#so either he calmed down or he’s just mad at me I’m scared to find out 😭
yoohyeon · 1 year
My mom used the complain I told her in secret to win her argument so now my dad is mad at me for complaining to my mom… my mom was at mad at my dad for making me do something, that actually didn’t even bother me, while I’m unwell just to make my situation worst by making me panic 😐
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no-144444 · 6 days
HI! i love your writing and i was wondering if you would do a grid reacts to us finding out we were a bet? And if you wouldn't mind adding Logan too?
Thanks ml xxxx
the grid reacts: you find out you're a bet!
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Featuring: Oscar Piastri, Logan Sargeant, Daniel Riccardo, George Russell, Alex Albon, Charles LeClerc, Lewis Hamilton, Max Verstappen, Lando Norris
thank you for requesting! xxxx
Oscar Piastri:
He walked into your shared apartment, a smile on his face. He hadn’t seen you in a week, and you’d both been too busy to call or text too much, so finally, he’d be back with his girl. 
He wasn’t expecting the bare apartment he’d known so well before you’d moved in. He wasn’t expecting your things to be gone, or the note on the table, or your engagement ring beside it. 
Dear Oscar, 
I found out. I know we were a bet, and I know you’d try to convince me that you loved me, and that it was all real. I don’t doubt that it was real. I know I loved you, and I felt the love from you (either that, or you’re a brilliant actor and picked the wrong profession). But I feel betrayed. I wish you would’ve just come to me immediately and told me how we started, even if I was mad at you for a while. You kept a huge secret for 2 years, Oscar. That’s not a short amount of time. I love you, and I still love you, but I need some time on my own to figure stuff out. I moved back out into my old apartment, and don’t worry, I’m still your girlfriend, but I just wanted space to think. We’ll work our way back up to being fiancé’s but until then, I am still very much yours, unless you don’t want me to be. I need to trust you again. 
Love, Y/n. 
His heart sank. He knew it was stupid to try and keep it a secret, and it had truly been tearing him apart for the last 2 years, but this… this was too much. He was thankful that you two at least we’re breaking up. But the engagement reversal thing was fucking with him. He adored you. He loved you. Yes, it was stupid, but he did stupid stuff all the time. Forgetting his keys, sleeping through his alarm, wearing his shirt inside out. You always told him it was endearing. 
“Hey,” your voice brought him out of his trance. “I wanted to be here when you came back, sorry, there was traffic.”
He turned around to see you. You looked at him. He was crying.
“I’m so sorry,” his voice broke as you nodded. 
“I know you are,” you stepped closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “We’ll get through this, yeah?”
He nodded, burying his head in the crook of your neck. You let him cry it out for a little while, then pulled away. 
“You’ll be ok, we’ll be ok, yeah?”
He sniffled. “Yeah.”
“I love you,” you reminded him, wiping away tears as you went along. 
“I love you so much, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I just… I was so scared a-and-”
“I understand,” you nodded. “But that doesn’t mean I forgive you.”
He nodded, playing with your engagement ring in his hands. He broke again, sobbing. You wrapped your arms around him again, letting him calm himself down. “Please put it back on,” he whispered, begging you. 
You thought about it for a moment. You loved Oscar, and you knew you’d forgive him. It was harder not to forgive him, in all honesty. You’d read his hundreds of drafts of the speeches he had planned to say to you. Lando had shown them to you when he told you. You knew how this had been tearing him apart. But you knew how it stung, being betrayed like this. 
“Ok,” you nodded. He slipped the ring back onto your finger and a weight was lifted off of his chest, while one was placed onto yours. 
God, maybe love did conquer all. And that idea fucking terrified you. 
Logan Sargeant:
“Go up to her, she’s a McLaren engineer,” Lewis’s friend’s voice rang out over the speaker of your phone. “I’ll give you 2 grand if you can fuck her tonight.”
“It’s not like I need the money,” Logan smirked, cocky as ever. “But I’ll take that.”
The camera panned to Logan walking up to you, and your world shattered. 
“Hey babe,” he called, walking into the apartment. There you were sitting, seething on the couch. “How was your weekend?”
“Great,” you answered shortly. “Have you looked at social media recently?”
“No, why?” he asked, resting his hands on your waist. He tried not to read into your stiff posture. Was this the moment? Had you really found out? 
“I was a bet,” you sighed, brushing his hands off of you. “And you didn’t even have the heart to tell me.”
You hadn’t planned on crying, you thought you’d scream at him, give him a piece of your mind, but it was hard to get angry when he was standing there, looking so helpless. You loved him, and all you’d ever been to him was a bet. You’d only met a year ago, started dating 6 months ago. You’d meant nothing the entire time. Just a fuck and a check. You just felt… defeated, and used. 
“Baby please, let me explain, it’s not what-” He started but you sighed.
“Explain what? That you ‘love’ me? I don’t care. I deserve someone who tells me the truth, and you couldn’t even do that. I had to find out with the rest of the world. Don’t you realise how stupid I look? All the posts I made, everything I told my friends and family, and the entire time it’s all been a lie? I look like a fucking idiot.” 
Logan looked down, ashamed. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, taking your hand. “I’ll do anything to make this right, please Y/n, I love you.”
“How am I supposed to trust you? And how am I going to look going back to you? Why did you fuck this all up?” You groaned in frustration. “I fucking loved you!” 
“I love you too!” he pleaded. “Please let me make this right, I don’t care about the media, or whatever, I care about you, and I care about us.”
“What ‘us’? We’ve been based on a lie this entire time!”
“Please don’t say that,” he was crying now, so were you. “Please don’t say it was a lie.” 
You took your hand from his. “Logan, we’re done. Please don’t contact me.”
And that was that. He broke your heart and you broke his. 
Daniel Riccardo: 
He watched in horror as you opened the message on his phone from Scotty. 
“You have to tell her. This isn’t right anymore Dan.”
“What is Scott talking about?” You chuckled. 
“Nothing,” Daniel smiled, but it looked forced. 
“Dan, come on, you can tell me,” you smiled sweetly. 
“Seriously, I have no clue what he’s talking about,” he nervously chuckled. 
Your face dropped into an angry frown. “So he was right, you wouldn’t even admit it if I gave you the chance,” you sighed. “That’s great, thanks Daniel.” 
“What do you mean?”
“I know about the bet,” you sighed. “Scotty told me last week.”
Daniel sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“Me too,” you turned to him. “Why would you lie?” 
“I was scared.”
“Of what?” 
“Of losing you,” he shrugged. “I thought it would just be better to… keep you in the dark I guess. I wasn’t really thinking straight.”
“I wish you would’ve just told me,” you sighed, looking up at him. 
You were both silent for a moment.
“What does this mean for us?” he asked. 
“What ‘us’? We were based on a lie Daniel. A lie you told for a whole year.”
“So that’s it?” he gritted out. 
“That’s it.”
George Russell: 
“Have you talked to her about it yet?” Alex asked. “You have to tell her mate, it’s gone on too long.”
“It’s been 6 months Alex, and, by the way, I actually love her,” he scoffed. “I’m trying to figure out the best way to explain it.”
“Explain what? That you were dared to ask her out for money? Mate, you sound like a dick no matter what, she’ll break up with you no matter what,” Alex sighed, disappointed in his friend. 
“She’s probably right to,” George admitted. “Fuck!” he groaned. 
You stepped into the room, trying to pretend that everything was alright. Both of the men looked up, terrified of what came next. 
“Please let me explain,” George rushed out, taking your hand. Alex quickly left you two to speak alone, patting you on the back as he left. George stood up and took your hand. 
You nodded. “Explain.”
George’s frown lifted slightly, elated that you would even give him the chance to explain. “It was a stupid bet and I never took any money. I stopped speaking to the guys after we met, and I promise I’ve been trying to tell you, I just… I get scared every time that I’ll lose you. I don’t deserve you, but I love you Y/n. And I’m so sorry.”
You nodded. “I just… give me some time, yeah?”
He nodded. “All the time you need, of course.” 
You took a deep breath, wrapping your arms around his neck in a short hug. “I’ll call you, yeah?”
He nodded, letting himself enjoy your embrace. “Please call me. Anytime.”
You pulled back, still holding back your tears somehow. “Yeah. Good luck today.”
“If I win, it’ll be for you. It’s always for you,” he smiled softly. 
“Yeah,” you sighed, leaving with a broken heart, and a choice to make. 
Alex Albon: 
“Can we talk?” Alex asked, 2 months in.
“About what?” you questioned. You were sitting in his apartment in Monaco, eating dinner before catching a movie at a nearby cinema. 
“How we met.”
“Proceed,” you nodded, turning your full attention to him. 
“We met at Jimmy’s, and I was there with my friends, and we were being assholes, and I'm sorry that’s how you met me,” he hesitated. “And that night, I was dared to go up to you, only because they knew I’d never get a chance with you because you’re… well, you’re you, and I’m me. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but we were just having so much fun and-”
“You thought you couldn’t get a chance with me?” You chuckled. 
Alex looked up. “Well, no. You’re gorgeous-”
“You’re a very hot Formula 1 driver! Alex, I was losing it when you came up to me!” 
“I thought you didn’t know anything about F1?!” 
“I don’t! But I know about hot famous guys!”
“You liar!” he laughed. 
“You lied too!” you laughed. 
He smiled. “ I guess we’re pretty evenly matched then, yeah?”
“I guess,” you shrugged, then leaned over and pressed your lips to his. 
Charles Leclerc: 
You and Charles were new, like new new.But he’d invited you to the paddock nonetheless, and you had the weekend off, so off you went to the Ferrari garage. You’d met the so-called ‘Prince of Monaco’ at an Indycar event a few months back when he got your number, and since then you’d been texting back and forth. He finally asked you out, and you agreed, I mean, who wouldn’t, right? Even though you worked in Indycar, you were a born and raised Monegasquean and you were proud of your heritage, and pretty excited to be dating the Monegasque. 
“Oh shit,” Pierre grumbled, bumping into you. Recognition finally crossed his face and he smiled. “Y/n, right? We met at the Indycar thing, right?”
“Hi Pierre, yeah, nice to see you,” you smiled. Behind him came Charles, a bright smile for you. 
“Are you here for work or-? Oh, for Charles,” he smirked and turned back to Charles . “Le pari est-il toujours valable?” (is the bet still on?)
Your face faltered. Charles didn’t tell you about any bet. What bet?
“Je ne lui ai pas encore dit,” Charles mumbled. Pierre’s smirk grew, as did the sinking pit in your stomach. (I haven’t told her yet.)
“Hey,” Charles turned to you with a smile on his face. 
“Hi,” you nodded, more reserved than before. “Congrats on pole.”
His smile dampened. “Is everything alright?”
“All good,” you mustered up your fakest smile. “Ne parie peut-être pas sur une fille qui vit à Monaco, connard.” (Maybe don't make a bet over a girl who lives in Monaco, asshole.) 
Charles looked dumbstruck for a moment, and you left him like that. You were worth more than that. 
Lewis Hamilton: 
“Have you told her yet?” George asked, eying you from the other side of the garage. 
Lewis shook his head. “I can’t find the right time.” “You need to tell her soon, it’s only a matter of time before someone else tells her.” 
“I know I do, I just… everytime I try to bring it up it’s like she’s extra sweet and perfect and I just can’t break her heart like that-”
“Break who’s heart?” you asked, standing beside Lewis. 
George shot him a look to say ‘tell her now’, and he nodded. George left you two to talk. 
“I was… I came up to you… I-”
“It was a bet to ask me out, I know,” you nodded, sipping your drink. “Whose heart are you breaking?”
Lewis’s brow furrowed. “Yours?”
“I overheard you and your friends at the bar that night,” you explained. “I don’t care. We’re dating because of it, I love you, blah, blah, blah,” you smiled. “Unless it’s been a charade the whole time-”
“NO! It hasn’t, I love you, I promise,” he wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed kisses to your cheek as you laughed. 
“You thought that would break my heart?”
His ego was becoming a little bit more than bruised. “Hey!”
You laughed. “OK, ok, relax. Yes, it would’ve broken my heart,” you teased. 
He pushed you off, smiling. “I don’t want your pity-”
“Not even a pity fuck?” you whispered, a mischievous smirk on your lips.  
He smiled. “Well, I always want that.”
Max Verstappen: 
“Fuck this game!” Max cursed after his game had crashed for the third time. You made your way into the living room, looking in on the game.
“Everything alright?” you asked. 
“All good, sorry liefje,” he responded, not even turning around. 
“Is that the girl we put the bets on?” One of his friends asked. Max panicked and shut down the stream, then immediately turned to you. 
“Liefje…” he started. You stood there in shock. 
“Is that true?” you started. “Was I a fucking bet?!” you shouted. 
