#chione deity
diana-thyme · 1 year
Greek Gods 101: Chione
Chione is a goddess of snow. Excluding the universal offerings, some common offerings include:
Paper Snowflakes
Fake Snow
Peppermints and Peppermint-Flavored Items
Snow Globes
Ice Cream
Spruce or Evergreen Branches/Leaves
For devotional acts, some activities that can be done for her include:
Playing in the Snow
Making Snowmen
Decorating Trees
Creating Winter Origami
Sitting Outside in Cold Winds
Making Ice Cream
Creating Fake Snow
She is not celebrated in any Athenian holidays.
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wayfind-er · 2 months
Death of Chione (Myth)
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The Death of Chione (Nicolas Poussin, 1622)
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Simple Retelling/Double Drabble:
The girl was silenced. Chione’s delicate lips, which had proudly declared herself as more fair and lovely than the Goddess of the Hunt, Artemis herself, were parted by an arrow. The Goddess triumphed. Chione’s funeral was hastily prepared; despite her disrespect, she was the granddaughter of the Morning Sun and now the mother of twin demigods. The scent of burning wood filled the air: God of Communication, Hermes, and his half-brother, God of Truth, Apollo, watched as the lifeless body of their shared lover was consumed by flames. Their love had been Chione’s downfall.  Her father, Daedalion, tried to toss himself in the flames. He tried four times and was stopped at every turn. As if he had wings on his feet, Daedalion ran and tossed himself off a cliff instead. His body hurled towards Gaia’s embrace; the jagged rocks would soften his fall.  The half-brothers took pity. With a move of a hand, Daedalion changed: wings where arms once were, a crooked beak for a mouth, and sharp claws shaped. He was a hawk—stronger than ever. He hadn’t died a meaningless death like Chione, but his frustrations would be everyone’s problem as he took flight in his new form.
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From the "Death of Chione", Hermes and Apollo both become associated with Hawks as one of their sacred birds. Hawks are often associated with freedom, clearheadedness, and wisdom.
In general, Hawks are associated with multiple different Gods, which may be another reason why they are not often associated with Hermes. There are two myths where Hermes transforms someone into a Hawk, with Daedalion being one.
Interestingly enough, Chione ends up having twin demigods, one fathered by Hermes, Autolykos (a successful robber and trickster), and a second fathered by Apollo, Philammon (a successful musician).
Autolykos did a lot during his lifetime. He taught Heracles how to wrestle and named Odysseus—who he said to be the grandfather of. This makes Hermes Odysseus' great-grandfather. He was also the maternal grandfather of Jason, the famous leader of the Argonauts, a group of 50 Heroes tasked with finding Golden Fleece (the same fleece that Psyche was later tasked to collect).
This is just a random tidbit, but Jason is later mentioned in Dante’s Inferno as he’s punished for seducing and abandoning his wife. I find it super interesting how all these stories can be connected in one way or another.
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pinkrosealice · 3 days
I'm bored, and more importantly for the sake of this post, I am someone who's a huge fan of the games made by Weather Factory. I also am an aspiring academic in religious and mythological studies hence why the games made by WF are so appealing to me.
Thus I'm going to share some of my theories/headcanons on which real life deities mythical beings and other religious figures are alternate identities / names /titles for the Hours of The Secret Histories universe, just for the fun of it.
1. The Mare is known as Batō Kannon, or Hayagriva Avalokiteshvara in East Asia. Likewise The Apple Bright is probably Cánshén / Memyō Bosatsu and maybe maybe be The Queen Mother of The West.
2. The Wheel is not just Kubera but all of the Lokapāla & Dikpāla / Four Heavenly Kings / 12 Deva . Particularly I think his status as a Zeus-like figure that gives birth to the Dionysian Moth invokes Indra, his status as the "low-red sun" would equate him to Surya and his eye symbolism would connect him to Shiva in either his Mahakala or Ishana incarnations.
3. The Thunderskin is Xipe Totec, what with the flaying, the association with protection from disease, and the connections to perpetual natural cycles. And if that's the case, The Thunderskin is the Red Tezcatlipoca
4. Thus I think that The Colonel and The Lionsmith might correspond to two of the other four Tezcatlipocas. However I am not certain as to which of the two Edge Hours would be the Blue Smoking Mirror and which one would be the Black, as The Colonel is associated with scarred and amputated mythological figures and the Black Tezcatlipoca is missing a leg and despite being associated with the night was also one of the Five Suns which would explain The Colonel's association with the Lantern Principal. Buuuuuttttttttt The Black Tezcatlipoca is also so so so associated with Jaguars and felines are in The Lionsmith's wheelhouse so who knows I might not actually be on to something with that particular line of mythological speculation after all.
5. Just as The Wolf-Divided is almost certainly inspired by the Nordic Monstrous canines such as Fenrir/Garmr and especially his offspring Sköll and Hati, I think so too Snow must be Hel. After all, The Wolf and Snow are deeply associated beyond just them sharing the Winter Principal. The fact that Chione, a Name-Emanation of Snow was defeated or suppressed by The Colonial whom we know is Wodan/ Odin also helps to confirm this for myself.
6. Given her patronage of The Invisible Serapeum, and that one of her Names is called the "Lady of Veils" I think there's a strong possibility that The Forge of Days was known to the Egyptians, particularly those under Roman rule, as the goddess Isis.
I have a few other speculations and mythological associations that I've made in my mind but those would take a bit more explaining in order to make any sort of sense. So I will save my Watchman is Apollo and how that relates to whatever the hell is going on with Janus and his whole deal in The SH universe for another time.
