#since he usually doenst at all
oceanwithouthermoon · 10 months
my favorite genre of saiki k fics is when theres like semi-slow burn of all his friends discovering more of his true self and theres a power reveal eventually, so now they know that their preconceived image of him was wrong and in actuality hes literally the strongest guy they know (or the strongest guy ever)
so they start having a NEW image of him in their head, and... sure its much more true than before, but now there are NEW misconceptions..
so of course, right when they start thinking of him as this heroic and powerful guy who takes all his problems in stride, then something happens or EVERYTHING happens and his persona comes crashing down and they see an even NEWER part of him.. one that they never imagined he couldve had with either the old OR the new images they had of him in their heads..
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dullgecko · 1 month
I feel like after, especially after the Nightmare Forest, that the Bad Kids can only really sleep well around each other. Like, one of them has a nightmare and all of them go over to their house where they all cuddle in a pile, it's pretty much all of them on top of Gorgug.
The girls are usually okay, since three of them live in the same house. Fig and Kristin end up in Adaines room while she's trancing and she'll come around to them zonked out on the floor with their blankets and pillows dragged up from their bedrooms. If the boys cant make it over they will usually have a video-call going so if they wake up scared they can check everyone is still OKAY and breathing before going back to sleep.
Riz is usually on mute, because he's still awake almost every time someone checks on the call, but he'll give a little wave of acknowledgement if he sees someone glancing at the screen.
Fabian pretends to be annoyed by the video-calls in the middle of the night, but more often than not he's the one waking up slightly paniced and quickly counting the people on the screen before rolling over and going back to sleep.
If its a proper sleepover they shove all their sleeping bags and blankets into the corner of the room and pile haphazardly over eachother and its usually the best sleep they get all week. Poor Gorgug gets pinned half-way through the night and is usually desperate for a bathroom break by morning, because if he moves he'll awaken the entire pile. Its worse if they actually get Riz to sleep though, because his designated spot is ON Gorgugs chest so he doenst get accidentally crushed by anyone rolling over. Any change in Gorgugs breathing will wake him up immediatly and he'll leave the pile to become a gargoyle sitting off to the side as a silent sentry for the rest of the night.
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fumiyami · 2 months
Fumikage insecurity headcanons?
hiii!! sorry this answer might have been a bit late I haven’t been posting on tumblr lately at all😰😨😨
I think the most obvious insecurity for fumi is definitely his physical appearance! mostly his bird head since I imagine it doesn’t just get in the way of doing things like kissing others, eating normally, like doing CPR mouth to mouth or something😨but also gets in the way of having a normal social life like everyone else cuz we all know how heteromorphs are treated in the mha universe
also like I imagine he’d be insecure of just showing emotions like being happy or angry or whatver cuz of the bird head! like have anyone ever seen him smile WITH TEETH in the show? I don’t think so! but you’d probably think “that might look weird even not considering how his charatcer already doesn’t usually show feelings like that!” so yeah!! emotion!! AND if he has really strong emotions then like dark shadow has more of a chance to go wild so!!
and THEN one of the most sad ones is just his “inability to control dark shadow” cuz like he isn’t insecure of shadow at all like that’s his quirk! his brother (maybe??), his best friend!! BUT he does think that he’s just too weak to be able to handle them and that ties into the next headcanon!
NEXT! I feel like he’s one of those people who everytime he “messes up” (almost being kidnapped, not being able to be recognised or catch up to hawks straight away etc..) like he blames himself so deeply and it pains him to the core!
ALSO just his social skills in general! like he loves the darkness and being goth and stuff but he also isn’t really okay with the fact that he’ll always be seen (and see himself) as jsut a “weird emo kid with a bird head” and like how he doenst let himself show emotions due to dark shadow getting out of hand if he does!
this one kinda ties in with the emotions one but jsut laughing in general since I remember an actual manga panel (not in the actual manga or anime but i’m not sure from what) where he and a few others from class A saw ms joke and she used her quirk on him and apparently his laugh was like super like big and stuff (no idea how to describe it) and he was probably so embarrassed about it cuz imagine being a stoic goth who may or may not have tried summoning a demon with a ritual before (other headcanon) and then actually laughing uncontrollably infront of classmates!
when class A saw each others dorms and stuff they got to fumikage’s and he was super embarrassed and yelled at them all to get out so he’s probably also insecure of his darkness and gothic (how many times am I gonna say the word goth😰) and stuff so yeah!
I saw someone headcanon that the reason he uses big words and says phrases that are hard for others to understand is because his IQ with tests and maths and stuff is canonically below average so he uses big words to make it seem like he’s smarter so yeah! I so agree with that!!
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cloudyskiiees · 4 months
have you guys watched the good place? if you have oh boy do i have the total drama au for you.
more under the cut in case ppl haven’t seen the good place! (watch it with no spoilers it’s one of the best shows of all time, it’s on netflix!)
(the characters and relationships in the actual show do not line up with the placements of the tdi characters, sue me! they fit better this way :))
noah takes on eleanor’s role as the protagonist. he wakes up in “the good place” and realizes quickly “aw fuck i’m not supposed to be here” and goes a little mental about it for a while!!
heather is michael, because it makes sense in my head okay. she’s very excited to have to new way of torturing humans, and is angry as hell when she fails over and over again because noah keeps figuring out it’s actually the bad place. she’s even more mad when she eventually learns to care about the humans LOL
sierra is janet, making sense as the all knowing entity of the universe. the main sierra is a “good place” sierra, but there’s many different versions of her. she develops real feelings everytime she gets rebooted along with the neighborhood!
courtney is chidi, when she was alive she was a very good lawyer. she knows her stuff about morals and ethics and is the one to usually end up teaching and helping the others how to be good people (not to say she doenst have her own stuff wrong just like everyone else!)
alejandro is more of tahani, in which on earth he appeared to be a very good and generous person, but he’s also kinda a vain asshole. he has a lot of family problems and was raised in competition with his brother, but he’s also usually the first person noah goes to when he realizes he’s screwed since he knows he doesn’t belong.
gwen is jason! she’s definitely not nearly as stupid as he is, but i see her plot as needing to hide herself working well somehow. she wasn’t a terrible person but she wasn’t great either, and taking one look around she knows she definitely doesn’t belong there either. her and noah are both happy and horrified when they discover each other!
anyways this is definitely alenoah because i see them having the relationship that eleanor and chidi have because i want it. I WANT IT.
