#//kahn hates them too
kangaskahn · 2 months
Do you hate Ultra Beasts too?
( @jotabug )
Yes. More than Pokemon.
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kusagrasskusa · 1 year
MK Villains meeting/hearing about their (and your) child - PART 2
Erron Black, Shang Tsung, Baraka, Kano, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn edition! (Part 1)
This time, we’ll be featuring…
Shinnok, Dark Raiden, Noob / Bi Han (he wasn’t very good), Scorpion, Reptile!
Enjoy ;) @kryptofancientdreams
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Shinnok: My child, where had you gone?
Child: My brothers and I have a plan to defeat you.
Shinnok: Then, I suppose they will have to go through with it without you.
Raiden: You fall from the light, sister.
Child: We are the children of Shinnok- you are just as horrible as I.
Raiden: You’re speaking just like him.
You: You promised our child the Netherrealm, then go missing.
Shinnok: A couple of inconveniences got in the way.
You: That human actor? Are you the same husband as before?
Child: I’ll kill Quan Chi myself if you can’t.
Shinnok: He is much stronger than yourself. Just wait until I win it over for you.
Child: *Pout* why! I can defeat you, so why let do it?
You: You need to talk to your son.
Kronika: Why so?
You: He fails to give [child] the gift of the Netherrealm.
Shinnok: Have you met your [sister/brother]?
Raiden: She is no sister of mine.
Shinnok: You may ignore the truth, but you know your place.
Child: You can't hide from fate.
Shinnok: My fate is not to die at the end of a worthless human's blade.
Child: A demi-god. And Cage proves humans aren't so wortthless.
Child: Brother! He escaped!
Raiden: Do you think yourself powerful enough to defeat him?
Child: Perhaps... If you can prove it.
Johnny Cage: Your daddy ever tell you about me?
Child: I tell him about you, actually, Ninja Mime.
Johnny Cage: Then be ready to tell him about this, got it?
Raiden: How does a human betray her realm?
You: If my child can have a father, that's how.
Raiden: A kind sentiment, with horrible reasoning.
Fujin: I had no idea we had a sister.
Raiden: If the reader has a thing for Shang Tsung and would like to see our sister...
Fujin: The author has a story for that? Can I check it out here?
Fujin: I won't call you mother.
You: I don't expect you to. You're a grown ma- God.
Fujin: Just making sure you're fine with that.
You: Give [child] back!
Raiden: I will not let you or Shinnok destroy my [sister/brother].
You: You fool! This is why Shinnok hates you!
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Dark Raiden
You: Are you even going to be there for [child]?
Raiden: [She/he] can live without me. But [she/he] cannot live without Earthrealm.
You: I won't let you leave so easily this time!
Fujin: Where is your father?
You: I won't let you find him.
Fujin: The darkness grows over you too. I'm sorry, niece.
Revenant Lui Kang: I can never kill Raiden, but I make him live his life in misery.
You: He is finished with your whines, champion.
Revenant Lui Kang: And soon, I'll be finished with you.
Raiden: Where is [she/he]
Revenant Lui Kang: You took away my life, Raiden. Now I took away yours.
Raiden: And I will finish with this life of yours!
Child: Not. Another. Step.
Raiden: You dare cross me?
Child: You killed them, father. You are not deserving of the name, "Protector."
You: Your father's angry at you.
Child: You two have lost yourself in darkness. I trust you mi longer.
You: You forget: I'm not as merciful as him.
Cassie: so, you're dad's a god? Must be nice.
You: 'Til he becomes a dark God. Then it kinda sucks.
Cassie: Eh, my dad sees you as a daughter anyways. That's a plus.
Raiden: I never could have imagined it end this way.
Child: Father, you misunderstand!
Raiden: You helped a Reventant. You betray your realm!
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Noob Saibot / Bi Han (seperate)
Noob: I am not your father.
Child: You may be dead, but you are still my father!
Noob: Bi Han is dead. You are just another orphan.
Child: Saibot is not as fun to play with. He's just a shadow.
Noob: I cannot always be with you, child.
Child: Then why did you ever hsve me?
Kuai Liang: My [niece/nephew]. You have my mother's eyes.
Child: I am not your niece. I was born to Noob, not Bi Han.
Kuai Liang: He is my brother and life, and in death.
You: You left me to raise a child on my lonesome.
Noob: I did what I must to protect [her/him].
You: You'd protect [child] better dead then alive.
Hanzo: It was a mistake. I was blinded by my rage.
Child: I actually came to thank you. I want to learn what you did.
Hanzo: How I killed your father? It went something like this...
Bi Han: I love you.
You: You have yet to prove it. Spend time with [child] if so.
Bi Han: That will have to wait until later, unless you can bring me home yourself.
Frost: I thought your dad said women weren't allowed to be heirs.
Child: No, no. He said bitches aren't allowed to be heirs.
Frost: Your family blood are all assholes.
Kuai Liang: I told you, we cannot waste anymore time.
You: If I can beat you, then I can take down my father!
Kuai Liang: Yes, but you can never bring him back.
Kuai Liang: So you finally settled down.
Bi Han: Correct, brother.
Kuai Liang: Let us see how prepared you are to raise a child, then.
Bi Han: Our daughter does not enjoy watching us fight.
You: You seem to forget; You are the leader, but I am the First Lady.
Bi Han: ...She will have the might of her mother.
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Child: I understand. I will never mean enough to you.
Scorpion: I love you the same as my son. Never doubt that.
Child: Then why do you care for them more than me?
Quan Chi: It would be a shame for it to happen again, yes?
Scorpion: [Child] and Y/N are under my permanently protection.
Quan Chi: Protection... only worked so much, didn't it?
Raiden: You look just like your father.
Son: I am more hellbent than him.
Raiden: Then you can never be saved.
You: Who will it be, your dead family or your new one?
Scorpion: My dear wife, I am sorry. But I cannot let go.
You: I see. Then I suppose you won't be needing us anymore.
Johnny: I saw this chick on my way here. Literally, smokin' hot.
Scorpion: *angrly grips chain* It was you who harassed my daughter?
Johnny: *clicks tongue* Yup. Not good on my part.
Child: I wish I could've killed Hemuri and my brother myself.
Scorpion: He is no brother of yours any longer!
Child: Good. Then if I could kill him, it would be far less meaningless.
Scorpion: You took my child away!
You: Why would you care! We're meaningless compared to your dead family!
Scorpion: Bring [him/her] back!
Quan Chi: I thought I killed you a long time ago.
Child: That was my brother. I had come to avenge my father's clan.
Quan Chi: Then suffer the same fate.
Kuai Liang: Scorpion found love once more.
You: *smiles* He did. Although, he cannot look past what you had done.
Kaui Liang: That was neither I or my brother. Send the message.
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Cassie: So, what's your favorite bug to eat?
Child: Ew, bugs are my father's thing. I prefer the flesh of chickens.
Cassie: Huh. Gotta say, not what I expected.
Erron Black: *Whistles* Ain't you one fine specimen.
Daughter: Half Saurian, half [human/edenian/whatever]. *wink*
Erron Black: That so? Wanna come "put venom in my veins" girlie?
Takeda: I think I've seen this somewhere.
Child: Avatar? I get that a lot.
Takeda: Maybe... or furry conventions.
— (Enter Alice Cooper)
Johnny: I wanna kiss you but your lips are-
You: -venomous poisonnnn.
Johnny: Yeah, how do you kiss that guy anyways and not melt?
Syzoth: *"My child" in Saurian*
Child: *"Father" in Saurian*
Syzoth: *:)*
Shang Tsung: I thought Reptile to be the last of his species.
Child: That was before he had me to a [human/edenian/whatever].
Shang Tsung: I must expirement with such a cross breed.
Jaque: I know Tiana had to kiss the frog to turn him human, but to have a child with the frog?
You: There's more than meets the eye, my dearest.
Jaque: Don't talk that close to me. Don't know where that mouth has been.
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iliketangerines · 3 months
Kotal Kahn with a reader who’s just a simple marketer in the outworld markets- like maybe she sells fruits or clothes-
the simple peasant
a/n: i hate kotal kahn, but yes, i do need him
pairing: kotal kahn x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
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he walks through the markets, browsing the wares, but he’s searching for something
for you
he remembers how Jade had visited him in the flesh pits, talking about you, how you were kind and gentle and soft and always so kind to others
she was so smitten with you, and she had wished that he could meet you and come out of the flesh pits to talk to you and fall in love as she did
almost every day she had gone to see you, and then she died in Sindel’s attack and Kotal was freed to work alongside Mileena
and now, finally free from paperwork and training and practice, he strolls through the markets and looks for you
Jade always described you so fondly, saying that you were unmistakable, rough hands from washing and picking fruit every day
and yet they were so gentle with them, like they were precious rubies and gems, and that you always handled them with care
your voice firm but gentle as you haggled prices with Jade every day and the other customers, but you always gave the local kids a free piece of fruit
Kotal looks for you in markets and pauses when he hears someone yelling and screaming about something
drawing his weapon, Kotal finds someone hitting a customer with a hat, kicking them in the shins as they buckle over in pain
the warrior rushes over and pulls someone off the person, and they struggle in his arms as they kick and scream at the person
he tells them to calm down before he makes them, and finally, they calm down before saying that the person laying on the floor had tried to steal your wares and then threaten a kid to try and get something for free
Kotal looks at the person laying on the floor, and then back at the person in their arms and sets them down, picking up the beaten robber by the scruff
they sniffle and ask to be taken away, they don’t want to deal with the crazy marketplace seller
Kotal sighs and sets them down and holds onto their shoulder, and he asks for the seller’s name
they repeat your name, and something clicks in his brain as he watches you brush dust off yourself and grumble and scowl
patting him on the arm roughly, you say your thanks and go back to your stand, checking on the produce and making sure that everything was okay
he walks over to you, towering over your figure, and you turn to him and ask if he wants to buy something and if not, that he should scram
Kotal purses his lips and wonders how Jade could ever like you, but he asks if you know of a Jade and that she had gone to your stand often
almost immediately, your eyes brighten up, and you ask if he knows her and that you hadn’t seen her in forever
the warrior sighs, clenching his fist, before he tells in you in a low voice that she had passed away fighting a great evil
your shoulders stiffen, and your smile drops as you let out a quiet oh
there is only silence as Kotal bows and takes his leave, and he takes a glance back at you to see you wiping at your eyes with the back of your hand
he takes the robber to the prisons, and he spends the rest of the day thinking about you
you were not gentle or soft, more like rough and prickly all over with too much anger for that one body, and yet, he wanted to go back
unfortunately for him, you were the last memory he had of Jade, and he was desperate to cling onto it for as long as he could
the next day, he finds you, purse heavy with coin, and he finds you haggling prices with a customer and counting the money before handing them the fruit
he walks up to the front, looking at the fruits, picking one up in his hands and peering at it for any blemishes
you recognize him, head tilting to the side and shoulders tensing up, but you treat him just as any customer and tell him the prices and give your sale
he buys some and then waits for you to finish with the others, waiting for a lull in time to talk to you about Jade
finally, the dust settles, and it’s only you standing with your cart and he walks over to you with the freshly peeled fruit and hands one over to you
smiling at him, you push it away and say that it’s his, that he bought it, and you go back to washing the fruit in the barrel behind you for selling
he stands there awkwardly, unsure of what to do or say, and so he sits next to you and washes as you wash the fruit
you’re careful, inspecting them all with a knowing eye, and you throw out the ones that even have the slightest blemishes
Kotal just watches, but you don’t even seem to mind as he watches, as though you are familiar with someone watching as you washed the fruit
and then, suddenly you speak up and say to Kotal that you know he wants to talk about Jade and that it isn’t healthy to hold onto her like that
he furrows his brows in surprise and then he says what, unsure of what you mean
you say that it seems Jade has been gone for quite a while and you had accepted that she was gone a long time ago, only holding on to a thread of hope that she was alive
but you have made your peace, and he should too, make some new memories, never forget Jade but keep her in your heart and move on
Kotal tenses in his seat, but he knows there are truth to your words and they sit heavy in his gut and stab at him
you sigh and stop your washing for a second, wiping your hands dry on your robe and take one of his large hands into his own
it’s a comical sight, his hand engulfing yours as you comfort him
but it doesn’t deter you as you sit right next to him and tell him that you’re here for him, losing someone you love is always hard but the heart will heal if you let it
Kotal listens and sits and finally grieves, you by his side
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ironladders · 4 days
zaterran/saurian lore masterpost (all games)
these are mostly meant to be notes for myself so i don't have to constantly check the fandom wiki because i hate using that website, but anyone can use this post as a guide or reference point. there is only so much information about zaterra and its people, but i tried to compile and summarize everything we do have.