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aliciavance4228 · 1 month
Quick Question: Why are there so many people who describe gods as "feminists"?
I remember myself writing last month at 2AM while drunk (romanians are just built different) an entire Bible about why Athena being labeled either as a Feminist or a Misogynist is wrong in both cases and that because we're talking here about a figure that was firstly mentioned hundreds of years ago when people had a completely different mentality than ours and blah blah blah. Yes, I'm the idiot who brought back the "Ovid is a faniction writer meme", but I'll let you beat the shit out of me later.
But I've discovered how a lot of greek gods are suddenly labeled as "feminists". And my genuine question is... how?
Ares: Many people claim that he was the protector of women and that he never raped any woman in his entire life just because he murdered his daughter's rapist. People forget the fact that just because there are few to no surviving written works in which he rapes women that doesn’t mean that he didn't do that at all; there are already two discovered myths in which he rapes a woman disguised as a shepard despite the fact that she was one of Artemis's huntress and one in which he sleeps with another woman in secret, respectively. Also, aside from his mother, lovers and daughters he doesn't protect any other woman that isn't close to him from being raped.
Apollo: Many people consider that just because he was a certified bisexual who deeply loved his mother and twin sister (and saved both of them from being raped in different myth versions) that makes him a feminist as well. Wrong: he raped Chione in her sleep and Dryone in the form of a snake.
Hermes: Hermes raped Chione in her sleep and Apemosyne after slipping on skinned hides that he placed on her path.
Dionysus: He raped Aura while she was drunk and Nicaea while she was unconscious. Also, people often forget that his own cult itself is the main reason why he cannot be a Feminist in the first place, and that because his priestesses usually had to get drunk during the festivals and rituals dedicated to him, which made them completely vulnerable to any man who wanted to take advantage of them.
Hades: On one hand, he lets his wife rule over the Underworld and have just as much authority as him. On the other hand, he still kidnapped her and then forced her to eat those pomegranate seeds. And because it's very uncertain wheter or not he actually raped her in Homeric Hymn to Demeter, some people may argue that the pomegranate seeds are supposed to symbolize his seed, and by extension him forcing Persephone to eat them is a metaphor for him forcing himself on her.
What is next: Telling me that Zeus was a feminist as well?
Now, I know that Greek Mythology is completely messed up and the desire to either change or erase some myths is justified. Also, it's really hard for a person who feels deeply connected to a certain deity to recognize that the respective deity has done some things that by modern standards would be considered immoral and/or completely disturbing. But that isn't an excuse for not admitting that yes, [Name] has done some horrible shit just like any other deity from the Pantheon. Save for Hestia, we all love her and she must be protected at all cost.
Now, I have absolutely no problem with your headcanons about the greek gods or depicting them in a better light in your fanfictions, comics, fanarts etc. etc.
However, claiming that your headcanons or retellings are mythologically accurate is a problem.
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smokerswifey · 1 year
The seven deadly assholes :
This post is basically me ranting about the biggest bastards in the nnt universe ( I'd rlly like to see other people's opinion on this lol).
7. Ban's Parents
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Ban's parents have the last place in the list ( both on parenting and in being assholes ) . They literally had one page in the entire series and still managed to make it into this list !
Seeing Ban getting beat up in the manga was hard enough but in the anime + the emotional music had me punching the air like a 5 year old .
I hope these two are roting in their disgusting home, crying in rage when they find out that there " crap for brains" son is a wealthy king with a family of his own now .
6. Ironside
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Yet another crappy parent has made it into the running ! Not only did this jerk abandon his son as a baby and dumped him on his father ( is percival even Ironside's son ?) he couldn't let the poor kid live in peace and MURDERED Percy's grandpa, his own father in cold blood before trying to kill percival too leaving him to die .
If that wasn't enough we found out not that long ago that this ass is happily raising HIS OTHER SON in Camelot, proving that he can actually be a good dad... BUT NOT TO PERCIVAL 💀.
No instead the few times they ran into each other, Ironsid tried to kill percival, harmed his friends and even tried manipulating him into thinking he cared for him to take him by surprise in a fight .
Diodra and Percy both deserve a better dad tbh.
5. Cath Palug
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This adorable piece of crap is what triggered Arthur's descent into evil and I will never ever ever forgive him for that.
( I really loved him...)
4. Arthur
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Since I was talking about arthur, I think that the king of chaos rightfully deserved 4th place ( ironically he got 4th place in the popularity contest )
This boy has lost his entire kingdom and his subjects .
He has been betrayed by his closest companions ( Cath, Meliodas when he lost his emotions, Merlin when she used him to awaken Chaos )
He even DIED and came back to life which must've been very traumatising for a teenager ( I think he was 16 during the holy war.
The fact that he went through all of his crap makes a lot of the fandom ( including me ) a bit more emphathising towards him when he became evil .
But he still murdered hundreds of fairy's and giants when they were being manipulated by the supreme deity, ( cursed by light ), capture non human races to turn them into disfigured freaks ( Grudge of edinburgh) and manipulated vulnerable people who lost loved ones in the holy war to join his side . Plus his punishments for knights who have failed his expectations are horrific.
So yeah Arthur your kind of an asshole.
( but I blame merlin and chaos and hopelessly keep believing that he'll come to his senses )
3. Supreme deity and Demon King
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You guys take the crown for the worst parents in the nnt universe aswell as the worst leaders of your races .
I'm getting tired and I'm too lazy to make the two page essay of why these creatures are the biggest shit stains on Brittania .
So instead I'm going to close my eyes and revel in the fact that they are both gone.
