#snivy speaks
kangaskahn · 2 months
Hello, Saffron!
( @jotabug )
Why, Hello, Jotabug. Nice to see someone has their manners (unlike that last Anon.)
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asktheoger · 5 months
🧬Eevee and Snivy
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matthewonart · 7 months
Speculation Time: I think that Snivy is 100% going to be the Grass Starter of PLZA (assuming they go for the swapped starters thing again, but it would be weird to make Regional Forms of Starters and then only do it once tbh).
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I don't have as much of an inkling to the other two--possibly Piplup for Water, as Empoleon is heavily based in name and appearance on a famous French ruler.
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kidfur · 4 months
pokemon white 2 is so damn good.. absolutely baller game... im gonna play pokemon x now :3
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lady-zephyrine · 7 months
Honestly though, Kalos was done so dirty by Game Freak so I'm actually happy to see a new Legends game for this region.
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cryptoseraphim · 1 year
Im playing Pokemon white for the first time and I am so not used to there being no exp share lmao but then again I get way more attached to my Pokemon by having to manually train each one
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arikad0 · 2 years
every time I think my art hasn't improved I search this art I made in 2012 out and instantly feel better
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''Earlier, we received a Snivy and a Cyndaquil from someone... Well, in the state they are in, I won't question from where they found them too much, for they are quite young and not in a good state. We transferred the Snivy for better care to @friendly-trainer for we are rather North, it is really cold and they aren't native to Sinnoh. However, the Cyndaquil will stay with us. It seem to have imprinted somewhat on me and I'd rather not stress them any further than necessary.'' ''They have quite a few scrapes and are underfed, but it isn't anything that can't be fixed with time and care. I'll have however to look to see if whatever happened to them before now have left its mark. Thing to note, they are slightly off color from the so called 'standard' Cyndaquil. Their fur is closer to a purple than a deep blue, but it is all I can say for now. Once they are better, I'll be able to run a few blood tests, but for now, I'll have to take it a day at a time with them.'' - Dogwood
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ex-vespidae · 1 year
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i love pokepark 2 (i have never played the first one)
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kangaskahn · 2 months
Do you hate Ultra Beasts too?
( @jotabug )
Yes. More than Pokemon.
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loupy-mongoose · 11 months
Speaking of Lav's journey, I had a question I've been tossing around for a while. If the kids were to all go on a journey (Rosie included), what starters do you think they'd vibe with the most and pick? I'm talking out of any starters Pokémon from any generation.
Ooooo, ANY starter? Hmmmmmm...
I'm assuming you're including Lav in that. Canonically she'll get a starter for her Paldea run which may or may not be counted as spoilers, so I won't tell what she picks here. Out of any of the options though, let's see... I'm thinking Totodile would be a good match for her, if it's stereotypical lol. Or if we're allowing it, Eevee.
Over-popularity be darned, Momo would want Charizard/Charmander, preferably Mega X.
Midas would pick Chikorita/Meganium.
Rosie is the hardest to figure out, cuz I haven't decided of a type preference for her. I feel like she'd jive with Snivy/Serperior.
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quartings · 7 months
Legends Z-A Thoughts and Theories!
Okay, I was pretty quiet on my opinions for Scarlet and Violet, but I'm confident enough to be very pleased and optimistic for this! Legends Arceus was the strongest Pokemon game we had in a decade, and to see them continue this, bring back Megas, and take an extra year to hopefully make it non-buggy? Makes me so so excited!
On Megas:
It's a bit of a surprise to see Megas back, but honestly? Not too much of a surprise. Even ignoring the inevitability of Kalos remakes, Megas are the only gimmick Pokemon kept around in their spinoffs. It was in Mystery Dungeon, Shuffle, Smash Bros, Pokemon Go, and probably more I'm forgetting! So it was always in the back of Gamefreak's mind and I'm glad it's truly back again!