“It- I- Yes, it started like that, but I love you, I-I’m in love with you!” 
“How can I ever fucking trust you?” you shot back. “You’re a liar!”
“I’m sorry-”
“What the fuck does ‘sorry’ do? I’m leaving Max. You are so not the man I thought you were,” you pushed past him, grabbing some of your essentials from your bedroom as he followed behind you, begging you to stay. 
You left. He was the one who messed up. 
All because of a dumb bet. 
Lando Norris: 
He was sweating through his shirt. Max’s eyes bore into him all night, more specifically, how his arm was draped over your shoulder. He understood his best friend’s confusion. It was mere months ago that Lando had been dared to go up to you and ask you out, mere months ago when he sent a photo into the group chat of you sleeping soundly beside him, asking for the transfers from the men who’d told him to ask you out and somehow get you back into his bed before the next morning. Since then, things had in fact changed. He had changed. You had changed him.
“Lan,” Max hissed. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Max,” Lando mumbled. “Not now.”
“She deserves to know,” Pietra shook her head. “Y/n, listen to me, I know Lando had probably been a lovely guy but he asked you out because he was dared to-”
“Pietra!” Lando groaned. “What the fuck!”
You turned to Pietra, pushing Lando’s arm off of you. “Are you serious?”
“She’s telling the truth,” Max added. 
“Y/n please, just let me explain-”
“There’s nothing to fucking explain. You’re an asshole, don’t call me again,” you scoffed, getting up and leaving with Pietra following quickly behind. 
Lando was helpless.
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dark-frosted-heart · 3 months
He Doesn’t Know That I Turned into an Animal Bonus Story
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This is the bonus story involving everyone. It's utterly ridiculous
As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. None of my translations are proofread until a day after posting
Victor: This is an emergencyyyy!! Come to the dining hall at once!!
When I woke up this morning and started getting ready, I heard Victor’s voice echoing through the castle.
Kate: What’s the matter Victor?! Did you make Jude mad and end up in debt?! Or did Liam and Alfons play a prank……huh?
What I saw when I came down to the dining hall made me gasp.
Beside Victor were 8 animals.
(4 cats, 3 dogs…And a fox?)
Kate: Victor, where did you find them? I think taking care of all of them will be pretty hard…
Victor: I didn’t find them from anywhere! Everyone in Crown’s become an animal!
Kate: ……Excuse me?
Victor: Last night after you went back to your room, we were all drinking when… Roger and Alfons started arguing over the most trivial things.
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger: *sigh* …We’re not getting anywhere like this. Let’s settle this.
Alfons: I see, with drinks? It’s just what I was hoping for.
In the beginning, it was only Roger and Alfons competing, then gradually, the others joined in…
Roger: Hm? There’s no more drinks? I guess I’ll go get more.
Alfons: Oh, what’s this? Are you running away?
Roger: Why would I run when I’m winning? Or do you want me to run?
Liam: Okay, how about you two calm down? I’ll go fetch some instead!
Roger: Thanks Liam. Can you fetch the green bottle in my room?
Liam: Gotcha~
~~ Flashback end ~~
Victor: …After that, everyone except me drank the special alcohol Liam brought back.
Kate: You didn’t drink?
Victor: I had some work left so I couldn’t. So I just had a spot of tea when I joined them.
Kate: So you’re saying that…everyone became an animal because of the alcohol they drank?
Victor: Yes. The special alcohol Liam brought was…here it is!
Victor picked up an empty bottle from the dining table.
It was green like Roger had said, but there was a small label on it.
Kate: “Animalization. Caution: Do not drink” …Is what it says.
Victor: So it wasn’t alcohol that Liam brought, but one of Roger’s experiments!
Kate: No way…!
Victor: The bottle’s the same color as the one Roger asked Liam to get. Since Liam was drunk, he mixed them up.
—At that moment, one of the cats went to hide under the table.
(Was that Liam just now? It looked like he was hiding, but…)
(I don’t think he actually mixed them up. Rather, did he do it on purpose to satisfy his curiosity…?)
Victor: The rest of us didn’t check the label either… They all went to sleep thinking we drank alcohol instead of a drug. I gave them blankets and left. And then when I came down to the dining hall this morning… There they were, looking so cute sleeping under the blankets!
(Well bringing in all these animals would be too much for a prank…)
(So everyone really did become an animal…?)
Kate: If the drug’s one of Roger’s experiments, then there might be some clues in the infirmary.
Victor: You’re right. I’ll go look. In the meantime, can you look after everyone? I really wish I could, but…
Victor took a step closer to the animals…and they scattered like little spiders.
Victor: …Animals have always avoided me. They’re scared of me for some reason. So…I’m entrusting their safety to you. Can you do that for me?
Kate: Got it! I’ll take care of them!
Victor: Thanks, Kate…I’m really glad you’re here.
After Victor left the dining hall, I rolled up my sleeves and pumped myself up.
(Alright…First of all, I need to know who’s who. That’ll make taking care of them easier!)
While thinking up of a plan, I crouched in front of the most obvious one.
Kate: You’re Harrison, right?
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Harrison (fox): ……Hm?
Kate: No, there’s no point in making that “who knows” kind of face. If you say “fox”, then it has to be Harrison!
Harrison (fox): …
For some reason, Harrison the fox looked sad.
(Normally Harrison’s lying while looking all aloof, but…)
(...He can’t do that when he’s like this. I’ll need to get him back to normal quickly)
(Next is…)
Kate: Hey, you can’t smoke as a dog!
A white dog with black spots held a cigarette with his front paw and deftly tried to light it.
I rushed over, snatched the cigarette away, and hid it in my pocket.
Kate: With those colors and the cigarette…You’re probably Jude, right? Alright, I’m pocketing them.
Jude (dog): Grrr…
Kate: Um…you sound intimidating, but you look really cute right now.
As a human, Jude would always talk down to me, but he can’t do that the way he is now.
Even while growling at me, he had a dog’s cuteness…I wanted to pet his head.
Kate: There, there…
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Jude: WOOF!
Kate: …Woah!
When I tried to pet him, Jude almost bit me.
(Even as a dog, Jude’s still Jude, ruthless as ever…)
Kate: O-okay. I won’t touch you…don’t smoke and just sit tight, okay? I’m sure Victor will find a way to get you all back to normal…
Jude (dog): …
Jude sniffed in displeasure and turned his attention to the clock on the wall.
Kate: “Hurry up” huh? Understood.
(Now then…The only one who’d be near Jude is Ellis, but I don’t see him)
Kate: It really hurt my feelings when Jude almost bit me… If only an animal would let me pet him right now. It’d heal my broken heart and make me really happy!
Jude (dog): …
Jude understood what I was trying to do and looked at me as if he wanted to say something.
(He’s thinking I’m using him…but right now, I can’t even be bothered!)
Kate: Aahhhh! I want to pet someone!
I didn’t know if Ellis would fall for it, but I had to give it a try.
—In that moment.
Kate: Eek!
All of a sudden a black cat jumped into my arms.
Kate: Are you perhaps Ellis…?
Ellis (cat): Meow.
The cat that looked like Ellis replied while rubbing his forehead against my hand.
It’s like he was telling me to pet him.
Kate: Hehe, thank you.
I gratefully petted Ellis’ small head and neck. The way he purred was so cute.
Ellis (cat): …Meow, meow?
(Ah…I think I understood what you just said)
Kate: Did you ask if I’m happy right now? Yes…I’m feeling a little happier!
I looked under the table and spoke to the cat hiding under it.
Kate: You tried to hide from Victor and me while we were talking, so…Are you Liam?
Liam (cat): Meow!
Kate: I need to know…Did you mix up the alcohol and drug on purpose?
Liam (cat): Meow, meow?
As expected from Liam. Even as a cat, he knows how to present himself and meows in a cute and charming way.
He was so cute that I wanted to smoosh his face with mine, but…his eyes were looking from side to side.
Kate: So you did do it on purpose…When you all turn back to human, make sure everyone gives you a scolding, okay?
Liam (cat): Meow…
(Everyone’s going to be mad at Liam while he looks down dejectedly, but…I’m sure everyone will forgive him in the end)
(Because Liam’s someone you just can’t hate)
Kate: In the meantime, please sit tight until everyone’s back to normal.
Liam (cat): Meow…
Kate: Can you keep an eye on Liam, Harrison?
Harrison (fox): Hm…
Though Harrison looked dissatisfied, he stuck by Liam’s side.
(I guess I can rest easy on that. The rest…huh?)
Looking around the dining hall, I noticed that some of the animals were missing.
(Roger, Elbert, Alfons, William…no, those four are missing!)
(Right, they just happened to be in the dining hall…there’s no way everyone in Crown would stay put!)
(I wonder where they went…)
Victor: Kate!
Kate: Victor! Did you find anything?
Victor: Yes. I know how to turn everyone back to normal. By the way, why are you here?
Kate: To tell you the truth, four people…er, animals, have gone missing from the dining hall…
Victor: Haha, my beloved cursed boys are free to be animals, aren’t they?
Kate: It’s really annoying…
Victor: Alright, let’s look for them together.
Kate: Okay!
(I’m glad that Victor’s still human)
(I think it would’ve been really hard to do this by myself…)
We checked the foyer first to rule out the possibility that they left the castle.
Victor: A nearby maid informed me that she didn’t see any dogs or cats walk out the front door.
Kate: That’s a relief! That means they’re definitely still in the castle.
Victor: Right. …By the way, what’s going on over there?
Following Victor’s gaze, I saw some mades gathered in a corner of the foyer.
Kate: That’s suspicious…Let’s ask.
When we approached the maids, we saw them surrounding a dog.
Kate: Ah, that dog…!
Victor: Yes…there’s no doubt about it. It’s Elbert!
He had silky golden fur and distressed eyes.
Even as a dog, Lord Elbert was beautiful. Adding on the charm of a dog, no one could leave him alone.
The maids were all captivated by his charms and handled him like something delicate.
(For now, I’m glad you’re safe…)
Victor immediately used sign language to explain the situation to the maids and succeeded in retrieving Lord Elbert.
Elbert (dog): Awoo…?
(Oooo, so cute…! I’d do anything for you!)
Bringing Lord Elbert along, we decided to search the halls next.
Kate: Wha-what is this…?!
The moment I turned the corner, I was shocked by a devastating scene in the hallway.
There were several cats lying around.
Kate: What in the world…are they okay?!
I rushed over and crouched down beside the cats to check on them.
(Huh? It doesn’t look like they’re hurt.)
(Writhing around in pleasure…Is this)
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Victor: Mlem…There’s no doubt about it! It’s catnip!
Kate: Catnip’s…the herb that intoxicates cats, right?
Victor: Yes. It looks like someone gave the cats catnip and threw a drug party.
Kate: That’s…
Victor: No doubt we’re thinking about the same person. Let’s hurry!
We followed the trail of catnip-drunk cats to Alfons’ room.
Kate: Alfons! Please stop spreading catnip around!
When I burst into the room, the cat lying on the bed got up and looked at me languidly.
Victor: You’ve been enjoying your time as a cat, haven’t you Alfons?
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Alfons (cat): Meow-ha!
Alfons laughed loudly like he did as a human and let himself get caught.
Alfons (cat): Now that just leaves Roger and William.
Kate: Where would those two be…We’ve searched everywhere we could think of.
Victor: Maybe they’re constantly moving about, or we’re always just missing each other. But I believe finding Roger’s easier than you think.
Kate: Huh?
Victor: Watch.
Victor smiled proudly and cupped his hands around his mouth.
Victor: Ah?! There’s a high-quality beer here from Her Majesty the Queen herself?! I can drink it without anyone noticing. What should I do?
(No matter how much Roger likes alcohol, there’s no way he’d fall for something so obvious…)
Just as I was thinking that, I heard light steps running toward us.
Roger (dog): Arf!
A dog with light brown fur appeared, wagging his large tail.
(...I can’t believe he fell for it)
Roger’s once again proved his hardcore love for alcohol.
After catching the three, we had them wait in the dining hall…William was the only one left.
Victor: To think that he’d be the last one for us to find…That’s William for you!
Kate: You’re right. I wonder where he went…
Victor: Hmm, shall I prepare some strawberries?
Kate: I don’t think that trick will work as well as it did with Roger…but it might be worth a try.
At that moment, a beautiful tune came into the hallway.
Kate: Victor, that’s the sound of a piano…!
Victor: Yes!
We nodded at each other and ran to the great hall.
Kate: William! Did you become human again— —Nevermind?
There was a “cat” on the piano deftly playing Minute Waltz with his front and back paws.
Kate: But it sounded a lot like William’s piano playing…
Victor: …You’re right. He’s the only one that can produce such a sound.
And then Victor and I listened to the cat play.
The final note melted into the air…We applauded the wonderful performance.