if i missed anything, or got something wrong, let me know.
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note: i will be referring to them as only zaterrans just to make this easier. midway couldn't decide on a name, and nrs was stuck on that for a while too—but now that mk1 has seemingly settled this, i refuse to go back and forth between them all.
original & alternate timelines:
millions of years ago, zaterrans lived on earthrealm, being a bipedal people descended from dinosaurs. unlike their dinosaur ancestors, they had evolved more intelligent brains and were able to thrive as a proper society. however, when shinnok turned against his fellow elder gods and came into conflict with raiden, the following battle was so disastrous that it triggered the K-T event on earthrealm that wiped out the dinosaurs and almost all life on earthrealm. the surviving zaterrans fled the disaster and were split into two: some of them left earthrealm to reside in a realm called zaterra ("new earth") in hopes of rebuilding their culture, and the rest took refuge underground in hollow earth.
for the zaterrans that were displaced, things were fine for a while, until shao kahn came along to conquer their realm. the zaterrans lost the effort against the emperor, and following the trend of other realms that have been conquered by shao — such as edenia, vaeturnus, osh-tekk, and arnyek — zaterra was absorbed into outworld. after this, the zaterrans left were taken into slavery and driven to near extinction. it's not known exactly when shao took zaterra, or how long it took for the zaterrans to start dying out out, but syzoth's mortal kombat 2 bio mentions that his race was believed to be extinct "millions of years ago." in addition, the few remaining zaterrans alive don't actually remember these events happening.
as for the zaterrans that fled to hollow earth, they managed to endure and thrive underground without any interference. there is not much information on their history or what they experienced in hollow earth, other than that they went undetected and are ruled over by a matriarch.
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the new era:
in liu kang's new era, zaterra is part of outworld, making zaterrans now native to outworld instead of residing in the realm as a result of conquest. adding to this, there's now more than one species: instead of being different terms to refer to the same group, "zaterran" and "saurian" are now two separate species from one another. the difference between them has not been elaborated on yet. syzoth's mk1 bio calls zaterrans "one of the reptiloid races which lives on outworld's fringes", so whether there are more reptiloid groups outside of zaterrans and saurians is also up to debate.
zaterrans are no longer a near-extinct race, but they still face hardship and are heavily discriminated against. the full history of zaterran-outworld relations in the new era is unknown, but several of syzoth's intros indicate that they once thrived above ground in outworld, before being herded underground by "warmbloods"/non-reptilians. they, along with saurians, now reside in outworld's subterranean areas. why exactly they were driven underground has not been explained yet, but the history there has resulted in both groups hating one another; outworlders are openly bigoted to zaterrans such as syzoth, while warmbloods are generally unwelcome in zaterra.
zikandur has been brought up in some lines, most likely being an area in zaterra where lots of outworld’s reptilian people currently live. its history is unexplored, aside from mentioned past events like the zikandurian floods. it is apparently at risk of being invaded by the kytinn, though why the latter are doing that is also unknown.
at some point in time, a policy was passed in the zaterran government to kill all zaterran shapeshifters. the reasoning behind this and how long ago it started is unknown but considering that syzoth was bullied relentlessly for his shapeshifting mutation, knowledge of zaterran shapeshifters must have faded from the general public after this order was first carried out. in general, zaterra's government is implied to be extremely corrupt.
many zaterrans are dissatisfied with the royal family, either attempting to start or joining rebellion efforts. after his bloody escape from lei chen prison, general shao has been recruiting these dissatisfied zaterrans to join his rebel army in outworld, with the goal of overthrowing mileena's rule.
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original & alternate timelines:
the design of zaterrans changed over the games, but they were generally depicted as green (though this also varies, i.e in the case of khameleon) bipedal humanoids with scales, claws, and lizard-shaped heads. they are also close to size of the average human as well. similar to chameleons and frogs, zaterrans have tongues that can extend far beyond their body to catch prey. zaterrran saliva is acidic, able to be used in kombat as a attack/defense mechanism and possibly to help digest food. this acid is very strong, able to melt right through flesh. for some reason, their blood is green.
a zaterran's diet differs from the average human one, mainly consisting of live bugs/insects/worms, but raw meat (including humans) is also on the table. zaterrans are able to make themselves and others around them invisible.
in the first two timelines, all zaterrans possessed the ability to shapeshift between their true forms and more human-like appearances. there is a catch to this, though: their society is matriarchal, and any zaterran who spends too long away from a matriarch & her influence will devolve, losing their ability to maintain a human disguise. this will also negatively impact the mental state of the affected zateerran. however, if they make their way back to the matriarch, the ability to look human and general sanity will return.
alongside all of this, there is a card in mortal kombat mobile that confirms they can regenerate their limbs.
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the new era:
in the new era, zaterran biology is generally similar to how it was in the previous timelines, but with some changes.
for starters, these new zaterrans are bigger and more animalistic-looking than their old versions. they are still able to walk on two legs, but one of the moves syzoth's boss has in his invasions season confirms that they can also run around on all four legs. the previous games flip-flopped on whether or not to give zaterrans tails, but in mortal kombat 1 they have tails again—these are used by zaterrans to grab and move things, essentially like a fifth limb.
i have no clue if their actual limbs can still regenerate or not.
outside of these small changes, there is one very significant one in the new era: the average zaterran is no longer able to shapeshift. there are some zaterrans who are able to shapeshift between a human form and reptiloid form, but those who hatch with this mutation are not accepted by their people and often bullied, run out of their homes, or killed. they also don't seem to be matriarchal anymore.
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all known members
original & alternate timelines:
a long-lasting franchise staple and the most well-known zaterran in the series, syzoth — better known as his codename "reptile" — lived a long life of servitude. original timeline: syzoth was one of the last surviving members of his species, desperate to find a way to bring back his people. syzoth loyally served shang tsung and shao kahn, who kept his loyalty with the promises of restoring the zaterran race. ironically, shao was the one who caused the extermination of his people, but syzoth did not know about this. after shao was murdered by the deadly alliance, syzoth wandered around before he turned to serving nitara (who he'd ran into previously and gotten his kirehashi blade from), as he did not know how to live without serving a master. nitara accepted him, but unbeknownst to syzoth, she too was deceiving him. the vaeternian manipulated syzoth into battling cyrax, damaging the cyborg, which in turn would help with nitara's goal of getting the portal sphere. when syzoth eventually realized he was being used, he was enraged and chased after nitara and cyrax to the lava shrine, but arrived too late. the only thing there was the egg of onaga. it hatched, shining a beam of light onto syzoth, making his body become a vessel for the dragon king. much later, when shujinko defeated onaga and his soul was bound to the netherrealm by nightwolf, syzoth was once again able to have free will and gain control of his own body. he was seen in the red dragon's lair for unknown reasons (most likely trying to create hybrids that would restore his race), and joined the forces of darkness at the battle of armageddeon. he was killed at the battle, along with the majority of the other fighters. alternate timeline: thanks to the reset by raiden, syzoth was back to serving shao kahn and shang tsung, fighting against the earthrealmers in the tournament and later battles. after losing the tournament, syzoth knew that shao kahn would not take kindly to this failure and kept his guard up. he was proven right when the osh-tekk warrior kotal was sent to assassinate him in his sleep; however, to syzoth's surprise, kotal spared his life and didn't go through with killing him. the following morning, shao kahn formally introduced the two, saying that kotal had hand-picked syzoth to serve under his command. from there, kotal earned syzoth's genuine loyalty. when shao died and mileena seized the throne, kotal declared a coup against her. syzoth was at his side during this, taking a blow for him, and continued to loyally serve afterwards. understanding that kotal saw value in him where shao did not, syzoth was committed to serving the new ruler of outworld as a close follower and friend. his whereabouts and status after the events of mortal kombat X are unknown, outside of a few mentions in intros and a small appearance in the krypt from mortal kombat 11.
debuting in mortal kombat trilogy as a secret character, khameleon was the last known female member of her race. unlike syzoth, khameleon actually knew the truth of their people's history. however, because she chose to fight for earthrealm and wished to slay shao, this meant the last surviving members of the zaterran race were mortal enemies. at some point, khameleon set out to search for syzoth. she spent a long time looking for him, wishing to inform him that shao kahn was responsible for their race's extinction, and try to start a new generation of zaterrans. once she found him and reveal the truth, syzoth initially agreed to help her kill the emperor—only for him to fall under shao's influence once again, turning against khameleon. she escaped and wandered the realms until she heard of a battle that would happen in edenia, with the victor being given the prize of ultimate power. khameleon knew that shao kahn getting this would be disastrous and joined the forces of light in the battle of armageddon. along with the rest of the fighters, khameleon died at the pyramid. while she was referenced a few times and even made a brief cameo in the background of mortal kombat 9, khameleon's whereabouts and history after raiden's timeline reset are unknown.
