#skins: s01e07
lets-play-pirates · 11 months
Ed and drowning imagery
(I’m sorry if this is awkwardly worded. I am not, as you might have guessed, a native speaker of English, and languages are definitely not my forte)
I'm fascinated by the drowning imagery associated with Ed. It's not omnipresent, they don't hit you on the head with it, but it's there nonetheless (or at least I think so).
It's also interesting that, as far as I can tell, this theme is pretty much unique to Ed.
People die in many different ways in OFMD: they get stabbed, they get skewered by their own sword, they burn alive, they get shot, they get a cannonball in the face, they get skinned alive on one memorable occasion (RIP French Captain, you will not be missed), and so on.
The only case I can think of of someone maybe drowning in a death that isn't caused (not directly) by Ed is Ned Low - Stede throws his own fiddle at him, hits him, he falls off the plank, and it's not really clear if it was the blow that killed Low or if he lost consciousness and drowned.
It's possible that some of the partygoers in S01E05 did, but because of the parallel with CJ's story about Ed torching a ship and how the people inside burned alive, I assume that they died in the fire.
Anyway. Ed.
We get the first reference to drowning in S01E04, when he tells Stede what being Blackbeard is like: “It's just fucking hard sometimes, you know? You ever feel trapped? Like you're just treading water? Waiting to drown?”
Then, the Kraken's awakening is heralded by Ed throwing Lucius overboard; Lucius falls into the ocean, and we can hear his terrorized screams and gasps as he tries desperately not to slip underwater.
If you want, you can consider both the shot of Stede's things being dumped into the ocean at Ed's behest and Ed pushing the cake toppers off the ship as two other examples of drowning-related imagery.
The most obvious example of this theme is Ed's coma dream while he's in the gravy basket; he is thrown by his vision of his old captain - the one who, presumably, taught him how to be a pirate - off a cliff and into the ocean, with a rock tied around his waist.
Then, we have Ed trying to sink the Revenge and drown everyone on board, including himself (and I assume that the crew members who are missing after the storm did, indeed, drown).
He regains consciousness as he's sinking deeper and deeper; he tries to free himself but in vain, and he's about to run out of breath when Stede appears.
The rope unties itself, freeing him, but it's interesting that Ed doesn't swim toward the surface, nor does Stede pull him out of the water.
Instead, suddenly, as he realizes that he isn't alone - that he is loved, despite all he's done, that Stede came back for him, that he's begging him not to die, that he’s vowing never to leave him again, that there's still hope, still a future - he finds that he can breathe underwater.
The last example so far is from the beginning of S01E07 when, early in the morning after his first night with Stede, after Stede’s first real kill, Ed bundles up his leathers - Blackbeard’s, and the Kraken’s - in a net, weights them down with a cannonball and drops them into the ocean.
He consigns his old skin, his identity as a pirate, to a watery grave, and wears in their stead Buttons’s old clothes, the clothes of a man who changed himself into a bird in order to be able to properly love his “ocean deep,” because there is a limit to the love he can share with the sea in his current form, like Ed thinks he can’t properly love Stede until he’s gotten rid of this weight pulling him down, of the poison he carries within himself (the atmosphere was poisoned, the soup was poisoned, and it was his actions that brought Ned Low to the Revenge), until he’s found his true form.
How wise this decision is remains to be seen. I know from the screenshots and gifs posted online of the season finale trailer (they don’t air the show where I live, so I couldn't watch the preview) that he’ll soon fish out his leathers again, but how permanent that will be is unclear. We know that he doesn’t want to be a pirate anymore, not like that - he has been trying to find a way to escape this life since before he met Stede - so drowning this symbol of a life he doesn’t want anymore seems understandable, and healthy, at least until he’s found how to wear that skin in a way that won’t hurt him or those around him.
I really don’t know what the point of this all is. I don’t even know if there is a point to begin with - maybe I’m just fixating on nothing - but if there is, I think that the key image of this series of scenes is that of Ed in the gravy basket breathing underwater.
The weight pulling him down is gone and he’s free, and yet he doesn’t have to make his way above the waves. He’s already safe where he is. He is home.
There is no struggle, no desperate rush to reach the surface. The ocean that used to be a threat, that was going to swallow him and devour him as soon as he got too exhausted to tread water and he eventually, inevitably, let go and slip beneath the waves, is now surrounding him, supporting him as he floats peacefully, effortlessly in front of the man he loves.
More than a transformation that has already taken place, it’s a promise.
It’ll take time, more than the season finale will allow him (but, hopefully, he’ll have another season to work on himself).
It’ll take patience, too, and for him to keep examining his own failings, to keep growing, to keep looking at himself - he still has a lot of fishing to do, and the sea monster is still there, maybe a bit less dangerous now that he’s learned to sit with himself and listen, and maybe the kraken is exhausted too, but he’s still lurking in the depths, still a beast - but if he manages to find that strength within himself, he won’t drown.
He won't drown.
He can change his shape, turn himself into an impossible creature, a merman, like Stede in his vision.
(and isn't this season's logo the image of two merman skeletons circling each other?)
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mysticum-draconis · 6 months
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Mini Nurse Chapel sketch I drew in the note space of June 14th in my 2023 diary.
Even though I watched “Star Trek TOS - S01E07: What Are Little Girls Made Of?” In June last year, I only drew this over the last week (as usual).
Anyway, it’s one of my favourite episodes, and is (unfortunately) the only one where Nurse Chapel plays a significant part.
Drawn with Lyra colouring pencils.
WIP pics and references below cut.
Please don’t use or post on other websites without credit or permission, thanks 🙏
I hate drawing in colour, especially skin tones 🥲 but this one didn’t come out too bad (I can get away with it not being 100% accurate because she’s so small 🤫)
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I always try to write the episode title in the colours I associate with that particular episode, so I tried to make them similar to Ruk’s colour scheme.
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titleleaf · 11 months
Experiments In Early Victorian Skincare: Shaving Soap, Part One
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- And how does it feel, not being fetched for drops nor drawers? - Miserable, sir. That is my job you are shaving away. (AMC's The Terror, s01e07, "Horrible From Supper")
(Crossposted to Wordpress as usual)
We have some great period resources describing contemporary techniques for shaving and grooming, and they shed a little light on how landsmen, at least, were taking care of their facial hair. (If you're only interested in maritime personal care, this post gets a bit into the weeds on terrestrial soap manufacture, so be warned.) From The gentleman's companion to the toilet, or a treatise on shaving, credited to "a London hair-dresser" in 1844:
There are many soaps which are puffed off as "the best article manufactured for shaving" -- a "beautiful preparation for softening the beard," &c. &c.; but some of them are utterly worthless. All soaps are to be avoided which contain any considerable portion of alkalie; they make a light frothy lather that will not stand on the face, and they will much annoy you by those irritating pains, which are frequently felt after shaving with a bad razor. The soap which I have invariably found to be the best is Naples soap; it produces a beautifully mild creamy lather that will soften the beard, and will render shaving an agreeable operation, and is best calculated to allay those smarting sensations which an indifferent razor produces on a tender skin. There is a great deal of white honey used in the manufacture of Naples soap, and I need not say that there is nothing of a more mild and soothing nature.
Writing in the tail end of the previous century, Benjamin Kingsbury says exactly the opposite in his Treatise On Razors:
[...] Naples soap, so much admired by some persons, on account of the strength of it’s lather, is extremely defective. Of all the shaving soaps in present use, there is not one whose component parts are so irritating and injurious as the soap which is called by this name. It is the most caustic, and, of course, the most destructive to the skin, of all soaps and, in truth, to the production of a needless quantity of lather from a small portion of it, the soundness of the skin of the person using it is completely, and necessarily, sacrificed. [...] the best soap for the purpose of shaving which I have yet made, and which I always use, is the Olive-Soap, composed, in great part, of olive oil, and uniting the advantage of a durable lather with the power of softening and healing, rather than irritating, the skin of the person using it.
(What a drama queen.) Great, cool, but wtf is Naples soap? Thomas Webster's 1844 Encyclopaedia of Domestic Economy describes it as a "strong soft soap, scented; it comes to us in pots. In this era it's still an imported good, so recipes for imitation Naples soaps appear in contemporary books aimed at individual household consumers rather than commercial soapmakers. (Accordingly, these recipes generally seem to involve re-milling or otherwise rebatching existing soaps to add fragrance or combine the qualities of component commercially-available soaps.) Particularly among these imitation recipes, authentic Naples soap seems to be associated with the fragrances of rhodium, ambergris, and musk.
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(from the 1844 Illustrated London News, Vol 4, Issue 95. Curious about the disreputable inferior-quality soaps touched on here!)
An 1835 chemical analysis suggests at least one variety used mutton fat as a base fat and potash as its saponifying agent, which is in line with what our London hair-dresser says about lye soaps' insufficient lather. (The existence of this analysis really amuses me -- it seems like people in the US and UK were curious about what really went into this particular import.)
From William Brande's 1848 Manual of Chemistry:
The soaps of potassa are distinguished from  those  of  soda by remaining soft; common soft  soap is frequently  made  with fish  oil.  Naples soap is a perfumed potassa soap made with lard.
Interestingly, I'm not seeing anyone else mention the "white honey" that our London hair-dresser attributes to the ingredients list here, but honey is a pretty common additive in natural soapmaking, so I'm not about to write it off entirely.
Soft Naples soap isn't the only soap used for shaving in this era -- any number of toilet soaps seem to have been in use, and at least some of these used regular soda lye. Rather than jump right in with potash lye, I wanted to make one of these first.
Shaving Soaps: Take One
Modern home soapmakers have a huge range of tools available to them that even commercial soap manufacturers of the 1840s did not -- digital scales, laser thermometers, Crockpots, electric stoves -- so in this case rather than reconstructing period methods I'm going to try and translate those techniques to a modern toolset.
