#slight ramble
beanie23552 · 10 months
Here's the new ver also if u know about the folly bombs u know
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And here's the cringer ver
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sprinklenoodles · 3 months
Alrighty. Strap in guys, cuz this is gonna be a long one. Because this post is about Jin and Kijo- AKA my fav self-made gays. It’s still pride month after all... Besides, I needed an excuse to talk about these two.
As you might know, I adore this ship. I’ll talk about how that happened later, first I’m just gonna focus on the two of them. Because there is a lot to talk about.
I firmly believe that these men are similar, even if we know nothing about one of them. But they also mirror each other in some ways. Jin chose to not follow in his family’s footsteps- instead of becoming a detective, he become the headmaster of Hope’s Peak Academy.
But Kijo? He continued the Togami legacy, making fifteen potential heirs and all of that. However, both of them are very devoted to their work- the Togami Corporation is so powerful that it got a place in a secret government while HP is still as prestigious as ever (before Junko ofc)
And then there are their children. I’ll have to make another post about this eventually, but Kyoko and Byakuya are also alike. Kyoko has the smarts Byakuya pretends he has, Byakuya is as standoffish as Kyoko pretends she is. While they both do have those things, the other has it more, yet they act like it’s the opposite.
But enough about them- they’ll get their own post. Though, they’re still relevant. Because the way their fathers are in their lives mirror each other. Jin knew Kyoko when she was a small child but didn’t see her again after that. Byakuya most likely only saw his father after his age reached the two digits.
The two of them mirror each other, even if we don’t know much about one. That’s most likely due to Kyoko and Byakuya, but it’s something nonetheless.
Now, moving onto my fics, because there is one where they have a very big role: The Ultimate Mystery Incorporated. I don’t want to go into their role in that fic, but more their relationship with each other, that’s what this post is about after all.
Something that has been revealed in a one-shot is that Jin had fallen in love with Kijo years ago, back when they were in college. Even though Kijo was for a lack of better words a cold dick, Jin saw something else in him. At that point, Jin had already decided he didn’t want to become a detective, he didn’t want to follow his family legacy.
Kijo, obviously, was always planning to follow it- with a few minor changes. Yet despite that big difference, Jin fell in love with Kijo. To him, Kijo was someone unlike any other- the way he carried himself, the way he spoke, everything was special.
But one thing he was quite sure of was the fact that Kijo was straight- he was a Togami after all. He had already mentioned getting a wife multiple times to Jin, so it wasn’t weird to assume.
Jin was very much wrong though. That man was not straight, though he hadn’t found out until recently... Maybe due to a certain friend of his.
But I’m getting off track a wee bit- this is all for a potential prequel fic. What I’m trying to say is that in TUMI, these two need each other. Their lives are practically one- everything that has happened to them after meeting has happened because of the others.
Because of how similar these two are, one can’t exist without the other. Just like with Kyoko and Byakuya in the fic.
I get if that sounds confusing- I really am just rambling at this point. So, let’s move onto something else... Because there’s a reason I’ve been shipping these two for way too long. And that reason is @seashellcosmos.
Now, if you’ve read Ultimates by them, continue reading. If you haven’t, go read it. Sure, it’s practically 300K words, but it’s the best 300K words you’ll ever read. I am not lying when I say it’s worth your time, especially if you want some scraps of Kijo&Byakuya (angst) content. Or a little history between Kijo and Jin.
Because, boy, do they have HISTORY. Because that whole locking the kids into the school thing was something they both did. Well, Jin asked for Kijo’s help.
But then Kijo betrayed Jin- he went on to help Junko as we all know. And, uh, that wasn’t good for Jin. Guy ended up losing him arm and all.
Yet, even after that happened, he still has some trust in Kijo. Not a lot, obviously. But even after Kijo has betrayed him, he believes that Junko must have influenced him somehow. At this point, his arm is gone and he got controlled by Junko- because Kijo gave him location away. Kijo knew where was staying, even after he had betrayed Jin. Yet he still refuses to believe that Kijo would fully do that.
And after all of that, the two meet again. Now, we don’t actually get to read their interactions (how dare u, Seashell >:() but we do hear from Takaaki that they are arguing, like an old married couple. Now, obviously that’s a common phrase to use, but it’s still interesting. Because that means that they are talking, interacting.
