#slave states think it was antifa
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liberalsarecool · 1 year ago
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The South lost the Civil War. They lost their ability to feel shame. They combine that shamlessness with insecure feelings of seeing others thriving despite wilfully injesting decades of prejudices/bigotry and arrive at MAGA cellar.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 4 years ago
Into the breach
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US law enforcement has literal centuries of shameful history of infiltrating and spying on politically disfavored activist groups, from trade unionists to suffragists to abolitionists to civil rights advocates to antiwar advocates.
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Long before Cointelpro, federal agencies were intercepting communications and embedding as provocateurs in radical political movements, often with the help of mercenary "contractors" like the Pinkertons. The digital age only ramped up this public-private surveillance.
The Dakota Access Pipeline protests were infiltrated and surveilled by beltway bandits who billed the US taxpayer handsomely for the service.
2020's BLM uprising was subjected to the full array of military and national intelligence surveillance: drones, IMSI catchers, mass interception, infiltrators, wiretaps, "reverse warrants" to recover location data from Big Tech monopolists and more.
And yet, federal and local agencies were seemingly totally unprepared for a mob of thousands of armed terrorists who stormed the capitol, disrupted the transition of presidential power, and threatened the lives of US legislators as well as the integrity of state documents.
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The thing is, the plans were in plain sight. For weeks, I've been seeing screengrabs from far-right forums that leaked onto public social media in which violent psychopaths laid out detailed plans to commit murder and overthrow the government.
I wasn't even looking for this stuff. I was on vacation and only cursorily checking the internet. But it was obvious. How obvious? Well, the President was the keynote speaker at the riot and he openly called for violent insurrection. That might have tipped the cops off.
Since 1999's Battle of Seattle, cops have acted like pants-wetting cowards at the first whiff of protest.
2017's plan for dozens of paralyzed, wheelchair-using Medicare For All activists to peacefully occupy the capitol begat violent police panic.
But when armed terrorists followed through on their widely proclaimed plan to invade the capitol building yesterday, law enforcement foundered. They weren't just unprepared to stop terrorists for breaking in, they were also unprepared to deal with them after the break-in.
To get a visceral sense of the shitshow, listen to Ryan Grim's interview with Matt Fuller, recorded while Fuller was hiding in a secret bunker with other Congressional reporters, Members of Congress and their staffers.
There's a lot of fingerpointing today between the agencies, with a starring role for the US Capitol Police, who get $460m/yr (10% of Congress's total budget) and have demanded a stonking increase for 2021.
They definitely have some serious questions to answer (including why their officers posed for selfies and seem to have opened the gates to permit terrorists to storm the building).
But as Neal Stephenson pointed out in his 1994 comic technothriller masterpiece INTERFACE, DC is a "cop zoo" with literally hundreds of different law enforcement agencies operating in its city limits.
Did none of these agencies see the terrorist plan that had been scrawled in 100' tall flaming letters across the internet? How could they be caught this flatfooted?
From: Propublica: "a thin line of U.S. Capitol Police, with only a few riot shields between them...struggled with a flimsy set of barricades as a mob in helmets and bulletproof vests pushed its way toward the Capitol entrance."
In her excellent Naked Capitalism roundup of yesterday's failures, Yves Smith examines the logical conclusion that the police were on the terrorists' side. After all, police unions and officers rallied for and endorsed Trump. Would they support a coup to keep him in power?
Biden is no defund-the-police radical. He pledged to *increase* cop funding by 10%.
But Trump doesn't just promise money for cops: his offer is total impunity. Remember when he told police they should deliberately brutalize people during arrests?
US policing has its origin in "slave patrols" that abetted enslavers by kidnapping Black people and forcing them into slavery. Slave patrols' legacy lives on in modern policing, with US police forces riddled with white nationalist terror supporters:
Trump himself is a white nationalist. A significant proportion of US police might be tempted to abet a coup to perpetuate the rule of a despot who promises them a free hand to torture and brutalize, and who backs white supremacy.
The failure of US law enforcement to prevent yesterday's botched coup will have long-term, ongoing consequences. While most of the terrorists were Qanon-addled fools, it's impossible to rule out some of them being sophisticated enough to attack the Capitol's IT systems.
Resecuring the Capitol's IT infrastructure should probably involve shredding every device, cable and thumb-drive, tearing open every light-socket and power-outlet, and even then, it will be hard to fully trust the building and its systems.
My 2020 novel ATTACK SURFACE has a B-plot that closely tracks yesterday's attacks; complicity between far-right insurrectionists and palace guards, and massive breaches of official covert IT systems after the government falls.
I'm not the only one who fictionalizes attacks like this. Within hours of the attacks, right wing conspiratorialists were calling it a false flag and describing their colleagues in the videos as secret antifa infiltrators.
The narrative aftermath of this is gonna be *wild*.
Take the War of 1812. Many commentators have invoked that war - in which enemy forces burned down the White House - in discussing yesterday's assault. But what most Americans don't know is that they are told a highly parochial version of that war-story.
Americans think the War of 1812 was fought with the British, and that the US won. Meanwhile, Canadians believe that the War of 1812 was fought between the US and *Canada*, and that *Canada* won.
Indeed, we have delightful comic folksongs that celebrate the burning of the White House by victorious Canadian troops:
And the White House burned, burned, burned And we're the one's that did it! It burned, burned, burned While the president ran and cried It burned, burned, burned And things were very historical And the Americans ran and cried like a bunch of little babies Waa waa waah!
Can you imagine the story the descendants of Qanon believers will be telling themselves of yesterday's attack in a century or two?
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azuremallone · 3 years ago
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Azure’s Corner
Welcome to another episode of Azure’s Corner, so you just sit there and think about what you did.
In today’s episode, we talk about “Everyone is Hitler.” I’ll keep this simple and utilize pictures with words on them that actually mean something.
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The reason for this is being brough to you by a thot from Florida running against DeSanto. Read the article here: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/florida-desantis-democrat-challenger-compares-hitler
Therein, she says very clearly that DeSanto is doing things just like Hitler, but then dismisses her own argument by stating that DeSanto is unable to become Hitler. This, my friends, is where she fucks up.
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The reason is clear: She’s a fucking moron. The use of Hitler to evoke a visceral response has diminished the real horrors and pure evil that Hitler was guilty of perpetrating. This is a person in history that actively sought genocide and convinced millions to this day that he was right in doing so. In various cultures where true racism lives, they’ve taken notes from him and subtly are seeking to implement it in various ways. I won’t go down the list, but let’s just say that the Jewish people are far from the only ones who have experienced atrocities that shouldn’t be happening in this day of age since Hitler.
The overall utilization and evocation of Nazism and the related figurehead are commonplace amongst the idiotic troves of mindless sheeple. They use it as a false flag to assail anything and anyone whom they disagree with because they cannot, through many reasons, clearly and honestly argue their position. When this fails, they result to violence like any true simpleton would. “Ugh, DeSanto, Trump, bad. Hitlers. No believe? I KILL YOU!” Which, sadly enough, is quite Hitleresque.
You’re wondering, “But Azure, you’ve raised the Nazi and Hitler references too!” And yes, I have. However, these are based on actual points of conversational argument that I can aptly support using logic. It’s not simply that a thing shares some traits with another thing and that’s why it’s bad; I point out why Nazism is surreptitiously encaging to liberal parties. I’m not calling them Nazis, with the sole exclusion of Antifa -- whom are actual Nazis for real.
I’ve also signed onto the bandwagon that George Soros is a Nazi collaborator who should be thoroughly investigated and tried for war crimes. Aside from the facts that this man is a wanted criminal in many countries (see: Malaysia, Turkey, Hungary, and Macedonia) and that he’s clearly managed to establish himself as a true to form Ian Fleming 007 villain, his clouded history stems from the fuzzy documentation from the end of WWII and his own comments about his adolescent years during the end of the war. Ever hear of “Hitler’s Youth”?
These comments I may make about these two groups are not rhetoric. They’re not Godwin’s Law logical fallacies. They’re based on pure facts and questions about actual behaviors or sentiments espoused by them. Whereas, vis a vis, simply calling DeSantos a “would be Hitler” because he wants to re-establish Florida’s National Guard, a function that 22 other states have, as a purely state-operated agency for defensive and emergency purposes, is ludicrous. She recognized this and back peddled because her “study of Hitler” is apparently fraught with idiocy and a failure to comprehend what she was reading.
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Hitler himself was more than simply a person who did things. He was a man who believed, deep down in the soulless pit of his blackened heart and demonic mind, that his destiny was to purify the planet, establish a slave labor caste, place Supermen in positions of power to rule with impunity beneath him, and dominate the Earth in a warm fuzzy blanket of ideological Socialism. He used the Jewish people as a throwaway target to rally the people against a common enemy. As the Jewish people had long been targeted by Socialists, it was an easy step to take and closely held to the beliefs of Karl Marx.
For Hitler, it was a means to an ends and a rise to glory as the one who achieved what Marx spoke of. For those not paying attention, Karl Marx was German. Many who think of Socialists picture Marx as Russian. He was not. It was only the Lenin who took it to the next level from a diatribe of insanity and codification of Satanic immorality to an actual form of governance and implemented it.
The actions Hitler took are completely within the lines of any government: Forming a military, managing military conflict, establishing laws, and operating an ideological agenda. None of these things are exclusively evil or ascribed to Hitler. However, calling for the extermination of a group of people, creating laws that support it, and then getting an entire country to murder people based on what they are -- That’s evil.
Evoking Hitlerism and Nazism to frame an argument against a person for the sake of instilling a sense of recoil as a basis to uplift oneself, is a great way to diminish the atrocities that Hitler committed. It’s not a warning, but it is conflating via ignorance. Frankly, I don’t think she has two braincells to rub together. Anyone who has truly studied History as I or others honestly have, understands that Hitler was probably a demon-possessed person, born of the darkness, and sought to reign over Hell on Earth.
He only sold people on the “We’re gonna rule the Earth” part to get them on board.
So the next time you hear someone reference Hitler or Nazism, be sure to ask them exactly what they mean by that. Ask them to defend their statement. Then, formulate a rational conversation around it. If they’re unable to defend their position, fuck’em. Take the gloves off, crush their skull and remove their brain with the spoon of knowledge.
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mojave-pete · 4 years ago
Expect Democrats To Move At Breakneck Speed Following The Blueprints Of The Soviet Union, Venezuela And Other Tyrannical Regimes Of The Past To Complete Their Crackdown Upon America
By US Navy Veteran John C. Velisek for All News Pipeline
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The country is under a once distant threat that is bullying its way through our culture. Big Government, Big Tech, academia, and entertainment are the four pillars that are destroying our countries foundations. Hell-bent on the destruction of our basic liberties, the progressive socialists, are following the blueprints of the one-time Soviet Union, Venezuela, and other regimes of the past.
Part of this blueprint is the canceling of our fundamental liberties. The Chinese virus is but the start of this tyranny. Following the rigged election of China Joe Biden, we are now hearing for the leftists a call for revenge. In academia, professors of public policy at Duke Bill Adair, also the founder of the far-leftist Politifact, and Philip Napoli have argued that there is a need for the government to decide what speech will be permitted. In their ivory tower, the poor snowflakes can not accept that there may be someone with ideas different from what they believe. They can' handle disagreement but opt for the censorship of those they feel are below the.
In their world, the citizens cannot decide because they have believed all the lies fed to them by the opposition. They do not understand that facts matter and millions of people have decided to stop drinking the progressive socialist Kool-Aid and have started to think for themselves. Lied to by the leftist political officials within our midst and talking heads of television, the American people have seen the truth and will resist the temptation to allow our government officials to continue their run to the control of every aspect of our lives.
Big Tech and media's crushing censorship will not change the facts and will not distort the truth. The American people will see through the lies and misinformation. The next step, which is just beginning, is the cancel culture of destroying the livelihoods and families of those who disagree. Big government is taking a more active role in the misinformation campaign and the politics of personal destruction. Moving at breakneck speed to further totalitarianism, the leftists call for a government-run by leftists and anarchists to further dictate what is or is not allowable speech.
Coupled with the liberal programs to revise our culture and history is persecution directed at the American liberty loving patriots. They are attempting to coerce the American patriots into bowing down and declaring our great country's history is evil. Tearing down our monuments and revising our history have taken hold because we have let our educational system flounder on the shoals of progressive socialism that had its start under FDR and Woodrow Wilson.
We are being told that if you believe in individual rights as enshrined in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, you must be a racist. The anarchists in the streets' sole purpose are the creative chaos and attempt to cause the patriots within our country, the majority. The progressive socialists hope that the disorder will cause behavioral changes in the psyche of the American patriots causing patriots to bend in their beliefs to the point where they give up and submit to the globalists' demands.
And make no mistake, the globalists, along with the factions within such as teachers unions and community activist groups that work to cause racial disharmony. Those in our government will never understand that the individual citizen is who built this country. Personal responsibility and rugged individualism are what this country was built on. Without personal responsibility,  the anarchists and the enablers behind them cannot be held accountable. And without rugged individualism, how can the people stand up to the sorts of things we see today in the circus of politics that threatens to bring this country down.
