#since they'll probably just get replaced. :|
ursula-legun · 3 months
Hey - does anybody have knowledge of/opinions about the common wasp traps that you see all over the place? The kind with liquid and bait designed to catch wasps in a weird inverted tower and drown them.
I've been generally against them on the following assumptions:
There don't seem to be that many wasps anymore to begin with - like, there's five of these things on my block, and they're not filling up fast at all.
Pretty sure that they're not functionally able to specify between different species of wasp (maybe it's a pheromone thing but that seems optimistic)
Pretty sure that they're also catching non-wasps
There's other ways to deter wasps if people have a severe allergy (i.e. paper bag nest mimics)
Generally they just seem...cruel and unnecessary....smack of lawn culture....etc
But I actually haven't been able to find out, like, jack shit about how these things work, why people are so obsessed with putting them up everywhere, what species they're actually killing, etc.
If anybody's looked into this at all, I would really love to know about what purpose they're serving and if there's any alternatives I could maybe talk people into (or if these are actually really good for some reason.)
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moonkhao · 17 days
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HeartKillersTH He wants to get to know the owner better. #TheHeartKillers #GMMTV
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odysseys-blood · 4 months
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literally how i feel any time i read this line. absolutely NOT
i think he's a great mirror type character for the mc depending on how much you draw on the default ra-on and their characterization, but more specifically their feeling of inferiority to solomon (which i take for my mc loyal). both the mc and bael are stuck filling in for a role for a king that neither feels they're well equipped for or were even born to hold and the fact that bael's so used to taking the fall that he's automatically ready to do it for you too is just. man. orz
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ozzgin · 2 months
Yandere School Q&A
I've gotten some related asks and thought I'd put them in a cleaner format, so I don't spawn another round of screenshots from my inbox.
Ohhh how would yan school react if y/n got hurt somehow?? Also quick question is her parents also platonic yans for them? Thanks!! - Anonymous
It only makes sense that the staff of the school is yandere material, too. The students may rush to help and insist they've got it under control, but the school nurse will be quick to act. It's the chance of a lifetime, having you to himself, and for longer than the usual standard checkup. The curtains are pulled, and the "do not disturb" sign is flipped. Your injuries are not to be taken lightly. You'll need to spend all day under his supervision.
The parents and all relatives are indeed platonic yanderes! I thought it'd be a nice touch since I've never approached the trope before.
YAYAYAYYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAA MORE YANDERE SCHOOLLLLLL You’re amazing!!!!! (I had to ask to make sure I used the right your/you’re) also is the darling yandere gonna keep sabotaging y/n? - @femboybasil
The tying up incident was actually an exception to what I originally planned, haha. For most of the competitions, darling yandere will guide (Y/N) and aid them for a flawless win. That's the comedy of it: he's indirectly doing the yandere part while trying to be discreet enough as to not alert the other yanderes. Additionally, (Y/N) helps him with the darling tasks. Though that part is very much expected by everyone from school. The Daring Academy teachers are probably observing the activities, baffled. "Who the hell is that student? What skill...what obliviousness. They should've applied to us."
If you’re comfortable with this concept, (since it’s a school-based series I don’t know if the reader and yanderes are minors are not, if they are then you don’t have to write this.) but obviously the students of the Yandere Academy are going to need to learn how to tie up their darlings once they’ve been captured. Would you mind writing a little blurb about it since Reader is the unofficially assigned darling stand-in for their classes? - Anonymous
This is the ask I used for the tying up idea in Part 3! To answer your worries, all of my stories involve 18+ characters! Just wanted to clear it up for anyone in doubt. The school/academy setup is more of a college/university kind of institution. I do love a good high school setup, but not for self insert romance.
I’d imagine that there’s a drama class at the yandere school to help the students learn how to act and seem innocent. What if they put on a musical or something like Phantom of the Opera (because of course it would be that) and reader got the role of Christine or the equivalent. Imagine all the yanderes fighting for the role of their love interests to get the excuse to kiss them, and other yanderes trying to sabotage them as tactfully as possible to keep the show going, but replace the leads to be alongside reader. Think that may be something cool to add/write about? No pressure of course! - Anonymous
You know the whole thing is going to turn into a ninja survival shitshow. They had hoped to never cast (Y/N) in any role, for everyone's safety. And for the most part, (Y/N) thankfully never showed any interest in the drama club.
The supervising teacher held (Y/N)'s application form with trembling hands. It seems their little club had finally run out of luck.
Worst part: the school can't even rely on the teachers. They're just as desperate to see their cute little (Y/N) perform on stage. "Maybe this job is too overwhelming for one person, sensei..." they'll smugly tell the original supervisor. "We could divide some tasks. Someone else could train (Y/N), for example..."
ok here me out, what if there is like a field trip or sports festival kind of thing where the Yandere and Darling academy meet up. Basically where a Yandere and a darling are made to pair up to go through the numerous activities (maybe ones that test their yandere/darling skills) so reader decides to pair up with clumsy Yandere ( who is in Darling academy) much to the displeasure of Yandere classmate. Maybe like a battle of the the Yanderes? - Anonymous
This was a little trippy to read, because it came right after part 3, haha. Which I feel is basically the same plot. Though it would be interesting to see how it'd play out if the stranger was Reader's best friend instead.
Reader excitedly approaches Clumsy!Yandere and asks him to work together, to the dismay of all other students. They're enraged. You can see it plainly: their hands tremble, their jaws are clenched, their eyes have a psychotic glint. Poor Clumsy!Yandere is in constant shivers, unaware of the death stares. You're cheerfully guiding him around, his hand in yours, happy to see your friend again.
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mwahmimi · 2 months
Comfort item🧸
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It has been a hell of a day. Early rise and a late finish, with maybe 5 minutes worth of a lunch break in between few cigarettes stops. Getting on the jet felt like finally being able to breathe. The unsub was caught, the case cracked, justice served. That’s what you signed up for. As you open your backpack in your seat, you rummage around in the depths of your bag, a deep sense of guilt and disappointment hitting the pit of your stomach.
You pale, realising you’d left your one comfort item at home.
The whole team had one, Reid had his blanket, Morgan his headphones and JJ a book to read. Yours was rather particular and could not be replaced, your stuffed animal, but he was more than that. He is an Eeyore plushie that you’ve been inseparable with since the day you received him as a birthday gift. Over the years he’d been ripped and sewn up, every time you pretended to give him anaesthetic for his surgery. He’d been with you, through all the nights you couldn’t sleep, the nights you’d cried yourself to sleep. He’d even shared the bed with your ex boyfriends, much to their dismay.
You knew this journey home without Eeyore would be a sleepless one.
Hotch slips himself into the seat next to you. He notices her sitting curled up on the seat and he can't help but notice how miserable you look, curling herself into a ball to almost hide from something.
"Are you doing okay?"
He asks, keeping his voice low to not disturb the others. You whisper in response, just muttering something about being tired.
"You look it. This was a tiring case. You should get some sleep."
He looks across to the others playing cards. Reid was almost definitely cheating again he assumed, as Morgan stared across the table with eyes like daggers, Emily’s head rested on his shoulder as she laughed at the confrontation in front of her.
"They'll probably keep going for a couple more hours if you can ignore them."
You pout, Hotch would be a safe person to share this problem with. He has a child so he’s definitely seen similar conundrums, maybe Jack wasn’t as much as of a baby as you are at the grown age of 22.
“I- I can’t sleep. Not without my Eeyore.”
You mutter under your breath, praying Aaron hears it. Admitting the fact again would be too embarrassing to endure.
He chuckles lightly at her choice of sleep companion.
"And your Eeyore toy is at home?"
He looks down at you, lifting your chin up with his thumb so you look him in the eye. You nod shyly in response, slipping into a nonverbal headspace.
Aaron looks sympathetic as she nods with a frowny face, but he still can’t resist teasing you.
"Aww, you miss your stuffed animal."
He smirks, making a little teasing remark. He matches his facial expression with yours, both modelling pouty frowns. Staring into each other’s eyes, you’re not sure how you started this game of getting the other to break the act and laugh. But you were certainly losing. Your lips curl up into a smirk and you let out a soft breathy giggle, your smile growing when he smirks back.
"Lie down then, come on."
Hotchner pats his lap, offering for her to rest her head on it. He adjusts his position so he's sat more comfortably and begins to gently run his calloused fingers through her hair, gently stroking it.