After this though, we don’t know what happens to their relationship... At least, not fully. Because in the second fic, The Show Starts Now, we get to know that there’s someone pretending to be Byakuya with Jin. But that isn’t what is interesting.
What is interesting is that ‘Kijo’ had called ahead, informing Jin of the fake situation. Obviously this was also Imposter, but it’s interesting. Because for Jin to believe that, him and Kijo would have to have gotten closer, or at least less hostile. Because it seemed like he didn’t doubt for a moment it was Kijo.
Maybe that was also partly because of what ‘Kijo’ was telling him, but it proves that there had to be some trust between the two.
Or I’m just reading too much into this... I suppose I’ll find out eventually... Hopefully... Seashell did say that Kijo was gonna appear in the next fic, so I’m holding onto my hope...
But, yeah. That’s my very short rambling session about these two :3
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vampysblessing · 1 month
sorry to anyone who tried to click on the links in my intro and they didnt work :(( they work now!! i only now noticed it. there is smth i want to make absolutely clear though.
this is not a darkfic page. i do not, personally, support darkfics, no matter how many times dark content creators pull the "its for coping" card. i have been groomed three times and the thought of writing abt a minor being groomed or a character grooming a minor is disgusting to me.
if thats how you cope, i will not judge. i will only judge when you make that coping public because you are actively feeding anyone who fetishizes that, who fetishizes what you went through, who fantasizes abt it, etc. i absolutely will not stand for people giving content to genuine pedos/incest enjoyers/just weirdos.
this isnt to shame anyone, nor is this targeted, ive just seem some darkfic creators and dark content enjoyers, and would like to make it clear i am neither!! if you enjoy that content or create it, please block. i block anyone i see creates/enjoys it.
also going to add, i wont write abt daddy/mommy kinks lololol. to me, that falls under the "age play"/"incestplay"/"stepcest play" category, which i do not fw. (if you have a daddy/mommy kink, again, not judging, just putting it out there that i dont like it.)
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floofyboi57 · 1 year
Epithet Erased Band AU I thought of while painting shit at work-
Giovanni and his boys form a garage band where they make rebellious rock music about sticking it to the man
Gio is the lead guitarist, Spike is the vocalist, Flamethrower’s on bass, Car Crash plays the drums, Dark Star is the backup vocalist, and Ben’s on keyboard
Crusher is their roadie
He met Molly while handing out flyers for his band’s gig at the grocery store
She kept the flyer, even though she was hesitant about going
Trixie found out her dumb cousin invited her friend to his gig and they went with Molly. It was passed Phoenica’s bedtime so she couldn’t come
Molly actually liked it a lot more than she thought she would. Sure it was loud, but she actually liked watching the band play
Trixie took her to one of Giovanni’s practice and now Molly’s their biggest fan
She goes to their practice sessions when she can and Giovanni even promised to teach her how to play electric guitar
Obligatory Battle of the Bands plot line!
Ben hears about it and tells the others
It’s being held in this coffee shop as a way to draw in more customers
Winner gets some cash prize and some people involved in the music industry will be there
Meet the cast!
Mera makes techno music, Indus helps her with her equipment
She’s there for the cash prize
Bliss Ocean is this fairly known alternative group, but known for all the wrong reasons. Every member has been to jail and no one has seen their mysterious manager who always seems to bail them out of trouble
They’re not there to compete, Zora has beef with a music producer going to the show and she wants to ruffle his feathers
Ramsey is gonna get his feathers ruffled. He worked with Zora back in the day and it did NOT go well, now they’re in bad terms and she’s always bothering him. He just wants to find a new band to pitch to the label he works for so he doesn’t get fired
Rick came there with Yoomtah and somehow ended up joining the competition. No he doesn’t play an instrument. This will be interesting
Sylvie works at the coffee shop the battle takes place in. He doesn’t care for any of this, as he prefers classical music, but it’s drumming up business. Besides, it was his boss’ idea.
Bugsy and Arnold are the lead vocalists of their own band. They only really formed their band for the fame, and are hoping some big music people will want to sign them
Howie is a roadie. He’s just there to help any bands who need assistance moving stuff.