Kate: Are you…William?
William (cat): Meow.
William gracefully got off the piano and walked over to us.
Kate: …Even as animals, all of Crown’s kept their “identity” didn’t they?
Victor: You can’t hide your personality even if you want to!
Victor: Now that everyone’s back, I have an announcement…dalalalalala dan! According to Roger’s research, the only way to turn back is with a kiss!
Kate: K-kiss…? That kind of solution only exists in fairy tales…
Victor chuckled at my confusion and gently touched my lips with a finger.
Victor: We’re cursed here so there’s nothing strange about it.
Kate: That’s true…
Victor: Well now! It’s not something difficult, so let’s do it quickly.
(I wouldn’t be able to kiss them if they were human, but…)
(...I can probably do it with everyone as animals)
I looked at each Crown member that became an animal and prepared myself.
Kate: Got it. I— 
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Victor: Now everyone, line up! I’ll give all of you a kiss with love!
Kate: Huh.
What happened after with Victor was amazing.
No animal was spared as he caught each and every one that tried to run away, and passionately kissed them…
They then all turned back into humans without an issue.
…For everyone’s sake, I’ll leave out some of the details.
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sweet1delusi0ns · 3 months
Haikyuu Boys calling you ma’am ──☆*:・゚
Team ! Karasuno
Btw I’m working on the rest of the cuddling headcanons😋
Characters: Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Nishinoya, Daichi, Sugawara, Tanaka
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Respectful boy! Most of the time- he has so much courage and respect for you so he calls you ma’am normally when your ‘leading’ such as giving him a pep talk or showing him how to do something
“I’m telling you! Stop running with your arms down it makes you slower. Understand?” “Yes ma’am! I’ll try!” “You literally did the opposite of what I said, raise your arms up it’ll make your body more aerodynamic…do you even know what that means?” “No ma’am I don’t…BUT I’ll run with my arms higher!” He literally runs with his arms straight in the air, that’s not what you meant either-
Sassy but not intentionally, most of the time hes not trying to be sassy but sometimes he just says things that can be viewed as such. He does call you ma’am as a nickname but the way he says it sounds like hes trying to back talk you-
“Do you mind getting me some water baby?” “Whatever you say ma’am” “excuse me?” “What?” He asks, handing you the water “why so sassy?” “I wasn’t…huh?” “The ‘ma’am’ wasn’t you being sassy?” “Uhm no I genuinely wanted to call you that?” “Oh….thanks baby-”
Sassy.on.purpose. He thinks he’s so funny teasing you with names that aren’t really fitting at the time, calling you ma’am or miss is him trying to penalized you, but most of the time he fails since you don’t mind being called it. He ends up flustered instead but he doesn’t tell you
“HEY! DID U TAKE MY BOOK?” “What? Oh no ma’am I would never~” “well… I guess I can’t be mad when my baby calls me silly names~” “heh…what..?” “Your so cute when you call me names like that how can I be maddd?” You kiss his cheek causing him to turn red “w-whatever” “but seriously give me my book back or else your ‘ma’am’ isn’t gunna be happy.”
Only calls you ‘ma’am’ and stuff when he’s either scared of you or in trouble. Normally he tries to calm you down with empowering names and normally it works!
“How can you make such a mess and not clean up. Seriously I don’t care if you make your own food but why do you leave the ingredients EVERYWHERE!” “I-I’m sorry! I’ll clean it up right away ma’am!” “Hmm…well I guess I can’t be mad at that cute face and respectful talk huh~ I’ll help” “no ma’am it’s my mess! Let me!”
Hes a Flirt to He calls You things like ‘ma’am’ ‘miss’ ‘mama’ n such all the time. But normally follows it up with a compliment, or sometimes he uses it as a compliment itself
“Wow is that a goddess I see infront of me?!” “Uh are you expecting something in return?” “No ma’am just wanted to let you know you are lookin foxy today~” “…ok weirdo, can you tie my shoes for me though?” “YES MA’AM!” He feels like he’s slipping on Cinderellas shoe anytime he helps you with yours LOL
Respectful! Yk how his team is scared of his authority? Well he’s more scared of yours. And since he is the respectful man he is he doesn’t try to test you. He agrees in fear of ticking you off
“Daichi.” “Uhm…yes…” “the trash.” He forgot to take out the trash “OH MY GOD. I am so sorry! Itll Never happen again maam I promise!” “Wow ok, take your time no need to get scared-” “oh thank god your not mad-”
He’s scared to ask for the simplest things, he tries his best to be as nice as possible when asking. Not to butter you up so your more likely to say yes but so you think he is still respecting you and all you do
“Y/n..uh I mean- ma’am, could you possibly help me with something. If you are to busy that’s ok-” “no babe it’s ok, what do you need help with?” “Thank you ma’am-” “that’s not necessarily suga~ just let me help” “oh…ok uhm could you help me find my favorite sweater i don’t remember where it is” “cuz I stole it” “what?”
Like noya, he just calls you it to flirt OR to butter you up, probably because he’s going to ask you the craziest thing after and he hopes the name would make you say yes
“So my beautiful, sexy and charming y/n what chu uh…doing?” “….you want something huh?” “Yes ma’am~ I was wondering if I could-” “no.” “OH CMON!” “Nope.” “PLEASEEEE” “dude im not rocking you to sleep again, your not a baby.” “YOU DID IT BEFORE!” “It was a ONE TIME THING!”
Yes I stole this prompt from my previous naruto post😋
Again not proof read 😌
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propertyofwicked · 6 months
SECRETS part 6 - LN
warnings: angst, lots of swearing angry max, angry lando, angry y/n - everyone's mad. potentially a happy ending? (u have to read to find out :) ), cheeky bit of fluff
previous part -> next part
masterlist the playlist
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“you fucking lied right to my face, the both of you!” max said, raising his voice and breaking the silence in his living room, “i asked you a year ago and you both lied to me.”
y/n and lando quickly realised that arriving together to talk to max was quite possibly a mistake. the drive to max’s house had started off well, the music flowing through the speakers and easy conversation between the two helped. yet, the closer they got, the more anxious they both started to feel.
they were all in the living room, P had scuttered off to the kitchen, busying herself with baking. max was directing every profanity he could think of towards both lando and his sister, their mother would be horrified to learn max even knew these words let alone the fact he was screaming them at her youngest daughter, y/n thought to herself.
it’s her nature to defend herself, but for the first time in her life, she sat silently, twisting her rings around her fingers. max was so angry, she figured he wouldn’t listen to anything she had to say anyways at this moment in time. so she sat silently, taking the abuse.
“have you slept together?” max suddenly asked, his voice finally calm. y/n’s face grew red, lando stuttering.
“so that’s a yes, she who prides herself on being honest and can’t even give me a straight answer,” he snorts.
“i’m an adult, max. stop being so immature and overbearing,” y/n finally spoke up, her tone bold even though she wanted to do nothing more than cry, “what does it even matter? you’re going to get mad either way.”
“of course i’m mad! you,” he stated, pointing a finger at lando, “have been fucking my sister behind my back.”
“stop saying that shit - it’s not like that.”
“no? then what is it like?” max shouted back, his anger once again bubbling to the surface.
“I LOVE HER! ok, i love her,” lando said, finally raising his voice. the room fell silent. even the blender in the kitchen stopped, letting everyone know P was listening in.
“you love me?” y/n asked softly, turning to face lando. he looked almost scared. he chose to ignore her, moving his head up to stare into max’s eyes.
“max, i love her. i think i always have. i would do anything i could for her,” lando said, his voice returning to his normal tone. max said nothing, he simply turned on his heel and left the room.
“i tried angel,” lando said to the girl next to him, his arm stretching out to rub her thigh softly.
“i know you did,” she replied sadly, “so - you love me?”
“of course i do,” he replied, smiling at her.
“don’t take my lack of reciprocation as a rejection. i just uh- i just need time,” she said, panicking slightly and fumbling her words.
“i don’t expect you to say anything back, my love. we’ll sort this out, i promise.”
she wants to believe him, she really does, but max leaving the room was a bad sign.
“you can’t promise me that,” she says, his hands coming to cup her face and press a sweet kiss to her forehead.
“i will do everything i can to sort things out with max,” he says kissing her head again, before pushing himself off the sofa to follow max’s footsteps out of the room.
y/n sat in the silence, thinking only of the way max’s face fell in a mix of anger and betrayal before he stormed out of the room. too much had happened in the past 4 days, and she hadn’t given herself time to process a single part of it. the tears started flowing, and she feared they would never stop as she started coughing from the intensity of her sobs. P must’ve heard her from the kitchen, as not long after she’d started crying, P was sat next to y/n, pulling her body down to lay her head on her lap, her hand coming to stroke her back softly.
“he’ll come around y/n. he loves you, he can’t stay mad at you forever.”
“he can, and he will,” y/n responds, another wave of tears rolling sideways down her face, landing on P’s trousers.
meanwhile, max was in his room, pacing out of pure anger.
“mate i-,” lando said as he walked in the room.
“no, i dont wanna hear it. you promised me you would never d-” he interupts.
“i know! i know what i said. and i regret it.”
“you regret promising me you’d never defile my sister?”
“i regret not telling you how i felt about her. i regret making that stupid promise when it’s all i wanted.”
“all you wanted was to defile my sister? great argument lando, thanks for stopping by. you can fuck off now.”
“all i wanted was to love your sister. to give her the fucking world if she’d let me.”
“i love her. she’s intelligent, she’s strong willed, she’s confident in herself, and i think she’s the most beautiful woman i’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting,” he says, barely stopping to breathe, but max was listening - finally. the two friends looked at each other, both of them slightly shaking under the pressure.
“you really love her?” max asks after a few moments of silence, his voice the lowest it had been for hours.
“i do.”
“this isn’t just for a shag?”
“are you joking?”
“just answer the fucking question.”
“no, it’s not just for a shag. i want to spend to rest of my life with her.”
“ok?” lando repeated, confused.
“i’m not ok with this, but i will be eventually. so long as you don’t hurt her.”
“i think you should be more worried about her hurting me,” lando joked in attempt to ease the awkwardness, to his relief max smiled slightly.
“if she hurt you, id be the proudest ive ever been,” he jokes back, earning a small snort from lando.
lando backs himself towards the door, gripping the handle.
“you coming?” he asks max, cocking his head to the side slightly in questioning.
“nah i just need a few minutes to sort myself out.”
“alright mate. i think you need to speak to y/n.”
“don’t tell me what to do,” max quips back, lando holding his hands up in defence before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.
when lando re-entered the living room, he saw y/n laying on P’s lap, crying softly, his entrance causing both girls to look up at him. he breathed out a sigh before announcing -
“i think it’s all gonna be ok.”
“i’m going to go an talk to him,” y/n said boldly, sitting up and wiping any remaining tears from her eyes, still trying to regain her regular breathing.
“are you sure that’s a good idea?” lando asked, voice lace with genuine concern.
“i don’t care. i need to let him know that this is not acceptable,” and with that, she left the room. lando and P looked at each other, their eyes both conveying a sense of dread for the impending fall out.
“max?” she asked, knocking on his door.
“go away.”
“no,” she said, pushing the door fully open and sauntering into the room.
“y/n i-”
“no, you’ve done your shouting. it’s my time to talk,” y/n tone was harsh, but it worked. max sat back in the chair, silently, allowing her to finally speak her mind.
“i didn’t do this out of disrespect for you,” she prefaced, breathing in a deep breath before continuing, “i didn’t expect this to happen. i didn’t think any of this was going to happen.”
“i know.”
“but that does not give you any right to decided what or who i do,” she declares, max grimacing slightly at her choice of words, “you made him promise to stay away from me! that’s not on, max. he was my friend too and even if anything else was happening you had absolutely no right to make that decision for me.”
he says nothing, simply nodding at his sister as he digests her words.
“you owe me an apology. for thinking you can control my life and for the way you have behaved in the last 3 days. it’s not the fucking eighteen hundreds, you cannot take this ‘alpha male’ role in my life and make decisions about who i date,” she adds, using her fingers to make quotation marks.
“i know that now,” he responds, guilt laced in his voice.
“what do you mean you ‘know that now’? you should have always known that. you wouldn’t tell sam or theo who they can date, would you?” she asks.
“no, i wouldn’t,” again, responding with a sad sigh, “i’m sorry y/n.”
“you better be. and you better start behaving like you are.”
“i will.”
“starting with buying me a new car,” she jokes, finally uncrossing her arms and smiling softly at him.
“catch yourself on,” he laughs back.
“it’s ok, god loves a trier - besides, i’m pretty sure lando offered to buy me one if he got podium.”
“on second thought, maybe i will buy you a new car.”
the two laughed together, an air of awkwardness still hanging between them. finally, he pushed himself off his chair, walking over to her and embracing her in a tight hug.