First, I made a batch of tallow shaving soaps with soda lye/sodium hydroxide -- apart from the use of tallow, this was a thoroughly modern recipe, incorporating a range of vegetable oils to fine-tune the consistency and conditioning powers of the resulting bar. I used equal parts coconut oil and beef tallow, supplemented with sunflower oil, castor oil, olive oil pomace, and unrefined cocoa butter; the only other notable ingredient was powdered clay, both for cleansing powers and increased slip. (You could use white kaolin clay or off-white bentonite clay for a lighter-colored bar; I worked with French green clay because that's what I have on hand most of the time, so my bars ended up a pretty attractive sage-green color. Some people claim that the inclusion of clay dulls their razor blades, but I don’t know that I’m using any given razor blade for long enough for that to matter, and I didn't find it to be a problem when using.)
[Here's where I'd put a photo of these bars in the mold... IF I HAD ONE... so you'll have to settle for this store link.]
What's this bar like to shave with? I'm going to be honest: it's really nice, to the point where I'm considering using it as basically a leave-on mask. I shave with a safety razor and  occasionally a wet-dry electric razor, but I don't use a brush to lather up, so I just used my hands with this bar on damp skin; there wasn't a really fluffy voluminous lather, but it made for a really sleek and easy-to-navigate shaving surface and a pretty damn close shave without much friction. The clay component adds a little satisfying tooth to the shaving experience while leaving my face feeling really clean and non-greasy after.
So clearly I like it ,and I've gotten nice feedback from others. But it's not a Naples soap. It's not made with potash lye. What might a more authentic Naples shaving soap look like? If there are other modern takes on a soap like this, I'm having a hell of a time finding them under the search engine optimized-shadow of the Florida-based Naples Soap Company.
What makes a Naples soap?
So to review we're looking for: soft soap, scented soap, animal fat base, and critically, that potash lye mentioned earlier. Potassium hydroxide is an entirely new beast to me -- in soapmaking, it can be used alone or in tandem with sodium hydroxide to create a softer soap, up to and including straight-up liquid soaps.  I felt like a horse's ass putting together that, yeah, "potash" really does just come from "pot ash", and "potassium" is just halfassed Latin for the same. If your mental image of old-timey soap making is Almanzo Wilder in the Little House books you're on the right track -- making soft soap was an annual thing for many homesteaders, and the potash was sourced from the previous year's collection of wood ashes.The resulting jelly-like soap got stored in a barrel and doled out as needed. Common salt or table salt could be added to the soaping process for hardness, but in a Colonial American or homesteading context I can't imagine that was always economically feasible.
The barrel approach is in line with what I'm seeing modern soapmakers describe with soft olive oil-based Castile soaps -- you can dilute your soap goo right out of the gate to the consistency of a Dr. Bronner's-type liquid soap (though Dr. Bronner's 18-in-1 soaps are made with coconut and palm kernel oil to supplement their olive oil content these days) but more water means more potential for spoilage, so keeping around a jar of goo and diluting it as needed is a more shelf-stable option.
Period soap recipes are made at scale -- measuring ingredients in pounds, not ounces,  and in particular testing the strength of lye solutions by measuring their density against that of a fresh hen's egg. (This method apparently goes back to the sixteenth century and can be used as a rough-and-ready test for a number of different solutions -- for more, check out this post by Homestead Laboratory or this historical overview of the egg test's use in brewing and mead-making from A Booke Of Secretes.
I'm not making my own lye, whether soda or potash, and in fact I prefer to fuck around with lye as little as possible. (Over the course of this project I had the revelation that this is 100% because of the chemical burn scene in the movie Fight Club.) But it behooves me to get familiar with potash lye soaping.
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(from The Critic, Vol. XIII, No. 322, 1854)
Shaving Soaps: Preparing For Take Two
So what am I making for my second round here? Instead of a soap cut from a bar or popped out of a mold, I want to make the equivalent of a soap in a pot -- something soft-textured that can be lathered in its container but that's also portable. The descriptions of shaving soap as "soft" don't do me a lot of good -- *how* soft are we talking? Are we talking soft like jelly, like the OG Colonial-style soft soap made with exclusively potash, or just not rock-hard? It's possible to strike a balance between rock-hard and goo-soft by combining both types of lye (what the SoapMaker tool calls a "cream" soap) but I'll need to dig into industrial soap writing from our era to get a sense of whether that was a contemporary historical practice on the initial processing level rather than by rebatching together lye soap and potash soap later.
I’m going to hit up tools like SoapCalc and Soapee's lye calculator for guidance even as I experiment, since soap I'll be sharing with friends isn't a place I want to fuck around with caustic material. Potash lye by itself  apparently makes a great soft soap with a consistency I've seen compared to Vaseline (or more bluntly, lumpy goo) but in modern soapmaking terms it's a hot process (HP) soap. Instead of undergoing the saponification process over time as it rests in the mold, hot process soap saponifies while being steadily heated in a vessel like a slow cooker; it still needs to cure afterward, but there's no need for zap-testing and in theory it's usable right out of the gate. HP soaping is new to me as well, and it means I had to get my hands on an estate sale Crock-Pot.
Which fats do I want to use? 100% beef tallow will make a stable and extremely hard soap (even when made with potash) but not with a lot of conditioning or cleansing power; so would 100% palm oil, for that matter. (I did get my hands on some sustainably-sourced palm oil for soaping, but I'm planning on holding off on using it for now.) Olive oil-based soft soaps are gentle and conditioning but don't generate a lot of lather. All these distinct properties of various fats are pretty much how soaps made with oil blends came to be, and those multi-oil soaps are attested elsewhere in the Early Victorian era; one recipe for imitation/homemade Naples soap
I want to put together a scent blend that approximates or is inspired by the notes listed above: rhodium, ambergris, musk. Only problem: What the fuck is rhodium? Later in the Victorian era, George William Septimus Piesse describes it as follows in his Art Of Perfumery:
When rose-wood, the lignum of the Convolvulus scoparius is distilled, a sweet-smelling oil is procured, resembling in some slight degree the fragrance of the rose, and hence its name. At one time -- that is, prior to the cultivation of the rose-leaf geranium -- the distillates from rose-wood and from the root of the Genista canariensis (Canary rose-wood) were principally drawn for the adulteration of real otto of roses; but as the geranium oil answers so much better, the oil of rhodium has fallen into disuse, hence its comparative scarcity in the market at the present day, though our grandfathers knew it well. One cwt. of wood yields about three ounces of oil.
So yeah, for an adult man in 1879, rhodium as a rose-adjacent fragrancing element must have seemed pretty retro. Perfect for this guy's hypothetical grandfather, though. The equivalent listing for rose-leaf geranium describes it similarly as an adulterant or potential alternative for rose otto. The bad news is, rose otto is still wildly expensive, and rosewood itself is now under substantial environmental protection restrictions... as is ambergris. I've got two options in my back pocket here -- fragrancing soap with rose geranium, maybe paired with botanical musk or a synthetic ambergris, or finding myself a nice modern fragrance oil. I... would rather do the former than the latter, but eh, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
What qualities am I looking for in the soap itself? What makes a good shaving soap? People have different preferences when it comes to soap lather consistency, especially if you're used to an aerosolized shaving cream. We're looking to strike a balance; lather that’s mild and creamy but not slimy, conditioning and lubricating but not leaving a residue behind. Given my druthers I'd like to make a couple test batches, looking to fine-tune these various qualities, but just how that's going to work out for me will remain to be seen.
So, yeah, soap. Shaving soap. What about the actual process of shaving with it? What's the razor situation? What about the daily ablutions of officers and average seamen? What about muttonchop maintenance? What about the wild world of Early Victorian shaving literature? More on that soon as I document my cold boy hot process soaping. Tune in next time for: goo.
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emetophobiahelp · 4 months
Hello! I recently submitted a League of Gentlemen masterlist for emetophobia warnings and so here is a short Psychoville warning list! This show is quite honestly really safe in terms of v* but I will go through each episode and mention things that could be triggering!
S01E01-E02 SAFE
S01E03 SAFE*
[6:20-6:27] Maureen dribbles a chunk of mushed up sausages onto a spoon to give to David, a bit gross but no v*!
I will mention that in the commentary of this episode at this moment they do mention spit buckets and r*tching so be wary if you’re going to listen to that. Similarly, in the S01E01 commentary Reece mentions feeling s* when having had to scratch the dead skin off of David’s back.
S01E04-E05 SAFE
Nicola, throughout this and next episode, loses a lot of blood. She looks quite pale and sickly but does not v*.
[25:07-25:17] Maureen attempts to smother David after having taken some pills herself. When she realises that David is not home, she panics and tries to make herself v* by putting her fingers down her throat. The g*ing sounds are quite realistic so it may be triggering for some, but I honestly found the scene quite funny. She does not v* and instead falls to the floor as she attempts to do so.
[13:33-13:38] Mrs Wren, after getting out of the car with Mr Jelly, says she’s had too much chocolate and feels s*, but she doesn’t v* nor is there any visual indication that she feels unwell.
[14:05-14:15] Mr Jelly puts a wrapped-up beetle in his mouth thinking it’s a toffee. He realises very quickly what it really is and spits back into the wrapper as you would chewing gum. There’s no v*, he mostly just twists his face in a sort of disgusted confusion.
[46:16-46-20] David and Maureen get picked up in a car by a man. His wife is in the seat next to him, asleep. David asks what’s happened to her, and he replies that she gets cars*k. She doesn’t appear ill nor make any noises.
[48:29-48:35] When David tries to feel the woman’s pulse, he brings his hand back up covered in a red substance which he assumes is blood. Maureen asks if he’s alright and says he ‘looks a bit green’, he does not v*, he just looks a bit shocked.
S02E02 SAFE*
David and Maureen attempt to kill Robin by feeding him peanuts, which he’s allergic to. However, rather than having an inflammatory reaction, he instead has a gastric reaction, and gets very ill. Luckily, he does not v*.
