#skam ita s3
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crowleying · 5 years ago
Viva la mamma
Data: 03.05.2020
Parole: 1.248
Fandom: SKAM Italia
Personaggi: Edoardo Incanti, Andrea Incanti, mamma Incanti
Lunghezza: Oneshot
Avvertimenti: un pelino triste forse
Richiesto: No
Sinossi: il piccolo Edo e sua madre passano un po’ di tempo insieme
Note: Di solito non scrivo in italiano ma ho scritto questa cosetta per Netflix italia dopo aver rivisto la terza stagione. Ho sentito il bisogno di immaginarmi come Edo avrebbe potuto continuare se non fosse stato interrotto da Eleonora quando, durante il loro primo appuntamento, le stava raccontando cosa faceva con sua madre. Spero vi piaccia. Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate.
Se avete qualche richiesta per Skam Italia non esitate! Se non avete idee, potete prendere ispirazione dalla mia  List of prompts. Fatemi sapere se volete essere taggati.
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[ID: gif of Edoardo Incanti standing in the hallway of the school and smiling, pushing his hands in his pockets.]
Adorava andare a prendere i figli a scuola. Vederli correre incontro a lei con gli zainetti che rendevano difficili i movimenti, ma senza per questo diminuire il loro entusiasmo, le faceva scoppiare il cuore di gioia. Non importava come fosse andato il lavoro quel giorno, se qualche cliente fosse stato scortese o se il suo capo le avesse scaricato di nuovo più pratiche di quelle che le spettavano, quando vedeva i sorrisi sui visi tondi dei suoi bambini, passava tutto. I suoi occhi scuri individuarono subito Andrea e si soffermarono sul sorriso stampato sul viso mentre raggiungeva il cancello scherzando con i suoi amici. Di riflesso, un sorriso spontaneo si dipinse sulle sue labbra. I suoi occhi si allontanarono dalla figura per cercarne un’altra altrettanto familiare. Quando si sentì tirare per la manica abbandonò momentaneamente l’infruttuosa ricerca e abbassò lo sguardo lasciando cadere le braccia che aveva tenuto incrociate fino ad allora.
“Ciao, amore! Come è andata a scuola?” chiese al figlio maggiore, dandogli un bacio sulla guancia che fu ricambiato senza esitazione.
“Bene! Posso andare a casa di Marco oggi?”
“Come si dice?”
“Per favore” disse il bambino con voce cantilenante. Quella domanda gli veniva posta ogni volta che chiedeva qualcosa ma proprio non riusciva a ricordarsi di aggiungere quella forma di cortesia.
Cercò la mamma di Marco con lo sguardo e la vide poco lontana che già si faceva strada verso di lei con il figlio al seguito. Le sorrise.
“Non è un problema se viene da te?” chiese, come se ciò non capitasse almeno una volta a settimana.
“Ma figurati, nessun problema! Ti chiamo io per venire a prenderlo, va bene?”
“Va bene, grazie.” Poi si rivolse al figlio. “Comportati bene, okay?” si raccomandò scompigliandogli i capelli affettuosamente.
Andrea annuì. Gli diede un bacio sulla fronte e poi salutò tutti e tre guardandoli allontanarsi.
A quel punto tornò a cercare Edoardo e lo individuò subito. C’era qualcosa che non andava. Federico, il suo migliore amico, non era al suo fianco e nessun sorriso illuminava i suoi lineamenti dolci, così simili a quelli del padre. Al contrario, un broncio, che lo faceva comunque sembrare adorabile, occupava il suo viso.
La madre si accigliò e una mano salì a portare una ciocca di capelli dietro l’orecchio. La lingua umettò le labbra sottili che i due figli avevano ereditato da lei.
Edoardo la raggiunse e lei si accovacciò aprendo le braccia per abbracciarlo, sperando che ciò alleviasse in qualche modo il suo tormento. Il suo puffo vi si gettò senza esitazione e la strinse con forza, affondando il viso contro il suo collo. Gli accarezzò la schiena sotto lo zaino e non lo lasciò andare finché non fu lui a farlo. Allora gli diede un bacio sulla guancia e, preso lo zainetto in una mano, gli offrì l’altra. “Andiamo?”