“im sorry y/n, im so sorry,” he mumbled into her ear.
“it’s ok max, i don’t think id be too impressed if you started fucking my friends either.”
“ew dont - dont talk about sex or you having it,” he shudders, “in my brain, you’re still 7 and shaving the heads of your barbies.”
“will you do me a favour?” he asks, sheepishly.
“can you and, him, you know, tone it down in front of me. just for a bit? just till i get used to it?”
“i didn’t intend on jumping his bones in front of you anyways, if that’s what you mean?” she jokes.
“y/n,” he groans in feigned annoyance.
“i’m sorry i’m sorry,” she apologises, holding her hands up in defence, the exact same way lando had earlier.
“you and him are probably a good match. you have the same personality. i think i just never wanted to admit it.”
“max fewtrell, stubborn? i never would’ve guessed.”
“i think it’s genetic.”
★ ☆ ✦ ✧ ✩ ✶
tag list: @harrysdimple05 @scopeiguess @hiireadstuff @landosgirlxoxo @natt9598 @phantomxoxo @val-writes @secretgal66 @ririyulife @littlehoneyfreak @leclercdream @mehrmonga @eviethetheatrefreak @thatoneembarrasingmoment @doofenshmirtzevil-inc @formula1mount @lottef1 @rayna-s @5starl1ght @cthgee @thesiduation @urfavsgf @littlehoneyfreak
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Broken Bones
Summary: You went out with your friends, how did you end up in this situation? Venom is meant to keep you safe, if they couldn't do it this time then you're really in trouble, will Wanda come to your aid? God you really hoped so.
Words: 1,737
Warnings 18+ Minors DNI angst, cuteness nothing else I think
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You opened your eyes slowly to the heavy rain on your face and the blood in your mouth, trying to blink away any remaining blurriness you attempted to lift your body up but you felt so weak it was way too painful
The symbiote didn't respond right away instead giving a low growl unable to move themselves or your body either
"We....we were beaten...call...call Wanda"
Coughing up some more blood you managed to sit up looking around finding yourself in a alleyway surrounded by two dead men with their heads missing, no prizes for wondering where they might be
"What happened?" You closed your eyes when you felt the nauseous feeling flow through your body again
"We were ambushed...leaving the...club c-caught off guard"
You couldn't stand being sat up anymore and dropped back to the ground with a heavy thud
"Y/n...I feel...feel the body dying"
No response from you
"Y/n? Y/n?!"
They tried again, even trying to move your body, unfortunately they were just as weak as you and flopped back down to the ground too, you both felt the light fading from your body, silence engulfing you and your whole body breaking down, your last conscious hope was that Wanda came to your rescue at the last minute.
"So where's the alien human hybrid tonight?" Nat spooked Wanda who was in the kitchen making you your favourite food for when you got back
"Nat! Don't scare me like that I have a hot spoon" Wanda nearly dropped the whole pot of stew for you over the floor
"Sorry Wands it must be my super secret and intense spy training" she whipped past the witch grabbing a spoon to taste what she'd made "hmm nice, maybe a little more paprika" she winked and Wanda groaned rolling her eyes "she doesn't like paprika Nat"
"so where is the love of your life?" Nat took another taste of the stew much to Wanda's annoyance "stop contaminating the food"
Wanda put the stew into the oven to keep warm for you looking back to her Russian friend "she went out to meet some friends at a club"
"You don't sound so happy about that"
Wanda shrugged sitting down on the couch with Nat "I'm happy she wants to go out with her friends but I'm still nervous because of Venom, I just hope they behave"
Nat laughed "what's the worse thing that could happen in a couple of hours?"
“Y/n! Y/n! Oh god” the loud voice gave you a small jolt and you managed to move a little but you felt so heavy going in and out of consciousness that it was pointless.
“Please don’t be dead Wanda will kill me! Also I obviously don’t want to lose you but I just want to make sure you’re not too injured, you look pretty bad though, is this your blood or the other guys? Wait is Venom still in there? Venom! Can you hear me? I probably shouldn’t shout down your ear I’m sorry”
Peter was struggling on what to do, does he pick you up and swing you back to the compound? No that would probably hurt you more but if he called Wanda would she be mad? No she'd be happy because he called her.
In all of his crises thinking someone else jumped next to him “Peter are you really struggling to know what to do, Y/n is nearly dead call Wanda”
Yelena is always so calm in these situations but at this moment she was terrified, Wanda is going to be like a bomb going off, she would destroy the world to keep you safe,
She heard Peter speaking into the phone "h-hey Wanda erm...Y/n is hurt....yeah yeah just outside....yeah that place...okay b-
Wanda turned up so quick that Peter didn’t even have a chance to hang up the phone and before he could try again Wanda's voice was heard by both young avengers
“Peter where is she?!” Wanda’s eyes were a deep angry red, power coming off her in waves making the young avengers step back letting her fall to the ground looking at you “my bednyazhka, please get up, please” she cried over and over again until a hand on her shoulder stopped her
“Wanda come on let’s get her back to the compound, maybe Bruce can help her”
Wanda shook her head “no! I have to fix her! I’m taking her to the cabin” with slow movements her magic lifted you up careful not to hurt you and went to leave “Wanda, let me come with you”
She looked at Nat who also had tears in her eyes “I want to help her too, and if we can’t save her then you need someone to lean on, I won’t let you be on your own” both women were crying now and Wanda nodded her head “okay okay you can come”
Nat turned her head to the two watching “you two go back to the compound and tell them nothing, you hear me? Yelena be a good sister for once"
The blonde pretended to think about it for a bit “okay Sestra, just don’t do anything crazy”
Peter just nodded in agreement scared to say anything else
The two older women walked off with you eventually disappearing and reappearing in the cozy cabin “come on Wanda lay her down on the bed” Wanda gently lay you on the bed kissing your forehead
“What do we do now?” Nat rounded the bed seating herself on the other side of you “I’m going to look to see if she’s okay in her mind”
Wanda ghosted her fingers over your temple sending sparks through your mind finding herself in your mind, you were alive thank god
“moya lyubov please wake up” Wanda spoke into your mind and she felt a small jolt, thinking it was you instead it was Venom
“Wanda? Y/n is very weak help her!”
Wanda fell out of your mind being followed by Venom’s head and some tentacles, that was something she'd never get used to
“What happened?” Wanda asked the symbiote “I thought you could heal her, that’s your only job, you've healed her broken bones before so what’s the difference?!” Wanda was getting angrier and Nat held her back from doing something she might regret, knowing that she would hurt you more than Venom
“They ambushed us with sound and fire, they tried burning us which I cannot handle and then they used poles to wrap around us banging them to create horrible sound waves, I eventually managed to kill them but the damage was done and it hurt too much to do anything about it, I can help her but I need time to reserve some energy”
They retreated back into your body for safety and to help sort your body out.
Wanda grabbed Nat’s hand “she needs rest, I think Venom can help her wake up”
Nat lent down kissing Wanda on the cheek then kissing you on the forehead “I’m going to check around the cabin, make sure we’re truly alone”
Wanda thanked Nat and looked back to you “it’s going to be okay detka, you’re safe now”
You felt yourself waking up slowly, your body no longer hurting and the splitting headache no longer threatening your life
“Y/n you are awake! Tell Wanda!”
You groaned lifting yourself from the soft bed falling out for Wanda “Wanda? Wanda are you here?” Your voice was quiet but you heard quick footsteps from another room burst into your own “Y/n! Oh my god you’re alive!”
She practically tackled you to the bed kissing you all over your face and hugging you right “I thought you’d never wake up please don’t ever go out without me again”
Nat quickly entered the room behind smiling wide “Y/n! God you look terrible but I’m glad you’re awake" your friend was always positive about your bad situations
Wanda peeled herself off of you when you complained you couldn't breathe "sorry detka I'm just so excited you're alive, what do you remember?"
Nat sat down on the chair facing the bed and you sat up, groaning at the alight pain in your body "I just remember leaving the club because my friends left early-
"They left you alone?! They promised not to leave you!" Wanda was pissed off, she'd never leave you alone she'd die first before that happened
"I told them about Venom and they freaked out calling me weird and then just left" tears were brimming in your eyes "its hurtful, they think I'm a freak"
Wanda shushed you "detka you are not a freak, you are a beautiful, passionate and loving woman, you just have an...extra friend"
Nat held in her laugh by pretending to look at her shoes when Wanda glared at her "Nat!"
"I'm not laughing! But "extra friend?" come on Wanda, they're an alien from outer space or something, call it what it is"
You giggled at Nat "so straight forward Nat, it's true though, they're an alien that decided I'd be the best host for them"
"You are a perfect host! I would never be able to survive for long periods without going back into your body every few hours!"
You smiled "thanks Venom"
"Do you need to rest more princess?" Wanda stroked your cheek and kissed you softly trying to hold herself back from continuing to kiss you all over
"Yeah if that's okay?" You lay back against the pillows closing your eyes
"Of course my love, we'll let you sleep" she gave you a last kiss on the cheek leaving the room with Nat
"Wanda I know that look" Nat said concerned "don't do anything you'll regret"
The witch's eyes glowed red "I won't regret protecting my girlfriend Nat, she was nearly left for dead! They deserve to feel as bad as she did!"
Her voice rise made Nat nervous, she knew how Wanda could be when it came to you and it was nerve wrecking "Wanda you know Tony would kill me if you did anything dangerous to someone"
"Then you won't tell him will you?" She said in a low voice pushing past Nat "Wanda-
"Look after Y/n, I'll be back later with dinner"
"Wanda you don't even know who actually did it!" Nat tried once last time before she left
"I have a feeling her friends know who did this, they'll tell me" she didn't let Nat say anything else instead slamming the door shut leaving her worried in the cabin "god I'm never going to hear the end of this"
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unknownperson246 · 27 days
love please do a part 2 for sociopath(the izzy fic) i'm begging you 🥺
Hii I hope you enjoy it I added plot twists lmfao
Part 1
Sociopath Part 2:
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words: 744
warnings: *angst* *plot twists* *cussing* *izzy being cold to reader* *mentions of drugs and using drugs* *plot twist is a surprise* *anger*
✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:*
It has been a few weeks since Izzy left the house after the argument that occurred while you both were in the middle of making love. It turns out all the stuff you said about him being a sociopath was true and you had no idea about it whatsoever. He was a diagnosed sociopath. He always had hidden it from everyone around him for his personal gain. You were so worried about him after he left the house. You waited days for him to come back until one day he did come back. You were glad he was back but you were so upset about that night. You went up to him crying. You hugged him. He pushed you away and sat on the couch.
“Izzy, what is wrong with you? You're scaring me!” You begged for him to talk to you.
“Please talk to me. Tell me what is wrong. I love you and you don’t even talk to me!” You start crying more. 
“Me being with you is wrong.” He mutters.
“What was that?” You ask sniffling and not hearing what he said under his breath.
“Nothing. I’m just tired, okay?” He says picking himself off of the couch and going to the bed.
You follow him to the bed. You want to take a nap with him so you change into your silky white nightgown. You hug him trying to whisper sweet things in his ear to help him calm down. He pushes you away and you get upset. You turned around on the bed. Suddenly you felt sick to your stomach. You rush to the toilet to puke. You were a former heroin addict. You picked the habit from Izzy. You had quit ever since he left the house for a while because he took it all with him. All the withdrawals were almost over. By the time you got up from puking, you felt so cold and you were shivering. You got to bed and you covered yourself in the blanket you and Izzy shared. Izzy turned around looking at you after you got in bed again.
“What's wrong?” Izzy asked.
“Don’t get mad okay?” You told him. 
“I used to use some of your heroin and I got heavy withdrawals from it,” You say looking down because you were ashamed. 
“Well that’s not good for the baby,” He said, holding and rubbing your belly, realizing he accidentally slipped up.
“The baby? What baby?” You asked confused.
It all made sense to you now. You started to sob at the realization. Izzy had been cheating on you and he got another woman pregnant. He forgot that he wasn't at her place anymore. It was just a habit for him. He doesnt seem to care either. You realized that he was using you as a toy. You didnt know how many more girlfriends he had. In fact, he could have a wife and kids for all you knew. You just watch him sit there in silence. You turned around on the bed sobbing and not saying anything. You felt his hand gently stroking your shoulder but you shoved it away. You felt the front part of his body leaning against your back. You got up and had enough of him.
“I can’t believe I ever loved you” You finally stop sobbing.
“Get out of my fucking house” You yell. “Woah what are you talking about?” He says confused.
“Fuck” You yell.
He shows you papers with your name on them. “See these right here? You showed them to me a couple of weeks ago when I left. You're pregnant.” He says.
