#she&039;s like a Mom
Two more “Melissa” days Left to sing her praise… Before “Mom” leaves And he grieves, While trying to mirror her ways! – Jonathan Caswell
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realmotionxi-blog · 6 years
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Kehlani Looks Like She’s About To Pop In Gorgeous Maternity Photos Mama to be Kehlani is showing off her growing bump. Kehlani is nearing the end of her pregnancy but that doesn't mean she's been slowing down on her musical career.
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meistoshia · 6 years
talk to me about your favorite episodes of xyz !!! or your favorite moments !!
oh my god ,     okay ,     uh ,     i have     SO many favorite episodes / moments ,     this is gnna take a hot motherfuckin sec   ( post!editing edward here ,     i was right ) ,     uh ,     KDSFJGHSDFJ ,     okay ,     sO   …               folks ,     if you’ve ever wanted a somewhat comprehensive summary of all of my feelings on the xy/z series ,     here it is ,     all in one place :
                                001 - 002.
right from the start of satoshi showing up in kalos ,     the entire energy of the series was just so !!! & the battle animations were just such a breath of fresh air after having watched bw & i was just instantly drawn in .               then there was the whole incident with the gablias & just satoshi following it up the tower & having calming it down enough to remove the collar ,     knowing that it was in pain ,     be the first priority ,     & then leaping after pikachu when an edge of the tower broke off   ——   my heart just was so warm throughout all that .
satoshi consistently repeating that a strategy is needed against yayakoma sort of just made me smile & think ,     yeah he’s grown a lot since previous seasons .               along with that ,     the moment where it clicks for satoshi why keromatsu has been described as   “ the pokemon that battles as it pleases without listening to its trainer ” ,     understanding his feelings & working to attain keromatsu’s goal together instead of him just leaping blindly without considering how to most effectively achieve it  ;          that also just really made me soft ,     because finally there’s a trainer that actually understands keromatsu & it reaffirms that him choosing satoshi was indeed a good choice .
a really small thing ,     but when satoshi’s stuck on how to counter viola’s pokemon & he & serena have a small talk & serena says that he told her   “ don’t give up until the end ”   & that he hasn’t changed &   “ this is so like you ”   & satoshi just pauses for a second .               & then he laughs .               because how could he forget   ??               it’s not like him to mull things over too much ,     he just goes at it with fighting spirit ,     no matter what it may be or even if fighting spirit is all he has .                 that moment just always makes me smile to think about ,     probably mostly due to the pause & laugh ,     honestly .
serena putting her sihorn knowledge to use & teaching satoshi how to ride one ,     & the moments where she was remembering herself learning & when she repeats her mom’s words of   “ don’t talk !!     you’ll bite your tongue !! ”   &   “ go for broke !! ”   without even thinking   ——   those were sweet .               also the kalos gang talking to serena’s mom for the first time ,     that was really adorable ,     especially with everyone pushing each other out of the frame to talk & satoshi excitedly talking about serena teaching him to ride sihorn & her trying to get him to shush up & ending up just shoving him away from the phone entirely before he could finish a sentence .
satoshi & pikachu continuing to battle the rocket gang even after maaiika blinded pikachu by having satoshi become his eyes & guide where to dodge & where to strike  ;          it was a really nice way of showing the trust that pikachu has in satoshi & vice versa ,     because battling blind while relying on someone else’s directions does take a lot of trust to pull off smoothly .
honestly just the entire episode  :          the backstory with the citroid ,     citron reclaiming his gym ,     the kalos gang saying they’ll grow together with citron ,     him declaring to his dad that he wishes to travel with satoshi & serena & stating that they’ve helped him grow as a person in even just the short amount of time that they’ve been together at that point ,     the promise between satoshi & citron to have a proper gym battle against each other once satoshi reaches the skill level of someone with four badges & citron promising to get stronger as well to be able to give that proper gym battle   ——   this entire episode was filled with so much goodness .
after rewatching the orange league arc ,     i’d come to realize that zakuro giving his challengers the option to climb their way to the battlefield was quite similar to a previous gym leader that too had his challengers climb for the right to challenge him ,     but there were a few differences ,     one significant one being that ,     in kalos ,     satoshi has zero hesitation in his decision to climb the walls & ,     though he slips once ,     he doesn’t look down & finishes his climb with relative ease ,     a vast improvement from the aforementioned orange league arc ,     & the connection with the earlier arc makes this a moment ,     or rather thing ,     that i really liked .               also the evolution of way of fighting through battle with the counter - tombs was really neat .
                                030 - 033.
honestly just watching corni & her lucario bond & grow & come to truly understand each other & overcome the overwhelming power of lucario’s mega evolution was all just really interesting  ;          also the understanding that satoshi had for her connection with lucario & for the need to battle the bursyamo in the cave on their own due to his own experience ,     that was nice .
the entire episode ,     really .               satoshi took one look at luchabull & just went   “ kin ” .              the excitement & admiration he felt at meeting luchabull & him asking if kanazawa could share some stories about him & just being so !!! when kanazawa tells him he could take him to luchabull’s training spot   ——   it was all just so tangible & heartwarming .               satoshi working with luchabull to help master the flying press & trying to help by thinking of a way to increase the speed of the attack without having to remove the personal dramatic flair aspect of luchabull’s particular move was also really sweet ,     along with admitting total defeat even though it was a draw between luchabull & keromatsu because luchabull had perfected his flying press after trying satoshi’s suggestions only once & impressed him + luchabull still wanting to go along with satoshi & the others .
                                039 - 042.
the rival trio were so great & the summer camp was a wonderful way of introducing these recurring characters ,     not to mention that this marks the beginning of steady discovery for serena of what sort of dream she wants to attain ,     with sana telling her about the trypokarons & it sparking an interest for her .
oh man ,     the gym battle between satoshi & corni was such a ride to watch ,     especially just the first time around ,     like the animation team really pulled out some god damn stops for this episode because ,     holy fuck ,     it was like a cup of coffee for me .               also ,     the moment with satoshi realizing he can’t really copy anyone else’s strategy because he’s got his own type of rhythm to battling was just kinda nice .
serena’s first caught pokemon & her deciding that she wants to become a pokemon performer along with fokko & yancham .               she’s struggled with the fact that she’s the only one she knows without a goal or a dream in life all the way up until this episode & just the fact that she’s finally so certain of something like that really warmed my heart .
going off from the aforementioned ep ,     serena confronting her mom about wanting to become a pokemon performer & challenging her to a race with the stakes being that ,     if serena loses ,     she’s going to come back home ,     & even though she falls down in the middle of the race ,     not giving up & her determination getting her through to the finish line first .               she finally had something she’s so passionate about & i just felt nothing but pride & joy for her .
kojiro & maaiika ,     man .               kojiro & maaiika .
while serena may have failed in her first trypokaron ,     it was really heartwarming to see her finally turn around in the end & not let the failure stop her entirely from pushing on ahead ,     knowing that she’s not alone in it ,     she has her pokemon with her .               also the blue ribbon she got from satoshi being used for her new look was sweet .
elle & serena’s battle & serena taking elle’s advice of smiling while performing with her pokemon to heart & reaching fokko in a way that made it evolve into tairenar all hit me in the heart like a bag of bricks ,     not gonna lie .
oh man .               the entire gym battle between satoshi & citron .               it really was so electrifying to watch ,     the animation & emotion in the battle was off the hook & i could swear that my heart was racing its own marathon during all of it .               i really felt that feeling of not wanting the battle to end & wanting it to last forever ,     & when it was over i felt like i’d just gotten an absolute rush of adrenaline & had to slowly come down from it .               it’s honestly my favorite gym battle to date ,     full stop   ( though the unofficial gym battle against kasumi in sumo is a close second due to similar reasons as this one ) ,     because not only was the battle itself so incredibly well done ,     but the chemistry between not just trainer & pokemon ,     but trainer & trainer as well was just so beautifully displayed in a way that none of the other gym battles with travelling companions who were gym leaders had   ( the battle against kasumi is one of an old friendship from the very early first days of their journeys ,     sort of an   “ it’s been a long while, wonder how you’ve you been ” ,     while the one against citron is more that of gratitude & respect ,     mostly coming from citron  ;          they’ve got two distinctly different connections )  ;          citron was inspired by satoshi to be the type of trainer he is in this episode ,     all the events & incidents that have happened up until this battle have made him the way he is ,     & he is giving it his all because it’s not only what satoshi deserves but it’s also what citron has achieved   ——   he’s grown as a trainer & as a person & this battle is his way of showing all his progress thus far .               it’s a thank you .               also ,     you can pry the line   “ satoshi, you need me.     a fighter like you needs a calm type like me by his side ”   from my cold ,     dead grasp .
satoshi dealing with the trick rooms was interesting to watch ,     & even though the end result may not have been quite as satisfactory as he’d hoped ,     the repeated use of flame charge to build up speed for when the room timed out was a heh moment that i liked  ;          he’s got a tendency to sometimes purposefully make his opponents think he’s making a mistake while he’s actually just waiting for the right moment to make a good move & i really appreciate those moments .
the gang parenting the newly hatched onbat was so sweet & so cute ,     especially with satoshi & his flying types ,     helping it learn to fly .               it’s kind of a small thing ,     but it’s so adorable & heartwarming that i can’t help but call it a favorite .
kojiro stepping up & helping serena with tairenar’s broken stick because he understands the feeling of losing something that may seem easily replaceable to others but holds immeasurable value & memories to the one who owns said something .               it was honestly just so sweet & so heartwarming & he was happy for tairenar even while getting blasted off ,     i mean come on .               my heart was mush .
tiny thing but satoshi sprawling out in his sleep to the point of having an arm draped over citron was really cute & a favorite thing .
                                092 - 093.
first off ,     i dig gojika’s whole Thing so much & i think she might be my favorite gym leader purely aesthetic - wise  ;          second ,     the foreshadowing of satoshi - gekkouga & gekogashira’s backstory ,     holy shit .               not gonna lie ,     the lines   “ what keromatsu wanted was something deeper .     i call this … love .   […]   this one’s future   …   is you two climbing up towards a future of new greatness   …   that no one has ever seen before . ”   hit me in the heart like a bowling ball .               & oh man the gym battle   …               god it was so much fun to watch & i loved every moment of it ,     particularly satoshi having pikachu time the amount of time it takes for gojika’s future sight to strike ,     & Oof the moment where gojika sees satoshi & gekogashira’s future in the water pulse .
                                100 / xy&z07.
gekogashira’s evolution & the first instance of satoshi - gekkouga   …               honestly ,     almost every time i rewatch an instance of it after a while of not seeing any ,     i realize i forgot just how intense the satoshi - gekkouga state is ,     like even just the powering up part on its own .
                                106 / xy&z13.
something about the abruptness of the ends of the battles between satoshi - gekkouga & jukain & mega lizardon always cracks me up ,     i don’t know what to tell y’all .               also the exchange of   “ satoshi, what was that ??     how can you do that ??     please tell me !! ”   “ i don’t know either.     my vision goes bam & then i’m all rargh. ”   “ i see, i see   …   wait, that does not help !! ” .
