#sistem politic
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"Diaspora Românească și Miracolul Comodității: Cum Partidele Tradiționale Rămân La Putere, Chiar și Când Lumea le Înjură"
Românii din diaspora continuă să viseze la o schimbare, la un viitor mai prosper și la o politică curată, dar când vine vorba de alegeri, realitatea le dă o palmă. De ce? Pentru că aceia care au fugit din țară în căutarea unui trai mai bun nu înțeleg că, de fapt, schimbarea pe care o doresc rămâne un miraj. În România, PSD și PNL, aceleași partide care de ani buni se joacă de-a „noi vrem…

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#administrație publică#alegeri#alegeri România#alegători#CBCRO#confort#corupție#critică politică#CrossBorderChroniclesRo#cultură politică#diaspora#funcționari publici#influență politică#ironie#paraziți administrativ#partid tradițional#PNL#politică#politică românească#PSD#realitate electorală#România#România balcanică#schimbare#senzațional#sistem politic#speranță#viral
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A little rant about Robotnik's security measures, and how efficent Stone really is:
I do find it a little corny when people characterise/write Stone as the "secretly badass, most talented agent in the whole us army froce who killes with cold-blood and unmatched efficency, and is constantly saving Robotnik of attacks and danger he isnt even aware of " (not to hate on anyone who does like this, its just my personal preference).
*not to say he isnt good at his job as an agent, and he is nothing but efficent when it comes to working for the Doctor -
But! but. I do think that his agent skills go mostly unutalised while working for Robotnik. Like yes, the "his pookie gets kidnapped by some bad guys who want to get their hands on that robo-tech, so Stone's gotta rescue him" is a fun sexy little trope, but lets observe what we have at our disposal;
Robotnik is the supplier of the most advanced war-drones and high-tech weapons to the US Govrement. He has cameras everywhere, can trace anyone anytime anywhere, lives (well, as long as he's on away missions) in a big ass stainless steel box filled with badniks and has a handfull of agents following him around (probably on the govrement's behalf, rather than his.
That man has probably bullet/laser/acid/punch-proofed every weapon he has, has eyes on every corner, and gets a notice anytime someone even mentioned his name . He got security covered.
Thats why Stone mainly fills an assistant role for him. He gets him coffe and keeps his sceduel in check. So while i dont think Stone is the best ever agent/soldier/whatever, (i dont think they would put their best man on Robotnik, however of a ticking bomb he is), he is a good one. Robotnik tho, doesent even get a chance to see his skills, because his own security sistem renders him useless in that regard. Stone also never expects the Doktor's ambushes , either because he's absolutely smitten and has lowered his walls, or because he's focusing on keeping some order in the life of his the Doctor, Chaos Incarnate.
Stone isnt good at science, or politics or stuff like that, he is good at following orders to a tee, and using what he leant in his agent training whenever needed. We see evidence of his skills in the 3rd movie when he takes out the drones like its nothing.( He is a puppy that looks good in your purse, and you dont even realise its actually a hunt-dog)
(Okay now I'm just rambling on)
I guess what I'm trying to say is: however good he is, Robotnik isnt a princess to be saved, a damsel in distress, and however sexy Stone rescuing/protecting him is, Ivo's ego could never let such a situation occure.
(anyways write whatever jorks your meat tho. Do what you want forever or what they say)
#sonic#sonic movies#sonic 3#dr. robotnik#dr eggman#yippie#agent stone#jimbotnik#stobotnik#gay ppl#its so late and im just rambling on#just bear with me guys#bear with me
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Pemilu ini adalah pemilu kedua gue nggak berafiliasi ke partai manapun. Tahun 2014, gue masih bergabung dengan harakah yang mengarah ke partai. Tahun 2019 gue sudah berhenti mengikuti harakah tapi gue ngikutin pemilu dengan rasa trauma ke partai berhaluan islam. Mungkin karena komunikasi publiknya partai islam waktu itu kurang baik. Jadi gue ngerasa pengambilan keputusan politik partai tersebut tidak akuntabel dan cenderung memaksakan taklid buta.
Tahun ini, semuanya dimulai dengan sikap netral, lebih tenang dan lebih objektif. Udah nggak ada rasa trauma ataupun rasa fanatik ke pihak manapun. Lebih ke ngerasa lega karena udah pelan-pelan mengenal diri sendiri. Semacam:
"Oh ini toh value yang gue pegang ketika sendirian?"
