#skam italia fanfiction
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ithoughtiwasthegayone · 1 month ago
its so weird watching sram bc i started skam where the characters were older than me in 2016 then watched the remakes around 2018/19 where the characters were more or less my age and now in 2024 theyre younger than me!!
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skambigbang · 6 months ago
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And so it begins! The SKAM Big Bang 2024 sneak peek at the stories coming your way starts now! Read on for behind the scenes inspirations! First Up:
To Build a Home written by Happily_EVAK_After with art from CelesteKay, and beta support from Dummerjan
Happily_EVAK_After what inspired your story? Having read so many amazing stories on Ao3, I decided to Beta a story for last years Big Bang. I also started thinking about my own fic and before long started writing it. The inspiration on Ao3 is breathtaking, so much talent! I uploaded my first short fic in December for a "winter wonderland" themed prompt on Instagram and was hooked.
CelesteKay what inspired your art? I love the way stars and stargazing tie Isaks relationships together, with his parents and Even. The wedding in general is also an inspiration.
Dummerjan what inspired you to become a beta? I was beta last year and it was fun to be a small part of the Big Bang. I enjoy proofreading and seeing a story develop.
The SKAM Big Bang starts June 21st! Follow us for more sneak peeks and share!
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My SKAM Big Bang fic is now complete!
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Robbe/Sander | Musician AU, Rivals to Lovers, Fuck Buddies? | Skam Italia and Skam NL crossover | Rated E | 84k
Epilogue: 2.5 years later
Fic Summary: Rival French Horn players, Robbe and Sander, meet when they are in high school and immediately dislike one another; however, at a summer music camp they learn that they don’t have to like one another to take advantage of the spark that ignites whenever they’re alone. Cue a years-long clandestine, secret…something. Can they call themselves fuck buddies if they’re not actually friends?
How do these two rival musicians weather their non-relationship as their lives interweave and change, as they make choices that take them far from one another? Is it only convenient, or is it something more?
Written for the SKAM Big Bang 2024 @skambigbang
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mercifuil · 2 years ago
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YATIZ: A SKAM PHILIPPINE FANFIC comes out on January 9 (with a little something on January 7)
Don’t forget to check the website daily. https://bit.ly/YATIZPH
NOTE: It’s going to be in written form with some social media bits. Don’t expect too much.
Read up on what this fan-made Philippine SKAM remake is all about:
Watch the teaser here:
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saifahname · 10 months ago
I am listening to Lorde I've had an exhausting week at work but everyone values me my boss almost wanted to have a boxing match with a coworker bc he thought she was being mean to me higher-ups praised me yesterday my mom came over and we're gonna go out this weekend life is okay
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dummerjan · 2 years ago
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
tagged by @theoryofarson – thank you <333 Three ships Kim/Chay is my main one right now, they make me feel so much. I've listened to some Sterek podfics recently and yep, Sterek is still eternal. Never letting them go, no way. KP is just a momentary distraction. Sterek has everything I also love about other ships. Martino and Niccolò from Skam Italia, it's been four years since I first watched their season and they still make me just as happy.
First ever ship I think the very first one I've read fanfiction for is Brian/Justin from QaF US. I must have been 14 and it was a nearly 500k post-canon fic, though I doubt I read all of it. I still have the link but there's no way I'll read smut in German. I was also really into the gay storylines from soaps from all over the world. Maybe one of those came before.
Last Song
And for once I am actually listening to it on a Friday night - that's what the song is about.
Last movie I can't remember, I rarely ever watch movies. The next movie, though, is going to be Two and One with Paolo Pangilinan from Gaya Sa Pelikula. I've wanted to see it since it came out but couldn't legally. I finally found a file for the English subs and a download for the movie, though. So I guess piracy it is? I wanted to give them money, okay? The site just wouldn't let me.
Currently reading Whatever fanfics I am subscribed to and in theory also Buddenbrooks by Thomas Mann, I like it but it's been a year and I've managed less than 1/3.
Currently Watching Gannibal - I've only got one episode left but I am being a bit of a baby about it. It's scary, ok? I am fine with eating children once a year, I am less fine with keeping them in a cave for years until it's time to eat them. Word of Honor - It took me six months to watch the second episode so who knows how long it will take me to watch the next one, but I like it so far, even though I have no idea what is going on. Just a lot of flirting in front of teenagers, that I got. I am also rewatching the third season of Druck even if that is a slow process.
Currently Consuming Consuming what? Why so unspecific? Food? None. I've eaten too much and now my stomach hurts. Does music count? I am listening to AnnenMayKantereit.
