#so I'm very prepared for new pc time
bleatroot · 5 months
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portrait while i prep introducing this guy :] love u already "fig"
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van-yangyin · 5 months
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Following Custom Content I shared the other day, here is EyeTree Head Set that contain a EyeTree head and Eyes of Tree Accessory for all ages. Hope you enjoy this one! 💗
Short brief when this post is published: I'm currently without pc because it's being repaired since it was failing me, so I leave you this publication that I left prepared. Until I have it back, it's possible that I won't be much on my social medias. When I return I'll answer to your lovely asks and replies. @lea-heartscxiv will probably lend me his, but it will only be for occasional times like posting things we've worked on together or new CC if pc takes too long to repair. Thank you for your patience with me ❤
They look at you, they judge you, they discriminate against you. From a planet far away from Sixam, called Lerighett, reside these tree-headed beings with eyes. They're said to be of many varieties and species, though residents of the hidden lands of Heyadee are one of the most frowned upon for being so perceptive and judgmental. If they have more eyes around them, they may be even more judgmental for being able to see beyond your soul. 👁️🌳
Download under keep reading ↓
If you download my CC it means your agree with my T.O.U (English/Español/日本語).
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EyeTree Head
General Info:
13 swatches
Base game compatible
Located on Detail Skin, Forehead
all ages
disable for werewolves (don't show good on them)
all LOD's
All Maps (Diffuse, Normal, Specular)
Mesh and texture made from scratch by me
Custom Thumbnails
Compatible with higher and lower game sliders
Known problems: Some parts of the trunk may go deeper into the skin. Since is placed in Skin Details, Forehead, both packages are shown, no matter the gender, but they're written as Male Frame and Female Frame on thumbnail so that they can be easily recognized. Try to use them properly so they don't look bad unless that is the result you want to achieve.
LOD Information: LOD0: 7232 poly | LOD1: 3615 poly | LOD2: 1806 poly | LOD3: 903 poly
※Choose download the one/ones you want the most or only download Merged: "_T-E_Merged" or "_AllMerged" where all the files are together.※
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly) [Same link]
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Photo in CAS and in-game photo without shaders:
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Eyes of Tree Accessory
General Info:
1 swatch, since use eye texture
Base game compatible
Located on Detail Skin, Crease
all ages
all LOD's
Mesh made from scratch by me
Custom Thumbnails
LOD Information: LOD0: 2880 poly | LOD1: 1440 poly | LOD2: 720 poly | LOD3: 360 poly
Do you want to know what else I'll be releasing this month and on what day? You can support me on Patreon or Ko-Fi and find out in this posts, here (Patreon) and here (Ko-Fi).
※Choose download the one/ones you want the most or only download Merged: "_T-E_Merged" or "_AllMerged" where all the files are together.※
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly) [Same link]
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Photo in CAS:
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Compatible with LightHead/EyeHead and without LightHead:
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Btw, do you saw my last CC post? ⬇️
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This CC is made in part in honor of the fucking eyes (the big one and the little ones) of Arc the Lad the Twilight of Spirits, who gave me and Lea a hard time many many years ago to defeat them. They aren't the same, but every time I was doing it I was thinking about them. Has anyone else played this game? I loved it and I love it!
Let me know if you find any problem. 🙏❣️ Also if you use this or any of my CC, feel free to tag me so I can see your sims, it will make me very happy to see it!
Happy simming! 🍀
🛹 You can find me also on Patreon | Pinterest | Ko-Fi | Blogger (Shared with Lea) | Instagram | X (Twitter) | My F.A.Q. | My T.O.U. | MORE DOWNLOADS 🛹
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waltwhitmansbeard · 5 months
so i just read a post explaining why the op (and, according to the op, a lot of other people, even tho the post in question only had 32 notes, some of which were from people who disagreed with them) didn't like the cut to the crown keepers in last week's episode. while i'm totally on board with people not jibing with stuff that just doesn't work for them, i wanted offer some reasons why this seemingly hard pivot to people who are not the main characters of the story being told was a good decision to make (note good decision, not inherently the best decision, which i believe no one, including the dm, at a ttrpg table should ever be expected to make).
matt had an extremely powerful, extremely unexpected character decision dropped in his lap in the final moments of the previous episode. we don't know exactly how much time matt has between recordings, maybe a full week, maybe not, but either way, there's a very real chance that matt just did not have enough time to fully prepare a session to deal with fcg's death and what comes next.
sam now has to create a new character that a) is of a level with the rest of the party and b) makes narrative sense for him to be there. that takes time for both him and matt, and they might just need some space to work on that. when laudna died, marisha was willing to sit away from the table for several weeks because she knew that she wanted laudna to be resurrected, but sam may not want the same thing, and that's okay!
matt may want to fold the crown keepers into his main story, some or all of them—particularly dorian, whom both liam and the fans have been asking to return for a while now. dorian is clearly important to orym and the story that liam is trying to tell, and bringing the crown keepers in may be matt's way to do that.
matt—and dms generally—has always had to straddle a very fine line of making sure that his players are the main characters of their story who feel like their actions have real consequences and effects on the world, while also understanding that in reality, it doesn't make sense for half a dozen chucklefucks to have such an outsized effect on major cosmological goings-on like *checks notes* the potential release of a god-eater. this becomes especially true when you're on your third campaign set in the same world, and your players' previous ultra-powerful pcs are still around and definitely more adept and connected than their current pcs are. i, personally, think matt does a great job at walking that line, and one of the things he does that i appreciate is that he doesn't shy away from the fact that a) his players are powerful but not the most powerful and b) his players aren't the only one who care about what's going on in the world and who are taking actions to effect change. the current plotline re: ruidus is absolutely world-shaking and is causing all the divine girlies to cower in their demiplanes, so of course even the evil ones are going to be calling on their champions to help out. it makes more sense for opal to be involved (which, btw, matt has been hinting at for a while now) than not.
matt might need a fucking break! he's been doing this consistently for nine years now, and shit is complicated! handing over the reins to aabria for a week or two or three may be what he needs to not get burnt out.
dnd is an emotional game, and the entire cast might have been rocked hard by fcg's death. some space away for a week or two could help them process and regroup to get back into a story that is otherwise very stressful and action-packed.
or it's none of these! what do i know! i'm a random idiot on the internet! matt doesn't consult me on these matters! (though my dms are open if he wants to chat, i do have ideas)
i think it's tempting to think of the decisions made in and around critical role (or any ttrpg show) like those made for a television series, because the episodes are serialized and we love them so much. but this show is, first and foremost, a group of friends playing a game together, and not a carefully constructed narrative with the primary goal of entertaining an audience. the audience always has been and, frankly, always should be second to the wishes and fun of the people around that table. matt would not have asked aabria to step in and dm a crown keepers side arc if he didn't think it was a good decision for him and his players, and that priority is the correct one. we are being invited in to watch these friends have fun together, and that's a privilege that we're super lucky to have. as long as the cr story isn't doing things that are outright abusive or harmful to the cast or the audience, i don't think we should begrudge them the choices they make in the name of their own game.
again, it's okay if you're not vibing with the crown keepers! i didn't love the aeor arc of c2! not everything is for everyone! but i think accusing matt and the cast of narrative malfeasance is a bit much when, tbqh, they don't answer to us. they answer to each other.