Edoardo la prese e annuì facendo rimbalzare i ricciolini neri che adorava accarezzare.
Il viaggio in macchina fu silenzioso. Non ci era abituata, di solito era difficile far stare zitto Edo, ma quando era triste o arrabbiato era impossibile cavargli anche solo una parola e lei lo conosceva abbastanza bene da sapere che sarebbe stato controproducente pressarlo affinché parlasse, l’avrebbe fatto quando se la fosse sentita. Tuttavia non riusciva a smettere di guardarlo dallo specchietto retrovisore. Per quanto le dispiacesse sapere che qualcosa aveva turbato la pace del figlio minore, non riusciva a non trovarlo un po’ buffo. Il suo gomito era posato sul bracciolo del seggiolino, il mento sulla mano paffutella, lo sguardo fisso fuori dal finestrino e una piccola ruga d’espressione a rigargli la fronte accigliata.
Appena furono a casa, non fece in tempo a posare lo zaino e la borsa che Edo era sparito nell’enorme villa che il marito aveva tanto spinto perché comprassero.
Andò in cucina e bevve un bicchier d’acqua poi, con calma, raggiunse la stanzetta di Edoardo. Bussò piano alla porta accostata. Quando nessuno rispose, la aprì piano. Non c’era alcun segno del bimbo a parte le scarpe abbandonate disordinatamente vicino al letto. I suoi occhi caddero sull’armadio di legno chiaro, in tinta con tutto il resto della stanza. Lo raggiunse e lo aprì, i suoi occhi non fecero fatica a trovare la figura accovacciata. Si piegò per essere alla sua altezza e gli porse una mano. La testolina riccioluta si sollevò mostrando il visino rigato di lacrime. La manina paffutella di Edoardo prese quella della mamma che lo aiutò ad alzarsi rivolgendogli un sorriso dolce. Asciugò con delicatezza le lacrime dalle sue guanciotte.
“Meglio evitare che la casa si allaghi, mh?” disse cercando di strappargli un sorriso. “C’è un posto dove possiamo andare a piangere tutte le nostre lacrime senza rischiare di affogare.”
Questo gli provocò un piccolo sorriso.
“Mettiti le scarpe e andiamo.” Edoardo annuì e si asciugò le lacrime prima di correre a mettersele. La donna si rimise in piedi e attese che il figlio fosse pronto.
“Pronto” la vocina trillò.
“Andiamo allora.”
Caricata la barchetta a remi sul tettuccio della macchina, partirono e dopo meno di mezz’ora erano al piccolo molo di legno.
La mamma scaricò la barchetta e affidò i remi a Edoardo che con un po’ di fatica ma tanto orgoglio li portò sul molo e li posò lì, poi tornò indietro insistendo per aiutarla nonostante la piccola barca fosse troppo grande per lui. Gli lasciò credere di essere un grande aiuto, era felice di vedere suo figlio sempre pronto ad aiutare il prossimo.
Misero la barca in acqua con il libro preferito di Edo, la scatola di biscotti fatti in casa e il thermos con la tisana al cioccolato per la quale Edo impazziva. Salirono e la madre remò finché non furono abbastanza lontani dalla riva. Quando fu soddisfatta del punto in cui si trovavano, ritirò i remi in barca. Si allungò verso il figlio e chiuse meglio la sua giacchetta per non fargli prendere freddo. Il nasino si era già arrossato. Gli riempì un bicchiere di tisana e glielo porse e aprì la scatola di biscotti così che entrambi potessero prenderli. Prese un po’ di tisana per sé e aprì il libro iniziando a leggere ad alta voce. Era quasi a metà della storia quando Edo parlò.
“Ho litigato con Fede” ammise evitando lo sguardo della mamma e guardando il biscotto che teneva in mano come se ne stesse analizzando la struttura molecolare. Lei chiuse il libro.
“Come mai?”