I'm still reveling
2. Vivian
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1. Merlin
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Merlin, merlin, merlin...
My old favorite character Merlin...
The most badass female character in nnt Merlin...
I was rooting for you...
Until you screwed over all your friends, your apprentice and the whole world for your thirst for KNOWLEDGE.
Arthur became a racist for knowledge???
You betrayed your found family for knowledge ??
Escanor's death and sacrifice...was for knowledge...?
You know what glutton, you won the mofo first place just GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU, WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU, HOW DARE YOU-
Sorry for the mistakes and lazy writing i got tired in the end ngl .
Thank you, brave people who read this and goodnight
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romance-club-daily · 2 years
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Romance Club MC's as Greek deities:
Catherine Hill as Khione:
Goddess of Snow ❄
Khione (also spelt as Chione) is a Nymph of Snow, Ice and Hail in Greek Mythology. Khione is the daughter of Boreas, God of the West Wind and Orithyia of Athens. She is a goddess associated with winter having the power to control snow, ice and hail. Her main duty is to make sure winter is executed every year according to the plans. She is also part of Persephone's entourage with Thallo, Auxo, Carpo and Orithyia and was depicted with these fellow goddesses.
Catherine was chosen for being titled The Ice Queen in her book, On Thin Ice.
File Source | BeautifulCome
Another skin colors under the cut:
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Examining Artemis & the Myth of Actaeon
And discussing transphobia in her worship space
I've seen a lot of people reference Artemis' myths and her often violent retribution against the men in said myths as her disapproval of masculinity in general.
But Artemis' punishment never came without cause, especially in reaction to violent actions/harmful intent. And if you naturally and inherently equate masculinity with violence, that is a wildly transphobic mindset.
She was just as brutal with women who offended her. (Look at the stories of Euthemia, Chione, Niobe and her children) If you take her myths literally/as evidence, you have to accept that as well.
Yes, she has consistently been a protector of women/femmes/female identifying people, but that does not mean that she hates men inherently and without purpose.
Let's look at the story of Actaeon;
"...the story of Actaeon, a young prince and hunter of Thebes in Boeotia who incurred the wrath of Artemis by spying on her as she bathed, is terrifying in its cruelty and gruesome details.
Though some say he came across Artemis by accident, the young man nevertheless failed to avert his gaze, and this voyeuristic violation was met with swift and terrible punishment. Artemis transformed young Actaeon into the very thing he was hunting, a stag, and then incited his loyal hounds to tear him apart in a mad frenzy.
It is not just that the young hunter is torn apart by the very tools (dogs) he has trained and brought with him to tear apart his prey, but the fact that the hunter becomes the hunted due to his inappropriate gaze at the naked body of a woman/goddess.
This young man feels the violation, feels the vulnerability as prey, and experiences the violence of attracting unwanted attention. This myth is profound in its expression of victim psychology, particularly the vulnerability women experience on a daily basis for simply being in their bodies and gazed upon as like prey.
As such, Actaeon experiences the helplessness of being a body of prey firsthand, held against his will and hearing the cheering of his friends before being torn apart by those he trained for his own protection."
- She Who Hunts: Artemis: The Goddess Who Changed the World by Carla Ionescu
I think one of the reasons victims/survivors (like myself) focus on this myth is because it can invoke not only a feeling of catharsis, but also of power. It helped me release a lot of my rage and grief (metaphorically through the use of story).
But this all shifts when Artemis' myths become 'men are all violent scum and Artemis is repulsed by them.' No. No. No. That isn't the same thing as finding meaning in the story of a perpetrator who has to feel the violation, powerlessness, and fear of victims/survivors.
That kind of attitude is the same one as people who believe trans individuals shouldn't be able to use their gendered restroom because 'of the fear/threat of violence' that doesn't exist. If you think like this, you are actively contributing to the contributed oppression of trans and gender nonconforming people.
Think more critically about what this myth is actually speaking to. It is not men=bad. It is instead about violence against women and other vulnerable bodies. Which, I should add, is felt horrifically and brutally in trans/gender nonconforming communities.
Don't use Artemis' myths to support your own transphobia and bigotry. You don't know what you're talking about. You're just using her protective energy to support your hate.
This is a deity that protects with all the ferocity of nature incarnate. She gives so many victims/survivors strength. What right do you have to say that some people deserve that and some people don't?
What right do you have to speak for a goddess in your own bigoted voice?
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fairune · 1 year
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( 2022 ) the star goddess, Setare, is the eldest daughter of Zarihan Aumiru. After falling in love with a mortal prince, she would become the mother of Absalom, the first king of Emathia. While she is considered a minor deity in most of the world, she is worshipped alongside her mother in the snowy region of Chione. Priestess of Setare are easily recognizable due to their unique attire.
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roseunspindle · 2 years
Percy’s Half Siblings
ATriton - Son of Amphitrite and Poseidon - Poseidon’s messenger and herald
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Benthesikyme - “Wave of the Deep” or “Lady of the deep swells” - Goddess of waves - Daughter of Amphitrite and Poseidon
Rhode - goddess and personification of the island of Rhodes. Wife of Helios.  Daughter of Amphitrite and Poseidon
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Antaeus - Son of Poseidon and Gaea - Half Giant
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(Heracles killing Antaeus)
Charybdis - daughter of Poseidon and Gaea (in some sources) she was a loyal child to Poseidon but since she kept covering land with water for him Zeus got mad and chained her to the sea floor, cursing her and turning her into a “bladder” and made her thirsty for seawater, which when she drank it, caused whirlpools. 
