#anyways im ready for pain in french now
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gullableh · 10 months ago
•★  SICK🌌🪐
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★•° Warnings : boy x boy, cringe, very fluffy,
Swear words, fruity af.  Crack treated, like seriously crack treated
Reader is a simp.
Highschool AU
(I'm not good in french even though I got a 9-
I will use Google Translate mostly. So if youre reading this and you're french, im sorry if i made a mistake or two, you can correct me if I'm wrong ^^)
★•° summery :reader and Julian supposedly had a date. But sadly reader got sick and couldn't come. So Julian decided to pay his lovely boyfriend a quick visit, just a quick one...
★•° a fluff story so no dirty thoughts.
• usage of pet names
• relationship goals
• probably ooc since I'm not the best in   writing oc 
Music you could listen to while reading:
Écoute chérie; 
Vendredi sur Mer
              The moon will sing;
                                           Angus & Julia stone 
Back to the old house;
The Smiths                     
                                                     Yume Utsutsu
                                (Enjoy ^v^)
Readers pov:
This. Was. The. Worst. Oh you wanna know what happened? Oh well you probably already had read the summery, you still want me to tell? Okay sit down and listen carefully. Also next time read the summery some people aren't as generous as me to explain why my day is ruined. And the people who have read the summery. Good job here have a cupcake *gives the cupcake to you* ^v^
Anyways where was i? Oh yeah, listen carefully...
It was any normal day, I woke up went to school met up with my lovely boyfriend🥰
And I remembered after school we have a date, great right? Well I'm not finished.
After school I went ahead to go home and get prepared for my date with my boyfriend. 
I got home, had an outfit ready, and I was about to go when suddenly.
*Chough* *Chough*
I have no idea if mothers have mother senses (it would be cool if they did) but as if she had a spidersense of her own she grabbed my arm, shut the door and made me sit on the couch.
Then she went on a full on ten minute long lecture about how I was sick and that I should stay home. Wait stay home? But I was about to go on a date. Mother couldn't possibly do this to me, oh but she could.
Well anyways, now I'm here in my room, in my bed all depressed because I couldn't hang out with my boyfriend )': I had already told him, well, texted him that I wasn't able to attend our date since I was SiCk. Oh please, as if I would die.
I was moping in my bed all pouty, from disappointment because I couldn't see my boyfriend, but also from pain. (stupid migraine) It was I think around somewhere in the night, after dinner. when I heard something. I stopped moping and listened carefully where that sound came from
*Tick* *tick* *tick*
It was as if someone was knocking against glass, again I stayed quiet and listened attentively
*Tick* *tick* *tick*
Wait it sounded like it came from my window. I got up from my bed, fear slowly creeping up, I went to my bedroom window, and shoved the curtens to the side slowly, and then i saw....
Third person pov:
There he was, Julian Loki Infront of your window, the best soccer player in your school, also one of the kindest people in your school. And most importantly, your lovely boyfriend that you where thinking about the entire day.
A smile made its way to youre lips, but confusion was visible on [readers] face. What was he doing here, it's somewhere between eleven o' clock and twelve o' clock, shouldn't he be home alseep? Worry was also evident on the boys expressions. [Reader] quickly opened the window and let him in.
"Julian what are you doing here?"
"Mon chéri, sorry I wanted to come here earlier but my mother wouldn't let me out of the house."
He said with a sweet and gentle smile towards you. You see why I'm so smitten over this guy? 
Julian is always so sweet and gentle, he's like that towards everyone, but towards you he is even more gentle.
"Speaking of, why are you up so late?
You said you where sick, you should be resting Mon amour."
He said, he spoke with such a gentle tone, it was angelic, he was an angel that's why. He ushered you to bed like a mother would to their child. And you being such a simp for you're boyfriend, obliged and laid down on you're bed. Oh yeah did I tell you that he had a bag with him, well he laid the bag on the ground and started to rummage trough the supplies in the bag. He grabbed what seemed like medicine and food, that could help [reader] with his sickness.
"I also might have paid a quick visit at the infirmary."
He said with a smile that could blind you because of how bright it was. He grabbed a container with some liquid stuff, probably soup.
"Have you already eaten? It would be great if you did, but that would mean I bought this for nothing"
He said with yet again, another blinding smile.
Because of the stupid migraine and the fact that the sickness made you not hungry, you nodded you're head a no. You where indeed hungry but because of the sickness, you felt like throwing up everytime you're nostrils smelled the slightest bit of food.
"I'm not hungry, thank you Julian but there was indeed no need"
That was a big ass lie, and the both of you knew that all to well, he looked at you with a worried expression, yeah there was no way that he didn't know I was lying
"Mon chéri please tell me the truth"
Yup, now I feel guilty about lying yippie :'D
I took a deep breath and told him the truth, that shows how much of a sucker I am for this man. He again looked at me with a worried expression on his face.
"très chère chérie, if you want to get better you should eat healthy things, i don't like seeing you sick and in pain."
He gave me a sweet smile, but behind that smile was clear that he was still very worried.
I smiled at him back with as much gentleness.
"Im sorry Julian, I didn't exactly mean to lie, it just kinda slipped-"
"It's all right Mon amour, just please don't lie to me like that again."
He cut me off before I could even properly apologize, I smiled at seeing his gentle smile reapearing on his lips again. He grabbed the container with the liquid stuff in it, he opened the container and low and behold chicken soup. He grabbed the plastic spoon that was in the container with the soup.
"Open you're mouth mon chéri I'll feed you."
He said with a smile as if he didn't say the most flustering thing, I felt my face heat up specifically my cheekbones. The spoon with the chicken soup was right Infront of you're mouth, slowly you opened you're mouth a bit, until it was wide enough for the spoon to fit, for some reason this felt so embarrassing even if there weren't any people around, it was just so embarrassing being fed by someone. A while later and the soup was finished, you felt a bit better now that you weren't hungry anymore, but the migraine was still haunting you. Luckily you're savior in need is here to help you from you're misery.
Julian again rummaged trough his bag that he had brought along with him, he let out a small 'aha' as if to say that he had found something. He brought the thing out of the bag and let me have a closer look, it was painkillers, he really though of everything.
"I've brought some painkillers."
He wouldn't stop smiling, as I said such a sweet angel. He gave you the painkiller and abit of water to drink with, in one swift motion you chugged the painkillers with the water down in one sip. The painkillers where helping a bit but not as much as to make it completely go away.
"My head still hurts"
"Would you like me to massage you're scalp Mon amour?"
Definitely did not expect him to suggest that, but who would say no to that offer? So you nodded youre head with a smile and gestured for him to sit next to you on the bed, I patted the empty place beside me, he made his way towards me and then sat next to me on the bed. He laid my head down on his chest, so that he could carefully massage my scalp while I was in a comfortable position. My head was laying on the side where his heart was, his heart beats where so soothing I could just fall asleep. Not long after did his hands began to gently massage my head, all of this was so very calming I could already feel myself geting tired and sleepy slowly and slowly.
"Is this alright mon chéri? If you're uncomfortable just tell me alright?"
I was already half asleep so I just let out a small 'hmm' so that he would know that I was still listening to him. He laughed at my tired state, he looked so adorable while laughing.
"Goodnight mon vie"
He said before giving youre lips a small peck. Not caring if he would get sick later, all he cared for now was that you where comfortable and safe. The rest didn't matter all that matter to him was you. 
 you woke up from a very nice dream, you felt much much better after last night, guess Julian took very good care of you. you expected to wake up in you're own bed wich you did, but you specifically woke up in someone's arms, Julian's arms. he was still sleeping, so the ever so kind boyfriend you are, you let him have his rest and sleep. And seems like he had it enough because not even a minute after you woke up, was he starting to wake up. His eyelids slowly lifted up, revealing his golden brown eyes. They look so beautiful in the morning. He looked at you before a smile was forming on his lips, how cute this moment was. 
"Morning mon soleil"
Two boys waking up from eachothers arms, oh how adorabl-
*Chough* *chough* *chough*     
That was not me I swear. Oh it was julian, seem like he got invected when he kissed you goodnight last night....
Well then, atleast now you could repay him back with taking care of him this time.
Fin (fr this time)
This was so crack treated and cringe, I apologize if you felt second hand embarrassment-
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Chapter 2
The power went out and i have to stay up to take some meds. SO:
please be aware of the content warnings and be safe on your reading :] <3 that being said im ready to get my ass kicked by the prose let's go
"(..) the void between worlds is a nothing-place, where code is boiled down to its barest components. There is no concept of hot or cold– there simply is, and is not (...)"
man i love the embrace of the "everything is, at its core, just 1s and 0s" aspect of it all. instead of ignoring the source of the story it writes it a ballad and dances with the thread that unites it, very nice :> scratches my brain good
(dear reader i am restless for i cannot find a proper playlist of ambient slightly melancholic music to have as a background. jazz and blues have too much personalities and i get distracted, only piano is too basic for the mood. i do not know where to turn.)
"His limbs feel like they're made of lead, but he rolls his shoulders anyway, dislodging some of the blankets to let cool air slip between his feathers. Grian sighs at the sensation, and some of the tension stringing throughout his body eases. He's not sure where he is, but for the first time in months, in almost a year, he's– comfortable. He's comfortable. Grian's not sure what that means."
broken at the thought of how long he hasn't had a home, and hasn't known rest.
"Grian's seen what code-death looks like, and he's Seen a consciousness dissolve from it, melting to join the rest of the code that makes up their universe. No, to die would mean giving up his individuality, merging with everything else, rejoining the collective– Grian still knows himself as Grian, and therefore he can't be dead."
fun fact this is very close to what i think irl death to be like. anyways i keep finding it fascinating i want to know EVERYTHING about this Worldbuilding and how it affects its cosmovisión (idk if there's an english word for it- probably the same)
"This hunger is a low rumble deep at the core of him, steady in the same way one might test a newly healed bone. The kind of fragile after a respawn, when your skin has knit together but the echo of pain still lingers."
WHAT THE FUUUUUCKKK (positive) what do you MEAN this hunger is like distant thunder that reverberates in the chest!!!!! ALSO THE IMPLICATIONS IN THE MECHANICS OF RESPAWNING!!!!! eats it. eats this paragraph.
"The room he's sitting in is unfamiliar– a sort of bare-bones interior with mismatching wood for the walls, as if it had been constructed very hastily. There's not much in it aside from the bed he's laying on and a double chest, as well as a chair to the left of his bedside. No real decorations– not even carpet. "
this man really almost died and is still subconsciously criticizing the decor- spot on characterization y'all.
"Grian sucks in a painful breath, lungs flexing– instinct wants him to taste, to Look, to pull answers from the fog like a seeking lighthouse."
bitches will see the word lighthouse used in monstruos contexts and go crazy. its me I'm bitches THAT ONE FRAGMENT ABOUT MONSTERS AND LIGHTHOUSES HOLD ON let me look for it hold on
ok its Ocean Vuong, from On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous.
yes im gonna copypaste the whole thing here it is:
"You’re not a monster, I said.
But I lied.
What I really wanted to say was that a monster is not such a terrible thing to be. From the Latin root monstrum, a divine messenger of catastrophe, then adapted by the Old French to mean an animal of myriad origins: centaur, griffin, satyr. To be a monster is to be a hybrid signal, a lighthouse: both shelter and warning at once."
"While it doesn't matter so much now, habit stills his wandering eyes before he can even open them."
i love how this sentence is constructed, the choice of words AUGH its so phonetically pleasing to me.
'Tango clearly doesn't get this message. Instead he jerks forward, brows furrowing in concern. "Shoot, sorry, okay– yeah, that was a little loud, sorry. But it's cool, man, we're good, you're good." His smile goes a little lopsided at the edges. "It's just me, promise."'
The need to reassure him, the way his only message and priority is "you're safe"......... sick and twisted (<- emotional)
"It tickles the back of his throat, urges to sing through the air, but he bites it back. Instead he swallows, darting glances between Tango and his own hands."
"Horror wells up his throat. He must've somehow been feeding on them– it's the only explanation for why the hunger isn't subsuming him now. Even unconscious, he can't stop himself from being a monster."
"It's such an absurd question that Grian almost chokes on a bitter laugh. He forces it back down his throat instead, swallowing it like razor blades."
orz man.. the hunger & feeding symbology, and the recurring throat + swallowing-to-keep-it-from-bursting-out imaginary.....
"The dread that pools in Grian's stomach is a black, gurgling tar, spreading viciously through his veins– ice-cold and numbing, until he can't quite feel his hands enough to tell if they're shaking."
ohohohohoho- sorry grian i know you're like, basically a scared little baby chicken rn but oh what a tasty tasty use of language.
"Instead he is saddled with all of them, pulse a rapid song between his teeth."
OOF once again- just, nice.
oke for the record this conversation is devastating and heart shattering (good), and i got too hung up on it to grab quotes to cite. let it be clear: there are things i love that im too busy loving to realize i should put them here ajsajsgssk
"The words drop from his mouth like beads of glass. They shatter as they hit the floor, and for a single, small eternity, Xisuma stares at him with blank eyes."
curls up with my eight hundred pillows and my dog plushie Bianca. god
" "Grian, ple–" Xisuma starts, but he's interrupted by the door flying open with a slam.
Both of them jump. Grian shies away from the reverberation, eyes wide; Xisuma's hands fumble his helmet, almost dropping it. As one, they twist their heads to stare at the open door, still shuddering on its hinges.
Framed in the doorway, covered in stone grit and cave dust– hair mussed and eyes frantic– is Mumbo."
oop my tummy did a lil scared jump there
Overall feelings on this first chapter:
ok so first of all
yknow? but also loved how the tendril-like feeding was conveyed, same for everything that had to do with throat/moth/eating :> i promise this is not a Hell Yeah Vore kind of review im so sorry if it sounds like that KWGAKSGSKAJS
very emotionally moving in the sense that you've got my guts tied around and weighted down by an anvil so. excellent job as expected ok bye mwah
✒️ Fic Dissecting Time
My highlights for lost in the dark (he's got a heavy heart) chapter 1, by @definitelynotshouting
definitelynotaroughdraft (definitelynotshouting) on AO3
This dissection will consist of highlights and commentary on the transcribed fragments.
Please be sure to read the tags and cws, we're going by dead dove rulings.
Spoilers ahead.
This is by no means anything formal- it's the writer equivalent of putting all your toys on a single line.
The author has a very lovely rant here that gives the piece context- but im sure you know that, if you read their notes 👁 please read this fic. then come back and agree with me.
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Gen, M/M
Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP, 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series
Relationship: Charles | Grian/Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar; Charles | Grian & Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar; Oliver Brotherhood | Mumbo Jumbo & Charles | Grian; Charles | Grian & Xisumavoid; Charles | Grian & Pearl | PearlescentMoon; Charles | Grian & TangoTek; Jimmy | Solidarity/TangoTek
Character: Charles | Grian, Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar, Oliver Brotherhood |
Mumbo Jumbo, Xisumavoid (Video Blogging RPF); Pearl | PearlescentMoon; TangoTek (Video Blogging RPF); Hermitcraft Ensemble
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Charles | Grian, Charles | Grian Angst, Watcher Charles | Grian,
Watchers, Charles | Grian Needs a Hug, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal
Thoughts, Starvation, Eating Disorders, Parasites, &lt;-- the watchers
are parasitic, Body Horror, Trauma, Eventual Happy Ending, Recovery,
Self-Harm, my guy be in SITUATIONS, Winged Charles | Grian, Identity
Issues, every single tag i add makes me realize how hard im making
grian go through it, rip king you'll get a happy ending i promise,
Misunderstandings, Worldbuilding, sooo much worldbuilding, Not RPF,
Not Beta Read
its been a while since I've read angst for the sake of hurting and yknow what? i missed this feeling of controled despair.
And, Grian realizes, with a flicker of– of something undefinable (he can't say it's excitement, because he isn't actually keen to die– but it's something. A bit like hope, a lot like loss, in the shape of grief and threaded, ultimately, with desperate relief) (...)"
(sobbing, wheezing, heart-ached) what the fuck. what the actual fuck.
The devastation yawns in the deepest pits of his heart, in his very code, and threatens to tear him apart at the seams.
"the devastation yawns" alright. next time just gut me with a knife it'll be quicker than DESINTEGRATING MY SOUL LIKE THIS???? i love that, i love that so badly.
"Grian grits his teeth, then lifts his hand and opens his mouth, sinking them into the base of his thumb. Copper sings on his tongue; the spike of burning pain forces his eyes inward, drawing his attention and keeping it there as blood fills his mouth, thick and tacky."
AUGH thats it!!!! thats what this fic tastes like- burning copper, not as in copper that's been burnt, but as in copper that leaves a painful heat as it goes down your throat, that you can feel cruising your chest and guts as it makes its way down your stomach. (positive).
"(...) he chokes out, and that seems to break whatever trance Xisuma, Pearl, and Tango have been in this entire time. They rush forward, eating the distance between them in rapid strides, until they're all crouched around Grian."
gods i LOVE the use of "eating" here. its so visual and tangible i love it
"Voices rise around him in a cacophonous symphony, but Grian no longer has the strength to parse them. He sinks, dribbling into the abyss like molasses from a bottle. The darkness consumes him. He does not dream."
"He does not dream" my stomach hurts this is so good. tasty tasty angst. also molasses. the molassiest word ever.
Overall feelings on this first chapter:
that was. so tactile and textured- i need to hold it in my hands and press my palms into it, and let the spikes in its texture hurt my hands a little. its so good, the wording makes it so engaging and leaves you enraptured on its flowing narrative- you sure did put that guy in situations huh
if you've read all the way over here: hi ü hope you don't mind this block of text of cero coherent analysis. i had fun.
i have to attend to my life now before i run late, so I'll return to this piece and its dissection soon (hopefully in some hours?)
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prrsephoni · 6 years ago
ok I wanna list two things I really loved in skam ita & skam fr regards s3 up till now.
in skam italia I actually liked there was no ‘I saw you before and I liked you which is why I joined the radio’ i know many were upset about it but I didn’t mind one bit bcs a. we saw martino and his mum and updating her on his relationship after their fight which I honestly adore. I generally adore the fact we saw martino’s mum and b. I simply love how idk normal nicotino was. there was no ‘I am joining the radio so you notice me or we talk.’ like it was mutual and natural and that to me was so beautiful itself? in reality most love stories are more like seeing someone randomly and then ending up falling in love so from nico’s part it was unexpected. he didn’t see it coming and that made everything more intense for him.
in skam france even though I really did hope to see eliott on monday too I like that I didn’t because lucas is going to notice him and talk to him the same day. for a boy that has difficulties with accepting his sexuality I think that quick contact is important. if he saw him on monday he’d still have like 3 days of thinking how wrong it is that he thinks like that and in the same time hoping he’ll see him again. like that saves lucas from a lot of anxiety and that already makes a difference itself in his mindset and contact with eliott. in this version we have the reverse. it’s eliott who noticed him and lucas not at all and didn’t see it coming. 
