#sirius portrayal
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er9tic · 1 month ago
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“i take the long way home, shaking the bottle and letting it roll.
‘cause the devil i know, is the devil i want.”
sirius & walburga black — headcanons .
she feeds off of him in a way a leech feeds off a limb . she drains him , until not an ounce of him is left save for what she has allowed to remain . her influence in him festers , a rot he cannot rid of . because in a way , he feeds her too , unwillingly , but it fuels her . when he fears to detach from the woman who cradled him in her arms , though cold and distant . when he simply cannot turn his back to her , disobey , defy , because she is the one that gave him life . he should be grateful, his existence is possible at her mercy , her allowance , without it he would be nothing . is nothing . he isn’t anything but her son , her spawn , her continuation of what she has been made to conceive and reproduce , to prolong .
he feels her claw at the back of his neck , a tight suffocating grip where her sharp talons threaten to pierce through flesh . she claims protection, but it tastes of possession. claim . control . there is only so far he can reach out , caress freedom with the touch of his fingertips before she tears him back to her , away from the light at the end of the tunnel and back into the dark bellows of hopelessness and void . it’s cold here , wrapped in her arms . the way a snake twists around it’s prey, squeezes so tight until the life dissipates out from the eyes of a pleading soul . he wants to be let go , detached , unshackled and yet he can’t . he thinks there’s a key she has swallowed whole , no access to it but her approval and validation . could he change her mind ? convince her ? sway her concrete beliefs ? could he access the light ? if he digs deep enough , harsher , relentless until his palms bleed and his nails break . if he shows her just how hard he wills to work for an outcome and life he desires , for dreams he hopes for , would she be inspired ? could she sympathise ?
but the reality is the key rests within himself . the key to freedom , to a life of his own , to unveiling the path he so desires , is inside himself . in his acceptance to let his desire for her go . in his own conviction as he treads towards his independence through the quicksand . he lashes and tears through , the last thing he wants to do is lose her . the person he depends on for love and support , for if a mother won’t support her own child , what hopes does a child carry for the world around them ? but the desperate he comes for her , the further he loses the key . her vow and vision is unbreakable , not a crack can be made in his attempts . his key is acceptance , of what is and what is to come .
but when it begins ? he is to blame for the chaos erupting . when havoc wreaks and all is order undone , the fault lies on him . why did he not wield silence ? why did he feign defeat ? why didn’t he resign and remain as perfect as is ? with a roof over his head and food in his belly , why must he desire more ? greedy and unreasonable , selfish and over asking — that is what she calls him . how she refers to him when he hears her muffled voice behind the close door . that is the language his brother picks up from her , influenced by her anger and unionised against the one odd — him . he will carry responsibility of the harms that pose threat should he choose to live his life seperate from her . her death ? her sickness ? he brought it about , when he decided to invite an infection of tradition and perfection into an untouched environment and didn’t rid of it when ordered . he is the reason she falls , and with her fall , she brings him with her . because who is he without his mother ? without the face that stares back at him in the mirror , as though she never unhooked herself from him to begin with .
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padfootswhiskers · 1 year ago
i think sirius’ canon approval of dumbledore is an interesting piece of characterisation. very often in fic i see him being written as rebelling against the old man but canonically he obeys his every word, even if he doesn’t personally agree 🤔 in gof he’s convinced that snape, a man he loathes, is probably not up to something nefarious because dumbledore trusts him. in ootp, he HATES being stuck in grimmauld place but he obeys dumbledore’s orders to the T. when harry tells him he thinks he attacked arthur weasley, sirius only questions whether dumbledore is aware of this, before brushing it off
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fernhelm · 3 months ago
people who are afraid of fem sirius are the weakest links in this fandom
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hyperfocuscentre · 1 year ago
i always forget blackinnon is a ship and get so confused when i see stuff about it
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seriousbrat · 11 hours ago
I'm so mean to Regulus but honestly I do love him like that is my boy at the end of the day. Mostly I love him because Kreacher loves him so much and I am Kreacher's biggest fan and defender
“I’m going back to Hogwarts, Kreacher,” Regulus tells him one morning as he tucks into a bowl of porridge, poring over The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 7. “I’m finally going to get my N.E.W.T.s, and maybe they’ll even let me be Quidditch Captain again…” Kreacher claps his hands together joyfully. “’Tis wonderful news, Master Regulus!” “Yes… of course, it’s too late in the term to start now, so I’ll be going in September. We’ll be saying I’ve been ill— you’ll remember that, Kreacher?”  “Of course, Master Regulus,” says Kreacher, bowing.  “I’ll be in the same year as Barty, I suppose…” Regulus muses. “And I’ll have to work extra hard to make sure I’m not behind everyone else.” “Master Regulus has been working very hard already,” Kreacher says. “He must take care not to tire himself out.” Regulus waves this away. “No, no… I want to get a good job when I leave school, a real job, maybe at the Ministry… then I can help Mother, she won’t have to worry about money any longer. And for that I’ll need top N.E.W.T.s.”
waaah. spoilers but he does not go back to hogwarts
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seriousbrat · 1 year ago
You're so right about all of this and as a fan of the Marauders as well as Snape it's so hard to find fics that portray Snape in a way that is AT ALL sympathetic or reasonable. You'll find woobified Rosier and Barty who imo aren't deserving of sympathy at all before finding just a normal well-rounded Snape that isn't a sociopath. I don't believe in excusing his actions but like. You? Don't have to? In order to portray him as the complex character that he is. Like not having an ounce of sympathy in portrayals of a bullied, abused boy- and even rewriting the text to imply that he deserved the bullying in the first place is... A Lot. because as you've said he's frequently made out to be randomly homophobic in a story that, to be frank, probs does not need a contrived and insensitive homophobia plot shoehorned in just to add drama.
There's no canon evidence to support this. If he had been intended to be homophobic wouldn't there have been, idk, SOMETHING in his interactions with the only confirmed gay character in the series, probably the character he interacts with most besides Harry?
I mean if I'm being real it is the 70s and I guess DE characters could be homophobic. Personally I see Snape as not giving a shit either way lol but the real question is to what extent is this necessary? To me homophobia plots sometimes just feel kind of... Idk flippant and excessive, ESPECIALLY when there's clearly an ulterior motive behind their inclusion beyond just exploring a sensitive subject, which in this case essentially is to victim-blame Snape. (I imagine the same might go for racism or transphobia plots but since I have no personal experience with that the way I do homophobia I won't speak for others)
As you've so rightly pointed out he's got plenty of canon flaws already to work from so what is even the point? And he literally is brilliant like he's extremely intelligent IN CANON bro it drives me maaaad when he's just this blundering belligerent oaf who is randomly evil and violent to everyone for no reason. If Lily disliked James for hexing random people, why would she be friends with Snape if he was also doing it but worse? Wouldn't this have come up when she confronts him? Like I think it's pretty fair to say that at least prior to SWM he was not doing anything of the sort? Gah
All this to say it's equally as frustrating for me as a Marauders fan!!!! Tbh I used to be a snater (over 10 yrs ago rip but still) and it was seeing so many people whitewashing the characters I DID like and justifying/downplaying bullying that made me start liking him and becoming interested in him hahaha. And that was years ago, now it's morphed into something so totally unrecognisable that it's just boring. I mean write Snape Is Basically Voldemort AUs all you like, but it's just that, it's not canon compliant.
If there was ever a spinoff (which I doubt, at least for many years) Snape would absolutely be a main character, as he should be, and if they do their job properly they'd portray him as the complex, interesting, morally grey, occasionally sympathetic anti-hero that he is so like too bad lol
It's so funny to see a certain type of Marauder stans outright say they want a Marauders Era Netflix series or something of the like – but JKR, the actual creator of the characters, shouldn't be be involved in it at all because she would ruin her own characters and 'give the Snape stans more fuel' etc. They so honestly and unashamedly proclaim that essentially, what they would want out of a hypothetical Marauders era series is not an expansion of canon but a professionally made, high-budget fanfiction that explicitly deviates from canon.
I mean... These people are really out here admitting that they exclusively stan fanfiction versions of their 'favorite' characters. They're really out here admitting they don't actually even like their faves – and ironically also admitting that canon Snape is not as irredeemably awful as their fanon and headcanons make him out to be, since they acknowledge that a story by JKR would portray him more sympathetically than he generally is in the Marauders part of the fandom.
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moonstruckme · 1 year ago
I was wondering if you could write a poly!marauders with a reader who gets insecure about her dislikes (degrading, bjs, and rough stuff) during sex and feels guilty after sex bc she feels gross.
Thank youuuuu:3 pls ignore if your uncomfy
Hi, thanks for requesting! I feel like this came out a bit awkward but I tried and I hope you like it :)
cw: smut mdni, discussion (but not portrayal) of blowjobs and degradation, shame around sex
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.5k words
You’re becoming genuinely worried that Remus and Sirius are going to break the bed. 
