#The Colleton Company
dwsavideos · 2 months
My WATER FOR ELEPHANTS Opinion • The Big Top on Broadway!
Going into this show, I already liked the songs, but I didn’t know the story at all because I haven’t read the book or seen the movie (I just knew there was a circus lol). I went into it fairly blind, and what I saw on that stage for two and a half hours was nothing short of whimsical. I’ve gotta give a review of my experience without giving too much of the plot away- so this is gonna be kind of informal. I’m basically just gonna talk about what I love about this show because it definitely has flaws like any show does, but I genuinely think people are being too hard on this show. It has so much potential, so much insane superhuman talent, and it is so well designed. Just because there aren’t 50 Cirque du Soleil-esque acts or Grammy winning pop songs in it doesn’t make it bad. Not to mention that the original source material was difficult to work with for sure! I think that while this show is far from mainstream, it still has that classic flashy Broadway show vibe- and what a relief that is. I could talk about this show and the talented people in it for ages. My messages and asks are always open, so if you want to share an opinion or experience, or wanna chat about the show, I’m here for it! Okay, time to dive in:
For some background information, Water For Elephants is set in America during the 1930s, (I think 1931) and of course, at a traveling circus called Benzini Brother’s Circus which is in great financial trouble and is definitely not the most spectacular circus during that time. They manage to stay afloat under the management of the ringmaster, August played by Paul Alexander Nolan. Throughout the show, we see signs that the circus performers and workers (Kinkers and Rousts), and the animals are not treated fairly by August.
Jacob Jankowski played by Grant Gustin is a young man on the run from his personal troubles and jumps onto the nearest train, not knowing or caring where it was going. He meets some dodgy characters who reveal themselves as Rousts or circus stagehand workers (Wade being the main, scariest one, played by Wade McCollum). Jacob soon meets an older Roust named Camel, played by Stan Brown. Camel convinces Jacob to stay at least one day. Jacob doesn’t love the idea, and neither does Wade. They come to an agreement and all parties reluctantly decide to work together for one day only. One day turns into a lot longer- and now the fun begins.
The ensemble had great dancers and amazing circus artists (who also all danced). The circus artists in this show are unnamed ensemble characters, so I will call them by their actual names (There were a few swings on the night I saw the show): Antoine Boissereau, Gabriel Olivera, Isabella Diaz, Keaton Hentoff-Killian, Nicolas Jelmoni, Harley McLeish, Sam Renaud, and Alex Royer.
The ensemble of dancers who play Kinkers and Rousts were: Brandon Block, Paul Castree, Caroline Kane, Marissa Rosen, Charles South, Sean Stack, Matthew Varvar, and Michelle West.
The understudies and swings who were on as leads and featured characters for this performance were: Samantha Gershman as Marlena, Taylor Colleton as Barbara, and Michael Mendez as Walter. The ensemble and circus swings were Brandon Block, Michelle West, and Harley McLeish. As usual, Gregg Edelman played Mr. Jankowski. Almost every single one of these performers was a puppeteer at some point in the show.
The great circus stunts start right off the bat in the second number “The Road Don’t Make You Young” when the cast sets up the big top tent. Needless to say, their Tony Performance of this song does not do this cast justice at all. Seeing this live was awesome. Especially Gabriel Olivera, Isabella Diaz, Keaton Hentoff-Killian, and Alex Royer doing impressive (and kinda scary) tricks on the Chinese Pole and then also singing and dancing with the rest of the company like it was nothing. The number also included many hand to hand tricks where Alex and Isabella were thrown and flipped and caught by their porters. They made it look effortless. Some other big circus numbers were “The Lion Has Got No Teeth”, “The Grand Spec”, and “Zostań”. In the span of these numbers, there were flips, hand to hand tricks, aerial acrobatics, juggling, Chinese pole, Cyr wheel, hula hoops, and more! There were even several quick scenes that was just a few circus performs on stage doing their thing!
Also, I have to say that Grant Gustin was great! He has a great voice and he portrayed Jacob brilliantly considering his character is pretty bland. Paul Alexander Nolan stole the show as many good villains tend to do. Samantha Gershman didn’t miss a beat as Marlena, and her voice was stunning! Wade McCollum as Wade was one of my favorite performances as far as acting goes (plus he has one hell of a voice). And the ensemble of both the dancers and circus performers were out of this world. The choreography was so fun to watch and the way it was mixed perfectly with the circus tricks had me on the edge of my seat every time there was a big group number.
My favorite three moments in the show:
3: The Stampede: For a show with lots of fun tricks, colorful costumes, and flashy numbers, things got pretty dark towards the end. I won’t get into the really dark part, but one scene near the end that was really well done was a scene without any singing or dancing- the Stampede. This scene was staged incredibly, and it was very haunting. The cast turned into puppeteers and their movements along with the lighting design, sound design, and Gregg Edelman’s narration caused it to be impossible to even blink during this scene. In particular, Caroline Kane did a fantastic job portraying Rosie the Elephant for this scene and throughout the show. She was one of the six people who puppeteered Rosie. Caroline controlled Rosie’s trunk and also conveyed Rosie’s emotions with her facial expressions. At times, she was the sole person responsible for making us believe there was an elephant on stage- and she was brilliant. She portrayed Rosie’s joy, pain, fear, and anger so so well!
2: The Dream/“Go Home”: This moment was before the stampede scene, and it was so cool to watch. Once again, the lighting design and staging was very well done, and Grant Gustin was excellent in this scene as he grappled with his inner thoughts. In Theatre, a dream sequence scene could sometimes be corny, but this one was necessary. Another very haunting moment in the show, this dream sequence came at a pivotal time in the plot, and gave us a deeper look into Jacob’s mind, along with a major choice that he had to make. The beginning of the scene was like something out of the 2013 Pippin revival, with the circus performers nightmarishly taunting Jacob on a dimly lit stage. August made an appearance too, also taunting Jacob- who’s conscience was trying to tell him to murder August. During this dream, the circus performers become an ensemble of Jacob’s fears and desires. They do daring stunts, walking and sliding backwards on tightropes, twirl in aerial hoops, two performers juggle knives- tossing them back and forth while Jacob stands still in between them. Jacob grabs a knife from midair and contemplates if he should use it. August cracks his whip at the lion, puppeteered by Gabriel. Soon Marlena and Rosie appear in Jacob’s dream as his only two comforting companions. During this nightmare, things start to get real for Jacob. The opening guitar of “Go Home” begins, and Jacob stands by and watches helplessly as his parents parish in a car accident. The way this car accident is staged is not loud or gruesome, but kind of peaceful- maybe since Jacob didn’t witness it when it happened, it’s how he imagined it or hoped it was like. There is no car at all, but it was easy to tell what’s happening due to the blocking and great choreography. Jacob’s parents are portrayed by Keaton and Alex- Keaton pretends to hold on to the wheel until blaring headlights flash in their faces and disaster strikes in slow motion. The other circus performers are assembled behind Jacob’s parents, staged as if they’re pushing them into their demise. After impact, Keaton and Alex are physically pulled out from that reality by the others, and back into the circus troupe. The movement and choreography in this scene is what carries the story as Jacob sings the song “Go Home”. The song ends with the ensemble softly singing “there’s nothing you won’t do/there’s nothing you can do” over and over as Jacob holds a knife, hovered over a sleeping August. The song ends with the characters back in reality. All in all, this scene was a great mesh of musical theatre, physical theatre, and circus.
1: “Easy”: When Jacob and the audience first meets Marlena. Here, she’s caring for her beloved injured horse Silver Star, puppeteered by two circus performers Antoine and Keaton. The horse puppet timidly approaches Marlena, limping. As Keaton left the scene, Antoine smoothly handed off the Silver Star puppet (head) to Marlena, who sang as she simultaneously soothed and controlled the horse’s head while it rested on her lap in pain. Then Antoine’s aerial silk act began. It was an outstanding and elegant thing to watch. He perfectly portrayed the spirit of Silver Star longing to be healthy and free. He swung over the audience in an aerial dance, and at one point, he swung out as the silks held him by his neck. His skills during that beautiful routine along with the emotional song that Samantha Gershman sang perfectly was a highlight for sure. Antoine was a standout circus artist and dancer, and was really fun to watch the whole show. If you haven’t gotten the chance, listen to “Easy” on the cast recording- it’s the best song in the album.
Some details I enjoyed:
One of the things I noticed while reading the playbill was the amount of Non-Binary performers in this show! There are five NB performers in W4E. (Let me know of you want to know who they are, because I don’t necessarily name drop here). Interestingly I noticed that every costume that one of the female presenting NB performers wore could be considered gender-neutral such as pants and overalls which looked just like the outfits the men and male presenting cast members wore in the show. I just thought that it was a nice touch that one of the NB performers got to wear gender-neutral costumes in a show that takes place in an era when those who were female presenting rarely wore pants or overalls (especially as a performer). Even the leotard they wore in circus scenes was the same as the male presenting circus performers! I’d love to think that this was a conscious choice by the costume designer and director to put the cast in costumes that they are comfortable in regardless of gender.
Every puppet was so intricate and beautifully designed. I sat fairly close but not too close, and I was able to see so many details of the puppets. They were so colorful, lively, and still so different from puppets in shows like the Lion King or Frozen. But like the Lion King, the actors controlling the puppets are very much included in the puppet’s identity. Their facial expressions and physical movements of their entire body, and even their costume colors play a huge part in each animal’s portrayal. However, in Lion King, many of the puppets are more costume than puppet. In W4E, the only animal that is worn as a costume is an Orangutan played by Alex. Overall, I think this was such a cool and original take on animal puppets on stage.