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fandomlit · 4 years ago
neutral, chap. 4 (dream smp x reader)
series summary (in game!au) when an exiled tommy finally rebels against a manipulative dream, he finds safety in neutral territory, a place owned and guarded by you. staying in your safe haven opens up the younger one’s eyes to your way of life, while also revealing your deeper past before neutral; a past that involved a war for your love.
chapter summary after waking from a taunting nightmare, tommy expels some late night energy on some wandering mobs. you give him another lesson about taking care of himself, even when working hard, and tommy asks if you’ll teach him archery, which, of course, doesn’t go without entertainment.
warnings nightmares, mob killing
previous | series masterlist | next
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gif cred belongs to @halcyoncraft
he was running again. he didn’t know where or from what, but his legs carried him far and strongly, weaving him through trees and grass and other obstacles along the way. he didn’t know how in danger he was, but he wasn’t going to stop and find out.
then he tripped.
when he flipped onto his back, it was that goddamn mask staring down at him, the lips just under it laughing, “you’re so weak, tommy! did you do anything while you were in neutral?” then his axe came down and tommy braced himself for the pain and release of death.
he woke up instead.
sweating under his covers, tommy sucked in a harsh breath as he sat up. he threw the soft cotton off of him, running a warm hand down his face. it was just a dream; he was safe in neutral.
looking out of the window next to him, he saw the moon still high in the sky, casting a cool light into his bedroom. dream’s words rang through his head like a bell, and he rubbed at his temples with a sigh. was he actually getting weak? was relaxing such a bad thing? at the very least, some part of him must have thought so to conjure a nightmare like that..
with another sigh, tommy lifted himself out of bed and flipped open the ender chest. he drew out his sword before heading to the main floor of the house.
when he reached the bottom of the stairs, a voice called out to him, “tommy?” his heart nearly stopped for a moment, before peeking into the kitchen and realizing it was just y/n. she sat in candlelight, writing in a small journal with a slice of half-eaten pumpkin pie next to her. “are you alright?”
“yeah,” he breathed, his voice still heavy with sleep. “just gonna go kill some mobs.”
she nodded. she looked tired, and a part of tommy felt bad knowing that she was most definitely going to wait for him to return. “okay. have at it, kid.”
he nodded, turning to leave the kitchen. before he did so, he pursed his lips and looked over his shoulder to y/n. “you should go to bed.”
she gave him a smile, scribbling something down in the small journal. “i will, tommy. just gotta finish this up..” his natural curiosity was drawn to the small book, and he almost asked y/n what she was writing. but then dream’s voice rang through his mind again, and tommy silently headed for the doors of the house.
the night air was refreshing on his warm skin, cool and still as the moon illuminated the frontal beauty of neutral territory. he took a deep, calming breath of that crisp air before focusing on the task at hand: proving to himself that dream was wrong. that dream is always wrong.
after about twenty zombies, ten spiders, countless creepers, and a few endermen, tommy finally felt the burn in his arms become nearly too much to bear. he panted as he struck down one last spider, turning and finally deciding to return back to the comfort of y/n’s home.
he sheathed his sword when he finally entered the house, going straight to the kitchen to see that y/n was still awake and writing in her small journal.
“ready to go to bed?” he asked gruffly.
she looked up slowly before nodding, placing her quill down and capping her ink. “any trouble out there?”
“no,” he spoke, shaking his head. “wrote everything you needed to?” y/n blew out her candle and went to join the boy in the doorway to the kitchen.
“as much as i could, anyway,” she shrugged, smiling lazily as they began to walk toward the stairs. “what was your nightmare about?”
tommy was slightly startled, but a little too tired to react drastically to y/n’s deduction. “how’d you know i had a nightmare?”
“i’ve had them before,” she said simply. “and it seemed natural that you’d expel some energy onto mobs after such a thing.”
“you’re smart,” tommy credited.
“thank you,” y/n yawned.
they continued to climb the stairs in silence as tommy considered his words. “i was being hunted by dream again, but this time you weren’t there to save me. he called me weak and killed me.”
“so you wanted to prove to yourself that despite allowing yourself peace, you didn’t have to sacrifice your strength to get there,” y/n summed.
the boy half-smiled. she was spot on, as always. “exactly,” tommy breathed. 
y/n was silent for a moment as she thought. they stopped at the hallway to tommy’s room and it then occurred to tommy’s tired mind that her room was downstairs; she was walking with him because she cared about him. 
“honestly, tommy, if this is a real concern for you, then there is no harm in taking time out of your day to work out and train,” y/n spoke. “but the most important thing is to recognize when enough is enough, and when enough becomes too much. you’ve allowed yourself peace and care for the last two weeks, and achieving such a state doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice fighting or training; it just means that you need to be more aware and in tune with yourself as you’re doing it.” tommy nodded.
“don’t overwork yourself, is the summary here,” she said, picking a cobweb off of his shirt. “let yourself do the things you want, but make sure it’s not wearing you down. that’s taking care of yourself.”
“alright,” tommy spoke quietly. “thank you, y/n.”
“of course, kid,” she smiled. “get some sleep, alright? if you have another nightmare you’re free to bother me.” tommy nodded again. “good night, tommy.”
“good night, y/n,” he yawned as she turned to head down to her room. he made sure he heard her door shut before finally heading to his own room.
“can you teach me archery?” tommy questioned the next morning at breakfast. it was a question that had bugged him since y/n had first revealed her skills just a few days prior, and since he was going to start training, he figured that might be a good place to start.
“sure,” she chuckled as she scooped some more fruit onto his nearly half-eaten plate of french toast.
“why the laugh?” he questioned through a mouthful of berries.
she shrugged to herself. “your curiosity is showing.”
“i’ve been wondering about it since you took out the mob,” tommy admitted. “if i want to get stronger.. i think this is a good way to.”
“perfecting a skill is the perfect way to get stronger,” y/n voiced. “of course i’ll teach you, kid.” she smiled and he turned back to his breakfast with his own grin. “finish up your food and meet me in the basement; we gotta get you a bow first.”
tommy hadn’t been in the basement of the house yet. he opened the heavy, dusty trapdoor and assumed y/n didn’t go down their often either. he slid down the ladder easily and was immediately hit with heat.
y/n had a welding station upstairs in her shop area, but the basement had a more broad and intense version of that area. several anvils, all cracked and rusted and adorned with different materials were scattered in a sort of pattern amongst the space, a fire burning high in a fireplace at the far side of the room. seeing no sign of y/n, tommy moved to the room to his left.
the next room held a large nether portal, as well as a small farm for netherwart. the dark room felt empty to him, and he had to remind himself that he was in fact in y/n’s house still. he remembered she had said that she didn’t like going to the nether.
“i’m in here, tommy!” she called out. he took another left into a small storage room, where y/n was rustling through a chest. “how tall are you, kid?”
“6’1”,” he answered.
y/n smiled. “you’re a lot taller than i’ll ever be.” she took out a pretty oak bow, slightly scratched and obviously old. “you’ll have to use this for now, until i can make you one that’s your size.” he took the bow from her hands, shrugging.
“it’s fine.”
“good,” she hummed, still shuffling through the chest as tommy took the time to look around the small room.
“what’re the dispensers for?” tommy asked, staring at the wall that held the three stone tools.
“im nothing if not prepared, tommy,” y/n spoke as she took out a quiver and began to fill it with arrows for him. “in case of emergency, those dispensers will set off flares to let others know that im in trouble or that neutral is in danger.”
tommy nodded, still looking at the obviously unused dispensers. “smart.”
“i hope so,” she sighed, handing him the quiver of arrows. he strapped it around himself as she continued, “let’s just hope i never have to use them, yeah?”
“yeah,” he chuckled. she gave him a smile, hoisting her bow higher in her grip.
“you ready to shoot some things?”
“relax your shoulders,” y/n reminded. tommy did so, his fingers still white with effort against the taut string of the bow. “don’t pull so hard, tommy. you’re shaking.” he sighed as he let the string and arrow go limp, lowering his bow as y/n approached him closer.
it was his second day of archery training, and he was still missing nearly every target. y/n was a calm and collected teacher, offering him advice that was pointed directly for him and reassured him that there was no rush in the learning process. but after missing fifteen or so shots in a row, tommy was getting frustrated.
and it didn’t help with sapnap and george staring at him through the kitchen windows.
“doin’ great, kid,” sapnap encouraged weakly, taking a drink of the lemonade y/n had lovingly prepared for the boys. just watching the older man sip made tommy’s mouth dry, but he was determined to make five shots in a row before taking a break.
tommy glared at the man before turning his gaze back to his mentor. “ignore him, tommy,” y/n spoke gently. “nick couldn’t hit a target if it was three paces away.”
“that’s a lie!”
“im kidding,” y/n laughed, placing a hand on tommy’s shoulder and turning him away from the distraction that was sapnap. “but seriously, there’s almost always going to be someone watching when you shoot. the more you can tune them out, the better. just focus on your aim--and make sure your grip is looser. you’re gonna snap that string in no time otherwise.”
“loose grip, focus on aim,” tommy breathed and she patted his shoulder as he turned back to the target ahead of him. he hoisted the bow up slowly and pulled the string back just enough that it wasn’t fully taut. he made sure his aim was a little higher than his target, and released the whizzing arrow. the arrow pierced just outside of the center ring.
“perfect,” y/n smiled. “now, do it again.” and he did, taking another deep breath and allowing himself to focus in on the feel of the rough wood on his fingertips, and the tight string he was pulling. the arrow hit just beside his last. she nodded encouragingly. “keep going.”
tommy could feel his heart start to thump in his chest from the excitement of his accurate aim. he took another calming breath and watched as the arrow lodged closer to the center.
“great aim,” she complimented and he grinned as he pulled another one back, trying to contain his shaking as he aimed. the arrow shot lower than his previous, but on the target nonetheless. “still a good shot. one more?”
“yeah,” tommy nodded, licking his dry lips as he retrieved another arrow from his quiver. heart still thumping with utter excitement and pride at y/n complimentary words, he quickly released the arrow and his smile dropped as the arrow lodged into the ground before the target.
“hey, that’s fine!” y/n assured as tommy groaned and dropped his head. “four in a row is an amazing improvement, tommy. you should take a break and reward yourself.”
tommy sighed, looking to the shameful arrow. “yeah. alright.” he dropped the bow to the ground along with his quiver. he looked to his slightly splintered fingers. “im gonna go.. wash up.”
“alright,” y/n smiled as tommy scampered away. she entered into the open kitchen, smiling at her guests. “you boys doing alright?”
they nodded. “when did you take up parenting, y/n?” george giggled. she rolled her eyes as she went to pour her and tommy their own glasses of lemonade. “no, seriously! you care for that kid a lot, it-it’s not a bad thing!”
she sighed, leaning against her counter as she sipped at her lemonade. “i know you two haven’t always agreed with him in the past, but i think tommy’s a good kid. i like his ethic, and i think he has a lot of potential. but that being said..” she shook her head. “he’s so young.” the boys nodded. “he’s been thrown into such a life of chaos and destruction, and im not saying he’s at all innocent, but.. i think it’s good for him to learn that there’s more to this world than just war and enemies. there’s...”
“neutral,” sapnap finished for her. she let out a laugh.
“yeah, neutral,” she agreed, tapping her fingers against her cold glass. “but, yeah, if teaching him peace and self care is motherly of me..” she shrugged. “then i guess im alright with being a parent.”
“that’s sweet,” sapnap nodded. “i hate it.” the three of them laughed, y/n laying a light slap on the man’s arm before tommy’s voice called out to her.
“y/n! can i have some help?”
“im coming!” she called back, setting down her glass of lemonade.
“go help your poor son,” george teased, resting his head in his hand as he gazed at y/n amusedly. she rolled her eyes.
“behave, you two,” she laughed before leaving the kitchen.
there was a moment of silence before george spoke, “i do think it’s quite sweet how y/n’s taken tommy in. i think it’s good for both of them.”
“you say that now,” sapnap sighed, leaning back in his chair. “but just wait until tommy’s back to feeling 100% and y/n’s going around saying “pog” all the time.”
tag list!! @vanhakirja @victory-is-here @inkyynki @airiour @sylum @kiritokunuwu @221bee-slytherin @bllatrixcarpnter @soullesstaco @stxrryb1tch @amibismexy @keiarma @akaichi-blog @runningoffofcaffeine @nonetookind @aquilla-favonia @feverish-dove @izuruamme @weeb-bb @bialin @justachillbisexual @kiritokunuwu @natalie-is-a-wall comment below or message me if you would like to be added <3
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dienamights · 4 years ago
Not Your Best Man | D.Kaminari
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✎ Denki Kaminari was resentful of all the things Katsuki Bakugou has, the high hero ranks, the fame despite his demeaning behavior, his intelligence, and most importantly, you.
✎ Protagonists: Denki Kaminari x Fem!Reader
✎ Word count: 5.2K
✎ Category: Smut MDNI, angst
✎ Caution(!): Smut MDNI, swearing, denki is jealous, bakuhoe is an asshole, mommy kink, loss of control of quirk during sex, degradation, praise, oral (male!receiving), unprotected sex, orgasm denial to a certain point, mention of puking, doing denki dirty in so many ways and I’m sorry but I’m also… not sorry.
✎ Author’s notes: Hello! Hope everyone’s well! I’m here with @forrest-fern’s Seven Deadly Sins server Collab! I snatched Denki and chose Envy! I wasn’t able to get bakugou but you know damn well I’m squeezing his ass in there lmao (peep the banner you can see the boom boom boy) (shut up im not late shush)
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Her hair is piled up and back, showing more of her delicate yet strong features. Skin so flawless his hands feel bound when he wants to touch it, afraid of staining it with his fingertips, not deeming himself worthy to taint it. Eyes brought out beautifully with makeup products she knew how to work to make her look even more gorgeous than she already is. Lips perfectly coated in lipstick, always formed in the littlest smile, and he feels compelled to kiss the product off of them.
The dress is perfect, it sits on her body as if it has been made just for her. Its fabric folds hugging her figure, following her curves. It’s color is gorgeous against her skin with long sleeves that cover her arms, the backless dress shows skin that begs him, taunts him to touch it and to guide her along with him. The collar exposes enough shoulders that teases him to bite and mark up. It's tight skirt pooled till the floor with a slit up to her left thigh. She looks stunning and he couldn't stop but linger his eyes on her.
She looks as though she is an angel, in the form of the most beautiful girl on earth. Mesmerising eyes, so crystal clear that he could see rivers, oceans, the whole world through them. No flower, no goddess, not even Aphrodite could ever compare to her beauty. She has the body of a dancer, lithe, supple and oh so beautiful. With every step she takes, it looks as though she’s floating, and Denki only became more convinced that he had been around an angel for the majority of his life and he -regretfully- only was able to realize it a bit too late.
Regretfully, because she wasn’t his, isn’t his, will never be his. Not the measly unimportant groomsman. No, she is the best man’s, Katsuki Bakugou’s, meant to be his forever. 
Bakugou’s BakugousBakugousBakugous… Dammit
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“I do.” 
An adorable little boy dressed in a black tuxedo walks up and hands Kirishima a ring. He slips it on Mina's finger. The pastor smiles and turns to Mina. She wears a strapless wedding gown with embroidery on her bodice. Rhinestones and pearl beads sewn on her gown. She wears a two-tier veil, with a matching crystal head-piece. She holds a French rose silk bouquet. Kirishima is stunning. He wears a black, single-breasted, satin tuxedo with a white-wing collar shirt.
The pastor repeats the question and receives the same reply. You watch her take his ring from a small girl dressed in pink and place it on his finger. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife." 
"You may now kiss your bride." He does so, placing his hands on her shoulders and pressing his lips against hers. The pastor holds up his hands, bringing the cheering crowd to their feet.
Kirishima and Mina leave the gazebo, arms linked, with huge smiles on their faces. The best man, maid of honor, and the groomsmen and bridesmaids follow suit, falling in behind them. They stop near the end of the walk, forming the start of the receiving line. 
The family and guests file down, pausing for hugs and kisses and congratulating the young couple. Mina then turns around and throws her bouquet of flowers behind her. The women collide with each other as they try to catch it. 
She cheers loud when the bouquet falls in your hands, and you giggle and wave it around, the women’s disappointed groans muffled in your ears when you catch the beautiful vermillions of your partner, oblivious to the golden specks that have been eyeing your every move since you stepped foot into the wedding.
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“You could’ve been more obvious about wantin’ me to put a ring on your finger.” Katsuki chuckles against your ear, standing behind you with his hands on your hips, both of you looking at the newlyweds as they enter the reception with everyone awwing at them as they did their first dance as husband and wife.
The sun has set long ago, the full moon hanging and illuminating the area beautifully, the fairy lights and lamps circling the area, making the happy couple look absolutely glowing, and you smile at the scene from outside the dance floor.
“They fell in my hands ‘Suki.” you giggle, lacing your fingers between his, “Besides, you already did, didn’t you?” 
“Hmm,” his breath tickles your ear, fingers twisting your engagement ring around your ring finger, “was forced to, after all that whinin’ ‘bout wantin’ to settle down and not knowin’ when we’ll see each other when we’re goin’ on missions, and cherishin’ the lives-” he fakes a snore and rests his full weight on your back, both of you laughing as you tip forward and he catches you in time, placing his hand on your waist again and swaying with you as you see your friends happier than they ever were.
You look perfect, standing there holding each other, absolutely and utterly disgusting. Denki stares at you, fire spreading in his abdominal, his lungs constricting with every breath he takes the longer he looks at you. Swaying together, Katsuki’s lips pressing against your temple and you letting out the most beautiful laugh, Denki can’t help but clench the front of his shirt at the sight, wishing, hoping for nothing more than to be in his shoes, being the one lucky enough to be able to hold you that close, the one that has the privilege to hear your laugh, the one to make you laugh.
“Hey Denki,” He is snapped back to reality when Kirishima stands in front of him, blocking his view from the flawless couple. “H-hey Eiji! Congratulations bro, you’re finally a married man!” They hug, Denki’s eyes never leaving you while Katsuki twirls you to face him and peppers kisses across your face. “Thanks man! Hey sorry, could you get Bakugou for me real quick, we’re taking a few pictures with the best man and the maid of honor.”
“Right away, man of the hour.” 
Oh God, oh God, he isn’t ready to face you yet. You look too pretty, he doesn’t feel worthy to be in your presence, driven to bow down and ask for forgiveness for even breathing the same as yours. And yet, you smile upon his arrival, even letting go of Bakugou’s hand to wave him over, and you’re blessing him with your smile, giggles sounding like the singing of angels when he waves back excitedly.
“Hi!” you beam up at him the minute he’s close enough to be graced with your voice, “Where have you been, it’s like you were avoiding me all this time,” you pout for a second and Denki could swear he felt his heart skip multiple beats when your lips wobble and a smile makes it way back up at him.
“H-hey, ummm, Baku- uh.” he laughs at himself, trying to collect whatever dignity he has left. “Uh, Eiji is lookin’ for ya bro, something about a photoshoot with the maid of honor?” The groan Bakugou lets out is enough of a confirmation.
“Fuckin’ pain in my fuckin’ ass bitch” he grumbles, pressing his lips against your temple again, promising to come back after the ‘Motherfuckin’ bitch shoot’ is done. You only reply by squeezing his arm, a silent reassurance that you’ll be waiting for him when he gets back.
