#skill; power and security-wise.
strawberry38 · 1 year
We've missed out on
Girl Hercules
Woman Princess of Persia.
In my defence, when Hercules started out as a young lad, he was unsure and scrawny (who still had superstrength, I know 😋). So we could see ourselves in him, also him as a girl. Training with a master, hitting on spots with an arrow, learning moves, why not. All to the female improvement. And making a new well prepared version of herself.
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thehanalia · 3 months
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Hey girlies, Hanalia is back, ready to dive into some real talk about achieving financial freedom. No fluff, just hardcore truths to help you grow and secure your future like the badass queens you are.
1. Know Your Worth: Ladies, let's talk real. Your value isn't about how many likes you get or what brand you wear. It's about your talents, your skills, and your drive to succeed. Invest in yourself—learn, grow, and never underestimate what you bring to the table.
˖⁺‧₊ It's not just about earning money; it's about how you invest it. Our aim is growth, and often, you need income to invest in yourself. ˖⁺‧₊
2. Budget Like a Boss: Financial freedom starts with knowing where your money goes, okay. Time to get real with those finances. Budgeting isn't about restrictions; it's about empowerment. I used to think it was all about penny-pinching, but it's really about knowing where every dollar goes and making intentional choices.
3. Crush Debt: Debt can feel overwhelming, trust me, I've been there. But facing it head-on is how you break free. Start with the high-interest stuff, make a plan, and stick to it like your future depends on it—because it does.
˖⁺‧₊ Debt can feel like quicksand, but you're no damsel in distress. The sooner you free yourself from debt, the sooner you'll have more money to build your empire.˖⁺‧₊
4. Invest Wisely: Investing isn't just for the rich. Start small, educate yourself, and build your portfolio. I've learned that the sooner you start, the more your money can grow over time. It's about making your money work for you, not the other way around.
˖⁺‧₊ PS. Forget the lottery mentality. Real wealth is built through smart investing. Educate yourself on stocks, bonds, real estate—whatever piques your interest. Start small, diversify, and let your money work for you.˖⁺‧₊
5. Build Multiple Streams of Income: Oh my osh! I cannot stress enough the importance of this! Your 9-to-5 isn't your only option. I've hustled with side gigs, freelancing—you name it. Multiple streams of income give you security and freedom. Don't limit yourself—explore what lights you up and brings in the cash.
6. Protect Yourself: Life's unpredictable, but you can be prepared. Having health insurance and an emergency fund can be lifesavers. It's about peace of mind and knowing you're covered, no matter what.
˖⁺‧₊ Get health insurance, build an emergency fund, and consider long-term savings like retirement plans.˖⁺‧₊
7. Own Your Future: Financial freedom isn't an end goal; it's a mindset. It's about having choices and the power to live life on your terms. Stay focused, stay disciplined, and never settle for less than you deserve.
Your money is your shield. Make it stronger, fairly. I completely understand that nowadays there are countless ways to earn income, but always choose the ones that align with your values.
You can click here to get your own goodnotes planner at my store GlowInGrow at 75% DISCOUNT.
However, if you're into making some extra cash while you hustle towards your goals, I've got this cool affiliate program, click here to JOIN US 30% COMMISSION. It's all about empowering each other to glow and grow. Let's support each other on this journey, because together, we're unstoppable. 💪💸
Last but not least, at the end of your journey of becoming that girl awaits the future who is The Girl!
Stay safe and stay hot...
With Love, Hanalia
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greenqueenhightower · 3 months
Thoughts on the Alicent x Aegon Scene in 2x04:
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Aegon realizes he has no words of wisdom and zero contributions to offer his small council and sits there, listening to his councilors make all his decisions for him. It unnerves him.
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Alicent is absent from the small council yet again. Is she in Viserys’ /the King’s rooms searching for crumbs of confirmation that Viserys cared for her and her children, or is she seeking the history books so that SHE might become a more informed and wiser ruler? Has she finally accepted that they are headed to war and that she needs to sharpen her political acumen?
Her sudden interest in the histories parallels Rhaenyra in 2x02 perusing the documents available at her library. Once again, the two heads of the factions mirror each other in their quest for wisdom and their attempt to make informed decisions for the good of their side before all hell breaks loose.
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Alicent is dealing with the aftermath of her abortion as is evident from her need to steady herself and her teetering walk. Has she so much become like Larys in her ambitions and disposition?
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“What thoughts would you have?” Alicent speaks her mind and doesn’t hide behind words anymore. She smirks at Aegon’s naïveté. Aegon is upset for not being taken seriously just like Alicent is upset for not being in a position where she can make meaningful decisions. However, Alicent understands that to become a significant contributor she needs to cultivate her mind and further develop her political skills. This necessity eludes Aegon. It makes her laugh because he doesn't see the worth in seeking his own advancement and pressing on to maturity ever since he's been crowned King.
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“I ruled in your father's absence.” Alicent recognizes that she ruled ON HER OWN when Viserys was sick. Especially now that she’s embraced the high stakes and weightiness of their position, she wants to resume a more active role in the realm’s governance: “You should humbly be seeking OUR opinions and counsel.” Alicent tells Aegon that he needs to be observant and obedient to make studied and wise decisions.
“In the hope you might become half the king your father was.” She never hoped that Aegon, with his disinterest in history and his distaste for learning, would make a good king just as Viserys wasn’t a great king. Yet, she continues, if Aegon lets the most studied minds rule in his stead, he will compensate for his incompetence, like Viserys. Being compared to his father makes Aegon, once again, feel lacking and redundant.
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“You have no idea the sacrifices that were made to put you on that throne.” Alicent wants Aegon to take on her heaviest weight on his shoulders, that of proving all her sacrifices worthwhile. She wants him to affirm her expectations of him and become that pawn that she and Otto thought would be easy to manipulate. The same pawn that she had been all these years.
“What would you have me do mother?” Aegon genuinely looks for his mother’s approval and guidance. He wants to please her and yet fails to grasp how he’s always been her political gasp for air, her passageway into a world of greater power. He doesn’t have to do anything for Alicent to achieve this.
“Nothing.” Aegon has always been dispensable. His father didn’t need an heir. His mother required an heir but now has no use for an impetuous and unruly King. The realm doesn’t need an Aegon II who speaks his mind because there will always be a member in his council who will make better decisions than him. No one has a use for his personality, his psyche, or his world, but no one has shown it before because he is the King. Alicent is the only person who dares to hit him in the face with the bitter truth: his sole existence ever since birth was to sit on that throne so that she might secure her family’s lives and her own ambitions.
Aegon, on whom his mother projects her own fears and insecurities and whose broken soul mirrors Alicent's unyoked and distorted pieces within herself, inherits Alicent's frustration with the system and the world he's born into. He responds to that condemnation the only way he knows how:
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He rides Sunfyre to battle and to his—almost—death.
It's his own duty and sacrifice.
The price to pay for being born the unwanted, essential, and disposable Targaryen King, all at the same time.
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canisalbus · 5 months
It's probably fair to say that, as a child, Machete's goal was to just survive. Even as a young adult, survival obviously remained a principle goal.