References to other songs in “Go Home” lyrics: Listening to the cast recording over and over, I realized that there are many melodic and lyrical references to other key songs in “Go Home” which I guess can be considered as the 11 o’clock number of W4E. In the song, there are melodic and lyrical references to the following songs: “Anywhere”, “Easy”, and “What Do You Do?” (GO LISTEN!!) I just love when songs that aren’t a Reprise have references to other songs in musicals. It’s very classic Broadway and great storytelling!
Personally, I loved Water For Elephants! The circus parts were the most fun to watch, and everyone in the cast was so amazing and seemed to be super tight-knit. You’re not going to W4E to delve into some deep subject in a contemporary musical and leave with a bitter sweet feeling and a great message, but does every new musical have to be like that nowadays?? I definitely recommend this show, especially for families or people who love the circus, puppets, or depression-era shows! Water for Elephants is a whimsical spectacle with so many fun moments. I think Broadway needs more of that.
If you’re still here, thank you for reading this entire thing lol!
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bestmusicalworldcup · 9 months
Full casting has been announced for Water for Elephants, a $25 million dollar musical coming to Broadway.
Starring in the production is Grant Gustin as Jacob Jankowski, and Isabelle McCalla as Marlena. The cast also features Gregg Edelman as Mr. Jankowski, Paul Alexander Nolan as August, Stan Brown as Camel, Joe De Paul as Walter, Sara Gettelfinger as Barbara, and Wade McCollum as Wade.
Newly announced for the musical's company are Brandon Block, Antoine Boissereau, Rachael Boyd, Paul Castree, Ken Wulf Clark, Taylor Colleton, Gabriel Olivera de Paula Costa, Isabella Luisa Diaz, Samantha Gershman, Keaton Hentoff-Killian, Nicolas Jelmoni, Caroline Kane, Harley Ross Beckwith McLeish, Michael Mendez, Samuel Renaud, Marissa Rosen, Alexandra Gaelle Royer, Asa Somers, Charles South, Sean Stack, Matthew Varvar, and Michelle West.
Water for Elephants features a book by Rick Elice and music and lyrics by PigPen Theatre Co. Previews begin February 24, 2024 at the Imperial Theatre on Broadway, with opening night set for March 21.
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ambrosichtdesigns · 2 years
Hilton Head's Ambrosic Home Theater Designs, LLC Provides Full-Service Home Audio Installation
Hilton Head Island, SC - Ambrosic Home Theater Designs, LLC, headquartered in Hilton Head Island, SC, provides residents unrestricted access to premium home audio systems.
The company is well-known for its finest custom-tailored Home Audio Installation Near Me Hilton Head. They are considered experts in audio and video system planning, design, and installation. They can install everything from a complete surround sound system to automated lighting. The company also states, "We deliver simple yet aesthetically pleasing installations together with inventive consultancy, resulting in satisfied customers."
Ambrosic Home Theater Designs, LLC allows clients to enjoy the best home audio and video system. Setting up the home audio system is the first step in the process. They help customers choose the best audio fit for their lifestyle. They consider factors including the room's dimensions, the speakers' capabilities, and the acoustics, as well as any potential for improvement by applying treatments like soundproofing materials.
The video is another crucial part of a Hilton Head home theater installation. Clients can trust that the Ambrosic Home Theater Designs experts would only suggest the highest-quality, most aesthetically pleasing screen within their price range. They are home theater design specialists that work with customers to create customized systems that exceed their highest expectations.
System designers and installers at Ambrosic Home Theater Designs, LLC have received extensive training in handling these complicated installation materials. They are certified by CEDIA or the Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association, the leading global authority in the home technology industry.
With relentless innovation and outstanding design, Ambrosic Home Theater Designs consistently outperforms the competition and earns the trust of satisfied customers. Furthermore, Home Audio Installation Company in Hilton Head guarantees that all customers receive first-rate service. They also provide their customers with state-of-the-art home entertainment systems and forward-thinking services.
"Our professional team looks forward to collaborating with you to create the ideal design for your home that will provide incredible sound and stunning visuals," they add.
Besides audio and video installation services, the Hilton Head company also delivers Home Theater Design and Installation, Home Automation, Outdoor Theater Entertainment, and Modus VR (virtual reality).
Ambrosic Home Theater Designs has been serving the Bluffton community since 2000, and they have expanded to include the communities in Palmetto Bluff, Berkeley Hall, and Colleton River. Anybody curious about Ambrosic Home Theater Designs, LLC's many offerings in the field of home entertainment may check out their website at https://www.ahtdesigns.com/.
They may learn more about Audio And Video By Ambrosic Home Theater Designs, LLC by calling 843-338-5084. The Home Theater Design Company is at 35 Wood Duck Court, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina 29928.
Original post here: Hilton Head's Ambrosic Home Theater Designs, LLC Provides Full-Service Home Audio Installation Originally published here: https://ambrosichometheaterdesigns.blogspot.com/2023/02/hilton-heads-ambrosic-home-theater.html
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virginiaprelawland · 2 years
Who Is Alex Murdaugh?
By Noreen Karam, University of Virginia Tech, Class of 2024
February 24, 2023
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The tragic circumstances swirling around a lawyer and his family in South Carolina became only more perplexing over time, leading to several arrests, stunning twists — and now, one of the most closely-watched trials in the country. At its center is Alex Murdaugh, 54, whose family dominated the legal landscape in the southern part of the state for 100 years, and who now faces trial on two counts of murder. Prosecutors have accused him of killing his wife and son in a failed attempt to conceal his own financial crimes.
It all began on the night of June 7, 2021, when Alex Murdaugh, whose father, grandfather and great-grandfather all served as the top prosecutors across a wide area of the state, called 911 to report that his wife and one of their two sons had been shot to death. A sense of mystery enveloped the killings as more than a year passed without a suspect or motive identified. Then, on July 14, 2022, Mr. Murdaugh, was indicted on two counts of murder, with the authorities saying he fatally shot his wife with a rifle and his son with a shotgun. Mr. Murdaugh has been in jail since October 2021, when he was first charged with stealing from a former client, and prosecutors have since brought a wave of financial charges against him, saying he defrauded victims — many of whom were clients — out of about $8.8 million. Mr. Murdaugh has maintained his innocence in the killing of his wife and son, and his lawyers said before trial that he “looks forward to this opportunity to clear his name.”
 The trial began on Jan. 23, and was expected to wrap up by next week.The scrutiny on Mr. Murdaugh has spawned several more investigations into three previous deaths in proximity to the family, and Mr. Murdaugh has also been charged with scheming to stage his own suicide to look like a murder after being pushed out of his law firm. That case will go to trial later. If Mr. Murdaugh is convicted of murder, state law mandates that he be sentenced to at least 30 years in prison, and prosecutors have said they will seek a life sentence; they have chosen not to seek the death penalty. Jurors will also hear testimony on two charges that Mr. Murdaugh possessed a weapon during the commission of a violent crime.
The fatal shooting of Mr. Murdaugh’s wife, Maggie, 52, and their son Paul, a 22-year-old junior at the University of South Carolina, rocked the state’s Lowcountry region, where the family had established a legal dynasty. The killings began to be known as the Murdaugh murders. Mr. Murdaugh had told the authorities that he discovered their bodies near some dog kennels at the family’s isolated home in Islandton, a rural hamlet about 65 miles west of Charleston. Mr. Murdaugh had been at home with his wife and son earlier on the day that they died, but phone records indicate that he left to visit his mother around 9 p.m. He has said that he then returned home and found the bodies. Prosecutors have said that he killed Maggie and Paul before leaving, and then tried to create an alibi.
In audio of his call to 911, which he placed just after 10 p.m., a seemingly distraught Mr. Murdaugh said he had arrived home and found their bodies on the ground “out at my kennel.” “I’ve been up to it now, it’s bad,” Mr. Murdaugh told the dispatcher. He said that neither his wife nor his son was breathing, and he implored the emergency responders to hurry. “Are they close, ma’am?” After law enforcement officers arrived, Mr. Murdaugh told them that his son Paul had been getting threats because of a fatal boat wreck he had been involved in a couple of years earlier. (At the time of his death, Paul had been charged with felonies related to the crash.)
Officers with the Colleton County Sheriff’s Office wrote in reports that they had discovered several shell casings and had called a tow truck company to the scene. They also said they had looked for surveillance cameras from neighboring homes and businesses, though the heavily redacted police reports did not indicate whether they found any.
Prosecutors say that nearly three months after Mr. Murdaugh’s wife and son were killed, an employee at his law firm — which was founded by his great-grandfather more than a century ago — discovered a check that was supposed to be addressed to the firm but was instead made out to Mr. Murdaugh. That finding led the firm to investigate further and, when they discovered evidence of financial wrongdoing, to ask for his resignation, which he gave. The next day, Sept. 4, 2021, in another bizarre twist, Mr. Murdaugh claimed that he had been shot in the head on the side of a rural road by someone who drove by while he was changing a flat tire. He was taken to a hospital, but his story soon began to fall apart. It turned out that he had not been alone on the side of the road, as he had claimed, but was with a friend and distant cousin, Curtis Edward Smith.
Mr. Murdaugh soon admitted that he had asked Mr. Smith to shoot him in the head. Mr. Murdaugh’s lawyers said he had come up with a plan to make his suicide look like a murder because he believed it would help his older son, Buster Murdaugh, collect on his life insurance policy. Medical records showed that Mr. Murdaugh had been shot in the back of the head, but he had been able to call for help afterward. Two days later, Mr. Murdaugh issued a statement apologizing to his “family, friends and colleagues” and said he was entering rehab for an addiction to painkillers.
