#so TECHNICALLY designs dont matter
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radioroxx · 1 year ago
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more ghost hunting au :) ‼️
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imagine in ur mind for one of their videos (maybe by subscribers suggestion, or vanessas idea) they check spooky spooky megaplex. this would be some time after the place shuts down- ignore the fact that. it doesnt look all that abandoned in the photos <3
side note mimic and glitchtrap and etc dont exist in my au ok? ok love you
the glamrocks themselves are ghosts!! ghosties possessing the old animatronics, run down and no longer functional (the actual identities of the ghosts arent important nor relevant to the au sooo… take all that how you will).
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howeverrr, so long possessing the old band, the spirits actually tricked themselves into believing they ARE the glamrocks. not just the robots- the characters themselves.
yeah anyway. this idea ran around in my brain for so many days. my sillies my awesomes. designs r hard
bonus monty bc he had my favourite shapes v
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wewerebornsextuplets · 8 months ago
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parentce 👍
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wonderxshows · 1 year ago
cracks my knuckles. google amnesia memories walkthrough
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abd-illustrates · 11 months ago
BRO I cannot express to you how much I think about Doppel and Glass and their character concepts and their dynamic and just generally the story. Man, I don't know what it is about those two, but like...AJHSJHD!!
I really like thinking about angst and ways that you can make both of them complex and stuff, you know, separating from just "haha silly comic relief guys!" I like thinking about them and how their not the same, and how they're both technically separate beings kinda? And how they're different and stuff and AA-
ALSO I love they're character design man? Like, it looks...crunchy. that's probably a bad way to put it, but they feel like those sensory videos where people take wax and slime and crush it all up and its really satisfying and crunchy.
AUGH they're all so awesome and I love love LOVE thinking about Heartless as a story and how it would play out and stuff. Keep up the good work and stuff, sorry for word bombing you I just suddenly got a lot of feelings and had to get it out somewhere
sgssgfjsgh thank u so much for taking the time to send this ask dude!
Seeing any love for the Heartless gang always sparks more joy than I can convey, no matter when -- but ur timing is uncanny haha, these two have been on my mind a lot lately too! (Especially since the new Madds Buckley song dropped 'cause it's just sO--- 👀😩🤌)
I'm not very articulate rn but pls take this doodle as a big thank u for the encouragement and for sharing ur thoughts about 'em! 🪞💜
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thecosmiccrow · 4 months ago
only finally time to post this. also this isn’t a step-by-step tutorial. im assuming you generally know how to draw already, this is just a bunch of references compiled together that could help you draw them easier.
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extra notes:
dont worry about a bunch of the smaller details. sentinels are littered with them and itd take ages to draw them if you tried to make them 100% every time. just focus on the bigger shapes and add from there.
their eyes ARE octagons, not circles. that being said it does not matter how you draw them because octagons are absolutely fucking obnoxious to consistently draw. i know, i have a half-sentinel oc, ive given up by now. do not place that burden on yourself. the rest of their face lights ARE circles though.
the smaller two flashers are part of their head ridges. their eyes are on a completely separate layer, and have duller ridges atop them. sentinels just have a lot of ridges in general.
if you want to use real-world dinosaurs as reference, i would use Velociraptor, Utahraptor, Deinonychus, and Dilophosaurus as references, given that theyre all similar in body shape and structure. In the concept art, Sentinels looked extremely like the Dilophosaurus, though it got switched to being more raptor-like in the actual show.
I also MORE THAN LIKELY drew their tail wrong. So if you wanna figure out its design on your own, go for it. I just had to put something down so I tried my best, but it is absolutely NOT perfect.
Same with their colors! they’re almost a completely solid grey so it was difficult for me to tell what colors went where, so I just kinda put em at random in that first image. Doing something completely different is also good, since nobody can tell anyways :)
and on a final note, you technically do not have to follow any of these!! stylize them all you want. these are just references for anyone that may want to draw them more accurately :)
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if it doesnt download as transparent, you can set the layer mode as multiply and it’ll work perfectly as lineart. this is free to use, I just want people to be able to make ocs easier :) i just ask that you leave the watermark in, and credit me if you use it, but you dont have to ask to do it.
(plus the image @1-800-hellyeah made for her sta.sh that i used as reference)
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Happy dino drawing!!
(ps. you should totally show me any sentinel ocs you make :3)
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the-meme-monarch · 2 months ago
Hello, very big fan of the work you do and the art you make. Given the release of the recent dandy's world animatic, I'm curious! What are your HC's for the handlers? All of their designs are unique and well thought out enough I figure they must have some information behind them. -Despairing because I wish I had the confidence to make an animatic that good, from StarSailor.
hm ! I don’t think I really have many, i kinda just saw their in-game models and thought ‘1 those uniforms are atrocious, 2 lets get you some ears” i did change austin(astro’s handler)’s hair to be A Little More Cool I Guess. it’s kind of a side shave :] other than that just kinda giving them a little more varied body types
but as for Actual Headcanons I’ve got:
shanon(shelly’s handler) is shelly’s hypeman honestly. would tell the kids on tours how cool and smart shelly is and Don’t You Want Her Autograph Or To See Her Themed Room? There’s Bones In There ! bc "everyone forgets about shelly" hurts my heart. not her handler Please
veronica(vee's handler) seems a bit nervous about getting attention, going off of her portrait, so inversely i like to think vee is Her hypeman :]
devan(dandy & pebble’s handler) does weightlifting :] he’s fat and also jacked. i think itd be funny he was allergic to dogs. good thing pebble is a toon rock that just Acts like a dog. wait actually would it be funnier if pebble Still set off his allergies
sam(sprout’s handler) acted about like how sprout acts Now. sprout is coping with the situation by acting like them, just kind of distant/aloof and maybe a little irritable. also this Isnt a headcanon but sam canonically uses they/them that makes me happy and i just wanted to mention
its a little funny i dint think i have anything for austin but from the sounds of it he's the creator's favorite Of the handlers. hopeful to learn more abt him and the rest of them !