It may take some time, but the American people will stand up to the intimidation and force used by Marxist forces such as BLM and the Democrat Party. Andrew Cuomo, New York Governor and nursing home murdered, even stated on air that nowhere does it say that protests should be peaceful. But Cuomo can't explain how riots, looting, and burning a citizen's business taking away their livelihood can lead to a fearful police department that runs over someone in a mob surrounding the police car. Even our fake vice-president Kamala Harris has said that riots should continue; she even helped the few arrested to make bail. But she can’t explain that the riots will find everyone, including those in the Capitol who rules the supposed little people from on high. Where the progressive socialists have gained a foothold, threats, violence, censorship, and chaos follow. What will these socialists say when the populace has had enough and start fighting back. They have nothing they can do but declare it an "insurrection.” It will be civil disobedience and the American people's triumph over the authoritarianism they, the progressive socialists, are trying to force upon us.
Leading with the devices at their command in social engineering, political repression, and destroying the best economy before the pandemic will lead to the ultimate collapse that is part of the plan the progressive socialism. By the end of the Biden/Harris regime, our constitutional separation of power and fealty to freedom and fundamental equality will begone. The replacement of the necessary foundation of our country will be tribalism and identity politics. The truth will be supplanted by the ideology of socialism, including mass censorship. Socialism will maintain the status quo of corporate oligarchies. It has been shown that even during the past socialist takeovers of democratic countries, the movement has been nothing more than a funded operation for the benefits of the elites in positions of power.
The mainstream media and the leftists are doing their best to make the "insurrection" a pivot point in the nation's psyche because of a national election that will not admit it was stolen. The mountains of evidence were not investigated or ruled on by ANY court. The challenges that did make it to the courts were dismissed on technicalities and procedural issues. The evidence has never been examined, and in the few cases that made it courts, was dismissed out of hand without any investigation. The MSM and leftists won't tell you this and refuse to allow anyone to question the election results. Why would they not let the citizens of a supposedly free country see the evidence and will enable us to decide for ourselves?
Is it because in the world of journalism of today, there can be actions to question or investigate any information that is not committed to "the Cause." The globalist elites who have decided that the peasants need to be led without their consent and forced to agree to limits on their liberty. They claim this suppression is a constitutional norm and that the lower class must comply. The globalists see themselves as figureheads meant to make declarations that the peasants will bow down to and follow unquestioningly. They have badly misinterpreted the American people's pulse and are ill-prepared to tamp down the citizen interaction.
The Biden administration is a coup, an open attack on our country to usurp our republic and culture.
In the word of George Washington:                
“The time is now near at hand which must properly determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves: whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to pillaged and destroyed; and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness.”
What more can be done to the middle class? Caught between the globalists and the progressive socialists in our Congress and the radicalized mobs such as Antifa and BLM below them, what is left open to the middle class? And it appears that the mobs destroying our cities and attempting to intimidate our citizens do not understand that what they are doing is becoming an ally to the socialist left. It doesn’t matter that socialism has never worked; these thugs don't understand socialism. They have been brainwashed since earl yon through the leftists that indoctrinate them in our schools. Being told that in socialism, "the people" run everything and share equally, it will be a rude awakening when these mobs discover that the Insider elites in total control of consolidating and controlling the wealth.
Add to this the censorship, and cancel culture taken from the likes of the Soviet Union and understand that the anti-America cabal has plans to separate and chase the middle class hard working patriots from the forum of American politics.
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the-daily-tizzy · 3 years ago
Crisis of Courage
By: Judd Garrett
Objectivity is the Objective
August 25, 2021 We have all seen it many times. 
It happens way too often. 
We may have even succumbed to it ourselves. 
A young child standing in an aisle in Target, or Walmart, or Toys-R-Us, red faced, screaming at the top of his lungs, stomping his feet, demanding the new Paw Patrol toy, or a bag of Skittles, and the parents give him what he wants to quiet him down, choosing to give into his fit of anger to avoid an embarrassing public scene. 
They chose the easy way out, the short-term solution. But what happens when you reward bad behavior? 
You get more of it, not less. 
Every time that child wants something, he will throw a fit because he knows that is the best way to get his parents to give him what he wants. 
The parents didn’t demand that the child behaves properly and respectfully to get the toy; they didn’t require that the child performs chores to get the candy, the parents used the toy to stop him from acting out, and they will wake up one day with a child who throws fit after fit after fit. 
It’s not the child’s fault, it’s the parents fault. 
They trained him that way. 
When we chose quiet over peace, we become slaves to the empty drums. Eleven days after the United States military left Afghanistan, Kabul fell to the Taliban which begs the question, why is the Taliban still in existence? We were in Afghanistan for 20 years, and the Taliban is still standing? How did that happen? Why were they not obliterated 19 years ago? The Taliban is an empirically evil group, so there is no gray area on what needed to be done to them. Did we not want the optics that comes with destroying them? But their continued existence is the colossal failure of our time in Afghanistan. And what is the result of our failure? Afghan women have lost all rights and privileges, 12-year-old girls are being raped on a regular basis by the Taliban, gays will be dropped off the highest buildings. Our fingerprints are all over every single one of those rapes and murders because we had 20 years to obliterate the Taliban, and we did not do it. One of the main reason the Taliban still exists is that Pakistan has supported and protected them for years. So, we give Pakistan over one billion dollars every year, and they take our money and use it to fund our enemies, the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Again, why do we give Pakistan any money? What have they done to deserve our generosity? They have nuclear weapons, and we are scared that they may use them. So, all they must do is saber-rattle, and we immediately pay their demands in money to “keep the peace”, no different than the parent at Toys-R-Us. We purchase the short-term peace, even though we know that money will be used to fund warring machines that will continue to destroy any chance at long-term peace. This what happens when we chose quiet over peace, when we chose to placate the problem instead of confronting the problem. In 2015, to get Iran to agree to the politically expedient nuclear deal, the Obama administration handed the mullahs in Iran hundreds of millions of dollars. Our army flew palates stacked 10-feet high with US dollar bills to Iran, the leading state sponsor of terrorism, with the promise that the mullahs would agree not to develop a nuclear weapon. What happened? Iran continued with their nuclear program, developing centrifuges, and testing long range missile capabilities, knowing full well, the closer they get to becoming nuclear, the more money we will send them not to launch their missiles, and that money will be used to fund terrorism. America has become the ultimate bad parent in the world, continually rewarding bad behavior for temporary peace. America and Americans fall for these tactics all the time, though. Black Lives Matter riots in our cities, burning, bombing, killing, and maiming, and instead of arresting the rioters we hand their organization hundreds of millions of dollars to placate them, hoping they will stop rioting. Their leaders simply buy million-dollar mansions, and they encourage more rioting. This has become a regular cottage industry for them. We reward the bad behavior, and now have become slaves to the bad behavior. We shouldn’t be surprised that BLM and Antifa have been emboldened. We have been treating left wing domestic terrorists with kid gloves for the last 50 years. On Monday, on his way out the door, former New York governor Andrew Cuomo decided to grant clemency to domestic terrorist David Gilbert, of the Weather Underground, who was convicted of murdering two police officers and a security guard while attempting the infamous Brinks Heist in 1981. After the bombing, Gilbert went into hiding, living with two other domestic terrorists Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers who bombed the Pentagon, the US Capital Building and the New York City Police department. Both terrorists are close friends with former President Barack Obama and were Professors at Northwestern and University of Illinois at Chicago. So, if you are conservative, and you simply trespass at the Capital Building, you are placed in solitary confinement for 7 months, but if you are liberal, and you bomb the Capital Building, you get a cushy professorship at an elite University, and become close friends with a former Democrat President? These are the same tactics that the “woke” are using to destroy our culture and society today. The “woke” are social and cultural terrorists. If someone says or does something they do not like, they throw a fit, threaten businesses, demand they are fired, and we comply with their irrational demands because we will always choose quiet over peace. We lack the courage to stand up for what is right over what is expedient. Our lack of courage to stand against the bad actors and stand up for what is right has brought us to this point in time. So, what if Pakistan has nuclear weapons, they still should have to behave properly without us paying them off. We have thousands of nuclear weapons ourselves. We should never give Pakistan another dime, point a hundred nuclear weapons at them, and tell them to shut up and behave. You are risking a nuclear war, some will argue. What are we risking by paying hundreds of millions of dollars to Pakistan who funds the Taliban and Al Qaeda, or to Iran, the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world, or to Black Lives Matter, the leading domestic terrorist organization in our country? If you haven’t noticed, the world is falling apart or being torn apart. Our country is disintegrating before our eyes. 
Because America in its wealth and arrogance has decided to pay people and groups handsomely for their bad behavior, thinking it will stop their bad behavior. 
And like the child at Target, it shuts them up temporarily until they want something else, and then they behave badly again, until we reward them again, and the vicious cycle continues until civil society is destroyed.
Judd Garrett - former NFL player (Dallas Cowboys) and coach.
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uncloseted · 4 years ago
my mom keeps badgering me about the capital event bc i really hated it but i support the blm protests and she says it’s hypocritical of me bc the protests were just as “violent” as the capital and “caused lots of deaths”. i never really have anything to say back to justify what went down, do you have any info i could use to explain myself? i know they were for completely different causes and one actually matters, but i don’t know how to justify the “violence” (i personally don’t think a majority of them were violent, all the ones where i lived were routinely peaceful and i think the extreme ones were sensationalized for the news). anyway sorry if it’s dumb i’m 14 and just trying to get into politics and stuff so i’m not super well informed and just trying to learn.
I’m sorry this has taken me a few days to get to.  What happened at the Capitol is complicated, and I want to make sure I give you as full of an answer as possible.  I also want to just quickly say that it’s awesome you’re getting involved in politics at such a young age and trying to help your parents understand these issues.  I would love to answer any questions you have about politics or social issues (or just kind of anything in general, I’m not picky).  Last thing and then I’ll get into the meat of this post- I’m a huge supporter of the BLM and police abolition movements and was a protestor over the summer, so I’m maybe a little bit biased.  This situation makes me really angry on a personal level, but I’ll try to stick to just the facts as much as possible in this post and let you know when I’m showing my own opinions.
So the first thing I want to talk about is language.  The Black Lives Matter protests were protests- a public expression of objection, disapproval or dissent towards a political idea or action, usually with the intention of influencing government policy.  In the US, protesting is a constitutional right protected by the First Amendment.  The storming of the Capitol was not a protest, and it wasn’t intended to be.  It was planned several weeks in advance with the explicit intention of disrupting the counting of Electoral College ballots.  Their stated goal was to overturn Donald Trump’s defeat in the presidential election, an election that is widely considered to be the freest, fairest, and safest election in US history (ironically, in part due to Trump’s insistence that there was voter fraud in the 2016 election).  Storming a public building is not a form of protest protected by the US Constitution.  Further, an attempt to overturn a democratic election is an attempt to carry out a coup.  The Capitol rioters will likely be charged with sedition (conduct that incites rebellion against the established order) and/or insurrection (a violent uprising against an authority or government).  The Black Lives Matter protestors were not attempting to carry out a coup against the US government, and none have been charged with offenses as big as those.
Next, I want to touch on motivation.  The Black Lives Matter protesters were protesting against police brutality towards minorities, particularly Black people.  There has long been a documented history of police misconduct and fatal use of force by law enforcement officers against Black people in the US.  Many protests in the past have been a response to police violence, including the 1965 Watts riots, the 1992 Los Angeles riots, and the 2014 and 2015 Black Lives Matter protests in response to the murders of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Freddie Gray.  By contrast, the Capitol rioters were not motivated by fact.  They were called to action by the President of the United States, Donald Trump.  They were told that the election had been “stolen” from Trump, and were encouraged to march over to the Capitol to “take back our country”.  The idea that the election was stolen from the president is demonstrably false.  They weren’t motivated by a social issue, a concern for their own lives, facts, or even really principle.  “Our president wants us here...we wait to take orders from our president,” was what motivated them. The affiliations of those rioters are varied, but many of them are affiliated with either the far-right, anti-government Boogaloo Boys, the explicitly neofascist Proud Boys, the self-proclaimed militia The Oath Keepers, or the far-right militia group Three Percenters.  Many are also on the record as being QAnon followers (followers of a disproven far-right conspiracy that started off as a 4chan troll, which states that an anonymous government official, “Q”, is providing information about a cabal of Satan-worshiping, cannibalistic pedophiles in the Democratic party who are running a child sex trafficking ring and plotting against Trump.  Yes, really).