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fragmentofmemories · 1 month
Unnamed Touhou Fanwork Old Dream Glissando Update 3/Summary
(AKA Mentally preparing myself for the upcoming work ahead, also my longest update yet~)
Previous update
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(March 2024. A snippet of Reimu, Marisa and Satsuki's designs for ODG)
Lots of good things in general here! Actually lots of things, period.
First of all: The title is up now!
I did lie about the "unnamed" a bit, considering I had Old Dream Glissando for a while (lol). I had other ones before, but I feel this one's both the shortest and the most meaningful for the plot...
...So, what is Old Dream Glissando about?
In summary, Old Dream Glissando is an action/adventure web manga series based on the Touhou Project franchise.
Set between TH5 and 6, it tells the story of main characters Reimu and Marisa, as they investigate the cause behind the recent drop in youkai sightings.
Their first clue: a human girl with the ability to heal through her erhu...
What to expect from ODG?
A bigger focus on the PC-98 era, which includes characters, abilities, locations and so on from TH1 to 5. Genre-wise, expect plenty of action too.
Windows Era characters most likely won't make an appearance, unless there is a logical or "lore-friendly" explanation to their earlier appearance.
Talking about lore: The story leans more toward PC-98 canon. That is to say, in ODG, most of what's said in PC-98 takes precedence over what's said in Windows.
However, this does not mean it will completely disregard everything the Windows era established.
My goal is not 100% accuracy — Rin Satsuki and all — but to nevertheless respect the later lore as much as the PC-98 era allows it. Marisa still knows who Rinnosuke is because she's known him since childhood, as one example...
Where will it be available?
On Tumblr and Pixiv alike! I talked a little about the posting process in the previous update, so to make it short:
I will first post the sketch versions of various pages as I work on the current chapter. This has various purposes: First, to gauge interest. Two, to tease what's about to happen next. And Three, for potential feedback as not everything is set in stone yet.
After completing the chapter, each page will be posted on bulks of 20, as that is the limit one can post at a time on this site.
All of this will be done not here, but rather in a blog dedicated to ODG! Said blog is still on the works, as I'm making sure non-Tumblr users get easy access to it. However, I will link to it as soon as it's ready.
On Pixiv, only the full version will be posted there. Although, there it will be all in one, single post given the larger amount of images one can upload at once (up to 200).
Lastly, for the Update part of this post: Chapter 1's storyboard is done!
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And with it comes a slightly more bittersweet part: It's 72 pages long, which is even higher than the standard 50-60 pages most first chapters have.
Am I discouraged by this? Nah, not really! It's why I mentioned the posting process: So as to avoid leaving this project in the dark for too long.
Later chapters won't be as long either — limiting myself to up to 30 pages for those.
And so, I come in knowing I will spend the remainder of this year working on this chapter — posting updates while I also iron out the rest of the story.
I'm not setting myself any unrealistic deadlines (like of course I'm not doing this in a week lol), and I'm very aware this is a long term project. So the way I see it: Old Dream Glissando is a project I'll be chipping away day by day until it's finished.
Current thoughts on this project:
I'm having plenty of fun with it! Being a webcomic, it's pushing me into learning many new things, as well as exercising what I already know as an artist.
Likewise, limiting myself to Pre-Windows era Touhou means I get to play around with PC-98's quirks (No spellcards, Reimu can't fly and is more airheaded, etc...). As such, I made sure to add plenty of details about said era — some more obscure than others.
Once more updates begin rolling in, I hope people have fun finding said details, as I had fun writing them into the story...
I'm making a Touhou manga set between PC-98 and Windows; It's a long-term project; It will be posted chapter-by-chapter on Tumblr (in its own blog) and Pixiv; Chapter 1's storyboard (script & panelling) is done; It's too long though, so I'll be posting WIP pages as I work the rest of the year on it.
Next update probably won't happen in a while, so see you next time!
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wanderingaldecaldo · 2 months
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WIP Wednesday/Whenever
Tagged by @togepies @theviridianbunny @ghostoffuturespast @aceghosts @corpocyborg
A very short WIP Wednesday post, [almost] on Wednesday itself. I just wrapped up the jeans and chaps, and I was preparing to go out of town for a week plus, but that fell through. I wasn't planning on jumping into any new modding projects since I was going to be away from my PC, and I was actually looking forward to doing some writing. Maybe I'll still do a self-enforced modding break.
Anyway, I am working on a new mod that I'm very excited about... I jumped into UV textures finally and started working on transferring Tsarev's male v body hair to fem v.
That's right, body hair on the female frame at long last.
I've spent so many hours in the last two days working on this unnamed guy. He very quickly became my most modded OC. I've been wanting to make a Mox guy for a long time -- in fact I'd planned on using the Atlas body -- but instead had the inspiration to use the Flat Chest again and I'm sooo happy with how he turned out. He's so very pretty, and I already have a few ideas for him, just not a name lol.
Tagging back everyone above who tagged me plus...
@streetkid-named-desire @blackrevell @breezypunk @kdval @rosapexa
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pip-n-chips · 1 year
The Harper pregnancy asks got my brain juices flowing so please indulge me for a hot minute.
What if PC got married down the road and it turns out that her spouse is infertile. Spouse seems blissfully unaware and PC thinks it's on her end it out so she approaches Harper for help. Who initially sees this as an opportunity to just make some more cash via pictures or videos (the way he does during his Friday visits in game) and test some new fertility drugs he's cooked up. While she's happily taking them, Harper is looking through his list of regulars to find matches who look closer to PC's spouse. Can't have the kid looking TOO different, right? And he prides himself on providing excellent service.
He starts inviting her over twice a week under the guise of treating her infertility while in reality, he's hypnotizing her and letting her get fucked by his regulars. Really, just a way to make some quick cash. He's not TOO emotionally involved in this.
But our good doctor pretty much starts salivating when PC does end up pregnant and shows up for regular check ups. He cannot stop touching her belly, maybe shows her how to knead her breasts to help with lactation later on, takes so many measurements and asks invasive questions, is just a general creep who is quickly becoming obsessed with having PC carry his kid. He's so mad at his past self, he should have been the one to knock her up, everything else be damned. He can hypnotize her still, sure, and he does so (rubbing his dick all over the curve of her belly. Making her use her growing breasts. Having her bounce on his dick later on and Harper rubs his hands all over her, he cannot get enough) but it's just not the same.