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their portraits in the animatic are Of Course redraws of their in-game ones, but they’re technically redraws of the redraws i did of them originally ⬇️! i thought it felt off that 3/5 of the handlers didn’t look happy to have their picture taken, and with them all being in the same place like it was Planned and Set Up and everything didn’t seem right. like this is your job these are gonna be big ass pictures put on the wall lighten up a little HDHDHDH so the redraws i made it more as "this was kinda just jumped on them" like someone came up with a camera while they were on duty and said "smile!" and they generally didnt have time to react properly. little did they realize these were going to be made into big ass pictures and put on the wall
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as for Other Handlers that we Dont know about yet Assuming There Are More, my sibling and i are thinking that Not Every Toon Has A Designated Handler. like it’s more than just the five as seen here but (from here idk their thoughts and dont speak for them) but so like i figure the mains get their own but the rest there's maybe 1 handler for every 3-4 toons, and they dont look after anyone specifically. just Someone has to be watching them it doesn't matter who. but like with cosmo and sprout always hanging out together its probably Just Sam supervising. they always have to remind the two to turn off the oven
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prisma-palace · 12 days ago
Mind sharing your HMSW designs with the class?/nf
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HELLO!!! apologizes for the late reply i forget to check my inbox ^^ i've actually been intending to make reference sheets for em... buuuut i havent gotten around to that yet. so. heres what i got as of now!
(i'll make a big post digging more into specific details and design choices and headcanons Eventually cause i do have a lot to say. but that'll probably be included in the ref sheets when i finally make them. Unless someone asks me about specific details. Wink Wink Nudge Nudge)
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spider motifs!!! he has little fangs and an extra set of arms (that i keep forgetting to draw him with Oopsies). the spiderness was Unintentional at first but then i decided to just go with it and lean into it more cause i liked that idea. ill probably eventually redesign him to make him look Even More spidery but that day is not today sorry
his lower set of arms can extend/retract as he chooses. he likes to annoy heart with this. he also installed said arms himself one loop. it confused the Fuck out of heart & soul
HMS are all the same height so he wears heels to be taller cause of his Ruler-Of-Everything complex. and also i just like drawing characters with cunty ass heels
the broken side of his face is a result of the juno incident! his teeth are exposed and the big ol light on that side is his broken eyelight. its supposed to vaguely resemble a sun
also his teeth are blue. yeah
OH YEAH he also has a plug tail. it was a more recent addition so it isnt in these drawings but he does have it
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last two are a little old. but they show off his design so it doesnt matter
face feathers!!!!!! makes him look more creaturey :-)
the way his hair parts is supposed to be shaped like a heart
he does have a teeny feather tail but its usually covered up by clothing
his wings are purposefully messy looking, he does NAWT take care of himself. sigh. he cant really fly with them because theyre not strong enough to carry him, but he can hover/glide for short periods of time
hes SOME kind of amalgamation creature. mooostly bird, but nobody really knows exactly what he is. not even himself!
he has claws and sharp teeths hehe
he can Technically see but its VERRYYY blurry, he can only rlly see vague blobs of color. hes also super light sensitive so he wears the blindfold more out convenience than anything else ^^
hes a trans guy cuz im a trans guy and i said so Thank You
right. so the problem with my soul design is that i've been meaning to redesign him for, like, a long time. However i havent actually properly fully drawn my new design for him yet! so instead enjoy what i Could find, put in order of newest to most outdated :-)
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devil motifs however theyre not really fully intentional it just kinda Happened. hes not really anything specific to me, just an Unidentified Thing
neck scar. No further comment!
he has two rings on his horns, blue for mind and purple for heart
his middle horn is broken off .. :-)
claws but only on the shadowy side
if he gets particularly stressed or angry his shadow side starts to lose form and get all static-y
star shaped rip on his jeans!
also he has a star patch on his sleeve, as to match with heart and mind, who have a moon and sun patch on their knee and coat pocket respectively!
^^^ the yellow background on his patch is intentional
the eye on his shadow side is always closed. if its open thats how you KNOW you Fucked Up
my whole design also has a problem but its kinda different. and its that. i dont. really. draw him often? what i Do have of him is either Old or not colored. so like. have what i do have i guess ^^
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hes literally Just Some Regular Guy
his hair is a combo of HMS's: length/half-circle shape from heart, bangs from mind, ponytail + side thingies from soul
they arent rlly shown in these but he has two bracelets! one is red, purple, n blue and the other is tally hall colors
i kinda gravitate towards his name being CJ. a while ago i saw someone somewhere call him first name "Cash" last name "Something-That-Starts-With-J-I-Cant-Remember" hence the nickname CJ and its stuck with me. but also i havent thought about it all that much so Who Knows
theres a difference between him and "whole". whole is more of a Concept while hes the actual Person
on the rare occasions he manifests in headspace, HMS only see him as a shadowy figure. the closer they get to concord, the more of him gets revealed!
also. you didnt ask for her. but i wanna show her off anyway
love interest
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i need to draw her properly sometime soon......