Currently Craving Again, so unspecific. Food? None. Though lately, I have been thinking about dubu-jorim a lot, or rather my spin on it. Maybe I'll make that tomorrow. And once I've eaten fried tofu, I won't stop craving it for a couple weeks. Media? I just want to see Kim one more time, okay? Just once, please, I am begging. I am so unwell about him. Existentially? Hope. A direction in life. Ways to do what I want to do. A win, I could really use a win. Creativity but also the inspiration and energy to follow through. Tagging: @skamskada @scattered-stardust @booksnchocolate @sauerland-2001 @whirling-ghost @stalkerpoetess1995 @caffelattedellequattro @silviakundera @hedgewyse I know that's not nine people but I already get anxious about tagging a single person. I made it! Nine people! I just needed to look at my followers/following lists.
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sabrinaacarpenters · 2 years ago
1, 6, 8, 10, 17, 30, 50
1.if you could reboot one TV show, which one would it be?
the 100, i mean the first few season were great already but ik it would thrive without jroth
6. which shows do you think are underrated and need more love?
right now i have to say lockwood & co, it's such a cute show and i fear we won't get a second season
8. do you prefer week-to-week content, or just binging all in one go?
lately i've really been leaning towards week to week! i feel like the fandom experience is much better that way, people are engaged all throughout the weeks the show airs, plus i only have to watch one episode to avoid being spoiled. sometimes i like binging but i hate that you're supposed to watch everything in one go the first day basically to try and get the show another season
10. what’s one show you thought you’d love but turned out to really hate?
okay so i don't hate it but i really thought i would love the sandman and i couldn't even finish it lmao it just wasn't for me i don't think i have one that i hate, i'm very picky with the shows i actually start
17. have you ever written fanfiction for a TV show?
lol yes i wrote for skam and skam italia. here's a formal apology to everyone who started reading my multichapters fics that i never completed, im sorry
30. what’s one show you could probably write a 2,000 word essay on, and what would be your topic?
girl i've been thinking about this for 10 minutes lmfao but since we talked about bridgerton today, i could write about everything that was wrong with the season 2 plotline and exceed the word count skjsdjds
50. what’s one TV cliche you love?
im cheating bc this is more in movies but i love the grand gestures at the end lmao like yeah i'd rather kill myself than have someone declare their love for me in front of a million strangers but i like it in fiction lol
tv show ask game
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evak-elu-nicotino · 5 years ago
Apparently, 5:56 PM is the perfect time to get writing. In this particular case, an “Elia freaking out again and calls Martino for help because he has a panic attack at home and can’t breathe and can’t ask Filippo to help because it’s too much” short (?) fic. 
Apparently Elippo has become one of my favorite non-official couples from SKAM Italia...And I dig Elia calling Martino in a middle of a panic attack.
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crowleying · 5 years ago
Viva la mamma
Data: 03.05.2020
Parole: 1.248
Fandom: SKAM Italia
Personaggi: Edoardo Incanti, Andrea Incanti, mamma Incanti
Lunghezza: Oneshot
Avvertimenti: un pelino triste forse
Richiesto: No
Sinossi: il piccolo Edo e sua madre passano un po’ di tempo insieme
Note: Di solito non scrivo in italiano ma ho scritto questa cosetta per Netflix italia dopo aver rivisto la terza stagione. Ho sentito il bisogno di immaginarmi come Edo avrebbe potuto continuare se non fosse stato interrotto da Eleonora quando, durante il loro primo appuntamento, le stava raccontando cosa faceva con sua madre. Spero vi piaccia. Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate.
Se avete qualche richiesta per Skam Italia non esitate! Se non avete idee, potete prendere ispirazione dalla mia  List of prompts. Fatemi sapere se volete essere taggati.
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[ID: gif of Edoardo Incanti standing in the hallway of the school and smiling, pushing his hands in his pockets.]
Adorava andare a prendere i figli a scuola. Vederli correre incontro a lei con gli zainetti che rendevano difficili i movimenti, ma senza per questo diminuire il loro entusiasmo, le faceva scoppiare il cuore di gioia. Non importava come fosse andato il lavoro quel giorno, se qualche cliente fosse stato scortese o se il suo capo le avesse scaricato di nuovo più pratiche di quelle che le spettavano, quando vedeva i sorrisi sui visi tondi dei suoi bambini, passava tutto. I suoi occhi scuri individuarono subito Andrea e si soffermarono sul sorriso stampato sul viso mentre raggiungeva il cancello scherzando con i suoi amici. Di riflesso, un sorriso spontaneo si dipinse sulle sue labbra. I suoi occhi si allontanarono dalla figura per cercarne un’altra altrettanto familiare. Quando si sentì tirare per la manica abbandonò momentaneamente l’infruttuosa ricerca e abbassò lo sguardo lasciando cadere le braccia che aveva tenuto incrociate fino ad allora.
“Ciao, amore! Come è andata a scuola?” chiese al figlio maggiore, dandogli un bacio sulla guancia che fu ricambiato senza esitazione.
