#snowball the polar bear
clownsarthouse · 11 months
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avaetin · 7 months
Me: (doesn't know what to do)
Also me: (inserts God of War: Ragnarok to 'de-stress')
Also me: (starts cussing in three languages whenever Kratos dies)
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Bonus: Have a pic of my dog who's way too happy despite having to visit the vet later-
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ay-asterisms · 2 months
the birthday art this year goes crazy I love that it's in the snow!!
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nina-renmen · 8 months
Yandere Hybrid Team 141
I’ve been seeing posts like this and thought I would jump on the bandwagon. The idea of yandere hybrid 141 is not my idea but this specific scenario is.
Summary: Team 141 stumbles upon y/n. Thinking that she’s small and fragile they attempt to ‘take advantage’ of her only to figure out she’s a polar bear hybrid. (Polar bear hybrid was chosen because they actively hunt humans.)
Team 141 had relocated, their base stationed in colder weather. Soap didn’t mind, considering he was merged with a wolf. He quite liked the snow and throwing snowballs at his captain.
Price was not amused at all. Given the fact that he was a grizzly bear hybrid his instincts told him to get ready to hibernate. Thus, leaving the male annoyed most of the time. A few times he almost lunged at Gaz for flying around so much in his little ‘battle’ with soap.
Gaz, being a harpy was the most human like out of all the men. The only thing that changed about him was his arms, meaning that the male usually stayed bundled up which in turn was given odd looks by ghost from time to time. But now ghost, an undead being began to get used to seeing his fellow teammate underneath two layers of clothing
Gaz was the first one to stumble upon you During one of his rounds he looked up from above, his eyes catching sight of you in the cold, crisp water. White, round ears were on top of your head. You must’ve been a panda hybrid. You didn’t seem dangerous at all.
A wicked grin crossed Gaz’s face. Swooping down, the sharp claws grabbing you. But before he could get far with you, you bared your teeth at him. Sharp canines covered in blood from your latest kill were flashed. Your sharp claws slashed his face before dragging him down into the water. Immediately your form switching making Gaz’s eyes widen in horror. Such a sweet, helpless looking girl was actually a polar bear hybrid. Your pupils dilated, jaws snapping at him as the beast seemed to foam at the mouth, getting ready to rip his throat out.
Price was the first to arrive, hearing Gaz’s screams and yells.
While Gaz was under you he saw a flash of brown. The harpy sitting up, wincing in pain at his broken leg but his eyes leaving the mangled leg and up towards the fight that was happening. The roars of both the bears attracting the attention of the rest of the team. Gaz has never seen price almost loose a fight before. Polar bears were already larger than grizzled bears but because you were a female you have a good two feet over him. Your fur was more adapted to the arctic waters but Price’s wasn’t, his movements were a tad bit slower than yours due to the below freezing temperatures. Just as the rest of team 141 arrived you were gone.
After the ‘fight’ Price scolded Gaz. Grumbling about how he shouldn’t have assumed what kind of hybrid you were. But based off of your human descriptions he didn’t blame Gaz for trying to snatch you up.
Price only had minor injuries. A couple of gashes and bruises. It would leave some scars but nothing too serious. On the other hand Gaz’s leg was broken. The gash on his face had left a nasty scar. Ghost only mocked the younger male, telling him to suck it up and to not do dumb shit.
Soap had the second encounter with you. After a few months Gaz was able to walk again. But Soap was to accompany him as they did their rounds.
“That’s her.” Gaz whispered, crouching down making Soap follow suit. The wolf hybrid peeking around the corner to see you. He couldn’t believe that you were the one that did all that damage. Granite it was in self defense but you looked so fragile and soft.
When y/n turned around she had a fish in her mouth. Her eyes immediately catching onto Soaps who had been careless when admiring y/n from a distance. Y/n’s gaze wasn’t threatening like what Gaz had described. She seemed curious.
Soap took this as a green light to fully come out. Gaz whispers to not falling on deaf ears. When soap began to get too close a growl came from y/n as she took a step back making her drop her fish. She had to look up at him, which she didn’t like.
After a few moments Soap gained her trust, picking up the dropped fish and slowly inching close to her. Y/n opened her mouth, taking the fish from his hand. Nuzzling her black button nose against his hand, a purr coming out of her but she stopped. A whiff of Gaz’s scent on Soaps hand making y/n pull away. “No! No, no, no! I’m friendly.” Soap exclaimed, putting his hands up. He needed to avoid all conflict. The only person that was able to take you down was captain price, he doubted that Ghost could take you down in your monster form. Soap knew he’d need to calm you down. Polar bears actively hunt humans, meaning Gaz and himself were on your lunch menu. But y/n only turned around leaving once more.
Now price’s encounter with you went a little bit different. The man went out to have a smoke. “That shit stinks.” A feminine voice came from behind Price. Turning around he seen your form crouched down, a wolf torn open in front of you. It was the same size as Soap in his monster form. Its guts spilled out, coating the white snow in its blood.
“Didn’t know you could talk.” Price muttered, breathing in the smoke from the cigar. His eyes taking in your form. You were fragile looking, just as Gaz said. Your big doe eyes could have fooled him.
Y/n didn’t respond, instead opting to rip out more chunks from the wolf with her jaws. Tearing into the predator that turned into her prey. “Ya’ hurt one of my men.” Price said loud enough for y/n to hear.
“That lousy excuse of a bird?” Y/n said as she ripped into the wolf. “Tell him to keep thinking with his dick. Maybe next time I’ll tear his throat open.”
Price chuckled, leaning back on the tree as he watched you eat. You were fiesty. The longer he stared at you the more the gears in his head turned. You had wide hips, perfect for carrying his cups. You looked healthy, a few scars hear and there but each one told a story.
Pushing himself off the tree he stalked towards you. A growl ripping through y/n’s throat as she make eye contact with Price.
“I ain’t gon take your food sweetheart.” Price said as he crouched down in front of you and your kill.
“I said that shit stinks. Put it out.”
