#sm(e) propaganda
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VOTE FOR SM(E) IN THE @tmntaucompetition BECAUSE:
Directly supporting a CSA survivor (me) emotionally (winning at an internet competition) is good đ
You guys like divorce right? We have divorce eventually! It's gonna be great!
Plus, if I get into the actual competition, I will:
1. Open a day-long QNA where I must be honest about everything the asker desires and
2. Begin working on an animatic to "once shattered, now whole" from Centaurworld. Yes, you will be allowed to bully me into finishing it instead of taking literally ten million years
3. The further I get in the comp, the more spoilers you get!
Also I'll kill Meatsweats onscreen and it won't even traumatize Mikey that much if I win the whole competition!!
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"Uh- I- good one! I should probably go- with him, uh, he's my soulmate- I kinda gotta-" He'd dropped the cookies. He'd dropped the fucking cookies. Gods, Rupert would be so angry, he should've been more careful-
Oh. Okay, he was being dragged away. This was fine. He was fine.
"Can we at least bring Rupert, too?" He asked softly. It would be wrong to leave him behind, they were soulmates, they should be doing everything together!
But maybe it'd be safer not to. Because the other turtles would hurt him. Yeah, that... That was it. Nothing else.
A totally normal AU appears, offering cookies!
Twoâs lip curled in a snarl, baring sharp teeth at the unfamiliar humans. A hiss rattled inside his throat, and the large man took a step back, his face twisting in what Two could only assume must be some strange mix of disgust and fear. Heâd never been very good at guessing emotions, and even if he was, they came across differently on human faces. The smaller human didnât move, but he frowned, not like he was afraid but like he was disappointed. The expression was eerily familiar, even if the features were not.Â
âLetâs get out of here,â the big man grunted, taking another step back, eyes lingering in ways that made Twoâs scales crawl.Â
âIf you really think we should, then I guessâŠâ the small human mumbled, and Twoâs eyes went wide. That voice!
He surged forward, and the small human startled back. Before he could get far, Two grabbed him, pulling them closer, hands cradling his squishy human face, mindful not to break the fragile skin with his claws. He searched his features for a hint of familiarity. Eyes darted over the curve of his cheeks, the shape and color of his eyes, the expressions he wore as he stared back like he wasnât sure whether to be concerned or amused.Â
âYouâre another version of Four,â the mutant turtle murmured, eyes going wide with horror before they narrowed. He bared his teeth again and hissed, âWhat did they do to you?â
Mikey laughed awkwardly and tried to wave him off. Behind him, the larger human was raising his voice, booming with an anger that had Mikey trying to hide winces with every word. Two shook with barely repressed rage at the sight of a version of his brother twisted like this, shrinking into himself and broken in a way not even Draxum had managed yet. He cast a glare at the man behind it, jaw aching with the urge to sink teeth into a vulnerable throat; to tear and rend and destroy a human threat, just as heâd been designed for.Â
But he tamped it back.Â
âYouâre coming with me,â Two announced firmly, and without paying any mind to the protests, he turned and left, hand holding tightly onto the strange human version of his brotherâs hand. @error-core-animations
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InconsistĂȘncias & incoerĂȘncias na marca NCT
Olå, meus caros NCTzens! Hoje, estou aqui para escrever sobre um fato que me causa certa indignação, principalmente como NCTzen, mas também como artista e como alguém que aprecia as artes num todo.
Analisando, nesses quase 10 anos que acompanho o NCT, consigo pontuar certas coisas que o fizeram se tornar uma marca com potencial desperdiçado {para não dizer, uma marca fraca}. Por mais que eu ame esse grupo, não posso fingir que isso não acontece.
Nesse texto, pretendo falar sobre porque a SM sĂł dĂĄ tiro no pĂ© quando o assunto Ă© o grupo. Tudo isso poderia ser resumido a uma Ășnica palavra: branding.
NĂŁo vou entrar em detalhes de polĂȘmicas envolvendo o nome dos membros e da empresa, mas saibam que isso tambĂ©m contribui para esses ruĂdos na imagem do NCT. Essa Ă© uma continuação desse post sobre a identidade visual do grupo.
A primeira inconsistĂȘncia maior que gostaria de pontuar, Ă© de que o NCT foi vendido como um grupo inovador e isso consta em seu prĂłprio nome: Neo Culture Technology. Dito isso, seu marketing foi maiormente feito em cima do conceito de um sistema ilimitado de membros, de um sistema de graduação de uma das unidades, e tambĂ©m do fato de que cada unidade representaria algo diferente, alĂ©m de uma regiĂŁo. Essa foi a propaganda que sustentou o NCT por anos. PorĂ©m, a longo prazo nĂŁo foi possĂvel sustentar.
Quando houve esse rompimento, seria necessĂĄrio ter feito um rebranding do NCT, pois, quando uma marca perde um pilar importante Ă© fĂĄcil para ela se tornar irreconhecĂvel no mercado em seguida. Imagine esse exemplo prĂĄtico: se a Apple deixasse de usar a maçã para representĂĄ-la, a credibilidade da marca seria duramente afetada, pois foram anos e anos sustentando aquela imagem como peça fundamental.
Segundo ponto: o NCT não possui uma logomarca forte. Sei que eles debutaram em uma época em que o design se tornava bastante minimalista, mas para mim é um erro amador vindo de uma empresa do porte da SM. Pode até ser que na época fosse visto como um movimento datado, mas infelizmente uma logomarca é um ponto importante para reconhecer uma marca antes de ela se apresentar propriamente.
Dentro de sua logo, ao menos um singelo sĂmbolo, o NCT precisaria ter... Pois uma marca Ă© principalmente construĂda a partir de conceitos visuais e estĂ©ticos. O pĂșblico a quem uma marca atende, precisa sentir que faz parte de algo, quase como se fosse um clubinho.
Outro ponto: resistĂȘncia no uso da cor verde nos materiais relacionados ao grupo. O NCT 127, por exemplo, começou a utilizar o "verde neo" em Regular; jĂĄ era o terceiro comeback do grupo. Hoje em dia, venhamos e convenhamos, o verde do NCT Ă© a Ășnica coisa que os identifica. Imagine se esse artifĂcio fosse bem aproveitado desde o inĂcio do grupo? O verde neo, alĂ©m de identificar o grupo, nĂŁo Ă© uma cor tĂŁo comum, Ă© uma cor geralmente associada a extraterrestres, entĂŁo chama a atenção para esse lado dos caras serem "diferentes", algo novo posto Ă mesa.
PrĂłximo ponto: resistĂȘncia a conceitos fixos. Sei que esse ponto Ă© o que mais vai gerar discordĂąncias, mas Ă© minha opiniĂŁo pessoal. Vejo que grupos de empresas nĂŁo tĂŁo conhecidas acabaram fazendo seu nome no meio dessa forma. Repetindo conceitos para o pĂșblico entender a proposta, e depois de terem se estabelecido, puderam começar a ousar. Para um pĂșblico se identificar com um artista, Ă© essencial ter algo com o que se identificar. Se vocĂȘ tenta se identificar com todo mundo, entĂŁo vocĂȘ nĂŁo se identifica com ninguĂ©m. O conteĂșdo se torna genĂ©rico.