S02E03-E04 SAFE
S02E04 SAFE*
David and Maureen go zorbing in this episode, which may get some worried, as they roll around a lot, but they come out completely fine and have a great time.
[2:50-3:03] However, straight after they finish, Mauren begins to have a coughing fit, and spits blood into her handkerchief. You don’t see the blood come out of her mouth, more so just hear her coughing and see the aftermath.
S02E05-E06 SAFE
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cleoenfaserum · 1 year
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I don't know if Marcus Sakey's books are as good as his first rate show The Hidden City, but by the way he conducts his series, clear of mind without wasted words leading you into the stories as he goes about doing his research for his crime novels does so with an amazing clarity, well, I've become a fan. Though I have to admit, I tried reading one of his novels, but I just couldn't get into his story. Listen to the three New Orleans stories he is going to take us into ...
749-1 LINK: https://ok.ru/video/4400405088815
Of the three stories, the one that most called my attention was Delphine LaLaurie story, of which I am going to talk about to some length. I will leave the other two stories to fend for themselves. So, here we go with this BEASTIAL BEAUTY.
Delphine Lalaur in popular culture (Delphine LaLaurie - Wikipedia)
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Beauty's refined hidden beast.
LaLaurie in the macabre folklore (I stress the word macabre for the meek and sensitive).
Folk histories of LaLaurie's abuse and murder of her slaves (property) circulated in Louisiana during the 19th century, and were reprinted in collections of stories by Henry Castellanos (see pdf chapter 4 "A Tale of Slavery Times") and George Washington Cable (Strange True Stories of Louisiana, by George Washington Cable. See chapter: THE "HAUNTED HOUSE" IN ROYAL STREET). Cable's account (not to be confused with his unrelated 1881 novel Madame Delphine) was based on contemporary reports in newspapers such as the New Orleans Bee and the Advertiser, and upon Martineau's 1838 account, Retrospect of Western Travel. He added some of his own synthesis, dialogue, and speculation.
749-2 LINK: https://youtu.be/MUIzCjR4Asc
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Witnesses said that some of Madame LaLaurie’s enslaved workers had their eyes gouged out, skin flayed off, or mouths filled with excrement and then sewn shut. (Madame LaLaurie's Most Sickening Acts Of Torture And Murder (allthatsinteresting.com)
After 1945, accounts of those enslaved by the LaLaurie's became more explicit. Jeanne deLavigne, writing in Ghost Stories of Old New Orleans (1946), alleged that LaLaurie had a "sadistic appetite [that] seemed never appeased until she had inflicted on one or more of her black servitors some hideous form of torture" and claimed that those who responded to the 1834 fire had found "male slaves, stark naked, chained to the wall, their eyes gouged out, their fingernails pulled off by the roots; others had their joints skinned and festering, great holes in their buttocks where the flesh had been sliced away, their ears hanging by shreds, their lips sewn together ... Intestines were pulled out and knotted around naked waists. There were holes in skulls, where a rough stick had been inserted to stir the brains." DeLavigne did not cite any sources for these claims, and they were not supported by the primary sources.
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The victims of Madame LaLaurie were buried on the property and are said to haunt the grounds to this day. Even after two centuries, locals refuse to call LaLaurie mansion by her name, referring to it simply as the “Haunted House.” (Madame LaLaurie's Most Sickening Acts Of Torture And Murder (allthatsinteresting.com)
The story was further embellished in Journey Into Darkness: Ghosts and Vampires of New Orleans (1998) by Kalila Katherina Smith, the operator of a New Orleans ghost tour business. Smith's book added several more explicit details to the discoveries allegedly made by rescuers during the 1834 fire, including a "victim [who] obviously had her arms amputated and her skin peeled off in a circular pattern, making her look like a human caterpillar," and another who had had her limbs broken and reset "at odd angles so she resembled a human crab". Many of the new details in Smith's book were unsourced, while others were not supported by the sources given.
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Today, modern re-tellings of the LaLaurie legend often use DeLavigne and Smith's versions of the tale as the basis for claims of explicit tortures, and number enslaved people living on the property who died under LaLaurie's care at as many as 100.
Read more: 12 Secrets Revealed About History's Brutal Mistress, Madame LaLaurie (historycollection.com)
You can see why it was more human to guillotine the head off.
In popular culture
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Kathy Bates portrayed a heavily fictionalized version of the character in the third season of the anthology television series American Horror Story to widespread critical acclaim and earned a Prime time Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited or Anthology Series or Movie for her performance.
All I can say for the show is that it is "bizarre"!, and if you don't believe me, watch the show. However, it does give you a sense of Delphine, I suppose.
LaLaurie from the album "Moral Freaks" 2015
749-3 LINK: https://youtu.be/BlQfNT9iNlA
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"Protect the Coven" Alfonso Gomez-Rejon Ryan Murphy& Brad Falchuk
A flashback to the 1830s reveals the origins of Delphine LaLaurie. After she moves back to New Orleans from Paris, she fears she will tire of the city's atmosphere. She then discovers her shocking attraction to blood and torture. In present day, a newly reassembled Delphine takes up an old hobby to pass the time. Marie and Fiona have a deadly face off with witch hunters of the Delphi Trust, while Cordelia makes a desperate sacrifice to protect the Coven. Meanwhile, a jealous Madison doesn't accept the fact that Kyle is in love with Zoe. The two argue over who deserves him more and Madison uses magic to hurt Zoe, threatening to take Kyle
Following is Season 3 Episode 11 Protect the Coven. Warning, not for the squeamish.
749-4 LINK: https://ok.ru/video/7147924884019
BARBARA HAMBLY'S 1999 book FEVER SEASON incorporates the events of the 1834 fire and discovery of the brutal treatment of the slaves into her narrative. You can read the PDF book by clicking on the following link: [PDF] [EPUB] Fever Season (Benjamin January, #2) Download (oceanofpdf.com)
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I read the first chapter, (you can also read and listen). It is a tantalizing novel and it is going to grip you as it did me, if you are anything like me, for your sake, I hope not (Hahaha).
749-5 LINK: https://youtu.be/izM0GmQLYBQ
REF: 749
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musingsmedia · 5 years
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What are you doing here? I came because it turns out that, as it goes, I...
Skins (S01E07)
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tv-moments · 2 years
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Dexter: New Blood
“Skin of Her Teeth“
Director: Sanford Bookstaver
DoP: Michael Watson
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unkindness313 · 5 years
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Asriel approaches
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postpunkdean · 3 years
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PoemNatural S01E07: A Haunting of the Heart
(tag list & transcript below)
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added/removed):
@emeraldcas @supernatural-jaeger @jactingjoices @lengthofropes @chapeldean
A Haunting of the Heart
A woman’s lips pressed against mine
But our feelings will never align
My heart has been broken beyond repair
And she cannot mend me with an affair.
There brews a need for revenge within
It crawls beneath my bruising skin
The ghost of the past is tearing me apart
Oh Jessica, you are haunting my heart.
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before your name became a pulsing star
by foxtails
The first time he fucks Stede Bonnet, Edward Teach is sure of three things:
Stede Bonnet’s mouth tastes both warm like brandy, and sweet like the flesh of an orange. Stede Bonnet’s skin smells like fresh air, and sun, and the good type of dirt. Stede Bonnet is going to be the greatest, most wonderful mistake of Ed’s life.
 or: Ed and Stede enter into a co-captains with benefits arrangement. It stays about as platonic as you'd expect.
Words: 8000, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Episode: s01e07 This Is Happening, Co-Captains With Benefits, Friends With Benefits, Friends to Lovers to Idiots to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Porn with Feelings, so many feelings
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41463855
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sasslightertm · 3 years
Charmed (2018) fans: This is a reinterpretation, a modern-day Charmed. You aren’t meant to sit there and compare it to the original. Harry isn’t Leo; Macy, Maggie, and Mel aren’t the original Charmed Ones. It’s a darker interpretation of the original Charmed. If someone is just gonna compare shows, they shouldn’t be watching them.
Okay, except here’s the thing: The reboot’s showrunners gave it the same name, the same basic concept, almost the same logo, and even use some of the original show’s mythology (Whitelighters, Darklighters, a Council of Elders, a demonic Underworld with a hierarchy, the Source of All Evil). There are numerous call-backs to the original show in the form of the Window of Opportunity, a split-second shot of Melinda Warren (the progenitor of the Warren line of witches and ancestress of the Charmed Ones) in the Veras’ Book of Shadows, Mel’s girlfriend being a police officer who gets tangled up in the Charmed Ones’ magical lives (a la Andy Trudeau), and Parker and Maggie’s relationship was directly inspired by Phoebe and Cole’s relationship in the original show, complete with Parker becoming the Demon Overlord in season 2 and asking Maggie for her hand in marriage as his queen. Not to mention Harry and Macy is the reboot’s equivalent to the Piper and Leo ship.
The network CANNOT do all of that, capitalizing on the original series’ name and fanbase, and then not expect people to compare the two shows. Especially not when Constance M. Burge, the creator of the original show, is credited in the reboot’s pilot despite having absolutely nothing to do with the reboot. (Legally, they had to credit her.)
As for this reboot being a darker interpretation of the original Charmed? Only in terms of the lighting, maybe. The original show’s pilot (“Something Wicca This Way Comes”) alone dealt with three estranged sisters moving back into their childhood home after the sudden death of their grandmother, discovering new powers and the fact they’re witches (all on their own, no less; Leo didn’t show up until the third episode and the sisters don’t find out he was a Whitelighter until 14 episodes into the 22-episode season), a serial killer who turns out to be a warlock (and Piper’s boyfriend) targeting female witches to gain their powers. He then tries to kill Piper before she freezes him and makes her escape, and then he goes after her in an attempt to murder all three sisters before they use the Power of Three to vanquish him (again, all on their own).