With Gens 8 and 9 bringing back cross-gen evos, I think they'll focus on only giving Megas to three-stage lines, to not quash the potential of 2nd stage Pokemon getting regular evolutions. So starters and Pokemon like Flygon can get Megas since they can't evolve further, but Pokemon like Tropius and Chimecho probably won't, in case they get evolutions in Gen 10 (That then get Megas)
I also don't think we fully grasp how many more Pokemon can get Megas now, too. Barely any of Gen 5 and 6 had Megas (Seriously only 2 Pokemon between the 228 Pokemon in those gens) and we've had THREE more generations since then!!
Note: We went from wanting a Dunsparce evo, to wanting a Dunsparce Mega, to getting Dudunsparce with mixed fan reception. Now I'm going to be a selfish deluded clown bitch and get my hopes up for a Mega Dudunsparce.
Speaking of starters and Megas, do we think we'll get a mish-mash of older starters for this game that then get Megas (Say, Piplup, Snivy, and Scorbunny) or will we get Megas for the three Kalos starters?
Megas may mean Mega Stones return as held items, and held items weren't in Legends Arceus- new gameplay advancement?
Legends Arceus gave us 7 new Pokemon (most of them cross-gen evos) and a dozen new regional forms. Do you think we'll still get regionals this game, or will the design team be focused more on making new Megas instead?
On the world:
It's been confirmed the whole game is only in Lumiose City- how big is the map?? Hopefully we really do get lots of sidequests, biomes for wild Pokemon, and traversal options.
When is this? We're redeveloping Lumiose City, but are we in the past developing it into its current state, or are we in the present/future developing it into a new solarpunk city? Or neither, and this is a "Paradox" game set in a timeline which doesn't quite match ours?
This doesn't have to be an isekai (as in, we don't have to be time travellers again per se), just keep that in mind!
The "Z" in the logo represents Zygarde, with the black color and green hexagons. So who's the "A"? It's green with green scale/leaf patterns on it. What does it represent? The "Chaos" to Zygarde's "Order"? Is it a 5th Zygarde form or is it a whole new Pokemon?
Meta thoughts:
This further confirms my theory that Gen 9 will last until 2026, where they announce Gen 10 on that year's Pokemon Day for their 30th anniversary, and that's great! I'm glad they aren't overworking themselves too much compared to Gens 6-8.
On them "skipping" Unova remakes: I don't see this as skipping. We've been long overdue for a Z version since Kalos is literally the only Pokemon region to only appear in one release (no third version, no remakes, no sequels, no ultras, no DLC). So we're simply making up for the "deficit" of a third version here, and we can go back to focusing on Unova remakes for Gen 10.
Do you think we'll get any final updates to SV to tide us over until the next LegendZ trailer around August? Maybe a small DLC, mythical reveal, or free update?
Pokemon Adventures skipped the last Legends game, so they'll probably skip this one too? I'm fine either way- at least by skipping it, they won't be too rushed and stressed, and they'll actually have the time to flesh out SV and catch up with ORAS/SM/USUM/SwSh in the full volumes.
But on the off chance they do adapt Legends Z-A, do you think we'll get dexholders named Z and A??
Note for the future- the Yoasobi Pokemon song BiriBiri has a part where they namedrop all the game titles- one part has the lyrics "ABC to the XYZ". Long shot, but if Legends Z-A does indeed have an ABC theming, this could be a crazy bit of either coincidental or intentional foreshadowing!
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angelicalchaoticabyss · 4 months
(PokePasta) PokePark 2, The Fun Never Ends.
I was replaying PokePark 2 again for about the…fifth time? What can I say? I just found the game that fun I suppose. And you could call me a pretty lonely guy, I didn’t have friends after all so making Pokemon friends in the game was nice.
 It was after saving the Pokemon from Wish Park did I start to see a change. When I talked to the saved Pokemon to play their skill games they would talk about how tired they were, how exhausting it was to come out of Wish Park. The way they acted reflected this as the skill games were easier to complete and I didn’t even need Snivy to catch Cincinno in Cove Town.