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Laestrygon - Son of Poseidon and Gaea, father of  Telepora (wife of Aeolus) possible parent/creator of the Laitsrygonians. 
Despoina - Daughter of Poseidon and Demeter - Goddess of Arcadian Mysteries/Veiled - born when poseidon went after demeter when both were horses.
Arion - Supernatural Horse (not sure if he’s a deity or just immortal creature) - Son of Demeter and Poseidon  born when poseidon went after demeter when both were horses.
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Pegasus - immortal winged-horse, Son of Poseidon and Medusa (or just sprang from Medusa’s blood when Perseus beheaded her)
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Chrysaor - Son of Poseidon and Medusa - "he who has a golden sword" - might be the father of Echidna
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Herophile -Sea-nymph,  Daughter of Poseidon and Aphrodite, possibly a Delphic Sybil
Ergiscus - son of Poseidon and Aba (a naiad), the city of Ergisce in Istanbul was named after him. 
Aethusa - Daughter of Poseidon and Alcyone (a pleiad) - caught Apollo’s eye and had two kids with him Eleuther and Linus- ancestor of Orpheus.
Hyrieus - Son of Poseidon and Alcyone (a pleiad) - possible father of Orion, most account call him a king of various places. (Boeotia, Thrace or Chios)
Hyperenor - son of Poseidon and Alcyone
Hyperes - son of Poseidon and the Pleiad Alcyone He was the father of Arethusa, mother of Abas by Poseidon. Founded the city of Hyperea.
Anthas - Son of Poseidon and Alcyone, founder of Anthea
Abas - son of Poseidon and Arethusa (yes his own granddaughter).  Abas founded a tribe known as the Abantians or Abantes. He reigned over them as king. Possibly killed by his own grandson. 
Halirrhothius - Son of Poseidon and Euryte or Bathycleia. He was killed by Ares for raping his daughter Alcippe. 
Chrysomallos - Son of  Bisalpis or Bisaltis or Theophane - Golden winged ram, rescued some people, was them sacrificed to Zeus and skinned. 
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Minyas - Son of Poseidon and somebody (there was a very long list of potential moms) a city founder. 
Lycus - son of Poseidon and Celaeno, one of the Pleiades. Together with his brother Eurypylus, they ruled over the Isles of the Fortunate which their father blessed.
Nycteus - (possibly a son of Poseidon and Somebody) - King of Thebes
Eurypylus - Son of Poseidon and Celaeno, either ruled over the isles of the blessed with lycus or was a king of cyrene
Asopus - possibly a son of Poseidon, a river deity
Parnassus - unkown
Eumolpus - possibly a son of Poseidon and Chione - King of Thrace
Phaeax - Son of Poseidon and Korkrya - from whom the Phaeacians derived their name.
Eirene - daughter of Poseidon and  Melantheia - gave her name to an island.
Amykos - Son of Poseidon and Melia - a king who would force people to box with them so he could kill them. Challenged the best of the Argonauts Polydueces, who killed him with a blow on the elbow. 
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Mygdon - Son of Poseidon and Melia, also a king, killed by Heracles on his way to his ninth labour. 
Aspledon, a son of Poseidon and the nymph Mideia, a city in Boetia was named after him. 
Astacus - son of Poseidon and the nymph Olbia, eponymous founder of Astacus, Bithynia.
Leches  - son of Peirene and Poseidon, who was abducted by Poseidon. (squinty eyes at you mr. no-consent)
Evadne - daughter of Poseidon and Pitane who was raised by Aepytus of Arcadia. She fell in love with Apollo and of course got pregnant, the pregnancy was discovered by Aepytus, he was furious and left to consult the Oracle of Apollo. During the childbirth, Apollo sent Eileithyia and the Moirae to assist his lover and ease her pain. Evadne gave birth in the wilderness and left the child, Iamus, exposed to the elements. Five days later, Aepytus returned from the Delphi, where he had been told by Apollo's Oracle that Evadne's child was indeed the son of Apollo and destined to be a gifted prophet. He demanded that the child be brought to him, and so Evadne retrieved Iamus from the patch of violets where she had left him. Iamus had been nurtured for those five days by the honeybees that were sent by Apollo, or by the Fates. Evadne named the child Iamus (“Boy of the Violets”) He went on to found the Iamidae, a family of priests from Olympia.
Phocus - son of Poseidon and Pronoe
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ancientgreekyuri · 4 months
Ur ocs look really cool, I hope this is okay to ask but what's your oc world like??
tumblr is being VERY fussy about letting me post this 💔 anyways It's totally okay to ask I love talking about my OC setting ^.^ Also this setting has a lot of religious theming to it just so you know!
The (temporary) name for the setting is Ys! You can think of this world as existing in a Pangaea-like state.
This land has a few different major nations (ordering these from Northernmost to Southernmost):
- Lapta: a frigid, snow-covered nation that is considered mysterious to the rest of the world. Outsiders rarely travel here due to the treacherous conditions, but some nomadic peoples as well as merchants sometimes travel southwards. These people are usually the prominent source of information of news from. Lapta is notable in that many ancient gods continue to be worshipped here! Their major goddess is Zarihan, the goddess of healing and god. Supposedly Zarihan crashed to the Earth like a meteorite some many years ago, forming a sacred lake in the region. Zari is mentioned in some other religions but doesn't take nearly as big of a role! Festivals worshipping her often involving donning heavy golden masks. My OC Azusa is from here, and he wears a mask characteristic of the region!