Both of them are cursing like sailors, Sirius’ voice climbing higher as Remus rocks both him and you with his thrusting. The bed lurches back and forth, your body jiggling with the movement, and James laughs, dipping down to kiss at the spot beneath your ear. 
“Doing alright, angel?” 
You swallow. “Yeah. Bit worried about the bed. You?” 
He picks his head up to give you a smile, seraphim with a flirtatious edge. “Also worried about the bed, but it’ll go out in style. Personally, I’m doing fantastic.”
You return his grin, and James presses his lips to yours. Lingering, mushy kisses that feel like they’re drawing something out of you as he pumps into you slowly. His hand stokes up and down your side the way he knows you like, grounding you while you arch up into him, affection and pleasure melding in your core until your walls are gripping him with something akin to desperation. The feeling grows steadily, James’ voice becoming hoarse as he spews sweet words and encouragements that get swallowed up by your eager mouth until you both break apart into a thousand shining pieces. 
James’ forehead lands on yours, both of you panting softly into the inch of space between you. His large palm continues to soothe over the now sweat-slick skin of your waist. You realize, distantly, that the sound and movement from the other side of the bed has ceased. Sirius and Remus must have finished before you (by some miracle, the bed seems intact), you’re not sure how long ago. It’s not unusual. You always take longer. 
Sweat and cum cool in your crevices, and a familiar remorse takes root somewhere in your chest, spreading towards your gut. You shut your eyes. You want to clean this up like it never happened. 
“Hey sweetheart, how are we feeling?” James reads your change in mood instantly. His question is painfully gentle as he picks his head up, giving you the bit of space he knows you need. 
“Okay,” you say. 
“Want to have a shower?” Sirius leans over to give your knee a squeeze. His tone carries the dulled worry of routine. “Might make you feel better.” 
You nod. Remus helps you up while James peels his condom off, throwing it in the waste bin. You can’t all fit comfortably in the shower, but you squeeze in anyway, your boyfriends terribly kind as you all clean off, checking in with you periodically. Your smile comes a bit easier, the easy affection between you softening your contrition like it always does. They relax as you do. Soon you feel clean and new, all wrapped up in steam and the love you wonder if you’ll ever be good enough to deserve. 
It’s not until after you’ve toweled off and are sitting on the bed in your pajamas, watching Sirius do his skincare routine, that a different kind of guilt begins to eat at you. 
“Sorry I always make this so difficult,” you blurt.
Sirius looks over at you from the bathroom, foaming cleanser half rinsed off his face. Beside him, James pauses with floss held up in front of him. 
“Uh, what’s difficult?” James asks you. 
“Just, everytime we have sex,” you look down at your hands, hearing the soft shuffle of pages as Remus sets down his book beside you, “you guys do so much to accommodate me.” 
“That’s typically how sex works.” Sirius rolls his eyes, tossing you a smile to mitigate it. 
You return his smile wryly. “You know what I mean,” you say softly. 
“No, come on.” Remus scoots closer until his shoulder is touching yours. “What do you mean, love?” 
You shrug, self-conscious. “Like, how you have to take care of me after because I get weird. And during, I never give blowjobs even though you guys have no problem doing anything for me, and you can’t go as rough with me as you like to. I’m sure it’s frustrating.” 
“Not really, no.” Remus says, and you startle at his matter-of-fact tone. “Anything else?” 
You hesitate. “Well, I hear the stuff you and Siri say to each other. You never say any of that to me, and you know I won’t say it to you.” 
“Yes, James doesn’t like degradation either.” Remus leans back against the headboard, looking thoughtful. “Is that all?” 
“I…” You’d been expecting a bigger reaction, not this almost bored response. “I guess that’s all I can think of right now, yeah.” 
“Well, let us know if you think of any more, because all of that’s just preference, dove.” Remus gives you a kind look, almost pitying. “None of it makes you difficult.” 
You sigh, leaning back beside him. Remus’ hand comes up to stroke your hair. “I just mean that I want you all to be able to do whatever you want to,” you say. “I don’t mean to be so…finicky.” 
“You’re not finicky,” Sirius laughs, coming out of the bathroom. He crawls right over you on the bed, stretching out like a cat and laying down with his head on your lap. “Everyone has preferences. It’d only be weird if you didn’t.” 
“But what about your preferences?” You’re nearly bickering now, frustrated with them for intentionally missing your point. 
“Have you ever thought about the idea that maybe we don’t all like it rough all of the time?” He raises an eyebrow up at you, teasing. James finishes in the bathroom and comes to lean against the doorway, watching the three of you. “If I wanted my hair pulled every time, gorgeous, I don’t think I’d have any hair left.” 
His joking coaxes a smile from you, but it’s tinged with bemusement. Really, you hadn’t thought about it that way. You’d just assumed that anytime they have sex with you, it’s a small sacrifice on their part. They drew the short stick that day. Like he can read your thoughts, Sirius grins. 
“Anyway, know what I like most?” 
“You’re going to hate it,” he warns. 
You almost want to laugh, but you narrow your stare on him. “Go on.” 
“Knowing that we’re making you feel good.” 
A derisive snort leaves you before he’s even finished the sentence. You roll your eyes. “You’re right, that’s awful.” 
“It’s the truth, though.” James holds his hand up beside him. “Scout’s honor.” 
“Were you ever in boy scouts?” Remus asks quietly, almost to himself. Sirius shakes his head in your lap, but shrugs like that’s not really relevant. 
“Honestly, sweetheart, you make it sound like being with you is some kind of chore,” James says, ignoring them both. “Do you think you’re the only one who can say if you don’t like something?” You blink in surprise, but he goes on. “If we weren’t having a good time, we would tell you. Promise.” 
“Scout’s honor,” Remus mimics from beside you. “You’re not the only one who likes to be treated gently, dove. The rest of us might go back-and-forth sometimes, but we all have things we don’t like, alright? It’s no burden to do what’s going to be nice for you, and like Sirius said, making it nice for you is part of the fun.” 
“A big part,” Sirius agrees. 
“Okay,” you say, softening a bit. “Okay, but what about after? None of the rest of you need to be coddled.” 
“How do you figure?” James asks interestedly. “Sirius is the biggest pillow princess I ever saw. He needs to be carried out of bed after, or have you never noticed?” 
“Oi, you try being thrown around like you two do to me and see how you feel after!” Sirius glowers. “Dollface, you get it, right?” 
You laugh, because you don’t, that’s the point, but Remus speaks again before you can tell him so. “Sweetheart, we all have our things we need afterward. And yeah, I think we all hope that someday you don’t feel so bad about yourself right after, but we’re happy to take care of you anyway.” 
You scrutinize him, looking for a lie in his placid features. “Really? You don’t mind?” 
“Yeah, really, idiot.” Sirius pinches meanly at your stomach. “You’re our baby, of course we don’t mind. Stop asking silly questions.” 
“Let her ask what she wants, twat,” James says, starting towards the bed, and Remus gives Sirius’ thigh a reprimanding flick with his middle finger. It doesn’t look very hard, but Sirius squawks in protest and glares at him anyway. “Nobody minds taking care of you, angel,” James goes on, scooching into bed beside you. “That’s what we do, right? You’ve never complained about taking care of us.” 
“I guess,” you give in, laying your head on his shoulder. 
James rests his cheek atop your hair in return. You can feel the movement of his jaw as he speaks. “We’re all allowed to like what we like,” he vows, then lowers his voice conspiratorily. “But you and I are on the right side of things, sweetheart. The things those two say to each other are depraved.”
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slitheringghost · 2 months ago
What are your biggest pet peeves in fics
My biggest pet peeve is, hands down, fandom’s portrayal of the first war, which is almost never portrayed as violent and terrible as the details we get about it in canon. Most importantly:
The First War started in 1970.
Not 1975 or 1976. Certainly not 1978. 1970. This means the war was raging the entire time the Marauders were at Hogwarts, and that they entered Hogwarts a year into the war. It lasted 11 whole years. The whole point is that the First War was much worse than the Second War.
I’ve seen people say things like “The Marauders era is boring because nothing really happens until their later years until the war starts and/or heats up” and say it like it’s complete fact and not something fans completely made up. The idea that the war only “heats up” after Snape’s Worst Memory is so universally accepted despite all evidence to the contrary.
(I’ve also seen claims that the only murders/war crimes committed during the first war were the few explicitly named in the text, which is, again… truly embarrassing analysis.)
The reason fandom has come up with this narrative is entirely to fit the Snape vs. Marauders “bullying” angle. It usually goes like this: Sirius and James were bullies for 5 years, until - conveniently and magically - the war started to “heat up” and get more serious 6th year or sometimes 7th year and therefore they matured (especially James, though the idea of Sirius maturing after the Prank is also common in fic). It provides a neat little coming of age arc for the Marauders, one that does not actually exist in canon.
