#slytherin!harry vibes?
sk1draws · 6 months
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progress under the cut
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lilithofpenandbook · 1 month
Seriously how can M*r*uders stans like random Slytherins (who tf are Evan Rosier, Pandora (is that Luna's mum and why tf is she Evan Rosier's twin in half of these), and I don't even want to discuss Regulus) and make them Actually Misunderstood Good People Who Were Forced Down That Path when at least one of them *coughreguluscough* was obsessed with Voldemort
And then turn around and make Snape an awful person?
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reys-letters · 1 month
fall at hogwarts with mattheo <3
cherry flavored conversations with you, got me hanging on
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coffee, sharing headphones, lots of movie marathons (which took a lot of convincing), reading, messy rooms, probably a huge stack to coffee mugs, candles, cute little notes which he gave you during class.
lol i imagine something like this for my dr, all pictures from pinterest <3
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aesthetic--mood · 1 year
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Harry Potter Autumn Aesthetic
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hyperion-severus · 3 days
I was thinking about how Scorpius says he’s going to try out for the Quidditch team and this is how I think it would go down…
The entire week prior to tryouts, he’s waking up extra early before classes and dragging Albus out to the pitch to practice (only once the sun is up though, so they don’t have to think about last year's events).
So when the announcement comes out stating who made it on the team, Albus reads Scorpius’ name right next to the word ‘reserve’ and turns to the other boy with an apologetic look, knowing he was hoping for seeker. Even after all that hard work he put in over the summer and during the first week of school, he still hadn’t made an actual spot. But despite Albus’ sudden preparation to console his friend, Scorpius is beaming, a smile splitting his face.
“I made it! I made it on the team!” He was practically jumping up and down as he gripped Albus’ shoulders, “Do you see that? That’s my name right there! I must write my father at once!”
Albus is apprehensive — had he tried out and only made reserve he would’ve quit and withdrawn his name, never letting anyone in his family know he even attempted for the team. But he gladly celebrates with Scorpius.
It isn’t even until the end of term that Scorpius finally gets to play. It had been nearly a whole year of Albus decking himself in Slytherin gear just to sit alone in the stands. He would cheer and wave at his boyfriend who was always sat on the bench where he’d sit the whole game giddily, just happy to be included.
One of the Slytherin chasers had broken a leg in a nasty fall during the last match and had been instructed to sit out for the next one. That meant it was finally Scorpius’ chance to shine. Albus hadn’t confessed how nervous he was for the blond boy earlier that day at breakfast. He knew Scorpius wasn’t all that nimble — he had nearly grown another three inches within the last few months, and he could never quite adjust to the length of his limbs in time for them to grow again. He also had a tendency to get distracted… But Albus hadn’t wanted to put a damper on Scorpius’ excitement so he had kept his mouth shut.
Scorpius rambled on and on about how ready he was and how much he had been training for this moment from the minute they left the breakfast table and all the way down to the pitch that had slowly begun filling with students.
Albus bid him goodbye at the changing room doors, and with a good luck kiss to the cheek he was off to be the worry-some boyfriend in the stands.
The match seems to be going fine for the most part, Scorpius is able to score a few goals and Albus is sure his throat will rip out from how eagerly he cheers for him. But unfortunately his hard work is still nothing compared to how many goals the Hufflepuff chasers are able to score. Albus thinks they might actually make it through the match without any issues until suddenly one of the Hufflepuff beaters is being thrown off his broom and straight into Scorpius.
Albus’ stomach falls as he watches his boyfriends head of white blond hair plummeting towards the pitch, his broom shooting off towards the opposite stands. He had never shot up from his seat and ran towards the stairs so fast. His heart was hammering in his chest both from the exertion of running, which he didn’t do often, as well as panic for his boyfriend's safety.
He hears shouts as he darts across the pitch to where professors and players have swarmed around the Hufflepuff beater and Scorpius.
The beater is holding his arm and groaning as the nurse mutters about him. Albus’ eyes finally land on Scorpius expecting the worst. Surely bones are broken, he’ll probably be weary of ever getting on a broom again, let alone going up high — it was probably over a hundred and fifty feet that he had just fallen.
But there Scorpius was, sitting up in the grass with the same beaming grin on his face that he had the day the teams were announced.
“Albus!” He shouted as his boyfriend came into view, “Did you see that? Wasn’t that wicked?”
Albus couldn’t wipe the petrified look off his own face as he fell to his knees next to Scorpius, his hands going to Scorpius’ shoulders and then to his face, holding him tenderly.
“You’re alright?”
“Of course I am! McGonagall’s wonderful cushion charms! Oh, but I do think I broke my ankle!” He said cheerfully as if he had been offered sweets
Albus’ eyes glanced down at Scorpius’ foot that was twisted in an unnatural direction. Albus cringed, his stomach turning uncomfortably at the sight. He quickly turned back to face his boyfriend. His cheerful attitude had not been when he was expecting at all. He was far too perky for the situation he had found himself in.
