "Especially if they have pepper spray in their eyes. It hurts pretty bad. See?"
Suddenly, a tube of pepper spray is thrusted towards Tonys eyes, and embarrassingly, he makes a dumb little yelp and shields his eyes with his hands.
Gregory cackles at the display, and Tony removes his forearms from his face, giving him a dirty look. "Why'd you put that in my face? What if it had sprayed me!?"
Gregory wipes a tear from his eye. "To scare you." He laughs. "And it worked."
Tony shakes his head, but despite himself, he also has a smile on his face. He didnt even see Gregory reach for it, let alone take it out of his backpack.
"I need to get home soon." Tony says after a moment of laughing together, thinking of his Mom. They've probably been here for a long time even after School let out.
"Can I come over?" Gregory asks quickly, like ripping off a bandaid. When Tony looks at him, Gregory averts his eyes.
"Of course." Tony says. He wouldn't want to be alone after that, and even if Gregory could, Tonys happy to keep him company.
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expensive-rainbows · 4 months
cw: SA, intrusive thoughts
ok so i know ive told yall some of this but idk how much ive told yall. so bassically three years ago there was this man who would hold the door for my bus since we always got there late so we would get locked out. keep in mind i know i shouldnt feel obligated to share what i was wearing but i cant help but feel that might be part of the reason why he targeted me. my favorite shirt was a sheer blue shirt that you could see my bra through if you looked close enough. this was during winter and i took my coat off on the bus since i didnt want to deal with it at school. he would ask me if i was a Eskimo (im mexican) and i would tell him no and keep walking. he had jolly ranchers and would give everyone some, but he gave me more than everyone else. he would give me double sometimes triple what everyone else got. i found it creepy so i never ate them, i just put them in my backpack and threw them out at the end of the year. everyday, when he held the door for me, and i watched how he treated everyone else and it was only me, he would take up more and more of the doorway everyday. like the first day he would take up a little, the next he would take up a little more, until he got to the point where he wasnt touching me (since im pretty sure its illegal) but that i knew he could if he wanted to. at the same time he would wait outside my fifth hour while we all waited in a line since my teacher went to the bathroom before class. he started by standing in the center of the hallway, and didnt leave until i made eye contact with him. everyday he got closer, until again he didnt touch me, but he was less than a foot away, and he had me cornered. i knew he could do whatever he wanted and no one would see. this lasted about two weeks and ended on december 16, 2023. I remember because it was a thursday and i was so happy the next day when he disappeared. idk if it was just this or something else that ive blocked out, but im terrified of men. like just in general. its been three years and i cant look my band teacher in the eye. ive had him for three years. i couldnt hug my dad for the first three months. my dad is one of the nicest people ive ever met. i know he would never knowingly take advantage of someone. i cant talk to my english teacher alone, i need my friend to go with me to ask to go to the bathroom. but dont worry this is a happy story. so sorry but im gonna give yall even more context. so my school take all the music kids of my grade to a like smaller amusement park, which isnt near us, its a good drive to get there. its kind of a big deal. plus we have one in our town, but its a lot smaller than the one we went to. so anyway the trip was today, and the band group took a picture together. i was in the back row, and idk if the guys in front of me knew i was there or how close i was to them but i was pretty close. like i could see the creases on the back of one of their necks. i could smell him. (he had some sort of cologne on, not axe body spray but close) but i didnt freak out or anything. like i noticed, but i didnt go home and have a panic attack or anything, i wasnt convinced that he was gonna r@pe me, nothing. i was fine. do you have any idea how long its been since i could say that. since i could say that i was fine and mean it. i didnt have a panic attack, didnt hurt myself (i did break my streak a little big ago, but thats because since were at the end of the school year im very sleep deprived and i have exams and i started working plus taekwondo so im busy and tired. and when im tired i take everything personally) its been three years since i could say i was fine and truly mean it. i still get a little weird around guys/men, but its getting better. now its only physical proximity, i can look them in the face! i know this probably sounds sad but im honestly happy. also quick question.
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moonjxsung · 7 months
I GOT THERE AT THE VENUE AND FOR SOME REASON EEVRYTHING WAS DELAYED BY AN HOUR AND I DONT . I DONT KNOW I WAS DEVASTATED I WAS LIKE SHIT I CANT EVEN SEE THE SECOND PERSON PERFORMING (IT WAS A DUAL TOUR) AD IW AS SO SAD BUT SOMEHOW. BY SOME MIRACLE. MY DAD TEXTED ME AND WAS LIKE "IM SO TIRED PLZ COME USING THE TRAIN" HOLY SHIT. I COULD STAY AS LONG AS I WATN AS LONG AS I COULD DRIVE THE LIE EVEN FURTHER WITH MY MOM. AND THATI EXACTYL DID!!@#!@#!@# I KNOW I SHOULDNT BE SO EXCITED AND HAPPY ABOUT LYING BUT IM JUST. HAPPY I GOT THIS EXPERIENCE INT EHE FIRST PLACE. LIKE THIS WAS THE BEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME. I GET TO GO HOME BY MYSELF, I DONT GET CALLED BY MY PARENTS, I GET TO SEE (ALMOST) THE ENTIRE SHOW, I GET FRONT ROW VIEW?? LIKE IT WAS LITERALLY THE BES TPOSSIBLE OUTCOME AND I THINK PERAHPS IT WAS A REWARD FOR THE SHITTY WEEK IVE HAD THIS ENTIRE WEEK. YETSERDAY SINGLEHANDEDLY MADE UP FOR IT. I LEFT THE VENUE AROUND 11:40 PM ISH??? AND GOT HOME AROUND 1 AM LMFAO how was i not questioned at all idk. i dont wanna jinx it like what if my mom asks me today abt everything i did. but also what the fuck how was i able to get away with such a big lie WHILE keeping it for HOURS???????????? HOURS PAST THE TIME I SAID ID BE OUT?!?!? no but like i cant beleive that these people are REAL like wym iw as in the same ROOM AS THEM? IC ANT. I CANNOT! the first girl (isabel) was BEAUTIFUL like ic ouldnt stop staring at her at all she was GLOWING. the crowd was lowkey fake and dead af tho.....like live in the moment stop staring at your phones tryna get aperfect fancam of her this aint a kpop concert!!!!!!!!! you came here FOR her not a recording of her!!!!!! well i undertsad the recording part bcs i was recordin gtoo but liek NO ONE WAS JUMPING OR SINGING ALONG OTEHR THAN ME BASICALLY AD IW AS LIKE WTF?!?! i love her older music so when she performed one of my favorites (heaven) i almost cried out of joy. but the crowd wasnt evenr ecording or singing along so i hope they were at least admiring her in person bcs she truly looked heavenly. like an angel. the white spotlight was shining down on her and she looked liek she had WINGS bro. i cant believve i got to see this live. INCLUDING ONE OF HER UNRELEASED SONGS THAT IM JUST SO IMPANTIENT FOR. NOW I HAVE AN UNOFFICIAL RECORDING OF THE ENTIRE SONG FOR ME TO LISTEN TO UNTILT HE ACTUAL RELEASE! i actually like her older songs a lot and one of my faves from her next to heaven is closer but she never performed that </3 i guess it was never on the setlist and she never performed it live pensive emoji stop i said i was near the stage nad i ltierally was like i dmed u the video of one of the girls (ari) TOUCHING MY HAND .. WHAT THE FUCL. I ALMOST ORGASMED HER VOICE IS SO HOT SED HELP stop her normal speaking voice made me DIZZY. it was raspy and lowkey deep and so like. so. it was giving dominant. why was she speaking liek that thru the mic do you want me to explode in my pants . someone needs to study me and my infatuation w women that have sexy deep voices like i also am heavily obsessed with fu hua from honkai impact bcs her voice is so hot and Ugh okay lets not get into the voice kink (guess my skz bias if u couldnt already from my previous asks .) BRO SHE STARTED TAKING OFF HER TIE TOO I ALSO SENT U THAT CLIP LIKE IAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOKAJOASKOAKOAOKOkookakokoakoakokaskodaidjaddsk
while i was buying merch before i left (i had to leave before the last two songs from ari, one of them being my faves </3 bcs i didnt wanna risk it any further) i was telling the girl by the stand that i had to be discreet bcs my paretns did Nawt know i was at a concert and some girl w her mom overheard and laughed and we made small talk and her mom was like "dont even worry about sneaking out for a concert, ive done worse as a kid. im glad you were able to give yourself this experience bcs we only live once" and i was like 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 damn some validation from a mother that isn't even mine surely feels nice. ANYWAYS. i got a signed photobook from them! i really wanted a shirt w the tourdates but alas my paretns once again dont know i was at hte concert and they are also religious as fuck and im pretty sure any shirt that mentions god in a nonreligious context would get my ass beat. Im still in disbelief like how did i even get away with this i cant believe it. also im crying bcs in order to drive the "conference" image, i went dressed in a whole business formal outfit LMFAOFOOFO you kow that meme that slike "me at my wedding vs me at some other event" with that guy. yeah that was me. me at my wedding (in my pjs) vs me at the gods watching tour (in an all black blazer outfit)
anyways yeah thank you for the lil pep talk you gave me and your comments on it <3 im glad i took the risk and went and therefore i had to tell you everything about it.
- 💫
HELDPDOSKKEMFKFKEKRKJRKTT THE LAST PART OF THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD W YOUR REFERENCE TO THE MEME W THE SUIT AND RHE CASUAL DRESS PLEELWKKSKXKEEO THATS SO REAL 😭😭😭😭 NO but real talk im so fucking glad you went AND that everything somehow worked out in your favor????? YOUR DAD COINCIDENTALLY GETTING TIRED HOLY FUCKKKKK I always feel bad when something happens where I can’t be 100% honest with my parents but like that lady said it’s literally worth it because it’s a once in a lifetime thing!!!! When I first bought tickets to see bts and booked my hotel and flight and everything I told my parents nothing but the bank called about the charges and they found out and I felt soooo bad but I literally regret NOTHING like concerts are such a fleeting thing and you gotta take advantage and GO when you can!!!! Holy fuck dude though I can’t believe you got that CLOSE to them??? AND GOT AN UNRELEASED SONG???? I do know Isabel from tik tok her music’s GOOOOOD (she’s always the audio in those hot ass skz edits djkekekckdkdkd) BUT I CANT BELIEVE YOU GOT TO BE SO CLOSE TO THEM also getting a signed photobook????!:!:!:!!:!:!:!.! YOU WON SOOOO GOOD BESTIE 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 IM SO GLAD YOU WENTTTT I hope you’re able to take advantage of whenever you have special opportunities and that you always get this lucky!!!! Don’t feel guilty about lying either one day these years will be mere memories and you got out of it clean so relax and celebrate bc YOU GOT TO BE SOOO CLOSE TO YOUR FAV FUCKING ARTISTS HOW COOL IS THAT……… ILY BBY MANIFESTING MORE MOMENTS LIKE THESE FOR U IN THE FUTURE 🫶💓💖💞💘🩷💕
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mothlegs · 1 year
todays dreams, content warning for descriptions of gore, animal harm, car crash, children witnessing (but not otherwise involved), and a child in inappropriate adult wear
dont remember much of the first dream, except my skin was breaking
i think i was going to shower? when i noticed there was a hole under my best, and as i continued to undress, the holes grew until half my chest was skinless, revealing the slowly bleeding dermis. every time i moved, a bit more of my skin parted. i also had a few on my fingers and i think there were two holes that were several inches deep
i woke up from the dream into another dream, where i talked with my grandma about it. we went to a pharmacy to pick up some meds i'd accidentally not been given, and my grandma was...very confused the entire time, showing symptoms of dementia
i started crying in the pharmacy and ended up sobbing on the way out and back to the car. thats all i remember
the other dream. i dont fully remember what happened inside, but something about a girl becoming a woman but she kept changing heights as the way she saw herself changed? it was from the perspective of the girl/woman but it wasnt me but it kinda was..? it was in my grandmas old house, and she had all my things. she was wearing ddlc cosplay and in her adult form looked a lot like monika. she had to go out for something, and brought all my stuff- my bags, my plushies, etc.
the car was parked in the front yard? which. makes no sense cause irl it would barely fit a car, it's surrounded by hedges, and it's up a very tiny flight of stairs.
but her and her mom or grandma go in the car just to park it down the street so a neighbour can lend it later, and then get into the car with the dad, putting on several seatbelts and protection cause hes a bad driver or something?
and then. i go to the kindergarten, up along the forest, and notice three kids looking into the trees. there's two cars that have crashed, one of them is missing the entire roof, which lays a bit behind it. there doesnt seem to be anyone helping, just the people in the crash
i see something that looks severed. something moves and i see it's a man's torso. weird dream logic that makes no sense, but i could see his entire severed torso and his spine through it but he was also standing on one leg? i genuinely dont know how this worked, i just know i saw that his entire torso was severed but that he was also standing on one leg (the other was severed)
a man walked by with a nail in his thigh
and then there was. an elephant. missing its back right leg and having several wounds
they helped the elephant down the hill and walked down the street out of my view
i wondered if they were taking themselves or the elephant to the hospital first (closest hospital and zoo are next to each other where i live)
i told the kids that had been watching i'd keep them updated on what happened, but one of the boys said no
as i walked back to the car, i passed a kid in leather bondage-looking clothes :/ i was disturbed by this in the dream but couldnt find any words to say, so just kept walking
thats all i remember. i got woken up by rain and thunder twice today :)
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ventingrage · 1 year
I woke up today completely shaken and half in tears. I havent thought about you for a while, life has been busy. I had a very realistic dream about you and when I was trying to talk myself down from being so upset to my one friend who knows about you, I started bawling. So here goes:
I was with my parents out somewhere by the coast I think, and we were able to see the different military planes flying. I was looking on my flight radar app and somehow I caught a glimpse of you getting into the 2nd back seat of this older type plane, perhaps a WWII model with the big metal wings and fin. You got into it and I was standing/floating/idk, but trying to keep somewhat hidden so you didnt see me. I got to watch you taxi out and take off. I was so excited to see you fly. My parents were in some building having dinner maybe but I had stepped out to watch all of this. So anyways, you guys pull up and go straight up into the sky doing some kind of spin maneuver. A second plane came up behind you and did the same. All of a sudden the second plane took a nose dive and I saw this white smoke poof out from the back but had lost a visual on it. Suddenly yours did too. I stood frozen as my jaw dropped and I started praying out loud “no no no… no, no… he cant be dead.” I walked in to my parents like a zombie and said, “he died…. They crashed, and i just saw him die….” It didnt make sense, you were grounded, you shouldn’t have been flying. My dad didnt realize why I was crying so hard so I had to play it off like it was simply just witnessing that. I started looking at news channels on my phone, facebook, anything, but no reports so I was hoping maybe it wasnt true. No…. They just had to notify families first. All of a sudden I’m in this conference type room with all kinds of people and military personnel. I didnt recognize anyone. I saw four white marbel slabs up on this short stage, and each one had a wreath of flowers on it and a flag behind it. I couldnt see the names. Quietly I meandered up to the front and asked what the name on it said. They moved the wreath and it was your title and name. I grasped my hand over my mouth and backed away slowly. All of a sudden they were handing your folded flag to your daughters. They seemed younger though, curly hair, white and black dress, smiling….could tell they had no idea what was going on. Your ex took a picture of them with the flag. I wanted to run over to her and yell at her but I kept my distance bc no one knew me.