As for the rest of the season:
s01e02 “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” features a demon who poses as a photographer and targets beautiful young women to steal their youth, leaving them either charred skeletons or as old women (if the process is interrupted)
s01e03 “Thank You for Not Morphing”: Victor, the sisters’ long-lost estranged dad, suddenly comes back into his daughters’ lives after they’ve discovered that they’re witches, plays on Phoebe’s longing to form a connection with him, and is revealed to be working with shapeshifting demons to steal the Book of Shadows
s01e04 “Dead Man Dating” is essentially a supernatural murder investigation, with Mark enlisting the Charmed Ones’ help (as, being witches, they’re the only ones who can see him) in catching his killer before his soul is dragged to the Chinese afterlife by Yama
s01e05 “Dream Sorcerer”: the antagonist is a mortel incel asshole researching dream-leaping, using his abilities to kill women who’ve rejected him by invadng their dreams and murdering them in the dreamscape he’s created, which kills his victims in real life. He repeatedly targets Prue, and he dies before Inspectors Andy Trudeau and Darryl Morris can question him.
s01e07 “The Fourth Sister”: a lonely teenage girl with an interest in witchcraft is manipulated and preyed upon by an evil entity who presents itself as someone she can trust completely, all so she can be accepted
s01e10 “Wicca Envy”: Prue is framed for the theft of a valuable antique tiara by her boss in an attempt to blackmail the Charmed Ones into giving up their powers
s01e12 “The Wendigo”: the first episode where any of the sisters are transformed into another being against her will, played entirely for horror. Not to mention the serial killer Andy has been tracking down is the very FBI agent who came in to help with the case.
s01e13 “From Fear to Eternity”: aside from the first-ever introduction of Barbas the Demon of Fear, this whole episode revolves around the sisters’ worst fears come to life, and at least 10 other witches are already dead through the course of the episode. Phoebe faces her fear of losing one of her sisters, and Prue finally sees their long-dead mother’s spirit when Patty comes to help her. 
s01e14 “Secrets and Guys” a young black male witch (whose only living relative is his father, his witch mother having died of illness a few months prior) is kidnapped by thugs who want to use his powers for a bank heist, kidnap Prue when she comes to help the 13-year-old boy, and it’s heavily implied the robbers would have killed them to tie up loose ends
s01e15 “Is There a Woogey in the House?”: your childhood nightmares are very real. You’re welcome.
s01e18 “When Bad Warlocks Turn Good”: take away the supernatural aspects, and this episode is primarily about a man being pressured by his highly toxic family into a part of their life that he’s already cut himself off from and turned his back on for his own well-being and mental health.
s01e22 “Deja Vu All Over Again”: at the end of each time loop, at least one of the Halliwells has to deal with the pain of seeing a sister die, and on the final time loop Prue sees her boyfriend (who she’d finally opened up to only weeks prior about being a witch) die while he’s trying to protect her and her sisters.
All this while juggling jobs and trying to have a normal life, as well as living in fear of their powers being discovered. The only major emotional stakes in the reboot’s first season are Maggie wanting to get into the sorority, later suddenly discovering she’s half-Black with her and Macy having the same father, and starting a relationship with Parker when he’s technically still dating Lucy; Macy keeping her job at the geneticist lab, trying to start a relationship with Galvin after some mixed signals from them both, and finding out the source of her “darkness”; and Mel using a spell to rewrite reality to keep her police girlfriend Niko safe from demons without bothering to get Niko’s consent first or reveal to her girlfriend that she’s a witch, as well as something something the S’arcana, sticking it to the Elder witches (while secretly working for them), and finding out who murdered her mother. And something about stopping the apocalypse, which the Veras don’t take seriously half the time anyway.
All this in just the first season. The second and third seasons of the reboot aren’t much better, IMO, but if you like the reboot, fine, whatever, you do you. Just don’t get mad when fans compare the two shows, because it’s really difficult not to do so.
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whumpneto · 4 years
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Whumptober 2020 - No 18. PANIC! AT THE DISCO Panic Attacks | Phobias | Paranoia
London (2005) + deleted scene, Deepwater Horizon (2016), Anthropoid (2016), I Am Michael (2015), Iron Fist (S01E08), Money Monster (2016), Ted Lasso (S01E07), The Rookie (S02E09), Survive (S01E09), Avengers: Endgame (2019, Ideal Home (2018), Teen Wolf (S03E11), Deadwater Fell (S01E01), Rush (S01E05), The Sinner (S01E02), Lars and the Real Girl (2007), This Is Us (S04E11), Grey’s Anatomy (S05E14), Love & Other Drugs (2010), Prodigal Son (S01E05), Mindhunter (S01E10), The Path (S03E09), Skins (S02E06), Iron Man 3 (2013) and Hannibal (S01E10)
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save-the-data · 2 years
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under the skin | s01e07
EP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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Of Rattled Brains and Rescued Knights
Summary: He really should have listened to Gaius.
A head injury was never a good thing to ignore, he’d seen plenty whilst working with the physician and if it was serious it could have fatal consequences. But he didn’t have time to dwell on his own problems, who knows how long it had been since Aulfric and Sophia had left with Arthur? He had to get a move on if he stood any chance of saving him.
Set in s01e07. After being violently thrown into a wall by Aulfric, Merlin is determined to save Arthur from the Sidhe’s clutches, no matter the risk to his own health.
Word Count: 4,581
[Also on AO3]
He really should have listened to Gaius.
A head injury was never a good thing to ignore, he’d seen plenty whilst working with the physician and if it was serious it could have fatal consequences. But he didn’t have time to dwell on his own problems, who knows how long it had been since Aulfric and Sophia had left with Arthur? He had to get a move on if he stood any chance of saving him.
The Lake of Avalon had never felt so far away before and now, as he was stumbling through the overgrown bushes and too-low branches, he was really regretting not taking a horse from the stables. It definitely would have rattled his brain more than he would have like but at least he would get to Arthur in time.
As he shook his head to clear the fog slowly creeping across his vision, the toe of his boot caught an exposed tree root and he went flying to the ground with a yelp. If he thought his head was throbbing before, what he felt now was a new level of pain, a sharp stabbing in every corner of his skull to accompany the annoying buzzing noise that had made a return.
For a moment he didn’t move as he laid on the dirt floor, waiting for his limbs to co-operate. The small dead leaves by his head drifted further away from him with every ragged exhale and he squeezed his eyes shut as if that tiny action would provide him with the extra strength he needed to stand.
If he went through all this just to find Arthur dead by the time he got there, Merlin was going to kill him. I mean really, spell or not, who falls in love with a girl they’ve only known for two days?
Pushing himself to his knees was a struggle and he sighed as he noticed the fresh grazes across the palms of his hands. Another thing he would have to heal later. Assuming there was a later. He could hardly return to Camelot with the knowledge that he had let the Prince die. Fear was a powerful motivator though as it pushed him forward and took him one step closer to the lake.
It was a bright afternoon and though the sun was shrouded mostly by the clouds, a few streams of light filtered through the trees. He normally enjoyed days like this, not too warm, a nice breeze dancing across his skin, it made him feel so alive and at one with himself. He’d always known that his magic was connected to nature, to the earth and all things that grew from it and on the days where his chores kept him mostly cooped up in the brick walls of the castle, spending time in the forest made that connection feel all the more potent.
That’s why it was such a shame right now that his focus wasn’t on the towering trees that were currently blurring into each other but more on keeping himself in a straight line as he ran past them.
He sensed the lake before he saw it, the coolness of the water, the power under its surface as it rippled away from the water’s edge. It was an element so pure and still, sitting in delicate balance between the earth’s quiet strength and the air’s tempestuous spirit, the perfect gateway to an immortal world. Though how the Sidhe could demand such a cruel sacrifice to enter such a sacred place was beyond him.
He spotted Aulfric first. The older man had his back to him and was standing just away from the water. A silent observer to the impending offering. Merlin knew he would have to deal with him first, but how?
Even in human form, the Sidhe were a powerful race. Supposing Merlin had the energy to perform the right spell, it would still take at least a few tries to get it right, providing Aulfric with more than enough time to take him out with his staff. The staff that was conveniently resting on the floor by the man’s feet. How…convenient.
As Merlin lifted his hand, readying himself to summon the staff towards him, a sharp pain shot through the base of his skull. It was so unexpected that he couldn’t stop his feet from stumbling underneath him, the loss of balance sending him into the nearest tree. As he fell he caught the side of his forehead against the bark with a dull thwack and did his best to contain the groan threatening to escape.
Aulfric had heard him. That much was obvious from the way the man’s head whipped round with an unfriendly scowl, but not noticing the bumbling servant amongst the green, he turned back to give his daughter his full attention once more.
The daughter who was standing waist-deep in the water with a helpless prince spell-bound in front of her.
Merlin really needed to hurry up, but the second knock to his head was doing him no favours. Or was this the third? All he knew was that the buzzing in his ears had upgraded to an intense ringing. and that the small black spots filling his sight should probably be a cause for concern.
Righting himself with the help of the tree, he lifted his hand once more and focused on the summoning spell. He’d used it several times before - much to Gaius’ annoyance - but now the slowly expanding fog in his brain was jumbling the words.
Closing his eyes, he felt his magic swirl around inside him and for a moment the pain in his head completely disappeared. Light filled his veins as he called upon the much needed strength and when he opened his eyes once more they glowed.
“Onbregdan,” he whispered and Aulfric’s staff gently floated off the ground and over to his waiting palm. The wood was cold in his grip and his fingertips ran along the grooves of the ancient carvings, the magic strumming under the surface was immense, a cool blue glow to rival Merlin’s powerful gold.
In the distance, Arthur was falling helplessly back into the water and Merlin knew he was running out of time. Aiming the staff at Aulfric’s unsuspecting back, he recited the spell he hoped would do the job and the result was instantaneous. 