“I’ve always wanted to have a cool quidditch story to tell!” Scorpius explained, only wincing slightly as he shifted his leg before his grin returned, “and now I’ve got one.”
Albus shook his head, still clutching Scorpius’ face, “You idiot, I thought you had died or something!”
Scorpius just laughed and the sound filled Albus’ chest with warmth. He was unable to keep the fond smile from cropping up on his face.
Later, towards the very end of term, when the couple was laid in bed together, the curtains drawn tight so their dormmates didn’t eavesdrop, Scorpius confessed something to Albus.
“I don’t think I’m going to try out for the quidditch team next year,” he admitted quietly.
Albus furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Scorpius had seemed to love being on the team, even though he had only truly played one game. He still raved about his mighty fall and kept the proud letters from his father about making the team.
“Why not? I thought you loved it. And next year you’ll have an even better chance making an actual position,” Albus inquired. Granted, he would secretly be glad he wouldn’t have to wake up early on the weekends for game days anymore. But seeing Scorpius eagerly engaged with something was more important than getting a few extra hours of shut-eye.
“I dunno. I don’t think it’s for me,” Scorpius sighed. “I was pleased to make the team, and now I have a story to tell, but I think next year I want to focus on me things.”
Albus still couldn’t understand. Scorpius’ attitude towards quidditch all year would never have led Albus to predict this conversation. Scorpius had checked out every possible book on quidditch from the library and had whole notebooks full of notes on moves and players.
“Has the team been bullying you? Are they saying stuff?” Albus wondered.
Initially there had been a few hard-headed responses, saying Scorpius didn’t deserve to be on the team due to last year’s fiasco, and the rumors that hadn’t truly died about him being Voldemort's son. But they had quickly died off after a few curt threats from Albus himself.
“No, no, no! They've all been great,” Scorpius assured. “I just think… maybe I’m not a quidditch guy, you know? I had my fun. I think it’s time to move on.”
Albus knew what he meant, neither of them were quidditch guys. He had thought that last year when Scorpius had first mentioned wanting to try out for the team. But he had always been sure to support Scorpius in what he wanted. He had made a promise of that when he had made a promise to Scorpius to not be so self centered.
“You know I’ll support you in anything,” Albus assured, “But why don’t you think this over during the summer? I don’t want you to regret it.”
Scorpius hummed and pulled Albus closer — it would be the last night they got to share a bed for a little while, as tomorrow they were to board the Hogwarts Express to head home for the summer holidays. “I don’t think I need to. I’ve made up my mind.”
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accio-sriracha · 14 hours
So I'm trying a new thing where I generate 5 random words as prompts for a oneshot and-
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Two of them are just his NAME.
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sorrowsofsilence · 9 months
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erm…so i did a thing…
i need to write a bad omens x harry potter AU now, stat
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a-great-tragedy · 2 months
Pandora and Evan remind me of maggots eating flesh
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expecto-kedavra · 1 year
Tbh Sebastian Sallow is a charming ass mf but irl I would FOR SURE try to fight him ALL THE TIME
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ladydreamfyyreee · 21 days
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gods-graveyard · 6 months
Cant write but still want to do shit? Heres a little doodle of my version of the "Golden Trio" (as of rn) in my fic :)
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My apple pencil DIED and I cant find the fucking adapter so I had to draw these little shits with hands only. Thankfully Chibi style works even better when these guys are 11-
EDIT Another doodle + Fic link (if desired)
I forgot earlier- heres another little doodle of how I picture Daphne (though I need to make her features a bit sharper, or the eyes at least- shes giving too strong "lamb" vibes)
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AND the link
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raleighrox · 5 months
Looking for Vibes
I just finished reading Evitative by Vichan on Ao3. If you haven't read it yet: ( Evitative - Chapter 1 - Vichan - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own] ) Do it.
This is literally one of the best Drarry fanfictions I have ever read. The next one in the series isn't officially finished yet (and I'm not sure it ever will be) and I NEED similar suggestions.
Give me Slytherin Harry Potter. Give me the cutest Drarry. Give me slow burn. Give me soft love. Give me two idiots who can only understand one another. Give me the vibes that I desperately crave.
Not opposed to spice or enemies to lovers either, tbh.
Thank you!!!
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lilithofpenandbook · 3 months
McGonagall: What pet rat??
Snape: HERE! (throws object)
McGonagall: Severus, this is a mirror.
Snape: Yep (proceeds to salute and moonwalk out)
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seagate-blog · 2 years
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Just two dudes... being pals... standing ominously by the bookshelves silently judging
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airlealilac · 2 years
"Hogwarts is home."
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(Photos from Pinterest, none are mine.)
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