Por Ășltimo, mas nĂŁo menos importante, e como mencionei nĂŁo vou adentrar em polĂȘmicas, mas a associação a marcas que nĂŁo tem tanto a ver com o NCT, nem com os membros. Para um nome ser crĂvel no mercado, tudo aquilo que se associa a ele tambĂ©m precisa seguir a mesma linha. Dificilmente essa narrativa serĂĄ construĂda com marcas e feats com artistas desconhecidos para quem consome Kpop, ou que nenhuma relação tem com o que o grupo produz. Acaba se criando aquele efeito de quando vemos a FĂĄtima Bernardes fazendo publicidade para a Seara. Sabemos que ela nĂŁo come Seara, nem a pau.
Quais seriam as soluçÔes?
O NCT precisa urgentemente de um rebranding, alguĂ©m que pense isoladamente em soluçÔes para erguer esse nome que estĂĄ sempre Ă beira de se tornar algo, mas continua somente a tocar a superfĂcie.
A peça fundamental seria a repetição de conceitos atĂ© que o grupo se tornasse uma marca identificĂĄvel novamente. Se antes reconhecĂamos o NCT pelo seu conceito de nĂșmero ilimitado de membros, que nĂŁo existe mais, agora iremos conhecĂȘ-lo por suas unidades focadas em pĂșblicos diferentes, de verdade.
A unidade que melhor tem feito isso Ă© o Wish, pois eles pegaram um nicho de conceitos fantasiosos e estĂŁo trabalhando muito bem em cima deles, tal qual o Dream no inĂcio da carreira. O 127 e o Wayv nunca tiveram esse tipo de cuidado sobre eles. Alguns comebacks sĂŁo bem melhor trabalhados que outros, o que cria um desequilĂbrio em sua imagem. A unidade para comebacks aleatĂłrios sempre foi o NCT U, entĂŁo, nĂŁo entendo a necessidade que a SM tem de querer agradar todos os pĂșblicos utilizando as demais unidades, contribuindo apenas para a perda da identidade dos seus grupos.
NĂŁo acho que seja por acaso o fato de Kick It ter sido um grande sucesso {o maior do NCT atĂ© agora}, sendo esse o primeiro comeback construĂdo em torno de um conceito e um universo prĂłprio, com a primeira logomarca com um sĂmbolo. O mesmo podendo ser dito a respeito dos grandes projetos do NCT. A primeira mĂșsica realmente estourada do grupo, Boss, fazia parte de um grande projeto conceitual. E falando nisso, ao meu ver, esses projetos deveriam ser o carro chefe do grupo, para reforçar o seu diferencial, que sĂŁo suas unidades diversas. Ainda nessa vibe, poderia citar Glitch Mode. PoderĂamos ainda fazer vĂĄrios comebacks usando somente a cor verde como principal, criarmos uma ou algumas logomarcas para cada unidade, um mascote e um lightstick que fizesse sentido com toda essa histĂłria.
A prĂłxima sugestĂŁo tem a ver com suas associaçÔes. Publicidade que tenha relação com os membros e/ou o grupo, para atender o pĂșblico que jĂĄ o consome. Por exemplo, ao invĂ©s de investir numa colaboração com uma marca de cafĂ© genĂ©rica, porque nĂŁo usar o Jaemin ou o Johnny e criar uma linha de cafĂ© para eles? Nem que seja limitada, vendida somente pela loja da SM. NĂŁo apenas atrairia lucro, como ajudaria a criar um universo de marca mais crĂvel. Vale lembrar que o melhor marketing ainda Ă© aquele feito boca a boca, entĂŁo, a partir do momento em que a marca atinge um pĂșblico fiel, ele mesmo irĂĄ se encarregar de atrair mais pĂșblico, e pĂșblico que queira consumir constantemente. Porque nĂŁo aproveitar a exposição de fotos do Jaemin e fazer uma colaboração com a Kodak ou a Fujifilm? Isso traria mais coerĂȘncia para marca NCT do que um patrocĂnio da Prada traz, por exemplo.
Algumas publicidades que a SM acertou foram o jogo de celular NCT Zone, porque combina com o conceito tecnológico, além de que os kpopers geralmente estão inseridos no mundo Geek e acabam se interessando por esse universo. Da mesma forma com a Sanrio e agora Pokemon. à mais fåcil ver um kpoper consumindo algo da Hello Kitty do que da Ferragamo, por exemplo. AssociaçÔes não condizentes prejudicam a imagem da marca. Carregam uma ilusão de visibilidade e lucro, que na verdade tem pouca duração e termina de enterrar a credibilidade tanto do NCT quanto da SM como empresa.
Do que uma marca de sucesso Ă© feita? Eu respondo: um universo de sĂmbolos crĂveis. A ideia de que vocĂȘ precisa consumir aquele produto para fazer parte de algo. E essa ideia Ă© sustentada por sĂmbolos e açÔes que identificam seu pĂșblico alvo. Para um fandom isso Ă© muito mais do que necessĂĄrio, isso Ă© imprescindĂvel. EntĂŁo, atĂ© o Wish {essa unidade tem uma identidade visual forte} chegar, o NCT nĂŁo tinha nenhum tipo de sĂmbolo visual, nenhum tipo de logomarca ou mascote, algo que ajudasse a identificar o grupo e as pessoas que o acompanham. O fato das fĂŁs terem criado esses sĂmbolos, como por exemplo, os bichinhos de pelĂșcia que identificam os membros e, em seguida, a empresa ter copiado a ideia, demonstra amadorismo. Como pode um fĂŁ pensar numa necessidade do pĂșblico, antes de uma empresa que estĂĄ hĂĄ anos no mercado?
O que ocorre Ă© que, a longo prazo, Ă© cada vez mais difĂcil se identificar com algo genĂ©rico e feito somente no intuito de vender. Por mais fĂștil que seja o motivo para agregar, ele deve existir. Ă terrĂvel concluir que o inĂcio do fim do NCT como marca, infelizmente, começou logo apĂłs seu debut, com os caminhos tortos que a empresa decidiu tomar demonstrando amadorismo muitas vezes, alĂ©m de falta de planejamento e posicionamento. Salva de vaias para uma empresa que, a cada ano que passa, demonstra cada vez mais desconexĂŁo com a maioria do pĂșblico que ainda busca seus produtos, num misto de desinteresse a falta de autoridade.
Penso em fazer outros posts nessa mesma linha, analisando antigos comebacks do grupo, bem como alterando aqueles que nĂŁo sĂŁo do meu agrado. Comente se vocĂȘ gostaria de ver alguma anĂĄlise especĂfica envolvendo o NCT!
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Group E, Round 3, Poll 2:
Propaganda under the cut
He can't lie according to some curse or sm so he just manipulates thoughts and feelings to the point where basically eveybody dies bc of him plus he's hot
Aaravos gaslight gatekeep girlbossed his way into having a baby homunculus with another man in a different dimension from him. I feel that is import to note.