“La sua fidanzata l’ha lasciato perché ora le piaccio io ma lei non mi piace, non volevo rubargliela!” spiegò, sul punto di scoppiare di nuovo a piangere.
“Tu hai provato a dirglielo?”
“Sì, ma non ha voluto ascoltarmi” rispose tirando su col naso.
“Oh, tesoro, sono sicura che abbia solo bisogno di un po’ di tempo, poi farete pace” lo rassicurò sporgendosi per spostargli un ricciolino ribelle da davanti agli occhi. Gli accarezzò la guancia e sorrise dolcemente. Quei sorrisi lo facevano sempre stare meglio, nonostante la loro semplicità e forse proprio per quello: erano semplici e pieni di amore.
Sorrise ancora incerto ma annuì. “Speriamo. Come finisce la storia?” chiese poi, come se non l’avessero già letta almeno un centinaio di volte prima di allora. L’argomento era chiuso. Avrebbe risolto da solo come al solito, ma sapeva che la sua mamma era sempre pronta ad ascoltarlo e consolarlo.
La madre sorrise, prese un sorso di tisana e tornò a leggere. L’aria era notevolmente più tranquilla ora. Edo chiuse gli occhi e si sforzò di imprimere nella memoria le sensazioni di quel momento. Tutto era perfetto.
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arunnerfromreality · 6 years ago
somewhere in the paralel universe
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alias-a · 6 years ago
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jorgecrespo · 5 years ago
(1) I'm so done with people hating on each other because "Skam x is better" "No, Skam x is the worst, Skam y is the GOAT"... Grow up. Every, yes, EVERY Skam has mistakes but also things they did really well. For example, I really like Skam Fr s3 and really connected with Eliott and liked the fact that Elu spoke about the MI, but the fact that Elu spoke about the MI, but the fact that Charles and Manon are still together? And THAT s4? Skam España made mistakes too, but I feel like it is one of
(2) the remakes that better developed the characters and the side storylines (even, in my opinion, Miqhell is well developed fgs). And the social media game. Did I want Norandro? Yes (and I was quite disappointed that we didn't see them) , but Nora's season gave as a waaaaay more important lesson. Do I like the fact that they changed so many things? At first I was skeptical. Druck gave us a transgender story and apparently a passable s4 (I swear that season is cursed) and since I haven't
3) watched it I can't say more, but it probably made mistakes too. I admittedly haven't watched Skam Nl, and people pointed out its really good. And I applaud that, but even if I haven't watched it I know about the wedding dress scene (and that was a mistake). Wtfock had a hate crime that apparently got forgotten, but the social media game is spectacular. I found some of Skam Ita's characters to be boring and s4 wasn't my favorite,but  I really like how they changed the MI as to open the
(4) range and talk about different Mental Illnesses. Skam OG made mistakes. For example, keeping Noorhelm together. But they also created the story and taught people a lot of things. Skam Austin was the first remake to have a lesbian character (I think, I could be wrong) yet I know a lot of people don't like it so it may have mistakes (I can't say much about this one since the info I have is limited). What I want to say by this is, there's no perfect remake and that's a fact.But fighting
(5) and being mean to each other, even hating on each other, as if you were little kids doesn't make you better. It makes you immature and toxic. P. S. It wasn't directed to you. I was speaking in general
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crowsnotvultures · 5 years ago
What’s the thing about Edoardo protecting Martino?
In Skam Italia’s S3 (which focused on Eleonora), Martino gets harassed by two homophobes at the Villa Boys’ fundraiser. Gio comes to his defense, of course, but Edoardo immediately shows up to kick the homopobes out. Later, the two homophobes come back with their whole gang, which leads to the Villa Boys and Contrabbandieri joining forces to fight them. It was Skam Ita’s version of William’s fight in Noora’s season.