i like to think that her name is stella. as a miracle musical reference. heheh
idk shes very subject to change ill probably fuck around with her color palette sometime soon
i dont have like anything to say about her sorry. i like her. shes fun to draw
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kirkwallguy · 6 days ago
So why did dav just stop giving a shit about rp in a rpg?? like in dao you could chose who the hof was, what their morals were and whether or not they stuck to them when things got difficult, whether they would amicably disagree with companions or just make them hate them by being honest or a cunt lol. I genuinely don't remember being able to do anything near that in dav. And omg on companions, deciding on a personality for your hof will make it so certain characters just don't like you, playing a very kind and generous hof will make sten and morrigan not really like you all that much, playing selfish and mean will bother alistair etc, how you interact with other npcs will change approval with companions, it wasn't perfect in dao but in dav you dont get to do any this and nothing you say matters. are these not the basics of a rpg???
honestly it's something that seems to happen to most aaa rpg series, to the point that it looks like the design philosophy of aaa games is just kind of at odds with roleplaying. the focus on visuals and fully animated cutscenes and voice acting makes it harder to give people meaningful choices or dialogue options - with rook there are so many little aspects of their character, ambient lines or animations that technically improve the polish of the game, that make it harder to roleplay as a unique character.
and yeah there's literally no way to change how the companions feel about you aside from maybe neve/lucanis. even dai, which imo is also pretty limited in its roleplaying, has approval and disapproval that feels like it means something. dav is the only da game where companions can't leave you because they disapprove of the way you've been acting. and, again, this is probably because of design limitations: how else could be have all those big epic fight scenes at the end if one of them decided to fuck off?
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rosykims · 4 months ago
ok i have avoided talking abt my datv thoughts but now ive finished and slept on it here it is. this is huge btw and really just a way to process my thoughts for my own peace of mind. and get out what i need to say. so yeah word salad below
2 disclaimers before i start. firstly i think im going to be SUPER blunt and clear about my thoughts on this post but then i will mostly be putting the matter to bed in my heart bc i am not someone who delights in being a hater nor do i take comfort in it. i will take from this the things i enjoyed and keep my distance from the rest. second disclaimer: ultimately i think i will still enjoy being a part of the fandom and seeing other people enjoy the game, because it will endear it to me and maybe take away the pain im feeling right now, so this isnt a long rant to make you feel bad about enjoying the game if you do like it! in fact quite the opposite. it comforts me that there are people who find value in the game and i hope in watching you play it i may be able to eventually be able to say the same
that being said . obviously i didnt like the game
which is an extremely difficult thing for me to say. i went into this game thinking "i will at the VERY least enjoy the game. not love it but at least like it. but im sure ill love it". it really is quite distressing for me that it didnt even really reach that bar for the most part. i TRIED to like it. i begged this game to give me ANY handhold at all that i could cling to, to forgive and like this game. i think the things i liked err more on the technical side. the graphics i loved, the character DESIGN was *fantastic*. the art. the pacing. the vague vision of what they were obviously nebulously aiming for. and honestly, i mostly enjoyed the main plot although i wish it had been more disciplined and constrained with the lore it was trying to expand on. act 3 was fantastic and naturally i am happy and fulfilled for the most part by the conclusion of solas's story, who i still believe was and is the best written "villain" of dragon age. sorry logang and meredith nation but i do still stand by this.
but thats really about it. as a disclaimer i am not an origins puritan or a da2 diehard or anything like that. i have loved (almost equally) EVERY single iteration of dragon age which has been released. i am one of the few people who sees equal value in inquisition and origins. i love them both so deeply. i couldnt pick between them.
for me what i love the MOST about dragon age - and which every single previous game has always nailed despite other flaws - is the characters. right under that is the world's capacity for introspection. and unfortunately nothing in this game provided that for me
regarding the characters: i do not care about a single one of them unfortunately. or at least i do not CARE about them the way that i have CARED about the other previous games companions. companions i would write banter about !!! just for fun when i was bored!!!! i would say my only exception is harding, but even then i care about her only because i care about her due to inquisition. overall i just found them all so ..... shallow. and devoid of any of the conflict or nuance or ethical quandries that make biowares stories so compelling - and sure, usually controversial! i would give ANYTHING for this game to have been controversial. for a unforgivable RO, or a problematic fave, or a cancelled wife. did bioware forget that their most beloved or at least enjoyed characters are people like anders, merrill, mordin solus, blackwall, sten, loghain, SOLAS??? i dont understand HOW they could have forgotten that, because solas is literally right there in game and handled (in my opinion as a fan) well. love him or hate him or dont care about him, he is such a hallmark of great bioware writing (in dai if nothing else) - characters who are not EASY to like. characters who are not SAFE to write and who WILL generate criticism from all sides because they are written boldly and unapologetically, strengthened by a foundation of consistent ideals, clear objectives and beautiful faults. characters that do not NEED you to like them, but instead invite you to engage with them critically. solas, even to someone who hates him, is nuanced and morally complex enough to muse and fight over for 10 whole years. hes IN this game, just as ethically murky as ever, but the morally grey hallmark of biowares writing really does kind of live and die with him alone. the rest of the companions feel like they barely made it out of their concept phase. what are lucanis's flaws??? genuinely asking. other than being a murderer who exists in an organization which buys and trains literal child slaves of course, but i'll get to that in a sec (because bioware sure as fuck didnt). um, i guess you could say hes broody?? and emmrich too. what actual flaws does he have?? he has a fear of death, as we're TOLD, but it does not really reflect in the overall convesations we have with him over the course of the game. mostly hes just.... a little bumbling i guess. bellara's flaw is being a scatterbrain. harding's is that shes..... angry??? but shes not???? fucking come on. i really felt the lack of actually being able to TALK to these people at the end of act 2, when i realized i still felt like i havent really MET any of them. and yet here rook is talking about found family and being a team. ok
and then there are the romances. which from my perspective - having romanced taash - and my friends who have romanced lucanis, neve and davrin..... WHAT romances. davrin's full romance is 20 minutes in a 30 PLUS HOUR GAME. solas had the least amount of content out of any companion in inquisition and was a last minute unintentional RO and still had like easily 50 minutes of content. so why did these romances feel like nothing. actually nothing. i was so excited for taash, but their romance straight up felt like neither rook nor taash even wanted to be there. i forgot they were technically together at certain points. zero chemistry. zero intimacy. all TELLING zero SHOWING. if you had told me that i would be saying these sorts of things about a writer like trick weekes a month ago i would call you fucking crazy to your face. i cannot reconcile that taash was written by the same person who wrote solas. i cannot reconcile that mary kirby - who wrote the fucking chant of light - wrote lucanis. its so dire. its devastating actually.
