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belongstolove · 11 months ago
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thecommunalfoolboy · 10 months ago
If anything is certain it is that Palestine will be free, for they as a people are too fearless to die out
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wumingfoundation · 2 years ago
The Antifada/Proletkult interview: A.M. Gittlitz talks with Wu Ming 1 about UFOs, utopia and revolution.
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“Just FYI: wu ming are considered reformist shills in italian communist circles.”
Now that’s a blurb! It shouldn’t be relegated in the comments. It should be part of the intro.
Recorded in March 2023, in the middle of our very demanding UFO 78 book tour (80 events in the first six months). Our comrade was tired: too many ers and ehms, too much struggling to find exact terms. Apologies for that. Still, there are some good parts, and Andy was the perfect host.
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bodhitreebluebird · 5 months ago
🎗️10.7.23 🎗️
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funkopersonal · 9 months ago
I love how people (pro pals) literally proved me right in my post from two days ago.
I said that they always responded with "i'm not arguing with a zionist, kys" when they were wrong. and BOOM. people did! How hilarious?
Can people learn to have a civil conversation now? because i don't care what "reasons" you have its never fucking acceptable to do that. Especially to minors (which I am!).
I dont want to see any of that "wow you're playing the victim, jews aren't the victim!" card. No i'm not fuck off, you're just trying to redirect from the real antisemitism you're spouting.
I dont want to see "well actually 🤓☝️ I'm an antizionist jew." Because fine, then you don't know what being jewish means. You don't want a country that you can return to and be safe in and have a home in? Fine. But don't take that away from the thousands, if not millions of jews who do want that, who live there or deserve their right of return to their holiest land which was stolen from them from the babylonians and the neo-assyrians as early as 722 BCE.
I don't want to see "well zionists are colonists." because that just means you don't understand the history of the MENA region. because the only colonialism in that area is Arab colonialism. Because they actually DIDN'T come from the levant region, they can from the arab peninsula (see how its called the "Arab peninsula")
Now notice how I didn't deny Palestinian indigeneity? because I can understand that two places can be indigenous to the same area. but keep in mind, the philistines and Israelites lived together with the pheonicians after the Caananite civilization collapsed. Both are fucking indigenous. Get that into your skulls.
The LARGE majority of the the Pro-Israel movement is not to destroy Palestine, its to get back hostages and remove Hamas from power. On the other hand, the large majority of the Pro-Palestine movement is to destroy Israel and displace all jews.
How is this "peaceful"? how is this in any way shape or form not antisemetic because it kinda seems like you just want to cause another pogrom, because forcing jews out of their safe homeland means going into the Arab countries surrounding them that quite literally have had a history of genociding and massacring jews.
Please... have some common sense guys. Theres a better solution than "antifada revolution" and "from the river to the sea."
Thanks for this PSA, i guess.
(To Pro-Pals: stop sending me antisemitism, death threats, and the like. If you do this, you are simply not mature enough to be having this conversation with anyone, and certainly not mature enough to be "advocating" for Palestine. Because in fact, you're just making it harder for a ceasefire to come to be)
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candypopularmusic · 5 months ago
Music for Palestine : Macklemore and Kehlani.
On the 19th of September, Macklemore released “HIND’S HALL 2”, a few months after his song “HIND’S HALL” that has more than 3.8 million views on youtube. These songs are demanding a ceasefire but are also supporting the Palestinian uprising and the protests of students around the world denouncing the Israeli occupation and attacks in Gaza and in the West Bank. In his songs, he does not hesitate to directly address himself to Joe Biden : “The blood is on your hands, Biden, we can see it all” and Kamala Harris : “Hey Kamala, I don’t know if you're listening, But stop sending money and weapons or you ain't winning Michigan.” The song is more than showing support to a humanist cause it is also a political protest.
Many artists want to be the most neutral on political subjects but some have the feeling that their role is to educate their listeners and support causes that are important to them. One of those artists is Kehlani, an American singer, who also showed her support to the cause by releasing a song named “NEXT 2 YOU”. The music is a support to the Palestinian resistance taking the form of a love song. Indeed, at the beginning of her music video we can read “Long live the Antifada”,(The Antifada is the Palestinian rebellion against the Israeli occupation) and we also see palestinian flags and keffiyehs in the music video, symbols of the resistance.
Both artists added, in their music videos’ description, links to different fundraisers on which listeners could donate to help Palestians. Macklemore is reversing all the proceeds from the songs to UNRWA (the United Nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees in the near east.). Kehlani created a special merch from which every product is designed and made in Palestine and all the proceeds go to families in Congo, Sudan and Palestine.
Both artists used their voices in support of voiceless Palestinians. They used their art to denounce what is happening and to send a strong message of support to the resistance and to the protests around the world.
