#dni if dark content enjoyer/creator
vampysblessing · 1 month
sorry to anyone who tried to click on the links in my intro and they didnt work :(( they work now!! i only now noticed it. there is smth i want to make absolutely clear though.
this is not a darkfic page. i do not, personally, support darkfics, no matter how many times dark content creators pull the "its for coping" card. i have been groomed three times and the thought of writing abt a minor being groomed or a character grooming a minor is disgusting to me.
if thats how you cope, i will not judge. i will only judge when you make that coping public because you are actively feeding anyone who fetishizes that, who fetishizes what you went through, who fantasizes abt it, etc. i absolutely will not stand for people giving content to genuine pedos/incest enjoyers/just weirdos.
this isnt to shame anyone, nor is this targeted, ive just seem some darkfic creators and dark content enjoyers, and would like to make it clear i am neither!! if you enjoy that content or create it, please block. i block anyone i see creates/enjoys it.
also going to add, i wont write abt daddy/mommy kinks lololol. to me, that falls under the "age play"/"incestplay"/"stepcest play" category, which i do not fw. (if you have a daddy/mommy kink, again, not judging, just putting it out there that i dont like it.)
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
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they're all here because of you
notes: just me bleeding my chronic loneliness and estrangement from people into the malleus x reader oneshot. also the frozen references may have been a little too obvious but at this point you can't tell me this man isn't canonically at least a little bit inspired by elsa.
synopsis: the birthday party at night raven college wasn't quite what malleus had hoped it'd be. luckily you were there to cheer him up.
contains: malleus draconia x gn!reader, hurt/comfort
warnings: angst, themes of loneliness
dark content creators and consumers dni
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"They're all here because of you", Lilia had told him with a smile on his face as the students gathered at Diasomnia for his birthday celebration, "look at how many people came to celebrate you even though we're all from different lands and have different ways of life. Isn't this school just a curious place?" Malleus had smiled at the words of the older dragon fae. Indeed, he had been looking forward to another birthday at Night Raven College, especially in his third year when he had talked to more people and experienced more of human life than ever before. He felt honored that the humans had come to celebrate him. That he didn't have to eat the cake alone this time or stare out of the window, wondering if everyone was having fun with the festivities in the village below the castle; while he had to stay inside asking himself what it would be like to join them.
Few had been brave enough to walk up directly to him and wish him a happy birthday. But they're all here because of me, Malleus reminded himself, they're here to celebrate my birthday. If he hadn't come to Night Raven College, there'd be no reason to celebrate his birthday after all.
He observed the humans from a distance; watched as they shared the cake that had been ordered specifically for the birthday celebration. It looked like it would be finished in no time. More than half of it was already gone and Malleus looked pleased. He had overheard several people commenting on how the cake was delicious and he himself found it quite enjoyable. He sat at a table near the window with his own plate in front of him. Sebek sat with him and complimented him but Malleus didn't really listen. Sebek didn't seem to notice nor mind.
Malleus saw how some of the humans took out their phone and took pictures of themselves with the other guests, celebrating and having fun together. He pulled his own phone out of his pocket only to notice it was broken again. When did that even happen this time?, he sighed. He'd have to get a new one sometime soon and find someone to explain Magicam to him, so he could be in the photos and participate in interacting with his classmates online. Malleus thought back to the Halloween week and the "Draconia challenge". That didn't count, right? He felt more like a commodity or a tourist attraction at the time. Was this what being in photos with others was supposed to feel like? Was this how all of them felt too?
They didn't seem unhappy. In fact, a lot of them seemed to have a great deal of fun at his birthday. They had hugged their friends and told each other stories of their latest and most interesting memories. The countries they had seen during their holidays and the parties they had been to recently. They also discussed their plans together for the coming weekends. Malleus smiled. It sounded like a lot of fun.
But the lingering feeling of sadness in his heart stayed. They were all here because of him and yet, as soon as they'd leave the dorm lounge, that too would come to pass. Lilia, Silver and Sebek had been the only ones on this day to hold a longer conversation with him. Most had congratulated him and then moved on to stick to their own groups that they'd share his cake with and celebrate his birthday with. And Malleus was watching. That's all he really did, were he honest with himself.
He remembered the beginning of the school year when he had told you that he quite enjoyed the solitude. Maybe he just really found his own company to be the best he had; liked to stroll through abandoned ruins and ponder the ways of the world in silence. Or maybe, if he truly listened to the voice in his heart for just a moment; instead of pushing it away in hopes to never hear from it again; he'd find that that was not the truth. That sometimes he preferred solitude because it hurt less than this. It was what he was used to and it caused him less pain than the idea of being surrounded by people and alone despite it all.