                                112 - 113 / xy&z19 - 20.
even though she lost in the end ,     the fact that serena had even made it to the point of facing off against elle in the first place was such a huge deal & i can honestly say that i cried a Lot during these episodes & that they are the reason i now instantly get teary - eyed upon hearing serena’s dori - dori song .               also ,     it was really nice that musashi accepted her loss as well as she did ,     casually stating that it was because of the rest of the gang that she made it even that far ,     even though just a few trypokarons ago she would have blown her lid off at a loss when she was so close to her goal  ;          the rest of the gang being just so proud of her & kojiro & nyarth being more than willing to pay for the celebratory dinner was really sweet ,     too .
                                116 / xy&z23.
small things stuck with me & make this a nice episode to rewatch ,     such as the start of studying satoshi & gekkouga’s synchronization ,     pikachu shouting at satoshi for calling out onvern for a battle instead of him & getting pouty ,     the small details of satoshi’s eyes narrowing just as he’s about to resume battle with gekkouga having freshly powered up & his pupils contracting in a closeup when an attack is incoming which are such tiny things but delight me to no end ,     & just the enthusiasm with which satoshi goes into his decision to raise his own strength closer to that of gekkouga’s .
                                118 / xy&z25.
where can i even begin with this episode Holy Shit   …               first off ,     this ep reaffirmed to me that carne is such a delight ,     honestly ,     def one of my favorite champions ,     second   …   that battle though   …   that battle   …   poetic cinema   …               the battle choreography ,     the animation ,     the way satoshi - gekkouga’s theme seemed to perfectly sync up with what was on screen ,     satoshi moving in perfect sync with gekkouga’s movements as he attacked as though he were the one performing the attacks ,     the raw emotion in satoshi’s voice as he called out attacks & declarations of becoming much ,     much stronger   …               it was such a rush of adrenaline to watch ,     even bigger than the one i got while watching the gym battle between satoshi & citron ,     i felt like my heart stopped beating the moment the battle was abruptly ended by satoshi losing consciousness .               & hey ,     the animator(s) responsible for the scenes with the white background & black paint splatters ,     let me get y’all’s number ,     i wanna treat y’all because holy fuck those were intense .               i loved them .
                                119 / xy&z26.
this episode is less of a favorite due to what happens & more of a favorite due to the content as a whole .               upsetting to him as it may have been ,     satoshi had been having a huge winning streak ,     alan & black - outs excluded ,     so a loss was imminent ,     & ,     honestly ,     understandable .               seeing that shoota had surpassed him in an aspect & grown so strong in such a short amount of time got to him & affected his psyche  ;          kid got scared .               he got nervous & ,     as we all know ,     a nervous trainer leads to a faulty battle .               i will say though that the little bit after the internal thoughts in the middle of the jukain vs gekkouga battle of satoshi saying shoota surprised him delights me to no end & i blame how rica said the line along w/ the small motion satoshi makes while saying it .
                                120 / xy&z27.
satoshi literally saying   “ hold my jacket while i fight this guy ” .               i can’t call anything else a favorite even though i loved this episode because everything else just made me emotional & upset  ;          particularly the fact that the preview for the next episode was silent except for the snowy wind blowing & satoshi dejectedly reading out the title of the episode without even saying the   “ everyone, get pokemon ”   line at the end .
                                121 / xy&z28.
putting aside the upsetting factor of the title not being read out by anyone   …               the flashbacks of younger satoshi with all those wild pokemon really warmed my heart after all of the upsetting stuff that had been going on .               also the moment of satoshi & gekkouga finally making their power their own ,     based on their mutual strong desire to save one pokemon ,     along with them both deciding to start fresh from zero ,     gekkouga rolling his monster ball towards satoshi just as like when he initially chose him & everything .
                                122 / xy&z29.
oh honey when satoshi - gekkouga showed up   …   oh Honey   …               again ,     the thing with satoshi moving in sync with gekkouga’s moves as though he were the one attacking ,     except this time even more intense than during the battle with carne  ;          for some reason the aerial ace kick downwards always gets me & that small bit is one of my top favorite parts of the entire episode somehow .
                                123 / xy&z30.
satoshi & eureka finishing off the preview for the next episode together while citron’s in the background wordvomiting about the wonders of ingenuities .               that is all .
                                125 / xy&z32.
satoshi’s declarations of aiming to win the entire league ,     serena having to physically drag satoshi away from a battle before it begins when he’s already running out of time to get registered for the conference ,     satoshi doing the arm thing on trova ,     seeing the frustration of someone who failed to get all eight badges in time ,     just so many favorites across the episode .
                                126 / xy&z33.
the various mega - evolutions ,     tierno & shoota’s battle ,     & numelgon rejoining the team were all Oof .
                                127 - 128 / xy&z34 - 35.
satoshi’s eyes shining while watching alan’s fight honestly made my heart go ding ,     not gonna lie  ;          the boundless excitement building in him is real & it’s wonderful .               & the start of the battle between satoshi & shoota   …   i felt like satoshi using pikachu’s electric ball against bloster’s grip was a nice callback to using it to get out of horubee’s grasp on his tail in the first episode ,     & honestly the part where satoshi had pikachu block gillgard’s entry into its shield was such a heh moment ,     like it really was so on brand for him to pull something like that ,     something that would have failed were the timing off even in the slightest  ;          also i really liked the small detail of satoshi’s pupils contracting when he spots a chance for dealing with king’s shield & the little laugh he did when shoota’s peroream returned the favor for what onvern did .                    but holy fuck the finale of the battle between satoshi & shoota   …   the fight between satoshi - gekkouga & mega jukain   …   oh man i absolutely felt that battle  ;          the adrenaline rush i got from watching it was on par with the gym battles against corni ,     citron ,     & urup ,     & the battle against carne .               the raw power in it   …   wrow   …               the animation ,     the battle choreography ,     just how absolutely tangible the attacks were   …               but the true oof was yet to come   …   this was only the semi - finals   …   the biggest big dick energy of them all was still only just around the corner   …
                                129 / xy&z36.
honestly this episode had just really tiny things that i liked ,     like the nurse joy at the beginning of the episode wishing for satoshi to do his best in the finals with a shine in her eyes which was honestly really cute ,     citron & eureka’s dad stealing the citroid’s line about waiting in line for 2h being an easy feat ,     the jirachi keychain ,     alan genuinely being excited for the finale & battling satoshi ,     & how could i list off favorites in this episode without mentioning the ending song ,     oh my god ,     it’s the softest & cutest & sweetest shit ,     i swear i could get a cavity from watching it on repeat .
                                130 - 131 / xy&z37 - 38.
ho - ly - shit .               i mean ,     this was the finals match ,     so no fucking shit the battle would radiate big dick energy ,     but the absolute wave of power that ran over me while watching it was absolutely phenomenal .               the animation ,     the movements ,     the emotion ,     the raw power behind each call of attack & execution of move ,     the absolutely palpable energy of the battle   …   whew   …   i needed to sit back for a few minutes & just catch my breath after all of that   …               like ,     putting aside how much hatred i have for the constant baiting of a league victory for satoshi   ( with him declaring he’s aiming for victory throughout the entire series & a bunch of characters saying lines that imply a league victory   ( not to mention ,     the final episode of the conference being called   “ kalos league victory !!     satoshi’s ultimate match !! ” ,     like holy shit ,     can you pull a bigger dick move ) ) ,     only for alan to beat satoshi - gekkouga with a move that he’d easily blocked before in spite of gekkouga using an insanely more powerful counter attack than the first time while also having the type advantage   ( but go off i guess )   …   it was an incredibly well executed battle & ,     really ,     the end result was the only thing that i would   ( & did )   change .               also ,     a bunch of tiny things that i really loved were citron’s hand trembling out of excitement during the start of the battle ,     luchabull coming out of his monster ball on his own when onvern was defeated & badly hurt ,     alan experiencing the same feeling that most trainers feel while battling satoshi   ——   the feeling of wanting the battle to continue on for as long as possible because they’re deriving such fun & enjoyment from the raw passion that arises in the midst of the fight ,     kojiro starting to root for satoshi & while initially giving him slack for it musashi & nyarth joining in on it ,     rocket gang stating that they were the ones that helped make satoshi as strong as he is   ( which ,     honestly ,     go off y’all three because you’re so right & i’ve been saying it for a while now ) ,     & again ,     the fucking ending song ,     i swear it could cure my depression if i watched it enough times .               & then there was the start of fleur - de - lis’ plan being set into motion   …
                                132 - 134 / xy&z39 - 41.
rocket gang broadcasting live coverage of the happenings in miare city ,     the zygarde showdown ,     serena & platane going to save hari with manon & rocket gang following them & the    “ this is that   “ the enemy of our enemy is our friend ”   thing ” ,     citron kicking flare gang ass   …               satoshi & gekkouga resisting energy that was powerful enough to control zygarde & satoshi’s speech of loving this world & there being people & pokemon he loves & the absolute raw Emotion in his delivery as he shifts into the bond phenomenon along with the return of   …   the Thing with the white background & black paint splatters   (seriously ,     people responsible for those ,     hit me up & let me treat y’all )   …   poetic cinema   …               in the midst of fighting against fleur - de - lis ,     satoshi honestly dropped some intense fucking lines ,     not gonna lie ,     & you can’t deny ,     like   …   “ fighting instinct, whatever   …   there’s more to a pokemon’s power than that.     i’ve realized during my journey   …   that me & my pokemon’s strength is constantly believing in each other   …   & constantly loving each other no matter what.     if you don’t get it, i will show you here & now !! ”   &   “fleur - de - lis !!     i don’t care if you hate this world or not ;     the world belongs to humans & pokemon alike.     it belongs to everyone !!     stop being selfish & talking about   …   how you’re going to destroy or change it, or that we won’t live to see tomorrow !!     those who will meet someone dear to them tomorrow, those who will achieve their dreams tomorrow, those who will start their journeys as trainers tomorrow, & those whose wounds will heal tomorrow ;     each & every one of them has their own tomorrow !!     you have no good reason to not let them see that tomorrow !!     that’s why   …   me & my pokemon will fight for their tomorrow !! ”   were some raw as fuck lines .               & speaking of raw as fuck   …   holy shit did eureka bringing squishy back to its senses absolutely tear me apart   …               this child   …   she’s scared for her life & in tears ,     but she’s not crying for herself ,     she’s crying for the one she’d promised to protect & never let go of   …   & she finds it in herself to sing to it the song she’d made up just for it & that she’d sung & hummed to it throughout their journeying together   …   & the more she sings it ,     the louder she does so ,     hoping ,     knowing   …   it will help bring her friend back   …   & it does .               & ,     if you listen closely ,     you can hear edward in the background absolutely sobbing just remembering it all .               oh but the emo shit doesn’t end there ,     oh no - no - no   …   there’s the citroid .               i have one image for that   …
Tumblr media
                                135 - 136 / xy&z42 - 43.
putting aside the rocket gang also kicking flare gang ass & continuing to broadcast live coverage of the mayhem unfolding ,     i think we all know who the true hero of the zygarde arc was .               it was eureka ,     that’s who .               she befriended a basically - god & saved it & protected it & made it & another basically - god of it’s kind realize that the world is worth saving .               i love her & i’m proud of her .               that being said   …   eureka tickling a spot on the other z - core while saying that squishy likes when she does that & it just nodding next to her like she’s said the wisest truth in the universe was really hecking cute .               the little detail of daigo kissing his key stone to activate mega evolution was neat ,     & oh damn carne & the gym leaders assembling to assist   …   they came in ready to kick ass & kick ass they did .               everyone charging in on the megalith ,     even the rocket gang joining in ,     the back - to - back champion fighting ,     everyone doing everything within their power to save hari & stop the maglith   …   & the zygarde   !!!   “ we have set our hopes on humans.     she has protected us this whole time.     she promised she would never let us go.     now it is our turn !! ”   oh honey   …               i’m telling you ,     eureka saved the world with her kindness .               but the use of the piano instrumental of squishy’s song when the zygarde are saying goodbye & the ending song bye nyarth was illegal ,     bye .