Tahun 2014, circle gue adalah orang-orang yang mendukung Prabowo. Tapi gue milih menggunakan hak suara tanpa memilih presiden dan nggak berkoar-koar karena menghormati orang-orang di sekitar gue. Meskipun pada waktu itu, gue juga sempat membantu mengawal suara. Tapi rasanya masih nggak sreg dan mengalami kebingungan untuk mengambil keputusan. Konon prinsip dasar fiqih memang mengajarkan memilih yang mudharatnya paling rendah. Akan tetapi waktu itu gue merasa semuanya satu toko cuma beda pintu aja. Jadi bagi gue, milih yang manapun akan sama. Tahun 2019, masih sama. Masih bingung juga. Nggak mantep buat milih. Hari ini, gue udah nggak merasa bingung karena dua hal:
Para capres – cawapres menggunakan pendekatan kampanye yang berbeda. Gue punya banyak chanel untuk mempelajari visi dan misi cawapres. Jadi meskipun visi – misinya tidak sempurna, setidaknya arahnya bisa dibaca.
Ada banyak chanel dari lembaga independent yang membedah visi dan misi capres sesuai dengan kepakarannya. Contohnya Green Peace yang berfokus membahas isu lingkungan. Dari situ gue jadi paham capres mana yang menjaga lingkungan dan capres mana yang visi-misinya sangat ekstraktif.
Meskipun di belakang dua hal yang gue sebut tadi masih ada gerbong oligarki yang perlu dianalisa lagi, tapi setidaknya asas yang gue pakai bukan lagi asas lesser evil atau yang mudhorotnya paling minim. Dalam pemilu kali ini, gue memilih paslon karena keinget hadist:
"Jika kiamat hendak terjadi dan di tangan kalian ada biji tumbuhan, maka jika kalian sanggup menanamnya sebelum benar-benar terjadi kiamat, lakukanlah”. HR. Ahmad No. 12981
Segelap apapun sistem yang kita hadapi, jika kita melihat potensi kebaikan di depan mata, mari kita rawat potensi tersebut sambil banyak berdoa. Semoga kebaikan tersebut tumbuh dengan baik. Gue nggak melihat pemilu ini sebagai satu momen saja. Sebagai bagian dari masyarakat, gue melihat pemilu sebagai tolak ukur kecerdasan komunal kita. Mana celah yang perlu banget kita perbaiki. Mana kebaikan yang perlu kita syukuri.
Ketika bicara kecerdasan komunal, gue nggak mengacu pada secanggih apa teknologi yang kita punya. Tapi lebih pada bagaimana kita punya perangkat budaya yang menumbuhkan sekaligus memberi rasa aman kepada semua orang termasuk masyarakat lemah dan rentan hingga manusia yang paling miskin pun tetap bisa hidup dan bertumbuh dengan baik sebagai manusia. Punya waktu untuk berpikir. Bisa belajar untuk menjadi lebih baik.
Gue nggak bilang orang-orang miskin nggak bisa bertumbuh jadi manusia dan orang kaya pasti bisa jadi manusia yang baik. Tapi tiap gue ngelihat kehidupan kita sekarang, ada banyak skenario yang memungkinkan manusia tidak bisa bertumbuh dengan baik. Contoh sederhana:
Ada masyarakat menengah yang terjebak kemacetan setiap hari cukup lama sehingga waktu bersama keluarga mereka berkurang. Setiap harinya diberatkan dengan urusan-urusan keuangan. Boro-boro upgrade diri. Otak nggak pernah tenang dan semuanya dihadapi dengan survival mode.
Sama halnya dengan yang miskin. Pendidikan tinggi nggak aksesibel. Ruang hidupnyapun bisa terancam sewaktu-waktu. Belum lagi jika kita melakukan gaslighting dan menertawakan orang-orang yang saking lamanya hidup di survival mode sampai money politics pun kerasa gampang banget masuk ke mereka.
Ini celah peradaban kita. Setiap kali mendesain dunia dalam game, gue selalu berpikir masyarakat seperti apa yang ada di sana? Disiplin ilmu seperti apa yang tumbuh di dalamnya? Apakah mereka punya sistem pemerintahan yang egaliter dan stabil? Jika kita ingin sistem yang egaliter dan stabil, kita harus bagaimana?
Sama halnya dengan dunia nyata. Meskipun variabel bebasnya jauh lebih banyak ketimbang di game, tapi gue belajar juga buat berpikir secara sistem. Let’s say gue muslim yang pengen berkontribusi ke masyarakat dengan warna keislaman gue, gue harus belajar apa agar tidak terjebak ke fanatik buta? Waktu baca buku The Art of Thinking Clearly, gue jadi nyadar bahwa skeptis sama keadaan itu tidak buruk. Justeru kita harus terus menerus skeptis dan kritis sampai kita bisa berpikir dengan jernih. Membedakan mana kekhawatiran yang beneran khawatir, mana kekhawatiran yang dipicu trauma. Lalu menganalisa kekhawatiran tersebut sampai nemu akar masalahnya.