What do you think about artists that send political messages through their music ? Do you think that is not their role ? Or on the contrary, that it is a good way to use their celebrity ?
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nando161mando · 6 months ago
“When West Bank burns, Berlin burns!” Anticolonial antifada in the belly of the beast✊ >>>Red. https://t.me/theredstream
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Uh-oh, looks like that antifada/coyote person blocked me. 🫢
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belongstolove · 1 year ago
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ace-hell · 1 year ago
Literally every answer here is wrong by so many standards like its appalling.
1. Israel is not an occupied land bc jews ARE indigenous, you can't occupy a land if you are indigenous to it. So everything that comes in the answer after that is already irrelevant.
2. After the oslo agreements a whole ass antifada started- mainly suicide bombers, my dad almost died bc of one in jerusalem. The PLO were never peaceful and started a revolution in JORDAN which ended up with jordan kicking the majority of the palestinians to lebanon. And yall need to search up what the word "peaceful" means bc no i didn't see any peacefull ask from the palestinian side in any time in my life
3. Israel gave gaza full independence in 2005,they had elecrions in 2006 and the majority chose hamas kicking out the PA. Hamas is now a forceful tyranny leaders in gaza. They were deliberately chosen considering the hamas chart was written and published in 1988- 18 years before they won the elecrions
4. All the palestinian prisoners were literal terrorists and yes there are stories (which i know personally) where teenagers tried, and even succeded, in stabing someone
5. Under every definition of colonization israel is not a colonizer state- unlike the USA
6. Saying that jews being indigenous is "irrelevant" is like saying that native americans aren't indigenous anymore bc it has been occupied for hundreds of years. Or like saying that it doesn't matter palestinians live there bc there are now israelis who were born on this land while most of palestinians weren't born on the land for the past 50 years. Its stupid and makes no sense. Fucking hypocrites
7. The jews didn't have to convince shit, its THEIR land. There is no jewish country anywhere in the world unlike muslim and Christian countries and states that are literally the whole world. Its not a theft if its their heritage in the first place
8. Israel DID offer every peace agreement and every ceasefire that the palestinians broke over and over. In fact they were in a middle of ceasefire from 2021 until, unsurprisingly, hamas broke it with a brutal attack
Yall really need to search up about literally everything and not just make shit up just to look rightous. Bringing up number of deaths is the major and usually the only excuse everyone has, but if not for the iron dome and shelters israel build for its citizens you wouldn't even have that. Fucking can't with everyone's BS how uneducated and small minded can people be
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mictiansalem · 2 months ago
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penebui · 4 months ago
I am Hani from Gaza, Palestine 🇵🇸🍉 I am talking to you with a sad and heavy heart. I have a serious injury in my foot and am unable to provide everything to my family, my wife and my children 🥺💔 Because of the siege, I hope you do not ignore me. I have 3 children, Abdullah, Salma, and Saleh.My baby was about to be born fine, but she died, and as a result, my wife became very tired or became anemic. We do not have enough money to buy milk, food, and drink for my children.I ask you to read my story on the campaign link and please support me and share my story until I reach safety 🙏 me and my family pleaseI wish you a successful and beautiful life
This man's gofundme is vetted and verified by gazavetted and femme antifada and currently only has around $2,000 when he needs $70k, only 4% of his goal. Please help this man and his family escape Gaza.
I wish you and your family the best, Hani.
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alexthetuna · 7 months ago
Hello, I hope you're doing well.. My name is Mahmoud, and I'm a 17-year-old from Gaza. The ongoing war has devastated my city, destroyed my school, and made daily life incredibly challenging. Despite these hardships, I'm determined to continue my education and build a better future. I've been given a chance to study abroad, but I need help to cover the costs of leaving Gaza, as well as living expenses and other essentials abroad once the crossing opens. If you can, please consider donating or sharing, your kindness can truly make a difference. Thank you. https://gofund.me/bd3ccf0b
thank you for the message Mahmoud.
donate what you can
free palestine
long live the antifada
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ambitusk · 5 months ago
Thanks for informing me. However, I think this comic whilst not entirely accurate for the Israel Palestine conflict is still pretty appropriate for it. For instance, the Israeli defense forces have at least since the second antifada (2000 - 2005) engaged in using airstrikes on Gaza. Killing thousands of people. The IDF justified these airstrikes as a necessary response to suicide bombings carried out by Palestinians. So already around 20 years ago we have an instance that is pretty similar to the scenario the comic depicts. But if we want something more accurate to the comic we can look at bottle rockets. In the comic we see the side with an airforce bombing an area followed the bombarded area launching a single futile bomb that does little to no damage. The appearance of this bomb is what made me think of the Israel Palestine conflict. It looks useless and cheap. Similar to bombs that Hamas uses which are sometimes nick named as bottle rockets. These rockets are one additional justification the IDF have used for why they need to bomb this school or that hospital. It seems the IDF have repeatedly said "no more mister nice guy" and bombed civilian areas and that this behavior goes back decades.