It's so revolting, the way he swears up and down, having the filthiest mouth with his words, not even respecting the beautiful goddess that tries to calm his nasty self down, he should be more considerate of you and your feelings, God he loathes the way he treats you. The way he mistreats you. 
You deserve to be treated so much better than that, the way Denki would, he’d downright kiss the ground you walk on, remind you every day that you’re the best thing that ever happened to him, the best goddamn thing to ever grace this earth.
Okay, you’re staring. God, has she been staring too? Denki, people always say you never shut up, use it to your advantage for once in your life.
Denki extends his arm to you, curses under his breath, wipes his sweaty palm against his pant leg before extending it again. "Would you like to dance?" You raise your eyebrows. "Would you like to dance?"
"Well, dancing is what a charming gentleman like myself would do.” He beames at the chuckle you let out. “Besides, you're beautiful and I want to show you off.” He pauses. “You know, while Bakugou is busy with his best man duties and all."
You smile, your pretty lips letting out a little giggle at his posture as he starts wiggling his fingers persuasively, and shake your head. "You know what? Yeah, I would like to dance."
Arm-in-arm, you and Denki head into the dance floor and step onto the wooden ground. You felt him move easily with you, agile and confident with the music as he takes the lead. His hands slowly yet surely reach to your lower back, but you shrug it off.
"Ah, expect tango music after this," he says. Eyes gleaming as they shift over to the DJ that nods in acknowledgement to him. He frowns when he sees your averted face, shifting your eyes away from his, observing, searching for him, your fiance, the person he wishes he could be, someone he could never be.
Denki trips over his words in an effort to regain your attention, “A-anyway, uh, um. Hey! Did you know that uh, t-tango is banned in other places of the world?" you raise your eyebrows. 
“Is it?”
 “Yeah, wanna know why?” 
“Didn’t expect you to know honestly.” He smiles as you laugh lightly, but something tugs at his heartstrings, its because you think of him as nothing but stupid brainless dunce face, depsite him entering and graduating one of the best hero courses in all of Japan, alongside you of all people, despite his hero work, the people he saves, the villains he captures, fuck. 
You don’t miss the way his face falls after your remark, an almost sour expression passing through before he clears his throat and looks behind your shoulder at basically nothing. “S-so,” you start, “Why was it banned?”
The blond’s eyes flicker over to you and soften at the way you’re cocking your head and smiling at him, despite him getting upset with you. What is he doing? He’s experiencing something straight out of his fantasies, having you pressed so close to him, dancing with him and smiling at him. No one else. 
“Oh, okay okay, so. It was considered the dance of the low-lifes at the worst places of society when it first emerged, and so the church banned it, because they said it had the music of the “immoral” factions of society”
“Oh? Why’s that.”
“It was considered an oversexualized dance. Portraying the sin and seduction of the Devil. It represents the Devil's nostalgia, his unrequited aspirations, loneliness, rejection, and misery. The longing of someone who will never fit in, who has never had love nor passion.” He takes a deep breath.  
“It's like sex, except with clothes on.”
 In a failed attempt to seduce you, he stumbles and steps on your heels. Earning a weak yelp from you as you back up from him.
It's okay, it's okay, he can fix this. Oh God the music stopped. Okay he gets to dance tango with you now and press you even more against him and hold you even closer, okay. God, are his hands always this sweaty?
The silence that follows the stopping of the music makes him panic, you’re so close, he just needs to reach out and hold you against him again. Press your tender body against his, let him pretend you’re his, pretend that he’s lucky enough to take you home with him. Help you take off your dress, press kisses against the curves of your body, make love to you all night.
Put all of that is cut short when he feels a daunting presence behind him, and he doesn’t need to turn around to know who it is. Because the way your face lights up at that presence is enough to stop his blood from pumping, enough for him to see only red, for him to dig his nails into the palm of his hands until he feels it piercing his skin.
“Hey,” the taunting voice of Katsuki Bakugou reminds him how beneath him he really is. “Yer havin fun with my girl.” it wasn’t a question. Despite that, in a desperate attempt to feel your touch one more time before you’re swept away by your big strong hero, that he would never be able to match to.
With trembling fingers, Denki grasps your hand and brings your knuckles close to his lips, eyes boring into each other while he kisses them, and you only grin in appreciation at his manners, doing the most adorable courtesy he has ever seen in his life, almost forgetting the looming presence of his former classmate.
Bakugou moves around Denki to reach you, and Kaminari knows at this point all hope is lost for you to dance with him, or better yet, have any interaction with him again for the entirety of the night. Katsuki held your hand with surprising firmness, caramel scent wafting through as you feel how sweaty his hands really are. 
“Are you warm?” You mumble, lacing your fingers through his when his reaction is to pull his hands away to wipe them at his pants. 
“No.” It's firm and it's rough, yet it isn’t directed at you. It’s directed to the other blond that surprisingly still hasn’t backed down and is still standing straight, eyeing how you two act as a couple, how he wishes you would hold his hand, ask him if he was warm, embrace all his insecurities.
As your fiance leads you back to the center of the dance floor. Hand starting at your waist but quickly slipping to grab a handful of your ass, chuckling when you squeal and slap his chest. Something wicked gleams in his eyes when the first tune of the violin starts playing, drifting with the harmony of the accordion.
“You and I both know that my knowledge of tango is as much as my knowledge for knitting, that’s right, nonexistent.”
“You know my body, don’t you?” he doesn’t wait for an answer. “Follow my lead, let your body do the talking.”
“You’re crazy.” yet you still laugh, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips as he pulls you impossibly close to him, raveling in the feeling of your chest pressed to his. You’re rolling your eyes a little at the way his smirk stretches when he pinches your butt, but you instantly shiver when he places his warm calloused hand within the cutout of your dress on your lower back, skin to skin. And just like your body is made to be molded against his, you place your arm over his shoulder while the other is engulfed in his. 
He steps close, too close, scandalously close. Pressing his cheek against your temple and only then meeting the eyes of Denki, that's when his smile drops, every playful act with you is gone. His magma filled eyes staring into the soul of the electrical hero.
Mine MineMineMine
Neither were stupid, Katsuki knows what Denki is doing, and Denki is well aware of Katsuki’s ability to piece shit together.
Denki is left lonesomely standing by the DJ, watching the way you two dance, the way Bakugou steps forward in your space and you stepping back to accommodate him. He seethes in his stance as you two rock on your feet, the way Bakugou handles your body with firmness and strength, yet softly watching you when you giggle at the way he spins your body effortlessly. Kaminari sees the way you let yourself be led, the way you trust Bakugou to handle you, hold you, care for you, in ways he could only hope for you to see him.
You are perfectly synchronized, almost fluid like, an extension of each other, like you had done this a million times before, practised day and night to perfect it. Bakugou takes his time twirling you across the room, seductively slow. Thighs brushing against each other with every stupid turn.
His body whispering commands to yours, daring it to misbehave, you step and lean and sway, every movement perfect and precise, like an intricate choreography that you have never learned, but your bodies remembering them. He dances with you the way he has sex—with exquisite control, infinite patience, and aggressive moves.
Huh, that's what Denki must have meant.
At that moment, your eyes catch him standing outside the dance floor, and you almost don’t recognize the man alone, filled by ugly emotions they couldn’t help but spill and show on his expression. Sour and hateful and just plain cruel looking.
Katsuki’s mouth curves in a lazy smile at how your brows furrow, spinning you in a vigorous turn so he’s the one facing him instead. You aren’t dense, you feel the eyes on you, well aware who they belong to as they burn through your back. He lowers his head, forcing you to look back up at him, your lips grazing against his, too close.
“Yer puttin’ on a show for your boy?” 
“A show- no you ass, weren’t you the one that wanted to dance?” you try to lean away to scold him -yes, middance- but the blond lowers further, until you think he’s trying to get you to shut up by kissing you. Suddenly he’s dipping you low, his face stays only a few inches away from yours, your back arching beautifully.
A static sound dwells on you, followed by the buzzing of electricity. The lights flicker and you instinctively grab at Katsuki, tightening your hold against his bicep, your eyes searching his when he doesn’t lift you back up, only to find him not even looking at you.
His fingers are tingling, tips wiggling as they shoot little sparks at the sight in front of him, his golden eyes illuminating in the momentary darkness as they clash with the magma filled rubies, challenging him, taunting him, mocking him.
And when Denki accidentally short circuits the entire DJ booth, the dance hall instantly quiets, a blanket of silence weighing them down and daring someone to break it. And yet, Bakugou has other plans, of course.
Sneakily, he slides his hand down from your back to your knee, firmly grabbing your leg as his eyes meet yours before lifting it to his hip. Fingers slipping under your dress and grazing your upper thighs, sending goosebumps racing across your skin, not having the courage to break eye contact until you hear the gasp of a few of the attendees. Only then does he close the gap between to press his lips against yours, the little audience you collected clapping and cheering you along.
The whistling and cheering is loud enough for you to miss the sound of Denki’s fist slam against the table and the sobs wrecking him as he drags his feet away from the scene. 
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Sero grunts as he struggles to push the hotel room door open with Denki leaning his full weight on him. It takes him a couple of tries to finally get the drunk man on the bed, slapping his hands away as Denki tries to grab at and kiss the man. 
“C’moooon, Hantaaaaa, s’not like you don’ wanna, look atchu, you’re takin’ off m’clothes but you don’ wanna kiss me?”
“You ass, I’m taking off your shoes because you stepped in your own vomit.” 
The man gags, chugging the shoes in the trash can and helping his friend ease off of his suit jacket. “Yer a good man Hanta, say, you wanna be m’best man?” Sero laughs, shaking his head as he tries to help him lay on his stomach, “y’know, when I marry y/n.” 
The silence that follows is deafening, Sero not having the heart to talk when he catches the sound of Denki sniffing and burying his head in his pillow.
“I- “
“Jus’ leave me alone, Sero.”
And he does, the only confirmation of his solitude is the echoing click of the door’s lock as Sero leaves Denki to brew in his own self loathing.
It takes Denki a few minutes to collect himself, the nausea forcing him to take off his shirt and pants, lying down on his back to feel the cool air on his chest. He doesn’t realize he has his eyes closed until he snaps them open when he hears his door click close.
There you are, radiating, mesmerizing, you’re practically glowing, standing there by his door, adorned by your… nightgown? 
God, please don’t say you’re in the wrong room, please don’t say you’re in the wrong room.
“You sure you’re in the right room y/n?”
You don’t answer, you just simply, untie your robe. And Denki’s eyes practically bulge out when the silk robe slips right off of your shoulder and drops in a pile on the floor by your feet. He can’t look you in the eyes, he’s looking at every inch of exposed skin he can muster, committing every curve, every dip, every contour, every fucking thing to memory.
“You’re here, aren’t you?” that’s when he looks back up at your eyes -after shamelessly staring at your peaking nipples for a second too long - blinking twice at your words. He sits up with a struggle, “W-wait, what about Bakugou?”
“What about him?”
And honestly, that alone almost made him bust a nut.
You’re pushing at his chest until he lays back down, throwing your leg over his figure and straddling him. Instantly, he feels your warmth pressing against his strained length and his body shivers at the thumbing against it. 
“You’re so good to me Denki,” you breathe, fingers combing through his hair before you take a fistful of it and lightly tug, rolling your hips against his and relishing in the whines he lets out, slender fingers reaching for your thighs and grabbing handfuls, his eyes begging for you to do it again, and when you do, he throws his head back and moans.
“You treat me so well,” you pout, nails tracing his sweaty flushed chest, peppering kisses along it, moving up until you reach his ear, biting at it and giggling when he ruts his hips up against you. Feeling your slick dampen the front of his boxers as his leaky cock does the same. “So pretty for me” he whines again, eyes blown out and chest heaving at the feeling of being kissed by you, held by you, touched by you, hell, looked at by you.
“Fuck, again, ah- d-don’t stop, pleaseplease-”
“Use your words baby, wadda you want?” he thrashes against the bed when you grind your hips against his again, the tips of his fingers buzzing and twitching when you’re lowering yourself to press your chest against his face. 
“Fuck, wanna feel your pretty pussy, feel you squeeze my cock, please, just -ah, put it in.” it's all muffled from the spit collecting on tongue and the way he’s smothered by your tits but honestly he wouldn’t have it any other way.
His body refuses to move as you scoot lower, straddling his thigh and grinding your hips against it, wickedly smiling as he whines ‘nonono’ when you do, “m-my cock, my cock, please stop teasin’.” the tip of your finger traces the elastic of his boxers, giggling at the way his body jerks up and at the gasp he lets out when you snap it against his hip. Before gliding your finger against his strained cock, enjoying the way it twitches under your touch, feeling it harden against you.
You coo at him as you pull off his boxers, when you see that there is no initiation from him to move. The sight of his pretty cock with its fiery head welcoming you and you can’t help but grab at it. “Pretty boy all needy for me, hmm?” You give it a lick from the base to the tip, sucking on the head of his cock and feeling it twitch inside of your mouth, hollowing out your cheek and looking up to see the way his face flushes, his body illuminating with the crackling of the thunders around him, twitching his body before he breathes out a few times to calm himself down.
How is he so lucky? How is he blessed with having your lips wrapped around his cock, just looking at you is tightening a knot in his belly, and he can’t help but throw his head back and close his eyes in an effort to prolong his orgasm to feel even more of you.
He doesn't open his eyes until he feels a looming shadow on him, and that's when he catches sight of you again, the moon hitting your face, your glistening precum-covered lips smiling down at him.
“Want me to take care of you?” You tease, chuckling breathlessly as Denki feels your pussy on his cock, your slick covering it as you roll your hips and feel your pussy gush at the way his body shivers in ecstasy at your touch. “Yes! Please mommy ye-”
“Mommy?” Did he just say it out loud? “No, ah- fuck, no-no I didn’t say that I-” you don’t even let him talk, gyrating your hips again, covering his dick with your slick, without having your walls flutter around him just yet.
It takes a few teasing grinds of you against him to have him sobbing at this point, “m-mommy please just please! I wanna, ah” he thrashes when the tip of his leaky cock catches your clit, the lightnings he’s producing passing by his eyes and obscuring his blurry vision for a while, before he’s blessed with the sight of you beautifully arched on top of him. “In, in, wanna feel the pretty pussy, please please lemme feel the pretty pussy.” it's just meaningless babbling at this point, anything to get your walls tightening around his cock, all sensitive from being rubbed against you for god knows how long.
And when his head catches your cunt, he all but cries out at the way it clenches at the head, bucking his hips up to feel more of you. Wanting you to swallow him whole, take him all the way in. “Y’gonna just fuck into my pussy like that, hmm? Is that how you’re treatin’ mommy now?” “n-no! Ah, m’sorry pleaseplease, I just, you feel s’good, you’re s’tight aaah, wanna feel more, please I want more more more,” and he does. So, without a warning, you drop your hips and impale yourself on his cock, and for fuck’s sake all of what Denki saw what white for a few seconds, he could’ve sworn he heard a few angels singing, even.
“That what you want, hmm? Want her to take care of her pretty boy?” you pout mockingly, bouncing yourself on his lap as he tries to grab hold of your hips to guide you, but the way you’re jerking his body has his head dizzy and his sight swimming, the low buzzing of his quirk muffled by the wet slaps of your skin against his, your ass clapping against his thighs and he doesn’t think he’ll ever forget that sound, and he just settles for letting you please yourself with his cock, because if you’re gonna use him as a fucking dildo, then he wouldn’t fucking have it any other way.
Weakly snapping his hips upwards with the drops of your hips, Denki’s leg shake and it takes a few more times for his cock to fully seath itself in your tight walls for him to let go, feeling your pussy squeeze his cock for all his worth as your pants turn into whines, suddenly they’re very afar, almost like you’re underwater. Yet he’s the one feeling like his lungs are constricted when he hears the name you’re calling, and it isn’t his. “Ka- ahh- suki…”
Only then does Denki realize that you aren’t in his room, your discarded rope isn’t thrown haphazardly on the floor by the door, your slick isn’t covering his thigh or coating his dick, and the worst of all, your pussy isn’t the one that has been squeezing his cock, oh no.
It was his hand, those slender fingers wrapping around his softening cock, smeared with his cum. He lifts his hand in horror, disgust and shame eating him up, especially when his ears perk up at your sound.
“Fuck, Katsu- yesyesyes, right there, yes!” Whatever nausea he felt subsiding is coming back tenfold, burning his throat as he slaps his hand over his mouth, anything to stop himself from puking on himself.
“Ha, that what you want? Getting dicked down after havin’ fun with that fuckin’ dunce face.” The wet sounds of Bakugou’s hips slapping yours is almost making his ears bleed. “Havin’ that prick touchin’ ya like that. Fuckin’ slut, all of that to rile me up so I can fuck that tight lil pussy, that what you want?”
Denki doesn’t know what’s the last nail on the coffin, the absolute filth being spewed to you, tainting your angelic ears, that aren’t meant to hear anything but praises and confessions of love and gratitude, the fact that you’re squealing and moaning for him to fuck you even harder, or the fact that he’s listening to every squealching sound, every creak the bed made, every slam of the headboard against your shared wall, every breath, every moan, every scream, everything.
That's when Denki flings himself off of the bed and empties his stomach, right on the floor next to his bed, tears stinging his eyes as he tries to trick himself that it's because of the way his throat is burning and not because of the way his heart is shattering, feeling it wrenched from his chest and thrown on the floor, stepped on and spat on and just beaten to the point of no return.
Sniffing and lifting his head up, Denki can’t help but see red, his whole body crackling with newfound vigor, his whole body is numb, like his quirk is taking the lead, putting his consciousness on the back burner. He chuckles, despite you moaning out Katsuki’s name when you find your release, despite him calling yours as he finds his, despite hearing your giggles and the kisses he’s pressing against god knows where on your body, despite the tears streaming down his face.
The last thing Denki remembers before he lets his quirk take complete control over him, is the humming of energy, the fleeting blinding brightness, the shattering of the light bulbs all around him, the loud deafening bangs, almost like music to his ears and finally, the sound of you screeching in horror. 
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Hope you like it! Kithes kithes
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nhyckdcxx · 3 years ago
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Characters: Vernon! x reader!neighbor
Genre: smut/fluff
Words: 2.008k
warning:unprotectedsex, blowjob, kitchensex, fingering,kinky,foreplay,riding,intimate
Summary: Vernon is your neighbor since you move into your new unit. You can always see him but never talked to him. An incident led you to ask for his help and casually having a thing that is not expected.
A/N: another memberxreader prompt piece I made. Inspired by the Attaca teaser photos I crazily thinksss. I cant sleep. Well, anyways hope u enjoy this one! ;))
It was weekend. You are already finishing all of your house chores and started to prepare for your dinner.
You went to check what it was, only to find out that your heater is broken.
"Oh.shit.. why is it now??ugh!." You groaned in frustration.
You immediately called the maintenance of your building but unfortunately, there is no maintenances at the moment that could assist you.
"The hell with this. What should i do?."