I pondered on what was going on with the game but found it interesting enough to keep playing. The rescued Pokemon in the Arbor Area were the same thing, always exhausted. Bisharp even had a cloud above his head signifying I had to speak to him, and he talked about how tired and drained the saved Pokemon looked. Now I was even more curious. The next time I entered Wish Park I didn’t go to the attraction right away after encountering Darkrai and rejecting his offer to join him.
Now I don’t know how I did this exactly, but I managed to glitch Pikachu into the center of Wish Park, and I could strangely access Wish Palace, so I pressed 2 to go.
The Compass star thing glowed brightly as Pikachu was engulfed in light.
The Loading screen was completely black aside from the white “Loading…” in the corner. Then the Wish Palace music began to play. I ran up the stairs to where Darkrai was, and I wondered if I had found a speedrun skip for the game. But instead of Piplup being there it was indeed Darkrai waiting for me. He had a cloud above his head, so I went to talk to him.
“You…You’re here? Did you manage to find a way to see me? How…thoughtful. I have an attraction for you to play.”
I wasn’t given an option to decline, and my curiosity got the better of me. I selected Yes and was sent to another Loading screen with only Pikachu on it, and he was looking…worried, before the instructions came up. I was to hit the Shadow balls back at Darkrai as they came at me and it kind of reminded me of Bastidon’s attraction from the first game. I knocked the attacks back at Darkrai as best I could, getting hit several times when he moved faster and faster but finally the attraction was over with a passing score...only…it wasn’t.
The attraction started up again with another loading screen with Pikachu having a scared look on his face. This continued on, with each loading screen Pikachu began to look more and more exhausted, drained, like he was being syphoned of energy. The attraction truly ended when mid hit Pikachu just collapsed onto the ground, unconscious, and I lost control of the game.
“What the…?”
“Hm…something wrong my friend…? You don’t look too good, here, let me help you…”
“Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you. We’ll be friend’s forever…never again lonely.”
Darkrai ensnared Pikachu in a bundle of energy, I shook my head and turned the Wii off…okay…something…no that’s...that’s horribly wrong. I turned it back on again, but no matter what I did and how long I waited, the Wii wouldn’t recognize the game disc. I was confused and frustrated so I left the console off before going to bed, and in my sleeping state I was afflicted with a nightmare. I was a Pikachu running through darkness, and a voice was begging me to stay over and over, filling my ears.
The nightmares continued without end for weeks, even seeking medical attention didn’t help stop them. I was beyond stressed out and terrified of sleep, this led to me not sleeping for days until I’d eventually pass out from exhaustion. Darkrai began to appear in these dreams, begging me to stay with him and be his friend, but I always ran away. The nightmares wouldn’t stop…until I couldn’t wake up anymore.
My nightmares were now of Wish Park and Wish Palace, occasionally I could hear the sounds of hospital machines and the like, my mother crying…it all hurt so much. But I’m stuck here now, stuck with him. Stuck with my… “best friend” and I knew deep down…not even death would save me.
But why should I be sad? I’m stuck with fun games, endless food, and a best friend who wants everything to do with me. Sure, I’m away from my family but hey…who…needed them…? Who needs anyone when you have Darkrai? When you have Darkrai and Wish Park…
The Fun never ends.
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cutekittenlady · 8 months
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 1
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And so it begins.
After several polls, we're going to FINALLY start playing through our first (and maybe only if i cant keep it up) installment of Tumblr Plays Pokemon!
You voted and now I will begin playing as Polly. An eager young trainer whos catching choices have been decided by YOU loyal tumblrites!
Just to refresh your minds as to the rules of this playthrough, here is the rough outline;
You, tumblr user reading this right now, will vote on a series of 24 hour long polls I post up on this blog deciding what pokemon we will attempt to catch in each area. When we've voted on all the available areas between the gyms (been using bulbapedias White 2 walkthrough to help me sort that out) I will play through the section attempting to catch the pokemon in question, and playing through the game with them.
Seems simple right?
Well not quite. To keep things interesting I added some additional rules to keep things interesting for all involved. After all it wouldn't be nearly as interesting if we had it all our own way right?