So when PC shows up again a year or two after having the first kid, looking down and miserable because her and her spouse have been trying again but it seems the treatment needs to be reapplied, Harper jumps on the opportunity. He becomes obsessed the second PC says 'We'd like to have another baby'. He acts all sympathetic and soothing and reassures her that he will look into it again, to please come back in a week. Because he wants to prepare for this properly. Meanwhile, his mind switched to the fast lane and his thoughts are racing. No way he's contacting his regulars again. This time, it'll be his child. He can potentially explain away the looks by going 'PC is an orphan, maybe the kid got their looks from PC's parents' and he is curious to see how his child's pregnancy data/stats would compare to the other one but that's when it hits him. He can give PC stronger meds. Give her additional shots. She could have twins. Maybe triplets.
Harper's hand is down his pants before he can stop himself.
He'll fuck her so well. Fill up her aching, empty womb, again and again and again. Maybe hypnotize her and make her stay after hours so he can truly indulge. Take a video of her sitting on an examination table, legs spread and gaze glassy. Harper instructing her to say things like 'I'm going to be impregnated by Doctor Harper today. I couldn't be happier' or 'Doctor, please, come inside of me.' She'd look so pretty and big and she'd have to visit him so often to make sure the pregnancy is progressing as intended. He might get to indulge himself every day. Take so many pictures. Let his hands roam, chart every inch of skin and jot down the results. Get his mouth on her breasts. He really could induce early lactation this time around, drink her creamy milk, get samples for his research.
Harper cannot fucking wait.
The next appointment PC shows up for, Harper's waiting for her with a smile and some very good news. (And maybe, just maybe, he is already planning her third pregnancy.)
holy shit, anon
Harper isn't the only one salivating anymore cuz hot damn
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defiledtomb · 2 years
Ouroboros: The first year in development (+small update!)
On this day, a year from now, I sat in the stark light from my monitors, eyes bloodshot and hands trembling; and I clicked the post button. I then choked my pc to death and ran away screaming, scrambling into the corner of the couch on all fours, hissing at every shadow (only one of those statements is a lie).
It was 4 am and I had been scrambling to get the last details of the demo correct, mumbling to myself and reasoning with my dog. I was so happy to be writing again, after years of piddling around with lackluster projects. I never thought Ouro would be welcomed as it was, and to be honest, the fact that it was scared the living shit out of me. After the hype settled, and I sat watching the continuous stream of support that poured my way, I kind of crumbled. There was a long and dirty road of clawing myself out of self-doubt, impostor syndrome and perfectionism. Some part of me knew it was coming, since its very on par with how I am shaped as a person (sopping wet pathetic meow meow), but after climbing many hills on my ongoing healing journey, I felt like I was prepared for it.
Writing Ouroboros went from fun little sidequest to get my mind off becoming a sturdy part of society again (exhausting), to another workload, to form of therapy, then torture and back again. My writing journal is amusing to scroll through:
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Things went from bad to...
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until the storm finally weakened. Every entry in my journal from this point gets progressively more hopeful, more resilient against the bad days.
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:> This was around the point where I decided I wouldn't give up, come hell or high water. The progress was slow, like bleeding stone and pulling teeth, but it was moving. By the turn of the new year I was battered and bruised, but still hopeful. And I know that this, these emotions that I went through, were way out of proportion for a hobby writing project, but with every ask that came through telling me about your MC's budding journey in Ouro, every gushing emotion you've shared with me, every gleaming piece of art, every kind word; every correcting one, too, this grew to something really precious to me. I wouldn't give it up for anything, even if it feels like I'm barely keeping my head above surface in this terrifying, stormy sea of a life.
I can't wait to see what comes next, even if the road is bumpy. All I know is that I will keep chipping away at this story with everything I got. And all I can say is that I'm so grateful for your continued support and patience, I barely have words for it. You are incredible. Thank you.
Now, enough of my bleeding heart. Get over here! I have some treats to share.
Mainly, it is the little update to the demo that I'd like to share; Idren/Ida's 101. I did my best to finish it today, but I only had an hour or two of effective worktime (excuse: I was outside for most of the day in bloody blizzard and it knocked me on my ass more than I'd like to admit). It is cut off at the different scene transitions, which I will add after I have some time to work on them this saturday. Id's 101 was the most complex out of all of them, so there is still plenty to explore and different outcomes to see. I hope you have fun!
To see it, go through Lena's scene and don't scream -> accept alliance -> visit archives. That will take you to the new content. CW for very emotionally charged arguments and... almost dying.
Play it here. Save often. (or wait until next week as I sadly couldn't finish everything on time for the anniversary) (I have done bare minimum playtesting, but I will fix any gamebreaking errors if there are any, immediately. There shouldn't be any, but you never know.)
A sneakpeek of the short I also will be working on on saturday:
It is sunny on the day of $!{leith}'s funeral. It is not supposed to be sunny. It is supposed to rain on bad days, and the wind is supposed to whip dry leaves into dancing columns. Thunder is supposed to rumble in the distance, and then right near so that the even the windows rattle with trepidation. But it doesn't. The sun lounges calmly on the perfectly still water of Riven's lake, glittering with winking light as the serene waves lick the edge of the populated harbor. There is chatter, too, not the moaning whispers of grieving people. Not a sob to be heard, but the flutter of a laugh and a joyous embrace of lovers right in front of you. 
"People have forgotten, the sacrifice we made." Lyselin stands in full knight-hunter armor beside you, the silver gleaming in the stark light.
And some art of F!Leith that I have started:
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♥ That's it. Know that I'm working as hard as I can (both on Ouro, and learning how to balance work around it, lmao.), even if I fall short sometimes, there ain't no quitting. See you soon!
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lopposting · 7 months
DLC interview notes Compilation + speculation
[Please note, these are all rough translations]
Compilation of links I found of director choi discussing the DLC, from as way back as 2022.
It looks as though, as of 2022, the DLC would pertain to the world of Pinocchio, and we probably won't see Oz related stuff just yet as teased by the Dorothy appearance in the end cutscene. Given that the DLC is slated to be released soon-ish, we can assume that it's been planned far in advance and that the 2022 interview is relevant to the content of the DLC that will be released this year [Just my assumption].