“Bene! Posso andare a casa di Marco oggi?”
“Come si dice?”
“Per favore” disse il bambino con voce cantilenante. Quella domanda gli veniva posta ogni volta che chiedeva qualcosa ma proprio non riusciva a ricordarsi di aggiungere quella forma di cortesia.
Cercò la mamma di Marco con lo sguardo e la vide poco lontana che già si faceva strada verso di lei con il figlio al seguito. Le sorrise.
“Non è un problema se viene da te?” chiese, come se ciò non capitasse almeno una volta a settimana.
“Ma figurati, nessun problema! Ti chiamo io per venire a prenderlo, va bene?”
“Va bene, grazie.” Poi si rivolse al figlio. “Comportati bene, okay?” si raccomandò scompigliandogli i capelli affettuosamente.
Andrea annuì. Gli diede un bacio sulla fronte e poi salutò tutti e tre guardandoli allontanarsi.
A quel punto tornò a cercare Edoardo e lo individuò subito. C’era qualcosa che non andava. Federico, il suo migliore amico, non era al suo fianco e nessun sorriso illuminava i suoi lineamenti dolci, così simili a quelli del padre. Al contrario, un broncio, che lo faceva comunque sembrare adorabile, occupava il suo viso.
La madre si accigliò e una mano salì a portare una ciocca di capelli dietro l’orecchio. La lingua umettò le labbra sottili che i due figli avevano ereditato da lei.
Edoardo la raggiunse e lei si accovacciò aprendo le braccia per abbracciarlo, sperando che ciò alleviasse in qualche modo il suo tormento. Il suo puffo vi si gettò senza esitazione e la strinse con forza, affondando il viso contro il suo collo. Gli accarezzò la schiena sotto lo zaino e non lo lasciò andare finché non fu lui a farlo. Allora gli diede un bacio sulla guancia e, preso lo zainetto in una mano, gli offrì l’altra. “Andiamo?”
Edoardo la prese e annuì facendo rimbalzare i ricciolini neri che adorava accarezzare.
Il viaggio in macchina fu silenzioso. Non ci era abituata, di solito era difficile far stare zitto Edo, ma quando era triste o arrabbiato era impossibile cavargli anche solo una parola e lei lo conosceva abbastanza bene da sapere che sarebbe stato controproducente pressarlo affinché parlasse, l’avrebbe fatto quando se la fosse sentita. Tuttavia non riusciva a smettere di guardarlo dallo specchietto retrovisore. Per quanto le dispiacesse sapere che qualcosa aveva turbato la pace del figlio minore, non riusciva a non trovarlo un po’ buffo. Il suo gomito era posato sul bracciolo del seggiolino, il mento sulla mano paffutella, lo sguardo fisso fuori dal finestrino e una piccola ruga d’espressione a rigargli la fronte accigliata.
Appena furono a casa, non fece in tempo a posare lo zaino e la borsa che Edo era sparito nell’enorme villa che il marito aveva tanto spinto perché comprassero.
Andò in cucina e bevve un bicchier d’acqua poi, con calma, raggiunse la stanzetta di Edoardo. Bussò piano alla porta accostata. Quando nessuno rispose, la aprì piano. Non c’era alcun segno del bimbo a parte le scarpe abbandonate disordinatamente vicino al letto. I suoi occhi caddero sull��armadio di legno chiaro, in tinta con tutto il resto della stanza. Lo raggiunse e lo aprì, i suoi occhi non fecero fatica a trovare la figura accovacciata. Si piegò per essere alla sua altezza e gli porse una mano. La testolina riccioluta si sollevò mostrando il visino rigato di lacrime. La manina paffutella di Edoardo prese quella della mamma che lo aiutò ad alzarsi rivolgendogli un sorriso dolce. Asciugò con delicatezza le lacrime dalle sue guanciotte.
“Meglio evitare che la casa si allaghi, mh?” disse cercando di strappargli un sorriso. “C’è un posto dove possiamo andare a piangere tutte le nostre lacrime senza rischiare di affogare.”
Questo gli provocò un piccolo sorriso.
“Mettiti le scarpe e andiamo.” Edoardo annuì e si asciugò le lacrime prima di correre a mettersele. La donna si rimise in piedi e attese che il figlio fosse pronto.
“Pronto” la vocina trillò.
“Andiamo allora.”
Caricata la barchetta a remi sul tettuccio della macchina, partirono e dopo meno di mezz’ora erano al piccolo molo di legno.
La mamma scaricò la barchetta e affidò i remi a Edoardo che con un po’ di fatica ma tanto orgoglio li portò sul molo e li posò lì, poi tornò indietro insistendo per aiutarla nonostante la piccola barca fosse troppo grande per lui. Gli lasciò credere di essere un grande aiuto, era felice di vedere suo figlio sempre pronto ad aiutare il prossimo.