The intentions of BLM were largely peaceful.  BLM protest documents encouraged protesters to be peaceful even in the face of police violence, because the BLM protesters knew what the price of being violent would be.  We were encouraged not to bring weapons or anything that could be misconstrued as a weapon.  Even non-violent protests were met with tear gas, rubber bullets, and riot gear.  A reported 96.3% of 7,305 BLM protests were entirely peaceful (no injuries, no property damage).  The 292 “violent incidents” in question were mainly the toppling of statues of “colonial figures, slave owners, and Confederate leaders”.  There were also several instances of right wing, paramilitary style militia movements discharging firearms into crowds of protesters, and 136 confirmed incidences of right-wing participation at the protests (including members of the aforementioned Boogaloo Boys, Three Percenters, Oath Keepers, and Proud Boys).  It was also rumored that off-duty police were inciting violence (although to my knowledge, that is unconfirmed).  There is no evidence that “antifa” (a decentralized, left-wing, anti-racist and anti-fascist group) played a role in instigating the protests or violence, or even that they had a significant role in the protests at all.  People who were involved in crimes were not ideologically organized, and were largely opportunists taking advantage of the chaos for personal gain.  
By contrast, the “Storm the Capitol” documents were largely violent; messages like, “pack a crowbar,” and “does anyone know if the windows on the second floor are reinforced” were common on far-right social media platforms.  One message on 8kun (formerly 8chan, a website linked to white supremacy, neo-Nazism, the alt-right, etc) stated, "you can go to Washington on Jan 6 and help storm the Capitol....As many Patriots as can be. We will storm the government buildings, kill cops, kill security guards, kill federal employees and agents, and demand a recount."  The speakers at the Trump rally encouraged attendees to see themselves as foot soldiers fighting to save the country, and to be ready to “bleed for freedom”.  The Capitol rioters were mostly armed; rioters were reportedly seen firing pepper spray at police officers, and pipe bombs, molotov cocktails, and guns (including illegal assault rifles) were found on the protesters. One protester was filmed saying, “believe me, we are well armed if we need to be.”  Some protesters arrived in paramilitary regalia, including camo and Kevlar vests.
I quickly want to touch on scale.  The George Floyd BLM protests are thought to be the largest protests in US history, with between 15 and 26 million (largely young, sometimes children, minority) people attending a protest in over 2000 cities in 60 countries.  There were around 14,000 arrests, most being low-level offenses such as violating curfews or blocking roadways. 19 deaths have been reported, largely at the hands of police.  Only one death is known to have been a law enforcement officer.  The number of people who stormed the Capitol is still somewhat unclear, but it seems to be between 2,000 and 8,000 (largely older white, cis, straight, Christian men) people.  80+ people have been arrested for federal crimes, including 25+ who are being charged with domestic terrorism (something nobody associated with BLM is being accused of).  There have been five deaths reported.  One was a police officer, and the other four were rioters.  Of those deaths, one was a police related shooting (a female Air Force veteran).  The other three died of unrelated medical emergencies.  One reportedly had a history of high blood pressure and suffered a heart attack from the excitement.  
Now I want to look at government response.  During the BLM protests, there was a huge response from law enforcement.  200 cities imposed curfews, 30 states and Washington DC activated over 96,000 National Guard, State Guard, 82nd Airborne, and 3rd Infantry Regiment service members.  The deployment was the largest military operation other than war in US history, and it was in response to protests concerning, in part, the militarization of police forces.  The police were outfitted in riot gear.  They used physical force against BLM protesters, including batons, tear gas, pepper spray, and rubber bullets, “often without warning or seemingly unprovoked,” per the New York Times.  Anecdotally, everyone I know now knows how to neutralize pepper spray, treat rubber bullet wounds, build shields out of household items, how to prevent cellphones from being tracked, and how to confuse facial recognition technology to prevent being identified (as six men connected to the Ferguson protests mysteriously turned up dead afterwards, and the police were using cellphone tracking technology).  Amnesty International issued a press release calling for police to end excessive militarized response to the protests.  There were 66 incidents of vehicles being driven into crowds of protesters, 7 of which explicitly involved police officers, the rest of which were by far-right groups.  Over 20 people were partially blinded after being struck with police projectiles.  When the BLM protests were happening, Trump said that, “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.”
In contrast, the response to the Capitol protesters was relatively tame, especially given that the US Capitol’s last breach was over 200 years ago (when British troops set fire to the building during the war of 1812) and the rioters weren’t being shy about their aspirations to conduct an armed insurrection incited by the sitting president.  There was (widely available, able to be found through a Google search, everyone saw it) prior intelligence that far-right, extremist groups were planning on (violently) Storming the Capitol on January 6th, with the intention of interrupting the Electoral College ballot counting and holding lawmakers hostage.  However, the US Capitol Police insisted that a National Guard presence would not be necessary for the protests, and Pentagon officials reportedly restricted DC guard troop from being deployed except as a measure of last resort, and restricted them from receiving ammunition or riot gear.  They were instructed to engage with rioters only in self-defense, and were banned from using surveillance equipment.  Despite prior knowledge of the “protests”, Capitol Police staffing levels mirrored that of a normal day, and no riot control equipment was prepared.  The Capitol Police weren’t in paramilitary gear the way they were for the BLM protests.  The mob walked in to the Capitol with little resistance.  Some scaled walls, some broke down barricades, some smashed windows, and one video even seems to show Capitol Police opening a gate for the mob. Rioters traipsed around the Capitol (one of the most important government buildings in the country) with little resistance, looting and vandalizing offices of Congress members.  Some rioters felt safe enough to give their names to media outlets, livestream their exploits, and take selfies with police officers.  One man was (ironically) carrying a Confederate flag, a symbol of a secession attempt on the part of the South (and of racism). It took 50 minutes for FBI tactical teams to arrive at the scene, and the National Guard were initially directed by Trump not to intervene.  Pence later overturned that ruling and approved the National Guard.  Police used finally used riot gear, shields, smoke grenades, and batons to retake control of the Capitol, but notably no tear gas or rubber bullets.  Video showed rioters being escorted away without handcuffs.  Trump’s response to the riot was, "we love you. You're very special ... but you have to go home." 
This is where I’m going to get a little editorial, but I think it’s important to say.  If the people storming the Capitol Building were Black, they would have been met with a large, pre-coordinated military presence, violent restraint, arrests, and quite possibly would have been shot.  They wouldn’t have made it inside the Capitol, much less been given free rein to wander around without immediate consequence. Hundreds of people during the George Floyd protests were arrested for just being present- 127 protesters were arrested for violating curfew on June 2nd in Detroit alone, twice the number of arrests made during the storming of the US Capitol.  It turns out that the police do know how to use restraint, after all.  What an absolute shock.  It’s almost like they’re a corrupt and racist institution we should get rid off...
The last big thing I want to talk about is the outcome.  The BLM protests were meaningful, but the outcome from them has been tame.  Nobody has been accused of domestic terrorism. State and local governments evaluated their police department policies and made some changes, like banning chokeholds, partially defunding some departments, and passing regulations that departments must recruit in part from the communities they patrol.  Only one city, Minneapolis, pledged to dismantle their police force.  The response has largely been localized.  I think the biggest impact it’s had is introducing people to the concept of police abolition and getting more people involved in the movement.  By contrast, the Capitol riots have resulted in over 25 people being accused of domestic terrorism and the second attempt to impeach Donald Trump, something that has never happened before in the history of the US.  
But what really concerns me is the precedent this sets.  Donald Trump is an idiot, and he’s gotten this far.  We can’t count on the guy who takes his place to be an idiot, too.  The next guy could be clever, strategic, well-spoken, well-mannered... not to invoke Godwin’s law here, but people liked Hitler.  He was a persuasive speaker and capitalized on conspiracy theories about World War 1 to gain support.  His 1923 attempt to overthrow the Bavarian government failed, but sympathy for his aims grew.  He painted himself as a good, moral man who loved dogs and children and was trying to do right by his country (by, among other things, arresting communists and leftists, and then eventually all minorities).  Trump isn’t Hitler.  He’s not even a Hitler analogue.  But Trump has already done this much damage to the fabric of our society.  He’s worn down our relationship with the media, with one another, with democracy, with morality, and with truth itself.  We have to be prepared for the idea that the next guy might be a much better politician.  Getting rid of Trump isn’t the end; it’s the beginning of a fight against fascism that’s only going to grow from here.
There are other differences you could point to.  BLM protesters wore masks to prevent the spread of COVID (and indeed, researchers have reported that the protests did not drive an increase in virus transmission), for example, while the rioters were largely unmasked.  But I think the bottom line is that the millions of BLM protesters were doing their best to be responsible citizens fighting peacefully for an evidence-based, human rights cause, even though they knew that as a primarily minority group of people, they would be met with violence.  The thousands of far-right, white, Capitol insurrectionists were doing their best to overturn a free, fair, safe, and democratic election because of a call to action by Trump and a stringent belief in disproven conspiracy theories, which they knew would be met with minimal resistance despite the severity of their actions.  The insurrectionists are fascists, full stop, and we should call them what they are.  The BLM protesters were by and large just people, of all different political views and motivations, who wanted to fight against something they saw as unjust.  
I’m sorry that this is such a long post. This topic has been on my mind all week, and I wanted to give it the nuance it deserves.  All we can do from here is to keep fighting- for justice, for truth, and, hopefully, for peace.
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workersolidarity · 5 years ago
I really cannot emphasize enough how long I've been on blogs warning people that we were moving like a slow motion riot towards disaster in this country.
We are literally tumbling slowly towards a Civil War.
Let me make this much perfectly clear. We live in a Police State, and we have for a very long time. And if you're my age or younger, this is all you've ever known.
People living in Major Cities being Policed like a War Zone, especially black and brown folks, the LGBTQA Community, and our Nation's Immigrant Communities, are ANGRY, and they have been angry for a very long time.
Every time a Cop is caught on camera MURDERING a black man, and we all line up in Protest, they tell us to be Peaceful. They talk about having Patience. They want to talk about "dialogue".
What's the point of dialogue when it's no more productive than taking to a wall? What are we supposed to be being patient for? Another all white jury to find a Killer Cop innocent???
And why should we be Peaceful any longer, when nothing changes but the names and faces of the dead???
No, the time for Peaceful dialogue is over. The time for patience was over a LONG time ago.
In fact, the only thing that's actually surprising about these angry Protests and nightly Riots is that it took this long to reach this point!
To make matters worse, we've all been in death grip between low wages, excessive housing costs, rising food prices artificially kept at excessive cost by corrupt Government Regulations favoring super Corporations like Mansanto, DuPont and others; as well the endless mountains of debt incurred to attend College and in some places just to attend a decent fucking Highschool.
If you're the average Working Class American in a City in the Deep South, making barely more than the Federal Minimum Wage, then chances are your Employer might as well just cut the pretense and admit we're just there slaves except we're no longer even given enough to afford Housing, Food, and Utilities, and certain not enough to afford basic everyday necessities like clothes, shoes, and hygeine products, forget about trying to raise a FAMILY in that Economic Vice.
As if living in a Police State without basic necessities wasn't bad enough, we have two useless Political Parties, one of which is less an actual Political Party than it is a Fascist Organization infiltrating all levels of Government from local school boards to the Presidency and the Senate.
It doesn't resemble anything like a Democracy or Republic or whatever the hell they want to call it.
Then we now have roving openly Neo-Fascist Organizations operating throughout the Country with little to know resistance by Government and being openly encouraged by the President, his allies, and the nod and winks and more coming from so-called "Establishment" Republicans, whatever the fuck that means.
Not only that but these wannabe Fascists in the White House have their own State Television in FOX News.
But FOX wasn't Fascist enough for the Fascists so now they have new media sources popping up around the Wig in the White House.
The Fascists even have a whole network of Organizations supported by the wealthiest of the Ruling Class to support the ability of Fascists to Organize and Police to kill weaponless lawyerless Minorities.
With almost no pretext or attempt the shield their maneuvering these people have taken over or blocked from proper functioning most Congressional responsibilities, Regulatory Agencies meant to protect the Public from out of control greedy Corporations, and the Courts, meant to be our absolute last line of Defense against abuses.
So anyone acting "surprised" on TV with the violence in the streets, is merely being facetious.
We're on the edge of a major tipping point whether people yet realize it or not.
Just like how it only takes one person throwing a bottle at police or starting a dumpster fire to turn a "Peaceful Protest" into a Riot; it only takes one of these riots going from Glass Bottles, Fireworks, Dumpster Fires and Tear Gas; to Pipe Bombs, Molotov Cocktails, Assault Rifles, Snipers and Residential fires.
It may not be tonight or tomorrow, or even this particular wave of Protests, but we are teetering on the edge.
How long before openly Fascist Paramilitary Organizations and Neo-Nazi groups are firing on Protests at the side of Police Officers?
I'm sorry, but groups of disorganized cells of online chats hitting the streets and calling themselves Antifa or Black Bloc or Anonymous, are simply no match for the Paramilitary Organizations of Racists that have been collecting weapons, training community members, Organizing with like minded groups, and hiding out in Idaho or Utah waiting for a moment just like this to make their move and take over physical and Political Infrastructure of the Country openly.
This is why it was important to be Organizing among Socialists, Communists, Anarchists and sympathetic Civil Libertarian Groups. Instead people fell for bait and switch from Democrats and left it to Liberals to defend their Rights.