You grab the paper not believing him. You skim through it and find out he is right. Your mind was so fogged up that you forgot you were even pregnant. “When did I show you these?” You asked him, forgetting he already answered your question.
“When I left,” He said calmly. 
You were so confused. “I can’t be pregnant” You chuckle.
“You are,” Izzy said, pulling out ultrasound pictures you both went for the other day.
“When did this happen?” You ask Izzy.
“Like yesterday. Are you okay?” He asked.
“Yeah I’m fine” You lay down again facing the other way.
“You sure you stopped using it when I left?” He asked you.
“Yeah. Maybe it was the withdrawals messing with me” You say falling asleep. You feel Izzy stroking your hair and kissing your neck and shoulder.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Can you do a, Wandanat X Agere fem reader?
Maybe reader djdnt want to regress, due to the amount of missions they were getting, and she accidently messes up in a mission and Fury yells at her for it, and she regressed in her room later that night, and Wanda and Natasha find her? And reader has thus toy dog she loses snd they have to find it to calm her down?? Fluff after that.
Agere, fluff, hurt, and comfort. I believe that's what you requested.
If not, no problem, I love all your writing!!!
Sorry if it's really specific, I'm nervous when it comes to requesting
Sun,moon and stars
*Authors note~ long time no see guys! I've missed posting. Been a little scared to start back up bc of the hate and my accident really threw me for a while but here we go. Thanks to the support of my friends and my lovely girlfriend @just-your-casual-nerd I’m going to be starting with Agere for the pure reason it's less taxing on my body and brain. Smut angst etc will come when I'm a little better*
Trigger warnings~ regression little r mama and momma wandanat loss of comfort item angry fury? Sight angry Nat?
Prompt~see ask^^^^^
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The past few weeks had really been insane for you, you were either on missions or filling out the paperwork from your previous missions. You'd hardly seen your girlfriends due to this, which meant the idea of allowing yourself to regress was definitely out the window. You couldn't afford to mess up the missions, exposing your secret to the team. A lot of the time it was truly hard to admit you coped this way, but Wanda and Nat seemed to love helping you through it. Not everyone is accepting of it though, you learnt that very early on in your life. Perhaps that's why you felt the need to hide.
After a recent mission with Steve, Tony and Peter you were all on the way back to the compound when Steve told you. Fury wanted to see you immediately upon landing. You instantly knew why, your gaze flickering over to Peter who was cradling his arm. It was an accident really, you didn't mean to. Your brain blanking at the wrong time allowing one of the Hydra guards to twist Peters arm painfully. His cries of pain clearing the fog that littered your brain when you needed to slip. You'd apologised time and time again to Peter and he reassured you he wasn't mad. But no matter how much he said it you knew you'd messed up. The reason he would be taken to med bay was because you weren't strong enough to stay big. Guilt eating away at you, you weren't sure how much worse Fury could make you feel.
Apparently it could get worse, the guilt eating away at you as Fury laid into you about how reckless you were, your behaviour resulting in Peters injuries meant you were suspended from the field. His exact wording was something like "till we can figure out how to fix you!" You did your best to stay silent and remain strong, crying was not something you wished to do in front of him. You don't need fixing just a break really but you knew better than to respond like that, instead opting to flee his office and head to the safety of your shared room before breaking down.
You'd missed dinner, that was why Wanda and Natasha began searching for you. They knew the mission didn't go as well as wanted so they figured you'd want space to process like normal, but you never missed dinner. You love wanda's cooking too much for that. After checking your usual spots, they headed to your room. There you were curled up with dried tear strains on your cheeks, the room around you trashed to high hell. Clearly, you were looking for something but what would you be looking for badly enough to do this? "Nat, she's" Wanda trailed off as your thoughts were loud, "Little." Now everything made so much sense. You were looking for Pup Pup.
You must have regressed alone and being unable to find your beloved pup pup, you'd cried yourself to sleep. It was truly heartbreaking to see, as your caregivers, you hadn't found one of them and were alone in such a vulnerable mind set. Your whimpers as tears began to fall again worried Wanda enough to check on your dream. Only where she would witness you reliving how Fury shouted at you, saying you needed to be fixed. Your whole body shook with the second hand fear from the dream. Both girls knew you didn't like being shouted at or anything that was loud.
"Nat, Fury, he ripped into her about Peter" Wanda whispered before going to kneel next to your body. Her hand finding your cheeks as she brushed your tears away mumbling words of comfort, "it's okay dekta (baby) momma is here." The red head assassin gave Wanda a quick nod before exiting to find Fury. She wasn't having you being treated like this when they'd been overworking you and in general ignoring your own well-being. This wouldn't ever happen again because Natasha would make sure of it.
"Momma?" You sleepily sobbed before throwing yourself into her awaiting arms, "founds me!" You cried causing her heart to shatter slightly. "That's right my darling. I have you now. Why are we sad love bug?" It was adorable how your brows joined and you scrunched your nose up in thought, "Pup Pup gones!" You gasped as if you'd only just realised that Pup Pup was missing now. You appeared to be regressed a lot smaller than you normally would. The girls were use to you regressing to about five years old, but based of this interaction Wanda guessed you were about two to three years old. "We will find your Pup Pup bug."
"Mama!" You pouted noticing her absence. "Shh love bug mana is just finishing up with work and she'll be here, how bout you and momma go on a hunt for Pup Pup?" Wandas soothing tone and her redirection to your beloved Pup Pup. Hand in hand you and Wanda set out to find the ragged looking stuffie that you'd had since you were found by Hydra. The only thing they'd let you keep at a price and you cherished it. It didn't take long for your little brain to become overwhelmed and frustrated at your inability to find the stuffie.
"Momma! No finds! Gones! Want mama! I sorry I be good give Pup Pup me now?" You sobbed clumsily clinging to her as you cried for you two lost loves. "You are good my love bug, so so good. We are gonna find your Pup Pup I promise." She hushed you as the bedroom door opened and a very satisfied Natasha came into the room. "моя маленькая принцесса (my little princess) look who mama found малыш (baby)" her sing song voice caught your attention as you knew it was only for you. "Pup Pup!!" You cried happily coming to hold the stuffie, "frank you mama!"
"You're so welcome дорогой (darling), shall we all go get a snack baby?" You nodded enthusiastically until you remembered Fury's words, "Nahuh mama" you mumbled sadly, "I'm bad, no eat when bad." This time both women came to your side and showered you with reassurance and love that you were not bad. And Peter wasn't mad at you. Fury was in the wrong to go off at you like that and you were safe with them. They wouldn't let any harm come yo you. In fact you could eat in the bedroom cuddled up together. They just wanted to care for you, so you eventually relented, your little brain not holding much room to fight so you happily settled into bed snuggling up to Natasha's chest while you waited for Wanda to return with food. Before Wanda could even return you'd passed out on Nat, Natasha looking at you with such a loving gaze Wanda felt truly too blessed to be witnessing it. Truly you deserved the sun, moon and the stars, and both women wanted to give you all that and more.
Word count~ 1354
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multi-fandom-friend · 9 months
🌑Creepypastas Personalities and things they do in my eyes🌑
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🫀 Eyeless Jack is very stoic, not showing much emotion ever. If he has to, for example if he helps to calm down Sally he’ll show concern. But outside of the mansion he never shows emotion. He’s kind when he wants to be, and isn’t completely heartless. If a pasta that he particularly likes is sick than he’ll go out of his way to check on them and grabbing something they need and once his sees that they’re okay he’s gone. If one of the proxies gets hurt in the field? He’s actually throwing a fit that they should be more careful. He’s one of those types of people where he gets mad when someone’s hurt because he couldn’t stop them from it, but he’ll never admit it.
🌲 Slenderman I see as a father figure for everyone. He’s is like a single dad. With the help of two out of his 3 brothers (offenderman is seen as a disgrace to his family’s name and unfit to be around children, especially Sally) He lets the kids (the grown adults that most of them are) rant if they want and tries to have fun with them. He understands that almost all of them didn’t have good childhoods and he feels bad. That’s why he keeps taking them in, having them promise to work for him. Once they say yes, he takes them in and the mansion grows another room (or tombs as I like to call them) 🎮 Ben is pretty nice. Sure, he’s snarky sometimes but he’s a kid. What do you expect? Plus he stays in his room most of the time or he’s hanging out with Jeff. He sees some of the other proxies as his siblings, but he’ll never admit it. Never in a billion years. He’d rather go swimming. Slender does have to trick him into showering because of how scared of water he is. Don’t ask me how bc I dunno. Personally, I would just spray him with a hose. But I digress
🧸 Sally is the average little girl, but she gets angry easily. I’m not sure where people got the notion that she wouldn’t be an angry restless spirit but that’s their opinion and it’s valid too. I feel like she’s usually nice and kind like everyone says but if she sees offenderman or anyone she deems a threat she can and will throw one of her “fits” where she makes the house rumble and she throws things towards the threat. She’s done it because she saw a spider. 🔪 Jeff is an ass. Period. But he does see the creepypastas as some sort of family. He’ll never admit it either. He makes fun of everyone because that’s how he shows affection. The only person who recognizes that is liu, his brother, who says nothing. Slender tries his best to just leave the kid alone, if he’s behind honest he’s kinda worried about him, but he says nothing. Jeff also is really smart he just never uses his brain so no one knows that.
🐍 liu is shy and quiet. Doesn’t really like talking to many of the proxies so he just keeps to himself. He only ever talks to slenderman and masky really. Sometimes he’ll have a chat with his brother, but he and his brother don’t have a very good relationship. He’s very cuddly when he wants to be and only when he wants to be. He loves a good book. Usually true crime books or something with a good plot. He doesn’t like romance novels because it reminds him too much of who he lost. He tries to be as optimistic as possible, but sometimes it’s hard for him.
🍬 LJ is giddy and goofy, always cracking weird jokes. He has learned over time what everyone’s sense of humor is so he’ll make jokes based off of that. Have dark humor? Dark jokes. Have dad humor? He’ll crack a good dad joke. Deep down he likes making people laugh still, he just doesn’t wanna be laughed at. He’s the one who hangs out with Sally the most when slenderman isn’t around because 1. He has the same childlike wonder and 2. Slenderman thinks he’s funny enough to keep that little ball of energy occupied long enough to not run off into the woods and find some poor hiker and scare the soul outta them.
🪓 Toby is kinda a mix of quiet and a fuck. He likes being nice to some people when he wants and then he’ll be a dick to others. I have a headcanon that he has BPD so that’s why he constantly switches between being nice and acting like you murdered his cat in cold blood. Usually he’s pretty nice and knows how to control it most of the time but it gets the better of him. He is also very good friends with Ben and Jeff, being nicer to Ben and meaner to Jeff. I don’t think he’d hang out with Masky and hoodie too often, but that’s just my opinion.
🚬 Masky’s just plain “I don’t want to talk to you leave me alone.” Never has liked talking never will like it. He has exceptions for certain people like Hoodie and Slenderman. Sometimes he’ll talk to liu because he’s actually one of the more chill proxies and leaves people alone unless they want to talk to him. You could also probably find him smoking outside or sitting outside Slenderman’s office because he feels important when he’s near him. 🍁 Hoodie is the opposite of Masky. Wanna talk? He’s so down. Loves talking about everything and anything. If there’s a mission, though? He stays quiet. Doesn’t talk. He’s laser focused. it’s like he has 2 different personalities.
⚕️ nurse Ann seems like the type that likes taking care of people. She is a nurse after all. She just doesn’t like men very much, considering what happened to her. She trusts most of the proxy boys not to do anything, but if they do then she doesn’t let them near her again. She gives off lesbian vibes and I kinda headcanon that she is dating or best friends with Jane. After missions she’ll patch up the people that need it and I think she’d have her own little infirmary tucked in the corner of the mansion with everything she could possibly need.
🖤 Nina is the perfect example of an extrovert. She’s so hyped up and excited that she gives Sally a run for her money. Contrary to popular belief I think she’d be pretty good friends with Jane. They both got their heart broken by Jeff but Nina continues to try and get him to love her. She likes baking and playing games with all the proxies. Sure she’s seen as annoying but she’s really one of the only extroverted people in the manor.
🕷️ Jane is quiet and kind. She likes to help where she can. I see her as religious to some extent? Not a woman of god per say but a different religion. I feel like she would be pagan and have an altar of some sort to some kind of deity. She is usually in the library reading some sort of book or bringing a book from there to the infirmary to read to Ann.
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A/N: this took me a few hours to write because I had to think and plan the ones I wanted to do. Likes and reposts are highly appreciated!
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Rain, Pedro Pascal
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Word Count: 1.2k~
Days like these are rare. Days where you can sleep in and enjoy taking your time for once as no one has an appointment or filming to get to. The day is full of relaxing, for once, and I couldn’t be happier for both me and Pedro. He’s been working more hours with the various movies and shows he’s been starring in. He always apologizes when he gets home for not spending much time with me, but I could never be mad at him. If anything, I was slightly worried; I know he loved all of his acting roles, but his tired eyes gave away just how hard he’s been working.