I swear to you, it was so freaking real. My heart was pounding, and like I said, I was crying feeling like I lost you. Maybe it was my mind mourning the loss of you, trying to get past things subconsciously. If in my mind you are dead, then my heart can’t hurt anymore. It really fucked me up, watching you crash in that dream…. I’ve been having flash backs to it through the day. Just had to get it out on here incase for some reason I want to show you after you get out. I’ve tried looking for you, trying to find where you are being held. I can’t find you on any federal or state jail pages. I just wish I knew where…. I had a no caller id come up a couple days ago. Keep wondering if it was you. I guess I’m past the sad and angry phase now, and kind of at an “it is what it is” phase. I hope you’re okay. I hope you’re learning more about yourself and why you did everything you did, including ghosting me, yet again.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Bakugou’s daughter brings home a Boyfriend
Bakugou x wife!reader
Ft. Bakugou’s daughter
Warnings: fluff, lowkey Crack, sexual mentions, small angst, cursing, Bakugou being such a dad
A/N: This is one of my favorite types of Bakugou. Domestic father Bakugou!! So bc of that fact, this piece was born. Hope you enjoy!
Bakugou as a boyfriend? Bliss. Bakugou as a fiancé? Heaven. Bakugou as a husband? Euphoric
Bakugou as a dad?.......he sure is something
Don’t get me wrong, Bakugou would be the ultimate dad
Baby crying in the middle of the night? Sleep love, daddy’s got it. Baby needs a bottle? He can warm it up with his hands. Baby’s feeling bored? Look at these mini fireworks in his hands!! Katsuki’s got it all
But that’s a baby Bakugou
Bakugou with a teenager
Katsuki’s teen will be either one of two things
His best friend
Or his mortal enemy (whom he still loves endlessly)
His 16 year old daughter, Katsumi, was both
And yes they loved each other very much, but they also got into battles on who could cook dinner better, who Y/N loved more, hell, when y’all came back from a restaurant THEY FOUGHT OVER WHO MADE IT TO THE FRONT DOOR FIRST
But this battle? Y/N might just let them Kill each other...just this once
*SMACK* (thx Y/N)
“Daddy, this is Izuru! Izuru this is my lovely mother and that’s my shitty dad that I love so dearly!”
Katsumi definitely inherited her guts from the Bakugou’s
“Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs. Bakugou!”
Ah man, here we go
Silence. Pure, awkward, scary, silence. And of course Y/N’s nervous twitching HOPING that her dear husband doesn’t murder the green haired boy. As the young couple stand infront of the doorway smiling, the older couple is staring at them, one in nervousness, and the other in shock. (I’m talking Denki going 4 million volts shocked)
“Well.....Welcome Izuru! I knew you’d be coming over soon but I didn’t expect it tonight. It’s lovely to meet you,” Y/N ever so kindly said once she let out a sigh.
Her husband almost got whiplash from how fast he turned to look at her. “Knew?!? You knew about this kid?? And didn’t bother to tell me?!??”
“Well if I told you, you woulda stopped this meeting from happening ya jerk!” Y/N visciously explained.
“YA DAMN RIGHT CUZ-“ silenced with another smack from his wife. Y/N sure learned a lot from Mitsuki. “Please come in you two, I’ll start dinner.”
As the young couple sat in the living room speaking, the older one was in the kitchen preparing food. Well one of them was, the other was too busy burning a whole into the poor boy’s body with just his eyes.
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“Ow.” Continues to stare
“Suki stop that, you’re gonna scare the poor boy.” Y/N said.
“Contaminating? Love, we don’t even know if they’ve had sex. I doubt he’s “contaminating” anything any time soon.” You said with attitude.
Bakugou just stared at you know with the same look.
“Hmph!” And turned to look back at the kids.
“HEY!” Bakugou screamed.
“Heyyyyy~” Katsumi replied.
“No not “Heyyyy~,” Katsuki began and replied with a girly impersonation of his daughter as he walk towards the couple. “I mean, HEY, as in have you had sex with this kid?” He sternly asked.
“KATSUKI OH MY GOD,” Y/N screamed as she dropped something in shock.
“.......Yeah, so what?” His daughter replied.
Y/N wasn’t even mad. She already knew. She could tell. Mother’s instinct I guess.
Katsuki was fuming.
“NOPE! NO! THIS RELATIONSHIP WONT GO ON! YOU’RE TOO YOUNG TO BE HAVING SEX!” The older blonde screamed while looking at the now blushing green haired teen and his rebellious daughter. And Y/N was just giving him this...look.
‘What a fucking hypocrite’ you thought to yourself.
“How old were you when you fucked mom?”
Pure and utter silence.
Katsuki started stepping back from the couple while facing them and nodding his head. “.....use condoms,” and walked back to his deceased wife.
As dinner is placed on the table and everyone takes their seats, Katsuki can’t help but stare at this boy. Why does he seem so familiar?
Everyone just ate and talked. Grades, school, when did y’all meet, how long has it been? The usual. But Katsuki remained silent while thinking. And then..it clicked!
Katsuki slammed his hands on the table and stood up from his seat looking at the boy across from him. “What’s your last name?!”
Izuru was nervous because he was well aware of who Katsumi’s father was and how her father’s relationship with his own father was kinda iffy.
“M-Midoriya sir.” He nervously stated.
Katsuki saw red.
“DEKU?!??????!!!!!” He screamed
“Oh come on Katsuki! Like that wasn’t obvious!” You said rolling your eyes.
“There is NO WAY IN HELL I’m gonna let the Bakugou line be contaminated with Deku’s genes! Our family line only brings in the best of the best!” Katsuki proudly and loudly stated.
“So what am I?” Y/N asked.
“The best of the best! You were and are the perfect one for me Y/N! You know this, I know this, everyone knows this. And look at what we created-“ he was interrupted by his wife.
“A mini you?”
“A MINI ME! And who wouldn’t want that?!”
“Dad.” Katsumi said.
Now that caught Katsuki off guard. For the past 16 years, Katsumi has always been a daddy’s girl. She never called him “dad,” ew. She said “Daddy,” or “Shitty dad.” As Katsuki turned to his daughter he could see the look in her eyes.
“.......you really wanna be with this kid?” He asked.
“I really do.” Katsumi said while grabbing onto Izuru’s hand.
“...Ok then. You can be with him.” Katsuki calmly said.
Katsumi excitingly got up and ran towards her dad’s seat giving him a hug.
“Thanks daddy,” she said while giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Dinner continued on as normal as it could. Katsuki was just gonna have to learn how to let go.
As the married couple got ready to sleep, Katsuki was hanging outside their balcony.
“What was up with you Blasty? I haven’t seen that kinda Katsuki since UA.” You jokingly said as you went to stand beside him.
“You’re not scared?” Katsuki asked.
“Katsumi. She’s growing up. She has a boyfriend now. That girl is having sex! She’s not daddy’s little girl anymore.” He sadly said.
“That’s what this is about? Katsumi growing up? Suki, this was always gonna happen. She’s in her prime teenage years. She’s 16! A lots gonna start happening.” You began.
“I know that but-“
“But nothing Katsuki. You can be scared of her growing up, I am too, but we can’t be so scared that we try and stop her. You just have to know that Katsumi will always come back to us no matter how old she is. And she will always, always be a daddy’s girl. Her entire world revolves around you Katsuki, but we gotta let her go at some point. We have to let her grow. That’s how the best of the best are made after all, right? It’s what we look for in a Bakugou.” You finished.
Katsuki couldnt do anything but smile. You were right. He knew you were. And he was willing to let his little cub grow.
“......You’ve gotta stop interrupting me when I talk.” He laughed.
“And you’ve gotta stop saying the dumbest shit in the world.” You teased back.
He pulled you in for a quick peck and just held you there in his arms. He was so glad he had you to keep him grounded. You’re the best of the best after all. It only makes sense.
“Daddy?” Katsumi walked into her parents room, unnoticed.
As the two broke the hug to see their daughter, looking a little timid, Katsuki spoke.
“Katsumi, hey princess. What’s up with you.” Katsuki asked as he walked towards his daughter.
“You’re not...disappointed in me, right? You know, for who I chose to be with. I’m sorry if I chose Izuru but I-“ this time, it was Katsuki who interrupted.
“Hey hey, no of course not baby bear. I would never be disappointed in who your true feelings pulled you to. I don’t want you to apologize for anything when today I caused most of the trouble.” Katsuki said while wiping one of his daughter’s stray tears.
“You know I’m never gonna leave you guys. Right? I’m gonna grow up but I’ll always want to have a close relationship with you and mom. I love you guys, and I’m not going anywhere.” Katsumi said.
“We know Katsumi. And we love you too. And we’re far from disappointed in you. We are so proud of the young woman you’ve become today.” Y/N joined in.
Katsumi ran to her mother and gave her the tightest hug, and Katsuki couldn’t help but stare at his two girls. His world. His entire reason for living. All right there in his arms as he pulled them in for a bigger hug.
“Thanks you guys. Well, I’m gonna head to bed. I’ve got a date with Izuru tomorrow and I don’t wanna be late.” Katsumi began walking towards her parents door until Katsuki called her.
“Hey baby bear,”
“Izuru. He seems alright. He’ll be good for you.” Katsuki admitted.
“Yeah. He really is. He’s the best of the best after all. Reminds me of someone I know.” Katsumi said while leaving the room.
Yeah. Katsuki will be just fine.
A/N: Sheesh. This kinda sucked but I did this in my literature class sooo....it’s still credible work since I was writing, right? Yeah..?....No?...yeah ok. Anyways, HOPED YOU ENJOYED IT BEAR CUBS🧸💗
P.S. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT!! And I PROMISE I’ll get better and produce more work. Feel free to leave requests!
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sunrisefairy · 4 years
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Word count: 2.1k
Summary: Y/N likes drawing people. More specifically, she likes drawing George Weasley. Which is fine, until she loses her notebook and George is the one who finds it. 
A/N: Okay so because of lockdown and me having legit nothing to do i spent the last 2 days writing this fic for @teawiththeweasleys​ writing challenge and i couldnt wait to share it with you. im lowkey very proud of it so i hope you all like it 
Taglist: @hufflepuff5972 @inglourious-imagines message me if you would like to be added!
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Ever since Y/N was a little girl she was always drawing whether it was scribbles of her family, animals, magical creatures or plants, you could always find the girl with a pencil and paper somewhere nearby. For as long as she could remember her home was covered in her drawings, Y/N’s mum and dad would frame and hang up all of their daughters’ drawings all over the walls. They were so proud of Y/N’s creativity and encouraged her to keep creating her art. It had become a tradition that every year for her birthday Y/N would receive a new notebook and pencils form her parents and it was always her most cherished gift.
Over the last few years Y/N has become very intrigued with drawing faces, she loved how she could capture a person’s emotion with just some charcoal and parchment. More recently when Y/N was sketching she’d try to focus on the subtle and small features that make humans unique and beautiful, may it be the way their eyebrows arched in curiosity or the dimples and freckles etched into their skin or small wrinkles that danced near their eyes when they smiled. Y/N loved it all.
Because Y/N was so captivated with how facial features made everyone unique she found herself draw a particular ginger a lot more than anyone else. George Weasley. Everybody at Hogwarts knew George Weasley was the twin to the confident and loud Fred Weasley. And being that they are identical twins they look very similar. Y/N found it fascinating trying to pinpoint their minor physical differences and she had become quite good at it.
Her brown leather notebook, which if it wasn’t in her hand was usually found stuffed in her book bag, was full of sketches of George. It started of gradual, her drawings of the sweet boy. Y/N was usually found sitting on a bench in the courtyard if the weather was nice, drawing anyone she saw nearby and normally it was someone new each time. But when her eyes landed on the loud group of Gryffindor boys, she felt a pull to the tall boy with fiery hair who was standing next to his twin, both taking turns to tell a story which had the rest of the group engrossed. Y/N wanted to challenge herself, it was simple, she wanted to capture the features that made an identical twin unique.
Y/N spent the last few weeks ‘studying’ George in a very non-threatening and not at all creepy way. The pair had a few classes together being in the same year at school but the two hadn’t really spoken much to each other. So, Y/N admired from afar, normally from across the great hall or in class. She quickly learnt that George’s face was longer than his brothers, his eyes were more slanted, and his lips had a curve in them that was more prominent when he smiled, something he does a lot, Y/N observed.
The weather was particularly nice on this Saturday afternoon, so naturally Y/N found herself on a bench in the courtyard with her pencil tin open and a range of charcoals scattered around her as she doodled in her notebook (the one which wasn’t unofficially dedicated to George).
“Hello there little Gryffindors-” Y/N heard a voice call from nearby, the voice belonging to Fred Weasley. George was standing next to his twin and the duo were chatting to some unsuspecting first years.
“-anyone fancy a nougat? They are delicious” George finished; the twins shared a mischievous glance at each other.
Y/N quickly grabbed her other notebook and some charcoal and began sketching the boy’s face focusing on the way his eyes sparkled when he laughed at the poor Gryffindor who accepted the free candy which turned out to be a nosebleed nougat. Y/N was absorbed in her sketching she didn’t notice her best friend sit next to her, peering over her shoulder.
“Ah, drawing your lover boy again I see” Alicia chuckled as Y/N slammed the book shut.
“He’s not my lover boy, I’ve already told you; I draw him to-”
“-capture the features that make an identical twin unique. Sure, so if I flick through your other notebooks, I’ll find one dedicated to Fred too then?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, “shut up.”
“Come on creeper, we told the others we’d hang out today.” Alicia pulled on Y/N’s hand as she quickly threw her notebooks and pencil tin in her book bag.
“Merlin, hang on! You’re gonna rip my arm out of its socket!” Y/N giggles hoisting her bag strap higher up her shoulder.
The two girls walked off, arms linked and laughing, neither one noticed the lone notebook that was left on the bench.
George, Fred and Lee were heading towards the great hall after their amusing interaction with a group of first years when the younger twin noticed a brown book perched on a bench. He detoured that way to pick it up, flicking through the pages in hopes he will find who it belongs to so he can return it.
George furrowed his brows as he dove deeper into the book. He expected it to be filled with notes and writing but he was not expecting to see drawings of people; of him and Fred. But as he looked closer, he quickly realised that they weren’t sketches of him and Fred, just himself.
“Oi! What are you doing? We’re gonna be late for dinner” Fred’s voice pulled him back. George shoved the notebook in his pants pocket and hurried after his twin very confused as to why the notebook was filled with drawings of him.
Later that night George found himself sitting on his bed in his dorm room flipping through the notebook. These drawings were incredible, whoever it belonged to had some serious talent but he couldn’t get over why someone had drawn him, let alone multiple drawings. Each sketch was different to the last though, some were of his whole face others just of his eyes or mouth. George was in awe of the skill this person had; they had managed to capture his face perfectly.
Some might view finding a notebook filled of drawings of themselves a little creepy, however George Weasley found it flattering. You see, for his whole life, George has seen himself as the other half of Fred. Most people in their lives couldn’t tell the pair apart and opted to talk to them and refer to them almost as if they were one person as FredandGeorge and not Fred and George. This notebook was proof that someone out there noticed George as a singular person, an individual, which made George’s heart flutter.
“Oh godric” Y/N mumbles pouring out the contents of her book bag on the table.
“Hey, Y/N relax. I’m sure it will turn up eventually.” Alicia says in attempt to calm her friend down.
Y/N ran her hands through her hair, very stressed. She had been searching for her notebook all morning with no luck worried that the wrong person had found it and would deem her a creepy stalker.