The bright blue beam hit Aulfric seconds later, he was barely given a chance to hear the words leave Merlin’s mouth before exploding into a magical, gooey mess. Sophia’s pained gasp could be heard from the treeline but her wading escape from the water was short-lived as she too succumbed to the power of the Sidhe staff.
The second jolt of power from the staff had Merlin’s vision sliding out of focus for a moment and he pressed a heel of a palm to his forehead to try and contain the pain. He could feel a dangerous pressure building behind his eyes and he needed to get to Arthur before it all got too much.
The water was cold as he struggled against it and his clothes were drenched in an instant, the fabric clinging to his skin as he pushed himself forward. He was running out of time and yet he couldn’t see Arthur anywhere. Shouting the prince's name repeatedly, he reached around in front of him, hoping that by some luck his hand would brush against chainmail, but still nothing.
So he ducked his head under the surface, again and again, forcing his eyes open against the murky water in a desperate attempt to find who he was looking for. And then, just up ahead, the sunlight bounced off a shiny metal surface like the perfect beacon.
Merlin spluttered as he swallowed a mouthful of water but he was so focused on saving Arthur he hardly noticed. He pulled an armour cladded arm upwards and as soon as they broke above the surface, Merlin clung to him tight.
Arthur’s head rolled against his shoulder lifelessly as he swam back to the shore, doing his best not to kick the Prince’s legs under the surface. It was very concerning how still Arthur’s body was in his grip but right now his main concern was getting back onto dry land. It would be no use to either of them if they both drowned.
Arthur’s heels dug heavily into the ground as Merlin dragged him onto the dark forest floor and the edge of the water clung to him for a moment not wanting to relinquish its prey.
Arthur wasn’t moving. That was the first thought that floated through Merlin’s brain once he had caught his breath. On any other boring, chore-filled day he might have half-jokingly wished for this, but right now, Arthur wasn’t moving.
It was hard to tell if he was even breathing and in that moment, Merlin had no idea if it was due to Sophia’s spell or just the unforgiving nature of the water. He did, however, know how to fix it. 
Water dripped from his hair into his eyes and his knees dug into the dirt floor as he thought back through the months of training that Gaius was sure he hadn’t been listening to. Well this would prove to the old physician that he had been paying attention. Or it would have done if Arthur hadn’t chosen that moment to roll onto his side to cough up the remaining lake water with a gasping groan.
Merlin was almost disappointed that Arthur hadn’t needed his help.
“Arthur! Are you okay?” he called out as he crawled closer, wincing as the stones dug into his knees. The prince took a moment to answer, content with taking his time to clear his watery lungs, though when he finally noticed Merlin’s presence he froze, surveying him with squinted eyes.
“What did you do?” he coughed and pushed himself to sitting and Merlin was almost speechless at the accusatory words and near angry look on Arthur’s face.
“What do you mean what did I do?”
“I really doubt this was my fault!” Arthur grunted as he gestured to his sopping wet attire and Merlin couldn’t stop his stare of disbelief. Why the hell had he been so desperate to save Arthur again?
“Do you even know what just happened?” He asked grumpily as he pushed himself to his feet. The quick ascent and minor change in altitude was all it took to remind him of his sore head and scrambled brains and he squeezed his eyes shut in the hopes that it would fade.
“I don’t need to know what happened to know it was your fault.” Arthur followed his lead in standing, tutting at the state of his armour and underclothes.
“So that’s a no then.” Merlin huffed in his defence, raising his eyebrows challengingly. “What would you say if I told you that Sophia was a magical creature who kidnapped you, tried to kill you and would have succeeded if I hadn’t ran all the way here and saved your life?”
“I’d say you’ve been on the cider again.”
The walk back to Camelot was slow. And quiet.
Arthur put it down to Merlin’s claims of ‘running all the way here’ but he had a niggling feeling that there was something more to it. Maybe he really was just tired, his sluggish footfalls and hunched shoulders were proving just as much but every now and then he’d weave off to the side like he was struggling to walk in a straight line.
Merlin claimed he’d rescued him, which Arthur didn’t believe for a single second. But regardless of the boy’s complete refusal to elaborate on it, there was no denying that something had happened and now they were both rather worse for wear because of it.
Arthur’s chest still felt tight and there was a horrible burning in his throat from when he had coughed up a load of lake water. Which was something else he didn’t understand. Okay, so swimming wasn’t exactly a daily activity for him but it’s not like he didn’t know how to do it. When he and Morgana were younger they would go swimming in the nearby lakes all the time, especially during the summer months, so for him to almost drown today was unexpected.
He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he almost didn’t noticed that Merlin had stopped walking. He was about to call out to ask him what the hold up was but as Arthur turned around he paused with a frown. Merlin looked terrible. He was slightly hunched over with a hand pressed against the nearby tree and his face was a ghastly pale - the kind of shade that his father had turned that one time he’d come down with the sweating sickness.
“Merlin?” He voice was soft as he stepped closer. At first he wasn’t sure if Merlin had heard him but as the boy raised his head to look at Arthur, there was a mere few seconds before a steady line of blood suddenly ran from his nose and he dropped to the ground with a thump.
Arthur was quick to action, running forward and sinking to his knees by Merlin’s head, his hands hovering in front of him, unsure of what to do or where to touch. Merlin’s mouth gaped open as he took a gasping breath and his eyes fluttered for a moment before closing completely.
Arthur could feel his heart thumping in his chest. What the hell had just happened?
He should have said something sooner, should have asked Merlin what was wrong or at least told him to take a break, but in his own cold and bewildered state all he wanted was to get back to the castle, to his dry clothes and warm fire.
He hadn’t expected Merlin to collapse and start bleeding out of nowhere.
The blood still running slowly across his lips was a stark red against his pale skin. He tried to wipe it away with his sleeve but all he succeeded in doing was smearing it across Merlin’s face.
He wasn’t qualified for this, Merlin clearly needed help and he had no idea what he was doing. He needed Gaius. Now.
Arthur grunted as he lifted Merlin’s dead weight over his shoulder and as he hurriedly began the long trek to Camelot he pretended not to feel the arm bouncing lifelessly against the bottom of his back. People didn’t just started bleeding from their nose for no reason and Arthur didn’t want to find out the cause of it too late.
He was tempted to run, to do anything to make the journey quicker, but he knew from his lifetime in Camelot’s army that that would only do more harm than good. This wasn’t the first time he’d had to carry a fellow soldier to safety and his main goal right now need to be conserving his strength. He was a very fit man by Camelot’s standards, he could train for hours on end, take down men twice his size, walk for miles if need be, but exerting himself too much at the start of his journey would only result in him having to take a break sooner rather than later.
They only had about an hour until they were home, he just needed to set a steady pace and he’d be fine.
They both would be.
The added pressure to his shoulders was making his chest ache again and he fought hard against the coughing fit he could feel looming in the back of his throat. His hair was almost completely dry now but his clothes still felt uncomfortably damp against him skin - another possible cause for concern. He had always been taught to keep his clothes dry and to keep himself warm during patrols but that was his last priority right now, only overtaken slightly by his pressing need to know why the hell he was in the water in the first place.
Merlin said that Sophia had tried to kill him, which was impossible. She was just an innocent girl who had needed some protection in the castle. She and her father had been nothing but grateful for the help that Arthur had provided them.
He barely knew her, but he knew she wasn’t capable of anything like that.
Maybe Merlin was jealous. Sophia had clearly taken a liking to him - and who could blame her - so maybe Merlin was just bitter that he’d been overlooked. That could explain the strange accusations and sudden dislike for the girl. Right?
But it didn’t explain how Arthur had ended up near drowned in a lake miles away from Camelot with only Merlin for company. A clearly very sick Merlin.
Why the hell had Merlin not brought a horse with him? He knew full well how to break one out of the stables and if he was embarking on this so called rescue, surely it would have made the journey much easier.
In fact, why the hell had Merlin decided that he should be the one to rescue him at all if he’d been in this sorry state to begin with. The King would have sent the entire army to Arthur’s aide if he had been in danger, but oh no, his servant had decided he could handle it all by himself.
Well look how that turned out.
Arthur tried to be angry but it was hard to feel anything but concern for his unconscious servant who had yet to make a single sound in the past twenty minutes he had been carrying him.
He’d seen Merlin hurt before, hell he’d carried him in the exact same manner after he’d been poisoned those many months ago, but it didn’t make it any easier seeing a friend like this.
…Not that Merlin was his friend. Of course not. It would never be allowed even if Arthur wanted to call him a friend. No, he was more of an associate. An acquaintance. A bumbling idiot that Camelot wouldn’t be the same without?
Let’s be honest, it wouldn’t matter what he called him if he didn’t get him back to the castle soon.
As Arthur reaffirmed his grip on Merlin’s leg, Merlin let out a small groan followed by a weak cough. It would have been easy to miss over the rustling of the trees if Arthur hadn’t been listening out for it.
“Merlin?” Arthur turned his head to whisper over his shoulder, slowing his walk to a more gentle pace but not wanting to stop completely unless he needed to. “Are you alright?”
“Arthur?” Merlin croaked out, confused and disorientated and he tried to lift his head from where it was hanging to see where the voice had come from. “Put me down.”
“No, we have to keep going.” Arthur shook his head even though Merlin couldn’t see him.  “We’re almost back and I need to get you to Gauis.”
Merlin didn’t even seem to hear him as he repeated himself and the pleading whine stopped Arthur in his tracks immediately. He didn’t want to waste any time but Merlin seemed quite desperate to no longer be carried. 
The forest floor didn’t look particularly comfortable with the tree roots jutting up all over the place but Arthur did his best to lower Merlin to the ground as carefully as possible, bending his knees until Merlin’s feet grazed the floor and using his free hand to guide the boy’s back all the way down.
Merlin didn’t stay horizontal for long though as he clumsily pushed himself up to roll onto his hands and knees. He was breathing heavily through his mouth and though his face appeared to have gained a touch of colour, the blood was still smeared horribly across his cheek.
