#six year old remus
lulublack90 · 24 days
Prompt 28 - Coach
@wolfstarmicrofic August 28, word count 433
“Okay Harry, ease up on your descent. Perfect! Well done!” Sirius cheered Harry on. He was only six, but already he was flying loops around the rest of the Weasley kids. “Alright George, Fred, I’m releasing a bludger, be careful of the little ones!” He warned, flicking the release on the rattling bludger ball. It shot into the air and straight for Ginny, who had the quaffle. Fred shot in front of her and hit the bludger across the pitch. “Excellent Fred. Right Ginny, let’s see you get the quaffle past Bill.” He watched as the tiny five-year-old slowly headed towards the goal on her first broomstick. She wobbled a bit but lined up her shot and threw it. Bill kindly flew to the wrong hoop and Ginny scored. She squealed with joy and turned to look at Sirius. 
“Did you see Uncle Sirius?!” She shouted excitedly. 
“Yes, I did. Well done Ginny!” he beamed at her.
“YAY!” Harry whooped as he swooped past Sirius, his little hand clutching the snitch. A disgruntled Charlie landed next to him. 
“Is that thing rigged for him to catch it or am I actually losing to a six-year-old?” He asked grumpily. 
“Charlie my little mischief-maker, you are actually losing to a six-year-old,” He chuckled fondly, ruffling Charlie’s hair. The redhead shook his head and got back on his broom to circle high above. 
“How’s it going, coach?” Remus whispered in his ear, making him jump. He hadn’t heard him approaching. 
“Oh, just fine. I think in a few years we might have an actual legit quidditch team here,” He looked out at the Weasley kids and Harry. Bill now had Ron in goal and was telling him what to do as Ginny came nearer with the quaffle raised. But he missed what happened next because Harry came shooting over on his broom, jumped off it mid-flight, hung on to it with one hand and let his momentum carry him into Sirius’s waiting hands. “You’ll be the death of me, Harry James Potter,” He yelped as he pulled his godson in close. The little boy just giggled.
“Hi Uncle Moony,” He waved at Remus. 
“Hello, Harry. Are you annoying Charlie again?”
“Yes!” Harry replied with a wicked grin. He wiggled in Sirius’s arms to be put down, hopped on his broom and shot off again.
Remus stood behind Sirius, wrapped his arms around his waist and rested his chin on the top of Sirius’s head. Sirius sighed happily as they watched the seven children racing around the field behind the Burrow having the time of their lives. 
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darkboysroadtrip · 3 months
For the sides
Be careful, do not get hurt in the house
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moonstruckme · 1 month
Thawing Out
summary: You and Sirius are in dire need of a new coach just weeks before the Olympics. Remus is a former figure skating prodigy forced to retire after a career-ending injury. Though it's not smooth skating right away, those stiff Olympic village beds are dying to be broken in.
collab with @ellecdc
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
cw: modern au, chronic pain
poly!wolfstar x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
Remus still wakes before dark every morning. It’s automatic, an urgency and excitement that thrums through him like an old instinct, born from years of his alarm clock rousing him at this time. The rink is always at its best right now, when they’ve just finished resurfacing the ice and no one else is around. It was Remus’ favorite time to practice. 
Now, he has a new reason to get up. His hip clicks as he does it, so he starts his day with a couple of proactive painkillers. If he really wanted to be proactive he would stretch like he’s supposed to, but there’s no time and Remus doesn’t feel like it. He’ll pay his toll for the negligence later. 
The webpage of his Airbnb boasted a five-minute walk to the rink, but with his hip it takes Remus seven. It’s like an odd sort of muscle memory, an old routine from another life that feels as bitter as it does comfortable. He heads out early to give himself some cushion. The streets are empty but for bakers and baristas, the first hints of dawn tinging the sky a deep blue. When he turns a corner and the rink comes into view, the absence of his bag hanging from his shoulder is a phantom ache. 
The front doors are locked but the side one staff uses isn’t, the Zamboni driver already inside. Remus lets himself in, makes a cup of tea from the hot water dispenser they leave out when concessions are closed, plants himself on a bench, and waits. 
And waits. 
And waits. 
Remus has nearly nodded off when two pairs of shoes come bounding up to him. Well, one pair bounds. The other drags. 
“Hi, sorry we’re late.” You’re breathless and hauling a sullen-looking boy along behind you by the hand, but you manage a smile when Remus looks up at you. “I had to run over and get him out of bed. It’s good to meet you!”
You hold out your untethered hand. Remus might normally stand to take it, but he no longer feels like doing you the courtesy. Your grip is firm and warm. 
“You were supposed to be here at six,” he says. 
You wince. “I know. Sorry, Sirius is really not a morning person.” 
Remus thinks that he might put more stock into your apologies if you looked a tad more contrite. As it is, your countenance is almost cheery, a fizzy eagerness about you as you look between him and the ice like you can’t wait to get out on it. 
In stark contrast, the ill-tempered boy behind you seems not to have a clue where he is. He looks rumpled and disoriented, squinting in the rink’s fluorescent light. 
“Then why didn’t you pick another time?” Remus asks. 
He hadn’t realized he was still looking at Sirius, or that the other boy could talk, so it’s a surprise when he answers. “Wasn’t my bloody idea.” 
By the way you grin, Remus wonders if you’ve even heard the obvious bitterness in your partner’s tone, or whether it’s gone straight over your head. 
“I like the rink better early,” you explain. “No one else ever comes before the hockey practice starts at nine, and they’ll have just finished resurfacing the ice.” 
Begrudgingly, Remus nods. “I always preferred it about now, too.” 
He realizes immediately that his agreement was a mistake, because your smile grows into something far too brilliant for the early hour. Christ, what has he gotten himself into? There’s you, starry-eyed and effervescing all over the place, and your partner, who looks more inclined to fall asleep on your shoulder than put on his skates. 
And this is the pair skating duo Remus is supposed to take to the Olympics. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Watch that back foot!” Remus shouts across the ice.
Sirius doesn’t look happy about it, but he corrects the placement of his skate, transitioning smoothly into the next synced turn. 
“Good,” Remus murmurs to himself. 
Once Sirius got out on the ice and woke up a bit, he was good. He skates with the technical proficiency of someone who’s been in the sport since before they started primary school, and the intuitive artistry of someone who loves it. You’re much the same, though your virtuosity and obvious competence are consistently undercut by hesitation, the grace of your movements interrupted when you second-guess yourself. But these—technical prowess paired with devotion—are the basics of what makes a good figure skater. You’ll have to be flawless if you want to do well at the Olympics. 
And Remus has found many flaws. 
“No, no—shit!” Remus stands as you fall out of your jump again, catching yourself on your forearms. “You’re still under-rotating! Come on!” 
Sirius snarls a quick “Hey!” over his shoulder before turning his back on Remus, going to help you up. He speaks to you quietly, checking you over as you stand. Remus seethes. 
He has no clue why he’s been called out here to coach a pair. Remus doesn’t know pairs, has never been a part of one. He was a solo skater. And frankly, it makes him wary that what’s supposed to be the best skating pair in Britain has asked him, a former solo skater who’s been isolated from the figure skating community in general for the past two years, to coach them. But Remus does know figure skating. And he knows when skaters are making stupid mistakes behind their skill level. 
“What aren’t you understanding?” asks Remus as you skate back to the edge of the rink. He really wants to know. “It’s simple. You can do this.” He knows he could have. As easy as breathing, and he would kill to have the chance again. 
“What the fuck is your problem?” 
Sirius’ glare is sharp as knives. He steps off the ice before you can, positioning himself between you and Remus. Your lips purse with a knowing sort of apprehension. 
“No, you don’t talk to her like that,” Sirius spits. “It was a tiny mistake.” 
Remus raises his eyebrows, incredulous. “I’m trying to help her! It was a giant mistake, with a simple fix. You ought to be telling her the same, unless you’re okay with your partner snapping her ankle weeks out from competition.” 
“None of that means you get to fucking yell at her! Who do you think you are?” 
“I’m her coach,” says Remus, voice rising, “and—”
“Then coach her! Maybe if you’d give some actual fucking feedback instead of just nitpicking—” 
“Okay!” Your shout cuts through the space, echoing in the empty rink and silencing the other two. “That’s enough.” 
You haul Sirius back by his shoulder. Your grip doesn’t look severe enough to move him, but he goes, stepping back to your side. His eyes never leave Remus’. 
Your own gaze jumps between both boys, that same spark he’d seen in you earlier burning with a different light. 
“Let’s call it for today,” you say firmly. “Okay? We’ll try again tomorrow.” 
Neither boy speaks, though Remus nods. It seems to be taking all of Sirius’ willpower to bite his tongue. He gets the impression it isn’t something he succeeds at often, so Remus isn’t ashamed to say that it brings him a perverse sort of joy to see it now. His tiny bit of smugness fizzles out, though, when your eyes land on him. There’s something desolate in your expression that’s a salient deviation from how you’d looked at him before. Remus has the sinking feeling that he’s disappointed you. It’s more distressing than he can account for. 
“We’ll be here on time tomorrow,” you say in that same steady tone. “And my jump, I’ll work on it.” 
Remus nods again. You return it, and when you turn to leave, you drag Sirius after you by his shirtsleeve, picking up your bags along your way. Remus’ mouth feels dry. His lips are chapped, his fingertips hurt from the cold, and the sight of your skates sinking into the rubbery floor makes his hip ache terribly. 
It’s only once you’re nearly out of earshot that he manages to mumble, “Thank you.”