And look at the results! How's that working out for us??? Where are our Liberal and Democratic Party defenders now???
Oh right, they're hiding in the background or calling for Peaceful dialogue AGAIN.
We SHOULD have been Organizing from the moment we saw how Occupy Wall Street was abandoned by it's so-called Allies in the Democratic Party.
We SHOULD have abandoned ANY illusions we might have had when we saw Black Lives Matter Protests scrutinized and tarred by Democrats and in the Media in a way Fascists NEVER have been.
We should have known and we should have been preparing and Organizing just like the Fascists.
Now we're at the edge of a very different kind of conflict and we're ABSOLUTELY unprepared. How many Leftist Organizations have been storing assault rifles and building Pipe Bombs or training Sleeper Cells to rapidly arm and deploy on the streets of their Cities. We should have been Recruiting potential ally Organizations and getting ready to be a line of Defense for the Workers, Black and Brown families, LGBTQA Community and Immigrant Rights Groups.
All I see is a lot of kids playing with fire and NO FUCKING CLUE how to put it out or control it.
If Anarchy hits the streets, it's going to be the Fascists regain control of our Communities working with Military members, the National Guard and Police. Does ANYONE really think they're going to protect your Rights or your family's Safety????
It's good to see people pushing back for once, but I also see potential for disaster. You damn well better have a big fucking hose if you're going to start a big fucking fire.
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quicklyseverebird · 4 years ago
An intervention for an Antifa friend
Written to a sweet friend of mine who is, I learned, a member of the Portland Antifa. Ok, so maybe I just need to get this off my chest so i can move past it.  I just don't believe you, XXXXXX.  There is an utter lack of any evidence to your claim.  
Consider this, the Proud Boys, to use the biggest example, are castigated on every media channel as white supremacists and alt right bigots, despite the fact that their leader--in fact several of their local leaders as well--are men of color.  So the media is already skewed against them and hostile to anything they might say or do, regardless of logic or common sense.  Whenever an act of violence breaks out and there's even a RUMOR that someone is a PB, they jump on it as proof of this, even when the PB's own leaders state that there is no record of that person ever being a member of any of their chapters.  Still, despite that, with a media seeking to demonize them, every video we see of your altercations is them having their rallies, marching about, waving flags, etc, and then you show up and attack them, and they fight back.  Not only that, but even when they just SAY they are going to show up, and then don't, just to punk you, you guys show up and riot and damage things anyways, without a proud boy in sight.  So no.  I do not believe you.  Nor do I believe that "nothing has been laid to waste" when we can literally view videos of buildings being burned, businesses looted, people killed, etc.  Streets vandalized and boarded up, shopkeepers being subjected to protection rackets, then looted anyways.  Your people post the videos *yourself* showing evidence of this.  So no.  I do not for a moment believe you. And no, this has nothing to do with my "news sources."  The news bends over backwards defending you.  The politicians defend you, say Antifa doesn't exist, or is just "an idea."  The politicians justify and defend these riots, and even raise support to pay for bail.  When you attack a PB rally, they call the PB's white supremacists, and blame them, though they were standing there minding their own business and having a rally, which is their constitutional right to do.  When you attack a man in his home, threatening to kill him and burn his house, it's the man who's arrested.  When you break into private property and threaten a home owner with death, and they brandish non-functioning weapons as a deterrent, as they are legally allowed to do (they actually would have been legally justified by castle doctrine to open fire on those people the moment they entered the gate), it's the home owners charged with crimes, and evidence is tampered with in order to make a case against them.  When your rioters are arrested, the DA's let them go without charges.  Your own mayor stands in the front lines with you in an assault on federal property, and then has his own home attacked and tried to set on fire, yet he STILL defends you. The establishment is defending you at every turn.  You are not the victims of demonization.  You are not "the underdog/oppressed."  You are the ones committing brutalization and when people try and defend themselves from you, you cry "victim."  You are the oppressors. Because...and here I need to make a distinction between you the individual and your organization and those like them.  I like and care about you.  I believe you are at heart a good person.  I can hear the passion you have for prisoners and while I might disagree with some of your beliefs and arguments, I can acknowledge and even admire your idealism and desire to make things better.  Even your belief in socialism is rooted in a desire to make things better, and I can respect that, even though I find socialism morally repugnant and stupid. But your organization and those like it: Antifa, BLM and the whole cult of intersectionality are *EVIL*.  I am not using this term to be hyperbolic.  I mean it quite literally.  They are actively, objectively, factually, morally evil.  I mean it in the same way I say that grass is green.  I place them on the same moral level that the KKK or neo-Nazi's are.  In actuality, I believe they are worse than those.  The KKK is a couple thousand deluded, sad, old, little white men, and the neo-nazis are a couple thousand deluded young white men seeking identity and purpose.  Stupid, sad, disgusting, but irrelevant, and scorned by the general public and in public opinion.   It's not the KKK rioting through cities, burning businesses, buildings, looting and destroying primarily minority-owned property.  It's not NN's today stirring up racial hatred and attacking people based on their skin color.  It's not the KKK who have killed something like 35 people in the past 140 days of violent rioting, most of them POC's as well.  It's not the neo-Nazi's who stalked two guys walking down the street minding their own business who had just driven around town and caused no damage or violence, then screamed "we have a Trump supporter here" and then executed an unarmed man.  It's not the KKK that showed up at a detention facility armed to the teeth with weapons for a shoot-out.  It's not NN's chasing down a kid who literally hours before had been cheering BLM's position, cleaning up damage and providing first aid to rioters, while shooting at him, and forcing the kid to defend himself with lethal force, then claiming he was a white supremacist.  It's not the KKK tearing down statues of Lincoln, paid for by freed slaves, or Frederick Douglas, or of abolitionists who died fighting slavery, or hell, even a statue of an elk!  It's not NN's who go to a black man's house and demand that he take down his american flag or they will burn his home down.  It's not the KKK who burned down an apartment building where families were living because there was a rumor the building was used in trafficking, without evidence.  It's not the NN's marching through suburbs, frightening normal people and using their presence as a shield against police actions.  It's not the KKK writing justifications for looting, and calling Jews the face of capitalism. (sound familiar?)  It's not NN's who walk up to people they don't like, away from the people they were allegedly and illegally hired to protect and use the excuse that a man has pepper spray in his hand, to shoot them in the face.  That's all you. I am, admittedly, lumping you all into one pot, so some of my accusations blur the boundaries between these groups, but you are more or less the same in my eyes.  Same drink, different flavors, in my view.  I do feel like I am living in pre-war Germany.  But you are the Nazi's.  In a very real sense, I mean that.  You are the Nazi's in today's society, waiting for your Hitler to arise.  You are the ones going about advocating against free speech...with violence.  You are the ones justifying your actions with claims of socialistic reform and revolution, with violence.  You are the ones burning books, both figuratively and literally.  You are the ones with cancel culture as part of your methodology.  Even you.  I've literally watched you do it, XXXXX, though you said you think cancel culture is stupid.  YOU did it yourself and I watched you do so because someone dared to speak and eat with people you don't like.  You are the ones stoking the fires of racial hatred.  You are the racists and identitarians.  Even in your racism against white people (and POC's who disagree with you, which justifies you in calling them racial slurs) you are, ironically, the actual white supremacists. I'm not scared of the KKK.  I'm not scared of Neo nazis.  I'm not scared of the Alt Right.  I'm not scared of the Proud boys or patriot prayer.  I don't see any of them committing acts of violence.  I AM scared of you.  I DO see your violence.  The PB's could march down my street, and I'd watch from my porch and drink a coke.  If you marched down my street, I'd get my gun and watch through my window blinds.  You are the Nazis.  You are the violent racists.  You are the fascists, in a very real sense of the word.  You are the authoritarians seeking a revolution of society to place your own bigoted views in a place of power.
And just to be clear, I'm not condoning the actions of the groups you fight.  I'm not saying I agree with them. I gather there have been some violent acts with PB's in the past.  They had a "4th degree" in their organization that you reached if you were involved in a fight, but they've stepped back from that I gather.  They seem more like a fraternity, and I don't like fraternities (or sororities for that matter).  I am not aware of any violent activity perpetrated by Patriot Prayer.  And any group has its own, individual crazies.  I don't have to agree with them, or even like them to acknowledge that Antifa, BLM and company are worse.  For them, violence is a primary means and goal, not something that pops up accidentally. No.  You are not right.  You are not noble.  Your organizations are literally, morally evil and the closest thing to a Nazi party in existence right now in our country by any metric or standard.  I just wish you would recognize this and get out before its too late.  I adore you, and I hate to think of you as part of them, just as I would, had I learned you had joined the KKK.
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arcticdementor · 4 years ago
It’s been hard to miss the steady drumbeat of articles and think-pieces over the past few months about Election Day war games and post-election planning underway on the left, rooted in obsessive fears that President Trump will refuse to accept an electoral loss, triggering a constitutional crisis and maybe even widespread civic unrest, all in a desperate attempt to cling to power.
The news hook for most of these articles is a series of elaborate election war games hosted in June by a newly formed organization called the Transition Integrity Project, touted by the media as a bipartisan group of experts consisting of former elected officials, high-level government staffers, consultants, and journalists like David Frum, who wrote the Atlantic piece referenced above.
In other words, the Transition Integrity Project is a cross-section of our elite ruling class. In its own executive summary of the war games, the group states it was founded “out of concern that the Trump Administration may seek to manipulate, ignore, undermine or disrupt the 2020 presidential election and transition process” — never mind the many ways Democrats in Congress and the executive bureaucracy, aided by the media, have been doing just that since before Trump won the 2016 election.
The exercise mimicked the kind of war games sometimes conducted for foreign policy crises, only this time the format was applied to the presidential election, with one team playing the Biden campaign and the other the Trump campaign. The outlandish outcome of these simulations—that in the event of a close election, Trump might “federalize the National Guard and take military control of state voting sites,” as Frum writes — tells us less about what is likely to happen in the real world and more about the mendacious worldview, toxic prejudices, and treasonous imaginings of the elites themselves.
In one of the simulations, a scenario similar to 2016 was gamed out, with Trump losing the popular vote but winning the right combination of states for an Electoral College victory. John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign chairman and a top adviser to Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, played the role of Biden. According to Ben Smith’s account of the simulation in the New York Times, Podesta-as-Biden refused to concede, saying his party wouldn’t let him and instead alleged voter suppression, persuading the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send Biden electors to the Electoral College.
Whether they realize it or not, Podesta and Frum and the others are acting out a present-day version of the election of 1860, only they’re playing the role of the secessionist South. Indeed, well before Abraham Lincoln won the election, even moderate “unionist” southern leaders warned that their states would secede if the vote didn’t go their way. It amounted to mass political blackmail, and after Lincoln’s decisive victory the South followed through on its threat. For slave states, the Union was conditional, not perpetual, and Lincoln’s election violated their conditions.
We now seem to be on the cusp of relitigating the question, only instead of slaveholding southerners blackmailing the country with secession, it’s anti-Trump Democrats and left-wing radicals threatening to tear the country apart if Trump wins in November. For them, the Union is conditional, and Trump’s reelection will violate their conditions.
What do they have in mind? Not exactly an 1860-style secession, state-by-state, but something more immediately disruptive. Depending on the circumstances the day after the election, they might contest the results and trigger lengthy litigations and ballot recounts, working in the meantime to come up with enough absentee ballots to put Biden over the edge. In that case, while the lawsuits and recounts are underway, the left plans to do what it’s been doing for months now: take to the streets.
Last week, an initiative called the Fight Back Table, a coalition of more than 50 left-wing groups that got together after the 2016 election, met to formulate a plan of action in case no clear winner emerges after Election Day. Of course, “no clear winner” is something for which the left has been rhetorically preparing the country under the guise of ensuring all the mail-in ballots are properly counted.
The group “began charting out what it would take to stand up a multi-state communications arm to fight disinformation, a training program for nonviolent civil disobedience, and the underpinnings of what one official described as ‘mass public unrest,’” according to a report by The Daily Beast. One person familiar with the discussion said the goal was to figure out how to “occupy shit, hold space, and shut things down, not just on Election Day but for weeks.” By now, we all know what that means.
Perhaps more disturbing than the possibility of organized mass riots and looting is the open fantasizing among Democrats, including Biden himself, about the role the military might play in a contested election. Biden has felt free to ruminate, more than once, on the possibility of soldiers dragging Trump out of the White House if he tries to “steal the election.”
Indeed, paranoia and an assumption that any action by the Trump administration to ensure the integrity of the election is tantamount to stealing it pervades our elite class. The Transition Integrity Project’s war games played out various scenarios, utterly divorced from reality, in which team Trump “succeeded in invoking the Insurrection Act and sending active-duty military troops into US cities to ‘restore order,’ ‘protect’ voting places, or confiscate ‘fraudulent’ ballots.” In another scenario, Attorney General Bill Barr ordered “the seizure of mail-in ballots to ensure that vote counting would stop.”
