#sing limericks
larrylimericks · 2 years
The chutzpah, the no-fucks, the swagger When months passed of internet chatter Musing what tattoo goes With the curly one’s rose, Then, OMG ...
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horsemage · 1 year
I’m really enjoying how consistently readings for physics feature poems
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goodvibesatpeace · 7 months
Singing and Dancing, that's where you will find me
In a corner, hidden from sight
Lives a creature with all its might
Singing and dancing is where it resides
In a world of joy, it truly thrives
With complex words and intricate moves
This being certainly approves
To challenge the limits, to push the bar
In its happy world, there's no scar
A limerick it may seem to be
But don't let its size fool thee
For within its lines, lies a magical land
Where singing and dancing, go hand in hand
With every step and every song
This being feels it truly belongs
In this world of rhythm and rhyme
Where happiness is always in prime
So if you ever feel down or blue
Just follow the sound and dance too
For in this world of singing and dancing
You'll find me there, always prancing
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imakemywings · 1 year
Tempted to write Mereth Aderthad fic primarily for the joys of Maglor attempting to impress Daeron without realizing who he is and failing so bad
Maglor introduces himself and waits for the dawn of recognition and Daeron just stares at him and is finally like “Do I know you or...?”
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starlightseraph · 10 months
these “celtic christmas” hallmark movies should be considered hate crimes
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cakerybakery · 2 years
For the consideration of the void.
Sirens that sing in limericks
Thank you.
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Two more “Melissa” days Left to sing her praise… Before “Mom” leaves And he grieves, While trying to mirror her ways! – Jonathan Caswell
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Loud Irish-Americans who have maybe one grandparent born in Ireland and no tangible link to anything Irish, including toxic Catholicism, are some of the most annoying people around. What's so great about excessive alcohol consumption being a hallmark of a diasporic national(ist) celebration? I say this as a person born in Eastern Europe with alcoholics in the family who deeply resents that stereotype about us. Only the Irish could afford to be proud of something so antisocial because they are very comfortably white and have been for a long time. It reminds me of that Columbo episode from the 1970s where he nails the singing, limerick-spewing American IRA terrorist because of a whiskey bottle left on the murder scene. That guy was extremely unlikeable and I liked seeing him go to jail.
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thealtoduck · 3 months
Being the Son of Calliope, headcanons…
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PJO x Male Reader (No romantic pairing)
Warnings: None…
Summary: You’re the son of the goddesss of epic poetry and eloquence and One of the Nine Muses…
(A/n: I know I was meant to work on other stuff but I got distracted.)
(Song is unrelated to the story but it felt Muses coded so…)
You were the only half-blood at camp related to one of the Muses, specifically Calliope, the Goddesss of Epic Poetry and Eloquence.
When you had gotten to camp you used to stay in Cabin 11, even though you’d been claimed, there was no cabin for you. So you ended up bunking with Travis Stoll.
But after the war with the titans and Percy’s demands to Zeus to the gods, a cabin dedicated to the Nine Muses had been built.
You being made the counsler… not that there were any other options…
The cabin was great tho, it was decorated with statues and carvings of the muses and their symbols. There were paintings hung of their famous demigods too such as Orpheus, Hyacinthus and Linus
The cabin had a big book case with novels, plays, comedies, tradgedies, poetry. A soundproof dance studio, a spundproof music room with a bunch of instruments, a sky window to study the stars.
Basically everything associated with the Muses.
If you had a nickel for everytime someone had tried to pick you by saying ”you were their muse” or that ”you had inspired” the poem, song or novel they wrote… you’d be richer than Hades.
You were particullarly popular amongst the Apollo cabin who seemed to think you were some kind of key to overcome creative blocks. Will Solace, their counselor, needed to keep them in check since they all seemed interested in you in one way or the other.
Athena’s and Hephaestus’s cabins were also drawn to you for your creativety.
You would however end up being paired with the Apollo cabin to lead the campfire sing-alongs, you usually end up with a solo song telling the dramatic story of some greek hero.
Imagine something like ”The Gosphel Truth” from ”Hercules”, with the Apollo cabin acting as you back up singers.
As for your powers, you were far from the strongest of demigods, but you were by no means weak.