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iwantjobs · 10 months ago
5/3/2024: Dear Antifada: There's no need to impose violence because that's a loser's technique that produces temporary rewards in this war-against-babies-and-children-religious-war now that I have good evidence that there is a God (father of Jesus)/Allah/Krishna/Ong Troi/etc. Try boycotting and suing and it will end them eternally but it might not provide instant-temporary result. Please produce a list of businesses that supports the genocide in Israel like ExxonMobil for the gasoline for Israeli's fighter jets and half of the world and country will stop doing business with them. I no longer use ExxonMobil. There are Jews who have common sense and less animalistic-colonizing-apartheid hearts who don't support Israel to suddenly being rescued out of Hitler 's Nazi gas camps and jump right into the Palestinian region and start demanding their ancient Jews' land back from 3,000 by kicking out, stealing land, and killing Palestinian and calling them animals in land they have been living for 400 years. You don't come out of the Holocaust crying to the world how evil Hitler , Germany, and the Nazis were to kill 6 millions of your people, and immediately within 1-2 years inflict kinda similar pain on another group of humans who didn't hurt you (Palestinians). Now you're resorting to bombing babies and children to respond to them killing a few of yours on land they are been loving for the last 400 years while you were in Hitler's gas chambers while praying for me very from the enemy. That's very bad, man. This is a common sense of the self-hating Jews who are fighting hard with their Palestinian friends for a free Palestine. I heard there 2-3 Israelis in Israel who got harassed and jailed for protesting for a free Palestine, too (they are the radical left wing of Israel or socialist of Israel).
There are white people with common sense and less animalistic-colonizing-apartheid hearts to learn that colonizing and apartheid were ugly, painful, and sinful past of their ancestors so stealing land, kicking people out, and killing them so helping Israel to steal land, kick out, and kill Palestinians by bombing their babies and children so Israel can reclaim their ancestors' land from 3000 years ago while the Christians can have a safe place to vacation to see where their Jesus walked on water. A common sense white person would know that if Israel is helped by the Americans to take back their ancestors' land, well folks, the children of those white people will in turn help the native-Americans to take back their ancestors' land of 1,000 years ago in America and all European colonized land. Well white people who support Israel in hurting the Palestinians to take back their ancestors' land of 3,000 years, you are solely responsible for opening this door to kill your American and Christian empire for your children and grandchildren will use the same kindness your have for Israel to help the Indians and indigenous people to take back their ancestors' land--it will be your greediness to control Bethlehem as Christians that will be he reason why your America will be broken into pieces like the Soviet Union. See what I mean about humans with more common sense folks. Where are your common sense Jesus' people. Don't blame it on the terrorists, Antifada, colored people's, communist, socialist, blame it on your greeined to start a religious war all because you think your white privilege demands the town where Jesus was born and where Jesus walked down water as your vacation spot. Retards. ✌️ 💕 Via suing. After my life as a homeless in the van, then I'll go to Saint Joseph, and then I'll relinquish my American citizenship eternally to go back to Vietnam if it's not too gay, or Cambodia to fix my people's bad karma when Vietnam tried to colonize Cambodia during the Vietnam war to end the Cambodia genocide by taking down their communist leader (commies fighting commies so karma made Chinese commie to fight with Vietnam commies recently with the China aggression I. South China sea), and even Laos. Take care folks and stick to peace by suing if you want eternal change. I'll come back to Tumblr once awhile if I hear of humans act too out of control like how I heard Antifada promotes violence on Israel businesses (Israel businesses are not the same as Jewish businesses. If you are a Jewish, place a sign on your business saying you don't support Israel like the self hating Jews who don't support Israel and fighting for a free Palestine). Hey Texas governor, the words Jew and Israeli are two different words so they are not the same as anti-Jews. Anti-semites and anti-Semitic is not the same as anti-Israeli and anti-Israel. You know English better than me, why do I need to explain this English to you?
Oh white Americans, socialism and communism will take over a bit of America because you betrayed your own democracy values with your help in Israel's taking back land from 3,000 years in war while preaching freedom and equality. Freedom for the gays and women but not for the Palestinians. Your capitalism in your democracy will also be reduced for its your overdosed capitalism that is destroying earth and making us humans as the cancer cells of the planet with your drilling for earth minerals to accommodate your business quotas. Like I said before, humans have to change a bit to accommodate living on this cancerous dying planet. By accommodating,I mean lose a bit of democracy and capitalism here but gain peace living amongst earthlings and healthier planet for earthlings to live in. I'll say again, the American empire is dead thanks to January 6th and the anti-Israel student protest, but America will still be rich like England, Germany, and France.
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belongstolove · 10 months ago
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