“How can I relax when my notebook-the notebook which is filled with drawings of George Weasley-has gone missing. Oh merlin, whoever has it will most likely recognise the drawings of George and give it to him and he’ll eventually find out that it belongs to me and think I’m a freak” Y/N’s arms are frantically waving around to empathise her point as she paces up and down the room.
Alicia stops in front of her friend, placing her hands on her shoulders, squeezing reassuringly “Y/N breath. You’ve told me a million times that those drawings are just about capturing someone’s facial features, right? It’s not like you have a crush on the guy so it doesn’t matter if anyone thinks that, because it’s not true.”
Y/N’s sketches of George Weasley had started just as Alicia said but it quickly turned into Y/N possessing a small, okay maybe huge crush on the red head and her trying to find any excuse to stare at him and draw. Y/N’s heart hammered in her chest at the thought of George being the one to find her notebook. There was no way George wouldn’t be freaked out and think Y/N had some weird obsession with him.
“Okay so when was the last time you remember having your book?” Alicia questions.
Y/N racks her brain trying to remember, “yesterday afternoon. In the courtyard on that bench, I was drawing him when you came over. I’m sure I put it in my bag but I haven’t seen it since.”
Alicia nodded, the two deciding that was the best place to start.
Y/N practically sprints to the courtyard, luckily there wasn’t many students here, giving it was a Sunday morning and everyone was probably still sleeping. The two girls look around trying to spot the leather book. Y/N sighs in defeat, collapsing onto the bench and groaing into her hands.
“Bloody hell, I can’t believe I lost it. I’m so stupid”
“Err, Y/N” Alicia nudged her friend’s shoulder.
“Geez, thanks Alicia, you’re meant to say ‘No Y/N you’re not stupid’”
Alicia widened her eyes at Y/N before glancing behind her, “look”.
Y/N follows her gaze and freezes. George Weasley was walking towards them, that in itself was strange but it wasn’t until Y/N looked down at George’s hand and noticed the missing notebook.
“Oh no.”
George had figured whoever misplaced the notebook would probably come back to the last place they had it to search for it. He was hoping for that at least. Not only did he want to return the book to its rightful owner, he also wanted to thank them for seeing him, for noticing him.
As George rounded the corner his eyes scanned the courtyard and were met with Alicia Spinnit and Y/N L/N sitting on the same bench he’d found the notebook on, bingo. Judging by Y/N’s wide eyes that were glued to the notebook in his hand and how Alicia gave her a pat on the shoulder before disappearing, George figured the drawings were the work of Y/N. George’s heart sped up with this information. The two of them weren’t close but were friendly having shared some classes together. George had caught himself on more than one occasion glancing at Y/N during lessons and mealtimes, wondering what it would be like to get to know her. Guess now he has a chance.
His feet stopped a few paces in front of the bench as Y/N gawked up at him.
George cleared his throat, “uh I believe this belongs to you?”
Y/N basically snatches the notebook from his fingers, feeling insanely embarrassed and when Y/N is embarrassed, she rambles. “Oh merlin, I’m so sorry! I’m guessing you looked through it, of course you did. I would have too if I stumbled across a stranger’s book. I’m also guessing you realised all the drawings were of you. Look I’m not some stalker, I swear. Like I’m not some girl that has a massive crush on you and decided to fill a notebook with drawings of you… Well I do have a crush on you. But I promise I didn’t mean to be creepy. I just, I like drawing people and you have a nice face.” Y/N chews on her bottom lip, forcing herself to shut up.
George opens his mouth and closes it a few times as he processes the girl’s words. “Wow, um- I want you to know that I don’t think you’re creepy at all. I was actually really flattered looking through your pictures. It’s nice to know someone sees me as me and not as an extension of Fred.”
The two stare at each other for a few moments, neither one knowing what to say.
George moves to sit beside Y/N, close enough that their thighs are touching, “they are really good by the way. The drawings I mean. You’re very talented.”
Y/N blushes at his words, “thank you. I don’t normally share my art, with the exception of my parents and Alicia.”
George places a hand over his heart, “well in that case I feel very honoured.” He runs his fingers through his hair as Y/N giggles before continuing, “I know we aren’t super close and I kind of hate that it’s taken me this long to ask but would you maybe wanna hang out sometime? Like a date.”
Y/N fiddles with the notebook in her lap trying to hide her excitement “for sure, I’d love that.”
George lets out a sigh of relief, “great, well what are you up to right now? Maybe we can hang out and you can draw more pictures of my handsome face.”
Y/N rolls her eyes and playfully shoves at his side “careful, your head might explode with all that ego. But yes I’d love to hang out with you right now.”
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s stepkid
Tony Stark x Potts!child!reader
warnings: alcohol mention
a/n: i rushed these so bad i just wanted to post dhhshsnsna
prompt: y/n is pepper’s kiddo!
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it was just you and your mom for a long time
pepper and y/n potts
she couldn’t keep up with you sometimes, too busy dealing with the manchild that was mister anthony edward stark
speaking of—
“uh, who’s this?” -tony, pointing at you
“mr. stark, i am so sorry, the school closed because some kid set fire to the science lab and i didn’t have time to find a sitter—”
“no, it’s fine, no need to apologize. hey, kid, you wanna sit in the boss’s chair? i’ll let you run the company for the day!” *cue you nodding* “sweet, would you mind that, ms. potts?”
“oh? no, not at all” *mouthing* “thank you”
“so, uh, what’s your name? no, don’t tell me: ketchup.”
*giggling* “y/n”
“no way! that was my second guess!”
tony wasn’t used to being around kids
he had no idea that he was actually kind of good around them
despite a few minor hiccups
“you sit in my chair and im gonna spin you around, sound like fun?”
he spun you around WAY too fast and you were diiiiizzy, also you fell off the chair
“don’t tell your mom that we did that. she may be my assistant, but she scares the shit out of me. also, don’t say ‘shit’”
dude he just thought you were a cool kid!!!
“hey, you know, ms. potts, you dont really need to hire a babysitter anymore. y/n’s doing just fine hanging out here”
“how am i not surprised you befriended an actual child?”
she still took him up on his offer, you seemed pretty happy
when your mom worked late, you passed out in tonys office
tony and you had your own little secrets (like falling off the spinning chair), tony showed you around stark tower, and you practically lived there
“i got you a happy meal from mcdonalds!” -tony every day after your school
in all honesty, you weren’t the “popular” kid at school...not even close
but tony made up for it
“y/n! i found this old racecar toy in a box of old stuff, you wanna hold onto it for me?”
you kind of grew up in stark tower tbh? it was pretty cool
and as you grew up, you started to notice more
“mr. tony, do you have a crush on my mom?”
“do i what? no, no, i do—who the hell am i kidding? you caught me”
“called it!”
after that you did everything to try and get them together
when your mom was talking to tony, you would stand behind her and wiggle your eyebrows and just taunt tony endlessly
no! tony cannot remember your mom’s birthday for the life of him! you are his calendar now
“dude, why dont you just ask JARVIS to remind you?”
“i may be a genius, but that doesn’t mean i have common sense”
“wise words, sir” -JARVIS
when tony disappeared for 3 months you were so sad???? like you were not okay at all
and when he came back, he literally exited the plane saying “WHERE’S ‘T-POTT??’”
(your wonderful nickname. ‘t’ for ‘tony jr.’ and ‘pott’ for ‘potts’)
“my mom missed you”
“oh, i bet she did”
“you turned my child into you, tony. i will never forgive you for this”
“well, at least y/n was here to fill in for me, huh?”
tony wanted to show you the arc reactor but he was actually afraid of scarring you lmfaoooo
but he did let you in on the iron man secret (he knew you wouldn’t snitch)
and just to make sure:
“if you dont tell anyone, i’ll buy you a car when you turn 16”
“man, that’s like, forever away”
“good, maybe you’ll forget by then”
ur mom kinda maybe sorta found out abt iron man :/ she told you that tony was a bad influence
“mom! no, tony’s cool! he’s like a superhero”
“no, sweetie, he’s a rich guy with issues. we’re leaving”
that didn’t last long
not long at all
and soon they FINALLY got together
“jeez, i thought you two would never stop pining after each other”
“couldnt have done it without my wingman” -tony *fistbump*
“as thanks can i have my own iron man suit?”
“yes.” *pepper glaring at him* “no.”
sooner or later your mom and you moved into tony’s house and you got a really big room!!!!
it was completely decked out
king sized bed, flatscreen tv, mini-fridge, microwave, computer, your own bathroom with a smaller tv, a poster of tony??? (you vandalized it and put it in his workshop), and more!!!
okay you were spoiled
“do you like it here? are you sure i made the right choice?” -pepper
“are you kidding, mom? this is awesome! plus, you’re happy, i’m happy, tony’s happy, i think JARVIS is even happy!”
“i am, mx. potts. simply ecstatic” -JARVIS
pepper was really happy!! it was a pretty cool family
you started giving your school tony’s number if you ever got in trouble, you knew he’d cover for you
“mr. potts, is it?”
“your child, y/n, punched another student in the face today. we’re very disappointed in their behavior”
“why’d they punch the kid?”
“well, the other student punched y/n first”
“HAH! thank you for wasting my time. send y/n back to class and call me back if something important comes up”
he literally gave you a high five when you got home
“i gave him a black eye!”
“i couldn’t be more proud. i mean, i dont condone violence, but self defense is a whole other story”
a little help in the workshop, tony asks you to hold the flashlight
“why don’t you get one of your robots to hold this for you?”
“are you kidding me, you’re complaining? we’re having stepdad/stepkid bonding time! and dum-e can’t do anything right, i dont trust him”
youve had a few theme park trips as a family ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also tony has 100% told you to wait in the car and then left you alone for 2+ hours
“i’m not like a regular dad, im a step-dad. want some beer? you can have a little sip. i’d rather you do it in the house”
your mother actually does love how he actually cares about you!
“y/n is 12% my responsibility” -tony
“tony, you are impossible” -pepper
no avengering for you! pepper said no!!!!!!
disappointed but not surprised
iron man 3: y/n potts is put through the wringer
Text Message to Mr. Tony: bro you better come get your girl, me and happy are watching this other guy flirting with her. he’s showing her pics of his ‘big brain’
Mr. Tony: HE WHAT
Text Message to Mr. Tony: Tony he looks creepy i don’t want him to be my new stepdad do something!!!
anyways ur house kinda blew up and ur mom and you kinda got kidnapped and u were right abt that guy being creepy and thankfully no experiments were done on you but like your mom kinda almost died and her and tony were fine!!! all good in the end
you met mr. col. james rhodes that day
“aw, you’re the kid ive heard so much about” -rhodey
“you mean the coolest kid in the world?check.”
“you cant tell me you aren’t tony’s biological child, good god”
you got to meet the avengers later on too! (you’d already met natasha tho, only briefly)
“i know it can be a little overwhelming, right? meeting all these heros, legends even—” -rhodey
“oh, my god, is that thor? thor!!” -you, leaving rhodey in the dust
literally why does pepper trust you around tony something always goes wrong there were literally robots attacking, you were only at avengers tower bc your mom was busy with the company and she thought you’d be safe with the avengers. the AVENGERS.
“please dont tell your mom that i created a bad robot that tried to kill us. the robot will be the least of our problems” -tony
he made happy pick you up and you had to miss out on FUN and it sucked a lot
“it’s okay, y/n! i’m fun, too!” -happy
then your mom and tony took a break and your life got mega-boring for a while, but they weren’t separated for that long. you try not to think about it. it was brutal
Mr. Tony: Does she miss me?
New Message to Mr. Tony: I think so. Either that or she’s crying and drinking wine in the dark for no reason.
Mr. Tony: Damn it, now I feel bad. I miss her a lot. Oh, also, the Avengers say ‘hi,’ I’m in Germany with some bad news, I’ll explain later if you don’t see it on TV first, and I found you the perfect friend! His name is Peter and I think you’d like the school he goes to, it’s in Midtown. Smart kid school.
New Message to Mr. Tony: I’ll look into it, thanks. Also, I don’t like how those all connect. Please update me asap
watching the news to see several avengers arrested, cap on the run, and more!
“maybe it was good i didn’t fall in with the avengers”
tony and pepper finally got back together and you actually transferred to midtown high! peter and his friend group accepted you quickly, it was great. you and flash unfortunately had the most in common
you’d literally text happy right next to peter and he’d immediately reply to you. it hurt peter’s feelings
Momma: Sweetie! I’m working in the office late, leftovers are in the fridge, hope you have a wonderful day at school! 💕
👉👈the vulture tried to kill you for being tony’s stepkid, tony made peter promise to protect you
“y/n, you gotta stay out of harm’s way. mr. stark gave me an actual mission and it’s terrifying, i have to make sure you stay safe”
legit why the fuck was this old man tryna kill you bro grow up
anyyyywayssss your mom and tony got engaged!!
“wow, i thought the day would never come!!” -you
ppl told you tony isnt your stepdad bc ur mom and him werent married but who tf asked
why is the earth always in fucking danger
you and peter were just vibing on the field trip bus and all the sudden: space donut
“go! i’ll cover for you...FRIDAY, call tony”
“...hi there, little one”
“what the fuck”
“oh, so you see the aliens, too? well, at least im not crazy”
tony stark has left the atmosphere
you and your mom were kinda......not chillin tho
she and you didn’t sleep for a few nights, then ppl just straight up disappeared
plot twist: you survived the snap and your family was lucky to be alive, you even got a little sister who became a big handful!
only bad thing was all your friends dusted and you were pretty lonely
but watching morgan grow up kept you busy
“ahhh, shes so big!”
happy times in bad times
bad times!!!!! bc after five years thanos came back as thanos from like ten years ago. outdated thanos. obsolete thanos.
but you made your first and only appearance in the suit tony actually designed for you many years ago
you should have just stayed home tho bc that fight didnt pass the vibe check
“please dont tell me he...no, no, no, no, no”
you and your mom latched onto each other in tears, tony was one of the best people in your life, he made you and your mom two of the happiest people on earth
best stepdad a kid could ever ask for
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiantfavs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @ofthedewthesunlight //
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[SUMMARY: Rick's daughter Melody cant stop thinking about Negan. The two developing a connection before she learns the truth of what Negan had done to Glenn.]
Negan and Melody PART TWO
It had been about two weeks since you saw Negan. Two whole weeks yet you couldnt stop replaying what happened between the two of you. Sucking your teeth you cursed at yourself for even continuing to think about what happened. You werent interested to see anymore of Negan, at least that's what you tried convincing yourself. It was hard fighting the thoughts in your head, just how much control you had over Negan for that moment until he climaxed. With a sigh you walked out and decided to help Michonne that day with her daily duties. As you walked past where Negan was held captive, you couldnt help but keep your eyes on the door not having any idea your father would catch you. This was the second time now that your father caught you looking at the jail cell in a strange manner. Brushing it off he went about his day as you did.
Negan continued to wake up each day with a hard on, thinking of you and what you did. Truth be told it was hard for him to ask you to leave when he did, Negan felt comfortable having conversation with you. He appreciated that you didnt treat him like an animal locked away, although you didnt know why he was in the cell, the sight of him in the cell didnt make you treat him any different. He wondered if any bit of you would think of coming by to see him, he wondered if you thought about what you did to him. He replayed it in his head only in his head it didnt end with you leaving. He lay in his bed when he suddenly heard the voice of a man calling your name through his window.
"Hey Melody, wait up!"