“And if I don’t.”
“I’ll eat you before you can turn.”
The two looked at each other for a while. “I’m stronger and faster than you darlin’.”
“Not if I drown you in that water you won’t be.” Y/n shot back. Ah, so she’s caught on to his weakness. Price was considerably weaker in colder water temperatures. Especially if the waters were deep.
Needless to say, Price put out the cigar.
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yiiyiiwrites · 2 months
❄️ Winter court reader headcanon ❄️
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Summary: hailing from the winter court, you’re drawn to one of the acotar men (multiple headcanons, just a brief set for each one)
🔥 Eris
Eris teasing your cute little dark blue embroidered coat lined with fur and two white pom-poms (thinks you are cute which angers you more)
“I think you need cool down autumn Prince.” Used to be said in a way to cool his anger. “Is that a threat?” But you use it for when he’s flustered
Hated each other to begin with, you thought he was too hot headed and he thought you were too detached and cold
“Do I need to warm you up my dear.” When you’re feeling cold
Using your snow manipulation to make snowballs and play fetch with Eris hounds
Gives you a fox for company when he’s not there
Sad that you don’t need your winter coat, but Eris gets a thinner coat for you made exactly like the one from your court
Walks through the forest are your favourite moments, the colourful leaves falling like snowflakes. Watching the hounds leap out of piles of leaves and nudge you closer into Eris’s arms
🦇 Azriel
Tiny snowflakes following around his shadows. Always a part of each other together
You have a pet snow fox that likes to nap on your faux fur hats, which always gets Azriel when he open the wardrobe. Fangs out as it jumps at him, but it’s become a game
Soothing his burns when they itch, the coolness of your hands in his taking his mind of it
He likes going to the winter court with you, which is a lot during the summer when you miss the snow
You got him a fur lined hat and the boys have teased him ever since, but he still wears it
Turning his shadows to ice before they can scurry back to him. Gives you a head start before anything can get back to him
Telling him about the dragons in the winter court mountains, he’s still not sure if you’re being serious or not. His shadows have definitely tried to seek them out whenever he’s in the winter court
He gets you a polar bear teddy after you tell him how much you miss seeing them in your home court
🦊 Lucien
You accidentally killed a garden in the spring court with frost after an argument with him
Charmed his way into your heart, you froze his hand when he first held yours and he hasn’t let you forget about it
“Do I make you melt?” 🫠
Lucien spending most of his time with you in the winter court when he’s not working away
His touch is sometimes too hot “do you burn for me?” You’re used to the cold so it takes a while to get used to it
Going to the human land with Lucien during summer and vowing never to go there again. You wouldn’t listen to him that you didn’t need to wear as many layers
When you’re stressed you turn ice cold, Lucien hugs you tightly to calm you down and warm you up
🦇 Cassian
Cassian’s first meeting with you was him asking about how to construct the best snowball for best impact.
Debates on the best snow Illyrian mountains vs winter court
The story he tells everyone about you finally falling for him. “Heart frozen, can you believe it.”
You are a valuable member of the winter courts army. Which means you get called back to train new recruits and keep up with latest news (cassian likes meeting you at night in your military bunk, makes him feel younger sneaking around)
Knows when he’s pissed you off as the whole house is cold, maybe even some ice trailing down the hallway
Would put a snowflake in a locket so you always have a part of home with you 🥲
The sword you keep beside you is made of ice and each time he’s tried to pick it up, it shatters. You tease him for being too strong, but don’t tell him it’s because your skin runs a lot colder than his
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Rough Winter | Yandere Polar-Bear Hybrid Pirate
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There was something oddly eerie about the stillness of a biome meant to remain frozen. It was far too cold to hear the screech of even the most resilient birds; who wouldn’t migrate here if they could. Far too frigid for the reaching branches of any tree, with no soil beds for any determined sprout. 
No natural force would stay in the Arctic Wastelands. 
No one but Captain Poal.
Captain Poal and the crew he’d chained to his cursed vessel. 
“Land-Ho! We’re home, boys!”
The word felt like salt in the wound. You hadn’t been able to go to your home…your real home in what felt like ages. But what would be left? For a crew from a frigid biome, they had quite the fascination with fire. 
“Aw is the pup getting homesick?” 
Sen had a cruel and broad smile across his face as the ship sped forward to the floating fortress. The boat rocked with the jostling waves. You no longer needed to clutch the sides, easily maintaining your balance. It hurt to know this was no longer foreign to you.
“Senfried! Don’t be so rude. (Y/n)’s never been to this home before. This will be their first real welcome home.”
“Ooops~I forgot~”
Sen didn’t forget. He was just cruel like that. 
Despite his cruelness, he didn’t strike you as a kindred spirit to Poal. You wondered if he would have said the same if he had been there. Feeling the alcoholic buzz of the Summer festival, the sauntering joy of many living beings. Only for it all to dissipate in the suffocating haze of a burning inferno. And if it wasn’t enough that the sound of your home caving in on itself wasn’t enough then the helpless screams of all of those trapped inside would do it for you. 
The enflamed ashes skim your face as your eyes fight the smoke to burn the images of the late escapees into your mind's eye. Burning bodies both sprinting for water and falling out in a desperate call for death; it was a horrifying scene. 
Would he still be laughing then? 
Laughing as he watched the melting hands reach out to you one last time. 
Would he do that?
“(Y/n)? Are you alright?”
You let yourself return to the present, to Flynn placing a large hand on your back. The comforting gesture does the opposite, as you recall the same action being done that same night. You stepped away, ignoring those downcast expressions behind his glasses. Even Sen seemed to hesitate as you turned to woefully look at the rushing, raging waters.
Sen opened his mouth to speak, closing it as the Captain’s presence appeared with a thud. Booming footsteps commanded their attention and should have garnered yours. There wasn’t a need to look up when you already memorized the clinking seal-skinned boots. 
“Oi Oi is there an issue over here?”
Sen scrambled with a quick response. 
