#sky maiden wendy
matt0044 · 2 years
The Case for Fairy Tail’s Death Fake-Outs
I think Craftsdwarf put it best in how Manga like Fairy Tail often utilize these shocks to increase reader interest since they often live or die by the brutalities of the Manga industry.
Even so, these moments can feel more than a little… clickbait-y where they're leading you on. However, I feel like giving a lot of these their due. As what they lack in actual character loss, they make up for it in character gain.
1. Erza merges with the Tower of Heaven which would kill here and seemingly sees a future where her guildmates are coming apart at the seams over her passing, least of all being Natsu.
She doesn't die but it gives her the perspective needed to make progress as a character when she sees what she means to others. It fits with an arc that's all about facing her past demons and letting others into her heart.
2. Lyon seemingly blowing up with Racer works to show how he’s truly turned over a new leaf after being Gray’s nemesis.
3. Perhaps Wendy’s defining moment for me was when F.A.C.E. had to be exploded on sight by Carla. Yes, her kicking Ezel’s ass with Dragon Force was a sight to behold but it was afterwards that cemented her growth and cemented my adoration for her.
Wendy could’ve ran away herself or, more likely, grabbed Carla and got to safety. However, she realized at the time that FACE needed to be stopped before it was too late. So she choose to stay with her closest friend and do what would’ve likely killed her. Not because she thought herself as disposable but because she knew she was valuable. As a friend. As a wizard.
Fans may complain that Doranbolt’s rescue undermines this moment but her dying wasn’t the point. It was her having the bravery to not abandon Carla to die alone, her bravery to face certain death for the sake of stopping Tartaros. She never accounted for any last minute rescues. This was it as far as she was concerned.
4. Now for the Alverez Arc, starting with Gajeel. Bloodman’s suicide attack incites a moment not unlike Erza’s above where Gajeel takes stock of his life in what seems to be the end of it. It highlights how he went from a rebel without a cause to a true Fairy Tail guildmate as well as cement his love for Levy.
5. Juvia and Lucy’s both are similar but also incite Gray’s eventual confrontation with Etherious Natsu Dragneel, leading to a sort of closure for the former young man.
6. The only real one that does rub the wrong way is that of Makarov’s supposed final Fairy Law casting. Part of it does come from how while the other characters feel like there’s more to gain from them, the Guild Master himself has always been an older father figure with all the cornerstone’s a of Mentor.
The Mentor death, be it at the beginning or near end of a story, is cliched... but for good reason. In a coming of age story, this is the metaphorical moment where the characters can’t fall back on any wise, old coots for emotional or battle support.
This does feel like a weird editorial mandate considering how much time had passed between his presumed death and his revival. Maybe if he was shown to be sick and said to have been in a coma where there was no telling if he’d pull through, that’d at least work.
It’s not as deal breaking as some make it out to be but I do see how it would sour people on this arc. The better kind are the ones that less so make us hope they made it out or at least give us some character growth. Less so are like, “Yeah, I survived so let’s move on.”
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high-priestess-house · 2 months
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Hecate, a multifaceted Greek goddess, is associated with magic, witchcraft, the moon, and the night, and is often depicted as a triple-formed deity symbolizing the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. 
Child of Perses and Asteria, she was the only Titan to retain her control under Zeus’ reign. Hecate’s powers transcended the boundaries of the sky, the earth, the seas, and the underworld. Although there are few myths about the goddess Hecate, her tales reveal a lot about her spheres of influence.
During the Roman era, many of her attributes fell in the realm of the underworld. Yet, she also controlled elements that placed her firmly in the light. The goddess possessed extensive powers, which were later assimilated by other deities. Hecate could bestow wealth and blessings on her worshippers, yet she could also withhold these gifts if she were not adequately worshipped.
Hecate’s scope of divine duties was extensive in Ancient Greek religion. She was most notably the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, light, ghosts, necromancy, and the moon. Further, she was the goddess and protector of the oikos, and entranceways.
In her form as a triple-goddess, Hecate was strongly associated with the crossroads. She was portrayed as a liminal goddess who can cross from the underworld to the physical world with ease. Her liminality stemmed from her parentage and mythology, where she was able to move between her position as a Titan and a goddess. This liminality is attested to by her epithets and cult titles such as: Enodia (on the way), Trodia (frequenter of the crossroads) and Propylaia (of the gates).
Hekate is essentially a liminal figure. She is a crosser of boundaries and is repeatedly associated with “between” states. Hekate crossed the Titan and Olympian regimes, the realms between the mortal and divine, and the living and the dead. Her liminality is seen in her iconography, many epithets, and places of worship such as borders, crossroads, city walls, and doorways.
Hekate has few myths. The Homeric Hymn to Demeter is perhaps her most well-known literary appearance. In the hymn, Hekate and the sun god Helios heard Persephone’s cries when Hades abducted her. When Hades returned Persephone to her mother Demeter, Hekate embraced her and became Persephone’s attendant. Carrying her twin torches, Hekate guides Persephone in her journey to and from the Underworld. Hekate was an important goddess of the Eleusinian Mysteries. Hekate is said to hold the keys to the gates of the Underworld.
We see Hekate’s association with witchcraft in the famous stories of the enchantresses Circe, who is sometimes said to be Hekate’s daughter, and Medea, who is Circe’s niece and identifies herself as Hekate’s priestess. Both of them demonstrate significant knowledge of herbal and poison magic.
Hekate is repeatedly associated with herbal and poison magic. In Ovid’s telling of the story of Arachne, the goddess Minerva uses “extract of herbs of Hecate” to transform Arachne into a spider.
Plato wrote, “Thessalian women were very skilful in sorcery and poisoning. They stood in close relation to the night-goddess Hekate; hence people ascribed to them the power to draw the moon from the heavens.”
Given Hekate’s chthonic power and her role as a leader of the restless dead, her magic includes necromancy. Attitudes about witchcraft and necromancy were conflicting, but the ancient Greeks and Romans sought knowledge from the dead and called on them for assistance. They slept on tombs, wore the deceased’s clothes, addressed curse tablets to ghosts, created effigies, and attempted to reanimate corpses.
Accounts of necromancy in Greek myths appear in the stories of Circe and Medea, in the witchcraft of Horace’s anti-muse Canidia, those of the Thessalian witch, Erichto, and others. The association of Hekate with witchcraft and necromancy continued for centuries and remains with us today.
Hekate. Her name awakens the soul of a witch. This unfoldment occurs as we learn to listen to the voice of the goddess. Hekate is a complex goddess with a long history. She is the Goddess of Witchcraft, a guide along the path, and the universal Keeper of the Keys. There is much to learn about Hekate from the written records, but for a witch to truly know Hekate, we need to experience her. This is our awakening to what has always been within us. She is Psychopomp, The Guide who leads us back to our soul. And she is a face of The Great Mother, creatrix and destroyer of all.
Unlike other goddesses, Hecate is a goddess that dwells on the very edges of reality. She might be dubbed the goddess of witchcraft, but she holds dominion over the more critical aspects of life. One that questions the morality of evil.
The three bodies of Hecate all sum up the surreal form that gives the goddess of magic her charm. She acts as the veil between bad and good, enchantment and sorcery, evil and lawful.
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pyropsychiccollector · 8 months
Natsu Harem: Fairy GET! 9/14
We're reaching the tail end of the pack~... Let's put in some hustle. (๑╹ω╹๑ )
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The next spotlight goes to... Yes~... The other half of the Sky Maiden Sisters~... Wendy Marvell~! \(๑╹ω╹๑ )/
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When did they meet?
This one is pretty standard... I don't have to mess around with it too much. Natsu met Wendy during the fateful mission to crush Oracion Seis. The guild that took care of her, Cait Shelter, regrettably had to pass on... They couldn't keep watching over her forever. But this left Wendy-chan open to join Fairy Tail... And they became her new family. Wendy-chan particularly drew close to Team Natsu because of their first meeting. (❋•‿•❋)
There isn't that much to elaborate on, as far as first meetings and whatnot go. Wendy saw that Fairy Tail was pretty powerful, if not prone to going overboard. A bit much for her mild-mannered self... But they proved dependable. They fought to protect Cait Shelter... And Natsu kept his promise~... (❋•‿•❋) It's little wonder she jumped at Erza's proposal to join Fairy Tail... Cait Shelter moving onto the afterlife made her sad, but Wendy resolved to carry on. And it's gratifying to find another Dragon Slayer in Natsu. (人◕ω◕)
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When did they get closer?
Fairly obvious, but Wendy adapted to her new guild pretty quickly. Everyone adored her for being so cute, gentle, and kind. (人◕ω◕) Wendy wasn't much of a fighter herself, though. She knew some offensive-type spells, but she was mainly a healer and an enchantment wielder, which effectively relegated her to support type in battles.