You turned to find Fred running towards you. Fred was one of the new guys who entered Alexandria within the last month. Since his arrival you noticed how much he looked at you and how much he would try to talk to you. Being distracted in your head with the whole Negan situation you didnt realize that maybe this guy had a crush on you.
"Where you headed to?" Fred asked out of breath as he caught up to you.
"I'm just going to check on the kids, sometimes I help Anne with the classes."
"Maybe I can accompany you."
Negan frowned as he overheard Fred's suggestion.
"I mean, sure if you want to." You smiled at Fred not having any idea the two of you were being heard.
"You look really cute in that shirt by the way." Negan sat up at Fred's compliment and looked up at the window. He wondered if you were wearing that same black top you had when you came to see him. The same black top that showed just enough of a peak at your plump breasts. He made a dirty look knowing this man was probably thinking the same as him when he saw you in that top. Negan stood up on top of a box and put his ear closer to the window continuing to hear the conversation.
"Thank you," you giggled looking down at your shirt suddenly remembering this had been the same top you wore when you saw Negan. You remembered how he couldnt get his eyes off it.
"You alright?" Fred asked noticing you blank out in thought.
"Yeah of course. Lets go, Fred." You smiled before walking off with him.
"Fred huh" Negan mumbled to himself as he stepped down. It striked a nerve of jealousy in him that he didnt understand. Negan didnt even know who Fred was. He lay back down with his hands behind his head brushing off the matter, well he tried to at least. He knew he had asked you to leave but he wondered if this new guy Fred is what kept you from even trying to see him.
The next day you came outside to find your father and the others holding up the fence in the entrance. A few walkers attempted to make their way in but thankfully they were stopped.
"Melody!" You looked to the side and found Gregory, the same guard that let you in to see Negan the last time calling for you.
"Melody, I need your help-" he suddenly handed you a tray of food and threw a set of keys at you.
"I need you to give Negan his food, I have to help with the entrance."
"What? I'm not going in there, my dads not even calling for you." You insisted with confusion.
"Listen they need a hand from the outside, now unless you want to do that just take Negan his stuff I'll be back quick." Before you could respond Gregory ran off making you sigh. The last thing you wanted to do was see Negan. Looking around to make sure nobody would see you, you quickly snuck inside and locked the door behind you. You could feel your heart rate go up as you walked down the dark hall. You found Negan sitting back against the wall reading a book. The sound of you entering made him look up and raise his brows.
"Well look who's back," he spoke in his usual cocky tone as you rolled your eyes.
"Dont flatter yourself, Gregory asked me to do this favor." You shoved the tray under the cell as he put the book down and stood up.
"Now dont tell me you dont want to see me." He teased as he stepped close to the bars.
"I don't." You snapped back.
"Why not? Your boyfriend Fred might get jealous?" He grinned.
"Hes not my boyfriend-wait how do you even-" Negan interrupted you with a deep chuckle.
"What the hell do you care anyways?" You squinted your eyes at him.
"Mmmm..I thought a new man caught your eye, sweetheart."
"Again. What the hell do you care?"
"Maybe I missed you." He slowly licked his bottom lip with a smile. You scoffed rolling your eyes in response.
"I mean I know I told you to leave, doll but shit you broke my heart. Thought youd be back."
"Well you thought wrong." You crossed your arms confidently until he squinted his eyes at you.
"You've been thinking about me too, havent you?" He teased.
"N-no, I havent actually." You lied and you werent even good at it.
"You sure? You don't think about what you did to me? Or better...what I wanna do to you." He spoke seductively watching as your lips parted.
"Because I do. I think of it every fucking day."
You took a deep breath knowing damn well that's exactly what you had been thinking since you last saw him.
"Why are you telling me this?" You whispered slowly.
"Cause I want to fucking see you." He blurt out leaving you silent. Truth was, you wanted to see him too but did your best to fight the thought out of your head.
"Do you?" You asked when you suddenly heard the door open behind you and your heart sunk.
"Melody, what the hell are you doing here?!"
You turned to find your dad angrily walking towards you.
"Dad-" you gasped.
"Oh shit..." Negan muttered to himself with a smirk as he realized who Rick was to you.
"I want you out of here-"
"Dad let me explain!"
"Go to your room. Now!" He yelled so loud it made you jump. Negan frowned hearing you tear up before you ran out of the room leaving only him and your father alone together.
"So that's your daughter, huh?" Rick looked at him with intense eyes afraid to even know what he was thinking of you.
"Pretty girl-"
"Watch your mouth!"
Negan couldnt help but laugh in response, knowing the daughter of the man that has him locked up was the one that jerked him off.
"Its no wonder she likes me-"
"She doesnt like you, dont speak of my daughter."
"Oh but I think she does." Negan responded in a cocky manner.
"Your daughter and I actually got to know each other quite a bit and I think she likes that I dont treat her like a fucking kid. I mean shes not...shes a whole lotta woman." A slow grin appeared on Negans face making Rick bang his gun on the bars.
"I'm going to warn you, when it comes to my daughter you really dont want to cross me." With that being said Rick left the room and ran to find you.
In your room sitting on your bed nervous you knew you would be hearing from your father any minute.
"Stupid Gregory," you muttered to yourself wondering why he let your father get back to the prison first. As you sat staring at the floor your father barged in angrily. Rick stood in place for a moment staring down at you disappointed before he began to speak.
"You're going to have a curfew from now on."
"Dad. I'm already locked in Alexandria-"
"How long have you been seeing Negan?" He cut you off bluntly.
"I havent...today was the first time." You lied making him sigh.
"Melody you have to understand that man is dangerous, hes locked up for a reason."
"And you cant even tell me why." You shot back crossing your arms. Your father stood silent staring down at you, he couldn't bring himself to tell you the truth.
"Melody I'm your father and you should just trust me when I tell you something. That's that. Now stay in your room." He slammed the door as he left making you want to pull your hair out. Angrily you lay back in bed and sighed just wanting the day to be over.
Two days passed and you hadn't really spoken to your father, you had nothing to say. Sitting on your porch you saw your father getting a truck ready to go on another run. The supply run would last over night with the destination being far but they knew where to go. You looked over at where Negan was held and saw Eugene standing in the front before realizing your father was watching you with a warning glare. With a sigh you stood up and went back inside.
Negan overheard Rick and a few others were going to get a few supplies. Yet, he was sure he wouldnt be seeing you for a while now, he knew you would be too afraid to. Eugene came inside to check on him and Negan could always tell how nervous the job made him.
"I gotta ask," Negan began to speak making Eugene tremble.
"Why you out of everyone out there?"
"Wh-what do ya mean?" Eugene responded hesitantly when Rick suddenly called for him as he was making sure Negans cell was locked.
"Be right there!" Eugene yelled out before nervously running out being thankful that something got him out of there. Negan chuckled leaning on the bars when the cell suddenly opened.
"Holy shit.." Negan whispered.
"Eugene I need you to help Anne till I get back."
"Well what about Negan?" Eugene asked worriedly.
"He'll be fine. Doors are locked, he wont know you're not in front. Just do me that favor till I get back alright?" Eugene nodded quickly before Rick jumped in the truck and drove out of Alexandria.
Negan heard the car drive out and stepped on the box to get closer to the window to hear who was around. It sounded very quiet outside. Slowly opening his cell door he made his way down the hall. Putting his ear to the door to hear who was outside he slowly turned the knob. Surprised that it was open he let himself out. Negan could've easily used this chance to escape, he could've used this chance to be free but, Negan wanted to see you. Looking to his right he was lucky to catch you going inside the house so he knew right where to go.
Negan hid behind the houses as he snuck his way closer to you. Stopping a few feet away he looked up and noticed you by your window. Distracted completely by the sight of you taking off your top, he couldn't help trying to get a peak. Rushing to the front of your house as no one was around, he quietly snuck inside gently closing the door behind him before making his way upstairs.
Negan could hear you humming to yourself as he slowly went up the stairs. He could hear you coming from the left side of the house. He looked to see your door was cracked and slowly moved closer to it. Through the crack he saw you still with your bra on brushing your hair.
As you brushed your hair all you could think about was Negan. Why the hell did that man have such a hold on your mind? You abruptly stopped singing getting annoyed at the thought of the situation. How he asked you to leave last time then suddenly had the nerve to say he missed you.
"Negan missed me huh," you scoffed not knowing you were being heard.
"So why the hell ask me to leave, asshole?" You stood up throwing your brush on your dresser before reaching behind you and unclipping your bra. The second you removed your bra Negan let out a deep breath at the sight of your round and plump breasts. He could picture them filling up his large hands, he could feel himself getting hard at the thought. You sighed as you suddenly spaced out thinking about that morning. Thinking about how much you actually wanted to suck on his cock. Thinking about how he wrapped his hand around your throat...then touched your breast. Without realizing it you found yourself caressing your breasts.
Negan practically almost lost his balance at the sight. Keeping himself composed he began to rub his crotch area as he watched you twist your nipples between your fingers.
"Oh.." he whispered softly as he watched your hands touch yourself all over, your neck and shoulders. Your eyes closing as you bit your bottom lip and squeezed your breasts. Negan was breaking a sweat watching you, his breathing was heavy as he focused on every part of you. He tried his best to hold himself back but he couldnt control himself any longer and opened the door to you room.
Negan walked inside making you scream as you stumbled back against the wall. Covering your breasts with your hands you couldnt believe Negan was in your room.
"What...h-how.." you gasped in shock as Negan smirked, slowly closing the door behind him and locking it. You couldnt find the words to say, had he escaped? What the hell was he doing here?
"Come on, arent you glad to see me? I sure am glad to see you." He stepped closer as you stared at him in shock. Licking his lips with a twinkle in his eyes he looked down at your hands covering your chest.
"You're gonna put those hands down for me, sweetheart?" You could see he was aroused just as you were. Slowly but surely you obliged putting your hands to your side. He looked down at them licking his lips before looking back up at you and grinned.
"Thats a real nice fucking rack."
Negan chuckled at your shy response he could tell you were nervous and shocked at the sight of him.
"You wanna share with me what your fine self was just thinking about?"
"You saw me...how long were you there?" You finally spoke hesitantly.
"Long enough. Now tell me, what exactly were you thinking of about big ol' Negan here." He slid his tongue between his teeth as he looked down at you excitedly.
"I...um...Negan..." you laughed nervously making him smile, he actually thought it was kinda cute.
"Let me help you out." He blurt out before clearing his throat.
"Were you thinking about this?" Negan suddenly took your nipple gently between his index finger and thumb, twisting it lightly. You gasped looking down at what he was doing as he began to now do it with the other hand as well.
"Negan.." you whispered before he leaned down and took your nipple in his mouth. You moaned throwing your head back as you held on to him, the feel of his tongue flicking around your nipple making you weak. Negan began to pull your pants down as he continued to tease you knowing exactly what he wanted to do to you.
"I dont know if we should right now." You whispered knowing damn well you didnt want to stop. Negan stood up straight and began taking off his clothes as he stared down at you.
"Come on, sweetheart. No ones around to stop you. Plus..." he walked backward towards the bed and pulled you back on it with him.
"I still owe you, remember." He winked looking down at you before leaning in and kissing you. It felt so good feeling his body lay beside yours. Negans hand caressed your body as he kissed you. He placed himself behind you as he kissed the side of your neck and shoulder. He lifted your leg up and began touching your clit. You moaned leaning back against him feeling the tip of his cock press against your ass.
"Mmmhmm..I know you've been thinking of me." He whispered against your ear feeling how wet you already were.
"Dont worry, I'm gonna do exactly what you want me to do." Negan continued rubbing your clit as you felt him thrust his pelvis against you. You could feel the tip of his cock teasing your entrance and you wanted more. He nibbled on your ear as you felt him slide his cock between your lips teasing you before unexpectedly sliding himself in. You moaned as he closed his eyes leaning his face at the soft curve of your neck.
"Holy fucking christ.." he whispered out of breath. The man had been craving the feel of pussy for months and yours being the first one he had felt in a long time he fought himself to not explode. He struggled fighting the intense urge to cum inside you. It was all he could think of doing.
"Negan...that feels so good," you moaned leaning back against him.
"I know baby," you could hear him having trouble to speak and through it all he didnt stop rubbing your clit. It was to the point you felt a giant burst of pleasure take over you that you moaned loudly pushing away from his cock. Negan felt you squirt all over him and cursed under his breath.
"Oh fuck yeah-" he muttered not expecting you to orgasm the way you did. You collapsed against him as he slid his cock right back in making you gasp. Negan held you close his hand grabbing your breast as he continued to fuck you when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Negan and you both froze, his cock still in you before you took a deep breath and answered.
"Who is it?" You spoke in a shakey voice.
"Melody, it's me Fred. You ok?"
Negan chuckled low kissing your shoulder before he began to move again making it harder for you to speak.
"Y-yes...why?" Negan got a rise out of fucking you while knowing the guy who was interested in you was just outside the door.
"I thought I heard you yell from the window, I got worried. I just wanted to check on you." You couldnt respond as Negan purposely began to move faster, more than anything you wanted to cry out.
Negan right away covered your lips with his hand knowing you both were about to cum as he thrusted as fast as he could.
Your eyes rolling back, Negan felt your body shake against him as you whimpered right as he pulled out, barely in time.
He let go of your mouth as he jerked himself off on your inner thigh biting down on his bottom lip as he did. The amount of warmth you felt cover your thigh as you felt his body jerk against you made you moan softly. Letting out a deep breath he lay back, you panted beside him.
"Yes!" You yelled out without meaning to out of breath.
"I mean, yes. Sorry I'm fine." You cleared your throat as Fred stood by the door confused.
"Ok...I'll see you around later. We can catch up if you want."
"Sure, Fred." You just wanted him to leave, you struggled to catch your breath with Negan before finally hearing him walk down the stairs.
"Fucking shit that fuck is annoying." Negan stood up wiping the sweat off his face with his tshirt as you began to clean yourself off. You didnt respond as you began to get dressed making Negan turn to look at you as he buttoned his pants.
"You're not going to actually see him later are you?"
"I dont know. Maybe." You responded without looking his way making him sarcastically chuckle.
"What do you care?" You turned to him making him frown.
"Are you still giving me attitude after how I just fucked the shit out of you? By the way, holy fuck I had no idea you were a squirter."
"Neither did I." You responded making him raise his brows.
"Well look at that, fucked you good and made you squirt. You're gonna stop being mad at me or what?" You sighed, you couldnt stay mad at him..not with that look.
"I guess I will." You smiled rolling your eyes as Negan stepped close to you and leaned in for a kiss. He grabbed your face kissing you passionately when you suddenly heard the door slam downstairs.
"Who was that?" You gasped hearing someone loudly run up the stairs only terrifying you even more.
"Melody open the damn door!" You gasped bulging your eyes out hearing your dads voice.
"Shit." Negan muttered as Rick attempted to open the door.
"What the hell is he doing back, he was suppose to be gone for the night?" You whispered in a panic.
"Open the damn door, I know you're not alone in there!" Your father yelled as you looked up at Negan.
"Just open it, it'll be ok. I'll deal with it."
Hesitantly and fearfully you unlocked the door and opened it to see your father immediately turn to Negan.
"Now Rick, before you say-" before Negan could finish Rick ran in the room and speared him to the floor.
"Dad!" You screamed as he punched Negan before Negan quickly turned him around.
"Dad wait!" You screamed watching in shock. Rick stood up out of breath angrily wiping the blood from the corner of his lip.
"You wanna take advantage of my daughter? I warned you not to cross me!" Your father yelled as Negan stood up out of breath.