Because of that, I didn’t bother waking Pedro up this morning when I woke up before him. I let him continue sleeping, as I knew he needed it, and went on with my morning. To make the day even better, the dark grey clouds in the sky that hovered above our home began to pour down rain. The sound of the rain hitting the roof was very soothing and relaxing, but I wanted to get a better view of it at the same time.
Finding my way out onto our front porch, I stand by the railing next to the stairs and watch as the rain steadily comes down. Usually, Pedro would be the one out here enjoying the view, but I’m going to let him sleep as long as he wants. In the meantime, I’ll take his place and stay out front and watch the usually bright sky turn darker with each storm cloud that makes its way.
Moving to sit down on the porch, I find myself thinking about the man I love currently passed out on our bed. I’ve never seen him have so many roles all at once, but that doesn't mean it’s a bad thing. In fact, I’m proud of him for it, although I wish he wouldn’t feel bad about it taking away so much of his time. Once again, I could never be mad at him for pursuing the things he loves.
“You’re so beautiful,” Pedro’s voice never scares me, but when the rain is all I’ve listened to for the last twenty minutes, his deep yet soft voice spooks me away from my thoughts and over to the front door. Still shirtless with only sleep pants adorning his body, Pedro stands there with an almost dazed look on his face as he stares at me sitting on our porch. Going by his unruly hair, he must’ve just woken up and gotten out of bed.
“Goodness, Pedro,” I say to him, earning a bright smile back from him. “You scared me,” I add, my eyes trailing down his currently bare chest before finding his face once more. “What woke you up, honey? I was hoping you’d get a few more hours of rest today.”
Once again, Pedro only smiles back at me before walking over and joining me on the wooden deck. Placing himself behind me with his legs on either side of my body, Pedro wraps his arms around my waist before pulling me close and resting his head between my neck and shoulder. There, he sighs before speaking up. “I rolled over to pull you close to me, but you weren’t there,” he confesses, making my heart practically skip a beat. “So, I got up to find you.”
Smiling, I lean my head back to place a kiss to his cheek, albeit a bit awkwardly, but I still earn a kiss back from him nonetheless. “I’m sorry, I should’ve stayed in bed with you,” I tell him, resting my hands against his arms that hang around my waist. “I just didn’t want to risk waking you up or anything.”
“Baby, I always sleep better with you near me,” Pedro quickly reminds me, turning his face toward me to be facing mine. “You’re like my own personal heater, you’re perfect,” his comment makes me laugh, but he only giggles with me as he gently sways us in his hold. “It’s true.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m perfect,” I tell him, leaning my head back against him. However, Pedro doesn’t let me say anymore as he quickly tilts my face back toward his with one his hands and presses his lips to mine. For a few moments, our lips mold against each other’s until Pedro pulls away, his thumb gently caressing the skin of my jaw. The air around us is calm, with the rainwater still pouring down from our roof and our faces only centimeters away from each other.
“I would,” Pedro murmurs, “I would say you’re absolutely perfect,” once again, I’m left to only giggle at his words before turning my body and pushing my head into his chest. There, I hide my reddened cheeks against his smooth chest, but Pedro doesn’t let this go on for too long. Barely a second passes of this before he tilts my head back up to him with a gentle finger under my chin once more. “Cariño,” Pedro murmurs, his eyes remaining on mine. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t look away from him this time. He has me right where he wants me. “You are perfect,” he reiterates, “and I never want to hear any different, okay?”
Rather than responding to him, I just smile before moving up to press our lips together.
For a few moments, our kiss intensifies with Pedro lying back as he pulls me on top of him, his back now pressed against our wooden deck while my legs rest on either side of him. Even as the rain grows louder around us, Pedro’s arms stay wrapped around me, keeping me where I am on top of him. That is until a particularly loud clap of thunder hits near us, causing Pedro and I to jump away from each other’s lips. Only then do we notice just how darker the sky has gotten as well as the amount of increasingly heavy rain currently pouring down around us. After a few seconds, Pedro and I give each other a small laugh as we realize just how lost in each other we got.
Standing up from the hard wooden floors, Pedro immediately resumes holding me to him as we both head inside, a bit warmer now thanks to the heater and lack of rain. However, before I get to enjoy the change in scenery for too long, Pedro wraps his arms around me from behind and pulls me close to him as he begins kissing my neck. “Cariño…” he murmurs, his voice now a different, more needy tone.
Smiling, I rest my hands on his arms as he continues his assault on my neck. “Did you have a wet dream or something?” I can’t help but tease Pedro, receiving a small chuckle back in response.
“Something like that, yeah,” he murmurs, moving away from my neck before kissing my cheek. However, I urge him to continue on, wanting to hear more.
“What do you mean ‘something like that’?” I continue on, making him lower his head to resume looking straight at me. Physically, he feels warmer, and going by the smirk on his face, I can already guess what he’s about to say.
“Why don’t I show you instead?”
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pit babe ep 7 stray thoughts
- way made him feel undeserving of love….
- so jeff is like that cause he’s plagued by visions..
- ok now i get the peteway posts. oh ways pathetic nature and whiny bitch demeanor have captivated pete body and soul
- oh way might be my little meow meow of the show
- oh god oh fuck i might be a peteway boy
- kim needs to kiss winner to shut him up
- omg person who hurt protagonist was antagonist pikachu surprise face
- scream this is so dramatic. the scheming it’s all coming together (also peep kentakim this is for you le trash prince)
- ok so this is where we find out tony wants to sell babe for bitching
- do they know charlie’s powers also who WAIT IS THIS A NUTHPHOP BALLADnvm just sounded like ambivalent thoughts
- way seems happy i don’t trust this. is he about to break
- oh he is oh no it’s babe. oh i think someone’s gonna ugly cry it can go either way at this point. babe sweeeeep
- oh… maybe i don’t want this babe babe nooooooo nooooooo. oh he’s gonna close his heart off to other people now isn’t he oh fuck noooooooo SOMEONE STOP HIS THOUGHT LROCESS PPLEASE
- i don’t understand ways face here i need subtitles but for facial expressions
- oh poor puppy
- does anyone know if they make the music in house
- this ep might be my fav so far….
- is way an omega y’all
- there’s been a shift in babe…. i can’t explain it but something changed in the last 20 min
- babe being an easy cryer is so important to me actually
- ooo surveillance being a theme again lets goooo
- charlie trauma enthusiasts let’s gooooo
- tony is so fucking evil i hope charlie rips his face off
- how wild would it be if winner was an enigma. like he’s not but could you imagine
- actually i need kenta to rip tony’s face off
- does charlie know about his power. does anyone
- babe looking like a wet feral cat i need to lie down
- SCREAM HE JUST FLAT OUT TELLS BABE LIKE THAY?!,!?!?! like i’d be scared to get punched like ???? it’s wild he just flat out says i took your power like wow i thought he’d lie at least a little
- these flashbacks can never be happy can they… always gotta leave you horny and destroyed
- charlie being like “don’t worry i can fix this. if you want i can just kill myself” like broooooo
- scream do you think charlie woke up one day like “damn he smells fine today” skejdjfjejrjr
- “can mama not break up with papa 🥺” “ 😒😑😩 fine”
- honestly i get babe if someone took away my sensory issues id still fuck them. much more enthusiastically then before probably. i get him now liking kissing too like this makes perfect sense to me
- oh way….. oh god this pathetic man nothing can go right for him ever ima creaming
- i also get babe because charlie is so cute id fold immediately like so what you stole my super powers look at your cutie patootie self how could i stay mad
- oh here we go car sex scene- are they talking about booty holes rn is this happening on my screen… good for them
- oh way… i’m so sorry my baby boy im so sorry… honestly he’s stronger than me i would’ve been throwing shit THE BOUQUET
- ok so are the only ones with special powers jeff babe and charlie (and way ??)
- NORTHSONIC these absolute clowns. does he not understand adoption i love him. nosrthdaonic aenwwvehtjrngn l. what are these two talking about. way omega confirmation ????
- sonic get your boy on a leash his poor impulse control and lack of common sense is staggering
- kim kinda right like let him cook oh ew fuck tony for that too
well what an ep
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limbokidd · 1 year
A 19 days fanfic
This is my first fic so I hope it turned out ok😭
Summary: He Tian breaks the news the Mo that he’s leaving. Mo doesn’t take it well.
TW: Swearing, punching
Making beef stew had become a weekly occurrence as of late. Mo always seemed to find himself in that kitchen making something, whether it be dinner, breakfast, or just snacks.
He went to go and feel the helix that now existed on his ear; still tender, though it had only been done a few days ago so it made sense. Never in his days did Mo think he would let He Tian of all people pierce his ear. He’s only ever seen piercings and something that confines you.
But things have changed now.
The helix feels comforting and safe, a reminder of who cares for him.
Said person enters the kitchen silently, coming up behind Mo to kiss his temple, whispering a small hello. He Tian goes to wrap his arms around Mo and snuggle into his shoulder. This new level of affection was a level He Tian cracked just recently, and he’s so glad Mo finally let him in.
“Hey.” Mo whispers back. He notices that He Tian is hugging him quite tightly, but he doesn’t question the matter. “Is the stew almost done?” He Tian mumbles into the crook of Mo’s neck, pressing little kisses there. Mo puts down the wooden spoon to bring his hand up and push He Tian away, blushing like a mad man. “Be patient, Jesus.”
He’s setting the stew down to cool when He Tian asks him to watch the city with him. “Why the fuck would I wanna do that?” Mo snarls. Such a weird request. He Tian just looks at him.
Mo sees something in his eyes, but he can’t place what it is.
“Please?” He Tian asks again. He says it so gently and honestly, like there’s a hidden meaning to it.
Mo would normally still refuse, but something was telling him that there was more to the story, hidden under the cracks. So he silently walks past He Tian to the window in a silent approval. He Tian follows.
They stand there in silence, the sound of the city only a dull background. Mo wants to say something. The mood feels off, like there’s a tension in the air that won’t lift. He looks to He Tian and sees that he is already looking right back at him.
His smile is laced with hurt. Mo doesn’t know why.
He wants to.
Before he can get anything out He Tian speaks in a hesitant tone. “Mo, I have to tell you something.” Mo starts to worry. He Tian’s tone is serious which means this is something important.
It doesn’t shake the fact that he’s scared of what he might hear.
“I’m leaving. I won’t be coming to school anymore.”
Mo just looks at him. He doesn’t know what to say. Whatever he thought he was gonna say is certainly wasn’t this.
“Wha- what the fuck?” He Tian looks broken now as he processes Mo’s reaction. “I’m not going tomorrow.” He Tian lets out, it’s clear he doesn’t want this either.
Mo can’t process what’s happening. He backs away wide-eyed. “He Tian-“ it comes out broken. After everything they’ve gone through, every moment they shared, the conclusion is that He Tian gets up and disappears?
He Tian rushes towards him, his arms out-
“DON’T fucking touch me.” Mo spits. “You fucking asshole. You don’t want be to abandon you but the moment it’s the other way around you-you just leave? How is that fucking fair?”
He Tian knew this would happen. He doesn’t know how to calm Mo down. “ Mo listen-“ He reaches out a hand to grasp Mo’s shoulder and Mo slaps it away. “No this is bullshit.” He fists his hands into his hair. “This is total bullshit.” He’s trying to hide the wavering in his voice, but it is to no avail.
He Tian hates his Dad more than anything right now. He backs away and exhales. “It’s my dad’s decision. I don’t get a say in what I fuckin do.” He says, voice firm. “You think I want this?”
Mo is shaking his head, slowly curling in on himself. “I finally let myself have this after so long and the first thing you do is fuckin ditch me.” He exhales, staring off into the city as he clutches his hair. “I knew I would regret it. I should’ve never fuckin said anythin.” I should’ve never let you in. He Tian pinches his nose.
“Mo please. You’re making this seem like it’s my fault. It’s not-“
“You’ve found your way around your dads orders before, why can’t you do it this time?” Mo accuses him. He can’t fucking think straight. He doesn’t want He Tian to leave. This is too fucked and he doesn’t know what to do.
“Momo, I can’t run from him forever.” He stares at Mo, eyes pleading. “He Cheng has done his best to let me stay here instead of some shitty private school. He can’t always protect me.”Mo turns to him, anger clearly visible on his face. “Really? That’s the best you’ve got?” He voices. He Tian looked hurt. Mo didn’t care. “How dare you ask me not to abandon you when you just get to leave whenever. Do you know how that makes me feel?” Mo questions. He Tian stands stiffly. “I know I said what I said, but I didn’t know about this before-“ Mo cuts him off. “You’ve known. I saw the note. You knew this was gonna happen and you didn’t say shit.”