Yang gue khawatirkan hari ini ada banyak. Utamanya karena gue akademisi. Gue khawatir kalau pendidikan tinggi makin susah dijangkau. Kita tahu dengan berubahnya perguruan tinggi jadi PTN-BH, perguruan tinggi seperti punya dua peran sekaligus. Punya peran sosial dengan meringankan UKT Masyarakat miskin sekaligus jadi perusahaan yang dituntut banyak cuan. Padahal skill set dosen atau leader di setiap kampus tuh nggak banyak yang mengarah ke entrepreneurship. Lagi pula membangun Perusahaan itu ya nggak semudah yang kita bayangkan. Pada akhirnya, ada banyak kampus yang masih bergantung pada UKT sebagai sumber pendapatan utama.
Kedua? Gue khawatir kalau ruang hidup Masyarakat rentan tergerus. Pengen menulis ini lebih panjang tapi kok nggak nyaman wkwk. Sebenarnya kekalahan paslon yang gue pilih tuh udah terlintas di benak gue setelah membaca banyak prediksi dan melihat data demografi di Indonesia. Gue nggak pengen nyalahin masyarakat rentan. Nggak pengen menyalahkan akademisi yang dianggap hanya duduk di menara gading.
Akademisi kita sebenarnya sudah banyak yang berjuang. Kalau dibilang “bahasa yang digunakan terlalu intelek dan ndakik-ndakik”, gue sendiri nggak sependapat. Kita kadang-kadang perlu belajar mencerna informasi yang kompleks. Nggak boleh juga kita merendahkan: “Masyarakat kelas bawah pasti nggak mampu ngerti”
Arah jangan begitu. Kalau pakar menjelaskan dengan bahasa yang kompleks, jurnalis yang perlu mengolah biar bahasanya lebih dipahami khalayak. Salah satu hal yang perlu diperbaiki di peradaban kita hari ini adalah jurnalismenya. Keberpihakan kepada Masyarakat rentan belum menjadi arus utama di media.
Meskipun hari ini pola kampanye dialogis masih belum bisa membuat para paslon menang, gue tetap bersyukur. Bagaimanapun pemaparan visi dan misi adalah sesuatu yang perlu diapresiasi.
Hidayah itu ada yang tiba-tiba datang ke hati manusia. Ada yang datangnya memang perlu dijemput atau dikondisikan. Dengan menata pola pikir Masyarakat, berarti kita membantu memudahkan banyak orang untuk mendapatkan hidayah. Menata pola pikir masyarakat itu bukan memaksakan mereka mengikuti pola pikir kita. Tetapi lebih ke bagaimana kita mengembangkan instrument budaya yang memberi ruang untuk berpikir, membantu masyarakat untuk memperkecil bias, hingga orang yang bisa berpikir jernih semakin banyak. Kita tidak akan bisa sampai pada ketaatan selevel nabi Ayyub A.S. Tapi gue berharap seberapapun miskinnya kita, semoga Allah tetap mendekatkan kita pada kebenaran dan memampukan kita untuk memperjuangkan hal-hal baik.
Gue paham banget bahwa kemiskinan itu membatasi banyak hal. Termasuk imajinasi. Di negara kita, kemiskinan bahkan menghambat manusia meraih pendidikan dan pekerjaan yang layak. Maka jihad-jihad kita tuh selain bikin kajian tentang hal dasar beragama, kita juga perlu membentuk masyarakat yang melek undang-undang dan hak mereka. Paham negara ini harus diarahkan kemana. Paham betapa dampak kota car-centric terhadap kemanusiaan. Paham gimana dampaknya RUU Ciptaker. Beneran. Pemahaman tentang hal-hal semacam ini tuh juga bis akita sebut hidayah. Karena apapun yang bisa memberi kita inspirasi untuk menjauhkan manusia dari keburukan dan mendekatkan manusia pada kebaikan, bisa kita sebut hidayah.
Mungkin kita akan menghadapi musim dingin beberapa waktu. Tapi semoga Allah menjaga kita semua. Semoga kelak kita bisa bernegara dengan lebih baik. Bertumbuh, sejahtera dan punya banyak resource untuk berbuat baik :")
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second year, first semester, sociology classes:
cultural anthropology
We are learning the main anthropological theories and the role of anthropology in the human/social sciences field, while keeping a critical eye when it comes to the relationship between anthropology and colonialism.
social statistics
This class focuses on the basis of statistics, with specific reference to applications in sociology. We are also learning to make statistic analisis with Excel and Stata.
basics of economics
A very interesting class in which we are learning the classical theories of political economy alongside with the civil economy's pov, which aknowledges the social and enviromental issues of the market sistem.
economic and labor sociology
This class is about the most significant sociological theories regarding economic themes, the main topic is the welfare sistem (different kinds of sistems, how they impact society, how are they able to keep working etc.)