Had people really come to celebrate his birthday? Or did they simply receive the invitation and felt like celebrating something, anything?
He observed as his human guests giggled about something he didn't understand and put a party hat on one of their friends; teasing them about it. And then he looked at his little table, with his half-finished slice of cake and Sebek rambling on endlessly about how powerful and great he was. He wondered if Sebek had noticed that no one else had sat at their table for the entirety of the celebration. At least he seemed content with it...
Malleus possessed all the power most wizards could wish for, yet he only ever seemed to lose. He felt like he had been born and put on a pedestal to look at and gather around. Like a statue on a busy plaza built to bring a community together but never really meant to be a part of it. Time passed him by like a fleeting shadow and all that remained in the aftermath of inevitable change were ruins. Perhaps that's why he found such comfort in them. They were what would still be here for him when all else faded. When the laughter in the halls had long since stopped to echo, the lights had gone out and the mortal souls that brought life to its corridors, painted the pictures on the walls and grew the vibrant gardens outside had left this world forever; ruins were all that remained. How he wished he'd be able to change along with the world. But time left him behind; always leaving his little world stagnant before he'd one day find it in ruins too.
Maybe things would change once he was king. Or maybe people would always fear Malleus. And Malleus would always fear he'd remain nothing but a statue. Influencing the world but never truly living in it the way everyone around him would.
He was tied to humanity by a cruel string of fate. He'd isolate himself to forget about his pain and forget about all he lacked but once he noticed his retainers were the only ones who'd come looking for him, he'd always crawl back for another try, hoping this time it'd be different. Maybe this time he'd make the friends everyone told him were something he should never miss out on; that this time he'd take the photos he'd look back on for years to come with a smile on his face and celebrate the birthdays that finally truly made him feel valuable for anything but being born as a prince with an insane amount of magic power.
He saw the snow falling outside and got up to excuse himself. This was getting out of hand. Malleus stepped onto the balcony, resting his arms on the balustrade as the soft and cold snowflakes got caught on his horns and in his hair and some of them mixed with the tears running down his cheeks. He knew he needed to get this under control. It wasn't befitting of a prince to cry at his birthday party. Or make it snow outside. He'd only cause trouble for everyone else and ruin the celebration for them. They were all here because of him, at least officially, and he had to treat his guests with the proper respect. He had to put them first and hope that while focusing on making this experience the most enjoyable one for them, he'd distract himself from his own feelings for a while.
"Were you planning to make an ice skating rink for everyone?", he heard a joking voice behind him, one he immediately recognized, "I'm sorry I'm late. Got held up by Crewel after class..." Your voice was soft and you took his hand in yours. You were observant, immediately noticing that he wasn't feeling too well. Seeing the tears on his face just confirmed that. You reached your hand out to cup his cheeks and gently wipe the tears away. "Hey, what's the matter?", you asked with a worried expression on your face, hugging Malleus gently. You could tell how distressed he was from the way he clung to you like you were the lifeline he was so desperately hoping for while drowning in a sea of solitude.
"I apologize", Malleus began, taking your hand in his again, "it's unbecoming of the host of a birthday party to just leave his guests alone like this. Let alone the future king of Briar Valley." You shook your head, squeezing his hand gently. "Your feelings matter too, you know?"
Malleus couldn't help but chuckle. Even Lilia would have tried to convince him to go back to the party and give it another try. You were the only one who made him feel like he really could show his feelings around you. That he could forget about being Crown Prince Malleus Draconia for a moment and just be someone you held dear and talked to about gargoyles and all the curious phenomenons of human society. He looked up to notice the snow had stopped. Or rather, it was frozen in mid-air, as if the storm had quieted down and what was left of it were glistening fragments frozen in time. He looked at your face and the smile you wore made him smile as well. Most were terrified of his magic, yet you reached out to it unafraid and with a sense of curiosity and wonder. You fished some of the ice crystals out of the air and examined them in your hands.
They were melting on your skin and you touched his neck in a fruitless attempt to tease him with your cold hands. Malleus chuckled but quickly returned to his own world where it was mostly him and his thoughts. "Did anyone notice?", he sighed, looking back into the Diasomnia dorm lounge with a longing expression. "I mean Lilia, Silver and Sebek-" "I get it", you recognized the pouting expression on his face. You sighed.
"Do you still want to be here?"
Malleus didn't hesitate; the words leaving his mouth almost like an automated response. "It's my birthday party and my guests-" "Malleus, be honest", you retorted and linked your fingers with his, signaling that you'd be fine with whatever he'd tell you. He hesitated for a while before a quiet "no" left his lips.
"Would you like to take a walk and look at the gargoyles around campus again? Or we could go to the village and browse that antique shop you like. I heard they got new stuff recently", you suggested, still smiling at him softly. Was this really okay?