Jason "J.D." Dean
Jason Dean embodies all the components of being a girlboss- he gaslights with a passion and he gatekeeps to no end. His romance with Veronica showcases his completely insane and obsessive nature. He gaslights her on the daily, and accuses her of being the one who wanted all of their murders to take place. When they break up, he goes to her house to attempt to gatekeep her from living, only to be disappointed by the fact that she tricked him into believing that she beat him to it. This does an excellent job of demonstrating just how much of a gatekeeper he is- he cant fathom anyone Veronica even implies disliking, to the slightest extent, being an individual who deserves to live. His murders are a very girlboss move, in my humble opinion. Those who dont like him and are enemies of Veronica are targets- take Heather Chandler, their first victim, as an example. Veronica and her had a complex relationship- specifically one in which they were best frenemies. However, he chooses to gatekeep Veronica and her friendship with Chandler by killing her, and gaslights her by convincing her that she wanted her dead. He deserves to be girlboss number one (or at the very least an honorary girlboss) because he gatekeeps, gaslights, and girlbosses for the entirety of the movie. In summary Gatekeep- kills people to gatekeep Veronica as a person Gaslight- lies to and manipulates Veronica Girlboss- kills people for funsies
#round 3#group e#the dragon prince#tdp#aaravos#tdp aaravos#heathers#heathers movie#jason dean#jd heathers
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Eu acho muito irĂŽnico exigirem algo deles, sendo que a Ășnica culpada disso tudo Ă© a maldita da SM. Esperam o que? Que escrevam desculpas em um papel e poste? Todo mundo sabe o lixo que a SM Ă© e tudo isso Ă© culpa da prĂłpria. Claro, eles foram GRANDĂES se manifestando contra isso. Mas tambĂ©m nĂŁo Ă© justo atacarem os outros quando claramente a empresa tem muito controle sobre os idols. Estou muito chateada com essa situação e a visĂŁo que alguns fĂŁs estĂŁo tendo sobre eles de uma coisa que eles infelizmente nĂŁo tem controle.
Olha eu acho que todos eles como um todo representam a marca NCT e eu tenho certeza que essa propaganda chegou pra eles e foi aprovada muito antes de se tornar pĂșblico. E Ă© muita ingenuidade acreditar que a SM detĂ©m 100% de controle sobre os idols, essa conversa sĂł torna todos eles passivos, sendo que nĂŁo Ă© assim que a gente vĂȘ que funciona (tanto que 3 deles, bem ou mal, deram posicionamentos).
Eu, ou qualquer outra fĂŁ, tem direito de fazer juĂzo quando nĂŁo existe nada alĂ©m do silĂȘncio. A situação por si sĂł Ă© feia demais, eles tĂŁo associados com uma empresa que tem apoiado um genocĂdio. VocĂȘ sĂł pode estar louca em achar que isso sĂł tem dedo da SM, se tem a marca e o nome deles associados, eles TAMBĂM estĂŁo lucrando com isso
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New Introduction Post
Hi, I'm Mon :]
I'm a writer and artist. I'm MonMonniMon on ao3 & I currently have:
1 E rated The Magnus Archives fic (Peter Lukas/Tadeas Dahl) under the Monni Pseud
22 Marble Hornets fics of assorted ratings & ships under the SquareBracketSmileyFace pseud
4 Everyman HYBRID fics of assorted ratings & ships, under the SquareBracketSmileyFace pseud
1 E rated Call Of Duty (GhostSoap) fic under the Monni Pseud
COD sideblog = @fishermon
I do post and reblog nsfw, though not exclusively, & a lot of my fics are E rated, so follow at your own risk. Viewer discretion is advised, it is up to you to make the right decisions. If you don't wanna see nsfw stuff please block me. I do try to tag everything i post/reblog if it's nsfw.
We're also a system so you might see people other than 'Mon' name themselves in the tags of things occasionally.
General useful tags:
Writing snippet: this has any snippets of writing that I post, from my main ongoing project to general oneshots & other bits 'n bobs.
Minific: this has any little fics I write that are just on tumblr. A lot of these will probably be answers to asks which I got carried away with lol.
Monni draws: this has all my art in one place, whether it's art for my main project, general MH art, system art etc.
Sys art: speaking of system art, this should have any art to do with our system we've posted.
Sm(ut)art: this has all my smut/kink art (so far there's not much, sorry lol. Next ones a doozy tho, even if it's slow goingâits an animation đ).
OmegaMonni: here's my posts about the omegaverse, I quite like the omegaverse (read, "I accidentally started writing a faux-research-paper on it which is only half finished and already 32k words, somehow").
ficlinks: this is any links to my fics i've posted, some of them have art too, others snippets, and others just the link and a little note from me.
Current large project/s:
A christmas present from Monni: A christmas present from Monni is a series of 6 works I decided to refurbish like three or four days ahead of christmas 2024 from an old (toxic AF) fandom I was in so that I could reupload them & feel proud of them again. I loved the premises & the writing itself, just not so much the fandom I wrote them for. It's ~120,000 words, of mostly smut, in total with four Marble Hornets fics and 2 Everyman HYBRID Fics!
Work in progress:
Sorry, It's Locked: A (200k word) series of fics called Sorry, It's Locked. S,IL follows Jay's unhealthy past relationship with Alex, & his new (healthier but still not ideal) relationship with Tim. It has plenty of angst, smut & a good bit of fluff to make up for it. All my posts about S,IL are under #mh sorry its locked. General postcanon stuff (including a lot of "everyone lives" au's of S,IL) is under #pretty girl propaganda au. it's mostly various au's full of propaganda for why Jay should live & transition into the woman she was always meant to be (Lark, my beloved), as well as usually including Birdie, (Tim & Jay's daughter), & Jesse, (Tim & Brian's son)! The #Tim & Tyler tag contains posts about Masky in the S,IL universe (Tyler is S,IL Masky, a little in Tim's system). I have a few playlists of music that goes alongside different fics in the series. I'm always open for suggestions of songs to add to my S,IL playlists so feel free to send me asks if you feel like it. Asks about S,IL in general are highly encouraged. Please let me yell at you about this series.
#pinned info#mh sorry its locked#pretty girl propaganda au#Tim & Tyler#writing snippet#minific#sys art#Monni draws#Sm(ut)art#OmegaMonni#ficlinks
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Sasha Waybright from Amphibia meets Professor E. Gadd from Luigi's Mansion in combat. One of them will not leave this fight.
Sasha Propaganda:
"she's just like, so amazing. like she's so just UGH and I love her sm."
Gadd Propaganda:
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Venti di guerra.