His eyes were wide and he couldn’t hold back a sob as he heaved helplessly. Arthur had no idea when he had last eaten but Merlin’s stomach was clearly empty despite it’s desperate attempts to rid itself of its contents. The only thing being expelled was the small amount of bile that was now pooling in the dirt.
Arthur didn’t know what to do. He wanted to help but he didn’t know how to go about it. Morgana liked being comforted - a hand rubbing her back or holding her hair - any comforting gesture that told her she wasn’t alone, but Arthur was the complete opposite. He didn’t particularly enjoy anyone watching him when he was being sick, let alone invading his space so he didn’t want to do anything that would make Merlin even more uncomfortable. 
Choosing a safe middle ground he knelt down next to him but went no closer, whispering encouraging support over Merlin’s constant gagging. It was horrible to watch, Merlin’s scrunched face every time his stomach churned, the beads of sweat starting to form on his forehead, he just hoped Merlin felt somewhat better after the whole ordeal.
The string of saliva hanging from Merlin’s lower lip clung to his chin as he crawled the short distance to the nearest tree. With his back against the bark he took a moment to breath through the pain in his head and the sickly feeling in his stomach. He used what little strength he possessed to wipe the back of his hand across his chin before dropping it to his lap. “I’m okay.”
“Merlin…” Arthur started with a stare, determined to get to the bottom of what had happened now that Merlin was awake and talking.
“It’s nothing.”
“You look terrible.”
“Being sick will do that to a guy.”
“You’ve looked terrible since the second I woke up by that lake.” Arthur edged closer with a huff until he was kneeing barely an inch from Merlin’s outstretched legs. He refused to just let this go and Merlin’s next answer did nothing to help quell his concern.
“I just hit my head, that’s all.”
“I’m fine, Arthur.”
“People who are fine don’t collapse or get nose bleeds or start vomiting out of nowhere.”
Merlin ran a finger under his nose to feel the blood that was still sticky on his upper lip. He had no idea it had been bleeding and he didn’t really want to think about what it meant. “Head injuries can make you sick, that’s all that was. It’s probably what made my nose bleed too, it’s nothing.”
“Just because you can explain it away doesn’t mean it’s nothing.” Arthur almost crossed his arms but stopped himself before it made him look like a sulking child. He needed Merlin to start telling him what was going on though. He’d seen enough of his knights suffer from a blow to the head over the years to know how dangerous it could be. 
He sighed as he watched Merlin close his eyes and lean his head back against the tree. The boy was clearly in pain and they weren’t too far from Camelot but Arthur didn’t want to be caught unawares if this was even more serious than it looked. He was about to ask again what had happened when Merlin spoke up.
“I was trying to save your life.”
Merlin opened his eyes again and rolled his head against the tree to look straight at Arthur. “When I hit my head. I wasn’t lying before, Aulfric and Sophia really did kidnap you and I got thrown into a wall when I tried to stop them.”
“So when you say you were trying to save my life,” Arthur ran a hand through his hair to give the appearance that he was thinking hard about his next words. “You mean…you were doing a terrible job at saving my life.”
“I’m sorry, are you dead right now?”
“No, but I’m still not sure what happened so I don’t know if I can give you all the credit for me still being alive.”
Merlin would have hit Arthur then if it wasn’t for the fact that he barely had enough energy to lift his arms at that moment, well that and the likelihood that Arthur would probably class it as treason and have him thrown in the stocks once he was well enough. A simple eye roll and a half hidden smirk would have to suffice.
“Can you stand? We should get moving.” Arthur got to his feet and brushed his palms down the front of his trousers to rid them of any dirt before holding a hand out to Merlin. He was taking the return of Merlin’s usual flippant nature as a good sign but he didn’t want to wait around any longer than necessary. 
“Fine,” Merlin agreed with a grimace as he allowed Arthur to help him up. “But you’re not carrying me again.” It was embarrassing enough to know that Arthur had manhandled him whilst Merlin couldn’t stop him, there was no way he was going to let the prince do it now that he was conscious.
Arthur didn’t argue. His chest had stopped hurting as much now that the extra pressure was gone and if Merlin could stay on his own two feet then he was all for it but he wasn’t against offering a bit of help. Before he could hear any arguments he grabbed Merlin’s wrist and guided the arm over his shoulder, making sure to use his other hand to grip Merlin’s waist securely.
“How’s your head?” He asked, not expecting an honest answer but hoping for one anyway.
“It’s okay,” Merlin glanced over, noting how Arthur was watching him closely. It was strange. The only people to ever show any concern over his wellbeing was his mother and now Gaius but it seemed there was a new person to add to the list, whether Arthur realised it or not.
Gaius would be able to help him out once they reached Camelot but for now he was glad to have Arthur’s company. His head was still throbbing relentlessly and the pressure was building behind his eyes again. He couldn’t wait to get back and just have a nap.
As they walked through the forest Arthur kept up a continual chatter, keeping his voice quiet but constant. It seemed to be keeping Merlin awake and there wouldn’t be any bandits lurking this close to Camelot so the noise wasn’t a risk. It was only as the turrets of the castle could be seen in the distance looming over the trees did something occur to Arthur.
“Okay but where did Sophia go? You said she was trying to kill me but she wasn’t there when I woke up and it’s not like you could take on a sorcerer all by yourself.”
Exposed tree roots were going to be the death of Merlin as he stumbled once again, saved only by Arthur grip. He honestly hadn’t thought Arthur was smart enough to even consider asking about Sophia’s whereabouts and Merlin definitely didn’t have an answer ready that would satisfy his curiosities.
He couldn’t tell Arthur the truth, that much was obvious, but right now he didn’t know if could come up with a convincing enough lie. It was a very simple question that begged for a very simple answer and as with most things there was a very simple solution. Avoid the problem and eventually it’ll go away.
“Actually Arthur, my head’s starting to hurt again. Maybe we should walk in silence for a while.”
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jemch · 3 years
How It’s Made Index(S01~S10)
