#snail emote
dunktape · 4 months
Possibly odd ask but could I request some snail emojis :0
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i know they're pretty basic but here u goo !!! hope they're what u were expecting
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pdlcomics · 1 year
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mad at me
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kurbiismind · 11 months
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front-facing-pokemon · 9 months
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canisalbus · 7 months
It's quite funny having followed you for years and years and knowing Machete as his dark, bloodied, cunning (and always on the edge of getting horribly murdered for his hubris) incarnation, and coming into 2024 and just... yeah he's gay now. Maybe he's even happy. Redemption at last... perhaps he DID get assassinated indeed and all those AUs are just his personal afterlife (does he get to go to Heaven? Seems so!)
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s3znl-gr3znl · 1 year
AC6 is such a wonderful emotional experience. The whole game for your first playthrough is heehee hoohoo look at all these cool characters!!! Are they all so fun and quirky and unique and interesting???
Now kill them. Do your job and pull the fuckin trigger, dog.
I vividly remember fighting back tears for the whole ending arc of Fires of Raven. I lost so many friends, some at my own hands. I didn't know. I didn't know it would come to this. Im so sorry, everyone. By the time i realized the path i was on, it was too late to save any of you.
Then you do it all again in NG+. Try to be better, make more thoughtful decisions, and fight the right people. Only to find you're still pointing your guns at the people you love.
So you go again, numb to the loss but still desperate for another way.
Only this time, you truly lose everyone. No one you care about survives the Coral Release.
But maybe it's for the best. Maybe you could push forward and build something new on the bones of everyone you sacrificed.
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kingmystrie · 1 year
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Pride Snails!!!
These icons are free to use! you can also use them as emojis :3
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dandelion-idk · 1 year
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skill issue + a classic
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glitziinova · 10 months
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Duck shuffler plush summoning circle that will hopefully summon it to my house
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citricsemotes132 · 1 year
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dolores-slay · 1 year
Nanders is a ship that will always slay for me. It's anime it's sweet inside sour outside and the reverse it's tropey it's lovely it's guy who doesn't know he's queer but when he does he's so chill and earnest with it and guy who knew but keeps it under seventy eight layers of emotional distancing intimacy issues and self loathing because he was told all his life everything about him is shameful and the one time he did dare to get close how did that end up for him. What I'm saying is they fucked and are still the bestest of friends. Even with ship goggles off I'm glad they had each other even if it was brief and ultimately didn't change anything. Anders had a life and freedom and friends. Wardens are a family Alistair was so right actually.
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darewolfcreates · 18 days
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Made some plaza posts for the Grand fest, I don't have any fancy means of drawing on the switch so I just used my finger :]
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I had more photos but I guess I gotta be cut off somewhere-
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fivewholeminutes · 22 days
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Hey the guys are going around. Bringing warm beverages and love. Because you’re amazing. 🫶
I received it, got very emotional about 'you snailed it' and promptly forgor about posting an actual response to this 🥺🥺 i'm sorry and thank you, love, for such an amazing ask. I will keep 'you snailed it' in my brain forever 🥺💖
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sud-scribbles · 4 months
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Back at the expressions using Abisalli's Emotion Challenge! Another set I was pretty confident in
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snaillamp · 1 year
Evil thought no. 26348
Okay, heres a whumpy idea I love but I've never seen before. That's why I've decided to implement it into one of my stories. If you decide to please tag me so I can see your work! Sooooo, what is it?
~Hypnic jerks~
What are hypnic jerks? Well you may have actually had one before. Have you ever been falling asleep and one leg just randomly kicks, waking you up? Maybe your arm flails, or even you feel like you're falling through your bed into the waiting void below? Well that's a hypnic jerk! We don't 100% know what causes them, but lots of people have them. They are exacerbated by things such as excessive caffeine usage and physical/emotional stress. (You can read more about it here)
✨Evil thoughts time >:)✨
Imagine you have a poor tired whumpee, who is on their 4th energy drink and 7th cup of coffee or whatever, they haven't slept in days. They are physically drained, emotionally drained and all they want to do is fucking sleep.
So, they finally get home and strip off their nasty work clothes. They have a wonderful hot shower, get dressed in their fluffiest, comfiest pajamas and curl up their warm, soft bed. Then they begin to descend into dreamland...
And riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight as they're falling asleep their leg randomly kicks out of nowhere, sending them tumbling from their bed and to the floor.
They can either pick themself up off the floor, crawl back to bed and try to sleep again, or they can just lie there and hope for the best. Maybe a caretaker hears the thump and comes in, finding the poor whumpee sprawled on the ground, dazed and confused.
And all they want is just. to. fucking. sleep.
~more evil thoughts~
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modern-inheritance · 4 months
Sorry I’m on a ‘let them be happy dorks’ kick again.
Post war (or even just post relationship establishment) Eragon getting a chance to decompress and he’s laying sprawled out somewhere and Arya just walks up with this look that he knows that is very very quietly screaming ‘I am tired, everything hurts, my brain is a warzone and Glen and I both have exhausted ourselves trying to get some peace and I don’t want to bother him and I am just-‘
And Eragon just scoots over slightly, lifts one arm, and that’s all it takes and Arya just sorta cuddles up to him. Quietly threatening him under her breath that the only reason she’s doing it in public is because no one else but the guards, Brom, Nasuada, Roran and Katrina, and Angela and Solembum know that they went from war buddies/war family to romantic so to anyone else it just looks like their usual casual closeness.
Eragon toys with the end of her braid and doesn’t say anything but he’s got this soft smile like ‘I am happy now. Stress gone. Thank you for being close. Thank you for being vulnerable and trusting me with that.’
And then they take a fucking nap because we all know they need it. Saphira’s watching them and knock backs anyone without urgent news. Let her boy and his weirdass bodyguard sleep.
Wow I write a lot about people being tired and sleeping/not sleeping. Hm.
Maybe I should go get that evaluated is my brain trying to tell me something??
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