But slowly, over time, he gained power, and is now a cardinal. He no longer struggles to fend off death (weakened constitution notwithstanding.) He probably still sees himself as trying to survive day-to-day, but clearly it becomes more than that, even if he's not fully cognizant of it.
I guess what I'm wondering is, besides "survival", what are Machete's goals? As a cardinal or otherwise. What prevents him from leaving or resigning his post? Does he have aspirations other than Vasco? Does he see himself as subservient to God, or is it something else?
I'd say his aspirations are pretty mundane. Security and stability are probably the biggest priorities overall, financially and health-wise. He doesn't thrive in unreliable and unpredictable surroundings. The fact that he knows he will have his basic needs met for the foreseeable future, there are people ready to prepare him a warm bath at a moment's notice, a reputable doctor to look after him, and armed guards that are never too far away, eases his mind considerably. A large part of his work revolves around routine, carefully crafted plans and immutable etiquette, with relatively few unpleasant surprises. He's so high in the hierarchy that very few people can treat him disrespectfully and get away with it.
He wants to prove that he's capable, competent and useful. His deeply rooted inferiority complex (that largely stems from the demeaning and belittling way his mentor treated him when he was his apprentice) has made him a lifelong overachiever, which in turn has served him well in his career. He's ambitious and driven but I wouldn't call him power-hungry in an egoistical way, he can come across as overbearing but it's because he's a perfectionist control freak who's obsessed with doing his job well and has a tendency to think most people around him aren't up to the task. He isn't in it for fame and wealth in itself, it's more about having a purpose that makes you worthy of respect.
On a more personal level he's passionate about reading, studying and learning. Partly because he's inquisitive and genuinely enjoys it, knows he's good at it and feels good about being good at it, but also because he wants to be the most learned, most cultured and most academic person in the room. Not necessarily for bragging rights, but to feel like being smart will always keep him one step ahead of the others and that way no one can pull the rug from under his feet.
He would never be able to afford the things he wears and the luxuries he has access to if his life hadn't taken the exact turns it did. He spent his early childhood in a monastery and was trained by a priest who valued asceticism and self-denial so he didn't have a lot of nice things growing up. Now as a high ranking church official he has more spending money than he could've imagined, and while he has an expensive taste, he oftentimes fails to enjoy the benefits of his status properly. He has a comfortable home with a massive bed, but it's not uncommon for him to sleep in his office or forgo rest completely. Even though he could be savoring the rarest most complex dishes every day, there aren't a lot of foods he likes eating. He would like to look pretty but even his outlandishly costly and carefully tailored silk garments can't redeem the fact he doesn't feel comfortable in his skin.
He can't resign because his sense of self-worth and lifestyle are tied to his job. It's the one thing he's demonstrably skilled at. He's worked himself to the bone to get where he is now and the prospect of losing it is simply unfathomable. He doesn't have ties to his biological family and his friends are few and far between, if he gave up his position he'd have functionally no one to rely on but Vasco. On top of that he does feel like he owes his life to the church and serving it to his best ability is his lot in life. His state of faith and relationship with God is complicated at best but he's nonetheless terrified of what might happen and how he might be punished if he ever chose to abandon his post.
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rosemarydisaster · 24 days
What I headcanon as each Bats identifying skills (obviously they share a lot of them by virtue of being in the Bat niche). Some of this may be canon, some are more my own preference but here we go:
Dick Grayson: his acrobatic fighting style, resistance to electric damage, leadership (on the ground) and lots of field experience. Also, I think he's second best for a lot of the other's skills (like reading people or detective work), which makes him kind of scary.
Barbara Gordon: Hacking, surveillance, cyber security, digital forensics, organization/multitasking and leadership (from afar). Leading from afar is a completely different skill, thank you very much. Also, it's way harder. Like, she has to coordinate all of these idiots most nights.
Cassandra Cain: the best martial artist in the family, stealth, her ability to read people and dedication to the mission. Maybe she doesn't have that many skills in quantity but she's so above the others it's crazy. Like somehow she's still at the top (power-scaling wise) despite struggling to read.
Jason Todd: Intimidation, marksmanship, street-smarts and first hand crime knowledge. He should be like the people's princess of Crime Alley. Jason, Duke and Steph are the ones that have lived Gotham the most, and it should be noticeable when compared to the others. I also think he should talk to ghosts/have some magic. Just a smidge.
Stephanie Brown: disguises and acting, espionage, Intel gathering and tracking. She's one of the best hackers on the team and she also knows how to gather information on the ground. Like I said in Jason's description: she's Gotham. She knows how things work and how to find what she needs. Like Tim and Barbara may blackmail people more often, but Steph has better blackmail.
Timothy Drake: stalking, manipulation/lying, detective work, subterfuge and stealth. To be clear, I'm giving him stealth too because while Cass is better at staying undetected, Tim knows best when to stay undetected. For the rest, very obvious from canon.
Duke Thomas: meta abilities, high speed strategizing, ghost vision, precognition and he's a fast learner. I love the idea of Duke just, stopping in the middle of a fight to explain his new strategy like he's Kuzko. "Okay, that didn't work, so this is what we're doing now"
Damian Wayne: LET MY BOY HAVE MAGIC, master tactician, great with animals, surgical knowledge, ability to mimic voices and escape artists. To me Damian should behave like the only human in the muppets movie while having Looney tunes logic applied to him. He'll be having this combo with his kidnapper and the goons suddenly realize he's not wearing handcuffs. Also, let him have magic, please.
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gentrychild · 10 months
I wonder, how would the Forgers dynamic with the people in their social circle change once their secrets become known to one another?
Your thoughts?
*misreads your question on purpose*
Hello, do you want my opinion about how the Forgers would react if their secrets became exposed to one another? Of course, of course, if you insist, I guess I could share some thoughts that I have that I do not hold to the ranks of beloved headcanons that canon will have to tear from my cold dead hands.
How would Yor react after learning that Loid is a spy that has been lying to her this whole time: she would admire him even more. She was already in awe of what a good father he was and how skilled he is at everything but it turns out that he is even more extraordinary than expected. Always go beyond when it comes to what he needs to do. He lied to her about the marriage? She lied to him about not murdering people daily in bloody and creative ways, it's a stone she can't cast. He lied to her about Anya being his blood daughter and how she needed to get into Eden Academy because that's what her mom wanted? All she hears is that this man was given a mission and to do that, he happened to rescue Anya from an orphanage, to give her a home where she misses nothing and to be the Best Dad ever. Talk about multitasking.
How would Loid react after learning that Yor is an assassin who has been lying to her this whole time: pure lust for her skills. Unquenchable yearning for the way she can sever someone's spine with one kick. All of Wise and Franky would be freaking out about Yor going through mooks and he would be the "That's my wife!" guy. So proud. Turns out he is somehow even better at choosing spouse than previously assumed. Would he freak out at first? Yes. That's the same guy who freak out about the secret police arresting him for spy crimes if he doesn't buy his daughter a silly keychain. He wouldn't mind the killing, though, as he can hardly cast the stone for that one either. The problem is: is Yor a danger for Anya and Loid? Was he so compromised that he didn't see the threat? And from the moment he remembers that Yor would kill and die for Anya, just like him, there is no problem anymore, rationalization aplenty, cue to him telling the Handler that it's great to have an assassin at home because extra security, good of the mission, blah blah blah, peace of the world.
