#sj: random facts about me
coolshadowtwins · 4 months
I love the ways fanfiction gets around the problem of nicknames.
In canon, Zhou Zishu introduces himself under a fake name, Zhou Xu, so Wen Kexing calls him A-Xu for the rest of the series, even after learning that not actually his name. There’s so many Word Of Honor fanfics where it wouldn’t make sense for Zhou Zishu to use a fake name tho- be it a modern au, or just an au where he has nothing to hide- and then the author has to figure out what WKX is calling him now. A-Shu? It’s said the same, but does it work when you read it? Or do you make up a reason for the nickname?
There was one fanfic that I can’t remember anything else about where ZZS introduces himself with his actual name, and WKX is just like, “Hm…. I hear you, I do. But you’re so bendy that you remind me of catkins, so I’m just going to call you A-Xu!” (Xu is written with the character for catkins, for reference)
And don’t get me started with SVSSS lol. Every story where SY isn’t SQQ for whatever reason gets it’s own justification of why Binghe calls him Shizun. Off the top of my head, these range from “You have taught me so much more than my actual Shizun(SJ)” and “Wow, you taught me two (2) facts, and I think you’re neat. Shizun it is!”
And then there’s the modern ones where Shizun absolutely doesn’t make sense, since I’m pretty sure it’s an older term. A lot of fics get around this by having Binghe call him “laoshi”, meaning teacher, while some of them just go, “Yeah, Binghe just decided one day that SY is Shizun, even though they are the same age in this au, and no one is able to get him to stop”.
As I write these out, I’m realizing that most of the Shizun problem is apparently just solved by Binghe deciding, “Hm… That one is Shizun shaped.”
In the same vein, Shang Qinghua calling MBJ “My King”, even in modern aus. Because what else would he call him??? His name???? Never. This one is funny, because unless MBJ is still royalty somehow, the authors I’ve read never addressed this. SQH just shows up one chapter, calling this random guy he may or may not be dating “My King”, and then leaving SY to his own devices with no explanation lol
Lesser issue is shixiong and Shidi. Mostly YQY? Because what should he call SJ other than Shen-Shidi, or Qingqiu-Shidi, when SJ inevitably yells at him for being called Xiao Jiu? This one does come up less, because of most modern aus I’ve read focused on Bingqiu, and so Qijiu were having a much better time than canon in the background, if they were even brought up lol
What are your stories about nicknames in fanfic lol
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naffeclipse · 9 months
Hihi!! <3 Random thing, but because of Orca Eclipse i was rambling to my friend about Orca facts (of which xey fully encourage me to do), and we were discussing the topic of orca dialects, and they then proceeded made a joke about Orcas having accents which led to ANOTHER fact and then I made a joke about Orca Mafias, so, in my friends great correlation skills, Orca SJ Eclipse? ✨
( 🏃💨 <- me going to catch up with the latest of Apex Polarity as we speak /silly )
SJ Eclipse Orca style will snatch up the vigilante like they're a tasty squid that he can't wait to devour. His being an apex predator of the ocean is almost too fitting—RIP the vigilante. It was nice knowing them
Hehe, happy reading!!
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rarepears · 1 year
3zun + NHS reincarnated in PIDW au
One day NHS has to go to Qing Jing for something and runs into MY, but it's basically the first time they've seen eachother in person since they got reincarnated. They end up stuck in this horribly awkward polite conversation, which from the outside looks like they're being incredibly terse and icy with eachother.
They're having this intense stare off of "do you remember the whole me killing your brother/you killing my brother and then you killing me/me killing you thing, and most importantly how much are you still mad about it" but from the outside it just looks like two disciples who shouldn't know eachother giving eachother death glares.
SJ is watching this with a single brow arched like, I suppose the disciples are making mortal enemies younger and younger these days
And LBH is like, What do you MEAN my crush RIVAL for shizuns's affection attention already has an archnemesis
To be fair, things are going to be weird AF already because Nie Huaisang is an old laidback man in a young body who likes to make random jokes like "oh I don't think my joints can take that, to be young and carefree again" and "young people these days are in too much of a rush" while Meng Yao died at his prime so he's still ambitious AF, impatient, and anything but laid back...
Add in the fact that Nie Huaisang is used to being respected and obeyed after all his decades of being sect leader vs. Meng Yao who never feels like any of his work results in any true respect...
Things get tense on Meng Yao's side quickly. Nie Huaisang though? He's having fun poking and prodding at this little hissy kitty.
[More in #Nie Huaisang Lan Xichen Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue reincarnate into PIDW and are Cang Qiong disciples at the same time as Luo Binghe is AU]
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puckpocketed · 3 months
sharks to kings trade !!! your beloveds are sending penpals to each other in the form of players (-puckszone)
the Grundstrom for Burroughs Trade Vibe Check
HELLO beloved jane puckszone my pink scalloped hem my midnight candy gram my mist over still waters… thank you for stopping by i LOVE waking up to trade news in my inbox i LOVE that our california girls are having playdates . 🎶you can check out any time you like, but you can never leaaaveeee 🎶 <- type beat. about the California Swing; this big road trip every team gets subjected to multiple times each season on account of proximity, it used to be MISERABLE and FOUL because at one point we had 3 good teams !! i hope we get back to that one day 🥹🤲
Carl Grundstrom. CARL GRUNDOTHY …!!!!! I am genuinely VERY happy for him 😭💙 he was pushed out of the lineup during playoffs for some unfathomable reason (rat clenching fist of rage about it) . he’ll be getting more minutes on the Sharks GOD WILLING……. did you watch him at worlds? i did…!! i really liked his, idk what to call it, spirit??? like SORRY LAK but you may have fumbled a bad bitch… ough to see him benched and playing like 2 mins a night during playoffs… god he played one 25 second shift during one of those games and meanwhile they were double shifting our beautiful boy quinton byfield WHO WAS ILL BTW… i thought the kings needed grundy’s fighting spirit out there on the ice :(((
anyway adoption papers under the cut!!
Grundy for the Sharks moots:
We call him Grundy (me and you jane puckszone + the two skeletons and four moths on kingsblr) and i think i’ve seen Jim Hiller call him Grunny? grundy sounds better to me so i use that <3
He’s a solid 4th liner i mean this in the best most complimentary way possible… he does SO well … throw him out there to rest your first line and the puck might just do good things!!! my defensively responsible little guy…!! like. i love hard workers they are so dear to me <3
Low key underrated shooter? mostly in that i don’t know if i ever saw him pass loooool but yeah no he has more goals than assists this past season like IF the puck is on his stick he WILL shoot it godbless !!