You called some of your friends, some of them didn't pick up. Well, its a weekend.. maybe that's why..
You suddenly remembered your neighbor. Youve been staying in that apartment for 6mos already, and yet you didnt have a chance to talk to him or greet him.
Should you ask him for help? Nah. Youre shy..
But then, the weather is really chilly. And without the heater, you might die in coldness.
"Nah, I have my last option, my mom."
You called and unfortunately, She's not at home. She went out of town with her bingo friends. You sighed.
You only have your neighbor as your last option. You mustered all your courage to ring his doorbell. You bought your dinner hoping that he wil let you in and eat him, with him..
You ringed the bell 2 times.. bit nervous..
He opened the door. He is in his pajamas. His top was unbuttoned. (same.as.the.picture.above.i forgot.the.exactwords.)
You were speechless. He was looking at you expressionless.
"uhm.. Hi. Im from unit 201, hehe." A bit nervous.
"uhm.. can I uhm.. have dinner here? Uh.."
"sure. Come in.." He said without hesitations. He acts like he knows what exactly you mean..
You both went inside his unit. His unit was fucking clean. It turned you on. He smells exactly the same as his room. So manly.. you suddenly became horny.
You immediately went to his kitchen. You heard him chuckled. Fuck?
"uhm. I brought some kimchi soup. You know.. h..hehe would you like some?." You genuinely offered it.
"Yes." You talk to each other like you already know each other.
"i..im y/n.. i forgot to introduce myself." You chuckled.
"Im Vernon." He answered.
"Hi Vernon! How long are you here in this apartment?." You asked trying to make the conversation longer.
"quite some time."
"Do you have a job? I mean.. i dont usually see you. H..hehe.."
"ohh I see.. h..hehe." Youre out of questions now. How can you keep the conversation going?
"i like the soup." Vernon said.
"ohh.. ahaha.. Thank you. I just made this because its really cold outside. Im so glad you liked it.." You said. You now feel that the atmosphere is a bit light.
You finished eating and you fixed the table already. You are at the kitchen sink when you felt a presence. It was Vernon.
He suddenly came to you. "Uhm... I wanted to wash the plates.. can I wash---.."
Vernon suddenly kissed you. You can feel him pressing unto you..
He started to undress your top, and his hand caressing your breast. You liked it. You only know his name, and yet here you are, kissing him. Letting him strip you and cup your breast.
"uhm.. wait-- uhh Ver..non.. ahhhhhh---" You cant think straight anymore.. Youre immersed in this feeling already. The feeling of being fucked by a handsome and mysterious neighbor.
You like a man who knows how to take charge. You also like being nude in front of a man with half of his clothes on. A good beginning is important.
He suddenly carried you in a bride style..
"I just wanna fuck you so bad.. Im sorry it got me turned on." sincerly apologizing to you. but, you dont find it wierd. You find hot. It made you more horny.
Then he got naked. His penis was huge. He didn't seem to be in any hurry. You love being french kissed in the nude. This is like one of your fantasies. Vernon decided you'd love it even more while being finger fucked.
He started to move lower unto your inbetween legs. His tongue and fingers were in perfect sync.
"aahhhh--uhhhnggg.." You kept on moaning that made him turned on more.
As you became increasingly wet, his attention shifted to your fully erect nipples. You liked the sensation of his tongue expertly probing and flicking your pleasure cherries.
You're proud of your breasts, and appreciated his serious attempt to lick and suck the pink off your nipples.
"uhhhhhhhngg.. s..shit.. how can you be this good Vernon.. uhhhh.."
He didnt answer.
He backed away and re-situated his body between your legs. His cock was standing straight up. He lifted your left foot and he placed your toes to his face. He began licking each one like a special morsel, and then repeated the procedure with your right foot. This was fun.
Vernon is such an expert. You werent expecting that a mysterious boy can be this good in fucking.
You wanted to be fucked. He spread your legs and ate you out. You always liked being licked. He tongued you like a snake, slowly edging near and around the clitoris but never quite making contact. You moaned longingly as he brought me to the brink of release with pleasure surges that kept increasing in intensity.
"ahhhhhhh..uhhhhh..nggg.." You heard him moan and it made you hornier.
You begged.
Vernon inserted his finger into your pussy and then withdrew it, wet and glistening with your physical excitement.
He anointed your clitoris and licked it that made you arched your back in pleasure..
Vernon re-inserted his finger all the way in, and slowly withdrew it. This time he drew a moist trace of pussy juice from the top of the pubis and up the abdomen.
You sat up on your elbows to watch. This was a show you didn't want to miss.
He reintroduced his finger and slowly withdrew from the nectar well. Brushing past my clitoris, he again traced a liquid glory trail further up your abdomen, and into the navel.
"ahhhh..fuck..your pussy's so wet..y/n.." Vernon said while playing your juices.
He had found your secret fetish, your only secret shame, and you were in heaven.
You watched his fingernail lewdly wiggle it's way back and forth across the belly knot, producing a gloriously painful pleasure.
You're lipbiting. You raised your tummy for more exquisite love punishment. You relished the idea of having a stranger make your navel so sweetly sore and red, and Vernon's finger didn't disappoint.
"You have such a sexy belly button.." he purred.
You blushed. You really like it when someone notices it.
"You like it when I say belly button, don't you?"
You nodded.
"Tell me how much you like my finger in your belly button." Vernon said.
"I..i like it..."
"No-- say it..."
"I like your finger...in my.. b..belly button.." You murmured.
"Say it again louder like you mean it!! Where do you like my finger?"
You hesitated before obeying his command. You managed to raise your voice, this is the first time that you heard his real deep voice. but couldn't find the wherewithal to look him in the eye.
"I..in my belly button."
"That's right!" he sneered. "In your belly button!" He said.
As his finger continued to probe, You felt yourself literally dripping on the sheet below. Of all your past partners, no man had loved your tummy quite like Vernon.
When his nail finally found the core of the birth scar, it made you cum.
"ahhhhhhhhnggg..s..shit..ahhhh.. s..shit Ver..non..im cumming.. ahhhh.."
Your body quivered all the way down to your toes. You felt like a naked little girl who had touched herself impurely for the first time, and then realized her mother was watching.
The delicious mixture of pleasure and shame overwhelmed your senses.
Before your pleasure ebbed, his mouth was back and slobbering on your breasts. He was so excited, and you are so ready.
You spread your legs wide open in anticipation of being penetrated. His penis was not only long, but had plenty of girth. You beckoned him while fingering your clitoris.
"Such a slutty angel.. i love it.." He murmured.
"Please fuck me now Vernon.. Use me any way you like.. I want it so fucking bad.. I want your dick inside me.." pleading like a slut.
Instead, he placed your hand around his shaft, guiding it slowly up and down. Without any coaxing you placed your mouth on the head of his penis and ran your tongue lovingly around the well-defined ridge. The circumference seemed to go on forever. You paid special attention to the underside where the seminal vesicle attached.
You licked the penis slit, and tasted a tiny dew drop of his excitement. You licked it again, and waited. Another clear droplet of lubricant emerged which you smeared all over the head with your finger. It felt so slippery, sensuous and sexy.
"ahhhhhhh..shit..aaaaaahhnggg.." Vernon moaned.
You spread your legs. He carefully inserted the head of his penis into your pussy, which caused you to spread even wider. That amazing ridge and penis head worked it's way back and forth in an agonizingly slow tease.
Your fully stretched crack barely swallowed the tip of his amazing cock which he tantalizingly popped in and out of your vulva repeatedly. If you had not been so lubricated, it might have split you in two.
With slow measured thrusts he achieved full penetration. He was as hard as a rock, and stayed hard as a rock for what seemed an eternity. If you both had stood up, he could have anchored you onto that sweet appendage without your feet ever touching the ground. Oh your going to be so sore for the next week, and it was going to be so worth it.
Without missing a beat you both rolled over which left you on top to ride him rodeo-style. Vernon remained still while you did all the work. He placed his hands at your sides.
"ahhhh..ahhhhh..shit..ahhhhh.auhhhh.." You both moaned in pleasure.
"That's right.." He purred sweetly.
"Give me a show while I fuck you. Keep me nice and hard like a good belly dancer." He said.
He placed his thumbs on your nipples. "Your titties are so big, so pink, and so hard. A naughty little girl like you loves a good fucking, don't you? You're as randy as a dirty little whore. You want every bit of pleasure you can grab. You want to be fucked like a dirty, filthy little whore, don't you?"
That sounded sexy to you. Its true you wanted to fucked like a slutty whore.
"Yes...oh God..uhhhhh..yes!"
You worked your vagina up and down every inch of his amazing human club. Your insides were turning to jelly. You never had felt so possessed in your life. A lightning bolt of pleasure surged through you, and repeated four or five times in rapid succession. You began to shake. Each surge brought on a new level of rapture. You could hardly catch your breath as he thoroughly stoked the needs of your sexual furnace. You fell back in surrender as he finished me off.
Both satisfied.
He slowly pulled out, still hard, and christened your belly button with his remaining seed. The sight re-ignited your arousal.
He slowly daubed his middle finger in the ejaculate pool, and coated your nipples with semen. He then lapped up semen with his index finger, and without warning, stuck it in your rectum.
Before you could fully react, the tip of his tongue lapped the tip of your clitoris like a parched dog. Your entire body clenched as you cried out in blissful agony,
"Oh.. ahhh..shit..that is so fucking nasty!"
You squirted in his face; once.. twice... three times.
He closed his eyes, and didn't move a muscle.
"I wish, you wouldnt hate me for this.." Vernon said.. You shushed him. You cant blame him thou.. You liked it too. Its just that the Vernon that you are expecting is a shy and nerdy one. It turns out, its the different one.
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chaeryybomb · 5 years ago
“8 hours and counting...” || l.dh
anon: “Can you do a best friends to lovers with nct haechan?”
a/n: here you go! thank you so much for requesting and I might’ve went a bit overboard with this,,,
pairing: lee haechan/lee donghyuck x gender neautral reader
genre: best friend to lovers!au, college!au, fluff, slight angst, haechan lowkey being a jerk, slow burnish?
featuring: mark lee, huang renjun, lee jeno, na jaemin and choi jongho
word count: 2.3k (oops)
summary: haechan misunderstood the situation thinking you had found a boyfriend and allows jealousy to take over and it is up to you, to slap— well, more like kiss him back into reality.
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Haechan stared at the red iPhone in front of him. Well, more like he was glaring at the device. The reason was because he sent a text to his dear best friend, L/N Y/N, asking to meet up at the cafe because he was bored and he wanted to spend time with you.
He sent that text a few hours ago. 8 hours ago to be more precise, his brain taunted.
Sighing, he stood and paced around the room as endless scenarios ran through his head. Usually you would’ve answered his text within seconds after he sent it, the latest you ever took was 20 minutes! And that was because you were in a replacement class! Haechan knew your schedule like the back of his hand, of course he knew when you were free to text. And this was one of the moments, so where the hell was you?
Maybe you had a replacement class you forgot to mention. Haechan scratched their side of his head as he tried to remember if you had any classes cancelled in the past week. You didn’t. What if you were kidnapped?! His eyes widened at the thought. Oh no, should he make a police report? But you have to be missing for 24 hours before you’re “officially” a missing person and it’s only been 8 hours and 47 minutes... (Technically 8 hours felt like 8 years in Haechan’s book.)
Before he could think of even worse situations, Haechan’s phone rang out loud and the boy quickly dived to answer it. He groaned in disappointment once he read the contact name. It wasn’t you, just stupid Mark Lee. He swiped the accept button and raised the phone to his ear. “What?!” He asked annoyed.
“Woah, someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today,” Mark said on the other line.
“Hahaha, very funny Minhyung. What do you want?” Haechan replied with a sarcastic laugh.
“Jesus, I was going to ask if you want to go to the arcade today. Renjun said he’s going to beat your high score at Super Mario,” Mark explained.
At mention Renjun, Haechan could hear his voice yelling, “Be there or be square!” in the background.
Haechan swiped out of the call app and into his texts, his message was still on delivered. At least it was better than being left on read, right? But there was also a 80% chance of you being missing.
“Hello? Dude, you there?” Mark’s voice drew Haechan out his thoughts. Haechan shook his head, maybe the arcade would be a good distraction.
“Yeah, I’m in.”
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The arcade was not a good distraction.
“Bro, are you okay?” Mark asked as he slung his arm over the younger one. “Renjun beat you in Super Mario. I repeat, you—“ he jabbed his finger at Haechan’s shoulder “—lost to Renjun!”
Renjun, who was sitting across from Mark, kicked his shin under the table. The older hissed in pain as he grabbed his leg. Mark glared at the boy in front of him, who’s now indulging himself in a conversation with Jeno, pretending like he didn’t stab Mark on the shin with the back of his heel.
Haechan mindlessly stirred his soda with the plastic straw, the whole time his mind was occupied with you, you and you. He made a mental note to blame you the next time he sees you. It’s stupid Y/N’s fault that he lost to Renjun in Super Mario! Ugh, now he has to play the damn game again just to get back his rightful place at the top of the leaderboard.
He looked at his phone the nth time since he entered the arcade. His lockscreen was empty from any notifications. No new messages or any missed calls. His wallpaper was a picture of him and you, who was on his back. It was a candid picture (courtesy of Jaemin) and the two of you were caught in the middle of laughing. He loves the picture, but right now it’s becoming a reminder that you have yet to reply to his message. It’s officially been 12 hours since his text. 12 hours and still nothing.
Suddenly, his ears perked up at the sound of someone’s laughter. Not just anyone, he knew whose laugh was that. It was yours. There’s no doubt that it was your laugh, he’s heard it his entire life. (And it’s also his favorite sound but he’d rather die than admit that.) Haechan sat up straighter and craned his neck, his eyes scanning the area for a certain person.
And there you were, standing in all your glory. His eyes lit up once he found you, but they immediately darkened in the next second. You weren't alone, beside you was another boy. A boy that he did not recognize. He saw you open your mouth to say something which resulted in the boy to ruffle your hair and sling his arm around your neck. The two walk past their table from the mini cafeteria and into the arcade. You didn’t even notice him.
Haechan’s fist tightened around the head of the chair as he watched you and the boy laugh together. Who the fuck was he and why the fuck was he with you? Mark seemed to notice where Haechan was staring and spoke up.
“Oh hey, isn’t that Y/N? HEY Y—MMPH!” Haechan swiftly moved to slap his hand over Mark’s mouth. He waited till you and the mystery boy disappeared into the aisle of arcade machines and finally slumped back into his seat.
“What the fuck was that for?!” Mark demanded and glared at the boy beside him.
Haechan rolled his eyes at the older and slumped back deeper into his seat, a pout on his lips. Mark paid no mind to him and just ruled it as one of his moments. While the other boys were laughing at Jeno choking on a french fry, a thousand thoughts were running through Haechan’s mind. The main one was who was the guy with you?
You couldn’t possibly have a boyfriend, right? No, you wouldn’t. You would’ve told him. That’s what best friends do, right? But that’s what he’s always going to be to you.
The best friend. He hates it.
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Something’s wrong with Haechan. You’re sure of it. You stared at your phone in your hand as you reread his reply over and over again.
Haechan [8:33am]: hey you wanna go to the cafe for breakfast??
Haechan [8:35am]: hello???
Haechan [8:35am]: y/nnnnn
Haechan [8:36am]: don’t ignore meee :((
You [9:42pm]: omg im so so sorry
You [9:42pm]: im sorry hyuck i was at a family reunion :(((
You [9:43pm]: we can go to the cafe tomorrow if you’re still up for it!
Haechan [9:45pm]: i have plans tomorrow. maybe next time.
You [9:46pm]: alright..
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First of all, Haechan would’ve popped off at you for replying to his texts so late and for ignoring him the whole day unintentionally. And secondly, he would’ve sent multiple texts at once, all caps and fighting emojis. Not just “i have plans tomorrow. maybe next time.”
“Who are you and what did you do to my best friend,” you mumbled to yourself. You sighed to yourself and placed your phone back on your desk. Maybe he’s really mad at you for ignoring him the whole day. In your defense, you were showing your cousin around town! You hadn’t checked your phone the entire day.
‘I should probably get him coffee as an apology tomorrow,’ you thought to yourself as you got ready for bed. Yeah, coffee sounds like a good plan.
You were wrong. It was not a good plan. It all started the next morning when you sent a good morning text to Haechan. He didn’t reply to you. You found it weird but you brushed it off. Maybe he was rushing off to school. He had a habit of waking up late anyways.
But the moment you saw him at campus, he immediately took off without giving you a chance to call out for him. Even weirder. Every corner you turn, there he is laughing with someone else but the moment you take your eyes off him for a second, he’s gone. You furrowed your eyebrows as you watched Haechan trying to subtly walk away from you. He can’t really be that mad at you, right?
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It has been 4 days since you last saw Haechan and it basically confirmed your suspicions. He was avoiding you. But the question was why?
You tried to remember if you did anything to piss him off the past week but your brain gave you nothing. You tried asking his friends but they shrugged as they didn’t know the reason as well. You finally decide that you had enough of it and go to confront him.
So that’s how you ended up in front of Haechan’s apartment door. You rang the doorbell and waited, rocking back and forth on your heels. You heard shuffling coming from behind the door and it opened to reveal a just-woken-up-from-a-nap Haechan.
You smiled at him once he opened the door but Haechan’s eyes widened and he slammed the door shut. You blinked. What just happened? Regaining from the shock of his actions, you wasted no time and bent down to get the spare key under the welcome mat.
You quickly opened the door to his apartment and stepped in, ready to give Haechan a piece of your mind for his stupid antics. Haechan shrieked when he saw you came in.
You glared at him and jut her finger at him accusingly. “You’ve been avoiding me,” you said.
Haechan gulped and played it off. “No, I have not,” he said through gritted teeth and walked past you to the kitchen.
“Yes, yes you have! I texted you and you didn’t even reply back for days, Haechan,” you said, following him into the kitchen.
“Taste of your own medicine, then,” he mumbled under his breath. But it was loud enough for you to pick it up.
You raised a brow and scoffed. “Is this because I didn’t answer your texts the other day?”
Haechan turned his head to the side, not wanting to make eye contact. His lack of response told you that it was a yes.
“Haechan, you can’t be serious. I told you I was at a family reunion!”
You stared at him with your doe eyes widened. “Boyfriend? I don’t have a boyfriend, what are you talking about?”
“Are you sure you weren’t out with your boyfriend,” he blurted out. Haechan slapped his hand over his mouth, that wasn’t supposed to be said out loud.
“I saw you with another guy at the arcade that day,” he blurted out once again. He winced once those words left his mouth. Dang it Haechan, couldn’t he keep his mouth shut just this once?
You blinked for a few seconds before realization finally settled in. You couldn’t help but laugh at his accusation, causing Haechan to glare at you. “You mean Jongho? He’s my cousin,” you told him after you stopped laughing.
Your cousin. The word echoed in his head. The "boyfriend" was just your cousin.
“Besides,” you added, leaning against the counter, “why would you care if I got a boyfriend anyway? What, do you like me or something?”