“Yes, Cap’n we’re all good here! Just excited to be home is all!”
His tone was light as usual, with no evidence of his previous pestering. Flynn on the other hand didn’t bother to let his hazel gaze point to you, before discretely pushing his spectacles up his nose. 
“Yes, we are all…ecstatic. ”
The Captain’s round and furry ears flicked in annoyance; silently communicating with his trusted first mate. Who nodded with the bow of his head. The Captain nodded upwards–a proper dismissal among friends.
“Well me and Senfield will prepare the rest of the crew. While our treasures may be compartmentalized they have yet to be moved.”
“Wait why do I have to come?”
“Don’t Senfield me! You always ack–! Hey”
Flynn dragged the hybrid by the stump of a tail before shifting to simply nudge him forward; effortlessly launching Sen ahead. Sen wasn’t a particularly big guy, given his species but not many could hold the line against a walrus hybrid. Especially not one as big as Flynn was.
Needless to say, your privacy was gifted by their absence.
Leaving you and the Captain alone on the deck of the ship. 
“What’s the problem, Snowball?”
You snarled at the nickname refusing to look up at him. He was probably smiling; casually flaunting the pearly razors so often stained with blood. 
“Don’t call me that!”
His fishy and sweltering breath fanned against your ear. When he had moved closer you’d never know. Speed and strength weren’t the traits he was lacking; that title belonged to his emotions. His sense of empathy and compassion was either nonexistent or skewed so much that it didn’t matter. 
“I’ll call you whatever I want.”
It wasn’t cold anymore. It was hot. Suffocating. 
His unclothed front was pressed into your back, his jacket-covered arms trapping your front. He was so insatiably warm. It felt like a fever had taken hold of you—an unnatural heat incurred by the chilling atmosphere.
“This is all your fault…I hate you Poal.”
The heat shook behind you. Vibrating with his stifled giggle. He clutched onto you tighter; muscles constricting you into his shaking embrace. His pointy nose dug into the top of your head, nuzzling into the woolen hat he gifted you before. 
“No, you don’t.” 
He let a steaming hand into your coat, shoving past the layers of cloth you’d put in place. You didn’t fight him, you couldn’t stop him as he reached for the skin above your heart. 
“You’re just mad that you lost.”
Retreating his hand from your protective layers he let you weakly cover up; before holding you by your cheeks. Turning your head to look up at the increasing size of the pirate’s fortress he squeezed at the resistance of your frown.
“Look at it. It’ll be one of your homes.”
“It will never be.”
“Don’t be coy. You’ll have a favorite eventually.”
“And you think it will be here?”
He turned you to him, pressing you into the side of the boat, clutching your face with a new ferocity. His head was already leveled above you coming closer to cast a shadow on his pale face framed by his unruly white locks as he looked down at you. In a fierce aquamarine glare, he doesn’t smile, looking as desperate as he is frustrated.
“I think it will be me.”
It wouldn’t help to struggle against his grip risking the pricking of his claws. So you simply returned his gaze knowing full well that backing down now would be your downfall. He backed his head away letting the light of the sun illuminate his face as he spread his mouth into a dastardly grin.
“You’re such a hurricane!”
He smashed his lips against yours. Quickly sucking on your pouting lips just barely nibbling before pulling away. He released you,  giggling to himself once more as he watched you recover. You rubbed your hand over your lip checking for any punctures glaring at him nonetheless. That seemed to make him smile wider, dashing away to knock on the door to the ship’s hold. 
“Buckle up Baby! We’re headed home to the fortress!”
Muffled shouts and hollers sounded from below. This would be your roughest Winter yet.
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cybertroniannugget · 9 months
Snowball fight on base
Dec 14
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Literally what's going on
The title pretty much gives it away.
"I prefer the old base actually...", Sam mumbled under his breath, but you and Mikaela heard him.
"Don't be a wuss, it's only cold if you go outside."
"He's scared of the Polar bears.", Mikaela snickers, adjusting her scarf.
You turn to look at your brother. "Polar bears...? In a severely feced, supervised and protected area like this? There are none here. Outside of the fence, yes but as long as you don't go there you'll be fine."
"Hrmph", was the only thing he brought out, regretting ever leaving the warmth of the base.
The three of you didn't walk for long, when you spot a group of bots and soldiers having an intense snowball fight.
After getting a closer look you noticed that there aren't any teams, just them throwing the cold bullets everywhere.
Before you could ask to join, a snowball hit Sam's arm. You take this as an invitation, bending down to grab some snow and running towards the battlefield.
Ratchet and Ironhide had a rather bitter 1v1, and you couldn't figure out what fueled it for the better of it.
"Alright, let's form teams.", you say looking into the round of bots and humans alike.
"I will not be in HIS team.", Ratchet states, shooting a glare at Ironhide, who already held two snowballs, one in each servo.
With that, the Medic walks over to Jazz.
"Fine, we'll win.", the weapon's specialist grumbles, staying next to you.
"Wait, you're participating Ratchet?", you ask rather confused.
Usually the medic distanced himself from such activities.
"If I can get some sense into this bot's processor I'll do this."
"That's the spirit.", Epps chuckled, standing next to the Medic.
"Oh come on Epps, that's betrayal!"
"That's what you get for eating the last coconut macaroon. Now that is betrayal"
He points at you. "You gotta make more of those."
You show a thumbs up at him. "Will do!"
"Come over here.", Jazz calls to you.
Shaking your head, you decline, forming a snowball in your hands.
"No chance, I wanna beat yo ass!", you yell, laughing.
You look over to Lennox, who walks up to you, armed as well.
"Alright everyone, walk over to the your team of choice.", Lennox shouted for everyone to hear.
"And keep it even!", you add.
After some rustling, uncertainty and more yelling, everyone had found their teams.
Your team consisted of Ironhide, Lennox, Mudflap, Jolt, Dino, Mikaela and 3 other soldiers.