Perhaps on the Sharks he moves up the depth chart 😭👍 middle-six winger anyone…praying for his success so bad you don’t even KNOW
HITTER!! this boy is big and throws hits! Plays the body when defending, plays the body when forechecking <3. i love you grundy and so does the mike grier Size/Skill/Will agenda. with this trade we are swapping hitter for hitter, but making room on our blue line (Shakir full time NHL arc???? PLEEK)
Grundy might genuinely be a great fit for the Sharks Culture Plan because i never saw a game where he wasn’t extremely invested and intense … i liked that about him vewwy much but that might just be me and my penchant for becoming attached to random depth players 🥹
More broadly, the pattern of picking up guys who need a new opportunity marches on… dellandrea and now grundstrom. we may not have uhhh affordable housing or more than 20 wins but the one thing sj does have in spades is ice time <3
i do wonder what all this does to our guys in the AHL who’ve been very hungry to break through but ough. alas. </3 perhaps that’s a conversation best had on a podcast and not by me, i can’t be objective here!!
on the LAK side of things:
Kyle Burroughs played way too many minutes on a bare bones Sharks defense please don’t look at his uuhhh -42 rating and take it seriously 😭
he might look like a silly guy from a 2010s sitcom but he is in fact a GOON!!! the fighting majors… lordy….. also i haven’t checked the stats recently but last time i did he was right up in the leaderboards for hits.
this move from LA does puzzle me!! Clarke and Spence should be getting more priority ice time next season. the Burroughs trade would push them out of the lineup unless Burroughs is getting put in the AHL or lak get rid of another defenseman.
perhaps an omen? Matt Roy leaving? or perhaps noted gorgeous leg weight Andreas Englund? <- i’m more inclined to this as it seems Burroughs and Englund would occupy the same role!!
endeared by Kyle Burroughs’ moustache deeply <3 him and j.middleton are sisters to me as per one of my posts…
anyway i hope he gets fewer minutes and less rough deployment on the kings jskdjdkgk he truly went THRU it this past season 😭🙏
in conclusion Cali Polycule please come back from the WAR i need this place to be hell on earth again CALIFORNIA SWEEP….!!!!
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lifblogs · 1 month
@clownery-and-fuckery tagged me to share three random facts about myself.
I used to have a slight hoarding problem, and the weirdest thing I’ve hoarded was keys.
I’ve broken five bones in the last year and a half.
I love scars. I love having scars. They seem to validate the things I’ve been through. And despite having a purple tinge to different parts of my body from SJS in 2022 I am disappointed I don’t have more scars. It tried to kill me. Can’t I at least look cool from that?
Tagging: @evilwriter37
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stillhavetodothat · 2 years
Replaying Nancy Drew without Cheating - Part 5: Secret of the Scarlet Hand
FINALLY! We have reached a game in which I can probably count on a single hand how many times I have replayed it!! A few days ago I sat down at my laptop, rolled my neck out, cracked my knuckles, and got ready to buckle down: I knew this was going to be the first challenge of my mission to replay all Nancy Drew games without cheating.
And spoiler alert. It was.
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Let me start out by saying that I sleep on this game constantly. It’s like I forget it exists. For some reason, of all the games I bought and played as a kid, this is one game that was missing from the collection probably until I was an older teenager. I had played almost every game in the first 10 games many many times over before I even played this game once. As a kid, all the history bored me. Every single game has had some historical element to it (even if it was a made-up history), but for some reason this one just reeeeally stood out to me as extra educational. And I already felt bogged down by the amount of education I was receiving in my elementary classroom.
However, I would like to formally apologize to you, SSH, as you are interesting, fun, hilarious, tough at times, and a little bit dark. You’re everything a Nancy Drew game should be, and I am sorry for underappreciating you the past 20 years.
Was I extremely tempted to cheat in this game? Yes. Multiple times. So much so that I am actually impressed by my willpower, and I am actually very proud of myself for getting through it without a walkthrough FOR THE FIRST TIME EVAR!! Thank god for this blog which for some reason is making me feel held accountable, regardless of whether anyone reads any of it or not.
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Here are all the times I was tempted to cheat. Many, many spoilers abound, obviously.
1. In the beginning of the game, when I had to find the addenda to the monolith loan agreement to bring to Alejandro del Rio. I searched for about 45 minutes, sprinting up and down the exhibition hall and up and down the temple steps, to find that damn loan addenda. I wanted to cheat, I NEEDED to cheat, but I gave it another few minutes and found a bench in the museum lobby that I had somehow never seen before. Eurrreka!
2. Looking for fucking Sonny Joon’s username and password. WHY?? WHY DID I SOMEHOW READ EVERY SINGLE OTHER THING ON HIS DISK BUT SOMEHOW MISS THE VERY EXPLICIT USERNAME AND PASSWORD WRITTEN RIGHT THERE?? Not me literally at the computer in the temple trying to guess Sonny’s username (sonnyjoon? sj? kokokringle?) with no success.
3. Trying to figure out HOW Topeka Commission of the Arts was associated with Beech Hill. I KNEW I had to somehow be triggered into contacting Prudence Rutherford (because who can forget a shrill phone contact with a very ambiguous accent?), but could not for the life of me figure out how. I read that magazine interview in Joanna’s office approximately 10 times and spent a small fortune on metro rides around the city of Washington DC before I clicked on the plaque outside of Joanna’s office. The funny thing was, I had clicked on the plaque on the OTHER side of the door at the beginning of the game, but since nothing happened I figured the other one was probably equally unimportant. This was the most frustrating one I think.
4. Speaking of phone contacts, the fact that you can only call Copper Canyon from the hotel and get a error tone every time you try at the museum is MADDENING. It took me forever to talk to Sheila because I could not get this concept into my head. I still can’t.
5. I stg I thought I was going to have to cheat once I was locked inside the monolith, because I have NEVER solved it on my own without a walkthrough. But it was actually not hard? WHY AM I SO LAZY?? At the very least, this project of mine is really teaching me that I need to be more patient.
Here are some other random thoughts on this game:
1. Taylor Sinclair is absolutely hysterical. He is an amazing culprit. Everything out of his mouth is an unexpected riot. He just seems...slippery. I can forgive that HerInteractive gave us the biggest bores in the world in Louis and Lisa, since they then delivered an insane, slightly demented old man who isn’t afraid to kidnap a teenage girl, and then an eccentric, small-mustachioed LUNATIC of an art dealer as the next two culprits. I just...chef’s kiss.
