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From what i've noticed, Proshippers are obsessed with criticism or criticism of why such a relationship is problematic, they say they are harassed, even though they have the same habit of harassing those who criticize them.
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ecto-stone · 1 year ago
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⋆。°✩ SEAFOAM SKY •˚₊‧⋆ My piece for ectoimplosion2023. It's was an absolute pleasure to be paired with @dp-marvel94 , Seeing how they completely knock it out of the Park and Bring the World of the art pieces just from a simple concept to life. You can read SEAFOAM SKY Here or on AO3 and Fanficion.net
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der-papero · 6 months ago
Non so cosa sia successo, stavo schiacciando un pisolino post-partita, maaaaa tipo un minuto fa viene Lilly da me, mi sveglia, e fa
Lilly: i tedeschi fanno cagare
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Per me questo è più di un oro olimpico, tutti i miei sforzi quotidiani ripagati.
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lunachats · 4 days ago
the thing that bugs me about zizian tdt is im not sure i understand how collapsing the timeline is supposed to like... work? like okay ethics aside i do get the idea of vengeance and not surrendering as a deterrence against opposing you. but that seems like something that only works if your enemy already knows you're kind of person who would do it. which they might not, because they probably aren't an omega level predictor.
and yknow that on its own doesn't necessarily make vengeance a bad idea--since it could still involve committing to a costly signal that might deter future actions taken against you. but i think there's a difference between intentionally building a future model of yourself using your present day actions & treating your antagonist as if they are actually simulating you in a hypothetical situation, one where even your own self-destruction could benefit you in the alpha timeline. these seem like different and potentially incompatible strategies!
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loveandlegacy · 2 months ago
ok have been turning this over for several weeks now but sincerely can someone tell me if i'm being stupid because it seems like prior to episode 8 viktor has absolutely no idea that he's just basically magic-lobotomizing everyone in his cult and it's making me feel crazy. i have most of this under a cut for people who don't want to read criticism (very fair) so yk proceed with caution.
but to this question like.... we get that one scene of viktor speaking through salo which is more or less framed as something preternatural and creepy but then the most significant experience the text gives us of what HE sees of people's minds is when he's trying to heal vander/warwick and that sequence is presented like he (and sky!) thinks he's doing something good and helpful. nothing about the actual language of the visuals is horrific or disturbing other than the way in which it presents vander's clearly tormented psyche which has nothing to do with viktor at that point.
he even says to singed that he doesn't want to sacrifice vander's humanity but then in the span of like a single episode he's like jk actually i love obliterating brains – but then even the end of the season kind of contradicts this because jayce's "this is what you see?" line makes it seem somehow like viktor is only aware of the glowing congregation in the stars and completely oblivious to the fact that he has shell-ified everyone in pursuit of a painless world. except he also does seem to be ACTIVELY aware that he has done that when he "evolves" his dead cultists and vander (see: the dissolving of vander's memories) and then presumably later ambessa's noxian soldiers. also if he were oblivious to it then the whole thing about regretting it and needing jayce to like. explain disability justice to him would be entirely superfluous.
obvs i have a lot of issues with s2 overall but i do generally try to approach a narrative with the attitude that i have something to learn from it and that it is worthwhile to investigate it further when i find myself confused but i think part of what is frustrating about viktor's arc is that his eventual villainy seems like. completely inconsequential? at least to me. for the front half of the season everything i can identify tells us that he's basically clueless to the possibility that he could be doing something bad to these people and does sincerely want to help them even if his methods are questionable. but then for no particular reason that i can point to he abruptly decides zombifying everyone rules actually with not much personal struggle in between. the only moment where we seem to get a 'whoa now brother that might not be the right idea' beat is when he tells singed he wants to supersede nature. maybe it's overly bitchy of me but im like lol yeah that is a weak pivot point considering all of how he behaved prior to that literal moment. it feels so distinctly different from the slow descent into increasingly selfish choices in s1 that leads him to kill sky. like yes it's clearly creepy and bad but it doesn't really seem to have anything to do with viktor as a person, it's just like yeah dude. imagine if someone decided they had invented the best version of eugenics. that would factually be really shitty
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sweetbearfan · 2 months ago
Esiste una competizione femminile, in Italia, per accaparrarsi uomini di scarsa intelligenza come coloro che danno per scontato di essere graditi, a prescindere della donna che incontrino (come se noi non avessimo la facoltà di scegliere gli uomini con cui andare a letto, ma fossimo solo noi ad essere scelte?). Se c'è, io non partecipo: io scelgo con chi andare a letto, a prescindere dai canoni di bellezza che gli uomini pretendono; scelgo io: ho sempre scelto io.