#studyblr#realistic studyblr#study blog#uni life#study inspiration#study motivation#studyspo#student#studyblr community#study plan
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@professorlehnsherr-almashy @choster33 @a-roguish-gambit @voxxgrimly @magnetostits @blade-liger-4ever @thealmightyemprex @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @thevulturesquadron @countesspetofi
Sometimes I think what could have been ...
I see the comics history of the character Wanda Maximoff, and how much potential it had to be an interesting commentary about assimilation:
This young woman, persecuted both for being romani, and for being a mutant, once accepted alongside her brother Pietro to briefly join the Brotherhood of (Evil) Mutants led by Magneto out of personal gratitude for him saving their lives from an angry mob.
Then, feeling the dept is payed, and wanting to be seen as a legitimate hero by american society, Wanda leaves the Brotherhood, taking Pietro with her to join, not the X-Men, whose public status as heros is under constant scrutiny by society, but the Avengers, a group that is considered more respectable, and focuses mainly in defeating super villains with the batom of the Goverment, but hasn't really a strong, consistent stance about supporting mutant rights (some of its members even spouting anti mutant bigotry).
Wanda and Pietro are "the good ones" who don't demand mutant rights and never get involved in direct activism, but rather "want to pull up themselves by their own booth straps".
The two later learn that Magneto is their biological father, and is trying to come closer to them, while also caring for the fate of mutantkind, Pietro slowly gets more involved by joining mutant team X-Force, but Wanda sees most of that from a distance.
When she falls in love and gets married to Vision, the place the two go to live after retiring from the Avengers are the suburbs, the quintessential simbol of the American Dream Family.
Then, the couple splits bitterly, the two children they had together are said to be an illusion, and this badly affects Wanda's mental health.
The characters who are part of the Avengers and the X-Men debate how to deal with her.
Encouraged by Pietro, Wanda uses her powers to create an alternate reality where the wishes of several characters are real.
But those characters soon learn that this isn't reality, including Magneto, who is among many to question Wanda about trapping people in an illusion of her making, and when she reacts angrily about it, trowing years of bitterly feeling that her father's cause is what made him an absent, flawed father for her and Pietro, she doesn't target him directly: she depowers millions of mutant kind with just saying "No More Mutants", both as a cruel way to respond against her father, but also out of a never worked internalized hatred of being a mutant, who tried to be away of politics regarding mutantkind, desperate to assimilate into a respectable, suburban american, one of the "good ones" that never protests, who, having that dream painfully taken from her, instead of focusing her anger at the sistem (and Mephisto) that caused this to happen to her, targets her own kind in a personal revenge, and will have to slowly work to find where she belongs in the world, and wheter or not she is a good person ...
This could be an interesting, meaningful arc with a logical narrative path if all the writers, editors and artists agreed to sit together in a room and work in a linear continuity since the characters creation, considering the implications of every narrative choice they make, but apparently that is to much to ask.
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Seeing gay people talking tons of shi* about Red White And Royal Blue and Heartstopper in name of " is only my opinion " makes me wanna throw up sincerely because those kind of media are created for make gay people felt hopeful and joyful in a world like that and because some of us growed up without a good representation,
Especially if those gay boys / men are living in a toxic environment and can't live a comfortable life with the ones they love
so please I politely ask you ❤ 🤍 💙:
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I dont get political on this is app but I just wanna say my heart breaks to see America fail its people I hope that one day they will realise that women,children are indgared now more then ever and that lgbtq+,minorty groups bring a lot to Americas sistem and to you American citisens i wish you better days and better future then this you have my love care and compassion beacuse this isnt right.
With love from Europe
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Eurovision 2005: The Scoreboards

This year's scoreboard is an unfussy affair. The graphics are utilitarian - back to the spreadsheet chic of 2000 albeit with little wormholes in the graphics for the spokesperson and the voting country's flag.
There's no room for the hearts of last year, this is a scoreboard that means business and promises no messing about, let's get straight to the results. Of course, the voting sequence takes just as long as it always does with the same tomfoolery from all taking part.
For the semi-final there is one small innovation. The envelopes are still present with the names of the countries who've qualified for the final, however this time as the hosts randomly select envelopes the successful acts are added to the running order of the final sequentially.
The first drawn country gets the first available slot. If you're drawn first, you have the relief of knowing you're through, but you get an early draw - possibly even the death slot! If you're last out, then you've had a minor heart attack, but you get the prime later running order slots. Genius!