Because, believe it or not, Voldemort was not going to adjust the trajectory of his war to fit this narrative.
On the pro-Marauders side who still see them as bullies, the fandom can’t reconcile the idea of the war being serious and the Marauders not being serious about it and instead spending their time bullying others. But the war was already heated up, and the Marauders were already serious about the war by SWM - because the Marauders attacks on Snape and others was them being serious about the war, because it wasn’t bullying, it was vigilante justice.
On the Snape fan side, to portray Snape as a victim of bullying, they have to pretend that he's the only person capable of being victimized in the whole entire wizarding world, and people actually being murdered and tortured conflicts with that narrative.
I can buy that the war took a few years to heat up, I doubt it went to daily murders and tortures immediately, but I think a war would not take 6-7 years to escalate. I would guess it heated up sometime the Marauders 2nd year or 3rd year, at latest.
(I often see so many Order deaths happening in late war, per Moody, used at evidence that the war only escalated then, but the Order is tiny and doesn’t represent the casualties in the rest of the population)
Evidence towards the fact that the war was very heated up already by the time of SWM is that Lily calls Voldemort “You Know Who” in her conversation with Snape outside the Gryffindor common room - which means that by that time Voldemort has spread enough terror that people are afraid to say his name.
Also, remember this is already a very violent society. The fact that some pureblood families murder Muggles for fun (Muggle hunting) is apparently an open secret, they murder house elves, and I’ve said before that I think pureblood society practices honor killings which are at least somewhat legally sanctioned (i.e. Merope’s situation).
So a few occasional murders is not going to shake them and is not what this society is going to consider a war.
More evidence is how much the violence has escalated at Hogwarts. Death Eater students are regularly and openly torturing students with Dark Magic "for a laugh" and not being expelled, which is something that doesn't even happen in canon era - the closest we get is Draco cursing Katie Bell by accident, during a specific secret mission, and unlike with Mulciber and Mary Macdonald, no one knows who the culprit even is, so they don’t have the option to expel him. Similarly we have Snape using Sectumsempra so often at Hogwarts that it became known as his specialty and not being expelled, despite it being a near-fatal torture curse.
This fic captures what the atmosphere at Hogwarts would’ve been like really well:
"Did that kind of thing happen a lot in Hogwarts?" Hermione asked, tone oddly flat. "In the seventies?"
“Yes," Sirius said after a long moment. "It did. There were times when it was pretty much open warfare in the halls and on the grounds, between the students everyone knew were on Voldemort's side and the ones who opposed him, or whose families did... I was talking to Pomfrey about it the other day, she says you lot get yourself hexed as often in a few months as our generation used to in a week. And people attacked pets or destroyed belongings all the time. It was one reason a lot of students hid being muggleborn."
There’s the inability to extrapolate from canon details, fandom often portraying the First War like it’s just 30 Death Eaters on one side and 20 Order members on the other.
For example, if a mere ~30 Death Eaters are already committing daily murders in HBP during the Second War, how much violence do you think an army of ~500+ DEs (Sirius says the DEs that came back in GoF is literally nothing to how large Voldemort’s armies were in the First War; Remus says the Order was outnumbered 20 to 1) was committing? Similarly, based on the statistics given in HBP (by February Ron says he’s literally lost count of how many students have lost relatives), by SWM a substantial amount of the student body would’ve had families murdered by Death Eaters (and therefore the students cheering James and Sirius on in SWM is obviously because they hate Snape for being a proto-Death Eater and not for being poor 🙄). There may have even been students themselves that were killed over breaks.
This lines up with Sirius's description of the war:
“You’re scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. Every week, news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more torturing... the Ministry of Magic’s in disarray, they don’t know what to do, they’re trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. Terror everywhere... panic... confusion... that’s how it used to be."
There are lots of similar passages about the war, I’m not going to quote all of them, but I suggest people actually pay attention to those details, as well as stuff during the Second War that would apply to the first.
The same thing applies as fandom portraying teenage Death Eaters as only joining once they graduate, when canon indicates they would be Marked at 16, but that’s for another meta. ETA: That meta is posted here.
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panic-at-the-fiction · 5 months ago
The Goblin King
Summary: Halloween in Gryffindors tower with the marauders, you find yourself face to face with your crush dressed as your fictional crush and it’s too hot to handle.
Tags: Fluff, fun, maybe tini tiny suggestive, goofy ass Sirius black, reader x Remus Lupin, but of fun flirting.
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Halloween, a fun time of year, but a dangerous one you were coming to find out. Gryffindor's usual rager was in full swing as you joined the party decked out in your zombie bride costume.
“Hi James,” you smiled, greeting him from underneath his costume, which was just a white sheet with holes cut out for eyes.
“How’d you know it was me?”
“Lucky guess, where’s your other halves?”
“Well Sirius is getting drinks, he’s already relatively drunk, Peter is over by the couches and Remus is still upstairs.”
“Is he coming down here any time soon?”
“Yeah I'm sure he is, you know him though he insisted on finishing his classwork first.”
“You act like that's unreasonable,” you laugh.
“(Y/n)!” You hear Sirius shout from behind you as he slings his arm over your shoulder. He had on a pretty elaborate Dracula costume with white face paint, fake blood and a dark cape.
“Oh I got you so good, your face is gonna be priceless. Here take this, you’ll need it.” He slings a drink in your hand, nearly spilling it on you in the process.
“What am I so unprepared for Sirius that I need a drink?”
“Oh you’ll see when moony gets down here.” He let out a feral laugh
You shook your head and laughed as you took a sip of the drink he handed you. At times like this it’s best to just let Sirius be Sirius and not stress yourself out.
James stretched his hand under his sheet and pointed behind you. “Look he's coming down now.”
Sirius jumped off you in excitement, you simply laughed taking a swig of your drink as you turned around to see what all the fuss was about.
Tall, very handsome, smart, sarcastic, handsome (have you said handsome yet?) Remus Lupin was coming down the stairs from the Gryffindor dorms dressed as the one and only Goblin King, tight pants and all.
You began to cough and choke on your drink you had just taken a sip of and just in your peripheral you could see a flash as Sirius took your photo.
“Hey (y/n) are you ok?” Remus said coming to your side from the stairs.
You waved him off and turned around to get a hold of yourself. Once you stopped coughing you downed the rest of your drink and handed it off to James before facing Remus again.
You thought you had a grip on yourself, but you stared for a moment as you felt your mouth go agape and your eye get lost in the site in front of you.
“(y/n) are you ok?” He asked again
You snapped out of it as Sirius pushed in front of you to take your photo once more.
“Give me that.” You attempted to grab his stupid camera from him, but he dodged you and ran away.
“Thank me later!” He shouted as he jumped over the couches
“Sorry about him, I don’t know what he's on.” Remus shook his head.
“Yeah me either.” You lied through your teeth. You knew, Sirius knew, pretty much anyone in the room with eyes probably knew. But you had not too long ago confessed to Sirius your crush on David Bowie’s portrayal of the goblin king, and of course, he long since knew you had a crush on Remus.
“You seemed spaced out.” Remus said, drawing your focus to him and away from his costume. It was hard not to stare as your mind raced off with unfriendly thoughts.
“Sorry, I’m just… I um,” You could feel your face heat up as you stuttered, “I um... Like your costume.”
“Thank you, I wasn’t fully committed to it, but Sirius convinced me to go all out.”
“Of course he did.” You laughed moving your eyes to anything else in the room than the man in front of you.
“Hmm,” you tried to remain oblivious to him as you continued to look anywhere but at him.
“(y/n),” This time his hand came up to your chin and forced your eyes to meet his. “Am I making you nervous?” He laughed a little as he looked down at you with a knowing grin. Damn him, you could just melt.
“No” You stuttered out trying to look away again.
“Oh my god, you like the goblin king don't you?”
“What, no, shut up” You laughed covering your face with your hands in embarrassment.
“Hold on, no judgment from me sweetheart. Sirius told me long ago about it.” He pulled your wrist away from your face and kissed your palm. “If it helps I’m only teasing, you make me nervous every day I’m just returning the favor.” Now you were really melting.
“I make you nervous.” You looked up at him through your lashes, and he softly rubbed your wrists
“All the time.”
When did the room get this hot?
“I know I just got here, but do you wanna get out of here?”
Your mouth hung in disbelief, how did you get to this moment?
Remus smiled, grabbing your hand and pulling you through the crowd back towards the entrance as you both dove out into the hallway giggling as you went.
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er9tic · 3 months ago
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sirius orion black — aarae ‘ s portrayal
some graphics i made for my portrayal of him . eeeeee i love him so bad . i don’t have a set face claim for him but i do tend to lean towards eastern asian / wasian for sirius — && yes incestual upbringings can still occur in non - white ethnic families let’s be real . btw please don’t save these / repost them as yours ( not that i think anyone would but just in case ) .