lastly i want to talk about my other point - bioware's famed emphasis on introspection and ethically quandries. again, i'm genuinely experiencing a sense of profound whiplash because when it comes solas's character you can still see it. its still there. they actually doubled down on making him worse than he was in trespasser which i LOVED and thought was so incredibly promising. they could have caved to solavellan fans and uwu-ified him but they didnt. thats great.
but where was that energy for literally anything else. everything has been defanged - even minrathous, the capital of the tevinter slave trade, does not even ADDRESS the elephant in the room of slavery. and i know because i played a shadow dragon. so tell me why i as a shadow dragon am happily allied with the crows, who solely exist to assassinate politicians and BUY SLAVES. THEY BUY SLAVES. THEY BUY SLAVES AS CHILDREN AND TRAIN/TORTURE THEM TO MURDER. HELLO??????????? there is no commentary made about the mages/templars. there is no discussion of the treatment of the elves in the north or Anywhere. there is no discussion of why exactly blood magic is or isnt acceptable - they simply tell us its bad. all the theories of the last 10 years were answered with handwaved comments or bare bones codex entries that honestly stripped so much nuance away from so many things (the blight, my BELOVED) that i dont know how im going to go about fixing it or making it right in my head. the introspective nature of dragon age always went hand in hand with player choice, but there really WAS no choice in this game as so there IS no real capacity for other interpretations or schools of thought. it is so..........................bleak.
i think the thing that finally made it click in my head that this game had fundamentally let me down was the gloom howler quest. and i know im not alone on this. for those of you who dont know - the gloom howler, "isseya" was the protagonist of the dragon age novel "the last flight". i would HIGHLY recommend you read it, especially if you're an origins fan. super bleak, super political, not flashy at all in terms of magic. it was set 500 years pre origins, during the 3rd blight. isseya is very similar to characters like loghain and solas in a way - a richly complex, beautifully intricate, terribly thought provoking character who did HORRIFIC things for the most NOBLE reason you could imagine, under the most traumatic of circumstances. im tearing up just thinking about her story, and how the title "the LAST flight" foreshadowed that her story had a definitive, bittersweet, finite and peaceful ending.
and then this game did THAT to her. turned her into a grotesque caricature of what she was. stripping her of her nuance and her capacity for atonement or forgiveness. and once again, i do not fucking get it. she was obviously brought back because she is a parallel to the solas dilemma. so WHY is she not afforded the same opportunity for empathy that he is. why is bellara's brother not either. its insane. its literally insane. i cannot begin to imagine the oversight or laziness or WHATEVER IT WAS that occured to have this game turn out this way.
there are innumerable other problems with the game that im not going to get into because what ive said above is the main crux of my problem. introspective and character. those are all i really wanted from this game, and like..... i thought we would get that. because the game centered around solas. and i know people dislike his fans for very fair reasons, but i hope those who know me know that i enjoy him not because hes hot (he is though) but because he is terrible. i love him because they made a character who was TERRIBLE, and then gave you the task of using your head and refelcting on your own morality and values and deciding and arguing and meditating over whether he is worth loving anyway. to me, solas is the person i point to when i want to describe why i love dragon age. its complicated, its nuanced, it is terrible and wonderful and everything in between depending on the angle you look at it from. and so having the writer of a character like THAT in charge of the whole game filled me with hope and dissuaded so many of my fears for this game. but i was wrong apparently.
so now im left with a feeling akin to survivors guilt. genuinely. because at the VERY least, despite me saying all of these negative things, i at least finished the game crying happy tears and being overjoyed that my favourite character was handled well and got an ending i enjoyed. and yet that happiness *i* got to feel and that glimmer of good writing was paid for at the expense of literally everything else. i feel almost personally responsible in a way, which sucks. im sorry to all the people who did not enjoy or care about solas, im sorry that you really did get nothing out of this game. i hope we can all be comforted by the trilogy we have and will always have, and i hope we can all take what good parts we enjoyed out of veilguard and make peace with the rest
leaving this youtube comment my friend sent me which is unfortunately a summary of how i feel about the game as a whole.
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fruttymoment · 7 months ago
Do you think only Rue is a robot or is Cedric secretly a robot too in that one theory?
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When Niko asks the question, Cedric answers too!
Unsure if this is a theory at this point; but it is HEAVILY suggested that both Rue and Cedric are robots as well, just like Proto. Pretty sure it's also confirmed by Nightmargin herself, in somewhere! I just forgor
I do, however, have another theory. Based in this interaction :
Since the entire world is just a simulation, is EVERYONE there technically is a robot?
Are Proto, Cedric and Rue specifically robots because they are The Author's children?