"Hes not taking advantage of me, daddy please stop. I'm grown enough to make my choices."
"Oh yeah, was Negan honest to you about what he did? Did he tell you why hes locked in the cell? Were you grown enough for him to tell you that?"
"Dad stop it! You never told me yourself." You yelled back at him.
"I didnt tell you to protect you, he didnt tell you so he could get to use you. Why dont you tell her Negan, tell her what you did." Your father and you turned to Negan as you saw the look of guilt in his eyes.
"I'm not that same man anymore." Negan spoke low.
"Tell her what you did!" Your father yelled once again making you jump. Negan stood silent staring at you knowing there was nothing he could do at this point. Knowing you would never look at him the same way again.
"Negan...tell me." You whispered worriedly. Your father didn't want to hurt you, he didnt want to tell you this but clearly it was the only way to keep you away from him.
"Melody....Negan killed Glenn."
Your eyes bulged out as you stared at Negan in silence. He didnt say a word only confirming it to be true. Your eyes welled up with tears as you felt a knot build up in your throat.
"No.." you whispered feeling a tear roll down your cheek.
"That...that's a joke." You responded in denial.
"You...you wouldn't have let me...knowing that...you wouldnt..right?" You stared up at Negan realizing maybe your father was right. He took advantage using you for sex knowing the wrong he had done. He knew how you would feel about it but chose not to tell you so he could still have you.
"Glenn?" You whispered again remembering how you confided in Negan telling him how upset you were of the situation. And that's when he had asked you to leave...that was why he asked you to leave, you began to realize.
"I'm gonna be sick.." you turned away with your hand on your chest as your father rushed beside you putting his hand on your shoulder.
"Dont!" You suddenly yelled shaking his hand off.
"If it werent for you treating me like a damn child...hiding things from me...I wouldnt have fallen for this-"
"I tried to warn you." Your father responded calmly.
"If I would've known he killed Glenn I would've never...ever spoken to him!" You cried out as Negan looked down at the ground, he knew there was nothing he could say.
"Melody.." your father moved towards you making you move back.
"Dont. The both of you leave me the hell alone. Just leave me alone." You ran out of the house wiping your tears way. The two men staying in silence before Rick silently tied up Negans hands. Without alerting anyone you grabbed your emergency back pack you had hidden away by the entrance and quietly climbed out without anyone knowing. You wanted nothing more to do with Alexandria. You felt hurt, betrayed, lost, you thought of your friend Glenn and cried. You couldnt be here anymore and walked off not hearing Eugene call out your name as you ran off.
Eugene ran towards Rick's house catching him as he came out with Negan tied up.
"Rick, shes gone! She left...I tried stopping her-"
"Who?" Rick raised a brow speaking low to Eugene.
"Melody! She left she took a bag and left-"
"Melody." Negan whispered with a frown making Rick glare at him before turning back to Eugene.
"Which way did she go?"
"She went down the road turning left. Ya gotta find her I saw her crying." Eugene spoke in panic as Rick nodded with concerned eyes.
"Alright, here's what you're gonna do. I need you to take Negan back to the cell. I'm going to get Melody. Find Daryl and Michonne and tell them to meet me by the small lake by the road. Got it?"
"Y-you want me to stay with Negan?"
"Yes. Can you do that for me? I'm counting on you." Eugene nodded his head but was clearly nervous for the job. He handed Negan to Eugene and quickly ran off to leave and find you.
Negan watched Rick take off and didnt like the idea of you being out there alone and distraught. Hell, he found himself worried about you. Negan walked with Eugene pretending to stop and fix his shoe with his hands tied in front, he picked up a rock. Quietly he made his way to the cell as Eugene anxiously bought him inside.
"I like you, Eugene. But...I gotta do this."
"Do what?" He asked confused when Negan lifted up his hands and slammed the rock on his head making him knock out cold.
"Sorry man." He whispered before grabbing the knife out of Eugene's pocket and cutting the rope loose. Grabbing whatever weapon he could Negan was not going to let you be out there on your own. He felt at fault and he didnt want anything happening to you. Without being seen Negan climbed up the fence and made his way out determined to find you and bring you back home safely.
If you have any ideas you want to share for the next part, please send them in. Any feedback I appreciate. Thank you
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smokahuntis · 4 years
Nothing Personal
Pairing: Javier peña x reader
Warnings: set last name, cursing, mentions of sex and death. Masterbation, night mares.
Summery: he embassy calls in a new agent to assist agents Peña and Murphy
Authors note: I’m back and I’m going to try and start a series! Based on the album Nothing Personal by All Time Low. This would be chapter one.
Word count: 3.4K
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Manage me, I’m a mess
“Agent (y/n) Carter” the ambassador said as she gave them the files “she will be joining, this is everything you need to know in her and she will be here later today.
Javier nodded as he picked up the file “of course, madam ambassador” he stood with a crooked grin and looked her over “and may I say, you look amazing in pink” he said softly and kindly. Steve just rolled his eyes and walked towards the door.
“Keep dreaming Peña” she shook her head and let them leave to review the file.
Turn a page, I’m a book half unread
“Agent Carter ” Javier handed Steve the file. “ ‘DEA’s finest’” he mocked and lit up his cigarette as he set back. Letting the smoke fill his lungs as he took a long drag of his Colombian cigarette. He watched Steve waiting for his opinion.
Steve only chuckled and set the papers down “I went to academy with her...” he said, javiers eyes lit up before he shook his head
“I didn’t mean-“
“We aren’t friends it okay” Steve chuckled.
I wanna be laughed at, laughed with, just because
“Oh- okay... okay...” pena leaned back again as the smoke clouded the humid air around them.
“She was always an overachiever, no one really liked her in my class” he chuckled and put the file away. “Way to smart to be choosing dea, but there she was. Didnt talk to anyone, didn’t let anyone talk to her.” He shrugged “I’d be surprised if she talked to us”
I wanna feel weightless and that should be enough
“So beware shes a bitch?” Javier chuckled and put his cigarette out
“Yep” Steve got up and grabbed his empty coffee cup. “Want a coffee?”
“Not from here...” he shook his head and got up.
“You know back home I always chose Colombian brew coffee, and now I’m in colombia and I don’t see why I thought it was good” Steve chuckled as they walked together to get a drink at the coffee place across the street.
“I’ve spend out money on more valuable things then coffee machines that aren’t from the 60s and beans that aren’t 2 years old” Javier joked and shook his head as they strutted the halls. They were such a duo, splitting them into a trio is a sin, but they’d have to get used to it.
Well I’m stuck in this fucking rut
Meanwhile back in LAX (y/n)’s brother tried to convince her it wasn’t worth it. “Colombia is dangerous right now, you could get killed- or- or worse!” Thomas said following her.
“What’s worse then dying?” She watched him with a bit of a cocky grin.
“You could end up like- like Kiki” he said without thinking before she grabbed her brothers collar roughly.
“You don’t say a damn word about Kiki... plus” she let him go and wiped her Dainty hand on her white button up. “After what the US did to the Sinaloa I think I’m safe from that” she sighed and kept walking.
“(Y/n) listen- please... I can’t loose my sister, not to- Pablo Escobar” he grabbed her hand. She turned and looked at him with upset eyes. “You’re all I have left...” he whispered
Waiting on a second-Hand pick-me-up
It was true, she was all he had left, dad was away over seas and mom was gone. Their oldest brother died years ago, it was just her and Thomas. But they were both adults now, she could do what she wanted, and she had been. But now she was a little worried for Thomas.
“I’ll call, and I’ll visit when I can, just go home Thomas... I’ll be okay” she said looking at him, before the warning for her flight went off, 10 minutes now. “I love you, I have to go” she hugged her younger brother before she left.
I’m getting over getting older
(Y/n) looked over her files on the plane, she knew it was a matter of time before escobar knew who she was so she didn’t hide it. She didn’t care, she knew he was almost untouchable. Almost.
(Y/n) had been all over for the DEA, her most frequented place however was Mexico. She worked in Mexico for a long time, she was young and stupid and she kinda thought it was the DEA’s way of getting rid of waste, expecting her to die at the hands of the Sinaloa. However she returned very much alive, and very much tearing open at the seems. She still has nightmares of her time there, but she didn’t care, she had to keep going, for him.
If I could just find the time
Javier set up the stuff in the meeting room before he made his way home for the night. His little two bit apartment given to him by the Embassy. It was nice, he knew that, but it always felt cold and empty, that’s why he filled it with girls, smoke, alcohol smells. It was like a fucking bar. He tried to not bring work home with him but he couldn’t help it most nights, things either bothered him to much or had to be done sooner then later. Some days he wanted to feel weightless, and those days he could escape the heavy burden of people lives depending on him. The ones he couldn’t save, or the ones he’s trying to save. He was trying so hard, but he couldn’t escape.
He needed air, that’s what it was. Right now when he felt his chest collapse on him, he needed aid, real air. So he was quick to make his way out the door and to the front steps of the apartment building, he almost didn’t see her. The (h/c) girl standing there at the steps with her bags. He almost took her out, but he stopped in time.
“I’m- im sorry uh- can I help you?” He asked clearing his throat as he looked at her. She pulled her hood off and looked up at him holding her bags close to her
Then I would never let another day go by
“This is the embassy apartments right?” She asked with a soft shivering smile. He was quick to answer, maybe to quick.
“Yea! Yea this is- this is them yea... you’re-“ he started but she cut him off.
“(Y/n) Carter, yes- hi- um- sorry I didn’t mean to cut you off I’m just tired and cold and really want to get inside. He nodded understanding, completely forgotting why he came out here as he looked into her eyes, illuminated by the yellow street lights behind him.
“I’ll show you to your apartment” he smiled and took her in, she was just across the hall from him. Her apartment identical in most ways, however her kitchen was bigger and so was her bathroom.
I’m over getting old
“Thank you, you must be Agent Peña” she smiled as he got the key from the leafy palm in the corner, unlocking her door for her.
“That I am” he smiled and helped with her bags. If he was going to be stuck with her he wanted to be nice. He didn’t want another agent, him and Steve were doing just on their own, but the embasssy expected things to be done instantly, but they are putting to many cooks in the kitchen.
“Thank you for helping, you didn’t need to” she smiled and set her bags down on the bed and looked at him.
“Of course” he smiled and set her things down with the rest. “So, we’re you invited or did you request to be transferred”
Maybe it’s not my weekend
(Y/n) looked at him and pushed hair behind her ears and shook her head. “I requested it actually, I requested it months ago really but-“
“Why would you want to be here? You know what’s happening-“
“That’s exactly why I want to be here” she stood straighter and looked at him. “You need all the help you can get it seems- and I understand if you don’t want me here because I’m a women”
“No! No no- no that isn’t it I promise” he said feeling a bit of his earlier panic come back, but it was only a little. “I don’t care you’re a women I’ve seen your file you’ve done amazing things but we were doing just fine without you...” Javier said looking at her, his hand up in defense.
“Then why did the embassy want me here ASAP?” She asked crossing her arms.
“Because they think we are stupid or something... they expect things done instantly and it’s impossible.” He explained. She nodded and sighed
“I understand that feeling. But I’m here to help... I promise” she looked at him as the moon light filtered threw her window
But it’s gonna be my year
He nodded and sighed “I’ll just let you get some sleep, I’ll see you at the office” he walked out of her room, giving her one last look as he smiled “goodnight Agent Carter” he walked out to his apartment again.
(Y/n) sighed and unpacked all she could tonight and took a few melatonin and went to sleep, trying to get on the schedule.
It wasn’t hard for her to get up in the morning, making her own coffee and getting ready early. She wanted to be there before them so she could go over things and get caught up. So getting ready quickly she tied her hair up in a tight ponytail and made her way to the office. She was always on time or early, wanting to get ahead of things or finish work so she didn’t have to bring things home.
I’m so sick of watching all the minutes pass as I go nowhere
Javier however, couldnt manage to get himself out of sleep. Stuck in a long nightmare that has his body aching and sweating to wake up but he was stuck there, in that spot in the sticky cotton sheets. He tossed and turned but al he could see was the blood, every scene he’d been to, it took a toll on him. He couldn’t help it anymore, couldn’t hold them back, couldn’t stay up and drink a shit ton of coffee and just keep going.
He was hurting himself even more trying to ignore it. He was lost in a sea of sound, until finally he woke up, alone and covered in a thin sheen of sweat.
“Fuck....” he shook his head and got out of bed, throwing his things in the wash before he got in the shower. He felt so exhausted from sleeping, that’s not right. He hated this constant feeling, it was so much. He couldn’t even escape at home. Seemed the only time he felt fine was when he was baring himself inside a women of the night and telling her how perfect she was, only to wake up alone and try to relive that moment in the shower by himself.
This is my reaction to everything I fear
It was no secret, Javier Peña was a ladies man. To get in the head of the cartel he slept with the same women as the cartel, did it work? Yes occasionally. But it wasn’t that anymore, it wasn’t just work, it was a form of escape now. Was he a sex addict? Yes, most definitely. Did he care? No, because it was release in more ways then one and that’s all he wanted.
He did have a talent tho, remembering every name, every face. Every women. He was a talented man. But right now that didn’t matter, what mattered to him in this moment was making himself feel weightless as hot water ran down his body. He was alone last night, after showing (y/n) her apartment he went home and to bed. So he had nothing to relieve, no face to see when he closed his eyes. Oh... how he was wrong.
Cause I’ve been going crazy, I don’t wanna waste another minute here
There she was, the beauty he met last night. (Y/n) carter. Why was she what he thought about right now? He just met her. She was his partner and he’d only see her face and hands, that’s not even enough for a weirdo to get off. But it was enough for him to wrap his hand around his throbbing cock and leaning his head back as he stroked himself.
His chest heaving and his eyes rolling back as he pumped his fat cock in his hand. Soft grunts escaped his mouth before the words left it “(y/n)... fuck...” he groaned.
He didn’t even know the girl and he was getting off in his shower to her.
This could be all that I’ve waited for
He didn’t know why he felt like this, but in his mind he had her on her knees, her lips wrapped around his tip as she took him down her little throat, just that image made him let out a loud moan. Soon his balls tightened and he was coming all over her face, and down the drain.
He shook his head as he opened his eyes and looked at the mess he made. Causing him to sigh heavily and clean up before he got dressed and ready, trying to get the idea out of his head. It was his first day with her, and he wanted to fuck her. Wow.
This could be everything I don’t wanna dream anymore
When he got there she was already liking over things, remembering faces and writing in her notebook. She looked peaceful there, just staring at a cork-board of killers and drug lords. He could tell quickly this is her environment.
“Hey” he said setting down his coffee and taking off his brown leather jacket. She turned with an other bright smiled and looked at him, her smile lit of the room and made his chest feel tight, but not like his panic the night before, this was warm and different.
“Hey” she said in her silk tone as she set her note book down. “ I hope you don’t mind I’m taking my own notes.”
“Not at all, whatever makes you comfortable” he smiled at her softly. At that moment Steve walked in with his own coffee and pen. He was way to quick to notice the look in javiers eyes, the interest he had in her.
“Thanks” she smiled before looking at Steve “Steve Murphy, wow... hi” she smiled and shook his hand.
“Hey Carter, it’s been awhile” he chuckled and shook her hand
“It’s been more then awhile” she smiled and looked up at him
Maybe it’s not my weekend, but it’s gonna be my year.
“Well it’s good to know we have a good agent on our team” he smiled. “So what are you working on”
“Just taking my own notes so I can memorize things faster and get caught up” she smiled at them.