He Tian has eyes of shock. Then they turn into a glare. “Would you have reacted differently if I told you earlier?”
Now it’s Mo’s turn to be silent. He Tian continues. “I wanted to savour all the moments I had with you because you finally let your walls down for me. Do you know how happy that made me? To know that you finally felt safe around me? It meant everything. I can’t explain the relief I felt when you saw me as someone you could go to. And yes it was selfish of me to not say anything, but you were finally happy for once in your life, and I wasn’t gonna take that away from you.”
Mo stood dumbstruck. It was too much for him. He needed to back away, close himself in again. He let himself have what he wanted for once and look where it got him.
“Fuck you.” He scowled.
He Tian knows Mo is putting his walls up again. He doesn’t want to be seen as vulnerable. He doesn’t want He Tian to see him loose his composure.
He Tian thinks it’s the only way he will be able to get through to Mo.
He walks towards Mo and hugs him tightly. “GET OFF ME-“ Mo yells as he hits He Tian’s arms, trying to break away from He Tian’s grasp. He Tian just holds him, wincing as Mo hits him with a lot of force. “I’m sorry.” He whispers between hits. “I’m so sorry.” Mo continues to punch and hit, trying to break away from the embrace. “You ASSHOLE-“ He Tian buries his head in Mo’s neck. “I just wanted you to be happy.”
Mo’s hits start to get weaker. “Let me go.” He Tian does not respond, he just squeezes him tighter. “I love you.” His voice is muffled, but he knows Mo can hear him.
Mo finally stops hitting him and he rests his hands at his sides. He hated this. He hated that He Tian had made him feel this way. He hated that he didn’t want him to ever leave him.
He hated that he loved him too.
He stared at the space between them, clenching his fists. “You asked me to stay with you and I stayed. Why can’t you stay with me?” He murmured.
He Tian pulled back to face Mo when he stopped.
Mo was in tears.
He Tian’s heart shattered.
“You can’t leave.” Mo said as tears began to overflow. “You-you can’t just vanish without a warning.”
He Tian cups Mo’s face in his hands and kisses his forehead before going back to hug him again.
This time Mo hugs him back just as hard.
“Please don’t leave.” Mo starts to cry into He Tian’s shoulder. He Tian feels his eyes start to burn as he tucks his head into Mo’s shoulder. “I love you so much.” He Tian says again. He doesn’t know how else he can make Mo believe that he wants to stay, with him.
“I don’t want you to go.” Mo confesses. He Tian nestles into him more when he hears the sobs start. He knows there’s so much Mo isn’t saying. There’s so much he wants to say too, but he doesn’t know how. He hopes that this hug is enough to convey what he wants to say. He knows that communication is not their strong suit, but he will try none the less.
“We’ll be ok. I’m gonna make sure we’re ok.” He states.
He doesn’t know if he’s saying it to reassure Mo or himself.
He rocks them back and forth as he lets that thought hang in the air.
My thoughts on what I think is gonna happen soon🤨 anyways hope u liked it:D
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nickfowlerrr · 2 years
I’m still not over pwyc🥺 their dynamic is just 🤌🏻😚 I just want to keep reading about these two and whatever they are up to…. Who do you think apologies first after a fight and what are their arguments like. I’m pretty sure bucky is a lot softer and mellow now with her but does he ever loose his cool and regret it later☠️🤧
i’m sorry it’s taken so long to respond to this! but i'm so glad you've enjoyed pwyc!! thank you for sending this in! (also just so you know, i'm on my laptop or else i would've used at least four or five emojis by now)
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pretty when you cry series masterlist
pairing: pwyc!bucky x curvy!reader
warnings: idk..tears?
words: no idea. not that many.
notes: does any of this make sense? idk. genuinely no clue where it came from lol but enjoy the drabble <3 also! this is not proofread in the slightest so sorry in advance for any errors.
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I'd say Bucky definitely apologizes first a good 85% of the time and she apologizes first the other 15%. In my mind, reader will only apologize first if she believes she started an argument unnecessarily or if she thinks she reacted unfairly.
When they argue it's normally nothing serious, they just go back and forth a lot with their banter about stupid stuff lol. If they do have a serious argument, it's probably about their future. Reader not feeling comfortable or ready to meet his family or introduce him to her own, for example.
She knows it'll happen eventually, whether she wants to or not, but as of right now, it's a point of contention.
I don't know what would make Bucky lose his cool after everything they've been through and how insanely obsessed, he is with her. it'd have to be something that would make him feel really insecure like something that would make him doubt her wanting to be with him. Let's say she goes out late and doesn't answer when he calls or texts, or she leaves somewhere without telling him - I think that would trigger his abandonment issues and cause a fight for sure. Whether he realizes it or not, I think he does, he's terrified of losing her.
I don't know that she'd ever purposely try and hurt him like that since the realization she came to in the last few chapters of the series, and I definitely think he's gotten more secure in their connection since then, but if anything would make him lose his cool, I think it'd be him getting scared she was leaving for good.
That would probably either upset reader because he would think she'd do that now, and anything that would rehash the dark times in their story for sure would be painful and cause a lot of issues for them. It might go something like this:
"You left?" he accused the moment you answered his call.
"I'm not gone, I'll be back," you responded with a small chuckle at his words.
"You didn't think to tell me?" he questioned harshly.
"It's not a big deal, Buck,"
"The hell it's not," he stormed.
"You need to calm down," you said, growing agitated at his attitude.
"Don't fucking tell me to calm down, as if I have no reason not to trust you,"
"Are you being serious right now?" you scoffed.
"Does it sound like I'm laughing?"
"You know damn well why I tried to leave back then. Don't accuse me of doing something you know I'm not fucking doing," you whisper yelled as you walked to your car, passing a couple as you went.
"You need to tell me where you're going and when,"
"Oh fuck off, you don't get to dictate when I can and can't go somewhere. You don't own me, I'm my own person,"
"This has nothing to do with being your own person, it has to do with me coming home expecting you to be here and finding you gone without a goddamn trace. What the fuck am I supposed to think, huh?"
"Maybe you could try taking a minute to check my location, which I know for a fact you have, instead of being paranoid and going to your worst case scenario," you shot back as you got into your car, throwing your purse down on the passenger seat.
"You can't get mad at me for being worried about you,"
"That's just it, Bucky. You know I'm fine, you can feel it. So don't try and spin this to put it on me. You weren't worried about me, you were worried I left. And yeah, it pisses me off you'd think that. After everything. You wanna talk about trust?" you asked incredulously.
He knew he fucked up when he said it. He didn't think he was entirely wrong in his worries, but he shouldn't have thrown that out there. He did trust you. He was just..scared. Fear always had him acting like the worst version of himself. He shouldn't have called you so accusatory. he knew you were fine, but when he realized you weren't home, he wasn't. Memories of you leaving, or trying to anyway, resurfaced and sent him sick, his stomach dropping and a sense of panic rearing its head at your unexplained absence. Even still, you didn't deserve his hostility.
"I don't wanna fight with you," he conceeded.
"Wonder why," you snarked before taking a breath. "I'll be home soon," you said before ending the call.
"I'm sorry," were the first words you heard when you opened the door, looking over to see a pitiful Bucky sitting at the bottom of the stairs where he had been waiting for you. You exhaled deeply, sighing as he stood and walked to you. "You were gone, and you - you never leave without telling me where you're going. I just- I lost it a bit. I shouldn't have called you the way I did, I'm sorry."
"I didn't think you'd get home before me or I would've told you I was out. I just hate that that was your first thought, that you could think I'd do that to you. Because I wouldn't. I mean, before, when we first.." you trailed off, "I would have before. But things are different now, they've been different, we're different. Better, I thought,"
"They are, we are," he agreed, taking your hands in his. "I'm sorry. I got scared," he admitted aloud. "And I let it get the best of me. I wasn't thinking. I trust you and I love you with everything I have, heart and soul," he said as he leaned down to press his forehead against yours. "You're everything to me. The thought of losing you," he shook his head. "You have no idea what you do to me," he breathed against your lips.
"If I was gonna leave, I would've done it already. It's you and me, no matter what.. I mean this soulmate thing, it's forever, right?" you quipped, a small smile on your lips, "'M not goin' anywhere."
When you looked to meet his eye, you were taken aback by the tears in them, your hands immediately going to cup his face.
"Babe," you cooed gently, thumbs stroking his cheeks. The sound of your voice so soft and concerned had him wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in your neck, your own arms winding around him in return. After a moment, you pulled away and grabbed his hand, leading him to the couch. You kicked off your shoes and laid down, pulling him along with you so he was laying comfortably on you with his head on your chest as you played with his hair.
You could practically feel the tension slipping from him as he melted into you.
"I really am sorry," he said again.
"I know," you whispered in response. "It's okay."
There was a brief, comfortable silence between you before you spoke again.
"You know I love you, right?" you breathed.
"You don't really have a choice, though, do you?"
Your heart clenched at his somber response. That was all you. You recalled those words you'd thrown at him over and over again during those first few weeks. It wasn't a lie. You didn't have a choice, neither of you did. But you meant it as a jab and he obviously still reflected on the pain of it. Your nose started tingling as you felt your eyes welling. You swallowed thickly.
"No.. I guess I don't," you took a moment. "You have to know, when I said that, I was hurt. And confused and angry," you cleared your throat, not wanting to bring up the past again. "But with you, right here and now, with this Bucky, I've never felt so protected, cherished... loved in my life. And I mean it, I'd chose you a thousand times over if I could," you finished, trying not to choke as your throat tightened.
You held him against your chest, cuddling him close, wanting to bring him the same comfort he so easily provided to you. Assure him of your feelings. When he finally looked up, his blue eyes were gleaming beautifully. He lifted himself up so he was hovering over you, holding your gaze.
"In every lifetime," he said softly. You nodded lightly, a small smile on your face before he leaned back down to kiss you gently. It was soft and sweet before he pulled away slightly, his lips brushing yours as he spoke, "It's always you."
Bucky lowered himself back down into the comfort of your embrace, your presence just as soothing to him as his was to you. As you cuddled into one another, you couldn't help but whisper out a delicate apology.
"I'm sorry I hurt you," you breathed. He squeezed you, rolling onto his side and pulling you to do the same, both of you now chest to chest, nuzzling into each other.
"I hurt you first," he responded, anguish clear in his voice.
Another beat of silence.
"I'd rather you hurt me in every lifetime than ever have to live one without you. I don't deserve you. But I love you so much. I'm sorry I hurt you, I hate that I did. Might never be enough, but I'll spend every day of the rest of my life trying to make it up to you."
You pondered his words and wanted to ask him the one question running through your mind. If not hurting me meant never having met me, never getting to know me, to have me, to love me...would you choose that? You decided you didn't want to know his answer. It would hurt some either way. No point in considered hypotheticals. You both had regrets, some bigger than others. But you had to live with them now, the only thing you could do was apologize and try to make up for them however you could, whenever you could. You didn't have to dwell on them, you just had to acknowledge their existence when they popped up like they did today. Deal with them, work through them. Together. There was no way to rewrite history, but you got to decide what the future chapters would hold.
You decided you didn't want any more regrets in your book.
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My friend directed me to this wonderful place and I’d like to ask if you could do some Rocky and Mordecai x reader headcanons with a dying s/o? I know it’s sad but angst is my drug
Pour one out for the most addictive yet least damaging drug in existence.
(Since you said “and” I’m operating under the impression that this is a poly relationship. If that was the intention than major power to you, your stoic ace bf and your mad noodle bf CW for obvious death mention and Google Translate use. Also, they’re a gender-neutral reader. If more is wanted for a specific gender, feel free to ask!)
It wasn’t supposed to happen. Maybe you drank too much and got behind the wheel of a car when you should’ve asked for a ride, maybe someone else drank too much and chanced things, maybe someone pulled a gun, maybe you’re just really unlucky and wound up deathly ill. In any case, you’re bedridden and likely not going to leave it again–at least not alive.
Mordecai was the first to find out about what happened to you. Either because you yourself told him or someone else did. Either way, he drops whatever he was doing and runs to find you as fast as possible.
He still tries to stay composed, but there’s an obvious edge to his voice that’s hard to ignore. Other cats mistake it as hatred or distain, but you know him well enough to hear it for what it actually is: fear.
He’s afraid of losing someone emotionally close to him. It’s not easy to break down his boundaries to that extent, you have and now you’re leaving. How dare you.
Rocky was next. Either someone at Lackadaisy lets it slip or someone at the hospital tells him more personally. Either way, it wipes the near-constant manic smile off his face and he practically breaks into the place just to see you.