The incident ended in the arrest of both Mr. Murdaugh and his cousin. Mr. Smith was charged with aggravated assault, assisting in a suicide attempt and insurance fraud. He told the New York Times that he did not shoot Mr. Murdaugh and that the gun had gone off as he grabbed Mr. Murdaugh’s arm to stop him from shooting himself. Mr. Murdaugh turned himself in to the police on Sept. 16 and was charged with insurance fraud, conspiracy to commit insurance fraud and filing a false police report — all felonies. In July 2022, Mr. Murdaugh and Mr. Smith were indicted on conspiracy charges for what prosecutors said was years of money laundering related to distributing oxycodone.
The Murdaugh legal dynasty goes back to Randolph Murdaugh, who ran a one-man law office before he was elected, in 1920, as the first chief prosecutor for a five-county region that covers 3,200 square miles. He served in the position for two decades before he was killed in a train crash. Then his son, Randolph Murdaugh Jr., who was known as Buster, took over his father’s role in the 14th Circuit Solicitor’s Office. The younger Murdaugh was in the position for 46 years and, when he retired, his son, Randolph Murdaugh III, who was Alex Murdaugh’s father, was elected, serving until 2006. Alex Murdaugh never ran for the prosecutor job, but he did serve as a volunteer prosecutor and sometimes helped his father with cases. He was officially removed from that volunteer role in September.
When the trial began in January, defense lawyers for Mr. Murdaugh pointed to friendly family scenes that had been recorded on Paul’s cellphone not long before the murders. The lawyers suggested that Mr. Murdaugh could not have had the impulse — nor the time — to brutally execute his wife and son. Prosecutors argued that Mr. Murdaugh’s finances were under so much scrutiny — he is accused of embezzling millions of dollars — that he hatched a bizarre plan to kill his family members in order to gain sympathy, and to delay efforts to get him to divulge his personal financial information. Over the past several days, video recordings from law enforcement officials have been shared with the jury, showing more of what happened in the hours after Mr. Murdaugh’s 911 call.
The footage showed that Mr. Murdaugh, who was polite but sometimes distraught as he answered investigators’ questions, was wearing a white T-shirt that did not appear to be bloody. He could be heard saying that he had touched the bodies of his son and his wife, searching for a pulse, and that he had a “wonderful” marriage to Maggie and a good relationship with Paul.
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tv-moments · 3 years
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Dexter: New Blood
“Cold Snap“
Director: Marcos Siega
DoP: Hillary Fyfe Spera
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About Us
Bluffton, South Carolina is located between Beaufort, SC and Savannah, Ga. Surrounded by three rivers, May River, Colleton River and the Okatie River which are just off the Intracoastal waterway. Once the hub of commerce after the Civil War with history repeating itself making Bluffton the “heart of the Lowcountry”
Nestled among beautiful live oaks trees an teaming with history the town of Bluffton is made up of various artists. The historic downtown area is full of galleries as well as many great shops and restaurants.
Once a sleepy, unknown town, serving as the gateway to Hilton Head Island, Bluffton has made a name for itself branded as a “state of mind” for many of its locals. Bluffton is the definition of life in the lowcountry.
Bluffton, SC, incorporated in 1852, is unique in its past and its present. Walking tours are available through the town’s Historic Welcome Center, the Heyward House where story tellers dressed in antebellum costumes take visitors back in time. Also, through out the year Bluffton hosts many great festivals; Taste of Bluffton, MayFest, Boiled Peanut Festival, Seafood Arts Festival and summer Sunset Parties.
For more information on Bluffton please go bluffton.com or the Town of Bluffton’s website townofbluffton.org . Or, call the Chamber 843-757-1010.
CONTACT DETAILS: Greater Bluffton Chamber of Commerce 217 Goethe Rd, Bluffton, SC 29910 PH: (843) 757-1010 Email: [email protected] Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/zfWCPnhtu6Q8qGgt8 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYJ7779lPz51SGbGbESBmYQ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blufftonchamberofcommerce Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blufftonchamber1010 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/greater-bluffton-chamber-of-commerce Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlufftonChamber Website: http://blufftonchamberofcommerce.org
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donmihalik · 2 years
Top 5 21st-century Industries with the Fastest Growth
China and India are two of the top five e-commerce markets in terms of growth. Even if these markets have long been the norm, the newest ones are on the verge of storming the world. Even though these developing markets are tiny, they provide e-commerce business owners the ideal chance to enter a fast growing market. Let's examine the top 5 e-commerce markets in more detail.
By 2017, the e-learning market is anticipated to expand by 20% annually. Personalizing lessons in real time, learning as a game, and better student tracking are all emerging themes. In addition, more millennial children will require specific goods and services to thrive due to the high birth rate in the U.S. Gender-neutral toys, chemical-free diapers, and gluten-free baby food are a few of the top startup concepts in this industry.
Education technology is the second-fastest-growing startup sector in the U.K. This industry integrates technological instruments into the household and the classroom. Students could always have access to top-notch academic resources thanks to these tools. The Coronavirus virus catalyzed the expansion of the tech sector. Currently, the U.K. has 552 active high-growth tech startups. The current development of the tech industry predicts they will reach $4 billion over the next five years.
The South Carolina city of Charleston, SC, has the second-fastest growth rate. The Charleston market is comprised of the counties of Charleston, Dorchester, and Colleton. Maricopa county, meantime, is located in Phoenix, Arizona. Additionally, Lee, Florida is located in southwest Florida and has just one county, Lee. Similar to Orlando, FL, which is located in central Florida and encompasses the counties of Orange and Sumter, Lake, and Northwest Pinal.
The artificial intelligence sector is expanding quickly. Pioneers in China, Singapore, and Hong Kong have already created the technology to identify illness and foretell a person's demise. For instance, the most recent innovation in this field is Amazon's Alexa. By 2025, the artificial intelligence market is anticipated to grow to $9 billion. These positions may be ideal for you if you seek well-paying employment in this industry.
Green electricity is desirable for many nations as it becomes more accessible and affordable. Samsung, a leading global technology company, has pledged to use only renewable energy in the U.S., Europe, and China by 2020. Following pressure from member states, the E.U. has increased its target to reach 32 percent green power by 2030. Global sales of renewable energy already total $1.35 billion. So, how do you profit from this market? First, affirm investing in this sector.
India will soon rank as the ninth-largest aviation market in the world. It will have more than three times as many mobile apps installed as any other region by 2020, accounting for nearly 50% of all installs worldwide. Furthermore, the market will bring in $72.2 billion in income from games, or 47% of all games worldwide. India could be a good market for you if you want to grow your company internationally. Therefore, enter these fascinating growing markets and leave your mark there.
Another rising market is Namibia. Namibia's solar energy sector expanded 74% last year due to the increasing demand for locally generated electricity. The nation already has 120 MW worth of large-scale solar projects in the works. There is no denying that the continent has a promising future for renewable energy. The top solar energy markets with the highest growth are all in Africa. However, it is Africa's richness that sets it apart. The geography of Africa is the most varied of any continent.
Despite Brexit, U.K. imports to the United States remained stable in 2018, with eight out of ten European destinations. However, the U.K.'s commerce sector will undoubtedly be impacted by Brexit, and the main export destinations may alter significantly. Despite the U.K.'s reliance on the E.U., North Macedonia and Gibraltar have had faster economic growth than the U.S. or the E.U. Korea, Turkey, Kazakhstan, and Oman, in contrast, saw substantial development over the previous four years.
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wikifoxnews · 3 years
Who is Curtis Edward Smith ( Man arrested in shooting of Alex Murdaugh ) Wiki, Bio, Age, Crime, Incident details, Investigations and More Facts
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Curtis Edward Smith Biography                   Curtis Edward Smith Wiki
South Carolina police arrested a man who allegedly conspired with Alex Murdaugh, a prominent lawyer whose wife and son were killed in a double shooting in June to be shot and killed for millions in reimbursements.