“This should help you fall asleep, hm?"
You feel the breath you’ve been accidentally holding release, your shoulders fall and for the first time all day you feel calm. You practically purr under his touch, smiling up and nodding at him.
Hotch glances down fondly as his hand continues to gently run through her hair.
He lowers his voice to a hushed whisper as to not disturb the other members of the team who are a few seats down.
"You are adorable, you know that?"
You feel your cheeks burn under your new found blush, rolling your head inwards to hide your face in his stomach. You squeal internally, realising you’re basically putty in his hands.
"Hey, what's wrong, hm?"
He questions, still keeping his voice gentle as he glances back down at her, his arms wrapped around her in a tight yet still comfortable hug.
“Nothing.. I- I miss Eeyore, but this is nice too.”
You manage to blurt out, half in nervousness and the other in honesty.
“When you get home, you can tell Eeyore all about how brave you were on your adventure without him. And you’re right, this is nice. Sweet girl, just needed to cuddle up and get a few head scratches. It’s cute you know? It’s precious. Having a comfort item, it doesn’t make you weak.”
Hotch speaks earnestly, running his fingers through your outgrown fridge and tucking the hair behind your ear.
"And I, I'll happily keep doing this as long as it keeps you sleepy. It's kind of cute how much of a baby you are and how easy it is to send you to sleep with a gentle head rub.“
Aaron’s voice sounded like silk, so soft and calming. It makes your eyelids feel heavier until they close. It can’t be that bad to take a nap on your bosses lap, can it?
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Gem is a deer hybrid, and when she joined Hermitcraft she completely forgot to mention that her antlers would just. fall off her head once the weather got chilly enough. In her defense, it's so normal to her that she forgot it wasn't normal in the slightest to any of her new friends in the Hermitcraft server. But she definitely freaked some people out.
The first one fell when she was sparring with Etho. He stabbed, she ducked, his sword caught her antler and took it off in one clean swoop. While Etho is standing there in shock and horror because as far as he knows that is not supposed to happen and he just severely injured his dear friend, Gem gets up, thanks him for dealing with that for her, it was getting kinda itchy and they're gonna drop either way, y'know? might as well make it fun, and asks if he can help her adjust her hair to cover up that awkward little bald spot. Etho does, and then later goes home wondering if the whole thing was a fucked-up fever dream or maybe Gem is just a masochist. Gem goes home thinking that Etho might not know that much about deer.
The second one she might have been actively trying to get rid of, because it's just really weird to be walking around with only one antler. It feels all lopsided, and the other hermits are looking at her funny, probably because of how weird it looks. (They're wondering if she got a haircut or something, or did she always look like that? They can't even tell what's missing from her appearance but something looks off). She knows all the doorways in Grian's midnight alley are fairly Grian-sized (read: short), so she agrees to the tour with the assumption that her antler will knock against a doorway or a low-hanging lantern and fall right off. Which is exactly what happens. Grian, who at that point has been awake for 36 hours and may be missing his entire soul, thanks to Mumbo, decides that such a thing isn't even worth dedicating any of his sparse and precious brainpower to. Gem realizes that Grian is not in any state to be giving tours or building or being awake, and reports him to Pearl. The next few people, Pearl included, that Gem sees all give her the same confused-freaked-out look. Gem chalks it up to them getting used to her winter look.
Once Gem realizes why everybody has been freaking out, (which takes a while in it's own right, since the hermits are too polite to just come right up and ask her where the hell her antlers went) she stands up at the next Hermitcraft meeting to explain that deer drop their antlers in the wintertime, and they'll grow back in the spring, and she's fine, it's like how kids lose their baby teeth and grow new ones, except she does this every year. (Cut to: Gem explaining to about 15 vaguely mortified hermits, that, yeah, in most species, young kids teeth fall out of their heads one by one and are replaced by stronger teeth. this is normal. please stop looking at her like that. it's normal.)
Completely normal! I wonder if she ever uses the shed antlers as decoration?
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Isn't it canon that Azul has some dirt on Crowley so the "kind" headmage allowes him to run a lounge?
Now will Azul use more blackmail to make Crowley give Yuu less work after they almost died?
Or for a more angsty one, Yuu gets annoyed that they kept fussing over her, but instead of anger, the prefect just cries since they need to work for money or else they'll starve and smell bad:(
For the first one, I think it was revealed that the reason Monstro Lounge was allowed was because Azul pulled the same stunt he did in Book 2 during his first year.
Imagine waking up feeling like you just died (you did) and still wanting to work. Your friends stop you from doing any physical labor, and it was sweet at first but now it's annoying.
In your defense they didn't tell you died for a moment.
So what was sweet at first become suffocating then it becomes humiliating. I don't think the Ace is good with his words, so he'll probably phrase his uncharacteristic helpfullness with "It's because you're helpless!" and Deuce just nods along. The same sentiment is said by everyone else. "We don't need you to work in Monstro Lounge, we're full now. We find a more reliable substitute." "We removed you from the dorm leader's meeting because you're not really needed. "You don't need to work in the newspaper anymore, another one filled in your shoes", and so forth.
They're trying not to hurt your feelings and hide their concern for you while simultaneously trying to ligten your workload, not understanding that you need that work.
And yes, maybe it's nice that Crowley gave you extra allowance (for some reason), but it's never enough. There's so many things to renovate, to buy and to replace. Heck, you need to buy a new pipe or you won't have hot water!
Ofcourse it's get frustrating. You never felt more helpless. Atleast in the past you were tired but did something, but now you're alone with your thoughts and are starting to worry that your friends and acquiantances actually think you're no-good for anything.
You feel like crap.
Everything just spirals and you break down the next time someone refuses you. Crying angry tears as you direct your frustration on a friend or upperclassman who stopped you from going out of town on your own to find a part time job.
"What the FUCK do you want from me?! What is your problem?! I'M NOT THAT FRAGILE! I'm not.." you bit your lips, blinking away angry tears" I'm capable!...I can DO things!"You stumble on your feet a little, dizzy with indignation.
The more you get angry the more your friend/upperclassman panics because you're panting, you're eyes are dark and OH ARE YOU GONNA FAINT AGAIN?!
The confrontation gets ugly.
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kalki-tarot · 11 months
How will you meet your Future husband or wife?
Pick a pile 💕
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Disclaimer — The images I use to select a pile are from Pinterest, I hope the readings will resonate with you. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make in your life from my readings. I'm just a beginner and these readings are just for fun. Tarot is not 100% accurate and does not replace medical treatment and diagnosis.
Masterlist for more!
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Pile 1
Just before meeting them, you'd be having many things to do. There would be so many things or tasks in your hands just before meeting them. Your day might go very sad and weird. You'd feel a need of balance just before meeting them.
This is a very specific message for someone, but you'll have two options to select from which bus or train you wanna reach your destination by. Divine timing and intervention would take place and you'd choose that bus in which your fs might also be present. And you'll meet them in the bus or a train for the first time. Or you can also meet them at the place you reach after travelling. You can meet them while traveling to some other city or place.
You might've done a lot of shadow work and emotional healing before meeting them. You've become very strong by the time you meet your fs. I'm so proud of you pile 1.
You might randomly talk about finances or about work with them. They'd seem so rich and wealthy to you or vice versa. You'll feel an emotional connect with them on the first meet as if you both have known each other since many lifetimes.
They'd see you as someone very caring and emotional. We have the lovers card here with the tower which suggests me two things. First, They may fall in love with you at first sight. And second is they might have some bad past related to their love life.
They may not approach you directly. They're stopping themselves as they've been hurt in the past before. They are so guarded around you. But they definitely love you. They'll gather strength and release fears regarding love and approach you. Just give them some space and time. Don't rush things.
Pile 2
When you first meet them, they might wear a tuxedo or a suit. And they might also be drinking some kind of drink the time they meet you. I think it's a party where you both meet. I get strong libra placements by the justice and two of swords.
You might go to a party and you might meet them there. You probably lied to your parents about this. (I'm not judging anyone, this is what's coming.) Your friends might make you agree to come to this party. It's a fated event. For some of you, This could also be someone's wedding. For instance, you went to a wedding with your friends you didn't thought you would. But you meet them there.
This person might come across as careless or even a playboy with many girlfriends but in reality this person is a hard worker, and very career oriented. They don't get time to think about girls. But when they see you they'd think that you are a freakin' reward from god for their hard work they've been doing all this time.