the first time noah figures out it’s the bad place, the first thing he can think of to write to give him any clue on what’s going on when his memory is rebooted, is “find alejandro”
and in parallel later in the show when alejandro gets his memory rebooted, because he spent his whole life trying to find some meaning in whatever his life was, where he seemed to have everything but nothing at all, and he writes to himself, “there is no meaning. but noah is the meaning.” like please i’m on the floor do you guys see my vision
anyways go watch the good place and then go watch total drama island i love tv shows so much
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beesmygod · 4 months
today is webcomics day. i am bea and i make "A Ghost Story" - part 2: planning
like every single artist on planet earth since i dawn of time, i suffer from some kind of unknown malady that causes me problems for no reason and cannot be confirmed by an outside source. usually, its whatever; its fleeting muscle/tendon/join pain with some inflammation that comes and goes for no reason after a few hours. today, however, the muscle in the webbing between my index finger and thumb on my drawing hand is swollen and painful making it annoying. it's really only like a 4/10 when it hits and the actually annoying part is just the unpredictability. with any luck it will be gone in a few hours.
that doesnt have anything to do with planning, i just wanted to bitch about it to a captive audience. also my guts are mad at me.
in all honesty, ive been sitting here sipping on my cup of coffee, staring at my screen and struggling to think of an interesting and concise way to portray what i know i want. this is a great page for me personally bc it signals forward momentum, no matter how minuscule, in the plot. maxine is completely exhausted and beat to shit so she's reluctantly passing out. she vulnerability in this moment makes it hard to convincingly ohhh hold on ok i think i have it. i'll spend this page putting her to bed lol.
christ this comic feels decompressed to shit sometimes and breakneck at others. since i felt like i needed to aim toward one or the other after flailing in the middle for years, i picked "trying to be more narratively slow" bc it gives me more time to think and feel. but that's really rough for something that updates serially. in this case, it just doenst feel realistic for maxine to willingly fall asleep considering she operates with the instincts of a wild animal. she'd chew her arm off if it got stuck in a vending machine. she is not going to be happy about sleeping in a strange place surrounded by people she just got done aiming a gun at.
BUT what if she issues one last warning to this guy and then as he drones on in response, she falls asleep while tuning him out. she would want to tune him out but the falling asleep would be an unintentional side-effect of her stubbornness. no way is she actually trusting this guy or any guys. its against her will. the last panel can be her in a nice dream, so she has a reason to stay asleep instead of fighting it. this has the bonus of allowing me to draw something weird and fun by trying to draw what a dream feels like. ADDITIONAL BONUS: i dont have to come up with a lot of dialog. it can turn into squiggles once maxine stops listening.
uhhh ok time for sketching. here's where we're at right now after 2 hours of work:
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uh oh!
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Hey! It’s my birthday today, I was wondering if I could have some birthday headcanons for some slashers? Like what the boys would do on their s/o’s special day. Include your favs, I love them all! (Especially Otis he’s my pookie <3) Ty! 🖤🦇
Yoo happy happy birthday! Somone is a Taurus i see. Sadly I dont write for Otis :( but I can write for other slashers!
Mans will print whole album with their photos and maybe give them something shiny too. Like nice earrings or that necklace s/o was looking for everywhere. But hes top tier stalker so he totapny knows what's important to them so if they have any cool hobbies he will probably buy something from that topic for example you like painting? Boom brand new paints! You enjoy gardening? Yoo new pots just dropped
He wants to take them out to nice restaurant, later maybe watch a movie or something
It doesnt matter how he spends this night as far as s/o is happy with it really
To be honest im 100% sure he will trow a party if s/o is extroverted person! Music food and party hats!
Micheal Myers
This guy will walk up to them while they are calmly sleeping like lil bebi, grab them and drag them to kitchen. "Wha- Micheal it's way to early for dinne- S/o didnt finish cuz they saw huge cake on the table.
It was clearly stolen but untouched and pretty! With strawberries on top!
He didnt say anything he just 👁👁 very much so. Plase say nice things, the nearest cake shop is like 20minutes away he had to work so much for it.
He also will fallow them everywhere, like more than usually??
Jason Voorhees
Men will pick up any flower in 30meter radius and then give them all to them
Also he may catch a frog accidently and decide thats a great gift too
He tries his best to be good boyfriend/husband material🥰
He will try to make is as romantic as possible! Whatever s/o wants will happen today😈
Thomas Hewitt
My dude gonna be in kitchen since 6am cuz the breakfast he made has delightful AND he woke them up by brining it to bed?? Come one Thomas you are spoiling them
He will probably just make a lot of good food for them!
Also he decided to do huge step in their relationship and begged Luda to buy some ALIVE chickens. Now they have baby chimkens to raise on the farm how cute.
Asa Emory
This goofball had difficult time deciding what to give them😰
He wanted to give them some pretty moths or butterflys but he didnt want to make it obvious
But at the same time it would make a great gift? Like its very iconic for Asa to collect bugs so it would make sense to give them to his loved ones? Idk man he just wants them to by happy
He will buy some takeout food and eat it together while watching some animal planet stuff
Also he decided to give them some cute beatles🥰 (if s/o doenst like dead animals he acually bought lil glass box, plants and made acuall lil home for lil beatle buddies)
Sorry if it feels rushed i wanted to hurry up so you can read it on the day of ur b-day🥰
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almostdeath · 10 months
I am at work, so I dont have the moment to make a long post about it but...me and my boyfriend have been talking for a long time about the OSMP. Especially Fragranceman and Quackity.
It just makes me ecstatic that we have both, Schlatt and Q being autistic. With Quackity masking very well and Schlatt not masking at all.
Quackity at first being rather defensive and cautious because of Schlatts appearance but getting to relax in his presence quite fast as the man just has such a friendly nature. Him showing the duck around the island and the nearest villager village, saying that he has his own little shop, where he sells different oils, scent flasks, strings that are made from his webs etc.
Phantombur....is not a good person in this one. I still enjoy this one fragment from our conversation about them:
When Schlatt is showing Quackity around and Wilbur shows up. Q just seeing how Wilbur tries to "politely" tell Schlatt to leave. And FM just...doenst get the "hints".
And I just imagine that kind of moment to happen
Wilbur: Look...you know how it usually goes, he is a peaceful mob hybrid...while you are....well...*you*. We dont want him to decide that this place is too dangerous for him to stay, right?
FM: *pressing the ears down and starting to fidget with his hands*
Oh...are you scared? I am not venomous! I mean, my dad does have cousins that are like...cave spiders but we didnt inherit the venom! He always jokes that they are toxic....you know...since...toxic is a word used to describe poison and everything but people also...use it to describe other people that say mean things....because those cousins always gossip and spread lies and-
Wilbur: Great story, *Fragranceman* but for now....you should better make sure that your shop wasnt trashed.