Dietro al "ti pago la cena" c'è il "pretendo il dessert" (finire a letto con te quanto prima, poiché "io pago"), pertanto è bene essere sinceri, saltare i convenevoli e dirsi la verità, invece di stare al gioco patriarcale del bambino viziato che pretende di comprare ciò che va conquistato e non comprato e nemmeno rubato: l'affetto e la stima di una Persona (poiché prima che donne siamo Persone, cioè individui con una mente, dei sentimenti propri e una Coscienza).
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darktimemachinechaos · 3 months ago
Quando si scrive di sé stessi, si deve essere sinceri fino all'estremo: la verità che ognuno di noi rappresenta e testimonia agli altri per il presente e per il futuro, è più importante anche della compostezza.
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serenamatroia · 1 year ago
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lovelydeps · 1 year ago
Comunque Mary per me canzone formativissima la prima volta che la sentii avevo 11/12 anni c’ero rimastə un sacco davvero
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The Lion King movie (the animation and the live action) is literally bad, because they ripoff Kimba The White Lion ( who is more interesting and better than The Lion King) as there are also complex and heavy things just to appear mature and the mythology is very interesting, but it was wasted just giving space to terrible jokes and subplots. Also The Lion King 2 is the same shit as the first movie, also, Simba is the worst father i ever seen (i know Mufasa isn't perfect but he has equlibrance) he literally acts like a super protector and toxic towards Kiara.
In conclusion, sorry, it is my unpopular opinion towards a Disney animation the first i hate is Snow White.
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mostro-rotto · 2 years ago
Se mi chiedessero qual è il mio miglior pregio direi che forse è quello di essere sempre sincero. Ma se mi chiedessero qual è il mio peggior difetto, beh... allora risponderei che sicuramente è quello di essere sempre sincero. L'effetto collaterale di dire sempre quello che penso è che ho molti nemici, però a me questo non dispiace perché i nemici spesso sono più sinceri delle persone che ti vogliono bene. Una persona arrabbiata può parlare guidata dall'invidia o dal rancore, ma in cuor tuo sai se c'è un fondo di verità e quando è così io mi metto in discussione Per questo sono grato a chi mi sputa in faccia la verità anche quando questa è diluita con il veleno Emis Killa
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seance · 1 year ago
The rage i feel watching all those westerns dumbfucks going to join and aid the genocide in gza treating it like their funny little trip experience “the waves the sand the wind 😍” yeah none of it yours. going to such lengths to kill and steal, pure unfiltered evil.
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meblog-vita · 2 years ago
Ho bisogno di qualcuno che resti non che vada .
-Nessun altro a parte ME
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pensierodelgiornoblog · 9 months ago
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“Nel dubbio dì la verità.” – Mark Twain
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ciochinaflorin · 10 months ago
96 I 2024. ȘERPI, PUI DE NĂPÂRCI SAU CEI DEDICAȚI CELUI RĂU [Matei 23.33 I Psalmul 139.23 – 24] 5 Aprilie 2024
96 I 2024. ȘERPI, PUI DE NĂPÂRCI SAU CEI DEDICAȚI CELUI RĂU I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Matei 23 : 33 Psalmul 139 : 23 – 24 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 5 Aprilie 2024 I Șerpi, pui de năpârci sau Cei dedicați Celui Rău. Există oameni sinceri dar trebuie să fim conștienți de faptul că, în viață, printre credincioși vom avea de-a face și cu oameni care îi sunt dedicați cu bună…
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sefaiunbelrespiro · 1 year ago
Ci sono sere in cui penso che non vorrei più uscire dalla mia stanza. Non credo di pensarlo realmente è solo che a volte mi faccio prendere dal panico e penso che sia l’unica soluzione. Certe volte quando ho paura trovo conforto nella mia solitudine in cui nessuno può farmi del male.
Ma devo impegnarmi, giorno per giorno, a trovare conforto nel mondo reale, devo sforzarmi di aprirmi e di fidarmi degli altri. Solo in questo modo, forse, un giorno mi sentirò libera e perfettamente a posto in relazione con le persone.
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