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sleepiexx · 16 days
Something He’d Overheard
James Potter x fem!Reader
Note: I’ve been in the marauders fandom for over 7 years now, I think it’s high time I write a fic for it. Part of my efforts to branch out into writing for more fandoms than COD.
Summary: James finds himself head over heels when he sees you defending a first year student.
Warnings: some curse words here and there, bullying mention, overall rlly soft
Word Count: 1151
After countless fictional characters and random strangers on the street with pretty faces catching his burning ire, anyone who knew James Potter knew good and well that he was a lover. He had long believed in love at first sight, merely seeing someone eye-catching often sparked thoughts of budding romance, fantasies of how they would love and what their relationship would look like amongst other things. Soulmates and fate were a big concept to him too, for example his favorite book character, a headstrong witch who was kind and brilliant, well James had a hunch that in another life they were lovers.
He’d fallen in love just about a million times, and yet something about you was different.
You had caught James’ eye one day as he made the trek to the library to collect his good friend Remus for their group’s usual night’s worth of mischief. Your beautiful eyebrows were pinched together in anger, a sneer on your pretty lips, your voice was loud and firm as you scolded one of the usual culprits (a death eater in the making) for bullying a defenseless first year student.
Your hand clutched your wand intently as you damn near hissed the words, “you wanna try picking on someone who can actually fight back?”
They let out a scoff and left the scene, leaving you, the first year, and unbeknownst to you, James.
The switch between standoffishness and caring came like whiplash. Your tensed frame relaxed as you knelt down in front of the first year (those eleven year olds seemed to be growing shorter and shorter every year). Your dominant hand reached out and gently wiped away the younger child’s tears.
“Everything he said is bullshit,” you began, “he’s angry at the world, looking for someplace to fit in, and unfortunately it’s really easy to fall into the wrong crowd. You haven’t, and he’s jealous of that.”
The kid sniffled, pout still indented firmly on their little lips, “who would be jealous of me?”
You shook your head in disbelief, “plenty of people! You have a gift that a large part of the world’s population doesn’t possess, that’s something to be proud of no matter what other witches and wizards try to tell you. Heck, I’m even jealous of you.”
As you spoke a smile crept its way on the first year’s face, “you are?” They asked.
“Yeah, I am!” You nodded, “you’ve got six and a half more years left at Hogwarts to have fun and run about the castle, I only have another year and a half.”
“This place is pretty cool,” they muttered.
Your face lit up and you stood to your feet, offering the small child your hand so you could walk them back to their common room. You’d never seen the awe-stricken onlooker, but the scene was now burned into James’ mind.
It followed him to the library, where he convinced Remus to follow him to their other friends, a long walk that Remus spent listening to James drone on and on about you. It followed him to his dorm that night, and every other night for weeks leaving the marauders to know every single detail about you. And it most especially followed him to each of the classes you had together where James would stare at you and admire your appearance while daydreaming about you.
It was the third time that week that the scene had followed him to the lunch table when Sirius slammed his palms on the table, “I’m putting an end to this nonsense right now. You either talk to her, Prongs, or I will. And trust me, you won’t like how in depth I will go about those daydreams you’ve been having where-“
Sirius couldn’t even finish his sentence with how fast James jumped in, “alright, alright! I have potions with her next, I’ll talk to her, I swear.”
The statement leaves the marauders satiated in conversation as they finish up their lunch and head to their classes.
In potions, James nearly decides to abandon ship, facing a new anxiety he’d never experienced before when dealing with a girl. He decides that maybe it would be best to keep to himself, too afraid to stumble on his words and make a fool of himself in front of such a pretty girl. All this is until Professor Slughorn proclaims that today’s assignment requires a partner. If there ever was a time to shoot his shot, it’s now.
He takes deep breaths, adjusting his posture and forcing his every step to radiate confidence before he reaches you, “I was wondering if maybe you’d like to be my partner?”
You smile, “I’d love to! Fair warning, though, I’m not the best at potions.”
James bursts out into a giddy grin, “I’m willing to pick up the slack.”
“Unfortunately, I bet I’ll make you eat your words,” nonetheless you collect the ingredients as James collects the supplies.
When everything is together, James reads off the instructions. You follow them with great care, not wanting to make a fool of yourself in front of your new, devilishly handsome potions partner.
You make to slice open one of the ingredients, as the instructions called for, but your knife slips, sending the damned thing hurdling straight towards your face. You close your eyes, bracing yourself for an impact that never comes, reopening them only to be met with the sight of the back of James’ hand.
“Holy shit,” you curse, “did you just catch that?”
James nods, almost surprised at himself.
You shake your head in disbelief, “if you weren’t such a good chaser, I’d suggest you take up seeking.”
Your statement renews James’ confidence, so you’d noticed him too?
“Can I show you how to cut it?” He asks, a smile on his face.
You nod, watching his hands intently, confused when he disappears behind you. You quickly piece together what’s happening when he grabs your hands with his own, handing you the knife and positioning you so that you slice through the ingredient like it’s nothing.
“Great job!” James praises, even though it was him that had done all the work.
You still take the compliment, grinning from ear to ear as he tosses the final ingredient into the potion, creating the rich purple color you were striving for, “we make a really good team, Potter.”
“Oh yeah?” He asks, “well what do you say we see if we make as good of a couple?” You feel blood rush to your cheeks, James further clarifies “Hogsmeade this weekend? Just you and me?”
And you nod eagerly, “I would love that.”
If Sirius thought James asking you out would be the solution to him raving on and on about you all hours of the day, he was sorely mistaken and he was about to figure that out as soon as James stepped into the common room.
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
Like Bowie
Based on an anonymous request, Wolfstar raising Harry
"Paddy? Moons?" Harry's small voice rang out into the sitting area, jolting Sirius from his half-asleep state.
Lifting his head off of Remus's lap, he looked over to the six-year-old, who was currently on the floor, frozen in the middle of playing with a toy Quidditch set. "Yeah, Haz?" Sirius responded, his voice soft.
"The kids at school keep asking me about my scar," Harry said, his tone a bit sad. "They said it's weird and scary."
Immediately, Sirius felt a sharp pang of hurt in his chest. Ever since he and Remus had taken Harry in after James and Lily had died, his overprotectiveness had been almost debilitating, and it was no secret that Harry sometimes struggled with accepting and understanding the things that had happened when he was only an infant. it had been an argument between the two of them about if they should even send Harry to Muggle school, and now the kids were treating him like this? Merlin, if they only knew.
But Remus sat up as well, looking gently between Sirius and Harry. "Progslet, do you remember us telling you about Bowie?"
Harry pondered this for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, he's the one that Pads wants to hold hands with," he answered, giggling a bit.
Sirius let out a bark of laughter at that.
"Not quite," Remus answered patiently, smiling as well. "But we like him, right? He's not scary?"
"No," Harry answered immediately. "He's cool."
"Well, let me show you something," the taller man continued, waving his wand so a record levitated from a shelf.
Sirius and Harry both looked at Aladdin Sane, with an image of David Bowie himself on the cover, a huge lightning bolt painted across his face.
"See? Bowie loved lightning bolts. He would have thought your scar was so cool," Remus explained earnestly, smiling at Harry.
The little boy gasped, eyes huge. "Wow! I'm cool, just like Bowie!"
Sirius laughed at his amazement, knot in his stomach loosening. "That you are, Haz!"
And as Harry turned back to his toys, worries forgotten, Sirius looked at Remus adoringly. "You're amazing, you know," he murmured, his heart full and light.
"As are you," Remus smiled, leaning back onto the couch, pulling Sirius back to him.
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futurecorps3 · 10 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
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Summary: Sirius and reader plan a romantic dinner for a very tired Remus Pairing: Poly!wolfstar x reader Warnings: mentions of sex and that’s all, I think! It's fluff and post!war where absolutely nothing went wrong because Reggie was a spy for the Order just like in canon duh Word Count: 1.4K Requested: No
Sirius leaned against the kitchen counter, a playful twinkle in his eyes, and said, "You know, love, if our cooking skills don't impress Moony tonight, at least our charm will do the trick." Y/N laughed, adding a bit more salt to the pasta they had been working on for about an hour now.
"Bet your pretty smile and my dazzling gaze will be fit enough… I really hope he likes it though," she mumbled that last part, feeling a pair of arms round her from the back. "I'm sure he'll love it," Sirius whispered, kissing his girl's cheek and moving on to whisk the eggs for the brownies they were baking for dessert.
It was Remus' first year as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. He had started the charge right after the war ended, and the trio had settled into a lovely flat on Eaton Square—a two-story building bought with Black family money. ("One thing my mum and dad will be good for!" Sirius had said back when he bought it.) They were slowly transforming it into a home. During the war, they realized they had the power to turn even a cavern into a warm place, as long as the three of them were together.
For the past week, Remus had come home absolutely drained. When he jumped into bed or the couch with them, he'd fall asleep right away and still wake up tired. Sirius and Y/N were aware that he was struggling to adapt to new routines; going from spending all his time with the people he almost lost to teaching six classes a day with minimal breaks was becoming challenging for him.
He'd adjust eventually and would be back to his old self, but for now, their boy was tired, and all they wanted was to treat him with every ounce of love and care he deserved. So, when Remus told them that he'd be coming home earlier that Friday, they decided to go all out with a romantic home-cooked dinner.
"Can you try this? I-I think it's a bit insipid," she said, stirring the cream-based sauce that was ready to serve, pouring a bit onto the back of her hand for Sirius to lick. His tongue gathered the liquid, and his eyes opened in shock. "That's amazing! D-don't change anything; it's perfect, baby," he smiled, grabbing the spoon from his girlfriend and taking more of it into his mouth, directly from the spoon to then place it back inside the boiling pot.