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... And she was pretty joined to Natsu at the hip. (人◕ω◕) I mean, why wouldn't she? They're both Dragon Slayers. Wind and Fire complement each other. Happy and Carla get along... sorta... *let's just sidestep Happy's repeated flirty attempts that Carla shot down~...* (人◕ω◕);;
Honestly? Wendy sees Natsu as a big brother figure. That defines the nature of their relationship for much of the time they're fighting Dark Guilds and kicking butt in the Grand Magic Games. She'll occasionally help alleviate his motion sickness, but repeated use of her Troia spell makes it less effective... And besides, eventually Wendy comes down with the same dumb illness. Wendy-chan really doesn't like transportation, just like Natsu-nii. (人◕ω◕)
When Fairy Tail disbanded after Tartaros, Wendy was left crestfallen, her home once more torn away from her... That brought her to Lamia Scale, to be with Chelia for a year... And then Natsu came back, even though she was pretty determined to stay with Chelia. (人◕ω◕) We know how that turned out, though~...
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When did friendship turn to something more?
This is the million dollar question. (人◕ω◕);;; See, up through Alvarez... Wendy was focused on this idea of Natsu being her big brother. That's why she came to love and adore him so much. (人◕ω◕)
... But as time went on, Natsu became much more... popular. Cana-san. Kagura-san. Yukino-san. Natsu-nii even won over Juvia's heart...! And not to mention former enemies like Brandish-san, Sayla-san, and... others. *spoilers* (人◕ω◕) This doesn't even cover Lisanna, who's been close to Natsu for ages - same with Erza-nee and Mira-san... It was getting harder and harder to spend time with Natsu, and Wendy couldn't quite figure out why a part of her was frustrated and... furious.
And then one day, a while after the war with Alvarez, Chelia asks Natsu out. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;; That was definitely the proverbial final nail in the coffin. Chelia's a few years younger than Natsu, who's about the same age as Erza. He's 20, Chelia's 16. ... Wendy is 13. Wendy should be older (even if that placed Natsu-nii even older, too), but because of Fairy Sphere shenanigans... Put simply, Wendy got shafted. Hard. (人◕ω◕);;; It's bad enough she has to be around big boobs so often... But for all these well-endowed women to be eating up all of Natsu-nii's time and affection...?
Wendy thought long and hard on it. While other girls gave their vetoes to Chelia's request for a date with Natsu-nii, and her beloved Natsu-nii agreed to go out with Chelia, Wendy stewed in her corner and mulled over why she was so miffed. It's not like she didn't want Natsu-nii to be happy. Or Chelia. (人◕ω◕);;; Wendy just... She was tired of getting sidelined by all these other women that weren't even Dragon Slayers!! ... Erza-nee is debatable given her mum, but really. Every single one of these "love interests" for niisan didn't have that pedigree that Wendy thought she had.
... Carla told her she was going a bit loopy from thinking too hard, but Wendy knew she wasn't crazy. Where was her Natsu-nii time?! It's not fair!!! (人◕ω◕);;;
So Wendy came to the conclusion that, at some point, she'd fallen for Natsu. ... And she had. She just didn't want to admit it because of the... age gap between them. Seven years apart was pushing it. But can you blame the poor girl? Natsu was her most important person, besides Erza-nee and Carla. And all these hussies... *cough* All these other women eating up Natsu's time and energy... (人◕ω◕);;;
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But this is fine. Wendy is... fine. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;;; While she doesn't have... much... of a problem with her petite size, the issue for Wendy-chan is closing that age gap juuust a little bit. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;; And since she specializes in Enchantments, Wendy researches long and hard... And finally invents a spell to age her up. ... But just aging up to Natsu-nii and Erza-nee's age feels like cheating. So Wendy does the "honorable" thing and makes herself on even footing with Chelia. That tramp... Er. Her bestest friend in the whole wide world. (人◕ω◕);;; Wendy ages herself up to somewhere between 16 and 17. Why? Because screw you, Wendy-chan deserves this after Fairy Sphere robbed her. That's her line, and she's sticking to it. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;;;; Now, while she gets a little taller, she's still about Chelia's height. ... But regrettably not as well-endowed. Because of course her genes hate her. (人◕ω◕);; Her spell made her age naturally, so she had no say in how curvy she was.
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Of course everyone noted what Wendy did to herself... And how she practically pounced on Natsu and showed the depths of her love for him with a passionate kiss.... (人◕ω◕);;; Wendy-chan would love to ask Natsu out, but for right now this is all the courage she possesses. She's not as brave or confident as Chelia. ... Or Erza. Or... (人◕ω◕) You get the idea. Wendy doesn't ask him out, but she stumbles over a very nervous confession to Natsu...
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... Which Natsu rolls with. Wendy's pretty important to him, and she looks pretty cute regardless of age. But it's certainly less weird if she's as old as Chelia. (人◕ω◕) The other members of the harem are... leery of Wendy coming forward so boldly, but it's not like she had much choice. Not with territorial Sayla, bossy Brandish, clingy Juvia, determined Kagura... Wendy might have blindsided them all, but you better believe they won't lose to her. Natsu belongs to everyone~... (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) At least Chelia-chan is pretty accepting of Wendy's advances on Natsu. Their bond is still strong.
Although that bond of theirs does nudge other members of the harem to find tentative partners... Assuming they don't already have one. (人◕ω◕) Cuz with Wendy and Chelia teaming up to hog time with Natsu... Measures must be taken to ensure the scales stay even. ... Or else. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
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fanstuffrantings · 4 months
You know how the Oracion Seis took Wendy. Im curious to see how they would react to your version of Wendy, I love feral Wendy <3
Thank you! Glad people are taking to her!
Funny enough I actually joked about this while watching the show:
I imagine Brain would be agitated because she'd jump straight to trying to kill the guy, making his plan harder to complete before presenting Jellal. High chance even though he'd heard about "sky maiden from Cait Shelter" and how she was a child, he'd have vastly underestimated how much of a problem she'd be.
She'd bite, she'd fight, she'd fully go petty mode and be ready to die before doing what she was coerced into doing, but I think her attachment to Siegran/jellal would still prompt her to help. Despite all her bluster and anger, she's a kid who would have that emotional attachment and be incapable of fully letting it go.
Additional note: I think the Cait shelter guild master would've been priming Wendy as a protector of the village. Training her to be self-sufficient and strong because he knew if he didn't, she wouldn't make it. Not out of maliciousness, in fact I think he still would've been a grandfather like figure to her. Simply put no one in the village could protect her.
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nabateaprodigy · 1 year
Finally got around to making this! Here's a collection of my writing.
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Where are you y/n? (Rhea x GN!Reader)
By Your Side (M!Alear x Vander)
Heartache (M!Byleth x Seteth)
Fódlan Sibling Headcannons (Dimitri, Felix, Constance, Linhardt, Caspar, and Yuri)
A King and his Summoner (Dimitri x GN!Reader)
A Picnic and Flowers (Clanne x Citrinne)
Starlight Sky (Rhea x F!Byleth)
Byleth and Shez Comfort Headcannons (M!Shez and M!Byleth x GN!Reader)
Domestic Life Headcanons (M!Shez and Claude x GN!Reader)
Cuddle Time! (Arval, M!Shez, and M!Byleth x Fem!Reader)
The Prince and His Maiden of Death (Dimitri x Fem!Reader)
Alcryst, M!Alear, and Gregory Headcannons. (Alcyst, M!Alear, and Gregory x Fem!Reader)
I'm Not Jealous! (Hortensia x Clanne)
Hey! That Dance Is With Me! (Ferdinand, Caspar, and Dorothea x GN!Reader)
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A Friendship of Fire and Ice (Natsu x Male!Reader)
Papa Where do Babies Come From? (Juvia x Male!Reader)
My Lovely Rain Woman (Juvia x Male!Reader)
Can't Look Back (Juvia x Gray)
Angelic Care (Angel x Male!Reader)
Hidden Power (Mirajane x GN!Reader)
Love At First Drink? (Gray x Male!Reader)
Uninvited Guests (Gray x Fem!Reader)
Rude Awakening (Wendy x Male!Reader)
Musical Mishap (Team Natsu x Fem!Reader)
Talk To Me (Juvia x Male!Reader)
I Can't Lose you to (Gray x Fem!Reader)
Snakes Curse (Wendy x Male!Reader)
First Word (Juvia x Male!Reader)
Rain, Rain Go Away and Come Back Another Day (Gray x Male!Reader)
Overflow (Gray and Lucy x Male!Reader)
Dear Little Brother (Greige x Fem!Reader)
Moving On (Gray and Juvia x Male!Reader)
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Vs Y/N! (Omori, Kel, Hero, and Aubrey x GN!Reader)
Ice Skating Mania (Omori, Hero, Kel, Aubrey, and Basil x Male!Reader)
Goodbye...Omori (Omori x GN!Reader)
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Hopeful Maid (Nagito x Mahiru)
Rantaro and Kokichi Headcannons (Kokichi and Rantaro x GN!Reader)
Lady of Despair (Junko x Fem!Reader)
Music and Stars (Shuichi, Kokichi, K1-B0, and Rantaro x GN!Reader)
Kokichi and Nagito With a Sensitive S/O (Kokichi and Nagito x GN!Reader)
Please Don't Turn Me Into a Marketable Plushy! (Mukuro, Junko, Komaru, and Sonia x GN!Reader)
Pain In His Eyes (Fuyuhiko, Nagito, Kazuichi, and Leon x GN!Reader)
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Attention (Kokichi x GN!Reader)
Playful Tendencies (Kokichi x GN!Reader)
A Mountain of Plushies (Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, and Hajime x Male!Reader)
Hopefully Compassion (Nagito x Fem!Reader)
Cheerleader Star (Leon x Gn!Reader)
Deserved to be Loved (Mahiru x Male!Reader)
DR1 and DR2 Cuddling Headcannons (Makoto, Chihiro, Hajime, and Nagito x AFAB!Reader)
Love of History (Kyoko, Mukuro, Ibuki and Kirumi x GN!Reader)
Life or Death (Kyoko and Mukuro x Male!Reader.)
