Vee's Doin' Art Now
427 posts
Vee (20, she/it), game design fan and animal nerdbig fan of Minecraft, Pokemon, and a whole lot more :3Currently doing Minecraft stuff :3
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vee-art-zone · 3 days ago
A black queer girl is struggling with homelessness and poverty due to being let go of her job. I also have full custody of my 8 year old sister. I'm financially struggling and need help raising funds. If you can't donate please share. I need help with rent and other bills. I have three job interviews next week. *fingers crossed* i get one of the jobs.
Goal 738/2000
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vee-art-zone · 3 days ago
Unexpected, out of no where, my little sister has stage 3 breast cancer at only age 28. No one deserves this, especially her. She has a long road to recovery, but that’s not stopping her from shining her light & smiling. Please share/donate if you can 🩷🙏🏻
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vee-art-zone · 4 days ago
god if pencil or gb gets out im marching in the streets. My toxic bpd girlies need to stay in
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vee-art-zone · 5 days ago
if i were in charge of star wars i would end the last movie witth yoda reading the story out of a big book and he gives a little chuckle and says "happened, none of that did." and then he gets out of his truck and waddles into walmart
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vee-art-zone · 5 days ago
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Feeling rough lately.
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vee-art-zone · 6 days ago
cobblemon is so fucking fun
as a fan of pixelmon ever since my childhood I really can’t stress enough how much of an improvement cobblemon is in the landscape of the world
just from a game design perspective, more elegantly marries the two ideas of Minecraft and Pokemon, rather than just kinda clumsily putting Pokemon on top to the point that you can’t really play Minecraft in it. Gather revival herbs in caves, dig for evolution stone ores, do archaeology for fossil pokemon, etc etc
and I never had a problem with Pixelmon’s more detailed models, but goddd the cobblemon models are so elegantly designed and I’m always blown away by the animations on them
if I had one nitpick, it’s just that the mod isn’t done! I can’t catch em all yet! But I wanna because it’s so good!!
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vee-art-zone · 6 days ago
why are people so goddamn mean
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vee-art-zone · 7 days ago
i could be drawing so much lesbian battle for dream island fanart if i wasn't so damn tired all the time
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vee-art-zone · 7 days ago
as much as I preach ‘not every mob needs A Use™️’, something that does bother me is the amount of mobs in Minecraft that were clearly designed with A Use in mind that they just… fail to achieve.
Llamas are fun storage options that are fairly rare mobs outside of wandering trader spawns, but are diametrically worse than chests (or often even the bundles you could be crafting with their corpses). A llama’s storage is determined by a strength value of 1-5. The lowest strength llamas have 3 slots, and the highest have 15. Less than a single chest. Less than a Donkey. And getting a strength 5 llama is a process SO GODDAMN IMPOSSIBLE no one would ever do it except for bragging rights.
Parrots are fun. They sit on your shoulder, dance at jukeboxes, and mimic the noises of nearby mobs. Already fun, but the fact you can’t breed them, and more annoyingly the fact that they will leap off your shoulder the moment you do so much as Jump, has made them little more than stay-at-home trophy pets.
Allays were, demonstrably, meant for gathering and sorting items. Their finnicky mob AI and pathfinding makes them not great item collectors (that can, granted, still get the job done) and absolutely GARBAGE item sorters. A better ‘item sorter’ redstone component is something I think is absolutely necessary, and an Allay-based item sorter is destined to be loud, noisy, chaotic, and inefficient. You can’t even make them sit still without leads or a constant droning note block sound. They will get lost on adventures no matter how cute they are.
Sniffers I’ve talked about. A rare mob found as a rare archaeology drop in an uncommon structure, that takes a long time to hatch, a long time to grow up, and a long time to breed. Getting a large sniffer population is designed to be very hard, much harder than breeding up any other mob. And the big reward, the light at the end of the tunnel… is two kinda weird looking flowers. And the seeds to breed more sniffers. While sniffers are cute decorative mobs, something that requires this much of an Obtainment Tree could really do with something more valuable it could dig up as well. I’ll just use other flowers.
Mobs like Pandas or Axolotls don’t have much of a ‘practical’ purpose, but make up for it in interesting mechanics, unique forms and being primarily made to BE decoration mobs. While mobs like these were designed to be practical, but just… fail at doing so.
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vee-art-zone · 7 days ago
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Using this compliment as an opportunity to tell more people it's now available as a resource pack on planetminecraft
now everybody can finally use the creative menu without throwing up!
Mojang: (changes all the spawn egg textures to make them all really busy and ugly)
Me: Fine, I'll do it myself.