- Chione is just south of Lapta. It's much smaller and not nearly as cold! It's one of the few places in the world where monarchy is still a big thing, though it has little political influence overall. A common export from Chion is a purple dye created from flowers called Ianthe flowers, which are notoriously hard to grow. My OC Parinyan is a dye creator!
- Beneath Chione is Emathia. Emathia is the largest nation. It was the home of both Amadsis, a famed hero-king, and of Solomon, an infamous king who plunged the world into a horrible war some hundreds of years ago. The weather here is cold, but not nearly as frigid as Lapta or Chion. One of Emathia's famous features is it's massive library, which contains some truly ancient books! It is also where the world's airship industry got it's start.
Emathia's central deities are Makaea, the goddess of the moon (and protector of lost travelers), and Mirnath, god of the sun (he used to be a god of war, but nowadays is associated more with fortune and magic). Makaea is the wife to the Hero-king Amasis as well :~)
Strangely enough, no one's been able to find Solomon's ancient castle... not even a relic!
- Next is Paros, the central continent. A major city here is called Psamthe, which is actually where the story starts! Paros is kind of a mass of different peoples and cultures. People who are traqveling to sell their wares tend to set up shop here, and some of course end up deciding to live in Paros... one famous shop here is a jewelry store owned by a weird but loving family.
Paros' major deity is Lajavard, the god of the skies, though Paros employs more of a pantheistic system and borrows gods and religious aspects from many different lands. It's part of what makes Paros feel so friendly and welcoming!
- There's a small area between Paros and Illyria, the southernmost land, called Thracia... Thracia is home to the town of Elaia, which exports a spice called Black Sand. It's very famous! The story of how Elaia was established is a famous one too; the patron deity, whose name is Also Elaia, is sometimes called the Goddess of Bawdy Comedy. A cute custom here is that during weddings, the bride is tasked with making her groom laugh! after all, what better show of love than perfectly knowing your partners sense of humour? (gay weddings can skip this but they usually don't. it's a very fun part of the ceremony!)
- And lastly is Illyria! This one is the most developed in world building terms because it's where the first arc of the story takes place 😭 Illyria is notable for changing massively over the years, and this change was spearheaded by iride, it's first recorded queen. She was a strategic genius who managed to ward off Solomon's forces during the war, and later befriended Makeda, Solomon's wife (Makeda beheaded him and later became king of Emathia herself, but that's another story).
While the old castle of Illyria is no longer in use, it stands tall a symbol of Iride's strength. The capital here is a city called Illion, which is where Iride's descendants now live. Though this was once a monarchy, the more recently constructed castle serves more as a community center than a place to show royal power. Another city is Rizinia, which is a major trading hub!
The major deity of Illyria is Ys, goddess of the earth, protector of children, lady of the harvest. She is the husband of Lajavard and the lover of Zarihan. She was a goddess first worshipped by Iride and her people, so her conception is more recent! And yet she's massively important all the same.
An important story in both Illyria and Lapta's religion is that of Ys' death and revival. She was killed by a plot laid by her jealous sister Kuja (goddess of the seas, death, and the afterlife), which brought a great deluge upon the world as Lajavard grieved her. Zarihan is then sent down to Earth by her parent to provide aid, and crashes into the Earth, forming a hole through the clouds of deluge and allowing the sun to shine down...! She travels to the very depths of the sea where Ys' body is being held, and revives her with an ancient magic only known to Zari and her children.
Zari fades into obscurity after her role in this story in every land except for Lapta like I mentioned....
This is all I can think to write rn so I hope this was at least 😭 and makes enough sense
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diana-thyme · 1 year
Greek Gods 101: A Masterlist
This is a masterlist of the “Greek Gods 101” series. This series aims to provide basic information and worship ideas for both major and minor deities. This masterlist also involves heroes, deified mortals, spirits, and other figures of Greek mythology.
Horae (Seasons)
Horae (Time)
Thalia (Mousai)
What is a “Universal Offering/Devotional Act?”
Feel free to request or suggest deities! This list will be done in order but you can ask for me to complete one that’s further down the list.
This list is subject to change. There are probably repeat deities (deities who go by multiple names, parts of groups like the Horae or Charities who are mostly grouped together, etc.) on this list. Some deities are not on here. Some names are spelt wrong or different.
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mask131 · 2 years
Cold winter: Boreas
Category: Greek mythology
In Greek mythology, there are four gods embodying the four cardinal winds: they are called the Anemoi, and Boreas is one of them.
Boreas is the embodiment of the North Wind, the cold and stormy wind of the winter season. Just like his brothers he is born of Eos, the goddess of the dawn, and Astraios (a mysterious star-related deity who might be an embodiment of dusk), but serves Aeolus, the master and king of all winds. And again, just like the other Anemoi, Boreas is known to have two appearances he keeps switching between. One is a horse appearance: he can become a stallion, and under this form he is known to have mated with numerous mares – each time the offspring would become famed horses renowned for their swiftness or lightness, to the point horse-keepers usually used “child of Boreas” as a selling point. The other is a winged humanoid form fitting his “bleak and frozen breath”: shaggy hair and beard spiky with ice, billowing cloak, and sometimes snakes instead of human feet.
Boreas was believed to live in the cold mountains of Thrace, the most northern region of Ancient Greece – and beyond it, the Greeks believed there was a mythical land called “Hyperborea” (beyond the north wind), a land of endless summer untouched by Boreas’ wintery breath and in which people lived young and happy forever. Bringer of frost and dark clouds, Boreas was renowned for his violent temper – after all, he was a wind who only knew how to shake trees and animals, disturb the sea and cause hail.