All this tells us much more about the mindset of the people running the simulations than it does about what Barr or Trump are likely to do in November. The left simply cannot imagine an election in which Trump doesn’t win by cheating, hence they’ve decided they will accept only one outcome. Rahna Epting, executive director of MoveOn and a participant in the Fight Back Table discussions, told The Daily Beast, “It is very obvious that Trump is laying the groundwork for claiming victory no matter what.”
This is doublespeak. What should be obvious by now is that a broad coalition of left-wing groups is laying the groundwork to reject the results of the November election if Trump wins and claim victory, no matter what. The same left-wing groups that have been fomenting riots and street violence for months will again mobilize, only this time they won’t be calling for the abolishment of the police but the effective abolishment of popular government—an end to our constitutional system, and with it, an end to the republic.
Most northerners thought this was just bluster, that Lincoln’s election would never lead to actual war and bloodshed. They badly underestimated how lightly the South regarded the Union, and what southerners would do to the country to be rid of it. They should have taken the South at its word.
Now, 160 years later, we face what could be a similar crisis. There’s a rich irony in the elite assumption that post-election violence will come from “right-wing militias” or “vigilante groups,” when the last three months of rioting and looting by Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists have in some ways been a dress rehearsal for what the left is planning in November. You don’t need to read between the lines to understand this, you just need to take these people at their word.
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ratfuck · 5 years ago
what do you know about adrenochrome? my mom talks about it a lot and says shes part of anonymous and that trump was sent by god to destroy the evils of this world?
Oh god uhh sounds like your mom is into that stupid ass QAnon conspiracy theory which is total bullshit
I wont go into it that much because it's incredibly long winded and absolute bullshit but these people think the democratic party, along with Hollywood, the film and tv industry, universities and other institutions are part of a secret underground satanic new world order pedophile slave cabal that are controlling the world from the shadows, and are abducting and enslaving millions of children for the sex trade or to harvest "adrenochrome", some sort of stress hormone released in the brain by torturing them that can be used for immortality/serious party drug. They think that Trump is god's chosen one to end this and is engaged in a secret covert war using special forces against the deep state's antifa supersoldiers with great battles taking place in vast underground vaults and laboratories underneath local pizza shops. They believe this because some anonymous schmuck said cryptic bullshit on 4chan and Trump ocassionally says something unintelligable so it must be a codeword or something
Idk if your moms believing it or something that makes me worried for you, please be careful about what type of bullshit blatantly wrong information gets thrown at you, and if you're interested in learning more I suggest looking into critical and skeptical sites
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youknowme-iamyou-blog · 4 years ago
Black Lives Murder
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When I saw Nancy Pelosi leading these Democrats, pandering to the Black Lives Matter (BLM), wearing African Kente scarfs, kneeling in worship, I almost suffered an aneurysm. It was at that point I had to stop working and write this article.
Democrats will weaponize any incident for votes, preach victimhood, and demonize all police officers for the behavior of a few rouge cops. The more ignorant among us, drink their politically correct kool-aid and kneel to blacks for being white.
I was thinking of another title for this piece: “Dear White People, Stop Apologizing for Being White.” I never owned slaves and I haven’t done anything to suppress or hurt blacks, and I’m sure you haven’t either.
Let’s end this Democrat, BLM and Antifa charade by analyzing race in crime statistics.
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Blacks are responsible for committing 90% of the interracial crimes between whites and blacks, despite blacks being only 13.4% of the population.
Table 14 shows that the majority of interracial violence is perpetrated by blacks.
If we start plugging the numbers in we find that blacks committed 547,948 violent crimes against whites. On the hand whites committed 59,777 violent crimes against blacks.
Statistically blacks are responsible for committing 90% of all the interracial crimes between whites and blacks in America.
Violent Crimes in General
We are not finished. We still can tease out another statistic from our table. Blacks are responsible for 22% of all violent crime in America, again only being 13.4% of the population. But that’s not a fair estimate. Most violent crime is being perpetrated by males. So we can use that information and say with a high degree of confidence that roughly 6% of the population, comprising of black males, are responsible for 22% of violent crime in America.
Homicides -Black on White & White on Black
The situation is similar for homicides.
Blacks killed 514 whites in 2018 Whites killed 234 blacks in 2018
Again, despite being only 13.4% of the population blacks are responsible for 69% of interracial homicides between whites and blacks.
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Black on Black Homicides
Blacks killing blacks are 11 times greater (2600) than whites killing blacks (234). Yet, if you listen to the Mainstream Media (MSM), BLM and Antifa, whites killing blacks are running rampant in our country. Black children are afraid to return home from school for fear of being shot by a white policeman. What nonsense.
The fact that black on black homicides are 11 times greater than whites killing blacks are not reported because it can not be racially exploited, so it is not reported by the MSM, BLM or Antifa.
If you are white, you are statistically at greater risk for being killed while in police custody than if you’re black.
More whites are killed in police custody than blacks. If you are white you are 1.7 times more likely to be killed in police custody than a black.
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Math used for chart in reference section.
George Floyd Riots
No one excuses the abuse of those police officers Derek Chauvin, Tou Thao, J. Kueng and Thomas Lane. Who kept George Floyd on the ground while police officer Derek Chauvin leaned on his neck, killing him.
People are allowed to peacefully protest. However, the wrongful death of George Floyd does not give the right for protests to erupted into lawless rioting, looting, the beating and killing of innocent people. This criminal behavior is not for the memory of this man. I’ve seen the videos where BLM dragged people out of their cars and beat them up. What was their crime, being white?
The smiling faces of looters carrying their stolen goods certainly didn’t look to me like they were in mourning for George Floyd.
You are not absolved of your criminal behavior because of your supposedly “outrage” and skin color.
The mainstream media doesn’t portrays George Floyd, for the career criminal he was. I am not condoning the horrible treatment he received from police, and he certainly did not deserve to die in the manner he did. But let’s not eulogize him as a national hero.
The day Floyd was killed, he was high on fentanyl and according the medical examiner recent used methamphetamine. He has used a counterfeit 20.00 dollar bill to purchase goods, which is why the store owner called the police. He did not deserve to die the way he did. The police officer Derek Chauvin has been charged with his murder.
George Floyd did five stints in prison:
1998: 10 months in prison for thief with an firearm. 2002: 8 months for cocaine 2004: 10 months for cocaine 2005: 10 months for cocaine 2007: Home invasion. Held a firearm to a pregnant woman’s stomach while accomplices robbed and ransacked the place. He did 5 years for this crime. You can view a more detail account of his arrests here.
I’d venture to say that a non-racist person would look at this incident as a bad cop killing an innocent man.
While those trying to inflame racism, see a white cop killing a black man. The mainstream media, BLM and Antifa are trying to use this incident to paint all cops as racist. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Black Lives Matter only when the black life taken is by a white person.
Soft on Crime Democrats
The soft on crime Democrats allowed the rioting to continue in their cities across the country. Most notably in NYC and Minneapolis. Minneapolis is a city led by Democrats for over 50 years. Their Mayor Jacob Frey, had his police evacuate the Third Precinct station, giving it up to the rioters who burned it to the ground.
If In Trouble, Just Blame Trump, Scream & Shout
To pass the buck on the fail Democrat policies in Minnesota, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison proclaimed the outside agitators in Minneapolis’ riots were “white supremacists” Trump supporters.
This is the same Keith Ellison who in January 2018 tweeted a selfie of himself at a bookstore holding the book “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook” and wrote “I just found the book that strikes fear in the heart of @realDonaldTrump”
Sounds more Saul Alinski to me, but the point is, these Democrats are sympathizers and enablers for Antifa and BLM thugs and criminals to riot.
Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Mayor Rudy Giuliani said it best. While being interviewed on Fox new said, “Don’t Elect progressive Democrats if you want to be safe.”
Democrat Mayors Bill DeBlaiso (D) NYC and and Mayor Jacob Frey (D),Minneapolis allowed the BLM and Antifa thugs to riot, to destroy business and buildings, to assault innocent people in their cities. They are useless and cowardly and should resign.
BLM and Antifa Militarily Commandeer a Section of Seattle
Weak Democratic mayor of Seattle Washington Jenny Durkan, has allowed a six block section of Seattle to be commandeered by domestic terrorists; BLM and Antifa thugs. They have arm guards shaking down businesses for money in their newly formed “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone”
Fox News Tucker Carlson had a reporter Dan Springer, in the area, that reported, “Yeah, this is the third night of what can only be described as a complete takeover of a seven-block area of a Seattle neighborhood, and we don’t see a single police officer or city official anywhere,”
He also reported that the Seattle police relinquished control of the area, and I quote, “They did not say how cutting and running makes it safe here.”
Springer also read the BLM and Antifa demands, “abolish the Seattle Police Department and the court system, disarm all cops until they are all fired, and abolish youth jails.”
Another Mainstream Media Blackout
This is happening now and has been going on for days, do you see any of the mainstream media covering this? No. They are too busy reporting on “defunding the police”, and doing their best to make these radical protests and rioting appear reasonable.
Could you imagine if armed Trump supporters took control over seven blocks of Seattle Washington, chased the police out, starting shaking down businesses for money and goods, the MSM would lose their collective minds.
You can read the complete story here along with the radical demands from BLM and Antifa.
15 People Died in the Riots — I Have Questions
The riots are well coordinated and global. Why are there riots outside Minneapolis, Minnesota? How did protests and riots expand into other states? Why are there protests in Europe for an incident that happened in the United States? Who is funding all these protests? Who is organizing these riots? Why were pallets of bricks strategically placed where people would be rioting? There was no construction in the area. Who placed the bricks there? Why isn’t law enforcement looking into this? Who is funding and inciting this violence?
Despite the narrative of the mainstream media, BLM and Antifa, statistically, whites are more likely to be killed by the police than blacks. They take any incident to create a false narrative to promote their agenda.
A few rouge cops are not a reflection on all the police in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Or a reflection of police in every police department, in every state of the US. Just as white people don’t paint all blacks for the racist rioting animals that burned buildings down, beat up and killed innocent people.
For all the companies, like Amazon, Netflix, Etsy, etc., who are pandering and openly support the BLM movement, you are condoning the rioting and rioters and the damage and destruction they have done. Your pandering support will not buy you protection from thugs, it will not exonerate your companies from being burned down in a riot. The rioters burned down black owned business in black neighborhoods. If they can do that, you haven’t a chance.
To the Democrats pandering to the BLM and Antifa rioting thugs to rent the black vote in this November. Intelligent people see right through you.
Dear White People
Don’t let these race baiting lies and fake “outrage” to condone the criminal actions of thugs to riot. Please study the crime statistics in this article and stop apologizing for being white. You have nothing to be sorry for and no reason to kneel.
Cancel Culture
This article has been deleted from both Medium.Com and HubPages. HubPage declared the article “Hate Speech”.
What these leftist cancel culturists don’t understand is that calling something hate speech doesn’t make it hate speech. You’re only voicing your opinion, that is a biased opinion, and imposing you biased opinion on others.
This is the opposite of free speech it is called censorship.
Homicide data by race chart — the math
It wouldn’t be accurate to compare total numbers of homicides without taking into effect the size of the populations. For instance, whites have a total homicide of whites killing whites of 2677. Blacks have a total homicide of blacks killing blacks of 2600. It wouldn’t be fair to say blacks kill just as many of their own race as whites, because the populations are not equal. White population is 249 million, and the Black population is 32 million. To put the numbers into proper perspective, we adjust the numbers to the population.
There is 1 white killed by white for every 93,187 of whites. There is 1 black killed by black for every 12,553 blacks. There is 1 white killed by blacks for every 63,449 blacks. There is 1 black killed by whites for every 1,060,075 whites.
To graph this information in a chart, we divide 1 by the population in each of the above instances. So for white on white homicide it is 1/93187 that equals 1.07E-5. For black on black homicide 1/12553 = 7.96E-5. Black on white is 1/63449 = 1.57E-5 and finally white on black 1/1,060,075 = 0.09E-5
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ultramaga · 5 years ago
Bored quiz doing time
1. What’s your sexual orientation? Straight, which is inconvenient as Australia passed feminist laws making all heterosexual activity classed as rape at the discretion of the female.
3. Ever done any drugs? So many ... Seriously, if it was legal, I’d use cannabis as I have been adviced to by assorted medical experts. Was in the queue to take place in medical trials twice, but both times the government pulled the rug at the last minute. I’m a little bitter that the Australian government was tricked into signing a free trade treaty with a clause that made us keep it illegal even as the USA legalised it. I’d probably still be working, probably be married and have a house, if I could have gotten the meds I needed, but the government of America decided it was immoral, thanks to Nixons shenanigans.
6. Describe your dream home. Double brick, double glazed windows (not large), with ventilation that keeps privacy - we live in the day people use drones to peek inside houses, and I’d like to be able to walk around naked in the hot months. Soundproofing around key areas - I’d love a quiet bedroom. A proper area for video recording would be nice. A huge bed, and bathtub, would be groovy. A gaming room with built in speakers for sound effects and mood music...
