#snake goddess
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freespiritlilith · 1 year ago
i see people are talking about this again so, from a queer trans jew:
Four points:
lilith is open, but making ancient levant pregnancy protection bowls with botched hebrew and saying its idk a modern michigander witch invention, THAT is appropriation. Just saying a prayer to Lilith as a gentile is, can’t believe i have to say this, not appropriation.
lilith is jewish, as known from oral tradition, ancient and medieval apotropaic artifacts, Zohar, and of course the Alphabet of (falsly attributed) Ben Sirach ~ she’s jewish but, just like judaism, she’s is an amalgam of common experiences witnessed by peoples in antiquity
lilith is actively worshipped, observably, in reality, by jewish and gentile women and queers for decades. My friends aren’t antisemitic just for me inviting them in, that’s batshit talk.
don’t tell anyone who to worship. this includes unsolicited suggestions to “swap” Lilith with anyone else. Imposing your religious beliefs on others is very, very culturally christian, so stop that. please.
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kurj · 6 months ago
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...at least that's what I imagine they usually do
version without censorship (yes i had to cover her tits for the visibility of the post) and without text under the cut
more of my minoan art: click
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im crying about his little feet
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clepysdra · 1 year ago
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Minoan Snake Goddess Set
The outfit is an edit of @teanmoon's gorgeous Minoan Maiden Dress. Thanks to Inga's generous TOU, the mesh is not required, but it is recommended! I removed the bust covering, added an apron, and converted the dress to the bottoms (skirt) category, so your sim can remain topless with the outfit applied.
Minoan Snake Goddess Dress (BOTTOM)
Bottom category (skirt)
Base game compatible
23 swatches
Disallowed for random
Minoan Undershirt (TOP)
Top category
Base game compatible
36 swatches
Disallowed for random
Minoan Snake Hat
Hat category
Base game compatible
14 swatches
Disallowed for random
Minoan Cat Hat
Hat category
Base game compatible
25 swatches
Disallowed for random
BOTTOM DOWNLOAD - Dropbox (no ads)
TOP DOWNLOAD - Dropbox (no ads)
SNAKE HAT DOWNLOAD - Dropbox (no ads)
CAT HAT DOWNLOAD - Dropbox (no ads)
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kiingkiismet · 3 months ago
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Year of the Snake 🐍 - Nyx
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josy-woodhouse · 9 months ago
So my wife and I had our honeymoon on Crete recently and in the museum of Heraklion we saw her:
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I am obsessed!
What do you mean there was a possible Goddess of nature AND cats AND snakes and no one told me about this before??
So basically the Minoan civilization was one of the first civilisations in Europe and we know very little about them and what we know of them comes largely from the fact they were really talented artists, to the point where they have been hired by the Egyptian Pharos. They had a lot of cults on the Greek island Crete and built big labyrinth like "Palaces" there, which we by now know, probably weren't palaces at all. Most often they are assumed to have been temples, but it is subject of ongoing debate. Unrelated to the snake goddess (probably?) they found a cave on Crete filled with double edged axe heads of varying sizes, probably for religious reasons(?) because some of these sizes don't make sense as weapons or tools.
Why did Greek mythology tumblr not tell me about this?
Anyway I bought myself a tiny figure and a T-Shirt (picture below) of the snake goddess and am planning to become a collector of her merchandise now.
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Anyway, I have been reading up on the Minoan culture on wiki and I advise other history or mythology nerds to do the same.
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zeherili-ankhein · 3 months ago
Here's the Modern Monosa drawing I said I'd do
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Is she singing something tho?
I really like the highlights in her hair and the snake tattoo (once upon a time I wanted that lol) and the blue tongue detailing is even better!!!
I like the outfit too
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missagonyy · 4 months ago
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Printing my art at Staples in a book was so embarrassing! 🫥
Most of my friends look at my art and say … what the hell is this supposed to mean??
Honestly, I really don’t know myself!
Anyways, after 1 full year I finally completed what I set out to do.
Now that it’s done, I feel so great!! 🎉🎊
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yourlocalgaycat · 2 years ago
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i’m gonna try to say this in the most respectful way possible, I NEED YOU MOMMY 😩😩
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mystisart · 3 months ago
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Snake Goddess - Pencil on paper (Available)
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srividyatantram · 7 months ago
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New batch registration for Naga Tantra 2024 class started !!! Srividya Tantram
Course details, testimonials, etc. given in website www.srividyatantram.com
Send WhatsApp message to number specified in post for details.
Naga Tantra Yoga and Tantra Puja Classes Free & Online on Weekend.
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oldbooksarchive · 9 months ago
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Place of minos at knossos (1921)
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kiingkiismet · 1 year ago
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✧Nyx, the Watcher of Spirits✧
my starliian goddess was long overdue for her new reference sheet :) Here she is y'all!! Starliian Species Information
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nepalsaysrawr · 2 months ago
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Drew this Snake Goddess for this Chinese New Year. I'm not sure if Greek deities and Chinese folklore go well, but we'll see.
Don't step on sneks!
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missagonyy · 1 year ago
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Snake Girl Sketch - Based on Minoan Snake Priestess.
This one took me two hours to draw, but she really came out beautifully.
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violetmoondaughter · 2 years ago
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At the origin of the Myth of Medusa there is probably the ancient apotropaic symbol of the gorgoneion, the head of the gorgon.
Gorgoneion is a grinning mask with glaring eyes and protruding beast-like tusks and pendent tongue used in antiquity to banish evil spirits from temples. The origin of the symbol is probably a cultus object, a ritual mask used as the vehicle of the divine power. The big wide-open eyes were used in the past to recall the idea of the divine eye always watching. Gorgoneion was in fact seen as an underworld bogey. The figure is depicted in the typical fashion of the Mistress of Wild Things, the dark side of the Great Mother. She is the snake goddess, the snakes in her hair represent the chthonian symbol of rebirth and sexuality while the wings symbolize the divine power and transformation. These powerful symbols were used since antiquity to depict the ancestral divine feminine control over life and death. The apotropaic power of the gorgoneion comes from the representation of the divine energy always watching and scaring away with its monstrous figure.
The rise of patriarchal society and the subsequential change from a divine feminine power to a divine male power brings the necessity of demonizing the ancestral powers and iconographies. The figure of the gorgon endures a change from the goddess of snakes to a monstrous creature defeated by the male hero Perseus. The myth of medusa tells us the story of a woman punished for her beauty, for her feminine power, and transformed into a monstrous creature by a goddess. The gorgon’s name in the myth is Medusa, which in ancient Greek means Protectress or Guardian and she is transformed in a winged creature with serpents’ hair and the power of petrify people with her gaze. For patriarchal society this supernatural creature must be defeated and subjugated to male power, and for this reason in the myth Perseus, after killing her, will use her head as a powerful defensive weapon on his own shield.
With the myth of Medusa, the highest divinity of ancient religion became a harmful bogey to be slayed to represent the female oppression. Patriarchal society used the female figure of Athena to legitimize female oppression and retells the apotropaic gorgoneion symbol as a male hero trophy only indirectly connected with the female power of a goddess.
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ilmaris · 1 year ago
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A cruel queen who was cursed. For her transgressions, she was turned into the embodiment of cunning - a snake goddess.
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