So yeah, I would love to take a moment to talk more about all of it! We also acknowledge Quackitys cannibalism (which is...normal for actual ducks) and the fact that Fragranceman prefers vegetables, as they are having a more comfortable texture than meat- and also, Schlatt has good parents in this AU, which is rare for anything that I write-
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vypridae · 10 months
anyways anyways what i was originally gonna say was
awhile ago i think over the summer i was gonna write a fluff fic centered around a bunch of bsd characters going to an amusement park. never finished it but i started thinking about siglai in an amusement park
like nikolai is the one tk drag sigma on all the big rides but at the same time he’s not thoroughly prepared for them so he passes out halfway, scaring the living fuck out of sigma in the process, gets up before the ride ends and starts cheering about how fun it was [despite passing out majority of the ride] once they’re off. he doenst pass out each time but enough times to make sigma concerned as to whether he should be on them in the first place
nikolai is also insanely competitive for the little boardwalk games, since they’re rigged he usually doesn’t win though, sometimes he’ll open a portal unless sigma convinced him not to
probably to end the day they go on the ferris wheel as well since nikolai remembers sigma loves high places and the look of awe on his face when they’re at the top is too cute to pass up on
they both have fun trying the weird little food things available at the stands and such
nikolai passing out enough times that they end up going to a food place to get like, water or snacks or something before they continue and sigma is like "are you sure you want to keep going on these... you keep pasing out" and nikolia is like "ITS FIIINE!"
ALSO THOSE LITTLE GAMES... nikolai would spend like all of his tickets on one and then have to go buy more tickets. theres one that sigma really wants the prize in and nikolai is like "ill WIN IT FOR HIM" and then. Doesnt. so both of them are disappointed until nikolai looks at sigma and grabs something rrom his overcoat and ITS THE PRIZE SIGMA WANTED... he stole it ... but sigma decides just this one time that he can let that go bc he reeeally wanted it and who is he to turn down a gift? esp from nikolai?
ALSO USUAUGHHJJMB... THEM KN THE FERRIS WHEEL.... nikolai sees sigmas face when they hit the top and hes soo infatuated with the way sigma smiles, looking out at the rest of the park, aauauughhgkgihvmb,.mkbjkbm,b them.......
also. how much money do you think nikolai would waste on elephant ears. i think he's try to eat sooo many and then he gets so sick they have to leave 😭😭
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clock-onyx · 11 months
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Im not gonna explain what stars of sparklings are since if said them in Oculus' post BUT i am gonna talk about Vizion a little, like some facts here and there
• Insted of taking after his brother and forcefully shifting into diffrent forms throughout his life, he is the opposite, being able to shapeshift almost perfectly to diffrent ones
• The chains on his horns he had in his 3rd stage are for religious purposes, they were forcefully taken off as punishment for a crime he never committed, ripping off his horns and leaving only fragment
• Unlike his brother, he developed slower and had problems with his forms, much more unstable than his brother
• He is considered the "Right brother" and was heavily smothered by Marmura's image, so he hides any marks he has of Marmuras symbol (ex. Hands)
• He is supposed to represent a snake!!! Or to be more specific, an Ouroboros!
• Unlike other stars, because he was born on a PLANET rather than from a mother star, his apperance in his true form is much more diffrent than a natrual Star
• If he had a choice, he would never had wanted to be a god. His title is purely for looks, and it made people avoid him more
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These are almost all the main forms he takes/took in the past, this is subject to change...
ALL THESE FORMS have a trait or more that link them to Vizion's apperance, hopefully someone can notice them!!!
They all take slightly diffrent personalities than Vizion's!!!
• The leader of the angels army, the first in command and the brain of the entire army
• A quiet, calculated man, doenst speak much other than to the second in command, and doesnt go directly into battle
• No one knows how his face looks like, it is completly unknown
• The four headwings represent the four horns he used to have in his actual form!
• a charming man, is an ocassional advisor to Enzo Fabian Anderson, whose an important soldier in the army
• usually flirty and cocky to others, knowing he had no consequences
• his head is supposed to be a Chaos Rose!
• BEFORE becoming Enzo's advisor and blooming into a Chaos Rose, Vincent used to be a poppy!
• Tipically enjoys theaters and drama
• pretty mysterious ooooo aaaaa
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• Merchant and deal maker, wanders the plains to find people willing to buy his items and make deals with him
• The contracts he usually offers are to enter The War, which cant be taken back ever, the item he sells are artifacts from the black markets
• Out of all his forms, Julius is the one that represents Vizion the most apperance and personality wise
• He is manipulative, charming, but quiet! He tends to only speak when handing a contract, his voice is raspy and worn down
• Has been spotted in Lourielle and in the villages on the North of the planet
• Out of all of them, this is the one he uses the most to disguise between the crowds and spy on people
Also heres his playlist may be remade idk tralala
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tharedfish113 · 2 years
I just had 2 ideas.
First idea:
KRBK FANTASY AU In which there is a "curse" upon the towns prince that he would trasforma in a monster on his 20th birthday unless he find his true love. This curse is made by the dragon king Riot, to the little Young prince EIjirou Kirishima, and so every year on his birthday there is a ball where all single ladys of the kingdom go to see if they are the true love of the PRINCE. Kirishima is tired of this tradition Since he doesnt know any of the se people and most of them are phony and try to be on the good side of his family, so on his 14 birthday he leave his party halfway through the ceremony, and for the first time, he sees the castle where he lives, alone in the halls he makes a tour. You see, since his curse was Made, his parents forced him to be inside of his room all day long, only letting him go out to transform on the nights or when Its absolutely necessary on políticals reunións with the counsil or representatives of other kingdoms. So on his first night out he could finally see all the hall, the paintings the history,nd no one was there to stop him all security put on the main hall and entrances, his eyes where wondering, amazed by the look of his home but his nose was tingiling, following a scent that watered his mouth, when he aproached it, he found the kitchen where there was a blonde Young man, spiky hair wrapped around a bandana, cooking a delicious meal.
So this is the idea.
Kirishima was "cursed" to be a monster but in reality, his mom had sex with the dragon king -his mom is not a good person- the dragon king, hearthbroken, tried to SAVE his child of being murdered by doing this whole curse discourse, obviously the king doesnt know about his wife scapades and believes in this curse since his child, with time, developed monstruos teeth and his hair began to change colours, skin with scales that shines like rubys. By decrete of the king, a ball was Made for his heir to chose his true love, not knowing that this will not change his son apparence.
Kirishima Eijirou, is tired of this ball, and on his scapades finds a grumpy chef that dreams and works to be a knight of the kingdom, he has strong magic, but lacks the right connections -his temper doesnt help- he thought that,now that he has access to the castle, it would be easier to be scouted for the knights watch, sadly, he didnt make those connections, and with money lacking, he has to work his ass as a chef, the only reason the other people of the kitchen doenst fire him Its because his food is the only food that the prince will eat, dragon taste buds being picky.
Kirishima now knows the face of the chef that Made his delicious meals, but the chef doesnt know him
-Do you know who I am?
-A Shitty haired bastard
EIjirou was amazed, nobody ever talked to him like that, usually the people who talked to him did it with fear or with overly respectful, but this was new.
He kind of liked it
-Let me guess, you are here for the ball, trying to find an elegible pretty woman and fuck her till you get heirs, right?