Con l'innesco di Hamas sembra che la guerra sia diventata l'unica notizia esistente al mondo, che sia in medio oriente o in Europa non importa, l'importante Ăš scatenare paura. Ieri ha mio figlio gli Ăš arrivato la famosa "cartolina" della leva, in realtĂ Ăš un sms, a breve vestirĂ una divisa come tanti ragazzi della sua etĂ un pĂČ in tutto il mondo. A tal proposito ieri sera la mia compagna mi ha chiesto "Se ci invadono dove andiamo?", intendeva i russi, "in Italia, pensi che mia madre non ci viene a prendere lei con l'auto direttamente?". Si lo so che fare battute a una cosa cosĂŹ seria non Ăš il massimo, ma non penso che ci invaderanno, almeno lo spero, per il fatto che se lo facessero si tirerebbero dietro tutti i paesi della NATO, anzi, i cari alleati non vedono l'ora che i cattivoni di turno invadano uno dei paesi membri in modo da cercare di finirli definitivamente. Oggi leggo che un paio di giorni fa c'Ăš stato un sabotaggio alle condotte del gas tra Finlandia ed Estonia, nessuna esplosione e perdita di gas come per il nordstream, e il tubo Ăš stato chiuso per evitare casini, sembra che lo stiano riparando o comunque controllando, l'articolo del Postimees (giornale estone) dice che l'erogazione del gas non subirĂ conseguenze perchĂ© c'Ăš un altro tubo che viene dalla Lettonia, ma a me che me frega io non ce l'ho il gas a casa. Sicuramente c'Ăš dell'apprensione e in questa situazione la propaganda occidentale crea ancora piĂč paura e tensione. Da noi si dice "paura e soldi non ne ho mai avuti", che poi a differenza dell'Ucraina qua in Estonia non c'Ăš un cazzo, nessun giacimento minerario, qualcuno dice che gli servirebbe come porto, ma perchĂ© se hanno San Pietroburgo, qualcuno mi disse tempo fa (quel coglione uruguaiano) "ma li il mare si ghiaccia di piĂč", guardando la mappa Ăš piĂč o meno sono alla stessa altezza di Tallinn quindi non so quanto si ghiaccia di piĂč e poi mi volete dire che la russia che ha parte del territorio nel circolo polare non ha delle navi spacca ghiaccio? Non sono filo putinano o simpatizzante russo, ma questi ragionamenti non solo aumentano la tensione e la paura ma sono assurdi e poco logici, anche se fosse, ricorderei a questi disfattisti e pessimisti che il governo ha accettato di infilarsi nella NATO cosĂŹ facendo si Ăš automaticamente messo sulla punta del naso del dittatore di mosca. Io penso, questa Ăš una mia opinione, che si poteva fare un cordone di paesi cuscinetto tra nato e russia, con la specifica scritta a caratteri cubitali, che se i russi avessero invaso uno dei cuscinetti i paesi nato fossero autorizzati a difenderli, poi naturalmente questo Ăš il pensiero di un musicista, un pacifista. Se non scrivo piĂč vuol dire che ci hanno bombardato.
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Drama ranting bc this is actually kind of insane. (Also, warning, mentioned attempted suicide and mental hospitals (no details, just mentioned in passing), bad mental states, Trump stuff)
Let's set the scene. It's my sophomore year of high school. I join the soccer team. I don't expect to become best friends with anyone because I'm a weird kid and pretty much everyone is popular.
This one girl, I'm calling her E, is nice to me. Not nice as in we're gonna be friends nice, and I'm slightly wary because of the general vibe she gives off (kinda pick-me popular), but I ignore that bc I am pretty lonely.
A month in, we're doing a scrimmage, and I'm being aggressive, as one is supposed to be in soccer, and was fighting her for the ball. I steal the ball and accidentally step on the front of her foot as I'm doing so. She falls down and freaks out. The next few minutes is kinda muddled together, but the long and short of it is our coaches helped her, the rest of the team kind of gave her space. Apparently, her foot had been hurting for a while now, and my stepping on it messed it up. Obviously, this was completely an accident, and I felt terrible (was crying). Everyone told me that these things just happen, but I still felt horrible. I apologized a million times and she said it was absolutely fine, and I tried my best to make it up to her, and after that I wasn't aggressive in scrimmages because I was worried I'd hurt someone. She couldn't play at two games and and a few practices, but after that she was fine.
Now, you may be thinking, surely this was resolved.
She has a personal vendetta against me the rest of the season, and she is not subtle about it.
She talked trash about me when I was within listening distance and especially when she was in groups of large people, she'd go from being nice to completely ignoring me or being outright rude/getting upset with me at how I would play, would guilt trip me months after the injury occured, ect. We always had to give eachother nice notes before the game that were picked randomly. One time, she got me, and while sitting directly in front of me on the bus, she said really loudly and sarcastically, "WOW, I just LOVE this person." She then proceeded to hand it to me while we were still on the bus. She made fun of my homecoming dress that I made myself, pattern and all, and put literal blood, sweat, and tears into.
This resulted in me being really insecure about my friendships for the entire remainder of the school year, isolation from most of the soccer team, made me constantly worried people hated me no matter how kind they were to me, and resulted in me crying almost every day. So. Safe to say, not the best for my mental health.
She also would constantly post Bible verses about being kind, things about "why are people so fake </3", and Trump propaganda on her Snapchat story.
She also bodyshamed and talked crap about her best friend (who is one of the nicest people I have interacted with ever).
One night, when I was leaving rehearsal with my wife /p, I was explaining to her how I told my friends if I ever died in highschool that they had to fight the school if they tried to sell merch of me (like they did when a kid died last year), then my friends had to make merch of me and make bank off of it, and also that I didn't want anyone who disliked me or who I disliked to make posts about me or act all sad.
I specified this was specifically because of E.
I explained the entire backstory on the way home.
The next day, I realize I left out some stuff, so I tell her in lunch. A guy who sits with us goes "ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT E??" and I go "YES." and then he was like "I HATE HER SM."
I talk with my other friend about it, and she says that E did a very similar thing to her, and for a long time she thought she was the problem and it really messed with her.
So, during rehearsal in our free time, me and the formerly mentioned friend get to talking about her. He told me freshman year he had attempted, and got sent to a mental hospital, and that later she told him she wished he had never gotten let out of the mental hospital. Which. Insane thing to say. He also told me that she later switched up and said, "Oh yeah....I tried to get ahold of you...I kept calling you and trying to get in touch with you... :(" He did not tell anyone that he was in a facility until the very end of the school year. No one but him and his family knew.
There was some more stuff about that, but same general stuff.
For legal reasons, we do NOT talk about toilet papering and egging her house, and putting glitter in her car. However, through one way or another, I learned she owned a black jeep. And I go, OH. MY. GOD. and immediately text my dad.
My dad has been complaining about this one jeep someone in our school owns for ages because it has absolutely blinding headlights and he has labeled it "the jeep jerk." He does so regularly, detests whoever owns it, cannot emphasize this enough. And apparently it is E. Full circle moment, felt like something out of a novel.
The very next day at rehearsal, we have five minutes and a girl I haven't interacted with is advertising soccer and says, "Guys, please join soccer next year. We need players desperately and we are all super nice except for this one girl."
And so I go "E???????"
And she goes "YES."
Apparently, pretty much the whole team is trying to get her removed. I volunteered to testify to the coach if needed. A different girl, who was in soccer with me last year was like, "Yeah, didn't she fake an injury and blame it on you last year?"
I clarify she did not fake it, but I am noting this because it shows the reputation she has.
Next day, I'm videocalling with my best friend, updating her, and she tells me that her sister and E are both in basketball, and her sister hates E's guts.
So yeah. That's what happened.
Honorable mentions:
Apparently, one time, her boyfriend and her were having trouble, and she pulls up to the lunch table and goes "Guyyyyyyysssssssss........ I think I'm a lesbian..................." She has only dated guys ever. She immediately dated him again. She supports Trump. I would bet hundreds on it that if she had known I was bi, she would have made fun of me or claimed I had a crush on her.
Second of all, she's in my AP Lang (and has a mix between the most abhorrent and the most that-is-literally-what-the-text-says-and-i-will-act-like-its-very-controversial takes on what we read) and my teacher is so done. She will go "Mrs. S....my legs hurt so much :(....I did SO much running......................" and our teacher is polite but there's undertones of "if I wasn't your teacher and dedicated to being professional I'd tell you to shut the fuck up."
That is my word blurb. Hello, anyone who actually read it, I do not think you exist, but I needed to talk.