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How It’s Made是由 Discovery Channel 制作一款王牌节目,又被翻译为制造的原理或造物小百科, 本片从2001年推出至今,涵盖了几乎所有的制造技术 ,非常适合机械专业和对此感兴趣的同学。希望大家享受这趟制造的艺术之旅!
S01E01 Aluminum foil, Snow Boards, Contact lenses, Bread. 铝箔,雪橇板,隐形眼镜,面包
S01E02 Compact Discs; Mozzarella Cheese; Pantyhose; Fluorescent Tubes. 光碟,奶酪,女式连袜裤,荧光灯管
S01E03 Toothpicks; Acrylic Bathtubs; Helicopters; Beer. 牙签,玻璃纤维增强塑料浴缸 ,直升机,啤酒
S01E04 Hearing Aids; 3-D Puzzles; Rubber Mats; Toilets 助听器,三维拼图,胶垫,抽水马桶
S01E05 Copy Paper; Jeans; Computers; Plate Glass 复印纸,牛仔裤,电脑,平板玻璃
本集看点: 浮法平板玻璃的制作过程;
S01E06 Nails and Staples; Safety Glasses; Fabrics; Bicycles 钉子,护目镜,布匹,自行车
S01E07 Kayaks; Safety Boots; Electronic Signs; Cereals 皮划艇,安全靴,电子招牌,麦片粥
本集看点: 热塑性塑料的成型方法加工,不需要压力,只需要加热和摇晃即可;LED制成的大型广告或体育比赛显示屏
S01E08 Trucks; Adhesive Bandages; Computer Circuit Boards; Liquors 卡车,创口贴,计算机电路(PCB),酿酒(威士忌)
S01E09 Steel; Apple Juice; Aircraft Landing Gear; Cosmetics 钢铁,苹果汁,起落架,化妆品
S01E10 Holograms; Package Printing; Skin Culture; Canned Corn 全息摄影,包装盒,皮肤培植,罐装玉米
S01E11 Plastic Bags; Solar Panels; Plastic Gasoline Containers; Hockey Sticks 塑料袋,太阳能电池板,塑料汽油桶,曲棍球棍
S01E12 Aluminum Screw Caps; Chocolate; Pills; Pasta 铝瓶盖,巧克力,药丸,面食
S01E13 Bicycle Helmets; Aluminum; Car Brakes; Lithium Batteries 自行车头盔,铝,汽车刹车,锂电池
S02E01 Eyeglass Lenses; Granite; Potato Chips; Microprocessors 眼睛镜片,花岗石板,薯片,微处理器
S02E02 Honey; Fiber-Optics; Bricks; Pipe Organs 蜂蜜,光纤,砖块,管风琴
S02E03 Personal Watercraft; Wine; Office Furniture; Ice Skates 水上摩托,葡萄酒,办公家具,溜冰鞋
S02E04 Winter Jackets; Animation; Mushrooms; Gold Rings 冬季夹克衫,动画片,蘑菇,金戒指
本集看点:用 熔模铸造工艺制作魔戒;
S02E05 Hydroponic Lettuce; Construction Wood; Recycling; Fishing Flies 水培莴苣,建筑木材,垃圾回收,假蝇饵
S02E06 Diamond Cuttings; Wood Doors; Paintballs; Newspapers 切割钻石,木门,彩色球,报纸
S02E07 Carpets; Drinking Water; Laser Eye Surgery; Acoustic Guitars 地毯,饮用水,激光眼科手术,吉他
S02E08 Fiberglass Boats; Clothes Dryers; Bubble Gum; Fireworks 玻璃纤维艇,干衣机,泡泡糖,焰火
S02E09 Steel Safes; False Teeth; Airplanes; Maple Syrup 保险箱,假牙,轻型飞机,枫糖浆
S02E10 Gummies; Aluminum Cans; Fish Farming; Bronze Sculptures 花色软糖,易拉罐,养鱼,青铜雕塑
S02E11 Aluminum Pots and Pans; Artificial Limbs; Peanut Butter; High Intensity Light Bulbs 旋压铝制品,假肢,花生酱,高光灯泡
S02E12 Cars; Grocery Carts; Rapid Tooling and Prototyping; Collectible Coins 小汽车,购物车,快速模具成型,纪念币
S02E13 Ball Bearings; Electrical Wires; Lost Wax Process Casting; Automated Machines 轴承,电线,熔模铸造,自动化机器
本集看点:钢球的制造过程(冲压+研磨); 熔模铸造的金属铸造件, 熔模本身也是通过模具制造的;极其舒适的全自动化制造过程合集;
S03E01 Pre-inked Stamps; Cranberries; Cotton Yarn; Road Signs 原子章,酸果,棉纱,交通标志
S03E02 Combination Locks; Pottery; Recreational Vehicles; Erasers 字码锁,陶器,休闲拖车,橡皮擦
S03E03 Wheel Loaders; Vegetable Oil; Hand Tools; Cotton Swabs 轮式装运机,植物油,手动工具,棉签
S03E04 Temporary Metal Fences; Asphalt Shingles; Polystyrene Products; Hard Candies 金属栅栏,沥青屋面板,泡沫板,花式硬糖
S03E05 Horse-drawn Carriages; Artificial Eyes; Dog and Cat Food; Mirrors 老式马车,假眼,猫粮和狗粮,镜子
S03E06 Yogurt; Candles; Neon Signs; Bookbindings 酸奶,蜡烛,霓虹灯,装订
S03E07 Prepared Mustard; Violins; Nuts and Bolts; Toilet Paper 芥末,小提琴,螺母螺帽,卫生纸
S03E08 Fresh Cut Flowers; Adhesive Tape; Tofu; Lottery Tickets 鲜花,胶带,豆腐,彩票
S03E09 Inflatable Watercraft; Couscous; Modelling Dough; Wicker Products 充气筏,蒸粗麦粉,玩具胶泥,柳条编织
S03E10 Wind Generators; PVC Gloves; Thermo-Formed Glass; Fire Trucks 风力发电机,塑胶手套,热塑玻璃,消防车
S03E11 Radiators; Hatchery Chicks; Filo Pastry; Cross-Country Skis 汽车散热器,孵蛋机,薄生面片,滑雪撬
S03E12 Electric Baseboard Heaters; Moulded Pulp Containers; Chicken; Video Games 电加热器,纸浆(鸡蛋)托盘,鸡肉,电脑游戏
S03E13 Fire Fighter Boots; Garden Tools; Automated Machines; Gypsum Board 防火靴,园艺工具,自动化机械,石膏板
S04E01 Plastic Bottles & Jars; Mail; Eggs; Handcrafted Wooden Pens 塑料瓶,邮件分拣,鸡蛋,木柄定制钢笔
S04E02 Plastic Injection Moulds; Automotive Oil Filters; Filing Cabinets; Blown Glass 塑料注塑模具,汽车滤油器,档案柜,吹塑玻璃
S04E03 High-Precision Cutting Tools; Stained Glass; Semi-Trailers; Recorders 钻头,拼花玻璃,拖车,木直笛
本集看点: 涡流加热,通过热处理后软化或硬化金属;
S04E04 Conga Drums; Metal Plating; Buttons; 康茄鼓,金属电镀,纽扣
本集看点: 金属电镀制程;
S04E05 Grinding Wheels; Compost; Window Blinds; Milk 砂轮,堆肥,百叶窗,牛奶
S04E06 Brushes & Push Brooms; Blackboards; Smoked Salmon; Zippers 木刷子,黑板,熏鲑鱼片,拉链
本集看点: 毛刷组装时的金属U型倒扣固定住刷毛;
S04E07 3D Commercial Signs; Hardwood Floors; Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe; Mattresses 立体标牌,硬木地板,聚乙烯管,床垫
本集看点: 大型塑胶型材的成型过程;弹簧的制作过程;
S04E08 Ceramic Tiles; Nuts; Steel Forgings; Skateboards 瓷砖,果仁,炼钢,滑板
本集看点: 炼钢和轧钢;
S04E09 Car Engines; Flour; Recliners; Envelopes 轿车引擎,面粉,活动躺椅,信封
S04E10 Plastic Cups & Cutlery; Special Effects Makeup; Gold; Harps 塑料杯和餐具,特技化妆,黄金,竖琴
本集看点: 热成型一次性塑料杯;简单一些的塑料管型材制作过程;金锭的制作过程;
S04E11 Countertop Laminate; Frozen Treats; Children's Building Blocks; Detergents 表面压片,雪糕,儿童积木,清洁剂
S04E12 Architectural Moldings; Pulleys; Industrial Rubber Hose; Sheet Vinyl Flooring 装饰嵌条,滑轮,橡皮管,树脂地板
S04E13 Putty Knives; Garage Doors; Electric Motors; Wool 油灰刀,车库活动门,电动机,毛料衣物
S05E01 Paving Asphalt; Marshmallow Cookies; Loudspeakers; Electronic Door Locks 沥青石料,葵糖饼干,高音喇叭,电子门锁
S05E02 Wood Burning Stoves; Orthoses; Ballet Slippers; Buses 木炭火炉,矫正鞋具,芭蕾舞鞋,公共汽车
S05E03 Robotic Arms; Tattoos; Sanitary Napkins; Concrete Pipes 机械手,纹身,卫生巾,水泥管
S05E04 Hockey Gloves; Snack Cakes; Remoulded Tires; Wastewater Treatment 曲棍球手套,点心蛋糕,轮胎翻新,污水处理
S05E05 Ambulances; Dining Room Tables; Diatonic Accordians; Acrylic Awards 救护车,餐桌,手风琴,有机玻璃工艺品
S05E06 Alkaline Batteries; Wheelchairs; Flutes; Cowboy Boots 碱性电池,轮椅,长笛,牛仔靴
本集看点: 学习一下最常见类型电池的制作原理;
S05E07 Golf Balls; Furniture Handles; Parking Meters; Room Dividers 高尔夫球,门扣,停车计时器,房间屏风
S05E08 Suits of Armour; Street Light Poles; Bent Hardwood; Membrane Switches 铁盔甲,电灯杆,弯曲硬木,薄膜开关
本集看点: 可以看到锅仔片的结构原理;
S05E09 Sulkies; Bagpipes; Yule Logs; Fishing Lures 单座两轮马车,风笛,圣诞节原木形大蛋糕,假鱼饵
S05E10 Goalie Pads; Lapel Pins; Cardboard Boxes; Crystal Wine Glasses 守门员护具,衣襟徽章,纸盒,水晶杯
S05E11 Cement; Caskets; Soft Drinks; Glider Rockers 水泥,棺材,饮料,摆动式摇椅
S05E12 Kitchen Knives; Mannequins; Socks; Hypodermic Needles 厨刀,人体模型,纱袜,针头
S05E13 Electrical Panels; Kites; Eyeglass Frames; Toothbrushes 配电板,风筝,眼镜架,牙刷
S06E01 Three-Wheeled Vehicles; Baseball Bats; Artificial Bonsais; Trombones 三轮摩托,棒球棍,盆景,长号
S06E02 Springs; Pavers; Pianos; 弹簧,路砖,钢琴
本集看点: 各种弹簧的全自动制作过程;
S06E03 Ropes; Billiard Tables; Sailboards; Cymbals 绳索,台球桌,帆板,铙钹
S06E04 Seatbelts; Windows; Wax Figurines; Hot Air Balloons 安全带,塑钢窗,小蜡像,热气球
S06E05 Air Filters; Billiard Cues; Ice Sculptures; Suits 空气过滤器,台球杆,冰雕,西服
S06E06 Escalator Handrails; Highlighters; Guitar Strings; Wigs 自动扶梯扶手,荧光记号笔,吉他弦,假发
S06E07 Traditional Bows; Coffee Machines; Mascots; Hammocks 传统的弓,咖啡机,吉祥物,吊床
S06E08 Fiberglass Insulation; Wooden Ducks; Gumball Machines; Exhaust Systems 玻璃纤维隔层,木鸭子,口香糖球售卖机,排气管
S06E09 Chains; Bagels; Vinyl Records; 链条,硬面包圈,唱片
S06E10 Windshields; English Saddles; Butter; Post Clocks 挡风玻璃,英式马鞍,黄油,柱钟
本集看点: 夹层玻璃的制作过程;
S06E11 Individual Transporters; Canoes; Electric Guitars 双轮代步车,雪松独木舟,电吉它
S06E12 Residential Water Heaters; Air Bags; Jelly Beans; Ice Resurfacers 宅用热水器,气囊,胶质软糖,冰面修整器
S06E13 Amphibious Vehicles; Putters; Model Ships; Drumheads 水陆两用车,高尔夫球杆,轮船模型,鼓面
S07E01 Footballs; Electric Guitar Amplifiers; Marbles; Airplane Propellers 橄榄球,吉它扩音器,玻璃球,飞机螺旋桨
本集看点: 精美的艺术品玻璃球;先锻造再CNC成型的结构件;