How would Loid and Yor react after learning that Anya can read minds and got her powers from scientists experimenting on her: Complete and absolute mortification as they are going through every silly thoughts they ever had in her presence. Almost spontaneously combust out of sheer embarrassment. Then, they are "Guess my daughter is even more exceptional than previously assumed but it checks out." No one says a word about her powers to anyone else, though, as they do not want her to be used. And during the entire conversation, they are reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally calm, reaaaaaaaaaaally poised, and as soon as Anya falls asleep, it's MURDER THOUGHTS FOR THE SCIENTISTS that make the entire building hallucinate visions of their own deaths.
How would Loid and Yor react after learning that Bond can see the future: Straight up disbelief. You gotta draw the line somewhere. Then, epic case of freak out when they realize that the first time Anya ran off with the dog was because their kid tried to disarm a bomb.
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learnastrowallura · 2 months
💚The Second House in astrology💚
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We're back!! See part 1 here
All information presented here is from the ytb channel The Astrology Podcast (Chris Brennan) and from the book The Twelve Houses: Exploring the Houses of the Horoscope by Howard Sasportas and I will apply the knowledge on my 2nd house placements as well!!
Rate of importance based on angular triads: medium
2nd house: values, possessions, finances, attributes, assets, substance, ability, worth, safety, security ,money, ressources, income, the material, the tangible, the concrete, the physical manifestation/form, succedent, wealth, support, structure, stability, food, desire
The second house describes our money habits/psychology and how we view our finances (scarcity mindset for example); whether we save and save and save and never spend, or if we're flexible for example and have no problem spoiling ourselves sometimes+ financial priorities
It can also represent HOW we make money; if it is in a more traditional or modern way, would it fluctuate with time or stay fixed and stable etc as well as our money situation/how easy or hard it is for us to actually make and keep money
Adding to that, the sign that is in our second house could very well represent what makes us feel emotionally safe and secure, since the second house describes security as a whole not just financially speaking
Planets in your 2nd house are indicators of your potential money making skills and so one should definitely pay attention to them (if 2nd house is empty look at ruler of sign that is in 2nd house); sign, house and aspects matter as well
Personal example: I have Sagittarius in my second house and looking at its ruler which is JUPITER which I have in Libra in 11th house, I can definitely see that there I have money making potential in relation to that because I've always been quite a loyal and diplomatic friend, so for example for me cooperating with a close friend or even working in a friend's company might bring me some luck in money matters. Another way to interpret it would be using that Libra charm/energy to attract an audience/fanbase and go with that route. Either way it's a pretty cool placement to have tbh
And then I have Pluto and Mercury in my 2nd house, both in Sagittarius and I have to admit that the Pluto placement made me quite nervous at first because it COULD describe ups and downs money wise, but it could also imply just like one huge financial transformation which would be the kinder interpretation for sure
With Mercury it is obvious that whatever I have to say or write or teach someone could be something that I can monetize; but the interesting thing that I have noticed is that there is a conjunction aspect between the two planets in my second house and I've interpreted that as what I have to say (Mercury) could very well be impactful/trigger a transformation in people (Pluto) and thus affect my finances which goes with my Jupiter in 11th house as well+ Pluto is power so that's some food for thought I suppose
Comment down below your 2nd house sign, planets and aspects
I hope you enjoyed reading this post <3
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cactus-cuddler · 1 month
The Witch's Throne
❀❁❀ Chapter 1
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series masterlist | previous chapter | next chapter
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* ˚ ✦ Word count: 2,3 k
* ˚ ✦ Warnings: no one
* ˚ ✦ Author's note: sorry for my bad English!
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Two years later…
The castle is buzzing with activity. The cook is preparing his delicacies, the ladies are cleaning and dusting the castle rooms, and you are out for a walk so as not to disturb the work.
The kingdom of Veloria is a land divided into two little distinct regions, each with its own strengths and character. On one side lies Auroria, a region blessed with abundant natural resources. Its fertile fields yield bountiful harvests, and its rivers are rich with fish. The mountains of Auroria hide veins of precious metals, making it the wealthiest part of the kingdom. This region has long been the backbone of Veloria's economy, supplying the kingdom with everything from food to gold, and it is home to the nobility who manage these resources.
On the other side is Velmiria, a region known for its craftsmanship and hardworking people. Unlike Auroria, Velmiria lacks the natural bounty of its neighbor, but its people have turned this scarcity into strength. The region is bustling with artisans, blacksmiths, and merchants who have honed their crafts over generations. Velmiria's people are proud and resilient, known for their skill in turning raw materials into items of great value and for their dedication to hard work.
These two regions, though different, have long been united under the name of Veloria, in which the castle sits on the border between them, benefiting from the wealth of both.
But the unity of Veloria was not always so secure. Legends tell of a time when Auroria and Velmiria were bitter rivals. In ancient days, the people of Auroria and Velmiria were often at odds, their differences creating a deep rift between them. Auroria, with its wealth, looked down upon the more rugged people of Velmiria, while the people of Velmiria resented Auroria's arrogance and dependence on their craftsmanship.
An evil witch, sensing an opportunity, exploited this division. She spread lies and sowed discord, until the two regions were on the brink of war. As tensions escalated, the witch used her dark magic to raise the walls of the castle that would become her home, sitting right on the border, a symbol of the kingdom’s fractured state. From there, she ruled with tyranny, using her powers to keep the people of Auroria and Velmiria in perpetual conflict, all the while growing stronger on their suffering.
It wasn't until the heads of the two regions put aside their differences and united that they were able to form an army capable of overthrowing the witch. Together, they stormed the castle, defeated her, and buried her in the castle gardens, where her tomb remains to this day, a reminder of the price of division. To ensure that peace would last, they placed a wise and benevolent ruler on the throne—your ancestor—a man chosen not for his wealth or power, but for his ability to bring the people together.
The tale is told to every child in Veloria, a cautionary story about the dangers of division and the strength found in unity. While it may seem absurd and fantastical, every kingdom needs its legends. Without them, what fun would there be?
Your parents, before dying, gave you in marriage to the last son of a nobleman who inherited nothing and began to reign over your kingdom without consulting you as a woman. It annoyed you because those people were yours and not his and were ruining the kingdom. The lands under his command produced less, you lost wars because of the king's negligence and the people were dying of hunger while his banquets were always full of food. Too much food.
You pretended to tolerate it, you were a good wife, a good lover and you will be the perfect mother but fortunately you were unable to conceive a child. Your anger exploded and one day you decided to get rid of the problem.
Many in the kingdom blame the king's death on you, they say you did it only to take the throne and their accusations are mainly based on the fact that you did not have children with the deceased king. "She did not bear children only because she knew the king would die!"
Hearing those voices irritates you to death, you did not kill him to have the throne but for your subjects. To make them live well again as in the time of your father and your grandfather.