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Die Cybersecurity befindet sich derzeit in einem dramatischen Wandel. WĂ€hrend Cyberkriminelle zunehmend KI-gestĂŒtzte Angriffsmethoden entwickeln und ihre Taktiken verfeinern, stehen Unternehmen vor der Herausforderung, mit der wachsenden KomplexitĂ€t von Multi-Cloud-Umgebungen und strengeren Datenschutzbestimmungen Schritt zu halten. Was bedeutet das fĂŒr die Cybersicherheit im kommmenden Jahr? 2024 hat gezeigt, dass staatlich gelenkte Cyberspionageoperationen eng mit geopolitischen Dynamiken verknĂŒpft sind. Auch 2025 werden APT-Operationen globale und regionale Konflikte widerspiegeln. Die Cyberspionagekampagnen, die diesen Konflikten vorausgehen, werden sich nicht auf groĂe Nationen beschrĂ€nken, die in der Vergangenheit als wichtigste Cyberakteure galten, sondern auf eine Vielzahl von Akteuren ausweiten, die sich auf regionale Konflikte konzentrieren und ĂŒber das Internet einen asymmetrischen Vorteil erzielen wollen. DarĂŒber hinaus werden staatlich unterstĂŒtzte Gruppen Cyber-Operationen ausfĂŒhren, um andere nationale Ziele wie Propaganda oder die Generierung von Einnahmen zu erreichen. TĂ€ter werden wahrscheinlich die fortschreitende Balkanisierung des Internets nutzen, um zu versuchen, ihre gefĂ€hrlichen Payloads zu verbreiten. (Joshua Miller, Staff Threat Researcher bei Proofpoint) Cyberkriminelle werden sich KI zunutze machen Wir sind aktuell Zeugen einer faszinierenden Entwicklung im Bereich der KI: Die Modelle werden immer leistungsfĂ€higer und halbautonome KI-Agenten werden in automatisierte ArbeitsablĂ€ufe integriert. Dieser Fortschritt eröffnet Cyberkriminellen viele Möglichkeiten zur Manipulation privater Daten, die von LLMs (Large Language Models) verwendet werden. Weil KI-Agenten zunehmend auf private Daten in E-Mails, SaaS-Dokumentenspeichern und Ă€hnlichen Quellen angewiesen sind, um Kontext zu generieren, werden diese zu Bedrohungsvektoren, die es zu schĂŒtzen gilt. 2025 werden wir die ersten Versuche von Cyberkriminellen sehen, private Datenquellen zu manipulieren. Beispielsweise können TĂ€ter KI absichtlich tĂ€uschen, indem sie private Daten, die von LLMs verwendet werden, verunreinigen â z. B. in Form absichtlicher Manipulation von E-Mails oder Dokumenten mit falschen oder irrefĂŒhrenden Informationen â, um die KI zu verwirren oder zu schĂ€dlichen Handlungen zu verleiten. Diese Entwicklung erfordert erhöhte Wachsamkeit und fortschrittliche SicherheitsmaĂnahmen, um sicherzustellen, dass KI nicht durch falsche Informationen getĂ€uscht wird. (Daniel Rapp, Chief AI and Data Officer bei Proofpoint) MMS-basierte Cyberangriffe MMS-basierte Angriffe (Multimedia Messaging Service), bei denen Nachrichten mit Bildern und/oder Grafiken verwendet werden, um Benutzer von MobilgerĂ€ten dazu zu verleiten, vertrauliche Informationen preiszugeben oder auf Betrugsversuche hereinzufallen, sind ein aufkommender Angriffsvektor, der sich 2025 rasch ausbreiten wird.âŻMMS basiert auf dem gleichen Prinzip wie SMS und ermöglicht das Versenden von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien, was es fĂŒr Angreifer zu einem mĂ€chtigen Werkzeug macht. Cyberkriminelle betten bösartige Links in Nachrichten ein, die Bilder oder Videos enthalten, um sich als seriöse Unternehmen oder Dienste auszugeben und die Nutzer zur Preisgabe sensibler Daten zu verleiten. Mobilfunknutzer sind sich oft nicht bewusst, dass sie MMS verwenden, da diese nahtlos in herkömmliche SMS integriert sind, was einen idealen NĂ€hrboden fĂŒr Angriffe bietet. (Stuart Jones, Director, Cloudmark Division bei Proofpoint) KI und die GeschĂ€ftsprozesse Vor einigen Jahren waren Cloud Computing, Mobile und Zero-Trust nur Schlagworte, heute sind sie fester Bestandteil der GeschĂ€ftsprozesse von Unternehmen. KI-Technologien, insbesondere generative KI, werden aus der Perspektive des KĂ€ufers genauer unter die Lupe genommen, und viele sehen darin ein Risiko fĂŒr Dritte. Informationssicherheitsbeauftragte stehen nun vor der Aufgabe, das VerhĂ€ltnis zwischen Risiko und Nutzen sowie die Auswirkungen des Risikos von KI-Tools zu bewerten. CISOs fragen genau nach, wie Mitarbeiter KI nutzen, um zu verstehen, wo sie möglicherweise sensible Informationen einem Risiko aussetzen. Infolgedessen wird die Art und Weise, wie KI-Tools LLMs nutzen, genauer unter die Lupe genommen werden. So wie die Etiketten auf Lebensmittelverpackungen (die erstmals in den 60er und 70er Jahren aufkamen) Auskunft darĂŒber geben, welche Zutaten bei der Herstellung eines Lebensmittels verwendet wurden, werden CISOs heute zunehmend fragen: Was ist in diesem KI-Tool enthalten und woher wissen wir, dass es korrekt hergestellt und abgesichert wurde? (Patrick Joyce, Global Resident Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) bei Proofpoint) Verbraucher als Versuchskaninchen In den AnfĂ€ngen des Online-Betrugs waren einzelne Verbraucher das Ziel; heute, nach zwei Jahrzehnten der Entwicklung des Cybercrime-Ăkosystems, sehen wir Ransomware-Betreiber, die Dutzende Millionen Dollar von Unternehmen erpressen. Im Laufe der Zeit haben mehrschichtige AbwehrmaĂnahmen und ein erhöhtes Sicherheitsbewusstsein die Unternehmen vor vielen der alltĂ€glichen Bedrohungen geschĂŒtzt. Infolgedessen konnten wir eine Zunahme von Akteuren beobachten, die sich wieder auf einzelne Verbraucher konzentrieren, um an Geld zu kommen. Pig Butchering und ausgeklĂŒgelter Jobbetrug sind zwei Beispiele, die sich auf Social Engineering auĂerhalb des Unternehmensumfeldes konzentrieren. Die Zahl der weniger raffinierten TĂ€tergruppen, die alternative KommunikationskanĂ€le wie soziale Medien und verschlĂŒsselte Messaging-Apps nutzen, um Privatpersonen auszunehmen, wird wieder zunehmen. (Selena Larson, Staff Threat Researcher bei Proofpoint) Das âWieâ der Bedrohungslandschaft verĂ€ndert sich Die Ziele der Cyberkriminellen haben sich in den letzten Jahren kaum verĂ€ndert. Ihre Angriffe sind nach wie vor finanziell motiviert, wobei Business Email Compromise (BEC) auf betrĂŒgerische Ăberweisungen oder den Kauf von Geschenkkarten abzielt. Angriffe mit Ransomware folgen nach wie vor einer anfĂ€nglichen Kompromittierung durch Malware oder mittels eines legitimen Remote-Management-Tools. WĂ€hrend sich also das eigentliche Ziel, Geld zu verdienen, nicht geĂ€ndert hat, entwickelt sich die Art und Weise, wie die Angriffe durchgefĂŒhrt werden, um an dieses Geld zu gelangen, in rasantem Tempo weiter. Die Schritte und Methoden, die Cyberkriminelle anwenden, um ein Opfer zum Herunterladen von Malware oder zur Zahlung an