Misero la barca in acqua con il libro preferito di Edo, la scatola di biscotti fatti in casa e il thermos con la tisana al cioccolato per la quale Edo impazziva. Salirono e la madre remò finché non furono abbastanza lontani dalla riva. Quando fu soddisfatta del punto in cui si trovavano, ritirò i remi in barca. Si allungò verso il figlio e chiuse meglio la sua giacchetta per non fargli prendere freddo. Il nasino si era già arrossato. Gli riempì un bicchiere di tisana e glielo porse e aprì la scatola di biscotti così che entrambi potessero prenderli. Prese un po’ di tisana per sé e aprì il libro iniziando a leggere ad alta voce. Era quasi a metà della storia quando Edo parlò.
“Ho litigato con Fede” ammise evitando lo sguardo della mamma e guardando il biscotto che teneva in mano come se ne stesse analizzando la struttura molecolare. Lei chiuse il libro.
“Come mai?”
“La sua fidanzata l’ha lasciato perché ora le piaccio io ma lei non mi piace, non volevo rubargliela!” spiegò, sul punto di scoppiare di nuovo a piangere.
“Tu hai provato a dirglielo?”
“Sì, ma non ha voluto ascoltarmi” rispose tirando su col naso.
“Oh, tesoro, sono sicura che abbia solo bisogno di un po’ di tempo, poi farete pace” lo rassicurò sporgendosi per spostargli un ricciolino ribelle da davanti agli occhi. Gli accarezzò la guancia e sorrise dolcemente. Quei sorrisi lo facevano sempre stare meglio, nonostante la loro semplicità e forse proprio per quello: erano semplici e pieni di amore.
Sorrise ancora incerto ma annuì. “Speriamo. Come finisce la storia?” chiese poi, come se non l’avessero già letta almeno un centinaio di volte prima di allora. L’argomento era chiuso. Avrebbe risolto da solo come al solito, ma sapeva che la sua mamma era sempre pronta ad ascoltarlo e consolarlo.
La madre sorrise, prese un sorso di tisana e tornò a leggere. L’aria era notevolmente più tranquilla ora. Edo chiuse gli occhi e si sforzò di imprimere nella memoria le sensazioni di quel momento. Tutto era perfetto.
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skam-stories · 6 years ago
Afternoon Naps
Largely plotless Incantava fluff to get us through this trying time. An amalgamation of prompts/requests.
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Was there anything better than an after-school nap?
Okay, Eleonora could think of better after-something nap situations, but an after-school nap was still pretty good. Especially an after-school nap in Edoardo’s bed, wrapped up in his arms.
It was pretty close to the other after-something nap she was thinking of, but nevermind that.
Eleonora stretched, trying not to wake Edoardo up as she did. She turned over so she was facing him, wrapping an arm around his waist and resting her head back on his arm resting underneath her. 
She couldn’t help the smile that grew on her face as she watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful, with his annoyingly long lashes and that one disobedient curl that always lay on his forehead. Eleonora reached out one hand to brush it away to the side, smirking when it fell right back to where it had been.
She moved her hand down, tracing her finger gently over the chain around his neck until it disappeared under the thin cotton t-shirt he was wearing. 
Moving her hand back up to his face, she brushed her thumb against his cheek. There was a faded-looking freckle under his left eye, and she grazed the tip of her finger lightly over it. 
He was stupidly pretty.
Edoardo’s arm around her tightened. “Are you watching me sleep?”
Eleonora tensed and pulled her hand away, not expecting to get caught, but quickly relaxed. “No, that would be weird.”
“Not weird. Perfectly acceptable. Who wouldn’t stare at me?”
Eleonora rolled her eyes, even though she knew he couldn’t see. God he was cocky. 
She reached out her hand again, brushing the strand of his hair away from his forehead again with the same result.
“I like it when you play with my shitty hair.”
Eleonora gave him a muffled giggle in response. He was never going to let that comment go, was he? Edoardo finally opened his eyes, pulling her closer by the arm around her waist. He leant in, pressing a kiss to her cheek before burying his face in her shoulder and making a sound of contentment that made her grin. 
She hitched her leg over his thigh, wanting to be as close as possible to him. He pressed a kiss to her neck and she tried to ignore the way her stomach flipped in response. Her shirt had come untucked from her shorts in her sleep and his hand on her waist slipped underneath it to rest on the small of her back, pressing her against him so there was no space between them. It felt like her body was on fire, overheating in response to his touch. It wasn’t like that was a new reaction, though. The things he did to her.
They stayed like that for a long moment, Eleonora resisting the urge to fall asleep again.
Edoardo’s nose brushing against her jaw jolted her firmly out of her sleepy state, his lips dragging gently up her neck and to her cheek. He pressed several kisses there before moving his attention to her lips. 