Since you have been alone on the throne, poverty has decreased significantly, the fields have started to yield again with the innovations you have introduced and relations with your neighbors have never been better. You have opened peace negotiations with neighboring kingdoms, you have made alliances and for this reason no one will ever be in danger as long as you are in the kingdom. Instead of being grateful to you, however, there are men who always have something to say about everything. But you will not prove to them that they are right and that you are not a worthy queen. They will change their minds about your abilities!
As you wander through your thoughts, you walk through the streets of your kingdom. You have a long but simple dress and a hood over it so you won't be recognized. You want to see the inhabitants of your kingdom happy, see the screaming children playing and you want to feel the climate of joy that your father has accustomed you to. He was a man of war, he did many wars and many useless ones and he died in battle. Your mother was accused of witchcraft after his died so they burned her at the stake. The accusation? She didn't cry at your father's funeral because she had spent all her tears at the castle in front of you. With you.
“Since the king died our kingdom is prosperous,” a woman says to her friend holding her three-year-old son. You smile at her words and join in the conversation.
"I think so too! The Queen is doing an excellent job," you exclaim enthusiastically. The woman turns to you, studies you up and down, and then smiles at you knowingly.
“Don’t say these things out loud, my friend,” she says, making sure there’s no one around you.
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“Many men don’t want to acknowledge the queen’s work and accuse anyone who’s on her side of witchcraft. They talk about taking her throne away because they don’t want to be ruled by a woman!” you can’t believe your ears. You put your hand over your mouth in shock and feel the anger digging into your flesh.
“How ungrateful! When that man was on the throne, all the food and resources of the kingdom ended up on his table! Now that no one has gone to war, no one has died of hunger and crime has significantly reduced, they should worship her like a goddess,” you say in an indignant tone, trying to keep your voice slow but you only want to scream your hunger.
“You’re right! If only men could see beyond what a person has in their pants…” she replies and then takes her leave, greeting you and thanking you for the conversation you had.
You return to the castle with the woman's words still tormenting your mind. The fear of a blow to your throne is vivid, you cannot allow it. Never ever. You need to make your subjects understand that they need you. How? You don't know yet.
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"My queen, you are enchanting!" says the woman and you smile at her. She has always worked for you and has always been like a mother.
"My kingdom pledges not to attack your lands, provide raw materials for your kingdom and to aid you in any battles that occur in this area," you tell to king Stark as you point to the map.
The castle is still in turmoil, you have important visitors and you have ordered your servants to make the castle the brightest and most glittering place in the kingdom. The king of one of the neighboring kingdoms, Ironkeep, will come to visit you to stipulate a peace treaty and, moreover, they will introduce you to a man to train your army. You do not start wars, it is true, but the sweet nature of your kingdom will attract enemies who will see in a woman on the throne an opportunity to expand their borders. But you will never allow it. For this you must raise an invincible army. And Ironkeep is known for its excellent battle skills so you asked the king to send his general to train your army under fair pay.
Your dress is waiting for you in your room and in your drawer is your newly polished crown. After washing your body with scented oils you ask lady Seraphia for help putting on the dress. It is sumptuous and in your favorite color, tight at the waist and very loose on the hips with a zip at the back that starts at the base of your back.
You are in the treaty room. It is decorated with paintings depicting Veloria's victories and has a very long table with a map where the discussion is taking place.
You are standing, pacing back and forth to demonstrate your authority. Your heels make a frightening noise that makes it clear that you are not a woman seeking help.
“Perfect, and what do you want in return?" asks the man. He knows that nothing is free in the world.
"You are known for being strong in war and for producing weapons, I would like you to undertake to supply my kingdom with your weapons. We are a peaceful kingdom, certainly, but we all know that a queen in charge of a kingdom is a considered easy target," you reply, taking what should be your seat, at the head of the table.
You look around, in front of the entrance there is a guard of yours with a sword high to the ceiling, at the other end of the table there is the Stark king who looks at you with admiration and sitting next to him there is a hooded figure. It should be the one who has to train your army, he seems mysterious and you like that aura he emanates.
"Is that all?" the king asks and you nod. He picks up a pen and signs the document in front of him to accept your conditions.
"We have an agreement then," he adds, "now I would like a drink, but first I will introduce you to the one I have selected for the request you made of me," the figure stands up and fixes its eyes on you. You are fascinated by those penetrating eyes and as soon as she removes the hood you are surprised. Is a woman.
"Pleased to meet you, my queen. I will be happy to serve you," she says, bowing. She has thick, unstyled red hair and is as free as a savage.
“Since you are also a woman, you shouldn't be prejudiced, she is my best commander,"
“I believe it,” you reply, exchanging glances with the woman still bowing before you.
You moved to the ballroom to eat. Just for today you decided to have a big meal cooked and spoil yourself a little. Every now and then it's right to indulge yourself a little.
"To the new peace treaty," says king Stark raising his glass of wine in toast, you raise yours too and gulp down the drink you poured yourself.
The dinner is going well, King Stark is at the head of the table in front of you with Queen Pepper on his left and Princess Morgan on his right. They are both beautiful women and little Morgan has taken a liking to you. She thinks a queen in charge is cool and therefore you are cool too. You smiled sweetly and told her that one day she too will be a queen, more beautiful and stronger than you.
The woman who will train your army has now removed her cloak and you can see that her body is perfectly wrapped in a tight dress with a daring neckline. You had never seen a woman dressed like this, showing off her curves without shame. She spent dinner in silence eating the little necessary and drank only a glass of wine. Every now and then she turn towards you, looking at you and then looking away immediately after, leaving you speechless.
King Stark announces to you that in the morning he intends to be in Asgard to visit an old friend, he is a few kilometers from your kingdom. He says goodbye with the whole family and before leaving Morgan hugs you.
As soon as the king left, you led the woman into her room, you decided that it would be best to make her live comfortably after she was forced to abandon her kingdom to serve you.
“You are a queen, why do you take care of accompanying me?” she asks you while she has in her hands the few things she brought closed in a battered bundle.
“I respect those who work for me, they all have well-defined work hours and at this hour no one works for me,” you beginnings, “they have a family to be with and I am no one to keep them longer than necessary,” the woman is impressed by you and your mentality.
“Natasha Romanoff,” she says later without context.
“Natasha Romanoff, that’s my name. It might be useful to know” she chuckles.
She already seems at ease within the walls of this castle and you can’t help but be happy. It won’t be a burden for her to be there with you. “Here’s your room lady Romanoff, get some rest. You start tomorrow,” you announce and then head towards your room which is a little further ahead while the red head’s gaze is on you the whole time as you walk away.
thanks for reading!♡
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violetasteracademic · 5 months
I hate the when fans mischaracterize Elain as someone who is "weak and useless" when she's been someone who's always been brave and resourceful but it was hidden because her role as the marriage cattle was just to be pretty . I'd like to know your thoughts on this topic
Hi anon!
Oh my gosh, I love this question SO much and really appreciate you sending this! I have actually been mentally organizing some thoughts on the topic for a while, and this is the perfect opportunity to address them.