einen gefĂ€lschten Anbieter zu verleiten, umfassen inzwischen sehr ausgefeilte und komplexe Taktiken und Techniken. Im vergangenen Jahr haben finanziell motivierte TĂ€ter Social Engineering in E-Mail-Threads mehrerer kompromittierter oder gefĂ€lschter Konten genutzt, um Antworten zu manipulieren, âClickFixâ-Techniken eingesetzt, um Opfer zur AusfĂŒhrung von Powershell-Code zu bewegen, und legitime Dienste â wie Cloudflare â missbraucht, um ihre Angriffsketten komplexer und vielfĂ€ltiger zu gestalten. Wir gehen davon aus, dass der Weg vom ersten Klick (oder die Antwort auf die Payload der ersten Stufe) in nĂ€chsten Jahr immer zielgerichteter und komplizierter wird, um Verteidiger und insbesondere automatisierte Lösungen auf die falsche FĂ€hrte zu locken. (Daniel Blackford, Head of Threat Research bei Proofpoint) Die Rolle des CISO wird sich wandeln Im Jahr 2025 wird sich die Rolle des CISO sowohl erweitern als auch verkleinern. Einige CISOs werden mehr Verantwortung in ihrem Aufgabenbereich bzw. ihrer Rolle ĂŒbernehmen mĂŒssen, wĂ€hrend es bei anderen zu einer Fragmentierung kommen kann. CISOs sind in den meisten Vorstandsetagen bereits eine feste GröĂe. Viele von ihnen werden nun die Aufgabe haben, Diskussionen zu fĂŒhren und die Bedeutung von Cyberrisiken auf Vorstandsebene zu erlĂ€utern, was eine Erweiterung der traditionellen Verantwortlichkeiten von CISOs darstellt. Auf der anderen Seite hören wir immer hĂ€ufiger von FĂ€llen, in denen die (ohnehin schon wichtige) Rolle des CISO aufgeteilt wird â mit der BegrĂŒndung, dass die Arbeit âzu viel fĂŒr eine Person istâ. Ich glaube nicht, dass dies ein allgemeiner Trend ist oder sein wird, aber zuweilen wird damit begonnen, die Rolle zwischen Cyberarchitektur, Bedrohungsabwehr und Incident Response auf der einen Seite und Cyber-Governance, Risiko und Compliance (GRC) auf der anderen Seite aufzuteilen. Wenn sich dieser Trend fortsetzt, werden wir es mit einer Schlange mit zwei Köpfen zu tun haben, und es wird schwieriger werden zu erkennen, wer am Ende des Tages die Verantwortung trĂ€gt. (Patrick Joyce, Global Resident Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) bei Proofpoint)   Passende Artikel zum Thema  Read the full article
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Happy birthday to ME it's time for more turtle angst
@tmntstorycomp propaganda: the fic AND transgender mutant ninja turtles
#rottmnt#tw csa#rottmnt mikey#rottmnt donnie#rottmnt leo#rottmnt raph#rottmnt splinter#trans donnie#thats right shes HERE#soulmates (evil) au#sm(e) propaganda
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Todas las naciones se verĂĄn envueltas en el nuevo sistema digital globalizado
Todas las naciones ricas y pobres se verĂĄn envueltas en el nuevo sistema digital globalizado promovido por la ONU y el FEM: "Nadie se quedarĂĄ atrĂĄs"
La naciĂłn de KazajstĂĄn, uno de los vecinos del sur de Rusia, se ha asociado con el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo para implementar una nueva identificaciĂłn digital que ofrece programas de bienestar social llamados "Tarjeta Familiar Digital".
Este es solo un ejemplo de cĂłmo la identificaciĂłn digital vendrĂĄ a usted, independientemente de dĂłnde viva en el planeta Tierra en el siglo 21.
La identificación digital vendrå en muchas formas tentadoras adaptadas a diferentes tipos de personas en los estratos sociales. El de Kazajstån estå destinado a atraer a los pobres y dependientes, ya sean madres solteras que dependen de cupones de alimentos o cuidado de niños, o ancianos que dependen de su cheque de Seguridad Social y atención médica subsidiada por el gobierno. El resultado final ¿Una red masiva de espionaje del gobierno capaz de penetrar hasta el nivel del hogar de cada familia que se inscriba?
Si bien el esquema de "Tarjeta Familiar Digital" se introdujo por primera vez en 2022, se dio a conocer al mundo la semana pasada antes de la Cumbre de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU en la ciudad de Nueva York. Esto significa que es un programa modelo de la ONU diseñado para ser implementado en todas las naciones.
La Tarjeta Familiar Digital se estĂĄ promoviendo para lograr el ODS # 10 "ReducciĂłn de las desigualdades", segĂșn el Representante Residente Adjunto del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo en KazajstĂĄn.
Una hoja informativa publicada el 13 de febrero de 2023, titulada "Digitalización para el desarrollo sostenible y el bienestar social de la sociedad", explica cómo funciona la Tarjeta Familiar Digital.
SegĂșn explica la ONU, la Tarjeta Familiar Digital es la siguiente:
La Tarjeta Familiar Digital es Ășnica en el sentido de que proporciona un Ășnico punto de interacciĂłn entre las agencias gubernamentales para apoyar a la poblaciĂłn en ĂĄreas como educaciĂłn y protecciĂłn social, finanzas, justicia y apoyo mĂ©dico y social, etc. DespuĂ©s de recibir los datos con la evaluaciĂłn de vulnerabilidad familiar, la Tarjeta Familiar Digital inicia automĂĄticamente las medidas de apoyo estatal, identifica a la autoridad pĂșblica responsable y, a travĂ©s del gobierno electrĂłnico ('e-gobierno') proporciona el servicio en modo proactivo. Ahora los ciudadanos no tienen que acudir a cada uno de los servicios pĂșblicos para solicitarlo. El principio de la Tarjeta Familiar Digital es tan simple como puede ser: al destinatario potencial del apoyo estatal se le envĂa una notificaciĂłn por SMS para dar su consentimiento para la prestaciĂłn de un servicio pĂșblico. Si el beneficiario estĂĄ de acuerdo, se otorga un beneficio social, pago u otro tipo de apoyo y luego se acredita en su cuenta bancaria.
AquĂ estĂĄ el video promocional de la ONU sobre su nueva asociaciĂłn con el gobierno de KazajstĂĄn.
A juzgar por el video anterior, este proyecto suena como un ejercicio masivo de minerĂa de datos destinado a atrapar a las familias y hacerlas dependientes del estado para todas sus necesidades.
La idea es hacer que la gente se enganche a estos marcos digitalizados, atrayéndolos promocionando todos los "beneficios", la facilidad de uso, la conveniencia, los folletos gratuitos, y solo después de que las masas estén completamente comprometidas y adictas, se les informarå sobre el lado oscuro de la esclavitud digital.
Como la posibilidad de ser penalizado por un puntaje bajo de crĂ©dito social. Este es el mismo sistema ya implementado en China y que ahora se estĂĄ introduciendo en una naciĂłn tras otra. Pero vendrĂĄ en muchas formas, utilizando propaganda especializada dirigida a muchas culturas Ă©tnicas y demografĂas diferentes.