Haechan visibly stiffened at the last sentence. Oh boy, he hopes you didn’t notice him freeze. But of course you noticed it, you noticed every detail of him.
“Wait, do you actually like me?” You asked. You were internally panicking. Holy shit, does he like you? It’s too good to be true, right?
“Yeah,” he said quietly after a few seconds of silence. He was looking down at his feet. “Is that a bad thing?” He whispered, finally lifting his head up to meet your gaze.
‘Of course it isn't, because I like you too,’ you wanted to tell him. You had liked him the moment he introduced himself as your neighbour when they were 6 years old. But the way he flirts around other girls always gave you the thought that he didn’t feel the same.
You stayed silent too long for Haechan’s liking. ‘Oh no, they’re going to reject me,’ he thought. Before you could even open his mouth, he quickly added on, “It’s okay if you don’t like me though! I totally get it.”
“No, no it’s okay, Y/N. I understand. You don’t like me, I mean of course you wouldn’t. You probably see me as a brother and nothing more. So let’s just forget this ever happened and—“
He was too busy rambling to notice that you were advancing towards him. You got on your tiptoes and gave him a peck on his lips. Haechan immediately shut up, and froze on the spot. It was merely a peck but it was more than enough to make him stop working. His cheeks were now red at the sudden contact. You had an amused smile in your lips.
“D-Does this mean you like me too?” He stuttered out.
Instead of saying anything, you nodded and wrapped your hands around his neck, bringing him down for another kiss, this time it was longer. Haechan smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around your waist.
When you pulled away, you whispered, “I like you too, idiot.”
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“Wait, so Jongho is that cousin who could break apples with his hand? While singing?!” Haechan repeated what you told him. You were now sitting on his lap, your back against his chest, his arms around you.
“Uh huh, he even broke a watermelon with his finger once,” you added. “And he’s like an older brother to me, so if you ever break my heart...”
Haechan visibly shuddered at the thought of Jongho breaking his neck. He hugged you tighter and buried his head into your neck, causing you to let out a laugh.
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thank you for reading and requests are open!
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91percentpynch · 4 years ago
lonely heart - kevaaron au pt 4
oh look it‘s me, coming out of my dark hole to make you suffer with a super sad chapter with a nasty cliffhanger:) so get your tissues ready and enjoy!! okay first of all sorry that i didn‘t update this in a g e s and that it‘s rather short and for the cliffhanger, but i‘ll try to update it more regularly now:)
check this out for the other parts:)
trigger warnings: drug abuse, mention of suicide, mention of mental health issues, very sad aaron, mention of blood
“You were too good for me”, Aaron whispered into the void. “You were way too fucking good for me. You made me a better man. And I fucked up”
Aaron got up as he felt the tears burning in his eyes. He knew he wouldn‘t be able to sleep alone tonight. Like every single goddamn night since he left Kevin. Like every single goddamn night since he made the biggest mistake of his life.
„Taylor?“, the blonde haired boy murmered, „You up?“
„Babe, you know I‘m up. My girlfriend lives three states away, we talk every single day at the same time as you call your man. Not that I would be able to sleep when you call him, cause a) i love Day and b) you‘re always sad and high and end up in my room anygays, so did he take the phone darling?“
Taylor was Aaron‘s roommate and the closest thing he had to a best friend. She had been there for him every single day, cuddled him, held him while he cried and dried his tears afterwards. And Aaron did the same when she misssed her girlfriend too much.
„You do realize he is not my man anymore, I fucked that up. Big time. He did actually take the phone just to tell me to fuck off and stop calling“
„You could always go over there and say it in his pretty face. Didn’t say you can’t come over did he?Pro point: Might lead to making out“, Taylor said while taking him in her arms. „Plus another pro point: you‘d get sober again. And you‘re less moody. No offense but a Kevin-less Aaron is hardly managable, like you‘re either a whiny little bitch or you‘ll give me the death glare of the cenutry. Legit worse than Andrew‘s and I called him a cute little baby boo once when I was drunk and he almost stabbed me right there with a look on his face like I just murdered Neil in front of him“
„Tay, I take that as a compliment. And we both know Kevin’s a bit of a dumbass so he did not exactly tell me Not To Come over just stopp calling. Anyways I don‘t even know where he lives. And stop talking about me getting high, you do the same shit“
„Yeah but I know my limits and I have not the same history as you. And for the i DoN‘t EvEn KnOwS wHeRe He LiVeS, phone number. Now“
„O- okay“, Aaron said and told her Kevin‘s phone number while Taylor calmingly stroked his back.
„Neat, got him“, Taylor said after a while. „He‘s with the scary big dude and his adorable little boyfriend I think? I have their address right here, I think we‘re gonna visit them tomorrow cause it‘s like 4 am right now and we don‘t wanna rob him his beauty sleep plus we don‘t want to wake the scary big dude. And I‘m pretty sure the adorable small golden retriver boy could and would stab us“
„Did you just stalk my ex and located his phone at 4 am like fucking Garcias in Criminal Minds?“, Aaron said confused.
„Anything for you big guy. And as I said I miss Day‘s pretty face, preferably in your pretty face so you shut the fuck up about how stressed and depressed and lonely you are.“, Taylor chuckled as Aaron looked at her shocked.
„Well I miss Casey, preferable in your face so YOU shut up“, Aaron was never as good in witty remarks as his brother. Especially high Aaron.
„Babe I think it‘s time for you to go to bed, you‘re not fun when you‘re sad, high and tired. Come here, let me cuddle you, while you whiney little bitch sleep“
Aaron slowly went over to Taylor and into her loving arms, laying down, trying to fall asleep.
After a long while aaron drifted into sleep, just to be greeted by familiar smaragd eyes. In his dream Kevin and he never broke up. Kevin was on top of him, his hands gently discovered Aaron‘s body, touching him as if he was sacred, something to worship. Kevin‘s lips were at Aaron‘s ear whispering sweet nothingness. Aaron‘s hips moved against Kevin‘s loving touch. „Stress release“ Kevin called these holy moments in dawn. „Highlight of my day“ Aaron called them.
The dream was as beautiful as it was cruel. It was as if his body, his mind were as much refusing as able to believe that Kevin was gone. It was his own fault, Aaron knew it. But the ever present voice of his mother, disapproving and disgusting, in his head was just too much for him to handle. He thought - foolish as Aaron was - that the pain of living without Kevin would be better, less cruel, less painful. But he never knew real love and therefore never experienced its lost. Until that faitful day. Until Kevin took his bags and left.
Aaron was used to pain. The hot one after an extraordinarily vicious hit. The cold one when his mother died. The numbing one when the hunger was growing more and more unbareable. But nothing was even slightly as hard to handle as the loss of Kevin in his life.
Kevin was the first good thing Aaron had. He gave him a will to stay, to try, to give this stupid sport everything he got. And Exy turned into more mundane things like getting his eating routine under control or getting a more or less acceptable sleeping schedule. The dark days were still there, for both of them, and they would probably never leave them completely alone, but they got less. And when they did happen they would hold each other together.
Ever since he fucked up things with Kevin, Aaron had more and more dark days. The voice of his mother telling him he‘s a failure, the bored stare of his brother and Aaron convincing himself Andrew wouldn‘t even bet an eye if he died, the voice telling him the world would be a better place without him growing louder and lourder every passing day.
Logically he could say that the death of a single person wouldn‘t change much for the over all world population, expect maybe it‘s some kind of insane mademan dicator or someone important, but still. It made sense. All he did after all was fucking up, being a failure, never good enough, never perfect.
His lonely heart only screamed Kevin‘s name and he knew if Kevin didn‘t take him back, his life wouldn‘t make much sense anymore. Well he would definetly not tell Kevin that. He would not manipulate Kevin into loving him, because that wouldn‘t be much better than not having him at all.
Aaron woke up the next day around noon. He didn‘t really feel like getting up, like getting up was simply too much. But Aaron knew he had to. He didn‘t want to worry Taylor more than he already did. And it would end today. One way or the other.
So he got up, put on the first pair of black jeans he could find and the first sweater his hands could find. Ironically it was one of the sweaters Kevin gave him, on the third of december last year. It was one of Aaron‘s favourites as well.
„Ready for the big Day, small guy?“, Taylor said winking at him.
„Not really? What the fuck am I supposed to do there anyways?“, Aaron replied on his way to the coffee maker.
„Talk to him? Deliver one of those borderline cringe big speeches. Get im flowers. Break into his bedroom and say ‚Draw me like one of your french girls‘, naked of course“, Taylor laughed at the face Aaron made, listening to her suggestions.
„I think I like the big speech. I mean I‘m shit with words, but I‘m sure you want to help your boy getting ‚his man‘ back, right? Also what kind of flowers would you give someone you dumped cause the voice of your dead mother told you it was wrong and disgusting, which you never told him for obvious reasons?“
„Honey, you‘re so fucked up sometimes, I love you but you should go to a therapist or something. Also I‘d say sunflowers or roses? I don‘t speak flowers man, I‘m the tech nerd. Not the romantic one, the nerd. But we‘re gonna make a snazzy speech and you‘re gonna get your man back“
After their typical breakfast - if Aaron didn‘t forget to eat again - they sat down together on the living room floor, paper and pen ready, trying to write the world changing speech.
„Why is this so fucking hard? Why can I only tell him how much I love and miss him when I‘m high off my ass“, Aaron complained.
„What about you don‘t think about him that much. Just tell me what you love about him and then we write that down?“, Taylor suggested.
Aaron took a deep breathe and closed his eyes. „I loved him because he was the first one who saw me. Aaron Minyard. And not just the other Minyard, the lesser twin, the shadow of Andrew. He looked at me and somehow chose me. Even if he could have had everyone else. He chose me, even though I‘m not special. Kevin chose the failure when he could have had the first prize. He looked at me and saw something worth loving, worth keeping around. Hardly anyone could tell Andrew and me apart. But it took him less than a day to do so. Kevin is strong, so so strong and somehow chose the most fragile thing he could find, took it and made it worth soemthing. Kevin made me feel something. Not numbness. Not pain. Something warm and beautiful and living. He gave me a reason to stay alive. Kevin made my life bearable, he made my life beautiful. We were both broken and we would probably still be broken if we were together but we softened each other‘s edges. Kevin believed in me when no one else would. He knew how I felt, knew what I needed and when I needed it. Kev gave me love and safety and I kicked it with my feet. This man is like a god who fell for whatever reasons for a homeless man. And I know I don‘t deserve him but I also know I cannot live without him. And I know that I must tell him that before it‘s too late. If it‘s not too late already“
Taylor wipped a tear out of her eyes. „That‘s it. You tell him that and we‘ll get him back“, she said. „Can I hug you?“
„Sure you loser“
„Ah there is my boy“
They spent the rest of the afternoon writing down the speech, making edits here and there. In the end Aaron collected the pages and went to his room to change. He replaced Kevin‘s sweater with a simple black jumper, put on his Docs, got his keys and left.
Aaro did feel a little uncomfortable, stalking Kevin like that. But he knew this was his chance to fix things. This was his chance to get Kevin back, to make his life worth living again. Which to be fair was a bit selfish, but you are allowed to be a little selfish sometimes, aren‘t you?
Jean and Jeremy‘s apartment complex was a 15 minute drive away from the flat Aaron shared with his three roommates. Theirs was fanzier, obviously. After all Jeremy was a professional Exy player and Jean was some kind of semi famous artist or fashion maker or whatever. They could give Kevin the world. They could give him what he desereved. All Aaron had to offer was an apology and his love. No money. Not yet anyway. Just anxiety, depression and stress.
But if Kevin was willing to take his love, to give Aaron one more chance, he promised himself Aaron would make it count. He will tell Kevin how much he loves Kevin every single god damn day. Aaron will get therapy and work on his issues. Sober up and this time for good. He will do anything to be worth of god‘s love. Just that god in his case was a twenty two year old boy with black hair, forming soft waves at the end and a smile that will make the sun jealous. Eyes made out of smaragd. Lips so sinful and kissable.
Aaron sat down in front of the door, waiting for his courage to come back to him. He could do this. He would get his man back.
Hours passed, or maybe it were only minutes or seconds after all before someone came closer. Ever so slowly Aaron lifted his head, just to look in the ever so familiar green eyes, big with shock.
„You said to stop calling. You never mentioned face to face conversations“, Aaron said, his voice hoarse.
Kevin stared at him as if he was a ghost, a reminder of his past life, something he rather wanted to forget.
„Look I know I fucked up. I know I‘m not good enough for you. I know you deserve the world and I cannot give it to you. And when you look me in the eyes and tell me you don‘t feel anything for me anymore, no love or hate or affection or whatever humans feel, I will turn away right now and go and never come back. Never bother you again. But if you allow me to apologize, if you however decide to gieve me one last chance, I prepared this whole ass speech for you“
Aaron was sure they could hear his heart beating against his chest, roaring, screaming to return home. To return to Kevin where it belonged.
Kevin‘s eyes wandered to the floor, his fingers automatically closed around his left wrist. A nervous habit. Just another little part that makes Aaron‘s heart ache.
Slowly, almost painfully slowly, he lifted those unbelieveable beautiful eyes and met Aaron‘s golden ones. Kevin studied him and the world around them stopped.
Out of the corner of Aaron‘s eyes he could see Jean going still, his breathing too calm, too even. It‘s the same thing Andrew does when someone fucks with Josten. At least his death would be fast. Or slow. Whatever. Aaron didn‘t really care, without Kevin it wasn‘t worth anygthing anyway.
„Why“, Kevin said after what feels like forever, „Why would I forgive you? Why would I give you another chance? Why would you think you can come back here just to fuck me over again? Aaron I loved you, I really did. I always will. You were my first love and maybe, yeah maybe, my last one. But right now I can‘t. I just, I just can‘t. Please leave. Please leave me alone. For now. Maybe, one day we can talk about it. But right now I cannot handle the thought of you to leave me. To tell me all these beautiful lies, to cut me open and leave me to bleed out. I love you“, tears were running down Kevin‘s cheek. Tears Aaron one day, a long time ago, promised himself he would never let Kevin feel again. Pain. Sadness. Everything because of his failure, because of his weakness, because he‘s a fucking piece of shit.
„Thank you for giving me a reason to stay. Jusst remember that you were my light, my warmth, my happiness and I never stopped loving you. Never will. Please just be happy“, Aaron replied as he turned around to walk to his cars.
When he was sure he was out of ear shot, he let himself feel. Feel the pain. Feel the loneliness. Feel the numbness and the cold and the hatred. It was in that moment, that moment where he was alone and nothing more to lose, that he decided that it was enough. He would end it. End it tonight.
„Thank you“, he texted Taylor. „I‘m glad I didn‘t eat you in the womb“, he texted Andrew. „You were not so bad after all“, he sent to Neil. And lastly „Thank you for taking me under your wing“, to Nicky. They would understand. It would take them some time but in the end they would feel better. They would be happier without them. Because at the end of the day he caused them pain and wasn‘t really worth a thing.
So when he got in his car, tears running uncontrallably down his cheeks, he knew what he had to do.
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, January 11
Xander: When are we gonna need computers for real life anyway? Jenny: Hmm, let's see. There's home, school, work, games... Xander: Y'know, computers are on the way out. I think paper's gonna make a big comeback. Willow: And the abacus. Xander: Yeah, you know, you don't see enough abaci.
~~Buffy Episode #20: "The Dark Age"~~
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[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Like All Things Growing Old (Buffy/Giles, E) by KnightleyOverDarcy
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Swinging of the Pendulum Ch (Buffy/Angel, T) by OveliaGirlHaditRight
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Horizon [Part 2] Ch. 1/? (Ensemble, T) by broken_hearted_bard
maybe i’m ready to love you Ch. 1-10/10 (COMPLETE) (Buffy/Spike, E) by chasingfictions
To Live In The World, Chapter 30: Two Doors (Buffy/Faith, M) by IvorySteel92
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Buffy: Solve et Coagula Ch. 8 (Ensemble, T) by CrucisStar
Trial of pain Ch. 3 (Xander/Cordelia, T) by R4ik3n
The Keys to the Kingdom Ch. 15 (Ensemble, T) by michael t
Endlessly Ch. 2 (Buffy, G, French Language) by BWunited
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Jossverse fanart continued with a S7 Buffy set by Josh
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Artwork:Tara () by artsying-ifer
Artwork:they’re in a band. (Buffy and Spike) by badslayerday
Artwork:Giles & Jenny () by flummoxedangel
Artwork: Buffy, Spike, & Giles () by malvymary
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VIDEO: THE BETRAYAL THAT HURTS THE MOST - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reaction - 4x06 - Wild at Heart by TheLexiCrowd
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In memoriam tx_cronipio by gillo
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It’s true that Willow takes. by girl4music
Looking at a lot of the conversation about Willow resurrecting Buffy by confusedguytoo
if Willow hadn’t stopped magic in season 6 she was actually in position to stop Tara from ever dying by confusedguytoo
Spuffy Fic Recs by mcgnagallsarmy
sometimes it fcks me up by drusilllas
spike is extremely good at managing his hair by buggerthis
im sorry but u cant not read kendra as romantic in buffy’s life by chasingfictions
Fuffy for the ask meme! by julianazyalenskys
I’m glad that the Angel & Faith comics actually got into Faith’s backstory. by oveliagirlhaditright
i think it’s really interesting that i love dawn now by godsfavspike
The comic writers/Joss Whedon didn’t exactly know just what they wanted to do with the Twilight!Angel stuff by oveliagirlhaditright
in season ten, that there was actually a part of Buffy that was debating about getting back with Angel by oveliagirlhaditright
Angel stole hospital blood donations, from January 1996 to November 1997 by millennialslayer
I headcanon Harmony as autistic by jupitermelichios
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If Tucker's actor had been available, would Warren's character have been the same as Andrew? by biscuitscoconut
What if Angel stayed past season three? by Charcoal422
An interesting cover of "The sacrifice". by Simple-Ceasar
Help looking for a quote by aguacatdae
Did willows spell in “Tough Love” work? by buffster95
Character’s Career Ambitions by rednax2009
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PUBLICATION: First Look At ANGEL#1 Shows Off The Iconic BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER Character ... by GeekTyrant
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kpopcotton · 5 years ago
Simply Soft ~ NCT 127 ver.
a/n ~ here is the final version of simply soft.. i hope you like it!!