You had a natrual talent for the arts, singing, dancing, poetry, instruments, etc…
As the son of the goddess of Eloquence you could cast minor short lasting curses on people that would effect their speaking, that could for example cause them to only speak in rhymes and limericks or make them unable to finish long sentences before drifting off.
Your swordfighting style would be noted by the other campers to be quite different, while they fought normally with their swords, Percy described your style more as a ”VERY deadly and sharp dance”.
Being related to the muses you also had an aura that could induce inspiration and creativity in someone (so maybe the Apollo cabin was on to something with their interest in you).
Though that power worked both ways as you could also curse someone with creative block.
Unlike most demigods, you’re mother showed up quite often to advice you whenever you had a problem… and she didn’t come alone.
Let’s say you’re in your cabin and you’re sad after having an argument with a friend.
Well… then all the 9 statues of the Muses in the cabin come to life and start singing a pop-soul number about why friendship is important and you should make up with your friend.
It’s was quite terrifying the first few times it happened but you get used to it after a while.
Being one of the Muse’s son is pretty much like being all of their son.
(A/n 2: Sorry, this is shorter than i usually write and is more so a collection of small headcanons for a Son of Calliope!Reader than a full on fic.)
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emptyjunior · 2 months
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[hits transformers with the gay knight beam] you're PEOPLE now. And you all have backpain I assume.
I think Megatron and Optimus would have grown up together in the same castle but then Optimus inherits it and Megatron returns to like another territory he has control of and declares war and says it's for political reasons but every advisor knows it's for break up reasons :/
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Also bumblebee as a bard and a wizard cursed him so he can only speak in rhyme so he just sings and does Limericks all the time. Bard-lebee
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angelfic · 1 year
Hi babes!, I was wondering if I could request a Lorenzo Berkshire fic from the event?, here’s the thingy!, forbidden love + prompt 18!, sorry if this was a little confusing I have never requested something from a event 😭, but please and thank you!!,
- oh and!, if it’s okay could you pick out an emoji for me ?, to be like an emoji anon!!, that’s it!! <333
hi, angel!! thank you sm for the request, not confusing at all, my love! writing this has made me realise there’s a criminally small number of lorenzo fics :( am very happy to oblige haha how’s the 🍓 emoji?
lorenzo berkshire x reader + forbidden romance + “yeah, I love you. so what?”
➺ part of my 2k milestone writing game
You’re struggling with keeping all of your limbs inside the invisibility cloak you borrowed from Harry when Peeves glides into the empty classroom. You freeze in place until he floats his way back out, all the while singing what you’re sure is some kind of stupid limerick.
Okay, so you stole the cloak and it’s after curfew and if Peeves catches you, you’re in a million different kinds of trouble. Nevertheless, you relax slightly when you’re alone again, remaining under the cloak to consult the Marauder’s Map that you also may have taken without express permission. Okay, any permission at all.
Scanning the unfolded piece of parchment, your eyes land on Lorenzo’s name which seems to have stopped in place at… the classroom that you’re in.
You look up to find the classroom still empty, but before you can get up to investigate, a set of arms wraps around you from behind and you gasp, barely able to contain a shriek of fright.
You wriggle out from under the invisibility cloak, turning around on the table you’re perched on to find Lorenzo grinning at you, eyes twinkling with mischief.
“What the fuck, Enzo?!” you whisper-scream, smacking his arm. He merely giggles and brings your legs around on the table so you’re facing him, hands remaining on your thighs. He leans in to press a chaste kiss against your lips and you quickly kiss him back before pulling away to look at him, confused. “How the hell did you see me under the cloak?”
“Your shoe laces were hanging out the bottom, love,” he explains, smirking as he looks down at the untied pair of converse you quickly pulled on when you snuck out of your dorm in pyjamas.
You frown at the offending laces, swinging ur legs back and forth between where Lorenzo stands. “Have to remember that for next time.”
“Why does there have to be a next time?” Lorenzo groans, voicing his frustrations about your very secret relationship yet again. “I don’t want to have to see you in dark classrooms or broom cupboards or anywhere secret. I still don’t understand why we can’t just tell people.”
“You know why, Enzo,” you say gently, tracing circles on the back of his hand with your finger. “My friends would freak out, your friends would freak out…”
“Okay, well, my friends can sod off,” Lorenzo says, matter-of-fact as he holds up two fingers and starts checking them off. “And your friends love me. There we are. Easily solved.”