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Q. You reinterpreted the fairy tale ‘The Adventures of Pinocchio’ as a cruel fairy tale. Do you have any plans to release other fairy tales in DLC form in the future? [Choi Ji-won] Rather than thinking about another fairy tale, the DLC plans to unravel Lies of P's world as originally conceived. We are not immediately thinking about expanding the fairy tale with new material or new IP. Of course, if there is an attractive fairy tale, there's no hesitation in choosing it. Gametok (KOR) [2022 Oct 17]
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The worldview envisioned for Pinocchio is vast. I want to show a lot of what has been prepared through DLC. Rather than a new fairy tale, I want to [elaborate on the world of Lies of P]. However, if there is an attractive fairy tale there's no hesitation. We are fully willing to consider it as a next project. gameabout (KOR) [2022 Oct 11] (Nearly the exact same answer)
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gamey (KOR) [2022 Oct 17] (from the same event/panel probably. Maybe this is just the exact same answer processed through different media outlets? I'm not sure)
DLC has been in preparation for some time. Plus, talk on expanding on the story elements in the main game, and pretty much confirming it will expand on "truths" that were not covered in the main story:[LETS GOOO]
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Q I’m curious if there are any plans to add DLC or PvP content. A General Director Choi Ji-won = DLC has been in preparation for some time. The 'Lies of P' worldview that was thought of at the beginning of development is much more extensive, and we plan to unravel that part through DLC. The main theme will be the journey to find the truth and explore the world that was not covered in the main story. PvP content is not being considered. dailygame (KOR)[2023 June 9]
(Again, it seems like there is more to the story than what was really present in the final game.)
[Note!!: This may not confirm PVP content is not being considered *for the DLC*? This is what I think is a pre-release interview and he may be referring to PVP not being in the main game. I'm not sure. Although, I don't see PVP being added given LOP's linear style.]
I notice he mentions story in many cases when talking about the DLC. This makes me think that the DLC will be primarily story-focused:
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gamey [KOR]
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pinpoint news [KOR][2022 oct 17]
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[from the director letter video, while talking about the DLC.]
- DLC를 통해 콘텐츠를 추가하거나 스토리를 확장할 계획이 있는지? 최지원 PD: 지금도 DLC의 구상을 하고 있다. 제대로 된 이야기가 보장된 작품을 만들고 싶은 욕심이 있다. 이 세계관과 관련된 다양한 이야기를 더 확실하게 확장하고 싶기 때문이다.
- Are there any plans to add content or expand the story through DLC? PD Choi Ji-won: We are still thinking about DLC. The ambition is to create a work that guarantees a proper story. This is because [we] want to expand more clearly the various stories related to this [world/universe]. gameabout
"I'll put it this way: there are more stories I want to tell in Lies of P, so I hope [it] does well." gamesindustry (ENG)[2023 Sept 20]
As of August 27 2023, he mentions that DLC has already gone into production (sportsseoul)(KOR):
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More notes: LOP's development time was supposedly remarkably tight. It seems like it had a development time of roughly three years? LOP had tight goals and a very tightly focused scope (no multiplayer) to achieve that timeframe [also just a good article below]:
"South Korea belongs to the PC package and console game barren land" - article
Again, please note these are rough translations
The full list of links I found of LOP team mentioning the DLC below (also just a ref for myself):
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junowritings · 6 months
Hi, could I please get a BG3 matchup?
Pronouns- she/her
I generally prefer men
About me-
I love love love cats.
I tend to be pretty shy/timid until I know for sure the other person wants me around. I rarely ever approach someone I don't know; they need to make the first move. In social situations I tend to be more of an observer than a participant unless someone specifically includes me. Once I'm comfortable around someone, I'm still pretty quiet, until the conversation turns to something I'm really enthusiastic about; I'm okay with people infodumping as long as it's genuine & interesting. I can be a bit sassy, too, and I'm (usually) not afraid to laugh at myself. I'm a bit of a homebody, but if someone invites me out to do something, I'm usually game.
In a relationship, I'm pretty cuddly/affectionate- they'd better be prepared for all the touching, hugs, kisses, being my pillow… as long as they're into it, too, of course (even better if they're reciprocating).
I like to think I'm pretty smart- I got good grades in school and I tend to learn new things quickly. I'm pretty curious/inquisitive; I'll take almost any opportunity to learn something new. I like to figure out how things work (including taking things apart to fix them, like my old laptop to replace the keyboard or my original Nintendo DS to replace the broken hinge), and I even built my own PC! I've also dabbled a bit in programming.
For hobbies I like video games (imagine that!), ttrpgs, board games, also stuff like sudoku. I like gardening even if I'm not very good at it. When I get time, I enjoy doing cross-stitch, too.
Pet peeves/things that annoy me (aside from "standard" stuff like people being condescending, bigotry, etc.): unnecessary noise- dogs barking nonstop or children throwing temper tantrums in the grocery store; I hate repeating myself and being repeatedly interrupted; preventable stinkiness- people reeking of cat pee, cigarettes, wet basement, etc. (sweaty from a workout or something is one thing -and can even be kinda hot-, smelling like a month-old dirty litterbox is another)
Many thanks!
Heyya sorry that this one took so long! Literally got a few lines in and just knew who would be a great fit for you,,,
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I match you with Gale!
From the word go, the pair of you end up hitting it off from the very first run in. Thanks to a little outside intervention of course.
You say you like cats, and Gale’s got one better - he’s got Tara. Just treat her with respect and compliment her and you’ll already be giving her a view on your fine character. It certainly helps that you mean no ill will towards her master either, but that’s besides the point.
If anything Tara’s ends up being a wingwoman for Mr. Dekarios - by the time you’re quietly cooing over how fluffy her wings are and she is set on instigating this match and by the gods will she go through with it. It will do him well to meet someone with such a fine taste for company after all! Of course Gale has been admiring you from the sidelines before his Tressym’s attempt at introductions, watching how you’re content to observe the world around you unless someone makes a point to include you. And the wizard does his best to make you feel included! He will absolutely make sure that you want his company and that you’re comfortable having him around before he goes intruding on your revelry.
Don’t worry at all about being quiet! If you prefer to have the silence filled he is more than happy to wile the time away regalling you with whatever current topic has intrigued him at the moment - usually it will have something to do with a breakthrough he’s made in his studies, or detailing a novel that he’s been pouring over with witty commentary on the contents to match. Will get a little too hung up about the wow-factor of the topics he tells you about, wanting to genuinely impress you with it. Just assure him that you’re interested in what he’s saying and he’s not boring you and this guy is a goner. Knowing that you don’t mind listening to him? With no expectation for something from the wizard? It doesn’t seem like a lot but I can tell you his heart is done for and the pining begins.
PLEASE, I cannot stress this enough - shower this man in all the affection you want to give him. He is an absolute sponge for it and gives you this little lovestruck look if the potential for love and affection is on the table. Kiss his cheeks till he’s red all the way up his ears and down his neck; hug him as tight as you’d wish or tuck yourself in close to his side. No matter the expression of affection, Gale would gladly spend the rest of his days under the onslaught of your attention. What he loves most is when you hold him close; the casual intimacy of being close to someone he cares for so much and cares for him in turn makes his chest swell and the aches melt from his bones. Card your hands through his hair for good measure? Gods you must be trying to kill him with love, yet he can think of no finer a demise than beneath the soft touch of your hands. 