"South Carolina law enforcement officers arrested a Colleton County man Tuesday in connection with the Sept. 4 shooting in which Alex Murdaugh was involved in Hampton County," Door said, speech by the division of forces. Curtis Edward Smith, 61, is charged with assisting and inciting suicide, assaulting and hitting, pointing and displaying a firearm, insurance fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud. Insurance related to the case, according to the South Carolina Department of Law Enforcement. #MurdaughMurders Curtis Edward Smith was charged with “assisted suicide, assault and battery of a high aggravated nature, pointing and presenting a firearm, insurance fraud, and conspiracy to commit insurance fraud.” https://t.co/oEPIRFPzAD via @crimeonlinenews — Nancy Grace (@NancyGrace) September 15, 2021 Investigators said they likely had reason to believe that Murdaugh himself orchestrated the plot, but survived the shooting attempt with a superficial head injury, according to an affidavit from the SLED. "Richard Alex Murdaugh conspired with Curtis Edward Smith in the Old Salkehatchie Road area to help Mr. Smith commit suicide," the affidavit reads. "Mr. Murdaugh provided Mr. Smith with a firearm and ordered him to shoot him in the head to cause the death of Mr. Murdaugh and allow the payment of a declared death sentence." If the plot was successful, Murdaugh's surviving son, Buster Murdaugh, could have collected $ 10 million from his father's life insurance, police said. Smith allegedly shot Murdaugh in the head on Old Salkehatchie Road on the afternoon of September 4, then left to dispose of the gun that the attorney allegedly provided him. Police also charged Smith with allegedly selling methamphetamine and possessing marijuana. Additional charges related to the Murdaugh case are expected after state investigators joined the case at the request of the Hampton County Sheriff's Office, Crosby said. Two days after the shooting, Murdaugh announced that he would be leaving the law firm his family founded more than a century ago to go to rehab. Hours later, the PMPED company claimed that the outgoing attorney had misappropriated funds. Also in this case, SLED is investigating. Later that week, the Murdaugh State Supreme Court revoked Murdaugh's legal license. Known throughout the region for their legal practice and ten years of oversight by the local prosecutor's office, the Murdaughs gained national attention in the wake of the unsolved murders of Paul and Maggie Murdaugh, 22 and 52, on June 7. . a farm and was discovered by Alex Murdaugh, who said that he stumbled upon the crime scene on the way home after visiting his terminally ill father, who died days later. At the time of his murder, Paul was awaiting trial in a drunk boating accident that killed a 19-year-old passenger named Mallory Beach in February 2019. Investigators investigating the double homicide said they also uncovered information that led them to reopen the investigation into the death of 19-year-old Stephen Smith in 2015. The case raised questions about the family's ties to local police and opened a state investigation and civil proceedings to determine whether there had been undue influence. Read the full article
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Contact Address: 104 Westoe St, Summerville, SC 29483 Phone: 843-934-6555 Website http://www.commonviewhomeinspections.com/
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Related Searches To serve our clients’ needs by providing outstanding service; Delivering a complete home inspection that is honest, thorough and exceeds all professional minimal standards in a determined effort to help guide our clients through one of the most valuable and important purchases that they can make. Common View Home Inspections is a Veteran owned and family operated company located in the Summerville area. We will perform quality Home Inspections in the Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, and Dorchester counties. Our goal is to provide all of our customers with a through education about the property in which they are considering investing. We like to ensure that our customers get a great inspection for a great price, and that they are 100% satisfied with the results. In order to do this, we hope that you will accompany us throughout the inspection. We will examine the exterior and interior of the home to check for possible moisture intrusion, deteriorated materials, delayed maintenance and any possibly unsafe conditions.
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sciencespies · 3 years
Op-ed | Are we there yet? A journey to more clearly see the changing planet
Op-ed | Are we there yet? A journey to more clearly see the changing planet
We’ve all been there. Either as a child, in the back of your parents’ car, probably squashed between two obnoxious siblings or, as a parent of a restless toddler, 15 minutes into a four-hour road trip, the question always arises, “Are we there yet?”
Those of us in the Earth observations field, have a special affinity for this question as we have had to ask it many times on the long journey of launching satellites, collecting data, analyzing Earth’s changes, and predicting future trends. Are we there yet, at that moment when disparate data systems across the federal agencies are integrated easily? Are we there yet, when a potential user of Earth observations can easily discover and apply data and information that they need? Are we there yet, when services for climate, land cover change, oceans, and ecosystems are elevated to the operational level of weather services?
The introduction of the Biden administration’s American Jobs Plan with its estimated $2 trillion infrastructure investment, raises hope that finally arriving at some of these visionary destinations could be in reach. With the plan intended to create jobs and rebuild infrastructure, the climate crises and competition with China emerge as two key drivers. That is where the vital link to U.S. Earth observations and environmental information exists. It is imperative to recognize that without federally supported, long-term Earth observations, science and applications, climate insights would not be possible and our global leadership and positioning in respect to China minimized. Therefore, the work of NOAA, NASA, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Science Foundation (NSF) and others must be recognized as critical to the success of the American Jobs Plan.
Three important intersections for the Earth and environmental information sector as it relates to re-imagining and rebuilding a new economy include ensuring that a “whole of government” approach translates to “whole of Earth,” engaging and supporting business, and realizing a national Earth predictive capability to win the future.
In the case of re-imagining or rebuilding a new post-pandemic economy, it is essential that the “whole of government” response translates into a “whole of Earth” approach. No one Federal agency holds the knowledge products needed to clearly identify the best path forward. NASA, NOAA, USGS, NSF, and other agencies, along with the research community they support, all make unique and valuable contributions to our understanding of the changing planet. Assets such as satellites, drones, ships, uncrewed marine vehicles, and data collected by citizen scientists are as diverse as the agencies that comprise the federal Earth observations and information sector.
Through efforts such as the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) which produces the quadrennial National Climate Assessment, and the U.S. Group on Earth Observations (USGEO), much progress has been made in interagency coordination to provide the nation with comprehensive assessments and products as well as a unified strategy for international cooperation.
However, just as the American Jobs Plan addresses building new roads and bridges, the question arises as to whether these coordination entities — the USGCRP, USGEO, and others — that were established in 1989 and 2005, respectively, are positioned to meet the challenge accelerating impacts of climate, biodiversity loss, or emerging pandemic risk. After all, NOAA reported that their global carbon measurement recorded a new high April 3, topping 421 parts per million (PPM). Measurements tell us one thing, but translating measurements to solutions and action for preparing and protecting the nation will require much more.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine address this point in a new report that calls on the USGCRP to “shift its focus to providing insights that help society prepare for and avoid the worst potential consequences of climate change, while protecting the most vulnerable.”
And as if anyone still needed any convincing, February’s events in Texas show the critical importance of observations and environmental information in dealing with climate risk. In his op-ed, Texas cold snap was not ‘unprecedented,’ and it was inexcusable to be unprepared, former NOAA chief operating officer David Titley states, “This event was the latest instance in which millions of dollars in adaptation would have prevented billions of dollars of damage, saved lives and greatly reduced the suffering of Texans.”
So, how should the United States “build back better” beginning with the federal Earth and environmental information in support of informing this vital infrastructure initiative?
Experts such as Justin Kenney, senior adviser to the United Nations Foundation, believes ocean research — which historically has been underfunded in the past — must be elevated with an expanded role for NOAA. “The ocean-climate link is the strongest it has ever been,” he stated in a recent interview. Citing the Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate and the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, Kenney argues that ocean-based solutions for climate change such as the decarbonization of marine transportation, offshore wind energy, role of conservation all support increased investment in ocean observations and services that should be elevated similarly to the level of the nation’s weather services.
Others see a tremendous opportunity to engage business as technical solutions providers and environmental information consumers.
Over the past decade, the field of satellite Earth observations has seen dramatic growth primarily driven by private sector capital developing disruptive technologies, fueling innovation and leading to new applications that are no longer theoretical, but in fact are driving business decisions on a daily basis. The nascent nanosatellite market alone is estimated at $1.64 billion and is expected to grow 21.8% annually over the next five years, according to a Research and Markets report.
The commercial entrants in spaced-based Earth observations have without exception required government customers as their anchor tenant to be viable, allowing them to raise capital against predictable revenue streams. This has allowed these firms to also invest in tools and applications targeted at commercial customers thereby diversifying and growing their business.
The western United States is currently experiencing moderate to severe drought, and it is expected to worsen in the upcoming months. Credit: NASA
Consider ocean observations as an example for growth. While it is well known that the oceans play an outsized role in climate and weather, our ability to collect observations and analyze that information into tangible actions has lagged seriously behind the terrestrial satellite observation community. A robust commercial industry is needed with new business models, technologies and solutions that dramatically improve our access to ocean observations while also improving our understanding of the global processes driving climate change.
One can envision an ecosystem of marine based in-situ Earth observation and analytics companies akin to those now present in the space-based Earth observations market. There is no shortage of established and startup companies focused on bringing these capabilities to market. What they need is a sign from the U.S. government that there is a desire to work together at scale in public private partnerships to create an environmental information infrastructure that generates solutions to protect Earth’s natural systems and citizens.
In fact, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, the former Rhode Island governor, has an immediate opportunity to turn the tide by facilitating the development of this ecosystem, with its potential to grow the economy, create jobs, protect lives and property, and position American leadership.
Finally, a major step forward for the nation would be to establish an Earth predictive capability. To win the future, the U.S. should establish a robust, operational, multidisciplinary, user-focused centralized effort serving civil and national security environmental information needs. This idea should leverage and build upon the tremendous data and information assets that are produced daily and spread across the federal agencies. Its mission should be clear: To monitor, predict, and communicate the future of the planet. After all, as much as climate change may occupy most of our attention today, an earthquake, volcanic eruption, or new pandemic could quickly capture our attention tomorrow.
Two important considerations are needed to support the national Earth predictive capability. The first is science communication. Such an effort could play a major role in combating the assault on science by engaging citizens and helping them understand the Earth system, how it works, and how it can be managed. The second is positioning the capability to support the U.S. economy. This will involve providing foundational products and services that can be enhanced and distributed by industry, strengthening academic research and engagement, and preparing the current and future workforce.
It’s time to arrive at this new destination. We’re almost there!
Nancy Colleton is the president of the Arlington, Virginia-based Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and studies Earth observations applications for business and conservation.
Anne Hale Miglarese is an independent consultant focused on the acquisition of environmental observations for solutions development. She has worked in this field for 35 years in both state and federal government, the nonprofit sector as well as numerous executive positions in private industry.
This article originally appeared in the April 19, 2021 issue of SpaceNews magazine.
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ambrosichtdesigns · 2 years
Ambrosic Home Theater Designs, LLC Offers Complete Home Entertainment Services in Hilton Head
Hilton Head Island, SC - Ambrosic Home Theater Designs, LLC, a Hilton Head Island-based company, gives Bluffton, South Carolina residents full access to the best home entertainment systems.
Highlighting the advancement of Home Technology Bluffton, the company says homeowners can get the best home entertainment suited to their needs and preference. Ambrosic Home Theater Designs, LLC offers complete home entertainment design, installation, and maintenance to Bluffton homeowners.
The company assures homeowners of excellent service and is proud to have the best technicians in the industry. Ambrosic Home Theater Designs, LLC is a CEDIA-certified company, which means its people are not only knowledgeable in home technology but among the best in the industry.