It's 2005 Spoiler Time!
The ten countries that qualified are (in a very particular order):
Romania - 235 points
Moldova (on their debut!) - 207 points
Denmark - 185 points
Croatia - 169 points
Hungary (on their return!) - 167 points
Norway - 164 points
Israel - 158 points
Switzerland - 114 points
North Macedonia - 97 points
Latvia - 85 points
Poland missed out by only four points in eleventh place. This is also probably the place to point out that the two smallest countries taking part, Monaco and Andorra finished second-bottom and third-bottom in an televote semi-final. For countries without large diasporas or huge numbers of neighbourly friends, it would appear that the televote has drawbacks.
As is going to become the norm, the points scored were revealed only after the grand final. The contents of the envelopes were the only place I noticed where the heart symbol appeared this year - the flags were printed inside hearts on those cards.

In the grand final, once again, the voting sequence was not that tense. At around the halfway mark, there was no clear leader, in fact the country that qualified from the semi-final in tenth place, Latvia, was leading but after that, Greece slowly pulled away. The result was obvious a long way from the end.
Although there were no nul points this year, there is one glaring aspect of the final scoreboard to address. The bottom five places were occupied by the host country and the Big Four. In fact, of the bottom twelve in the voting, that is the entire right-hand side of the scoreboard, eleven of them hadn't performed in the semi-final. Is this a new and perhaps unexpected aspect of the semi-final system? It's something to keep an eye-on. It's not going to stop some commentators yelling it's all about politics though.
Here's the full rundown of the 2005 Eurovision final scores:
Greece - Helena Paparizou - "My Number One" - 230 points
Malta - Chiara - "Angel" - 192 points
Romania - Luminița Anghel and Sistem - "Let Me Try" - 192 points
Israel - Shiri Maimon - "HaSheket SheNish'ar" - 154 points
Latvia - Walters and Kazha - "The War Is Not Over" - 153 points
Moldova - Zdob și Zdub - "Boonika bate doba" - 148 points
Serbia and Montenegro - No Name - "Zauvijek moja" - 137 points
Switzerland - Vanilla Ninja - "Cool Vibes" - 128 points
Norway - Wig Wam - "In My Dreams" - 125 points
Denmark - Jakob Sveistrup - "Talking to You" - 125 points (joint 9th)
Croatia - Boris Novković feat. Lado members - "Vukovi umiru sami" - 115 points
Hungary - Nox - "Forogj, világ" - 97 points
Türkiye - Gülseren - "Rimi Rimi Ley" - 92 points
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Feminnem - "Call Me" - 79 points
Russia - Natalia Podolskaya - "Nobody Hurt No One" - 57 points
Albania - Ledina Çelo - "Tomorrow I Go" - 53 points
North Macedonia - Martin Vučić - "Make My Day" - 52 points
Cyprus - Constantinos Christoforou - "Ela Ela" - 46 points
Sweden - Martin Stenmarck - "Las Vegas" - 30 points
Ukraine - GreenJolly - "Razom nas bahato"- 30 points (joint 19th)
Spain - Son de Sol - "Brujería" - 28 points
United Kingdom - Javine - "Touch My Fire" - 18 points
France - Ortal - "Chacun pense à soi" - 11 points
German - Gracia - "Run & Hide" - 4 points

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Money Politic itu Ngga Normal
Kalau mau yang bener2 bersih, idealis, mah, susah. Wong voters nya aja, yang begitu berharga suaranya, dikasih serangan aja diterima. Ya, kita artinya masih dalam kendali sistem kotor para penguasa berduit. Yang eksekutif dengan kekuasaan dan kebijakan, yang legislatif dengan bagi2 duit, sembako, bantuan sosial lainnya. Kebiasaanya sih begitu. Sudah rahasia umum, bukan?
Jadi jangan terlalu berekspektasi tinggi, sampai bela mati, tutup mata. Mau itu tentang pribadinya, partainya, mau eksekutif ataupun legislatif. Susah mah politik siapa yang mau dipercaya.
Sekarang kita yang millenial ini yang harus siapin generasi alpa dengan sebaik mungkin dan memutus pola2 curang, kotor tak beradab, tak sesuai norma. Susah sih. Butuh banyak orang. Tinggal mau berubah atau nggak. Dari diri sendiri, ke lingkungan terkecil keluarga, saudara, tetangga, RT, desa, dst. Yang paling berat ya dimulai dari diri sendiri.
Politik itu kan seni. Seni merayu dan mememengaruhi orang lain untuk mendapatkan legitimasi. Bisa memengaruhi keluarga aja, kita sudah berpolitik. Nah dimulai dengan politik yang bersih dan baik.