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2. Because of how much I love Taylor, I am horribly disappointed that we can’t poke around his office when he runs out at the most convenient time for us to take something off the Poppy Dada piece. Also, why was he running out so suddenly? Was he about to shit his pants from those Oaxaca cookies? Is that the joke? Whatever that was, it was not very well fleshed out.
3. I wrote “spooky Maya” in looping cursive in my notes. Why?
4. Loved the storyline of Henrik van der Hune falling down the temple steps and losing his memory. Brilliant. Also loved seeing Henrik groaning and sprawled on the floor. Brilliant.
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5. Is this why I had a crush on Henrik as a teenager? His vaguely sexual landing at the bottom of the pyramid? Why are my biggest Nancy Drew game crushes Dexter Egan and Henrik van der Hune? I am just as disturbed as you are, trust me.
6. Tell me why Her created that surreal maze puzzle on Louis’s laptop in MHM and thought it was such a good puzzle that they had to reuse it for this game?
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7. I initially was praising the game devs for staying true to the layout of the city when building out their simplified DC metro map, until I realized that Beech Hill is located up in the northeast, near Fort Totten, but the museum’s address, according to the invoice in Joanna’s office, is in the SW quadrant. Hmmmmmm.
8. “Semper ubi sub ubi” means always wear underwear. I looked it up and I hate to say anything nice about Joanna Riggs but that is a good conversation sign-off.
9. The way I stalked that Shipping and Receiving room waiting for packages to arrive...it hit way too close to home.
10. What in god’s name was this ending?? I forgot how weird this is, these 3 showing up as soon as I get the monolith open. How long were they waiting  while I was struggling to breathe in that thing? They’re just standing there, all in a row, reciting some creepy rehearsed poem with shit-eating grins and unblinking stares on their faces. How long had they been planning this??
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11. Taylor Sinclair’s face and him shouting “ConFOUND you, Nancy Drew!” while shaking his fist at the heavens almost makes up for it, though. Taylor Sinclair: the only culprit thus far willing to lock you in a prison of stone - with an ancient mummy forever frozen in a scream - with the full intention of letting you suffocate, starve to death, and not be found for literally hundreds of years. The gruesome scoundrel!
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This game is fun. It was a nice surprise. There is a TON to do: it is challenging and there’s lots of snooping and puzzles to solve. There are also a bunch of components that are unique, like Henrik’s hospital stay and Taylor Sinclair’s existence. Writing this, I do realize there are plenty of flaws...the game is finicky and you have to do things a very certain way in a very certain order, some of the tasks are tedious (those temple quizzes), the ending scene is perterbing, and the maze game is an unwelcome reminder of Louis Chandler. Not a favorite, but I appreciate this game for all its quirks and storytelling.
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fizzyps · 10 months
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—> Heyaaa ~ ! Nice to meetcha, my name's Fizzy !!
—> Pronouns: Any Pronouns
—> About me: I’m an artist that gets random spikes of motivation to speedrun any art piece in under 24 hours . I play VRChat most of the time to mess around and have fun with friends so if you ever see me around, don’t be afraid to come and say hi !! ( I have terrible social anxiety so don’t mind my silliness ! )
—> Fun Fact: I am a grizzly bear irl !! :} my /p pookie schmookie baby cakes is SJ! Eclipse
—> Here is my link for more about me and my Avatar / Model Store !!
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
A couple questions on Se/Si and Te
1) Is it true that Se users tend to not have good memories or give importance to the past? I've been seeing not only typology bloggers but self proclaimed SP types say they have a very poor recollection of the past, even very recent one. They say that's why SPs have a hard time learning from their mistakes and end up repeating them, because either they don't remember what happened or "It could be different this time!".
It's more of an individual trait than a collective one; SPs have a very objective memory of the past ("this happened" -- the facts -- vs, "this is the impression I took away from what happened" -- which is Si). But an SP told me that he deals with each situation as new, every person as new, there's no instant comparison to "how is this similar to X" so that ties into them potentially not learning from their mistakes; it doesn't occur to them to compare A to X. But I would take it a step further and suggest that not learning from something or assuming it can be different this time comes with more optimistic, avoidant Enneagram cores -- like a 9 who doesn't acknowledge problems or a 7 who is ignoring warning signs in favor of optimism and re-framing (or who doesn't slow down and learn from their mistakes/failures, but rewrites them into successes in their mind).
I know this tends to be true for ENxPs, but people have defined Si as simply "memory" or "the past" for so long that I'm weary to just take their word for it this time.
Si is hard to describe, so most people don't even try -- it boils down to sensory impressions of value to the person collecting them. Yes, it means memories for the past, but it's not just any memory, it's a memory that somehow had an impression or seemed important to the Si user -- like the scent of grandma's pie which to them is a symbol of Thanksgiving (important to me). Or the way the rain sounds on the roof (makes me peaceful). Or remembering specific things from the lens of "me" rather than the whole story (that time I sat at grandpa's feet and watched the flames in the fireplace, and it was special to me, vs. the fact that the kitchen caught on fire). It's the collection of details and memories that are treasured by "me" (the Si user) and therefore deemed of personal value. Subjectivity.
As an ISTJ is true I have a great detailed long term memory (though my recent one varies depending on the subject), and that like my mom said recently "A thing only has to happen once for you to call it a lesson". I want to know if that's genuinely a thing I can associate with Si. 
It is, but it also ties in with your Fi -- you find it important to learn from your mistakes, therefore you record what happens. It's true that ISTJs learn from their mistakes (it would be irrational not to), but it's not true that all of them have a great, detailed long-term memory, because not all of them are attentive/paying attention to their lives. 9-core and 9-winged ISJs can be forgetful, easily distracted, and not retain information of no personal interest to them. That is the crux of it -- the Si captures and remembers WHAT IT CARES ABOUT (not everything at random), so SJs are banks of information about their interests and experiences of personal significance, but may not retain information beyond that (if interested in trains, they may remember the train at the museum very clearly, but not what else happened that day; and that's kind of a metaphor for their life -- they pick out what's important to me/of interest to me, and focus on that).
2) Is it due to Te or Si that I like having external requirements for things? I mean deadlines, page counts, formatting rules etc? I noticed this is a difference between me and most of my colleagues, they hate, sometimes even resent having to meet standards, I on the other hand don't mind it at all. In fact I think it's pretty neat, if I know what's expect of me and what's considered correct than it makes producing quality content so much easier.