Before any installation procedure, the company ensures that each home entertainment equipment is compatible with the other, as well as the wiring system at the client’s home. They can handle any home entertainment requirements and designs, as well as the wiring and network requirements. “We can also assist with designing your wiring cable television, network, and data,” the company expressed.
The Home Entertainment System Installers can provide the full package to a complete system at home. They can start by delivering home theater designs suited to the client’s needs and lifestyle. Their designs include not only the layout but also the materials and their usability.
Their installation service then follows it. The company ensures the integrity of all cables installed for a hassle-free and solid installation. Ambrosic Home Theater Designs, LLC can also streamline the various appliances in every Home Media Room with their automation system solutions. They are among the most sophisticated solutions on the market. “We can simplify your life and offer unbeatable entertainment,” they stressed.
Speaking of home entertainment, Ambrosic Home Theater Designs also offers audio and video installation. They can create the ideal home theater for all. “We can help you design to make the most of every inch of space and work with your budget to get you exactly what you desire,” the company adds. Aside from indoor entertainment, Ambrosic Home Theater Designs also offers top-quality home entertainment systems for the outdoors.
The Ambrosic Home Theater Designs, LLC team is also devoted to providing the highest level of customer service, emphasizing ease of use. They are a customer-focused company, providing clients with simple yet elegant installations coupled with creative consultations from start to finish.
Ambrosic Home Theater Designs also caters to the following communities in Bluffton: Palmetto Bluff Area, Berkeley Hall, and Colleton River, and they have been in the business since 2000. To know more about the various home entertainment services of Ambrosic Home Theater Designs, LLC, interested parties may visit https://www.ahtdesigns.com/.
For quality Home Entertainment Systems Bluffton, SC, clients may contact Ambrosic Home Theater Designs, LLC at 843-338-5084. They are at 35 Wood Duck Court, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928.
Original post here: Ambrosic Home Theater Designs, LLC Offers Complete Home Entertainment Services in Hilton Head Originally published here: https://ambrosichometheaterdesigns.blogspot.com/2022/10/ambrosic-home-theater-designs-llc.html
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tv-moments · 3 years
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Dexter: New Blood
“H Is for Hero“
Director: Sanford Bookstaver
DoP: Michael Watson
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 17/2/2020
Good Morning #realdreamchasers ! Here is your daily news cap for Monday 17th February, 2020. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Government Information Service (BGIS), Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).
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STUART: MIA LET’S TALK – AFTER “NUFF NUFF” TALK and no action from the current Government, Barbadians are no better off, and certainly not happy. And the gun violence permeating the country isn’t helping the current regime either, former Prime Minister Freundel Stuart charged last night. Speaking for the first time on a national platform since conceding an unprecedented 30-0 defeat in the wee hours of May 25, 2018, Stuart told a packed hall of Princess Margaret School that he was tired of remaining silent. He said he still wished all Barbadians well, and would not critique the overall performance of Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley in the morning of her tenure, and would wait to do so in the evening of her time as the country’s eighth Prime Minister. But, he added, the early grade would not be a good one. (DN)
CANADIAN PM CALLS OFF DIPLOMATIC VISIT TO CARIBBEAN AMID ONGOING RAIL STOPPAGES – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau cancelled a trip to Barbados scheduled for Monday as Indigenous demonstrators and their supporters continue to halt train service across parts of the country. Trudeau planned to bring his pitch for a UN Security Council seat to a two-day gathering of leaders from across what is known as the Caribbean Community, or Caricom, but will send Foreign Affairs Minister François-Philippe Champagne instead. "Following the government's ongoing efforts to address infrastructure disruptions across the country, the prime minister will convene the Incident Response Group tomorrow to discuss steps forward," the Prime Minister's Office said in a statement. The IRG is a group of cabinet members and high-level officials the prime minister leans on in times of crisis. "Our priority remains the safety and security of all Canadians and the swift resolution of this issue to restore service across the rail system in accordance with the law," the statement said. Trudeau returned to Canada late Friday after spending a week in Ethiopia, Kuwait, Senegal and Germany and spent the weekend in private meetings, according to his public schedule. The decision comes amid mounting pressure from business leaders and politicians who want the government to take more of an active role in resolving the crisis, which some say is damaging the economy and could lead to shortages of propane and other consumer goods. (DN)
SOME RECEIVE DISLOCATION GRANTS – Some of the Fairchild Street vendors who have been shifted because of this week’s demolition of the old National Insurance Scheme (NIS) building in Bridgetown have received dislocation grants in the form of $2 000 cheques. A vendor, who requested anonymity, said members of the Ministry of Agriculture passed by Saturday after 4 p.m. They said those who did not receive a cheque were told they would get one today. While the vendor said she was appreciative of the gesture, she expressed skepticism. “At least we are getting something instead of nothing, but to survive on that for five weeks is impossible, because I don’t even feel it will only take five weeks to build a new market for us. This money won’t stretch. I don’t know what I’m going to do yet; I will have to wait and see. You accept what you are given and that’s what you get,” she said. (DN)
GRAZETTES LOSSES – The operations of at least four businesses were affected yesterday after an early morning fire gutted two buildings at Grazettes Industrial Park, St Michael. The fire, which reportedly started nearest to furniture manufacturer Matrix Marketing, was reported just before 6 a.m. It affected companies such as Glassfibre Products, Continental Foods Inc. and a woodwork shop. Large plumes of black smoke could be seen from as far as Brandons Beach, St Michael, and because there were chemicals involved, the flames quickly intensified, causing explosions. It took more than three hours for firefighters to get the blaze under control. Deputy Chief Fire Officer Henderson Patrick told the DAILY NATION around 10:30 a.m. that the situation was so dire that 32 personnel, including senior officers, had to be called in. “We had challenges with a number of chemicals that were stored in one of the buildings, but our officers were able to manage the situation so that there were no injuries,” he said. (DN)
DOMINICA: RESCUE TEAMS CONTINUE SEARCH FOR PASSENGERS AFTER AIRCRAFT CRASHES INTO THE SEA – Rescue teams were continuing the search on Sunday night for survivors after a single-engine Piper F-OGKO aircraft with four people including the two pilots crashed into the sea on its approach to the Douglas Charles Airport, northeast of here on Sunday night, police and fire officials have confirmed. French officials said that the Cros Antilles-Guyane rescue operation is currently underway and that initial reports indicate that the plane was among other aircraft going to Dominica for a day-long visit. They said the flights had been organised by the “Ailes de Guadeloupe” club and that the weather conditions were excellent at the time of the incident. (DN)
LUCK ESCAPE FOR CHRIST CHURCH MAN – What started out as a regular Sunday morning chore almost turned tragic for a resident of Wotton, Christ Church today. The man, who asked to remain anonymous, almost fell into a 70-foot well when the concrete slab he stepped on collapsed as he took out his garbage just after 10 a.m. Luckily for him, the garbage can, which he was pulling, served as a balance beam and stopped him from plummeting several feet to his probable death. Ironically, seven months ago 17-year-old Kyriq Boyce died in a similar manner after falling into a 100-foot well at Martin Road, the Pine, St Michael. The 39-year-old man told Barbados TODAY he believed he would have died had he not kept his balance after the concrete well cover caved in. “I was taking out the garbage and just as I was about to step on the well cover a fella shout me. I hold up my hand and at the same time the well cave in and my front foot fell into the well, but because I was holding the garbage can it help to balance me, so half of my body was inside the well and half was out. “When I catch myself I let go of the garbage can and I was able to roll myself onto the grass. If I wasn’t holding that garbage can I would have gone straight down in that well,” he said. He escaped with minor bruises to his hands, lower leg and back. And even as he struggled to come to grips with his close brush with death, the concerned man said the situation could have been much worse had it been one of the many children who live in the housing area who had stepped on the well. “If this was one of the children who live in Wotton things could have been much worse. One of them could have ended up dead,” he noted. Just after noon, personnel from the National Housing Corporation (NHC) arrived to place a temporary cover over the well along with caution tape. They encountered several irate residents, who claimed the community was being neglected by Government. Parliamentary representative for the area Ryan Straughn was also on hand and told Barbados TODAY the wooden covers were just a temporary fix and that NHC workers would return tomorrow to provide a permanent solution. He promised that the NHC would act speedily in fixing not only the affected well, but also other wells in the densely populated housing area. “The state of the wells on the public estates are obviously in dire need of repair. I know the NHC has commenced some work, certainly in the Pine area and others, but obviously as you can see here there was an incident where a resident was disposing of some refuse and luckily no one was injured seriously, so therefore we will appeal to the NHC to seek to address not just this particular situation but the rest of the wells as far as Wotton is concerned,” Straughn said. “This is a further example of the kind of neglect, if you like, that these communities would have experienced over a number of years. But we have given a commitment in terms of being able to solve these but obviously given the current resources, I know the NHC has done an inspection of all of the wells across all of the estates and has been seeking to respond to them as strategically as they can.” Straughn, the Minister in the Ministry of Finance, also used the opportunity to plead with residents not to traverse on wells as this could be a big risk. (BT)
UPDATE MAN FATALLY SHOT – Police are on the scene at Colleton Tenantry, St John investigating the shooting death of a young man from Gall Hill in the same parish.  Police report they received a call around 8:56 a.m. that a man was lying motionless in Colleton. Upon investigation, they discovered the body with bullet wounds. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Anyone with any information is asked to call district C at 416-8200; Crime Stoppers 1-800-TIPS or the nearest police station. (DN)
VAUXHALL PRIMARY REOPENING ON TUESDAY – The Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training is informing parents and guardians of the Vauxhall Primary School that the school will reopen on Tuesday, February 18, for all students. However, classes will be conducted tomorrow, Monday February 17, for students of Class four. Class four students will report to the school to be directed to the Vauxhall Methodist Church, where their classes well be conducted. School meals will be provided as usual for students in attendance at this location.  These students will then report as usual at Vauxhall Primary for their classes from Tuesday. (BGIS)
There are 319 days left in the year Shalom!  Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram for your daily news. #thechasefiles #dailynewscaps #bajannewscaps #newsinanutshell
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spotifypremiumapks · 3 years
Who was Alex Murdaugh? Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Cause of Death, Investigation
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Alex Murdaugh Wiki  -Alex Murdaugh Biography
Alex Murdaugh, the patriarch of a mighty South Carolina Legal family whose wife and son was mysteriously murdered in June has now been shot. Murdaugh, a lawyer and descendant of a prominent and wealthy family, found the bodies of his murdered son and wife in June 2021, murders that remain unsolved. Murdaugh himself was now shot in a separate incident along a country road, adding to the mysterious sequence of events involving the well-known family, according to the Charlotte Observer. Murdaugh was shot in the head but survived, the newspaper reported. Murdaugh, whose full name is R. Alexander Murdaugh Sr., discovered Paul, 22, and Maggie Murdaugh, 52, shot to death at the "Moselle" family hunting lodge on June 7, 2021. Alex Murdaugh was previously called a "person of interest" in the deaths of his son and daughter, who were members of such a prominent and accomplished family that some in South Carolina are likening the double homicide to a John Grisham novel. according to FITS News. No one has been arrested or charged in the deaths of Paul and Maggie. The state newspaper described the family as representative of "power, justice and a lot of money" for almost a century. Heavy emailed Alex Murdaugh through his law firm asking if he wanted to comment first. He made no comment. Now, he too has been shot.