Gale fully accepts his new future life as your pillow during cuddles. He sees it as a perfect compromise - you get to use his soft chest to lounge on at your own leisure, and he gets to bask in the weight of your presence curling up upon his torso as you make yourself comfortable. Likes to let his hands smooth over your back as you relax, calloused fingertips moving in such a way you could swear that he’s tracing patterns, but he’s far too good at easing the tensions from your muscles to spell out what he’s tracing unless you focus. (Spoiler alert it’s something sappy - maybe hearts). May or may not doze off if he finds himself relaxing too much - what can he say? It’s more comfortable than he thought! Plus the thought of waking up with you there makes the prospect of a quick nap far too tempting to pass up.
He loves your inquisitive nature; it’s one of your many stunning attributes that allows the pair of you to mesh so well. You’re a quick learner, taking to any new tidbit that Gale is excited to share with you as naturally as you breathe. It’s beautiful, really, watching you process the world around you and seeing what inspires your mind, and Gale loves nothing more than to encourage that curious mindset that you possess.
Fascinated watching you take things apart. He’s got a myriad of artifacts scattered around his home, thanks to a penchant for collecting them and keeping a small hoard of the stuff around for when he’s looking for stuff to pass the time. Feel free to take some of the non-lethal-to-the-touch ones and have fun prying them open to find out what makes them tick. He can think of no better use for them, and is actually rather intrigued to see what new discoveries you can make in dismantling and piecing these items back together again. He’ll even go out of his way when he’s out at the markets to find things that will stimulate that curious brain of yours. If you’re into those intricate puzzle boxes to test your skills he’s more than happy to bring them back for you,
The kind of partner who will lean over your shoulder while you’re working through a sudoku page and help you point out ones that have you stumped. It’s cute, but you may have to playfully ward him away with your pen if you’re absolutely set on solving these things on your own. He’ll take to ttrpgs like a duck to water - literally give him like an hour to go over the mechanics of whichever one you wanna show him and he is so ready you have to laugh at how invested he gets. You may have just introduced the man to his second favorite pastime - the first being you, of course.
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lovelylovelyartist · 3 months
LovelyLocke Leaf Green Part 5
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We start off the gym with an evolution! congratulations, Beans! :D
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Misty battle, Lets Go!
Had a good fright, i forgot poison is weak to psychic and that Starmie is psychic type as well as water
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But we overcome! Badge two, in the BANK!
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Penny the Sandshrew
Level 8 - Level 9
Soooo, remember in the last post how Penny's Intro Screencap said "FNT"?
She met her end against aNOTHER GODDAMN SPEAROW I fuckin hate spearows right now, GOD. I was so looking forward to having a sandslash :(
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OK, well, with that disappointment, let's meet a new friend. Welcome, Chuck! Ill be honest, I dont think you'll see the outside of the box, but you are definitely a friend :)
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New Route, New Friend! :)
Ah weird, I wonder why all of the encounters are mons I already have?
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(Resident Alien Alan Tudyk Voice) SON OF A BITCH
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Now I don't have to do the "start out/switch out" training method for Sashimi, because magikarp are so... Bad. and because I don't think it'll be possible for me to get the EXP share. Since, it's locked behind one of Oak's Aides/ requires 50 pokedex entries. I don't think I'll be able to get it at all, or not at least til late game.
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Arrived in Vermillion! now time to prepare for Lt. Surge in earnest.
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So, since we no longer have Penny, I'm concerned about a ground type. Luckily, the Diglett Cave is right there, so I popped in, and we welcome Zero to the team! Welcome, Zero!
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New Route, new mon. The Missle is very tired. He is Eepy. (might be re named if I can actually catch a Snorlax, but Im not optimistic at that given my Pokeballs Only rule)
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OK, readjusting team for Surge, since Beans is still good he should be pretty good backup for Zero, so we just kinda need to focus on training up Zero. which will be very easy, since hes already pretty close to on par with the rest of the team, and we still get to go on the SS Anne :)
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..... I completely forgot about this in the original pokemon. Red and Blue- and then their successors- really did just. make some strange decisions as far as the ecology of the pokemon world. I dont think I remember anything actually being addressed about the implication of real world animals and pokemon, either. Theres a lot to unpack but lets just throw out the whole suitcase tbh
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Bienvenue, Power Bottoms. Luckily we happened to be on level par, I got worried for a second that I was underleveled.
(On a side note, I forgot how weird the Cut Master thing is, why the whole hell does the pc have to rub his back while hes hurling up in a trashcan. no pics cause I was so stunned i forgot to screencap lmao)
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Tune in next update for Lt. Surge!