CHAMELEON (unconfirmed):
debuting in the same game khameleon did as a fellow secret fighter, ch-ameleon never actually got a storyline or arcade ending in mortal kombat trilogy, unlike his female counterpart. the only information about chameleon at the time was that he was mentioned to be "one of shao kahn's deadliest warriors." it took until chameleon's next appearance to finally get a (extremely vague) backstory: supposedly, he was present at every major event in the games dating back to liu kang's victory in the tournament, but constantly kept himself hidden and watched everything unfold while waiting for "his moment" to arrive. he fought with the forces of darkness at the battle of armageddon, dying at the pyramid with everyone else. chameleon's presence in the alternate timeline is also miniscule. in mortal kombat x, one of syzoth's mirror match intros will have him question if the counterpart in front of him is chameleon, implying the two know each other. in addition, chameleon falls to his death in mortal kombat 11's krypt, but the canon status of the krypt is debatable. other than this, there's no information on him. the reason that chameleon's status as a zaterran is marked as "unconfirmed" is because.... uh, it has never been outright stated he is one in any game. considering he shares traits with khameleon, who is a zaterran, chameleon being one himself would make sense. there is also the fact that syzoth mistakes his mirror match for chameleon, further alluding to him being a fellow reptilian. in addition, mortal kombat co-creator john tobias has said that his original intention was for chameleon to be a fellow zaterran, but this information just didn't make it into any of the games for some reason. at the same time, if chameleon was a member of the zaterran race, this would directly contradict established information about syzoth being the last living male zaterran. i don't know, man, the devs do not care about this guy and it shows.
presumably the former ruler of zaterra, before shao kahn conquered the realm. no information about her exists, but sytholin's blade — one of the few remaining zaterran relics — can be found inside of goro's treasure chamber in the mortal kombat 11 krypt; according to its description, the wielder can control the minds of smaller reptilians and have them obey the user's will.
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the new era:
unlike his previous iterations, mortal kombat 1's syzoth is not in a desperate cycle of trying to restore his race. however, he was run out of his homeland of zaterra after being relentlessly bullied for his shapeshifting mutation. up until his arcade ending, syzoth believed he was the only one of his kind who possessed this ability. syzoth joined a traveling carnival to profit on his shapeshifting skill, even marrying an unnamed woman with whom he had a son with. him and shang tsung crossed paths, and when the latter asked to experiment on him, syzoth denied the offer. but shang tsung took syzoth's family hostage anyways, using them to keep him obedient in being a slave; from there, he was experimented on and aided in shang's inhumane experiments on others, all for the sake of his family. that went on for months, before the earthrealmers and baraka were captured and fought their way out of shang tsung's laboratory. syzoth tried to stop them, knowing that if he didn't his family would be killed, but lost the battle to baraka. after this, syzoth learned the truth: his wife and son had already been killed devastated by this, but also understanding that there was nothing keeping him under shang tsung's thumb anymore, syzoth escaped into the living forest with the other men. from there they met ashrah, attempted to stop the sorcerer quan chi from activating his soul stealer in the living forest—but despite failing at that the group still captured him with the intention of bringing him to earthrealm for questioning. to help his companions escape, syzoth disrupted the shivai ranatai festival in sun do and fought off several other characters, providing enough of a diversion for everyone to flee the realm (without quan chi, who managed to get away). it's not known what syzoth did for the remainder of the main story after arriving in earthrealm, but in his tower ending it's revealed that mileena appointed him as her emissary as thanks for helping unveil the truth behind shao and shang's plans. with his renewed political status protecting him, syzoth journeyed home to zaterra, where he discovered the conspiracy by the zaterran government to exterminate all shapeshifters. at some point after the main story's events, syzoth entered a romantic relationship with ashrah, but the details of how this began are (sadly) currently unknown. (more info TBA if khaos reigns gives me anything else)
in the new era, khameleon is no longer the last female zaterran alive. in fact, khameleon isn't even the same species as syzoth anymore. an intro with takeda reveals that khameleon is a saurian, which is said to be distinct from zaterrans. the details of khameleon's life are largely unknown, but she is a member of the umgadi, a group of warrior priestesses. umgadi members are selected from firstborn women in outworld, taken as infants to be raised as one and train to protect outworld's royal family. khameleon was seen throughout the main story assisting tanya in fights against percieved threats to the royal family. she is probably a fellow reptilian shapeshifter, but unlike syzoth she keeps strictly to a human form. (more info TBA if khaos reigns gives me anything else)
only being mentioned once in a syzoth/sindel intro, mahazzem is one of zaterra's many archdukes. the only known details about mahazzem is that sindel considered him to be a friend, but this "friendship" was a mask. in truth, he secretly plotted to betray sindel and rebel against her rule. (more info TBA if any intros or even KR, while unlikely, gives me anything else)
OTHER POSSIBLE MEMBERS: erlac dicharr, nareb nevets, hatigo mesgo, sever nahhan, sykin foh
these are names from syzoth's gear that could be of other reptiloids, as they don't really sound like locations or events, and i don't think they're references to real-life things as nothing comes up when i google them. but at the same time i'm not entirely sure, so take this last bit with a very large grain of salt
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k thats all for now byeeeee
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2346khith · 7 days
Bi Han’s irony and pain
So I was doing some research for my mortal kombat au when I came across Bi Han tower ending from the first game.
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This stuck out as a little weird to me because well… retiring? From the Lin Kuei? The clan who kills people without remorse? Who are willing to kidnap children to recruit to their ranks? Who will sacrifice their members to create cyborgs. Who are willing to team up with know threats to Outworld? Yeah, if anything I think it more likely Bi Han was going to run away from the Lin kuei and you live off the money he got from the kill. But then that got me thinking… since is from first timeline, he was born in America and raised there with his mother right? What if he was specifically trying to run away to America to find his mom. Okay yes I know that probably not what they intended but ,at least for me it makes sense. We’ve already other timeline Bi Han’s having high reverence for their mothers.
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What to say original timeline Bi Han the same. But that got thinking on how that might explain Bi Han actions. Again hear me out. We know Bi Han tends to be more hotheaded and aggressive than his younger brother. But what if the reason for that isn’t arrogance or bloodlust but anger at the Lin kuei itself. Imagine your just living your life as a normal child when all of a sudden you’re kidnapped but some strange people to work for them, forced into hard training regime your body isn’t used too and forced to commit horrific acts at such a young age. We don’t know how old Bi Han was when he was taken but we do know he was a kid when it happened so his mind and sense of self were still developing and he had some time to live a normal life before he was taken. His stubbornness and hotheaded nature were a result of him angry at the Lin kuei for taking what essentially his life away. And maybe his more aggressive ways could be due to trauma caused by the Lin kuei, damaging his mental state. This might also explain Kuai Liang as well. We don’t know how old he was when he was kidnapped but what if he was only a baby when it happened. He wouldn’t have know any other life other than the Lin Kuei. The harsh training and killing wouldn’t affect him as much because in his mind it this was normal. He wouldn’t have a reason to be more angry or aggressive because to him this was fine. Heck who knows maybe while Bi Han may have become more aggressive he could’ve taught his brother about morality to ensure his brother didn’t go down as much of a violent path as the rest of the Lin kuei. Maybe this is why he spared Sareena, not just because of mercy specifically but because he saw another soul who was forced into a life they didn’t want and he was felt bad for her and wanted to give her a chance. But honestly the thing that stuck out the most was the complete irony of his situation later on his life. This is a version of sub zero who constantly fought for his freedom, yet when it was in his grasp, he was killed. And when he entered the Netherrealm, even there he wasn’t freed as he was then made into a servant of Shao Kahn and Quan Chi . Maybe that why he hates his brother in that timeline. Kuai Liang escaped the Lin Kuei, he was free yet he went back to the Lin kuei he wasted his chance which Bi Han in his alter state despises. Or maybe he was envious of the time Kuai was free, feeling that it should have been him. Maybe he tried to take over the Lin kuei to destroy it or build it into something else so no one else would feel the pain he felt. I know all of this seems illogical and stupid and it probably wasn’t what Netherrealm had intended but I can’t help think what could’ve have been, something that could’ve made Bi Han more interesting. But nope now we got a Bi Han Lin kuei extremist who just completely evil and not broken. But hey the noob sailboat trailer gave some interesting hints, which could redeem his character. But then then again, we’ll have to wait and see.
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rimunagenius · 5 months
Welcome to my blog!
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ʚ Hi cuties! I’m totally refreshing my blog. I’ve had this blog for a year now? and i never even introduced myself. My name is Ria !!
ʚ I’m bi, i love art, crocheting, doing nails, and being a homebody. i play basketball, made varsity my freshman year and played varsity all the way through!
ʚ I actually love writing, whether it’s a paper for school or little imagines and headcannons for my hyper fixation, celebrity crushes, or comfort characters at the time.
ʚ my favorite colors are deep red, baby pink, and black. My favorite band is the Red Hot Chili Peppers, my favorite individual singer is Harry Styles. I listen to a lot of everything. Literally from metal all the way to r&b. Recently i’ve been super into boygenius and MUNA.
but to know a little more, my fav artists are the smiths, the cure, red hot chili peppers, deftones, soundgarden, audioslave (yes ik they’re both chris cornell’s bands), superheaven, fleetwood mac (saw them in concert before christine mcvie passed), muna, boygenius, tyler childers, noah kahn, kendrick lamar, $uicideboy$, pink floyd, system of a down and many many many many more!!
Here are fandoms i’m currently in if you want to dm random hc’s, ff’s, or just be friends and gossip ab their latest updates and episodes, etc. !!!
WCBB — Iowa, UConn, SC, and Oregon
Station 19
Criminal Minds — i will never not be into this fandom i rewatch it every month
Chicago Fire
Triple Frontier and
Sons of Anarchy
ʚ NOTE that this is and will continue to be a safe space for anyone who is here and queer! I will not tolerate any racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and so on…you will be blocked.
I would also like to note, that i would like to keep this page politics and religion free. Starts too many arguments and a lot of hate that I do not want associated to my page!
Thank you, have an amazing day!