Here are the rules in full;
(warning; long post ahead)
All attempted Pokemon catches on each route will be decided by tumblr poll. This includes choices regarding trade pokemon, gift pokemon, fossils, etc when they come up.
Can only catch a single pokemon from every route.
Can only catch a single member of each evolutionary family. (No team of all eevees)
Can only attempt to catch each species of pokemon ONCE. If I fail we don't get a second chance. (Can't catch pidgey on route 1? NO pidgeys on the team for the rest of the game)
Can only have a single pokemon of every type.
No repeat natures.
Any HM slave/mule will be a permanent member of the team and count towards all previous rules.
Outside of the pokemon there are two additional options on polls; Randomize will mean choosing a pokemon based on the results of a random number number generator. Choose this if you want a pokemon but don't care which or otherwise just want to cause a little chaos.
Abstain will mean skipping the route without catching any pokemon. Choose this if you want to reserve the catches and typing for the pokemon on another route.
So keep in mind that winning the poll for a route doesnt necessarily mean that that pokemon will be a 100% guranteed catch or member of the team. If I fail to catch them, or if they have a conflicting nature, they will not be added to the team.
(Note; Also please note that this is NOT a nuzlocke. There are no permadeath rules in this playthrough. So a pokemon added to the team is a permanent member of the roster both in and out of the PC.)
With all that rigmaroll explaind lets get started!
Our name is Polly and we're a freshly minted trainer starting out on our pokemon journey for the first time on a lovely Spring evening! See our mom is friends with Professor Juniper, one of the pokemon professors, and shes offered to give us a pokedex of our very own!
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Which she tells our mom at the last second, the DAY Biana arrives with our pokemon. What a character that Juniper.
Naturally we're not going to say no to having a Pokemon of our very own. With a Pokemon we'd finally get to leave town on our own, and maybe Hugh would finally stop asking us if we have one every damn day.
Speaking of Hugh;
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We meet him outside and he more or less INVITES himself to find Bianca. Ah well, the more the merrier. Maybe.
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Found her...
So in the first ever poll to decide our roster you guys voted that our starter should be...
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First off the table is the grass type. As one of the three starters in the game, Snivy is bound to be a longstanding addition to the team.
Sadly in the older games you can't rename your pokemon until you find the Name Rater, and in this game you don't run into him until Castelia City. So we won't be able to gurantee any nicknames based off of natures. As a result we're going to have to name this guy blind!
With that in mind I decided to name him Bentley! Which is a name that refers to a meadow with course grass.
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He has a Quiet nature which actually fits well with the stuffy british name we wound up giving him XD And he has Overgrow as an ability which should be expected.
All the same with this decision we can cross all grass types off our options in the future, and any pokemon we catch with a Quiet nature outside of Bentley will need to be released! The nature rule is first come first serve!
After we get our Pokemon Hugh comes up and basically demands poor Bianca give him a pokedex. Which, by some miracles, she actually HAS.
I try to leave but Hugh won't let me. Guess we gotta fight.
Hugh is going to use the little Tepig hes raised from an egg, adn we're gonna use out newly minted Bentley.
I start things off with leer, but tepig hits back with tackle. After that it was tackle after tackle until Bentley laid a critical hit and beat Tepig! Which is odd considering Hughs had his pokemon for longer.
(Lol if this were a written story I'd have us lose. I mean it'd only make sense. But eh. Video game logic.)
After the obligatory Pokemon Center tutorial (which we arguably wouldn't need given out mom works there) Bianca gives us some free pokeballs. Then we meet our mom outside who gives us some running shoes (you kids have no idea what a god send these were back in the day) and Hughs sister gives us a map. As we head to Route 19 for our obligatory catching tutorial the lady at the gate gives us a free potion.
Bianca gives the practice tutorial against a Purrloin which, coincidently, is the pokemon that we were voted to catch for Route 19! So after Bianca finally leaves a get into the grass and make my search for a Purrloin... which I found right away!