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wall-legion · 7 months
Shiverpeaks Sylvari PS: Send Me a Song
This is the first quest for any sylvari who has aligned themself with the Spirit of Wind during CC. As a reminder, your character awakes at the base of the Pinefather, and is greeted by your season's esus. The following cinematic happens after you have loaded into Ochtachtoft: Esus: Newborn! At last. I was starting to think you might sleep the whole day away under Father's branches! PC: My apologies, sibling. This is my first time waking up. I'm still new to it. Esus: So you are. My name is (PC's season's esus). I am the esus of (PC's season). Welcome to the world, young one. PC: Thank you. It is a wonder, isn't it? Esus: Indeed, it is. Pinefather's roots truly took hold in a beautiful spot. PC: I must ask you a question, though. The Spirit of Wind has made a request of me. Esus: Is this true? How remarkable. What was asked of you? PC: Wind tells me that my brother Taranis has written a play for us all to enjoy, but he is unable to use the stage he has built because something called an "ice imp" has been bothering him. Esus: So I've heard. And knowing Taranis, he will be very frustrated if he is unable to fulfill the goal he has set himself. He is a talented elementalist, so he should be able to assist you with removing the imps. He will just need... a nudge. PC: Well, I suppose I'll be off to nudge him. Thank you for helping me. Esus: Of course, newborn. We are family. We aid our own. Open World Upon departing Ostachtoft, you enter the Verdant Haven and are directed to the southeast. This directs you to the point of interest named the Birch Boards. Taranis is already engaged with the ice imps when you come upon him. Taranis: You there! Don't just stand there, mouth agape! Come and assist me! PC: Oh! Of course! After fighting off the ice imps, Taranis turns to you and continues to speak. Taranis: There now. Well met, newborn. I am Taranis, Summerborn. PC: I am (character name). I was told by the Spirit of Wind that you may need my help to deal with those things? Taranis: Oh thank goodness, someone has finally seen fit to lend me any kind of assistance. Do you know what kind of detriment it does to the creative process to have those ignoble icicles circling me at all hours? PC: Erm... I'd imagine lots? Taranis: Well, 'lots' is a good start for it. You're fresh off the tree; I'll forgive you this once for such lackluster conversation. For now, though, we must get to the bottom of my conundrum and rid me of those imps! At this point you'll get a popup of your choices: Charming - I wouldn't want you to potentially harm yourself before your opening night. I can take them on myself. Ferocious - Finally. Lead the way! Dignity - Perhaps there's a solution where we don't have to worry about them coming back. Like a ward against their magic. If Charming is chosen: Taranis: How considerate of you, newborn. Very well, I will await you here. If Ferocious is chosen: Taranis: Excellent. Then let's be away. I've wasted enough time on these wanton wheyfaces. If Dignity is chosen: Taranis: What a cunning thought! Perhaps if I focused my magic with your power, we could craft one. You depart to the east to where the quest marker has moved, which leads to a nest of ice imps. Taranis meets you there to assist, regardless of what was chosen. Taranis: There you are. Are you prepared for the role of a lifetime? PC: And that is? Taranis: Stopping these frosty frustrations! If Charming or Ferocious was chosen, you and Taranis proceed to clear out the nest and it collapses. If Dignity was chosen, Taranis channels fire magic at a point next to the nest that your character channels into by attacking that point as well. Once the ward is created, the ice imp nest's entrance covers over with frost. Taranis: Wonderful! It is done. I must be off to prepare for my performance, but you should probably figure out why those menaces are even this close to Ostachtoft. PC: Oh, yes. I probably should. Taranis: You will be coming to the show? PC: Of course! Wouldn't miss it for anything. Taranis: Then I'll see you soon!
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sarith-kzekarit · 1 year
Hiya! Thanks for all your comments/tags on my Sarith arts! Would it be okay to ask how his story went in your campaign? I’ve heard so many cool ones over the years!
Hi!! I'm a perfectly normal amount of insane about Sarith and am always on the lookout for more content of him and OOTA in general (I've found very few other fans, sadly). I love your stuff, including your Sporeblood comic, and it always makes me really happy to see anything you share. :)
Anyway, I'd be happy to share some info about our Sarith!! I'm our group's DM and we are currently in the second half of our OOTA campaign, where Sarith is alive and well.
His background (that my party is aware of):
Sarith belonged to a lesser noble house of Menzoberranzan. They aren't a ruling family.
He attended Melee-Magthere and prefers stealth and ranged fighting.
Due to certain experiences, he privately questioned Lolth's propaganda early on and doesn't subscribe to her ideology.
Partially out of a desire to spend as much time away from Menzoberranzan as possible, he pursued a career in cartography. His job was to explore across the Underdark and map out new areas. He's very passionate about his work and once stabbed a man for ruining a map by marking it with a knife.
So far, the above points are unique to us and not in the module.
(MODULE SPOILER) This is how he ended up in Neverlight Grove. In our campaign, he and a traveling partner discovered the previously-unknown myconid colony. Sarith gained a strong appreciation for it and deliberately didn't mark it on his map. During their stay, the myconid Stool grew attached and followed him when his journey continued.
(MODULE SPOILER) Sarith and his partner were infected without knowing it, and it was only a matter of time before one turned on the other. Sarith lost control first and murdered said partner in front of witnesses at a trading post. He doesn't remember the act.
Sarith was arrested and taken to nearby Velkynvelve, where he met the party.
The story so far:
Early on, Sarith was sullen, guarded, and distrustful, but he was fiercely protective of Stool. After observing their relationship dynamic, the PCs told Stool what a father was and how to refer to Sarith as "dad" in Common.
Sarith's health was slowly deteriorating throughout the early campaign, and he made significant efforts to hide this weakness out of fear of being left behind or killed off.
He cooperated with the party for survival, but he also went out of his way to refuse any attempts to help him personally, expecting that he would owe the others something in return.
Despite this, the PCs were determined to befriend him, and slowly but surely managed to break down his defenses. His personality began to shine through: that of a shy, quiet man who preferred being in the wilderness over being around people, and who would ramble passionately about his interests if you could figure out what they were.
As he grew to trust the party enough, he started encouraging them to travel to Neverlight Grove, which he considered to be a safe haven. It would have plentiful food and water to sustain them, and was mostly unknown by outsiders.
(TW terminal illness) As they got closer, Sarith got sicker, and he was prepared for the grove to be his final resting place; this way, at least he would die free, Stool would be returned home, and the people he'd grown fond of would be safe from their pursuers.
(MODULE SPOILER) Thankfully, the PCs were smart and picked up on the hints I sprinkled along the way. They were wary of all the strange behavior, kept a close eye on Sarith, and sent a very small PC-only team to investigate deeper into the grove. After experiencing The Horrors™, the party fled and vowed to find a cure for Sarith.
With more knowledge of exactly what they were dealing with, the PCs found small ways to help manage Sarith's symptoms until he could be properly treated by healers at a major location.
(MODULE SPOILER) As the party got closer to reaching their goal of the Surface, Sarith began to fear what would happen to him when they reached it. There was no place for him in the world above, nor did he have a place in the Underdark. But to everyone's surprise, the least likely person stepped up to offer him a home: the dwarf Eldeth, who he'd previously had a lot of tension with during Part I of the campaign. She had gained a lot of respect for him in the past months (especially from one particular event) and now considers him "one of us."
(MODULE SPOILER) During the Intermission - which the PCs spent on the Surface - Sarith and Eldeth stayed in Gauntlgrym and grew surprisingly close. The PCs insisted on keeping in touch via letters, and when the time came for them to be summoned by King Bruenor, Sarith was fully prepared to follow his friends back into the Underdark.
Present day:
Though Sarith is no longer terminally ill, he did develop a chronic illness as a result of the internal damage done to his body. Old habits die hard, and he's doing his best to hide this so he can be useful to the party.
Two of the PCs are currently in the process of courting Sarith into a poly relationship. It's going well. :)
I love this man so much and have a lot to say about him, but this is by no means exhaustive lol. I'm actually writing a private fanfiction for OOTA (which may or may not ever see the light of day) exploring his character and various themes more in-depth...
Anyway, thank you for asking!!
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cosmicgardencreative · 2 months
Vindictus - F2P Action MMORPG & Why We Love It
Hi all, it's been a minute since Ismaire and I got to let our hair down, so I'm just gonna take a sec to share my love of Vindictus. 
I don't always talk about how a game is underrated, but man, I will stand by Nexon/DevCat's first free-to-play action MMORPG. I've heard many people put it down for how "unoptimized" this game is. I'm not a PC gamer, but I feel that with today's technology, you can definitely play this game on today's graphics standards. 