That's Te! Finding a tool to make completion easier within an established framework or to fit an external criteria. :)
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cum-villain · 2 years
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
lol ok
ive fallen into edgy jpop recently for some reason
im having my sister-in-law read scum villain and eagerly await her realizing what the book is about
the sj de-aging fic i havent posted a chapter for for 2 weeks still haunts me
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snapbackslide · 2 years
→ DAILY CLICK FOR PALESTINE 🍉 or help these families by donating if you can
💫 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅, 𝒅𝒆𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅, 𝒉𝒐𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒚 & 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒄 𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 💫
reference, easy access & get to know me all-in-one ↓
disclaimer: i struggle with chronic mental health issues, mainly social anxiety and depressive episodes. please do not interact with ill intentions. feel free to reach out for any concern, or if you need someone to vent to. i am always happy to help 🫶
follows/likes are from eli-x-ir
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favourite teams
HOCKEY [nhl] montreal canadiens [ahl] laval rocket [iihf] canada | sweden [pwhl] pwhl | montreal
[live blog] in the format [nickname] [lb] (most used: habs) live posting in arena: live from the bc [events] olympics | all-star | draft
a comprehensive layout; (yes i hate half the league xD been here since 2016.. baggage has accumulated)
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WRESTLING [wwe] wwe | lb
FOOTBALL (rare) [national] argentina | canada [clubs] cf montreal | fc barcelona
AMERCIAN FOOTBALL (extra rare) [cfl] alouettes
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favourite players
HABS n. suzuki | a. xhekaj | k. guhle | b. gallagher [ 13 | 14 | 15 | 20 | 21 | 52 | 72 | 77 | 92 ♥️ future's bright ]
OTHERS m. duchene | t. jost | t. toffoli | j. skinner
feel free to block their tags as i post about them often. no disrespect or hatred will be tolerated.
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all tags
TEAMS [atlantic] BOS | BUF | DET | FLA | MTL | OTT | TBL | TOR [metro] CAR | CBJ | NJD | NYI | NYR | PHI | PIT | WSH [central] CHI | COL | DAL | MIN | NSH | STL | UHC | WPG [pacific] ANA | CGY | EDM | LAK | SJS | SEA | VAN | VGK [inactive] ARI (rip gone but not forgotten 🙏)
PLAYERS each player is tagged in the format [firstname] [lastname] usually with common roster name - e.g.: mitch marner instead of mitchell marner usually without diacritics, for simplification - e.g.: slafkovsky instead of slafkovský
MISC [reposts] pictures | videos | gifs | articles | memes [original posts] pictures | videos | edits [categories] hockey | memes | fics | spotify | rants | commentary [personal] asks | reblogs | digital diary | tv | books | art | tags | astrology | important | misc
triggers are marked in the format [tw: ...]
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get to know me
almost trilingual immigrant, still not over the 2021 glory days because i simply never move on ever 🤠
random facts, because why not:
i've interacted with my two favourite hockey players, side hugged nick suzuki, and made brendan gallagher & artturi lehkonen laugh. i already won at life.
haha jk i'm a curse to my faves... they score hat tricks when i'm not watching, get traded/waived/demoted or simply leave, retire before winning a championship, get injured when i have tickets to see them, and oh yeah, my teams lose in the finals, or in some other brutal way! ッ
music is my world ♥ fav artists include twenty one pilots, camila cabello, patrick droney, the maine, young the giant, zara larsson, wrabel, abba, and linkin park
been a hockey fan since i moved to canada, but january 2016 is when the obsession started, thanks to brendan gallagher 😝 my first favourites were roberto luongo and carey price (had a thing for goalies lol)
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softjikookie · 7 years
random facts about me
I decided to make a post of random facts about myself so my petals know more about the person who's writing fanfiction.
Cerys isn't my real name, though I wish it was.
I want to learn how to do graphic design.
I'm 5'6" tall or which is 170.6 cm. My dream pet right now is a cat.
I love cats and dogs, never ask me to chose between them.
I joined the world of kpop April 27th, 2017. That's the day I discovered BTS.
I like to call my followers petals.
My blog was created April 30th, 2017.
My clothing style is casual, comfy, and edgy with a pinch of chic.
I'm a gamer at heart. I grew up playing video games.
I used to be a huge One Direction, Little Mix, 5 Secomds of Summer, and Ariana Grande fan.
Three people I think about everyday are; my mom, my best friend, and idols.
Three things I think about everyday are; video games, what the f am I doing with my life?, and sleep.
If I had a warning label, mine would say...I had to ask my best friend and she said ‘don't disrespect bts’ and yup I agree. Better yet, don't disrespect any kpop group.
My MBTI personality is INFP or a mediator.My birthday is September 5th and I'm a Virgo.
My Greek personality type is Melancholic.
I'm not that ticklish.
Hot dogs make me gag.
I'm allergic to assholes. Very allergic.
I'm bisexual...I think.
I prefer coffee over tea and cocoa, just because I haven't had much of the other two.
Although I'm not clinically diagnosed, I know I suffer from depression and anxiety.
If I had to chose between being a vampire, elf, or mermaid...I'd chose to either be a vampire or a mermaid. I've never been a fan of elves.
My favorite Youtubers are CoryxKenshin, Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, and a bunch of others.
I weight, as of last month, 244lbs or 110.6 kgs. I used to weight 280lbs last year.
I do believe in ghosts and spirits. I've seen them, one has broken my camera, I've had way too many encounters with them.
Space and the ocean scare the crap out of me if I think too much about it.
I am a religious person.
My pet peeves are people who judge people without actually knowing them. Granted we all judge people but if you can, don't listen to rumors and lies unless you actually hear it from them or know them personally.
I'm a nocturnal person. I can literally stay up all night and sleep all day, but my life doesn't allow me to do that.
My phobias and fears are never falling in love at least once and being in a relationship, clowns, bugs (depends), needles, and public speaking.
My favorite movies are; The Lion King, Les Misérables, and Avatar...the blue ones.
The internet is a huge part of my life, though my family and best friend say that's a bad thing.
In my lifetime so far, I've only owned 28 pets, including the ones I have now.
I would love to travel to Japan, South Korea, New York, England, Australia, Hawaii, Italy, and Paris.
I was born in Chula Vista, California / San Diego, California.
My eye color is brown or hazel sometimes with a mix of green. When I was born, my eyes were a lilac color.
I'm an introvert but I become an extrovert once I get to know someone or if I feel comfortable in an environment to be myself.
I prefer hugs over kisses mainly because I've never kissed someone before. Although I haven't had many hugs either.
I like tattoos and some piercings. I want to get my first tattoo on my birthday next year.