Fire Emblem games i write for and character x character pairings
If i write for platonic x reader.
If I write for Naruto
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killalluchihas · 1 year
good vibes/bad juju - 55
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While on a mission overseas, Gojo gets K-O'd by an unknown person. Within a week, every sorcerer in Japan has heard about it. (A JJK OC story - Rated M, Graphic Violence)
[Chapter One] [Ao3 link] [Previous] [Next]
chapter fifty-five: sweet and sour Gojo is acting up
Light begins to fade from the sky as Gojo makes his way towards Shoko’s place. It’s a short walk from the apartment provided for Yoshi, so he shouldn’t complain, but he grumbles anyway because he went through the trouble of fetching his new teacher only to find out she’s not even home.
His finger slides along the edge of his phone, rubbing at the dent in the top right corner over and over again. Gojo can’t recall when it got damaged. He drops his phone all the time, but it doesn’t matter when he can replace it so easily.
Speaking of replacing things…
Gojo grumbles under his breath some more, but resists the urge to nag poor Nitta again. It’s only been a few hours since he asked the assistant to get replacement shoes for Yoshi. But today would’ve been a good opportunity to give Yoshi something.
Instead, he can still taste the cake on his tongue. Still see the earnest look on her face. He keeps going over their brief conversation, and all it proves is that Yoshi has a soft heart. All it does is make him annoyed about his mission from Tengen.
“What if you’re wrong?“ he asks. “You’ve never even met her.”
Tengen unfolds their arms, and an old scroll appears in their grasp. “If it is proof you require, I shall give you the means to find it.”
“Don’t be nervous,” Shoko says lazily, tapping out the ash from her cigarette. “Utahime likes you already.”
“She didn’t tell you that,” Yoshi scoffs, pulling at her sock. “And I’m not nervous. I just want to know what to expect.”
She’s had drinks with coworkers and peers before, but she’s not good at it. Not unless Wendy’s there to keep up the light conversation and smooth over any conflicts. And there’s a different drinking culture in Japan compared to America. At least, Yoshi thinks there is. Something about juniors paying for seniors and pouring their drinks, but she isn’t sure.
“They don’t expect anything, because you’re new and young,” Shoko insists.
And foreign, but Shoko’s too polite to say it. Or maybe it doesn’t matter as much to the teachers compared to the council. Except, maybe it does matter to Utahime, who’s always proper and formal. She wears a shrine maiden outfit, who does that?
Yoshi straightens up after slipping on her boot, inspecting the brown leather against the cream-colored socks she’s borrowing from Shoko. It’s no miko outfit but her wardrobe has improved.
Her hair swings down over her eyes again, despite the pin holding it back. **Yoshi huffs, pulling off her shoe. She’s dying to tie up her hair, but doesn’t want to answer questions about the giant bandage on her neck. It’s best to let it heal naturally rather than get help from Shoko. A quick fix would come with more repercussions. But all that just means she has to deal with her tangled mess of hair for the evening.
Shoko narrows her eyes, clearly understanding her unvoiced complaint. “It’s fine. Most women would kill to have that much volume.” She flicks her pin-straight locks to make a point, and then heads into the bathroom to do her makeup.
Yoshi isn’t convinced, not when her hair gets frizzy in the summer humidity within minutes of stepping outdoors, but it’s not worth arguing over.
She shuffles into the bathroom next to Shoko, eyeing their pooled resources. Nobara managed to sneak a few products into Yoshi’s cart while they shopped, and Shoko has her own modest selection of makeup.
“That’s a good brand,” Shoko says approvingly at the foundation in her hands. “You just need a dab of it.”
“You’re right, it looks nice,” Yoshi murmurs, pleasantly surprised that Nobara picked the right shade for her. Most of the foundation she saw in the shops looked too light for her skin. She eyes the black pen that Shoko picks up. “Eyeliner?” she asks in English, because she isn’t sure of the Japanese for it. This is one of the reasons she likes Shoko; she can ask for clarification without receiving any mockery or criticism for not knowing every single word and phrase in Japanese.
“Airainā,” Shoko parrots back the word slowly in Japanese and Yoshi realizes it’s a modern word she could have figured out on her own, because it sounds just like the English version. “I always put this on first, because I usually screw up a few times—”
Down the hallway a door swings open, accompanied by a deep, loud voice. “SHOKO! Stop hogging my teacher!”
Shoko utters a low curse. Yoshi glances back at her, only to find a jagged black streak over her face. Shoko scrambles for a tissue before it dries down. Meanwhile, Gojo stomps around the entryway like a huffy toddler. Yoshi swears that she hears him kick off his shoes one at a time and it makes her smile to herself.
“Where are you?!”
Before either of them can answer, a tall figure fills the doorway behind them.
Yoshi tries not to look at him, still fussing with the foundation. She could probably use more product, but she doesn’t trust herself to do a full face of makeup in the time they have left.
She can feel Gojo’s stare on her, and it isn’t helping.
“You can leave now,” Shoko says blandly, onto her second attempt at eyeliner.
“Shoko,” Gojo sounds oddly serious. “Go change your outfit.”
Yoshi frowns at him through the mirror. “What’s your problem?”
“Change your clothes,” he says again, almost looking angry.
“Why?” Shoko’s eyebrows creep upward.
Gojo growls, and gestures sharply at the two of them. “You’re not allowed to match with each other. That’s not fair!”
A laugh escapes her throat before she can stop it. Yoshi fixes her gaze back on her own reflection, and then Shoko’s. Yoshi only owns a singular dress, the one that Nobara picked out today. It’s a deep green, floral sort of thing that ends above her knees. She doesn’t have the choice to wear anything else, but Shoko reassured her it was appropriate. To prove it, Shoko found the most similar green outfit in her closet to wear and match with Yoshi.
“I’m not changing,” Shoko tells him dryly, leaning against Yoshi’s shoulder. “We look too good together.”
“What about me?” Gojo all but wails, edging into the bathroom though it’s definitely not meant for three occupants. “I’m wearing blue. Who am I supposed to match with? I’m not gonna be your third wheel—!”
“I need a smoke.”
She just had a smoke, but that doesn’t stop Shoko. She scoops up a few products and darts for the exit, squeezing past Gojo as he continues to grouse over their predicament.
“You have ten minutes to change!” Gojo calls out after the doctor, taking her spot next to Yoshi. “I can’t believe the nerve of that woman. Look at me, I can’t go out like this!”
Yoshi finally takes a good look at him.
There’s a soft touch of pink flushing his cheeks and nose, matching his frowning lips. She watches him run his hand over his hair, tousling it. He’s wearing crisp grey slacks and a fitted blue sweater, so unlike his loose uniform, and the difference is big. Literally. Gojo looks taller and broader, shoulders and chest rounded by muscles, thighs filling out his slacks. His glasses slip down the bridge of his nose as he mutters about warm and cool colors.
The truth tumbles out with alarmingly little effort.
“You look handsome,” she says.
He stops short, dropping his hand. His hair flops down over his forehead again. Yoshi watches his reflection in the mirror, trying not to fidget because she’s not nervous.
“Liar,” Gojo blurts out. He’s grinning like a madman, all his concern washing away. “You think I’m handsome?”
Surely there’s no point in answering. He’s not just handsome, he’s obviously, universally good-looking, the sort of way runway models and paintings in museums are pleasing to the eye. She doesn’t think she could say that out loud without feeling silly, even if it’s true.
“You don’t need to say it,” Gojo teases. “I already know you like me.”
This time, she doesn’t answer because it’ll just rile him up more. Yoshi refocuses on her makeup selection, figuring she’ll just do mascara so they can leave. It’s not like she needs blush right now.