Murdaugh, who has an alibi in the murders of his wife and son, was shot by a person in a truck, says his lawyer
According to the Charlotte Observer, the 53-year-old attorney was found shot on the afternoon of Saturday, September 4, 2021, on "a country road in Hampton County." His attorney said he was recovering in hospital, the Observer reported, and police confirmed that Murdaugh was shot. Jim Griffin, Murdaugh's attorney, told the Observer that Murdaugh had trouble with the car on his way to Charleston and was stopped on the highway when a truck that had passed him turned around and was shot by the person inside. . Griffin told the newspaper that he obtained that information from Murdaugh's brother, Randy. FITSNews has made some of the best local reports on the mysterious murder case. They reported through sources that Alex Murdaugh has a "strong alibi" in the death of his wife and son. However, Alex Murdaugh is "a central focus of the investigation," the site reported. Alex Murdaugh has not been arrested, charged or publicly charged with anything related to the killings; nor have registered sources confirmed the FITSNews account. The site said it has an alibi, but cited a source who said there are "credible concerns" about when the shooting occurred and said authorities are investigating "possible tampering with the crime scene." The Post and Courier reported that Maggie was found a few feet from Paul.
The mother and son were shot "execution-style" near a kennel, reports say; the family asked for privacy after Alex was shot
The family is asking for privacy after the latest shooting, telling the Observer in a statement: “The Murdaugh family has suffered more than any family can imagine. We hope Alex recovers and asks for his privacy while he recovers. " Paul and Maggie were shot "execution style" in a premeditated "very ugly" scene, FITSNews reported. According to The Augusta Chronicle, the bodies were found "outside the residence, near a kennel," and the coroner confirmed that they died from "multiple gunshot wounds." The suspect or suspects are unclear; neither is the motive, authorities said, though they said "there is no danger to the public," according to FITSNews. Authorities have not released many details. Nevertheless, FITSNews reportedThrough law enforcement sources, the Murdaughs died from "multiple gunshot wounds." The site reported that Maggie's husband and Paul's father, Richard Alexander Murdaugh Sr., discovered the bodies outside one of the two houses on their 1,700-acre property around 10 p.m. on Monday, June 7, 2021. Paul is the younger brother in the family photos; the other brother is Richard Alexander Murdaugh Jr., known as "Buster", who was not harmed. There is no indication that he was present. He works at the family's law firm, according to his Facebook page. The Island Packet reported, also through sources, that the victims were shot with different weapons: a shotgun and an assault rifle. According to the outlet, Alex Murdaugh said he was not home at the time of the shootings. South Carolina law enforcement has only confirmed that they are "conducting an investigation into a double homicide that took place last night in Colleton County," reported FITSNews. Heavy has contacted the South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division for more details.
Alex Murdaugh, a personal injury attorney who works as a part-time prosecutor, is 'alert and talking', reports say
Alex Murdaugh, despite the shooting, is "alert and talking" according to WLTX.com. Murdaugh was shot on Salkehatchie Road, the television station reported. R. Alexander Murdaugh, or Alex Murdaugh, is a lawyer for the Peters, Murdaugh, Parker, Eltzroth & Detrick Law Firm. “The Murdaugh family and PMPED would like to thank everyone for the many calls and condolences following the deaths of Maggie and Paul Murdaugh. We ask for your patience and continued prayers during this tragic time. Please contact the police if you have any information that may be important, ”the law firm said in a statement posted on its Facebook page. His company bio says he graduated from Hampton High School and received a BA in political science from the University of South Carolina in 1990, "a Juris Doctorate in May 1994 from the University of Carolina School of Law. South and was admitted to the South Carolina Bar in November 1994. " “Alex represents injured individuals in all areas of personal injury law, including trucking, product liability, and wrongful death cases. He also serves as a part-time Prosecutor for the 14th Judicial Circuit, ”says the biography. That resulted in many convictions and also in people sent to death row. They run a Hampton family law firm that "has won millions of dollars in civil lawsuits," the newspaper reported, including "relentlessly pursuing those guilty of fatal collisions." Once attended his lawyer father Randolph Murdaugh in a shooting death case. Campaign finance records prove Alex Murdaugh is a Biden donor. According to The State, "three generations of Murdaughs have been state prosecutors," solidifying the power of the family in legal circles. Alex is mentioned in this court case like interviewing an accused of involuntary manslaughter. He was previously president from a state association of plaintiff attorneys. Alexander, a former Rho No. II, is an attorney from Hampton, SC and serves as an Assistant Attorney General for the 14th Judicial Circuit. He completed his term as president of the South Carolina Association for Justice in 2016. Brother Murdaugh now sits on the Arnold Fields Community Foundation Board and was chairman of the Hampton County Democratic Party from 1996 to 2006. ” says a short biography on the Kappa Alpha Order page. According to Greenville Journal, once helped create a website for motorists to pay for potholes, saying, “In the long run, we hope legislators can put aside their political differences to pass a bill with a stable source of funding that will fix our roads once and for all. everybody. Until that happens, the 'Pothole Pay' web portal will temporarily ease the burden on drivers at no cost to them. "
Alex Murdaugh is being sued in connection with a fatal boating accident involving Paul Murdaugh
Paul Murdaugh faced pending felony charges in the 19-year-old Mallory Beach boating death. The Beach family issued this statement. to WJCL through an attorney: The Beach Family extends its deepest and warmest condolences to the Murdaugh family during this terrible time. Having suffered the devastating loss of their own daughter, the family prays that the Murdaughs can find some level of peace in this tragic loss. They would like the family and community to know that their continued thoughts and prayers are with the Murdaughs. It is their sincere hope that someone will come forward and cooperate with the authorities so that the perpetrator of these senseless crimes can be brought to justice. Beach died in a boating accident near Beaufort, South Carolina, in 2019, and according to the state, two teenagers were "suspected of driving the boat while intoxicated." One of them was Paul Murdaugh. At the time of his death, he was facing three felonies of boating, according to The Island Packet. According to The State, the Triton boat owned by Alex Murdaugh collided with a bridge, expelling six passengers aged 19 and 20. Solo Beach was killed. Read Also: Who is Fuquan Johnson? Wiki, Bio, Age, Wife, Cause of Death Police alleged that the survivors were "seriously intoxicated," the state reported. According to The Island Packet, Renee Beach, Mallory's mother, filed a lawsuit against former attorney Randolph Murdaugh III, her son Richard Alexander Murdaugh, and her grandson Richard Alexander Murdaugh Jr., Paul's older brother, Buster. The lawsuit alleged that Buster Murdaugh allowed Paul Murdaugh, who, according to the outlet, was not identified in the lawsuit, to use his identification to purchase alcohol. According to WSAV-TV, the statements in that case alleged that Paul Murdaugh was "drunk and belligerent", even acting "like he was drugged", and rejected people's attempts to get him to stop driving the boat. He was described as a "crazy drunk," and his girlfriend, another woman (not Beach), alleged that he "slapped her and spat on her while she sat on a cooler," the television station reported. Paul Murdaugh's case was pending at the time of his death and had not changed since "his link was changed to allow him to travel" in July 2019, The Island Packet reported.
Maggie Murdaugh called Alex 'the best everyone loves'
On her Facebook page, Maggie Murdaugh posted several photos showing her with her husband and two children. In 2020, he wrote a tribute to Alex for Father's Day: “Happy Happy Father's Day to the best that everyone loves ❤️ Thank you for everything you do for our family. You work so hard for your family and our children. How lucky! Dad, coach, teacher and best friend😘 " He also posted photos from previous family trips to "Moselle", including quail hunting excursions. Alex Murdaugh's Facebook page contains only a few visible posts from his sons. On Linkedin, he just says he's an attorney from Hampton, South Carolina. He wrote on Facebook after the murders: “My account has been hacked. Don't accept any new friend requests from me. " Paul Murdaugh's Facebook page shows photos of him hunting and with his family, but the last publicly visible post is from 2013. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Read the full article
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fireflyluna · 4 years
South Carolina Bid Bonds
The listed below short article is an excellent introduction to bid bonds. Bid bonds, as you are aware, are bonds utilized in the construction market. These bonds guarantee that if somebody quotes on a job, and is granted the contract, then they will move forward with performing under the terms of the arrangement.