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omgkatsudonplease · 8 months ago
This is hypocritical because if you dislike canon Snape, why are you even giving Regulus Snape's personality? Is it because Snape is described as unattractive? Is Snape too complex of a character for people? Like, what’s the deal?
It's classism. It's pure classism. There used to be mountains upon mountains of Pureblood Snape fics with his big manor and aristocratic tastes. He was dark and sexy and magnetic and of cooooourse he was Pureblood, he's Slytherin! And then that all got turned on its head from OotP onwards, especially when we got to see his house in HBP and where he grew up in DH. Spinner's End is working class. Cokeworth was working class.
So of course Regulus Black, who's raised in a more aristocratic setting with bluer blood than working class half-blood Severus Snape, gets to be the woobie sad boy deadpan snarker with a chance at redemption.
For all people wondering how someone can still dislike Snape but like characters like Regulus, Barty and Evan, who were also Death Eaters.
Well... We canonly don't know much about these characters.
But we do know Regulus was kind to Kreacher, and he did turn against Voldemort. Barty was questionable and undeniably a bit mad, but he was still arguably not too bad towards the students (he did turn Draco into a ferret and he showed them spells he shouldn't have but did he ever bully a child actively??). And we don't really know much about Evan.
But do you know who we canonly know a lot about? Snape.
And we see him acting like a jerk to students. Not only Harry but also Neville, Hermione, others too. He played favourites, and there's no arguing here it was just because he disliked Harry for who his father was. He was acting like that towards most Gryffindors, and he probably did that to Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs too.
Nothing he ever did in order to "help" anyone until the very end was his own actions, it was just because Dumbledore asked him to, and he also did all of this because he felt guilty for Lily dying in the first place.
And it's also not a valid argument that he was like that because he was bullied as a student because we've seen flashbacks of his childhood before Hogwarts and he was acting bad towards Petunia too, and then he's even acting bad towards Lily, who was his only friend. The Marauders might have been bullies but I think it wasn't uncalled for.
All in all, there was maybe only one person he ever cared for, and in the end he lost that person because of his own words and actions. And all he did was because of the guilt he felt. Would he have stopped being a Death Eater if Lily was alive? I don't think so. Would he be kinder to the students? I think he would have actually been worse to Harry then, knowing his parents were together and happy, and his behaviour towards the rest wouldn't have been much different either. In general, I think he would have become even more spiteful person if he knew the woman he loved was having a good life with someone else.
So I think with all of this being said, there are lots of canon valid reasons to dislike the character, while liking characters that are mostly made from fanon. Who knows, maybe they were much worse than him but we don't know that. However, we do know about him.
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supernova-stardust · 4 months ago
No One Has To Know What We Do
jegulus | 18+ | 5,602 words | kinktober submission
@jeguluskinktoberr day 26 - mirror sex
Regulus has worked his entire life to earn a spot at Juilliard in their ballet program, but one day he's late to class and is forced to teach the Columbia football team their monthly ballet lesson. Enter James Potter: handsome, cocky, and annoying. Obviously, Regulus hates him immediately and can't resist his charm.
Regulus and James hook up in the ballet studio after class and make a mess of the mirror (and each other).
This fic was written specifically for Jegulus Kinktober 2024 and contains the following prompts:
cunnilingus/deep throating, marking, impact play, semi-public sex, punishments, praise kink, mirror sex, breathplay
entire fic after the break or read on ao3, minors: dni
Regulus had never been late to class in his entire life. In fact, he typically showed up at least a half hour early to warm up, stretch, and make sure that he always got his favorite spot at the barre. Ballet was a wonderful discipline and he prided himself on being the most disciplined. He was never, ever late. That’s part of what had earned him his spot here in the first place. Very few people made it to the college level for ballet, let alone men. Nevermind Juilliard. He had goals, namely to be a part of the NYC Ballet Company and perform until he physically couldn’t anymore.
And so, the fact that he was running late today felt so unreal, it was like an out-of-body experience. Of course every single thing that could have gone wrong did go wrong and as he entered the room huffing out of breath with everyone staring at him, he knew that he was in for the worst class of his life.
“Lovely of you to join us, Regulus. I was just telling everyone who arrived on time that the studio will be closed to private practices this evening to allow the Columbia football team to have their monthly lesson,” his instructor explained as he set his belongings down on the floor in the corner and made his way to the barre. Thankfully, his spot was empty. Dancers were creatures of habit after all. “I was going to ask for a volunteer to stay tonight and teach their lesson, but since you’re late, I believe you should have the energy to stay late today.”
Fuck. Of course the only time he was late he would get saddled with teaching the football jocks. It was well known that none of them took their lessons seriously.
“Of course, I’d be happy to stay,” he said instead of voicing his honest thoughts. He’d rather drown himself than stay late for people who didn’t even respect the work they did, but saying no wasn’t exactly an option if he wanted to maintain his instructor's respect.
As the football team filed into the studio, Regulus felt more nervous and exposed than he expected. Growing up, he always knew he was a man. He started testosterone the moment he turned eighteen, despite his parents disowning him for it and in his everyday life he never thought about ‘passing’ anymore. He rarely, if ever, experienced dysphoria anymore. No one he knew before transitioning went to university with him and really the only person who knew and he saw regularly was his older brother, Sirius. Despite all of that, being surrounded by muscular and extremely masculine men had him questioning his ability to 'pass' for the first time in a long time. Every guy who walked in made him feel more and more self conscious. His body was toned and muscular, he couldn’t dance for hours on end if he wasn’t fit, but where he was all lithe limbs and grace, these men were bulky muscles, sharp jawlines, and reminded him of the picture-perfect portrayal of masculinity. 
“Please spread yourselves out on the barre along the wall and stretch while we wait for everyone to arrive,” Regulus announced. He heard murmurings of jokes and complaints but didn't deign them important enough to respond. He scrolled through the music app on his phone, searching for his preferred playlist that he listened to for warmups when he was alone. He hoped that it worked well enough for the class today, but figured that the jocks in the room wouldn’t notice if it didn’t anyway. As he connected his phone to the bluetooth speaker in the studio, a man with dark, messy hair and richly tanned skin ambled into the studio. The man’s warm brown eyes crinkled behind golden framed glasses as he laughed loudly at something one of his teammates said as they came into the studio together, not caring about the etiquette of staying quiet in the studio to avoid disruptions.
Regulus hated him immediately.
The two men shoved at each other a bit before Regulus cleared his throat. The two of them froze and looked at him, the one wearing glasses raking his eyes up and down Regulus’ body. “There’s a time and place for… whatever it is you’re doing,” Regulus snapped at them. “This is neither. Please, take a spot at the barre so we can get class started. Might I remind you that this is a requirement for your training and your coach relies on my feedback to know whether or not you're participating properly.”
They went completely stone-faced and found their ways to the barre at Regulus' scolding, clearly wanting to make sure that they didn't need to repeat this lesson in order to continue to be a part of the team. Regulus went through the motions of showing the team a very basic combination to start and pressed play on the music. “Five, six, seven, eight,” he counted out and led the class into their warmup. Once he was sure that they had the basic combination down, he began making his rounds down the barre, offering subtle corrections and moving their bodies as needed. When Regulus made his way to the man with the golden skin and messy hair, he placed his hands on his hips and adjusted him properly.
“At least ask my name first, love,” the man joked, his eyes crinkling in that annoyingly cute way as he smiled wide. 
“Does it matter? Neither of us wants to be here,” Regulus retorted.
“Aw, c’mon. You don’t know that.” He tilted his hips again and Regulus swore it was intentional. “My name’s James, by the way.”
“James, you know what I want you to do?” Regulus asked as he corrected his hips again.
“What’s that, love?”
“Shut up and hold your hips properly.”
James hummed and looked as though he’s deep in thought for a moment before he replied. “I’d prefer if you held them, I think.” 
His teammate behind him at the barre stifled a laugh and looked away quickly when Regulus glared at him. Regulus groaned in annoyance and walked away, figuring that ignoring him was the better option for class to be able to continue with as few disruptions as possible.
After what Regulus swore was the longest hour of his life, he dismissed the class and informed them that he would be emailing their coach to confirm that they all completed the class and to schedule their time for the following month. The men all nodded and said their thanks as they grabbed their belongings and shuffled out the door. All except for one. When only Regulus and James remained in the studio, Regulus walked over to his bag on the floor and pulled on his oversized sweater and baggy sweatpants. He sat on the floor and peeled his black ballet shoes off his feet while watching James standing in the middle of the studio. His entire life he’d been under a microscope, having his body analyzed and critiqued for every slight imperfection, but he’d never felt more heavily scrutinized than while James was staring at him alone in this space. 
“You can leave now,” Regulus snapped. After ten hours in the studio, he was ready to leave and he didn’t want to entertain this immature man any longer than he had to.
“I just— You never told me your name.”
“That was intentional.”