“I have morning breath” Eleonora complained, moving her lips away from his and hiding her face in the crook of his neck.
“Is it morning breath if it’s the afternoon?”
Eleonora giggled. “I don’t know.”
He brushed his nose against her cheek, pressing a kiss there before trying to find her lips again. “We both have it, kiss me.”
She tried not to smile, but failed. He was such a dork. She pulled back to look at him, running her hand from his waist up his chest and to the side of his face. She tenderly pulled his face to hers, pressing her lips to his. He grinned against her lips, rolling over so her was on top of her and pressing her into the bed. Well, okay then.
One of his hands rested on her waist underneath her shirt, the other pressed against the bed next to her head so he could hold himself up slightly and not crush her. She tangled her fingers in his hair, thinking that surely there was no better feeling in this world than the sensation of kissing Edoardo Incanti.
His lips were suddenly gone from hers, moving to kiss along her jaw and down her neck. She pulled his face back to hers before running her hands down his chest and pushing against it so he’d roll onto his back. His hands gripped her hips as she shifted to sit on top of him. She leaned down to kiss him, her hair falling like a curtain around them. 
Jesus Christ he could kiss. 
They kissed for a few moments longer, before Edoardo pulled away.
“I need a break.”
Eleonora grinned. He’d taken to saying that when things were getting a bit hard for him. 
Unfortunately, him respecting her boundaries just made her want to kiss him more. Isn’t respect the sexiest thing?
She sighed, moving off him and lying down on the bed. She reached for the hand on his side nearest to her, pulling it up to rest on the pillow underneath her head. 
“Are you staying over tonight?”
“It’s a school night.”
He was silent for a second. “So are you staying over tonight?”
Eleonora laughed in response. “No, I’ve gotta go home.”
“Stay for dinner then?”
Eleonora nodded, rolling over and resting her head on his chest.
“I’ll drive you home later then.”
“Can we get ice cream on the way?”
Edoardo laughed. “Of course.”
She grinned. “Five stars for you.”
He rolled his eyes, leaning over to kiss her temple. 
“Come on, let’s go make dinner.” He patted her thigh before getting up from the bed. Eleonora watched him go, not getting up from the bed to follow him just yet. 
He paused in the doorway before bending down to pick something up from underneath the bedside table. “I forgot to show you, look what I found.”
He held out his hand to show Eleonora what he was holding, and her face lit up at the sight of the polaroid camera. 
“Oh, cool!”
He held the camera with both hands, looking down at it for a second before looking up at her again. “I was thinking I might put some up on the wall.”
She smiled, feeling a surge of affection for him. “You’re a dork.”
He grinned, stepping closer to her. “Yeah? How about I take one of you and keep it in my wallet?”
She laughed. “Definitely a dork.”
He rested his knee on the edge of the bed, holding the camera up to his eye. “Come on, smile for me then.”
Eleonora shook her head, bringing one hand one to cover her face. “No, stop it.” She’d be a lot more convincing if she wasn’t laughing.
A flash alerted her to the fact that he wasn’t giving up, and she peeked through her fingers to look at him as the camera ejected the film. “You’re wasting photos.”
Another flash. “Never wasted on you.”
She moved her hands from her face, sitting up. God, he was such a dork. Such an adorable dork. “Enough.”
He shook his head. “Come on, one more.”
Eleonora sighed, but she was smiling. “Fine. One more.”
He moved closer, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Come here.”
She tried not to laugh at how adorably excited he was, shifting closer to him and obediently smiling at the camera. He leant in to kiss her cheek, the flash going off as he took the picture. He captured the film as the camera ejected it, placing it and the other two photos in his bedside table drawer and closing it.
“I read you’re meant to put them in the dark” he explained with a shrug.
“I thought you were meant to keep them warm too, this girl I used to know used to put them in her armpit.” 
Edoardo laughed, “yeah I’m not doing that.”
Eleonora laughed too, leaning forward to kiss him. 
She really just wanted to kiss him. Can you consider kissing a hobby? Because kissing him was her favourite hobby.
He kissed her back for a second, before moving his lips to her cheek and kissing her twice there in quick succession.
“Come on, dinner.”
He pulled her to her feet, holding her hand and leading her out of the room.
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beccarecs · 4 years ago
Those Kinds Of Friends by silver_etoile | Elia & Filippo
Title: Those Kinds of Friends
Author: silver_etoile
Word count: 34,398
Rating: M
Summary: Elia isn't sure what these new feelings are, especially these new feelings about Filippo Sava. In between keeping secrets from his friends and trying to figure things out, he doesn't know what's going to happen, but he thinks he wants to find out.
Review: Today was my first time ever reading Skam Italia fanfic, and I definitely wasn’t disappointed. Wonderful story, great writing, fell in love with Elia Santini. Badly. I need more. Go read!