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prrsephoni · 6 years ago
ok I wanna list two things I really loved in skam ita & skam fr regards s3 up till now.
in skam italia I actually liked there was no ‘I saw you before and I liked you which is why I joined the radio’ i know many were upset about it but I didn’t mind one bit bcs a. we saw martino and his mum and updating her on his relationship after their fight which I honestly adore. I generally adore the fact we saw martino’s mum and b. I simply love how idk normal nicotino was. there was no ‘I am joining the radio so you notice me or we talk.’ like it was mutual and natural and that to me was so beautiful itself? in reality most love stories are more like seeing someone randomly and then ending up falling in love so from nico’s part it was unexpected. he didn’t see it coming and that made everything more intense for him.
in skam france even though I really did hope to see eliott on monday too I like that I didn’t because lucas is going to notice him and talk to him the same day. for a boy that has difficulties with accepting his sexuality I think that quick contact is important. if he saw him on monday he’d still have like 3 days of thinking how wrong it is that he thinks like that and in the same time hoping he’ll see him again. like that saves lucas from a lot of anxiety and that already makes a difference itself in his mindset and contact with eliott. in this version we have the reverse. it’s eliott who noticed him and lucas not at all and didn’t see it coming. 
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cheesystars · 6 years ago
suddenly i’m a skam remake stan?
i’ve been checking up on the tags for a while and i even spontaneously binge watched s2 skam ita because it was the first evak remake but other than skam austin (because i found out about a female isak and of course i had to watch) i didn’t think i would watch any remakes. cut to march. skam france has been trending a lot but i didn’t pay much attention. all of a sudden like 2 weeks ago ALL THE SKAMS are making new (GAY) content. i binged s3 of skam fr because it looked beautiful (it was), found out skam españa is having a WLW SEASON so i just started that today (i started at season 1 finally! might skip around though oops). now i see druck is switching things up this gay season and having matteo be the one with mental health issues??? plus that kiss??? so long story short i’m gonna start druck at s3 because i stan gays and mental health🤪
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doomedzagreus · 6 years ago
always repost the rules
answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
give 11 questions
tag 11 people
i was tagged by @davenziv ty!!❤️
1. favourite crack ship
it has to be abdi and carlos. carlos has canonically seen his ass. i rest my case
2. least favourite character from each remake excluding williams and his brothers (or equivalent)
druck: oh god idk for a laugh id say stefan but....i don't dislike anyone,,,, hmmm it doesn't have to mean dislike.....so id have to say other sam (where did he go?) yes this is 100% a cop out
españa: hugo,,,, sorry man you're great but i love everyone else a bit more
nl: he's pretty but it has to be kes, sorry
baguette: daphné and basile i can't pick just one wow i don't like this remake as a whole but those two whew
ita: wana.
haven't seen the other two remakes!!!
3. rank the remakes in order of best to worst boy squad
nl (tbf theirs is p bad but i can't bare to rate ita any higher)
4. rank the remakes in order of best to worst girl squad
fr (can u tell i just hate this remake)
like i said i haven't seen the other two but i feel like they definitely rank higher than ita + fr
5. your favourite headcanon that is not at all supported by canon
BALLET. DANCER. MATTEO. like michi can do ballet and just imagine david walking into the wg to see matteo dancing and he's fucking flawed cause he didn't know his clumsy gremlin had this in him, he's so beautiful too whew
6. one thing og did better than the remakes
well shit i ....this is super difficult since as u all know im up drucks arse, but i think the relationship between isak and jonas was amazing, and only druck has come to rest on that level to me. i also think their general feel, it feels so "everyday"? like you're actually watching day to day life, and not something overly dramatised for the sake of it ??? like obviously it's dramatic it's a show, but it's not *three car crashes and someone drowns* u know?
7. one thing each remake did better than the og
druck: boy squad. trans moc (even holds a special place in my heart but.....david u know). integration of the squads. teens feeling like they're real teens, being dumb. arguably bearable william (only due to the new content which lbr it's just chris) IK THIS ISNT ONE THING BUT IM DRUCKS BITCH OK
nl: G I R L. S Q U A D. diversity!!!!!!!! arguably better william even tho that went right to shit in the second half of s2.
españa: the pacing and the girl squad. like the conflict in s2 only ever lasted a few clips max, as cris and joana would fix it just after it started. i loved that so much.
ita: well shit uh. uhhhhhhhhhhhh.