This person sees you as their treasure, someone they wanna protect as you're like a prize to them. This person can be famous in whatever field they're in. They have many eyes on them online/irl.
This person will blindly fall in love with you. They may not know whether to pursue you or not. They're indecisive about you. The hierophant came, this is a confirmation that you might meet in a wedding or some ceremony.
Pile 3
You might meet them on a cruise/ship or when the timing is right. Universe will lead you both towards each other. You may also know them from childhood or past. You may even shared a past life with this person. I think you or this person will manifest your union with each other. This is a very romantic connection! This person may belong to a place where there are mountains and rivers.
This person is very caring, loyal, honest and committed. You're lucky to have them. This person can be your romantic soulmate. 22 and 66 may be significant. You may be seeing this angel number or will see before meeting them.
This person definitely had a bad past in love or family. They may come across as rude or cold at first but this world's cruelty made them like this. Very heartbroken energy from this person's side. Someone betrayed them or lied to them. They got cheated and their idea of love changed. But this person is moving moving forward and working on himself. He's slowly leaving his past behind.
This person loves you very much. No matter what this person will love you. They're so sweet and loving. They see in your deep water like eyes and wonder about a lot of things. This person is very emotionally connected to you. They see you as their wish fulfillment. You are the brightest star in their sky. They find you very nurturing and caring. They love your giving nature. I can't describe how emotional and romantic this energy is! Very beautiful and loving. Wow!
Pile 4
You can meet them near water, lake, sea or beach. Your current energy seems very indecisive about a lot of things. You can meet them when you are at crossroads in life. Or when you're emotionally detached from everything. This person will randomly appear in your life like a thunderbolt when you least expect it. This person or you may be 20-35 years old when meeting eachother. You may meet them in a few days or 6-12 months, as we have 2 of swords and 6 of pentacles here.
You'll meet them when you're going through a big transformation in your life. Cycles in your life might be ending at that moment. This person will bring happiness in your life.
This person can be your divine counterpart as we have 2 of cups and lovers card. They're very romantic and caring.
You need to work on your fears before meeting them. Do some shadow work. Be aware of what holds you back and restrains you from finding love in your life. Leave the past and move forward in life. It's time for a change.
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hypewinter · 9 months
Bruce sighed. He was in over his head. Wayyyy over his head. Honestly he only had himself to blame. Really what was he thinking? He'd taken in one child and suddenly thought he was an expert in traumatized youths? He'd been overconfident and rash and now Danny was suffering for it and would probably hate him forever now and-
"I can hear you fidgeting through the door!" Came a voice that broke Bruce out of his spiral. There was a shuffle before the heavy wooden door swung open. A boy with floppy black hair and ice blue eyes stared up at him.
"You could've just knocked ya know?" Danny said.
Bruce fidgeted a little more, embarrassed that he'd been caught. "Bu- I thought you were-"
"Still mad at you?" Danny interrupted. "Yeah, I can tell by your face. You didn't even bother to wipe off your eyeshadow."
It was true. Bruce had rushed through patrol and gotten back home as quickly as possible. He'd barely shed his armor as he practically tripped over himself trying to get up to Danny's room. He had come up with and memorized the perfect apology to smooth things over between the two of them and had been dying to get it out before he messed anything else up. But now all the words he'd rehearsed left him.
"Wait. You're not angry?"
Danny leveled him with a blank stare as he leaned on the door frame. "Oh I'm always angry. Just not at you. At least not right now."
Upon seeing Bruce struggle to form words, Danny continued. "You were right," he said. "I shouldn't have beat up Dylan and his little minions. I knew they were intentionally trying to goad me into hitting them and I did it anyway. I-I'm sorry."
For the first time since their conversation began, Danny looked away. His look of mild annoyance was now replaced with one of shame.
"I just- they were making fun of my family. Saying stuff like 'they were small town trash and no one would miss them'. And that comment just set me off." Tears were now springing to Danny's eyes as anger took over his features.
Danny's hands balled into fists as he continued. "I couldn't just let that go. Especially not when they're the ones that are trash. They're so bothered by a 'commoner' wearing the same uniform as them that they feel the need to persistently bully me even when I have nothing to do with them. We don't share any classes, I eat lunch alone, I'm not in any clubs or extracurriculars and if I had a choice I wouldn't even be going to that damn school to begin with!"
Tears were freely streaming down Danny's cheeks as he stopped to catch his breath. His whole body was shuddering with fury. Bruce carefully put a hand on the boy's shoulder, ready to back off if Danny pulled away but he leaned in instead. Given the go ahead, Bruce carefully pulled Danny into a hug, slowly patting his back.
It took a while before either of them spoke. "I know what they said was out of line," Bruce started. "And trust me, they'll definitely receive punishment. But-"
"I know, I know," Danny murmured, turning his face to the side while still clutching onto Bruce's shirt. "Sending 5 boys to the hospital with my training is still bad."
After staying like that for a while, Danny finally looked up at Bruce. "Am I gonna be expelled?" he asked.
Bruce gave a soft smile. "Don't worry. You'll be fine. I promise."
Danny finally pulled away, rubbing at his face with his sleeve and returned Bruce's smile with a toothy one of his own. "You're gonna bribe them or something aren't you? There's gonna be a conveniently placed donation or something. You're just like those rich pricks," he teased.
"Heyyyy! How come Danny gets to cuss?" came a small voice from beyond the shadows of Danny's room. Soon enough, Dick made himself seen, Zitka cradled in his arms as he sleepily stolled forth.
"He's not," Bruce answered quickly. They had just convinced Dick to use more "colorful" insults as opposed to outright cursing and Bruce for one was not willing to face Alfred's wrath if he reverted back. A side glance at Danny told him the exact same thought was running through the boy's mind too. Leave it to Alfred to put the fear of God into two vigilantes who beat up criminals every night.
Dick yawned as he reached out for Bruce. "Then why'd he just say-"
"Don't tell Alfred and you'll have my dessert for a week," Danny interrupted in a panic.
Dick grinned. "Deal," he said as Bruce picked him up. The little boy blinked his eyes a few times before falling back asleep in Bruce's embrace.
Danny halfheartedly glared at the sleeping child. "I swear that kid is gonna grow up to be a politician the way he manipulates like that."
All Bruce could do was sigh. After all Danny was probably onto something. Dick knew very well the influence he had on others and never shied away from using it. It was very likely that he would be holding this particular little incident over their heads for at least the next two weeks.
Bruce looked at Danny, a thought suddenly dawning on him. "Why was Dick sleeping in your room? Did he have a nightmare again?" he asked, shifting the conversation.
Danny shook his head. "Nah. He just insisted that we both make up. He wouldn't leave until I agreed. That kid really doesn't know the meaning of 'no'."
Bruce felt his heart melt as he looked down at the boy in his arms. Why was Dick such a sweet child?
Danny grinned as he started heading downstairs. "Don't get all sappy yet. He was also walking me through his plan of how he got back at Dylan and his gang for my suspension."
The smile dropped from Bruce's face. "Wh... what do you mean revenge? Danny? Danny!?"
I told y'all I'd do it myself if I had to.
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brittle-doughie · 3 months
Since you responded to my Pf hcs time for Lover!
Hollyberry Cookie (Mania)
Appearance wise, looks almost practically the same maybe some clothing tears and mayyyybe more armor for resistance in fights
Personality wise, ya she's a more cracked out version of princess cupcake cookie (that's the oc right?)
Becoming basically addicted to foods, fights or fiestas. She now requires a kingdom size of this to satiate her desires (and even then that's still not enough!)
She most likely overthrew the royal family, even kicking her son from the throne to become ruler of Hollyberry kingdom and probably sent them to prison, regulating? Bah! Don't think about that and drink off the day as much as you can!
Very likely that she might've killed some of her citizens or atleast nearly killed pitaya dragon cookie because she wants to fight but overdid it and nearly let them to bleed to death... But heyyyy they got doctors in the kingdom so they'll be fine!
Very crazy for you! Will not hesitate to kill everyone even her former bodyguard (Now Captain of the cookie knights of the Cookie kingdom, traitor!) if it means she can have herself!
Unlikely scenario but I have a feeling she wants to replace her shield to various types of weapons, mainly because she likes swinging around sword n shit and a shield is lame!