-I...what?! No, no, of course not-he said while blushing
-Well, whatever you are looking for, you are not going to find it on the kitchen, piss off
The redhead found amusing his way of talking and didnt want to leave, this was way more entretaining than the ball
-But, im hungry
-So? There is lots of food on the ball table, scram
Kirishima smiled
-You really dont know who I am
-Do you know who I AM?
-I mean, no but-
-Good, now leave, im working.
Kirishima just laughed
-I guess you are right, I mean, that doesnt look very tasty - he said while pointing at the food
-AH?! Ill show you tasty!!
An yada yada, they become friends, the reason bakugou doesnt recognizes Kiri Its cause in all paintings, kiri has dark hairand normal teeth, and now kiri has red hair and spiky teeth, which Its funny cause baku thinks sero is the prince.
Yada yada, baku believes kiri is a componer like him until he meets Kirishimas chambers and sees that he really is a noble man,a noble man and his best friend. And with that he asks if he could help him -on his bakugou way- to enter the knights.
KIRI doesnt have the heart to tell him who he really is,but stuff is Going to happen that will make him speak.
THIS is based on the sleeping beauty and cinderella concept.
There other idea that I have is based of the beauty and the beast concept
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smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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Yarrowtuft - cream tom with ginger points and a fluffy tail
Family: Poplarburn (father), Rosemaryedge (mother), Lichenmask(brother), Meadowbreath (sister) Gender / Sexuality: tom / questioning Personality: big brother, good boy, tattle tale Backstory: Eldest of the litter, Yarrowtuft has always been the responsible one. He wont get his paws dirty if he doenst have to, good thing Lichenmask usually enjoys it. If he sees someone getting too friendly wih his sister, he’ll let Lichen know, and Lichen takes care of business. He’s a good big brother, always makes sure there’s an apprentice to help out his sister if she needs it, and makes sure she eats too. Yarrow is ready to be leader, deputy under a warm fatherly type leader. He only hopes when the time comes, he can instill faith and trust and love in his clanmates.  Yarrowtuft was definitely a tattle tale as a young apprentice, making sure Lichen and Meadow didnt get into too much trouble on their own. He’s a good guy, protective and strong, who loves to make sure everyone feels included. He definitely can sympathize much more than his brother, sometimes talking the warrior down from threatening another cat. Ideal Partner: an arranged mating would be cute, interclan relationship would be amusing, since he’s such a good boy, i can see him also being mates with an ex-rogue/loner, since he has such an open heart. Position | Clan: Deputy | Thrushclan
Lichenmask - a fluffy cream tom with light ginger points
Family:  Poplarburn (father), Rosemaryedge (mother), Yarrowtuft (brother), Meadowbreath (sister) Gender / Sexuality: tom / bisexual Personality: big brother, trouble maker Backstory:  Troublemaker Lichenmask is the middle littermate, Lichenmask is the reason most toms didnt bother his sister during their apprentice moons. Lichen is the person people send to “talk” to someone. He might be a bit of a bully, but only by the demand of others. Often seen like a body guard for his littermates, Lichenmask doesnt mind getting his paws dirty. He’s a good boy, but he will defend his kin no matter what. Usually that doesnt cause a lot of problems, and now as a warrior, his job consists of being Yarrowtuft’s right paw cat. Strong, capable, he’s often leading the sun-high patrol, and definitely has a seat at the round table, despite not having any kits yet. He doesnt have his eyes on leadership, but is happy to support his brother.  Lichen is one of those ex-bullies, who got a job being a bouncer. He’s a pretty good guy all around, but his lack of ability to sympathize with others sometimes gets him into trouble. He’ll threaten a tom who tries to get chatty with his sister, though he might not realize the reason the tom keeps getting chatty, is because he’s trying to get help for his headaches. Ideal Partner: someone patient, a big sister/brother type would work well with him too, maybe a queen looking for a big strong man who will keep her well fed Position | Clan: Warrior | Thrushclan
Meadowbreath - pale cream shecat with dark ginger tabby points
Family: Poplarburn (father), Rosemaryedge (mother), Yarrowtuft (brother), Lichenmask (brother) Gender / Sexuality: shecat / gay Personality: trouble maker, curious, adventurous, thinks she wont get punished because her protective big brother is deputy Backstory: Youngest of her litter, Meadowbreath knew before her sixth moon she did not want to be a warrior. The idea of either being a try hard, or being a queen to be seen as serious did not interest her, and she became a medicine cat apprentice. Training under Brindleshade, Meadowbreath is a curious young she-cat. She likes to explore, often finding herself crossing clan borders without much care. She’s a good climber, and often uses it to her advantage to forage for herbs. She is a source of stress for her mentor, since she’s often found crossing borders by warriors who then have to take her back to the border, and reported to the deputy. Thankfully, Yarrowtuft keeps her from getting into trouble, he cant protect her forever, and she needs to smarten up if she’s going to be able to be a good medicine cat.  Ideal Partner: someone who def likes the bad girl, someone who is down to get into trouble, someone who can keep her in line Position | Clan: Medicine Cat Apprentice | Thrushclan Vibes - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRQ2sb75/
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outivv · 3 years
— valentines —
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Synopsis: how they ask you to be their valentine :D
Warnings: not proofread
Game/ fandom: twisted wonderland
Characters: house wardens (riddle, Leona, azul, kalim, Vil, idia, and malleus.)
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello, and happy Valentine’s Day! This is my second valentines post for the day, so I hope you enjoy, and have a great rest of your day/ evening!
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under the cut cause long :’)
— riddle —
So nervous. So, insanely nervous but he powers through.
He’s so scared of rejection, of failing, so he says it at a random time when he feels most confident. It was so out of the blue you almost didn’t believe him at first!
Playing croquet after school with riddle always came with talking about everything and nothing with each other. Your brain hyper focusing on the game at hand, since it was always such a challenge to beat riddle, you didn’t notice when the words you have been waiting riddle to say for a year, finally slipped past his lips.
“Would you like to be my valentine?” Riddle said staring at you, clearly failing at hiding his nervousness. You tilt your head and look at him, “pardon?” Riddle anxiously sighing and moving closer to you, playing with his fingers out of pure fear and worry.
“I was… wondering if you’d like to be my valentine. Rule 769 says that you must choose your valentines a week in advance so… I wanted to ask now…” riddle said, not avoiding eye contact despite how anxious he was. You chucked, “is that really a rule?”
“Of course! Why would I lie about this.” Riddle said clearly lying. Giggling at his reddening face, “of course I’ll be your valentine riddle.” You said kissing his cheek, making him turn impossibly redder than he already was, and not from anger, but from how in love with you he was.
— Leona —
Anxious but doenst show it. He’d rather not ask you out for Valentine’s Day than show that he actually is nervous.
He’s like riddle in that he doesn’t want to fail, doenst want someone else to ask you out first, so he’d be too late, or in his mind second best.