fr: nope
8. a popular opinion that (almost) everyone shares but you don't
(nobody i follow thinks this but let me open up anon hate for myself a sec) that fr is a good remake in general. like even without the big obvious issues they have, the remake in general just isn't well done. don't come for my throat, i used to love it when it was the only one airing S3, but then i took a look at it and realised i was settling, cause it just ISN'T good, without the fucking blatant sexualisation of teenagers played by 30 year old men, and the sheer levels of fucking racism. it's overly dramatic, it's badly written, everything is stated too obviously and nobody actually feels like a real teenager which has a lot to do with casting people in their mid to late 20s
9. your headcanon for lucas vdh's love interest
definitely not white, not model-hot, maybe with a disability. idk, probably cause i was hard of hearing as a child, but id like to see a hard of hearing even
10. your headcanon for shays love interest
well i haven't seen austin, but once again her love interest will hopefully be a woman of colour, maybe plus size, since the skams lack a lot of body diversity (idk the right wording but im plus size myself so)
11. character you look up to the most
it was between david and matteo, and it says only one so to try to stick to the question, im gonna say david. he was so afraid, and he didn't wanna get close to anyone for fear he would lose everything again, but he let matteo in and he came out and he once again went through hell and he fell in love and found a support system and now he has an amazing set of friends and a wonderful, supportive, caring boyfriend. yeah im emotional about david. for the first time in my life i don't actually hate myself, so yeah, i look up to david for inspiring that. and now im crying lmao
RIGHT you will most likely all have been tagged already, but either way you DON'T have to do this (im tagging some people i usually wouldn't hence me saying this) @akefalosthea @8102-druck @killyourdarlingsx @darkdodielove @distastefullyqueer @driftovertheedge @schreibnersfriday @softamira @davidfors5 @waterbottle79 (ik u can't but idk 11 people asjfjjdkskl) @manthastop (ik u have only seen nl but see the comment before this)
1. which remake would you most like to be a part of?
2. if you could be best friends with someone from each remake, who would it be?
3. what changes would you make to each remake?
4. what was your favourite scene from each remake?
5. if you could make your own season, who would it be about and what would happen?
6. is there a country you think would make a brilliant remake? if so, which and why?
7. what is your favourite quote from each remake
8. what is your favourite headcanon?
9. what is your opinion of the nl boy squad?
10. rank most bearable to most despicable william
11. what thing from og do you wish a remake would change, and if one already has, what was it and do you prefer the change?
(these questions are shite and by each remake i mean the ones you've seen lmao. also ik some of the people i tagged i don't actually talk to i hope u don't mind asfjgjdk)
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aspewofnonsense · 6 years ago
favorite skam remake? and from all the remakes that you’ve seen which remake characters are the best? like which eva do you like the most, which noora which isak which sana and the rest?
Aaaaaah this is a question I dread because I have watched such a small part of remakes >.
I can give an honest opinion on Isak seasons, because I have watched all– (except Druck, I’m not following that properly) I really like Skam France S3, because it is still “Isak’s season” yet it’s own thing, you know? I just appreciate everything about this season so far.
Out of Evas, I love love love Isa okay. She is my fave, I wanna keep her safe
Nooras… I love Mia? I haven’t seen her season though, so I will keep that at bay until I watch the whole season. Mia is my fave, Manon is second ^_^
Sana, oh gosh, I love Amira and Imane. Both are great. But Amira is very similar to my best friend from high school, so I hold her closer to my heart ok 
Daphne is my fave Vilde, I haven’t seen many disagreements on this one and we can see why (pls no date basille tho)
Gio is probably my favorite Jonas (and not only because of his looks :P) and I totally miss Skam Ita’s boysquad because THEY WERE GREAT OKAY FIGHT ME
Out of Isaks… Honestly, picking my favorite Isak is probably the hardest, they just stand out with different things… But thinking now, Lucas is one of my favorites because I see myself in him (being the brave lil shit) and Lucas from NL is also one of my faves, he just feels speciallllll
Who am I forgetting?!? Evens? Eliott no 1, no arguments no fights
(has this ramble been enough because i can ramble more xd)
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crowleying · 5 years ago
In onore dell’uscita della quarta stagione di Skam Italia pubblicherò la prima cosa che io abbia mai scritto per Skam Italia. L’ho scritta in italiano ed è una cosa un po’ diversa dal solito ma spero possa piacere comunque a qualcuno
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hirexskamstuff · 6 years ago
As the inevitable approaches, I just want to thank every each one of you that posted at least once about Skam ita. There is no doubt that a part of this fandom has been problematic but I think that overall we really shared the love. The fans are what makes a great show an even better experience, and I have to say that we're a hell of a fandom. It's been a pleasure for me yelling, crying, getting trolled, being happy, sad, depressed, confused with you all and I can't wait for this to come back for S3. You made everything ten thousand times more special and funny.