You can’t help letting out a laugh at that and you drop your head onto Lorenzo’s shoulder to stifle your snorting. “My friends don’t love you, they just hate you the least.”
“What I’m hearing is that they don’t hate me the most,” he murmurs, peppering kisses along your jaw and down to your neck. “I’m taking that as a win.”
“You just don’t give up, do you?” you sigh, shivering from the brushing of his lips against your collarbone. “They’re just- Shit! Peeves!”
You push Lorenzo off you, startling him when you point to the giggling poltergeist who floats above the two of you. Before he can begin shrieking about the two of you and wake up the entire castle, Lorenzo whips out his wand and casts ‘Langlock’, causing whatever Peeves was about to say to turn into choking gurgles.
“You better keep quiet, you meddling little-” Lorenzo cuts himself off when Peeves zooms out of the classroom, clearly having lost interest in the situation at hand since he can’t weigh in on it. “Well, it was a good effort.”
“We had a good run,” you agree, frowning at the wall that Peeves just passed through. “And by tomorrow the entire school is going to know I love a Slytherin boy. Merlin, I’ll be the laughing stock of Gryffindor. Not as bad as the exile sentence into the mountains you’ll be getting though.”
“I can hardly breathe for laughing,” Lorenzo says drily, although his lips turn up into a reluctant smile. “There’ll be no exile, because they’re going to have to deal with it. Yeah, I love you. So what? Like I said, they can sod off.”
Knowing full well that Peeves is going to be making his rounds at every table in the Great Hall during breakfast, you have no doubt Lorenzo will be having to endure a similar conversation to you with his own friends. “I’d love to see you tell them exactly that,” you grin.
“Sit at the Slytherin table with me tomorrow and you will,” Lorenzo says cheekily, shifting you closer by your hips. You loop your arms around his neck and drop a kiss onto the tip of his nose.
“Not even if Godric Gryffindor himself came and kicked me off my table.”
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allthatmay · 5 months
Silly Shanks Headcanons:
Whinges about the weather, especially to Benn. I can just see Shanks being a baby when it's too hot or cold. (He doesn't tell anyone, but sometimes extreme weather makes his arm, or lack thereof, hurt.)
Missing arm jokes. Endless amounts. Sometimes, when he's really drunk, he puts a baguette up his sleeve and tricks strangers into "shaking his hand." It causes catastrophe when he tries to use it, grabbing his drink with both hand and baguette.
Doesn't carry any money with him, anywhere. All he's got is a trusty sword and a clever mouth. He often ends up inveigling the bartenders into forgiving his debt through some other manner, such as a game, bet, or favour—unless, of course, the price is too high. Then he has to get Benn to pay.
Personal space problems. A friend asks him a quick question? He's their problem now, and he will use every trick in his arsenal to get them to stay; any excuse for a bit of fun. The easiest way, of course, is to wrap an arm around them—but he's not above tying their sashes together like they're two dogs leashed to each other. The man has no concept of personal space.
Runs off with the joke. If you make a joke in front of him, you better be prepared to go all the way with it. Shanks will go to, and has gone to, extreme measures to commit to the bit. Just ask him about his tattoo.
Singing all the damn time, especially dirty limericks. He does it regardless of time or place. Imagine, if you will, an in-universe variation of:
There was a young sailor from Brighton, Who said to his girl, "You're a tight one." She replied, "Bless my soul, You're in the wrong hole; There's plenty of room in the right one!"
[Overheard by poor Makino, who dropped a whole cask of beer in her haste to cover her blushing cheeks. She had never before heard such filth.]
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weyounpussyindulgence · 2 months
Some highlights from my week at STLV
- Meeting Garrett Wang first, giving him a special Voyager limerick I wrote for him, and him loving it
- Getting my picture with John Billingsley and his wife Bonnie and getting some great advice about starting out in the acting industry from them
- Telling Tawny Newsome she looked beautiful and her complimenting my TOS inspired blue eyeshadow (and then her recognizing me the day after when I got her autograph)
- Jess Bush also complimenting me on my eyeshadow
- Walking past Anthony Montgomery and telling him “Hi! I think you’re really cool!” and him replying “Thank you, I appreciate that! I think you’re cool too!”