Belajar mulai dari diri sendiri untuk tidak menormalisasikan hal-hal yang memang ngga normal. Jangan hanya sekadar dilakukan banyak orang jadi dinormalkan, padahal tidak sesuai dengan hukum dan norma. Berani berbeda untuk hal yang benar memang challenging.
Semangat diri menormalisasikan yg benar. Bukan menormalisasikan yang banyak dilakukan mayoritas orang.
#opiniiffa#iffanf#politik#pemilu#prabowo gibran#anies muhaimin#ganjar mahfud#money politik#money politic#politik uang
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this might be a bit silly as nor can anyone here do anything about it and mostly likely neither sharing can just sharing it, but anyways
it's been a couple days, but every year during may and june i find myself unable to keep my mind off it
this past june 5th marked 14 years of the tragedy of the ABC daycare here in Sonora. 49 children died in a fire and several (between 80 and 120, depending on who you ask) are still suffering the consequences of the disaster.
it is well known, locally, that not only was this preventable, but was directly caused bc people in the govt decided it wasn't important to make sure the warehouse they had right behind said daycare was safe, or even up to code.
to this day, no one has been punished. again and again the families of the victims have marched, begging for anything to be done about it bc a tragedy of such magnitud should not go unpunished, yet nothing has been done.
there's signs about it everywhere. every single day since then the people responsible for it drive by the symbolic tombs plastered with the faces of the 49 babies that were killed due to their negligence, and they still haven't moved a finger.
there's so much i could say about it.
how it was just across the street from the building many of their parents worked in.
how their parents had to see the fire eating the building their children were in and not be able to do anything about it.
how they had just installed, in a building with no emergency exits, a new double door safety sistem that made it impossible to get out because you couldn't open both doors at the same time.
how the only reason why so many children survived was that a man rammed his truck against a wall and made a way for the teachers to get the children out.
how the government had been told very recently that the warehouse was a fire risk and the daycare building was not safe for either the children or workers, yet decided to keep operations open in both of them.
how you couldn't hear the cries of the children over the screaming of their parents outside the building.
how the building had not only polyurethane ceilings, but also plastic sheet and fabric covering its walls, which only helped the fire spread faster.
how the daycare didn't had a single smoke detector or fire extinguisher, and most of the children suffocated to death.
how only four years later we learnt that ABC and many other operating daycares subrogated by IMSS (Mexican Institute of Social Security) are owned directly and indirectly by families with political power (ABC owned particularly by Marcia Matilde Altagracia Gómez del Campo, cousin of Margarita Zavala, then Mexico's First Lady and currently Deputy of the Congress).
#abc tragedy#children death#sorry for long belated post. it has very little relevance for yall but i felt the need to talk about it#i was gonna make a formal + more articulate post in the other blog but i haven't had the energy to do so#and didn't wish to postpone it any longer
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Made me want to learn everything about politics before the elections this year bc if I don't know shit about these people and sistem why tf am I even voting
god. it’s just. it’s dreams by the cranberries. it’s the montage of them all voting yes. it’s orla’s little smiley face in the box. it’s the live footage of the troubles. it’s erin’s speech. it’s the way that the last shot is of grandpa joe and anna jumping together out of the voting hall. it’s the sheer symbolism of youth and age being joyful and hopeful together. god.
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The Shadows of Libya & EU
“Libya taught me what it means to be dehumanized. Europe teaches me what it means to be erased.[...] I'm writing this from Europe, the land that has fought so hard to keep me out but cannot seem to do without me. I am here now, not because I want to be, but because this place has made itself unavoidable. It is not enough to say that Libya is chaotic or lawless. That would be too kind. Libya is a machine built to grind Black bodies into dust. I saw men chained and sold like cattle, women raped until their spirits broke, and children used as though their youth were not sacred.” This is furthest from what moving abroad means for us although idk EU and I had to call the police on a Libyan when assaulted abroad. I wrote the below during the electoral campaign in '24. Kwame Ture said: “You vote once in four years, and that’s your political responsibility? That’s the height of bourgeois propaganda, making the people politically irresponsible. Thinking their responsibility is limited to a one day vote. Politics is every day.”
"Kan nou lwin ki vremem nou senti nou patriot" (lerla linn desid pou vinn fer politik)...
Non madam, kan nou lwin mo kroir nou ena le devwar engaz nou dan pei kot nou ete mem si nou pena drwa vote laba.
Kan nou ti isi nou ena ledevwar angaz nou isi, mai dimounn get zis zot lavansman personel ou zot lamizman,
Kan ou lwin ou inn gagn privilez, wi, lerla avek privilez ou pans ouswa ou ena dezir pou sans kisoz, ou pou rod puvwar sanz kisoz.