He either didn't mind or didn't think about it; knowing him, it was probably the latter. "Sirius, no!" she half-scolded while laughing, slapping his shoulder playfully. "Wouldn't be the first time my saliva is in either yours or Moony's mou- oi!" he snickered as the girl assaulted him again, all tiny hands against his broad figure. "You're disgusting," Y/N smiled, walking over to the dining table where a white tablecloth was set.
While the noodles cooked and her boyfriend danced to Queen while baking their last course planned for the night, she set the table. Y/N knew her boys to perfection, and Remus had always appreciated neat and aesthetically pleasing settings for their dates, and while this was not exactly one, she wanted it all to be perfect. Before coming home from a job interview that day, she stopped by and bought some candles and a nice bottle of wine; red. He loved red wine.
As she picked the bottle, she wondered how many bottles they'd collect as time passed and their flat became truly theirs. She smiled.
"Love, the water's doing it again…" she heard Sirius warn in a quiet panic and almost giggled. "Just stir them for a bit and turn off the stove; they're almost done," the girl reassured as she placed the brand-new silverware Regulus and James had gotten them when they first moved in neatly over the tablecloth, right next to the plates and careful that no wax could reach them when the candles eventually melted.
When all places were set and ready to be occupied—a bouquet of red roses and baby's breath in Remus', courtesy of their boyfriend—she returned to the kitchen. Her pasta was done, and brownies were in the oven. She found Sirius cleaning his rings, which he hadn't bothered to take off and were now covered in flour, delicate fingers gently scrubbing off the white powder.
Y/N took in the sight of him. He was going on about something that happened to him on the way home, about how he fought a lady for Moony's bouquet or something. She really didn't care when he looked like that. His long, black hair was tied in a messy bun with his wand, with a few strands falling out, a Rolling Stones t-shirt he turned into a crop top let a glimpse of his v-line show, as if it was purposely teasing his girlfriend, jeans hanging low and covered in flour.
Fuck. She scored. "… and so I told he- what are you doing?" he questioned when approached. Y/N stepped between the sink and his body, looking up at him while biting her lip. He felt her fingers hook on the empty belt loops of his pants, making him press flush against her body. "You're too pretty for this world; did you know that? Who gave you permission, Sirius? Do you think it's okay to be this perfect and just… exist like you're not this gorgeous?" she asked in all seriousness, making him blush and snicker at her flirting.
They were always like that with each other. Always flirting. Always trying to make each other blush. That, until Remus stepped in and made them both blush, fluster, and giggle like twelve-year-olds who just pecked someone else's lips for the first time.
"Careful. My brownies are still in the oven, and Moony won't take long in getting home," he warned, his eyes darkening a bit. "And?" she teased, scratching the bit of stomach exposed he displayed. "And if I bend you over-the-counter right now, dessert will be ruined, Remus will get too distracted in punishing us, and dinner will never happen. Just be patient," he groaned, stroking her face and kissing the corner of her lips, turning to clean his hands once again.
She ran her hands through his chest and screamed into his back in frustration, making his chest bubble with laughter. Right after, keys jingled in the front door, and they were both quickly at the door, smiling at each other like they held some secret intel Remus could never know about, and in some sense, they did.
Their boyfriend walked through the door, looking at them like they had grown two heads as he discarded his coat and boots by the door. "Well, hello," he smirked, walking over them and kissing their lips gently. "Are you baking something? I thought we'd do that on Saturday when Harry came over," he asked, trying to peek over their heads before Y/N pulled his head down with both her hands on his cheeks.
"We've got a surprise. Go change into something more comfortable and meet us in the dining hall." She smiled. "Dining hall?" Remus laughed, shaking his head as he felt electricity running through him with the information. Sirius remained serious as he nodded at their girlfriend's statement. "Yes, the dining hall, dear. Now go, c'mon," he encouraged, patting his shoulders as he walked away.
They used the time he took in putting some joggers and a shirt on to serve the pasta and place it on the table. Pads took care of the wine and looked up giddily at their boy paddling through the floor in disbelief. "Come sit." Y/N smiled gently, having changed the record to The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars; Remus' favorite. "Oh, I absolutely despise you both," he said, running a scarred hand through his curls as he approached the table with a soft smile playing on his lips.
Remus eyed the food, the table, and the soft music playing in the background, somehow managing to keep it together. Until he saw the flowers. He picked them up and looked at his partners with utter adoration in his eyes. "Fuck you," he laughed as tears prickled his eyes, making his boyfriend and girlfriend walk over to him to engulf him in a tight hug.
He felt safe and protected, even when he was very clearly towering over both of them. "We know you've been having a hard time coping with change, so we wanted to do something special for you," Y/N mumbled against his chest, stroking his back comfortingly. "The things I cooked might be shit… know I made them with a lot of love though," Sirius joked, kissing Remus' cheeks, which left a salty taste in his mouth. Moony laughed airily.
Surrounded by the warmth of his partners, Remus felt a surge of emotion. It wasn't just relief; it was a profound sense of belonging. Y/N's lips pressed against his cheek, leaving a lingering warmth, while Sirius's hand ruffled his hair in a gesture that felt both affectionate and familiar. "Come on, or it'll get cold."
They sat at the table, humming to the tunes playing in the background as they rambled about their day, sharing minutes of comfortable silence accompanied by loving glances out of nowhere. After the war ended, this is what they longed for. The trio would never forget how they fantasized about simpler times while laying on icy surfaces or in the woods, praying to whoever was willing to listen for a crumb of grace and a bit of luck to find solace after all that was done with.
As their eyes locked, there was an unspoken promise of enjoying the one thing they dreamed of a few years ago lingering in the air. They were giving themselves and each other a gentler life, a kinder environment, and a safe haven they could always go to. A safe haven with great pasta.
"Shit, dove… this is amazing! Where's the recipe from?" Remus exclaimed, resisting the urge to lick the plate and limiting himself to only gathering the leftover sauce with his fork like a civilized person. "I called Effie.” "Bless her soul," Sirius groaned in a solemn tone, licking the plate. Moony chuckled and drank the last bit of his wine as Y/N playfully scolded him. How he loved them, he thought.
Y/N slipped off her shoes and started prancing around to the music with a glass of wine on her way to serve dessert, a pair of warm smiles beaming at her going unnoticed as she was too lost in the beats. She paid attention to the plating, so she grabbed the small plates they had with tiny flowers on them and sprinkled some powdered sugar on top of the brownies her boyfriend baked.
"Here you go." She smiled, kissing both Sirius' and Remus' cheeks as she put the plates in front of them after putting hers on the place, sitting back down the next second. They bit into the pastry at the same time Padfoot waited for their verdict. "So? How'd I do?" He asks, in a concerned state his partners found hilarious, seeing how seriously he was taking the whole situation.
Y/N's expression turned into a disgusted frown as she chewed but quickly replaced it with a smile, making the change obvious to Sirius. "What was that!?" the black-haired boy said with wide eyes, taking a bite off the dessert himself and frowning when he actually found it good. "Come on love, it can't be that bad," Remus said, biting into his piece and closing his eyes in disgust in a very exaggerated manner.
"The-they're good, baby." She smiles, leaving the large piece untouched in her plate as she looked at him with sympathetic eyes. "I tried them; I did a bloody great job, so don't co-". His partners erupted in laughter. Moony almost cried, and Y/N's tummy hurt as Sirius shook his head with an upset pout.
"You're so mean. I hate you both. I'll never bake for you again!" "No, love, come on! We're sorry I-I just saw where Y/N was going and played along," Remus laughed, reaching over to engulf him in a hug, but his boyfriend pulled away, back facing his smiling face. He couldn't avoid the love for too long, cornered between his girlfriend who also reached out to embrace him.
"They're really good, Sirius! Come here; I-I'm sorry." "Why do you keep laughing!?" He whined with a little smirk playing at his lips he tried hard to contain when he found himself sandwiched between his loves. "No, ge-get off!" he playfully fought in-between giggles, trying to squirm out of Moony's arms, failing miserably. Y/N jumped over to them and kissed Sirius' face repeatedly.
"I-I'm leaving this house! Stop, Y/N, there's no changing my mind." He laughed. "We won't let you go; hate to break it to ya'." "Yup, I'm kissing you until you forgive us." They collapsed in giggles with sore bellies, letting go and going back to their spots to finish their desserts. "You did a splendid job, darling." Remus smiles, biting happily into his brownie. "Yes, they're amazing." Y/N assured and presses one last kiss to Sirius' cheek.
After several stories, laughs, warm smiles, and kisses were shared, they all decided to call it a night. Y/N grabbed one of Padfoot's shirts and a pair of Moony's socks, throwing them on before brushing her teeth and washing her face as her boyfriends got ready as well.
They jumped into the two queen beds they had joined and covered only with a soft silk sheet Sirius had insisted on getting since it was spring; They liked to cuddle, and if for some reason they covered more, they'd be kicking away in their sleep so they could be fresher.
Usually, Y/N would sleep between them, but today Remus took her spot and they were all comfortable with that. He wrapped his arms around his partners and kissed both of their heads, feeling exhaustion wash over him as their limbs pressed against all of his body; engulfed by love and warmth he craved his whole life before they came into the picture. "Thank you," he sighed, "for everything."
"Anything for our Moony," was heard in a soft whisper in the dark room, and with that, they drifted off to sleep.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Marauders taglist (DM or answer to be added): @kquil
Remember, the best way to support writer’s works on here is by REBLOGGING WITH TAGS. I’d very much appreciate it if you did!