I have smoked once when I was 10 and I hated it.
I have drinken alcohol and turns out I'm a very light drinker and I become mean??
A sound a really hate is someone spitting up and spitting it on the ground. You know those people.
I can't do a back or front flip but I can do the splits.
A color I would like my hair to be right now is a light pink, but my hair isn't healthy enough for it.
The moment I felt the happiest was when I discovered BTS and K-Pop in general because I felt like I found somewhere I belong. Even if that does sound lame to you, it's true. When I was part of the fandoms of the groups and artists I used to really love, I never felt like I was really welcomed.
Three words that describe me the morse are shy, sensitive, and thoughtful.
My favorite kind of person is a non judgemental one. A person who treat people equally. A person who will stand up for other people if given the opportunity to.
I eat yogurt and ice cream with a fork.
I've been attacked by a duck before and have had a fear of birds since.
I prefer ice skating over swimming since I can't swim. But I've only been ice skating once.
I've been writing fanfiction since 2012 and I feel like my writing is starting to improve.
Since 4th grade, I've had a high school to college reading level.
Things I really enjoy doing are learning kpop dances, listening to music, playing video games, watching Youtube videos, drawing occasionally, writing, and learning more about technology.
The first dance I learned by a kpop group was BOOMBAYAH by BLACKPINK. The second one I learned was Dope by BTS.
I live in California, USA.
Someone I look up to is Min Yoongi and zi could go on forever about why I do, but I might make another post for that.
I like the sound of the waves at the beach but I hate going to the beach because so feel insecure.
I have freckles, I got them from my father.
I am half black (mom) and half white (dad).
I prefer both cloudy and sunny days. It really just depends on my mood.
I do get scared easily and I have late reactions so people like to scare me when they find that out.
My favorite things about a person is their personality. Looks aren't always everything.
I prefer fruits over vegetables but I love both.
Something I want to do right now is cuddle someone because apparently that's the best thing ever? I've never cuddled before haha.
I prefer sweet foods over sour foods because sour food isn't sour to me. I can eat an entire lemon and lime together (without the skin) at the same time and it won't taste sour.
Something I both love and hate about myself are my looks.
I can only speak English but I want to learn Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and Thai.
I struggle with self-hatred.
The only person that knows about my personal struggles is my best friend now you who's reading this.
This isn't a fact but I just to say thank you for taking the time to read this. I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or night and stay true to yourself because that's all that matters.
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brazenautomaton · 3 years
fuck it @morlock-holmes just reply to this because that old post is so long it makes everyone want to die
and use read more cuts
the reason nobody has given you any reason to think the democrats are infested with psychopathic race-cultists is that they have done that many times and you weren’t listening.
I gave the example of the document released by the AMA. It is an unconscionable breach of medical ethics to do that, without question, you do not EVER EVER EVER EVER get to do that. The association of medical practitioners does not, under any circumstance, get to tell its medical practitioners to adopt political stances or take political action. Even if it’s a stance you agree with. Even if it’s a stance I agree with! The FDA can go fuck itself, but if the AMA came out with an “advisory” document advising doctors “here is how to talk about this medical issue as a thing that isn’t a medical issue and must be addressed by political action against the FDA,” I’d be just as fucking angry! The reason the AMA doesn’t get to tell its doctors to adopt political stances is the same reason that doctors are not allowed to report to others what their patients told them: because the doctor/patient relationship is an extremely privileged one, by virtue of the fact it has to be above all other considerations.
So I say “here is this awful, awful display of unethical behavior.” I point out that this did not happen at random. This happened due to people making it happen. The people who make it happen are the psychipathic race-cultists, are aligned with the Democrats, and are the people you say are randos who don’t count. The fact that they pressured the AMA into shitting down the throat of medical ethics is proof they do have power and influence, and thus that even though we don’t know them by name, this is proof they are a relevant factor.
You didn’t listen to the parts about “this was a breach of ethics” or “this was due to a concerted effort” or “this proves the people who did this have the power to compel the AMA into major breaches of ethics.” You didn’t read the parts where it told doctors to engage in political activity outside of their practice and told them to use language that explicitly reframed medical problems as political problems to be addressed by political action. You overcharitably summarized it as “Oh, they just said to use SJ-approved language, why can’t you give me an example of the Democrats being psychopathic race-cultists?” because you didn’t listen to the answer you were given.
the Republicans pass an executive order that says “You are not allowed to abuse people by being a psychopathic race-cultist, at least not on our dime.” None of the content of this EO is objectionable, it bans explicitly defined and obviously unacceptable behaviors. The Democrats enlist political power to reverse this ban, despite the fact that the only people who are negatively affected by this ban are psychopathic race-cultists.
You weren’t listening to that, and you didn’t listen to the content of the thing at question, and you didn’t get the part about how the only people negatively affected by this EO are psychopathic race cultists, so you didn’t get the part about them using their political power to do something that only benefited psychopathic race-cultists. You overcharitably summarized it as “Oh, so they overturned a harmless executive order, why can’t you give me an example of the Democrats being psychopathic race-cultists?” because you didn’t listen to the answer you were given.
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eirikrjs · 3 years
I'm not sure if this is something you've touched on before, but what do you think about the random encounter Metatron hordes in YHVH's Universe in IVA? Personally, they left a really bad taste in my mouth. I can't properly explain why; I guess it's because spamming such a major character from the series' lore as a random encounter just cheapens his significance. I guess it's the same as how the multiverse theory lessens the impact of the apocalyptic events that take place in the games.
Thing is, Metatron began his life in the series as a random encounter:
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Very difficult to find screenshots or even footage, but he appears on the Ark at the very end of the game. You can see by the doors in the screenshot that this is just a random corridor.
Afterwards, Metatron's rise to "stardom" was also gradual, beginning with a boost in levels for Devil Summoner and Soul Hackers, but he didn't have any actual story significance until Nocturne: Maniacs and his role as mouthpiece/boss. This was the inflection point for him and thereafter he continued to get promoted, as an optional boss in DDS1, a top level persona, and then as part of the Demiurge quest in SJ. But really, SMT4A was the first time he was part of a main narrative and not just optional content. Metatron is significant in the series if only because he's quite popular, and his cool design and dramatic entrance in the Fifth Kalpa are mostly responsible for that.