Percy is a cop who’s familiar with Giovanni’s band and Bliss Ocean. Bliss Ocean because of their reputation, and Giovanni because his neighbors keep calling the police due to noise complaints. She’s iffy on him, but at least music is a constructive outlet for his teen angst instead of shoplifting or loitering
She’s also friends with Ramsey, no real reason why I just care them
Naven is also involved in the music industry, though as a manager for a few different bands. Recently some tabloids have snapped some photos of him with Yoomtah Zing, Bliss Ocean’s drummer, and rumors about them are going around.
Molly becomes the band’s unofficial junior roadie during the battle of the bands, leaving a lot of her chores and shifts at the toy store to be covered by Lorelai- who is NOT happy about this
I like band AU’s-
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Y'all, can we talk about the fact that barely anyone has talked about the potential ship between Barnaby and Howdy? Like, the guy's his favorite customer. There's something there and I'm tired of people not seeing it TvT
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dadzawa004 · 1 year
Hey kiddos, I hope your timezone has been going great. I miss you all 🖤
My partner is looked over my shoulder, they said hi.
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rwac96 · 1 year
Annon-Guy: Accidents happen 😊. I'll just send it again.
SMB with Platinum the Trinity
Noel, Es and Litchi for Sena.
Ragna, Naoto and Kagura for Luna.
No, not gonna hook them up with Jubei. He's their master and father figure after all.
Ragna: No! We're done with this crap! *stomps off*
Jubei: Platinum's literally a frickin' kid, ya weirdoes.
I know this doesn't seem much, but Platinum's one of those characters that I'm not gonna entertain being placed in such posts.
Plus, that subject due to the nature of the character may open up a huge can of worms.
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axvwriter · 1 year
Twst fancard: Bobo's School Uniform
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I plan to do card art of Bobo for every type of card Twisted Wonderland has. The default art I will have voice-lines accompany it and the groovy art will have the vignette with it. This is also my introduction of Bobo as my Twisted Wonderland MC.
Since her birthday is basically at the start of the school year, she's already seventeen in her freshman year. I could have made it that she just turned sixteen, but I wanted that one extra year before she gets torn from her world. I won't introduce everything about her as I plan to cover a good amount in her own character intro post since she is an oc of mine. Just using her as a twst mc is for pure fun.
At a height of five foot and one inch, a.k.a. a hundred-fifty-five centimeters, she's the third shortest person amongst Twisted Wonderland's cast. The two shorter ones being Ortho and Grim.
Considering her studentship is shared with Grim, I do have to wonder if the mc can actually join a club. If anything I'm guessing mc doesn't have to join any club as Grim being part of one counts. Though if Bobo had the chance she would join Jade's Mountain Lover club. This would be because she loves to explore and getting to go hike on mountains would fulfill that. Also it would give her an excuse to leave the campus every now and then. She also would like to learn more about surface flora since she feels such information can be quite vital to survival.
I was considering maybe Alchemy would be her best subject simply because she does have the ability to learn and memorize what a bunch of different ingredients do. Though really considering how she is in her own canon world, P.E. is her best subject. Also looking through wikis I've realized Flight class is not really the same as P.E.. To me I don't think anyone with no magic could use a broom. Bobo will probably try to bargain with Coach Vargas to let her do physical training during flight classes, that is, if she can't just skip the class since really only Grim could participate and with them being one student it should still count towards their grade if it's only Grim in flight class.
She's used to surpressing her emotions and true feelings about things in order to do stuff for the greater good. So in a school full of people who seem to really believe in only doing what's good for themselves, she's quite the confusing being. Her motto is basically "noblesse oblige". She has grown serving others with limited time to do what she truly wants, even to the point that she gets very little sleep.
Bobo wants to go back home. She's torn between believing she needs to go back and between trusting that things will work out without her. While this could be a chance of freedom from her obligations in life, she can't quite handle how useless she feels here. To her, magic so easily outpowers anything she could possibly do. Here she doesn't even have her beloved hammer, a weapon she used to dominate attention and the battlefield back home.
Amongst my other ocs, Bobo fits in to follow the storyline the best. All my others would break the flow in varying degrees. Also thinking of how one of my ocs would fit in this world or that world is a fun way to build them. A bit funny considering an underground mushroom kingdom has basically nothing in common with Twisted Wonderland.