To take in a complete view of Elain, her role in the marriage market, the Inner Circle, and the role her specific brand of grooming will likely play in her future and book, I have found it fascinating to take a birds eye view of the grooming done to all of the Archeron sisters at the behest of Mama Archeron. The details of the roles and dynamics of each sister has played a huge role story-wise, plot-wise, and even romance-wise. I have no doubt the same will prove true for Elain, and in my opinion we have already seen what Elain's particular skillset is and how she can use it, despite the horrendous and unloving conditions in which she and her sisters developed them and the general lack of the fandom acknowledging them.
For Feyre, her theme is "bearing the burden," and she shares it with Rhys. I think of Clarke's "I bear it, so they don't have to" stance on leadership. Mamma Archeron gave the orders for Feyre to take care of her family (who knows why, jfc Mamma Archeron) and it influenced her skill-wise and psychologically. However, one of the most powerful and significant moments came into play when Feyre had to use her tracking abilities to find Rhys after he had been shot through with arrows and taken by Hybern. She single handedly saved the most powerful High Lord of Prythian and impacted the future of the world because she was able to track him. Romantically, their story moved forward after that show of her skillset, and the discovery of their mating bond came soon after.
Nesta of course, turned ballrooms into battlefields. She was her mother's creature. Thematically, she shares this with Cassian. While of course trope wise they are black cat and golden retriever and we love to simp over Himbo Cassian, he is a brilliant strategist and commander. They are the strategizers and the bulldozers. They enact physical and psychological warfare. I loved the scene when Cassian gifted Nesta the book The Dance of the Battle, and Nesta discovered how much she and Cassian actually could understand each other, and how similar their thought processes were:
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And that little easter egg- the dance of the battle, Nesta would use her training and dancing to enact finding allies amongst the enemies with her dance with Eris... I mean. Chills. And of course, her dance with Eris and offer of marriage played a role in the convo when Nesta and Cassian's mating bond snapped:
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Ultimately, Nesta was taught to use marriage as a weapon. And her court would have secured a powerful ally if she had married Eris. But love will never take a back seat. She both used her grooming, but also overcame it and moved beyond it. The grooming informs them, but no longer controls them.
Now, I love all the Archeron sisters, but let's put RESPECT on Elain's name. Elain provides what we call invisible labor. She was taught to do a *lot* more than just sit and look pretty. She takes charge. She organizes and executes and is action forward. She was just taught to do it privately. Elain shows her strength behind closed doors. Of course, being an Elriel, I believe she and Azriel are tied together thematically as well. Their work and labor for their court is done in secret, in the shadows. She showed us this in her first scene returning back to the page in ACOMAF:
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Elain takes control of the entire situation and lays out the plan on how to keep the secret of using the Archeron manor as the meeting place with the human queens to move the war and search for the Book of Breathings forward. She manages the house, the servants. She will step up and do what needs to be done, and she understands how to keep things behind the scenes.
She stabs the King of Hybern in the neck by sneaking up on him, stepping out of the shadows.
She surprises everyone on Solstice, privately working with healers and local vendors to provide the most thoughtful gifts for her family and friends:
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We see in ACOWAR how she already had plans to run and organize Lord Nolan and Grayson's manor, adding a woman's touch to it, but she also possessed all of the details of their defenses and war -readiness, things that were likely not expected of her, nor did Grayson likely even realize she knew or understood:
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Again, Elain is the one organizing and executing this plan. Glamoring Elain, bringing the other Fae to hide and obscure her scent, protecting the humans behind Grayson's barricade, all her ideas. She is smart. She is always aware of her surroundings. Time and time again, Sarah has shown us on page through her writing that Feyre and Nesta both misunderstood Elain. That they didn't realize that Elain saw and understood everything:
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Elain is the queen of invisible work. Of silent labor. She was groomed to run and organize a household, but stay quiet and in the background.
Elain is not, and has never been, useless. She has been smart, she has been brave, she has calculated moves that have saved lives. She does not cower. She does not hide.
But secrecy is her theme. Working in the shadows, in the background. Laying invisible ground work.
She doesn't have to prove her value in her book. She already is valuable. But we will come to understand how she was shaped by her grooming. And I believe there is very good reason to assume the themes of that grooming will play a huge role in her story and romance, as her sisters before her.
I have no doubt she will blow everyone away with her bravery, her intelligence, and stealth. And I for one cannot WAIT for it. If people want to continue to discredit and devalue her, it is frankly their loss. We already know who Elain Archeron is and what she can do.
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mrowtastic · 2 years
Ok I had a cool Idea about a dp x dc au that i want to throw out here.
The story takes place after the show. Everyone is in their early-mid twenties, (I'm thinking the Trio is around 22-23 and Jazz 26-27, depending), Everything that happened in the show happened here. It's been over five years now and Team Phantom is a well-oiled machine of ghost kick-assery.
The Drs Fenton are retired from the ghost hunting business. Inventing new gadgets and theories is their game and they enjoy it. They have gladly passed the torch to their two kids that they are so so proud of. (Maddie insists that they call at least once a week to chat).
Everyone has stuck together. Amity is healthier (ghost-wise) and is particularly peaceful. The gang goes to the same college (take your pick, i prefer Gotham thanks to ghosty biz), and realize just how much their ghostly know-how is needed outside of Amity. (Maybe Gotham calls in a favor and asks them to [spiritually] clean up her streets to help with the strain of everything?).
Team Phantom comes out of retirement to address the spiritual turmoil, hunt down naughty ghost, help the dearly departed to the other side, and steal mementos, haunted artifacts, and other dangerous occult items best left to the dead. The more morally-grey parts of the job force the Team into stealth mode. They work mostly at night but can work during the day depending on the mission. In order to stay anonymous they have motorcycles (with their assigned colors, the sporty kind) with helmets. (I'm imaging so many motorcycle chasing scenes. Maybe the Fentons invent a ghost whip that snags ghosts mid-chase? That sounds cool).
It's easy to get what they need between Sam's and Danny's wealth, Tucker's programming skill, Danny's engineering skills, Jazz's organizational skills, and Sam's ability to see the big picture. It's just like old times.
In a sense they make themselves a superhero group. To everyone else, however, they have come out of nowhere and are way to skilled to be newbies. It has the bats and other heroes scratching their heads. Shenanigans ensue. Constantine loves them and loathes them in the same breath. The Bats are running in circles because How do they keep getting away?
Everyone gets a superhero identity:
Danny: Sticks with Phantom. I know, boring, but no one outside of Amity really knows about him. (I'm thinking an info blockade from the government like in so many fics). He specializes in all the ghostly, magical parts of their exploits. Anything that needs to be done regarding ectoplasm and weird symbols is his business. Also is the only one able to make chemicals needed for their weapons and handle a hammer for repairs to equipment. I imagine him in either a black trench coat or motorcycle jacket with combat boots, black jeans, and regular black t-shirt. He wears goggles like Maddie's. (Like mother, like son). They make him look unhinged.
Sam: I'm leaning towards the name Thorn? She's the sharpshooter. The muscle. She can and will crack your head between her thighs and possesses 90% of the trio's impulse control (in most situations). I imagine her in knee-high, laced up, goth boots, leggings and killer skirt with a leather jacket and crop top. Her colors are still black, purple, and green. She is SWOLE. I love her.