S07E02 Engine Blocks; Jawbreakers; Drum Shells; Drums 引擎铸模,硬球糖,爵士鼓
本集看点: 引擎的模具制造和浇铸过程;
S07E03 Lighters; Fossils; Hockey Pucks; High-Pressure Cylinders 打火机,化石,冰球,高压钢瓶
本集看点: 铝合金的多次拉伸成型过程;
S07E04 Balloons; Wallpaper; Frozen French Fries; Incandescent Light Bulbs 气球,墙纸,炸薯条,白炽灯泡
S07E05 Matches; Carousel Horses; Fine Porcelain; Fuel Tanks 火柴,旋转木马,细瓷,汽油箱
S07E06 Glass Cookware; Soap Bars; Steel Drums; Firefighter Uniforms 玻璃炊具,肥皂,铁皮鼓,防火服
S07E07 Crayons; Wooden Kayaks; Lawnmowers; Gold Chains 蜡笔,木伐子,割草机,金项链
S07E08 Inflatable Safety Devices; Braille Typewriters; Carbon-Fibre Cellos 安全气囊,盲人打字机,碳纤维大提琴
S07E09 Carbon-Fibre Masts; Fortune Cookies; IMAX Projectors; Roller Chains 碳纤维桅杆,好运饼干,IMAX 放映机,滚子链
S07E10 Firefighter Helmets; Nautical Compasses; Packaging Tubes; Hand Saws 消防员头盔,罗盘,包装软管,手锯
S07E11 Halogen Bulbs; Cellulose Insulation; Aluminum Ladders; Bamboo Fly Rods 卤素灯,纤维绝缘层,铝梯,竹制飞蝇钓竿
S07E12 Drill Bits; Photo Booths; Stamps 钻头,照相亭,邮票
S07E13 Yacht Wheels; Braided Rugs; Automobile Thermostats; Chisels 游艇方向盘,编织毯,汽车调温器,凿子
S08E01 Motorcycles; Clay Pipes; Drumsticks; Whistles 摩托车,水泥管,鼓槌,哨子
S08E02 Glass Bottles; Hacksaws; Goalie Masks 玻璃瓶,钢锯,守门员面具
本集看点: 极其舒适的玻璃瓶模具制造和吹制成型制程;
S08E03 Lacrosse Sticks; Frozen Fish Products; Flashlights; Paintbrushes 长柄曲棍球杆,油炸冻鱼肉,手电筒,油漆刷
S08E04 Deep Cycle Batteries; Tins; Optical Lenses 蓄电池,白铁罐,光学镜头
本集看点: 镜头的打磨抛光制程,以及多层镜片结构;
S08E05 Pistons; Paint Rollers; Parachutes; Chimneys 活塞,油漆滚筒,降落伞,烟筒
本集看点: 先锻压成型再CNC的典型结构件;由钢板卷成圆筒的典型制程,提前制作倒钩结构进行预固定,自动化制程不需要;
S08E06 Fishing Reels; Miniature Houses; Kitchen Mixers 渔线轮,迷你房屋,厨房搅拌器
S08E07 Photographs; Fur Tanning; Welding Electrodes; Electric Violins 照片,毛皮制革,电焊条,电子小提琴
S08E08 Horseshoes; Dishwashers; Graphite Fly Rods; Pizza 马蹄铁,洗碗机,石墨飞蝇钓竿,比萨饼
S08E09 CO2 Cartridges; Pretzels; Scissor Lifts; Skating Rinks 二氧化碳弹药筒,椒盐卷饼,剪式提升机,滑冰场
S08E10 Pro Hockey Sticks; Bronzed Shoes; Treadmills; Computers 职业曲棍球棍,古铜色婴儿鞋,跑步机,掌上电脑
S08E11 Handcuffs; Caulking Compound; Propane Tanks; Forensics 手铐,堵缝剂,丙烷罐,法医学面部再造
本集看点: 上下焊接的冲压铝罐制程;
S08E12 Fur Coats; Hearses; Outdoor Lighting Fixtures; Golf Tees 毛皮大衣,灵车,室外照明器材,高尔夫球座
S08E13 Manhole Covers; Range Hoods; Artificial Logs; Snowmobiles 下水道井盖,抽油烟机,人造原木,雪地摩托
本集看点: 简单一些的金属铸造制程;
S09E01 Solid Tires; Cheesecake; Canoe Paddles; Globes 实心轮胎,奶酪蛋糕,独木舟短桨,地球仪
S09E02 Boomerangs; Barbeques; Pinball Machines; Strobe Lights 回力镖 ,烧烤炉具,弹球机,闪光灯
S09E03 Wooden Bowls; Chainsaws; Stackable Potato Chips; Jet Compressor Blades 木圆盆,链锯,马铃薯片,喷气压缩机叶片
S09E04 Steel Wool; Ranges; Carved Candles; Slot Machines 钢丝棉,炊具系列,雕刻蜡烛,老虎机
S09E05 CCD Semiconductors; Airline Meals; Paper Cups; Trumpets CCD半导体,航空餐,纸杯,小号
本集看点: 先进制程之相机CCD感应芯片制作过程;
S09E06 Padlocks; Hair Clippers; Wooden Shoes; Synthetic Leather 挂锁,电推剪,木鞋,人造革
S09E07 Racing Shells; Stainless Steel Sinks; Leather; Pedal Steel Guitar 划艇,不锈钢水池,皮革,踏板钢铁吉他
S09E08 Swords; Pontoons; Grandfather Clocks; Fuses 剑,浮船, 落地大摆钟,保险丝
S09E09 Bumpers; Lighting Gels and Camera Filters; Steam-Powered Models; Candy Canes 保险杠,滤色片,蒸汽模型,苔杖糖
S09E10 Umbrellas; Outboard Motors; Silver Cutlery; Tape Measures 雨伞,舷外马达,银制餐具,卷尺
S09E11 Scalpels; Oil Paints; British Police Helmets; Ice Axes 手术刀,油画颜料,英国警察头盔,冰斧
S09E12 Bacon; Snowblowers; Luxury Cars 熏肉,扬雪车,豪华轿车
S09E13 Automatic Transmissions; Silver Miniatures; Hot Air Balloon Baskets; Darts 自动变速器,银制微型复制品,热气球吊篮,飞镖
S10E01 Magnets; Cooked Ham; Silver Teapots; Crash Test Dummies 磁铁,火腿,银制茶壶,撞击测试人体模型
本集看点: 用线圈磁化的磁铁;对于收口的茶壶,内芯位置冲压模具应该是用可变形的橡胶;
S10E02 Curling Stones; Refrigerators; Aluminum Baseball Bats; Opalescent Glass 冰壶,冰箱,铝制棒球棍,乳白玻璃
S10E03 Levels; Hot Dogs; Abrasive Grains; Sandpaper 水平尺,热狗,抛光粉,砂纸
S10E04 Ice Cream Treats; Wooden Golf Clubs; Aircraft Wings; Car Battery 冰淇淋,木制高尔夫球杆头,飞机机翼,车用蓄电池回收
S10E05 Automotive Fuel Pumps; Cricket Bats; Change Machines; Ductile Iron Pipe 汽车燃油泵,板球,纸币找换机,球墨铸铁管
S10E06 Wooden Barrels; Fire Hydrants; Automotive Seats; Cathode Ray Tubes 木桶,消防栓,汽车座椅,阴极射线管
本集看点: 老式CRT电视是如何制作的;
S10E07 Stainless Steel; Football Helmets; Resin Figurines; Laboratory Glassware 不锈钢,橄榄球头盔,树脂小塑像,实验室玻璃器具
本集看点: 不锈钢轧制制程;玻璃管的热切割制程;
S10E08 Fire Extinguishers; Doughnuts; Shock Absorbers; Banjos 灭火器,甜甜圈,减震器,班卓琴
S10E09 Dress Forms; Boat Propellers; Duvets; Faucets 女装人体模型,小艇螺旋桨,羽绒被,水龙头
本集看点: 注塑的融模,再进行浇铸;
S10E10 Bronze Bells; Wooden Airplane Propellers; Charcoal Briquettes; Gas Log Fireplaces 铜钟, 木制螺旋桨, 木炭和煤气炉
S10E11 Ice Cream Cones; Tent Trailers; Shoe Polish; Pliers 折叠刀, 皂石, 变压器和传统雪鞋
S10E12 Steel Shipping Drums; Police Whistles; Miniature Train Wagons; Glass Blocks 油桶, 警笛, 微型车厢和玻璃垫块
S10E13 Pocket Knives; Soapstone Products; Electric Pole Transformers; Snowshoes 蛋筒, 篷式挂车, 鞋油和钳子
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
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The Venture Bros. #10: “Ice Station - Impossible!” | September 18, 2004 - 11:00 PM | S01E07
Notable for (sorta gratuitously) connecting the Venture Bros. universe to the Jonny Quest universe. This one is about Dr. Venture going to work for Professor Impossible, who’s like Mister Fantastic of the Fantastic Four. He’s voiced by Stephen Colbert here. In subsequent appearances it’s a crapshoot as to who voices him. Dr. Venture connects with a rebellious Sally Impossible, wife of Professor Impossible. She’s also supposed to be the invisible one on the Fantastic Four, but she can only make her skin invisible. In an early DVD commentary, Jackson and Doc wonder out loud who they’d have sex with in the Venture-verse. Jackson scoffs that he wouldn’t have sex with any of them. I’d probably have sex with Sally Impossible because... well, wouldn’t it be neat to see it go in and stuff? Penis-havers are you with me? I mean, it’d be educational, right?
There’s also a fire guy and a Thing, who they explicitly state is a retarded dude. Sally has some laugh-out-loud lines explaining this in less-than-sensitive terms. The fire guy’s bit is that he has to sleep in a glass coffin or else he’ll ignite and it causes him intense pain. Also, Professor Impossible is a controlling creepy dickhead, who dumps Venture in the North Pole to die after he finds that he’s getting a little too close to his wife.
Oh, I haven’t gotten to the Jonny Quest thing. The convenient subplot is that a plane containing a dangerous chemical weapon crashes after an in-air skirmish among some bad guys and one good guy. That good guy is Race Bannon, bodyguard to the Quests. They show his ID and everything. In 2004 anything owned by Turner was fair game, but I’ve heard that the creators got an edict from the network that they couldn’t use the characters anymore, so they stopped identifying them explicitly. They make small appearances here and there, and you get the impression that they are the “real world” versions of the cartoon, the same way Rusty Venture inspired his own cartoon show. This is all laid out in the later episodes more explicitly. I don’t think the concept of Rusty having a cartoon counterpart becomes a thing until season 3. It makes enough sense though. If Gary Coleman could have his own cartoon show, then why not Rusty Venture?
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