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The Lover of Passion HCs (Beast Hollyberry Cookie) | The Ancient Beast Order AU
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For this, it would be a vibe between @/cuppajj’s Dragonberry Cookie and Tea Knight Cookie, except replacing the dragon element of the former and the more armored look of the latter. Except, within the helmet’s visor, you can see the Lover’s deranged, driven mad eyes…
Kinda, a mix of that and her original personality, but leaning more on the laidback side. She drinks and partakes in her own vices with no sense of control. It’s only when she spots the object of her passion at the moment is when the manic side of her kicks in.
A battle, juice, or even of romantic interest, she chases after it with the same level of insane passion. She wants her kingdom to pursue their own desires without any limits or barriers stopping that. A kingdom without control would be chaos, but the kingdom flourished as a result too.
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Her intense passion for battle nearly costed the life of Pitaya Dragon Cookie, who has since retreated to the Dragon’s Valley. The kingdom’s medical staff can handle the cookies that get sent there because of her desires for battle, and if they perish, well they just didn’t have it in them anyway.
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Wildberry Cookie has joined your ranks in a bid to stop the Lover from spreading her overindulgence on chaos around all of Earthbread. The Lover would give him the time of day, if not for the fact that she already has YOU in her sights. If the Lover is passionate about something, she’s doing EVERYTHING she can to get to it..
Her shield still remains her as her primary weapon, but she’s open to others if it means cutting through her opponents much faster, the fire in her heart remaining strong as so!
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velvetm00light · 11 months
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gif: pinterest dividers: @benkeibear, @mariariley, @haerinism
Chapter Two of Save Me
Previous Chapters: one
Word Count: 3.7k
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female Reader
Summary: You and your team at the BAU come to the disturbing realization that you're the final target of a brutal serial killer. Without any leads, your team determines you need to be the one to draw him out. As you sit alone in your apartment for hours, on edge, you can't help but want your coworker, Spencer, to be there with you. But, is your little crush enough to get you through the upcoming torture?
Warnings: Mentions guns, sexual assault, murder, serial killer, torture, stalking, physical harm, kidnapping, fear. In future parts, will mention vivid torture, PinV, oral, domxsub situations, grief, bondage, physical harm, etc.
A/N: I'm actually enjoying writing this soo much. I hope you all are enjoying reading it! I'm going to write the next chapter in both (y/n) POV and Spencer's POV, so I'll probably post both at the same time!
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YOU CAN'T HELP BUT fidget in your seat at the round table as the rest of the team takes their seats and waits for Hotch's word to begin. You couldn't bring yourself to be in the same room as them as they discussed different ways for you to lure him out, unable to listen and play out those possible scenarios out in your head. Spencer at first fought against your wishes for him to discuss with the team, but all you could do was look into his sad eyes with yours and tell him, "I need someone who is going to fight for me. I trust that you will know when enough is enough." He stopped fighting then and did as you requested.
He was the first to arrive back at the round table, immediately taking the seat next to yours, not even hesitating to give you his hand. You took it greedily, needing any kind of human contact to keep your mind grounded, bonus points because it was him.
"Let's get started." Hotch announced, and you noticed that no one would meet your gaze directly as your eyes wandered to your friends around the table. Your heart sank into your stomach and you had a feeling the discussion they had was a hard one. You can't imagine it being easy for your friends to discuss the best way to capture a brutal serial killer by using your life without actually endangering it.
"(Y/), tonight you're going to go home as normal. We have to assume he watches your every move so he cannot know that we're aware of you being his final target. We obviously will not leave you unguarded, Rossi and I will sit down the street from your apartment, Morgan and Reid will sit in the back of the parking lot so they can see anyone who exits and enters. If he's not bold enough to do anything tonight, we will simulate a day of errands for you, each of us posted where you go."
A chill runs down your spine. It's hard to believe you're about to be sent home and expected to act completely normal. To sit in your apartment alone, just waiting for him to try to break down your door or draw you out.
"You'll let me know every hour how you're doing and call Morgan or Reid if you notice anything since they'll be closest. If it makes you feel more comfortable, we can send someone ahead of you to replace your apartment security guard so someone with a little more training is there."
"Yes, please. I think that'll help." You almost whine. The more you sit here, the less you want this conversation to end because you want to avoid going home at absolutely all costs right now. You know you can't push it off forever or else you risk other women's lives. Before the meeting ends, JJ meets your eyes. "I promise you, we will find him."
"We're going to get this sick son of a bitch," Morgan adds. The rest of the team chimes in and you feel grateful to being going through this with a support system by your side. It makes the tight knot in your stomach loosen a little, realizing that you know you're safe with them. You know your entire team would stay up for days on end to catch this guy, and wouldn't allow themselves a moment of relaxation knowing you're unable to sleep or feel safe in your own home.
Hotch sends an agent to your apartment before you to simulate security guards changing shifts. You hope this will be enough, but something deep in your stomach twists anyway.
Before Reid leaves with Morgan to get to your apartment before you, he pulls you into the kitchen - a public place, but with enough cover to make your body heat. The thought of getting caught doing something scandalous sends a shiver up your spine but you quickly chastise yourself. Your life is in danger, now is not the time for fantasies.
"Can I ask you to do something for me?" He asks softly, his face looks battered from stress and you're sure you look the same. "Of course."
"Can you text me too? To let me know you're safe."
"Of course I will." You try to give him your best smile, but it falls flat. His care is warming, but it's hard to feel anything other than absolute fear at the moment.
"You're going to be okay," he promises. He abruptly pulls you into an embrace and you waste no time relaxing into his chest. He smells of almond and lavender. You take a deep breath, trying to memorize the smell of him. Your embrace ends too quickly and he leaves you standing alone in the kitchen.
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After a torturous drive home, you pull into the parking lot of your apartment. You quickly scan your surroundings, making sure to wait an extra moment before exiting the car to see if another car pulls in. You spot the car Reid described to you sitting in the corner in the back of the parking lot and you let out a relieved sigh. This whole situation is terrifying and ridiculous all at once. You remember Hotch's words and get out of your car, trying your best to act as if you aren't completely afraid for your life and you're not about to spend the entire night rechecking your door and window locks, making sure all your hidden guns are reachable and in place.
You pass the agent posed as a security guard and trying not to draw attention to yourself as you head down the left hall towards the elevator to your apartment. You would be out of your complete mind to take the stairs in this situation, but you're unsure if an elevator might actually be worse if he were to randomly enter it.
The elevator stops with a jolt and opens on your floor. You take a cautious peak out and check down the hallway left and right before exiting. You quickly make it to your apartment door, looking back to make sure there's no one in the hallway. If you're lucky, he might not know what exact apartment you live in, but then you realize with despair that if he's been watching you for however long, he could have easily seen you enter and exit your apartment multiple times.
You fumble with your keys as you try not to act panicked and open your door. You swiftly enter and lock it immediately behind you, making sure to lock the deadbolt and put the chain on as well. You loose a deep sigh and your eyes widen at the fact that you still might not be safe yet. You didn't even think about the fact that you'd have to check your apartment when you got here to make sure he wasn't already waiting for you.
You quietly pull the gun from the holster on your side and slowly work through your apartment, turning on every light and lamp possible, locking every single window you walk past, checking inside your bedroom closet, the kitchen pantry, the small storage closet just outside your bedroom, and even behind the shower curtain. Once you've decided that there's no possible place for him to hide, you finally feel your muscles relax. You place your gun back in your holster, unable to feel safe without it by your side.
You grab yourself a glass of water and some snacks and decide to stay in the living room. You're able to keep an eye on the door and balcony simultaneously. You don't risk turning the TV on or listening to music to relax you. You need to be at complete high alert until your team catches this son of a bitch.
Time goes by agonizingly slow as you try to keep yourself awake and entertained. A full pot of coffee sits on the counter for you to refill as the night goes on, although you're unsure if you'll even need it. The fear is enough to keep your blood pumping hard through you. You try to play card games with yourself and practice some card tricks Spencer taught you when you first joined the Bureau.
You aren't able to keep your attention on one task for too long, your fear pulling your eyes to scan every inch of the room. You decide to risk sneaking a peak through your balcony curtains. You look out from the side, just barely moving the fabric over so no one would notice a disturbance in the curtains from the outside. After deciding the coast is clear, you recheck the balcony door lock and do a walk through of your apartment once again, checking locks, hiding spots, your gun always close by.