Let’s be friends!! I am far too shy and awkward to talk and become friends with people so i just follow in hopes you’d want to be friends, but if your not shy (or you are) but want to be friends but think ill shut it down or won’t answer, im chronically online so im free and open to answer !! i love making new friends!
Here’s some links!!
❀ masterlist
❀ tiktok
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wedontdeservethestars · 2 months
Can U do Johnny Cage w/ a reader who looks exactly like her sister Kitana? Thx 🙏
Ok. First of all anon I am SO sorry this took me like. 7 months to get around to. Idk why but for a while I just had NO workflow with this one BUT!! I ended up liking how it came out! Lots of emotional stuff in this one, with reader and Johnny learning to appreciate one another. Again--so sorry for the wait but I hope you like it!
(AO3 link here!)
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“Kitana, baby!”
“Ohhh, the other one.” 
That was how most of your conversations with Johnny began. Sure, you were technically the younger twin. You were second in line just behind the new Kahn, and despite the numerous times you and Kitana had agreed to this arrangement of Kahn and Royal Advisor (though, in all honesty, you held more power than a simple Advisor), you couldn’t help the jealousy you felt towards her. How could you not? All because of a few mere minutes of time-difference, you had spent most of your life in Kitana’s shadow. The forgotten sister.
“That isn’t my name, either.” It was bad enough being mistaken for your twin by anyone, but for some reason the fact that it was Johnny made you even more irritated. 
“Sorry, princess,” he shrugged carelessly. 
“And I’m not a princess,” you continued. The words felt sharp on your tongue. One of the first things you insisted upon when Kitana took over the kingdom was to remove your title entirely. You couldn’t stand the thought of her growing to such a powerful rank while yours stayed the same. Princess. You hated the word. It seemed childish. 
“Man, I just cannot win today, huh?” Johnny waved his hand as if to say, ‘ah, well,’ and wiped any memory of the past few seconds from his mind.
“If you’re looking for Kitana Kahn,” you said, emphasizing her title, “She’s with Master Liu Kang.”
You pointed a finger towards the opposite end of the venue, where, indeed, Kitana stood with a few close friends. Though she and Liu Kang weren’t touching, they were indeed standing rather close together. Besides, Johnny was well aware of their relationship to one another. Most were. You couldn’t understand why he tried so hard to gain the affection of an already-involved woman. 
Johnny, following your aim, squinted, lifting his shades. He apparently decided that he didn’t like the company she kept, because he shook his head, flipping the glasses back down. “Eh. Whatever. Was just gonna check if she’s havin’ a good time.”
“Are we supposed to?” you mumbled, mostly to yourself. Outrealm-Earthrealm meetings like this weren’t your idea of a good time, even if the events were thrown specifically as pleasant meetings where members could laugh and drink and be in good nature with one another. To keep the peace, Kitana had explained when she first brought up the idea. There had only been a handful so far, but you hadn’t enjoyed yourself at a single one of them. Maybe you were just too much of a wallflower. 
“Are you supposed to have a good time a party?” Johnny tried to clarify. “Uh…yeah. Yeah you are.”
“It’s not really a party…”
“Drinks. Music. F…” Johnny frowned as he drew out the ‘f’. His mouth started to form the word ‘friends,’ but he quickly backtracked. “Fffffun people.”
“I suppose,” you grumbled, arms folded over your chest. He sighed and gave you a nudge.
“C’mon, loosen up! You don’t have to do anything. No world to save, no politics or anything. Just relax.”
You were about to point out how, technically, the only reason this ‘party’ was happening was because of politics that specifically dealt with the two of your homeworlds, but the thought suddenly exhausted you and you let it slide. “I don’t…relax easily.”
“Yeah, I can tell.” Johnny chuckled and took a sip of his own drink, some sort of foamy liquid with an ungodly color of aquamarine fading to green at the bottom. It looked like it could kill. Half-heartedly, you hoped it would. “Tell you what, next drink is on me.”
Well. It couldn’t hurt. “Fine.”
“Hella.” He gave you a grin, his teeth too perfect and square, and grabbed you by the arm, practically dragging you to the catering bar. “C’mon!”
“Johnny, slow down–” you frowned. “I’m in heels!” 
“What’dya want?” he asked as you stumbled up behind him.
“Uh…” Your gaze skimmed over the menu. Drinks you’d never heard of with ingredients even less familiar. Of course, the catering company had to come Earthrealm. “I don’t know. That one looks fine.”
“Shoulda known you were a Pinot Grigio kinda gal.” He leaned over and murmured something to the bartender, who tried his best not to look flustered (and failed). You scoffed. You couldn’t ever imagine giving into Johnny’s “charms” so easily. Never.
Shortly, a tall fluted glass was in your gloved hand. You took a tentative sip and immediately felt your tongue dry up. Not letting yourself wince at the sick, bittersweet tang that overcame your taste buds, you bravely took another sip. Johnny didn’t take notice–he was in the midst of downing the rest of his glass. Slamming the glass down, he stifled a quiet burp into his fist and laughed. You rolled your eyes. When the bartender turned around again, there was already another glass of whatever horrid drink he’d just finished. 
“Thanks, stud.” He raised his glass and gave a wink to the server, who, this time, couldn’t stop a shy little smile from coming across his face. You felt sick.
“Thank you for the drink,” you mumbled and started to hightail it out of the crowd, but a hand on your shoulder stopped you. 
“Hey, c’mon. At least talk with me a little. Not like you were doin’ anything else.”
You sighed. Damn him. “Can we at least go somewhere quiet? I don’t like crowds.”
“Yeah, whatever,” he shrugged. Realizing you weren’t going to get rid of him so easily, you decided to suck it up and scanned the venue, looking for a way out. You spied a patch on the outskirts that wasn’t too populated, a little garden area with leaves that glistened in the dew of night and held promise for some peace and quiet. 
“This way.”
While squeezing through seemingly endless amounts of people, you heard Johnny behind you, stopping to talk to a few and saying a quick ‘hi’ to nearly everyone else. You wished he would just focus on the task at hand, but then again, did you expect him to act any other way?
“So, Edenia,” he said awkwardly as you two came up on your destination. Fortunately, your guess had been right–it was much emptier and calmer over here. 
“What about it?” You turned to face him and suddenly wished he weren’t so tall.
“Uh…how’s it going?” he tried. “With your sister as ruler, and all.”
“Did you really insist on continuing to stay with me just to take about my sister all night?” you asked curtly. 
“No! No, just, uh, y’know. It’s a big shift, I’m sure. And…” He gave a timid chuckle and lowered his voice to a stage-whisper, as if he had an audience you didn’t know about. “I’m just trying to make conversation. Help me out here.” 
Your lips twitched. You hid them in your glass. “It’s going fine.”
“Good, good.” 
There was a silence, and before Johnny could say something stupid, you decided to at least try. “How are your…movies?”
“Oh, great!” You couldn’t begin to describe the amount of relief that washed over his face. “We just finished wrapping Breaknose Mountain last month. That’s gonna be a good one. Give the audience a good ol’ tug at the heartstrings. Y’know, I don’t really get to do dramas often, which, like, whatever, every actor has their niche, and mine happens to be awesome-as-shit stunts and comedy and, like, shirtless scenes, so I always have to really appreciate the times where I get to hunker down and get into a serious role. Not that all my roles aren’t serious, at least, I take them seriously, but it’s different, y’know?” 
For a moment, you didn’t know what to say. Truthfully, you didn’t know–Edenia didn’t have movies and the stories and theater your culture did have were nothing like whatever was going on in Johnny’s films, based on what he had described to you before–but the way he spoke about this…it was the first time you saw something genuine in Johnny. Something more than the brash sense of style and flirtatious glances and overconfidence. 
“That’s…interesting.” You weren’t lying.
Johnny smiled, and for once it didn’t come off as entirely jaded. “Nah, I just…uh, actually, forget it. It’s kinda stupid.”
“I’m sure it’s not.” You were curious to see whatever side of him was starting to peek out. “Tell me.”
“Okay,” he chuckled with a nod. “I, uh…I haven’t been on a stage since I was a kid. Like, live acting, in a play. Probably not since high school. And…I miss it. A lot. It’s different from film. And the stuff I did then, I’m sure it was shitty as hell, but it felt real.”
He paused, a wistful look coming across his face. He looked distracted, like he wasn’t really seeing you anymore even though his eyes were still trained on you.
“I loved Shakespeare especially. I don’t think I’ve ever felt as alive as I did when I got to be Romeo. It was…everything. It was funny, it was sad, it was romantic. There was fighting. There was kissing. And the audience, they were right there in Verona with us. Living and breathing the same air. Or…that’s what it felt like, at least. With movies, you just…you film. And it’s usually on a green-screen set. And then you go home, and…you wait for it to come out, and the reviews come in. But they’re just words on paper. Comments. Everyone sees you act but no one sees you act.”
“Johnny…” You had no idea exactly what he was talking about in terms of sets and Shakespeare and whatever Verona was, but you didn’t need to. “That’s…”
“Dumb,” he said quickly, eager to put back on that Hollywood-boy persona. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I mean, I’m one of the biggest stars in America. Why would I want anything else?”
“I don’t think it’s dumb,” you frowned.
“Oh.” A look of genuine surprise came across his face. “Well…thanks, I guess.”
“Maybe you could still perform onstage if you really wanted to.”
“Eh, doesn’t really match the Cage brand,” he smiled sadly. “It’s okay. It’s just somethin’ I think about sometimes.”
“Well…I bet you were wonderful onstage.” You offered your best attempt at a smile, and Johnny gladly took it.
“Oh, I was.” Immediately your smile dropped as his old facade came back up, but he just laughed. “Kidding. Thank you. Really.”
“Humph,” you said in return. 
Johnny swirled what remained of his beverage around in its glass. “Can I ask a question? And promise you won’t get mad?”
You sighed, but nodded, finishing off your own drink almost just to spite the flavor. “Fine.”
“It’s about Kitana,” he warned.
“I thought we got past that.” But you waved your hand to tell him to keep going. 
Still, Johnny hesitated. “How do you really feel about her taking the throne. ‘Cause, like, you guys aren’t just sisters, right? You’re twins?”
You nodded once. Words sat on your tongue, but you knew you letting them escape would be a mistake. “I feel like…I shouldn’t talk about that.”
“Why not?” He cocked his head. “It’s just you and me. No one’s gonna hear.”
“I don’t care about what others think,” you lied. Surrounded by this kind of company, your jealousy could easily be misconstrued as planned treason. 
“Then why won’t you tell me?”
“Because I hardly know you. And it’s not an issue for a Earthrealmer to worry about.”
“So it is an issue,” he pressed. 