                                137 / xy&z44.
honestly just someone instantly recognizing satoshi from the league made me really happy somehow ,     especially since the only other time someone’s recognized him from a league that i can name of the top of my head was masato way back in advanced .               the citroid learning about the joys of gym battles all over again was really nice ,     too .
                                138 / xy&z45.
serena deciding to hold a pokemon performance in miare city’s square to lift everybody’s spirits higher with sana & musashi joining her in it absolutely lit my heart up ,     so i’d say serena was quite successful in her plan .               also ,     satoshi pointing out things he knows are of interest to serena while they’re out in the city & him pulling her along by the hand to battle when he notices her being gloomy was really cute & sweet  ;          i might not be on board for them as a ship but man i can so absolutely see the appeal .               also - also ,     the mention of pokemon contests   !!!   which makes me think that it’d be really interesting for serena to meet with haruka & hikari & their rivals & face off against them ,     which i know we’ll never get to see but it’s nice to think about .               also - also - also ,     yashio saying she’s a fan of serena’s & the beginning of dori dori kicking in really yanked at my heart strings & still makes me instantly turn into a tearful mess ,     thanks .
                                139 / xy&z46.
the long - distance battling with satoshi - gekkouga was really nice ,     especially since i’m particularly fond of any & all scenes that display the powers / abilities brought out by the bond phenomenon   ( something i might make a post on some day ,     actually ,     since it really is such an interesting thing to think about )   …   but alas ,     it was time to say goodbye to gekkouga   …   it was sad ,     yes ,     but the knowledge that their bond will always connect them no matter the physical distance is a comfort   …                    the promise between squishy & eureka to go on an adventure again when eureka’s a trainer sort of punched me in the soul ,     honestly .
                                140 / xy&z47.
hanako & okido   !!!   pikachu squishing his face on the monitor   !!!   satoshi leaning way into the camera   !!!   it was all so cute !!               also ,     rocket gang editing the footage they filmed so that it looked like they were the ones responsible for the defeat of the flare gang & it actually working  ;          i also really liked the little heh detail with the solrock & lunatone keychains as a nudge about the upcoming sumo series .               but good lord eureka’s speech to dedenne about not wanting to say goodbye either but knowing that they have to & that one day she’ll become a trainer with dedenne as her partner   …   i barely skimmed over that part while rewatching the episode & even two lines from it made me start crying .               also ,     what does it say about me that the first thing i thought when citron said   “ [..] can i also ask one last favor ??     there is something i want to do very badly. ”   was if he wanted to kiss satoshi too ??               i will say though ,     them having one last battle before parting ways warmed my heart a lot   …               the flashbacks of everyone’s adventures throughout this journey & the glimpses of what the side cast were up to hit me in the emotions ,     but what truly played my heart like a violin concerto   …   was satoshi coming home .               there was no big fanfare ,     no grand welcome back ,     just a boy returning to his home town after a long journey ,     nothing but the sounds of the night accompanying him as he makes his way to his house ,     followed by a message of   “ & to your own way. ” ,     unlike in previous finales where the send - off was   “ next time   …   a new beginning   !! ” ,     a sign that ,     from here on out ,     we are no longer going to follow satoshi ,     that ,     though he still has a ways to go before achieving his goal of becoming a pokemon master ,     we won’t be accompanying him on his next journey .               the way satoshi arriving in masara town was executed   …   it felt final & it really felt like coming home .               & i for one can only wish satoshi the best on his next adventure .
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dannyphantomrpg · 7 years
Visual Aid: 107 Danny Phantom Facts
So I did this again.
(It’s what keeps me occupied when my husband’s asleep and the tablet pen is charging~)
((This one was barely longer than the 10 Years Later, Part 2, but it took all day for some reason...))
Let’s get this thing started~
Hey everybody, Butch Hartman here. I am so excited today because I'm teaming up with Channel Frederator today to talk about my show, Danny Phantom. Can give you the inside scoop.
You guys remember the fandom? Are you kind of curious about the show? Well, relax, we've got something for everybody here as we talk about the 107 facts about Danny Phantom.
For example, did you know that the 2005 Michael Jackson trial was actually features on Vlad's TV on one episode? It's there.
107 Facts: Danny Phantom.
001 Danny Phantom was created by me, Butch Hartman, after I had previously worked on the Fairly Odd Parents with Nickelodeon.
002 When making the show, I drew a lot of inspiration from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Ghostbusters.
003 The title Danny Phantom was inspired by the titles of 1960's cartoons like Jonny Quest. More specifically, I wanted to create a title with a real first name, followed by a last name that was also kind of an action word. Some of these alternative action words were "Danny Thunder" "Danny Lightning" and "Danny Power". "Danny Phantom" was the name I went with cause I thought it sounded the coolest.
004 Some of the alternative first names I had for our hero included "Billy Phantom", "Kenny Phantom", "Jackie Phantom", and "Davey Phantom". I think you'll agree they don't quite have the same ring as "Danny Phantom" does.
005 I came up with the concept for the show Danny Phantom while driving a moving van from Las Vegas to Los Angeles with my mother. Unfortunately, she was more fascinated by the sight of a desert tortoise, than the birth of a new, awesome Nicktoon.
006 Before settling on a superhero show, one of my first concepts for Danny Phantom was a bit more in the main Ghostbusters. It was called Danny Phantom and the Specter Detectors, and it would have focused on a powerless Danny and his friends hunting down ghosts, using an array of ghostbusters-like gadgets.
007 Danny Phantom was pitched to Nickelodeon executives over dinner. Execs treated me  after they ordered more episodes of Fairly Odd Parents, and they happened to ask me if I had any more ideas for TV shows. And, yes, being treated to nice dinners is definitely an appreciated perk.
008 There's some early concept art of Danny showing a surprising design. I originally drew him with the Superman-type body, which was basically a lot of unrealistic buff muscles. I reverted to the slimmer design when I decided it's be more interesting to portray Danny as a fourteen-year-old kid.
009 I decided Danny should be fourteen years old because that age is kind of a bridge between childhood and adulthood. It's more of a period of self-discovery which certainly fits the theme of Danny learning to live and control his ghostly abilities.
010 Danny's skinnier, final design, was the collaborative effort of character designers Steven Silver, Shannon Tyndall, and - surprise - me.
011 Unlike many other cartoon characters, Danny has five fingers. Take that Timmy Turner.
012 You may notice that when Danny goes ghost, only his hair turns white and his eyebrows stay black. They're actually meant to be white as well, but we all thought the white brows made Danny look like an old man so we, uh, kept 'em.
013 Sam and Danny were originally meant to share a psychic connection, so one would know where the other one was at all times. But I scrapped this to keep things simple. Only Danny was finally to have the superpowers.
014 Danny was originally gonna have a pet owl named Spooky that would be able to track ghosts. I scrapped the concept as Harry Potter rapidly gained popularity. I  didn't want his series to be constantly compared to the boy wizard.
015 I wanted to give Danny a really cool ghost motorcycle to use as his primary means of transportation, but then I realized that giving a motorcycle was pointless because, you know, he can fly really fast.
016 The father-son duo of Jack and Danny Fenton are a reference to Jack and Danny Torrance from The Shining, which explains why Jack Fenton constantly accuses his children of being ghosts.
017 I gave Danny an older sibling because, unlike Timmy Turner, I felt that Jazz Fenton would make Danny feel less in control at home and give him somebody to contend with. I thought this lack of control would make Danny's experience with his superpowers all the more satisfying for him.
018 Jazz Fenton was named after a character in John Byrne's 1990's comic book Next Men. I always thought the name Jazz was cool.
019 Tucker Foley's name is a combination of actor and comedian Chris Tucker and Eddie Murphy's character from Beverly Hills Cop, Axel Foley.
020 Danny's teacher, Mr. Lancer, is named after a family restaurant in Burbank called, you guessed it, Lancer's.
021 Vlad Masters was originally going to be a vampire, but Nickelodeon execs thought making him a Vampire could lead to some pretty violent territory and I thought that too. So he was changed into a ghost.
022 A remnant of this scrapped concept can be found in his villain name "Vlad Plasmius". Plasma is found in blood which, you know, vampires kind of have a thirst for.
023 I refer to Vlad Masters as Danny Phantom's Lex Luthor. Like Luthor, Vlad uses his wealth to exert his power, or at least some of it. He also has a personal connection to Danny that gives him the upper hand in most scenarios.
024 Danny's love interest, Paulina Sanchez, is a parallel to Superman's love interest, Lois Lane. Both characters have no romantic interest in the protagonist because they have a crush on the protagonist's superhero alter ego. Lois loves Superman, but not Clark Kent, and Paulina loves Danny Phantom, but not Danny Fenton. Paulina: But you still have no shot with me Oh, the cruel irony.
025 Danny's ghost sense is identical to Spiderman's spider sense. Both senses alert their respective heroes whenever danger is nearby.
026 The parallels of Spiderman don't end there. Dash Baxter is a parallel to Peter Parker's football playing bully, Flash Thompson. Not only do Flash and Dash bully the protagonists of their universes, but they idolize the protagonist's superhero alter ego without realizing the hero is actually the person they bully. Their names both words that describe their quick movement and rhyme with each other.
027 The ghosts of Danny Phantom's world aren't the spirits of the deceased as ghosts tend to be in pop culture. Instead, they're monsters from another dimension. We call them ghosts because it's easier to say and it's more appealing than saying monsters from another dimension.
028 Danny's hometown, Amity Park, is a tribute to the settings of a few famous horror stories. Amityville, Long Island is the location of the famous haunted house known as the Amityville Horror. But Amity Park is also named after Amity Island, the location of the book and Steven Spielberg film Jaws.