“Though you did go behind my back, matching with Shoko,” he continues ruefully. “I’m hurt.”
She steps back to inspect her whole face, trying not to pick at her lips. They’re a little chapped, but she has a balm somewhere for it.
Gojo leans on the counter, blocking her view. Before she can order him to move, he adds, ”You look very pretty.”
A smile pulls at his lips, one of easy joy, and Yoshi can’t look away.
“Thank you,” she replies, but she says it out of reflex more than anything. She can’t think of what else to do, actually.
“Something’s missing, though,” Gojo says suddenly.
Yoshi pauses, raising her eyebrows. “What?”
His lips press together in consideration. Then he reaches for her side, lifting her hand up until it’s level with his chest. He taps on her arm. “See?”
Her dress is sleeveless, and she’s taken off her bracelets, so all that’s left to see are the lines of her tattoos on her forearm. Yoshi frowns. “So what? I’m not going to a bathhouse,” she mutters defensively. Surely there’s no rule against tattoos at the restaurant they’re going to.
“Hm? Oh, it’s not that,” Gojo reassures her quickly. He looks down at her tattoos like he’s seeing them for the first time, tracing a thumb over two parallel ink lines. She’s going to end up with goosebumps if he keeps doing that.
“Well,” she says uncertainly, “I’m not bringing any slap bracelets. Why would I bring talismans to—“
“It’s not that either,” he laughs. He drums his fingers over her wrist, and she wonders if he can feel her rising pulse or the loud thumps of her heart. “Your watch is missing.”
Yoshi looks up at him, puzzled. He’s right, she usually wears a cheap digital watch, but it got destroyed on her mission to Cambodia. “I broke it,” she explains as he drops her wrist. “I’ll get a replacement eventually. I haven’t had the time—what are you doing?”
He’s fiddling with his own wrist now, unlatching a black leather band. “Obviously,” Gojo drawls, “I’m giving you a watch.”
“I don’t want your watch,” Yoshi says at once, eyes widening. “Gojo. Stop that.”
“No. Gimme your hand—“ He grabs her instead of actually waiting for her to comply. Now that the idea’s struck him, he‘s intent on following through. “You’re always wearing that watch. I don’t need this right now, I’m never on time.”
“I don’t need it either,” Yoshi disputes, pulling back.
He firms his grip. “But you like having a watch. You keep grabbing at your wrist like you miss it.” Carefully, he lays the band over her wrist.
“When did I do that?” she scoffs.
“You did it all day!” Gojo exclaims.
Her eyes narrow. “No I didn’t.” She did check her phone more often, just to look at the time.
Gojo shakes his head. “You did. During the goodwill event, at home, in the car. You must’ve lost it on Monday, right?” The buckle locks into place and he releases her.
“Yeah, I did…” Yoshi looks down at the watch. It’s all black and not too shiny, except for the ring of silver around the dial. She doesn’t recognize the brand, but there’s a weight to the wristwatch that makes her think it’s extremely luxurious and expensive. It’s bigger than her usual watch, but not too bulky to wear for just one evening.
“It looks good on you,” Gojo compliments her.
Yoshi hesitates.
She shouldn’t wear this, it probably costs more than anything she owns. Yoshi turns her wrist to read the time, and admits to herself that she does miss her watch. She likes wearing one so that she can calculate the time difference between here and home whenever she wonders about the people waiting for her in New York. Gojo doesn’t know that, but he figured out anyway that she was missing it.
“It doesn’t match my outfit,” is what she ends up saying, even though she doesn’t care about that.
Gojo doesn’t either. “So what? You still look pretty,” he argues.
Yoshi rolls her eyes. She doesn’t feel too flustered now that Gojo isn’t so close, but he seems determined to put her on edge.
“You’re too pretty,” he continues slyly, lowering his voice, “for just drinks with a bunch of lame sorcerers. We should ditch them.”
“Ditch them?” she repeats, astonished. “And then what?”
He shrugs. “Let’s go to Disneyland.”
His smile stretches into a proper grin, childishly eager. A burst of fondness runs through Yoshi when she realizes that he’s completely serious.
“Gojo,” she exhales in a half-laugh, half-sigh. “Why didn’t you suggest that first?” His mouth opens in surprise, but Yoshi just pulls away from him. “I can’t do that, I already dressed up to match with Shoko,” she explains.
He cocks his head, catching her meaning. “But you would have gone to Disneyland if I asked earlier?”
“Yes,” Yoshi says, like nothing else could be more obvious. Going to an amusement park with Gojo would’ve been fun, and much easier than socializing with a bunch of people she barely knows.
He smothers the grin trying to overtake his face. “Next time, then?”
Her amusement dims a little. She wonders if she’ll last that long, or if the Barrier will make a move first.
“Next time,” Yoshi suggests anyway, “I’ll tell you what color to wear.”
Utahime isn’t hard to identify when they reach their destination. She’s the one oscillating between a glower and a smile as she looks at Gojo and the other sorcerers. It’s the other people that Yoshi has some difficulty placing.
“The older one is Kusakabe-san,” Gojo says quietly, hanging back a little while Shoko walks ahead to smooth over the pout on Utahime’s face. Yoshi bites the inside of her cheek, hoping he clarifies further because there’s two older-looking men he could be talking about. “He teaches our second-years, and he’s almost as lame as Utahime. I didn’t think he would show up, sorry. And you know him, but Nanami is the only blonde sorcerer—“
“The person that drove here was blonde,” Yoshi argues. Kusakabe must be the older black-haired man. She does remember Nanami, Wendy talks about him.
“Who, Nitta? Assistants don’t count, forget her,” he says dismissively. Yoshi fights back an eye roll. “And you can ignore the guy in the hat, he’s not a teacher.”
“Then why is he here?” Yoshi watches the man speculatively. He might be as young as she is.
“I have no clue. He’s not worth remembering,” Gojo claims, and then they’re close enough to be heard by everyone else, so Yoshi can’t protest.
“Yoshi-san,” Utahime greets her kindly. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Thanks for inviting me,” Yoshi says back.
“Of course,” she smiles.
“Yoshi-san, it’s nice to meet you,” another sorcerer interjects. It’s the one wearing a beanie hat. Up close, the hat looks strangely bulky. “I’m Ino Takuma. Nanami has told me about you!”
He thrusts out his hand, so Yoshi shakes it, even though it feels overly formal.
“Hello Ino-san,” Yoshi replies, and tries to not to react when she feels a sharp prod on her side from Gojo.
“Nanami has been mentoring me, I’m working my way up to becoming a grade one like him,” Ino explains with an earnest smile.
Yoshi nods mutely. I’m a grade one, right? she thinks. As far as she remembers, they don’t rank the same way in America. Until Gojo came around she didn’t have an official rank, but some Americans call her a specialist because of her talismans.
“Oi, oi,” Gojo butts in, leaning over her shoulder as the group heads inside. “No work talk! This is supposed to be fun. Who invited you, anyway?”
“Don’t be so rude,” Nanami sighs, as if he’s already resigned to it. “I already had plans to see Ino tonight when you begged me to come.”
Warm air buffers their conversation as they step into the izakaya, and Yoshi looks around with interest. It’s kind of like a bar, but fancier than any place Yoshi would’ve picked. At least she’s dressed appropriately.
“Begged? Who’s begging?” Gojo crows, ignoring the hostess that approaches them. “You should be grateful that your senpais still invite you out.”
Nanami mutters something back, trying to keep his voice down as Gojo argues with him.
Utahime speaks to the hostess, and they get directed to a private room, which is definitely more expensive than Yoshi would like. One side of the table has a long cushioned bench, and the other side has chairs.
“Here, you can—“ Utahime tries to offer her one of the chairs.
“Sit, sit, right here,” Gojo talks over her, steering Yoshi by the shoulders towards the bench. “She’s trying to poach you for Kyoto.”
“I am not!” Utahime says hotly.
Yoshi’s going to be stuck between Nanami and Gojo, which—isn’t terrible, really.
Actually, Nanami offers her a short, appreciative nod, and Yoshi figures that she’s going act as an intermediary between him and Gojo, who sits down at the head of the table. Across from her is Shoko, separating Utahime from Gojo as well. That leaves the other two sorcerers, the strangers to Yoshi, on the far end of the table.
The seating arrangement will make it harder to talk to the sorcerers she’s unfamiliar with. Anything they say to her will be overheard by Gojo, and Yoshi thinks, maybe, that he’ll help her avoid looking like an idiot in front of these people. Hopefully. He might just find it funny when she gets someone’s name completely wrong…
The waitress talks to them for a bit, but Yoshi kind of misses what she says, still looking around the room and trying to keep track of what the other teachers are doing. Nanami’s friend talks a lot, and Kusakabe seems to have inside jokes with Utahime. Yoshi doesn’t know who to pay attention to, so she just looks at the menu.