Mo espere se plito koma Toni Morrison ti dir, ki simpleman enn swaf puvwar ki tou diaspora ou ex-diaspora paret ena.
Ena dant nou ti lor koltar depi ki nou pe rampe dan sa pei la, ff si sa ti al a lankont nou sans kit pei ou nou sans viv. Pann fer sa pu rekonesans (zordi pena ditou) ou politik dan le sans zt servi li.
Li paret plis posib fer kisoz kan revini avek sa label 'sorti deor' la, nou esay fer impe plis mo pa dir ou non.
Si sistem la bizin sanze, admet ki ou pe rant ladan par sistem lamem ek ki nou bizin fer ou konfians li pou sanze... ki sistem kinn met ou la, ou pa le li. Ouswa sistem kinn ponn ou la - pou sertin/n.
Bann papa-piti mama-piti osi inn ponn, koma dir nu bizin aksepte. Monn rapel sa sitasion la, monn azout li apre.
Quote Kwame Ture via SpiritofLenin a Greta ena 2 mwa parla, pann lir ki Greta inn dir mai o mwen pou so laz li pe komans reflesi.
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Jerry Massie Sarankan Hakim Vonis Harvey Moeis Diperiksa, Jangan-jangan Disuap
JAKARTA – Direktur eksekutif Political Public and Policy Studies (P3S) Jerry Massie menilai bahwa hakim Eko Aryanto yang memvonis Harvey Moeis dengan hukuman 6,5 tahun penjara harus diperiksa. “Hakim yang memutus hukuman sang koruptor Harvey Moeis Rp300 triliun harus diperksa Komisi Yudisial. Kasus korupsi timah ini tak adil dan ini mencederai sistem peradilan tanah air,” kata Jerry, Senin…
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Narîșkin a vorbit despre eșecurile SUA în spațiul post-sovietic
Directorul Serviciului rus de Informații Externe (SVR), Serghei Narîșkin, a declarat într-un interviu acordat revistei Razvedchik că autoritățile americane pierd inițiativa pe toate fronturile și eșuează în spațiul post-sovietic. Georgiana Arsene În același timp, „obsesia” americană pentru Ucraina începe să aibă un efect devastator asupra întregului sistem financiar și militar-politic global…
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Doing this with my fantasy worldbuilding that will never see the light, probably
- Equus have the knowledge to extract aluminium, but the process is so complex that it is, actually, more expensive than gold. Most coins are an alloy of silver and aluminium.
- Equus roads aren't paved, but surrounded by fruit trees and berry bushes. This is thanks to the merchant class that plant these in order to not need to carry suplies and be able to move more goods (they don't have work animals so they need to pull the cart themselves).
- Sinoeca uses shells as jewelry, and calendars. Political clan leaders have necklaces made with seashellas, and every moon they have to take one of them off. When the necklace is empty, the leaders of the clans must meet again.
- Both Sinoeca and Equus have flexible, but binary gender sistems. Bubo people instead have a three gender system, where your gender is determined by birth order and your sibling's sex. If the firstborn is a boy, then the second is a girl, regardles of their sex, and the other way arround. The third gender is just "extravagant and isolated priest near madness".
- Bubo people believe that both marine bears, orcas and wolves have their own gods, and that they venerate them by its own ways. Also believe that orcas and wolves are two forms of a single animal.
- Equus have found a way to make a magical internet by merging their priest's mind into just one, basicly creating a single near-omnipresent mind with hundreds of bodies. You can talk to relatives in another village this way, if don't mind the priests knowing every detail of the conversation.
- Most Equus can digest only vegetal foods, but some northem populations still feed on seafood. Bubos are the oposite, feeding exclusivelly on meat and fish, but i believe they can still digest fruit and tubers.
Small fantasy worldbuilding elements you might want to think about:
A currency that isn’t gold-standard/having gold be as valuable as tin
A currency that runs entirely on a perishable resource, like cocoa beans
A clock that isn’t 24-hours
More or less than four seasons/seasons other than the ones we know
Fantastical weather patterns like irregular cloud formations, iridescent rain
Multiple moons/no moon
Planetary rings
A northern lights effect, but near the equator
Roads that aren’t brown or grey/black, like San Juan’s blue bricks
Jewelry beyond precious gems and metals
Marriage signifiers other than wedding bands
The husband taking the wife's name / newlyweds inventing a new surname upon marriage
No concept of virginity or bastardry
More than 2 genders/no concept of gender
Monotheism, but not creationism
Gods that don’t look like people
Domesticated pets that aren’t re-skinned dogs and cats
Some normalized supernatural element that has nothing to do with the plot
Magical communication that isn’t Fantasy Zoom
“Books” that aren’t bound or scrolls
A nonverbal means of communicating, like sign language
A race of people who are obligate carnivores/ vegetarians/ vegans/ pescatarians (not religious, biological imperative)
I’ve done about half of these myself in one WIP or another and a little detail here or there goes a long way in reminding the audience that this isn’t Kansas anymore.