029 Danny's high school, Casper High, is named after Casper the Friendly Ghost. Hey, if we hadn't added all these paranormal references, you may have forgotten the show is about ghosts.
030 Quite a few key members from the Fairly Odd Parents had a hand in making Danny Phantom, including writer  Steve Marmel and art director Bob Boyle.
031 One of the major differences working on the Fairly Odd Parents and Danny Phantom was the latter series' more serial format containing everything from character arcs to recurring story lines. Danny Phantom embraces storytelling angle by making the episodes 22 minutes long as opposed to Fairly Odd Parents whose 22 minute run time consisted of 2 eleven minute episodes.
032 One of the most challenging aspects of creating a superhero show like Danny Phantom, was giving all the superhero tropes a unique and interesting twist. We wanted to keep the series fresh an unique.
033 I originally wanted to cast a fourteen year old boy for the role of Danny, but I couldn't find anybody that sounded heroic enough. That heroic voice I searched for was ultimately provided by David Kaufman. Before playing Danny, Kaufman broke into the realm of voice acting when he played Marty McFly in Back tot he Future: The Animated Series.
034 David Kaufman kept his audition for Danny as a CD in his car that he would listen to towards the beginning of the show whenever he drove to the studio to record. He did this to remember what Danny sounded like in order to immerse himself into the character efficiently.
035 I wasn't the only one Kaufman's performance left a deep impression on. His daughter, Grace, calls him Daddy Phantom.
036 Sam Manson is played by actress Grey Griffin. I basically made an effort to include her in every show I created back then. Thus far, she's played Vicky in the Fairly Odd Parents and Kitty Katswell from T.U.F.F. Puppy.
037 Tucker isn't the first loyal friend Ricky D'Shon Collins has played. Before hunting ghosts with Danny, he helped TJ Detweiler keep balance and order on the playground as Vince LaSalle in Disney's Recess.
038 Maddie Fenton's voice actress, Kath Soucie, has essentially crafted a career out of voicing cartoon mothers. She played Dexter's mom in Dexter's Laboratory, Betty DeVille in Rugrats and Miriam Pataki in Hey Arnold.
039 Danny's father, Jack, is played by legendary voice actor Rob Paulson, who's played iconic roles like Yakko Warner, Pinky, Carl Weiser, Experiment 625, Donatello in the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Raphael in the old one, and way too many more to mention here.
040 Although Mr. Lancer is far from hardcore, his voice actor, Ron Perlman, has played quite a few characters throughout his career that redefined the word, He played Hellboy in the Guillermo del Toro films of the same name and he voices Slade Wilson, also known as Deathstroke, on Teen Titans, as well as the Lich in Adventure Time.
041 Valerie Grey was originally played by Grey DeLisle for the episode My Brother's Keeper before renowned voice actress Cree Summer was chosen to take over the role. If her name doesn't sound familiar, you've probably heard her voice as Penny on Inspector Gadget or maybe even as Susie Carmicheal on Rugrats.
042 Valerie isn't the only one that's had a change in her voice. Dani, that's Dani with an I, was voiced with two different actresses through the series. She was played by AnnaSophia Robb in her debut episode Kindred Spirits. The role was then taken over by Krista Swan in the episode D-Stabilized, which was Dani's second and final speaking appearance.
043 Tara Strong plays two of the show's recurring villains: Ember McLain and Penelope Spectra. This is definitely not the first time I've worked with her. You probably know her best as Timmy Turner in the Fairly Odd Parents, which proves she can effectively play both the hero and the villain.
044 Every celebrity guest in the show was cast as a ghost, similar to how celebrity guests would play villains on the 1960's Batman series starring Adam West and Burt Ward. Some of these celebrities include Particia Heaton from Everybody Loves Raymond as the Lunch Lady, and Matthew St. Patrick from Six Feet Under as Skulker, and Will Arnett from Arrested Development as the Ghost Writer, and Martin Mull as Vlad Plasmius.
045 These celebrity voice actors typically played their ghosts for a limited time before different voice actors took their roles. Sometimes as soon as the ghost's second appearance. Series Kath Soucie took over the role of the Lunch Lady and Kevin Michael Richardson became Skulker.
046 Tucker's dad, Maurice Foley, is voiced by Phil Lamarr who voices Hermes Conrad on Futurama and Samruai Jack on Samurai Jack.
047 Mark Hamill plays Undergrowth. He's, of course, best known for playing Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, but also as countless voice acting credits, including the Joker and Fire Lord Ozai.
048 The ghost child Youngblood was played by actor Taylor Lautner when he was just nine years old. Lautner would later be featured in everybody's favorite love story Twilight. Wait, who wrote that? Do I have to say that?
049 Danny's ultimate enemy, Dark Danny, is played by Oscar-nominated acting legend Eric Roberts. His impressive resume includes everything from the Dark Knight to the Cable Guy.
050 The first recording session for Danny Phantom took place on November 21, 2002, about a year and a half before the show premiered. The first episode to be recorded was also the first episode to air: Mystery Meat.
051 In fact, Danny Phantom premiered on April 3, 2004, right after Nickelodeon's annual Kid's Choice Awards.
052 Unlike many other animated shows, the cast of Danny Phantom recorded their dialogue in the same room together. David Kaufman described the experience as something akin to a stage play.
053 It takes the actors around 3 hours to record dialogue for a single episode. David Kaufman knows that shouting "I'm goin' ghost!" so many times made his voice hoarse by the end of the day.
054 In the episode What You Want, I voiced a football announcer that also looks a lot like me except he's, you know, a cartoon. I mean, he looks a lot more like me than Dr. Bender does. I hope.
055 The theme song we hear today wasn't the only one recorded for the show. An alternate version got so far into production that an alternate opening sequence was storyboarded all the way around it. The alternate song sounds very similar to the final product with different lyrics that focus more on explaining Danny's abilities.
056 The theme song was changed because Nickelodeon wanted it to tell Danny's origin story. This way, new views wouldn't feel alienated when watching the show for the first time no matter what episode they started out with.
057 Luckily, changing the lyrics wasn't an overly complicated, make-10-calls, logistical nightmare since I wrote the lyrics of the theme song. Both of them actually.
058 I based the show's theme song after the song The Invisible Man by Queen, one of my favorite bands.
059 One thing I learned from working on the Danny Phantom theme song is that your first idea isn't always your best idea, and to never stop pushing yourself until you've made something truly awesome. You're welcome for that halfway through burst of inspiration.
060 I also co wrote another fan favorite song Remember, performed by Ember in the episode Fanning the Flames, which also happens to be my third favorite episode. Yes, my third favorite. I am very, very specific.
061 Danny Phantom was the first show to be produced by my very own company, Billionfold Inc. which was co-founded with my wife. Billionfold comes from a biblical term, hundredfold.
062 A single episode of Danny Phantom took approximately 10 months to produce, stretching all the way from pre-production to post.
063 While the pre-production phase took place in Burbank, California, Danny Phantom's animation was done by a Korean animation studio called Rough Draft. Rough Draft's resume includes work done on other animated classics like Futurama, The Simpsons, and SpongeBob SquarePants.
064 The individual villains found within Danny Phantom's rogues gallery was based on ideas that I had. Ember McLane stemmed from a pitch regarding an episode about music fads, and the effects they have on teenagers. The Lunch Lady was generated from my very astute knowledge that students tend to hate school prepared lunched.
065 Vlad is a Green Bay Packers fanatic because Danny Phantom's story write, Steve Marmel is a cheesehead himself. We nearly got sued for this, but luckily Marmel was smart enough to make the team colors of the Danny Phantom Packers gold and green instead of green and gold.
066 One scrapped running gag Marmel wanted to incorporate was that Vlad's home would be blown up after every encounter he had with Danny, but this recurring joke was mainly lost in editing.
067 Had the series gone on, Danielle would have been taken in by the Fentons, effectively becoming the younger sister of Danny and Jazz.
068 Technus was intended to have another upgrade, Technus 3.0, in the episode Identity Crisis. The design was scrapped after we decided the upgrade didn't really fit anywhere in the episode's story.
069 The addition of Danny Phantom's logo later in the series was the suggestion of Nickelodeon executives, who thought he needed a symbol akin to heroes like Batman, Superman, and Spiderman. But perhaps more honest reason was because the execs wanted to make the hero more marketable.
070 Danny officially became 99.99% marketable in the season 2 episode, Memory Blank, in which Sam gives him his D logo.
071 The series score was composed by Guy Moon, who is also responsible for the music heard in the Fairly Odd Parents.
072 When Guy Moon and I met to discuss a soundtrack of an episode, I would usually sing over the episode in progress to give Moon an idea of how I wanted the music to sound. Moon would bring a camera to these sessions and record my, admittedly, unskilled singing to remember my instructions.
073 Not everyone can become a half ghost, half human. If Sam or Tucker had gotten caught int the middle of the Fenton's malfunctioning Ghost Portal, it would have likely killed them.
074 Wulf is fluent in Esperanto, a language created in 1887 by Dr. Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof, perhaps better known by his pseudonym of Doktoro Esperanto. Esperanto was created in the hope of replacing every language in the world as the one universal language. Judging by the fact that this video is in English, you can probably guess how that plan worked out.
075 The episode titled Shades of Grey is obviously a play on Valerie's last name, but the title could have a much deeper meaning. The term "shades of grey" refers to an unclear position on the scale of good to evil, usually somewhere in between. This certainly applies to Valerie, as she doesn't necessarily fight ghosts for good or evil. but for her own personal reasons.
076 During Shades of Grey, Danny names the ghost dog Cujo. Cujo's also the name of a horror novel by Stephen King about a dog bitten by a rabid bat, which turns the dog into a cold-blooded killer.
077 The green glowing, double bladed melee weapon Maddie uses to slay the legion of Vlad's monsters in Maternal Instincts is practically identical to Darth Maul's double bladed lightsaber in Star Wars Episode One, save for the red color.
078 Because I know everyone loves multiple Episode One references, the the title of the second season's 9th episode The Fenton Menace is obviously a play on the title of everybody's favorite Star Wars film, the Phantom Menace. Yes. Everybody's favorite Star Wars film.
079 To continue the Star Wars nods, the Danny Phantom universe has its own line of popular toys called Space Wars featuring characters that resemble Chewbacca and R2D2.
080 Some of the computers in the Danny Phantom world have pears in the back of them which you probably guess was a nod to Apple computers. Timmy's dad in Fairly Odd Parents has the same symbol on his laptop.
081 Save for the creepy pictures of Maddie, the programs and icons on both Danny and Vlad's computers are exactly the same, in the exact same order.
082 Skulker's hunt for Valerie and Danny in Life Lessons closely resembles the plot of Richard Connell's famous short story "The Most Dangerous Game". Much like the story, Skulker kidnaps two very skilled humans on his property for the sole purpose of hunting what he considers to be the most challenging prey out there, or, the most dangerous game.