James stepped closer to him and while normally being alone with a man like this might make him uncomfortable, Regulus couldn’t help but feel drawn to everything about him, his casual confidence pulling him in. If they were in different circumstances and had met in a more controlled setting where Regulus could make sure that he was cool with the fact that he was trans before any flirting happened, Regulus might have even wanted to date this annoying man. Or at least fuck him. He hated James for it.
“Are you really gonna make me beg? I’m not above getting on my knees, you know.”
Fucking hell, this guy.
The corner of James’ mouth quirked up in a smirk and he took another step closer. “Regulus,” he said in a way that made his name sound like sin. “I’ve never met anyone named Regulus before. A unique name for a unique beauty.”
Regulus scoffed as he stood, grabbing his bag and slipping on his slides as he tried to step around James. “Thanks. Picked it out myself. Are you done? I’d like to go home now.”
“Picked it out— oh, that’s cool.” James stepped into his path and walked backwards as Regulus continued walking towards the door as if James wasn't even there. When they reached the door, James pressed his back to it and smiled down at him. “Look, I’m gonna be really honest with you, I think you’re hot.”
Regulus glared at him in response, crossing his arms and pushing his weight into one hip. He said nothing while James seemed to squirm under his cold eyes before continuing on.
“I, uh, I don’t date,” James explained. “Too busy between football, school, friends, and work. Feels rude to demand someone’s attention when I can’t give them mine.”
“I have a hard time believing you care about being rude.”
“Says the meanest guy I’ve ever met, I mean, fuck. You didn’t even give me a chance to— anyway, you’re hot. For some reason, I think I’m into the whole mean thing. We’re here all alone and I’m sure you’re the one with the keys to lock up.”
“Are you trying to hook up with me?” Regulus raised an eyebrow in question.
“Are you flattered?”
“Oh, come on,” James whined as he banged his head on the door behind him. “Have you ever had a hot quarterback want to fuck you in the dance studio? You can’t honestly tell me you didn’t think about it at all during that class. You had us all bent over, for fuck’s sake.”
“This is a learning environment,” Regulus replied. “I’m a professional, you know.” He refused to admit that he absolutely was staring at James’ ass every time he passed by, but now he wondered if the man had seen him in the mirrors lining the walls.
“Please, you’re not as subtle as you think.”
Regulus’ cheeks turned pink at that and he felt the blush all the way to his ears.
“I’ll move so we can both go home if you can honestly tell me that you don’t want to hook up. But I have a feeling that you want this as badly as I do.”
The silence that stretched between them was charged with desire. As much as he hated the guy, Regulus wanted James so badly it hurt. But he was also terrified of, well, everything. Being a gay trans man came with a lot of disclaimers beforehand, in his experience. He tried to hint at the fact that he was trans earlier and James said he was cool, but did he really know what he was getting himself into by continuing to hit on Regulus? If he told James outright, would he be safe here alone with him? 
Regulus let out a shaky breath before he spoke again. “I— I don’t usually hook up like this.”
“It’s fine, it can stay between us.”
Oh, why did that hurt? Why didn’t he want to be kept as a dirty little secret? What was it about James that made him… want? He’d never wanted anyone like this before. 
“It’s not that, It’s— I’m trans.”
“Okay?” James’ eyebrows knit together in confusion. “Don't take this the wrong way, but I’m not sure why that matters?”
Regulus gaped at him, unsure how to even respond to the confusing man before him.
“I think you’re hot,” James continued, saving Regulus from having to formulate a response. “I’m pretty sure you think I’m hot, though you haven’t admitted it. If I was a more self conscious man, I might feel a bit inadequate if I’m honest. We’re young and we have this place to ourselves for the night. I’m clean too, if you were wondering.”
“I’m clean,” Regulus responded without processing the rest of what James just said. 
James smiled at that. “So?”
“You want to go home or can I kiss you already?”
Regulus dropped his bag on the floor next to him with a loud thud and crashed his lips onto James’, crowding his body against the door. Their first kiss was a cruel thing, the building energy between them finally boiling over into something physical. James’ arms wrapped around Regulus, one snaking down to his lower back and the other gripping the nape of his neck. When Regulus brushed his tongue along the seam of James’ lips, he opened for him and Regulus allowed himself to indulge in exploring James’ mouth.
Regulus reached a hand down towards the knob of the studio door near James’ hip and clicked the lock in place while they continued kissing. He felt James smirk against his mouth and pulled back, glaring at the taller man he had pinned against the wall with his body.
“What?” Regulus snapped. He would never admit it outloud, but really wasn’t sure why this man’s cocky attitude was so attractive. That smirk on his face made him melt and Regulus knew that he was in for a world of hurt after this was all over and James wanted nothing to do with him again.
“Planning on more than a kiss?”
“You were the one who—”
“I know, shh, I’m just teasing.” James placed a quick peck on Regulus’ lips. “I feel like I’m pushing my luck here by asking, but do you have a condom?”
Regulus felt his face heat. He normally wasn’t embarrassed by sex, honestly. There was just something about this Adonis of a man trapped against the door in front of him asking him for a condom that felt like an out-of-body experience. “Uh, I think so, let me check.” He dropped down to his knees and rifled through his bag, trying to ignore the heavy weight of James’ gaze on him. When he found the condom, he grabbed it and looked up, holding the condom up like a prize. James’ eyes were heavy with desire and when Regulus went to stand up, James buried a hand into his hair to hold him in place. 
“You look so pretty on your knees, Regulus.”
“I’d look prettier with your cock in my mouth.”
“Oh,” James tightened his grip in his hair and Regulus let out a wanton moan at the feeling. “You are a good boy, aren’t you?”
Regulus hummed in response and reached for the waistband of James’ shorts, tugging them and his boxers down just low enough to free his hard cock. Regulus leaned forward against the resistance of the hand buried in his hair and lapped at the precum beading at the tip. James groaned at the feeling and pumped himself a couple of times in front of Regulus’ face. Regulus raised himself up higher on his knees and dragged his hands up under James’ shirt, feeling the hard muscles of his abdomen and back before he licked at a vein along the underside of his cock and then sucked him into the back of his throat, taking as much of him in his mouth as possible. 
He bobbed his head a few times, relishing at the feeling of James’ hand threaded in his dark curls guiding his movements, then pulled back and ran his tongue up his entire length. He swirled his tongue around the tip once, twice, then pushed his tongue at the slit, moaning at the unique salty taste that was James. When he looked up under hooded eyes, they locked eyes and James gave him a pleased smile.
“Fuck,” James breathed. “You’re so good for me, you do look so pretty just like this, I knew you would. Can you be such a good boy and let me fuck your throat, hm?”
Regulus squirmed as he opened his mouth with his tongue flat, feeling hot wetness pooling between his legs. When he felt James slide his cock back into his mouth, he relaxed his throat and surrendered completely to the pace that James set. He felt James shift so he had one hand on both sides of his head and Regulus adjusted so that both of his hands gripped James' hips. He was slow at first, unsure of how Regulus would handle his size, but grew more confident when Regulus moaned around his cock. Soon, the pace was unrelenting and Regulus felt his eyes watering, tears streaming down his face. Spit ran down his chin and he found that he didn't care at all. He dug his fingers into James' hips, hoping to leave bruises. Evidence that he had James, if only for a little while. He barely had any room to breathe between the strokes as James continued to thrust into him, focused entirely on his own pleasure.
Before he knew it, James pulled himself out of Regulus’ mouth. He bent down to wipe the spit off of Regulus' chin with his thumb then languidly sucked at it before pressing the pad of his thumb against Regulus' bottom lip. Regulus swiped his tongue out and caught James' thumb in his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue around the digit. James smirked, pulling his thumb away and wiped at the tracks of tears on Regulus' face with his thumbs. Regulus whined a needy sound at feeling so empty, rubbing his thighs together in hopes that any form of friction would bring him relief. James leaned in to kiss him before pulling Regulus to his feet as he tucked his erection back into his shorts.
“Shh,” James soothed, pushing his hair away from his face and placing soft kisses on his cheeks. “Let me return the favor, c’mon.”
James grabbed his hand and dragged a boneless Regulus to the center of the room. When he got there, he held up one finger, signaling for Regulus to wait a moment. Regulus wanted to pout, but watched as James went to the corner of the room where a stack of folding chairs leaned against the wall. He grabbed one and carried it back to where Regulus stood, opened it up, then pushed Regulus into the seat facing the mirror covered wall. 
Regulus reached his hands out towards James’ hips and tugged him closer, hoping to return to having that beautiful cock in his mouth before James clicked his tongue softly. “I said I was going to return the favor, baby.” James knelt down and looped his fingers under the waistband of Regulus’ sweatpants. “Can I?”
“In front of the mirror?”