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Actually, I really miss my old book case. It was destroyed by a flood, having travelled with me for around thirty or forty years. 7. Who are you jealous of?
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The people who can afford this stuff. :) Nah, I feel jealous - envious - whatever - of rich healthy people. I envy people who had good childhoods, and I envy Americans, because their constitution guarantees freedoms that have almost vanished across the globe. I used to think Australia was the best place on Earth, but year by year, our freedoms were stripped away in the name of social justice, whilst even conservative politicians kow-towed to the people who wanted to exterminate them.
9. Do you watch porn? Watch, read, listen to ... Heck, when true VR comes in, with sensory attachments, I expect to feel quite a bit of it.
10. Do you have a secret sideblog? Nope.
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? Hard to say. I wouldn’t mind visiting one of the US regions where cannabis is legal, but i couldn’t afford to stay for long. Plus the laws are very confusing because each state is a mini-country. I wouldn’t want to be arrested for hatespeech and it does look to be coming in through back-doors, and there are certainly members of social justice who would lurrrv a chance to get me incarcerated.. or worse, I have had threats from antifa. It still amazes me that they haven’t been declared a terrorist organisation, and that people like the mayor of Portland can openly protect them from prosecution.
12. What’s one of your fantasies? Umm, having the powers of The Purple Man could be fun.
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13. Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced? Hahaha, no.
14. How would you spend a million dollars? Investments. You can’t even buy a house with that now.
16. Do you follow porn blogs? I used to, until the Tumblr purge that wiped out their own value. What a clever bunch they are!!
17. Are you angry with anyone right now? Feminists, for openly calling for genocide, without consequence.
23. Who are five of your favorite bands/musical artists? Pink Floyd, Kate Bush, NiN, Placebo, hmm - can’t think of anyone else i haven’t played to death.
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better? Paper by far - my eyesight has problems, and even a large screen can be difficult. Alas, the move to pdf etc for gaming books has meant I can’t just sit down and read them like I used to.
32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick? “The Culture” as a rule of thumb, although I think life there would be pointless. However, in terms of medical treatments, it’s far better than every other one I can think of, and there is a lot to offer. Not too keen on the identity politics side of it. I’d probably spend most of my life in a virtual world there anyway.
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like? Big, with a lot of repetition, and proper hats.
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34. What’s your coffee order? Medium cappucino, no sugar, lactose free milk if you have it.
35. Do you have a crush on anyone? Currently? No serious crush. I think Emma Watson would make a great sex-slave.
36. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes? Yes, pretty mixed feelings for some. One of them was extremely abusive, but there were some very good times. Another was more of a friend than anything else.
38. Do you drink? Rarely. Far too much pissing involved, and i loathe hang-overs.
39. Are you a virgin? Hahaha, gawd no.
47. If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick?
The question really should be “marry them and they’d want to marry you”, because otherwise it would be a quickie divorce. Hard to say as the ones i like are married, and the rest I might feel lust for but only that.
48. Describe your ideal partner. Perfect world situation? Ummm. 30? Rich? Beautiful? Smart? An interest in my hobbies, and a love of kink, I guess. Good heart, kind nature, caring.
See bottom pics for aspects of my ideal.
50. What’s your favorite kind of weather? Mild. When it is hot or cold, I can’t sleep and my health crashes. The nights here have been stuck on humid and warm, and it’s been a miserable time. In the colder weather, my nerve damage etc plays up, and I can’t sleep for different reasons. When i was young, I was fine with cold or hot weather. But I never really liked the heat as much as everyone else here seems to. By cold, I mean under 18C, say. I have no idea what snow is like. If I could block the pain of my face, I would love to muck about in it. I’ll leave with the (sadly unavailable) celeb women I find most attractive, and you are free to wonder if it is just lust or even love that I’d like to explore with them.
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denebola42-blog · 4 years ago
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It was actually pretty good. I'm thinking... Don't they, the elite or whatever, want to control, rule, oppress, prevent etc? They lie through the media, enforce through the government and science and even religion at times. They're, like corporations, a more constant but hidden menace and neither side realizes it. Slave and master think they're family. Nothing changed much since the founding of this country. There were British slaves in Africa and indentured in the USA and it's similar now. Now the state department wants to restrict 80% of world travel and i was posting that it reduces racism. And reading cures fascism. Well, read this. Antifa was right. Violence only gets you locked up. You play into their hands but they're correct and the leaders are often as blind or helpless as the followers. Only certain ones truly control and enforce. #googlepixel4a5g #googlefi #googlepixel4a5gphotography #TeamPixel #pixel4a5gphotography #pixel4a5g the issue is, antifa isn't perfect either. #americanphotographer #utahphotographer #californiatransplant #californiaphotographer #mexicanphotographer #godmatters #godisfamily #familymatters #weareallfamily #spiritualguidance #spiritualjourney #citizenofmotherearthandfathertime #citizenofheaven (at North Ogden, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/COQvYyYBlgU/?igshid=pxmzbygxbgl9
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years ago
April 2, 2021: 2:04 pm:
I want to demonstrate how SAG news media creates labels for groups of people, and labels are created for just about any kind of repeatable circumstance, situation, disease, ailment, condition or set of conditions. The labels serve a tremendous role in the advance of global terrorism and mass murder by creating a set of jargon that is accepted as truth by millions of news viewers, while at the same time, that same jargon works like an instruction manual when viewed by members of the Canadian terror army who are led by the news media personalities with orders that are crafted by SAG Writers Guild members.
The Canadian terror army consider themselves as Pirates, they relate with pirate ideas and the “Pirate Way”.
“Pirates Say Aarrrgghh!”
Pirates take stuff that does not belong to them, they just take, and keep taking, while saying “Aarrgghh! and swinging a sword while releasing nitrous oxide gas on the wind.
The Canadian terror army of Pirates are all Christians. The most difficult part of this explanation is when I need to say that the Christian religion is fake, always was fake, is going to stay fake, and will never be a real religion, because Christianity is born of being pirates, when the first group of them took over Greece where the Parthenon is at, destroyed everything there, then found the Library at Alexandria, stole that and took slaves. The combination of the knowledge contained in the scrolls of Alexandria and those slaves who could read them was used by those first Christians against other populations of people, and the very first use of that knowledge wielded as a weapon was when the pirates used what the knowledge at Alexandria explained about Earth and time, the way there are four seasons, and the distribution of time in a year was done in ten increments, there were ten months in he year back then, so, to make it confusing  for everyone, the terror pirates added January and February to the beginning of the year, Doing that disrupted what people already knew, that in March, which was the first month of the year, that is the time to begin to start to grow the food that would be stored and eaten in the next winter. The pirates added the two months, and that news spread around, while the vast majority of people could not read or write, they just knew that “It’s the beginning of the year, so, we need to start growing the food” ... but it was January, and the food would not grow as it did before at the beginning of the year in March.
The Christian Pirates used the Library at Alexandria and took as slaves the people who could read the scrolls, and those people were forced to teach the Christian Pirates, who used what they learned, against others.
They shifted time, They stole time itself and harnessed time as a weapon against people in effort to weaken them.
(low flying terror air force airplane noted over my house just now at 2:32 pm)
I already explained all of that in better detail in other parts of this account,
The Christian religion is not a religion, it’s an organized group of pirates who tell wild stories about a “God” and they use the contents of a book, “The Bible” as a means to lure in victims, who are nailed to the cross, on the pirate ship, to catch wind, to move the boat forward, so that they can lure in more victims, ever more Jesus’ are captured with the fake stories in the book, they are nailed to the mast of the pirate ship to catch wind, to move the boat forward, to catch more Jesus’, to nail to the mast, to catch wind, to move the boat forward.
Those labels I started out with:
Antifa: This is a fictional group of people. “Antifa” demonstrations can be quickly assembled by NBC/Universal/Comcast. All they need is a “casting call” and the SAG actors (extras) will gather where they are told to gather. A screenplay is written such that the events will draw attention from desired locations, while providing distraction from other locations and perhaps other places where more offensive mass murdering, raping, and pillaging is taking place away from the planned Antifa demonstrations. The word Antifa is a brilliant use of the concept on the part of the terror army leaders who came up with that term, “Antifa“. That world allows the smart, patriotic US Citizens who are opposed to fascism will be looking like a gang of criminals simply because they might say out loud that there are Fascists who took over. The Fascists, AKA: Screen Actor Guild Members, invented a word, a label, that they can stick onto people to make those people appear as terrorists when they speak of fascism and US takeover by Fascists. The Fascists crafted the label that turns the good guys into perceived bad guys. The only safe thing to do, is carefully avoid use of the word “Antifa” and to completely disassociate ones self from Any Organized Group of demonstrative people. The only group to belong to in my view, is that of “United States Citizen”, and it’s not enough to say “American“ anymore, those days are long over with. You have to be specific, United States Citizen is the only thing that will work as a title to align ones self with a controlling entity. The problem with that, is that the US White House and US Congress have both been hijacked by Fascists from Screen Actor Guild, who claim to be US Citizens in White House and US Congress. Add all fifty US State Governors to the Fascists who hijacked USA.
Three Percenters: The Three Percenters is terror code for the activity of attacking and taking 3% of the population at a given event or gathering, city or county, or other place where people are at. The “Three Percent Taking” is done at theaters, music concerts, sporting and other events at stadiums, ... any place where people are gathered in large numbers can be set up in advance with apparatus and layout that favors the 3% taking. Basically, if a hundred thousand people are at a Cal-Jam concert in 1974, then, 3.000 people can disappear, be taken captive, farmed of assets and family contact information, then killed & replaced with impostors who will vote in upcoming elections as they are instructed to vote, for the Fascist Shills that Screen Actor Guild arranges to be on the voting ballots. The “Three Percenters“ label, covers all of that other truth up and buries it within a mysterious group of armed “militia”. The fact is, that any one who knows the truth and thinks about making a report about the three percent taking at venues, will think twice when they also think about a mysterious armed militia, and they won‘t make the report about truth because the Christian terror pirate Fascists of Screen Actor Guild managed to find a way to scare people before they make the terror report. (at Cal-Jam, there were First Aid Tents. The three percent taking was done mostly by virtue of groups of terror soldiers tripping the victims at various sets of stairs, and other means of creating injury such that the marked victims would go to those first aid tents, where the victims where kidnapped from while within the cover of the tent area, a roped off, controlled area where multiple first aid tents were at. I was there, I lost a friend to the three percent taking at Cal-Jam, Kim noice never came home, but someone else did come to her home and began driving Kim’s car.)
Oath Keepers: Oath Keepers is another scary mysterious militia story that has many uses for NBC/Universal “demonstrations”. As a word, or terror term, look at Oath Keepers like this: “To take an Oath, is to give your word, to make a promise to be loyal to some group and duty” ... something like that, make your own assessment of “Oath”, that assessment I did is basic. So, the “Oath” is about “The Word”, and now you can see what is happening behind the scenes of the demonstrations that include “Oath Keepers”. They are especially religious, Christian variety terror pirates, maybe the term serves a need to specify a difference between Seventh Day Adventist Canadian terror soldiers vs the SAG leadership levels of terror operatives. If so, “Three Percenters” starts to look more as SAG, while “Oath Keepers” makes me lean more towards a SDA riddled area of thought. Honestly, come to think of it, both terms, “Oath Keepers” and “Three Percenters” seem to have a Christian sort of bad taste to them.
The Proud Boys: “Proud”, African Lions run in “Prides”. I say the “The Proud Boys” are just another brand name of the same generic product as the “Oath Keepers” and the “Three Percenters”. Lions are “The King”, so, that is more Christian religious bullshit in my view.
After doing this little bit about the media and the labels they use for covering Fascism and USA take over by SAG Fascists, I have this thought:
Of the groups mentioned, the one the matters most is “The Three Percenters” because of the reality of the ongoing 3% taking at various venues where people gather for Kill & Replace terrorism. It could be that SAG created those other groups primarily in effort to try to bury the existence of the “Three Percenter” stories in them, as a way to turn the “Three Percenters” cover story into a circus of various opposing militia, so that no one will be thinking about the taking of 3% of the people in the stands at the Super Bowl every year while Lady Gaga is leaping from the rooftop into the stadium below in glorious SAG style with 500 colorful drones making a Star Map in the skies above.
Labels, they serve the Media, and the Media is killing the US Population. They have been doing it since 1971, and now, they are using a horible biblical sized epic plague as the cover story, it works the same as the Pied Piper leading the Lemmings over the cliff, but this Piper has Sheriff John and Friar Tuck working for him from the British Throne.
3:56 pm:
Back in 1971, the plan that had been carefully crafted over coarse of the previous thirty years or so, was deployed, rolled out, set into motion. What I do lately for when I need to think hard about this subject, and specifically “when was the Britain/SAG terror alliance nailed down, and when did the takeover plan begin to materialize as the adopted one that was rolled out? The plan to Kill & Replace US Populations with use of the broadcast airwaves by Screen Actor Guild Media entities who command a trained army from Canada who are armed with invisible gas that has no odor or taste, nitrous oxide, and to have the army release the gas in effort to prime the victims, to make easy to capture prey, and to mitigate the potential danger to the terror army soldiers, who are trained by Britain, in Canada, and are led as an army by Screen Actor Guild as mentioned with news stories on television, in code.