One of Boreas’ most famous legends is his love story with Orithyia – she was a princess of Athens and Boreas was in love with her, so much that he snatched her up in the sky as she was playing alone by the side of a river and brought her back to his Thracian home. Now... this love story is a bit complicated. Everybody knows of this story as a rape: Boreas tried to woo Orithyia but she rejected him, and being an angry and violent wind Boreas simply took her by force and raped her. But you see, this is the Roman version of the story - and more precisely the version of the story as retold by Ovid, the rape fetishist. So of course he was going to have it a forced relationship... What about the original Greek versions? Well... the thing is that Boreas is a brutish wind prone to outbursts of rage, so while the Greek texts do not speak of a rape, they DO speak of an abduction, that is clear. What is less clear is the entire details surrounding said abduction: for some Boreas simply acted directly upon falling in love with the princess ; for others he tried to ask her hand in marriage to her father but he refused, and it was upon HIS refusal (not the girl's refusal) that Boreas got angry and abducted her nonetheless. Similarly there is something quite unclear about how "stable" their relationship was: while Ovid and other late Greek writers depict Orithyia as just one of many lovers and concubines of Boreas, more ancient texts (and religious belief - see below) rather place Orithyia as the wife of Boreas, even hinting at her becoming a divine being alongside her husband... But well, one thing all the texts agree on is that Orithyia gave birth from Boreas to two purple-winged human sons, Zetes and Calais, who would later be known as the heroic duo “the Boreads”. Originally there was just these two, but much later authors added more children to this union, two girls to match the two boys – one named Chione (which means “snow”), the other named Cleopatra (and who later married a king of Thrace). Fascinatingly, another late tradition still links Boreas to a “Chione/Khione”, but this time not as his daughter – but rather as another lover of his, a maid that he abducted and with whom he had… well originally it was just one son, but then it evolved into three priests of Apollo in Hyperborea, and then into the entire dynasty of kings and priests of Hyperborea. There also many other alternate accounts of Boreas’ children – one describing the “Aurai”, the goddesses of the breezes, as being his daughters.
The other main Greek myth about Boreas comes from Aesop’s Fables: in one of his fables, Aesop describes a rivalry between Boreas the North Wind and his uncle Helios the sun. The two enter a contest to see who is the most powerful, and decide to play at the game of “Who can strip a man of his clothes the fastest?”. The North Wind tries to blow away the clothes out of the man, but the more he blows the more the man tighten his cloak around him. When Helios tries, he merely has to shine extremely bright and warm, and quickly the man disrobes. The moral of this story is: “Persuasion is better than force”. Because again, this is what Boreas embodies: brutality. This is why he abducts his lovers instead of courting them, and this is why he is a dark and negative wind that only causes trouble and destruction in nature.
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The Romans added two more legend to the figure of Boreas. One tied him to Apollo (who was the main patron god of Hyperborea, said to spend half of his time there). According to the Roman myth Boreas (or rather his roman equivalent Aquilo) protected Leto, Apollo and Artemis/Diana’s mother: when the monstrous snake Python was sent to harm the pregnant woman, Jove ordered Aquilo to take her away to a place where she could be safe and deliver – this was the island of Delos. The second legend was another love story: according to it, he fell in love with a nymph called Pitys. This is interesting because in the Greek only version Pitys was turned into a pine tree to avoid Pan’s lustful desires as she was hunted by him – but in the Roman version, Pitys became at the center of a love competition between Pan and Boreas. As she had to choose between them, Boreas showed his strength by uprooting all the trees in the area, but Pan merely laughed merrily and joyfully, and it is this joyful laugh that won the nymph’s heart. Angry at being rejected, Boreas chased the nymph down in fury until she threw herself off a cliff and died – but Gaia took pity on her, and decided to have her live again by turning her body into a pine tree.
In terms of religion, Boreas actually had a cult. The most notable city to worship him was Athens, who was proud of their tie to Boreas through his love and union with their legendary princess Orithyia. As a result, the Athenians considered Boreas to be the city’s “son-in-law” – when Athenians prayed to have storms destroy enemy fleets, they prayed to Boreas and Orithyia, and whenever attacking ships sank thanks to the weather, the Athenians thanked Boreas out of all winds. Similarly, the city of Megapolis was known to offer a sacrifice once every year to Boreas, to thank him for saving them against the Lacedemonians, and they treated him with a greater honor than any other god. A third Greek city was only known for their Boreas cult: Thurii, who considered Boreas their protector after the North wind destroyed an armada of ships sent by Syracuse – in answer to this they organized an annual festival in his honor, granted the North wind Thurii citizenship and offered to him a house and a plot of land.
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yami268 · 2 years
Storm Hawks characters as Greek Myth Deities
Disclaimer: I've tried my best to match them to the best of my ability but I am basing this off memory and internet pages (mostly Wiki). They're probably are ones that fit the characters better and some can be interchangeable with others. That being said, I hope you appreciate what I came up with.
Storm Hawks
Aerrow:  Aeolus, God of Winds Piper: Theia, Goddess of Insight Finn: Apollo, God of Music and Archery Junko: Hephaestus, God of the Forge Stork: Moros, God of Doom Radarr: An Aurai, a nymph of the cooling breeze
Cyclonis: Hecate, Goddess of Witchcraft Dark Ace: Thanatos, God of Death Snipe: Ares, God of Brutal War Ravess: Athena, Goddess of Strategic War
Starling: Alecto, The Unceasing Goddess of the Furies Repton: Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt Carver: Nemesis, Goddess of Revenge Harrier: Arete, Goddess of Virtue Suzy Lu: Chione, Goddess of Snow Tritonn: Palaemon, Sea God who aided sailors in distress Dove: Nike, Goddess of Victory Lightning Strike: Zeus, God and Ruler of the Heavenly Domain
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aceofcupsbiggestfan · 7 months
Horae (or Horai) are the seasons of Hellenism. They are often seen as a group of three goddesses, however in reality there are many variations on which goddesses they are, or even if they are epithets of each other.