So no, that battle didn't bother me. In fact, I thought it was kinda neat. But something else about it did:
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That Metatron was described and recognized by the characters in robotic terms. A strength of the series is that the designs are rarely referred to diegetically (a word that refers to sound but that’s the best I can come up with) because the designs are ultimately an artistic limitation to represent abstract or symbolic concepts visually since these are not ideas exclusively owned by SMT but are taken from culture. Metatron has made robotic sounds before but that’s for the player’s benefit, just as the design is; for the game to recognize him as mechanical only literalizes him as a robot angel, transforming him into an “SMT character” instead of a “Jewish character.”
The good thing is that this doesn’t happen often, nor would it even apply to that many demon designs; of course, this design “diegesis” problem is why Mara has been absolutely useless for the past 30 years. In Metatron’s case it’s just another minor example of 4A’s careless writing. SMT has enough problems with repeating the same demon scenarios over and over again and I would hate for design stereotyping to add to them.
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rarepears · 1 year
Hello 👋
Since you're answering, can we now know a little more about SJ x TL? Or maybe SJ x WRH? (Is Wangxian still happening?)
Can't wait for another update, your fics are my favorite thing to re read 🥺
Lol I read SJ as Shen Jiu and TL as Tianlang Jun.
I'll spoil some things for Sung Jinwoo X Wen Ruohan, how about that?
With the expansionary policies of the Wen Sect (aka taking over many smaller sects and recruiting rogue cultivators), the other sects take note and do the same. It's very much an imperialistic race to conquer and colonize the other sects (like the European powers slicing up Africa and Asian ahem).
So rogue cultivators? Far and few.
Wei Wuxian's parents thus are part of the Jiang Sect and are still alive in this AU; they were rogue cultivators for a few years until the rather insistent Wen recruiters trying to get their headhunting commission (cough much like how job recruiters today can make big bucks for successful job candidates) so they went back to the Jiang sect to become officially affiliated. They still act much like rogue cultivators, but, you know, being officially affiliated still means something.
Add in Wei Changze's bbf (best buddies forever) status with Jiang Fengmian and you get a Wei Wuxian who's more highly regarded by the cultivation world because who cares as much about social status/class when power is more important - power and money.
(Imperialism and colonialism - or at least for British Empire and I'm still using a wide paintbrush for describing this - the social hierarchy was a lot more flexible for the monopole center. Families gain great status and class with the wealth they could claw from the colonies. Indentured servants who traveled to the Americas worked off their years of service and were able to acquired land and slaves afterwards thanks to good timing and buying cheap land before its value and price skyrocketed.)
With Wen Ruohan serving as a leader for both the cultivation world AND the mortal realm - notice how he's establishing schools and domestic policies that impact tradesmen, roads, local politics, and more? - the cultivation world wakes up to the value of the non-cultivation world and is now imposing more control over the local towns and cities. The extraction of wealth (cough taxes) naturally is one form of control; but propaganda and the flow of information is another.
Does Wangxian happen? Sure, but here it's tainted by the fact that the Lan and Jiang are seeing another opportunity to establish another strong alliance via marriage. There's more eyes on the couple - more to criticize, more that wish to undermine such a relationship, more to gossip. As much as there are those who wish to throw Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji into nice neat boxes of gender expectations, there's those who want to profit off such things (the yellow books, gossip columns, matchmakers who see more opportunities to throw concubines at the two, etc.). The fate of Lan Wangji's mother was a well kept secret... which means that naturally it will get leaked out and weaponized at some point.
The political instability is both a result and response to Wen Ruohan making his imperialistic desires clear and obvious to all. There's more shuffling of cultural norms and more social mobility but there's also more bottom-up movements -religious revivals, fearmongering events (cough like the Salem witch trial) - that are a response to the social chaos and economic unpredictability.
Okay, that's enough rambling from me. Not even sure if all these random thoughts make sense, but here you go.
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telehxhtrash · 4 years
I originally wanted to make two separate posts about this but i’m actually making a single one : the overarching theme of love, redemption, second chances and Togashi’s overall positive and optimistic writing are leading me to believe a few things concerning Killua and Gon’s relationship, namely that we’ll get an explicit romantic confession to canonize their relationship, but also that Gon is actually the one who fell for Killua first.
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First of all, I know I say it a lot but I really, really do believe that by the end of the manga, Killua and Gon’s relationship will be a canon romantic one. I wrote a short post about this already, but I’m gonna explain briefly my point of view on this as I believe it’s important and relevant to the points I want to try and make in this post.
• Killua is pretty much canonically in love with Gon. There’s just too much subtext concerning this matter, and the “shinjuu” line single-handedly canonizes that fact. Togashi is a very, very smart man, and doesn’t throw random words around, he knows the weight of the word shinjuu and what it implies, and the entire chimera ant arc focuses on Killua’s feelings towards Gon, so there is no doubt in my mind that Killua canonically has romantic feelings for him. These two tweets live in my head rent free because it’s so wonderfully written, so here you go :
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• I also deeply believe that Togashi would never leave this ambiguous. I wrote a full post about this if you want to read it, but basically, it doesn’t fit Togashi’s writing style. A lot of people say that Togashi’s queer rep is ambiguous in HxH, but it’s unfair because HxH is literally not over yet. There are still ambiguous things because the manga is still developing. Thing is, Togashi has put queer characters in his previous works, and it was never ambiguous. It was always explicitely stated. Same goes for the relationships between his characters. There’s no reason to believe this wouldn’t be the case for HxH.
• Togashi’s positive writing is echoed in Killua’s story arc, in the sense that Killua reflects Togashi’s optimistic writing style and the overarching theme of love, redemption, second chances and the power human connection. 
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Killua’s character arc is one of slowly changing your life around, becoming your best self with a little help from someone to show you the way, it’s about positive growth, healing from trauma and going against what people think of you. It’s about healing and becoming your best self, no matter what.
It’s a very positive character arc, and one that’s been thoroughly demonstrated during the entire story.
That’s why Killua’s romantic feelings towards Gon could never stay unrequited one way or another, because it just would defeat the entire positive narrative of Killua’s character arc. Because Killua’s character arc is about healing and growing, and even though you thought you could never do that, learn how to love. It’s about finding love after abuse. 
And to me, the only way to complete that story arc, when we know that Killua canonically has romantic feelings towards Gon, would be for Gon to return those feelings. Because Killua’s character arc isn’t only about learning how to love someone no matter what, but also about being loved in return. That’s how you complete Killua’s positive story arc. 
I’ll come back to this theme a bit later on, though.