083 Mr. Lancer spouts the titles of books in place of shouting swear words. Some of these exclamations include The Great Gatsby, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and Moby Dick, which is about as close as we'll be getting to colorful language on a Nicktoon, except for maybe Ren and Stimpy, or Rocko, or SpongeBob. We're slick here at Nickelodeon.
084 In the episode What You Want, Paulina transforms into a popular anime cat names Sayonara Pussycat, who resembles the character Hello Kitty. But Sayonara is actually a rather dramatic and final sounding word for "goodbye" in Japanese.
085 In Teacher of the Year, all 13 levels that Tucker shows Technus are based on the eight worlds from the 1990 NES classic Super Marion Bros. 3. The level 0 glitch is a reference to the infamous Minus world from the original Super Mario Bros.
086 Before sending Danny into the Ghost Zone in the episode Prisoners of Love, Tucker can be seen playing Space Invaders on his PDA.
087 Valerie Grey lives on 461 Elm Street, an obvious reference to the classic horror film A Nightmare on Elm Street. She'd probably stand more of a chance against Freddy Krueger than the other kids in the Street as well.
088 Johnny 13 and Kitty's voice actors, William Baldwin and China Phillips, are a married couple in real life. The knot has been securely tied since 1995. Way before they were cast.
089 In Fanning the Flames, Danny quips "Do you take requests? How about Beat It." in addition to telling Ember to hit the road, Danny's referencing Michael Jackson's classic song Beat It. Good one, Danny. And good one, me.
090 Michael Jackson makes a more obvious cameo in the episode Infinite Realms where he's seen in at his 2005 trial while Vlad is flipping through channels.
091 When we see Tucker's report card in What You Want, we learn that Tucker is not only highly proficient in computers, but sewing as well. If Danny ever needs a suit redesign, he who he can call. Not the Ghostbusters, they'll likely kill him. He should call Tucker.
092 The Groovy Gang and Scaredy Cat from The Million Dollar Ghost are an unsubtle jab at Mystery Inc and Scooby-Doo. An additional fact fact for you guys, I actually worked for Hanna-Barbera, the animation studio that created Scooby-Doo.
093 The secret government organization dedicated to eliminating paranormal entities known as the Guys in White are obviously a parallel to the Men in Black who essentially do the same thing but with evil extraterrestrials.
094 I've gone on record saying the reason Danny is not shirtless when he's at the water park is because he gets sunburned very easily.
095 We can all infer that Sam has good taste in films. For instance, a poster for Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange can be seen in her room.
096 In Memory Blank, Sam wants to see Trinity of Doom, a movie starring Femalien, the female version of Alien that’s a Predator, not a Xenomorph, you uncultured swine!, Terminatra, the female Terminator, and Nightmerica, the female version of Freddy Krueger. I'd still go see that.
097 Danny has a birthmark that's shaped like the state of Florida.
098 Timmy Turner's favorite comic book hero, The Crimson Chin, appears at the Ember concert as one of her many adoring fans in the episode Fanning the Flames. I officially sanction your conspiratorial speculations.
099 In the episode What You Want, Danny and Tucker can be seen playing an arcade machine titles Crash Nebula. Crash Nebula is one of Timmy Turner's favorite heroes of the Fairly Odd Parents. The plot thickens!
100 The cross referencing continued over into the Fairly Odd Parents, too. In Poulter Geeks, a wanted poster for Danny Phantom can be seen in the ghost hunting basement of Timmy's parents.
101 Or you guys could be thinking about this all wrong, and Danny could just be a fictional hero. In the Fairly Odd Parents Crash Nebula special, Danny can be seen on the back cover of a comic book. The truth is out there.
102 If Vlad were real, Steve Marmel would have made him the happiest half man/half ghost on the planet. The writer purchased a brick at Lambeau Field, the home of the Packers, and engraved it with "Someday I will rule - Vlad Plasmius".
103 David Kaufman's favorite episodes tend to be the ones in which Danny spends time with one particular member of his family and the plot strengthens their bond and understanding of each other. He cites the episodes Maternal Instinct and My Brother's Keeper as prime examples.
104 Like every great superhero, Danny Phantom has transcended into the realm of video games. His first outing was a Game Boy Advance adaptation of The Ultimate Enemy, a 2D side-scrolling beat-em-up ordeal.
105 The second was called Danny Phantom: Urban Jungle, which was released for both Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS and it was a side-scrolling shooter.
106 There was once a Danny Phantom themed ride at the indoor Nickelodeon Universe theme park at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota. Danny Phantom: Ghost Zone's design was that of an Ali Baba. In other words, it consisted of a stationary horizontal gondola with a 360 degree swinging pendulum. Unfortunately, the rise was taken down in 2015.
107 Danny Phantom ran for three season, from 2004 to 2007. A total of 53 episodes were created for the series. The news of Danny Phantom's cancellation was not well received by the fans at all. The Danny fandom took to the streets of New York City and protested outside of Nickelodeon's building to bring the ghost boy back into production. Unfortunately, to no avail. But thank you. Seriously, thank you.
Ok, guys, thanks so much for watching. Hope you guys enjoyed it, 107 facts about Danny Phantom. Don't forget to like and subscribe to the Frederator Channel.
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r0astet0aste-blog · 7 years
001. Real Name: Justin 002. Nickname: Songbird 003. Zodiac Sign: Pisces 004. Gender: Queer 005. Primary School: Boulder Creek Elementary 006. Intermediate School: Southers Hills Intermediate 007. Secondary School: New Vista High School 008. Hair Color: Dirty blond. Sometimes purple 009. Long or Short: I try to keep it short 010. Loud or Quiet: Very quiet around people 011. Sweats or Jeans: Sweats! 012. Phone or Camera: VideoCamera 013. Health Freak?: Not a freak but conscious 014. Drink or Smoke: Drink occasionally 015. Crushing on Someone? ...maybe 016. Political Orientation: Democratic 017. Piercings: None 018. Tattoos: looking to get one eventually HAVE YOU EVER [BEEN IN]: 019. Airplane: yes 020. Car Accident: yep 021. Fist Fight: yep 022. First Piercing: yet to be determined 023. First Best Friend: No idea where she is now 024. First Instrument: drums 025. First Award: best sport. lololol I never win anything for real 026. First Crush: a girl I met online. We still talk sometimes 027. First Language: English 028. First Big Vacation: We went to LA when my grandmother died. Not that great LASTS: 029. Last person you talked to: Talking to my mom on the phone while I fill this out. She says hello. 030. Last person you texted: Lil’ sissy 031. Last person you watched: I just watched people pass by on the street through my window 032. Last food you ate: turkey on rye sandwich 033. Last movie you watched: Rented HHGttG 034. Last song you listened to: Daft Punk, “Get Lucky” 035. Last thing you bought: Instant coffee 036. Last person you hugged: ...I don’t remember... excuse me *immediately goes to find someone to hug* FAVES: 037. Food(s): Fried rice 038. Drinks: Coffee 039. Clothing: I love hoodies! They’re so cozy! And you can hide in them <3 040. Book: I really loved the Percy Jackson Series. 041. Color: purple 042. Flower: violets 043. Music: Panic! at the Disco 044. Movie: Lala land was beautiful! The cinematography made my film nerd heart happy~ 045. Shoes: Converse 046. Subjects: Film production IN THE LAST YEAR I….. 047. [] kissed in the snow 048. [x] celebrated Halloween 049. [x] had my heart broken 050. [] went over the minutes on your cellphone 051. [x] someone questioned your sexual orientation 052. [] came outta the closet 053. [] gotten pregnant 054. [] had an abortion 055. [x] did something you’ve regretted 056. [x] broke a promise 057. [x] kept a secret 058. [x] pretended to be happy 059. [] met someone who changed your life 060. [x] pretended to be sick 061. [] left the country 062. [] tried something you normally wouldn’t like and liked it. 063. [] cried over the silliest thing 064. [x] ran a mile 065. [] went to the beach 066. [x] stayed single CURRENTLY: 067. Eating: rye chips 068. Drinking: water 069. Getting ready to: find something for dinner 070. Listening to: Ultimate Beast Master on Netflx 071. Plans for tomorrow/today: Gonna answer all my drafts and write three more starters 072. Waiting for: end to come (anyone know the song?) YOUR FUTURE: 073. Want kids: Yes. 074. Want to get married: Yes 075. Careers in mind: I want to direct movies or TV 076. Lips or Eyes: Eyes 077. Shorter or Taller: Taller I hope 078. Romantic or Spontaneous: Romantic 079. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: Arms. You see them more. 080. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive 081. Hookup or Relationship: Relationship 082. Troublemaker or Hesitant: hesitant HAVE YOU EVER: 083. lost glasses/contacts: oh lord so much 084. ran away from home: nope 085. held a weapon: yep 086. killed somebody: the last person who asked me that is dead now (no just kidding. Of course not!) 087. broken someone’s heart: yes 088. been arrested: almost DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 090. Yourself: For the most part 091. Miracles: I do 092. Love at First Sight: no 093. Heaven: I want to believe in it. 094. Santa Claus: nope 096. Magic: not really. But I do believe there are things that science can’t yet explain
ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 097. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: no. I’m happily by my self 098. Are you seriously happy where you are with in life right now?: Well I’m not entirely unhappy 099. Do you believe in God?: I do. But in like a spiritual sense and not in relation to any religion 100. How much do you hate me for tagging you in this?: This was fun! Thanks @starsgivemehp
Tagging: Anyone
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newssplashy · 6 years
Women withstand a lot during pregnancy and especially childbirth. It's time to allow women make their choice on the number of children they want.
Women are warriors and it is sad how some men forget or neglect or are ignorant to acknowledge that. Women are warriors, babies come out of their vaginas after carrying them for 9 months.
I have not remained the same since the first time I watched childbirth through labour, induced labour and cesarean section on National Geographic about 10 years ago.
In truth, asides the fact that I appreciate and love seeing pregnant women, I try to aid them in whatever they do.
Seeing a pregnant woman go through the mood swings, weight gain and inability to change positions while sleeping across the night is enough to appreciate them.
My mother had my sisters and I through cesarean section. After she had my younger sister, she had to go back in for another emergency surgery, 6 weeks postpartum due to infection around her pelvis.
Till date, she has a mummy pouch that makes her look ever so good in native attires — Iro and buba.
Postpartum Issues
While I didn’t really decipher it until I was 19, listening to Gwyneth Paltrow talk about postpartum depression on E! Entertainment, I once saw my aunt struggle with the effects of having her first child in 2007
Her confidence was gone and it took her 3 years to regain that confidence. She vowed to never have another kid after that.
 In 2007, Beyonce appeared on Ellen DeGeneres show shortly after her wedding to Shawn ‘Jay-Z’ Carter.
During the discussion, Ellen asked her if a child was in her future, she answered, “I was in the room when my nephew was born and it traumatized me.”