“Why not?” James shrugged. “It’s hot. Plus it’s not like there’s anywhere in this room without a mirror. Might as well make good use of it.” James playfully tugged at Regulus' waistband with one hand again as he removed his glasses with the other and set them to the side on the floor. “Are you gonna make me beg or can we continue?”
Regulus nodded as he shifted his hips so James could pull at his baggy sweatpants, then he heard James laugh as he pulled at the baggy shorts underneath his sweatpants revealing yet another pair of shorts, these ones much tighter and shorter. “So many layers,” James huffed. “Why do you need so many layers?” He pulled down the shorts and finally got to Regulus’ underwear. Pulling those down, he unbunched all of the layers of pants from around his ankles and threw them to the side. The cold metal of the folding chair bit into Regulus’ skin as he sat there in just his baggy sweater feeling extremely exposed.
“Keeps the muscles warm in between—” All thoughts of the logistics in layering clothing during ballet were lost as he felt James spreading his legs apart. James bit down on the soft skin of his innermost thigh as he slid his hands up to Regulus’ hips. He allowed James to pull him towards the edge of the seat, tilting his hips up to give James better access. 
Regulus writhed at the first feeling of James’ tongue on him and he let out a shameless moan that echoed around the room. He tilted his head back and allowed his legs to fall open in pure pleasure. James grabbed under his thighs to hike his legs up over his shoulders, giving himself more access as he continued devouring Regulus, licking and sucking at him. When Regulus glanced up, he looked at the two of them in the mirror. Watching James on his knees worshiping his body, he understood immediately why James said it would be hot. He had never seen a sight quite so erotic and between the feeling of James sucking on his most sensitive nerves and the reflection before him, he climaxed hard and fast. His orgasm rippled through him and James reacted by moaning as he pushed his tongue inside him, lapping at his release. 
As he came down from the orgasm, James slowed down and started kissing down his thighs, sucking small bruises along the way. Normally, Regulus would ask his lovers to avoid leaving marks like that, especially since they were so visible in classes, but something about James made him want to be claimed. He wanted people to know they were together, and for a time, be able to say that he belonged to James.
Just when he felt like he was coming back into his body, James pushed two fingers inside him and curled them up at the perfect angle, hitting the sensitive walls inside his body. Regulus felt his entire body jolt with pleasure as James’ tongue returned to between his thighs, circling the sensitive nerves and flicking in time with his fingers. 
“Fuck,” Regulus whined, feeling his body climbing rapidly towards another orgasm.
James pulled back to gaze up at him, his fingers continuing at a punishing pace. “I know you can cum for me again, baby. Show me what a pretty boy you are while you cum on my fingers.” He bit into his leg just above his knee and sucked a bruise, watching his fingers pumping in and out of Regulus’ body. His orgasm crashed through his body again and James moaned at the sight, dipping his head between his legs again and giving him one languid lick before pulling back and smiling up at Regulus. He sucked on his fingers and made a show of licking off every drop, giving Regulus a visual reminder of how skilled he was with that tongue.
“Think you can go again?” James asked from between his legs. Regulus had no doubt in his mind that if he said yes, the man would sit between his thighs all night long, and maybe if they hooked up again he’d get the opportunity to experience it, but for now he really wanted to know what he felt like buried deep inside him.
Regulus shook his head and pulled off his oversized sweater, then the white tee underneath until he was sitting in the middle of the room, fully exposed. “Your turn, you have a criminal amount of clothing on your body.”
James barked a laugh and practically ripped off his clothes as he stood. He grabbed Regulus’ hand and hoisted him to his feet, pulling him in close to his naked body. The feeling of their bare skin brushing against each other was enough to set Regulus’ overstimulated nerves alight. He moaned as he leaned in for a kiss, tasting a heady combination of the two of them on James’ lips.
“I’m going to grab the condom,” James said against Regulus’ lips, his breath hot. He kissed down Regulus’ jaw and neck before he continued. “Go stand facing the mirror for me.”
“If you don’t want me to take control, tell me now sweetheart.” James said softly. He placed a quick peck against his lips. “Otherwise, I’m going to get a little bossy from here on out.”
Regulus nodded, then moved to stand facing the mirror while James dug through their discarded clothes for the condom Regulus had found earlier. When he returned, James stood behind him and gently grasped at his jaw, ensuring they made eye contact through the mirror.
“Familiar with the traffic light color system?”
Regulus nodded again and James clicked his tongue. “I’m going to need verbal confirmation here, baby.”
“Good, so if you want me to stop immediately you say?”
“Red,” Regulus answered without hesitation.
“And if I check in and you’re enjoying yourself?”
“Good boy. Last one, then we can continue. If you need to pause or something doesn’t feel right?”
James kissed his neck from where he stood behind him and smiled. “Very good. Now, hands against the glass for me. And they’re not allowed to move at all. Your pretty little ass will get a beating if they do. Understand?”
“Yes what?”
“Yes… Sir?”
James clicked his tongue and Regulus could tell that he was disappointed. "Come now, you can do better than that."
Regulus wracked his brain searching for whatever it was that James was asking. Finally, it came to him after he reflected on all the times James had called him 'baby' and a 'good boy.'
"Yes, Daddy."
James let out a groan at that, moving his hand down from Regulus’ jaw to his throat and squeezing slightly. Regulus keened and pushed his hips back towards James, searching for friction. 
“Fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me,” James said as he pulled back and ripped at the condom wrapper. Regulus whined at the loss of the hand around his throat and turned around. He draped his arms around James' shoulders and sought out his lips for a kiss.
With the condom not fully unwrapped, James froze and gripped Regulus’ throat, stopping him from the kiss he was seeking. “What did I say, baby?”
“Oh, please.” Regulus scoffed when James loosened his grip just enough to allow him to reply. “We hadn’t even started yet.”
James’ eyes darkened at that. “Did I or did I not tell you that if you moved your hands from the mirror, you’d be punished?”
“You can’t be serious.”
“Do you want to push me to find out how serious I am?” At the silence hanging between them, James smirked. “Now, turn around. Hands on the mirror. I’m going to spank you five times and you’re going to count out each one, thanking me for every one. If you stop counting or lose your manners, you’ll earn five more. Understand?”
“Yes.” Regulus followed his instructions, placing his hands on the cold mirror and breathing as evenly as he could.
“Yes what?” James kneaded his ass, making him even more sensitive to the touch.
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Good boy. Color?”
James hummed in acknowledgement before his hand slapped Regulus’ ass. Regulus let out a surprised yelp. 
“Count, baby. I won’t remind you again.”
“One,” Regulus cried out. “Thank you, Daddy.”
James’ hand smacked down again, the sound echoing in the room, and Regulus gasped at the shock of pain that rippled through his body. “Two. Thank you, Daddy.” Regulus looked up into the mirror, taking in James’ hungry face. 
“Maybe you can be trained, baby. Three more. You’re doing so good.”
With each slap to his ass, Regulus became more sensitive and felt himself slipping into a hazy headspace where everything felt like pure pleasure shooting to every nerve in his body. When he finally reached number five, James dropped to his knees behind him and rubbed at his cheeks before pulling them apart and licking all the way from his sensitive nerves to his ass. He circled the ring of muscle with his tongue and pushed in slightly.
“Fuck,” James breathed hot against him. “You did so good, baby. You’re fucking dripping for me. Have you learned your lesson? Will you be a good boy and let me fuck you now?”
Regulus nodded, a whine escaping his throat that he would normally feel embarrassed about.
“Words, baby.”
“Yeah— Yes, please. Please fuck me, Daddy. I need your cock inside me.”
James bit into one cheek of his ass before he stood up, grabbing the condom and rolling it on. “Anything for you,” James murmured as he lined himself up with Regulus’ entrance. They made eye contact in the mirror as James pushed in slowly, using both hands to grip onto Regulus’ hips and position him perfectly. “Color?”
“Green. Fuck, so fucking green.”
Finally, James moved his hips. Regulus had never been a religious man, but he swore that he found a new religion at the feeling of James inside him. James moved his hips in purposeful, deep thrusts, making Regulus see stars with each shift inside him. Regulus’ eyes closed and his head tilted back as he relished in the sensation until he felt a strong hand on his jaw. The grip was unyielding and Regulus knew that he’d do whatever the man this hand belonged to said.
“Eyes on me, baby,” James purred. “I want you to watch me ruin you for anyone else.”
Regulus cried out a moan and opened his eyes, taking in their bodies in the mirror. His hot breath fogged the mirror in front of him as James pounded into him from behind, both of them glistening with sweat. James’ face was smug as he continued to hold onto Regulus’ jaw, not offering him any way of avoiding watching their bodies. 
James’ pace started to slow, but he somehow managed to make it feel like he was impossibly deeper inside Regulus’ body. He snaked a hand down towards the bundle of nerves between Regulus’ legs and rubbed in confident circles, pushing Regulus closer and closer to the edge. Just when he thought he couldn’t possibly experience more pleasure than he was already tasting, James’ hand slid down from his jaw to his throat and squeezed. The restriction of blood flow to his brain made Regulus feel fuzzy as he dissolved into pure pleasure. His knees buckled and he arched his back, pushing his ass into James’ hips as his orgasm washed over him. A moment later, James let out a moan and Regulus felt him pulsing inside of him as he followed him over the edge.