• Prompt: johnny. just johnny. • Genre: platonic fluff, bullet point scenario, nct member!reader  • Warning(s): strong desire to be a part of nct • Reader Gender: gender-neutral
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ok google, what does soft mean?
never have you seen taeil so whipped for someone
always supporting you and looking at you with the biggest heart eyes
haechan pretends to get jealous and petty whenever taeil shows you more attention than him
you have competitions sometimes
but besides that,
you show taeil so much love and he has so much to give in return
he’s not the best at expressing his love, but you know he cares through the little things
like when he cleans up after you 
or gives you firm hugs that last tens of minutes at a time when you aren’t feeling the best
or lets you rest in his bed if you fall asleep during the haechan movie nights you crash
he finds you so precious and never wants to see you sad
his favorite time to hang out with you is right after the two of you get home from a busy day
doesn’t matter what you both did, he’ll make sure to find you at the dorms
most of the time he just gives you the look which means he’s picked out some snacks and is ready when you are
to him, there is nothing better than taking a shower and then inviting you to put on face masks and dance to music
lets you pick the playlist
but, he’s very picky about what kind of music it is
either gives you one of his hoodies or steals one of yours
you both get comfy clothes on
and then apply skincare before picking a face mask and putting them on each other
lots of cute selfies that will never be shared but always treasured
in conclusion, taeil loves relaxing with you
“oh! oh, this is the song! quick, come dance!”
are you ready for another...
johnny’s communication center?
probably not
you’ve only gotten to appear in one of johnny’s youtube videos which was like a 40-second debut
rip y/n
however, contrary to popular belief, you do spend time with him
he’s like the best big brother in the world, even if he’s younger than you
brings you to clothing stores, coffee shops, bookstores, ikea
any place you can buy things really
his favorite places to go with you are clothing stores
forces you to try on clothes that are in his style just to see how they look on you
whines when you try to get him to wear your style of clothing
says your fashion sense is terrible and sad
but wears the clothes anyway to see your reaction
loves seeing you smile
sometimes you go through johnny’s fashion evaluation
either horrendous combinations or luxury styles
there is no in-between
in the case of horrendous combinations (which happened at a thrift store in chicago):
he had you put on a sparkly rainbow bikini top that left little to the imagination, khakis, a lumberjack flannel around your neck, a bandana around your head, sunglasses that had to be at the tip of your nose, and thigh-high, high heeled boots
you had never felt more out of place and uncomfortable in your life
but johnny loved it every second of it
you made sure to get him back though
you gave him a neon blue lacy bralette, a puke green and brown sweater that you forced him to tie into a crop top, jean shorts that were too short with leggings underneath, knee-high socks with laces pulled over the leggings, and strappy sandals
he pretended to model the outfit for you confidently but his bright red neck and cheeks gave it away that he was embarrassed
in the case of luxury items (which was in some uptown, expensive store in japan):
johnny somehow managed to pick out an outfit that accentuated all of your best features with a color that made you feel confident and sexy
you felt you had never looked better
you returned the favor of course and gave him a suit that was definitely a perfect fit and it was obviously red because when does johnny not look good in red
“damn, y/n, look at us! we are the visuals of nct no doubt!”
never have you seen a more confusing duo in kpop history
aeygo to the maxxxx
charisma to that maxxxx
it’s like a metronome how fast you two change when you’re together
the power.
neither soft stans nor hard stans can handle it
the twitter timeline is a dangerous place
fans could be cooing at you both and having heart pains while commenting about how babie you two are
but then die because the next picture is you in all black with a harness doing a questionably 18+ pose with taeyong who’s probably got his signature crop top on
n e ways, let us move on
taeyong adores you so much and it honestly makes him so flustered when you spend time with him
he loves, loves, loves when you take him out
he doesn’t leave the dorm much unless it’s for work
invite him to join you anywhere and he’ll instantly agree with so much enthusiasm, it’ll make you want to give him the world (though he deserves it)
he enjoys the little things
like walking down the street and bumping shoulders every so often while you guys talk about your days
or holding hands while crossing the street to make sure the other is safe
if you go somewhere to eat and offer a bite to him, he’ll melt
do anything for him and he’ll melt, really
one time you held the door for him and he had heart eyes the rest of the night
another time, you complimented his taste in fashion while you took a few pictures of him for instagram and he couldn’t stop smiling
how can he be so precious?
always tries to impress you with a surprise while you are out
he might spoil his new solo track or pay for a meal if you stop anywhere to eat, but that’s when he’s feeling extra
one time he surprised you with a tight hug and a genuine thank you that actually made you cry
“baby, please... spend some time.. with me?”
you and yuta are like two peas in a pod
like peanut butter and jelly
like strawberries and chocolate
like french fries and burgers
like fish and chips
sorry, i’ll stop with food pairs im kinda hungry right now
anyways, you get it
yuta feels lost when you aren’t around. you are his best friend, his other half (winwin who?)
yuta without you just feels... wrong
nct’s instragram is full of the pictures you guys take when you go on adventures together, which is very often
it’s his favorite thing to do with you; traveling and exploring
you pull up a map on your phone and go buck wild
you’ve both found some pretty cool places and some amazing views
you found a hidden cove somewhere off the coast in california but you guys got in trouble later that day because no one could find you
turns out you guys had wandered a lot farther than you thought
the pictures you showed the group made up for it
they were gorgeous candids of the both of you, laughing and smiling together
one was a timed one where you were both jumping
all of these photos and videos were posted to instagram which made a lot of people happy just to see yuta and you so happy in your elements
sometimes, you guys force mark to join you which takes some convincing because you two are always trouble 
mark wouldn’t admit it in a million years, but those moments he shares with the two of you are where he has the most fun
he never knew two people could love each other platonically as much as the two of you do
however, he wants to barf whenever you guys call each other sappy pet names because, ew, third wheeling
“where should we go today, honey?”
my birthday twin, let’s get it
how do i even begin to explain how much this boy cares?
you are the third member on his “favorite member” list
now, don’t get petty when he says you’re third
the story of how you got demoted from first is a bit funny in hindsight, jeno (who’s in first) takes the liberty of making fun of you for it whenever you hang out
jungwoo (who owns second) always tries to stand up for you though
you were messing around with taeyong on top of a set-piece while shooting a music video
doyoung had scolded you and told you to stop or else you would get hurt
you decided to laugh off his warning because you “weren’t that clumsy” 
turns out you were
taeyong did something cool (when does he not?) and you wanted to try it, so after he told you how to do it a few times, you did
you fell
not very far, only a couple feet, but you landed on your back
the sound was so loud that it startled everyone
doyoung had a heart attack
he thought you died
you had the wind knocked out of you and your back was a little sore, but other than that you were fine
at least ten people swarmed you
including taeyong who was apologizing like crazy
doyoung was right there, lifting you up and already giving you an earful about how he told you to be cautious
once people were sure you were fine and didn’t have a concussion, they left you alone
doyoung doesn’t like much physical affection, but he’ll put that aside to smother you against his chest and harshly reprimand you
he’s a mom friend and will always be
will never tell you, but he prizes the moments when you get sick or hurt
sounds sadistic, and maybe it is, but he loves when you are a helpless baby and he has to take care of you
always scolding you for compromising your health, but doesn’t stop pampering you
tells the other members off when they try to help him
makes you soup when you are sick and gets you anything you ask for without complaint
if you get hurt, he’s right there with some form of first aid
and since i know you’re wondering: yes, he will cuddle you if you ask.
“come to me when you need help, you dumb baby.”
jung jaehyun is the definition of boyfriend material
when you two get together, the aesthetic blogs pale in comparison
everything the two of you do together is an aesthetic, really
golden hour selfies on rooftops where your skin glows and your eyes look the most beautiful
candids on the streets of the city where you're illuminated by the street signs
coffee shop pictures where you look so perfectly in your element sipping coffee and looking out the window
snapshots of “date nights” where you stay in to watch movies or kdramas with popcorn, candy, and a bottle of wine
couple’s outfits where you pose like models while someone takes your photo
you guys do it all
honestly, the biggest ship in all of nct is you and jaehyun
fanfiction writers are jealous no doubt because how the hell can the two of you live out their writings so flawlessly
some people use the pictures the two of you take as templates for their mood boards or “nct as boyfriends” projects
you both probably started a vlog series on the nct youtube account
however, the time you guys spend together is strictly platonic, no matter how badly people want you two to “just date”
neither of you tries anything romantic because blegh, disgusting, i’ve known this person for so long they are literally my best friend, my sibling, a family member i’ve never had but always wanted
sure, jaehyun’s ears turn red whenever you guys dress up in similar outfits but it’s because of people’s reactions
if you see a picture with jaehyun shy next to you, it’s probably because johnny is screaming behind the scenes about how good the two of you look
speaking of johnny, he’s the hype man
also, sort of, maybe, kinda the reason you guys do so much aesthetic stuff
he says you guys are too good looking not to “bless the world with your visuals”
to sum this up, jaehyun treasures you and does the most with you
“what are you wearing today? we should match since it’s our friend-iversary!”
see wayv ver.
i love him with all my heart and i really miss him right now
it’s real soft hours up in here
not a single moment where you aren’t giving each other all the love you can muster
big comfy sweaters with sweater paws
love confessions every hour
always telling you he loves you and that you are his
treats you like royalty while also babying you into next week
he’s honestly the sweetest person on the planet and he can’t handle himself around you because dang, you really be out here existing and stuff
looking that good
since he’s so affectionate, i see him cuddling you like there’s no tomorrow
will build a pillow fort for you
honestly, he will do anything for you as long as you say please
not afraid to kiss you either. don’t matter where or when, he’s ready
some would say it’s his favorite thing to do
your cheek looking extra squishy that day? his lips have claimed that territory
your forehead exposed? kiss.
your neck easily accessible? smooch.
your hand in his? peck.
your lips in a pout? he better hold himself back because he’s about ready to risk it all just to give you a kith
the other members try not to seem too surprised every time you accept his lips on your skin
they freak out whenever it happens to them, or get super flustered
they don’t know how you handle his affection so well
you say it’s a talent when they ask you
a.k.a. you treasure all the affection he gives you because he is literally the best boy and you would die for him
he worships you on the daily (lucky)
he says his heart beats irregularly whenever you are around because he loves you that much
it was actually scientifically proven during a tv show when you had to make other members’ heart rates fluctuate with aegyo
you hadn’t started doing anything yet, but just by looking at you his heart did a boom boom and everyone freaked out
holds the title of the member with the best hair second-biggest ship in all of nct and of course, it’s with you
fans have so many videos of jungwoo hanging off of you and being clingy
always talking about you like you put the stars in the sky
you know that video when jungwoo was giving mark “the look”? it’s like that with you but at least ten times worse and all the time because you are his baby, his world, his favorite member
always has to comment about what you two did that day
never ever forgets to talk about how much he cares about you
“yeah, y/n and i are close. i love them with all my heart. they are perfect!”
see dreamies ver
see dreamies ver
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wavbleu · 4 years ago
Jordan powell: Ransom
I hovered over her unconscious body, she was sleeping so ever peacefully, how sad. I smirked and bent down to her head, i put a strand of her hair behind her ear, "Maybe if your good enough for me i wont have to mess up this stupid hot face of yours." She breathed lightly and smiled, i flinched thinking she was gonna wake up and see me.
"Your not a very heavy sleeper are you." I whispered and smiled evilly , "Welp, thank god i have this." I pulled out a towel with 'sleepy juice' in it and placed it over her mouth. She woke up in a panic with widening eyes from the fumes, she fought hard to try and get away from me.
Her kicks and muffled screams fell to a halt about a minute later, " How weak, i haven't lifted in a year i cant even lift a stick." I groaned in disgust.
I placed a letter on the nightstand to let the parents know exactly what i want, it read..
"hey sons of bitches, i got your slut faced daughter and im thinking about tying her up and using her, want her back? Give me 200,000 and if you don't give it to me by friday she will become my personal sex slave."
I picked up her limp body , she flopped around as if she was some sort of useless ragdoll. I threw her body out of the window and she landed with a loud thump, i looked down to check if she was still in one piece, she was caught inside of a bush. I carefully stepped out of the window, careful not to make much noice.
I picked up her body with was now covered in dry leaves and dirt,  I walked over to my truck feeling accomplished, Ive done it!
I threw the slut into the back seat and shut the door, i walked to my side and hopped in, i put the jingly keys in the cognition and boom! We're on a go!
The drive was silent and boring, i wish i could wake her up and hear her cute screams of absolute terror, but even that would get boring after awhile.
I drove into a deep dark forest area, home. I giggled as i finally have a new playtoy to play with, this is amazing.
I pulled up into a drive way, its my ex girlfriends fancy private home. But i killed her and her whole family after she cheated on me so i guess its mines now.
I put the car and park and got out, going to retrieve the girls body. I stood surprised when i opened the door? Shes up and conscious? She looked at me with those puppy eyes full of tears, she looked like a dear in front of headlights. I couldn't resist not busting out an "Aww".
"Thats not gonna keep you from being held hostage."
I grabbed her light body as she struggled to fight back, even though all of her limbs are tied up and restrained.
I got into my house and took her into my cold and gray basement, i threw her down in a chair then tied her down to it.
I took off the duct tape that was keeping her from making excessive noise, when i took it off she had alot to say. "Where am i? who are you? what do you want from me? Wheres my pa-" She rambled but i stopped her "Shut up you dumb fuck, your gonna talk my ears off."
"Im gonna hold you hostage for a bit until your mommy and daddy give me what i fucking want." ," Im not gonna hurt you unless you act up." I say lifting her chin up and rubbing her bottom lip, "I really don't want to mess up this beautiful face of yours."
I slowly stroked through her silky hair and smiled, "You pussy let me go my uncle is a cop!" The stupid girl spat on my face and started wiggling uncontrollably, as if that would get her out. I took a grip of her hair and yanked it back, making her head snap back in reaction. "Oh slut, i can kill your uncle too."
I took my knife out and dragged it across her bare thigh, gradually getting deeper drawing some blood. I licked the blood off her thigh seductively.
"Don't you wanna stay and have fun with me?"  I smiled as if it was first grade picture day, "If you dont like me, lets see if this guy likes me then." I slid my hand up her thigh then i inserted my hand into her lace pink shorts. She gasped as i felt her down there.
"Your wet as fuck?", her cute little face became red in embarrassment.
"You love that fact that you got kidnapped by a hot dude don't you? You dirty little whore." I say with a disgusted tone of voice. "What am i suppose to do about this huh? Fuck you?" I whisper, i pulled my fingers from out of her pants and licked the juices off, she tasted sweet.
"Uh.." She muttered and looked down, biting the skin off her lips.
"Beg for it, beg for me to fuck the shit out of you." I demand, silence. "Its fine you aren't worthy of my cock anyways." I scoff, "Fucking me is a privilege "
I walk towards the door and right before i twisted the knob to open i heard a small "Wait.." I stopped in my tracks and turned back to her strapped down body.
She began begging for me like the worthless mut she is, I walked over to her with the cheesiest smile plastered on my face. "Your lucky i like filthy whores like you."
I grabbed a fist of her hair and yanked her hair back, making her head jerk backwards in reaction. "Say ah." She opened up that slutty little mouth and i took the chance to spit in it.
I french kissed her lips while untying her exchanging spits and groans was all that was happening. Just to make sure she wouldn't pull anything like running away I knocked her out cold, I picked up her once again unconscious body and put her on the floor. I stripped her until she was ass cheek naked, perfect for me to use.
I tied her wrists behind her back and tied her knees together, i arched her back up into the doggy position. The beautiful view of her ass and dripping wet pussy made me want to dump a even bigger load in her.
I unbuckled my belt and slid off my pants, eager to use my new fuck toy. I took my belt and took a whip at her left cheek,then her right, then her left, then her right, then her left again. That time i heard a whimper come from her, shes conscious again yayy. "Aww baby your ass is already so bruised.." I rubbed her jiggly ass cheek softly, then took another whip at her right cheek.
"Ah!" she squealed in pain.
I grabbed my cock and rubbed it so ever softly against her entrance and rubbed her clit with it, she moaned softly, jerking and bouncing her hips back trying to slide it in herself. I slapped her ass making her stop, "You need to wait until im done."  I snapped.
"Please put it in.."  She begged impatiently, i couldn't resist her cute cries so I roughly slid in, not really caring how much it hurt her. I grabbed her ass and started to use her as if she was a useless flesh-light.
She was screaming in pain but i don't really know about pleasure, but i could honestly care less if it was pleasurable for her. I fucked her so hard in the cunt that she came after 10 rough strokes, "Pathetic" I would say in response.
I overstimulated her so much to a point where she was almost in tears, fucking her g-spot while rubbing her clit. "Poor babygirl, you cant stop cumming can you?" I chuckle continuing to use her carelessly.
Pounding her and hearing her scream was the highlight of this year, her pussy clenched so tight around me, it was like a warm hug. "Such a tight fucking pussy" I moaned as i continued fucking and overstimulating her.
Her legs were shaking uncontrollably and her toes couldn't uncurl itself, it was to much pleasure for her to take.
I felt myself come to a climax, I began pounding deeper, my groans and growls became louder and deeper, "Im gonna put my fucking kids in you, you dirty fucking whore." I muttered under my breath "Useless cumbucket" I pillow talked and slapped her ass turning it red.
After a few more stroke I blew a major load in her cunt, filling her up, she moaned with satisfaction on how she pleased her master.
I grabbed a fist of her hair and pulled it back, i whisped into her ear  "Your lucky i even came in her worthless cunt, she better appreciate and glorify this day for the rest of her fucking life."  I push her back down.
I pulled out and cleaned myself off and kindly, cleaned her off aswell. (Only so she can be ready for her next use)
I pulled my pants up and walked out of the basement satisfied.
Authors notes: this bitch got stockholm syndrome omm
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heanv · 5 years ago
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Indie Film Lovers | Yuta
genre: enemy to lovers!au, chefs!au,soft
warnings: none
word count: 1.5k
requested by: @exoczn
song: indie film lovers by lyss & kerri
You felt overwhelmed by all the stress caused by work and all the customers and the whole staff which most of them generaly suck at doing their one job.Almost no one had any desire to do their job properly and all of that you had to manage all by your own. And tonight was no different.
“Chef, Kim burned all the pork for the phо.What are we supposed to do now?” one of the only sensible employee of yours,Mina complained about her grumpy co-worker Kim Doyoung.
“Tell him to start preparing to finish all the phо by himself and about the meat - tell him to be careful because it may be his last meat he will ever cook in this kitchen.”
You were looking at the finished meals,trying to see if there were any mistakes.
“Xiaojun!Come here.Now.”
You could see the fear in his eyes.He was still new in here.
“Did you make these desserts?” you pointed at the beautifully made plates.The boy nodded.
“They look really god and the aroma coming out of them is really rich and mouth-watering and so im sure their taste is great as well. Well done!” you turned to him.
“Thanks,Chef.I really apreciate that.”
“You are welcome,now go back to work” you intructed him.
“Yes,Chef” he bowed and left.
There were tons of people in your restaurant and it was really nerve-wracking to guide a whole staff, half of them them useless and you were just so tired. Lately, the only thing you did was work.Work,work,work. You do not remember the last time you watched a whole film or went somewhere outside the town just to relax.You didn’t even have time to eat properly.
At first the idea of opening your own restaurant seemed like a dream to you and after you did it you did not hesitate for a moment if this is what you really wantedz . Starting off was hard enough but “lucky” for you another new restaurant opened the same time as you opened yours, and it is owned by a particular person you don’t like at all -Nakamoto Yuta.
You both we in the same cooking school and at first you guys got along but as the time passed the rivalry you both prevailed and in the end it turned to hate. So now you two were the biggest competitors in this city. You’ve never been to his restaurant and it’s not like you wanted to but you were always questioning yourself if his cuisine was better than yours or if the restaurant was prettier than yours, and little did you know he was asking himself the same.