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Most commonly the three Seasons are seen as Dike (personification and goddess of divine justice), Eunomia (goddess of good order and lawful conduct), and Eirene (goddess of peace). This, however, is their later interpretation. Slowly across the Classical and Hellenistic Periods the Horae changed from season deities to goddesses of order and justice.
So while Lady Dike, Lady Eunomia and Lady Eirene are correctly the Horae, they are also correctly Thallo (goddess of "green-shoots" and blooming), Auxo (goddess of vegetation and growth at full bloom), and Karpo (goddess of ripening plants and fruits of the earth).
It's good to note that each Goddess here is also a Daimon, a personification, of their respected rulings. For example, you may find confusion while speaking of Karpo as the personification of Autumn, due to her also being the goddess of ripe fruit. This could easily be meshed in one's mind with Lady Demeter, goddess of the Harvest, who is commonly associated with autumn. However, Lady Demeter is not a personification, and is an Olympian Deity, marking her vastly different from Lady Karpo as the Daimon and Goddess of Autumn itself.
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In the Iliad, the Horae were keepers of Zeus's gate on Olympus. This is thought to be their earliest written record. Here the Horae were said to be born of Zeus and Themis, meaning they would be the later goddesses.
Primarily, the earlier variation of the goddesses were worshipped in rural Greece. The later were also adopted in rural areas, but less as nature deities and more of goddesses that represent farming prosperity. The earlier goddesses are often seen with Chione (goddess of snow) and Orithyia (goddess of cold mountain winds). Together, Thallo, Auxo, Karpo, Chione and Orithyia were seen as handmaidens/entourage to Persephone as the goddess of the turn of seasons.
Nonnus described the Horae as four daimons, the daughters of Helios (And sometimes Selene) and handmaidens of Queen Hera. These daimons are different from the previous group due to them not only being seen occasionally as winged children, but also being not goddesses but personifications. These daimons are Eiar (personification of spring), Theros (personification of summer), Phthinoporon (personification of autumn), and Cheimon (personification of winter). However, this variation of the Horae are from a Greek poet living in Imperial Rome, so take it with a very large grain of salt as a Hellenist. But if you worship the Roman pantheon, you might want to look more into this variation than others!
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Personally, as a Hellenist myself, I look more towards the first two variations of the Horae. Not one is wrong in their claim to their sisterhood of the Horae. With Cronus's wheel of time comes change, and it is only natural for it change as such. I worship both trios (and Chione + Orithyia) as the Horae, because they both are! They are goddesses of time in their own respect, and all eight deserve reverence, worship, and devotion as goddesses that aid us in every turn of life.
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regencyofhell-if · 2 years
Is Daedalion’s name a reference to Dantalion?
No, but if I had know about that before now, it would have been interesting!
Daedalion is actually a character from Greek mythology, in which he is the son of the "Evening Star" deity Vesper. In the myth, he has a daughter named Chione, who died after Artemis shot her with an arrow for boasting that she was more beautiful than the goddess. Overcome with grief, Daedalion commits suicide by jumping from Mount Parnassus, but Apollo turns him into a hawk and saves his life.
The myth also mentions Ceyx as being Daedalion's brother, but my version is drastically different and neither of the two are related, nor is Daedalion a father (nephilim can't have children of their own).
I just borrowed the names.
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Pagoniá (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Ice Queen by the people of Olympius
Mom by her daughter
Age- 33 (immortal)
Location- Skyline district, New Olympus
Personality- Much like her domain she can be cold, distant, & emotionally unavailable at times. More often than not she keeps the few people in her social circle at arm's length. She can be incredibly self-centered, but she's also sensual, intelligent, and creative. She's in a "situationship."
She has the standard abilities of a goddess. As the goddess of ice, her main ability is cryokinesis (on a much more powerful scale than her daughter) that also includes ice mimicry & blowing a powerful cold breath from her mouth. One of the deadliest abilities in her repertoire is the ice kiss- being able to freeze a person solid, thus shattering them, through a deep kiss.
Pagoniá currently lives in a luxury apartment at Bolt Towers that was bought for her by her lover. Before this, she used to reside in the Underworld. Her new apartment is the epitome of an icy wonderland. Inside the interior colors are shades of white, powder blue, silver, & gray. The thermostat is set a couple degrees below freezing. The flooring is snow white mink carpeting with glittery silver trim. There's a gorgeous chandelier overhead in the kitchen that's dripping in ice crystals and white diamonds. Many nude portraits of her are scattered throughout the place. There's a safe built into one of the walls where her more expensive jewelry is kept. Pagoniá has a single pet- a bichon frise; a boy named Snowball. She also owns a bungalow in the state of Thrace. She mainly gets around in her sleek silver sports car (that has platinum chrome spinners).
She usually starts off her mornings with a soak in the bath. The tub is filled with ice cubes & ice cold water and is then added with a few drops of essential oils of white tea, white grapefruit, peppermint, white sage, and vanilla bean. Her personal masseuse then comes over to give her a massage as well as a session of acupuncture.