See the below short article for more great info. You can see the original post here:
South Carolina Bid Bonds
What is a Bid Bond in South Carolina?
A bid bond is a type of surety bond, which guarantees that the bidder will accept the project and complete the agreement according to its terms. It provides assurance to the project owner that the bidder has the ability and capability to finish the job once the bidder is selected after winning the bid. The basic reason is that you need one in order to get the work. But the bigger question is why are more owners/developers requiring a bid bond in the first place? The simply explanation is risk. Given the uncertainty of the marketplace, which includes long-term contractors closing shop, to municipalities filing bankruptcy (or just slow paying), has led to owners being afraid that their contractors will be unable to complete the work. So, they require a some protection.
Just fill out our bond application here and email it to [email protected] – click here to get our South Carolina Bid Bond Application
A bid bond is issued as part of a bid by a surety bond company to the project owner. The owner is then assures that the winning bidder will take on the contract under the terms at which they bid.
Most bid bonds contain a bid percentage (usually five or ten percent, is forfeited if you don’t accept the job).
How much does a Bid Bond Cost in South Carolina?
Swiftbonds does not charge for a surety bid bond (with two exceptions, see below). The reason that we don’t charge for a bid bond is that we will charge for the contract bond if you get the job. The cost of a P&P bond can vary widely depending on the amount of coverage that is required (see below).
Two exceptions for bid bond charges: 1) We do charge for Overnight fees 2) We will charge you if there is NOT going to be a bond on the contract.
How much do bonds cost in SC?
Bond prices fluctuate based on the job size (that is, it’s based on the cost of the underlying contract). The cost of a bond is estimated through a couple of back-of-the-envelope calculations. In general, the cost is approximately three percent (3%) for jobs under $800,000 and then the percentage is lower as the contract amount increases. We work diligently to find the lowest premiums possible in the state of South Carolina. Please call us today at (913) 286-6501. We’ll find you the very best rate possible for your maintenance bond or completion bond. Things that can affect this pricing are the perceived risk of the job, the financial position of the entity being bonded, plus other factors.
Bond Amount Needed Fee 2-3% >$800,000 1.5-3% >$1.500,000 1-3%
These rates are for Merit clients, Standard rates are higher
How do I get a Bid Bond in South Carolina?
We make it easy to get a contract bid bond. Just click here to get our South Carolina Bid Bond Application. Fill it out and then email it and the South Carolina bid specs/contract documents to [email protected] or fax to 855-433-4192.
You can also call us at (913) 286-6501. We fully review all application for bid bonds and then submit it to the surety that we believe will provide the best surety bid bond for your contract. We have a great success rate in getting our clients surety bonds at the very best rates possible.
What is a South Carolina Bid Bond?
A bid bond is a bond that guarantees that you will accept the work if you win the contract. The bid fee (usually five (5%) or ten (10%) percent) is a penalty that is paid when you win the bid, but then refuse the work.
Find a Bid Bond near Me
Typically, a bid bond and performance/payment bond are done together in the same contract by the surety. This way, the owner of the project is assured that the project can be completed pursuant to the terms of the contract and that it will not be liened by any contractor. The bond is risk security for the benefit of the owner.
Who Gets the Bond?
The general contractor is the entity that gets the bond. It is for the benefit of the owner (or in the case of government contract work, the governmental entity). However, it’s the general contractor that has to apply for the bond and be underwritten before the bid bond is written by the surety. This is also known as bonding a business.
We provide bid bonds in each of the following counties:
Abbeville Aiken Allendale Anderson Bamberg Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley Calhoun Charleston Cherokee Chester Chesterfield Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown Greenville Greenwood Hampton Horry Jasper Kershaw Lancaster Laurens Lee Lexington McCormick Marion Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartanburg Sumter Union Williamsburg York
And Cities: Charleston Columbia Greenville Myrtle Beach Spartanburg Florence Hilton Head Island Rock Hill Summerville Mount Pleasant
See our South Dakota Bid Bond page here.
More on Surety Bid Bonds https://swiftbonds.com/bid-bond/.
Learning More About Applying and Finding The Right Bid Bonds For Your Needs
Bid Bonds can be complicated to apply for, especially if you don’t understand how they work. Most individuals consider this as insurance, but it’s actually a type of guarantee that the principal will perform their work properly for the obliged. Insurance companies usually offer a Surety Bid Bond, but you cannot call it insurance because its function is different. Most individuals will require you to get a bid bond before they consider your services as it is a form of guarantee to them.
If you’d like to consider applying for a bid bond or other bonds, you must understand how they work. We will provide you information on the importance of Bid Bonds and how they actually work.
The Importance Of A Surety Bid Bond
Bid Bonds will always be in demand to protect the public because it is a kind of assurance that your obligations and duties will be completed. Most states require you to get a license surety bond to ensure that your company will adhere to state code and laws and you get a contract bond to guarantee that a public project will be completed. A Surety Bid Bond is meant for the obliged since they are the ones that are being protected, but it will also benefit you because the clients will trust you and your work. There are thousands of bonds right now and the type of bond that you are trying to find will depend upon your situation.
The Primary Purpose Of A Surety Bid Bond
Bid Bonds are a three-party agreement between the principal, the obliged and the surety company. The principal is the employer or company which will perform the work and the obliged is known as the project owner. Construction companies will almost always be required by law to acquire Bid Bonds if they’re chosen for a public project. The government will require a construction company to get a host of bonds before they work on a certain project. The bond will ensure that the sub-contractors and the other workers will be paid even if the contractor defaults. The contractor will cover the losses, but when they reach their limit, the duty will fall to the surety company.
How To Apply For A Surety Bid Bond
Bid Bonds are provided by insurance providers, but there are standalone surety businesses that focus on these products. A surety company must be licensed by a state Department of Insurance.
It won’t be easy to apply for a bond since the applicants will have to go through a process that is comparable to applying for a loan. The bond underwriters will look into the credit profile of the applicant, their financial history and other key factors.
It means that there is a chance that you won’t be approved for a bid bond, particularly if the bond underwriters see something from your credit rating that makes them think you will be a risk.
How Much Will You Spend?
You cannot put an exact cost on a Surety Bid Bond because the cost is affected by numerous factors like the bond type, bond amount, where it will likely be issued, contractual risk, credit history of the applicant and more. There are thousands of different bonds available today and the cost will depend on the bond that you want to get. The amount of the bond will be a factor because you could select a $10,000 bond or a $25,000 bond or higher.
If you already have a credit history of 700 and above or very near this number, you can be eligible for the standard bonding market and you will need to pay 1 to 4 percent of the Surety Bid Bond amount. It means that if you obtain a $10,000 bond, you only have to pay $100 to $400 for the interest.
Your Application For A Bid Bond Could Be Rejected
There is a possibility that your bid bond request will be refused by the surety company since it will depend upon the information that they can get from the background check. If the surety company thinks that it will be a risk to give you a bid bond, they will deny your application. Your credit history is one of the most important factors to be approved for a bid bond because if you have a bad credit history, it shows a risk of default on the bond.
You CAN get a bid bond even if you have a bad credit score, but most likely you will pay an interest rate upwards of 10 to 20 percent.
If you plan to get a Surety Bid Bond, make certain you understand what is required prior to deciding. It is not easy to apply for, but if you know more about them, it will be a little bit easier to be approved.
A Much Deeper Look At Bid Bonds in Building And Construction A Quote Bond is a type of surety bond utilized to ensure that a specialist bidding on a job or job will get in into the contract with the obligee if awarded.
A Quote Bond is provided in the quantity of the contract bid, with the similar requirements as that of an Efficiency Bond.
All About Quote Bonds in Building And Construction The origins of our business was closely linked with the provision of efficiency bonds to the contracting industry. Somewhat higher than one a century earlier, the federal authorities grew to end up being alarmed worrying the high failure charge amongst the personal firms it was using to carry out public building projects. It found that the private contractor usually was insolvent when the task was granted, or grew to become insolvent earlier than the difficulty was finished. Appropriately, the federal government was continuously entrusted unfinished initiatives, and the taxpayers had been required to cover the additional prices developing from the professional's default.
The standing of your surety firm is essential, due to the fact that it guarantees you that when you have difficulties or if worse includes worst you'll have a reliable partner to rely on and get help from. We work only with A-rated and T-listed business, probably the most trustworthy corporations in the market.
Typically no, they are separate. Bid bonds mechanically turn into performance bonds in case you are granted the agreement.
What Is A Construction Surety Bond? The origins of our service was carefully linked with the provision of efficiency bonds to the contracting market. Even if some tasks do not need cost and efficiency bonds, you will require to get bonded lastly because most of public initiatives do require the bonds. The longer a small contractor waits to get bonded, the more durable it will be because there will not be a observe report of fulfilling the mandatory requirements for bonding and performing bonded work.
It's your pre-authorized bond limitations. Bond strains welcome single and mix limits. The only limit is the biggest bond you might get for one particular task. The aggregate limitation is the whole quantity of bonded work offered you potentially can have without delay.
The Significance Of Quote Bonds near You Arms, generators, radio towers, tree removal, computers, softward, fire alarms, decorative work, scaffolding, water towers, lighting, and resurfacing of present roads/paved areas. Bid bonds furthermore work an additional guarantee for task owners that a bidding contractor or subcontractor is qualified to perform the task they're bidding on. There are two causes for this.