Thanks again, stranger. Hope you have a nice day<3
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ch0k3herwithaseaview · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic | april 18 sock | words: 585
tw: slight nfsw, walking in on someone, swearing
“Stop leaving your socks all over the place!” Sirius heard from the first floor.
“Stop being a dick; they’re on my side of the room!”
“Oh, trust me, I can be worse!” And then there was a loud thud, probably Regulus throwing something at James to prove that he could indeed be worse.
Sirius sighed, taking a sip of his coffee. It had been like that since the beginning of the holidays, because everyone forgot to rent a place with six rooms instead of five, so that James and Regulus could sleep separately. When the two of them found out, they reacted in two different ways: James didn’t mind (It’s not like we’ll be spending a lot of time here); Regulus, on the other hand, threw a tantrum like a five-year-old (I can’t share a bed with this asshole for the next six weeks). Unfortunately, there was no other way, since neither of them would sacrifice a comfortable bed to sleep on a couch in the living room. So for the past two weeks, all ten of them were doomed to listen to the senseless arguments the two others provided.
They were all getting tired of it—they came to Italy to rest, not to feel like children while their parents were getting divorced.
“I swear to god, if they don’t stop until tomorrow, at least one of them won’t come back to London,” Barty grumbled, handing a cup of orange juice to each one of his boyfriends. The girls hummed in agreement.
They sat at the big table in the kitchen, having breakfast. Dorcas and Marlene listed all the places they could go to today, while Lily and Pandora were serving more pancakes and scrambled eggs.
“I think the gallery and chapel sound the best,” commented Mary, throwing a grape at Peter, which he caught with his teeth.
After that, they sat in a comfortable silence, chewing on their respective meals.
The silence was almost… too comfortable.
“Do you think they killed each other?” Sirius asked, breaking the moment of peace.
“Who cares? At least they’re quiet,” Evan replied, shoving another forkful of eggs into his mouth.
Sirius turned to Remus, starting a silent conversation. After a few seconds, his boyfriend nodded and stood up, with Sirius following suit. They went upstairs, stopping in front of blue door. From behind them came quiet gasps and muffled words neither of them could understand.
The black-haired man knocked at the door gently. “Reggie? Prongs? Are you guys okay?” When, after nearly a minute, there was still no answer, he decided to enter the room.
“Guys, are you—what the fuck?” He was expecting everything: blood all over the place, black eyes, broken bones, shattered windows—everything except James holding one hand on Regulus’ throat, the other on his dick, his own probably inside Sirius' little brother.
All four of them froze, staring at each other with wide eyes, until the youngest finally grabbed the blanket laid in front of him, covering himself and James.
“Why the fuck would you come in without being allowed?” Regulus hissed.
“We thought you were dead,” Sirius answered, unnaturally calm. “I just wanted to check if you were alright.”
“Well, you know now, so get out,” the younger Black replied, making a dismissive gesture with his free hand. Sirius didn’t need much convincing to do so.
When Remus closed the door behind them, the shorter man turned to him.
“You know Moony,” he said, staring blankly. “I think I need to bleach my brain.”
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enbysiriusblack · 6 months
"Come on, Remus!"
"I hurt you."
James frowned at the large duvet lump on Remus' bed, "It doesn't matter."
The lump shook slightly, "Of course it matters, look at your face."
James glanced in the mirror across the room, "Dashingly handsome, I know."
"Not what I meant."
James stayed silent a momemt before sitting down gently at the end of the bed, "Have you ever done that before? Scarred someone?"
"Other than myself? No."
"I have."
The top of Remus' head peaked out from under the duvet, curiously staring at James.
"You've seen my dad", James shrugged, "That scar on his cheek? I did that. And there's a few more scattered on his body."
James lifted his hand to his hair, pulling on a few strands, "I uh- I was a very unruly kid."
Remus snorted, "Course you were."
James grinned at him, "Yeah. I'd never just settle down, always had to be whizzing about. And my dad had to try keeping up with me- but y'know they're old, and I'd cause mum and dad a lot of pain trying to catch up. And one day, I was about six or seven, my dad was playing quidditch with me. And he was the keeper, so I was trying to get the quaffle pass him. And I got a bit too into the game. I saw an opening so I threw it, and I thought he was about to catch it, but I had put a bit more force behimd the throw and it came barrelling right into his face. He fell off his broom and passed out for about ten minutes, his right cheek was split right open, from the ear to the corner of his mouth. I didn't play quidditch again for years."
Remus stared at him, "But you did start playing again."
"Yeah", he nodded, "Dad was so upset I stopped because of it, but I just couldn't play afterwards. But then Marlene moved next door and Dad suggested I ask her round to play quidditch with me. Obviously I refused but then he said that the scar didn't matter. I may be the cause of it, but to him it's a lasting memory of a fun experience he had with his son, and between getting to play quidditch with me but having a scar or never having played quidditch with me but not getting a scar- he'd always choose spending time with me. And y'know I'd rather have this scar than not be with you on full moons."
"You realise that's a totally different situation, right? Like 80% of people get injured playing quidditch."
James laughed, "Well, yeah. But a scar is a scar, Moony."
"I ruined your face."
"Merlin, you think my face is ruined do you?"
"That's not what I meant!"
James grinned, "I think I'm rogueishly handsome and mysterious now, like you."
"You're much better looking, James."
"Oh, you big flirt! What should I say to people when they ask how I got it? Maybe I visited your pet rabbit and got the same treatment from the little rascal?"
Remus smiled, "Maybe just say a prank went wrong."
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 1 - Accidental Eavesdropping
@wolfstarmicrofic May 1, word count 706
Remus curled into his favourite hiding place. Behind a tapestry, up a corridor and around a bend in a small chamber and above that chamber, there was a ledge with a window that looked out over the black lake. 
It was quiet, and few knew of its existence, so sometimes, when things were getting on top of him, he liked to come here and hide out for a few hours with a good book. 
Remus had been there only about ten minutes when he heard the sound of footsteps echoing off the corridor walls. Damn it, he thought as he shuffled closer to the window. Please go past. Please go past. He silently willed whoever it was using the shortcut. Please don’t know about the chamber. 
But the pair did, and they entered through the obscured doorway, casting silencing charms as they did in case anyone walked past when they should have been more concerned with the six-foot seventeen-year-old trying to make himself as small as possible above them. 
“The dreams are getting worse, Prongs. Last night, I dreamed we were in the shower, and it was all streamy, and then there was soap, and things started happening, and when I woke up, things had, you know, happened. James, what the fuck am I supposed to do?!” Merlin, James and Sirius had come to chat privately and there he was listening in because he was trapped on a window ledge.
“I mean, I think it's gone past simply fancying now and turned into a full-blown crush,” James said unhelpfully. Sirius groaned into his hands. 
“I need you to help me, Prongs,” Sirius pleaded. “What should I do?” Girl trouble, Remus rolled his eyes. He didn’t feel bad about hearing what they said any more. The amount of times he’d heard about Sirius's latest girl crush. He went back to his book, blocking them out. 
“Well, do you like him enough to ask him out?” James asked. Him? Sirius was interested in boys!!! Remus put his book away and crawled as close to the edge as he could without being seen.
“What if he doesn’t feel the same way, Prongs? What if he tells everyone? I don’t think I’m ready for everyone to see that side of me.” Remus could hear the panic and sadness in Sirius’s voice and wanted more than anything to wrap him in his arms and--
“He’s your best mate. He’d never do that to you. We’ve known him since we were eleven. Have you ever known him to be that cruel?” James had clapped a hand on Sirius’s back. 
“I suppose so,” Sirius snuffled. “I need to get him on his own. Test the waters and see if he feels the same way. Will you help me, James?” 
“Don’t be daft, of course, I’ll help you. Right, first things first, let's take a trip to Honeydukes.” James said brightly. 
“I don’t need to go there, James. I need to plan what to say.” 
“Right, and we can do that as we’re walking. Trust me, if you get some chocolate and give it to him. Remus will stay in the same room as you for at least five minutes, and you can make your move then.” Remus froze. Had James really just said Sirius wanted to ask him out? Sirius’s mystery crush was him. Remus wanted to fling himself out of his hiding place and launch himself at Sirius, confess he’d had the same feelings for so long. But the way Sirius had seemed so worried stopped him. He decided he’d make his way back up to the dorm room and wait there for him. 
He waited for the sound of their feet to fade away before he unfurled himself and dropped to the stone floor. He’d never rushed so quickly up to Gryffindor tower as he did just then. He washed his face, combed his hair and made sure he had his softest jumper on. 
A tap at the door alerted him to Sirius’s return. 
“Hey, Remus, I got you something,” Sirius said shyly and held up Remus’s favourite chocolate bar.
This was it. Remus took a streaming breath and waited for what he’d dreamed of for years to finally, finally begin. 
Second part
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ghostwritermia · 6 months
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My Favorite Wolfstar trope ✧.*
Remus Lupin x Sirius Black, James Potter x Regulus Black
Part 1?
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Remus and Sirius never imagined themselves with a child after their years at Hogwarts. And especially after their childhoods. Sirius had grown up in an abusive household, never getting the love and care he deserved until he was taken in by the Potter’s. Then Remus, he grew up with breaking bones once a month, every month. Something he still dealt with, but it was easier now, having been able to afford and make Wolfsbane Potion.
Today was a day they never expected to happen, but, when Professor Mcgonagall, now Headmistress Mcgonagall, called saying that she had found a six-year-old lycanthrope roaming the streets with a shared background of both Remus and Sirius, they couldn’t help but give it a shot, no matter how scared they were to take in a child.