Pagoniá lacks an affinity for cooking, so she usually dines out or eats in through take-out. For breakfast a usual order (through use of chariot service) is two breakfast burritos (with scrambled egg whites, bell peppers, & turkey bacon) from The Bread Box along with a stack of egg white pancakes (with ricotta and banana & drizzled in white chocolate syrup from The Hearthside Diner. Most of the times she'll settle for a bowl of Earthly Harvest honey vanilla toasted rice cereal with ice cold milk.
Notable features of the ice goddess is her distinct breathy speaking voice, her natural hourglass shape, and her platinum blonde hair, which she keeps in a bob of voluminous soft curls.
Pagoniá's immediately family includes her older sister Eváeros (goddess of air & the zodiacs), her nephews- Boreas (god of the north wind), Zephyrus (god of the west wind), Notus (god of the south wind), & Eurus (god of the east wind), and her only child Chione (goddess of snow).
She was able to get pregnant on her own through the use of the fertility services of Gaia (goddess of the earth). Pagoniá's pregnancy came about during the time of a deep depression when she felt the most alone. She wanted a person "who'd love her truly, no matter what." A fond memory she has of Chione was when she instinctively made her first snowflake at just three months old.
Pagoniá's relationship with her sister has always been contentious. She's always been insecure about her status as a minor deity & the fact her sister achieved heightened status (her own star on the Pantheon Walk of Fame), Pagoniá feels more overlooked. With her nephews, she's more closer to Boreas.
Go-to drinks for her include ice cold water, cool blueberry lavender zero sugar Strengthify water, peppermint tea, classic martinis, & the white lady cocktail- a drink made with gin, triple sec, lemon juice, and an egg white). Her usuals from The Roasted Bean is a large white chocolate mocha and an olympian sized flat white.
Pagoniá has never been shy when it came to her sexuality. She was a genius when it came to crafting her public persona- being this alluring mysterious sensual being. At home & her vacation bungalow, a lot of her time is spent in the nude. She was even the first centerfold of Zeus' men's magazine. On the cover, she was laying on a snow leopard blanket wearing noting but sheer garter belt stockings, her body decorated in scattered decorative crystals.
Her favorite piece of jewelry that she always wears is her white gold necklace that has a diamond encrusted charm that's in the shape of a classic Megaleio handbag. With the permission of Clymene (Titaness of fame & renown), Chione designed & made the necklace.
One of her favorite desserts is the mille crepes cake from Salon du Sucre. She also likes baked alaska.
She loves watching rom-coms & drama films. Pagoniá will often have a weekend movie marathon with her daughter and her daughter's good friend Despoina (goddess of the arcadian mysteries, frost, winter, & shadows) while they pig out on truffle oil popcorn & pizza bianca.
Her favorite sweet treat is marshmallow ice cream, opting for a double scoop when she goes to The Frozen Spoon.
Pagoniá's main source of income comes from having the largest manufacturer/distributor of packaged ice products in Olympius (Chaíre Spíti) like ice vending, packaged ice, block ice, & cold storage for some examples. For cost effective reasons, the company is located in the Underworld. Her other sources of income comes from modeling for/endorsing Heavenly Spark, atelier fantaisie, Ice Stones (her daughter's jewelery brand), Megaleio, Diamond Ave., Stella Ferrea, & Euryphaessa.
She doesn't have many friends in the pantheon. Pagoniá is however close with Mnemosyne (Titaness of memory & language), Asteria (Titaness of falling stars, magic, astrology, & nocturnal oracles and prophecies), Dione, Kósmima (goddess of adornment), and Kéfi (goddess of mirth), as well as some of The Ourea.
A guilty pleasure for her are the soft & buttery breadsticks from The Crown, Zeus' high end restaurant.
As a gift Pagoniá got a snow white La Petit Amour velour tracksuit from Kósmima.
Pagoniá loves wearing the Olmorfia lip gloss in "Crystal Lights", a glittery iridescent color. Before putting on the lip gloss, she lines her lips with a nude lip liner.
As a Summer Solstice gift, Mnemosyne gave her a Diamond Ave. perfume bottle crystal shaped jeweled clutch. Kéfi gave her the stiletto crystal shoe shaped jeweled clutch for her birthday. Both cost well over 5,000 drachmas!
Pagoniá's love life has been tumultuous to say the least. She once drunkenly made out with her sister's ex Aegaeon (god of sea storms) while they were still together. Other former lovers include Hydros (god of water), Priapus (god of fertility, vegetable gardens, livestock, sexuality, & masculinity), and several mortal men.
Her current lover is a Hyperborean Giant named Krýstallos. He's a financial advisor on Acropolis Street who's also married with a wife and children. The buffer for them is Pagoniá's bungalow when she travels to Thrace a few times a month. She likes how he makes her feel safe and the fact that he constantly showers her with expensive jewelry- her favorite thus far being the platinum & diamond cuff bracelet which has a huge teardrop shaped diamond in the center. In her bouts of melancholy, Pagoniá will anonymously stalk his wife's Fatestagram profile.
Her and Krýstallos has been phorgraphed in public once at a grand opening of the messenger god's high end restaurant. She looked immaculate of course- her hair in its signature soft curls, her pouty lips covered in matte nude lipstick, & she wore a see through skin tight crystal encrusted floor length gown with matching gloves. Nothing covered her breasts and she wore a nude colored thong.
Her all time favorite food is the vichyssoise along with seared scallops and oysters in a mignonette sauce topped with beluga caviar.
In her free time Pagoniá enjoys writing in her journal, shopping, gardening, reading, skiing (in the Underworld), clubbing, and sleeping.
"I'm cold as ice, but in the right hands, I'll melt."
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