“Oh did you color coat them too?” He asked a little to condescending. She sighed and caught on quickly but went on.
“No I did not. I’m not a preppy teenager.” She stated simply before walking back to take notes.
“While you do that we are going to go do real things okay?” He grabbed his coffe and walked out with Javier. (Y/n) was pretty used to sexist comments or people thinking she couldn’t do things so she brushed it off, however Javier didn’t.
I’m going crazy, I’m stuck in here
“What the hell was that?!” Javjer looked at Steve and closed the door as they got into their little office.
“What was what?” Steve asked and set his things down.
“You being an asshole to her, what did she do to you?” Javier said taking up for her.
“I don’t know Javier what’s up with you? Staring at her like you’re guess engagement ring sizes!” Steve argued, they argued way to often. Like a married couple really.
“I was not!” Javier scoffed “I can’t be nice to my new coworker?”
“Just yesterday you were dreading her! And now you have heart eyes all over her” Steve said
Maybe it’s not my weekend but it’s gonna be my year
“I don’t have heart eyes, I’m just looking at her, damn” he sat down and opened his earliest files and started work.
“I’m sure” Steve shook his head before starting to work.
Soon (y/n) made her way to the office and walked in and almost fell over with a heart attack “my god, how do you work in such mess” she asked looking around.
“Mess? I think it’s pretty clean” Steve said looking around
“The only clean place here is my desk and it’s still covered in papers. “ she looked at him and set her things down.
“ okay I’ll admit, it’s a bit messy, but we know whether everything is” he leaned back. Just as he said that, Peña who wasn’t paying attention spoke up.
“I can’t find that file from yesterday” he sighed, giving (y/n) the perfect example.
“See!” She looked at Steve.
“Okay fine, we could organize...” he sighed.
I’m so sick of watching am three minutes pass as I go nowhere
After hours of cleaning the office was organized and they found things much easier, so much quicker and efficient. So much so that Javier could ask
“Okay now I need the First Medellin file” he said softly and it was quickly put on his desk.
“See that’s not bad...” (y/n) smiled softly and looked between them.
“But we just wasted so much time doing that” Steve said
“But we are going to save so much more now that it’s organized” she crossed her arms. She was right, organizing the office was the best decision they’d made all year, it helped get things done faster and cleared their minds.
And this is my reaction to everything I fear.
It was a small thing, to organize the office, but when Javier got home he decided to clean the apartment too, washing the bed sheets and making everything up after. Cooking a meal instead of ordering. Just have a day of cleaning up and doing normal people things, it made him sleep better already. The nightmares had calmed down and everything was fine. He was peaceful for a moment, a minute, a few seconds. And then there it was, the scream that made (y/n) drop everything and go to his apartment, he left the door unlocked so it was easy for her to get in and get to his bed side instantly.
“Javier!” She said grabbing his shoulders and shaking him awake. He was starting to sweat again, just as she grabbed him, her touch alone calmed down the terror of his mind, causing him to wake.
“(Y/n)...” he whispered tiredly as he looked at her, she was in a robe, her hair wrapped loosely in a towel.
“Hey buddy” she smiled softly, trying to comfort him in anyway. She didn’t know anything about him but she wanted to try her best to make him feel better, to make him feel weightless.
“What are you doing here...” he asked laying back. She pushed his hair out of his face and massaged his scalp softly as she spoke.
“You screamed and I came as soon as I could... I thought something happened” she answered and watched him, he was gorgeous here, with the moon light covering his glistening chest, highlighting his face and messy hair.
“I’m sorry- I- I didn’t mean too” he said as he sighed.
“It’s okay... I understand... I used to do the same thing after Mexico” she admitted. They barely knew a damn thing but they both felt comfortable with each other.
“How did you get it to stop...” he asked
“Well I did go to therapy but it never seemed to help, so I did what I did as a kid, I get something to read and read till I can’t keep my eyes open, it makes your mind think on the topics of the book rather then the other mess...” she whispered and pulled his covers back over him. He nodded and smiled “I could read to you tonight if you want...”
“You don’t have to do that”
“I don’t mind... get comfy I’ll find something...” she smiled and went to get a book. His eyes trailed her long legs as she walked out to get a book, why did he feel so open and comfortable with her, he just met her.
Cause I’ve been going crazy, I don’t wanna waste a minute here
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Taglist: @thinemineours @morgannope @thisis-theway @onabouteverything @blxwjobsforclones @a-dorin @everythinggeeky
This will be a series I hope, so if you want to be tagged in this or more Javier peña stuff please let me know!
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
Tom Holland x black reader getting caught fucking in his childhood bed and his parents making reader and Tom talk about it in a family meeting 💀💀
Summary: que?
Warnings: smut and an awkward situation. Cringy smut of course, yelling ar new borns- LaNgUaGe
T.H| I’m Sorry You Said What?
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You and tom rode in the car, bumping to something random on the radio as you both made your way back to his old home. Youve been there before but it was nice to come back after a while.
“Y/n?” “What?” You asked looking at him. “I love you” “ewwwww” you stuck out your tongue, he rolled his eyes and smacked his lips while you giggled.
“Im sorryyyyyy” “no your rude” tom shook his head unbuckling himself. “It was a simple joke! Its not my fault you couldnt take it!” He glared at you “you suck” “you swallow” “you choke” “i- i do” you admit making him laugh “ i wont lie” you shrugged and hopped out the car, closing the door behind you.
You both walked to the door and he held on your waist pressing a kiss to your forehead. He knocked and was met immediately with his father with a bib on. “Whats the bib for?” “Im trying to online teach kids how to eat neatly” “they must be newborns for that-“ you bud in.
“Exactly- its to mad in there” “they dont even know theyre moving how do you expect them to know how to raise a fork” nikki asked making you all laugh as dom shrugged but opened the door more inviting you both in. Tom stepped in after you both and you shared hugs before he pulled you into his room. “Thomas is this your room?” “Yes” “why is there a one direction poster?” “I love Niall Horan” he shrugged and shut the door.
Your eyebrows furrowed at him in confusion “I would take you as more of a zayn fan” “well there goes something new, and I know about your obsession with Harry styles already, do NOT rub it in” he demanded making you giggle, you took off your shoes and laid in his bed, which was comfy, not firm like yours used to be, but as long as you had a roof over your head everything was goddamn fine🙄.
Thomas decided to lay down next to you and you still looked around “I’m supprised you don’t have twilight in here” you giggled “shut up” he chuckled and laid his head in your breast, you played with his hair and tugged it a bit making him let out a small groan “Thomas don’t-“ “you tugged my hair!” “This is your childhood room for heaven sakes” “let’s make more memories then!” He suggested. “You get on my nerves’ you smacked your lips as he reached up to kiss your neck and slowly make his way to your sweet spot. “I want youuuu” he sung.
“But I dontttt” “yes you doooo” “okay maybeeee” “I’m gonna take off your clothessss” “go aheadddd”you moaned a little bit from his nibble on your sweet spot as he trailed his hands down your stomach giving you goosebumps. Your turned your head to meet his lips, “did I ever tell you how amazing you look today?” “No”
“Well-“ he cut himself off, you just love to ruin the mood all the time. “Ay don’t blame me if anything you did because were in your childhood bed right now” “I’m gonna fuck you and that’ll make you be quiet, won’t it?” You just sighed at his words, but letting the blood flow south.
“Actually it won’t, I’d make you scream and let everyone hear- (this is your family for heaven sakes😭)” he mumbled, playing with the hem of your underwear and you let out a low moan. “Yeah i know youd like that, naughty girl (😭😭 i cant)”
He gently rubbed your pearl over your paintes while you unbuckled his pants, palming him through his jeans feeling his hard. He let out a groan and pressed harder on your clit making you whine and buck your hips onto his hands.
Tom groaned by the buzzkill of his father, but let out laughs in your neck. “Just make it quick tom” you whispered against his forehead kissing it, he nodded and got up, walking to the door and you stood to, taking off your pants while he made sure it was locked, when he looked back he saw you struggling and tripping over your shoes making him chucke before walking over and making yiu stand straight, right before pinning you to the wall.
He took your hands and yanked them over your head making you clench your legs together. “Open up” he demaned softly, putting his knee in between your legs and opening them before looking at you. “Your so beautiful baby girl” he kissed you, biting your lip. “Dont move your hands? Hear me?”
“But it will start to hurt” you pleaded but he only tsked at you and told you to follow his orders before pulling down his pants and boxers a bit to pull himself out, you both still had clothes on, well you didnt have your jeans on (which is so fuckin unfair) and your shoes but he kept his on.
He took his hands and pressed his chest against your to keep you in place before he lifted your legs around his hips and used a single hand to pull your panties to the side. He spit in the tip of his fingers before runnjng them through your folds “oh- your already soaked” he said before coning cocky “i didnt even do anything yet” “please fuck me already” you begged and he smiled, watching as he slipped himself in, a moan leaving both of your lips.
He started to fill himself in you while you struggled to keep your hands in place. He groaned pumping in you, fucking you against the wall, he hooked his hands under your knees and pushed them closer to the walls to open you up. “Fuck tommy” you gasped, your head leaning back against the wall and he took the chance to lick and suck on your sweet spot, to hot in the moment to remember where he is.
“Fuck y/n your so tight- shit-“ he felt you clench, he started to harder but slow, the sound bouncing off the wall as you swallowed your moans. “Shit- tommy” your back arched off the wall, your arms to tired and heavy so they went around his shoulders and your head in his neck. “You tired baby?“
“UMMMMM” nikki said, both of your heads whipping around. “MOM-“ she slammed the door closed before anything else could happen.
“Dinner is in 15 minutes- uhhhh dont be late. Make sure to clean up” she said leaning up against the door “and please dont ya know-“ she nervously chuckled “finish” “IT WASNT LIKE THAT I SWEAR”
“Thomas it’s obvious” you glared at him, when he pulled out of you a sigh left your lips. “I swear i locked the door” he said putting himself back, watching you as you got yourself together. “Does it really matter now?” He only shrugged in response.
Toms cheeks were scarlet while you tried to get yourself to stop shaking so much. “It cant be that bad, right?” You held onto his arm for strength. “I mean it should all be fine cuz like- they did it to have me!” “Yeahyeahyeah” you nodded, kinda getting confident. “Lets just go” you pulled his arm to the dinning room, meeting a pair of 2 eyes starring at you both.
You all just sat there in silence, all of your movements halt as you made eye contact with nikki and tom made eye contact with his dad. “Dont be shy now, its only dinner” nikki said, placing the plates infront of the seat.
You looked at tom and he did a small nod walking right behind you to sit in the seats right next to each other.
“If you couldnt already tell we are having- erm spaghetti” she smiled trying to ease the tension but it was to thick.
After everyone took a couple bites you sipped the water. “Would you care to explain what happened-“ you choked on the water at doms words, the water shooting out of your nose while everyone looked at you. “I drank it to fast- haha” you faked a laugh, cleaning yourself up with the napkin.
“I didnt know you could do that....” tom said before looking at his dad. “We uhhh had ya know” tom looked away, feeling his ears start to burn up. “Ya know???” Nikki comments.
“You knowwwww like uhmmm” “clearly child” dom said glarring at him. “Who had the idea?” “I think we both know who”
You lifted your arms up in defense “it wasnt me” tom smaced his lips at you and you looked at him shrugging “it wasnt!” “You told me to make it quick!-“
“THOMAS” “whaaaat?! Its true!” “You still started it!”
Nikki and don watched the fued between as you to continued to complain and fight. “You were clearly being to loud thats why we got caught!-“
“Actually i heard thuds against the wall soooo” nikki spaced off as you glarred at him. “Who was making to much noise?” You lifted an eyebrow before he rolled his eyes and turned his chair a bit to not look at you.
“Did you use protection?” Dom asked. “Uhhh no” tom said. “Why not?” Nikki butted in. He only shrugged. “You need to use protection” “no we dont”
Nikki tapped behind her ear “what did you say?” “We will use protection” tom changed his mind. “Aha and how did you get that mark on your neck” nikki turned to you.
“I-uh burned my neck with the curling iron!” “Your hair isnt in curls” you bit your lip at her words “yeah welp i gave up after and dumped my hair in water” dom tried to read toms face and body language “it looks like a bruise, how high was the temperature?” Nikki asked, slightly concerned. “I have no idea”
“Just- why here?” Tom starred at nikki “i dont know i was just caught in the moment~” “dont you only say that when your a virgin doing it-“ “y/n we are supposed to be a team!” “Im just saying!”
“Before you both argue again.....” nikki said stopping the pot from boiling. “I just want to say that i hope your both happy and no longer sexually aroused”
“Nikki!” “What?! I have to say that Dominic!” “No you didnt, but if you dont mind i have to be leaving now, i have to teach the babies how to read” dom stood and took his plate to the kitchen, soon everyone done with their meal as you sat in silence washing dishes with nikki.
“Are you planning on making me a grandma?” She whispered, handing you the wet dish. “No not really” you sighef, drying the dish. “That sucks” “yep”
“But like why not!” “Toms busy with work and all do i dont want him to feel to responsible” “i have to agree on that one, barely wants to wipe his ass” “nikki!” You whisper yelled as she giggled, passing you anothet plate as you put the old one back.
“I know how it feels- dom cant keep his hands off of me” she winked as your eyes widened at her. “What! Im old not dead y/n” “you are not old nikki and plus i dont wanna know that!” “Hey im just letting you know” she shrugged.
“Dad she isnt pregnant and wont be anytime soon” “just bring me the babies! I will teach them how to cook, clean, eat-“ “thats our job dad”
“Well its better then these babies- WHO WONT STOP CHEWING ON THE BOOK-“
“OH GOD PLEASE STOP CRYINGGG BLOODY HELL” dom said, snatching the ipad. “But please dont have sex in my house, thomas” dom glared at him while tom aggressively nodded his head.
“THATS A NO NO WORD- STOP SAYING THAT” dom yelled again, stressing himself out. “WHY ARE YOU EVEN DOING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?” Nikki yelled from the kitchen, walking infront of you into the livingroom.
“Dont you even” he pointed at the new born through the ipad.
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stxvercgersslut · 4 years
omg could you do a Chris Evans x Toddler!Reader where he’s her stepdad and readers dad is always ‘to busy’ to see her and she’s really disappointed so readers mom & Chris comfort her🥺
A/n: YESSS!!!! Omg I love this I love this I love this!!!! It’s actually the cutest ask I’ve gotten 😭❤️ I just can’t not write this! I also kinda changed it a little so that it’s just Chris comforting her sooooo I hope you like it.
Warnings: Language, dissapointmemt, a whole lot of fluff.
The one that cares
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Chris hadn’t expected to fall in love as quickly as he had fell in love with Delilah. She was the love of his life from the moment that he had met her on the set of one of his latest movies. She’d only been there to visit her brother on set, yet his eyes had instantly fell on hers as soon as she walked into the room. He couldn’t just let her leave, so of course that they he had went straight up to her, talked to her, found out her name and inevitably asked her out. It was a quick cycle done in around 10 minutes of meeting her, but Chris couldnt have been happier. This type of love was real. Passionate and just over all the one thing that he had been searching for his entire life. Delilah was it for him the second he’d met her.
Around 2 months into dating Chris had been introduced to you, this small 2 year old little girl with a hug smile on your face the second you’d met him. It was like an instant connection from the beginning. Of course it had taken you a few weeks to get used to him being around. But after a while you finally began to enjoy Chris’s company. Especially since he was round at the house almost every single day to visit your mother.