She continues, “I told my sister ‘Please, don’t let me in the room’ and she said, ‘you’re my sister, don’t be silly’. I was right, I’m traumatized”.
10 years later, Beyonce has 3 children. Asides being a celebrity mom, she has her struggles. In her much celebrated, Vogue issue, she chronicles how she struggled after the birth of her twins in 2017 as she prepared for Coachella.
She claimed she pushed herself so hard to regain her body in 3 months, but she somehow settled for enjoying the effects of motherhood on her body.
 During her catharsis, she claims her arms, boobs, thighs and calves are slightly bigger, and she even has a ‘mum pouch’ that she’s not in a hurry to get rid of. While she has seen the took the strengths in her journey, most people are not as strong or lucky.
   While she admits she might go back to work for a lean body and six pack, her point was made.
Motherhood, pregnancy and childbirth are processes some women never fully recover from physically and emotionally.
A Beyonce might be inspired enough to engage in exercise to pull through, but most mothers don’t get past that phase.
My mother was like a size 2 before childbirth. Since she had my older sister, she’s become curvy. My Dad loved it about her — before he died, but a lot of women do not have that luxury as they wallow in their depression while living with insensitive, emotionally and verbally abusive partners.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
 The rigours, stress and sometimes, trauma of childbirth induces post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD] in some women. Some of them get depressed and distant while a fair bit don’t want children after the experience.
It is why you should never judge a woman who is content with her one child. We are built differently, but no matter how strong you are, childbirth is an arduous process that usually leaves great emotional and physical scars.
In a survey conducted on post-traumatic stress disorder after Childbirth in Nigerian women by Adewuya A.O, Ologun Y.A and Ibigbami O.S for the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health, the following were found out;
The prevalence of PTSD was 5.9%. The factors independently associated with PTSD after childbirth include hospital admission due to complications, instrumental delivery cesarean section, manual removal of placenta and poor maternal experience during childbirth.
They concluded that, “the prevalence of PTSD is slightly higher in Nigerian women than those in the western culture.”
Historical Perception
Women were born disadvantaged. In a society heavily influenced by masculinity, mostly toxic, but usually subtly entitled, women are placed on a lesser rung of existence.
Their usefulness is limited to child rearing and house chores. It is why any woman who refuses to do same or isn’t good at same is derogated and viewed as ‘useless’. This perception is not only wrong, but very insensitive.
 It is simply time to cut it out. Child rearing should be a thing of choice and readiness. Whatever she’s content with, a sensitive and good partner should listen and understand.
 Maybe it is time to start letting Nigerian men into the operating and labour rooms to see what women go through to understand why some get PTSD and love their children more than anything. It is also why they get really emotional when those kids get a big head and get disrespectful over the slightest issues. Some of us children are insensitive.
 It is not about treating women as fragile or weaker people, no. It is about sensitivity to the plight of a probable traumatic process. What they need is support. Childbirth might be perceived as a happy process, but it is not funny for women.
 It is just time for women to start talking about the rigours of childbirth that some of our mothers were forced to stomach because of societal expectations. Some of them would have been happy not having more than one child.
Don’t get me wrong, some women enjoy child rearing and live for it. They love being pregnant and the entire process of childbirth, but we are built differently. The ones who talk about tie trauma and rigours are not weaker. They are regular women who are different. We should listen to them.
Even more seriously, the women who enjoy childbirth will tell you it is not all fun and games.
Modern Women and Social Media Chatter
  On Tuesday, August 7, 2016, feminist, Ozzy Etomi hit the bullseye again with her discussion of the rigours and trauma of childbirth.
  While opinions were divided, even amongst women and some insensitive men pelted stones their way, we can downplay these points no more.
 The scariest part was when she discussed memory issues since childbirth. That might be some pseudo-fugue state caused by PTSD. Although rare, trauma can induce fugue state, causing the mind to block out that traumatic memory. Sometimes, other memories, happy or sad go with the blocked out memories. Maybe her mind is trying to deal with the trauma of childbirth and it’s proving too heavy.
For perspective, from the social media activity, although infinite, we can group women, postpartum into the following;
1. Women who get illnesses and conditions from childbirth;
2. Women who go through physical changes. Changes some have to live with forever;
3. Women who have disabilities from childbirth;
4. Women who die by losing some parts of themselves during childbirth;
5. Women who actually die when the trauma becomes excessive for their bodies.
On another note, it shows the point is hitting home when young, unmarried women have also had their fears about childbirth intensified since the discussion. It is sad, but the reality, nonetheless.
But then, the issue is not about men. Make your choice, find yourself a partner that understands you and live a lit life. Childbirth is not an avenue to diss men again. It’s an unnecessary backdrop.
 Whatever it is, people like the human in the above tweet; male or female should be cancelled.
"Medical Condition" might be extreme
Nonetheless, calling childbirth a “medical condition” might be a tad extreme.
Olaiya, a 40 year old Lawyer of 13 years and mother of two via cesarean section says, “Well, there are two sides to a coin. Some people have complications while some have it easier. I had my 2 kids through caesarian section. While the pain was great initially and it was slightly arduous post-partum, I got over it. I did not want to have children again initially, but later I got over it and we had another one.”
On another note, Tolu, 28 who had a child via cesarean section and lost the child at 22, but has since not had another says “It was really traumatic. Considering all I went through, but immediately after the birth and I saw her [her child], I immediately forgot the trauma. You know, it was fascinating to see this little thing that came from inside me. One misses being pregnant. Even though I lost her, I will have another one without hesitation.”
In the end, while childbirth might be a arduous for some unwilling to repeat the process, others cherish it. We should however let women choose their own paths.
via NewsSplashy - Latest Nigerian News,Ghana News ,News,Entertainment,Hot Posts,sports In a Splash.
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reginaperes157 · 7 years
Sparks fly over Maher&#039;s booking of provocateur Yiannopoulos Photo
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On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher called for Hollywood producers to accept more pitches from Republicans, so that people rejected from show business like NRA Spokeswoman Dana Loesch, Breitbart News Founder Andrew Breitbart, and former Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steve Bannon don’t express anger towards Hollywood over being rejected. Maher began by arguing Republicans shouldn’t pretend they dislike celebrities giving their political opinions since they made Ronald Reagan president. He continued, “It’s not our fault that your celebrities are Ted Nugent, Pat Sajak, and Donald Trump.” Maher further referenced and mocked James Woods, Scott Baio, Antonio Sabàto, Jr., Stacey Dash. Maher then turned to Loesch. He said, “What you may not know about Dana Loesch is that before her job as NRA spokesmodel, she was a show business wannabe, a homemaker in St. Louis with a mommy blog and a radio show and dreams of TV stardom. ‘NCIS’ Producer Paul Guyot says that ten years ago, Dana pitched him a sitcom, starring herself as ‘a hot young mom who does a far-right radio show.’ … And you know what? If only they’d made that sitcom, today, she might be a completely normal person.” He also said that the
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newssplashy · 6 years
Moms at War: Here's when Omoni Oboli's new film will be released in cinemas
Omoni Oboli's "Moms at War," which stars Funke Akindele and Michelle Dede, is the result of a collaboration between Inkblot, Filmone and Dioni Visions.
A release date has been announced for Omoni Oboli's upcoming film "Moms at War."
The movie which stars Oboli, Funke Akindele, Michelle Dede, Yul Edochie, Abayomi Alvin and Adebukola Oladipupo will be released in cinemas on August 17, 2018.
Directed by Oboli, the movie is written by Naz Onuzo ["The Wedding Party 2 and "Arbitration"] and is one Oboli considers important in the society we live in today.
 During a recent interview with Pulse, Oboli talked about the importance of telling the "Moms at War" story, and casting for the film.
Read interview below:
On what "Moms at War" is about
You know how moms are; always competitive and wanting their kids to be on top. So "Moms at War" is about two mothers who live in the same neighborhood, but hated each other.
One felt that the other was a village girl who just got into money and is not fit to be in society with them. But both their kids coincidentally attend the same school, and there was a competition that was done for the kids and both were the top of their class.
It came down to one of them winning the competition and the mothers just went crazy, doing all sort of antics. It's a story of friendship, sisterhood, and bonding in spite of everything.
 On importance of the story
I think it's a story that is very important in society today. Because a lot of people like to push the narrative that women are always fighting each other and that they can never work together.
But I always say that when women work together, we are like a force that nobody can stop.
 On casting for "Moms at War"
I didn't write the story. It was written by Naz Onuzo, who is also my partner on the project. You know how when you read a story [and] you just see certain people in it. I just read it and I thought Funke Akindele was great for the character.
I played alongside her [and] everyone knows how crazy Funke is and that particular character is just a crazy girl. She is a happy-go-lucky person. She played it very well and I am happy we cast her for that role.
Michelle Dede was my friend - in the film -- as stuck up as my character was in the film, and it was great.
Yul Edochie, [it was my] first time working with him. I had never worked with him as an actor, I had never worked with him as a director, and I think he was just amazing. He is the kind of person that just listens. If you tell him "this is how I want it," he's just like "okay director," and he does it exactly how you want it.
I can't wait for everyone to see the movie.
 Omoni Oboli is a commercial phenomenon who has produced, directed and starred in box office hits such as "First Lady," "Okafor's Law" and "Being Mrs Elliot."
Her other upcoming works include "King of Boys," a star-studded film by Kemi Adetiba, and a small screen adaptation of her hit movies, "Wives on Strike."
source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/07/moms-at-war-heres-when-omoni-obolis-new.html
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newssplashy · 6 years
Girl Smarts: This is Kim Kardashian's trick for never missing a workout
"Her schedule is crazy, and mine is also crazy, so we work out really early in the morning at 6 a.m.," says Kim's trainer Melissa Alcantara (who's also a fitness badass, for the record.)
At this point, you're probably well aware that Kim Kardashian is a beast when it comes to fitness. Which may lead you to wonder:
How in the world does she have time to hit the gym on the reg? The answer: She gets up early, like, super early.
"Her schedule is crazy, and mine is also crazy, so we work out really early in the morning at 6 a.m.," says Kim's trainer Melissa Alcantara (who's also a fitness badass, for the record.)
 The duo works out six days a week, for an hour to an hour and a half each session (and up to an hour and 45 minutes on leg and butt days!), Alcantara tells WomensHealthMag.com.
"She loves taking her kids to school. She’s a badass mom," says Alcantara. But even considering her mom duties, plus her work schedule, she never misses one of those early morning seshes. "She’s super responsible, she never cancels-she’s the best client and athlete you can have."
 Okay, but how? (HOW?!) "It’s just her drive," the celeb trainer says. "She knows what she wants, and she has to fit it in. She's like ‘ I have to work out, this is part of my life’, it’s all about the mindset."
To follow in Kim's footsteps, Alcantara advises making working out a staple of your daily routine-at whatever time works for you-and don't let it be optional. "Once it’s part of your daily routine and your life, then it’s not something you have to think about, you just have to do it."
source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/07/girl-smarts-this-is-kim-kardashians.html
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newssplashy · 6 years
"Her schedule is crazy, and mine is also crazy, so we work out really early in the morning at 6 a.m.," says Kim's trainer Melissa Alcantara (who's also a fitness badass, for the record.)