It's hard to say a certain thing because first of all we have no idea what exactly makes a robot, well, 'robot', in the universe of OneShot.
A robot is an entity with computing power, specifically designed to do a certain task. We see nurse robots, rowbots, guardian robots etc. in the game. All of them surely are robots, but they have different missions and are built for different tasks.
However, just like other people, robots are NPCs. NPCs in OneShot are basically simulated people, and are not real. Well, they WERE real in the Old World. Now it's not really them but their digital version of themselves, built by complex coding from The Author that 'lives' inside of The World Machine's simulation.
Imagine the Earth we know today is about to be destroyed tomorrow. In horror, scientists somehow figure out how to turn you into a code to simulate yourself in a computer. Forever, perhaps. It's still you with your emotions, habits, thoughts and stuff! It's just that you are not real anymore, but just powered by electricity inside of a computer. You just dont know it.
This of course creates something.. rather interesting.
What is real? What isn't?
WELL WE HAVE NO IDEA BOUT THAT IRL. In the universe of OneShot though; anyone that is living in this simulated environment is an NPC. NPCs don't remember anything when you reset the game for Solstice run, because they are a part of the simulation. They ARE the simulation. And when you reset the game, so the simulation is formatted. No one remembers Niko and anything.
Niko is the messiah because they are a real person. They do not belong this simulation, they have their own world and life. They came to this simulated environment from somewhere else; they never belonged here and they were never a part of the Old World.
This is the difference between real people and NPCs in OneShot, basically. I hope??
Now, one has to ask. The Author has left the world in his 'own terms'. He is probably alive though. But, what about their children? Why are they.. seperated?
I don't think we have any official explanation. A thing I found is apparently Author, Cedric, Rue and Proto all lived in the Real World. So, they existed there. Pay attention to this because it will be... relevant.
Rue, Cedric and Proto are The Author's children. Altho, the wiki sometimes say 'creations' which I am very unsure. In any way, they lived together. They all do call him their "Father". It may not be the word 'father' we think, but maybe a creator too.
Now, this makes me wonder. The Author left, but why their children remains in the simulation? Maybe an accident happened?
Here is a very super weird fact.
Because technically they are bound to the simulation, all three siblings are considered as NPCs.
Wait um
Are they.. NPCs? If i remember correctly, Proto said that they themselves arent regular NPCs. He even knows what NPC is, and why they dont remember anything.
So...? Why three of them are special in this way? Maybe Author just made them so. Everyone else is from the Real World too, but the three siblings are somehow special in a matter.
So! The siblings are robots but arent just NPCs.
But. Then, what the fuck??
WERE THEY ALWAYS ROBOTS OR LIKE?? Why other people arent robots, but Cedric and Rue are?? They do NOT look like robots!
Did three of them fucking DIED irl and Author pulled a William Afton and made them robots??? WHAT
Dont worry it gets worse :)
Remember just when i said Proto, Cedric and Rue arent NPCs but real people, riight?
Prepare to lose your shit because i am going to tell you somrthing.
"When Rue, Cedric, and Proto must be placed in the portal near the end of the Solstice run, Rue is the only one who doesn't have the "NPC" tag on her spritesheet."
- OneShot Wiki , a fact
Rue, that fuckinf fox that i love completely destroys something we thought.
Rue :3
She fucking. Causes a HUGE problem.
According to the game files ITSELF, Rue is the ONLY ONE that does NOT have NPC tag.
This could mean two things. Lets see.
This is only a technical game thing. Rue does not have a NPC tag, because she is the only one that meets you before Solstice. She then remembers and knows you in Solstice. Proto and Cedric are not met before Solstice, thus they technically count as NPCs in not lore but technical game way. In short : Because Rue is the only one that remembers you afterwards, the devs themselves could removed the NPC tag to note themselves that Rue is different. Maybe thats how game code works too? Maybe if you give a NPC tag to a character, it means the character will be resetted after the save file gimmick is deleted. Rue not having an NPC tag could maaybe mean she is supposed to be not affected by a reset, and remembers, so has special interactions
Something malicious is brewing. Oh my fucking god
Tbh, both seem... weak? First of all I dont think the devs simply forgor the name tag for Rue. As a dev NAMING files and confirming everything, that doesnt seem normal. Maybe they really did forgot?? But it could easily be changed by an update or something afterwards?
Another thing is : its just a name in her spritesheets. A name of a spritesheet surely can change some stuff in game engine specifically, but um. I am very unsure.
Anyways. Lets see.
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Screenshots from OneShot TWM Edition.
... well! She STILL has no NPC tag !!
Is it somehow a technical thing???
Or. Something rather funny is going on.
Well um. We literally need direct answer from Nightmargin if its a lore thing; or perhaps GIR & Eliza if its a technical coding reason. Who knows??
I actually will ask this to Nightmargin in her Tumblr Q&A. Who knows, maybe she will answer!!!
If its a technical reason, then there isnt much stuff to discuss here. All three of them are possibly something else than just a simple NPC.
...if not, Rue is. Someone special perhaps. There may be a whole stuff we dont know about Rue and the siblings.
Rue always felt slightly different. Who knows.