Obviously this isn't a comparison to the new Vindi in development, but I'm just impressed to see how far this MMO has come.
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PaikMyungJin (left, Evie/Choi) and Ismer (right, Lann/Ismaire) make a comeback to Vindictus in 2024.
The game can overall feel pretty simple and low-graphics to some, but frankly, I just see that as the dev team being smart with their resources. The only hang-up I can think is if you have a slow internet connection, it might be a difficult game to play with others, but it's pretty solo-friendly for the first 2-3 seasons. 
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Kinkoku (left, Sou/Ismaire) wondering what Biseuri (Sylas/Haegi/Choi) is thinking about.
I'll have to do a separate post that goes into the game's history. There's so much that could be said when the game first rolled out on October 13, 2010 for the US release. Izzy and I dating coincided with us finally having a game we could play together, since a lot of console games weren't prioritizing couch co-op as much (except for Resident Evil 5-6). [[On a separate side note, I just realized where our points of influences could be traced back to about here. All the more reason why we just love some of our old fandoms...]]
The nice thing about Vindictus is that you can play it solely with a keyboard (our preferred controls), a mouse + keyboard, or a gamepad. The game is pretty versatile for people with preferences. Most of the characters respond pretty well to the keyboard controls. The few that I noticed were difficult to maneuver in combat was Kai with his bow and crossgun, and Hurk with his teide (sword + shotgun combo), more for precision reasons than anything. Ultimately, do what's comfortable for you!
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Alts, alts, and more alts!
Yes, this game will make you play so many alts. And it's worth it. I find this comparable to FFXIV's multi-job branches that your WoL can unlock, but instead of it all stockpiled to one character, you have multiple MCs with various backstories and even special connections to one another! This game being so lore-heavy actually deserves to have multiple characters for the player to explore with. You'll find over time that you'll catch some things you didn't think about from your first playthrough, and it'll just hit you differently... 😭 
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Kiena (Fiona/Choi) slicing through enemies.
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BradieHU (bg left, Charon/Izzy) and Lycapollos (fg right, Achel/Choi), hecking over a Kobold commander.
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PaikMyungJin firing her lasers at a laser cannon/golem.
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Ismer slipdashing past the lasers for the finishing kill.
Can't guarantee great screenshots 100% of the time, but the more you play, the better the chances :) 
Final thoughts:
Being a casual player, I personally can't give a testimony on how the overall MMO culture is like in Vindictus nowadays. We did have a generally good experience since we weren't the types to go ham about stat comparisons and just genuinely want to have fun. You'll likely run into cool people as long as you're a nice and polite gamer. But of course, we weren't exempt from being driven away by guild dramas, which then later caused us to have an on-and-off hiatus from the game since 2014...  (wow it's a decade already...) Just be prepared that you may get inundated with a lot of female characters in very... curvy skins. Some of the costume/outfitters come with special enhancements, and Vindictus really doesn't hide the fact that it's a rated-M game 😳🪭 Personally it does shock me, but at the same time, props to people who aren't afraid to flaunt it 😂
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Moonglitter (Eira/Izzy) not afraid to flaunt her "All Curves Revealing Off Shoulder Set". 
Because there's so much content to push through, DevCat did their due diligence in balancing the first 3 seasons of content with gear that rewarded for progressing. If you do appreciate a little bit of a challenge, though, I recommend keeping on the lowbie gear till you know you need the damage boost. And if you ever find yourself not liking the aesthetics, the game is usually good about giving you aesthetic coupons for you to "rent" through events and the AP shop. 
As far as solo/duo-ing experiences go, Izzy and I were able to catch up to Season 3 on our own. We found that we're not able to go through Redeemers currently, but I'm curious to see how well we might be able to duo the battles soon as we're properly geared from endgame :) I'm only hesitant to pug with others because we're not sure if our internet connection could handle a crowd of 2+ external connections. But then again we're working adults who pay for good speed so maybe? lol 
By the way, you get to choose two paths of either a Dark Knight or a Paladin:
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Scaley Edgelord
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Shiny Sparkle Knight
Thanks for taking the time to read my little appreciation post for Vindictus. If you're another Vindi-fan, feel free to comment on your experience here! Vindictus/Mabinogi Heroes is such a niche fandom, so I'd be happy to chat with others who love the gameplay and lore ^_^ I'm very inclined to share some Vindictus fanart in the near future, so let's have fun!
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kart0 · 3 months
Today was not a good day and my mood is terrible and I have no money and I am barely surviving
I have been planning on opening commissions because I really, really need money. All I have, literally, is $0,053. I am not joking. I have R$0,29 ( my currency ). That's all I have on my bank account. and I refuse to use credit bc I know myself and I don't want to owe money. I'm already owing $40 to my mom, bc I had to prepare for a con, which ended up being very bad and I made no profit whatsoever. I borrowed $100 from her and all money I got, I used to pay her back. And I still haven't paid it all.
And I am. Desperate. I have to buy clothes ( haven't gotten new clothes since 2019 ) and I need new shoes ( I always ask for shoes on my birthday, bc I don't have money to get new ones by myself so I use my birthday as an excuse ) and I plan to save money to buy a new computer. I have a notebook that doesn't work, takes around 3 hours. THREE. FUCKING HOURS. to turn on and work properly. I've been meaning to switch to drawing on a pc because my ipad can only do so much ( and it does a lot, I love it, but it doesn't have a lot of options. I can't get clip paint studio on my ipad cuz it's a subscription and it is expensive. I have clip paint on my notebook tho, but it just doesn't work cuz it's too heavy, and I like working on big canvas )
Last year I was looking for a display drawing tablet ( I bought myself a Wacom intuos in 2017, but I couldn't adapt. I am not very coordinated. At that time i would prefer to draw traditionally, and if digital, on my phone with my FINGER. ) and my dad ended up gifting me one that I really loved ! I had been looking for good and cheap alternatives to wacoms, and I was so dedicated into finding one that I'd be able to afford and he ended up gifting me one !!!! I was over the moon !!!! It was pricey, so I got it as a birthday, and Christmas gift combined. My birthday is in August btw so it was toooootally fine. I don't usually get any Christmas gifts anyways. At least not expensive ones, I usually ask for underwear, or socks, or pajamas. Things I need.
I opened the display tablet and then it dawned on me. My notebook suuuuuuuucks. It will be such a hassle to work and just inconvenient. Why would I spend 3 hours turning it on when my ipad it's already there.
Ugh I am sorry I am getting so out of track, I just. I need to explain why, this matters so much to me.