That is the final plan that has been under way since 1971. When did the plan begin to take shape as it’s final agreed upon form the way it was rolled out?
I say the plan took shape at about the same time as, or shortly after the faked attack on Pearl Harbor. I say that the Pearl Harbor Attack was the epitome of a different attack plan that was formed and took shape in the years following and a a result of World War One. The British never got past that Boston Tea Party. They never have given way to the sovereignty of USA. The British still feel that all of north America belongs to Britain, they never have stopped their advance, they simply regrouped, came up with goals, plans, and have been carrying out offensives against USA ever since the first Colonials were here to so the offensive.
Pearl Harbor attack was done by Britain with fake Zeros fitted with Mercedes Benz motors, and, those airplanes played a much smaller role than we are led to believe. The result of the Pearl Harbor attack is that USA was weaponized against Japan, by Britain’s charade.
now, Britain is secretly the ruling entity in Japan, and has been since USA bombed Hiroshima. It all was a complex plan to take Hawaii and Japan at the same time.
Today, Britain is secretly the ruling entity in USA as a result of the nitrous attack Kill & Replace plan with SAG media in the command position.
Britain rules Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, Japan, India, USA, new Zealand, all of South Africa, and a whole bunch more, yet no one ever talks about all of that.
I was trying to make a simple point when I started writing this addition to this entry. I want to point out, that in 1971 when the current take over plan was initiated, and SAG began to do the command orders for the Canadian terror army that was handed to them by Britain, at that time in 1971 the Screen Actor Guild could have been describes as “A nation without a country, gaining ground”.
Today, fifty years later, the Screen Actor Guild is in the White House and has been since Ronald Reagan. SAG and the “Kill & Replace” voter replacement plan worked, is complete, is over with, done, successful, and now US Congress is all Screen Actor Guild. Each state Governor’s Office is manned with a SAG Shill, so, again, success, the plan worked.
Fifty years ago, a group of organized like-minded people had a plan, they rolled out the plan, and a “nation without a country” is now a nation in secret command and control of that country they took as per plan.
Fifty years ago, US Citizens all were part of a nation, the Unites States of America.
now, it’s those few remaining US Citizens who are the nation without a country,
Since the SAG/Britain/Canada plane worked so well, the Kill & Replace method of murdering one citizen at a time in great numbers in effort to gain one single vote per murdered citizen actually worked. The bastards somehow managed to kill and dispose of hundreds of millions of US citizen voters ....
.... and no one has noticed in fifty years.
All that needs to happen now, is a controlled clean up effort to rid the country of the remaining US Citizens who are oblivious to any threat from Canada, Britain, or Screen Actor Guild.
It will be as simple as vacuuming the living room when the floor is already clean.
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This is a Jack:
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That is not a USA Flag, yet that Jack flies in the office of the US President, in the halls of US Congress, and in the offices of Governors throughout USA,
The USA Flag does not have a gold binding around it’s perimeter,
§1. Flag; stripes and stars on
The flag of the United States shall be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white; and the union of the flag shall be forty-eight stars, white in a blue field.
(July 30, 1947, ch. 389, 61 Stat. 642.)
USA became fools, and the people are believing the lie that is Corona Virus. The lie that kills the nation.
5:28 pm:
Has any one else other than me noticed that since Joe Biden and Democrat presence took the White House that there seems to have been a boatload of horrible murderous rampage killings and Schule Schute style events?
The Republicans are no different than the Democrats, so why does Biden and the Democrats come with so many additional dog & pony shows?
You don’t really believe that all of those media feeding frenzies all took place without a Hollywood script and screenplay, casting call, props, make-up and wardrobe departments in full swing do you?
Why are the so called Republicans so quiet lately? What are they up to in the background while their Democrat comrades are drawing so much attention?
Some things to consider:
Republicans are interested in earthly materials. They like mining, minerals, metals, trees & lumber, granite for making fluted columns on Greek Architecture. Republicans like Railroads, big shipping boats, ports, lanes of traffic. They like military contracts, giant machines that are capable of digging to do more mining.
Democrats are interested in insurance companies, complicated social programs and hand outs for ease of scraping the cream off the top of the money trail. Democrats like hospitals, drug manufacturing, they like to stylish colorful and elaborate clothing, big parties, awards ceremonies, social media, and electronic gadget manufacturing. Democrats like Ray Bradbury style stories about the future, they like rockets and space travel, and one day, the Democrats say they want to start a colony on Mars.
Both Democrats and Republicans love banks, and banking, the Dems like to wear gold, while the Republicans would rather stash the gold away in case they need to melt it down to make a rake so they can plant some food after the shit gets a little more real than it already is.
The last time I checked, the FBI had about 4,000 field agents nation wide, and those field agents have support services from base operatives that don’t do field work.
Let’s say those 4,000 field officers are busy, they are hot on the trail of a whole bunch of really bad bad guys who are taking over USA at an alarming rate.
Then, in the middle of gaining some ground, catching up to those bad guys, media shows up with a bullshit story about some asshole who crashed the gate at the US Capitol Building.
All of those 4,000 field officers might be called to duty to protect the US Capitol Building where the US Congress members are at. The officers could get bogged down in a sea of paper work, making assessments, measuring, doing “What If Scenarios” just in case that asshole that crashed the gate was just a distraction for other idiots in the DC area.
Something like that would be bad. It would take the focus off of what those officers had found, and they found that they are greatly outnumbered, but, they still have to go babysit the US congress because some asshole crashed the gate.
For some perspective, where I live in Josephine County Oregon, I estimate that there are more than 4,000 hard core terror soldiers just in the five mile radius that surrounds my house. Each one of them has support available from a terror airforce that also resides in that same radius area, and what’s more, is each one of them has direct contact and support available from the US White House if that is what is necessary to protect them from being discovered,
But some asshole crashed the gate at the US Capitol Building.
More perspective to think about:
Within about a one hundred mile radius of my home in Josephine county, there are a number if US national guard bases, I can think of only three that I actually know of as result of having been to them, but I am pretty sure there are many more withing that one hundred mile radius, and that includes Air Guard bases.
The thing I want to point out having mentioned those national guard bases, is that in that same one-hundred mile radius the included guard bases, there is not one single solitary US national Guard serviceman.
There are bases, and there are men on the bases, but none of the men on the bases are US national Guard members.
There is US Military equipment at those bases, and there are men at the bases, but there are no US national guard members at the bases or near the military equipment.
now this may seem as stretch of the imagination, but I say the reason that the Joe Biden White House came with so many Schule Schutes and a gate crasher at the US Capitol, is largely because there are no US national guard members at those bases.
6:34 pm:
Horrible poison leg attack update:
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The surface wounds are slowly healing. The poison is still inside the leg. I went to two doctors this week and each one turned me away. The Asante Urgent Care doctor should have numbed my leg, and irrigated the three red sores that are there on the left side, opened the wound, used cleansing and antibiotic irrigation to flush the poisons out, then a stitch or two to close the irrigation area should have been applied, with a prescription for some antibiotics to take over the next ten days. That, and some suitable pain medicine should have been done at the White City Urgent Care when I was in the exam room there on Tuesday.
Instead, the doctor told me to go to a different hospital, where I might need to have the leg amputated above the knee.
The foot is persistently swollen, the toes are ice cold inside, and that is a product of the poisons, is not because of absence of blood flow. There is ample blood flow, but I think one of the poisons I was injected with was freon, the stuff that goes in an air-conditioner unit, and I believe that is why my toes are feeling like ice is inside.
I tried the name brand neo-sporin. and it worked for a little while, however I am experiencing a painful situation with application of name brand neo-sporin. The area where those sores are at on the shin is where I put the ointment, then, later, when I rinse the area because it starts to burn with the feeling like the worst sun burn I ever had, that I why I go rinse with Peroxide, but for some reason, that neo-sporin coming off with peroxide is taking a whole bunch of skin with it. Layers of skin are pealing away with the peroxide after use of name brand neo-sporin. The Equate brand just burned real bad, was unbearable, but this burns then peals way too much. The result is a lot of raw new skin that pealed too soon and is very painful while I am trying to apply some heat to warm the inside of my toes.
I have not walked enough to make assessment of the muscle cramp spasm of the calf and other shin muscles. I do feel some pain at the front ankle where that shin muscle is at on the front, and I am concerned about that muscle as it is located along the length of the shin just under those big poison wounds.
All of those open sores started out as tiny little red dots where the syringe penetrated my skin when I was attacked.
8:35 pm:
I took a walk to the Jackpine just now.
As I stepped outside, the listening device that Monroe terror cell put under my house at the front porch picked up the sound of the door opening and closing, and then that sound signaled some synthesized bird call sounds to play through an amplifier at Chartrand’s terror cell. That sound was loud and signaled Sandy Monroe and another female to come out of the Offensive Monroe Surveillance Travel Trailer, but only after they waited until I had walked by that area. As I went through my gate, the two women signaled for a vehicle to come down the road from Sunflower or Strongs terror cell. Then, as I got to Jackpine, that is when that car actually showed up, I saw it coming so I quickly turned around to return home. Then, a conversation started at the Monroe back porch area, and simultaneously another conversation began at the Monroe Offensive trailer. The car that came down the road pulled into the Monroe driveway instead of going straight through as usual. Then, as I reached the place where the Monroe Trailer is at, three bull dogs began to bark and ran quickly to where I was hobbling myself past there. The conversation between the two women. Sandy and another girl that sounds exactly like Deb Monroe, got real loud while the dogs were running towards me at the fence line. The two women began to shout at the dogs, and the peaceful walk to the road was completely spoiled by terrorists who are constantly listening and watching every last thing I do with electronic surveillance listening equipment and many cameras.
The leg condition is still real bad, and made a muscle spasm by the time I reached my gate. I decided I had gone too far by the time I was almost home, and was unable to continue walking without taking a rest.
The interesting part of this is that while out running errands at the stores and doctors, the spasm muscle cramps did not happen, so, I suspect that Monroe is releasing more extra poisons in the nearby area, poisons that make a leg muscle cramp. That A-1 Exterminator van filled with pesticides was there in the Monroe driveway when I returned from the store on Wednesday.
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mirceakitsune · 4 years ago
To those who think they have enslaved me today
Congratulations humanity: Today (20 January 2021) the American circus known as the inauguration of tooootally legit president Joe Biden took place. Behind tanks and military walls, Biden committed the political equivalent of masturbation by inaugurating himself to himself... with a little help from a few "important" people who were also there, but since they all wore Covidist masks my brain could only make out the NPC ID's rather than names and traits distinguishing them as individuals. A bunch of flags were shoved into the ground where millions of people would normally sit: The citizens by and for which he was allegedly elected couldn't be there for his inauguration, partly after it was discovered they're not citizens at all but mobs of insurrectionists who are invading their own selves! The empty streets and barbwire fences holding that pesky population back did a great job portraying the inauguration of a president voted by the majority... you could clearly see how loved by the people and legitimately elected he was! My only regret is that Lady Gaga was involved in this spectacle: They should have brought in 50 Cent or Justin Bieber, which would have done an even better job portraying the seriousness of the event and the lucidity of the people who rule us. Biden himself broke a new record, being able to read a speech from his laptop for 10 minutes straight without ever stopping and asking "wait... where am I, who are you people".
At this point the ones who radicalized society and sparked a silent civil war are close to gaining absolute power and becoming an American CCP. I'm well aware of what their next step is: They will harass and terrorize everyone who doesn't bow to their ideology and way of life, by painting them as racist Nazi extremists or a danger in other ways, inoculating systematic fear toward them to the masses. That's how over the past years the Democrat party turned most Americans against its political opponents: Obsessively associating Trump with hate while creating a cult of social justice worship which infiltrated every fiber of society. People happily bought it, even most beings I know are affected by this without even realizing something is up. The ruling elite now has a system of radicalization that works perfectly, ready to be used to program the remote-controlled masses against anyone on command.
As of 2020 the existing system is backed by an imaginary deadly pandemic, which now has an imaginary vaccine to accompany it. The infamous virus story was used to double down on what was started using social (in)justice over the last 4 years, further radicalizing people through fear using a new excuse via a secondary system. This one's more convenient since while you can't tell who is a Trump or Biden supporter just by looking at their face, those of us who don't dress up in cult uniforms (A.K.A. wear a mask) can be easily identified as ideological enemies and targeted for dissent... obviously under the cover of esoteric microscopic shenanigans used to proclaim invisible danger, it's definitely not an ideological dangers they truly fear. We're now divided between those who worship COVID-19 (or rather fear of it) and those who are fighting against ruthless slavery and savage efforts to take our lives away from us. We're about to be divided between "the plagued" and "the vaccinated" soon; I have no doubt that those of us who won't respond to the advances of the medical rapists chasing us with syringes are in for a new wave of persecution, applied brutally and systematically in hope of making us break, until we choose to let ourselves be injected with whatever poison those psychopaths created in their labs.