Anyway TLDR ; Cedric is a robot too lol
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werewolfoffeverswamp · 2 months ago
tbh i dont know if i’ve ever made a single piece of art i actually like in an academic setting. they’re always haphazardly done last minute and the subject matter is always so. hm. it’s a little boring. the only times i think i’ve come close to making something i was proud of in school is when i was pushed to my mental breaking point and i just started fucking doing whatever i wanted. so today i’m rating them
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in my sophomore year i was in sculpture class and had to make a smooth plaster sculpture. the amount of manual labor required to sand down a sculpture that had to be at least 3 feet in some direction is not something i wanted to deal with. as you can see my sculpture is not smooth. the design i was happy with— the sculpture itself i was not.
it was titled “Mistakes” or something along those lines. my classmates stood up for me in critique when my professor said it was lazy and unfinished. not one of my peers said a bad thing about it. we smashed the sculptures apart behind the building when critique was over. i still want to cry when i think about it, it was an extremely special experience for me.
10/10 i actually wish i still had it and i have been meaning to make a tiny version out of clay. such a special piece to me, very formative
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this piece was made at the end of my college career when i first started testosterone. i wanted to make some sort of tribute to it for my final piece— i’m of an extremely divided mind when i think about it. there are parts that look clunky and not developed properly… thrown together, as i believe my professor Jason said. i am, however, happy with certain technical aspects of the piece! the formation and shading of the hand and the syringe is something i really like, and did a lot of layering to achieve. i used a paper cutout to make the repeated syringes on the bottom left, another new technique i tried and was happy with the results of.
the text WAS thrown on last minute in an effort to spice up the piece but it’s a reference to the song Crosseyed and Painless by Talking Heads. it’s a song i’ve always identified with in a gender way, with the first few lines being “Lost my shape, trying to act casual./Can’t stop, I might end up in the hospital.” i felt on the verge of collapse constantly in the early days of my transition. it was like i had lost my shape and was destined to end up hurt in some way. i wish the text was more well thought out, it could have been done in a more uniform way and i think it would have looked a little better.
the wasp head is also a reference to an old oc of mine, who was a man with a wasp head named Gene. i wish i would have used different colors, the black and yellow i used should have been warmer. mars black instead of ivory. whatever again it’s technical stuff.
6.5/10 i could technically go back and fix this one bc i still have it, but i have better things to do rn.
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the hand dino came into the world in a fiery manner. for the final project we had to make a piece with the dimensions of minimum like 4ft by 4ft, and by this point i was burnt out and the most exhausted with art i’d ever been (besides maybe sophomore year ig 🤔) and i told my professor i couldn’t do a project that big. he made the mistake of telling me to do what i could manage, which ended up being a roughly 12in by 12in piece of oil painting paper.
in many ways i like the concept of this piece. the idea of it. it’s fun! it’s combining realistic elements with cartoonish ones in a way i enjoy.
however. looking back, i genuinely think it would have been a cooler concept on a bigger scale 😭 which is so frustrating.
7.5/10 i wish i’d had it in me to do it better.
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and how could we forget dear body horror babe? made in my first semester of sophomore year and done with ink and charcoal and conte crayons, it was an assignment one of my more eccentric teachers wanted us to do where we randomly splattered ink on a paper using ink-covered coins and tried to come up with a drawing just from the happenstance of where the ink coins landed.
i chose a more abstract route and basically turned every ink splat into an eye and tried to come up with somewhat distorted body imagery to evenly fill all the space on the paper. you can find a lot of stuff going on in this piece.
11/10 but also not done at my lowest point, just during the steady decline.
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ok can i be frank for a second. i fucking hate this piece. so what you’re seeing is an 8ft by 4ft thin block of particle board, carved by hand in low relief to ink and print on old bedsheets.
my professor for this relief class was strict about the theme of the class, which was political art. she insisted we make art relating to a political topic and our beliefs on it. and this isn’t to say political art is bad in any way, but it’s truly not something i want to FOCUS on creating necessarily. the fact that it was MANDATORY is the issue here. one of my classmates refused to make purposely political art and instead chose to make a beautiful piece of the sun and moon as lovers. i wish i had just done the same and refused to make strictly political art. if i’m honest i just wanted to make an epic wood carving scene of a dark and eerie night outside draculas castle. instead, as you can see, i chose (somewhat arbitrarily in an effort to make the project into something i could enjoy carving) environmentalism.
technically i don’t mind this piece. the composition is fine and the detail in some areas i’m very proud of. other areas not as much. my teacher also forced me to do what i think is over-carve some areas to fill the piece with texture. i do not like it and i wish i had kept some areas fully un-carved, even if it didnt print right. i don’t care.
also what’s worse about the whole experience of this piece is that it was part of an event called Blocktoberfest and my school partnered with a local state college to make and print these huge blocks on their campus. the reason this is bad is bc the state college students did whatever the hell they wanted for their designs and we saw some really cool subject matters, from aliens to occult symbolism. and their school’s art department had a couch in it and ours didn’t. :/
also blocktoberfest was an insane amount of physical work bc rolling those big ass rollers in ink and then a giant block and then ink and then the block and ink and block was a lot of effort. i was sore after it. and it lowkey felt like me and my classmates were doing all the work and like maybe 5 people from the other school were helping. whatever. whatever anyways
1/10 genuinely pisses me off to look at. wish i would have just done draculas castle
^i also think it’s worth mentioning about this professor: no one really liked her. she made it very clear that she thought there was a right and wrong way to create art. and she fully believed she was right about everything bc she was old and wise. and she was also gay so maybe she had some credit. but her art to me always felt a little uppity and she was also really rich. she let us visit her studio and we did our final critique there of a piece i made that i absolutely hated everything about. i dont even have a picture of it bc it pissed me off so bad. she also was lowkey racist towards a few of my classmates so i really don’t like her.
anyways that’s all the pieces i want to review currently. let me know what you guys think about em if you want. i hereby ask for you to critique my art.
the difference between making art for a deadline vs making art purely bc you enjoy the process and outcome is so crazy. it actually makes me sick with sadness. i don’t have the resources to create freely yet. anyways art under the constraint of academia is so frustrating for me specifically. like whatever. whatever
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walnutcookie · 1 month ago
So when will astro have a good time in the tower of souls au? Let someone hug him at least poor guy looks like he's going through it
OK LIKE i talk mostly abt rhe angst because thats just the interesting parts but hes not in constant agony theres just a few bad events...