They order drinks and food, and as soon as the waitress is out of sight, Shoko turns to Gojo and asks, “You’re really ordering that?”
“What, karaage?” Gojo says defensively. “What’s wrong with chicken, huh?”
“Not that,” Nanami speaks up, leaning forward past Yoshi to look at Gojo. “Usually you order some ridiculous sugary concoction. A lemon sour? You’ll hate it.” His gaze darts over to Yoshi for a second, but she isn’t sure what he’s thinking.
“I’m always open to trying new things,” Gojo replies adamantly. “Especially things that aren’t beer. You guys are so boring.”
Yoshi doesn’t know what everyone ordered, but judging by the outrage on her face, Utahime ordered a beer.
“This one comes with simple syrup,” Yoshi points out. Not just to defend Gojo, but because she ordered one too. “It’s good, unless you don’t like sour things?” she asks.
Gojo answers with a carefree grin. “I like it sweet, but sour’s fun too.” Gojo says it like he’s talking about more than just mixed drinks, but Yoshi sort of expected that.
“Whatever you say,” Nanami mutters, rubbing his temple like he’s preparing for a headache.
Over the course of the evening, Yoshi learns a few things about the sorcerers around her.
She learns that Nanami drinks hard liquor, but not as much as Shoko does. To her surprise, Gojo isn’t much of a drinker: he obnoxiously announces to them all that his drink tastes great, but Yoshi notices that he’s only taken a few sips by the time her own glass is running low. Ino, on the other hand, is eager to mimic Nanami, including his taste for scotch whiskey, but his face starts to flush red after a few minutes. Yoshi’s already forgotten the other Tokyo sorcerer’s name, but she finds out he fights with a sword and that Gojo doesn’t like him at all.
“I thought you were still in Hiraizumi,” Gojo tells the sorcerer, completely unapologetic. “That’s why I invited you.”
“I just got back this afternoon,” the man replies, unbothered, wiping at the condensation on his beer bottle.
“Such a long journey. You could’ve declined and taken the day off.” Anyone else would have sounded thoughtful as they suggested it, but Gojo just wants the poor guy to leave.
Still, the sorcerer doesn’t seem to take it to heart. He must be used to Gojo’s attitude. Yoshi really ought to figure out his name, but no one’s said it in a while.
“Ah, but I’ve been meaning to catch up with you all. Including,” he inclines his head to Yoshi, “Our youngest addition.“
“Why’s that?” Gojo leans over to her side a bit, like he’s trying to catch the teacher’s gaze before it can land on Yoshi. “What business does an old man like you have with the youth of today?”
Yoshi scowls. “Youth of today? I’m not a student.”
“I’ve wanted to speak with Yoshi about the rumors,” the Tokyo teacher continues, ignoring Gojo. He sets down his beer and folds his arms. “Did you really beat this guy? Even if it was a fluke, I’m curious.”
His question causes the others to quiet down, to turn all their eyes to her. It takes Yoshi a moment to realize what he’s even talking about—or rather, when. Back in August, when Yoshi went after a curse vessel and first ran into Gojo. And beat him.
“Well,” Yoshi starts, but then she feels Gojo’s hand cover her bare knee and she can’t think anymore. She looks over at him and can’t decipher the expression on his face. “That was… at that time, I…”
Get a grip, she chastises herself, He just doesn’t want you to talk about Germany. But his hand is so warm and she can feel the calluses over his palm and it’s driving every rational thought out of her head. Gojo takes over before she can figure out how to answer.
“No one beat me, first of all,” Gojo establishes haughtily. “We just had a little misunderstanding. And Yoshi got in a good punch. It was so impressive that I had to hire her for it.” He rubs his cheek, as if remembering it now. Yoshi doesn’t have the foggiest recollection of whatever he’s talking about. He’s still holding her leg, not moving an inch. She should probably shift her knee to get rid of him, but all she wants to do is stay perfectly still.
Utahime exhales, leaning her elbow on the table. “That’s still a big deal. It’s been a while since anyone’s landed a hit on Gojo.”
Yoshi hums, avoiding a proper answer.
“Was it your technique?” Ino asks curiously. “You don’t have to answer, though. I know some people are secretive about their abilities.”
Gojo looks to her patiently, meaning to let her answer this however she’d like. Yoshi wonders at the easy smile on his face. Gently, she feels his finger press down against her, and then his hand finally slides off her leg. She doubts anyone noticed, with the angle of the table and the dim lighting, but she can still feel the heat of his hand like a brand over her.
“Sorry, Ino-san,” Yoshi drags her gaze away. “But I think that’s work talk. I won’t discuss it when I’m not working.”
“Oh, but—“ Ino tries to speak.
“Good for you,” Nanami says brusquely, raising his tumbler in her direction. “That’s a healthy way to live.” He takes a long drink to punctuate his statement.
Yoshi likes Nanami a lot. He’s so terribly straightforward that it’s impossible to misunderstand him. And from what she can tell, he doesn’t care much for jujutsu sorcery either.
“I’m not interested in your fighting ability,” Nanami continues frankly. “What’s it like in New York? I’ve never been to America.”
“It’s very different if you’ve never left Japan,” Yoshi answers, eager to forget all about Gojo’s behavior. “What do you want to know?”
He steeples his fingers, all business. “I’ve heard mixed opinions about the food quality.”
Yoshi bites the inside of her cheek to avoid laughing. He looks so serious about it. “Um, you can get just about any kind of food in New York. Both in restaurants and grocery stores. But you need to know where to look. I’ve always liked the Jamaican food in Manhattan, but I can’t find the same places in Queens.”
“I don’t really know the difference between those places,” Utahime remarks, looking apologetic. “I thought New York City was just Manhattan.”
“No, Manhattan is only one of the five—well, they’re something like special wards, yes?” Shoko glances at Yoshi for affirmation.
Yoshi nods thoughtfully. “I don’t know the exact translation. You can think of it as five cities under one name. Manhattan is the main island that people know. I live in Queens, which is across the river…”
They ask her the usual getting-to-know-you questions that Yoshi is familiar with. She tells them how old she is—Utahime gasps and calls her a child, and then apologizes for it when she sees the look on Yoshi’s face—and that her father was Hispanic. She explains that she speaks Spanish fluently because of the neighborhood she grew up in. She tells them about coaching baseball and the other odd jobs she’s had in the past.
“You must’ve been a terrible waitress,” Gojo says teasingly, when she recalled that short-lived era.
Utahime shoots him a glare, quick to Yoshi’s defense. “What’s that supposed to mean?” she snaps.
He just looks at Yoshi. “I can’t imagine you serving others, smiling at everyone you meet,” Gojo continues thoughtfully. He gives an exaggerated shudder. “That’s just wrong.”
“I’m sure that’s not true,” Utahime argues. “She’s polite.”
Yoshi shakes her head mutely, still chewing on a bite of food. “I was a terrible waitress,” she says curtly. Gojo cackles with delight. “I’m much better at baseball.”
“Did you grow up playing it?” Utahime wonders.
“Yeah. I still play, actually. I was supposed to join a club team this autumn,” Yoshi can’t help but sound wistful. “Maybe next year.”
“What position?”
“She’s a pitcher,” Gojo answers before she can get the words out. Yoshi throws him an exasperated look, and Utahime chastises him for interrupting.
“Wait,” Nanami says slowly. “I don’t mean to offend, but… don’t women play softball instead of baseball?”
“Not always,” Utahime disputes, picking at the edamame beans. “I played baseball in a co-ed team as a kid. It’s harder to find them as you get older, though.”
“I can’t play softball,” Yoshi admits.
Nanami frowns. “Can’t?”
“Why not?” Utahime looks surprised.
“Well, technically I could, but…” Yoshi sits back and touches her shoulder. “I can’t pitch underhand like they do in softball. I injured my—this part—“ She points to her rotator cuff. “I hurt it when I was younger. But, I can throw overhand without a problem. And I like being the pitcher, so… softball doesn’t work.”
Yoshi rolls her shoulders back, feeling the the slight tension in her muscles. Many people have told her to play softball instead, so Yoshi’s always had this answer prepared, but something about it always rattles uncomfortably at the back of her mind.
“What happened to your shoulder?” Nanami asks. “Were you in an accident?”
For a moment, Yoshi dwells in the emptiness gathering at the forefront of her thoughts. And before she can lie and agree with Nanami’s assumption, she says, “It wasn’t an accident.” She remembers the startling pain, and a vicious rage rising from her chest. A grip tightening on her, hard, like a python squeezing its prey. Frigid air that condenses into mist as they speak.
C’mon, kid—
Yoshi lets the memory drift away. “I was just a dumb kid. I picked a fight with someone I couldn’t beat,” she says plainly. “I learned my lesson.”
“Not to pick fights?” Shoko guesses with a lazy smile.