- Getting a duo picture with Jonathan Frakes and Brent Spiner, and Frakes telling me that I looked pretty
- Talking to Marina Sirtis, telling her I was there for my birthday, and her wishing me happy birthday and gifting me a free signed photo of Deanna
- Talking about Out to Sea with Brent and listening to him regale the fun he had making that movie
- Talking with Cirroc Lofton about his experience working with Avery Brooks and mutually agreeing that Star Trek needs more wholesome parent/child relationships
- Listening to John de Lancie talk about his experience sailing from California to French Polynesia (I could listen to him talk for hours, his voice is so soothing)
- Going to a memorial panel for Nichelle Nichols that featured her sister as a surprise guest (holy moly, she looked and sounded exactly like Nichelle 🥹)
- Going to another memorial for Aron Eisenberg and getting to make a toast to him with Cirroc and other fans (they used root beer for the drinks and had gummy worms “tube grubs” as table snacks)
- The moderator for the TNG panel not showing up, allowing Frakes to take over and him, Brent and Gates going absolutely batshit feral on stage
- Walter Koenig speaking out against the genocide in Palestine (and just getting to hear him talk in general)
- Seeing Armin Shimerman again and getting to tell him how much I enjoyed Betrayal of Angels (and his face lighting up when I told him how great an author he is)
- Sara Mitich and Ronnie Rowe both wishing me happy birthday and just being all around so kind and patient
- Telling Nana Visitor that she had the voice of an angel when she sings, and seeing how big and beautiful a smile she got
- Telling Kate Mulgrew she looked beautiful and her replying “Thank you! So do you.”
- JG Hertzler telling an absolutely hilarious story about how Avery Brooks and Rene Auberjonois got into a fight about one of Rene’s line deliveries while filming Far Beyond the Stars
- Richard McGee, Jay Chattaway and Jeff Russo conducting an absolutely phenomenal orchestral concert of Trek songs
- Seeing a really fun dinner show with some of the actors singing Broadway songs (my personal favorites being Nana, Robert Picardo, Bonnie Gordon, Jon Jon Briones and Celia Rose Gooding)
- Seeing Jeffrey Combs again and getting to ask him during his panel what would happen if all of his Trek characters were in the same room together (his answer: they would probably start either a baseball team or a rock band)
- Getting a picture taken with myself and both Carol Kane and Christopher Lloyd together
- Getting Mary Chieffo’s autograph and her writing happy birthday in Klingonese on it
- The entirety of the Rat Pack performance
- Getting to meet and interact with Trekkies of different ages, race, gender and sexuality and all of them incredibly nice
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thisblogisaboutabook · 9 months
Azriel x Reader - Fluff - One Shot
While getting over a breakup, a performer in a Velaris tavern catches the attention of a certain Shadowsinger.
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Warnings: Alcohol, Implied hook-up
The notes flowed effortlessly through my fingers onto the ivory keys of the tavern’s antique piano. I’d played the song more times than I cared to admit over the past several months yet the angst of it had yet to be lost on me.
Tonight was particularly lively as the High Lord and Lady’s inner circle made their way into the tavern. One of the nicer pleasure halls in Velaris yet not as alluring as Rita’s, which was closed this week as they install an updated dance floor and modernize the bar’s serving area.
Once word spread of the prestigious guests, a plethora of onlookers flowed in the front doors. It had been a while since the bouncer actually had a line to attend to.
Attendees made requests, many tunes of a more risqué variety in hopes of a sultry dance against THE Morrigan. Who could blame them? She was lovely. Not in a soft and gentle way - but in a powerful, warm, seductive sort of way. Those that didn’t want to be with her, wanted to be her. Males and females alike tried and failed to get close enough for a dance but she stayed close to the remainder of the inner circle on the dance floor, so lost in the music that she hadn’t even noticed the desire flowing around her.
The Shadowsinger had also come out tonight. Though he evaded the dance floor, guarding their corner table diligently. An emotionless, bordering cold stare plastered on his face as he monitored the place. Ever the watchful friend, ensuring nobody stepped out of line. Many patrons gazed from afar, whispering words of encouragement as to who could work up the nerve to approach. The more brazen guests going as far as to take a few steps closer before being put off by his intimidating presence without him even making eye contact with them.