• There’s no way Shonen Jump can intervene and censor HxH. Now, I think I’m one of the few meta writers who actually believes this, but I’m 100% convinced that Shonen Jump always knew that HxH is queer work. I wrote multiple posts about this : the first post I linked mentions why SJ probably knows ; on the general gay subtext in both anime adaptations ; on 99 specifically and finally on the fact that it’s weird that gay subtext was emphasized in 99 anime when there was none in canon material only for it to appear later on in the manga.
But to summarize, there’s just no way Shonen Jump doesn’t know. 
First of all, Hunter x Hunter is published right after Yu Yu Hakusho. Thing is, Togashi ended YYH for a few reasons, but one of them was because he didn’t feel free of doing what he wanted to do with his story, because Jump kept on declining his ideas.
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This led him to completely drop the story. Now, if you’re a manga writer who’s been deeply disgusted by how your last manga was controlled, what would you do ? I’m sure you would make 100% sure you could take your next story wherever you wanted. And I’m certain that’s what Togashi did. Because to be able to write his story the way he wanted, he had to make sure SJ would allow him to go anywhere he wanted. That includes his characters and their relationship dynamics, which are the basics when you pitch a story.
Togashi also emphasized in one of his interviews that he’s free to do whatever he wants.
Furthermore, Togashi’s editors and Shonen Jump aren’t dumb. They can definitely pick up on the gay subtext. If they didn’t want gay things in HxH, they would’ve never let Togashi publish some chapters, ESPECIALLY the chapter where Killua declares he’ll commit shinjuu with Gon. SJ isn’t dumb. Shinjuu hits HARD, especially in japanese, so they definitely know what it means (it’s literally the equivalent to saying them dying together would be like Romeo and Juliet).
Finally, and that’s half crack-theory half serious, but one of the main reasons I believe SJ knows is because of the 99 anime adaptation. It was HxH’s first anime adaptation, and Togashi was involved in it to some extent. Now, 99 is extremely gay. I linked the posts where I talk about it above, but basically, it’s rainbow flags overlay on top of the characters in the opening, gay opening and ending song lyrics, over the top gay lines and situations.... which is interesting. Because like i mentioned in one of these posts, it’s interesting that this gay subtext was present and highlighted in the anime adaptation when there was none in the manga at that stage. It’s very, very interesting that gay subtext appeared later on in the manga, after the anime adaptation went crazy with it. I firmly believe it’s because Togashi pitched his manga as gay to the 99 animators, and if so, that’d mean SJ would also know.
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Anyways ! In short, I believe Killua and Gon’s relationship will become canon by the end of the manga because there’s no risk of editorial meddling since SJ probably knows this is where the story is going. Killua’s romantic feelings are also pretty much canon, and the only way to complete his positive character arc would be to have Gon return those feelings and prove that you’re worthy of love no matter what. Finally, Togashi would never leave it ambiguous, because that’s something he’s never done before, and Killua and Gon’s relationship has never been portrayed as ambiguous nor subtle, it’s still developing.
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Now !! This was just an introduction to what I wanted to talk about in this post, I’m sorry you still have a bit more reading to do HAHAA
But ! 
With this belief in mind that Killugon will be canon in the end, there are two things I want to talk about.
• First, I genuinely believe we’ll get a romantic, highly emotional love confession scene between the two of them. For the sole fact that it’s something deeply intertwined with Killua’s character arc.
Like I mentioned above, Killua’s arc is about overcoming trauma and having a second chance at life, a chance to be better, a chance to be your best self. His arc is about opening up his heart to new experiences and new feelings, and learning how to love and pass that love around. His story arc is representation for trauma survivors that things can and will get better, and you can overcome anything, turn your entire life around, heal, and thrive.
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And to me, the completion of that story arc is definitely to show that not only can you learn to open up your heart and love someone, but that you can be loved for who you are. That someone can look at you for who you are, accept you and love you no matter what. You can be loved by someone the same way you love them, in a romantic way.
To me, that’s where the story is going. Considering Killua’s canonical romantic feelings, and the overall positive themes surrounding his character arc, there’s no doubt in my mind that this is the message Togashi wants to convey.
And in my opinion, this message wouldn’t be delivered ambiguously or subtly. This narrative of being loved has always been enforced through highly emotional scenes throughout the manga, to highlight the message that yes !! you, trauma survivor !! can be loved for who you are !!
It’s been expressed through that emotional scene where Nanika tells Killua she loves him, for example.
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It’s also been displayed in the countless scenes where Gon expresses his love for Killua, expresses his admiration for him, how he’s glad he’s met him, how happy he makes him, how Killua is his best friend in the entire world.... It’s been conveyed through the stargazing scene on Whale Island, through the entire Zoldyck Family Arc where Gon waltzs in the Zoldyck Mansion to rescue Killua, through the scene in Greed Island Arc where Gon tells him he’s glad to have met him, through the dodgeball match scene where Gon declares that it can only be Killua holding the ball, through the moment Gon says that the first thing he’ll do when he sees Ging is introduce him to his best friend in the whole world, Killua. 
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Togashi could have chosen to show and not tell that Gon cares a lot about Killua, and that he finally found someone who loves him for who he is. He could’ve made them hang out normally, and we would’ve understood that Killua found someone who accepts him. But no, this has always been the main theme of HxH. Seeing the both of them grow closer and closer and grow and heal together. He chose to highlight the fact that he’s loved and cared for through words of affirmation to emphasize the narrative of being loved after surviving trauma. For the purpose of providing an extremely clear message of love to trauma and abuse survivors who identify with Killua : that you can find someone like Gon, someone who will love you for who you are. Togashi wanted to make it explicitly clear.
So now, since all of these words of affirmation were “platonic” (i’ll come back to the quotation marks in the last part of this post), but still highly emotional :
Wouldn’t it make sense that the romantic application of this narrative would also be portrayed through a highly emotional scene ? 
For the sole purpose of highlighting the final message of Killua’s story arc of overcoming your past and being loved and accepted for who you are, in a romantic way this time ? Of being loved the same way you love ? 
Since we’ve had so many platonic reaffirmations of this idea, I think it’d be fitting for the romantic part of the narrative to be conveyed through a highly emotional scene. Like a confession scene under the stars that would parallel the stargazing scene on Whale Island, for example, since stars are thematically fitting since they are linked to Killua’s story echoing Tanabata. 
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An open love confession would be the final and ultimate way to cement that narrative of loving and being loved. A highly emotional scene, just like we’ve always had, to demonstrate the romantic application of the theme of being loved after experiencing trauma. The ultimate, non-ambiguous message of unconditional love for trauma survivors. 
Showing that you, trauma survivor who identifies with Killua, can learn to love yourself, love someone else and be loved in return.