Tucker: Now, I'm not sure what his name would be but he's basically the field tech. Having an on-site hacker is super useful. He's got twenty ways to get into every building. Security means nothing to him. He's great at stealth (not counting Danny cause ghost powers) and is great at thinking on his feet. His color are black and orange. Instead of wearing his red beret and yellow shirt duo he wears sneakers, tech glasses, a motorcycle jacket with a hoodie attached.
Jazz: Prophet is her codename. She's the lady in the chair. Tucker may make the programs that run the computer, but only Jazz can run them efficiently. She gets them where they need to go, gets them out of tough situations, gets info, assists Tucker, and so much more. Also, I want her to fly a ghost jet. I dont know why but she would be so cool doing it.
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doodle-pops · 5 months
House of Fingolfin | Spending Winter with Their S/O
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Request: Hey! *waves* Can I ask you about how you think the house of Fingolfin (Fingolfin included) would react if the reader got hypothermia and nearly died, or did die if you want more angst? If their s/o survives then I can imagine lots of overprotectiveness, ie not letting them outside without dozens of cloaks and scarves. Nor allowing them to go out in winter unsupervised. - Anon
A/N: Surprisingly, I wasn’t feeling the angst vibes to write reader dying (someone check if I’m ill). So I went with the route of reader surviving, and now, every winter, the elves ensure that reader is well-secured and comfortable to remove their fear of the cold.
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Being the wise and compassionate leader he is, FIngolfin ensures that you feel comfortable and warm during the winter months by organising cosy nights by the fireplace, with soft blankets and cushions to keep you warm. Anything to shake that lingering fear away.
Fingolfin would personally attend to you, wrapping you in his own cloak should you feel chilly while holding you close to share his body heat. When he can’t, he will ensure a hearth is set up with hearty meals to keep you energised and well-fed throughout the cold season.
The last thing he wants to hear, is you sneezing or saying that you feel ill, he’ll spend hours cuddling under thick blankets by the fire while enjoying hot cups of tea. He would also have woollen socks and scarves made for you to wear.
Being a romantic at heart, he will find the time to dance with you, wrapping a blanket around you both to keep you closer as you dance, shutting out the creeping coldness.
Plus, he knows a few songs he can sing to ease the chill, so you’ll get the opportunity to listen to his beautiful, deep voice as he softly sings a few tunes. And if you’re lucky, you might convince him to construct a few blanket forts to bring in additional warmth.
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Fingon dotes on you heavily during the winter, ensuring that you are always snug and warm. He would surprise you with hand-knitted mittens and scarves that were imbued with magic to keep you warm.
As an excellent cook who enjoys preparing hearty meals, he uses this moment to display his chef’s abilities to cook up a storm of nutritional foods to ensure that you aren’t starving or underfed. Plus, his cooking and baking help to fill your home with the rich aroma of hearty food and spices to remove any lingering fear of the cold.
You also get his talented musician skills as he always carries his trusty harp to serenade you and take away the chill from your bones, replacing it with comfort and security as you cuddle by the fire.
On days when the snow isn’t falling, nor is the wind howling, he’ll take you outside, but not too far to enjoy some snow and build a few snowmen or engage in a light snowball fight before informing you that it’s time to head indoors.
Did I mention that he’s a massive cuddle bug? During winters, you have given him the blessed opportunity to give you multiple heat strokes out of love, since he’s a walking heater, whenever he cuddles you under all the blankets.
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Turgon would utilise his wealth and power as King of Gondolin to construct something extremely lavish like a greenhouse just for you to spend your time during winter or host a feast, so the halls are filled with festivities to deter your mind from the harshness of the cold.
He would also fill your room with luxurious furs and a well-constructed fireplace to ensure enough warmth is available. At times when he isn’t in a meeting, he will find and whisk you away to cuddle in his chambers.
Depending on the snowfall, he would still spare the chance of allowing you to comfortably roam around outside in the snow, so long as it isn’t a blizzard. However, you will be wearing like fifty fur coats.
Sleigh rides through the snow-covered streets of Gondolin while you’re snuggly nestled under his arm the entire time. Dancing under the street lamps in the light snowfall before returning indoors for hot chocolate.
Similar to his brother, he would commission garments or a magical imbued cloak to keep you warm and comfortable during your winter.
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Blankets, blankets, blankets and more blankets. Oh, and a pillow and blanket fort are being constructed for both of your interests. Knowing his playful approach to life, he would treat this situation with fun to distract you.
Despite how tall and long his body is, Argon would find all sorts of indoor games to play with you, like hide-and-seek or catch. It’s alright if a few vases are broken, it’s all for a good cause.
Don’t forget the food. Argon is a heavy eater, so he’ll engage in food competition to see who will finish meals the quickest or eat the most. Anything to ensure that you’re eating and stocking up on energy during the chilly period.
Drapes his entire long and heavy, limp body all over yours. Similar to his eldest brother, a walking heater who will give you a heat stroke under all those blankets—you probably don’t require a blanket when he exists.
Even though he wants you to stay out of the cold, he still doesn’t want you to miss out on the beauty of winter. So, he’ll have a portion of the house constructed with glass so you can sit and watch the snowfall or the animals passing by.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @aconstructofamind @involuntaryspasms @addaigio @stormchaser819 @lamemaster @zheiya @elficially-done-with-life
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13lunarstar · 7 months
The eighth nakshatra
Degrees: from 03°20' to 16°40' of Cancer sign
The ruler of nakshatra: Saturn (sans. Shani)
Nakshatra's guna: sattwa (divine)
Pushya keywords: nourishment, milk, abundance, caretaking, devotion, protection, upbringing, traditions, healing, teaching, peace
Symbol: a cow's udder, representing nourishment and abundance
Pushya in various planets
Sun in Pushya: enhances qualities of leadership, authority, and vitality. Individuals may exhibit a strong sense of responsibility ( because of Saturn's influence) and may be drawn to positions of power or influence. They may also possess a nurturing and protective nature, especially towards their family or community.
Moon in Pushya: a very auspicious placement for the Moon. Individuals born under the Moon's influence in Pushya may be emotionally sensitive, nurturing, and compassionate. They have a deep connection to their roots and may excel in roles that involve caretaking, counselling, or supporting others.
Mars in Pushya: can amplify its assertive and energetic qualities. Individuals may be driven by a strong sense of purpose and may be determined to overcome obstacles in pursuit of their goals. They may possess leadership qualities and a desire to defend their values, and protect and nurture those they care about, especially family. Also, Mars in Pushya can signify emotional intensity and passion. Individuals with this placement may experience strong emotions and may express themselves assertively in their relationships and interactions.
Mercury in Pushya: enhances communication skills, intelligence ( including emotional), and adaptability. Individuals may excel in fields that require effective communication, such as teaching, writing, or public speaking. They may also be adept at networking and building connections within their community. Good placement for social work. Individuals may excel in academic pursuits or intellectual hobbies that stimulate their minds.