After your restaurant by closed for that day, you went home and passed out in your bed,but not for long. You couldn’t sleep due to all the stress and hunger you were experiencing. So you got up and decided to got to the nearby 24h supermarket to eat something. It was nearly 3am. You greeter the cashier and started thinking what to eat when you found in front of dozens of instant ramen. You haven’t eaten these for years. In the cooking academy you had to cook some fancy ramen you couldn’t buy from that kind of stores. Anyways yoy decided to buy some ramen and eat it in the store.You took everything you needed and went to the check out and bought them. As you sat down to eat, someone else entered the store.You couldn’t quite see who it was but it’s not like you cared anyways.
“Well,well have you seen a 5-star restaurant chef eat ramen alone at 3am “ a cocky voice reached out to you.
/I never expected you to come around/
What a nice surprise,Nakamoto Yuta! Brilliant!
“Hello,Yuta.As we can all see you are not so different.” He was holding exactly the same type of ramen plus some other snacks
“Fair enough” he made a place for himself at your table. “Soo?”
“So what?” you spit,not looking at him.
“Whoa,dont be so rude ma’am.”
/But you came in and you swept me off my feet/
“I am not even trying”
“Okay, so i’ll talk first”
“You already did.”
“Damn, you really aint in a mood”
“Yeah,thanks to you” you continue eating your ramen.
“Why are you like this? What did I ever do you?We used to be friends.”
/When we’re together it feels like a movie scene,Like indie film lovers/
Thats true.You really used to be friends with Yuta. You were actually really close friends and you expected after graduating uni you both will continue to be friends with him. You remembered how you to became friends because a teacher peared you both to make french macarons and actually yours macarons were the best of the whole class and after that you two were inseparable - you cooked together , you studied together,hung out together until one day you realised you were in love with him. And since that day you couldn’t face him, you didn’t want to tell him and you just decided to ignore him.So you slowly stopped talking to him and temporary achieved to distance yourself from him.Gradually the friendship turned into just waving to each other which later turned into a rivalry and since then until today nothings has changed.Neither your attitude towards him, nor his ignorance towards you.After you deiced to distance yourself he didn’t what was going on and he couldn’t stop questioning himself and blaming himself that you guys are not friends anymore just by the time he wanted to confess his feelings to you which never happened.
“As you said we “used to” but we are not anymore” you stole a quick glance towards him.
/Let’s go from a to z, tell me what you feel for me/
“Yeah but why? Why are we not friends anymore?What happened ,Y/N?” the look in his eyes was so pure yet so sad and you couldn’t help but blame yourself for his pain because in fact it was your fault.
This is what fear causes - it ruins friendships.You deeply regreted your desicion every single day but it was for the best - at least thats what you thought.
“I dont know Yuta, its already been years, we should forget about it” you looked down,ashamed.
/We’ll color everything,Don’t forget the in between/
“No,Y/n,we shouldn’t.I want us to be friends,at least.”
at least? what is this supposed to mean? what you two could possibly be more than friends...oh. does this mean he had felt the same as you? was this possible?
you took a breath in, a very deep breath. you felt as if you couldnt utter the next few words but if you did, the pressure in your chest that has been there for so long will finally be gone.
/I didn’t know it would be this easy to turn my frown,Upside down/
“Yuta, do you know the reason I stopped talking to you in the uni?”
“No, but I would like to know”
you took a deep breath once again.
“I liked you, like a lot”
dead silence came in. you felt your heart ache and your stomach go crazy.Yuta looked at you with widened eyes.
/Like indie film lovers/
“Are you kidding me? You stopped talking to me because you liked me?! Y/N are you out of your damn mind?!”
/We’ll color everything,It’s only you and me/
you felt bad,really bad. you felt that its finally gonna be over,like you’d tell yuta you liked him he’d laugh, he’d leave and everything would be okay.
silence filled the already heave air again.
“I-i dont know what to say, I am sorry” you mumbled.
/I am little more than a whisper,A cool breeze/
yuta looked at you and his eyes softened.
“Y/n I’ve loved you since the day i met you”
what...the...actual...hell? did he just say that? nakamoto yuta just told you he have loved you for years? freaking nakamoto yuta - the best japanese chef in korea,oh my god.
“w-what?” you barely kept your smile from coming out.
“yes,y/n, i have been trying to tell you for so long and in uni when we were friends i really fell so hard for you and i was so ready to tell you and i couldn’t wait to graduate and to open our very own restaurant, y/n I still love you.”
you felt your ye eyes watering,and your smile taking over your face. you couldn’t describe what you were feeling -it was truly an euphoria.
“I still love you too you know”
“ I hoped so!” he stood up and hugged you tightly.” do you want to start over?”
“okay so hey beautiful lady,whose name I definetely do not know.”
“its a pleasure to meet you, you unknown handsome man, my name is y/n y/l/n”
“what a beautiful name! nakamoto yuta is my name,pleasure to meet you too”
you both laughed and looked deeply at each others eyes.
“i like you,yuta,i really do”
“ i like you so much too y/n, you are the one i’ve been waiting for my whole life.”
/I never expected you to come around,I didn’t know it would be this easy to turn my frown,Upside down/
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wildestschemmentis · 5 years ago
They are all at Noonan’s having a coffee and the subject is Andrea, of course, and her last shenanigans at Cat Co. Lena is already tired of hearing about her ex-girlfriend already,
‘‘She was always like this, you know?’‘ She says, looking at Nia and Nia smiles. ‘‘I do remember when she put fire on one of my shirts in boarding school.’‘
‘‘Why on earth would she do that?’‘ Alex asks, while her arms are around Kelly’s shoulder.
‘‘Well...’‘ Lena takes a breathe and this is not that much of a big deal. Not with this group of people, but the thing is: she still doesnt know how to label herself. Maybe she never will. She has her mother to blame for this. ‘‘We had an affair.’‘
‘‘An affair?’‘ Brainy is confused and Nia stops in the middle of drinking her milkshake. 
‘‘Holy shit, you dated a Milf?’‘
‘‘Nia. She is my age, and i am not a milf’‘ Kelly reminds them and as always, she is calm. Alex, on the other hand, has a crinkle in her face - one Lena knows very well now, because it’s the same has her little-not-so-little-anymore sister. 
‘‘Back there, she wasn’t a milf, Nia.’’ Lena laughs. ‘‘And neither was i, for that matter.’‘
‘‘I’m sorry since when you are...’‘ Alex starts but then the door opens, revealing Kara herself and Alex suddenly purses her mouth.
‘‘Yo, i’m starving’‘. Kara says in an oblivious tone. ‘‘Andrea is being a pain in my ass today.’‘
‘‘How ironic.’’ Alex snorts and Kelly slaps her arm. Lena quirkys an eyebrown and purses her mouth as well.
‘‘Why is it ironic that she is the b word?’‘ The blond askes in that confused tone Lena has learned to love and eat french fries from Nia’s plate. Without even think, Kara choosed to sit next to Lena and her arms are on display again. Why on EARTH she decided to wear dresses more often?
‘‘We were just talking about Andrea and Lena being romantic in that private school the future doesnt have anymore’‘ Brainy says and Lena wants to hide for some reason she doesnt know yet. She doesnt blame him, anyway. He was fast-forward like that.
Kara laughs. And its scary because it’s ironic. A sound nobody hears from her. 
‘‘I thought i heard you saying something else, Brainy. Could you repeat it?’‘
Alex snorts. And Kelly, once again, slaps her arm, Kara looks at Lena and Lena crosses her arms in her chest.
‘‘He’s right. We had something of the sorts.’‘ Lena looks at Kara and she is looking at Nia’s plate. She is very aware that the other pairings in the table are waiting for something, but Kara just gulps and grabs another frie.
‘’Oh...okay.’‘ She smiles but Lena has been her best friend for four years now. She knows her favorite super-hero is faking. ‘‘She is very pretty and regal, i guess?’’ Kara shrugs and forgets she is hungry, apparently, because she is getting up again.
‘‘Where u going, sis?’‘ Alex asks and is looking at the blond with a strange but familiar sadness in her eyes. 
‘‘I mean, i do have to finish paperwork at Cat Co. Just wanted to see all of you. I’ll catch up later, after i do my rounds.’‘ Everyone says their goodbyes and Lena still feels strange.
Later, that day, she runs into Kara grabing some dinner to eat. She bites her lips at the sight of the blond talking to a kid and when he leaves, Kara sees her. She smiles and approaches.
‘‘Hey, you.’‘ The super-hero says and things are still awkward. 
‘‘Hey, yourself’‘ Lena fire backs and waits. She knows Kara wants to say something about her boarding school extravaganza with Rojas. Kara always has a opinion. ‘’Are you okay?’’ Lena tries.
‘‘I am.’‘ Kara is honest this time. ‘‘And you?’‘ 
‘‘Just fine but sorry you are having a hard time at Cat Co’‘ It’s everything she is able to say.
‘‘Was she always like this?’‘ Kara has sadness in her voice. And Lena blinks.
‘‘Yeah. She’s edgy like that. But dont worry, as long and she doesnt set one of your shirts on fire its okay.’‘
Kara rolls her eyes and she isnt able to hide how she feels this time.
‘‘Really, Lena? Her of all people?’‘ The blond let’s escape and looks funny at Lena.
‘’Oh, stop it. It was a long time ago. And now its just bussiness.’‘ Lena says and why, again, is she explaining herself? 
‘‘Im sorry, i wasnt trying to control you.’‘ The sincerity in Kara’s voice reminds Lena of why she was explaining it. 
‘‘You would never do such a thing, that i know for sure. You are not Andrea’‘ Lena’s hand are now patting Kara in her arms. ‘‘You should go. Eat something. Lord knows those french fries were a kid’s plate for you.
‘‘I am starving, you know. We could...’‘ Kara tries and Lena encourages her with an eyebrown.
‘‘We could. Let me order something and we will be ready to go.’‘
‘‘Sure thing’‘ Kara says and just waits. As chivarlous as ever, she even opens the door for Lena and Lena laughs at a stupid joke she makes. 
By the time they are at Kara’s apartment, eating and trying to get back on their feet and Kara has that crinkle in her eye whenever she steals a look from Lena when she thinks Lena is not looking, the CEO is sure of something: she is, indeed, very glad that Kara isnt like Andrea.
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ahgazens · 6 years ago
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Summery: You've always been shy and quite not much of a party goer but one day your friends convinced you enough to attend a girls night out involving clubs skimpy dresses and Very dangerous drinks.
Warnings: rough sex, hair pulling ,man handling ,choking ,semi public sex,fingering,oral sex (m) receiving.
Genre: Smuttttttttt / fluffy / angst if you squint super hard.
Word count :2683
Y/n that party was so wicked last night, it would have been even cooler if you'd get the hell out sometimes. Your friend Tina says while going on all about some gross college frat boy infested party where girls literally wear nothing and the boys have no since of control over their hormones its pathetic and nothing you'd ever attend. "Oh yeah sure, having my face half sucked off by some pubescent manchild is exciting." you say while finishing up the dishes since it was Tuesday and Tuesdays where your days of chores. "Omg whatever y/n you know you need to get laid i'm honestly surprised your not a virgin how the hell did  you lose your v card anyways?" she says walking towards the fridge to get a drink. Your breath hitches as you pat your cheeks glaring at her "Honestly that's none of your business!, and besides it happen to be a long time ago so just let it go." Fine whatever you say y/n but Kayla invited me out to girls night I told her i'd ask you just to make her happy but I know our answer already . She says her shoulders slumped and headed towards the couch. You honestly didn't mind going out its just what kind of event it was and who might be around is what made you uncertain. "Fine okay ?? I'll go to whatever this is ! but if you try that shit you pulled last time with those 2 french guys i'm never hanging out with you every again !" you say turning around drying the dishes and smirking at your friends crazy victory antics.
Y/n there is not way i'm letting you go to the club in a Plaid long sleeve button up and bell bottom jeans with a DEAN hat have you lost your damn mind??? Hey I agreed going not going and wearing something that's going to have my ass hanging out for everyone to see! Now are you read to go or not? For fuck sakes y/n throw this on PLEASE for the love of god! Tina says flinging some black material in your face. Grabbing a hold of it you inspect it half heartedly already not feeling it at all . "Tina this look like a lion mulled a person wearing this and someone found it and called it fashion HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO WEAR THIS? there is nothing covering my freaking vagina for crying out loud ! "Y/N you do realize that's the point ! just try the damned thing on so we can get the hell out of here.  After trying it on and exiting the house after the many praises Your annoying friend threw your way you start to second guess yourself not only because your feeling air hit places they shouldn't be but because you cant possibly move around in such tight scantly clad attire its impossible. You eventually to make it to the club 4 blocks down seeing Kayla an her clique of friends waiting beside the bouncer,apparently she knows people and gets in freely. "Holy shit y/n you actually came ??? she says looking at you wide eyed checking you from head to toe. "Not only did you come you came HOT ! rolling your eyes you squeeze the faux fur jacket around you tighter can we go inside now its like cold as a witches titty out here and these 5 inch heels aren't helping. " Alright girls lets go , Kayla says squealing in delight as you all enter the club.
Two hours into your time in the club you managed to survive the heat bouncing off drunk couples and strange men whispering what they'd do to have you for the night, That is.. until HIM HIM dressed like he owns the world HIM coming straight towards you with a drink in his hand a smirk on his face .. WAIT he is coming towards me ! omg omg omg Turing away slowly you pretend to be sipping on your martini, until you feel a hand press against your lower back and soft words in your left ear "  I could not stand not coming over here and ask why such a beautiful girl like yourself is sitting here alone. " He says sultry, Turning your head to the side you realize how close he is to you when his lips brushes your cheeks, flinching backwards you blush until your as red as a tomato. "I'm not exactly alone if you must know, i'm actually here with friends. He looks around "They don't seem much like friends if they left you here to warm this bar stool sweetheart." Yeah tell me about you say rolling your eyes taking a sip of your drink. "May I ask your name? he says taking a seat beside you. "Y/n b-but you can call me riri my nickname for short. Yeppeun he says more to himself than towards you. tilting your head you wonder what langues he speaks other than English. grabbing your hand he lifts your hand to his mouth placing a lasting kiss upon your hand without losing eye contact, Im Taek-woon  and I also have an nickname its Leo you can call me that, he smiles . Well its nice to meet you Leo you say smiling up at him. Care to join me for a dance , he ask gesturing towards the sea of sweaty bodies dancing against each other to the thumping ear deafening music . "I'm not much of a dancer I'll embarrass myself." you say in all honesty "That's okay because i'm an dancer ill help you , he says taking your hand leading you towards the dance floor.
Once on the dance floor he twirls you around so that your back is against his chest and his hands are firmly on your hips. "Now sway your body to the music let it take you in" he whispers against your ears grinding against you. Closing your eyes you try to focus on the music but the way he is holding you and the way his cologne and aftershave is mixing you cant breathe properly. You think to yourself "Fuck i'm so needy right now all it took for me to be touched by some handsome stranger for me to become a needy slut."  the music changed to a sultry tempo causing your bodies to rub against each other in  ways you wouldn't think of doing in public "You know your really fucking sexy in this flimsy dress you have on i'm kind of angry your letting this body be shown to other prying eyes y/n  . "Your upset ? for what reason we aren't dating I don't belong to you. As you push your ass back grinding against him feeling his cock harden within his pants. "Y/n you don't want to start anything you can't live up to" he says grabbing your hips roughly spinning you around to face him. "And who say I wouldn't be able to live up to it huh? Grabbing his shirt you lean forward to place a teasing kiss on the conner of his mouth . He smirks  landing a warning spank against your ass causing you to gasp as he grasp a hand full of the soft flesh "I want your pretty little ass in that filthy bathroom so I can fuck you like the filthy little slut you are." whimpering you rub your thighs together maybe its the alcohol but you never give in to such antics either way its to late to say no cause your practically dripping . rushing through the sea of bodies you wait for him in the single person stall checking up on your makeup in the mirror. You hear the door open and close and lock . Turning around you lean against the sink. "Well Mr Leo what are you wai-" your taunt cut off buy his punishing kiss of teeth and tongue he grabs you by the neck holding you against the sink placing his hand between your legs rubbing against your dripping cunt roughly. "MGFH ! fuckk more please you beg " You think this dirty little pussy deserves more? He says pinching your clit through your panties "After teasing me all night in this slutty dress having all those men eye whats rightfully mine!" he practically growls pulling you panties to the side, adding pressure to the hand around your throat . "Beg  slut tell me what this greedy pussy wants." kissing your neck rubbing your seeping hole teasingly, "L-leo please I need your fingers! Something please just touch my needy pussy I need you to fuck me! " you whine to him "Good girl " he slips in two finger knuckle deep not waiting for you to adjust  to the stretch he pounds his fingers into you rubbing against your rough patch of nerves causing your head to knock against the mirror and your toes to curl. "Oooh my god Fuckk ." rolling your hips against his hand chasing your high "Yeah that's it riri fuck my hand until your pussy cums."
As your walls beginning to spasm he slips his fingers out and slaps your pussy causing you cry out in pain , closing your legs shut you glare at him ready to tell him off before he shoves his fingers into your mouth coated with your essence moaning you close your eyes "The only way your cumming is with my cock inside of you understand?" Now get on the floor and suck my cock like the dirty slut you are, show me how much you want my cock inside of you.  lowering yourself onto the floor you look up at him with dilated eyes ready to see how big his cock really is, from the way it felt rubbing against you it was defiantly Big, reaching up to unbutton his pants you slide his pants to his knees groping him through his boxers  causing him to let out the sexiest noises you ever heard "Hurry riri I want to be inside your mouth now." Taking his cock out you stare in amazement. "holy shit  can cocks be beautiful ?"  you think to yourself . Taking his cock you open your mouth and lick against his slit causing a moan to slip past his lips "F-fuck riri sit on your hands now so i can fuck your mouth." Doing as he says you relax your jaw before he slips inside your mouth.