“No,” you huffed, “I didn’t mean–”
“Didn’t you?” His ocean blues pierced into your skull and you had to avert your own eyes. 
“Don’t do this,” you muttered. 
“Do what?”
“What?” he asked again. “Listen, I’m just sayin’–if you can’t talk about this stuff normally, then I don’t mind being an outlet. Like me and my stupid theater dreams.”
“The aren’t stupid,” you said before really realizing you were doing it. Quickly, you moved on. “And that doesn’t equate to the politics of my kingdom. Not at all. One is a dream. The other is…”
“A dream?” he asked knowingly. “Of…running away? Being Kahn? Going back to the way things were?”
You didn’t deny any of his guesses. You also hoped he wouldn’t notice that detail. “Why do you care so much?”
“I…don’t know.” He frowned into his drink, and then had some more of it. “Just wanna get to know you. Know what you care about. Not what the Royal Advisor of Edenia does.”
There was silence for a long time. It got to the point where it was almost impressive how long Johnny was keeping his mouth shut for. You were clenching your teeth so hard you thought they might crack when you finally answered him. “Kitana has…everything now. We spent so long dreaming of the day when we would finally overtake that monster who killed our father, and when we could pay respects to our lost mother, and…Gods. I don’t know. We planned everything together, in hushed whispers at night, ever since we were children. We both agreed she should be Kahn. That I would remain by her side. But…it feels more like I’m behind her, or beneath her. And why shouldn’t I be equal with her?”
He stared at you. You suddenly felt awful for voicing your ugly desires.
“No. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said any of that. That was…”
“You’re right.”
You stopped dead in your tracks. “Excuse me?”
“You’re right,” Johnny said again. “I mean, like, I don’t wanna start a whole-ass Edenian civil war or anything, but I think it’s pretty normal for you to feel this way.”
Secretly, you were immensely relieved to hear that. “It feels like it isn’t.”
“I don’t know how else you’re supposed to feel about it.” He wrinkled his nose. “Content? ‘Cause that seems like a pretty shitty deal.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter either way,” you tried to brush off. “I can’t do anything about it.”
“You could talk to her,” he offered.
“Deceptively simple answer,” you replied in such a way that made it clear how often you’d thought about this. 
“I don’t think it is.” But he backed off when you gave him an annoyed look. “But hey. I barely know what’s goin’ on with my own country’s politics, let alone yours.”
“That doesn’t surprise me.” 
Johnny let you stew in the conversation while he finished off his drink, setting the glass on the ground beside yours. “Well, I guess…I’m sorry. That you’re in this position.”
Hearing him say that felt like a cool breeze filling your lungs. It didn’t solve any of your problems, of course, but it was nice to have someone just…listen. Understand. 
“Thank you,” you said, and you meant it. “I’m sorry for you, too. About your acting stuff.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” he shrugged, but you thought you saw his chest relax like yours had.
The silence you shared was a little awkward, but it wasn’t tense like the previous ones. It was a little bit nice, actually. You looked around the venue, deciding that the location and lights and music were a little bit nice too now that you really thought about it, and when you looked back Johnny was staring at you in a very, very particular way.
“Hey,” he said softly. “I can give you something Kitana doesn’t have.”
“What’s that?” He was close, now, his face looming over yours. It made you nervous. You almost wished he would get closer. 
“I can’t tell you until I give it,” he smiled. His eyes searched yours for something–understanding of what he was talking about, maybe. His smile widened: he’d found it. Rightfully so. You did know what he was talking about.
“You promise she doesn’t have this?” you asked, feeling your chest grow tight. Johnny moved in closer–his strong nose was nearly touching yours now. 
“Oh, big time,” he laughed quietly. 
You gave a simple nod, and that was enough. Johnny sealed the kiss. 
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scaryspears · 5 months
The What If timelines
I really wish MK1 expanded on the what if scenarios and timelines. We know of their existence, but we don't know them intimately like we've seen with Liu Kang's timeline, or even momentarily with Shang Tsung back in mk11.
I really wanna see more Good Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Kano-Sonya and Janet Cage. Hell, even Ninja Meme Johnny. We never hear most of the other versions speak, we only see glimpses of them or just have them on screen for like a minute.
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The fact that there's a version of Johnny that showed up in the final battle dressed as Ninja Mime means that he is literally a ninja mime, and I kinda wanna see a story behind that. Maybe being talkative annoyed everyone so much that it made him feel bad and study the art of silent kung fu or something.
I want to see some Janet Cage in a story mode, I get a vibe from her that she feels more inclined to prove herself. Is she the only genderbent version in her universe or is everyone genderbent? Is she trans? She's an action star, but she didn't want to be the sexualised female heroin or sidekick, so acts cocky and obnoxious to prove that she's more than a sex symbol, her ego as some kind of defence mechanism against the sexism in Hollyweird. But that kind of takes away the point of Janet's character (because she's Johnny).
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I would really like to see Shang Tsung interact with good Shang Tsung, see how many versions of himself he can hate. Is good Shang Tsung's Liu Kang evil too?
Why does Shang Tsung have clones of Kitana if he has an evil Kitana working for him? Why would evil titan versions of the heroes help Shang Tsung? Wouldn't it be a hassle to try over throweach other because of greed and stuff?
Why are evil versions to begin with? What is their backstory? Cross-over characters... I have so many questions (genderbent ninjas, character with another's aesthetic for example: Lizard Queen).
We have evil versions of the characters, but no evil Johnny (except John Khaner). Missed opportunity to have an evil Johnny, could've made it a Jill Roberts situation where there's a timeline of evil Johnny that only cares about the fame because of some deep rooted issue. In fact, I've already mentioned John Kahner, I want to know how he became Kahn.
Back to the Mileena clones of Titan Shang Tsung, re-watching the fight I saw that they were all colour coded (red, blue, yellow, pink), so they have a rank or Shang Tsung cares about differenciating them so that they're not so much mindless killers that just do his bidding. Do they have other names? Do they all secretly want Shang Tsung's approval? Do they conspire against one another? Is he their father figure now that Shao Kahn isn't in the picture? Do they have a sister bond with each other? Is Kitana their mean older sister?
Now that our timeline has Mileena and Kitana as actual sisters, is there a timeline where Mileena and Skarlet are sisters? A timeline where Shao Kahn is a good, loving father and husband? I have so many questions.
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starsurface · 7 months
These were apart of the other request for the Baby Regressor <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Kitana w/ Baby Regressor Hcs
💙 Oh my goodness she loves you
💙 Is really good with a lot of regression ages, but does specialize with baby and toddler regressors
💙 Your just so cute!! How could she not adore you? 🥺
💙 She is a princess, making you her little prince/princess/royalty
💙 Is really good with clingy regressors too
💙 My- I mean, our women here is strong, and she'll totally show off her strength 💪
💙 She'll princess carry you to bed when you're getting sleepy
💙 She also just likes to carry you around on her hip just because <3
💙 Do NOT ever worry about being too big or heavy, you're as light as a feather to her >:(
💙 Enjoys playing dress up with you, but mostly dresses you in soft onesies and such
💙 You get the softest onesies in all the Realms, fr
💙 Would be overjoyed if you want to dress like her, but will make sure to get you a safer onesie version of her outfit
💙 If you like to mess with her fans, she'll get one without the blades so you can play with them
💙 Your babysitters are probably Tanya, Mileena, Syzoth, and Tomas (Did you know that he helps Mileena train and Kitana helps Syzoth train?)
💙 Maybe also Liu Kang (she only trusts a handful of people with you)
💙 But if you really want someone like Johnny to babysit you? She won't mind . . . But him? 😒 (they're friends, she's just joking)
💙 Absolutely hates leaving you with others when your small though
💙 She just gets really busy sometimes with big kid princess and General work, but she'll make sure to make time for you!!
💙 Would love to set up little playdates with either Mileena or Syzoth
💙 But if your too little or shy for playdates, that's okay, you can just stay with Momma for the time being <3
💙 Sometimes she'll carry you around on her hip if she has to do work really quickly
💙 ^ Of course only if your comfy being outside her room while small
💙 Plus . . . no one can make fun of you, just like with Kotal Kahn, you have the entire Riyal House on your back
💙 If your also comfy with it, she'd love to take you out to the royal gardens!!
💙 You can sit on her lap and watch the butterflies fly by
💙 Or go over and see the pretty flowers
💙 You can even have a picnic!! :D. (She'll have the royal chef make only pastries and yummy snacks, per your request)
💙 . . . She'll also make sure you eat more healthier options though 😒
💙 She's so up for making you different kinds of bottles of milk!! (Like Honey Milk, or those other little milk things I've seen online)
💙 Favorite CG nicknames are Mama, Momma, Mommy, Sissy, and ‘Tana
💙 Any type of grabby hands and babbles is so accepted though, she'll scoop you up in a heartbeat!!
💙 Favorite little nicknames for you are Sweetie, Princess/Prince/Little Royalty, Sweetheart, Little Warrior, Honey
💙 Will redirect you to your paci if you chew on her fingers, that's not sanitary, sweetheart <3
💙 Or a chewie!! She'd love to get you one of those baby chew rings in your favorite color
💙 Likes to lay beside you during tummy time
💙 Your so cute, babbling and showing her your stuffies or playboys
💙 I'm not saying she's rich (she is, she's literally a princess) . . . I am saying that if you asked, she'd dedicate an entire section of her bedroom as your designated baby area
💙 A little playmat with toys and such, just for you 🥺
💙 If your a bratty baby, she'll find every act you do adorable (and put her foot down)
💙 She scold you if you push your sippy or bottle off somewhere, but will coe if it was entirely an accident
💙 Accidents happen sometimes, although she knows if you're doing it on purpose, it's like a sixth sense of hers!!
💙 She's a stickler for the rules 😒
💙 You get lucky because your smaller, she doesn't really send you to time out or lectures you
💙 It's mostly gentle scolding, you're probably too little to understand what you did wrong
💙 Will not scold you if she knows you've had a bad day or are feeling icky though
💙 She'll gently rock you, suggest you take a bathe and change into something comfy, and make you a bottle or get you applesauce
💙 She'd get you one of those little baby mobiles if you have any adult sized crib (she'd buy it for you if she notices you even just longing for it)
💙 She loves cuddle time, and will gently pet your hair and kiss your forehead
💙 She's very soft when it comes to nap or bedtime
💙 She's also insistent that you get a nap, babies like you shouldn't be up for so long, sweetheart!!