• Keeping Killua’s character arc in mind, I want to adress a final point that I deeply believe is true. 
To me, Gon is the one that actually fell in love with Killua first.
Thing is, Gon is that type of character that acts first and thinks later on. He always does things on instinct, only giving it thought after the thing happened. So it 100% makes sense that it would apply to romantic feelings too. That’s why, to me, it’s very likely that Gon fell in love first but just didn’t realize it was romantic feelings, because he’s 12, never really thought about it and feelings are confusing. And to me, Togashi is setting up feelings realization on Gon’s part.
Gon has always behaved very intensely with Killua, always reaffirming how much he means to him. He’s always taken onto that role of providing Killua with love from the moment he met him. He accepted him for who he is, and always made him feel cared for. 
Togashi definitely planted the seeds for a possible interpretation of this idea of him falling first. The stargazing scene on Whale Island is just.... so romantic in nature. Gon tells Killua that he’s happy when he’s with him under a starry night sky, tells him he wants to travel the world with him and stay with him, because his presence next to him fills him with joy. Then we have his constant words of affirmation towards Killua, and how cool he is, how amazing and strong he is...
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But to me, what really convinces me that Gon fell first is Greed Island arc. Gon’s behavior towards Killua during this arc was extremely emotional. It was deep, deep care and love for his best friend. We get to see him blush as he tells Killua that he’s really, really glad he’s here with him and glad he’s met him.
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We get to see him declare that the first thing he’ll do when he finds Ging will be to introduce his amazing best friend to him.
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But honestly, what made my brain explode is the dodgeball scene. 
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Because as I mentioned in this post, the phrasing Gon uses is one that is used in romantic contexts to confess to someone. It’s a love declaration, literally. And I don’t believe Gon meant it as romantic, because he probably has no idea his feelings are romantic in nature. But. Togashi is a troll. He really, really enjoys toying with his readers. 
To me, the fact this sentence is romantic in nature could be Togashi putting Gon’s feelings right in front of our faces, hiding it in double meaning but still plainly there for us to see. It could be Togashi toying with us in the process of setting up Gon’s feelings, so that when it gets canonized that Gon fell first, on a re-read of the manga, you go “oh. that sentence is romantic. it was literally right in front of our eyes the entire time”. I’m probably reaching !!! but!!!! the fact is, this sentence is still romantic in meaning. It’s still coated in romantic subtext. And that’s intentional on Togashi’s part.
I’ll link this magnificent post by Quintessence that basically explains what I just said much better.
In short, it would totally make sense that Gon fell first. It wouldn’t come out of nowhere, since Gon’s behavior from the beginning of the manga can definitely be interpreted as romantic in nature. The countless emotional scenes where he asserts how much he cares for Killua can definitely be read as romantic, and Gon’s behavior can definitely be explained by him having a crush on Killua, despite him not knowing.
Now, the thing that makes me further believe this is true is the fact that symbolically speaking, it makes sense that Gon fell in love with Killua first. It would enforce the narrative of Killua’s character arc of being loved for who you are and not having to earn love.
It would literally dismiss everything Killua believes about having to earn the right to be loved. About having to earn his place right next to Gon. About having to change to be good enough for Gon.
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Because if Gon fell first, then Killua was loved for who he is from the beginning, from the moment they met. Killua didn’t have to earn his love, like he thought he had to, especially in CAA, because he was loved the same way all along.
It’d show that Gon didn’t start to love Killua because Killua earned that right by changing for Gon. He didn’t start to love Killua when he started to heal and change his life to become a good person. He was always loved for who he is because Gon always saw him and loved him no matter what.
And that would once again highlight Killua’s character arc beautifully. It’d show that you are worthy of love even if you literally just came out of years of abuse. That someone can look at you and instantly fall in love with you, no matter how broken and unworthy of love you think you are. You never, ever had to earn that love. It was always here to begin with.
It’d break Chimera Ant Arc completely, it’d break Killua’s belief that he was unworthy of staying by Gon’s side and that he had to earn his place. Because he was always loved and never had to earn his right to stay by Gon, because Gon wanted him there all along. 
And that is a beautiful, deeply symbolic meaning that would complement Killua’s character arc perfectly.
It’d be Togashi showing trauma survivors that you can heal and love yourself, learn how love someone else and be loved in return. 
Showing trauma survivors that you don’t have to prove your worth to be loved. That just like Killua, even if you came out of years of abuse, a broken, scared person, you’re always worthy of love. That you’re worthy of love at any stage of your healing phase. That you’re worthy of love no matter how broken you feel you are. 
Someone will always love you and accept you for who you are. 
Anyways !! Thank you for reading this !! Those two headcanons are really precious to me and I really do believe they could come true. Because it’d make sense in so many ways ! 
I know it’s hard to imagine such a thing happening, because queer representation has always been ambiguous that it’s hard to fathom a manga being openly gay, but I really want to be optimistic about it. We got the subtext, the author interested in LGBT-rep, the positive narrative and virtually no risk of being censored. 
So I want to stay optimistic on this and believe that we’ll get a romantic love confession as a way to canonize their relationship, and that it’ll become evident one way or another that Gon fell in love with Killua first.
Thanks for reading !! 
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frevandrest · 3 years
I'm curious. How did you get interested in Saint-Just specifically?
Asdfdsfdsg It was a long time ago, and tbh I don't really remember exactly, but I believe it was - don't laugh - because it looked like there is not much known about him. This stuff still appeals to me (see my interest in some people that only have limited info/sources that mention them). Saint-Just was like a ~mysterious and fascinating figure of the revolution that we don't know much about. Keep in mind that I got interested in frev before the Internet (yes, I am old) and information was limited to what I could realistically find. Most info was about Robespierre, Danton and Marat, with only some side mentions of SJ. So, it seemed that you could read and research what's there quickly? Hahaha the joke's on me.
But yeah. By the time I realized there was a LOT, I was hooked already. Finding a random mention of Saint-Just's name would make me go "yay!!!!11" (and that didn't seem to change sdfsadf).
Also, the fact that he was labelled The Youngest appealed to my pre-teen/teen mind, although at first I didn't get that it meant "the youngest member of the National Convention", and not, like, "the youngest revolutionary in existence" safasdfds.
The weirdest (?) thing was that I was originally limited to Eastern European sources, which were generally more sympathetic toward the revolution and Robespierrists. They also took SJ seriously as a politician and a theorist. So I was very late to the whole "bratty pretty demonic boy" narrative and, in a way, I am still learning how he is viewed in the Anglo sphere (and France, I suppose).
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