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tomorowlandword · 4 years
South Carolina Bid Bonds
The listed below short article is an excellent introduction to bid bonds. Bid bonds, as you are aware, are bonds utilized in the construction market. These bonds guarantee that if somebody quotes on a job, and is granted the contract, then they will move forward with performing under the terms of the arrangement.
See the below short article for more great info. You can see the original post here:
South Carolina Bid Bonds
What is a Bid Bond in South Carolina?
A bid bond is a type of surety bond, which guarantees that the bidder will accept the project and complete the agreement according to its terms. It provides assurance to the project owner that the bidder has the ability and capability to finish the job once the bidder is selected after winning the bid. The basic reason is that you need one in order to get the work. But the bigger question is why are more owners/developers requiring a bid bond in the first place? The simply explanation is risk. Given the uncertainty of the marketplace, which includes long-term contractors closing shop, to municipalities filing bankruptcy (or just slow paying), has led to owners being afraid that their contractors will be unable to complete the work. So, they require a some protection.
Just fill out our bond application here and email it to [email protected] – click here to get our South Carolina Bid Bond Application
A bid bond is issued as part of a bid by a surety bond company to the project owner. The owner is then assures that the winning bidder will take on the contract under the terms at which they bid.
Most bid bonds contain a bid percentage (usually five or ten percent, is forfeited if you don’t accept the job).
How much does a Bid Bond Cost in South Carolina?
Swiftbonds does not charge for a surety bid bond (with two exceptions, see below). The reason that we don’t charge for a bid bond is that we will charge for the contract bond if you get the job. The cost of a P&P bond can vary widely depending on the amount of coverage that is required (see below).
Two exceptions for bid bond charges: 1) We do charge for Overnight fees 2) We will charge you if there is NOT going to be a bond on the contract.
How much do bonds cost in SC?
Bond prices fluctuate based on the job size (that is, it’s based on the cost of the underlying contract). The cost of a bond is estimated through a couple of back-of-the-envelope calculations. In general, the cost is approximately three percent (3%) for jobs under $800,000 and then the percentage is lower as the contract amount increases. We work diligently to find the lowest premiums possible in the state of South Carolina. Please call us today at (913) 286-6501. We’ll find you the very best rate possible for your maintenance bond or completion bond. Things that can affect this pricing are the perceived risk of the job, the financial position of the entity being bonded, plus other factors.
Bond Amount Needed Fee 2-3% >$800,000 1.5-3% >$1.500,000 1-3%
These rates are for Merit clients, Standard rates are higher
How do I get a Bid Bond in South Carolina?
We make it easy to get a contract bid bond. Just click here to get our South Carolina Bid Bond Application. Fill it out and then email it and the South Carolina bid specs/contract documents to [email protected] or fax to 855-433-4192.
You can also call us at (913) 286-6501. We fully review all application for bid bonds and then submit it to the surety that we believe will provide the best surety bid bond for your contract. We have a great success rate in getting our clients surety bonds at the very best rates possible.
What is a South Carolina Bid Bond?
A bid bond is a bond that guarantees that you will accept the work if you win the contract. The bid fee (usually five (5%) or ten (10%) percent) is a penalty that is paid when you win the bid, but then refuse the work.
Find a Bid Bond near Me
Typically, a bid bond and performance/payment bond are done together in the same contract by the surety. This way, the owner of the project is assured that the project can be completed pursuant to the terms of the contract and that it will not be liened by any contractor. The bond is risk security for the benefit of the owner.
Who Gets the Bond?
The general contractor is the entity that gets the bond. It is for the benefit of the owner (or in the case of government contract work, the governmental entity). However, it’s the general contractor that has to apply for the bond and be underwritten before the bid bond is written by the surety. This is also known as bonding a business.
We provide bid bonds in each of the following counties:
Abbeville Aiken Allendale Anderson Bamberg Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley Calhoun Charleston Cherokee Chester Chesterfield Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown Greenville Greenwood Hampton Horry Jasper Kershaw Lancaster Laurens Lee Lexington McCormick Marion Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartanburg Sumter Union Williamsburg York
And Cities: Charleston Columbia Greenville Myrtle Beach Spartanburg Florence Hilton Head Island Rock Hill Summerville Mount Pleasant
See our South Dakota Bid Bond page here.
More on Surety Bid Bonds https://swiftbonds.com/bid-bond/.
Learning More About Applying and Finding The Right Bid Bonds For Your Needs
Bid Bonds can be complicated to apply for, especially if you don’t understand how they work. Most individuals consider this as insurance, but it’s actually a type of guarantee that the principal will perform their work properly for the obliged. Insurance companies usually offer a Surety Bid Bond, but you cannot call it insurance because its function is different. Most individuals will require you to get a bid bond before they consider your services as it is a form of guarantee to them.
If you’d like to consider applying for a bid bond or other bonds, you must understand how they work. We will provide you information on the importance of Bid Bonds and how they actually work.
The Importance Of A Surety Bid Bond
Bid Bonds will always be in demand to protect the public because it is a kind of assurance that your obligations and duties will be completed. Most states require you to get a license surety bond to ensure that your company will adhere to state code and laws and you get a contract bond to guarantee that a public project will be completed. A Surety Bid Bond is meant for the obliged since they are the ones that are being protected, but it will also benefit you because the clients will trust you and your work. There are thousands of bonds right now and the type of bond that you are trying to find will depend upon your situation.
The Primary Purpose Of A Surety Bid Bond
Bid Bonds are a three-party agreement between the principal, the obliged and the surety company. The principal is the employer or company which will perform the work and the obliged is known as the project owner. Construction companies will almost always be required by law to acquire Bid Bonds if they’re chosen for a public project. The government will require a construction company to get a host of bonds before they work on a certain project. The bond will ensure that the sub-contractors and the other workers will be paid even if the contractor defaults. The contractor will cover the losses, but when they reach their limit, the duty will fall to the surety company.
How To Apply For A Surety Bid Bond
Bid Bonds are provided by insurance providers, but there are standalone surety businesses that focus on these products. A surety company must be licensed by a state Department of Insurance.
It won’t be easy to apply for a bond since the applicants will have to go through a process that is comparable to applying for a loan. The bond underwriters will look into the credit profile of the applicant, their financial history and other key factors.
It means that there is a chance that you won’t be approved for a bid bond, particularly if the bond underwriters see something from your credit rating that makes them think you will be a risk.
How Much Will You Spend?
You cannot put an exact cost on a Surety Bid Bond because the cost is affected by numerous factors like the bond type, bond amount, where it will likely be issued, contractual risk, credit history of the applicant and more. There are thousands of different bonds available today and the cost will depend on the bond that you want to get. The amount of the bond will be a factor because you could select a $10,000 bond or a $25,000 bond or higher.
If you already have a credit history of 700 and above or very near this number, you can be eligible for the standard bonding market and you will need to pay 1 to 4 percent of the Surety Bid Bond amount. It means that if you obtain a $10,000 bond, you only have to pay $100 to $400 for the interest.
Your Application For A Bid Bond Could Be Rejected
There is a possibility that your bid bond request will be refused by the surety company since it will depend upon the information that they can get from the background check. If the surety company thinks that it will be a risk to give you a bid bond, they will deny your application. Your credit history is one of the most important factors to be approved for a bid bond because if you have a bad credit history, it shows a risk of default on the bond.
You CAN get a bid bond even if you have a bad credit score, but most likely you will pay an interest rate upwards of 10 to 20 percent.
If you plan to get a Surety Bid Bond, make certain you understand what is required prior to deciding. It is not easy to apply for, but if you know more about them, it will be a little bit easier to be approved.
A Much Deeper Look At Bid Bonds in Building And Construction A Quote Bond is a type of surety bond utilized to ensure that a specialist bidding on a job or job will get in into the contract with the obligee if awarded.
A Quote Bond is provided in the quantity of the contract bid, with the similar requirements as that of an Efficiency Bond.
All About Quote Bonds in Building And Construction The origins of our business was closely linked with the provision of efficiency bonds to the contracting industry. Somewhat higher than one a century earlier, the federal authorities grew to end up being alarmed worrying the high failure charge amongst the personal firms it was using to carry out public building projects. It found that the private contractor usually was insolvent when the task was granted, or grew to become insolvent earlier than the difficulty was finished. Appropriately, the federal government was continuously entrusted unfinished initiatives, and the taxpayers had been required to cover the additional prices developing from the professional's default.
The standing of your surety firm is essential, due to the fact that it guarantees you that when you have difficulties or if worse includes worst you'll have a reliable partner to rely on and get help from. We work only with A-rated and T-listed business, probably the most trustworthy corporations in the market.
Typically no, they are separate. Bid bonds mechanically turn into performance bonds in case you are granted the agreement.
What Is A Construction Surety Bond? The origins of our service was carefully linked with the provision of efficiency bonds to the contracting market. Even if some tasks do not need cost and efficiency bonds, you will require to get bonded lastly because most of public initiatives do require the bonds. The longer a small contractor waits to get bonded, the more durable it will be because there will not be a observe report of fulfilling the mandatory requirements for bonding and performing bonded work.
It's your pre-authorized bond limitations. Bond strains welcome single and mix limits. The only limit is the biggest bond you might get for one particular task. The aggregate limitation is the whole quantity of bonded work offered you potentially can have without delay.
The Significance Of Quote Bonds near You Arms, generators, radio towers, tree removal, computers, softward, fire alarms, decorative work, scaffolding, water towers, lighting, and resurfacing of present roads/paved areas. Bid bonds furthermore work an additional guarantee for task owners that a bidding contractor or subcontractor is qualified to perform the task they're bidding on. There are two causes for this.
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