After around a year later Chris proposed to your mother and on your 4th birthday, the they got married. It was more of a celebration for you then it was for them. Especially since It was practically your birthday present. You’d been so excited. Chris could remeber how happy you had been that day, standing right next to your mother and giggling happily during the actual wedding. He’d even picked you up and held you in his arms during your mother’s vows. Wanting to keep you as involved with this wedding as physically possible. It was clear from the beginning that Chris loved you as if you were his own. Which was what drew Delilah to him.
Finally a father figure. Not that you didn’t have a dad, but Chris was around a whole lot more then your asshole of a dad was. And that in itself just wasn’t fair.
Josh, your biological father, had been pretty much out of the picture since you were 2. Only occasionally being able to see you since he always claimed that he was ‘busy’ when he was usually out at some bar making out with any random women that would throw themselves that him. It was clear from the start that Josh didn’t give the tiniest shit about you, or even the fact that you were his child.
Even when he actually bothered to show up, usually because either Chris or Delilah had forced him to actually pay attention to you and reminding him that you were just a kid, he wasn’t even there. Not really. He just sat there, didn’t even play with you, just sat their and watched as you played on your own with you teddy’s. And even then he didn’t stay too long. Clearly not liking the fact that Delilah had found happiness in an A-list celebrity.
Not only did Josh’s lack of being around for you upset you but it also Angered Chris as well as Delilah. However Chris was even more furious with Josh then the both of you combined. He hated how upset you got, how heartbroken you were when Josh just sat there or didn’t even bother to show up. But what hurt him the most was watching you sob into either his chest or your mothers chest right after being reluctantly informed that once again Josh wasn’t coming. To see your excited little face switch so quickly into one of pain and heartbreak was enough to completely piss Chris off to the point where he wanted to actually beat the shit out of Josh.
Today, for example, was once again one of the days that Chris always dreaded. Today had been the day that Josh was finally supposed to come over and spend some time with you, after 3 whole months of not seeing you he was finally coming over. Yet 5 minutes before he was actually supposed to be there he called. Of course he did.
Chris groaned as he looked towards you before back to his phone “sorry sweetheart, I’ll be back in a second” he announced before finally leaving the room after kissing your head gently. Despite all the disappointment you were still excited to see Josh. Of course you were. Diliah wasn’t there today, in fact she was working today so it was just him. Thankfully Chris got the day off so that he could be there for you when the inevitable happened.
“Hello?” He began, not even giving him a chance to speak “Josh where the fuck are you? You’re supposed to be here in 5 fucking minutes” Chris spoke not giving a shit that he was being rude, Josh didn’t deserve the nice side to Chris. Not at all.
“Yeah.....about that....My work called me a few minutes ago and said that I need to go in. Something about needing extra staff today” yet another excuse! This man was truely an asshole.
“BULLSHIT!” Chris spat, venom seeping from his words as he did. Now he was pissed. “It’s not bullshit man! I have work!” Josh lied. Usually if this happened then Delilah would be there to take the phone away from him before he said something that would ruin the entire ‘agreement’ but today she wasn’t there to stop him, so he was free to say whatever he wanted. Within reason of course.
“Listen you asshole!” He began, suddenly becoming insanely aware of the fact that he was being too loud. Almost startling you. “We both know that you don’t have to work today!” Now he was a little quieter “and we both know you’re just going to go to a bar or a strip club! You’re an asshole and all you want is to fuck with y/n’s mind! She’s an innocent child who fucking loved you no matter what yet you don’t even care about her?!? What kind of parent are you? Dads should be there for their kids but you don’t even care about her!” This wasn’t Chris talking, this was the anger that had finally been allowed out.
“What?!? First of all You have no right to say any of that! And second of all yes I do care about her! I’m just busy!” He defended, still doing a shitty job at it.
“No you don’t! You don’t give a shit!” Chris yelled angrily, not caring for any more of his bullshit, so he hung up. Now completely stressed about the fact that he had to go and break your heart again. Oh this was going to hurt a whole lot more then usual.
After a good 2 minutes of mentally preparing himself for the heartache, Chris finally walked back to the front room where you were still happily colouring in a drawing that you had made for Josh. Little did you know Josh never took those drawings, Chris was always the one to take them and hide them in his room since your biological father always ‘forgot’ the pictures. Chris just wanted to spare your feelings that’s all. Didn’t want to add anymore heartache into the mix of disappointment.
Quickly Chris sat down on the couch opposite you. Watching you for a few moments before finally speaking“Hey babygirl, can you come sit with me for a minute please?” He asked carefully, to which you instantly stood up and wandered over to him with a cute little wiggle to your step since you were excited. Soon climbing up onto the couch and getting onto his lap like usual which he never actually seemed to mind since it meant that you felt comfortable around him. “What’s wrong Daddy?” You asked, already seeing the lines of fear registering in his features as he began to think. Every single day he thanked the gods above that you’d accepted him into the family.
“Your real dads not coming today” rip the bandage of as quick as physically possible. If he did that then he’d have more time to comfort you if needed. God this was going to be so hard “.....I know you really wanted to see him today but he got really busy.....baby I’m so sorry that he did this to you and it’s so not fair at all” he stated. Watching as your bright e/c gorgous eyes dissapeared and were once again replaced with disappointment. On what world was any of this not heartbreaking to see? Exactly it was devastating. Especially when he loved you so much.
“My dads......not coming?” You asked, pain already beginning to seap into your voice.
“No baby.....I’m so sorry...” he spoke, his voice already breaking and tears already forming in his eyes. How could someone be so cruel to someone so kindhearted?
“But he.....he said he would......” you stutter. That in itself was enough to cause tears to spill from Chris’s eyes. Never had he ever thought that you’d get this heartbroken over being disappointed. After so many disappointments he would have thought that you would have gotten used it already.
“I know I know....but he’s done this before sweetheart.....he’s known for it.”
It unfortunately didn’t take long for you to break down into floods of tears, already beginning to break Chris’s heart even more then he ever thought that it could. You were worse then heartbroken, in fact you were devastated.
He couldn’t take it anymore, seeing you so broken was hurting him. So before you knew it he was picking you up and literally placing you on his hip so you wer closer to him. No way was he letting you just wallow in self pity. Not when your birthday was in 3 days. You were so close to being 5! How could he just leave you to cry on your birthday weekend. Exactly he couldn’t. “Okay baby It’s so close to your birthday and I’m not letting you be sad! So what do you wanna do? It’s your weekend starting now, so what do you wanna do?” He asked, hopeful that giving you the option of what to do would perk you up a little. Yet you just continued to cry into his shoulder, extremely angry, upset and scared with everything that had gone wrong today.
“It’s okay....it’s okay sweetheart just cry..let it all out.” He soothed, rubbing your back reassuringly as he did “Daddy’s here. I’m never gonna leave you sweetheart. I promise you I’m not going anywhere unless I have to. But I’ll always come back okay? I will always come back”
But thankfully, after 20 minutes of just rocking you in his arms and softly humming along to the words of your favourite Disney songs (being a big fan of Disney had its perks of course) you finally stopped crying. Now completely registering what Chris has asked you a few moments ago. “C.....can we go....to Disney land?” You asked quietly, afraid that you’d get shot down.
This was a big ask from you, one that Chris should have Beene expecting! Especially since you’d wanted to go to Disney land for so long yet you’d always been knocked back. Although, today was different. Today Chris has given you free rain on whatever you wanted to do today. So how could he disappoint and tell you no? “Hmmmm okay sweetheart Disney land it is! Just me and you? Or do you want me to ask mommy if she wants to come too?” He questioned, literally just letting you make all the decisions today since he’d said it was your day. If this was how he would get you to calm down completely then so be it. To avoid having any fans spotting him he’d have to make a few phone calls, maybe see if he could use a private jet in order to make sure you weren’t see. Especially since your were his step-daughter and thankfully not one knew about you just yet. He’d been able to keep you out of the public eye.
“Mommy’s working, just you and me” you spoke, for a four year old you were learning quickly which made him quite happy to know you were learning. “Alright sweetheart then lets go.” He spoke.
And that day he stayed true to his word.
Tag list: @jtargaryen18 @et-lesailes @chuckbass-love @cevans-fics
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zmayadw · 4 years
Hello to all :)
Its time to continue the story. I’ll post 2 parts today, since next one is a bit short, but the second one a bit longer, so bear with me :D
Anyway, wish you all a nice evening :)
The sun was shyly peeking through clouds when i woke up. I felt a bit woozy,  the events of last night coming back to me. My stomach ached, tears forming in my eyes as the image of Jake leaving flashed before my eyes. „Good morning, hun.“ It was Doris, worry still written all over her face. „You gave me quite a scare last night. Are you allright,hun?“ she asked. „Yeha, I will be, thanks Doris.“ I said, whiping those tears away. „Oh, dont you worry, hun, he'll come arround.“ She smiled, and winked at me. „Sorry?“ i said. „The guy that was here yeserday. A girl can only cry like that because of something like it.“ She said, gazing at the wall, like remembering something similar herself. I gave her the best forced smile i could make „I hope your right, Doris, i really do.“ „Oh, trust me, hun. I can bet you he will.“ She smiled at me so warmly, gave me my breakfast, and left me to to it. I didnt really have much of an apetite, but i forced myself to eat, and i drank some tea. I took my phone, texting Jessy, asking if she might come arround today. She replied quickly that she's actualy on her way here already, and i was glad for it. I could really use her company right now.  It wasnt long till her cheerful voice echoed through my room „Hey, hey, miss Reckless“ she teased. „I bring coffee and icecream.“ She waved the bags at me, but imediatly stoped seeing my face. „Oh, Maya, what happened?“ she asked, her face taking on the sadden look. That sadness came back to me, and i started crying. Jessy left the bags on the chair, quickly sitting next to me, hugging me tightly. „Let me guess“ she sarted „He texted you, didnt he?“ I shook my head, wich made her ask again. „He called?“ Again, i shook my head. She pulled away from me, a bit of curiosity on her face. „He was here?!?“ I finaly nooded. „Nice.“ She said, and i looked at her a bit confused, saying through tears „Nice? Jessy, i would not cry like a little bitch if it was nice!“. „Oh, shush, you silly, and listen!“ she stared, taking a hankerchief from the stand, handing it to me. „You said it yourself, its gonna be a tough conversation. And lets be honest, he has EVERY right to be pissed at you.“ I growled at her, but she shushed me and continued. „Wait, wait, im not done. He probably heard all the information from Lily about what happened, and im sure he 'interrogated' her for every little detail. She definatly didnt sugarcoat any of it, so he got the good picture.“ That word 'interogated' got me smiling a bit, i could totaly picture Jake naging Lily to tell him every little bit of events that happened. „Ok, you following me. So tell me this then: if he already knew all that happened, and if he knew how you wer doing, would he come here himself, if he was that much pissed? Or if he doesnt care anymore?“ she asked, looking at me, with a cheerfull grin on her face. She got me some hope back with her words, but it quckly got replaced with despair again. „But you should have seen him, Jessy. He looked so dissapointed and betrayed by me...like i drowned that little spark of hope he had in him. I dont think he will ever want to see me again, let alone talk to me.“ She looked at me smiling. „Dont worry, Maya, im sure you're wrong about it, if i can judge by other men.“ „You and Doris both.“ I said, mumling it more to myself then to her. Jessy didnt seem to notice. „Give him some time to cool off. Maybe then you two can talk again about everything..without all this drama.“ She nudged at me, getting up and grabing one of the bags from the chair. „This needs some serious icecream overdose, like right now! „Thanks, Jessy..for being here for me.“ I said, as she handed me the spoon. „No need to thank me. You know i'm here for you, Maya, for anything.“ „I know, Jessy, right back at ya'.“ We ate some icecream in silence for a while, and i could see on Jessy's face that there was something that occupied her toughts. I poked her leg with my finger, wich made her look at me. „Whats on your mind, Jessy? I can see something is bothering you.“ i asked. She hesitated for a moment, before saying „Are you really sure you want to know?“  That got me a bit confused „Ofcourse, Jessy, you know you can talk to me about anything.“  She looked through the window, wich was now full of rain drops, and her face took on the same gloomy features as the weather outside. „They burried him yesterday.“ She said finaly, and i didnt have to ask who she refered to. „Oh..i see.“ I didnt know what more to say. „Thats why i didnt come yesterday.“ She continued. „I dont know why, but i wanted to go. I guess i wanted to be sure it was really over, you know?“ she said, her eyes getting a bit sad. „I cant belive what i'm about to say, but it was sad. Seing his dad like that, alone.“ She turned her gaze back to the window. „Jessy..its all right. Its understandable you have mixed feelings about it.“ I said. „Is it?“ she asked, turning back to me. „Isnt it crazy to care for someone, even tho he caused us so much pain, and almost ruined our lives? After all thats happened?“ now her eyes wer full of tears. I got out of bed, crouching next to her, taking her by the hand „Your not crazy, Jessy. You wer friends for so long, all of you. You all shared so much together, I saw how close all of you wer. And for that bond to be cut so suddenly and cruely..Especialy for you, since you two wer the closest...No, Jessy, its not crazy you feel this way.“ I hoped my words would make some sense to her. I could see it really bothered her so much. „Maybe you shoul talk to others about it.“ I advised. She looked at me, a bit sceptical, but i continued. „Hey, dont dismiss it so fast. And beside, eventually you guys will have to discuss those events.“  „Later sounds better to me.“ She replied, some of her cheerfullness coming back. „Whenever you guys feel up to it.“ I told her, getting up and sitting back on the bed. She got up, went to the bathroom, and when she came back she looked at me „We have to stop crying everytime im here, its almost all we ever do.!“ She grinned, and i returned her a grin of my own. „Well, lets make a pact then, shall we? From now on no more crying! Agreed?“ i asked, extendig my hand towards her, wich she took instantly, laughing „Agreed!“ She stayed with me for a while more. At some point a doctor came in informing me that if all would look ok, next week i could get discharged from hospital. That made Jessy even more happier, since she couldnt wait for me to get out of here. „Oh, dont get so excited just jet“ i grined at her, and she looked puzzled at me. „Dan cant wait it also, he said you forbid him from drinking, but when i get out you wont be able to say no to him!“ „Ohh, that hooligan! He will hear from me about that!“ she said fierce, but couldnt hide the smile. „Go easy on him, i think we all deserve one 'crazy night out', considering all.“ I told her,and she agreed, but added „Just not too crazy, please! Dan thinks he can sing when drunk, and unfortunatly we can barely keep him away from the karaoke machine at Aurora.“ „Ahh, you shouldn't have told me this, now you have to let Dan loose, i have to hear that amazing vocie of his!“ We both laughed at it. Doris entered the room „Oh, its nice to see you laugh, hun, thats the best medicine there is.“ She siad, winking at me. „Sure is, Doris.“ I said, winking back.
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No One Messes With Our Son
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Gif credit @tylerlockwood
Requested on wattpad
Hope you all enjoy
Happy reading dollies
Taglist: @nocturnalherb16 @jesseswartzwelder
Warning: kidnapping, school shooters that are kids, gang recruiting of young kids.
"I'll drop Damon at school then I'll met you at work". You spoke to Kevin while stuffing Damon's books into his backpack as he ate his breakfast.
"Sounds good". Kevin mumbled with a mouth full of food.
"Lovely". You rolled your eyes with a laugh. Kevin pulled you into his arms.