Jazz's team got Ratchet, Bumblebee, Epps, Skids who was adamant on beating his twin, Arcee, Wheelie, Sideswipe, Sam
"That is not even!", Skids complains in frustration.
A snowball hits him right in the face.
"Cuz we ain't 20 people. We're 19 so live with it!", Mudflap shouts across the freshly formed battlefield.
This was the non communicated sign to let the fire begin.
In the span of 5 seconds, what was a peaceful spot turned into a storm of flying snowballs.
You realized that you didn't agree on any rules, the rather big snowballs hitting you being a cruel reminder of that.
"Try not to make the humans fly away with your throws!", Ironhide calls out loudly, saving your and the other human's behinds.
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veryberryjelly · 10 months
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𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐒 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 { 𝟏/𝟏𝟐 - 𝟐𝟓/𝟏𝟐 }
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i'm back with another event ! this time focusing on the festive season [ definitely the best season ]. i have 25 festive prompts at your disposal !
festive prompt list ✦ who i write for
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🤍 - snowball ( send me a prompt and a character and i'll make a moodboard of the two combined )
❄️ - snowflake ( send me a prompt and a character and i'll write some headcanons regarding it. )
⛸ - ice skating ( send me a character and a prompt from the list and i'll write a short fic about it )
🐻‍❄️ - polar bear ( send me a christmas song and i'll write something based on the lyrics )
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send all asks to my inbox! the earlier you send it in the earlier it will be posted. i am posting these in order of submission.
please try to send your asks in before december so i can set up the queue to make sure i get the content out every day !!
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demonir · 4 months
What are the tf2 Kumamon weapons like?
been having a complicated few days but I finally had the energy to sit down and do this so here we go!!!
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I feel soldier kumamon would have standard kumamon's weapon as it kinda reminds me of the rocket launcher already? even thought they aren't similar, but reading up on kumamons wiki info and how it's a soldier and such I'm like yeah it fits
As for pyro kumamon...well it's an ice digimon so a flamethrower does not make much sense so pyro kumamon has been changed to uhh... cryo kumamon! they got a freeze gun now! I made the chamber that I assume would store the fuel transparent because I like the idea of seeing the freeze juice sloshing inside hehe
As for the other mercs? I think their weapons would look mostly the same just slightly simplified? although tf2's style is already rather cartoony so not a lot of change would be made in my opinion, if you wanna know about how they WORK however...well
Having established that it's an ice type digimon that shoots snowball projectiles the rest is sort of easy? standard bullets are just snowballs meaning heavy's is a snowball minigun for example (lol that's adorable) I know that this technically means I've referred to soldier's rockets as "standard bullets" but bear with me ok?? haha get it? bear? ahem anyways- soldier shoots COOL snowballs ok? SPECIAL snowballs there ya go-
Demoman's are just a different kind of snowball as the wiki I'm checking says kumamon has a variety of different snowballs it can use
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We're just gonna interpret "according to purpose" as "depending on the class" and say demo kumamon has sticky snowballs and uhh pill snowballs? im more inclined to say they are sort of explosive ice cubes bc snowballs do NOT bounce
Sniper kumamon probs shoots piercing icicles straight into ya brain from his patented Kumma Co rifle (haha see what I did there?) As for Engie's sentries-
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I told myself I was NOT going to draw a sentry EVER IN MY LIFE but midway through writing this post I was like no no no no I must illustrate this. Level 3 snow sentry is slightly taller than the average kumamon unlike in game tf2's sentry that is slightly shorter than real engineer, this is not because I am some sort of genius mastermind with huge plans in mind this is because I suck with proportions (and I drew this without having a reference of the sentry next to engie at hand) But anyway the snow sentry has a steady supply of snowballs to kill you with <3
I have NO idea how medic's medigun would work let's just say it does, same goes for spy's disguises
Anyways uhh I didn't intend for this to go for so long or get so in depth I just tried to be as faithful as I could to both digimon and tf2 but 1: I am new to digimon I am like a freshly born baby I had to go look through 3 different digimon wikis for info on this stuff bc i wanted to take my fictional polar bear SERIOUSLY and 2: while I AM a huge tf2 fan I am not knowledgeable on the weapons department so this was a real doozy for me
If any of you digimon/tf2 fans have any ideas/suggestions or even corrections I am all ears! these are just my ideas coming from someone who made a crack au at 12 am one night because some random anonymous person on the internet told them to
Also I've been calling it kumamon the entire time but it's name is also chackmon???? I feel properly pranked
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mumms-the-word · 3 months
A Gift of Snow
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Pairing: Gale x Tav (Aislyn) Plot: Just a cute lil scene where Gale gifts his wife with a little snow cloud to cool off on a hot Waterdeep day 💜❄️🌨️ A/N: I wrote this as a gift for @charlee-monstah for her birthday after having a fun little chat about her polar bear druid Tav, Aislyn. Art is by @weaveandwood and if you want to reblog her art (and you SHOULD) the original link is here!!
It was days like this that Gale wished he were a better artist, one who could render a memory onto a canvas with perfect, minute detail, down to the tiniest freckle and glimmer of light. But the lion’s share of his wizardly talent was dedicated to illusion magic, not painting, and so, instead, he leaned against the doorframe of his home in Waterdeep, a smile on his lips, to watch his beloved enjoy an afternoon out on their balcony.
A charming little cloud, as lightly gray as a freshwater pearl and as fluffy as a puff of cotton, hovered a few feet above Aislyn’s head as she reclined on the balcony bench, her legs stretched out along the seat. The cloud was his little gift on this particularly hot day in Waterdeep, as it brought a bit of refreshing snow to try and bring down the temperature around their modest balcony. Aislyn was gazing out to the horizon, lost in thought, completely unfazed by the slow drift of snowflakes fluttering down around her. Gale was drawn in by the sight, enchanted by each tiny flake of white in her midnight-blue hair and the way the snow melted against her tanned skin the instant they made contact. He suspected her mind was already on their next adventure, the next place they could explore, the next little mishap they could tangle themselves up in, but his mind was on her. Always and always on her.