Taking your hair in both his hands he begins to rock his hips slipping in and out of your mouth. MM fuck riri your mouth feels so good wrapped around my cock like t-this, can you take more of me?" swirling your tongue and nodding your head you assure him you want more of his cock stuffed in your mouth. "Of course you can take more my cock, your such a cock slut aren't you baby girl." Not being able to talk you simply moan around his cock sending delicious vibrations through him causing him to tighten his grip on your hair "F-fuck if you keep sucking me like this i'm going to blow my load" slipping his cock from your mouth he helps you up sitting you against the counter "Spread your legs I want to see how wet this pretty little pussy is for me.", you do as told spreading your legs reaching down and spreading your folds for his eyes to drink in "Please fuck me Leo I need your cock in me so badly I want you stretch my pussy your pussy" Grabbing your hips he pulls you so that half your ass is off the counter ." Put my fucking cock in you then so I can fuck you and have you scream for the entire club to hear." reaching down you grasp his cock stroking him from base to tip  patting his cock against your entrance." Mmm fuckk l-leo your cock is so big is it going to fit in me?" Slipping his tip inside of you he pushes the rest into in one swift motion . "F-fuck Y/N why the hell are you so tight? Did I not stretch you enough  with my fingers?" wincing slightly from the stinging pain from the stretch of his hard cock you place your hand on his abdomen "Your so big.. just give me a second" nodding he leans forward capturing your lips with his own comforting you through the pain moving his his hips slowly. "Shit y/n you feel so fucking good wrapped around me like this, your so fucking sexy." kissing down your neck he nibbles against your throat leaving blooming purple bruises and begins to thrust fully into you hitting against your sweet spot almost  immediately "Oh my f-uh yes!" you moan breathlessly. rolling your hips with his incoming thrust he slips in deeper hitting placing within you you didn't know was there causing you to squeal and your toes to curl. "Look at your pussy gushing with my cock fucking into you." licking his thumb  he reaches down to rub your clit in number eight motions "Cum on my cock y/n i want you to milk my cock dry. " Moaning out loudly your legs begin to tremble feeling your walls spasm once again you squeeze your eyes shut allowing your high to wash over you in a wave of euphoria. "A-ah shit y/n your going to make me c-cum" "Please cum for me leo fuck me hard bruise my little pussy make it yours. "Grabbing your thighs harshly he begins to ram you against the sink with punishing thrusts "Fuck y/n I need you to cum again!" he says taking your hand and placing it against your clit."Rub your pussy for me I need it please" He whines ,You begin to rub your slit quickly moaning out in pain in pleasure form over-sensitivity "MM fuck y/n your pussy is so tight im going to c-cum!" one last rotaion of your fingers and the thrust from his cock has you jumping from the edge into a mind numbing orgasm pulsating around his cock until he's weak in the knees.  Pulling out he jerks himself to completion coating your slit in his cum. You both don't really know how long you were in that position but Leo was first to make a move grabbing a paper towel and cleaning you up.  You still with me he says with a teasing smirk on his lips? "Y-yes sorry it's just that I haven't came that hard in a while"  Helping you down from the counter he leans down kissing you softly. "Maybe we can do this again but after dinner? somewhere less dirty and more sanitary ?" smiling up at him I'd love to go to dinner with you.
After getting dressed and freshening up and  exchanging numbers  up you both head out the bathroom looking sheepish at the long line waiting outside the bathroom and angry grunts from the people your passing to get back into the club "I'll see you Saturday around 8-ish? " Leo says kissing your hand "8-ish  I promise" you smile walking away with a purposeful sway of your hips towards your friends that are staring at you with bulging  eyes . Your friend Tina was first to break the ice "Okay so did we just see you leave the bathroom with a super hot guy and did he just kiss your hand and why is their bruises on your neck??" gasping you cover your neck . "Holy SHIT! you got fucking laid in the club bathroom, Kayla shrieks ." Blushing you start to walk away not before you make eye contact with HIM . smiling you head towards the exit . "This club has to be selling something in the drinks because no way in hell y/n would fuck a stranger in a club bathroom " Tina says nudging kayla .. "that's one dangerous ass drink but hey at least one of got lucky"
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derped-ranter · 6 years ago
Allen x Reader
Hey @keyblade-loser im your secret santa! for the @dgmsecretsanta2018 I hope you like it, sorry if it feels rushed
The sound of the train fell on deaf ears as Allen, Lavi, Kanda and Lenalee were briefed on their mission. Kanda had forced his way to have his own separate room as per usual so Allen being the kind gentleman he is, invited the finder into the shared cart.
“What’s the use of having four exorcists? This mission can’t be all too hard, right?” Lavi leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms
“We have intel warning us that swarms of akuma are heading to the destination. There have been rumors of a noah possibly showing up but we’ve debunked them as they are-rumors” Devon, the finder, sighed. “We just want to be thorough with the mission” “I'm sure we didn’t need that bakanda coming with us” Allen grumbled a little, his elbow on the window sill. Lenalee frowned, looking at Devon “What is the place we’re going to anyway? Why are the akuma so interested in it?” “Well of course you may know there are signs of innocence at play. In fact it seems to have synched with the user without realizing it” Lavi flipped through the booklet he was given, taking in all the information he could
“The innocence user is a young royal who goes by the name (y/n) (l/n). (y/n) seems to be stuck in an infinite loop, similar to the miranda lotto case but rather than time rewinding, it’s the same event happening every night almost as if it never happened. Illusionary people go into the castle, along with normal high class people who don’t seem to understand what’s happening would join them for celebration. The only things that don’t seem to be an illusion are (y/n), (y/n)’s staff and the food and drinks the staff would prepare for any real guests that might come. You’re going to have to go in disguise as the parties always favor a masquerade. We aren’t entirely sure if (y/n) is completely aware that the same party just repeats itself except for the one fact that the next party that’s tonight will be christmas themed.”
“Holy shit. How long has this been going on for?”
“12 years. Ever since (y/n)’s parents died. One weak before (y/n)’s birthday”
 It was a long day for you. Your parents were dead, your birthday was forgotten and everyone seemed to only talk about your parents. It sucked. They hadn’t asked how you felt, just wondered when you would inherit all their money and prized possessions. The only one that cared about you was your personal servant/best friend (f/n). They were only a few years older than you but they understood. After comforting you with a blanket, stuffed animal and a pillow they left you alone to grieve. You hadn’t noticed until around midnight that they left a present on your dresser. You left everything on your bed, shoving your feet into your slippers and shuffling over to the dresser, grabbing the nicely wrapped gift. You flipped the card over to read it
‘Dear (y/n). I’m really sorry that everyone seemed to forget your birthday, even me. I’ve just been very busy keeping everything together and making sure you were ok. I don’t know if this is enough but this was passed down in my family and I find it really pretty so...happy birthday ~(f/n)’
Your brows furrowed as you read the card, setting it down and opening the box. It was a very intricate and ornate masquerade mask with (f/c) gems decorating it. In the middle of it was a sea green gemstone that glowed dully. You could practically feel the warmth the mask seemed to radiate.
‘Wear me’
Your face went confused. Did the mask just...talk to you?
‘If you wear me, I promise your troubles will melt away. You’ll be happy again. Forever.’
You hesitated, biting your lip before shaking your head and putting the mask on.
 Allen re adjusted his mask as he looked at the door. Lack stood to his left and Lenape at his right. Kanda refused to get dressed up in a disguise so he decided to stay behind, ready to jump in if any fighting started.
The orchestra was playing some nameless melody, the guests dancing with each other to the tune. Allen ran when he saw the giant buffet table covered in what seemed to be childish food. It had French fries, chicken nuggets, burgers, pizza-every child's dream buffet. Of course it also had seafood and more refined food for the older and mature guests but the majority stuck out like a sore thumb. While Allen was piling his plate with as much food as he could, you came up from behind him. You had a black suit on with a red shawl-like scarf tied on your waist. The suit was unbuttoned slightly, revealing a white and red striped button up underneath. Your hair was (f/s), going perfect with the suit. You smiled as you stole a French fry from the tray “hello”
Allen jumped a little, not expecting you to be there
“Oh hello-I’m sorry, am I in your way?” He quickly stepped out of his spot but moved back when you shook your head
“No. You just seem really hungry for such a small guy” you grinned, snickering a little
“Wha-hey! I’m not that small-I’m average.”
“It’s cute though.”
Allen blinked a few times “oh..Thankyou” he wasn’t sure whether or not to take the compliment until you held out your hand “I know you were just getting food but would you dance with me? Please?”
Allen was surprised again before nodding, setting his plate to the side “Yeah, sure” he smiled a little, taking your hand and leading you to the other dancers. The dancers noticed you two, specifically you though and quickly cleared the way for you, opening up in the middle.
Allen’s earpiece beeped in his ear before a voice came through “nice work mr walker, now try to convince them to come back with us to the order” it was Devon
Allen nodded, trying to not make it obvious and put a hand on your waist, his other hand still holding yours. Your free hand went to his shoulder and you both swayed to the music. Your grin turned to a soft smile and you leaned your head to rest on his shoulder, still swaying to the music. He was glad for the mask he was wearing or else his blush would be visible to everyone. He moved his hand so his arm could go around your waist, his fingers intertwining with your own. The song slowed to a stop and the crowd watching you both clapped and cheered for you. Allen pulled away from the dance, bowing and smiling.  You smiled back but before you could say anything, there was a loud explosion on the other side of the ball room.
 Some of the guests saw the slums, screaming and starting to run. Other guests didn’t really...see it? It was like it didn’t exist to them and they continued to dance to the still playing music
“Could I please have your name sir?” You said, taking Allen’s hand
“Uh-its...it’s Allen” he bit his lip, looking towards the akuma. It was only level one but it could still do some pretty harsh damage. Thankfully, lavi and Lenalee quickly acted, killing it almost instantly. Other Kaunas started to emerge though, keeping lenalee and lavi busy
“Really? Is that English? I’m (y/n) (l/n), the host of this party” you bowed “I’ve been in this stuffy room all day, what do you say to following me to the balcony?” You grinned mischievously, not waiting for an answer before quickly dragging him away from the ballroom and up the stairs to your balcony.
Your best friend however, saw and was panicking
“Fuck fuck-those things are back and they’re attacking-and people are fighting back? With giant glowing weapons? What the fuck is this? Why the hell is (y/n) dragging off some white haired guy?!” They kept dodging and hiding here and there, trying their best to follow after you.
“So Allen, What makes you happy?”
“what makes you happy? Like...what makes you move forward in life?” You leaned against the railing, looking out at the stars
“Uh...my friends? Oh-and timcanpy-my uh-close friend.”
“That’s nice” you leaned your chin on your hand
“What about you (y/n)?”
“My friend (f/n) and their willingness to help me with these parties every night”
Allen nodded, going to the railing and standing next to you. He looked back at the party, thankful to hear that it seemed to calm down. For now.
“Hey Allen?”
“I know I just met you but can I tell you a secret?”
“I know most of the parties are fake.” You sigh, pulling off your mask
Allen blinked a few times, staring at you “...what?”
“This mask has the power to make illusions...things have been coming after me ever since I put this mask on...that’s why I brought you out here-the things came back for me again” you looked at the mask before looking at the ground “they’re like...demons...they just keep coming back-tormenting me…”
“They’re akuma.”
Allen took you off guard, making you look up. He took off his glove, showing you his deformed hand. You gasped, seeing the similar sea green stone glowing in his hand
“What you have is called innocence...you can use it to kill the akuma. I’m what they call an exorcist-I specialize in killing akuma”
“Wait...what?” You tried to process everything until a purple hand shot out, wrapping around your throat
“I got the innocence! I got the innocence!” The akuma grinned, flying up into the air with you in its grasp
“A-ALLEN!” You choked out
“Hold on (y/n)! Innocence, activate!” Allen shot up after you, his arm shifting into what looked like a giant cannon.
“Allen...Allen Wait Maybe that’s not a good-“
He shot his arm
You were now free falling, the akuma that was previously holding you was shrieking in pain. You shut your eyes right, bracing yourself to hit the ground but you didn’t. You opened your eyes to see your best friend had caught you “oh thank god (f/n) you saved me-“
Hey dropped you to the ground, making you groan in pain “that...fuckin hurt…”
“That’s what you get for running off with some white haired guy” They huffed a little, rolling their eyes “Sorry..” you said, rubbing the back of your head “and his name is allen-wait! Allen?!” you look up to see him absolutely obliterate the akuma, landing gracefully near you and (f/n). You grinned and quickly got up on your feet, rushing over to him and hugging him “that was amazing! You just-demolished it! Like it was a little bug compared to you-it was amazing!” he breathed. Allen seemed a little surprised you were suddenly hugging him before smiling and hugging you back
  “it’s what i do for a living….you can too. With your innocence.”
“Excuse me hold on you are not doing anything like that. You can get hurt! You’ve never fought a day in your life! And what about your family fortune? What will you do with it!” your friend came up behind you, trying to talk sense into you. “Shit..you’re right...maybe...i should think about this..” you pulled away from Allen, biting your lip. Allen was about to speak before another explosion went off “I’ll be right back” allen ran off to handle the other akumas appearing.
“(y/n) we need to get you to safety” (f/n) took your hand and quickly started dragging you away. A wave of exhaustion hit you and before you knew it, you collapsed onto the ground.
  You later woke up in an unfamiliar room. It looked sort of like yours but...a complete disaster. Everything was old and dusty, some of it destroyed beyond recognition. This room looks like its been abandoned for years.
 “So (y/n)’s mask was just making an illusion of the castle this whole time? How could it still be up when (y/n) took it off…?”  “Taking it off could still work but it must’ve used much more energy than it normally would’ve which could explain why (y/n) passed out…” “It makes sense..”
You could hear voices outside your door talking about you. One of them sounded like allen but you couldn't really pinpoint the other voices. You got up and went to the door,  opening it. You saw a girl with long green hair up in pigtails, a guy with spiky red hair pushed back by a green hair band, Allen and a guy with long blue hair that seemed like he didn't want to be there… “Allen?...what’s going on? How long was I asleep..?” “Oh! (y/n), you’re awake! I thought we were gonna have to carry you out..” “Oh good if they’re awake then we can leave” the guy with the blue hair turned and started walking away
“Bakanda! You can’t just walk away they hadn’t even agreed to go yet!” “Then drag them out if you have to. You know the order won’t care if they want to come or not.” “Come where-the place that tells you to fight akuma?” “Oh look they’re not completely braindead” “Hey-fuck you!” And with that the guy ‘bakanda’ had walked off completely. You growled a little before huffing “that guy’s an asshole…” The girl with green hair smiled and nodded “yeah...that’s Kanda for you. I’m lenalee but he is right...you have to come with us” You frowned “what about (f/n)? Can they come too?” The three looked at each other with that look of ‘oh no we gotta tell them’ “what? Don't tell me-no-an akuma didn’t get them-right?” you could already feel tears welling up in your eyes. Allen quickly shook his head “No no-it seems uh…(f/n) was part of the illusion ...they were fake….they’ve been gone for a while now…”
“O-oh” you said quietly, looking at the ground. In the next few hours Allen helped you gather what you wanted to bring before leading you out of the castle. You also learned the ginger haired man was named lavi. Lavi was a mischievous bunny so when he ‘accidentally’ bumped into you, knocking you into Allen who just so happened to be under a mistletoe, it didn’t seem all too much of an accident. You both were flustered, stammering and trying to get a grip on yourselves until you shook your head, grabbing the front of his shirt and kissing him softly. Allen noted that it seems you like to catch him off guard before kissing you back just as sweet.
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tamakirishima · 6 years ago
lmfaoo im telling people to send but i can send something as well??? welll!!!! i would like a domestic zen fic/headcanon whatever you prefer bbs
Is that even a question? Of course you can! I’m always down to write anything for you
No joke, I was smiling almost the entire time I was writing this. Ugh I love Zen so much it pains me because he’s so perfect T_T Hehehehehe time for some Zenny Zen fluff! 
The smell of freshly brewed coffee and something sweet lingered in the air, waking you up from your deep slumber. You woke with a huge yawn, as your arms stretched above your head in between the sheets. 
“Zen?” you sleepily mumbled, reaching over to the other side of the bed. 
The space where Zen would have been was empty, with only a slight warmth on the blanket left. The raindrops made a therapeutic sound against the window, lulling you back to sleep until…
You jumped up and fell onto the floor out of surprise. Zen always knew how to project with his voice. He was an actor, after all. 
“Morning.” you mumbled, rubbing your eyes. 
“Honey did I wake you?” Zen asked, peering into your face. 
His bright red eyes searched your brown ones to make sure you weren’t mad or grumpy. You smiled back and kissed him softly on the lips. 
“I’m glad I have you to wake me up. I’m awake.” you replied, making Zen smile to himself. 
“Well in that case, I’ll be taking these sheets away so you don’t fall back asleep!”
Zen swiftly took the sheets and blankets off the bed and marched back into the living room, before popping his head back into the room one last time. 
“Come out for breakfast, okay?” 
You couldn’t believe your eyes to what you saw laid out on the kitchen table. There were plates of bacon, crepes, french toast, and even a quiche of some kind in a pie dish. The coffee was brewing and a selection of tea and juices were spread across the table behind all the food. What was this-a hotel breakfast? 
“Uhh…Zen? Did you do all this?” you asked, a little bit dumbfounded. 
“No, I hired a professional chef to. Of course I did! I wanted my honey to wake up with a nice breakfast today!” 
Zen stuffed the sheets into the washing machine, carefully measuring out the detergent and softener levels and adding it to the machine before closing the lid. He kind of looked like a house husband just now, with his large navy blue apron wrapped around his body perfectly. You wondered how it would be if you two got married, when your thoughts got interrupted with Zen’s voice. 
“You ready to eat, sweetie?” Zen asked, hugging you and kissing you on the forehead. 
All you could do was nod and follow him to the table to start digging in. You’d never seen Zen like this, and you were shocked to your core. In a good way, of course. With one bite of the quiche, you were sent to the moon. It was something you would only taste from a top notch chef in a hotel breakfast. 
“This is SO good! Are you sure you didn’t hire a chef?” you asked, stuffing a forkful of the crepes into your face. 
“If you mean this handsome amazing perfect chef who is also your wonderful gorgeous boyfriend, then sure I did.” he replied, pointing at himself. 
You both laughed and finished up breakfast rather quickly. The mountains of food were now empty plates with a couple of crumbs and streaks of syrup on it, and you hadn’t been so full in a long time. 
“Since you cooked an amazing breakfast, I’ll do the dishes.” You said, picking up the empty plates. 
“Nonsense. I’ll do them myself. I want to use my homemade soap today to see how well it works.” Zen replied, taking the plates from your hands. “You just sit tight and rest up! A princess needs her rest.”
Homemade soap? Zen doing dishes? Zen cooking? Zen looking like a pro when he was washing sheets? He was better at chores than you were, and you didn’t know how to reply. The way his fingers glided over the plates and over the counter proved that this wasn’t the first time he was doing this. 
Zen’s been living alone and had to fend for himself since he left his parents, so it made sense that he was good at housekeeping. But how could you know he was THIS good? 
You walked over to your thoughtful boyfriend and hugged him while he was doing the dishes. 
“You do realize that your fallback could be a chef, right?” you spoke, unable to contain your happiness. 
Zen glanced at you from the front and nodded. 
“Of course I do, I’m amazing at it. But I would prefer to cook only for you.” he replied, “And I would hug you back but you would get all wet.” 
“I don’t mind. I was going to wash this anyways.” you muttered into his back. 
Zen turned around and slinked his arms around your waist, while your arms were lazily around his neck. The water dampened your shirt on your lower back, and you shivered from the cold. 
“See? I told you that you would get wet. We’ll wash your shirt once the sheets are done.” Zen said. 
You chuckled and grinned up at your boyfriend. 
“I should really husband you up. You’re amazing at all of this.” You said, half joking, half seriously. 
“Wait until you see me with an iron. I’m amazing at ironing.” Zen stated, proudly. 
“Even I don’t iron well! Ohmygod Zen, who are you?” you asked, laughing as you threw your head back. 
“A man who loves you so much that he willingly does the ironing for you.” 
You smiled and kissed Zen deeply on the lips. Today was going to be a good day. 
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