However, they weren’t alone in the endeavor by any means. For they had gained a large support system over the years. James had already told them he’d be the cool uncle that would teach her how to play Quidditch, and Regulus had counteracted that by saying he would be the calm uncle that she could go to for advice and he would teach her how to be a Quidditch commentator who didn’t curse every other second, unlike her new father to-be, Remus.
The two men were currently pacing at Effie and Monty’s while they awaited McGonagall and their little girl’s arrival. Noticing their frantic behavior, Effie softly approached Remus and took him by the shoulder, gently guiding him down to the couch; she then placed a cup of tea into his hand, smiling warmly.
Meanwhile, Regulus walks over to his brother and grins, “This little girl is going to be so lucky to have two amazing fathers in her life. And me, but we can discuss visiting hours with Uncle Reg later,” He winked, slipping a peppermint into his brother’s hand. He earned a laugh from Sirius which was his goal, so he was happy with that as he forced Sirius into an armchair.
The heads of both Remus and Sirius popped up when they heard the heels of Minerva McGonagall’s clicking up the sidewalk that leads up to the Potter Manner. Too excited to meet the new addition to the family, James peels back the curtain to get a sneak peek only to see a small girl, only reaching about up to Minnie’s knees, with long dark brown hair and said eyes; looking closer he spots faint scars in various locations on her face, not near as prominent as his long-time friends though.
Minnie made eye contact with James through the window and smiled while Euphemia rushed to open the door and greet them.
“Hello, Minerva.” She smiled, opening the door wider, welcoming the Headmistress and the young lycanthrope in. “And you must be Ellery.” Effie greets the young girl softly.
Ellery nods before shyly tucking herself into Minerva’s robes.
Minnie gently pulls the girl back into view and crouches down to her height. “Are you ready to meet Sirius and Remus? You know, I used to have to instruct those two and they were an absolute pain, but they cared.”
Sirius scoffed, but his eyes softened when he noticed the young girl peer towards him.
Noticing this, ever observant, those two women, Minnie and Effie stood up and moved to the kitchen, giving Ellery space to meet the two men who were kind enough to take her in.
Sirius walked over, dragging a petrified Remus behind him and crouched down next to the young lycanthrope before sitting next to her. “I’m Sirius,” He tugged Remus down, who protested as his knees popped. “This is Remus.”
“Hi,” Remus whispered softly.
Ellery tilted her head to the side, her hair falling with. “Hi.” She greeted back meekly. 
Noticing the oncoming awkward silence, James joined in, passing her a lollipop as he sat down with his friends. “I’m James,” He introduced himself. “I’ll be your cool uncle. This is Regulus, or Reggie, or Reg, or the lame uncle.” His arm reached out, pulling Reg down to join them.
“Hello, Ellery. May I call you Ellie?” 
At this the girl nodded and moved towards Regulus curiously, picking up his hand and twisting his rings around. Smiling, Regulus took off the ring that had a moon on it and passed it over to her. 
She whispered a small thanks before walking curiously over to Remus. Remus smiled, his eyes crinkling in the corners. “Hi, Elle.” 
“Hi. You’re like me?”
“I am,” He whispered, as she stepped closer, resting her small hands on either side of his face, tracing over his scars with her tiny fingers, often like Sirius does at night when everything has gone quiet.
“Are you ready to go home, My lovely?” Sirius pipes up, carefully pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. 
“Home?” She mimics back.
“Home.” Remus and Sirius confirm with a nod.
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 21 days
☆ Silver's Sinful Sunday ☆
Week Three: Remus Lupin
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, Smut Essentially, Fem Reader, Mentions of Virginity, Oral (F! Receiving), overstimulation, a permanently exhausted pigeon of an author
Word Count: 506
When you began dating Remus, you weren't sure what it would entail. . . 
Certainly not losing your virginity the morning after the full moon, six months into dating after being friends for the entirety of your time at Hogwarts. 
Definitely not chanting and singing his name like a prayer as he fucked you into the rickety old mattress in the shrieking shack. 
It never crossed your mind that he'd suggest having you in passageways or broom closets if neither of you could wait for the shack or to get back to the dorms. 
He was your boyfriend — your tea drinking, sock folding, sweater wearing, chocolate frog loving, book reading, werewolf boyfriend.
You hadn't known there was a side to him like that — you assumed he would be pretty vanilla seeing as, for all those years, he didn't seem to be the type. . . 
But with him knelt before you, face buried between your thighs as he licked, sucked, and thrusted his fingers in and out of your soaked pussy in the astronomy tower, where anyone could walk in and discover the two of you out after curfew — you came to some sort of understanding.
“Remus —” 
He hummed, sending vibrations straight through your core, causing you to throw your head back as your hand tangled itself within his sandy colored hair. 
“—‘M so close Remy. . .” You moaned out as he expertly curled his fingers inside of you, putting pressure right where you needed it most. 
Your legs trembled slightly, thighs instinctively attempting to come together. “Come on.” You heard him whisper just before you reached your climax and quickly came undone on his fingers. 
Yet he didn't stop once you came down from the high. 
He kept going, working new angles and muttering little words of motivation between tending to your puffy clit and perfect little cunt. 
It was too much — the overstimulation nearly hurt. . . But meeting his beautiful, dark eyes, you almost didn't mind.
The roles were often reversed — with you on your knees, staring up at him with his thick and lengthy cock in your mouth, his hands in your hair guiding you as the head prodded at the back of your throat, testing your gag reflex. 
Your breath hitched as he hit that one spot, the feeling building once again with a dull ache that had you chasing the feeling of relief. 
“One more, Sweetheart.” He said. 
One more. 
Just one more. 
The second orgasm of the night crashed into you like a freight train and you cried out in pure ecstasy, clamping your free hand over your mouth. 
Remus looked up at you with a smug grin before he stood and licked his lips. His eyes flashed amber as he tasted the remnants of you on his lips. 
You slowly removed your hand from over your mouth once your breathing slowed down, staring up at the man you loved.
He cupped your jaw and placed a sweet kiss on your lips. “You taste perfect, my love.”
And you blushed, despite the previous position. 
------ ♡
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brandileigh2003 · 1 month
Wolfstar fic recs featuring disability, chronic illness, chronic pain, or characters who are deaf or blind
**please feel free to drop your own fic or recs in comments and I'll add.
----orange juice (i've been ready for you to come home for so long) by raggedypond divorced wolfstar get back together, flashbacks to remus getting diagnosis, breakup, and Sirius dealing with alcoholism. Raising teddy. Hea.
-the sea is a good place to think of the future by peachyybabe: @lavenderhaze get back together, raising teddy, the second has mcd but if you just read first you can pretend he's ok? (I know I have friends who don't touch mcd with 10ft pole)
-(really you can't go wrong with any of peachyybabe, disability, chronic illness and/or mental health/illness in all.
-Forget the World by @amberlink mcd. Sirius is a surgeon, saves remus' life and they marry for insurance. But ofc fall in love along the way as Remus' heart gets worse. this was so good and explored brief as well
-my jokes are my armour, my kindness is my sword by @littleoldrachel remus owns flower shop and meets the gang (seizures and chronic pain
-Like Real People Do by third_crow coffee shop au, also sirius raising harry. So good.
-Tender is the touch (of someone that you love too much) by @purplefiction-ao3 remus has heart condition, written by person with chronic illness themselves
-Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations by TheQueerTailor Sixth year has just started and Remus is barely keeping up. He's just sixteen but it feels like his body is falling apart.
-heat and balance by @eyra also interesting look into Sirius dual role of partner and caregiver
-We’ll Make It Out Alive by wolfstar_addict417 texting fic, raising teddy
-the mayors of simpleton by fruity_individual get back together, remus is blind, raising teddy
-Found Heaven by fierrochase fluffy text fic, so cute together
-Black's Anatomy by @grasslesss greys anatomy fic, remus has lupus
-The Sickness Unto Death by oliverdalstonbrowning university au, remus has cystic fibrosis
-Of Bookshelves and Baby Carriers by @poppunkpadfoot bookshop au, sirius raising harry
-My Only Sunshine by Loua29xx: remus had cancer. Mcd
- Young Blood by viwrites @just--vi road trip au, jegulus main, remus has heart condition (I've been told the 2nd focus more on wolfstar, haven't gotten there yet)
-I Don't Care if My Heart Breaks by orphan_account: bookshop au, remus has cerebral palsy
-Be silent like deep water by @her-smile-forges-galaxies remus is deaf
-Give Me A Sign by@theresthesnitch soulmate fic, remus is deaf. Wip
-Kill Your Darlings by MesserMoon: @sophsicle jegulus main but remus is deaf. Hockey and University au
-Signs of Affection by KittyCargo: remus is deaf, teacher asl
-For the Love of Ducks by viwrites Remus has heart condition
-a lot of Lucigoo89 feature in some way. @lucigoo
-Sweets and Books by Writer_INFJ_2w1: bookshop au, chronic pain
- feel what its like to be new by peachyybabe: boarding school au, sirius is blind
-Rarer Than One in a Million by Sp00nhater wolfstar is so soft and sweet, meet in hospital
-one shot: Another New Potion? by depressed_and_nauseous
-wip: bite the hand by raggedypond: zombie apocalypse
-The Language of Flowers by B1ackCatChatsBack Remus has ra, flower shop
-Good Old Fashioned Lover Boys by Hell_Again: bakery au
-Casimir Pulaski Day by breadpoetssociety: cancer, mcd
-Forever Is a State of Mind by orphan_account (deaf remus)
-Living Like We're Renegades by orphan_account (hoh remus, university)
-Mile High by quidditery chronic pain
-this is not a temporary love (now my heart is in your hands) by littleoldrachel (pining, abandoned as far as I know, but worth it!!!)