How could he focus on anything else? When something as simple as a flurry of snowflakes was enough to elevate her natural beauty beyond that of any other, god or mortal? He leaned his head against the doorframe, watching as she sat up and cupped her hands together, letting snow collect there. One long, elven ear flicked as a snowflake landed on the tip and he was struck all over again, for probably the hundredth time, just how cute and beautiful and mesmerizing she was all at once. It was hard to believe, even after all this time, that she was his wife.
His gaze drifted back up to her face, crossing the scar over her nose, seeking the mesmerizing blue of her beautiful eyes. She’d look up at him eventually, he knew, and when she did he would be ready with some charming compliment or other. Something about how he’d love to get lost creating constellations among her freckles, or how her raven-haired beauty was—
A puff of white powder exploded against his shoulder and he jolted, suddenly alert. Aislyn laughed, reclining back against the bench, another snowball ready in her hand.
“You were staring again,” she said, a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. “Do you see something you like?”
He laughed, brushing the snow off his shoulder. “Oh, there is plenty here that I like, as I’m sure you well know. My charming, beautiful, talented wife foremost among them all.”
“Is that so,” she murmured, turning her eyes to the snowball in her hands. She pursed her lips slightly, as if considering his words, only to turn as quick as lightning and fling the second snowball at him. He blocked it with a quick shield spell and then, with a grin and a quick spellcasting gesture, expanded the cloud over their heads.
Snow came down in a thick curtain inside the balcony now, creating small drifts on the bench, the table, and the railings in mere seconds. Aislyn laughed, scooping up more snow to toss his way, but he ducked and dashed toward the little table, gathering up an armful of snow. He attempted to dump it clumsily on her, but she rolled away with ease, her reflexes sharp, and within seconds pelted him with yet another snowball.
“You know better than to get in a snowball fight with a polar bear,” she said, flashing him a grin. She opened her mouth to tease him further, only to yelp when a mage hand Gale had conjured behind her pulled back the fabric of her shirt and dumped snow down her back.
“Surely that wasn’t too cold for a polar bear,” he said, crossing his arms with a smirk.
“Oh I’ll show you too cold.”
She feinted to the right and he attempted to out-step her, moving toward the bench, but she was faster than him. She took a handful of snow and grabbed him by the shirt, stuffing the snow down his collar. He gasped at the sudden cold, but she gave him no room to shake out the snow beneath his shirt. She pressed into him, forcing him to retreat until the backs of his legs hit the bench and he sat down in the snow there with a soft oof.
She straddled him easily, looping her arms around his neck, and couldn’t resist a triumphant smirk of her own. “Cold, are you? Do you need me to maybe…warm things up for you?”
He breathed a laugh that clouded in the air between them. The cloud he had conjured snowed now in gentle, lazy flurries rather than heavy curtains of snow, and once more he was captivated by the way individual flakes stood out in her hair. Each perfect tiny ice crystal stark white and glimmering against strands of ink-blue, like a sky full of stars. He adored the way her blue eyes sparkled with victory and affection and, despite the time she’d spent relaxing beneath a snow cloud, she was still quite warm. The heat of her body against his was more than a little distracting.
He utterly forgot to be charming or witty or suave in response to her teasing. Instead he could only smile, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“I love you,” he said, gazing warmly up at her.
She gave a quiet laugh, brushing her hand through his hair and dislodging a few snowflakes that drifted down between them. “Admitting defeat then?” she asked, but before he could respond, her smirk softened and she leaned in with a quiet, murmured, “Love you too,” just before she met his lips with hers.
Gale wrapped his arms tighter around her as she deepened the kiss, her tongue seeking his, and all concentration on keeping up the conjured snow melted away as he shifted them, turning to lay her back along the seat of the bench. Neither noticed the snow still left over around them as his cold hands slipped beneath the fabric of her shirt, seeking warmth. She shivered just slightly before pulling back to gaze at him, her eyebrows raised but a challenge in her eyes.
“You wanna do this out here?” she asked.
“My love, I would do ‘this’ with you anywhere,” was his sole reply.
He took her mouth again with his and soon trailed kisses down her jaw and throat, smiling against her skin as she melted beneath him like conjured snow.
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sallysurisue · 9 months
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Here’s a polar bear cub design for Koda to play!
I’m very proud of this adorable snowball of fluff!
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bihansthot · 1 year
I write late at night when I can’t sleep so have a fluffy little drabble. It’s a tiny bit self indulgent as the reader does have anemia like myself but it’s only briefly mentioned and easily overlooked, I made this one gender neutral as it’s fluff. Hopefully you lovelies enjoy it. As always if you do please like, comment and reblog, engagement keeps me motivated.
Author Note: qīn is slang in Mandarin for bae or babe
“Are you warm enough qīn?” Bi-Han’s low voice rumbles against your ear as he drapes a fleecy blanket around your shoulders.
You settling down by the fire after a playful afternoon of making snow angels and having snowball fights with your lover. You try and hold back your shiver at the cryomancer’s close proximity, the steady cold rolling off his body. The crackling fire roaring in the fireplace doing little to mitigate the personal blizzard that was Sub-Zero. “Honestly Polar Bear I’m still pretty cold. You know I love playing out in the snow with you but I’m,” you trail off not wanting to make the conversation awkward.
“Anemic,” Bi-Han answers, “I know, you’re delicate when it comes to the cold. Even though you like it so much.” He laughs softly as he throws another log on the fire giving it a good poke or two before making his way to the wet bar in his large stone walled bedroom. “Coffee or hot chocolate,” he calls to you already knowing your answer as he fills the electric kettle and rummages around the overhead cupboards looking for the hot chocolate mix.
“Hot chocolate please,” you respond rubbing your hands together and scooting every so slightly towards the fire. Your illness made you more susceptible to the cold but that wouldn’t keep you away from the cryomancer, he was worth wearing extra layers for. You sigh contently and pull the blanket tighter around your shoulders as you sink into the comfortable pile of pillows of your little fireside nest. A smile graces your lips as you hear Bi-Han humming to himself in the kitchenette waiting for the kettle to whistle.