It was level 2.
Bentley one hit KO'd it with a critical.
I don't know what to tell you guys. I legit thought Purrloin was going to be a guranteed member of the team but uh... Bentley decided against it and went in for the kill. Maybe thats why Tepig lost despite Hugh having it for longer. Bentley is a quiet little guy who hides the soul of a killer.
So, uh, yeah Dark types are still on the table going forward. Purrloin and Leapard not so much. Oh well at least it gave Bentley enough exp to learn Vine Whip.
We continue on our way and find another potion in some grass.
And then a spiky haired old man jumps out at us.
I'm not kidding.
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He jumps off that cliff by the way.
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Are your legs okay?
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I feel like hes dodging the question.
He encircles around us and then says our "snivy" is fine-looking. He then asks us to follow him.
Remembers folks theres no "stranger danger" in the poke-verse XD
Alder invites us to visit his house, but I opt to explore the town a bit instead. This bit of independent thought netted me another free potion from an old man in one of the houses. Nice guy.
We run into Alder again who tells us Hugh is probably on route 20 training his mons. And it just so happens that route is out next goal!
The attempted capture we aim for on route 2 is Pidove! Hopefully since it has a type advantage against Bentleys grass type it won't go down in one hit!
Before that though I have to fight some trainers. Not that its a huge difficulty. Bentley took them both out no problem. Issue is... hes now level 8. Hope that PIdove hops out soon...
And as I type that we find another trainer. Oh boy.
Of note though is that in the Unova games you'll often have moments like this where you'll see unreachable items.
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These are here to encourage you to revisit routes during different seasons. We're in Spring at the start of the game so this pokeball will likely become reachable in the Fall or Winter when the holl around it fills with leaves or snow.
Thing is, the seasons in Unova change monthly. Back in the day you coudl adjust the season by changing the time on your switch buuuuut I'm playing on PC so that options isn't available. Lol here's hoping the polls keep us busy.
Still I liked this mechanic a lot growing up. It kept you invested in the game for a longer amount of time, and enouraged you to backtrack to older routes to see what new things you could find there.
North of this area is Floccessy Ranch but we gotta try and get our Pidove encounter before then. After running away from a few sewaddles we come across a Pidove.
Who is level 2.
Bentley is level 8.
Oh boy.
The thing is. I could just throw a pokeball. That could catch the Pidove. But I dont want to get into the habit of doing that because having to battle the pokemon just... makes things more exciting? But I don't want to just ignore your guys votes either.
So, at least temporarily, I'm going to give myself one chance to throw a ball at a wild pokemon if I think its too low level or that my pokemon might one hit KO it. However I don't want to resort to doing that the whole playthrough. So if I don't do it again in future, well... the lack of excitement is why. Plus once you unlock quick balls, doing this just kills the fun entirely so yeah. With that in mind I'm limiting it to the basic red and white pokeball.
With that being said here we go...
opening the bag
selecting the ball
throwing the ball
it busts out.
Okay. Still a chance though. I mean its a flying type. It has a type advantge on Bentley. Maybe if I just use the normal type attack tackle it'll leave it with a bit of health.
Okay Bently use tackle but do not under any circumstances=
... aaaand youve killed it....
. . . . .
.... Bentley I'm starting to think there's a reason Juniper and Bianca gave you away.
((Is the game designed this way? Am I supposed to be one shotting the beginner route pokemon? I havent played this game in years so I have no idea.))
Okay Okay. Floccessy Ranch is our last chance. We NEED a pokemon from there or else we're going into the first gym with JUST Bentley and while hes turned out to be a tiny murderous green bean, I don't ultimately think it'd be wise.
Nows a good time to delve into an aspect of this method of playthrough that I am only just now realizing is an issue. See because Pidove won the poll for Route 20, I removed it from the polling from the subsequent routes in this section of the game. Which mean pokemon like Lillipup, patrat, and azurill weren't on the poll even though the normal typing didn't wound up being used up.