So Mordecai is snapping at those around him and Rocky has latched on to your hand, refusing to let go. Time alone with them isn’t an option at the moment, so the nurses have to deal with a bristling Tuxedo cat who likely smells like blood and a tabby barely holding it together enough to say a few words.
Needless to say, the first day is awful. You’re in pain, Rocky’s holding your hand too tightly and Mordecai refuses to touch you but looks like he wants to. Neither of them calm down until visiting hours end–though Rocky makes it clear he’ll have to be forced away from you. Mordecai presses a kiss to your forehead and practically picks up your noodlier boyfriend to drag him out the door.
The next day, they’re a little bit calmer. It’s hard to see Rocky look so melancholy and angry at the world, but Mordecai looks more or less like his old self. They both sit by your bedside for a while to talk about things–your last will and testament, where to go from here, what to do with your things.
Well–Mordecai talks about those things. Rocky’s grabbed on to your hand again and leans into your touch when you pet him, careful to avoid the scar on his head. The only thing none of you bring up is the question that hangs unspoken in the air: how long you have left to live.
Eventually, however, they have to go. Rocky reluctantly pries himself away from you and heads out the door first; yet you grab Mordecai’s wrist before he can follow him.
His green eyes are clouded still with fear and it almost chokes the next words before you can force them out of your throat. You’re scared too. You don’t want to die any more than they want you to.
Rocky gets the okay from Mitzi to spend another little while with you and they both alternate between who keeps watch over you: holding you when you cry, helping you eat if they need to, recounting happier stories just to hear your laugh one more time.
The Savoys send a message that they’re going to miss the “jolie petite bombe” of Mordecai’s and that they’re going to take care of him for you.
Some of the Lackadaisy band members awkwardly come to visit if they can, either to talk or just to bluntly say goodbye. Zib himself is a no-show, though JJ says it’s less because he doesn’t care and more because he can’t stand to see a dying cat in person.
You live to see Mordecai distance himself from Rocky, the latter close the gap (somehow) and the two of them agree to stay together. You can go in peace, knowing that your idiot boyfriend has a grounding force and your closed-off lover has someone he can still willingly open up to (fuck knows the Savoys try, but they might as well be taking a crowbar to a welded-shut door with their attempts).
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drowninginthoughts27 · 11 months
28/10 Prank Word Count: 695
(part two per request of @ladyelephant-12) @jegulus-microfic
part one
“Is this some sort of sick fucking prank?” Sirius snaps. “Were you two scheming behind my back?”
“N-No,” James says out of pure shock, so unsure of reality that his answer almost sounds like a question.
Sirius looks as if he’s about to respond but before either of them can react any further Regulus has turned swiftly on his heel, exiting the apartment, the door slamming in his wake. His calm composure clearly having been abandoned. Maybe he didn’t know that James was the same James after all. 
“This isn’t over!” Sirius calls yells to the door Regulus just left from but James is fairly certain the other man won’t hear him. 
Unser of what else to do James just blinks, opening and closing his mouth as he tries to form the right words to use.
“How about be go get a drink?” Sirius speaks up, “Just you and me. I’ll Regulus later, no use in chasing after him now, he won’t answer.”
This is how James finds himself sitting across from Sirius in a sticky of a pub booth with splitting leather cushions. Subjecting himself to Sirius’ death glare, to scared to say or do anything other than slowly sip the beer that’s been placed in front of him. 
And then out of nowhere Sirius starts giggling. Covering his face with his hands as he starts hysterically laughing. Face turning a deep shade of red, unable to catch his breath. 
James only stairs back with confusion, unsure of what is so funny. 
In between wheezes of roaring laughter Sirius starts talking again.  “We’re brother in laws now. Fucking brother in laws. Like for real. Not only are we brothers but we are now brother in laws. There’s no getting rid of me now bitch.”
The absurdity of the situation hasn’t even begun to set in. James only sits their awkwardly in his seat. “Sirius, Sirius,” James says, placing his hand on Sirius’s forearm in an attempt to calm him down. “I think your misinterpreting the situation.”
“How so?” 
“You know we’re not dating right?” James asks. “It was just a hook up.”
Sirius noticeably grimaces at the mention of those words but moves past it to say what he wants to say, “But do you like him?”
“He lives a six hour drive from here, I can’t have feelings for him.”
“Ya, but do you?” 
James’ silence speaks for itself as he stares down intently at his hands. 
“I’m gonna tell you something but you have to promise not to tell Regulus that I told you this, okay?” Sirius says, 
Sighing James responds, “It’s not like I’m gonna see him again soon anyway, we didn’t even bother exchanging numbers.”
“Here’s the thing, Regulus wasn’t here entirely for work,” Sirius starts to explain, “He was also looking at apartments in the area. His company is opening up a new office here and offered him a job. It would be beneficial for him to be closer to his friends and family and besides I wouldn’t be surprised if his company gives him a raise.”
James is utterly shocked, “So your saying…”
“Thank if you like him to go for it? Yes pretty much.”
“And your not gonna be mad at me for wanting to date your brother?”
“Nope” Sirius says popping the ‘P’. “You have my fully permission, not that you’d need it anyway. You both have minds of your own. To be honest I always secretly thought that you would be cute together.”
James is absolutely beaming now, grinning from ear to ear, something about Regulus just fills his stomach with butterflies and his mind with pure joy, 
“There is one condition though. No telling me about your sex life!”
“Ew! Of course not!” James scoffs wrinkling his nose. 
Sirius smirks, “Alright then it’s settled. All you have to do is ask him out.” Sirius concludes. 
When they get home later that night Regulus already sitting on the couch ready to talk. 
Regulus takes a deep breath in, “James,” he says with a pause. 
“Yes?” James questions. 
“Willyougooutwithme?” Regulus says in one breath, the words bleeding into one another. 
All James can say is “YES!!!”
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supercriminalbean · 1 year
Father Love.
Summary: Coming out isn't always always, but your dad always has your back. Reader comes out as Non binary. (AFAB)
Warnings: Coming out gone wrong. Homophobia, tranphobia, disowned. Crying, self-harm (briefly mentioned) mental breakdown.
A/N: I need to vent. Always here if anyone needs to talk. I love you all. Remember to breath and go at your own pace.
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The tears wouldn’t stop as you ran inside, slamming the front door shut behind you. Just willing yourself to get to your bedroom before the sobs completely take over.
“Hey!” Your Dad calls out, as the door echoes through the house. Great, of course he's here the day you wish to be alone. Groaning softly as you reach your bedroom, being more careful when closing the door, just hoping he’ll leave you alone for a while. Throwing yourself on the bed as the tears fall down, the heartbreak ripping you in half. Covering your mouth to stay quiet as you try to listen for your father, making sure he isn’t coming to check on you. After determining he’s still in the kitchen, you let yourself continue to break down, the emotions and sobs rocking your body. Pulling yourself into a ball as the words that were screamed at you float around your brain, the faint feeling on your cheek where she slapped you seems to throb, even though you’ve had worse. Your world seems to be crashing and you know longer care as your sobs get louder and your hands pull at your hair, small screams seem to be slipping through you. Your hands seem to be flying outwards hitting anything it can, letting the anger and sadness out that way. You don’t even seem to notice your hands are slamming into your own arms and legs until they’re being grabbed and you're being pulled into someone's body. Your arms are being restrained, it doesn’t matter how much you try to fight him, tears flow down your face as you cry out in pain. You don’t need to see to know whos holding you, his arm is wrapped around you tightly as his other hand runs through your hair, pulling your face into his chest. 
“Darling it's okay, It's okay, I'm right here you're safe now” His words cut through your screams, and soon they faded away, turning into small sobs. His touch is relaxing, he rocks you softly as you calm down. You grow quiet as you listen to his words, finding comfort in his words, closing your eyes as you focus on his heartbeat. 
You stay in his arms for a long time, and refuse to move. You both stay silent, scared to ruin this moment of peace.
“I'm sorry” Your voice is rough and dry due to the crying, its barely above a whisper when you push the words out. 
“Don’t apologise darling.. It's okay” His hand continues to run through your hair. Worry and anxiety run through him as he looks down at you. The noise that were escaping you were filled with nothing but pain and, Dave has heard many horrible sounds in his life, but you falling apart in his arms is something he wishes he never has to hear again. 
“Can you tell me what happened…?” Dave has a terrible feeling in his gut, and if someone has hurt you, you bet his ass that his team is going to have to arrest him for murder, no one touches his daughter. 
“I..I can’t” You lean even further into his arms, you can’t let him know, you can’t lose him either.
“Please sweetheart.. I’m only here to help, I’m not here to judge” Dave takes a deep breath as he sees the look in your eyes. Disbelief and fear. 
“You're meant to be at your mothers, so can you at least tell me why you're not there?”
Tears seem to form in your eyes again as you pull yourself out of your dads arms, pulling yourself into a sitting position. 
“Promise you won’t get mad?” Fear starts to swirl through your body again, you already lost her, you can’t lose him, but it's Dave he won't leave you, right?
“I won’t be mad at you” His voice is gentle as his eyes soften taking in your vulnerable state.
“Mum disowned me” You lip shivers as her words start to flash through your mind, tears slipping down again. 
“What?” Dave stares at you in confusement. Why the hell would she do that, and what the hell did she say to you. 
“I.. she got mad at me, I tried to reason with her but her words hurt so much Dad, I just had to get out of there, so I ran here” You stare at him, your eyes shining with tears, fearing the next part of this conversation.
“My love, you don’t deserve that, but I need to know what happened to cause that” Dave is careful with the way the physics things, not wanting you to think he blames you for anything, he just needs an answer.
“Please don’t hate me” Your throat feels like it's collapsing on itself as you look into his eyes, seeing nothing but love and concern reflecting back. Oh how you're going to miss that, how you're going to miss that, you're going to miss your family.
“Never” Dave gives you a small smile, encouraging you to continue. He could never imagine hating you. 
“Mum found out I’m going to the pride parade in the weekend” Taking another deep breath as you beg yourself to continue. “She found out I have a girlfriend and that I’m trans” You stare at him, waiting for the same words to leave his mouth, waiting to be disowned, waiting to be kicked out, or worse. 
Dave's face falls, all the blood draining from him as it sets in. His ex disowned their kid for being trans, you’ve got to be kidding him. Anger starts filling him, but he has to ignore it, because right now what scares him the most, is the petrified look on your face. You're staring at him in fear, your body inching away from him slowly, just waiting for him to respond.
Dave smiles softly at you before holding his hand out to you, his eyebrows rising at you as you look at him confused. Slowly you take his hand, to which he pulls you into his arms, giving you the biggest, tightest hug he can, placing his lips on your forehead.
“I love you kiddo” He whispers softly, letting out a soft breath as he feels you relax in his arms. 
“I love you to Dad” Closing your eyes as you enjoy his embrace, everything feeling right in the world for the moment. After a few moments you two slowly separate which your meet by his kind and loving eyes.
“So do you want to tell me about it?”
“You don’t hate me?” You smile weakly, feeling your heart starting to mend.
“I could never hate you, especially just for you being transgender” Dave smiles, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, enjoying the smile spreading over your face.
“Thank you”
“Always kiddo” He chuckles softly as you snuggle down. “Now tell me about your pronouns, what gender you identify with and um did you want to change your name, also anything else I need to be aware of?”
You can’t help the smile that spreads over your face as you start to speak, feeling incredibly grateful you get to open up to him.
“Pronouns are They/Them and He/him and I identify with more Non-binary than anything else, also I think I like the name (Y/n), I feel like it suits me” Smiling softly as you feel peaceful wash over you.
“(Y/n) Rossi it suits you” Dave smiles more as he watches the tension slide out of you. “So am I referring to you as my son or kid?”
“As your kid please, I like it better”
“Good, and do you want anyone else to know?”
“Yeah, I want everyone to know, I mean my close friends already do, but I'm tired of hiding I want everyone to know”
“Good, well we can tell our family tomorrow if you like, everyone is coming over for pasta night, also Garcia and Morgan are going to the pride parade this weekend to if you want to go to with them” 
“Wait really?” Grinning up at him, the pressure on your chest completely gone and now you can breathe normally again.
“Really” Dave smirks, knowing just how close you are to his team. “And saturday morning you and me are going shopping anything you need, I can get it for you”
“Thank you Dad, um does that including a binder.. There's a shop at the mall that sells them” Nervous run through, mainly at the idea of finally getting one.
“We sure can, and anything else you need, but only on two conditions” Dave smirks at you seriously.
“Um what's that?
“You wear it safely, you follow the rules, also you let me meet that girlfriend of yours” He teases you softly earning a soft groan that turns into a giggle.
“Okay fine, only because I'm dying for you to meet her, she's Italian and she is so beautiful and so kind Dad’ You can’t help but start gushing to him about her. Your fears melting away, everything else can wait for a later date.
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