You reassured him that no one would be mad at him for taking some time to do what felt right for him at the moment. He pulled you into his arms again and whispered a quiet thank you.
About an hour later the two of you were sitting on a bench near the beach of Sage's Island, sharing a big ice cream cup. Malleus loved to listen to your voice as you answered whatever questions he had for you. He had come to this school unsure of what there was left to learn for him, yet you taught him so much about the world in so little time. You were honest and had no issue explaining things to him in great detail, to make sure he really understood what you were talking about. He loved how enthusiastic you were about sharing your world with him. You always seemed so excited whenever he was unfamiliar with something you liked and you were able to show him.
He remembered how alone he had felt among the guests of his birthday celebration. How he felt like the world had been grey and dull in this moment; as he was forced to watch the people around him live each moment like it was the greatest yet. And then you had entered the dorm and brought color to his world. All the guests were there to celebrate his birthday yet he felt like today you were the only one who really saw him. Who pulled him out of his overthinking and told him it was okay to take a break. You pressed a kiss to his forehead and wished him a happy birthday after finishing the ice cream cup; putting it aside and resting your head on his shoulder. And for now, that was more than enough. Malleus chuckled and watched the sun set with a smile, holding your hand tightly in his.
On days like these he felt like a statue. Made to contribute something to this world while never truly being part of it as it changed and grew with every passing second. And you....you were the one person who'd stop by every day to place flowers down in front of it; who'd stay here for a while, content no matter if you were surrounded by others or if it was just you and him. You had dried his tears and soothed the ache in his heart and he knew you'd continue to do so, doing nothing but spending your time with him because you loved him. Because you saw him and you loved what you saw.
He found it curious how when he'd feel lost, just the fact that you took his hand and talked to him made all the difference for a moment. He leaned his head against yours as he watched the stars appear on the skies. He had power and status and today, on his birthday, he had received plenty of gifts from the other students. But ironically, the greatest gift he had today was you. And you promised to be there for the days, months and years to come.
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vargskelegore · 2 years
sam’s directory. ・゚☆✧
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samwich, black, long time fanfic writer, lesbian, autistic.
enjoyer of many things, such as marvel, twitch streamers, 90s music, kpop, kdramas, vintage things, and many more. interests can sometimes change.
i don’t have much of a dni list, but i ask of you to be respectful of me and my works. you don’t have to like me but please respect me. if someone has made an indirect of me, i really don’t care nor will i check what it says. i don’t cause drama.
fair warning, i do like dark themes a lot. this includes power imbalances, age gaps, taboo topics, and a lot more. i put warnings on my work, and i might reblog disturbing themes. i firmly believe in don't like, don't read, and that applies to this account.
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WATTPAD: all content is mature on there. i am warning you now.
#you betta speak samwich — my personal posts
#sam answers asks — my q&a tag
#sam is obsessed with ___ — usually regarding a specific person. (i.e. sam is obsessed with shuri. insert a name or fandom to get certain results.)
current list for people im obsessed with:
hamish linklater
letitia wright
will poulter
#hbcu!shuri — an au i made up (11.14.22, you can fact check this if you think i'm lying.). you can find all headcanons and fanfictions of this au shuri here. I CREATED HBCU!SHURI AND I ALLOW PEOPLE TO WRITE ABOUT IT WITHOUT USING MY CURRENT PLOT. DO NOT SEND THREATS TO PEOPLE WHO ARE INSPIRED BY ME. AS LONG AS YOU TAG ME AS THE CREATOR OF HBCU!SHURI, I REALLY DON'T MIND.
#sam's recs — people that have tagged me in their fics because i inspired them/just fics i randomly found and loved
#sam's secret muse — regarding my letitia wright fanfiction, secret muse! updates on the book or me talking about the book are posted under here.
OTHER BLOG: a secret. if you can figure out the mystery, then you're good to go. (hint, you have to look at my tumblr on desktop mode. thats all im sharing.)