Jupiter in Pushya: enhances qualities of wisdom, spirituality, and benevolence. Individuals may possess a deep faith and may be drawn to spiritual teachings or practices. They may also be generous, compassionate, and devoted to serve as guides and mentors, offering wise counsel and guidance to those in need. Pushya Nakshatra is associated with cultural heritage and ancestral wisdom. Individuals with Jupiter in Pushya may have a deep respect for tradition and may seek to preserve cultural practices and customs. They may be involved in activities that celebrate and promote cultural diversity.
Venus in Pushya: creates a keen eye for beauty and may excel in artistic pursuits such as art, music, or design. They may build environments that are visually pleasing and inviting. Venus in Pushya indicates emotional sensitivity, vulnerability and empathy coupled with romantic idealism. These individuals are attuned to the feelings and needs of others and may excel in providing emotional support and comfort. They value intimacy and connection in their relationships and seek to create bonds based on mutual understanding and trust.
Saturn in Pushya: brings a sense of discipline, responsibility, and stability. Individuals may be diligent workers who take their duties and obligations seriously. They may also have a deep respect for tradition and may uphold traditional values in their personal and professional lives. Saturn in Pushya Nakshatra emphasizes a practical and pragmatic approach to life. These individuals are realistic and down-to-earth, preferring to focus on tangible results and achievable goals rather than lofty ideals or dreams.
Rahu in Pushya: may amplify desires for deeper and intense emotional experiences (which may lead to dependability), material success and worldly achievements. Individuals with this placement may strive to obtain status and accumulate wealth, property, or resources as a means of establishing security and stability in their lives. However, there may also be a tendency towards excess or obsession, which could lead to challenges if not kept in check.
Ketu in Pushya: emphasizes spiritual growth and detachment from worldly attachments. Individuals may be introspective, intuitive, and drawn to mystical or esoteric knowledge. Natives with Ketu in Pushya may be on a lifelong quest for self-discovery and spiritual growth, exploring different paths and philosophies in search of deeper meaning and purpose. Ketu in Pushya may indicate a release of past karma and a willingness to let go of attachments and burdens from previous lifetimes. These individuals may be liberated from the cycles of birth and death, finding peace and contentment in the present moment.
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grimalkinmessor · 9 months
Okay but Reigen's ability to lie and change masks at will means that he can be literally anyone Mob needs him to be at any given time. And he often is.
I was thinking about this because I rewatched the break-up episode and Reigen's words had always caught me a little off guard when he said all that stupid shit to Mob, because—and yes this is the point I suppose—he's never usually that harsh with Mob. Because the rod isn't what Mob needs, and Reigen knows it, and he usually tries to be the best shishou he can be whilst still lying to his disciple about everything else :'D So I considered Reigen insulting Mob and going after his friends to be largely out of character for him!
But, I realized that the series focuses so much on Mob's inner struggle that we don't get to see a lot of Reigen's. And for Reigen, who has had Mob all to himself for close to three years, the sudden influx of people taking Mob's time and attention would've been highly alarming and disquieting to him. Because for literal years, Reigen was the village raising the child.
Before the series started, Mob and Ritsu were still distant if loving. His parents don't seem to make much of an impact on is life either. And before joining the BIC, Mob had no friends either. He just kind of,,,existed. The only person he could've considered a friend was Reigen. Reigen gives him advice and life lessons like a parent, jokes around and heckles him like a friend, and scolds him when he's being dumb like a mentor. Reigen didn't raise Mob (he does still have parents for that and Reigen has only known him three years out of fourteen) but before canon he did seem to have a great deal of control and say-so over Mob's life.
And yes, again this is bad. It's unhealthy at best. But Reigen's options in the beginning were either fire Mob and send him away so that wouldn't happen, or keep him by his side and encourage him to make friends as they went along and Mob learned more control and social skills from him. The latter might've even been Reigen's original plan once he realized he actually likes Mob as opposed to him just being a random kid. But then, of course :) Reigen gets attached :)) Too attached, even :)))
Enough so that when the time comes and Mob actually DOES start to make friends, Reigen feels deeply threatened. Fondness has blossomed out quite nicely into codependence, and now Reigen—who is also deeply, incredibly lonely—cannot imagine a life without Mob in it anymore. He doesn't like the thought of Mob drifting away. Outgrowing him. So he opens his mouth and puts his foot directly inside, trying to alienate Mob from his friends and secure his spot as top friend dog once again. (Honestly as if there was any question 🙄).
Thankfully, Mob nips that shit in the bud IMMEDIATELY. Because again, he's been with Reigen for the past three years, and other than some of the other bullshit bout spiritual powers, Reigen has been largely very wise and helpful when giving life advice. It was very likely his OWN teachings and words about being wary of being manipulated and conned that helped Mob recognize it that fast.
So Mob leaves, and Reigen...crumbles.
Damn near instantly.
He tries to convince himself that he doesn't need Mob, that he's fine without him and that he never even cared about him in the first place—but later we see that the idea of Mob leaving him for good makes him actually, physically nauseous. That moment in the alleyway, with the moths around the lamp as my witness, was a moment of death and rebirth within Reigen's psyche. Again with the moths there that might be obvious lmao. The singular moth dying there might even be a reference to the fact that only one of Reigen and Mob's relationship problems have been addressed (and somewhat?? solved?? at least in the way that Reigen has acknowledged the need for change in himself on this front).
Idk, I just think it's interesting :3 He was alone in his friendship with Mob for a very long time, and I think he panicked more than made any sort of cold calculated move to be an asshole. He and Mob are similar in that way; they both found someone who needed and understood them, Mob with his powers and Reigen with his tricks and acts, both of them using their abilities for the other's benefit. I love the break-up arc so much, it's so much fun to think about 💖
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How You Can Improve Your Life? Tarot
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Choose A Pile 1 - 2 - 3
Hi there, sweetheart! Here we go. Advices for you: Trust your intuition and listen to your feelings. Sometimes personal growth happens when we follow our heart (subconscious mind) rather than our head (conscious mind), because the subconscious mind keeps all keys to your true life purpose and unlimited power. Look deeper. Majority of people don't know who are they for real. They are terrified to figure out the truth about themselves. It's time to meet with your inner child. Also if there's a creative or emotional pursuit you've been considering, now may be a good time to explore it. Learn how to blend the emotional intelligence with the clear-mindedness. You need to balance between heart and mind. Create a strategy for you life. Make decisions with a clear head, but don't forget what does your inner child want, communicate your boundaries effectively and don’t be afraid to cut out things/people from your life that no longer serve your higher purpose. Let go of past grudges, outdated beliefs or old hurts that are holding you back. Learn from the past, it's equally crucial to live in the present and plan for the future. By releasing the past, you create space for new, positive experiences to enter your life.