This is a bit of an early game mistake on my part, as its an eventuality that simply didn't occur to me. However rather than redo the whole poll, I think I'm just going to keep the result of the Floccesy Ranch poll as is and just refrain from making the same mistake in future.
So from now on, I will only remove pokemon from the poll if their typing/species/evolutionary family are confirmed members of the team. Beyond that they remain on the polls. If a Pokemon wins two routes in a row or something like that, I'll just count it towards the route it was caught on and label the second one "abstained" and do another poll for it later.
Sorry I didn't catch this eventuality sooner, but this is the first time I'm attempting this kinda thing and these growing pains were to be expected. Regardless here's hoping Bentley doesnt decide to make all this musing pointless by killing our next potential team member.
Continuing on we enter Floccesy Ranch and fight Hugh. I'm not sure if there was a chance to catch any pokemon here BEFORE fighting Hugh, but I'm here now so eh. He only has one pokemon still so I think it'll be okay.
Bentley starts off with a couple of leers again, bu Tepig does a couple of tackles and hits with his own tail whip. Since Tepigs a fire type theres no relying on vine whip here. So I'm gonna rely on tackle.
A strategy which works and takes Tepig down. Raising Bentley up to level 9.
Oh joy. This is gonna go straight to Bentleys head I just know it.
After the big fight the ranch owners arrives and are shocking chill about two teenagers having a monster fight on their property. They even give me a potion for Bentley.
They tell us one of their Herdier has wandered off and Hugh just flips out on the poor guy and his wife and runs off to find it. Guess we better help find it. Could be a good chance to catch us another team member.
Assuming Bentleys blood lust is finally under control.
The pokemon who won the poll for Floccesy Ranch was mareep which seems thematically appropriate for the location. I try to run from as many battles as possible while hunting for a mareep sine Bentley does NOT need anymore levels! A lot of the pokemon in this area seem to be at least at level 4, but since Bentley is at level 9 at this point and is eyeballing level 10 I really gotta be careful to avoid battles.
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i guess I should be happy hes not managing to kill this purrloin in one hit but hes basically guranteed to level up from this trainer battle.
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You see what I mean?!
Honestly when I started this I did NOT think quick leveling or weak wild pokemon was going to be a problem. At least not this early on. I'm really really really hoping that when we find that mareep its strong enough to survive Bentley.
Bentley did learn wrap which may be useful but I can recall if you can still catch a pokemon caught in wrap or not? I'm not sure I want to risk it. Especially since mareep has, I think, a 10% appearance rate? So it'll take me a hot second just to find one and I'd prefer not to have this murderous little grass weasel make all that for naught!
Finally found a mareep!
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Aaaand its level 5
Okay. Bentley. My starter. My partner. My friend. Do not, and I neeed you to listen to this! Do NOT kill this mareep in one hit! Yes, I know it is raining right now and as a grass type in a gen 5 game thats basically a god send, but just.... please.
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Now if the pokeball gods don't hate me...
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Okay okay okay. We gotta name our new little friend.
I took a while deliberating on this one and after way too many various google searches I've decided to call her Aries and be done with it.
"But isn't Aries a boys name?"
I have no idea. I did way too much googling by this point, and I was, like, 80% sure Bentley was going to murder her. Now as long as she has a nature that doesnt conflict wtih Bentley (which is likely) then we're good.
Bentley had a quiet nature, so as long as she has literally ANYTHING different then we're fine.
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Now I know this is a rather abrupt play to end this, but after that wild ride of Bentley going on a murder binger and this post already being incredibly long, I think I'll start a new one to detail finding the pokemon and taking on the gym!
Thankfully this DOES mean that I can go ahead and make some new polls for the next section of the game. So look forward to that.
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bonzosbunker · 1 year
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#001 - SNIVY
#002 - SERVINE
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cedar-scavenges · 7 months
Not all humans can speak to Pokémon
They might think you are a Zoroark
so far he's brought me
purrloin, timburr, sandile, sigilyph, and a boldore
right now im talking to a zorua and snivy
he's watching the whole thing. looks elated
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