Bi-Han gets a mug from the cupboard and fills it with the instant hot chocolate mix and a splash of milk. He grabs another glass and ices it over before filling it with a deep, rich imported whiskey, a rare departure from his go-to baijiu. The hiss of the kettle ceases his humming as he makes a slightly annoyed ‘tch’ at the noisy appliance before yanking it off the trivet to pour the boiling water into your mug. Bi-Han watches the powder dissolve as he stirs the water into the mix before his deep chocolate eyes steal a glance at you. His life has always been one of difficulty and hardship but all of that seemed worth it whenever you were with him to soothe his worries and anger. With you he didn’t have to be Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, he didn’t have to be Sub-Zero, he could just be Bi-Han.
His heavy footfalls echo in the vast chamber of the Grandmaster’s quarters as he makes his way back to you with both drinks in hand. “Here ya go qīn,” he mumbles as he hands you your hot chocolate, the drink slightly cooled from the cryomancer’s icy hands.
“Mmm thank you Polar Bear,” you smile and take a small sip as Bi-Han settles in next to you. “You don’t have to sit next to the fire, I know it makes you feel uncomfortable.”
“I want to be close to you, I won’t melt. You can’t fight a blizzard,” he rumbles and drops a kiss on top of your head before taking a drink of his icy whisky.
You make a face of doubt at his comment before rolling your eyes at his charming arrogance. “Spring can,” you quip at him before taking another sip of the warming, sweet beverage.
“Fuck Spring,” he huffs indignantly before draining his drink in one go.
You can’t help but burst into laughter at Bi-Han’s petulant response. You snuggle against his cold, well muscled chest feeling the slow, steady thump of the cryomancer’s heart as his strong arm wraps around your shoulders.
Bi-Han pulls you in for a chaste kiss, “sweet,” he mutters and licks his lips. His eyes flutter closed for a moment before lightening to an ethereal, icy blue. The cryomancer grasps your chin, tilting your head before pressing his cold lips to your warm ones.
It’s not long before you feel his icy tongue prying your mouth open as the slick organ wriggles into your hot cavern. A pleasured shiver runs through your body as you slowly untangle yourself from the blanket to free your hands. You make quick work of the elastic holding the cryomancer’s hair back as your fingers glide through his silken locks. You moan as your tongue tangles with Bi-Han’s, tasting the rich warm notes of vanilla and smoke still lingering on the cryomancer’s tongue.
He strokes your rosy cheek lovingly before slowly disengaging, “warm yourself first qīn, I don’t need you getting hypothermia.”
“Maybe I want hypothermia,” you sulk as you nurse your rapidly cooling not so hot chocolate.
Bi-Han barks out a laugh before he gets up to fix himself another drink, “patience qīn, patience.”
You sigh and pull the blanket back up, a mixture of frustration and adoration bubbling up inside you as you wait by the fire for Winter to join Spring.
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stardewremixed · 2 years
First day of Winter
Harvey pulls out hiking boots, scarves, earmuffs, snow jackets and dusts off his skis. He hasn't hit the slopes since undergrad, but it's a good way to stay active in freezing temperatures.
Sebastian holes up in the basement, where else? To work on the his plans for the next session of his role playing game. And of course has a giant cup of coffee.
Abigail wishes for rain. Everything is lovely in rain. Snow is nice for a time, but cold. And she hates cold. And it makes her look even more porcelain pale. At least she has an excuse to toss snowballs at Seb and Sam.
Haley Dislikes winter. She can't wear cute heels and skirts. Last time she wore heeled boots in winter she slipped on the cobblestones outside the clinic. Maybe it's a good day to stay in and watch telenovelas and eat popcorn.
Elliott finds magic no matter what the season. He goes on a long walk, contemplating life and thinking of stories.
Penny is holed up at the library, reading children's stories to Jas and Vincent about Jack Frost and polar bears and penguins. She doesn't mind a snow day.
Leah is all cozy in her cabin. She has enough supplies to outlast the apocalypse. As the kind neighbor she is, she treks over to the Farm and checks on the Farmer, bringing a few vital emergency supplies, just in case.
Sam hates being cooped up inside at JojaMart. He draws pictures on the frosted windows as he waits for his shift to end. Then he bounces outside to go sledding, skating, snowboarding... whatever keeps him on the love.
Maru is all about studying. She has selected several scientific journals to peruse while waiting for the snow to die down.
Emily is ready and willing to wait on customers with a smile as always. She decorates the new chalkboard menu for Gus. The Saloon will start advertising eggnog and rum, peppermint schnapps, and hot buttered rum. The little snowmans are her favorite.
Shane could care less. If it's 100 degrees or 20 degree, he's still in shorts. But he will take the time to ensure the hen house is well insulated. Don't tell Marnie, but he made snow angels with Jas in the yard.
It's too cold for gridball. Alex is inside watching reruns of Westerns with George. When his Pops falls asleep, he changes the channel to watch taped games from earlier in the season. His Granny's gingerbread is just the right snack for the season.
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Snow (Tobin Heath x Reader)
It's the middle of spring where I live and we just got proper snow in my town for the first time in 11 years. So, of course I decided to write a short, cute fic about it.
Words: 900
I was woken up by someone shaking my shoulder. I groaned pulling away, hoping it would stop, "Baby, baby wake up."
"What?" I mumbled, trying to cuddle further into the blankets to escape the cold. It was abnormally cold for the time of year. Some sort of polar ice blast or something.
Tobin kissed my shoulder before pulling the blankets down, "Wake up, I need you to come outside."
"What time is it?"
"1 am."
"Noo, it's cold. I'm tired, go away," I whined pulling the blankets back up.
She chuckled before kissing my shoulder again, then behind my ear and cheek. I already couldn't say no to her at the best of times, my resolve broke further with every kiss, "Please baby, trust me."