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Quick Count Pilkada 2024: Real-Time Insights and How to Stay Updated

The Pilkada (regional elections) 2024 in Indonesia has garnered widespread attention, with quick counts serving as a popular method for preliminary results. Quick counts provide near-real-time insights based on sample data from polling stations, offering a snapshot of election outcomes before official tallies are completed.
Understanding Quick Counts
Quick counts differ from exit polls as they rely on actual vote data from polling stations rather than interviews with voters. Accredited survey institutions conduct these counts, ensuring a high level of accuracy and transparency. For example, Litbang Kompas reported quick count results with 42% of data processed for West Java, a critical province in this election
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Tools for Monitoring Results
The KPU’s (General Elections Commission) Real Count system is another tool for real-time election updates. Sirekap, the KPU’s digital tool, is utilized to verify and publish results directly from polling stations. Although past technical challenges have been noted, the system has been improved for the 2024 elections, ensuring greater reliability
For those interested in detailed live updates, major media outlets such as Kompas, CNN Indonesia, and Tempo provide continuous coverage. Links to their platforms offer accessible, up-to-date quick count information across various regions
Key Takeaways
Transparency and Speed: Quick counts are crucial for early result indications while waiting for KPU’s official announcements.
Digital Integration: Tools like Sirekap enhance result dissemination but demand vigilant monitoring to address technical issues.
Media Involvement: Trusted outlets play a pivotal role in distributing reliable quick count data.
Quick Count Pilkada 2024: Comprehensive Insights and Monitoring Tools
The 2024 Pilkada, Indonesia’s regional elections, has drawn significant public and political attention. With millions of voters across provinces, quick count results have become an essential tool for gauging preliminary election outcomes. These early indicators offer both candidates and the public a glimpse into potential results while waiting for the official count by the General Elections Commission (KPU).
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What Is Quick Count and Why Is It Important?
Quick counts are data-driven methods to project election results based on samples taken from polling stations. They are distinct from exit polls, which rely on interviews with voters after casting their ballots. Quick counts utilize official data directly from the polling stations, making them highly reliable for early projections.

Monitoring Real Count Results
While quick counts are widely regarded for speed, the KPU’s Real Count system provides official results. The Sistem Informasi Rekapitulasi (Sirekap), KPU’s digital tool, is used to collect and publish vote counts directly from polling stations. This system improves transparency, allowing the public to access real-time data. However, Sirekap has faced criticism for technical glitches in previous elections. Ahead of the 2024 Pilkada, KPU has committed to enhancing the system’s accuracy and reliability
How to Access Real Count Data:
Visit the KPU’s official portal or mobile application.
Navigate through province-specific links to find detailed results.
The interface allows citizens to track results by district and region.
Live Quick Count Updates
Major news outlets play a pivotal role in distributing quick count results to the public. Reputable platforms like Kompas, Tempo, and CNN Indonesia provide real-time updates through their websites and social media channels. For example:
Tempo offers step-by-step guides for checking real count updates and detailed reporting from the field.
Kompas publishes quick count results with regular updates, ensuring transparency in data processing
CNN Indonesia streams live quick counts from four prominent survey institutions, consolidating data for easier public access
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Challenges and Criticisms of Quick Counts
Although quick counts are celebrated for their speed and efficiency, they are not without challenges. Critics often point to:
Sample Size and Coverage: The accuracy depends on the breadth and randomness of samples taken from polling stations.
Technical Glitches: Digital tools like Sirekap have previously faced synchronization issues, causing delays in publishing data.
Public Misinterpretation: Quick counts are preliminary and should not be mistaken for official results. Misunderstandings may lead to premature declarations of victory by candidates.
To address these concerns, institutions conducting quick counts follow strict accreditation and quality control protocols. The KPU also works to educate voters about the distinction between quick counts and official real counts
Key Takeaways for Pilkada 2024
Quick Count Insights: They provide fast, reliable snapshots of election trends, helping stakeholders prepare for potential outcomes.
Real Count Accuracy: The KPU’s improved digital tools aim to ensure credibility and transparency in the official tally.
Public Engagement: Real-time updates from trusted news outlets allow citizens to stay informed and involved in the electoral process.

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#Pilkada 2024#Quick count results#KPU real count#Sirekap Pilkada#Live election updates Indonesia#Regional elections 2024#Kompas quick count#Tempo Pilkada coverage#How to check real count#CNN Indonesia election news
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