At this point, you're probably well aware that Kim Kardashian is a beast when it comes to fitness. Which may lead you to wonder:
How in the world does she have time to hit the gym on the reg? The answer: She gets up early, like, super early.
"Her schedule is crazy, and mine is also crazy, so we work out really early in the morning at 6 a.m.," says Kim's trainer Melissa Alcantara (who's also a fitness badass, for the record.)
 The duo works out six days a week, for an hour to an hour and a half each session (and up to an hour and 45 minutes on leg and butt days!), Alcantara tells WomensHealthMag.com.
"She loves taking her kids to school. She’s a badass mom," says Alcantara. But even considering her mom duties, plus her work schedule, she never misses one of those early morning seshes. "She’s super responsible, she never cancels-she’s the best client and athlete you can have."
 Okay, but how? (HOW?!) "It’s just her drive," the celeb trainer says. "She knows what she wants, and she has to fit it in. She's like ‘ I have to work out, this is part of my life’, it’s all about the mindset."
To follow in Kim's footsteps, Alcantara advises making working out a staple of your daily routine-at whatever time works for you-and don't let it be optional. "Once it’s part of your daily routine and your life, then it’s not something you have to think about, you just have to do it."
via NewsSplashy - Latest Nigerian News Online,World Newspaper
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newssplashy · 6 years
But Addyi, which is the brand name for flibanserin (a.k.a. "female Viagra") is undergoing a revival-and it's cheaper than ever.
You probably heard about how stoked people were when "female Viagra" hit the market in 2015. And then…it kind of went MIA.
But Addyi, which is the brand name for flibanserin (a.k.a. "female Viagra") is undergoing a revival-and it's cheaper than ever. (Think: $99 per month if you're paying out-of-pocket; $25 if insurance covers the drug. It used to cost $800 a month.)
Fact: Addyi doesn't work the same way as Viagra.
Women also won't need to see an in-person doctor to get an Addyi prescription, Bloombergreports. They can just go to a website, get put in contact with a doctor, chat over the phone, and potentially end up with a prescription.
So, female Viagra is back, baby! But there are a few things you should know about the drug before you run to the doctor for a prescription.
Who is Addyi for?
If your sex drive has been ebbing and flowing lately, or you're not in the mood after a long day at work, Addyi isn’t for you.
The drug is actually designed to address a condition known as hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), says women’s health expert Jennifer Wider, M.D. While it's pretty common for your sex drive to drop here and there thanks to hormonal changes, medications, and stress, HSDD is much more severe.
Fact: Addyi's promised benefits don't work for every woman.
It's characterized by a chronically low sex drive (think: more than three months), to the point where it causes significant distress to you and your partners, according to the International Society for Sexual Medicine. One in 10 women have HSDD, making it one of the most common female sexual health complaints.
Women who are post-menopausal may benefit the most from Addyi-though that's not to say it won't work for pre-menopausal women, too. “The initial clinical trials were targeting pre-menopausal women, but the studies that included post-menopausal women showed positive results,” Wider says.
How long does it take for Addyi to kick in?
Here's how it works: The drug targets your brain chemistry, specifically neurotransmitters and chemicals in your brain that work to increase your libido.
So, even though Addyi gets a lot of comparisons to “regular” Viagra, it doesn’t actually work the same way-while Viagra causes an immediate physical reaction for dudes (hello, erection), Addyi targets your brain.
Instead of popping a pill and getting a lady-boner 30 to 60 minutes later, Addyi needs to work up to a certain level in your body and adjust your brain chemistry. According to their website, you're supposed to take one pill daily, right before you go to bed. And it can take up to four to six weeks to kick in, Wider says.
There are potential side effects
Women who take the drug are at an increased risk of severe low blood pressure and fainting, according to the Addyi website. Nausea, dizziness, and fatigue are also potential issues. And it's worth noting: You’re not supposed to drink alcohol while you’re on Addyi, as it can increase the risk of those side effects.
Addyi reviews have been mixed
Like most drugs, this doesn’t work for everyone. “Studies show that not everyone responds to it, but it does help a statistically significant portion of the patients with HSDD,” Wider says.
One woman told WomensHealthMag.com that the drug made her wetter than she’d been in a while. "I wasn't a horny mom running around trying to have sex with everyone-it just made me feel more open to doing the deed and more like myself again," she said. "It’s amazing to think I finally had my libido back."
Another woman told Bloomberg that after taking the drug, "I went from maybe having sex zero times, maybe once every three months, to about once or twice a month.”
Still others haven't seen any big changes after taking the drug. As WomensHealthMag.com previously reported, researchers in the Netherlands found the effects of Addyi underwhelming for most women in their study.
Bottom line: If it seems like your libido is on a permanent vacation, you may benefit from Addyi. Check with your doctor to see if "female Viagra" is the right solution for you.
via NewsSplashy - Latest Nigerian News Online
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newssplashy · 6 years
Teddy A: Reality T.V. star called out by his baby mama
Drama, as Teddy A's baby mama, Layla drags him on social media over his failure to play the role of a responsible father.
They say stardom comes with its pros and cons just like what Teddy A is experiencing now as he has been called out by his baby mama.
In a series of tweets posted on her Twitter page, Layla who is the mother of Teddy A, 5-year-old son, blasted the former reality T.V. star for allegedly not taking care of their son.
In one of her tweets, she revealed that Teddy A, had never sent money for the upkeep of their son and the only time he did was on his birthday. She went on to reveal that she was going to spill more on him and expose him to the public so they can know who he truly is.
 "For 5 years I have been taking care of my son, the first you send him any money was on his birthday,'' she tweeted.
Layla has since put her Twitter page under lock and key since the baby mama drama gist went viral. This is not the first and probably won't be the last time we will be hearing and seeing baby mamas of celebrities come for the father of their kids.
 Recall a few months ago, music star, Wande Coal got dragged on social media by his baby mama over claims that he abducted their son for over 10 years.
ALSO READ: Check out 5 celebrities that have been called out by their baby mamas
Baby mama says Wande Coal allegedly abducted their son
 A few months ago, the news broke that Wande Coal not only fathered a child but also allegedly abducted the child from the baby mama. According to NewsmakersNG, Temitope Ogunnusi, Wande's baby mama, dropped out of secondary school at the age of 16 after being impregnated by the 23-year-old singer, back in 2008. The love child, Joseph, is now 10 years old and Tope has not seen him for 8 years.
 Tope told NewsmakersNG that when she told Wande that he was going to be a father, the singer rejected the pregnancy. “Do you want to kill my career?” he allegedly asked Temitope.  He denied paternity of the baby and left the neighborhood so Temitope would not see him again. After delivery, Wande’s mom, Mrs. Omolara Oluwayemisi Ojosipe, arranged to see the baby.
 A DNA test was conducted in 2010 and it showed the singer as the father of Joseph. The baby was however allegedly abducted by the mom after cajoling Tope to allow him to come and spend some time with her. She thereafter reportedly blocked every means of communication between her son and Tope. Temitope said she told her: “My son cannot marry a low-class woman.” The gateman was also instructed never to open the gate for her.
source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/06/teddy-reality-tv-star-called-out-by-his.html
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newssplashy · 6 years
Relationship Talk: Everything you need to know about Hilary Duff's boyfriend and baby daddy
Well, his name is Matthew Koma, and this baby girl (yes, it's a girl!) is their first child together. Hilary also has a son, Luca, who’s 6, with former husband Mike Comrie.
No one saw it coming, but Hilary Duff is pregnant! Congrats to the happy couple, Hilary and…um…who is that guy?
Well, his name is Matthew Koma, and this baby girl (yes, it's a girl!) is their first child together. Hilary also has a son, Luca, who’s 6, with former husband Mike Comrie.
You can see the cute announcement pic on the 30-year-old Younger star's Instagram, which shows off her adorable baby bump.
 He posted the same pic, with an equally cute caption: “We made a baby girl! She will be as beautiful and sweet as her mother... @hilaryduff another incredible chapter begins.”
Now, back to the baby daddy. Matthew is a singer, songwriter, and producer (and a bit reminiscent of the character Josh on Younger, tbh). But beyond that, there's not a whole lot of info out there about the couple. They've kept a pretty low-profile and don’t post a ton of pics together on social media. Still, here's what we know about Hilary and Matthew so far:
They adopted a puppy together. Awwwww.
 This was, sadly, after he lost his own dog last September. He’s a serious dog lover.
 His voice is the stuff of angels.
 Who wouldn't love being serenaded by that voice? (We see you, Hilary!)
They post some of the cutest Boomerangs ever.
Like this one:
 And this one...
 ...this one, too. OMG our hearts can't take it.
Seriously, you two.
She recently threw him a bowling-themed birthday party.
 If you read the comments, this is when fans started speculating that Hilary was pregnant…
And, yep, he’s a damn good bowler.
 His Wikipedia page notes that he's a professional bowler, but we have yet to confirm whether or not that's a joke. After all, from the looks of it, he’s got a great sense of humor.
Her mom LOVES him.
In a recent interview with E! News, Hilary shared that her mom is a big fan of her boo. "My mom was at Matt's birthday and she was like, ‘I just love him. I love him so much. He's the best.' I'm like, 'I'm here. I exist, you know? You're always on my side!'"
They’ve broken up before.
Twice, actually. Hilary appeared on The Talk in December, not long after she got back together with Matt for the third time, reports US Weekly. On the show, she blamed their past breakups on timing.
“I think that you have history and a past with someone and love, and just because it doesn’t work out the first time, the second time,” she continued, “as long as there’s not too much damage done, then, it can always work out again."
Last year may have been rough for the duo, but it seems it’s been bliss ever since. "Third time's the charm!" she joked on the show.
So, so happy for them. Bring on all the bump pics!
source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/06/relationship-talk-everything-you-need.html
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newssplashy · 6 years
Drama, as Teddy A's baby mama, Layla drags him on social media over his failure to play the role of a responsible father.
They say stardom comes with its pros and cons just like what Teddy A is experiencing now as he has been called out by his baby mama.
In a series of tweets posted on her Twitter page, Layla who is the mother of Teddy A, 5-year-old son, blasted the former reality T.V. star for allegedly not taking care of their son.
In one of her tweets, she revealed that Teddy A, had never sent money for the upkeep of their son and the only time he did was on his birthday. She went on to reveal that she was going to spill more on him and expose him to the public so they can know who he truly is.
 "For 5 years I have been taking care of my son, the first you send him any money was on his birthday,'' she tweeted.
Layla has since put her Twitter page under lock and key since the baby mama drama gist went viral. This is not the first and probably won't be the last time we will be hearing and seeing baby mamas of celebrities come for the father of their kids.