“Obviously not,” Gojo scoffs, stirring the ice in his glass. “She learned how to get stronger. Did you all forget that she beat me up in Germany?”
“I thought she didn’t beat you?” The other teacher points out dryly. “Changing your story now, Gojo?”
Gojo pulls a face and sets down his drink. “No, you’re just twisting my words ‘cause you’re as nosy as the council—“
“I got away without getting killed,” Yoshi cuts in carefully, eyeing the sorcerer at the far end of the table. “That’s really all that happened in Germany.” She blinks at him. “I’m sorry, but what’s your name? I’ve forgotten it.”
He waves a hand, dismissing her apology. “Oh, that’s okay. It’s Kusakabe.“
Yoshi nods, determined. “Kusakabe-san, right.”
“Ah, give up on it. You’re never going to work with him,” Gojo says loudly. He leans toward her, resting his chin in one hand. “He takes missions out in Tōhoku whenever he’s not teaching the second years. He’s never around.”
Yoshi frowns at him. “But I teach them too.”
“You train with them. That guy covers history class or something,” he explains with exaggerated disdain. Kusakabe replies something about actually teaching them multiple school subjects that the kids need to graduate, but Yoshi doesn’t hear it.
Her eyes linger on Gojo. His face looks a bit rosy. He’s talking loudly, but he does that often enough that Yoshi didn’t notice it. The real giveaway is that he’s finally finished his glass.
The waitress returns a few minutes later, ready to take more orders.
“What do you think?” Kusakabe turns to Utahime. “This doesn’t feel like the night for sake.”
Utahime’s nose wrinkles up. “I’ll stick with beer.”
“I’ll have a highball whiskey,” Shoko points to something on the drinks menu for the waitress. Nanami orders the same one.
Yoshi asks for another lemon sour, and Gojo copies her order again. She steals a look at the other sorcerers, watching their reactions curiously. Utahime and Shoko look like they’re having a silent conversation over it.
Yoshi leans to her right and quietly asks Nanami, “Is he bad with alcohol?”
He hesitates. “He doesn’t usually drink,” Nanami admits. “Because of the taste, supposedly.”
So he is a lightweight. Yoshi never would have guessed it. The drink must be sweet enough to cover up the taste of the alcohol. Before the waitress leaves, Yoshi asks her to bring a pitcher of water too.
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Yoshi thinks she's borrowing this watch.
Thank you to everyone that's commented on this fic lately, it means the fucking world to me. It's fuel to keep posting even when I'm swamped with other things in my life. I really appreciate every single person that reads this fic &lt;3
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ao3feed-nalu · 2 years
Star Maiden
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/J4g39SK
by moonieeatscake
Star Maidens were told through a children’s tale, in charge of protecting the stars and constellations of the sky. Natsu begins to understand who his girlfriend really is and why she was trying to hide such a thing.
Words: 1165, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Fairy Tail
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Happy (Fairy Tail), Plue (Fairy Tail), Mirajane Strauss, Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, Wendy Marvell, Charle | Carla, Levy McGarden, Cana Alberona
Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Mates, Fluff, Light Angst, Teasing, Protective Natsu Dragneel, Alternate Universe
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/J4g39SK
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I wish Wendy marvell kept her hair short, because it suit her better than long, that my opinion also, I wonder what her dragon force form would look like with short hair.
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gaymirajane · 6 years
Wendy is the strongest out of any of the dragon slayers and those are just The Facts
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rockkcityboy · 6 years
Ep 54
The second Carla loses her Dragon Slayer, she starts mother-in-law at Natsu instead, pffffffff
And Lyon is so fucking prepared to cut her arm off, like immediately he's like "I'LL DO IT"
"The details can wait. Actually, I won't tell you more anyway."
I love Cobra and his lil snek. Well, big snek. Good snek.
"I can't leave two women behind."
Yeah, it's totally not just cause your magic is most useful coming from a base and not in a direct fight.
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edolasking · 4 years
tag dump
0 notes
lunalockser · 7 years
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“Don’t fashion me into a maiden that needs saving from a dragon. I am the dragon, and I will eat you whole” -Unkown
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tamibae · 3 years
A long post related our celestial queen's abilities🥰
Lucy Heartfilia
Celestial Magic :
Lucy Heartfilia is the strongest celestial mage to ever live. She has amazing skills in celestial magic and a great bond with her spirits. She has proved from time to time that holder type magic is also a strong magic which can turn tables on enemies.
So let's take a look on her abilities, shall we?
Celestial Spirits having contact with Lucy Heartfilia :
Golden Key Spirits :
Leo uses Regulus light. He's the leader of the zodiacs and also the most efficient combatant among them. He has the ability to open his own gate when his summoner is in trouble. He can efficiently respond to camoflauge attacks.
Virgo is arguably the second strongest spirit among the zodiacs with incredible Earth magic(Spica lock, spica hole, chains attack, diving undergroud, pitfall etc). She is an efficient combatant and has a good control over speed. She can also appear on her own when needed.
Fact : Leo and Virgo take more power to keep their gates open than other zodiacs.
Aquarius is an incredibly strong mermaid spirit with amazing water powers. Maybe because she's so strong, she needs a condition(water) to summon her. She takes also takes more mp to keep her gate open like Leo and Virgo because of her powers.
Taurus is very good at physical strength however, his magic doesn't allow him to perform any element based attack like Leo/Virgo/Aquarius. His axe is a weapon with heavy force.
Aries performs wool based magic. Her wool is powerful enough to stop any spell that requires incantation like Fairy Glitter, Urano Metria, Grand Chariot, Fairy Sphere, Fairy Law etc. Her wool also works great against powerful water attacks and it can help tangle the enemy in wool to buy some time.
Capricorn can cancel any kind of eye magic with his glasses and he's an efficient combatant. He's very good in close range combat.
Sagittarius is the master archer with incredible shooting skills. He's a great help in long range attacks.
Scorpio has the ability to produce huge sand cyclones. His sand wall is an efficient defense skill.
These twins can copy any mage present at the moment along with their magic abilities but the said mage has to be on the same level or lower than the summoner.
Cancer is a spirit with incredible speed and sharpness(his scissors). He can cross a huge distance within seconds and cut down people's hair or objects like that.
Silver Key Spirits :
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One of the most useful spirits, it comes to rescue the summoner whenever their lives are on line.
Pyxis has a strong sense of directions. Even when the normal compasses don't work, Pyxis can definitely be useful. It's stated by Lucy that Celestial spirits have stronger sense than humans.
This spirit has a beautiful singing voice and she can touch and bring out the feelings of any heart with the help of her melodious voice.
It is a very cute celestial spirit with a good smell sense.
Crux is basically a knowledge box and has all the info regarding the celestial word and other celestial mages along with their Powers and history. He comes in handy a lot with his power of knowledge.
Spells Lucy Heartfilia has in her arsenal :
Urano Metria~>
When the user recites the incantation, the 88 constellations of the sky come down as spheres and bestow their power upon the caster. This person then aims at their intended target and releases the energy gathered into a tremendous attack. This is the ultimate magic of the stars.
StarDress :
Stardress is a new concept to celestial magic. Spell in which the user incorporates the power of a Celestial Spirit into their body by placing the key of the Spirit in question on their chest. The power manifests itself in the form of dress which is similar to Requip. The user adopts the powers and appearance of the spirit they choose and also adopts a portion of their powers, being able to make use of their mp. This power also allows the user to make use of spells of their own that may require more than one person due to the tremendous amount of mp required to cast it.
Fact : Lucy is the first celestial mage to ever access the power from the zodiac gate spirits. Even her mother and her ancestor Anna who were considered strong celestial mages couldn't do this technique. Lucy is also the only celestial mage to be invited to the celestial world by the CSK himself.
Let's take a look at Lucy's StarDresses, shall we now?
StarDresses Lucy Heartfilia can access :
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Leo Form~
This dress gives it's summoner the ability to use Regulus light magic, and she can use attacks like Regulus Kick and Regulus Punch which is very useful for mid-range and close combat.
Virgo Form~
This star dress gives the ability to use earth magic like Pitfall, summoner can use diver magic. It also provides a good amount of raw power and it's incredibly versatile form. This stardress can also access Aqua Metria water version.
Aquarius Form~
Summoner can use Aqua Metria(both Earth version which makes the ground swell like huge waves and water version which creates a big wave of water. It also gives the ability to do a very strong defense spell Water Barrier.
Sagittarius Form~
One of the most powerful stardresses which gives the ability to do long range attacks. It acts very useful when there are huge number of opponents. It has a spell called Star Shot which provides an unlimited supply of shots and marksmanship ability.
Aries Form~
It's wool can stop attacks that need incantation like Fairy Glitter, Grand Chariot, Fairy Sphere, Urano Metria, Fairy Law etc.