James ghosted his fingers along the side of Regulus’ neck as they rode out the last of their orgasms and he kissed his shoulder. When he pulled out, he took off the condom and tied it off, then walked over to toss it in the trash can next to the door. Regulus turned to lean against the mirror, watching James stride back towards him. Regulus gave him a weak, hazy smile.
“You okay?” James asked. He placed a quick peck on Regulus’ lips and rubbed soothing circles on his shoulder.
“Yeah, I—” James interrupted him by kissing him again. “I thought you said this was a one-time thing?” Regulus questioned.
“That doesn’t mean you deserve to be treated like shit, Regulus.”
Regulus gave him a flat look before he pushed off the mirror and walked to where his clothes were piled on the ground. He started pulling on his many layers and by the time he was fully dressed again, he glanced over to see James standing watching him, still completely nude. Regulus bent over to grab his glasses on the floor and handed them to him. “What?” Regulus asked.
James pushed his glasses on his face and for the first time, Regulus witnessed a flustered James. “Look, I know what I said, but can I have your number anyway?”
“I won’t be your late night, drunk booty call, James.”
“I just…this was a lot of fun. It’d be nice to do it again sometime, that’s all.”
“So, a sober booty call?”
“No, I—”
“Listen, how about you give me your number? If I’m ever feeling like having you boss me around again, I’ll give you a call. How’s that?” Regulus raised an eyebrow as he pulled his cell out of his sweatpants pocket and held it out to James in offering.
James hesitated to take the phone from his hand, clearly playing a game of mental chess on how to obtain Regulus’ number, but Regulus refused to be a pawn in his games. “This is my only offer, it expires once your pants are on. Take it or leave it.”
Sighing, James grabbed his phone and created a new contact with his phone number, then handed it back to Regulus.
“‘Daddy,’ really? You seriously put your name as ‘Daddy’ in my phone?”
James smirked, then began dressing himself. “I figured you’d remember me that way.”
Regulus rolled his eyes, but internally he might as well have been giggling and kicking his feet. He stepped forward and placed a chaste kiss on James’ cheek. “I’ll consider calling you, Daddy,” he said and then he grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder. “Clean the mirror and take that trash bag out with you, yeah? I can’t have my teacher finding out about this.”
“You got it, baby.”
As Regulus walked out of the studio, he thought to himself that he should absolutely not call James again. He made a bargain with himself anyway that if he was still thinking about him in a few months, he’d gladly fall back into that man’s arms again.
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maxdibert · 2 months ago
Back in the 2000s, before the Marauders fandom became a parallel reality filled with original characters that no one could recognize, who were only there to paint their nails and talk about horoscopes, Regulus Black wasn’t a token to turn James Potter into a queer icon, nor was he some misunderstood, abused twink in need of a Gryffindor knight to save him from the darkness. No, Regulus was the second son of a magical aristocratic family who was perfectly aligned with his family’s ideas, and the drama and angst didn’t come from some romantic Brokeback Mountain-style drama but from his broken relationship with his older brother. Regulus’s fanon storylines weren’t centered around finding him a partner or his forbidden love for his brother’s best friend, but around his relationship with his brother—exploring how the years and their differing ideologies had driven them apart. It was about how Regulus resented his older brother for leaving home and how his way of externalizing his frustration and sadness manifested as anger and hatred towards everything surrounding Sirius.
Most importantly: Regulus was often portrayed as someone who despised and resented James because he saw him as the first and only one responsible for influencing his brother and leading him astray from the “right path”—which was just a mask for his resentment over feeling that James had “taken him away.”
That was a realistic and coherent portrayal of Regulus. Those were headcanons consistent with his story and trajectory. It was a fanon representation that made sense—someone who wasn’t forced to believe in anything but believed in what he was taught at home and thought it was his older brother who had been brainwashed, yet at the same time, he cared for him and resented him leaving because, in a way, he felt abandoned. Because Sirius was the older brother and was supposed to be the head of the family, but he left, and that wasn’t fair, and it was all James Potter’s fault, who had put strange ideas into his head.
That’s much more coherent, realistic, and interesting for a character we know little about than just turning him into a whining child because his parents wanted to make him a Nazi, with his biggest life drama being that he secretly likes his older brother’s friend but can’t be with him because they’re in different houses. Do you realize the terrible mess the new fans have made with these characters? It’s honestly shameful. They’ve taken all the interesting aspects these characters could have had, thrown them out the window, and turned them all into crybabies whose lives revolve around their love dramas and putting on eyeliner and earrings. It’s truly pathetic.
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regheart · 5 months ago
there's something i find particularly annoying in this fandom and it's the way purebloods are written as highly sophisticated extremely rich and straight up a rip off of regency period novels
i understand the choice of this specific portrayal, i can see it as an approximation to historical drama, where the social restrictions are compelling and are relevant to the story, and a good writer can make any concept believable and good
HOWEVER as much as the worldbuilding on wizarding costumes (and a lot of other things) is extremely inconsistent and gets progressively worse towards the later three books, the implications that i see don't point towards this version of a sophisticated performatic elite who interacts only with itself
while i tend to see the blood status in the harry potter universe as a distinction of class and not at all a distinction of race, i don't think the difference is, in practice, as marked as it is in real world contexts, mostly because of how numerically small and insulated the wizarding community is
this post is part of my personal vendetta against purebloods as charming aristocrats & what appears to be the necessity of writing each and all of them as so very well spoken and politically savvy and never-caught-dead-speaking-to-a-half-blood
for once, the sacred twenty-eight is extra canon information and is disputed IN UNIVERSE, because it was anonymously published and received backlash for the inclusion (weasley, ollivander) and exclusion (crabbe, goyle, potter) of certain names
the malfoys are the only extremely rich family we see in canon. extra canon information tells us they made money before the statute of secrecy by trading with muggles
compare that to the potters who are also very rich (there's no scale to tell us who is the richer family), but made most of their money from the invention of sleakezy in the 20th century
the blacks are also implied to be wealthy: sirius manages to live off his inheritance after buying harry an expensive broom, and he says his grandfather likely paid for an order of merlin
there's a lot to be said about the blacks (e.g. they should have at least a couple more properties other than grimmauld place), but the big picture and the similarity with the gaunts (not about the incest, stop fixating on that) suggest they were a family in decadence by the time sirius was growing up
i believe that the implication is that neither of them had a proper job, which creates a similarity with gentry, but gentry lived off rentals and while it is possible they had a country state i don't think grimmauld place was making a lot of money
lucius malfoy also didn't work and spent a portion of his time being a school counselor (and obviously not being paid for it, as it was a way to exercise his political power over the main learning institution in his community)
it's also extra canon that the nott family had equal footing with the malfoys, so we can assume that crabbe, goyle, parkinson and bulstrode were slightly beneath them, either in social standing or money, despite the later two being part of the sacred twenty-eight (or it could appear to be so because pansy and milicent are girls)
the weasleys are obviously the main example of a poor sacred twenty-eight family, as were the gaunts
the crouch family was most like rich (they could afford a house elf), but it's likely that most of that money came from mr. crouch having a high level ministry job. his family and connections were probably an advantage to getting the job, but it's possible he wouldn't be able to maintain the lifestyle without work
longbottom, prewett and macmillan are families that appear to be very traditional, but not remarkably wealthy
other working members of the sacred twenty-eight are: horace slughorn (school teacher, but it can be argued that teaching hogwarts is a prestigious position), garrick ollivander (wand maker and shop owner, but, again, the only wand maker, which holds a certain prestige in itself), mr. burke (shop owner), arthur weasley (ministry employee), frank longbottom and kingsley shacklebolt (both aurors). amycus and alecto carrow are also temporary hogwarts teachers
the blacks married out of the sacred twenty-eight many times (max, gamp, crabbe, potter)
all of these people and every single muggleborn goes to the same school, buys magical supplies at the same place, drinks from the same pubs, etc. that alone should serve as evidence that there aren't many exclusive pureblood hangouts around
the only place that seems to attract the malfoys (arguably the richest and most important pureblood family in the 90s) and not most other people, is the knockturn alley, which is hardly a high brow sophisticated spot
except for malfoy and flint, no slytherin quidditch player during the 90s is in the sacred twenty-eight, so that's hardly a criterion for making it into the team
mulciber is not a sacred twenty-eight name, they could very well be half-bloods
tom riddle and severus snape were half-blood students who formed ties with purebloods while in school and held blood supremacist views, assimilation to a certain level was possible
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wisteria-lodge · 7 months ago
I LOVE the version of Lucius in your fic Prison of the Phoenix. He's different from a lot of portrayals I've seen. Why did you decide to write him how you did?