💙 She'll make you yummy warm milk, or just water in a baby bottle, and will bottle feed you and rock you to sleep
💙 She doesn't allow hair pulling, but one time she tried to remove your bottle from your mouth and the grip was so tight, she learnt her lesson
💙 Also doesn't really allow hitting, but if you giggle and whack something soft, like a pillow, she'll laugh and copy you, making it a little game between you two
💙 Knows a lot of different kinds of hair styles from helping Mileena and Tanya with their hairs, and loves to put your hair into something pretty
💙 She'd probably get a lot of your regression items in a baby blue to match her aesthetic, but if you want a different color just tell her
💙 Plays with stuffies like a champ!!
💙 They all get their own voices and she knows all their names (she didn't spend hours memorizing them, your being silly, sweetheart)
💙 Adores babbling of any kind, and treats it like a full blown conversation
💙 Is also really good at knowing what you want (it took a few times, but she got in the hang out it)
💙 Very sweet and comforting if you need a nappies of any sort, and never makes you feel ashamed or silly for them (not that there's any reason to feel silly, darling, your regression is your regression)
💙 She'd make a sticker chart to make sure your on task for eating and such, and will treat you to ice cream or a new stuffie at the end of the week
💙 And don't worry too much if you miss a few times!! Things like these take time to adapt to, she'll still give you your special little treat <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Bi-Han with Baby Regressor will be next!! :D
And JFJSBDBAKWK, I love Kitana. 🥺
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tisaolin · 1 year
Hey there! Love your MK writings! You are good at it and your writings absolutely deserve more likes! ( I really mean it, trust me I never give anyone's work a free compliment unless I really like it )
Can I request a cute, sweetheart and clingy(cute kind of clingy, not annoying one) S/O? Can you write it for
Skarlet: She was an orphan so she pretty much didn't get much love.
Kuai Liang: His heart is fully frozen
Scorpion: You prob already know his sad story.
Mileena: Because of her looks she is desperate for love and attention.
S/O likes to
Giving their partner a suprise hug from back
Nuzzling their nose to their partner's cheek
Cuddling them when they are sleeping
Giving them a suprise peck on their cheek or lips
Laying down on their laps when they got a change
(I lost my gifs btw 😕)
Girlie is frowning on the outside, beaming on the inside
The suprise hugs catches her off guard a bit and shes startled for a split second but she come around to it. She enjoys it and if you squint, you can see a little smile and blush forming on her cheeks 😶
When you’re laying in her lap, best believe she is playing in your hair. Even if she has to change she stops to play with your hair, after all, a change of clothes can wait
SHE FEELS LIKE AN ABSOLUTE QUEEN!! Shao Kahn who? She only knows s/o
When you nuzzle your nose in her neck, she’ll force you to cuddle. Plain and simple as that🤷🏾‍♀️
Scarlet sleeps on her sides so youre a big spoon for a fact. Tell me otherwise.
My poor sweet baby. You better love her with ALL your heart.
At first, she’s skeptical and rightfully so, her so called “sister” (no hate to Kitana tho, love her) refused her, her creator regrets making her, and overall people reject her because she’s half tarkatan. So of course she is, rightfully so, suspicious of this sudden affection.
Ngl…Its damn near IMPOSSIBLE to kiss her lips and cheeks let alone nuzzle her cheeks due to her teeth so you peck/nuzzle her on the nose.
You almost your life the first few times you gave her back hugs but she gets used to it eventually and at this point expects hugs. Thats why when you don’t give her hugs she looks at you like you committed a crime more horrific than any crime she’s committed.
I do NOT care what yall say, Mileena is a very hygienic person. Since her face isnt “attractive” to others she uses her body which means she also has to keep her hygiene up there. So when shes trying to change and you decide to tackle her and lay on her lap shes lowkey dissapointed but its whatever.
She likes when you cuddle in bed. It helps her sleep better and reassures her of both your safety and her safety.
(This ones gonna be short for the most part🤧)
Hanzo is pretty much the same as Mileena. In some ways.
When you hug him from the back the first few times, he almost burned you alive.
When you cuddle him, it gives him reassurance.
Giving him suprise pecks are definitely a suprise and he gets so shy!!
When you nuzzle his cheeks he blushes and smiles so hard its so obvious that he’s enjoying everything.
Hanzo is a patient man so when you decide to lay on his lap before he can change his clothes. He doesn’t mind.
Oh boy…. This will be interesting!
When you decide to hug him from behind, he freezes up, you get caught in the ice 😩poor you.
Its just so awkward, when you kiss him and nuzzle him he just stands there.
Something like this
When you cuddle him he just lays there all stiff its honestly funny.
Laying down on his lap when he’s trying to change isnt a problem since he is also a very patient person.
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txxxciii · 4 months
Happy PRIDE month!
As a way of celebrating, I will be posting my sexuality/gender-related headcanons of various Mortal Kombat sources, starting with:
(Note: this won't be including guest characters)
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Tbh Baraka doesn't have anything interesting going on with him until MK1, but I personally like to headcanon that tarkatans don't have gender norms in a way that we do; reproduction for them is not an important priority, just something you can do if you like how the other one smells or something.
Tarkatans are intersex by default, including Baraka. The "genders" are usually assumed by non-tarkatans, in Baraka's case, by Shao Kahn, who only wished to see male figures in his army.
Btw, tarkatans themselves never refer to each other by pronouns. They do it either by simply saying the name, or making a sound that is only associated with a particular individual.
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You already know. The non-binary monarch (king but gn) of MK.
With so many souls living inside you it's only a matter of time when you just start using They/them. Something also tells me that Ermac doesn't mind being called other pronouns – well, not like they care.
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I'm sorry, you cannot convince me that Jade "I care more about my friend's safety than myself's" from Edenia likes men. I can go and write a whole rant about Jade and Kotal and how I fucking hate that stupid Walmart Sonic on steroids (not only for his romantic ties though), but I'll save that for later, maybe. Until then, Jade developed a crush on Kitana over time and doesn't wish to let go of her since she's the only reason Jade keeps going everyday. Alas, the feelings are not mutual, but Jade knows better than to envy Liu Kang. She's happy that her friend found her love, and she wishes one day to let go and find her own, too.
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Kabal is a gay man, but not a closeted one. He had partners throughout the spam of his adult life, from Black Dragon to police forces.
There were rumors going around inside of Black Dragon that he and Kano had a affair. Whether or not this is true is left for speculation, as neither Kabal or Kano wish to discuss such topic.
What is true, however, is his work romance with Kurtis. At first, Kabal actively denied his attraction towards him, but learned to be more truthful to himself. He had a hard time opening up though, as he did have bitter aftertaste of his previous relationships, but somehow things were pretty decent, mostly thanks to Stryker's demeanor.
(Yeah I'm a strykabal truther, how can you tell?)
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Every iteration of Kenshi is demisexual in my eyes. Bad part? I can't really explain my reasoning. Sometimes you just see a character and immediately assume things about them.
Maybe it's due to Kenshi not really having any romantic interests prior to MKX, as far as I can recall. Maybe it's just an ace-dar (as someone who's on the asexual spectrum). Oh well, we'll never know.
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Like with Kenshi, every iteration of Kung Lao is gay in my eyes.
I see it more as Kung Lao not realizing his sexuality yet as throughout his life he had no time to think about personal stuff. When he does realize, however, he'll view it as an advantage as monks are typically forbidden from getting married and having intercourse, thus meaning he will less likely be judged by his fellow ones. Yes, he'd plan on simply ignoring this aspect of himself as getting into a relationship would bring a lot of burden (and if Lao falls in love, he will fall HARD).
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Mileena is canonically bi!! Duhh! She likes positive attention from anyone, regardless of the race or gender. Either way she will take advantage of the partner and eat them alive :)
She's also part tarkatan, which should technically make her intersex, but since Kitana's genes are the dominant ones, she's assigned female. However, she believes such limitations are stupid, so she uses She/they for herself. It makes her more proud of who she is.
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Gods don't need s*x!! Also I think he's canonically genderfluid since he can be literally anyone.
Uhh idk that's it.
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One of those times where I can't explain my reasoning... again.
I just feel like Rain liked the thought of absolute control ever since he was young, to the point where he wanted to control his own body's appearance. Even if he didn't realize it, he always wanted to have a body of man, to speak like a man and to be viewed as one as well. Once he finally reached his ideal physique, he felt like he was unstoppable.
... or something like that, lol.
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I meaaannn... why else would bro CHOOSE to change into anyone?
I have this little headcanon that Shang Tsung gets bored very quickly. To cure his boredom he'd transform into one of his captured souls and go on with his day until he gets tired of that body too.
Alas, these are all for now. Tumblr won't let me upload another image but just so you know, Stryker is a closeted bisexual. No reason other than vibes.
Anyone else who didn't make it to the list are either cyborgs or those who I think are straight. Anyways, hope you enjoyed and understood everything I just wrote. Byeee :3
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sorrowfulrosebud · 11 months
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𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙: Yandere Skarlet headcannons with her human darling
𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: Yandere, so please read with caution
𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: mentions of murder, yandere and unhealthy behaviours, Shao Kahn mention
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༒ First and foremost, Skarlet is your guard dog. Hands down, no questions asked. She is an attentive captor lover, and wants the two of you to have a happy life together.
༒ She is desperate for your approval. Her desperation and loyalty as her adopted father’s daughter shines through the relationship, trying her best to provide a stable lifestyle for you both.
༒ Skarlet does have a bit of a morbid obsession with your blood, I can’t lie to you. If you’re found misbehaving, she will knick you with her weapons to see your blood ooze. She hates seeing your blood when she’s… correcting… your behaviour. She would much rather you be a willing donor.
༒ Furthermore, she is not above using her magic to get you to behave. If you’re throwing a tantrum, she will use her abilities to make you frightened.
༒ INSANELY jealous. When she kidnaps you and brings you to the palace, she often gets Kitana to keep an eye on you since she knows Mileena would most likely try sniffing you out. She only trusts Kitana since she knows that she’s slobbering over Lui Kang.
༒ Despite her immense love for her father, she wouldn’t hesitate to kill him for you. She keeps you a secret from him, knowing he would kill you for “being a distraction”. Soooo, when Shao Kahn finds out, she claims you as a new test dummy for her powers. You make her feel somewhat human, despite her being a genetic experiment.
༒ She takes the best care of you, hands down. She is an attentive partner, but she is a little rough around the edges. I imagine she’s a lucid yandere too, so she knows that being kidnapped by Shao Kahn’s daughter would make anyone shit their pants so she’s very lenient.
༒ Skarlet just wants a more human like relationship. She wants to experience closeness and intimacy, to hold her darling’s hands and kiss them. She wants to experience domesticity, and learn how to relax instead of fight.