The first hour passes and when your phone buzzes it just about makes you jump completely out of your skin. You reach into your pocket to pull it out and quickly read a text from Hotch, asking for an update. You reply to let him know that everything's normal so far, all possible access points are locked and you've gone through your entire apartment in intense detail.
You remember the promise you made Spencer and text him as well, basically explaining the same thing you told Hotch.
Me: im scared spence
Spencer: I know, that's okay. You're brave, remember?
Me: im trying really hard to be. i can't even turn on the TV or focus on anything long enough without getting worried im going to miss something and he's going to catch me off guard.
Spencer: You're the strongest person I know, don't let him control you. These offenders love control and making you feel helpless.
Me: he is controlling me though. i cant even imagine sleeping, im jumping at every car door being shut, every car horn from the street, every bug at my window. even if we catch him, will the fear ever go away?
The text bubble appears and disappears a few times. You start to wonder if maybe something happened, if they caught someone trying to get into your building when your phone buzzes in your hands.
Spencer: I think we both know the statistics. But, I promise that I will do everything I can do ease the fear and be there for you when it's too much.
You begin to get teary eyed at his promise. Never in your life have you felt cared for or protected. It was always kill or be killed and you fought for your life since you were a child, just trying to survive in a world destined to chew you up and swallow you.
Me: thank you spence. that means more to me than i think you'll ever understand. you mean more to me than you'll ever understand.
You set your phone down on the table next to you, feeling jittery after sending that text. You deleted it and rewrote it about 5 times, but if your life is in danger, why hold back? You also think about how he might try to profile you and believe you're forming an attachment to him due to trauma bonding or transference.
You let out an aggravated sigh and rub your face with your hands. This has complicated your life in just about every way possible and you promise yourself that if you ever get your hands on the man that feels like he can make you cower away, locked in your apartment, you'll make him regret it.
I pick my phone back up and when I see Spencer hasn't replied, I text again.
Me: have you guys seen or learned anything?
Spencer: Not yet. Few people have walked into the building but we're not legally allowed to deny people the right into their homes. You live on the third floor so hopefully that should deter him from your apartment.
Me: hope so. im not sure i could ever come back here and live my life without fear if he chooses here.
Spencer: That's understandable. I don't think he's prepared for his endgame just yet. But I'm also not sure he is disorganized enough to attempt to attack you in broad daylight in a public place like the grocery store.
Me: he abducted those other women in broad daylight in high traffic areas though and no one saw a thing.
Spencer: (Y/n), you're a federal agent. If he has an IQ that's at least half of mine, he would need extra planning. A damn good rouse to lure you away and that's only if he's confident we have no idea you're his target. Don't worry, okay? We will stay here all night for you.
Me: thank you..it helps to know you are here. i don't feel alone in this.
Spencer: You're never alone. Never again, (y/n).
Spencer: As much as I want to keep talking to you to make sure you're safe, I think it's best you focus on your surroundings. Deep breathing exercises actually trick your brain into thinking that you're relaxed and takes your body out of flight or fight.
Me: are those drs orders?
Spencer: Yes, now be a good girl and relax.
Your breath catches in your throat with his last text. It takes you aback at the pure brashness of it, something you weren't sure he was even capable of doing.
You do as commanded and you allow yourself to pull your legs up onto the couch, despite the impracticality of it in the sick chance he breaks into your apartment. You try your hardest to do breathing exercises you found on Google.
You are slightly surprised when your body begins to relax a bit and you feel less at edge. You don't allow yourself to completely let down your guard, but you welcome the slight relaxation of your muscles at least.
Minutes turn to hours and if you didn't have your phone to check the time, you would have thought days were passing by. All you've been able to do is stare at the ceiling when you're not making your routine patrols around your apartment. You feel as if you're starting to get a bit stir crazy.
You check in hourly with Hotch and Spencer, not allowing yourself too much of a distraction. But, as the hours tick by, your eyelids get heavier and heavier. You begin to lower your vigilant wall the tiniest bit. If he wanted to attack here wouldn't he have done so by now?
Me: im so tired.
Spencer: It's okay to sleep. It's highly recommended by every doctor, including me.
Me: alright smart ass. do you think he would've already tried something by now? the suns about to come up and it's been almost 12 hours.
Spencer: Go to bed. None of us are going to sleep so you're safe. You've been through a lot, you deserve some rest, even if it's just an hour.
Me: i guess youre right. ive got all my locks in place anyway and i guess i would probably hear if any glass broke but i dont know how anyone would expect to take an entire grown woman down 3 levels without risking being seen by using the stairs.
Spencer: You don't need to justify sleeping to me. You deserve the rest, no matter what. No justification needed.
Me: Thank you, Spence. ♡
Spencer: ♡
Still a bit weary, you decide to check the balcony and do your patrol once more before you allow yourself to relax. After determining the coast is clear, you decide to finally retire to your bedroom. You unhook your gun holster and lay it on your nightstand, making sure to keep it in reach in case.
You don't even bother changing out of your clothes as you finally climb into bed. You let out a small moan of relief and sleep consumes you almost instantly.
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You're taken out of your sleep by a loud thud, confusion overtaking you for a few moments as you blink rapidly around the room, attempting to adjust your eyes to the daylight. You're frozen in fear as your vision clears and there's a gun pointed right to your face.
The man holding the gun is in a regular hoodie and jeans, seemingly normal. You reel your terror back as you hold your hands up in surrender, attempting to make him believe you're willing to do as he pleases in hopes he makes a mistake.
You eye the time on the clock on your nightstand, if you can only distract him for a little bit longer, Hotch will call you when he realizes you aren't replying to his hourly check in and they'll come up here and save your ass.
All your able to do is stare at your attacker and stay completely still. You rack your brain for the best possible thing to say to get him to deescalate or at least lower the gun. "What's your name?"
"My name?" He questions, tilting his head to the side. You thought he might be put back by the question, instead he seems to have gained a confidence your profile suggested he was close to growing into. You suppose he must have had some new found confidence to be able to sneak past multiple undercover agents, and into a room on third floor with all doors and windows locked. He makes no move to lower the gun and no attempt to answer your question.
"How did you get in?" You ask as calmly as possible, hoping he made a mistake that way at least. Maybe your team was already outside, discussing how to play it to where he surrenders. You realize your luck as probably fallen short at the way a wicked smile spreads across his face.
"Do you not want to talk?" You try again. The blog posts he made about you play over in your head. You're hoping he takes the bait.
"Don't you think it's a little late to talk?" The gun stays unwavering in your face.
"What do you mean?"
The smile falls from his face and if you were in a cartoon, you can almost bet smoke would come out of his ears.
"What do I mean? You know what I mean!" He roars, shaking the gun angrily around. You decide to take this as your opportunity now that the gun isn't pointing towards you.
You release your leg from under the covers and kick as hard as you can muster into his abdomen. He reels back and you stumble out of bed and attempt to retrieve the gun on your nightstand when you realize it's no longer there. You spin around in time for his fist to connect with your jaw, knocking you off your feet, your knees barking as they connect with the hardwood.
You sweep out his legs from under him, sending him to the floor along with you. You spot his gun laying on your bedroom floor, right next your dresser, which unfortunately, he is right in front of. Before you can think to hesitate, you're up on your feet and lunging for the gun.
Before you're able to reach it, he grabs you by the collar of your shirt and swings you around and slams you into the wall. The breath clears your lungs and all you can do is fall to the ground on once more.
Blood from somewhere, you assume your face, drips onto the polished floor below you. You attempt to play the defeated victim, hoping it draws him close enough for you to catch him by surprise.
His heavy feet slam against your floorboards until he is right in front of you, gun completely abandoned on the floor. He grips your neck with a strong hand and lifts you to your feet. When he brings your face to his, you spit blood into his eye, causing him to drop you.
You use the few moments you gave yourself to at least make it out of your bedroom, grab a knife or one of your hidden guns, anything to give you the upper hand against a man twice your size and strength.
"Bitch!" He roars, wiping furiously at his eyes as you scramble with the door to your bedroom. You swing it open and lunge towards the closet gun you can think of when you see the open compartment, your gun missing from it.
"You think I don't know every single detail about your life, (y/n)?" He laughs from behind you as you're frozen in the middle of your living room. "I've been waiting for a long time, (y/n). Do you like the presents I left you? I figured I'd show you what I would do to you."