"I'll see you then sexy mama". He kissed your lips.
"Gross, I'm trying to eat and I want to keep it down". Damon scoffed and grabbed his bag off the counter. You giggled into Kevin's shoulder.
"Boy, I'll remember that when you want to kiss your wife in front of me". Kevin patted your butt and he followed his son to the door. "Especially at your wedding. I'm getting up just as you're about to kiss her and go nuh huh, gross". He shook his finger in his sons face with a chuckle.
Damon stood there with a straight face. "Can we go now"?
"Yes, big baby". You had your keys in hand, grabbed another kiss and had your booty smacked again from Kevin before walking out. Damon groaned.
"Just get in the car". You told him with a giggle. This was one way to torture your son.
On the way to the school the ride was quiet, Damon didn't have anything to say which was unusual for him. Usually he's talking your head off but today was different.
Pulling up to the school you stopped. Taking your hand you gently took Damon's chin in your hand and made him look at you.
"You okay, baby"?
"I'm fine". He said with a sigh.
"If you want we can blow off school and go to the station. I'll call your teacher and tell them your sick or something". You offered, knowing he would jump at the chance to skip school.
"No thanks. I better get going. Love you mom". He put his backpack on and hopped out of the car, running to the group of boys that were huddled into a circle.
You watched for awhile seeing if something was wrong but they started laughing and playing around like normal teenagers so you let out a breath and headed to work.
Walking up the stairs to the station everyone was already working. You walked over to Kevin, wrapping your arms around his neck as he sat in his chair.
"You alright"? He rubbed your arms.
"Yeah, just worried about Damon. He seemed like something was wrong or concerning him".
"He's a teenager so it could be anything".
"He didnt want to skip school. He'd give his right arm to skip school and he has". You remembered when Damon broke his arm and got out of a test. He was so happy getting out of school.
"Oh. That's not good. I'll talk to him once he gets home. It'll be alright. Don't worry".
"I'm his mom. I worry". Kevin kissed your cheek and you headed to your desk to start the day.
Soon your mom instincts were right something was up but not with your son.
"Hey Kev, Y/N where does Damon go to school"? Adam asked from his desk while on the phone.
"That all boys fancy school. I cant remember". Kevin tried to think.
"Carters prep. Why"? You asked with a chuckle.
"There was a call saying there's been a gun man seen on the premises".
You didnt think, you just ran down the stairs and to your car. The team and Kevin behind you racing to the school.
"Please let Damon be okay". You prayed as you drove up to the school entrance.
"What's going on"? You asked the on scene officer.
"Four kids are missing and there's a gun man wandering the halls. We have the place surrounded but haven't seen any gun. We tapped into the cameras but there's nothing out of the ordinary".
"Four kids missing is not out of the ordinary"? You scoffed. This guy must not have kids.
"They could be skipping or just hanging out in the bathroom. Joking around".
"Either way. We need to find those kids and the gun man". You ordered as Kevin came up behind you.
"You're going to want to see this". Kevin's voice sounded distraught and it worried you.
Following him to the computer where Adam was watching the camera's.
"What's going on"?
"Damon was seen being pulled into a classroom. He wasn't fighting back". Adam gulped. Damon was his little nephew and he couldn't bare to think about what may or may not have happened.
"We need to get there. I don't care if you send just me. But one way or another I'm going in there to get my son". The panic was sitting in as you spoke to Hank. He knew it too.
"Alright. We all go in. Jay, Adam and Antonio take the front. Kevin, Y/N and I will take the side while the others take the back. Got it"?
"Yes, sir".
"You okay"? Kevin pulled you aside.
"Not until I get our son out and know that he's safe". You walked away, holding back tears.
"Let's move in". Hank ordered.
Entering the school, it was quiet and seemed like a ghost town. It had a eerie feeling as you walked through the halls.
"Which room, mouse"? You asked over your ear piece.
"Room 321. Down the hall and to the left". Mouse reported back.
The three of you tip toed down the hall, getting almost at the corner.
"Guys incoming. Gun man or should I say gun kid standing at the door".
"Kids"? Hank repeated.
"Yeah, he's wearing a school uniform. Looks about 14. Maybe younger".
Hank haulted everyone. "Mouse is there another way to get to the room"?
"Go back down the hall and take a right. Then a left. Then another left. You'll cut him off".
"Alright. Kevin, you take that way and Y/N and I will give you a go when we're ready".
"Be safe". You told Kevin. He sent you a wink and headed down the hall.
"I'm here, Serg".
"Alright. On my count. One. Two Go".
Hank and you rushed to the door. The boy saw you coming and immediately dropped his gun on the floor. When he saw Kevin walk up with a gun he laid on the floor and started sobbing.
Kevin picked the boy up and handed him over to a uniform that came in.
"Is there any more in there with guns"? Kevin asked the boy.
"One more. We didnt mean anything by it. They said we could get in". He cried.
"Get in? Get in what"? You questioned.
"The gang. We were told that if we took over the school they'd let us join them. They gave us the guns. I didnt want to do but Marus said we had too".
"Marcus Turner"?
The officer took the boy away from more questioning.
"Turner's recruiting boys from private schools now"? Hank scoffed.
"The kids on the streets know to stay away from him if they want to live to see tomorrow". Kevin replied.
"What's our son have to do with Turner"?
"He's has cops for parents. What's most street thing you can have in your crew? A kid that has cops as your parents. Its saying screw you".
"I'm going to kick that kids butt". You growled.
"Okay. Let's move in". Hank opened the door and there was Damon on the ground with two other boys while another stood there with a gun.
"Drop it now". Kevin ordered. You ran over to Damon.
"Are you okay"? You checked over him. He seemed fine.
"I'm alright. Have a headache". He groaned as he rubbed his head.
"What happened"? You asked the boys around him. While Kevin cuffed the boy with the gun.
"Damon didnt want to come so Jason smacked him with his gun and dragged him in here". One boy said.
"Okay, let's get you to an ambulance". You helped Damon up and got him out of the school to an awaiting ambulance.
"He may have a concussion. He needs to be looked over". The EMT said. You nodded and held Damon's hand.
"I'm sorry, mom".
"Theres no need to be sorry. You didnt know this was going to happen".
"I did".
"What"? You asked shocked.
"I knew they were coming with guns. But I thought they would chicken out because when Marcus gave them the guns Jason peed his pants. I didnt think they would do this. We were just joking about getting into the gang".
"Do you know what could have happened if they actually shot and killed someone? You could have prevented this by telling me or your dad. Damon I'm very disappointed in you. I put you in private school so you would stay away from drugs and gangs but you directly went to one and tried to get involved. This is not you". This was not your son and you couldnt believe that he was one of five causing this.
"I'm sorry mom. I really am". He cried.
"We have taught you from right and wrong. We taught you to never go near a gun. We told you about what drugs and people like Turner could do to you but you completely ignored it and now you're in a mess of trouble. There will be serious consequences for this and I hope Voight doesn't go easy on you".
"I'm sorry". He cried harder as they loaded him into the ambulance. Kevin came up behind you wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
"Did do go wrong with him"?
"No. We lead him in the right direction but peer pressure is more powerful than a parents love". Kevin held you tightly.
After Damon was checked out and seen that he was going to be okay. He was made to write an apology letter to the school and the community. Hank made him do community service with ex gang members. They told him about why they got out and why they wished they never got in. He washed all the police vehicles and helped out at the station never leaving your sight. Kevin and you kept a better eye on him and his so called friends.
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dragqueenpentheus · 3 years
Okay no one has to read this but i DO have to write it:
Ya bitch needs an art break bc im getting angry about voices existing as i try to keep myself entertained. Today is NOT a god one for sinking into repetitive line work and that’s just about all i have on the table atm
SO! Im gunna do a little thinking about my little meow meows all fucked up by religion. Just a comparison for my sanity and interests. Pyroc is my baby i wrote him for the first time years ago. Five?????????? Whadda hell. Going on six.
ANYWAY john joined religion because of his trauma. His sister died and he felt lost. He was unmoored in this fishing village and looking for reason looking for hope. Hed had his heart broken and trying to make sense of tragedy on his own was totally beyond him. Thats why his interactions with riley in AA are SO good like. He knows that confusion and he knows the rhetoric that’s supposed to combat it. Only it dooesnt work for riley.
The same sort of thing happens for pyrc, only inverted. Loss urns him away from god and religion because its SO strong in his family and not only is he loosing trust in god, but his kin as well. He’s suspicious there’s mre they arent telling him, at the point of his fathers death. And he agrees to, on the surface, absolutely wholly throw himself in to being the second the family and the village need. But he’s keeping his treachery under wraps.
That’s one of the coolest things about father paul imo is like. That slow unraveling of what is. Frankly. An awful half assed plan, driven by fear and loneliness and desperation and dementia and love. Even VERY obvious things like. Taking down the newspaper photo of his young self ‘slip’ by him. I think, on some level, its DEEPLY intentional. He wants people to CHOOSE this. He wants people like bev. He wants people who see him and are in aw of him beating god. Of killing death. He wants to be worshiped and adored and for people to come to him willingly, no tragedy driving them to his arms.
Pyroc also wnats to be worshipped, but he ALSO wants to do the worshipping. He really longs for an element of almost????? But not quite??? Subjection?? He wants to be shown something and for a Great Voice to tell him, unquestioningly and unerringly that it is GOOD. Full stop. And then he wants to spend his life worshipping it. But this booko is an exploration of how….. no such thing exists. And more importantly no great voice exists either. There is nothing wholly good, nothing wholy evil. His lack of faith in himself once he becomes god is him starting to understand that as well. Thats on purpose baked into the lore. The starting point was ‘what if god was a position and in order to get promoted you had to be a murderer. No matter what’. He understands things are not wholly good, at that point. I onder how long it will be for him to realize they are not fully evil as well?
Bc pruitt does hm hm hm an interesting move. Where he takes something the narritve is very sure to communicate is EVIL no wiggle room just fact. Even if its driven by animal instinct its. Evil. And he makes it, not just good, but HOLY. And god i LOVEEEE that for him i ADOREEE that what a MOVE. Driven by desperation and dementia and relief and ‘if god saved me than maybe i can be good despite loving and sinning and maybe if i defeat god then i will be Thee Good’. SO sexy of him. Im really fascinated by his morality. He seems to have an understanding of the shades of grey in some respects??? But if he had a BETTER one with more forgiveness in his heart i feel like hed have left the church anyway after sarah was born??? Even if millie didnt ask him??? That might just be my own sensibilities creeping in but ….. like he culd have seen her on the weekends. He can do other jobs. Hes straight (??? Not totally convinced of this) he could have just dated her that makes me crazy. LIKE OBV HE HAD LINES HE THOUGHT THAT WOULD CROSS AND HE HAD INTERNALIZED THE CHURCH AND THE RULES AND SHE WAS MARRIED AND ECT ECT i know he couldnt have really but. Thye were straight. They coulda.
Im not gunna do fantasy homophobia bc i think its …………….. Boring. But i think some element of??? The vindlegaurd line MUST be passed along and for that particular rules must be applied. But thats also boring as hell :/ maybe i can work in my parthenogenesis lore?????????? I bet pyroc would love building that spell in any universe. That’s the sequal when he goes to magic university in helsin. But yeah i do like the concept that. Anyone can have a baby thru magic its just a time and energy commitment. Just a matter of wanting it enough together. Every baby is so deeply wanted and its mere existence is proof. Thats dope i love that. HMMM to be decided at a later date when im deeper into the story i think. I still havent figured out fully how and where and why orion is going to be invovled and if???? Pyroc and orion are even going to be romantic??????? Im torn im TORn…….
Thikns about john bonding w sarah over science and learning and starts wEEPING…. Like theres some surity beloved. Its just a matter of uncovering. I think sarah felt that same thirst for answers and hunted them differently. Her faith is in logic and science. I loveeee her god. Every scene w her and her dad absolutely RUIN me like!!!!!! SHE DOESNT KNOW!!! SHE DOESNT KNOW HOW LOVED SHE IS!!!!!! I hope at hte very end she saw the blood as the gesture of love it SO clearly was and not him trying to poison her. God i love that she spat it out. GOD. Thats about being gay, btw. Spits the religious offering that could save you across the gasoline soaked church floor like BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think we as a collective should talk about the possibiites around sarah/erin more. Bc their defiance combined would be. Earth SHATTERING for crockett.
In the future pyroc gets a kid. Ever since that campaign where Enemy ended up playing his daughter im like. How did i NOT know this idiot wanted nothing more in the entire world than to travel it with his daughter. I dont care how or why hes getting a kid. Hed be so doting and awful abut it. He would need orion as a co-parent for the kids self esteem to be normal levels. thINKS ABOUT PAUL GETTING TO RAISE SARAH AND JUST ABSOLUTELY GASSING HER UPPPPPPPP HANGING EVERY DOODLE SHE EVER MADE ON TEH FRIDGE. BOASTING ABOUT HER SCEINECE PROJECT OT ANYONE WITHIN EYESIGHT EVEN THOUGH ‘WE K N O W JOHNWE WERE ALL AT THE SCEINCE FAIR’!!!!!!!!!!! Let these fuck ups be doting fathers im fucking begging. That scene where paul is like. You take ccare of everyone on the island sarah. Its more than being a doctor. You comfort them.
HM HM comfort is such a thing for Miss Bitch like!! He sees it as a Good Thing. He tries to bring it for riley by asking to hold the AA meetings on island ((also manipulation. Obvously also manipulation. I wouldnt have bene shocked if he was slipping the vampire blood into the coffee every meeting either. But thats just a theory. A game theory.)) ANYWAY he sees comfort as hly. The church gave it to him when he needed it. The angel gave it to him in the cave. Feeling safe and warm is HIGH on his list of priorities and what makes him hand over respect.
I think pyroc has lived a very comfortable life in SO many ways, but in none he. Activly recognizes. A key part of his character arc his him…. Opening his eyes to the world around them. Seeing the privilege he has and being like. Wait. This isnt Right. We have to change thi. And when no one agrees ti shifts to I have to change this. With Violence. A little revolutionary <3 it only costs the life of his whole ass family
Thats more fun comparison ground like…… paul is SO much about I know whats right and there is a cost but i AM ignoring it. Like HE KNOOOOWSSSS he knooooows he just doesnt want o See. I’m not sure if im going to surprise yroc with the ……megadeath of. His whole family. Or if it’s a choice he has to activly make. I think a choice makes it more compelling, more layerd. It has to be in the moment though, becaus ei think thats. A key difference between them. Pyroc wouldnt do it.. hed just leave hed peace out and do what he could in small ways. But he wouldnt do his big stand off with god. Hed shrink his goals in order to not hurt his family. Out of love?? Intimidation?? Some instinct wihtin him that balks at the idea of disobedience??? I think even he doesnt know. But i LOVE john becaue he jsut decides to lie. He closes his eyes and says i am being stupid on purpose. I think thats PERHAPS more compelling than good guy coward pyroc BUT!!!!! Thats who he is rip to ths little man. Cant change him now hes a whole ass child in my head. The PLOT i can change. Him….. not without massive character development <3
UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MM set my brain on FIRE!!!! Im so glad nano is coming up. I love sharpening pyroc against the comparison of other AMAZING characters. Father paul hill my beloved millstone <3 anyway sorry to anyone who reads this its literally me unhinging my jaw and emptying my brain out. I had to write stuff that wasn’t novel or fic. A little character time down and dirty. I wil NOT be editing this love and light to future me trying to decode this
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