Capricorn Form~
This form gives the user a pair of glasses that cancels all the eye magics possible. It may also be useful in close combat because that's one of Capricorn's abilities.
Gemini Form~
This one helps in transformation, to turn anyone into anything like fishes regardless of their power level being more than the summoner. But of course, it may have some conditions for the transformation process.
Cancer Form~
It equips the summoner with dual blades similar to that of Cancer and enhanced speed. Both of these factors being huge advantages in battle.
Scorpio Form~
Gives summoner the ability to use sand magic like Scorpio. It cages the opponent in a whirlpool of sand, giving summoner the ability to move freely across it, this form helps to land swift kicks in that huge sandstorm. It also provides enhanced speed.
Taurus Form~
This increases the summoner's brute strength by a certain level giving a lot of raw power. It also provides with a strong whip which can do attacks like Earth Wave.
StarDress Mix :
The summoner can also combine their star dresses into one which manifests itself in the form of a dress and a crossed keys tattoo at the back of their hand with each key representing the Celestial Spirit gate keys of the StarDress forms that are being merged together.
StarDress Mix Lucy Heartfilia can access :
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Lion Maiden~
This form gives the summoner access to Leo and Virgo's powers and cast a strong spell with Regulus and Spica power.
Aqua Stream~
This form gives the summoner powers of Aquarius and Scorpio. It can one-shot a Metro Golem with a powerful spell.
Lucy Heartfilia as a Celestial Spirit Mage can do:
Fairy Sphere-
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One of the three greatest spells of Fairy Tail guild. Lucy was able to cast it with the help of magic power of the entire continent in the Alveraze Empire Arc. She is the only one so far after master Mavis, who was able to provoke this spell trapping Achnologia inside.
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In Celestial Spirit Arc, it was performed by Lucy, Yukino and Princess Hisui to break the Celestial Globe when nobody was even able to scratch it. It requires the casters to sit down and hold hands while one casts the spell, it reflects great pain upon the casters but is incredibly strong.
Unison Raid-
Lucy and Juvia were able to do it in their first attempt during the Tower Of Heaven Arc. It requires two powerful wizards with a very strong bond/mutual understanding and still they were able to do it. It was because of the fact that both of the magics that Lucy and Juvia uses were very compatible with each other. Later, Lucy and Wendy also use a Unison Raid against Hades in Tenrou Island Arc.
Re-writing Demonic Scripts-
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She can re-write demonic scripts. She used it to rewrite the book of E.N.D. miraculously separating Natsu from the book during his battle with Zeref. Even Zeref was shocked and find it hard to believe that a mere human could rewrite a demonic script even after enduring a huge amount of pain.
Anti Nightmare Spell-
With the help of the infinity clock, she was able to use this spell saving the lives of 100 other celestial wizards in the Key To The Starry Sky Arc.
Forced Gate Closure-
This is not something every celestial mage can do. It's actually a very big deal in celestial world. Comes in handy when your spirits are out of control, like when Sherry controlled Taurus in the Galuna Island Arc or when a demon consumed both Aries and Taurus, Lucy forcefully closed their gates saving all of them.
Simultaneous Summoning-
Lucy can open upto 5 zodiac gates within a single day.
Multiple Summoning-
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Lucy is able to summon multiple spirits at a time, which is actually a forbidden technique because it puts summoner's life on risk but after the unleash of her second origin during GMG Arc she was able to do it nearly effortlessly and then finally summoning three at a time during Tartaros Arc (Leo, Virgo and Aquarius).
Fact : Leo, Virgo and Aquarius take more mp than other zodiacs because of how powerful they are.
Summoning The CSK-
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She had to sacrifice Aquarius's key to summon the celestial spirit king during the Tartaros Arc. She is the only mage who could do that because as per Aquarius, only celestial mages powerful enough to open 3 strongest gates at once can summon the CSK.
Zodiac Clamation-
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A spell used by Lucy and Yukino to call upon the entire zodiac in the Eclipse Arc, it helped them in closing the Eclipse gate when 7 dragons invaded. Lucy contributed to opening 10 zodiac gates at once.
Opening All Of The Spirit Gates At Once-
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Lucy is capable of opening all of the spirit gates keys she has in earthland for quite a few seconds which is nearly impossible and a forbidden technuque due to it's outcome. The summoner can die of magic deficiency. Lucy did that very early in the series. She again did that in the sequel in Elentir(although it was because Elentir's magic flow) but this time, she opened 10 zodiac gates at once and held onto that for enough time. No celestial wizard has been ever done that except Lucy.
Whip Specialist-
Lucy is very efficient in using a whip. She has countered a good number of people with it and defeated Edolas Byro with only a magical whip Virgo gave her(Fleuve d'étoiles).
So this was an updated version of Lucy's abilities. I'm really proud of ma gurl, look how much she has improved since the first time she was introduced.
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The Children of Fairies|| Fairy Tail Next Gen
Chapter 5: Queen of the Playground
{Kids}: Nashi Dragneel- 4 Jessica Fernandes- 5 Ella Redfox- 3 Lauren Groh- 4 Kate- 4
Romeo wasn’t sure how he had ended up in this situation, but here he was watching a handful of the kids at the park. Wendy said she would help him, but instead she took Storm, Nito, and Julius to the pond to feed ducks and he had to watch the girls as they played on the jungle gym. He would have been fine with it if they weren’t throwing dirt and grass at him, but they were relentless and he was pretty sure he would have dirt in his hair for a few days afterward. 
Deciding that he had had enough the fire mage chased the girls onto their base, aka the jungle gym, and tried to catch them. He was about to get a hold of Kate and Lauren when a blast of fire shot at him. Lauren had learned memory make magic which meant that she could copy the magic attacks that she saw and so she was using fire against her babysitter. Romeo could feel the color draining from his face as Kate prepared to use a poison dragon attack. Before she could he jumped over the two girls only to come face to face with Jessica. The two stared at each other for five seconds before Romeo moved her to the side and ran after Ella, but before he could get to her Nashi jumped down in front of him.
“Alright, who's in charge here?” Romeo asked the pink-haired girl, forming a plan to save himself.
“I am buddy, and there ain’t nothing you can do to stop me,” Nashi said, attempting to speak in an accent.
“Well, I have a proposition, if you are willing to listen,” Romeo said, hoping this would work.
“A what,” Nashi asked, tilting her head to the side, clearly confused.
“Um, well it’s kinda like a deal,” Romeo tried to explain.
“Oh okay! Alright, what is yer proptition” the little girl said, going back into character and messing up the pronunciation of the new word she had learned.
“You see those people over there? You should attack them instead, I’ll even help.” Romeo said, pointing to where Wendy sat with the boys. He knew the Sky Maiden would be upset with him, but with these kids, if you can’t beat them, join them.
It didn’t take long for the girls and Romeo to gather their ammo and attack the others. It soon turned into a free-for-all and Wendy took this time to pull Romeo aside.
“So are you going to be the one to clean them?” She asked, trying to look angry.
“Oh, absolutely not, but I’ll gladly help you get clean,” Romeo said, causing Wendy to blush.
“Romeo you are awful!” Wendy shouted, smacking the rainbow Fire mage on his arm.
“And yet you married me,” Romeo teased, placing a kiss on her forehead. He then ran off to play with the kids. 
Wendy smiled to herself as she watched the others, she and Romeo weren’t ready to have a kid yet but she knew that when they did he would be an amazing father.
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tothemaxxx · 4 years
My Favorite Films and Performances of 2020
“I wish I could’ve seen it on the big screen.”
It was a strange year, and even stranger year of movie watching. In 2020 I saw only one of my top films in a theater, which is crazy (like much else over these past months). But the experience of keeping up with the movies this year was a reminder that great filmmaking can transcend the specifics of the viewing experience. In your living room, in bed, projected onto the side of a garage, streaming on Twitch, broken up into multiple sittings, maybe even on your phone (desperate times)… if doesn’t matter as long as it connects with you. A great film has the power to soothe and transport, to alter your perspective, to re-wire your brain. So while I didn’t get on a single airplane last year, I definitely went places. And I’m grateful for these changes of scenery. For the time-travel as well; last year in my house, we found great comfort in revisiting a bunch of old favorites. It was also an opportunity to finally watch a number of those older films that had someone evaded us… a year of catching up, now or never. We were members of a weekly movie club for some months — that was cool. Another pleasant silver lining was the emergence of virtual film festivals, which have been a fantastic opportunity. I hope that they can continue in some form when this pandemic is in the rearview. Because, you know, getting to Park City is a real schlep. All this to say: like you, I’ll always remember 2020. In this truly crummy year, the movies really helped.
I’m including some of the film festival stuff that’s coming out a little later, because the boundaries between 2020 films and 2021 films feels blurry to me without proper theatrical releases.
TOP 5, loosely ranked. I love these deeply.