"You have an odd perception of the word present." You deadpan. You scramble to come up with a solution. All your guns are gone, if you run to the kitchen you better hope to hell he doesn't shoot you first or get there before you. "What do you want?"
"You." He smiles, and before you can react he's on you again. As you fight tooth and nail against his raging grasp, you hear your phone begin to ring. You allow hope to bubble in your chest, just a few more minutes, you say to yourself. They'll save me.
When you finally think you have the upper hand on him, he lands a fist to your temple that throws you to the carpet. Your vision spins as you attempt to crawl anywhere but where he is. You feel his laugh in your bones and you can tell he is taking his time taking in his win and the power it gives him. Your sight becomes blurry and you fight as hard as you can against it. But, all you seem to have the strength for is to watch blood spill from your mouth and the wounds on your face, onto the carpet of your living room. You gather enough strength to at least look your attacker in the face and deny him as much of the power he craves as you can. "I'm not afraid of you," you whisper. Your throat feels tight, and it's almost impossible to swallow. You spit blood onto your carpet as you try to relieve the pressure in your throat.
"You should be," is the last thing you hear before you see his boot come down towards your head and the world turns black.
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ssailormoonn · 5 months
❛ Clan Rules ❜
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Hyuga Neji X Fem!Reader
WC; 1.3k + | TW/CW; fab!fem!Reader, just angst, ANGST!
⋆·˚ ༘ * 𝑅𝐸𝒬𝒰𝐸𝒮𝒯 :: can you write something with angst for neji hyuga? - @ipodic
⋆·˚ ༘ * 𝒮𝒴𝒩𝒪𝒫𝒮𝐼𝒮 :: She never imagined falling in love with with him... The rules of the Hyuga clan are rigid and unforgiving, especially for those who are not part of it.
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The moon cast its silver light over the Hyuga clan training grounds, shadows from the trees playing around in the cool night breeze. In actual fact, I had been looking forward to seeing Neji since his return from some mission, but by the time I reached him, something told me that all was not right.
He stood alone in the clearing, his arms crossed tightly over his chest, his head bent as though lost deep in thought. He seemed to bleed sharp definition, cornered off from everything that was around him. The sharp definition that seemed to etch out of his very being had dulled, replaced with heavy, subdued weariness. Where normally intense focus shone out of his eyes, now it was but a shadow.
"Neji?" I whispered, tinged with just a hint of concern. There was no answer; it hung there, in the heavy silence between us and could have been cut with a knife. Of course, Neji wasn't going to let me get away with just worrying for nothing. "Is everything okay?" I said, finally taking a step closer, my hand going out tentatively to lay on him.
He winced at the sound of my voice, almost as though it caused him physical pain. A moment it was before he looked up at me, and something in the bogged emotion that plastered his face into a stiff mask I couldn't place. Regret? Guilt? His words came out slow, as if he had to force them into existence.
"There is something I need to say," he finally began in a tightened voice; that is, he could barely breathe out the words. It was very clear that what he needed to say was going to be hard—for him and probably even more so for me.
And then I felt like a ton of bricks were falling into my stomach as I stepped forth, trying to look him in the eyes, but Neji just kept looking down on the ground.
"What's wrong?" I said again, my voice now shaking and slurred with this rising sense of dread. My skin grew cold—a cold washing over the night air and through me—some sort of pressure weighing down on me, squeezing at my heart.
Neji finally broke the silence, and his next words seemed to weight heavy enough that my very breathing hitched as he said, "we can never see each other again." My world seemed to tilt; the earth seemed to shift under my feet. I never thought he would say those words to me.
"Why? What happened?" I asked, my voice shaking in desperation. The Hyuga clan have their rules, but we were so cautious. We had our meetings tucked away, out of the way, always away from prying eyes of the clan; it had to be enough. I thought we were safe.
My eyes barely saw Neji slump his shoulders, but it was a battle in that gaze once he lifted them. A battle full of conflict and sorrow. "It's the clan," he said not politely, sorrow thick now and voice low. "They don't allow relationships with outsiders. If they find out, they'll punish us both. I can't let that happen to you."
My eyes welled up in an instant, the vision blurring. "Neji, we'll find a way," I said, reaching out my hand towards him as he walked back, putting in the sudden distance that seemed insurmountable. "And we'll be careful. We can—"
"No." He cut me off with the shake of his head. His voice was tight with urgency in his actions. "It's not that simple. The Main Branch watches over everyone. If they find out, they won't just punish me. They'll come after you. But I can't risk that."
Each of his words was like a hammer inside me, the kind that was driven into my heart. I knew he was right. But it was a truth I did not want to accept. And I took another step forward, reaching out to place my hand against his cheek. I needed that connection. Any connection in this moment between us. His body tensed, the muscles tightening under my touch, but he didn't pull away. "Neji, please," I continued, tears streaming openly now. "''We don't have to give up. There's always another way.''
He closed his eyes a moment and leaned into my embrace, like a man hoping to find reprieve, if only for a moment, from a burden too heavy to bear. But it was a short-lived reprieve, and he pulled away, leaving a vacuum where my hand was. It was there in his eyes, not hidden, the pain reaching out to bang relentlessly on my heart. "My fate is sealed," he'd say, full of regret, his voice heavy. "But I can't change it, no matter how much I might want to."
It felt like this crumbling world; somehow, the ground split beneath my feet, leaving a deep abyss dividing us. I wish to God I could bring him back, somehow bridge that unyielding rift, which even the Hyuga clans' laws set before us. Challenging them would be to risk everything we both cared about—yes, maybe even our lives.
"Neji, please don't go," I implored, my voice raw and splitting. The tears streamed down my cheeks, and my heart ached in desperation. I wanted to fight for him, for us, but what was the use? The iron grip of the Hyuga household control was too hard, and any defiance might rip consequences on the heads of us both.
He gazed back at me, charged with the same sadness and lament that expressed in my eyes. "I wish it didn't have to be like this," he had that soft voice, where every spoken word became an essence of goodbye. "I will always care about you, but I cannot stay; it's too dangerous." And then he turned and walked away. The steps echoed through the silent night, cutting into my heart with every echo.
I wanted to argue with him, to tell him that we could fight this together, but his eyes told me it was useless. He wasn't just deciding; he was resigning himself to a life decided by others, his happiness cast aside to keep me safe.
I wanted to argue with him, to tell him we could fight this together, but the look in his eyes told me that would be pointless. He wasn't just making a choice; he was submitting himself to a life told by others, his happiness sacrificed on the altar of my safety.
"Neji," I whispered, fighting in my voice with the rust of leaves, "I just can't see my life without you." Every syllable seemed to be a plea, one for keeping from letting go what could not let through.
He stopped, a dark figure against the blue-gray glow of the moonset, and turned around over his shoulder to look back at me. There, in the silver brightness, I was able to see something shining forth from the pale eye—a glint of unshed tears. The scowl faded from his face, replaced by something more tender and reflective of the ache in my treated heart.
"Nor I," he admitted, the sound of his voice barely more than a thread in the darkness. All raw, vulnerable exposure, his admission bared depths of his own pain. "But you and I have to. It's the only way for me to keep you safe."
The moon cast a cold silvery hue over the empty training grounds, which would eventually play a role in the sensation of loneliness stealing over me.
So much I wanted to run after him, take him by the hand, and beg him not to leave, but nothing would alter.
It would only be worse for both of us.
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Do not copy, steal, modify, etc. Relogs and like are appreciated.
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imagine--if · 2 years
Hello! I see you are taking requests for Alice in Borderland? If I may, can I request some Chishiya boyfriend headcannons?? Thank you <3
A/N: Absolutely, Chishiya's my favourite character hehe 🥰️ thanks for requesting!! My inbox is open for Alice In Borderland characters until the 15th, so send yours in now 💙 I think I'm gonna get started on some Banda Sunato relationship headcanons afterwards tho, because DiD yOu SeE hIs EyeS??! And his smILE?? Imma have to start writing more 😍
Warnings: Small spoilers for season 2, fluff 😁
 ♡ Dating Chishiya Shuntaro Includes: ♡
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♡• Damnnn, I don't know where to start 😵 he's a clever, smug ass, and he knows it, but I'm a full believer that this man could fall in love with the right person surprisingly deeply. I'm not making him out of character in any way by saying he'd fall in love at first sight, because he wouldn't, but he would have a growing interest in you that develops over the weeks into something more without him even realising it.