Asks right at the beginning of February, and he says it so casually, almost as if he doesn’t care. He does care, he just doesn’t show it.
“C’mon get up you lazy lion.” You say extending your hand out to Leona, pulling him up and dragging him off to class. He always (somewhat) willingly got up when you went to get him for his afternoon classes, much to ruggie’s frustration.
Your smile as you walked with him to his class was truly worth it in Leona’s mind. It made him think… “wanna go out for Valentine’s Day.” Leona said casually, as he walked with his hands in his pockets and looking forward.
You on the other hand stopped dead in your tracks, not moving an inch further after he asked his question. “What?” Was all you said in a shaky and nervous sounding voice. Leona’s heart pounded with anxiety, his ears drooping slightly, “don’t make me repeat myself” he said turning around to finally look at you.
His brows were ever so slightly worriedly furrowed, but his face had the same monotone and lazy expression as usual. You however, instantly smiled bright like the sun that shined down upon you both, and running to catch up to Leona a little ways ahead of you, “of course I’ll go out with you”
Your smile was contagious, and as much as he tried to fight it he couldn’t help a smile of his own spreading across his features. A hand pressing against the back of his neck, he calmed himself. Never would he show how excited he was, how happy he was. Even as you joyously walked next to him, not ashamed of the people giving you weird looks.
— azul —
Says it like it’s something he’s anticipated for a while. How he planned for this exact moment to to happen, and that he made it be perfect.
He deep down is nervous that you’ll reject him and all this time he was chasing some kind of dream that would never be, and that he’ll be just as bad as the morons- I mean respectable patrons that come to him for deals
Walking into azuls office you find him waiting for you, a cup of tea in hand, with an extra one sitting on his desk, presumably for you. “Ah y/n, hello” he said noticing your presence. “Thank you for your help at the lounge today, I apologize for the short notice but as you know… it was rather busy today.” The last part clearly a lie, but you brushed it off as a joke.
You nod your head, “it was no problem, grim certainly had fun pouring drinks at least, and if that was busy I’d hate to see this place at rush hour” you jokingly say. Azul chuckles, and while the small talk you have over tea is nice, after about thirty minutes you say, “I apologize for changing the subject but what did you want to speak to me about?”
Azul seemingly grows more fidgety, playing with his fingers a little, and shifting in his seat a bit at your question. Clearing his throat he says, “yes, well, I wanted to ask if you’d like to join me… for Valentine’s Day. Of course not here, but… out.”
You’re taken aback a little, but you think for a moment. Smiling to yourself you say, “is this really why you asked me to help you out here?” This catches azul off guard but he recovers quickly, and has a smug smile on his face, “oh y/n what are you implying? That I planned this whole thing? My my how you wound me!”
You chuckle at his dramatic attitude, as he smirks to himself. “You could’ve normally asked me to go out with you instead of putting together this whole thing? I mean either way I would’ve said yes” your words suddenly hit azul like a truck.
Stuttering he said, “ah well… that’s good to know for next time” that’s it, you’ve broke him. You’ve outsmarted azul. A feat that few can say they’ve even tried to accomplish, and yet… you’re the one who succeed.
— kalim —
He says it like he’s from a movie, his elegance, and the pure love in his voice overwhelming, and amazing.
He of course is nervous, but he loves you, and he knows that, so why should he sit in fear, and not take the chance to take you out! On the day dedicated to love too!
The warm wind blowing through your hair as you and kalim gaze out the window. The stress of the day leaving your mind as the sun sets in front of you. You notice kalims arm that was resting on the windowsill is suddenly carding through his own hair.
You hum, “you look like you’ve got something on your mind” kalim almost doesn’t respond to your words, pondering some unknown thing in his brain. Smiling you drop the subject, until of course kalim suddenly says, “You know this feels amazing”
You tilt your head as his words, “I mean, just being with you.“ your smile returns, as you turn towards kalim who’s eyes are focused on the setting sun. “Maybe… we could go out for Valentine’s Day?” His words flood your brain, and make butterflies form in your stomach.
Stuttering you say, “yeah.. yeah I’d love that.” Excitement clear on kalims face, but in an attempt to stay calm he smiles brightly at you, which only makes you internally panic even further. Why’d he have to be so amazing?!
— vil —
Says it confidently, but almost as if… it’s a joke. A escape plan for if things for poorly, or not in his favor. Vil would never joke about something as serious like that but it’s almost for… his own safety.
He isn’t necessarily nervous, I mean look at him. He could have anyone he wanted, if you didn’t want to go out with him then that was fine. He always had other options… even if they weren’t as amazing as you.
Sipping your latte you notice Vils more anxious body language. “Coffee makes you nervous?” You say catching his attention. He scoffs, “of course not” he simply responds. You smile at him, he always does that to you even if he didn’t mean to.
The atmosphere outside of pomefiore was always calming in the morning, and the conversations you’d have with vil over a cup of coffee, tea, whatever, was always something to remember for the rest of the day. A great way to start the morning.
The conversation somehow got to valentines day, which was just around the corner! “I feel Valentine’s Day couples never last. It’s just a thing to last for the day, and show off you know?” You say putting out your opinion on the matter.
Vil laughs and says, “Absolutely.” He thinks for a moment “although… we could always go against that… idea.” You nearly spit out your latte, though you hold back as to… not embarrass yourself. “Excuse me? You mean… you and me?”
Nodding and crossing his arms vil says, “Yeah we’d arguably be the best couple.” Butterflies swelling in your stomach you respond with a chuckle, “you’re not wrong but… are you asking me out right now?”
Nervously vil moves around in his seat, “perhaps…” you smile and laugh at his response. It’s like he doesn’t want to admit it… which is oddly adorable. “Vil, you could just admit you’re asking me out” you smile adoringly at him.
He can’t help but sigh and say, “would you go out with me on Valentine’s Day?” You smile and hum, “of course I would. I mean we’d be the best looking couple.” You jokingly respond. Vil smiles and looks down at his cup of tea. It’s funny how stubborn he can be without even realizing it sometimes.
— Idia —
He’ll say it with nervousness in his voice, and you know instantly when he tone changes, as he typically is very comfortable around you since you’ve been friends for a while.
He is so nervous, and doesn’t want your friendship to end, so he says it over a discord (or whatever the equivalent of discord is in their world lmao) call so you won’t have to see his shaking, and pitifully anxious expression.
The clicking of keys could be heard from both ends of the call, as you were in an intense game. It was late at night, or early in the morning depending on how you looked at it, and you were of course playing video games with idia.
It was a typical nighttime ritual for you both to stay up late and play your favorite games together over discord. Things were going smoothly, you were both joking around as you typically did, but at some point Idia started getting nervous, and it was clear in his voice.
“Hey Idia you sound kinda anxious, we can stop and you can sleep if you want?” You say, trying to be nice and you know… let your friend sleep! But Idia shot back a quick and short ‘no’. “Alright… well are you ok?” You questioned.