He does struggle. He was designed to dislike crowds - that would have been a fun character trait in an animatronic, especially in contrast with dandy, something predetermined and pre-programmed. it became an issue when he was given the ability to feel. Its hard to be the star of the show when you were literally created to have stage fright </3 its not something he can grow out of or get used to no matter how much time he spends in crowds because hes still not technically real .... he cant be exactly who he was programmed to be, but he's still going to always be something similar to that, which means he's always going to be shy and socially anxious. Thats who he was designed to be. arthur and delilah were NOT thinking of the consequences of giving their creations thoughts and emotions
Its not all bad, though :] hes still a very sleepy guy i feel like i always draw him while hes on the job when he tries to keep a bit of energy in how he acts (+ hes nervous being on stage) so its not easy to tell.. The toons have quite a bit of free time when its not open hours and hes pretty content then. I like to imagine he spends a lot of time in rodger and toodles' library, just curls up on a seat with a book and reads or naps..
he still has to do his job and help toons with any issues, being a leader, but dandy has the reputation of handling all those issues so people dont bother him unless dandy is busy. i mean Usually dandy just reports the problems to him and he gives dandy ideas on how to fix them so that dandy can then put that plan into action but he likes it that way :] he enjoys helping indirectly even if he never gets credit for it. Doesnt need the attention anyways, while dandy loves it, so its a win-win.
hes super close with dandy too :] they work pretty well together and having been with each other so long (they were the first ones to be created too) they know exactly how the other thinks and operates and its comforting to be around one another. Dandys a lot calmer around him - partially because he knows astro doesnt like all that energy, but yknow. he exaggerates himself a lot in front of other people just for the sake of his reputation and occupation so its nice to be able to relax a bit in front of astro. He likes it when astro tells him about the books hes read because he cant be bothered to read himself but he likes the stories and he likes how astro tells them :3
he does get some peaseful moemnts🙏
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triptychofvoids · 3 months ago
do you think there's anything about emesis blue ppl don't talk about often enough?
oh, plenty! granted no matter what i mention, i guarentee there will have been at least some discussion about it before somewhere because emesis blue is so generally beloved (rightfully so). that said, i wish there was more discussion about the behind the scenes sort of aspects. things like analyzing the screenplay, more discussion of the set design and props and what items they chose to place where, the technical aspects of sfm and how they chose to do the lighting or animate certain characters, the sound design in terms of atmosphere and music, etc. people talk a lot about the plot and the characters and how pretty the film looks (again, rightfully so! i like to discuss these as well!) but i usually dont see as much attention given to the more technical aspects, behind the scenes work, or smaller details.
and i know there already is much discussion of the visuals and that theories are fairly popular, but even then i do still like to see them! so those arent things that need to be talked about more per se.. but they are very welcome topics regardless! i think the visuals and camera work is wonderful and i think seeing all the theories and discussion can be a lot of fun!
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calebwittebane · 4 months ago
i had a dream id gotten conned into becoming a god and proceeded to try and design a world without suffering or pain. i really really struggled with this one. no matter what i did, it seemed like bouncing between endless suffering and highly sheltered sensory deprivation state with all functions for every person reduced to a minimum. eventually the author--it turned out i was in a fictional work, and the author was a sneering cynical asshole who enjoyed seeing me suffer--started mocking me, saying that a real demiurge really in control of things through unlimited possibilities wouldve figured that out, but i'm just a loser who spent a long time being human and therefore my mind has very human limitations. i started arguing with the author, saying that theyd written me this way and have no right to mock me, that despite this attitude they have this clearly is some form of venting theyre doing through art, and they need to take something seriously for once. my limitations are simply a reflection of theirs, and their mockery is their pained wailing in disguise. they were like well i dont like your attitude so because youve decided to be a little bitch about it i will now punish you by making you experience every death that ever happened to anyone and WILL have happened to anyone. so i did. it was awful. the prophetic visions of what sort of carnage famine disease and freak accidents the future has in store for humanity, they were almost as bad as the historical part. reminder: i feel pain in my dreams. anyway once that was done, and it did in fact feel to me like actual centuries were passing, actual centuries of nothing but agony, i told the author they were a vindictive bitch, incapable of comprehending the suffering theyre inflicting. if they ever felt even a fraction of what they dish out without much thought, they would curl up and cry and never do anything again. they told me i just objected to the way i'd sculpted my own consciousness. that to be a human, advanced and philosophy oriented as we are with our proportionally large complex brains, is to reject all inevitability as barbaric. i said that was stupid--humans are still, despite our unique traits, simply part of the animal kingdom, and more broadly made of the same matter as the rest of the universe, a continuous lattice of reactions among many other, a sustained chain that hasn't stopped since the very first instance of reproduction occurred between two organisms. the author just favors the human perspective because theyre biased and write what they know.
then the author felt like doing something petty once more so they decided to put me in a situation where im trying to buy art supplies but my dad is also there undermining everything i say. i said: this wont get to me--author, it seems you dont know me all that well, for buying art supplies was indeed one of the only type of occasion where my dad Would just let me do what i needed to do and would more or less trust i knew what i was doing. the author laughed and said, and yet you were able to summon a version of events where he does act poorly in this context. how cruel and unfair of you, to imagine something so uncharitable. how can you be sure of anything you remember? and i was going to give a reply but things around me started glitching out. people got spaghettified and turned into like. ok imagine a coral reef but its people.