♡• You probably met when you both caught on with an outcome of a game, or someone giving off weird vibes. Probably in the Jack of Hearts game? He'll watch the manipulation and secret communications going on, and then notice that you're looking in the same direction. Your eyes will meet, and you'll just know that you're thinking the same thing, which interests him, and he'll raise a brow at you with that smirk of his from the other end of the room.
♡• Your independence and surprising intelligence are what moved Chishiya to wander over to you and make a comment or something about how it's going, and you'll get short conversations afterwards that pick up from there. It's nice to see someone who's not already breaking down from the intensity of the bloody games or is too stupid to notice that they'll probably be one of the first to die. So he starts popping up in place you hang around, just to see if you really are different in the way he likes. You are, ofc 🙃
♡• Once you've properly got a chance to talk outside of the game and form an unspoken sort of friendship, Chishiya finds himself intrigued by your personality. He wants to know how you think. How you feel. What you like and don't like. As the games and days go by, he's kind of borderline obsessed in this way 😂 because he's never really found someone interesting and special enough to catch his attention and hold onto it before, so with you, he's mesmerised in his own way.
♡• You can feel his stare from a mile away and damn he's a shameless starer 😏 and him being him will just give you a smirk, hold your gaze and then look away again. It happens a lot, and it always leaves you puzzled. Or he'll wave at you from a different vantage point of a particular game like he did with Aguni. The other people in the game get kind of suspicious by how you're both so ahead, whispering to each other every now and then and making it out of everyone alive, but Chishiya doesn't really care. He doesn't make his partnership with you in games a secret unless it's necessary.
♡• He gets to that point of trusting your decisions and you as a person where he starts speaking his mind to you instead of quietly to himself as well, and when you're on the same page of finishing each other's sentences, Chishiya definitely compliments your thinking, especially when you pick up on something that he didn't. He looks uncharacteristically, mildly taken aback as he studies you for a quick moment, but then it's replaced with that signature smile with a hint of something more in those deep brown eyes. "Clever girl, aren't you?" It's not condescending at all, it's more admiration and fondness, enough to make you smile and look away.
♡• When Chishiya comes to the point where he realises that it's not just fondness as a captivating friend that he feels for you, it's turning into a lot more than he ever expected himself to feel. He has to be alone for a little while to think about it, since it's another life, another responsibility besides his own, and close relationships have always been something he's never thought right for him. Until you.
♡• Frustrates the hell out of him on the one side, but he doesn't want to deny and push it away either. So after a time, he'll come and find you again, and instead of straight up asking you out like a normal person, he'll softly comment about how you two just work, have a meeting of minds he's never felt before. Not only in games, but in other ways too. He's not sappy or anything, but it's obvious he really likes you by the unusually gentle look on his features.
♡• Just kiss him 😵 that'll seal the deal, and suddenly you're the power couple of the borderlands with a smug-looking grey-blonde haired man who casually says, "I guess we're in this together, then, hm?" in the sweetest and cockiest way, like you didn't just make out for a solid five minutes just a second ago. He's a surprisingly good kisser hehe
♡• He only really won games out of observance and amusement before, but since you've come into his life, Chishiya finds himself winning them in the hopes of seeing you again, and hoping even more that you'll both pull through to make it out of this twisted world and into a reality where you can have a proper relationship. That's what he wants. He wants you.
♡• A lot of people think he wouldn't be into PDA, and I agree to the point that he wouldn't go strutting around all affectionate and loudmouthed with you attached to his hip *cough* Niragi *cough* but I just know he'd be proud to have you as his partner, in and out of games, when you go to sign in for each one. Like the Jack of Hearts. You'll be watching everyone go mad and trick each other, the secret communications and all, while Chishiya watches with his casual, amused expression, sharing his snacks with you while your arms swing between you slightly as you hold hands.
♡• Again, power couple 100000% 😏 he knows it, he's silently proud and smug about it, but again, not a loudmouth. He won't hide your relationship in any way because he values it, but he won't make a big deal of it when the group start asking.
♡• Chishiya knows you can handle yourself, since he's seen you win games independently using your own skills and knowledge, but still, he doesn't want to take chances. Not with you. So outside of games, he'll give you precious insights into how he thinks, so that you can realise things more quickly and win more easily. Probably even goes as far as to help you win when you're sticking by communicating with you in a secret way too. You've got to stay alive for each other. That's his only priority. He refuses to even think about a mistake that could be made, and the price you'd have to pay. It won't happen, not with him around. And I mean, he's a doctor too, so if you get hurt, he'll fix it up pretty easily.
♡• If you get overwhelmed every so often by the deaths and the blood and the pain, like having to take a step back and control your breathing, stop yourself from crying, Chishiya will know straight away. He's not afraid to show part of his hidden soft side with you, even if it's only been a week or so since you've met or you're not officially dating - he's not shy. Just reserved. So he'll tilt your face to look him dead in the eye with a gentle touch, and whisper so only the two of you can hear, "Don't cry now. You've got to use that brain of yours to get back home with me. Understand? Come on, breathe, you can do it."
♡• Behind closed doors, he's a lot more open to affection. Chishiya is the warmest boy ever when you want cuddles after a particularly rough face card game, or just to be close to him. Sometimes you'll talk in hushed tones about your pasts, or what you'll do in the future outside of the borderlands, sometimes it's just a comfortable silence. He finds it hilarious when you make up stories and tell him exactly what you want to do back at home, like get a cat or travel somewhere and eat something particular. He'll be all teasing about it like, "I'm going to be dragged with you to all these places then, am I? Just because I'm a doctor and make good money, you're gonna spend it all for me?" "Yes." "Minx."
♡• He's a whole simp in his own way, so at the end of the day, when you make it out of there alive, you can take him anywhere. Chishiya hated his empty life anyways, so going back to it after all this effort would be ludicrous. He's a sweetheart really, for sure, just give him a little time, and he'll open up to you, be there for you whenever you need him... I want a Chishiya 🥲
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whereserpentswalk · 12 days
Descriptions of the individual member of each species you'll be dating is below this cut:
1 the vampire: a young vampire (they're 800, but anything below 1000 is young to vampires) who recently moved near you. They're less humanoid then most vampires they know, lacking any sex characteristics, having a somewhat elongated looking body, and having a mouth filled with sharp angler fish like teeth that can open much wider then it looks. They act very chill and down to earth, having lived long enough to not have many worries. They'll probably play guitar for you.
2 the faerie: a noble woman of the autumn court whose been ruling since long before your ansestors walked down from their trees. Her true form is a massive spider like monster with a deer skull for a head, but she can take the form of a tall woman in a black dress if you'd rather. She tends to be nice, but has a problem with thinking of mortals as if they're cute little children. She'll probably give you headpats.
3 the cyborg: a cyborg who was created as a warroir back before the fall of Atlantis. She's been wandering the world ever since the fall, trying to stop the threats humanity doesn't know about. She has a lot of mechanical and magical upgrades but the most noticeable is that her skin is replaced with power armor below her neck. She's on break right now and is a bit burnt out. She's a rather nostalgic person, and scares rather easily after all these years. She'll probably ask to be help despite the fact she's probably taller than you.
4 the dragon: a massive dragon with seven heads and great black wings whose been guarding a hoard of ancient treasure for six million years. Despite his appearance ge's very nice to humans as long as they're respectful of him. He's the type who'll want to tell you puns or make you food if he likes you. Unfortunately for any intimacy he can't shape-shift so he'll have to be very gentle with you.
5 the demon: it's specifically the type of demon that makes deals with people, useally for souls. Don't worry it's not going to try to take your soul, that's just work. It looks like a humanoid figure in a black suit with striking red eyes, the suit is actually part of its body, it doesn't even have organs under there just thick black shadows. It can be freindly, and very curious about the human world, but it doesn't have many positive experiences with humans and doesn't really get social rules or anything like that. It struggles with not really thinking of itself as a person with it's own rights and value.
6 the werewolf: a scientist (well actually a grad student) who studied werewolves who was bitten during their research process. They're really excited about their new transformation, and being in their wolf form feels good. Though they are a bit afraid of what can happen with them, and they don't know what triggers their transformation yet. Their werewolf form is a massive wolf like humanoid with black fur and bright yellow eyes. Their human form just looks like a regular person. They're very excited to meet someone whose accepting of them, and they're very talkative and enthusiastic to those who know them, despite being timid at first.