༒ She is wildly protective and keeps you on a very tight leash. She gets antsy and wound up if you’re not in her immediate sight.
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“Angel? Where are you?” Skarlet called, scouring the palace for you. You were currently in the kitchen, sat on the counter as one of Shao Kahn’s chefs whipped you up a snack. It was surprising that Skarlet let you out of the room, but she did say that she cursed you so that your blood would boil to the point of explosion if you tried to leave.
“Angel?! Where- oh, there you are,” she sighed in relief. She walked over to you, hugging you tightly. She was careful of her powers, knowing she was quick to trigger when irritated.
“Oh, having something to eat, my love? We’ll eat in my chambers, we have many things to discuss,” she smiles as she pets your hair. The chef hurries up, handing you your food as Skarlet huffs impatiently.
The walk is long back to her chambers, her trying to prompt small talk with you. Your answers are curt and nervous, but she chalks it up to being shy with her since she’s your lover.
The door creaks loudly as it opens, light pouring into Skarlet’s bedchambers. She sits on her bed, petting the covers when she sees you stand timidly. You oblige shakily, tensing when her hand touches your shoulder. You don’t put up a fight when she gently pushes you to her lap, your head nestling deeply into her soft thighs.
She breathes deeply and contentedly, hands petting your head as she slowly feeds you the food from your plate. You couldn’t deny; the witch’s hands were pure magic. Your eyes fluttered as she smiled above you, feeling proud that the hands that cause damage and hurt are making you relax.
“I love you so much, my angel. I’ll kill anyone who tries to harm you.”
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༒ And kill someone she will. If she even suspects that someone has hurt you, their entire body explodes before they have time to blink.
༒ If she’s in a bad mood, she is scary as fuck. She is grumbly and touchy, forcefully holding you to calm herself down.
༒ Overall, she’s a fairly tame yandere. She’s more lucid, but also incredibly protective and paranoid.
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kusagrasskusa · 2 years
I saw @yns-world do this so I kind of wanted to steal their thing XD But it’s really entertaining! So here’s my version of…
MK Villains meeting/hearing about their (and your) child
Erron Black, Shang Tsung, Baraka, Kano, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn edition!
Part 2!
Tell me whoever else you may want! I want to do a heros one after this, so tell me who you want!
Edit: I’m not even kidding, I was looking for some Erron X Readers, saw this, read this, said “ohh I like that one” and “ew that’s cringy” without knowing this is fucking mine XDXD I looked back at this and just gasped because I fr didn’t think I wrote this
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Erron Black
Erron: Ye look a lot like me. Ya one of them alternate universe me’s?
Son: No, but I’m here to kill you unlike what other me’s could do
Erron: Well if I die, tell other me’s to kill Y/N after pulling out
Erron: You got my eyes and your mother’s bad attitude
Daughter: And her hatred for you
Erron: Nah, our bloodline is filled with hate
Son: I wonder what she saw in you when you first met
Erron: Beats me, I wondered what she saw in the first hundred guys she fucked
Son: I’m gonna make you take that back!
Erron: If only I raised you instead, you wouldn’t be this big o’ a pussy
Son: My mother raised me better without you in my life
Erron: Yeah, never mind. You and yer mom are too ignorant to hang around
You: Your daughter is a horse girl, y’know. Ya should go show her ‘round here on one
Erron: I’m too busy for that demon girl
You: Of course you are. And she’s a demon because of you
Kotal Kahn: You have a child who asked for you
Erron: I don’t have a kid
Kotal Kahn: Well I shall introduce you two after this then
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Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung: I have been awaiting this day, my child
Daughter: Why? To destroy every woman’s life who meets you?
Shang Tsung: No, but I wonder what might a limp, pitiful creature such as yourself do when their whore of a mother is killed
Daughter: You are beyond fucked up.
Son: I remember the last time I saw you
Shang Tsung: It was quite the tragedy, indeed
Son: You couldn’t fucking stop laughing at me suffer through my mother’s death
Daughter: Whenever she died, did you care, father?
Shang Tsung: Why of course, I feared how her death would affect my precious child
Daughter: You feared so much you threw your precious child into the claws of death
Shang Tsung: At least the Kahn didn’t kill you instead.
Shang Tsung: When I was your age, it was customary for sons to protect and serve their parents
Son: I protect and serve my mother. You are a mere parasite to me
Shang Tsung: Oh, the parasite within you will enjoy tearing you apart
Shang Tsung: Does [child] know we are meeting?
You: She is sound asleep, and I promised she will awaken with her father home
Shang Tsung: She will awaken to her mother in pain so she never wants to see me again
You: All she wants is 5 minutes, Shang!
Raiden: You look just like your mother
Daughter: But I’m stronger than she’ll ever be
Raider: And you are as blind as your father
Lui Kano:
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Son: It’s funny that people try to kill me for being your child rather than for being tarkatan
Baraka: How’s that funny?
Son: They’re killing your people to get to you, father. You’re why your people are disappearing.
Baraka: Female tarkatan gather, not fight
Daughter: Come on father! One round! You know I’m better than my brothers, anyways
Baraka: This is why you’ll be the man in the family once I’m gone
Baraka: My favorite fighter
Son: [daughter] said she fights better!
Baraka: Let us find out then
Daughter: I remember the tribe before mother died
Baraka: You will never honor or lay eyes on it again, traitor!
Daughter: I put good deeds over personal victory, father
Mileena: You’re beautiful, for being Baraka’s
Daughter: You’re ugly, for being Sindel’s
Mileena: Hehe, I’ll bite that tongue if you don’t, savage!
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Kano (he’s so fucking hot)
Kano: Before anything else, ya motha’ came onto me first
Son: I- did not ask
Kano: Well, she asked- she asked for more every night
Daughter: My mom is obsessed with you, still
Kano: And lemme tell you, she was crazy over me back then too. A freak, really
Daughter: Are we both talking about [Y/N]?
Kano: Oh yeah, she never told you? She loved me
You: Still as fine as the day we met
Kano: You must be thinking of the wrong Kano, but I’d love to show you what the young me can do
You: Yeah, like give me a kid to raise on my own
Sonya: I thought I killed younger you already!
Kano: Hah, I always knew me boy would be useful one day
Sonya: Oh, shit- It was your son?
Kano: Y/N?
Daughter: Mother died a few years back
Kano: And you look as beautiful as she did
Kano: There’s no way. I pulled out!
Son: You pull-out game sucked then
Kano: Like father, like son then, ay?
Daughter: Mom said you promised to take me out today!
Kano: Daddy.. was probably drink’n’ ay
Daughter: If I have to drag you all the way out there, I will!
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Quan Chi
Quan Chi: I sense demon within you. You aren’t from Earthrealm
Daughter: I’m the perfect mix of holiness and unholiness
Quan Chi: Then you are a worthless mutt
You: Shinnok won’t take us fighting lightly. We’re supposed to unify and serve
Quan Chi: I shall not let him take [child] from us
You: You are a traitor
Raiden: You betray your realm for what?
You: I am sorry, but my child’s safety is worth more than Earthrealm’s would ever be
Raiden: So you aid the destruction of the safest realm?
Quan Chi: My son
Son: Do not call me that, demon
Quan Chi: Your demon workings are put to sleep within you, allow me to show you what you really are inside
Daughter: There was a time when mother thought you loved her
Quan Chi: A demon cannot feel love, my child
Daughter: You loved her enough to have me, yes?
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Shao Kahn
You: Wait until your queen finds out
Shao Kahn: Finds out what?
You: I am pregnant, emperor. And I am keeping it
Sindel: I’ll kill that disgusting monster of a child!
You: Do you speak to their sister that way?
Sindel: Kitana is more royal than your child will ever be
Daughter: You know, I was only doing what was good for the kingdom
Kitana: No, you were doing what father would want you to do
Daughter: It is better he likes me than throw me out like he did you
Shao Kahn: My little princess
Daughter: Mileena said you were planning of disposing me, father
Shao Kahn: Why ever would I do that?
Mileena: I told you not to touch my things, sis
Daughter: I told you not to touch me!
Mileena: Hehe, royal blood just tastes too good to leave alone
Shao Kahn: To be emperor, you must be able to defeat me first
Son: I will do you proud, father
Shao Kahn: Not until Kitana is dead, will you make me proud
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cienie-isengardu · 11 months
❤ - Family Headcanon for Shang Tsung please!
And ☠ angry/violent headcanon for our boy Bi-Han!
Oh, nice ones! Thank you and sorry it took me so long to answer!
❤ - Family Headcanon for Shang Tsung please!
Shang Tsung barely remembers his family, which is understandable as more than a thousand years have passed since the last time he saw them. It was the natural order of things after all, for memories to fade after so long, to be superseded and replaced by vast knowledge and even vastier numbers of collected souls, as each carried their own weight, their own complicated history.
When you have memories of hundreds of mothers, it is easy to forget your own. Sometimes Shang Tsung couldn’t tell anymore where his memories started and where they ended, all feelings mixed and confused between all the souls if he did not focus well enough, if his control slipped even for a bit.
(And it did slip in the past often, when he was younger and less experienced, and then flooded with memories of different life, different times before he became Shao Kahn’s slave apprentice. But did the warm laugh of mother, and work-worn yet gentle hand of father was true, or just imagined, he could not tell anymore). 
But the thing is - Shang Tsung doesn’t care to remember. It is not like his family was bad, at least not by the standard of the era they all lived together back then. Even now, even despite himself, he still has some fondness for his mother (he was not a heartless monster, not yet, anyway) but what he remembers best about his parents and brother is how little they understand him, how little truly they accept his weirdness. As far as Shang Tsung can recall the old, faded scraps of his former life, they have never hated him outright but they did resent him in a lot little things, never letting him forget there was something abnormal about him.  Because Shang Tsung was a different child, too smart for his own good, too curious about magic around him, too eager to shift, to change. Everyone wanted him to stick to one, designated shape and position, to live the meaningless life but why should he limit himself with such a boring thing? Why to spend all his life on hard, thankless work that only the rich benefit from, instead of pursuing his own dreams of knowledge, of adventure, of something, anything, more than gods allowed him to have?
Which is why he did not hesitate once he stumbled upon something that turned out to be a magic portal to Outworld. It was there he learned not only magic but also how surprisingly little he missed his family.
And ☠ angry/violent headcanon for our boy Bi-Han!
Since he was little, Bi-Han was taught the importance of duty. Duty to Earthrealm and its protector, Fire Lord Liu Kang, duty to the clan he was born to lead one day. Everything resolved around those two things and nothing had the right to matter more. Not personal happiness, not desires, not even family could stand above duty. 