A lot of the fun of writing a book-accurate fix-it fic comes from taking the events of the book, and removing JKRs (simplistic, misleading, sometimes just weird) narrative framing. Slytherins = baddies, Gryffindors = goodies, you know. 
This is especially fun with Lucius Malfoy, who just like… isn’t very evil? Chamber of Secrets is his most villainous book, and I’ll get to that, but otherwise? He tries (unsuccessfully) to get the animal that attacked his kid killed. He donates to hospitals (but in like, an evil way.) He is a hilariously incompetent Death Eater, and then he's Voldemort’s punching bag. 
That’s kind of the point of Lucius. He looks the part. He commits to the aesthetics of the thing, with the hair and the peacocks and the snake-wand-cane. He likes the mystique of walking into a room and knowing that you know (but can’t prove) he’s a dark wizard. It allows him to be… kinda lazy. He can coast on his family name, money, reputation, privilege. I really think that if you sat Lucius Malfoy down and asked him to walk you through all the wizard-supremacy talking points he wouldn’t be able to do it. He’ll toss around words like “mudblood” and “mudblood-lover” no problem, but in the end he doesn’t really care. Lucius is not a true believer. The way the world is set up benefits him tremendously and he doesn’t want Voldemort back. That’s just text:
“Use your brains, Ron,” said Bill. “If they really were Death Eaters… I bet they’d be even more frightened than the rest of us to see him come back. They denied they’d ever been involved with him when he lost his powers, and went back to their daily lives… I don’t reckon he’d be over-pleased with them, do you?”
Lucius and friends had too much to drink at a sporting event, put on the old outfits (again with the aesthetics) and started levitating muggles. Which obviously isn’t GOOD, but they’re not killing or torturing, or furthering any kind of agenda. It’s important that Barty is so insulted and pissed off by the way they’re basically playing Dark Wizard that he casts the Dark Mark to “show [them] what loyalty to the Dark Lord meant, and to punish them for their lack of it.” Which kicks off most of the events of the book. 
Prison of the Phoenix is going to have a companion, parallel fic told from Harry’s POV (tentatively titled Harry Potter and Malfoy’s Suspicious Interest in Werewolves.) Lucius does show up in that one, and I was honestly surprised by how much more frightening and intimidating he is when filtered through Harry’s perspective. Because with a Severus POV… when Severus is used to spending time around Voldemort, Greyback, Bellatrix, honestly Dumbledore and Sirius Black…. Lucius is not scary. Lucius wants to buy presents for his son, go to high-profile events with his beautiful wife, and wear a variety of snake-themed accessories and extravagant hats. 
I wanted a kind of college-roommates-who-stayed-friends feel for the Severus + Lucius relationship, because they are friends. Sirius calls Severus Lucius’ “lapdog,” and Narcissa calls him Lucius’ “oldest friend.” Lucius is also part of the welcoming committee when Severus is first sorted into Slytherin. He’s five years older (I think Jason Isaacs is the only Harry Potter adult the same age as the character he plays), which would have affected the dynamic between him and Severus a lot in school. Personally, I think it makes sense for Lucius to be a little protective of this brilliant half-blood kid with no money. And as an adult, there’s some guilt mixed in there as well. Severus probably would not have been sucked into the Voldemort thing nearly as deep or nearly as fast if it hadn’t been for Lucius, and the war kind of destroyed him. Lucius remembers a younger Severus who was modding potions, inventing spells, coming up with cheeky nicknames for himself, and that person is gone. That’s a big part of the reason he’s so invested in the Severus/Remus relationship in Prison of the Phoenix. Something about Remus has managed to wake up parts of that younger Severus, and Lucius thinks that’s fantastic.
I also think Lucius might be the character who knows Voldemort the best. He’s one of the only Death Eaters who Voldemort calls by their first name (Bellatrix, Severus, and Draco are the others) and he’s weirdly familiar with his “slippery friend” Lucius, addressing the whole speech about how/why he returned to him, for some reason? Anything that helps Voldemort make sense as a person I’ll take, and to me it makes sense that young Tom Riddle charmed Abraxas Malfoy, Lucius’ father, first. The dates are right, and he’s exactly Tom’s type - rich, pureblood, probably easily flattered (let’s be honest) and sitting on a pile of magical artifacts. It’s very Hepzibah Smith vibes, is what I’m saying. And rich, posh, popular seventeen year olds don’t join cults. But if Lucius’ father was already in a cult… 
It also makes sense to me that Tom Riddle got sort of stuck when he killed Marvolo Gaunt, and made his first horcrux at sixteen. He has this fascination with sixteen year old pureblood wizards (so Barty, Draco, and Lucius would have fit this profile.) He sort of wants to be them, but also sort of wants to break them? It’s messy, and complicated. It’s creepy and compelling, that Lucius is aging but this spectre that’s dominated his life isn’t. 
And so when Lucius gives Ginny the diary in Book 2… it makes sense that he’s just trying to get rid of it. He was just at Borgin and Burkes selling dark artifacts, but knows that the diary is worse. He needs to make sure it can’t possibly be traced back to him. So he gives it to the daughter of the head of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office. (It is an enchanted muggle artifact, after all.) If Arthur Weasley finds it and deals with it, fine. If Ginny is discovered with it in a way that blows up in Arthur’s face, also fine. If it does get to Hogwarts and does open the Chamber of Secrets - well Draco is going to be fine, and it might undermine Dumbledore. If it was really important to Lucius that the diary rid the school of muggleborns… he would have given it to Draco and had him use it. Or given it to Draco, and told him to leave it somewhere for an enemy to find. But Lucius doesn’t do that, because he doesn’t want Voldemort back and his politics just aren’t that important to him. 
The one trait I did give Lucius is being an unrepentant wife guy. (And I mean… it doesn’t contradict anything. There isn’t anything in the books to suggest that he isn’t a wife guy.)  EDIT: I cannot believe I forgot the little "it's going to be okay" wrist squeeze Narcissa gives him right before he passes Voldemort his wand. This meta does a fantastic job getting into who Narcissa is, and I am officially justified in writing them just as googly-eyes about each other as I want. Also going full Gomez and Mortica makes them a better foil for the Weasleys, and the (not typically on the same page) Arthur and Molly.
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lyrablack1883 · 1 year ago
They said, if you wish to cross the river Styx, you have to pay Charon, the ferryman, a single coin. Severus never actually meet Charon but he meet other ferryman during his lifetime. Men who pushed him gently into the silent of eternal night.
The first ferryman was his father, a muggle who hated magic and himself. To cross over, Severus pay him with his childhood. He remembered the belt, the stings of cold winter, the hunger and the sound of rats running around the alley. But it wasn’t enough. The second ferryman was a beautiful boy with silver eyes. To cross over, Severus continue to pay him throughout his teenage years. He remembered the stings of hexes, the humiliation, and the wetness of his robes clinging to his body as he was drop into the lake. The ferryman then deliver him to the wolf. But it wasn’t enough.
The third ferryman was a man with red eyes and charming smiles. The ferryman told him, he understood his suffering, and gently, he marked him as his own. To cross over, Severus pay him the one thing he ever loved. He remembered the anguish, the regret, the stain on his arm, and the never ending crucio. But again, it wasn’t enough. The fourth and final ferryman was a man one step before d3ath itself. To cross over, Severus pay him with the only thing he had left, his soul. He remembered how the ferryman’s body falls, the way his last word was of him begging him to end it. With this final payment, the third ferryman approached him and in turn will deliver him to his final rest. However again, it seems it wasn’t enough. As the boy with silver eyes, took both of his hand, together they ran and the boy rowed them back into the opposite direction.
(I genuinely forgot what I was going for the first time I had the idea, so above is just the general idea of Severus and his connection with men who controlled his whole life, who he paid dearly for every stage of his life, and after, at the end, he was finally rewarded with death, except I don’t want his story to end like that, so Sirius here had the role to bring him back, you can view him here as a ghost or alive [where he didn’t fall into the veil], why him especially? I viewed these two as characters who lived through the same hell, the type that goes “you put me through this hell, so I’ll drag you down here too” but also “you and I went through the same hell, I managed to get out, so I’ll do anything to get you out with me”) [according to the extremely biased characterization in my head ahaha]
The age of these characters portrayal is set during the time Severus felt closer to death because of them. Tom riddle in his 50s when he killed lily, Tobias in his 30-40s when Severus still lived with him, Sirius in his fifth year when he sent Severus to werewolf!remus and dumbledore in his 150s when he asked Severus to end his life. Since this was also done from Sirius pov, Severus here is also portrayed in his fifth year except for the last panel where he is portrayed a moment before his supposed death at 38.
This was loosely inspired by the song ‘Achilles come down’ by gang of youths and this wonderful fic two sides by blue_inking and Zain
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