 Recall a few months ago, music star, Wande Coal got dragged on social media by his baby mama over claims that he abducted their son for over 10 years.
ALSO READ: Check out 5 celebrities that have been called out by their baby mamas
Baby mama says Wande Coal allegedly abducted their son
 A few months ago, the news broke that Wande Coal not only fathered a child but also allegedly abducted the child from the baby mama. According to NewsmakersNG, Temitope Ogunnusi, Wande's baby mama, dropped out of secondary school at the age of 16 after being impregnated by the 23-year-old singer, back in 2008. The love child, Joseph, is now 10 years old and Tope has not seen him for 8 years.
 Tope told NewsmakersNG that when she told Wande that he was going to be a father, the singer rejected the pregnancy. “Do you want to kill my career?” he allegedly asked Temitope.  He denied paternity of the baby and left the neighborhood so Temitope would not see him again. After delivery, Wande’s mom, Mrs. Omolara Oluwayemisi Ojosipe, arranged to see the baby.
 A DNA test was conducted in 2010 and it showed the singer as the father of Joseph. The baby was however allegedly abducted by the mom after cajoling Tope to allow him to come and spend some time with her. She thereafter reportedly blocked every means of communication between her son and Tope. Temitope said she told her: “My son cannot marry a low-class woman.” The gateman was also instructed never to open the gate for her.
via NewsSplashy - Latest Nigerian News Online
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newssplashy · 6 years
Sex & Relationships: 'I used to love getting naked — And then I got pregnant'
These were the words of encouragement (okay, commands) I gave to my significant partner before our first time having sex in the three months since I'd given birth to our daughter.
“Don’t touch me too much. And don’t go too fast,” I said. “And don’t be mad if I don’t look like I’m having that much fun.”
These were the words of encouragement (okay, commands) I gave to my significant partner before our first time having sex in the three months since I'd given birth to our daughter. Talk about a pre-sex buzzkill, right?
In response, my ever-supportive partner remained calm. “It feels the same,” he said as soon as he was inside me.
He’s right, I thought. Then, No he’s not!!! He can’t be!!!
Physically, my doctor had reassured me that I was fit for sex, but psychologically I was a wreck. I was terrified that things would be permanently different ~down there~ or that I wouldn't be able to experience pleasure like before.
Most of all, I was extremely aware of the extra pounds I was still carrying on my hips, thighs, and butt. I didn't want anyone, even my loving, sweet partner, to accidentally graze my mushy tummy or my engorged breasts.
The brutal truth: Twelve weeks after pushing a tiny human out of my vagina, I still didn't feel quite like myself.
'I thought I'd love being pregnant. I was wrong.'
When I first found out that I was pregnant, I assumed I’d be one of those women who lovesbeing pregnant. I imagined pulling a Demi Moore and posing naked for my partner every few weeks or so, clutching my belly with one arm and hugging my breasts with the other so he could capture every glorious stage of my natural transformation.
After all, I had always been super confident about my body. Sure, I had my insecurities like any other human woman, but for the most part I was comfortable and happy with my willowy figure. In my twenties, I had been the person who'd take their clothes off first during hookups, or would be the one to suggest late night skinny-dipping.
 But as soon as I started to gain weight during the first trimester, every uptick in the number on the scale unnerved me. Rather than celebrating the “miracle of life,” I found myself lamenting every bit of bulge that appeared on my butt, breasts, and belly. Even my upper arms seemed thicker. I felt wider everywhere-from ankles to neck-maybe because I was imagining it, or maybe because I was retaining that much water. My naked body looked foreign and unfamiliar.
'I couldn't see myself the same way others did.'
Throughout, my partner was reassuring. “Do you realize how hot you are?” he’d say whenever he caught me naked. He looked at me longingly like he always had, and seemed genuinely turned on by my expanding form (especially my plumped-up chest and ass). Strangers were kind as well, often going out of their way to note how I “carried well,” or appeared to be “glowing.”
Still, I couldn’t see myself the way they did. By the second trimester, I dreaded getting dressed each morning because nothing seemed to fit. I sometimes recoiled from my S.O.'s touch. I avoided mirrors. Try as I might, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I’d lost something-that I was no longer as attractive because of how my body had changed.
'I wasn't used to hating how I looked-and I didn't like that feeling.'
 Obviously, weight gain is normal (and necessary) during pregnancy. But I couldn't get my brain to accept that. I obsessively looked up info online about the dangers of gestational weight gain to a mother's and a baby's health-hypertension, gestational diabetes, delivery complications. Even after testing negative for gestational diabetes, I worried about every additional pound.
I’d be lying if I said I was mainly concerned about health risks. Mostly, I just hated the way I looked-and I wasn’t used to feeling that way about my body.
I tried to figure out what "normal" was, and sent frantic texts to friends asking them how much weight they’d gained during pregnancy. But the responses didn't help me much in my panic. One friend reported gaining 40 pounds during her first pregnancy, but only 17 during her second. Another friend gained 32 pounds by week 24, but barely gained in the weeks thereafter. Yet another gained 65 pounds, but lost it all somehow within two months postpartum.
The information I gathered confirmed one thing: That every body, and every pregnancy, is different.
'Do something about your f*cked up attitude.'
One morning, 30 weeks into my pregnancy, I found myself standing in front of a full-length mirror, scrutinizing every inch of my third trimester figure. The reflection I saw in the mirror looked nothing like that person I was, the person who used to be so eager to get naked.
In that moment, what I loathed even more than the sight of my body was the self-conscious woman staring back at me. You are about to be the mother of a daughter, I reminded myself. If you want her to have a healthy body image, you’re going to have to do something about your own f*cked-up attitude. You’re going to have to rewire your brain, because thinness should not equal confidence.
 That morning, I pledged to be kinder to myself. I wanted to be a mom who accepted herself at any weight. Who felt good about herself for reasons that had nothing to do with her appearance. Who would not be a hypocrite when she told her daughter to love herself for her heart, her mind, and her character.
I hid the household scale in the back of a closet and forced myself to compliment my own reflection. “You are smart,” I told myself. “Stop being so hard on yourself.” During sex, I tried my best to shelve every toxic thought that popped into my head. Slowly but surely, I re-learned how to enjoy myself in bed.
And slowly but surely, it helped. By the time my due date arrived, I was sending my partner hilarious nude selfies so we could marvel together at my metamorphosis. I had to admit: The female body is truly capable of magnificent things.
'I want to be an example for my daughter.'
 Of course, developing an authentic sense of body confidence is an ongoing process. After giving birth, I faced a new set of hurdles that impacted my sense of self. I became preoccupied by how long it would take to shed the baby weight, and how weird sex would feel after the vaginal trauma that is pushing a pumpkin-sized baby out of a canal more suited to cucumbers.
It's a process-and it's something I'm still dealing with (in case you couldn't tell by the first-time post-baby sex story). The difference is that now my daughter is here with me, in the outside world. Every time I hold her in my arms, I’m reminded of just how important it is to lead by example.
If I want my daughter to be comfortable in her skin, I have to keep working toward being comfortable in mine. I have to keep being kind to myself, reminding myself that I am more than my weight or my body shape. I have to learn to feel like myself, no matter what the scale says.
I'm doing it for both of us.
Mélanie Berliet is the Chief Editorial Director of Thought Catalog and Quote Catalog. You can follow her on Instagram or Facebook.
source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/05/sex-relationships-i-used-to-love_13.html
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newssplashy · 6 years
Khloe Kardashian: Model reveals daughter's name
Khloe shared a photo of her baby's beautiful pink room, revealing that her name is True Thompson.
Yayyy! Khloe Kardashian has just revealed the name of her baby, and like the names of her nieces and nephews, it is one of a kind!
The model took to her Instagram page to make the announcement in her first post since she welcomed her daughter some days ago.
 ALSO READ: Reality star looks sexy in semi-nude photo shoot
She shared a photo of her baby's beautiful pink room, revealing that her name is True Thompson.
See her post below:
 Khloe also gushed about hers and Tristan's love for the new born, and if that room is anything to go by, you can be sure she will be smothered with love.
Khloe Kardashian and boyfriend Tristan Thompson welcomed their baby girl in the early hours of Thursday, April 12, 2018.
This is Khloe and Tristan's first child together.
Tristan Thompson cheats on Khloe Kardashian
Recall that a video surfaced on the Internet of Tristan Thompson cheating on his girlfriend, Khloe Kardashian. The video shows the basketball star making out with two women in a lounge in New York in October, while Khloe was 3 months pregnant.
According to TMZ, “The video was recorded the night before the Cleveland Cavaliers played the Washington Wizards."
 TMZ obtained this video of the Cavaliers star, rocking a white hoodie, with the woman strolling behind him into the Four Seasons early Sunday, April 8, 2018, around 5 AM. The unidentified woman was also seen hanging all over Tristan at an NYC nightclub earlier in the evening. Tristan was staying at the hotel with the rest of his team while they were in town for a game.
As if this was not bad enough, one of Tristan's side chics decided to share a nude video of herself and the basketballer.
 According to TMZ, a woman claiming she spent the night with Tristan Thompson in NYC this weekend posted and quickly deleted a sex tape and a number of raunchy text messages allegedly with the NBA All-Star.
The woman, who goes by @ms.stephaniee_ on Instagram, claims she's the one who was seen in a video Saturday night walking into the Manhattan Four Seasons with Tristan. She also has alleged that is pregnant with Tristan's baby.
 On Tuesday night, April 10, 2018, she filled her IG story with alleged texts from Tristan and a video of a couple having sex, which she claims is her and Tristan. Neither of their faces is visible in the short clip.
According to TMZ, this is hardly the first time Tristan has cheated on Khloe. There is also a  tape of Tristan Thompson at a lounge back in October 2017, where he is seen with two women really getting it down.
Tristan makes out with one of the women, tongue and all. The other grabs his head, bring it to her chest and he motorboats her. The same woman then grabs his junk. The video was recorded the night before the Cleveland Cavaliers played the Washington Wizards.
Khloe blames Tristan's cheating on "stupid groupies"
However, Khloé Kardashian seems ready to move on from Tristan Thompson's cheating scandal!
Cosmopolitan reports that the TV star seems over what we assumed would be traumatising for the new mom.
A source close to Khloe says, "She’s so incredibly happy that her baby is here, that she is big and strong and healthy and beautiful, and so right now Khloé truly has no other cares in the world.
"She isn’t even mad at Tristan right now."
 ALSO READ: Reality star goes topless for new maternity line
When asked the state of Khloe and Tristan's relationship, and if they are back to being "A+ in their relationship?," the source replies, "Basically."
Th source adds, "She’s basically already forgiven him.
“She is in a bubble of love and peace and happiness right now, and everything that happened with Tristan is less about 'cheating' and more like, it was just a random drunken hookup that meant nothing and was kissing at most and didn’t lead to anything else and was the fault of stupid groupies trying to trap him, and everybody just needs to move on."
source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/04/khloe-kardashian-model-reveals.html
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