After a recent break up - recent putting it lightly - it had been months but who was counting? I’d taken to spending my weekends in this tavern. One evening, after far too many shots of liquid courage, I began playing on the piano while singing raunchy limericks and catchy tunes I’d picked up over the years during my travels through Prythian. Despite his odious reputation, some of my favorite limericks came from the High Lord of the Spring Court whom I’d never met personally. The poems coming in slurs from drunken participants of the Great Rite many years ago, the Calanmai where I met my former lover.
We’d connected instantly - literally and figuratively - and spent several wonderful years together. Until, damn the cauldron, he found his mate earlier this year. What are years together in the face of fate? Fate having a wicked sense of humor. How lucky for me that his mate dwelled in the city that I had introduced him to, MY city. They’d come into this very tavern shortly after the breakup, kindly leaving just as abruptly they came in. A futile effort of sparing me the heartache. Truthfully, he wasn’t a cruel male. He didn’t know I played here - and I didn’t hate him. But I resented it. All of it.
Which lead me to the song I was currently belting out at this piano. The song I’d written immediately after arriving back to my apartment that night, whiskey in one hand, fountain pen in the other.
“…And you're sitting in front of me at the restaurant, when I was still the one you want
Cross-legged in the dim light, everything was just right.
I, I could feel the mascara run. You told me that you met someone, glass shattered on the white cloth
Everybody moved on
Help, I'm still at the restaurant, still sitting in a corner I haunt, cross-legged in the dim light
They say, What a sad sight"
Despite the angsty, brooding lyrics, the tone was catchy and very easy to move along to. The more frequent patrons of the establishment had come to know this as a staple in my evening set, belting out the lyrics right along with me.
The song was my closing for the evening as I packed up, ready to head out. One of the attendees brought a glass of my favorite whiskey to me, nodding to the beautiful brooding male at the Inner Circle’s table.
I nodded a thank you with a brief raise of my glass to the Spymaster, as a little shadow swirled around my wrist with a gentle tug in his direction.
Who was I to turn him down? Aside from a steaming bath and smutty novel, I had nothing waiting for me to return home.
I casually strode to his table, giving a little smirk before sitting in front of him. Licking my lip before raising the glass to my mouth, lifting an eyebrow as I locked eyes with him.
“I didn’t realize Spymaster involved sussing out a lady’s drink of choice.”
A cool, bemused expression settled on his face as he took a sip from his own glass. “While my skill set is quite impressive, I asked the attendant for the bartender to send you a glass of your favorite.”
“I see. Well, thank you.” I replied, giving him time to continue the conversation or bid a farewell.
“You wrote that song.” He stated, not a question. Spymaster indeed.
For emphasis, I threw back a large swig of my liquor. “I did. Did you like it?”
He met my gaze with a contemplative glean in those hazel eyes, “Yes, no. Yes, the song was good. No, I did not like the truth behind the words. It felt too… relatable.”
I ran my fingers back through my hair letting it loosely fall back into place, and sighed. “Looks like we’ll both need another drink then.” Turning to the nearby attendee and signaling two fingers.
Two drinks turned to three, and four, by the end of the night we had laughed, one-upped eachother on who was unluckiest in love, and I was practically in his lap as we boisterously toasted a cheeky “Damn, the cauldron!” to which a nearby couple audibly gasped. We both muttered quick “apologies” turning away as we muffled our laughter into each others shoulders. He graciously sent the pair a shot with our next round of drinks.
The place started clearing out as the lights brightened and the keep yelled out a last call. Both of us hesitant to call it a night as we stepped into the brisk cold. “Walk me home, Shadowsinger?”
“Azriel. Call me Azriel.” He smiled. “I actually have something better in mind. Join me for a night cap?” He extended a hand.
Holding my hand out to squeeze his reassuringly, I replied, “Y/N. I’d be delighted.”
He eagerly swept me into his arms and darted into the sky, aiming for the House of Wind. The city lights quickly fading into twinkling stars.
Our pulses fluttered with anticipation as I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. When I pulled back to meet his eyes, he gave me a mischevious grin and briskly swooped down then back up. I flicked his nose to which he laughed, tilting his head downward to plant a kiss on my forehead.
I finally left the restaurant…
And my dress on his bedroom floor.
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tickety-boooo · 4 months
Some good omens limericks to brighten your day!
There once was an angel divine, Whose halo so brightly did shine, From demons he fled, Pulled halo from head, Exploded to buy them more time!
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There once was a demon from hell, Who didn't like people too well, But a friend he did find, In the loving divine, An angel we'll call Mr. Fell.