Alright now for her School Uniform voice-lines.
Summon: "I almost feel like I’d be more useful if Crowley kept me as a janitor.”
Groovification: “I’ve never given hats much thought before.”
Set to Home screen: “Mind if I join you?”
Home transition 1: “I know, I know, this is a bit baggy on me.”
Home transition 2: “Why a grey shirt? Well white belongs to the royalty of my sister kingdom. It would feel weird to wear something more than gloves.”
Home transition 3: “What I was back in my world is rather irrelevant here.”
After login: “Ah, you’ve arrived. What’s your plan for today?”
Tap home 1: “I do miss my hammer. It was custom-made for me as a gift from my… fighting instructor.”
Tap home 2: “How do I always wake up just before Ace can prank me? Well, I’ve just developed a sense for when I truly need to get up.”
Tap home 3: “The surface is too bright for my liking. I’ve always kept my visits short before, but now I don’t have much of a choice.”
Tap home 4: “I worry Trey is going to catch onto me… I rather not explain myself, I find it rather embarrassing.”
Tap home 5: “I don’t mind physical affection, but please keep your hands away from my face.”
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Terribly sorry modernity, but I still believe in magic in the mundane, go ahead, have your metal houses and endless stream of nihilism
I'll be sitting in an old rocking chair in the middle of the woods waiting for all my fey friends to join me for afternoon tea
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multifandomgirl08 · 1 year
So I just read the imagine that you posted on Charles and saw that you said that you would turn it into a series if people requested it. How many people would need to send in requests for that to happen?
Honestly, if I got even four or five requests to turn it into a series, I probably would continue writing it.
The main reason that I'm not trying to work on another series is because I'm in the middle of planning a new series on Daniel Ricciardo and I don't know how long it's going to be as it's still in the early stages.
However, if I got interest (like a large number of likes or comments etc.) to turn Bittersweet into a series, I'd probably put my project on Daniel on hold and work on that instead while still working on Mini Verstappen and any other requests that I may get in the meantime.
Sorry, if I'm ranting a little at the end. But, thank you for your question. And thank you for reaching out to me in my ask box. It means a lot. - Kat
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tumatawa · 7 months
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I wish she had more scenes... Whateva
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hotdogmchiggin · 1 year
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I guess DARE wasn’t a thing in Goron City
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omarthemadhare · 2 years
had my first real perfume compliment (was wearing Patchouli by Reminiscence) from the front desk clerk before today’s group therapy session; she compared the smell to the Nag Champa incense and originally had thought I was wearing an oil akin to that still feeling quite spiffy if I say so myself 
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cloudwhisper23 · 2 years
I just told my mom that the reason I won't let her read my story is because I kill people, and do you know what her response was?
"I think you're filled with an anger. You try to hide it all the time, but you're angry. And if killing your characters makes you feel better, than I don't blame you for it."
Thanks for the reassurances, Mom, but I know you still don't like to read about death.
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floofyboi57 · 2 years
Last post of 2022!
Lots of folks say this year flew by but honestly- felt never ending to me. Insane that it’s over in just a few hours- rambling under the cut, if you’re just scrolling by, Have a good one mate!
So far the 2020’s haven’t been kind to- anyone really. Shit hit the fan quick. And as someone who will be graduating and going out into this fucked up world next year….honestly scared.
I get told I’ll be fine, I’ll flow right into adult life but- doesn’t feel like it. Feels like I’ll be the first to fall. But I made it this far….so that’s something? Don’t know.
I’m at a mix between being optimistic and pessimistic for 2023. I wanna say “Oh, this year will be fine!” but also keeping the “Wow….it’s just getting worst” sentiment in the back of my mind.
Though, whatever this fucked year throws at us, we’ll get through it. We’ve gotten through everything else, haven’t we? There’s still hope. We aren’t completely fucked.
Happy 2023 y’all! Hold onto that hope, you’ll get through this
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unknownwildsoul · 1 month
Sometimes you just… mourn your true self. I feel like I’m wearing a fucking human skin suit, and it sucks. Like I don’t always hate being human, but sometimes it just really hurts. I’m supposed to be on four legs, have paws, pointed ears, and a most definitely not human body. Everything just feels wrong, and I want to whine, and cry, and tear my belongings to shreds to get rid of the pain.
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