Now do you think it's just pro Trump people, or those who refuse to wear the muzzle made of cloth, who they will come after in the end? To every niche community who is reading this... furries, bronies, vore, etc... never forget those words: Their system will turn on you too! Once they're seen as an obstacle, they'll infiltrate those communities to "correct" them next... or if they can't or it's not worth it, they'll use fear to convince the majority they're evil and must be exterminated for the greater good. What the hell do you think I kept trying to prevent!? Do you imagine their "great empire" of obedient and socially responsible workers has any place for those like us in it?! Look at what Furaffinity, a furry art site that was infiltrated by Antifa and has its TOS written by its extremists, is now doing to artists who draw not just "socially unjust porn" but even stuff like political art under the lie of fighting hate! No... it's not "just them", no community or individual is safe from their control I assure you.
Many of us will resist until the end: They can put 100 Bidens in power... they are nothing to me, they ceased impressing me long ago; My mind has been prepared since an early age for dealing with this sort of thing, I'm a veteran when it comes to this shit! I lived the last years of my childhood waiting to be kidnapped and taken to a reeducation clinic by everyone around me, where I expected to be tied up and subjected to electroshock conversion "therapy" to have my identity erased. Especially once I realized in what danger I was for imagining thoughts forbidden to people under the age of 18 from my young age... were society able to read my mind and notice, I would have been locked away in a mental institute and injected with drugs until I'd be a vegetable today. But I was smart enough to stay silent and escape, they couldn't access my thoughts to know who I am. The same people who couldn't "purge" my identity when I was young are now back in a far more hideous and demented form, coming after us even as adults to do the same thing: Reprogram us to be ideal members of the glorious society they have planned.
All humanity had to do was simple: Put an end to all doctrines and create a neutral and disinterested government, leading to a world that would keep its nose to the pavement and not care about any social issues any more. Why do you think I supported Trump... because I have any love for that conservative fool? I sided with him because he was going to maintain a safe ignorance... no morals, no empathy, no more being forcefully "protected" by disgusting strangers who allegedly care for you or know better than you, no laws censoring people under the pretext of fighting harm, everyone kept in ignorance so we could be safe from their feelings and assumptions. That's why I waited for the army to arrest Biden today and hold a military trial instead of that silly inauguration... sadly they received a new order, he was allowed to carry on with his sham inauguration for reasons beyond me. Now I have a new desire: I'd like to see Trump arrested! For failing to contain the moral plague enslaving society and destroying our freedom, after he promised us the deep state and its social justice would be exposed live for the world to see what they did. He failed to contain humanity's stupid values and protect us from morality... he is of no use to me either, he could not bring us true freedom.
Just one question for the actual tyrant lovers, who will soon flock and regroup under Biden in their attempt to amalgamate us into their responsible world: How's living the socially responsible life really going? Do you enjoy your slavery? Your blind dedication to "muh fellow man"? This self-sacrifice bullshit, a life free of any joy in the name of safety and protection? You have what you wanted: A world where any dream of being happy is demonized because it's dangerous, where certain thoughts are carefully restricted to certain people, where you're the slaves of "experts" who will inform you what you think and feel without you even having to bother to checking your own mind! How long until it will be YOU that breaks? How much servitude can you take before you too will have had it? Or maybe you're so dedicated that you'll slave away until the end... never snapping, not stopping to wonder how sad and boring this life is and how pointless any sacrifice. What would happen if you knew the technology to give you a perfect and safe life exists, while all significant issues society still faces today are man made, most of the time intentionally? I see more violence and crime on the news: People are finally going nuts and losing it, from being locked up and having masks forced onto their faces! How much until it's finally enough, how much pain must they accumulate, how much damage must they cause, how much until the mainstream finally admits it drove everyone there by forcing its madness on us?
I know they want to see me suffer for resisting them, all their governments and secret services do. But the fun thing is, their followers are suffering far more in the end! For I am the one still sitting here up on my throne, from which they couldn't take me down and make me "socially responsible adult" like them nor involve me in their scary fantasies. I live in the real world: A world that has no issues other than some poverty, where racism is a thing of the ancient past and a joke to worry about today, where viruses are a microscopic fantasy... a modern life where anyone can do whatever the hell they want! Just what we would all have if only everyone simply minded their own business and didn't make a big deal about anything. Now that's reality... the reality they renounced in order to worship fear, for no reason other than getting sick of being too happy! I'm laughing at their burden and all the efforts they make for nothing, fighting against things that don't exist... a burden they could let go of anytime, if only they refused to keep accepting all them responsibilities and demand it. How does it feel like to be the fools in the end, just when you thought I was your victim forever? Because while you pull that mask tightly on your little face to protect "your fellow man" from something that's all in your mind, I piss on it all and still live life freely and happily, the life you allowed taken away from you for no reason! Do you hate me for outsmarting you? I definitely don't mind if you do: Hate is all I have left to feed on in a world like this. And I enjoy it even more knowing no one will ever know nor even be able to comprehend the true reasons why I do this.
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livinginlandmarketing · 4 years ago
Even as the House of Representatives laid the groundwork Monday for a second impeachment of President Donald Trump, one of his supporters, Jessica Martinez, took heavy political fire 3,000 miles away in her role as a member the Whittier City Council.
Martinez was in Washington D.C. last week when Trump supporters broke into the U.S. Capitol in the hope of upending the recent presidential election. Now, many in the city of 86,000 want her to step down from the council.
She’s hardly alone. From local teachers to attorneys to students to business owners, people from all parts of Southern California who attended the D.C. insurrection — some as participants in the breach of the Capitol buildings, some as instigators of the violence that left five people dead, and others, like Martinez, who say they were on hand simply to express an opinion — are facing a swarm of public shaming.
“As Americans, we have the right to free speech as long it’s exercised peacefully,” Martinez said Friday, as she condemned the violence. “That’s what I was doing.”
But as locals react to Internet evidence of who did what during the insurrection, a debate is emerging over free speech rights, their limits, and their consequences.
Like the insurrection itself — shown live on television and re-shown by many participants on social media video — the consequences of having a role in taking over the Capitol are playing out in public.
At least 161 faculty members and trustees at Chapman University in Orange have signed a publicly circulated petition calling for the removal of law professor John Eastman. They say Eastman, who spoke to the marchers before they broached the Capitol, helped to incite the violence.
In Los Angeles, a Cal State Northridge student, James McMillan, drew focus in the college paper, The Sun Dial, which reported his “Storm Congress, baby!” posted to social media outside the Capitol.
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In the Inland Empire, Jim Riley, owner of Riley’s Farm, drew a “false information” warning from Facebook over his posting “What I Saw at the Insurrection.” By late Monday, the Oak Glen company’s page was at risk of being unpublished.
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Related links
Southern California Republicans face reckoning after insurrection in D.C.
Huntington Beach far-right activist contrite after fiery video about Capitol attack goes viral
Photos: Pro-Trump mob breaks into the House Chamber at U.S. Capitol
Sources: Democrats will pursue impeachment on Monday
In south Orange County, elementary school teacher Kristine Hostetter is facing an investigation by officials at Capistrano Unified School District after parents flooded district offices with complaints that she’d been seen in social media posts marching toward the Capitol with people who said they were planning to storm the building. Hostetter didn’t respond to requests for comment.
Also in Orange County, a Huntington Beach hairdresser and conservative activist said he felt threatened after publicly praising the insurrectionists as “patriots.”
On Monday, some who were in D.C. were trying to distance themselves from the event.
On the day of the insurrection, Jan. 6, Michelle Stauder Peterson, the lead organizer for the Huntington Beach chapter of the “Recall Gavin Newsom” effort, posted a video on Facebook showing herself and a friend joining a crush of protesters entering a door into the U.S. Capitol. Her video captures people yelling expletives at police officers who are trying to hold back the mob.
But within hours of sharing the video, Peterson, a tax preparer, took it down and also apparently deleted her Facebook account.
Reached by phone, Peterson said, “I have no comment. Thank you.”
Others, however, remained strident.
Leigh Dundas, an Orange County attorney, delivered a speech to Trump supporters on Jan. 5, a day before the insurrection, telling the crowd that if Vice President Mike Pence didn’t vote to throw out Electoral College results Americans would have to choose to live as “slaves” or to “rise up” just as they did during the American Revolution.
“Any alleged American who acted in a turncoat fashion and sold us out and committed treason, we would be well without our rights to take ‘em out back and shoot ‘em or hang ‘em,” Dundas said in a video shared to her social media page.
Dundas — who made headlines over the summer for doxxing Orange County’s health officer Nichole Quick for implementing a mask mandate — could not be reached for comment on her involvement in last week’s event. But in another Facebook post, she said she was in the crowd outside the Capitol that got tear gassed. She also defended videos that showed her shouting profanities at Capitol Police, arguing that police were the aggressors and repeating the unfounded claim that outside agitators — not Trump supporters — were the actual participants in the Capitol building violence.
Speech protected; so is criticism
Legal experts say protesters who argue they shouldn’t be punished for expressing a political viewpoint are correct — up to a point.
“The First Amendment is broadly protective of speech, even if that speech is abhorrent to a majority of Americans,” said David Snyder, executive director of the First Amendment coalition.
But, he added, the right doesn’t protect people from criticism or some forms of punishment.
“Just because people have the right to speak freely under the First Amendment, does not mean they are insulated from any criticisms of that speech, or any political consequences for engaging in that speech,” Snyder said.
Other experts pointed out that while protections for speech don’t extend to defamation and criminal behavior. However, they noted, speech alone can’t cause a person to lose their employment.
“If someone just wants to denounce someone somewhere, that’s an expression of their own First Amendment rights,” said Eugene Volokh, a free speech expert and law professor at UCLA. He pointed out that in California, like many other states, it’s illegal to fire someone for expressing political speech.
That’s the needle Whittier council member Martinez hopes to thread.
On Friday, after images emerged online showing her in D.C., she denounced the breach at the Capitol.
“I detest violence and the fact that people were hurt, injured and killed,” she said. “I think it’s horrible and that should never occur.”
Martinez, a Trump supporters who claims, without evidence, that the November election was hacked, added: “I wanted to stand as a citizen concerned about our election integrity and to ask them to review the evidence.”
But on social media, critics emerged.
“Nah, doesn’t work that way,” read one post on Twitter. “You posted on your social media pgs. You supported an insurrection against the government… you’re a traitor….”
Whittier Mayor Joe Vinatieri said that since Martinez didn’t take part in the violence at the Capitol building, there’s no reason for her to be removed from the City Council.
“Everyone has their First Amendment right to protest, whether you’re on the left of the right, that’s your right,” he said. “She chose to utilize her right.”
Others, however, suggest that participating in this particular protest — which ended America’s streak of handing over national power without violence — disqualifies people from holding a political position.
Democrats for Justice, a Whittier-based political group, said it has already gathered garnered more than 5,000 signatures calling for Martinez to be removed from office. The petition says Martinez was part of an “armed coup” and that she is a “domestic terrorist.”
Stakes are high
Marching into the Capitol building wasn’t speech, and people who participated in the protest in that fashion are starting to face criminal prosecution and public punishment. Reuters, among others, has reported that some who stormed the Capitol have been fired after their identities were publicized online.
Those punishments figure to expand.
On Monday, newly elected State Sen. Dave Min, D-Irvine, called for California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer to work with federal authorities to prosecute any local residents who were involved in the insurrection.
He also asked that they pursue criminal felony charges under California’s conspiracy law.
“It seems nearly certain that Californians, including some residing in Orange County and the 37th Senate District I represent, took part in the planning of these crimes,” Min said in the letter, citing media reports of locals involved in Wednesday’s events.
Min also asked for a private briefing on the status of state and local investigations into any role locals played in the insurrection.
Doubling down
Even in the face of video evidence, some who went to D.C. question news accounts of what happened. Like Martinez, they claim liberal agitators, not Trump supporters, were at the front edge of the violence.
“I hear NO stories of anyone actually making it to the house chamber, which leads me to believe that the people who actually got to the chamber were Antifa cowards waiting to do their thing,” wrote Riley, owner of the Riley’s Farm apple orchard, in a Facebook post that drew the label “false information.”
Riley, in an interview, said there was no excuse for the violence. And in his view, he added, Trump did not push for it.
“What he was doing was saying ‘be passionate about voter fraud,’” Riley said.
By Monday, in anticipation of being shut down by Facebook, Riley was referring followers to MeWe, another social networking site.
Eastman, once the dean of Chapman’s law school, before making an unsuccessful run for California Attorney General, decried violence and chalked up the unrest to a few bad apples. A day after the insurrection, Eastman said “it was a wonderful rally.”
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Reporters Alicia Robinson and Susan Goulding contributed to this story.
-on January 11, 2021 at 11:17AM by Ryan Carter, Pierce Singgih, David Downey, Brooke Staggs
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