Reluctantly, I got out of bed, got dressed and followed Tobin to the door. She handed me a jacket leaving me confused, "Just put it on. It's cold outside."
"Then why are we going outside."
Tobin wrapped her arms around me, "Stop complaining and open the door."
When I opened the door, I couldn't believe it, it felt like I was still dreaming. I stepped further outside, taking in the thick layer of white powder coated the ground, trees and cars. Tobin stood next to me, a grin plastered on face.
"Is this?"
I couldn't stop the laugh that escaped as I ran down the stairs scooping up a handful of snow. It was freezing, but I didn't care. I was just excited about the snow. This was the first time I had ever seen snow. It was always something I wanted to see at least once in my life. Tobin joined me just as the snow started falling again, she hated the cold, but she still had a huge grin on her face. If I had to guess, it was probably because of how child like I was acting. I was just so excited. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close and connecting our lips. I had always wanted to kiss someone as snow was falling. "Thank you."
"I remembered that you always wanted to see snow so when I got up and saw it, I knew I had to risk death to wake you up."
I laughed at that. Anyone who knew me knows that you should never wake me up unless absolutely necessary. Even Tobin is in danger on my grumpiness. Once I put the gloves on, Tobin kissed me again quickly, "Just know that I love you Y/n."
That confused me until I felt something cold and wet hit my face. I stood in shock for a second before bending down and scooping up some snow and throwing it back at her. We went back and forth throwing snowballs at each other until I tackled her to the ground. I grabbed a small bit of snow before my hands slipped under her shirt making her squeal. She wasn't wearing a bra so I managed to slide my hands all the way up to her chest before she tried to squirm away.
Tobin let out a quiet moan before pouting, "You're mean."
"Don't act like you don't like this baby, you're not fooling anyone." I trailed my fingers down her stomach, "Maybe I'll put my cold hands to good use."
"Baby, I'm not going to have sex with you in the front yard. Not with Jade watching."
Jade was my roommate and the one who actually introduced me to Tobin, I glanced behind me and sure enough she was standing on the porch. I leant down, biting her ear gently, "If she wasn't there, you'd be begging me."
Tobin moaned again then cleared her throat, "Let's go inside."
I rolled off her so I was lying on the snow leaving a flustered looking Tobin next to me, "Not yet. I want to make snow angels." After a couple more minutes, I started to get really cold so I reluctantly stood up, pulling Tobin with me, "Let's go inside."
"Y/n wait." Tobin stopped me before I started walking. She took my hands with her shaking ones, "Do you remember when we went to that carnival on our fourth date and you helped that kid win a teddy bear?" I nodded, slightly confused as to why she brought it up, "Well, that was when I knew you were the one for me. Not necessarily when I knew I wanted to marry you, but when I knew that there was no one else I wanted to go on dates with or stay up all night talking with, you were the one I wanted to be around all the time, do things with, whether it was going to a carnival or running errands, all I knew was that I wanted to do it with you. The longer we're together, the more I fall in love with you, even more than I ever thought possible. There is no one else in this world that I want to do life with, from the exciting and fun to the boring and mundane. I want life with you Y/n, for as long as you'll have me."
Tears formed in my eyes as she got down on one knee, not even caring about the snow, "Will you marry me Y/n?"
"Yes, a thousand times yes." I pulled her up, connecting our lips in a long kiss. Tobin pulled away, slipping the ring onto my finger. I hugged her tightly, "I can't believe you proposed to me in the snow."
"I had been trying to plan the perfect proposal for months now, but when I saw the snow I knew it was perfect. I even had Jade took some photos."
"You are amazing Tobin, I love you. Even though you beat me to proposing."
"I love you too Y/n. Now let's go get warmed up."
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terezicaptor · 7 months
Thinking about the fact that the fed workers are polar bears. Do you think they love water and swimming, also do you think they loved when the island was snowy and hate the usual infinite summer
Do u think maybe rn the feds are letting the seasons cycle and doing quick runthrus of weather cycles and seasons to test their power over the island... and the workers are all curled up in the snow during the winter tests and having snowball fights and doing big cuddle piles..... do u think ..
Imagining fred swimming in the catfish pond near tubchunk catching up as many catfish as they can and sharing it with their team... Imagining tubbo being there too.. like it was a family dinner....
Not that they have any particular attachment to their team in any familial sense or anything!!!!! haha they're not human that'd be craaaazzzyyy. Haha. ..
But what if........
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mrs-hatake · 2 years
all i see is you
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pairing: kakashi x f! si! Y/N
genre: fluff, humor, romance.
word count: 1500
a/n: me to my friend at our own winder wonderland: this place is so perfect for dates with your s/o! why don't i have kakashi or obito with me 😩 you know what, i'll write a one shot about it 😤
my friend: you write that one shot bby
The sun is just beginning to set, making way for the bright LED lights to provide a source of luminescence; twinkling of blues, greens, reds, pinks and purples.
The sky is a brilliant shade of lambent blue where you can almost see the stars and the full moon shyly peeking through, waiting for the right time to shine.
Behind the four metal detector frames is a dark blue arch made of gibson board. There are drawings of a snowman with a green and white striped scarf and the classic black top hat, penguins, a polar bear and children building their own snowmen or engaged in a snowball, toothy grins on their chubby cheeks. Above, written in elegant cursive and in a porcelain shade of white, Konoha’s Winter Wonderland.
There is a long queue of people – from families, couples, to groups of friends – all lined up in front of the metal frames. Though, the air isn’t suffocating and the wind blowing doesn’t bite them, just gently nipping at their winter clothes.
“I can’t believe we’re finally here!” Y/N squeals, excitement evident in her tone as she rises her shoulders up to her ears to protect them from the cold. Around her waist is a pair of muscled arms that are resting loosely, fingers barely intertwining in front of her midsection.
Kakashi lets out a sound of agreement as he gently sways Y/N, basking in her elation. They have been trying to purchase tickets to the wonderland for the past month and a half and, by some miracle, they have managed to score two tickets.