You can get personal readings monthly or show your gratitude by becoming my patron via Parteon - patreon.com/FreyaTarot 🧡 Donations - https://destream.net/live/FreyaTarot/donate 🧚🏻
Hi there, darling! Here we go. Advices for you: Recognize your own potential and the resources available to you. You have everything you need to create the life you desire. Remember that you are a master of your destiny. Trust in your skills and abilities. If there's something you want to achieve, know that you have the power to make it happen. Check all your desires, there are some that don't belong to you. Your soul don't want approaching it, so you may fail a lot. Always seek to improve and expand your knowledge. Examine the parts of your life where you might feel stuck or overly dependent, whether that's a toxic relationship, a harmful habit or a limiting belief of any kind. It's crucial to free yourself from these chains. Also a shadow work may be beneficial for your journey. Focus more on building a stable and secure foundation for your life. Make wise investments or simply cultivating a more stable and grounded approach to life. Look for opportunities to grow and prosper, but always with a sense of responsibility and practicality. Additionally, don’t forget to share your wealth, whether it's through monetary means, time or knowledge. Money is an energy.
You can get personal readings monthly or show your gratitude by becoming my patron via Parteon - patreon.com/FreyaTarot 🧡 Donations - https://destream.net/live/FreyaTarot/donate 🧚🏻
Hi there, sunshine! Here we go. Advices for you: Celebrate your accomplishments (small or big) and take a moment to recognize how far you've come. Remember that every ending is a new beginning. Embrace the cyclical nature of life and prepare for new challenges and opportunities. Every challenge is an opportunity for personal growth. By traveling and discovering something new you can develop and improve yourself quicker. Be ready to act quickly and adapt to changes. If opportunities come your way, don't hesitate and seize them. If you've been waiting for a sign to move forward with a plan or project, this might be it. Stay informed and alert. Channel your energy and drive in productive ways. While it's beneficial to be ambitious and to go after what you want, it's equally essential to think things through. Create a strategy in order to reach a goal.
You can get personal readings monthly or show your gratitude by becoming my patron via Parteon - patreon.com/FreyaTarot 🧡 Donations - https://destream.net/live/FreyaTarot/donate 🧚🏻
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fxirybun · 13 days
Hiii can you do a reading about enhypen sunghoon ideal type and how he is when he get into relationship?? thank youu
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ෆ⸒⸒ personality-wise
devil rx 𖦹 nine of pentacles 𖦹 chariot
he may prefer someone who does their own thing or simply being independent and can stand on their own. it reminded me of one of those "girl boss". he's attracted to those who have this radiating charm within themselves. a person who's confident and has their own personal power. knows how to stay organized and can be responsible at times. sunghoon may also be attracted to those who have an appreciation for the finer things in life and know how to manage their money well. i feel that he may prefer a person who's good at initiating conversations and possibly intelligent or has analytical thinking skills.
sunghoon may look for someone who wouldn’t hold himself back or take control over him as he values freedom because i'm sensing this aquarian energy coming from this reading. a person who's a hard worker / ambitious and would do anything to attain success in their lives. i'm also getting that sunghoon may prefer someone with strong familial ties. "my homebody". he likes it when a person makes him feel safe , comfortable , and secure.
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ෆ⸒⸒ physical traits
tower 𖦹 child 𖦹 clover
i'm getting two sides of a coin when it comes to the appearance. sunghoon may be attracted to someone who has a classic bold style that makes a lasting impression on him. someone who embraces individuality such as wearing unconventional clothes , colorful and dark colors , dramatic pieces of accessories , and some whimsical designs. a person who is naturally attractive and at the same time , they have this sensual yet innocent look on them.
has a youthful appearance or looks younger than their age. there's something about the eyes and the lips that sunghoon thinks is eye-catching. a smile that speaks as an invitation , approachable even. i'm also getting soft hands and cheeks. someone who looks taller or has a good body posture. "rigid".
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ෆ⸒⸒ how sunghoon acts when he's in a relationship
frog 𖦹 lotus 𖦹 bear 𖦹 cedar 𖦹 wolf 𖦹 rose hip
he's going to be very protective of his person once he's in a relationship. "let me take care of you". i feel that he's the one who's wearing the pants in the relationship and may want to be the one who takes the initiative. he may be the type of man who encourages his partner to go through personal changes , helping them to let go of their old patterns that are hindering their growth. he's also willing to transform himself for the betterment of himself and his person. again , i'm getting a scene from my head wherein he's at the front , letting everyone know that this person is his territory and should not step any further than that.
he's the type of boyfriend who's very loyal and will dedicate his time to nurture the relationship. i'm also sensing this feeling of deep intimacy that's coming from sunghoon and how he's sneaky about it. he may also want to help his partner too in different tasks. he's not afraid to defend his person if there's an outside force that would want to stir trouble in their relationship. he can also be snuggly or may be keen on physical intimacy such as hugging his partner behind their back , embracing every inch of their skin. there's something about his gazing ? he seems to be the type of boyfriend who loves to stare at his person intensely , observing their every move.
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veggie9961 · 1 year
The Second House
The second house rules over the materialization of personal wants and needs. When figuring out how to acquire what you need, and then materialize what you want, you must consider the resources available, the strengths you possess, and the priorities or values that matter to you. Resources, strengths, and values are ruled by the second house.
Resources include money and body and everything that physically sustains the body.
I ____ my body, spending habits and possessions.
Aries 2H = find identity in and may feel competitive about
Taurus 2H = am generously giving and secure in
Gemini 2H = get insecure about, but charm and secure people using
Cancer 2H = know what I need to feel good within
Leo 2H = am pretty clear about what I want so I can feel happy in
Virgo 2H = fixate on every minor flaw of
Libra 2H = am aware and in control of every detail of others' and
Scorpio 2H = know what I desire from others to feel secure in
Sagittarius 2H = am proud, but can go too far when it comes to
Capricorn 2H = can deny what I personally really need for
Aquarius 2H = am keenly aware of what others want of
Pisces 2H = am loving toward all bodies and classes, and blessed in
Strengths are abilities that you value within yourself and that what others value in you. They are your qualities.
My being brings _____ to the table.
Aries 2H = energy and vivacity
Taurus 2H = mutual security and fairness
Gemini 2H = a variety of perspectives
Cancer 2H = a comforting energy
Leo 2H = life, energy and skills
Virgo 2H = a sharp critical faculty
Libra 2H = peace and mutual accommodation
Scorpio 2H = insecurity and power dynamics
Sagittarius 2H = an adventurous spirit and knowledge
Capricorn 2H = mastery and ambitious drive
Aquarius 2H = caution from larger awareness
Pisces 2H = a space of mutual love and acceptance
The second house describes how you act when you have it in you to be a good person. It takes effort to be a person with good values, and it's definitely easier to be a good person when you're comfortable and you have your needs met.
When I'm secure, I __________.
Aries 2H: am honest when I need to assert who I am
Taurus 2H: make the effort to keep things peaceful
Gemini 2H: try to be open to new perspectives
Cancer 2H: take the time to do what I really need to do
Leo 2H: have the confidence to do what I want to do
Virgo 2H: think about how I can improve beyond this state
Libra 2H: hold back and consider others before I speak
Scorpio 2H: am upfront about what I really desire
Sagittarius 2H: am confident and all-wise in my perspective
Capricorn 2H: move with ambition, never afraid to lose everything
Aquarius 2H: think about what other people need
Pisces 2H: serve others' desires or act on the people's urges
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