7 the fallen angel: a recently fallen angel. It doesn't seem like angels are even created by a god, they're just these interdimensional beings. This fallen angel has rather recently fallen due to getting too close to humans they were supposed to be studying, most scandalously: considering themselves male when most angels are considered above gender. He looks like a youthful slender humanoid, with a sexless body, and four bright blue wings. Golden cracks have been forming on his skin since the fall. He still hasn't unlearned everything from being with the angels for millenia, so he can act rather regal and princely. But he has a deep love for humanity most angels don't have, and is deeply saddened by what happened, and probably needs some comfort right now.
8 the slasher: technically a demon but he doesn't really hang out with other demons. He looks like a young man wearing a pale mask that doesn't ever come off. He was hired by the winter fae to kill humans in their sacred woods but really he just likes killing. He enjoys killing and doesn't really have a human idea of morals, and thinks of it as a sort of art, but he'll probably think of you as diffrent if he's pack bonded with you, probably becoming really protective of you. He rarely speaks, and he's probably more comfortable using sign language or aac in public.
9 the witch: an ancient witch whose been studying magic for centuries, though her body remains young and beautiful, though she's quite sallow and underweight. She gouged out her eyes in a ritual that allowed her to see into planes beyond this reality, giving her knowledge that makes her somewhat detached from the rest of humanity. She tends to be rather quiet and aloof, though freindly, and she'll probably be a bit suprised to receive affection from a human. She'll probably want to tell you about her studies and hyperfixations a lot.
10 the ghost: the ghost of a knight banished from the afterlife after cursing the gods of death. He's mournful and very sensitive. When he manifests he appears as he did at the time of death, with his armor still on, and arrows piercing his chainmail. He'll be very devoted to you, but is very heartbroken that he can never actually touch your body the way a human would. Mabye he can possess you for short amounts of time to make up for it.
11 the slime: a strange creature found at the edge of time, appearing as a mass of black ooz that can take any form. It's considered loyalty amoung lesser slime, even among the smallest of jelly. It doesn't seem to talk but is incredibly intelligent and mysterious, and has been known to take certain forms inorder to manipulate people. The form it likes taking around humans is a cartoonish female humanoid is a puffy dress, we don't know why.
12 the void: under no circumstances should you try to romance to void. It's quite hazardous and you won't be human after becoming a bride/groom of the void.
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stellamancer · 1 month
i got a little too into my feels. post series. it's been a while since i wrote deku. i feel rusty.
contains: gn!reader, exes (not outright mentioned but heavily implied), takes place post series.
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It's a chance encounter; equal parts lucky and unlucky, and you're not sure how to view it yet. Either way you're now on probably the most awkward coffee date you've ever been on in your life. 
The last thing you should be calling this is a “date,” because it's wrong in every sense of the word, and yet there is no better word for this… meeting. 
Across the table from you is Izuku, smiling despite his nervousness. It's something, you note, he's gotten better at, but he can't hide the awkwardness no matter how much he smiles. Especially not here, especially not now. It surrounds him, surrounds you both— heavy and stifling like smoke. 
It's suffocating.
“So, uh, how have you been?” Izuku asks, smiling despite it all. It's a skill of his, one he excels at, one he's practiced his whole life.
“Same old,” you reply casually. It sounds hollow, a stock response, but it's the truth. There's nothing new going on in your life. For better or worse, it's been basically the same thing day after day since you graduated college. You add, in a light hearted tone, “You know me.” 
Because he does: Izuku knows you. More than anyone else. Better than anyone else. 
Or… at least he did. 
These days, you can't be too sure. Have you changed? Or are you still the same? 
Izuku laughs a little. It's awkward, but you both pretend it's not. “Come on, there's gotta be something…”
“Nope,” you insist, sighing. “My life is, unfortunately, woefully boring.”
There's a familiar searching look in his eyes. It makes you uncomfortable. There's nothing to find, of that much you're sure, but if it's Izuku… since it's Izuku, you feel like he'll unearth something in you whether you like it or not. 
You need to derail him before he does. 
“What about you?” you ask before he can continue down this track any further. “Any interesting students?” 
Izuku’s eyes light up and you know that means you've successfully distracted him. He starts to prattle on about his students, one by one, detailed in a way that only Izuku can be, passionate in a way that only Izuku would be. 
Nostalgia bubbles up from the pit of your stomach, warm and pleasant. Izuku has always been something of a chatterbox, and while others have found it to be annoying or even creepy, there's something about it that you find endearing. 
Is it okay for you to admit that you wouldn't mind listening to him ramble on forever?
You don't get forever though, not any more— maybe not ever again. If you're lucky, you'll at least have until you both finish your drinks to indulge. 
The sound of Izuku’s earnest laughter echoes throughout your ears, pulling you back into the present. Most of the awkwardness between you is dispelled by the sound, replaced with a comfortable air you’ve long missed— pilfered from a past you haven't quite moved on from. 
“They're good kids,” Izuku grins wide and proud. “They'll be great heroes! I just know it!” 
“Of course they will be,” you say, unable to stop the smile that spreads across your face— a fondness you shouldn't harbor filling your chest. It burns you in a way, but you ignore it, pretending it won't ache later when he's gone and you're all alone. 
The moment may be stolen, but you still intend to savor it. 
You bring your drink to your lips and sip slowly.
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yandere-sins · 10 months
have you ever thought of the scenario where the reader is eventually released in some of your prison projects? Mostly pertaining to the guards since they wouldn’t be able to get to the reader much. As an aside of sorts, I’m glad you’re doing better.
I thought about this more than I want to admit if I'm honest lol! 
♡ It probably comes down to the personality of the yan! There are always those imprisoned yandere that would go absolutely crazy and mad with heartbreak now that the darling is gone. They are irritable and moody, and the other prisoners learn to avoid them for their own health. The yandere are restless, searching, trying to replace the missing piece of their heart with violence and superficial pleasures, counting down the days until their release with the image of you always at the forefront of their mind. They'll be bursting through the prison doors once they open, hunting you down like rabid dogs high on adrenaline and their need for you. They'd do anything to hug you again, and it's the only thing keeping them alive while they anxiously await their time. But once you are back in their sight, they'll make sure to never let go of you again.
♡ On the other hand, are the imprisoned yans that won't let you be taken from them. They will try to prolong your sentence for as long as possible, pulling the strings in the back while you cry to them about how awful the judicial system is, happy to comfort you. If you do manage to slip from their grasp, they have the freedom to decide to finally play nice. They'll be a paragon of a model prisoner, so helpful and well-adjusted to society that they can quickly be released sooner. And until then, they'll have someone they know outside of prison follow your every step and report back, salivating over the pictures of you doing mundane tasks. They imagine the picture-perfect life you two will have after their release, and the anticipation is such delicious torture for their mad minds that the line between their sweet imagination and the horrific reality grows blurrier by the second.
♡ It's somewhat the same with the guard!yandere. Some of them might resort to more crude tactics like becoming your stalker whenever they are off work, breaking into your home for souvenirs to fawn over while they are at work, and watching you dance around your kitchen from across the street, imagining themselves being by your side. They have the means and skills to work undercover, so you will barely perceive the changes their presence brings to your life. Or, if available or by pretending, they'll take up the job of being the officer assigned to ensure you're following your requirements for your release and that you won't relapse into your crime. Hence, they still have a chance to be around you with no one suspecting anything. You will know, they will know, but their track record is better than yours. Who will believe you if you complain about an upstanding officer? How about, instead, you just try to enjoy the alone time the two of you finally have, just like your yan does?
♡ Others will do anything in their power to make you stay right where they can watch you—in prison. It's easy to prolong a sentence when they can connect you to a crime, like paying some thugs to instigate a fight to ruin your good reputation that would allow you to leave early. Or maybe they'll leave a door open that you and some others can find and try to 'escape' from so your record will have an attempted breakout in it. How about they just kill your cellmate and smear the blood on your hands? It's so easy for a corrupted guard who knows what they want to make sure you'll never get out as long as they are there. Most of them are not shy to let you know why your sentence was prolonged and why your life has become an even bigger hell; more prisoners now angry with you since they have all been punished as well. You'll need to stick close to your guard if you don't want to get hurt! Not that they'd let anyone hurt you; they are your guard in shining armor, after all. But they'll wait eagerly until you search for their protection and comfort, even if their patience is wearing thin.
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