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I grimace, my patience worn thin, "Our car!" he'd said, sporting a grin, A dastardly fellow, He turned my car yellow! With travel sweets placed in a tin!
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We stand here atop a great wall, Admiring the beauty of all, Discussing the weather, He shields me with feather-y Wings, as the rain starts to fall.
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The demon arrives at my shop, I argue my point to the top, He twirls and he sings, Apology things, And for that I must give him props.
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These were super fun to write! I just might have to create more of them soon!
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sadlynojellybeans · 8 months
So I am re-reading TOA and i have decided to write some things i noticed now that I know what is going to happen next.
Meg was about do develop a crush on Percy, and Apollo noticed. It was immediatly curbed by Percy mentioning his girlfriend. He did not even notice XD
Apollo actually got out of the three legged death race unscathed O.o Scared to death but unharmed
Lester is being surprisingly not pathetic??? I mean, he can't remember shit and has the constutution of a limp noodle, but he has not fainted in several chapters!!! Maybe it's because Camp Half Blood is a relatively safe space for them...
THE FORESHADOWING IN CHAPTER 26 IS DEVASTATING - he gets confirmation it is the emperors behind everything and he thinks "i would have rather tangled with Tartarus or Ouranos or Primordial Chaos" APOLLO PLEASE
Speaking of foreshadowing, Rhea?!??!? "Find your center. Enlightenment has to come from within" HELLO??!?!??
Apollo mentioning he caused an earthquake that wiped out most of Sparta and that he never liked the Spartans much??? What about HYACINTHUS???????
"I busted out some footwork the Nine Muses and I had been working on" please I want so bad to see Apollo dance. Especially Apollo as Lester
Apollo being absolutely convinced that he will never have a proper partner is tragic. "It was not in my destiny" bro
The Germani appear and the absolute first thing Apollo does is move in front of Meg. "Instinctively". This is the same guy that at the beginning of the book was evaluating which demigods would be best to keep on hand to throw at quests. I can't. Just how much exactly did he repress his protective instincts through the years and centuries?
I find so fascinating that Apollo wants to strike Nero down immediately after meeting him. Like, yes. Apollo is a god. And he would not allow anyone to threaten what he cares about. Even after his trials, he might be kinder and more attentive to demigods, but I think that anybody who crosses him (really crosses him) will have to start praying for mercy.
If there is one thing I can say about TOA is that it is certainly expanding my musical horizons, with all the songs I have to check out on youtube just to have an idea of what Apollo is singing about.
He did not suck during the confrontation with Nero?! Burst of godly strength saved the day and his dignity
"Just because she had lied about being my friend did not mean I wasn't hers. She was in danger. I was not going to leave her" man. He cares so fucking much. No wonder he never let anybody get close to him in the last years.
Didn't they say a sonnet was worse than a limerick in the next book?
"BLESS HIS CONNIVING LITTLE HEART". "Children of Hermes cannot rap". "[Cecil] was demoted to dancer" skjsjskansnkzbsnsmmsnzm
It's kind of ... sad? How happy Apollo is when flying on the giant ants. He is used to being a god who can fly whenever he wants, and a part of him is usually in the sky every day as he drives the sun chariot. And instead he has been stranded on earth, away from what is both his duty and something he greatly enjoys. "It felt so good to fly again. [...] For two or three seconds I was exhilarated".
I cannot believe I am so happy because of a talking arrow
The arrow QUIVERED kjsnsksjsnsnzjxndnsk i love them so much
Not Apollo asking where Jason Grace is 💀
I genuinely cannot understand if this is foreshadowing or really lucky wording on Riordan's part. Rachel asks about Meg and Apollo thinks "She might as well have plunged the Arrow of Dodona into my chest". RICK. RICK DID YOU KNOW? HAD YOU ALREADY THOUGTH ABOUT THAT SCENE IN TBM OR WAS IT PURE CHANCE????
WE WERE ROBBED. I have been wondering for a few days if in TOA we ever see Apollo sing for fun (not to confuse enemies, not to open doors, not for any practical purpose. Just for the fun of it). The depressing answer seems to be no, although I might have forgotten. At the end of THO it is implied that Apollo, Leo and Calypso join the sing-along at CHB, but the fact that the books end before we actually see him sing is a travesty.
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