thanks for the support! <3
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littlejowo · 3 years
Won't Get Along List (not exactly a DNI list, just people I'll usually block, people who probably won't enjoy my account, etc)
Will block on-sight:
Bigots of any kind
Harmful paraphiles and their supporters/allies (namely the "big 3")
"AAMs," pedo-bait accounts, minors who post or interact with nsfw, "icky kiddo" accounts, etc
Proana, thinspo, beanblr, cutblr, obsceneblr or any other self-harm, gore, and/or eating disorder blogs
ANY KIND of queer exclusionist
People who won't use people's neopronouns or their it/its pronouns
Right-wingers, centrists, libertarians, etc
Anyone who identifies with or supports transrace, transplural, transabled, etc (BIID IS NOT THE SAME)
"Radqueers" (NOT THE SAME AS RADINCLUS; Radqueers believe things like pedophilia and cultural appropriation are queer. Radinclus welcome, NOT radqueer)
Sysmeds and "endo-neutrals"
Aggressive anti-ship people
Pro-cop, ALM, etc
Supporters/Deniers of the genocide of Palestinians
People who use the genocide in Palestine as an excuse to be antisemitic (a government is not its people. Do NOT harm Jewish people based on the actions of the IDF)
Art reposters/thieves, tracers, etc. (even if you credit the art, if you repost without PERMISSION from the artists I hate you personally)
Poppyblr (and any variants of this) and its supporters
People who support/create sexual RPF of minors, or RPF of adults who have NOT given clear consent
People who create and/or support NFTs, cryptocurrency, or generative-AI content (art, writing, voice, ANY gen-ai. THIS INCLUDES CHARACTER.AI AND SIMILAR CHAT BOT USERS)
You use slurs against others without their consent, even if you can reclaim it yourself
You probably won't like me if the below applies to you, but you can still interact at your discretion. I will take no issue with you personally
MCYT fans (extreme fans, stans, etc will likely be blocked though)
You run a "(media) critical" blog or frequently post things related to that
You identify as anti-ship or are generally uncomfortable with dark themes/ships/etc in fiction
Christian or Catholic
You use the tme/tma labels (A LOT of false assumptions come with those labels, which often exclude intersex, nonbinary, and GNC people from the discussion, and don't take intersectionality into account)
You participate in discourse frequently via reblogs/posts
You have BIID (I support you, but if you identify as transabled, you may not be comfortable here)
You are against the informed use of any drug or other substance, whether medical or recreational
You are against the personal reclamation of any slur
RPF enjoyers/creators
You (as a stranger) ask for donations towards any issue from me and have NOT been vetted by someone I trust, or otherwise request money from me if we aren't friends/mutuals
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mitsuyaspup · 3 years
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Minors DNI — All minors will be blocked immediately, as well as ageless blogs
Writes for : Currently only Tokyo Revengers
Requests/Asks : Open !
SFW & NSFW content
Dark content creator/enjoyer
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sennsational · 3 years
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general rules/byi :
basic blog rules apply.
i’m pretty easy with the block button and won’t hesitate to do so if i see fit. blatantly disregarding my rules and/or disrespecting me or my moots results in a block. don’t test me on this.
don’t involve me with political matters, controversial topics and/or discussions or any other discourse that does not concern me. i will block you immediately.
only follow me when you’re 18+, cause this blog may occasionally display suggestive/nsfw/18+ or dark content (either by myself or reblogs from other writers/creators !).
don’t interact if you are under 18 years-old. it makes me very uncomfortable. respect this. be mindful and put your age (or any age indication) in your bio or anywhere else that is visible. i will not ask for your age and i will assume that you’re a minor, which results in, you guessed it: a block.
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inbox :
dni or follow if you’re a minor (only 18+).
don’t message me inappropriate stuff out of nowhere. it makes me really uncomfortable and i will block you. moots are the exception, but only if we both consented to it.
do not spam ask me to answer your specific ask. i have a life besides tumblr and i will block you if you disregard my boundaries.
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requests and trades :
i don’t do requests, purely bc they don’t give me any kind of fulfillment or enjoyment to write. respect this.
i only do trades with close moots. respect this.
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moots/mutuals :
you have to be at least 18+ (any age younger makes me uncomfortable).
i have the right to decline being moots at any circumtance. i also have the right to block and/or unfollow you as i see fit. i won��t elaborate if i don’t see any reason to. this is for my own wellbeing and safety. respect that.
moots/mutuals can ask for my discord
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© sennsational 2024 - all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, or repost my works and claim it as yours.
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an1m3bunbun · 3 years
.....I sometimes wish that there would be more content with a gender neutral reader in the genshin fandom.... That honestly the reason why I try to at least make my thirsts (I suck at writing tbh) as neutral a possible. Btw, that doesn't mean "People now HAVE to do this cause I said so."
I understand why some just can't do that. Why would you write about something you have a hard time understanding (maybe cause you just don't know what it feels like).
Also, another thing. What's up with the "dark content creators/enjoyers dni"???? Like, I get when someone says 'hey, I don't like this stuff or it triggers me, plz don't talk to me about it/don't send requests in that regard'. That's setting boundaries. But saying 'you're not allowed to read my things or reblog them if you enjoy this type of fiction' sounds pretty extreme to me. What do these people do if they find out one of their irl friends reads this stuff??? Friendship over or what??
Welp, that was my rant for this year. I'll now disappear, only to re-appear when i see another thing that pisses me off.
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