Also, a special thank you to every italian fans that in these months translated every clip and text. I am italian, so I didn't need that service, but you allowed non-italians to see and enjoy the show, and you did a marvelous job. Without your efforts, I would have never met a group of amazing people from all around the globe.
So takk for alt, or better, grazie per tutto, Skam Italia fandom. Keep sharing the love you all!
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daqueen-yihwa · 6 years ago
Teaser for SKAM ITA S3 is out people helpp I'm dead
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prrsephoni · 6 years ago
just kinda wanna want rn so Imma delete in a bit but the only thing that rubs me the wrong way in this whole skam Italia hate is when people are denying of the effect skam ita S2 had on Italy comparing it sto skam s3 in a country like Norway
I am a Greek born and raised in Germany and there's no way you can compare the views of homosexuality in those two countries. So I'm just cringing so hard. Like hate skam ita if u need but don't pretend like skam ita S2 had no importance for Italy and same goes for skam spain when it reaches that season
Those countries are just not that forward and sometimes I can tell when the hate comes from western europeans bcs there's this ignorance in their posts and I'm like OK guys ok
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prrsephoni · 6 years ago
I dont agree, people are free to give their opinion in the tag. Like I love skam france but i always find interesting to read why someone doesn't like it. As long as they are respectful.
hello nonnie, here you said it yourself. As long as they are respectful and apply constructive critism. B U T there are people in the tags making a dick measuring contest out of s3 between the og and the remakes and honestly? there’s no reason to put that in the tag.
If it comes down to me? I knew maxence far before he was casted in skam so one day I saw him being casted in the french remake of ‘skam’ (a show that never got my interest. no matter how many gifs I saw) and that’s how I gave in. In the same time I was learning italian and since skam france s3 did not air yet I thought let’s try skam italia. that’s how I got into skam and it’s the remakes I enjoy. I love skam italia and skam france sm. I love the cast, I love the characters. I love the aesthetic. I enjoy most of the scenes. (ofc there are things I think the one remake did better than the other and I’ve done posts comparing them)
but if you put me in a position to criticize the og I wouldn’t say much. (I’ve watched it to compare skam ita but skam ita was better to me / seeing as I am south european skam italia had this south european humour and I felt more ‘part’ of it) but I am not in the og tags shitting on the og because if people enjoy it more, great for them. It is not my place to judge that. I am not gonna ruin that for them.
For months I’ve been blocking og fans that shitted on skam ita because I was trying to enjoy it. their attitude didn’t make me want to consider their view. I didn’t care I just mentally facepalmed myself. Yesterday I blocked a skam italia fan because they were in the skam france tag shitting on david. Like that post was hateful not respectful and to me just annoying. Why was it tagged there? There are other people talking about not liking what David does but they are calm and that is cool but being aggressive about it is really not needed. I see many skam france fans shitting on skam italia too and often go for rocco. why? what’s the point into putting it into a tag where people are more likely to enjoy nico / rocco. 
It’s frustrating to want to enjoy one thing and then seeing bitter people being offended bcs one remake or the og made smth better than the other. Say what you wanna say but if it’s not constructive keep it on your blog. not that hard.
In the first 3 episodes I was so often in the tag and now I can’t even bother to check tumblr because the fandom drained the fun out of it. 
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