So he trained, and trained and trained, until his body became a deadly weapon, until his heart was cold enough to accept there may be a day when the duty will demand to sacrifice his own flesh and blood for a greater good. He pushed himself beyond own limits, until his heart was cold enough to look at his brothers - one from the same mother and one adopted - and not see the silly children with silly dreams they were but the future Lin Kuei warriors honor bound to serve.
(He did not understand his father’s fierce devotion to Liu Kang but then his father was full of fire he could never identify with. His heritage was the ice and coldness, the same blood that flowed in his mother's veins. She made sense to Bi-Han in a way the father never did, no matter how hard he tried to connect with the man. There was always an unseen barrier separating them like they were two different worlds. It was Kuai Liang, not Bi-Han, who inherited Grandmaster’s fire, this stubborn passion for tradition that shackled Lin Kuei for ages, that killed members of their family generation after generation.)
The Grandmaster always assured his sons that serving Earthrealm was the greatest honor that befallen onto Lin Kuei and for a long time, it was all Bi-Han had. But then his mother died in the line of duty and Bi-Han forever will remember the battered, bloodied body carried to the home. 
He did already see many dead bodies before, both of Lin Kuei members and those he killed for Earthrealm’s safety. It wasn’t the first time he heard Fire Lord speaking of the great sacrifices, of sadness for their loss. And like always, all his father did was to bow, to thank, to be honored by so oh magnanimous, so reverent god and his kind words that for Bi-Han meant nothing. 
It was not the first time Bi-Han was angry yet it was the first time the anger burned through his veins like a true fire. He wished his ice powers could develop faster, stronger, for a cold heart would feel no pain. His heart was on fire, choking anger held back only by the sheer stubbornness and sense of duty. Yet Bi-Han knew it was a matter of time, either he will find a strength to cool down this ire or let the anger at Liu Kang consume him wholly, let it to burn down this unfair bondage that was put on his clan for ages.
Father always spoke of honor but he has never explained Bi-Han what was so honorable to die for a realm that did not care at all for your sacrifice. Why train since you could walk, if all you get for your dutifulness is a meaningless pat on the head and pitiful thank you? Why to die for a god, who may call you a friend for doing his bidding yet won’t blink at all, when it is time to sacrifice another pawn for the greater good?
This time it was the battered body of his mother, but so easily could be his own. Or Kuai Liang. Or Tomas. Or Sektor. Or Cyrax. Or anyone born into Lin Kuei and its never-ending servitude. 
No, for Bi-Han honor was just a word everyone brings as an excuse when they want too much from you, when they demand another and another sacrifice. 
(And then Grandmaster died. Bi-Han could save his father but he didn’t. He followed what he was taught since he was a little boy: his duty was to clan, not to the blood. And it was father that let Lin Kuei to be shackled, the one that led his mother to death. When he returned home, he looked straight in the eyes of the Fire Lord, not an ounce of guilt in his heart - Liu Kang again spoke of great loss, of sadness and Bi-Han bowed, and thanked, and spoke of honor he did not believe for years. If the god knew what happened, he said no word about it and it was the only time Bi-Han wished to see his father’s face again, solely to let the dead man know how little he meant for his precious godly friend at the end of day.)
Kuai Liang thought Bi-Han was merely frustrated and it is the greatest irony of all for a pyromancer to see a fire in his brother’s cold heart and not recognize the anger that burned there for years.
Headcanon meme
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I have Kitana-centric liulaotana headcanons! :D
Kitana was 5 (in Earthrealm years, the Edenian ages are weird) when Edenia was conquered so Shao Kahn practically raised her. And sometimes she finds herself missing him, yes he was a terrible man, but he was her father. It's hard for her to separate Shao Kahn the conqueror and Shao Kahn her father. He never raised a hand to her outside of training, even then he knew when to pull his punches, he made sure she ate, he spoiled her with new weaponry and armor, he told her stories of his time in Onaga's army, he taught her his culture and traditions.
Traditions that include his dragonian courting rituals. Before she and Liu Kang got together, but after she realized she had feelings for him, she attempted to court him. It went as well as you expect.
It started simple with her not wearing neck armor around him. Which then evolved into tops that exposed her collarbones and parts of her sternum. Exposing this part of the body is a sign of vulnerability as it's an area that has a lot of kill points. Kang didn't think much of this and he told her he liked her outfit. She took this as her cue to proceed.
The next step was to present him with a skull, as a sign of strength. She remembers Kang saying his favorite animals were reptiles, so she heads to the Michidou dens. Let's just say Kang didn't know how to react when he was given a dragon skull.
Now to give him a part of her, to show devotion. Usually, dragonians give their desired teeth, but Edenians don't shed and grow their teeth back, so she has to improvise. This leads to an awkward conversation where Liu Kang has to explain why he has a small jar of nail clippings and loose hair in his house. ("I don't know, Kitana gave it to me and I'd feel bad if I threw it out.")
She starts to steal his clothes and sniffs and cuddles them until they no longer smell like him and smell like her instead before she gives them back. Others need to smell her on him to know that he's off-limits and she's already staked her claim. It's a bonus that he smells so good, but maybe that's just her.
She keeps courting him, but it doesn't feel like it's going anywhere. She ends up venting to Jade about it and Jade sets out to give him a piece of her mind for leading Kitana on. Only to find out he has no idea what she's talking about, he genuinely thought Kitana was just being nice, if not a bit strange. After an explanation, Jade drags him back to the palace so these two idiots can have a long talk. They end up dating each other after that.
Polyamory is common for dragaonians so she didn't think much about Liu Kang dating Kung Lao, though her possessiveness is a bit of a problem.
Then she started to notice how strong he was. She knew he was strong beforehand, he had to be, but seeing it outside of battle so casually was... attractive. And he smelt good.
It was far too late when Kang realized he had forgotten to tell Lao about how he and Kitana got together.
ohohohoho my friend your Kitana is amazing
She doesn't like to talk about the fact that she misses Shao either bc she knows what he was and that, logically, she should be glad he's dead. But she isn't. It was the right thing and she doesn't want to try and make it unhappen, but there are days when she wishes things were how they used to be, and she hates herself for it a little
She also sees him go shirtless around her and thinks he's reciprocating and spends a whole three hours giggling and blushing to jade about it
Liu Kang does keep the skull in his quarters, even though it takes up so much space and Kung Lao thinks it's the coolest, kinda envious of it. Kitana trails her fingers along the bone everytime she stays over, smiling to herself
She also gives him a bottle of her blood at one point which he finds thoroughly bizarre
Liu Kang won't ever admit it but he likes that his clothes would randomly start smelling like Kitana (he didn't notice them going missing bc he has like 5 sets of the same outfit)
Jade nearly kills Liu Kang before he can get his explanation out, she's not exactly known for her restraint
Kitana and Kung Lao have brief tug of war over who can put the most hickeys on Liu Kang, which the pyromancer finds himself somewhat worn out by
Its when she sees Kung Lao lift Liu Kang that she realizes she's attracted to him, but it isn't until Kung Lao lifts her up one handed that she decides to do something about it.
Luckily, Kung Lao did research into outworlder courting rituals when Kitana started making eyes at Liu Kang, so he knew what was going on when she was courting Liu (he didn't say anything bc he loves for chaos) and is eager to reciprocate.
Kitana is thrilled by this and their courtship proceeds much faster
Kung Lao also gloats to Liu Kang that he got a better skull than she had given Liu
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mrstsung · 17 days
The only kids shang tsung would have and loves is his own. From himself.
NOT MILEENA. sorry not sorry i hate that hc with a burning passion from fandom.
If it's not made from him,the ol fashion way. He wouldn't be as keen with it. Im not saying if there was a child in the equation with you before (single parent) that he wouldn't step up. He would. But if it's a child made by magic or something like that. It would bring back not so nice memories. Ptsd even.
So i doubt he'd be dad to an experiment like mileena or milly herself. Too much baggage there. I've been over why that hc from Fandom isn't a good one because it's so ooc and ignoring his tramas from shao kahns court and the crap he went through. It's ignoring key parts for a short lived thing that honestly could be easily remedied by MAKING AN OC OR FANKID.
If you want him to have a half tarkatan child make an oc. Leave mileena alone!
She needs kitana,her sister,not a father. If anything. Raiden is right fucking there. Have him step up.
Shang tsung i love him to death but kids,is a touchy subject i feel for him. And honestly,not everyone is ok with parenting. Even people who like kids,want kids but cant have em,etc.
Sorry for this rant but i just do not like this hc. And i myself as much as i dont mind kids,they are a lot of work,and even reading hcs about parenting drains me. Don't get me wrong shang would be an excellent father,just not to mileena. Mileenas father IS SHAO KAHN. that's right there,plain as day. No matter what you think,say or hc. Shao kahn is millys dad. Now like i said kitana stepping up,squashing the unnecessary beef,and ACTUALLY WRITING THEM WITHOUT TARNISHING EITHERS CHARACTER BY WRITING MILEENA AS A FUCKING DISEASED ANIMAL THAT CAN EASILYTUNR BACK INTO A CONVENIENTLY ATTRACTIVE EYECANDY UGH. is what needs to happen. Kitana and mileena despite her being a clone,actually being sisters and ruling outworld side by side.
She doesn't need a man. To make her great. Father or otherwise.
Plus mileena being treated like she has no agency. Even as a fictional character. Pisses me off. Women of mk get this too often. Sadly.
Plus shang doesn't like mileena nor treated her like a person. And mileena hates shang for creating her. Tanya was the only other person who actually gave a rats ass about her other than reptile. Kitana if they weren't cowards. Sindel cared for mileena but was selfish because kitana was actually born form sindel. Not milly. So.....sindel a bit vain. Unless you want mileena to be of a tarkatan affair and add drama to the kahns. Lol. (I actually have a whole ass story idea for that. But again. It's only an idea. Not what actually happened) either way. Mileena doesn't need a man to be amazing.
Tanya is her daddy *wink*. Lol. I joke i joke.
But yeah i just hate when fandoms ignore the obvious traumas and problems for a cute short hc that doesn't even make sense. MAKE AN OC. it's ok. It's not cringe. Police wont bust down your door for making a fucking kid oc for shang tsung. God!
Anyways. I have fankids with shang tsung. But it's more of an exploration idea than anything. Not nessicarly an au,but eh. I dont mind the idea. Just not nessicary for me in my self ship. I like being kidless in my self ship. It's easier to manage. But eh shit happens.
But anyways. If y'all wanna see the fankid au. Or my juicy outworld court drama idea. Lemme know.
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