-I Didn't Come Here to Party, I Only Came for the Cake by attheendoftheday gbbo Remus with fibromyalgia
-Six Feet Apart by Belle_Lestrange101 pandemic fic, Remus has hiv
-Beyond the Heartbeat by bizarrestars: ultimately a story about grief of regulus, with the middle soft wolfstar falling in love. Remus and illness is featured.
-Small Bones of Courage by Anonymous mcd, please read tags, sensitive topics. Later in life lycanthropy is terminal for remus.
-Fractured Skies by orphan_account coffee shop fic, Sirius is deaf, Remus has epilepsy
-as it was by peachyybabe A story about falling in love with a stranger in a bookstore and learning how to live again.
-An Infinte Ocean orphan_account: teddy has cf, Sirius is amputer
-Blind Werewolf McWolf by orphan_account Remus is blind
-Message from Seat 25A by PleaseDonateBlood 1 shot lupus
-if you were a waiting room. by beaniesandblackcoffee
-Time May Change Me by Kaymardsa lupus
-Underneath It All by Kaymardsa: seizures, texting fic
-i don't want to be your muse by yellowmarshmallow muggle asexual remus with chronic fatigue syndrome
-waiting room by haey1
-Remus lupins guide on how to (not) become a quidditch seeker by Girl_rotting
-**all of my fics have disability or chronic illness rep two of my faves: silence between us (deaf remus + disability) and inevitable (cancer, mcd)**
These are prb widely known but...
-Highland Fling [+podfic] by @picascribitremus has lupus. They meet when Sirius is backpacking
-Text Talk by merlywhirls: Sirius is in boarding school, Remus is in hospital, and they don't know each other until Sirius texts the wrong number.
-Blends by rvltn909 coffee shop (sequel names goes into it a lot more)
-A Cup of Sugar by MsAlexWP: both harry and remus disabled
-Discards by picascribit read tags , sensitive subjects: remus has hiv
-A Wolf's Heart by mizdiz : meet in bookshop, remus has heart problems, mcd
-Problems with Narrative Structure and the Rules of Manly Engagement by @xinasvoice : get together fic, remus is an author has fibromyalgia
@just--vi did a tiktok video with these mentioned too that I forgot (give her some love)
-A Wolf, A Bear, A Dungeon Master, and Boy Wonder by ratmom819
-Forever is Definitely Punk Rock by orphan_account (lupus)
-Put Your Head on My Shoulder by jennandblit
-Sunshine on Leith by eyra
Spoons and Stars by Chlobliviate (Rec from glittery-grandma) chronic fatigue and pain, wolfstar in uni
Others who sent me recs:
With different eyes by Shadowmun: blind Sirius is a seer. (haven't read this but def it's on my list) Also check out ao3 or tumblr there are some others that aren't wolfstar @mundrakan
---feel free to check it my main rec list
I shall also direct you to some lists by the @wolfstarlibrarian I'm sure there is some in common but they also have more one shots that I unfortunately usually don't track for the most part (this is amazing account, and not mine, but give them lots of love)
Wolfstar + Chronic Pain, Wolfstar w/Disabilities, Deafness, & Blindness, Wolfstar Hospital AUs, Sick Fic Oneshots, Terminally/Chronically Ill Remus Fics
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an old friend, a new start {remus lupin}
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plot: Fourteen years after graduating Hogwarts, you're offered a job to be the new Muggle Music Professor. Funnily enough, your old friend, Remus Lupin, is also offered a new job at Hogwarts that year.
character: remus lupin x female reader
note: this has potential to be multiple parts, if anyone's interested let me know cause i'd like to write more of it xx
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You took a deep breath as you stepped out of the carriage to look up at the large, looming castle in front of you. Hogwarts. The castle really hadn't changed at all. It was still strikingly beautiful and so intricately built. Dumbledore took a lot of care to maintain Hogwarts and its grounds and it showed. You lifted your trunk off of the ground and made your way through the grounds to the Great Hall.
The last time you were here was fourteen years ago, the day you graduated. How times had changed. When you were last here, you and your friends were carefree and wild, excited to see what life had in store for you. When there had once been six of you, now only half survived. You hadn't spoken to the other surviving members of the Marauders in years, well Sirius had been sent to Azkaban for the murder of Peter Pettigrew (and you believed it was also for betraying James and Lily too. You and Remus fell out of contact a year or two after Peter's supposed death and Sirius's imprisonment. Life got in the way and it was too hard. There were too many memories and it was too painful so the two of you lost contact.
You often wondered about Remus. He had been your closest friend once upon a time and at one point, you had been head over heels for him but he never knew that. You would wonder about his life, how he was dealing with his condition, if he ever settled down...
Little did you know you'd be finding out sooner rather than later.
Professor McGonagall welcomed you as you walked into the Great Hall, "Ah, (y/n), dear, how lovely to see you after all these years." She greeted with a warm smile. She remained the same, a few more wrinkles around her warm eyes but she was the same, "Or should I say Professor." She had a twinkle in her eye, "I always did like seeing our students come back to be Professors."
You smiled, "Thank you, Professor," you said gratefully, glad that your first interaction was with a friendly familiar face.
"Oh," she said with a sweep of her hand, "call me Minerva... How does it feel to be back?"
"It feels good to be back actually... A little strange and bittersweet." You told her, looking around, "Their memories haunt me every single day but it's more intense here." Minerva looked around the Great Hall, agreeing, "I remember my first day getting sorted into Gryffindor and sitting beside Lily... She was my first friend here before I met the rest."
Her smile was wide and her eyes were a dazzling bright green colour, clashing yet complimenting her orange hair perfectly, "Here," she said, patting the space on the bench beside her, "sit with me, will you?" You gladly sat beside her as you introduced yourselves to the other, "It's all so exciting isn't it? Overwhelming but it's exciting to be somewhere we all belong."
You shook yourself out of the memory and apologised to Minerva but she tutted and gave you a warm smile, "Don't apologise, dear. Keep those happy memories of them alive, all of them." Even Sirius. Even though he betrayed the Potters' ending up getting them and Peter killed, "Speaking of the past, I do have some potentially upsetting news to tell you. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban recently," you nodded, you'd read all about it. You'd seen his face plastered everywhere, crazed and wild, "James and Lily's son, Harry, he's a third year at Hogwarts... As you know Sirius is the godfather of Harry Potter and we fear that Sirius may try and come to kill the last surviving member of the Potter family."
You nodded as she explained the precautions Hogwarts was taking, "Dementors from Azkaban will be guarding Hogwarts. My honest advice is to stay out of their way, the scary buggers." You laughed slightly, "Just... Be on your highest guard. I've warned Remus too. You two know Sirius better than anyone."
You frowned, "Remus?" You asked, "He's here?"
Minerva looked at you puzzled, "Yes. Sorry, dear, forgive me, I just assumed the two of you would still be in contact."
"No... We haven't seen each other for about a decade actually. It was too painful. Too many painful memories."
Minerva nodded, "Well I hope that him being here and with Sirius on the loose, it may rekindle your friendship once again. The two of you were always the best of friends." You were. You and Remus did everything together, "I don't usually like to gossip on students but seeing as you graduated fourteen years ago, I always did think the two of you would be good together." She smiled, a twinkle in her eye, as you blushed furiously, "Anyway, he's our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Do you want me to show you where your classroom is?"
"Still fifth floor, right?" You asked her to which she nodded, "I think I should be able to find it myself but thank you, Minerva." It would take a while to get used to calling her that, "Once I'm settled, we should catch up some more." Minerva smiled and agreed and then you walked away.
"Professor Lupin's classroom is on the third floor," she called after you. You didn't have to turn around to know that she would be smirking.
Hogwarts was huge with lots of winding staircases that ended up going to different places but it was like muscle memory. Your legs just knew which route to take. Instead of taking the quickest route to your new classroom, you took a bit of a scenic tour, just wanting to soak up everything old and everything new.
The silliest of memories resurfaced as you walked around.
"Look, Moony!" James grinned as Remus approached the two of you, "Padfoot's going to jump down this staircase. He believes he can do it without hurting himself."
Remus looked to you and you just shrugged, "I tried to stop him but it's Sirius, Rem. We'll never be able to control him." (It ended with Sirius spending a night in the hospital).
You turned a corner, finding yourself in front of a painting that you remembered.
You'd just happened across her standing looking at the painting. It was only your second day so you stopped to see if she was okay. "It's crazy," a first year Lily Evans said with a wide smile, "I'm Muggleborn so this is still all quite new to me but it still amazes me that paintings move."
"My dad's a Muggle," you said to Lily, "I kind of had the best of both worlds. I knew about magic but also knew and grew up with a lot of Muggle stuff like Muggle music, I love Muggle music."
"Oh my goodness," Lily grinned, "me too! Who's your favourite?"
"I love The Beatles-"
"No way!" Her smile was contagious, bright and so happy, "Oh (y/n), we're going to be such good friends."
Then you went through a rarely used shortcut through a painting and through a narrow staircase.
Remus coughed, "I suspect this is seldom used given how dusty it is... How did you find out about this secret passageway?"
You laughed, "Rem, I quite genuinely fell through the painting and landed on the stairs. I went up them and they got me to the fourth floor much quicker! Trust the process. Maybe next time we should bring a brush and do a bit of housekeeping?"
After leaving the passageway you wiped your robes down, they had gathered a lot of dust. You wondered whether or not all the other secret passageways and secret rooms you had once hidden in were still accessible and hidden. You'd need to investigate soon. You headed up a spiral staircase and then after a short walk through a hallway, you were standing in front of a classroom which said in large golden painted letters: MUGGLE MUSIC. You smiled and slowly pushed the door open.