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1. LOVERS ROCK, Steve McQueen
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2. NOMADLAND, Chloe Zhao
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3. ANOTHER ROUND, Thomas Vinterberg
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4. TIME, Garrett Bradley
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5. MARTIN EDEN, Pietro Marcello
The rest of the Top 25, in alphabetical order. I loved these.
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À L’ABORDAGE, Guillaume Brac
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BACURAU, Kleber Mendonça Filho
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COLOR OUT OF SPACE, Richard Stanley
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THE FATHER, Florian Zeller
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FIRST COW, Kelly Reichardt
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JASPER MALL, Bradford Thomason and Brett Whitcomb
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LUXOR, Zeina Durra
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THE NEST, Sean Durkin
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NEW ORDER, Michel Franco
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POSSESSOR, Brandon Cronenberg
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RELIC, Natalie Erika James
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SAINT FRANCES, Alex Thompson
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SOUND OF METAL, Darius Marder
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THE TRUTH, Hirokazu Koreeda
I also enjoyed (some more than others):
Apples, The Assistant, Babyteeth, Bad Education, Black Bear, Blow the Man Down, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm, Butt Boy, The Climb, Da 5 Bloods, Deerskin, Emma, The Father (Bulgaria), Greed, His House, The Hunt, I Used to Go Here, I'm No Longer Here, Impetigore, The Intruder, The Invisible Man, Kajillionaire, La Llorona, Let Them All Talk, Lost Girls, The Man Who Sold His Skin, Mank, Never Gonna Snow Again, News of the World, One Night in Miami, Palm Springs, Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time, Rebecca, She Dies Tomorrow, Shirley, Slow Machine, Sorry We Missed You, Soul, Spree, Straight Up, A Sun, Swallow, Tenet, Tesla, Tommaso, The Traitor, The Trip to Greece, True History of the Kelly Gang, Uncle Frank, Under the Open Sky, The Vast of Night, Vitalina Varela, Wendy, The Whistlers, Wildland, Young Ahmed
And these documentaries!
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American Murder: The Family Next Door, The American Sector, Assassins, Beastie Boys Story, The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart, Bloody Nose Empty Pockets, Boys State, Brainiac: Transmissions After Zero, Circus of Books, Class Action Park, Collective, Crip Camp, David Byrne's American Utopia, Dick Johnson is Dead, Fireball: Visitors From Darker Worlds, The Go-Go's, Gunda, Miss Americana, MLK/FBI, The Mole Agent, Mucho Mucho Amor: The Legend of Walter Mercado, My Psychedelic Love Story, Mystify: Michael Hutchence, Narrowsburg, On the Record, Other Music, Sisters with Transistors, Spaceship Earth, The Way I See It, Whirlybird
And these shorts:
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Bye Bye Body (which I edited), Fit Model, Friday Night Pizza for Daddy, Hard Cracked the Wind, The Human Voice, John Was Trying to Contact Aliens, Michael's Preference West, What Did Jack Do?, World of Tomorrow Episode Three: The Absent Destinations of David Prime
My favorite performance of the year:
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Frances McDormand as Fern in Nomadland
Favorite ensembles:
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À l’abordage, Another Round, Bad Education, Babyteeth, Bloody Nose Empty Pockets, Blow the Man Down, Emma, First Cow, Kajillionaire, Let Them All Talk, Lovers Rock, Mangrove, Mank, One Night in Miami, The Personal History of David Copperfield, Promising Young Woman, True History of the Kelly Gang
More memorable (and in some cases under-discussed) performances:
Christopher Abbott as Colin Tate in Possessor and as Gabe in Black Bear
Idir Ben Addi as Ahmed in Young Ahmed
Riz Ahmed as Ruben Stone in Sound of Metal
Daniel Algrant as Kelvin Kranz in Let Them All Talk
Maria Bakalova as Tutar Sagdiyev in Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
Haley Bennett as Hunter Conrad in Swallow
John Boyega as Leroy Logan in Red, White and Blue
Rob Brydon as Rob Brydon in The Trip to Greece
Jessie Buckley as Young Woman in I’m Thinking of Ending Things
Nicolas Cage as Nathan Gardner in Color Out of Space
Salif Cissé as Chérif in À L’abordage
Sheyi Cole as Alex Wheatle in Alex Wheatle
Cleopatra Coleman as Trina in The Argument
Carrie Coon as Allison O’Hara in The Nest
Michael Angelo Covino as Mike in The Climb
Willem Dafoe as Tommaso in Tommaso
Charles Dance as William Randolph Hearst in Mank
Catherine Deneuve as Fabienne Dangeville in The Truth
Katie Findlay as Rory in Straight Up
Sidney Flanigan as Autumn in Never Rarely Sometimes Always
Johnny Flynn as George Knightley in Emma
Julia Garner as Jane in The Assistant
Robbie Gee as Simeon in Alex Wheatle
Chris Giarmo as himself in David Byrne’s American Utopia
Betty Gilpin as Crystal Creasey in The Hunt
Ethan Hawke as Hank in The Truth
Kris Hitchen as Ricky Turner in Sorry We Missed You
Anthony Hopkins as Anthony in The Father
Jonathan Jules as Dennis Isaacs in Alex Wheatle
Sandra Guldberg Kampp as Ida in Wildland
Joe Keery as Kurt Knuckle in Spree
Udo Kier as Michael in Bacurau
Orion Lee as King Lu in First Cow
Delroy Lindo as Paul in Da 5 Bloods
Peter Macdissi as Walid "Wally" Nadeem in Uncle Frank
Matthew Macfadyen as Wilcock in The Assistant
George MacKay as Ned Kelly in True History of the Kelly Gang
Yahya Mahayni as Sam Ali in The Man Who Sold His Skin
Luca Marinelli as Martin Eden in Martin Eden
Tuppence Middleton as Sara Mankiewicz in Mank
Mads Mikkelsen as Martin in Another Round
Wunmi Mosaku as Rial in His House
Elisabeth Moss as Cecilia Kass in The Invisible Man
Kelly O'Sullivan as Bridget in Saint Frances
Shaun Parkes as Frank Crichlow in Mangrove
Robert Pattinson as Neil in Tenet
Paul Raci as Joe in Sound of Metal
Kadeem Ramsay as Samson in Lovers Rock
Gayle Rankin as Marissa in The Climb
Tanya Reynolds as Mrs Augusta Elton in Emma
Tyler Rice as Detective Russell Fox in Butt Boy
Andrea Riseborough as Hana in Luxor
Cecilia Roth as Marta in The Intruder
William Sadler as the Grim Reaper in Bill & Ted Face the Music
Kenyah Sandy as Kingsley Smith in Education
Amarah-Jae St. Aubyn as Martha Trenton in Lovers Rock
David Strathairn as David in Nomadland
Michael Stuhlbarg as Stanley Edgar Hyman in Shirley
Swankie as Swankie in Nomadland
Tilda Swinton as Woman in The Human Voice
Kristin Scott Thomas as Mrs. Danvers in Rebecca
Steve Toussaint as Ken Logan in Red, White and Blue
Alec Utgoff as Zhenia in Never Gonna Snow Again
Jairaj Varsani as young David Copperfield in The Personal History of David Copperfield
Ben Whishaw as Uriah Heep in The Personal History of David Copperfield
Sharlene Whyte as Agnes Smith in Education
Letitia Wright as Altheia Jones-LeCointe in Mangrove
Ramona Edith Williams as Frances in Saint Frances
Kôji Yakusho as Masao Mikami in Under the Open Sky
Youn Yuh-jung as Soon-ja in Minari
Helena Zengel as Johanna Leonberger in News of the World
Favorite pre-2020 films I saw for the first time in 2020:
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Blood on the Moon, But I’m A Cheerleader, Crooklyn, Cure, Daughters of the Dust, The Death of Dick Long, Deep Cover, The Draughtsman's Contract, Eyes of Laura Mars, Give Me Liberty, Greener Grass, Hardcore, High Hopes, The Last Party, Long Day's Journey into Night, Maiden, One Day Pina Asked, Persona, Right Now Wrong Then, Right On!, The Seventh Victim, Slightly French, Synonyms, Tammy and the T-Rex, Variety, The Watermelon Woman... and a tip of the hat to Coppola's new The Godfather Part III recut, The Godfather, Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone
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ao3feed-nalu · 2 years
Star Maiden
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/79NMSwg
by moonieeatscake
Star Maidens were told through a children’s tale, in charge of protecting the stars and constellations of the sky. Natsu begins to understand who his girlfriend really is and why she was trying to hide such a thing.
Words: 1165, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Fairy Tail
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Happy (Fairy Tail), Plue (Fairy Tail), Mirajane Strauss, Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, Wendy Marvell, Charle | Carla, Levy McGarden, Cana Alberona
Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Mates, Fluff, Light Angst, Teasing, Protective Natsu Dragneel, Alternate Universe
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/79NMSwg
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