More Elia/Filippo fic recs
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tisthedamnseasson · 6 years ago
BLESS US WITH YOUR INCANTAVA WRITING EXCELLENCE. Maybe something about the aftermath of THAT kiss? More like 12 kisses, really. Wow I can't believe I actually remember how many times they've kissed. I'm not obsessively rewatching and over analyzing every detail I SWEAR lmao
Anonymous asked: what happened after incantava’s first kiss. 
Author’s Note: Thank you both for the prompts (great minds think alike)! And omfg honey you overestimate my writing ability but thank you ILYSFM. Just fair  warning this is my first try at writing for Incantava and Skam Italia (and the entire universe) in general. So keep that in mind. Also, this is kinda short. I wanted it longer so I might do a part two. Let me know if you want one. Anyways, hope you enjoy :D
Euphoria. That was the only word she could muster to describe this strange…perfect feeling. Everything went silent around her when her lips collided with Edoardo’s. Yet somehow everything was so loud as well. Her skin screamed at his touch, wanting more and more. The rain fell hard on the two of them, fueling her already uncontrollable hunger to collide with Edoardo as much as humanly possible. And he had the the same exact hunger, she could feel it. His lips were pure bliss, wet from the rain, touching every part of her he could muster from her cheeks and jaw back to her mouth. Both of their hands held onto their faces for dear life. Wanting to be a part of every  of them.
It was like she didn’t knew where he began and she ended.
Shit, they were such a cliché. He was turning her into a fucking cliché. But in that moment, Eleonora didn’t care in the slightest.
Suddenly, they heard a noise, making Eleonora immediately jump away from Edoardo. She looked around to see the source of the sound, specifically if there was anyone around them. But there was none. After letting out a sigh of relief, she stood there for a few moments, trying to catch her bearings. Her mind was buzzing while every inch of her body was still on fire. She wouldn’t admit it, but Eleonora missed Edoardo’s touch. So much so that her body craved to have his hands all over her again.
What. A. Cliché.
But again, even after being away from his intoxicating embrace, Eleonora still couldn’t find herself to care.
“Do you regret it?”
His small voice broke Ele from her thoughts. She turned back toward him, catching his gaze. He gave her a similar look to the one he had that night at his house when he stopped singing and showed her all his vulnerability. But this look had more sadness attached to it. And fear. Like he was afraid she was going back out, rejecting him yet again. Her mind wandered back to their date at the beach where she told him that he never looked fazed by all by all the shit she told him. But just an hour before this moment, Eleonora noticed how his face fell when she told him she didn’t like him. Eleanora was wrong. It did faze him. Looking at him now, beautiful wet curls shining in the moonlight while his eyes were glossed by either rain or something else, Ele knew it shook him to his very core. She really had such an effect on him. It made her heart soar.
Eleonora walked toward him, watching his gaze get more and more intense. Stopping right in front of him, she lifted her hand to softly touch his cheek. Giving him a warm smile, she shook her head and said, “Not even a little bit.”
And then her lips collided into his once more. This time it was slow and sweet and over way too soon once she parted yet again.
“What?” Edoardo asked, looking annoyed but then his eyes softened into worry. “What’s wrong?”
“We shouldn’t stay out here.”
His face fell, not like earlier thankfully, but still filled with disappointment. “RIght. You’re right. Do you need me to take you home?”
“Is your father in town?”
“No.” He eyes crinkled in confusion, but there was also a sparkle of hope in them as well. “Why?” 
“Good.” She gave him a bright smile before reaching her arm out to him. “Let’s go home.”
He returned her smile. Eleonora had seen Edoardo Incanti give her big, beautiful smiles that made her involuntarily go weak in the knees. However this was the brightest she had ever seen it, which she thought was pretty impossible. It took everything out of her to not jump him again.
Edoardo then took her hand and Eleonora dragged him along as they started walking toward his car.
She tilted her head toward him. “Hmmm?”
“My car is that way.” He said, pointing to his right, an amused grin on his face.
“Oh. Okay.” She then dramatically moved her arms toward the direction he had pointed. “Lead the way Mr. Incanti.”
Instead of walking again, Edo stood still in his spot, giving her the same heart-piercing look that always felt so…intimate and always freaked her out because it didn’t make her feel as uncomfortable as it should. Now it sent a shiver down her spine and tightened the knot that had been there all tonight whenever she saw him and soared when they kissed.
“What?” Eleonora asked him expectantly.
He bit his lip, “Fuck, you’re beautiful.”
Her heart and stomach and just about everything else in her soared, even more than the first time he had said those words a year ago. Back then when Eva had broken her out of her stupor, she pushed that feeling deep down. But now? Now, after a year of trying to push any feeling other than anger toward Edoardo Incanti down, she had finally let all those feelings out and it was hard to reign them in.