It took a few moments but you heard a sigh from him, and then he said, “yeah I just wanna ask you something… really quick.” You quirk an eyebrow and say “yeah for sure, go ahead.”
You couldn’t see him right now but he was most likely fidgeting in his seat, while trying to find the right words. You waited patiently until he finally spoke up, “I want to say that after I ask this… if you don’t want to or anything then… would we still be friends?” You pondered for a second, worried about what he might ask.
“Yeah nothing would change my view on you Idia, I mean unless you decided to steal grim or something but that wouldn’t happen.” You said the last part jokingly which eased the tension and worry in the atmosphere.
Idia chuckled, “I mean yeah… but anyways. I was wondering… if you’d like to go out with me… on Valentine’s Day.” Your eyebrows raised in surprise but you quickly answered him, “yeah sure I’d love to!” Idia didn’t seem to expect that response cause he said, “are you sure? I mean like… as a date…”
You laughed and opened up your game tab again, “yeah I’m sure Idia, if I wasn’t I wouldn’t have said yes.” That night long after you two finished your game, and got off call, Idia laid in bed, excited and anxious for the coming Valentine’s Day.
— malleus —
Says it with uncertainty in his voice, like he doesn’t know if he wants to ask you out. He wants to with all his heart but… nonetheless he sounds… unsure.
Isn’t anxious, at least you can’t see if he is. He loves you, and he’s sure of that, if you don’t love him back… he’d be heart broken sure, but he’d move on with life…
Walking back from the library late at night, the cold winds of the campus grounds blew into your side. The lamp post up ahead illuminated a familiar figure walking ahead of you, and once you realized who it was you ran up, trying to catch their attention.
“Malleus!” You yell, successfully catching his attention. “Ah, hello y/n, what are you doing out so late?” He asks once you catch up to him. “Oh I was at the library, I wanted to try to find books that somewhat related to where I was from but… no luck. Again.” You say with a defeated tone in your voice.
You looked upset, but as selfish as it may be, malleus couldn’t be any happier, as it only meant you could stay here longer. “Oh I’m sorry to hear that, would you like me to walk you home though?” You perked up as his question, “if you’d like sure! I’d love to.” He nodded with a smile, and accompanied you to your dorm.
On the way though he pondered. Pondered how to ask you out… since he’s been wondering that for a while. In fact it was the very reason he went on a walk in the first place, to clear his head and think a bit. And thankfully he ran into you.
Arriving at your dorm not too long after you two met up, he said, “I know this is rather sudden but would you like to go out with me… on… Valentine’s Day?” You turned around, eyes wide in surprise. “You sound unsure?” You said with a giggle.
“Yes well… I’m… not sure how to ask this.” He admitted. You smiled comfortingly, and said, “well I’d love to go out with you.” You said before kissing him on the cheek and running into your dorm for the night. He stood at the end of the path to your dorm, eyes wide and full of curiosity. He was so in love with you, it felt like fire was bubbling in his stomach with how excited he was.
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thinking about the disastrous life of Saiki K
got me thinking
why are all the characters in this show just.. so fun? And cool
and so many are clearly queer coded.
like Kaidou. you cannot tell me that twink isn’t queer coded.
and cant tell me he doenst use like he/they/jetself
(you also cannot tell me that him and Aren aren’t dating)
I love them
and usually I don’t like characters like Teruhashi but she’s genuinely so funny, and I actually like her. And I’m pretty sure she’s a closeted in denial lesbian
and because my brain is my brain, it went
what if there were more people with powers at PK, but for a variety of reasons, Saiki can’t tell they have powers.
my ideas
1. Nendou.
He’d have some kind of mind control ability. But he’s extremely bad at using it, and accidentally turned off most of his thought process, thus why Saiki can’t hear his thoughts. He also might just have a kinda not immune, but resistant to abilities thing
2. Teruhashi.
I think she’d have some kind of emotional manipulation. like, she can force people to like her. That sounds bad, but she genuinely is unaware of it, which is why Saiki also doesn’t know about it.
3. Kaidou, my favorite
And since they are my favorite, I must hurt them, and ramble. First off, black or white fire. Cause they an edgy boi. Two. I think he’d have actual wings, and thanks to
anime logic tm
they can hide their wings with their bandages. But. His wings aren’t black. they’re either the same color as their hair, or red. But why does he call himself the jet black wings? Well. He wasn’t born with his wings grown in, so for a long time, he didn’t know what color they would be. His father had black wings, so he really wanted to have black wings like their dad. jet was very upset when jet’s wings grew in and were another color. He was also in a lot of pain, since two wings just funckin grew out of his back, and they’re bleeding a lot, and should probably get some medical help- Now, how does he hide his powers from people (mainly Saiki, saiki is who we care about here.)? Simple, he acts like a total weirdo. One, because it’s fun, and two he knows that if someone catches them actually doing some magic stuff, if they already act like a weirdo, then people won’t be suspicious of them
im gonna do more character eventually. Maybe, I don’t know.
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babymilkawa · 4 years
Hello! How are you? Could i request a Saiki x Reader and a Kaido x reader headcanon where tehy share their first kiss with the reader while they aren't dating yet? Thank you and have a good day!
Hello!! I’m doing good thank you ^^
first kiss headcanons with:
saiki kusou & kaidou shun
gn!reader :)
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saiki kusou
u guys have been friends since ur first year and ever since then, you tag along with saiki and his friends
they don't mind because they think ur super fun to be around with and even saiki wasn't bothered at all
in fact, he actually enjoyed ur presence because it was less chaotic than his other friends'
most of all, u share the love for dessert whether it's coffee pudding or not,, 😋yum ~
saiki finally has someone to go with him to all those cafes and he finds himself looking forward to it
u guys go as friends but saiki secretly wishes it would be more than that
he's already planning on how to spoil you if you were his
but of course this is saiki, let's not get ahead of ourselves
he'll take his time and confirm his feelings for you
but like dude is his own wingman no way is he telling the others
he'll resist from using his powers on u because it has to be ✨ real ✨
at first he was hesitant on showing u his powers but u proved urself trustworthy and ur not annoying so u don't bother him into using them all the time
so u guys usually walk to the cafe after school and this is one of those times
he offers to pay and u hesitate but u don't really wanna argue with him because he'll secretly swap ur money or smn hshss
n e ways, yall r just enjoying ur dessert and all of a sudden saiki reaches across the table and pats ur face with a napkin
ur blushing because did i really just have pudding all over my face
saiki's smiling though and its his soft smile sdfjdh but he hasn't retreated his hand yet
instead, he leans in even more and places a very soft kiss on ur lips, lingering there a little until he sits back down
woooh ur burning up now
using the napkin he used u quickly cover ur face and he just chuckles
"you taste sweet" he says
after u finish eating yall r standing outside and u give him a quick kiss as a thank you and walk away
when u turn around, u see that he's still standing there with his hand covering his face hsdjfhjdhf
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kaidou shun
u and kaidou were already friends by ur 2nd year and yall r glued to the hip
a whole ton of fun and sneaking around with this guy
so this time u were following nendo and watching him buy those flowers and chocolate and all
but then he turns around and u guys almost get caught which means yall must be super close to nendo for him to almost notice u cos he's,,,u know,,,clueless
kaidou was able to pull u thru a thin alley just in time tho
but yall r chest to chest now cos its tight
then he just looks at u and u look at him
the tension in the air is soo tempting
yall just go f it and lean in and smooooch 😚😚
it was a bit awkward and there was some teeth because kaidou doenst rly know what he's doing but he knew he liked it
u cud feel the heat from his cheeks and was it ur heart beating or was that his?