"Oh it's brilliant," you said to yourself, clapping with glee after putting your trunk down. It was quite run down, maybe not loved as well as it should've been but getting it back up and running shouldn't be too much of a challenge. You wandered around the classroom, a fresh lick of paint on the walls, some newer instruments and maybe some plants and the classroom would look a lot better. The instruments you had were in relatively good condition but luckily for you, you had plenty of instruments in much better condition in your trunk.
"I learned a new charm!" Sirius grinned, "Check this out." He swung his bag off of his shoulder and began pulling out various textbooks and things alike.
Peter glanced at you, "What's the charm?" He asked sheepishly, "So far you've just made a mess."
Sirius rolled his eyes, "Use your head, Wormtail! Look at the size of my bag and look at the amount of books I just pulled out! That's not all-" he stopped talking and then pulled out, "made sure to pack my handy dandy hat stand."
"You stole a bloody hat stand?!" Remus hissed but even he couldn't hide the smile from his face, "Where's it from?"
Sirius winked, "Just borrowing it, Moony... from Slughorn's office. Anyway... who wants to learn the charm?"
That charm was your second favourite thing you learned at Hogwarts, the first was the charm that Lily taught you afterwards to keep your luggage or bag or whatever you were carrying light, never weighing more than a pound. You lay your trunk on one of the tables, opening it taking out the various instruments you'd carefully packed away. You put them in the instruments cupboard, you'd sort it another day, but just now you wanted to go to your room.
Your office was in the room adjacent to the classroom and then in the room attached to that was your living area. A small bedroom complete with a double bed, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers and then attached was a small kitchen and a bathroom. Your living space was small but more than enough. Your office was a desk, a chair and a few potted plants. There was a bookshelf with various books, a couch and a couple of tables and empty units. You would put your personal record player in here and also have one in the classroom but you would unpack your personal belongings soon. You sat on the bed as you looked around. You could hardly believe that this was your life now, that you were here once again... not only could you not believe that you were here again but so was Remus.
You sat upright. He was already here, you knew he'd be in his classroom unpacking and getting ready for the term ahead. A bubble of nervousness suddenly appeared in your stomach as you stood and looked in the mirror that was on the wall. You looked tired but that was to be expected after a five hour journey. You smoothed out your hair and robes before leaving your classroom.
Defence Against the Dark Arts was on the third floor, you remembered exactly what it had once looked like. It was one of your favourite classes when you were a student, it was just fun learning new things and getting to practice magic.
It was then that you noticed someone familiar walking towards you. Inwardly you groaned but you plastered a smile on your face, "Fancy meeting you here, Severus."
Snape sneered at you, "(y/n)... How delightful." He had aged horribly. The same greasy hair, the same large pointed nose, the same dark beady eyes and the same scowl. It seemed he permanently scowled judging by the wrinkles on his forehead. In school, Snape was awful. He was rude, judgemental, bigoted and a bully. And yes, you would then agree that James and Sirius bullied him too but Severus had called his old best friend, Lily Evans, a mudblood and then acted as though he hated her whilst still pining over her. You just didn't like him and Snape, well, Snape didn't like anybody, "I just ran into the werewolf. Already asking me to concoct potions for his... time of the month." Always a cheap shot to make a joke about Remus's time of the month. It was Sirius's favourite thing to do once upon a time.
You nodded, "That's good of you to do that for him. I'm sure he appreciates it."
Snape looked at you displeased, "Obviously."
"Okay, great seeing you, Sev," you said quickly, needing away from him, "let's catch up soon?"
Snape scoffed, "No thank you."
"Ah," you said, patting his shoulder as you moved past him, "you've not changed at all, Sev. Always a pleasure!" Snape looked pissed off as you scampered past him but let's face it, he always looked pissed. You shuddered as you walked away. Fourteen years later and he still creeped you out.
You could hear chatter approaching and you realised that it was the students returning from their summer holidays, coming back to school. You straightened your robes one final time as you walked down the staircase to meet handfuls of older students who were walking up the stairs. You greeted them happily and most of them gave you at least a smile back. As you continued down the steps you saw-
Your heart was in your throat, beating hard, as your stomach dropped. You stopped in the middle of the staircase as a young boy, third or fourth year, walked towards you. At the mention of his father's name, his head snapped to you. It was like looking through a window into the past. His hair was just as dark and just as messy. His grin was just as cheeky. He wore the same full moon glasses but his eyes... those were Lily Evans's eyes. You caught a glimpse of the lightening bolt scar on his forehead.
"Sorry, Harry, right?" You asked forcing yourself to smile, "I'm sorry, you just look so much like your father but-"
"I have my mother's eyes," Harry said with a nod and a smile, "Did you know them Professor...?"
"Oh (y/n). (y/n) (y/l/n). I'm the new Muggle Music Professor," you introduced yourself to him and his two, what you assumed to be, friends, "I was really good friends with your mother and father actually."
Harry's eyes lit up. All that poor boy wanted was to know about his parents, "You were? Professor do you think you could tell me about them?"
You stepped aside to let some other students pass, "Of course. Any time at all. My class is on the fifth floor, feel free to drop by whenever. How about we get settled in today and later this week you could come by? Bring your friends too if you wish," you gave a polite smile to Ron and Hermione, "Professor Lupin was also good friends with your parents, that's where I'm off to just now. To say hello to an old friend." Old friends and new starts.
The girl stuck out her hand which you shook gladly, "Hermione. Hermione Granger and this is Ronald Weasley."
The red haired boy rolled his eyes, "No one calls me Ronald, it's Ron, Hermione."
"All of us are taking Muggle Music actually so we'll be in your class." Hermione told you ignoring Ron.
"Yeah after you forced us to take your boring class-" Ron stopped realising that he was insulting your subject to your face, "I'm sorry, I'm sure it's not boring-" His cheeks turned bright pink, as did the tips of his ears.
You laughed, "That's alright. I assume it probably was boring but that'll change now that I'm here, I assure you, Ron. Anyway, I best let you three go to your Common Room and settle in. Come see me whenever you wish, all of you."
"Professor?" Harry said as you went to walk away, "You said Professor Lupin was a friend of my parents?" You nodded, explaining that you'd all been best friends at their age, "Do you think he would come too and tell me about my parents?"
You smiled, "I think that he'd love that, Harry. I'll say to him and we'll arrange something, alright?" You nodded at them once more before disappearing down the stairs and along the corridor. You hadn't seen Harry since he was a baby and goodness he was James's double just with Lily's eyes. Lily's lovely kind eyes. They'd be so proud. You had been so preoccupied you hadn't realised your feet had already taken you to the DADA classroom until you had stopped outside it and there he was. He was unpacking a box of trinkets onto his desk.
"Rem," you said quietly but his keen ears heard your voice and he stopped.
He raised his head and a wide smile grew on his face, "(y/n)," he said back, just as soft, "What are you doing here?"
"Gone and got myself a job. I'm the new Muggle Music Professor." Remus smiled. He knew about your love for Muggle music. It was something the two of you bonded over since Remus's mother was a Muggle too.
All the nerves you'd had about seeing him again vanished as he welcomed you into his arms. You forgot how tall he was, how he still towered over you. Your head was on his chest as you breathed deeply. He smelled the same; coffee and chocolate. A scent that was so comforting to you, so warm and friendly; he smelled like home. You liked that no matter how much time passed, he was still the same dorky Remus you once knew.
He pulled back, holding you at arms length to drink you in, "You look incredible."
You grinned, thanking him as your cheeks burned furiously. Life had not been kind to him, you could tell from the tattered clothes and the beaten up trunk in the corner. He looked in dire need of a sleep but he was still handsome, a little wearier and gaunt with a few extra wrinkles but those warm, honey brown eyes were the same. His scars were more silvery now, like his hair which was still light brown but had greys scattered amongst. He was still as handsome as you remembered but your heart panged knowing that life hadn't been as kind to him.
"So do you," you said with a smile.
Remus rolled his eyes, "Oh, hush," he laughed, "How have you been?"
You nodded, "Uh, yeah, good... Yeah. You?" Now it was time for the awkwardness to come.
Remus shrugged, "Can't complain now that I'm here."
"I met Snape," you told him after a moment of pregnant pause. You recounted the whole encounter, making Remus laugh loudly at how you ended the conversation.
"Bet he's gone off to dip his cloaks in detergent now that you've touched him."
"Still won't wash his hair though, will he?" You teased making Remus laugh again. That booming loud laughter that you loved to hear when you were sixteen.
When the laughter died down, you said, "Have you seen him yet? Harry, I mean." You sat on one of the tables and Remus sat on the one across from you.
He nodded, "Uncanny, isn't it?"
"I called him James. It was like looking into the past but with-"
"Lily's eyes."
You smiled, "They'd be so proud, wouldn't they?"
Remus sighed fondly, a ghost of a smile on his lips, "Oh you know that wherever they are Prongs is bragging all about their Chosen One of a son." You laughed and Remus's smile grew upon hearing your laughter. He'd missed hearing that sound.
"I missed you," he murmured, "I apologise for not being a very good friend."
You shook your head, "I'm sorry too... It was just too painful, Rem. It hurt to see you after... after losing everyone else, after Sirius." Remus nodded, "It still hurts even twelve years later. To see you was to not see them; a constant reminder that they're gone and that we're still here..."
"Survivor's guilt," Remus spoke quietly, "I'd went to therapy when I could afford it... That's what she called it." The two of you were silent for a while before he spoke, "And apparently Sirius is back to kill the last of the Potters'..."