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Imo the new spawn egg textures Mojang revealed this week are all far too busy, preferring to add 8 extraneous details of the mob to the egg texture in a way that doesn't look minecrafty, compared to these which are a lot less noisy. Just a sleek, simple pixel art of the face that is readable as the mob and really clean.
Perhaps less 'flashy' but definitely easier on the eyes, as well as keeping a uniform shape/size to make it clearer to players that these are all Variants of the same item that do, effectively, the same thing.
It was really fun as a project! I haven't done pixel art in a while so it was really nice to get back in the Art saddle. Let me know if you want me to figure out how to make this into a resource pack or something.
Mob List under the cut in case there's still any confusion:
Allay, Armadillo, Axolotl, Bat, Bee, Blaze, Bogged, Breeze, Camel
Cat, Cave Spider, Chicken, Cod, Cow, Creaking, Creeper, Dolphin, Donkey
Drowned, Elder Guardian, Enderman, Endermite, Ender Dragon, Evoker, Fox, Frog, Ghast
Glow Squid, Goat, Guardian, Hoglin, Horse, Husk, Iron Golem, Llama, Magma Cube
Mooshroom, Mule, Ocelot, Panda, Parrot, Phantom, Pig, Piglin, Piglin Brute
Pillager, Polar Bear, Pufferfish, Rabbit, Ravager, Salmon, Sheep, Shulker, Silverfish
Skeleton, Skeleton Horse, Slime, Sniffer, Snow Golem, Spider, Squid, Stray, Strider
Tadpole, Trader Llama, Tropical Fish, Turtle, Vex, Villager, Vindicator, Wandering Trader, Warden
Witch, Wither, Wither Skeleton, Wolf, Zoglin, Zombie, Zombie Horse, Zombie Villager, Zombified Piglin
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vee-art-zone · 7 days ago
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The spawn eggs are now a resource pack! Enjoy.
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vee-art-zone · 7 days ago
How insane would it be to use this blog to post all my insane Minecraft modpack ideas? Because those ideas come a mile a minute and not all of them are stuff my friends would get excited over because of how specific their interests are
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vee-art-zone · 8 days ago
trying to make a resource pack at 1:30 am is gonna make me tear my hair out lmao
not even my first time trying to make one, could be fun either way
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vee-art-zone · 8 days ago
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original post
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vee-art-zone · 8 days ago
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Raghhhhh. Fan fanart!! :P
(I’m not okay yall, I have a music concert coming up that I’ll perform in, and I didn’t practice my songs D: )
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vee-art-zone · 8 days ago
Mojang: (changes all the spawn egg textures to make them all really busy and ugly)
Me: Fine, I'll do it myself.
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Imo the new spawn egg textures Mojang revealed this week are all far too busy, preferring to add 8 extraneous details of the mob to the egg texture in a way that doesn't look minecrafty, compared to these which are a lot less noisy. Just a sleek, simple pixel art of the face that is readable as the mob and really clean.
Perhaps less 'flashy' but definitely easier on the eyes, as well as keeping a uniform shape/size to make it clearer to players that these are all Variants of the same item that do, effectively, the same thing.
It was really fun as a project! I haven't done pixel art in a while so it was really nice to get back in the Art saddle. Let me know if you want me to figure out how to make this into a resource pack or something.
Mob List under the cut in case there's still any confusion:
Allay, Armadillo, Axolotl, Bat, Bee, Blaze, Bogged, Breeze, Camel
Cat, Cave Spider, Chicken, Cod, Cow, Creaking, Creeper, Dolphin, Donkey
Drowned, Elder Guardian, Enderman, Endermite, Ender Dragon, Evoker, Fox, Frog, Ghast
Glow Squid, Goat, Guardian, Hoglin, Horse, Husk, Iron Golem, Llama, Magma Cube
Mooshroom, Mule, Ocelot, Panda, Parrot, Phantom, Pig, Piglin, Piglin Brute
Pillager, Polar Bear, Pufferfish, Rabbit, Ravager, Salmon, Sheep, Shulker, Silverfish
Skeleton, Skeleton Horse, Slime, Sniffer, Snow Golem, Spider, Squid, Stray, Strider
Tadpole, Trader Llama, Tropical Fish, Turtle, Vex, Villager, Vindicator, Wandering Trader, Warden
Witch, Wither, Wither Skeleton, Wolf, Zoglin, Zombie, Zombie Horse, Zombie Villager, Zombified Piglin
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vee-art-zone · 8 days ago
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god i havent done Aesprite in a while but i'm doing my best to design these mob eggs. I'll probably continue to do em all if i feel like it
this is more what i had in mind originally, maybe less 'flashy' but definitely simpler, cleaner, and does a better job telling you what the mob is at first glance
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