Esto es parte de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas, que es el plan global para controlar todos los recursos del mundo, tanto vivos como no vivos. El mantra de la Agenda 2030 de la ONU es "Que nadie se quede atrĂĄs".
Este programa en particular estaba vinculado al Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible NĂșmero 10, "ReducciĂłn de la desigualdad". TambiĂ©n promueve el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 16.9, que exige a los gobiernos que "registren" a todos los ciudadanos del mundo con una identificaciĂłn digital.
El 17 de septiembre, en la reuniĂłn de la Asamblea General de la ONU en Nueva York, Bagdat Mussin, ministro de Desarrollo Digital, InnovaciĂłn e Industria Aeroespacial de KazajstĂĄn, presentĂł la tarjeta familiar digital a la asamblea.
Su presentación fue enterrada dentro de una sesión de mås de seis horas de discursos denominados "SDG Digital".
Mussin se jactĂł de cĂłmo el gobierno creĂł un "lago de datos" compuesto por 18 puntos de datos diferentes y documentaciĂłn de sus millones de familias, que incluyen cosas como sus pensiones, impuestos, registro de bienes raĂces, registros de salud, etc.; que permite al gobierno adquirir y actualizar retroactivamente la Tarjeta Familiar Digital.
"Podemos monitorear las condiciones sociales y económicas, las condiciones del hogar, la atención médica, la educación y otros. [...] Ahora podemos identificar los problemas familiares que deben abordarse", dijo.
Steve Quayle publicĂł un artĂculo sobre esta asociaciĂłn entre la ONU y KazajstĂĄn en su sitio web hoy, 21 de septiembre, de The Winepress News y dijo que cualquier naciĂłn que se asocie con la ONU estĂĄ entrando en un "pacto con la muerte".
LlĂĄmalo como quieras, este es el 1984 de Orwell con esteroides. Y pronto llegarĂĄ a una ciudad/estado/paĂs cerca de ti. Ahora es el momento de hacer planes y preparativos sobre cĂłmo vivirĂĄs fuera de este floreciente sistema de bestias.
y que ninguno pudiese comprar ni vender, sino el que tuviese la marca o el nombre de la bestia, o el nĂșmero de su nombre. Apocalipsis 13:17
#noticias#diario digital#tiempos finales#noticias cristianas#diario noticias#ultimas noticias#ultimos tiempos#biblia#cristianismo#la marca de la bestia#apocalipsis#Youtube
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ALRIGHT, it is time.
Finally off work and I have my snacks and way too much energy so hereâs your tales of the SMP recap even thought Iâm probably the last person to watch it at this point.
I hope itâs better than the last one :,)
Iâm sorry this is so so long, I couldnât help myself...
- Just wanna start by saying Karl is a real one for putting these together and putting in so much work. Great way to include less lore affiliated people
- Sapnapâs skin went from cute to like lowkey hot
- d r e a mâs skin... at least he dressed up this time
- Gog being sad to get those pity points as usual /lh
- âweâre supposed to be having fun Dream leave me aloneâ âI am having funâ
- basically a manhunt, but itâs off brand
-Â âwHaT cOuLd iT PoSsIbLy mEaNâ more great acting from Dream
- all of them saying woah at once was really cute to me idk why-
- Dream just wants to kill everyone, staying on brand for C!Dream
- treasure hunt treasure hunt treasure hunt
- Anti-Gogy propaganda
- Karl really thought they would all work together no questions asked
- These are always so chaotic but i love it sm, nice break from everything in regular lore
-Â ânow that George is goneâ
-Â âI always hate you Dreamâ
-Â âGeorge and Dream stop fightingâ
- Karl is trying so hard to continue the story but everyone is just-
- âfrom the top youâre going to make it dropâ âwhy does that sound familiarâ BBH PLEASE
- George and dream canât leave each other alone oml
- âthereâs a prize for people rpingâ âwhat if my character is a serial killerâ DREAM PLEASE
- They all fell to their deaths trying to jump off the lighthouse and into the water
-Â âget maximum... airâ
- GEORGE thatâs a volleyball
- Ranboo just straight up being drowned out by everyone else :,)
- Ranboo getting into it and like lowkey doing a voice
-Â âdream weâre walking togetherâ George sounds so whiny lmfao /lh
- Manifesting a gogy pirate voice even tho it wonât happen
- Dream leaving the area halfway through bad leaving shows his speedrun genes
- Chat participation :00
-Â ânone, we get zeroâ DREAM PLEASE
- âRanboo do you think they love you enoughâ ânoâ RANBOO HAD NO HESITATION
-Â âIt says, Sapnap is a nimrodâ GEORGE PLEASE
- Ranboo coming in clutch
- âWhy is Dream killing everyoneâ âIâm not killing everyoneâ yeah George, heâs just killing you
- My two favs George and Ranboo boating away together <33
- I braved chat and someone said âGO MEMORY BOY GOâ
- Now every time George fake cries/goes all sad boi I canât stop thinking about Dream saying he does it to get pity and it always works lmfao
-Â âlog off if youâre not up for itâ Dream, George, and Sapnap all leave guys dteam ship is canon nowÂ
- Bad dies in lava âdonât worry I saved the bookâ
- George being all giggly and not paying attention while him and Dream fight ahh Iâm soft
- Dream in a boat what will he do
- Dream is muted and didnât realize
- George yells for Dream to come back to take him with ahhhhhh
- Sapnap screaming âargggggâ
- âdid he fail rp??â
-Â âOh my argggâ
-Â âme and dream, me and dream are gonna winâ
-Â âDream and George forever for a hundred yearsâ GOG I CANT TAKE IT STOP
- Chat spamming DNF omg
-Â âDream woke up and chose violenceâ
- Dream tries to kill George and then Sapnap hits him and Dream dies instead
- Sapnap and Ranboo duo is something we needed
-Â âyou know saying muffinhead really throws off the pirate vibe yee got goingâ
- Gogy gets all hype cause he find it and makes happy noises I LOVE HIM
- George is an attention whore /lh
- George becomes scottish
-Â âwhen we get back to the mainland we kill Georgeâ surprising not Dream, but BBH
- George has less of a sense of direction than I do,,, and thatâs saying a lot
- Ranboo woke up and chose violence
- Dream why u so obsessed with Gog
- Sapnap and Ranboo continue to be iconic
- Dream stop speedrunning this is rp
- Audience chooses who wins lmfaooo if Ranboo doesnât win Iâll be so upset, him or Sapnap, but RANBOO
-Â âit would be really funny if I wonâ SHUT UP DREAM
- george and dream using console to kill each other
- DREAM SOUNDS SO WHIPPED WHEN HE SAYSÂ âGeorge Iâll give you one more chanceâ
- George mimicking Dream ujhytgrfed
- Dream you donât have the right to be calling anyone a simp
-Â âhow many subs for a whitelistâ RANBOO PLEASE
-Â âyou cannot stab my partner with yee fistâ
-Â âI am duck beardâ
-Â âpiggy mcpiggy footâ GEORGE PLEASE
-Â âeverybodyâs less violent nowâ yeah ok
- 20 subs for everyone there, i love u Karl u are blessed
-Â âhe has the sword donât kill him RUNâ
- Ranboo is literally the best i love him T_T
- Ranboo gets banned LMFAOÂ âreason: oofâ
if you actually read that all... wow
#dream smp#tales of the smp#'liveblogging'#karl jacobs#dream#georgenotfound#ranboo#sapnap#badboyhalo#mine
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Group E, Round 2, Poll 3:
Propaganda under the cut
He can't lie according to some curse or sm so he just manipulates thoughts and feelings to the point where basically eveybody dies bc of him plus he's hot
Will Graham
His whole bit is righteous anger and well. We can say that withholding pertinent medical information and believing his lying about being framed for a string of murders, including that he supposedly killed his surrogate daughter, can make him a little pissed off.