but when u pull away he almost whines from the loss of warmth from ur lips
then u cup his face in ur hands n this time the kiss is softer
afterwards u rest ur foreheads against each other n he just smiles at u
"oh, y/n and kaidou. want some chocolate?"
yall turn around n nendo's just there like 🧍🏻‍♂️
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a/n: hope u liked it!! Feedback is appreciated <3
saiki k masterlist
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miss--river · 2 years
9, 27, 49 for the OTP things :3
9. Who makes the coffee (or tea) scorpion does since he always wakes up first! he makes tea for jori though since she doenst like coffee all that much. unless its some kind of frozen sugary coffee haha!
27. Who takes a long shower/ Who sings in the shower? both of these are jori! she just enjoys the warmth and always has a song stuck on her head!
49. Who is the driver/ Who is the passenger? both of them have motorcycles so they’re both always the driver haha! unless they decide to take only one of them. depending on who’s it is, the driver is usually who owns the motorcycle.
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halcyonstorm · 3 years
Levi notices she looks lighter and happier and is glad shes getting used to the commander post but also notices shes getting distant and blames it on commander duties. He thinks do i miss her? Nah maybe its just habit. Buuut theeen. He then finds out about it one day during an after training drinking session with 104th at the same bar and his breath hitches in his throat. Hange all pretty in a dress very drunk laughing at something this guy said and the world stops around him. He doesnt understand what it makes him feel. He feels like shit. Terrible. He hates it. He wants to smack the guy's face but doenst understand why. 104th notices his sudden unease and follows the direction he's staring and see hange with a guy. Sasha and Armin sigh dreamily happy that hange found someone she likes and that 'this is the happiest ive ever seen her" Levi dies at that. What does that mean? He wasnt enough? What does this guy give her that he doesnt? Wait. Why does it matter why am I even comparing. She cares about me too. But not like that. He thinks. It gets confusing and he leaves in a rush leaving everyone else stunned. Except connie who laughs at how hange made him jealous. The rest is just levi childishly following hange around mocking her happiness and the guy, finding out WHY she likes him. But gets nothing the guys actually nice and cares about hange. He hates himself and accepts her happiness but falls for her even harder since now he knows what shes like when shes in love and he wants it to be him. He accepts that hes fallen for her with the help of a very drunk man next to him at the same bar to whom he spills his secret to. The story continues and pls can someone write this already before i kill myself daydreaming about it
hi anon! sorry it took me a while but I finally got around to writing this. thank you for suggesting the prompt! i hope you enjoy. you can read it below OR check it out here on Ao3.
Title: Get Your Shit Together, Levi!
note: this is gifted to @tundrainafrica. i hope this satisfies your angst cravings. i hope you enjoy as well <3
Levi and some members from the 104 went out to a bar one night. It was a warm, summer evening and the sun had just begun to set. They all had a long day training out in the field, and Connie somehow convinced Levi to go out with them. Perhaps it was because Connie batted his puppy-dog eyes at Levi in such a way where if Levi didn’t, he thought Connie would break down and cry. Besides, Levi had asked Hange and she declined stating she had other plans. The bar was hustling and bustling that evening. They sat in a booth: Levi, Sasha, Connie, and Armin. They all ordered food, Sasha ordering herself more food than she looks like she can eat. The kids talked amongst themselves. After all, who was going to talk to Levi? He was their superior, almost like their parent who disappeared for years before showing up unexpectedly, expecting the kids to take him back. Armin made some small talk with Levi, but no one knew much about Levi. They knew two things for sure: he loved to clean and he loved tea. He usually hated alcohol, but somehow managed to down an entire beer glass before receiving the food. He was exhausted from the day, as was everyone else.
Suddenly, a loud laugh caught his attention. It wasn’t just any laugh, but a familiar one. A laugh that sent shivers down his spine and his heart to throb hard in his chest. It was Hange Zoe’s laugh. Had he known she were going, he would’ve invited her to avoid the awkward socialization with his subordinates. He looked to where the sound was coming from and was shocked. Other plans, huh? She was sitting next to a dark skinned man with a buzzcut and a beer glass in one hand. He was laughing too. She was laughing at something he said. The sight of her took his breath away. She never wore a dress like that before, but tonight she wore an emerald green dress that went a bit past her knees, exposing her muscular calves. The neckline of the dress cut low, exposing her collarbones. Her hair was in a ponytail but was neater than usual. Was she on a date? The realization caused Levi to feel as if his heart was being squeezed by a fist that was wringing out all the blood from it. Squeezing it so tight Levi thought he was going to die for a brief moment. He rubbed his eyes and looked again to make sure he could believe what he saw. He could. There she was: Hange in her beautiful emerald dress, talking and laughing with the dark-skinned man. They were sitting across from one another at a table-for-two. Their faces were close to one another as they spoke and laughed, drinking glasses and glasses of wine. Why do I feel this way? He asked himself. But he knew why. This feeling was familiar. It happened a few times before, specifically with Hange. It happened when she gave Moblit all her attention, gushing over how competent he was as her assistant, and now. Seeing her face to face on a date with this man who was much more attractive than himself: honey brown eyes; aquiline nose; plump lips; big, strong hands; a deep voice; and most importantly, he was much taller than Levi. He saw her date place a hand on hers, making Levi’s rage fester even stronger. I’m gonna slap that man, he thought. Why was he touching her? And why does she not mind it?
Levi had been staring for a long time, longer than he thought, before Connie nudged him from across the table. He was clearly drunk.
“Leeeeeeeeeevi,” he slurred with a cheshire cat-like grin. “Gawking, are we?” Levi rolled his eyes, taking his beer glass from him.
“You’ve gotta stop drinking,” he ordered, finishing whatever was left of Connie’s beer.
“Are you looking at Hange?” Armin asked, turning his head left to look at Levi. Armin could tell right away that was what Levi was doing. He shook his head no.
“She looks soooooo happy!” Sasha chimed in, dreamily gazing at the couple. Levi felt his face contort into a wretched grimace.