Normally, the silver haired middle school teacher would avoid crowded places like the plague. Though, with Y/N cutely pouting at him and displaying her infamous – and merciless – Bambi eyes, Kakashi couldn’t say no. So, he spends every day refreshing the website to see when tickets are on sale to surprise her with. And when he got those virtual tickets, she had tackled him and planted kisses all over his face, and hugging too tight his face turns blue when she hears him laugh in delight.
When their QR code is scanned, Y/N drags her husband to the nearest face paint stand and she fistbumps the air when there are only two people in front of them.
She opts for yellow stars with white glitter that trail from above the arch of her eyebrow all the way down to the apple of her cheeks on the left side of her face since that’s her good angle when taking pictures.
“What do you think?” She asks in a sing-song voice, shimmying her shoulders.
Kakashi can’t help but to snort, “Cute.” and he ruffles her hair but makes sure to not mess her straightened bobcut.
Y/N beams up at him and huddles closer to him for heat, smiling brightly when Kakashi’s arm rests on her frame and pulls her closer to him as they walk around the park.
“Where do you want to go next?” Kakashi asks as he scans the rides available, taking note of which one they can go on.
Y/N’s face is frozen in a maniacal smile; big round, shifty eyes and shallow breathing that almost sounds like the beginning of a hysterical laugh.
“Nervous?” Kakashi asks and rubs her arms, well aware of her fear of heights.
Y/N doesn’t reply and instead rigorously nods her head like some bobble head.
“We can start off with the smaller rides?” He offers, “Or we can go straight to the arcade.”
Kakashi’s wife processes his words as she eyes their surroundings, in pursuit for a thrilling yet short ride; both in time and height.
A neon sign, Crazy Hungry Caterpillar, written in the order of green, yellow and red grabs her attention and she tugs Kakashi’s hand and points at the ride of a train designed as a caterpillar.
The line consists of children between the ages of five to ten years old. The tracks are roughly five ten feet above ground and the carts are big enough for two people to ride in, the ideal rollercoaster.
Kakashi doesn’t sigh but he does chuckle at how comical they must look; A hundred and eight centimeter tall man accompanying his a hundred and fifty six tall wife on a ride meant for babies. His suspicion is confirmed when the parents of the children waiting in line stare at them in befuddlement while the children shamelessly gape at them, not that they know any better.
Kakashi just smiles, eyes turning into crescents, as he follows after his bouncing wife. Despite how tame the ride appears, he could tell that Y/N is still nervous from the way she keeps squeezing his hand to the point it turns red and that frenzied grin is still stuck on her face.
They are seated in the middle and even though she is restless, Kakashi knows that Y/N is also excited. She just has a strange way of showing her fear. His wife did not stop laughing during the whole ride, even during the sharp and sudden turns or the small drop towards the end. She even insists they go for a second round and, this time, Kakashi laughs along with her, enjoying and savoring the moment.
Y/N walks on wobbly legs when they get down from the rollercoaster but Kakashi is there to help her. In thanks, she stands on her tiptoes and plants a big, wet kiss on his cheek.
“Oops,” She giggles when she pulls back, “I got lipstick on you.”
Kakashi shrugs, “It’s my own face paint.” and it isn’t funny but Y/N guffaws nonetheless, drunk on exhilaration.
Next, they get cotton candy even though Kakashi doesn’t like anything sweet but he will eat whatever his wife eats. He gets a blue one and she gets a pink one.
“It’s not a sexist thing!” Y/N insists when Kakashi jokingly mentions the colors. “You like blue and I like pinks. Simple.” she huffs, making her husband laugh because he just loves seeing her get all worked up.
The two walk around the park, hands interlocked, mouth filled with soft sugar clouds. The song You by Regard x Troye Sivan x Tate McRae is playing in the background.
They briefly watch as a woman dressed as a winter elf dances while blowing bubbles, children from all ages jumping about in front of her stage as they try and catch them.
A plethora of booths are scattered about; food, apparel, souvenirs, everything is available for purchase.
When they throw away their empty cotton candy sticks, Y/N points to a large house made from wood located in the corner.
“Let’s go check the Haunted House out!”
Kakashi’s eyebrow quirks.
At his exasperated stare, Y/N dramatically rolls her eyes, “I won’t get scared, promise!”
Y/N gets scared.
Screaming, jumping and laughing at every monster and serial killer that jumps at them. At one point, Y/N laughs so hard and so out of control that one of the actors stands awkwardly in front of her before joining in on her laughter. Though, he isn’t entirely sure why they were laughing. Hey, at least it’s better than that time he got punched by a man dressed in a green leotard. In the middle of winter. With a bowl cut.
Kakashi doesn’t even flinch, nor bat an eye at the man chasing them with a chainsaw. He just follows after his wife to make sure she doesn’t get lost…again.
Y/N is clutching her stomach, gulping air, wheezing a laugh when they finally make it out of the haunted house. And even though Kakashi found it stupid, he still has a light expression because what matters is that Y/N is having fun. And whenever Y/N is enjoying herself, then Kakashi feels happy.
The married couple play a few of those ripped off games and Kakashi manages to win a stuffed llama –
– “His name is Larry!” –
And a red and orange frowning octopus –
– “Kacchan!” totally not after her favorite anime character –
before they get dinner from one of the endless rows of food stalls.
By the end of the night, Kakashi is dragged all over the park for popular selfie spots where he is pretty certain that both of their phones have about five hundred new pictures of themselves and of the gorgeous decoration.
Y/N passes out the second Kakashi pulls out from the parking lot and makes their way home. Though, he isn’t upset that his wife fell asleep.
He knows how hard Y/N had been working the past year and this fun little outing is Kakashi’s way of thanking his wife for all her hard work and effort.
Afterall, he knows that if he is in such a situation, Y/N would do the same thing for him as she had done so in the past.
Kakashi is immensely grateful for marrying such a wonderful woman.
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