i think i mustve argued with the author about some technical accuracy in their depictions of trains? i got to experience some train crashes as punishment
so yeah im awake now and i dont feel like ive gotten a lot of rest considering i just escaped time prison
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blue-rose-soul · 1 year ago
the kid alastor au is so sad but so funny at the same time. like its sad because he never got to grow up properly and had to mature and a very young age, but also. imagine youre an overlord who managed to get on alastors bad side without realizing it and then the last thing you see is some ten year old boy with fluffy deer ears torturing and killing you. me personally i would NOT take that level of disrespect. plot twist alastor actually had to get husk’s soul some other way than he does in canon because no one will let him into a casino.
also, do you think he’d get along with some of the cannibal town kids, since they’re some of the few sinner children we see in hell, or does he prefer to stick by adults who dont know his identity as the radio demon, since he’s technically fairly old? would he even BE a cannibal in this au? i doubt he ever got to murder anyone as a human before he died, but since he hangs around rosie still she might have offered him a finger or two and, uh… perhaps he was always just predestined for cannibalism even without becoming a bloodthirsty serial killer in life.
Yeah, this AU is inherently hilarious and kid-shaped Alastor is keenly aware of the absurdity of his whole... thing. But he makes it work for him, especially when he's torturing Overlords. He just loves the looks on his victims faces when he reveals himself as the Radio Demon, leaning into the whole creepy kid aesthetic as he's killing them.
The thing about Alastor is that it's very difficult to keep him out of places he wants to get into. Husk first saw Alastor when he strolled right up to the high rollers table and peeked over one of the player's shoulders to see their cards.
"Ooh, that looks like a good hand!" The shark jolted, surprised by the tiny voice chirping in his ear. The King of Hearts - everyone at the table - stared in sheer disbelief at the little schoolboy-looking brat who'd had the gall to intrude at HIS table. The kid smiled, apparently unconcerned with the numerous glares fixed on him. "What the- Who the fuck are you?" the shark growled at the kid. "Alastor! A pleasure to be meeting you, sirs. Quite a pleasure!" As he spoke, the kid wormed his way between two hulking shark-demons and sat his scrawny ass down at the table. "Would you happen to have room at your table for one more?" "Beat it, kid. We ain't playin' Go Fish," Husk snapped. "SECURITY!"
Security threw him out, but not two minutes later Alastor was back inside. No matter how many times Husk had Alastor tossed out, he'd just pop back in, as if by magic. Finally, Husk agreed to let Alastor play ONE GAME if he would just stay the hell out of his casino afterwards.
Well, you know how that went.
I won't say this version of Alastor is much nicer to Husk. But by present, Alastor does very much appreciate that Husk talks to him like any other adult. Like, they have their in jokes, the routine with the ID card and whatnot, but Husk of all people knows he isn't just some kid and doesn't pity him.
Well, Husk doesn't outwardly pity him.
And yeah, I do think Alastor has a sort of kinship with demon children. He doesn't consider himself one of them, fully, especially in the case of actual Hellborn kids who won't stay children forever. But since the Pride Ring is primarily made up of sinners, I think the small population of sinners who died as children and survived past their first extermination in hell probably have some sort of community. I'm not 100% certain about the cannibal kids, since I've heard conflicting information on whether Rosie and her people are Hellborn or not. Their entire design seems to set them apart from the rest of the sinners.
Regardless, Alastor is friends with Rosie in this AU, and he does become a cannibal through her influence. Although Rosie doesn't know he's the Radio Demon, she does suspect that he's more powerful than he lets on and treats him no different than any of her clients. Their friendship is pretty similar to canon with them exchanging information and favors over coffee and pinkie fingers. She even gives him details from the Overlords' meetings. When they're in private though, Alastor lets himself relax a bit, and allows Rosie to fuss over him. Alastor is a bit contradictory, and as much as he doesn't want people treating him like a child, he mourns the childhood that was violently ripped away from him and the mother he lost in that moment. When he and Rosie have these moments, it feels for a moment like he really is a kid again.
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libelelle · 1 month ago
coming to your ask box cause i don't want to flood overgrown's inbox
i didn't say they weren't the same age. i said "he's still the younger brother, even if they are the same age." that is a fact. no matter if he's only a few seconds younger, luigi IS younger. i know several sets of twins who prefer to be refered to as the older/younger twin. it's not an insult
i get it's a pet peeve of yours, but you don't need to yell at overgrown for it. it is a harmless post, just scroll past it lmao
(sorry if this comes off as an attack at all, that is not my intention whatsoever i swear. im not very good at conveying my tone properly over text, so im saying this just in case.)
ok first i'll get this out of the way: obviously my perspective isnt universal, the twins you knew were clearly comfortable with that and that literally does not matter to me. im happy that that is something theyre ok with. also: i did not mean to spam your friend at all that was not my intent. i did not even mean to be aggressive? i actually made a joke after i said that so i really hope it didn't come off like that.
i really dont understand why you sent this, honestly i don't get why its so important but like. twins are the same age. theyre born at different times but they are physically developped simultaneously. Even if they weren't, a few minutes or hours is not really enough to designate one the older sibling and one the younger sibling. i dislike this kind of thing because like i said i am an identical twin and it bothers me when people treat me like im younger or less mature. i really don't know what else to say because it really shouldnt matter. its a technicality.
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