Which is exactly why she ran up and kissed him hard again. Edo returned it with just as much vivor, kissing her deeper and deeper. She slid her arms around his neck and then reached her hands up to run her fingers through his wet hair. She gave it a tug, which in turn made him bite her lip ever so slightly, making her moan in turn. But then just like that, it was over. Only this time it was Edoardo who stopped it. And in turn Eleonora was annoyed. She huffed, putting her hands on her hips.
Edo laughed lightly, “As much as I would love to kiss you endlessly in the pouring rain, you will probably  to get sick if we don’t leave soon. We should leave. Besides, I don’t think you’ll want anyone to see us yet, correct?”
She reluctantly nodded and mumbled, “Yes.”
Shaking his head while laughing, he leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Good.” Edo then wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Now let’s go home.”
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skambigbang · 6 months ago
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Today we feature  Murder at 21:21 by Hodge (@hodgehegposts) art by Laika (@groovyturtlefestival) , and beta support from Hedgewigs Talon. An OG murder AU with twists and turns and a very tired Isak.
Hodge what inspired you to write this story? I love murder mysteries and crack fics, and adore Only Murders in the Building, which I thought fit the skam universe so well with its focus on found family. Even, Eskild and Linn also have such an interesting dynamic and I really wanted to explore that further, as well as using it as an opportunity to write something I’ve never written before. 
Laika what inspired your art for this story? The dream team of Even, Linn and Eskild! And the idea of the murder board popped in my head immediately after reading the claim form entry, I love the opportunity to make many small things so I don't get bored.
 Hedgewigs Talon what inspired you to beta this year? I've loved writing for and modding the bang in previous years but just couldn't commit a story this time round. Being a beta means I can keep supporting the bang and fandom, plus I get sneak peeks at some of the amazing stories coming your way.
The SKAM Big Bang starts June 21st! Follow us for more sneak peeks and share!
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wexregolden · 5 years ago
crazy colours in the grey, our love
His world was grey.
Whenever Marti thought back to the past, the way his life has been only a year ago from now, he couldn´t get rid of the feeling of loneliness, being lost, everything felt dark and hopeless. Grey.
Being in the closet, not being his true self, playing a role, wearing a mask all the time. It felt fake all those years.
His father just leaving, not having the best relationship with his mom.
Just feeling out of place, different, not normal.
All of it being in the past by now.
And he didn´t want his life to be fake anymore.
The sun was burning in his eyes and he tried to blink it away.
He was, no, they were in a parc. His friends, Gio, Elia and Luca, Nico´s parents and, the most important one, Niccolò, his boyfriend, celebrating his graduation. He did it. Nico really fucking did it. Despite all the ups and downs in his last year of school, the fights with himself Marti knew he had to fight inside of his head – he did it. And Marti couldn´t be prouder of him.
Elia and Luca were somewhere a bit more far away, kicking a football between them. Nico and Gio stood under a tree in the shadow, talking about something and laughing a lot. And Marti was sitting on the picknick blanket they brought, together with Nico´s parents, helping them unpack the food.
There was a lot of it. Too much, too much food. Marisol insisted on making all those different dishes and cakes, packing them carefully in boxes.
And now they were unpacking everything, the sound of other people in the parc, kids playing and birds singing surrounding them.
As everything was done, he turned around a little and saw that Luchi and Elia had stopped fooling around and playing with the football and that they had joined Nico and Gio in the shadow of the tree. And Marti couldn´t help but had to smile at that sight. His best friends and his boyfriend, getting along wonderfully. It warmed his heart. Marti really was a lucky guy, huh?
“Marti, get your ass over here!” Gio suddenly shouted and raised an eyebrow at his best friend. Marti went red in his face and hoped that Niccolò´s parents hadn´t head Giovanni. As he turned around to them he saw Anna grinning already.
“I haven´t heard anything,” she said, raising her arms in defence, “come, go to them Martino, we can do it alone anyway,” Anna said before she looked over to her husband who struggled with getting a piece of cake out of a box. As he saw his wife and Marti looking at him, he just nodded before he turned his attention back to the cake again. Marti smiled at them before he stood up, going over to his friends. And his boyfriend, who already stood there, an irresistible smile on his face that made his eyes shine even more, opening his arms to greet Marti with a hug. He felt Nico´s arms around him as soon as he reached him and felt a kiss pressed to his cheek.
“Hey,” he whispered, looking Marti into the eyes.
“Hey,” Martino simply greeted back, smiling at him. Just looking Nico in the eyes, appreciating the smile on his boyfriend´s face. That smile that could make his heart melt.
“Hey,” Nico said quietly again before he leaned in and kissed Marti. He immediately smiled into the kiss and kissed Nico back.