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incomplete list of the best things td artists do (plus some little shoutouts lmao)
when they draw heather with. arm muscles. i would like to personally thank u
when they draw trent looking extremely tired
the many interpretations of duncanâs hair
yes the above point is abt @unironicduncanstan
long haired tyler. everyone thank @tylerthirst for the propaganda
also @bubandkirbrbrbrb the way u draw tyler is just... *chefs kiss*
when they draw any of the characters in clothes that actually look good
when they draw any of the characters in ugly clothes, but in a way that is distinctly very gay
the way @totallyblurreddrama draws half mutant dakota.... actually no literally all of ur art. all of it. itâs so good
the trend of drawing noah in owenâs shirt. i love it
the really warm coloring most ppl use when they draw trody. it feels so nostalgic and sweet and i love it
on that note just the way @lesbiandawn draws codyâs hair... thank u so much i owe u my life. also on that note ur zawn redesign/rewrite slaps SO much
@alecodysâs swap au art!! itâs such a good au and ur drawings are so cute
literally everything abt @paltrypalâs art. u draw all of the characters SO well and i love ur art sm
when they draw courtney a lil chubby
all of the gwen and zoey redesigns
@alenoahâs art style but ESPECIALLY the way u draw shawn. i love it.
@slsyamsâs dj art... also ur lightning and jo friendship art... itâs all so cute and i love it
when they draw alejandro in a wheelchair/with burn scars
actually, when they draw any of the characters with the lasting physical trauma they realistically would have
@realitytvpros and @shot-by-a-cowboy for doing literally. SO many requests for all of us. ur art styles are both so pleasing to look at, like lar ur style is like. td style but UPGRADED. and wolfgang not only does ur art slap but ur coloring is literally so nice and i love when u draw the charactersâ rooms bc u always put the best details in the background. also im in awe of the amount of requests u have both done lmao
on that note @transtrent ur art is amazing. i literally love the little character interactions u come up with, ur series of td characters playing games is so sweet... just. i appreciate ur art sm
when they draw characters just being friends.... im soft
when they draw nowen. just... literally everything abt every nowen drawing. but especially the domestic ones where theyâre just... together. itâs so cute
i would also like to draw special attention to @doglover502âs nowen art. u have done so much for this fandom. also the way u draw tyler is fantastic
when they draw any tall character with cody on their shoulders lmfao
@antlercodyâs art!! but especially that one picture of cody with the boyfriend lyrics on it. it looks so good and also every time i see it the song gets stuck in my head
when they draw noah with his dog!!!!
when they draw trent playing guitar for any of the 37 ppl folks typically ship him with lmao
@totalzwenâs roti art.... ESPECIALLY ur jock art. i keep saying this but u have done so much for us.
when they draw eva carrying izzy or izzy climbing on eva or any variation of that
the way @heterophobicnoah drawâs trentâs hair.... also their team e-scope art.... and their lesheather art.... actually hold up everything theyâve ever drawn.
@totalhoedramaâs heathney art...... i owe u my entire life
when they draw the characters as lgbt+.... like i KNOW itâs canon that every character is gay and trans but like itâs nice to see that weâre all acknowledging it
slightly related but special shoutout to @bi-alejandro for bi duncan hair. that is. my favorite thing ever.
@j0ss-4rtâs stuff. like hello ur art always looks like itâs glowing a lil?? itâs so cute????
when they draw lesharold. literally just... any drawing of leshawna and harold is automatically amazing.
OH MY GOD i forgot @total-shipper your art and comics are so cute!! i love your zombie comics, as well as the coloring on your digital art
ANOTHER ADDITION @nowarin i literally love the way u draw the td characters, but ESPECIALLY brick u draw him so pretty!!
feel free to add on (both things td artists do and artists themselves) i just think the td artists are all so talented and creative and i wanted to appreciate them. also iâm definitely forgetting some artists i absolutely love, i just made this off the top of my head so im sorry if i left u out!!
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hi soar i just wanted to drop in and say 1. TUNGLR U BINCH HOW HAVE U NOT NOTIFIED ME OF TWO (2) POSTS WITH MY URL ON EM!!!!! SMH!!! and 2. i already say this a lot but I NEED TO SAY IT AGAIN!!! I LOVE YOUR SOPHIE SO MUCHHH AAAAAAAAA like!! i never read the book but you made me love sophie so so much... she's so fleshed out and multilayered and i love reading more abt her and how her magic -cough- cursesđłâïž -cough- works and her internal thoughts and just how she views herself and and!!!! I JUST LOVE HER SM OKOK đđâ€â€ your sophie has such a special place in my heart and gotdamn do i admire your sophie so much bc you have?? given her sooo much life and seeing all the great verses and ideas you have for her is just so cool and inspiring! and your writing?? ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS i feel like i'm snuggling up in a bunch of blankets + a warm cup of chamomile in front of a fireplace when i read ur writing.. it's such a nice vibes that's so sweet and comforting to me đ„ș like u!!! AND I'VE YET TO EVEN MENTION HOW GREAT OF A FRIEND YOU ARE!!! HOW I LOVE TALKING AND JUST SCREAMING AT UUUU ugh!!! point is!!! i care u sm soar and sophie and i hope u know that đđ also yes i was stalking ur blog a lil bit hehe sowwyyy!
TOO MUCH LOVE----! O.H.K.O. !!!
Joking aside, Lynn, why do you spoil me so with such kind and sweet words?! I've been writing this girl for almost seven years since she was among the first five muses on I had on this platform. The little sprouting Sophie has grown a lot throughout the years, but a lot of the past continues with her.
It really much means the world to me that Sophie is able to leave some impact/impression on people. Really, as a writer, that is all we really want: something that causes reaction and helps bridge the understanding of written intent/emotion/etc. between writer and reader. In spite of all the chaos she unintentionally attracts, and even with her slips of somberness, Sophie is a lovely lady and I'm glad you see that! ;A;
As for YOU, thank you for being an equally, if not more, supportive and wonderful friend that screams back at me with all the ideas we have!! We have been able to bounce off so many ideas for these two MC losers and draw some many comparisons/contrasts that the planner in me goes "heehoo." ESPECIALLY when we consider F/E with Hakuno and Alter Ego!Sophie and the subsequent tragedy of wanting to live. . . . :^)
I stated it before but I have been often lost in the side games in the Fate-verse and after being exposed to Ha.kuno for so long, she has now infested a big brainworms for Miss Kish.inami. And I already have plans for playing F/ER whenever there is a blasted release date announced for it!!
I cannot WAIT for Hak.uno to get thrown into TWST that way I can continue the Ka.lim/Ha.kuno propaganda that literally started last night and has not left my brain. I rub my little grubby hands like I am a fly.
#( ooc related )#( scrapbooking; saved )#( checkbooks inquiries and much ; answered asks )#artificile#[ LYNN...LYNN!! STOP BEING NICE TO ME *SPRAYS YOU WITH A SPRAY BOTTLE* ]
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