"What happened?" You sighed, "How could he?"
Remus shook his head, "I've been asking myself that since it happened."
You sat up straighter, nudging his knee with your foot, "When I ran into Harry I'd told him that I was close with his parents, said that you were too... He's asked if we could both sit with him and tell him about his parents. The poor boy just wants to know who they were. Would you?"
"Course," Remus said, "Just let me know when and where."
You looked around the classroom. It was still pretty much the same as you remembered it to be just with added decoration on the ceiling, "It's not changed much," your voice was quiet, "it's nice to be back."
Remus stood and extended his hand to you, "Would you like to go do some exploring?"
You took his hand as you grinned, jumping down from the desk, "Oh, I'd love nothing more. Lead the way, Moony!"
And all of a sudden the two of you were sixteen again running around the corridors of Hogwarts keeping your friends in line.
"You're my best friend," Remus said, words slurred from the firewhisky. You were all laying on the floor in the Room of Requirement. James and Sirius were snoring loudly, Peter was hiccupping in a corner and you and Rem were on the floor facing each other, "I fancy you but you're my best friend first and forever." You giggled as he continued, "Don't ever leave me, I'd miss you too much, (y/n)."
As you walked with him, with the memory repeating in your mind, you couldn't help but latch onto his arm, head on his shoulder. His cheeks tinged pink as you did this so casually. Maybe things hadn't changed that much. Maybe things would be like how they once were. "I missed you, Remus... I think good things are in store for us both this year."
Oh please be right.
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raiynnah · 2 months
Kid Fic
@wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 538
“No running in the hallways, Teddy!” Remus shouts after his son, sighing when he gets ignored. He’s packing his things away, shoving as many books into his bag as he can, which makes stopping his son especially difficult. It’s just when he’s groaning in defeat that he hears a thump outside of his classroom and then the familiar sound of school materials scattering across the floor. 
“I’m sorry!” Teddy’s voice comes out sheepish and shy, a drastic contrast to his usual loud, rebellious streak, so Remus leaves the bag and pops his head out of the door. The scene that welcomes him out of the safety of his classroom is a messy one: coloured pencils everywhere, a superhero backpack on the floor, and a six year old looking up at his ten year old son with his arms crossed. He recognises the pouting kid as Harry Potter from that one time he had to substitute for a class much younger than what he was used to. The scissors incident still haunts him to this day.
“Teddy, this is why I tell you not to run.” He glances at Harry again. “You okay there? Not hurt?” From behind the little boy, a man is rapidly approaching, black hair much like Harry’s swaying dramatically as he does, though that’s where the similarities end.
Harry huffs theatrically, saying “I guess” as he picks up off the floor with Remus’ help.
“Harry!” The man sounds very out of breath. “You move so fast and—” He looks around, kneeling to hug Harry as he surveys the damage. “Oh no, these aren’t the art materials you were carrying, are they?” he asks rhetorically, seemingly too distracted to hear Harry’s replying confirmation. The man stands up to shake Remus’ hand, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. 
“I’m Sirius Black, Harry’s godfather. And these are the pencils and crayons we’re supposed to be returning to Miss Pandora’s classroom. Harry has a bit of a habit of taking what isn’t his, you see.” When his striking grey eyes drift over Remus’ face in that observant way he seems to look at everything, his smile one that could’ve been flirtatious in any other setting with any other man. Sadly, this man’s flawless beauty is far out of Remus’ league.
“Let me help you pick them up,” Remus blurts out. “My son is the reason they’re all over the floor after all.”
“Oh, you don’t have to.”
“I insist, besides what’s another few minutes compared to the hours I spend here already.” He crouches down to help clean up. “Teddy, you too.”
“So you’re a teacher?” Sirius asks, kneeling down next to him, eyes darting to the crayons in Remus’ left hand.
“Yes, Mr. Lupin. Remus Lupin. That’s my son, Teddy.”
“Well, Remus, are you married?” He hands his godson some supplies, which Harry crams back into their container.
“No, why?”
“Want to accompany me to Harry’s classroom and then maybe to dinner?” Remus smiles, watching the way Teddy pretends not to listen in. Remus hasn’t gone on a date in ages, wanting to prioritise his son, but with Teddy’s mother’s wedding creeping closer and Remus’ increasing desire for romance, maybe it’s time.
“Sure, I’d love that.”
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bimoonphases · 2 months
@wolfstarmicrofic July 11 - prompt 11: Over 30 Years Old [word count 881]
Sirius had always dreaded the age of 35. It was the age Orion Black had become head of the House of Black after his own father’s death, and the age Walburga had always waved in front of him as The Ultimate Goal.
“When you’re 35 you’ll be a grown man and you’ll be the one to provide for me instead,” she had said in those rare memories when he was a little kid wobbling through the house at Grimmauld Place, asking his mother if he could do anything to help her in her chores.
Not that Walburga Black really had any chores, she just ordered around her array of house elves and hexed them when they didn’t do the things as she liked, he would come to understand later on.
“When you’re 35 you’ll see how all this was useful,” she said with a sharp look which clearly warned him never to complain again in front of one of his private tutors when he was barely six and had just gone from his lesson in ancient Greek to etiquette to Latin without having the time to breathe in between.
Even after all those years Sirius hated the fact he could sit at an elegant table and pick up the right fork or spoon by instinct, or could visit a museum and find himself reading and understanding with no trouble at all the old inscriptions on the ancient statues brought there from Greece or Rome.
“When you’re 35 you’ll be head of the House of Black, sole master of the family,” she had told him the day he had turned eleven and had gotten his first wand, her hand digging claw-like in his shoulder as she kept him standing in front of the tapestry with the whole family tree embroidered on it.
Sirius had never known what his father thought of it, because for him to become head of the house Orion would have to die first and he was still quite young and healthy to just pass when his firstborn would turn 35. Sometimes he had thought Walburga would simply ensure her husband would be dead right in time to follow her own deadlines. It wouldn’t really be out of character for her after all.
“This does not change anything. By 35 you’ll be at the helm of this family, a Black through and through despite your disgrace,” she had said sharply on his first Christmas break from Hogwarts, after ripping his Gryffindor tie from his neck and throwing it into the fireplace.
That night had been the first of many Sirius had thought that if he couldn’t escape his family before he would make sure he would not reach that age.
“Maybe I wasn’t clear enough. By 35 you’ll be married to a girl I will have approved, you will have had children to further the legacy of our family and you’ll be continuing the work your father and I started by bringing our name back to power,” she had whispered, wand pointed at his throat, when he had been fourteen and Regulus had been caught asking him during the holidays which one of the Gryffindor girls always trailing behind him he was actually dating.
“I think you have forgotten a detail, son of mine. You have a brother. If you do not comply tonight, if you don’t quietly come back into the fold, I’ll make sure you never even get to see the age of 35. I gave you this life you’re squandering, and as your mother, I can take it away just as easily,” she had hissed, standing over where he was bleeding on the carpet the last day he had spent at his parents’s house.
He had managed to save himself and run away that night, falling almost unconscious in the Potters’ fireplace.
Effie and Monty had taken him in and had given him everything his own parents hadn’t been able to. They had loved him unconditionally, accepted him when he had come out, wiped away tears of joy when he had told them he was moving in with Remus. Still, the number 35 had remained like a screech in his mother’s voice at the back of his mind all those years, as if on that fateful day Walburga would somehow reappear in front of him and remind him how he had failed her and the whole family. He knew it wasn’t possible. He had been disowned after he had run away, and even if he hadn’t, he had barely turned 30 when the old house at Grimmauld Place had been somehow engulfed by the flames one night and both his parents had died in the fire. Orion had effectively died before Sirius turned 35 in the end, and he wondered if his mother had thought about that in her last moments.
Still, the morning of his birthday, Sirius woke up and refused to open his eyes. All the things Walburga had said around that fateful number came crashing back on him and he found himself shivering in his own bed like a child again. Then a movement at his side, two arms wrapping themselves around him and a mouth pressing on his.
“Happy 34th-and-one, my love,” Remus’s voice whispered in his ear.
And Sirius finally smiled.
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sliebman10 · 5 months
Dance AU
Tendu right. One, two, three, four
Tendu left. Five, six, seven, eight.
Plie and up, releve and down.
The teacher wove in and out of the identically dressed boys, lined up at the barre. She stopped to fix Remus’s turnout as usual. Sirius couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Some people hadn’t learned technique when they were three and four years old, barely able to reach the barre like him. His mother wouldn’t have stood for anything else. 
She nodded approvingly at Sirius as he went through the combination on the other side. 
Later, they were rehearsing for their showcase. He and Remus has a pas de deux together in the middle. He couldn’t help but stare at Remus’s long lines and sharp pointed foot. What Remus lacke din technique, he made up in grace on the floor. Even Sirius could see that. Clearly Remus loved ballet and had worked hard to get where he was.
He’d heard his cousins whisper derisively about “scholarship students” and turning up their noses  at anyone not from their insular circle. But Remus was a breath of fresh air. He didn’t care about any of that. He just wanted to dance.
And dance he did. Sirius tried not to be too distracted watching Remus as he danced his own part. Remus brought out the playfulness in his dancing that he’d thought he’d lost as a little kid. With Remus as his dance partner, he could rediscover the whimsy he was afraid he’d lost. 
When they were done, they bowed to each other and ran off, making room for the next pair.
“Nice job,” Sirius said, bumping Remus’s fist.
“I didn’t land that double pirouette like I wanted,” Remus said.
“Just say ‘thank you,’” Sirius said.
Remus’s face softened and he looked away shyly. “Thank you.”
Word Count: 302
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