Marti never gets tired of this, will never get tired of this. Kissing Nico, being close to him, just being with him. Loving him.
“Fuck it, you are really that couple, huh?!” Elia suddenly said, groaning annoyed.
“Come on, let´s leave them some space,” Marti heard Gio said and footsteps, indicating that their friends left them for now.
He smiled even harder, placing his hand on Nico´s cheek and angling his face to kiss him deeper, feeling Nico´s tongue nudging his lips.
As they broke apart after a while, Nico´s hands still wrapped around Marti´s middle, they still couldn´t stop smiling, looking at each other.
“How are you?” Marti asked and placed his hands on Niccolò´s hips.
“Fine I guess. Maybe still a bit overwhelmed but in a good kinda way. I just still can´t believe everything that happened over the last year.”
Marti got the feeling, he really did, but kept it to himself. It´s not about him now.
“I graduated. Can you believe, Marti? I graduated!” Nico continued, with a kinda puzzled look on his face, “and I found the boys. And you. I found you.”
Martino felt his heart beating a little faster at his boyfriend´s words.
“You did, you found me. And I found you. Guess you won´t get rid of me that fast again.”
“I won´t?”
“No, you won´t,” Marti said grinning and pecked Nico on the lips really quickly.
“Well, good that I won´t to get rid of you either,” Nico responded, the corners of his lips drawing up into a grin.
They just stood there for a while, looking each other into the eyes, touching each other softly.
“You know what I want to do now?” Nico broke the silence and asked Marti with a challenging gaze.
“What? We should probably go back there,” Marti said, pointing back to the picknick blanket where the boys have joined Niccolò´s parents by now.
“No no, that´s boring, Marti,” Nico responded quickly before he turned around and grabbed Marti behind his knees, “wrap your arms around my neck!”
“What?” Marti asked confused but didn´t had time to think about it more as Nico already lifted him on his back, carrying him piggyback.
“I wanna carry you around a bit and enjoy time with you. Yes, that´s what I wanna do,” Nico said and turned his head back as far as possible so that Marti could see the grin on his face.
“Nico I´m ta--,” Marti started a sentence but got interrupted by his boyfriend.
“You´re taller than me? Oh believe me, I know that. You tell me often enough, Marti!” which got a laugh out of Martino, “but your size doesn´t mean that I can´t carry you.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, look!” Nico said before he started running around with Marti on his back, having his arms wrapped around closely around Nico.
The whole thing lasted for a few seconds, Marti could already feel it, but Nico suddenly started to tremble and lost his balance. Both of them fell to the ground.
A mess of limbs, giggles and laughs.
They untangled from each other but faced each other immediately again.
“I´m proud of you, you know?” Marti asked his boyfriend as he caressed his cheek softly, a smile on his face.
Nico couldn´t help but had to smile too.
“And I love, you know?” he said with a grin which turned into a soft smile again as Marti responded.
“I love you too, Nico, so much.”
And then they started kissing.
It felt like heaven on earth to Marti. Being able to be free, being with someone who loves him back, just being able to be playful with his boyfriend, Nico. Just being himself.
“Nico? Can you quickly come over, please?” Anna shouted, Marti leaning back a bit and interrupting the kiss.
“Wait for me here,” Nico said as he stroked Marti´s hair softly and placed another quick kiss before he got up.
“I will,” Marti responded with a smile before Nico went away.
He turned to his back and looked up to the sky.
The sun was burning in his eyes but he didn´t try to blink it away.
He could have never imagined that his life could look like that one day. Him being happy. In love. Having the best boyfriend he could wish for.
He could never have, not after everything that happened in his life before. And he will never stop being grateful for what happened in the last year, will never stop being grateful for Nico.
He really is living his best life.
Marti sat up again and looked over to his boyfriend who was already looking at him, a smile on his face. And he couldn´t help but had to mirror it.
His world is colourful now.
Don´t ask me why, but I have this headcanon of them having a picknick and Nico carrying Marti on his back for some time now. As I said, don´t ask me why. But well, I tried it to pack it into a little oneshot, hehe :D I was listening to "Tiny Love" by Mika (where the title of this one is from) as I got the idea for the beginning and ending of that Oneshot here, so thanks to Mika I guess, haha :D
I really hope ypu enjoyed reading that little thingy here, it was so much fun writing it. I´d love to hear what you think of it in the comments or my ask box, that would be great. <3
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mercifuil · 2 years ago
YATIZ: A SKAM Philippine Fanfic, January 9, 2023, bit.ly/YATIZPH
It's a new year and Maya is back in school after the holiday break. After falling out in the summer with a friend, she's trying to keep a low profile hanging out with her boyfriend Noel and his best friend JR.
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yep00 · 5 years ago
Soulmate AU where are you? I MISS YOU
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