The actual upsetting thing:
I will open comms, and I have been struggling to price my art because. I don't want to fail, and not get any customers cuz it's too expensive. But I can't work for free, lately I've been spending at least 2 hours on every bust I've drawn. And I know it's not the cleanest or sharpest artstyle out there. I keep doubting myself that no one is interested in my art, in me. I have some followers on Twitter, which is my main source of clients. But I barely get any interactions. If my art can barely get any comments or likes or fucking views, then most likely no one will see my commission post, and no one will buy one.
And to make things worse, I have a mutual who is super nice I really like her I think she's awesome and she has great art but she just announced she's planning to open comms too, soon. And I feel so fucking stupid. Everyone was commenting on that post saying "I can't wait" "ohhhh this will be good" "this is so exciting I will definitely comm you" and I got. Nothing.
It's my own fault. I'm the only one to blame. I don't interact a lot. I'm not a part of the community there. I don't have friends there. Even though I have double her followers, I don't have their trust, or their empathy. Maybe I'm just that unlikable. I'm not worth it.
And I feel like I could've done something about it. If I had been braver and posted my comms sheet sooner, before her post. If I tried harder to make friends there. If I posted more art. If I. If I just.
I don't know what to do, and I feel terrible about these thoughts. She deserves it ! She deserves more than I do. She's nicer and I'm just me. A prickly, bored, unfazed, egocentric narcissist who can only cry about themself. I feel such shame, and guilt, but I can't help it. I am a naturally envious, jealous, and putrid shell of a person.
I've been trying to be nicer but I don't have the energy to talk to them, and I feel too awkward. I feel so fucking lonely all the time and I need validation. I seek for love. I want to be seen and loved and cherished. I want them to look at me but I don't do my part. All I'm good is my art, and it's not even that fucking good. My worth is my posts. Gosh, I feel so stupid.
Why am I like this ?
I feel angry to myself that I can't be normal. I don't make friends I don't talk to anyone I don't make connections.
I don't post a lot and I am not that active.
The worst thing even is that I don't even have a job.
I don't want to charge too much, I don't want to get paid too little. I don't want to burn out and not be able to get more comms. I don't want to not get any comms at all.
This other artist is in the same fandom as I am ( haikyuu ) so we basically have the same clients. If I charge too high, they will compare our prices and choose hers. "Her art is better" "her art is worth more" "at least she will offer full bodies, when you only will offer headshots"
They will choose her, and I don't know what to do. I know we're in a crisis, economy is in shambles, and people just can't afford to support both artists. I know that ! I know that and I can't change my pricing because it's already cheap, for me. People always say to charge more but most people just don't want me. And my commissions always tend to look like shit because I am too afraid to upset people. I need to prove they did the right choice by commissioning me. I need them to know I did my best. I want them to be happy. But all I feel is that I'm failing !
I'm failing at everything, look where I am !
And I feel like I'm going crazy. How could I not ? I don't have a job, I will never get a job, I am barely surviving at college, I have no plans for the future, I am neurodivergent and no one will hire me, I don't work well with other people I am not friendly. I'm just.
I'm bad at being a person.
I don't know what to do. Yes I will be opening comms. And I'm considering lowering my prices. I don't blame this artist at all. It's not her fault, and I know that.
And I don't wish her any harm. I just. I feel envy. Why am I not her.
Why am I so bad at this ?
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So about the whole tumblr situation...
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I've already made my statement known a few times in my times on Tumblr even before the news, but I'll share that very statement once more.
I don't intend on leaving Tumblr any time soon.
Seriously, I have made too many mutuals and friends to consider leaving this hellsite. I know I had a hell of a rough start of my days on Tumblr, but I was inexperienced at the time and I was like 15~16 back then? I was very childish back then and made some genuine bad decisions without thinking about it. The fact I've gotten a second or third chance or many other chances by my mutuals made me become the mun who I am today and I am forever grateful to being with you all-- and with that I am convinced that I won't leave Tumblr for as long as there's a mutual here. Besides, I've learned to model and even program web pages in here and I've improved my art by sharing it with you all.
If I really do leave Tumblr at some point, that's mostly because most of my mutuals know a good site already to go there, or Tumblr has shut down.
Until then, this lil' idiot of a moron that is me, Maru, will not leave Tumblr. But I will for sure make preparations to be have the capability of roleplaying outside of tumblr while still having my muse bios and such up and running.
Considering people are sharing their Discord thanks to that, I will share my Discord as well. If you want to chat with me, Discord is a must as I am there everytime I'm on my PC.
And with that... Discord drop is under keep reading Please let me know beforehand your Discord ign so I know who you are.
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andmaybegayer · 1 year
Last Monday of the Week 2023-06-12
Almost back to normal
Listening: Beloved and wildly barely known South African psychedelic rock group Acid Magus has a new album out. Or, well, half of an album out, the other half is showing up in August. Dead Weight ft. Johni Holiday, he's from Ruff Majik, a slightly more well known fantasy-themed-ish punk rock band. Love 'em both.
Reading: Not a lot. Dug my ereader out from wherever it got to during the move so hopefully I'll have that to do when I'm kicking it on the couch. At the moment I mostly end up spiralling into nitpicking PC case specifications and costs because I'm trying to figure that out.
Watching: A lot of preparation this week it seems. I quickly whipped up a media server with my raspberry pi so that I can watch things on my laptop without having to dangle a dubious old external drive off it. I found the entirety of The Fast and the Furious on that thing so I'm going to make a project of watching that and doing a book report, or at least that's the plan. I watched a few fragments from Clerks to kick the tyres and that's about it.
Playing: I only have a wimpy laptop, so, visual novels. I replayed Psycholonials for the first time since playing it as it came out. The rapid descent of the Jubilites is a lot more dramatic when you don't have to wait weeks between chapters! Much higher impact this way.
I think that if you wanted to give someone like. A tasting platter of the style of Hussie without going into any detail of Homestuck this might be a good option. It's about a totally different set of ideas but it's done the same way and particularly uses a very similar set of character writing techniques. I mean come on Zhen/Abby is pure redrom flipping between flushed and pale.
Making: Trying and failing to restring the fucked up broken clothesline on my balcony in a way that doesn't immediately lose tension. I need to use some smarter tensioning knots and also probably try and work around the busted hooks it has. Future me problems.
Went out to Šárka park to get the lay of the land and do some photography, only brought my general purpose lens. It looks like the rigors of air travel may have killed it, it is... god like 16 years old or something. It's served its time, the focus feels off. Anyway, got some nice scenery down.
Tools and Equipment: minidlna is now called ReadyMedia but it does the same thing. You install it on a linux box and edit a little file and start a service and it spawns a compact but fully functional DLNA media server that most other devices will recognize and just work with. I've got that running on the Pi at the moment and if I wanted to I could watch stuff on my phone with it.
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