“She does. I haven’t seen her look so happy in a while,” Armin added. He quickly regretted it though when Levi threw him a harsh glare. Armin looked through his glare after a moment. Levi had a look in his eyes that Armin never saw before: hurt. Levi was hurt. His eyebrows were knit together, expressing a look that one may give when they’re about to cry.
I am not enough for her.
Armin felt his heart strings tugged, hesitantly placing a comforting hand on Levi’s bicep. He knew how much he loved her, despite his harsh tone. Hange was the only one who truly understood Levi and his words. Armin was able to observe Levi with Hange one night.
It was a cool March evening and Hange was working hard that day. She had been cooped up in her office sorting through and reading stacks and stacks of papers. She never came out for a meal that entire day. He saw Levi knock on her door with a plate of food in one hand and a blanket folded over his arm. She didn’t respond, so Levi allowed himself in. The door was shut behind him, but Armin could hear him softly talking to her before leaving the office. She must’ve fallen asleep so Levi draped the blanket over her shoulders. He must’ve left the food on her desk. That was the moment Armin realized Levi loved Hange. He didn’t just love her. He adored her. Ever since that moment, Armin was able to decipher Levi’s words from his true feelings.
“Oooooooooooooh, is someone jealous?” Connie teased. Sasha slapped his arm. Levi felt like if he stayed any longer, he’d explode and say something he’d regret.
“Shut the fuck up,” Levi sneered, standing up to leave. He felt as if he should torture himself more and watch the happy couple, but he didn’t have the willpower to do so. He drank a bit too much than he would’ve liked, and the heat inside the bar was getting to a boiling point, and he felt sick to his stomach. He didn’t need to hear it from the 104 that he lost his chance with Hange. They called out for him, but he didn’t hear. The air outside was much cooler compared to the sweltering temperature of hundreds of bodies tightly packed in the small bar. He found a trash can nearby, barely making it before vomiting. The stomach acid and alcohol came spewing out of him. He smelt it in his nose each time he breathed. He spit into the trash can when he was done, starting to slowly walk back to the cabins.
A few days later, Levi goes back to that bar alone after another hard day training. He felt like the sun was draining him of his energy each time he dared to stay outside. He sat on a bar stool and ordered a beer. There was a man next to him of whom he didn’t recognize. He was a stocky older man who had short black hair and brown eyes. The man looked drunk, the type of drunk where you can remember half the shit that was going on. The man saw Levi’s face and did not recognize him which gave Levi an impulsive idea.
“Are you from out of town?” Levi asked the man. He gave Levi a small smile.
Say no more, Levi thought. Suddenly, a few drinks in, he opened up the key on his heart and started spilling his emotions to this guy. A few tears came through. Levi was buzzed at this point, his words too jittery and his hands too shaky. The man to whom he spoke listened intently. Somehow, this man he met at the bar had this pleasant aura that Levi felt he could tell him anything.
“Sir,” The man said. “Why don’t you just talk to her? Talk to her like you’re talking to me. That is the only way you’ll find out her true intentions with her date.”
“It’s not that simple.”
“But it is. You know how much more peace there’d be in the world if people just talked things out?”
The man’s unrealistic statement somehow gave Levi some confidence. That confidence, however, quickly went out the window when he caught a glance of a messy brown mop of hair. It was Hange with that dark-skinned man again. She wore a black dress this time with a high collar, her arms exposed. God, she looked beautiful. Levi wished she could dress up for him like that. In that moment, hearing her beautiful laugh and seeing her beautiful smile, Levi realized he was in love with her.
“Ah… is that her?” The man asked, looking over his shoulder inconspicuously (unlike Levi who starred with no shame).
“Find time to talk to her,” The man said. “You got this, man.” Before Levi went to say something to the man again, he was gone. He tried to watch her as she talked with the man. She was radiant. She had a look on her face that he couldn’t quite place. Was it… No. It couldn’t be. Her eyes were glowing, she was shining. Was she falling for this man?
He felt like he was gonna be sick again. He abruptly got up from his seat and headed to the bathroom. He pushed the stall door open, vomiting once again. His throat was still sore from the last time, so this time the acid ripped at his throat even more. Hot tears started to stream down his face. He wanted her so bad. He wanted to be the one to make her laugh and smile. He wanted to be the one she fell in love with, not him. His heart ached so bad it was attempting to jump out from his throat. What hurt the most is that the guy she was with was nice. Too fucking nice. He laughed at her jokes, didn’t complain when she rambled, made subtle touches that weren’t inappropriate, and he was tall. He placed a hand to his heart as if it’d help put it back together. He took a deep, quivering inhale before standing up, flushing the toilet, and going to the faucet. He splashed his face with some cold water. How can I expect her to like me if I can’t confess? He looked at himself in the mirror.
You look like shit, he told himself. He murmured a few words aloud: “I’m in love with you. I am in love with you. Hange, I love you. I love you, Hange. Please be with me.” He took in a deep breath, stronger than the last, before exiting. He bumped into a person when he left the stall but paid no mind to it. When he was about to leave, he noticed the man she was with was gone. Maybe he was the one he bumped into?
“Oi, Hange,” he said, walking to her table. She smiled softly when she saw him.
“Levi, what’re you doing here? I thought you hated liquor.”
“I can’t spend time at a bar?” he replied, leaning a hand on the table. Hange rolled her eyes playfully.
“You can do whatever you please,” She said, beginning to stand up.. “Now if you’ll-”
“Four-eyes,” he interrupted her. “You look…” She stared at him intently, waiting for his response. “Good.”
Her eyes lost their light. Did he upset her? Then Levi realized she wasn’t staring at him anymore, she was looking past his shoulder. At that moment, the dark-skinned man approached Hange from behind Levi. So I did bump into him earlier.
“Are you ready?” He asked her. His voice was deep and seductive. Levi wondered if they fucked yet.
“Just a moment,” Hange replied. “Thank you, Levi. Was that all you had to say?” He felt like an idiot. An absolute idiot.
“N...Yes,” he said, losing all the confidence he had built up. How could he compete with this man? Levi just wretched in the bathroom and looked as pale as a ghost. Hange placed her hand on his shoulder gently, which made Levi’s heart skip a beat.
“Have a good night, Levi. Get your rest.” She started walking past him with her date towards the exit.
“No…” he murmured, inaudible to Hange. Or so he thought. She froze in her spot as she heard him change his answer.
“Onyankapon, could you wait outside for me? Give us a moment,” She whispered to her date. He nodded, exiting the bar. Hange turned around to face Levi. They were standing within a comfortable distance from each other.
“Levi, what else did you have to say? It’s getting late, you know.”
“I miss you,” he admitted. Hange’s eyes widened at his direct statement, knowing he usually states the opposite. “I miss hanging out with you and being with you all the time. You’re with him now and that’s okay but I just wanted to tell you that I can be better for you. I can take you on dates that are more exciting than a bar. You said you always wanted to swim, we can do that… We can do whatever you want us to do. All I care about is being with you.”
Hange’s face flushed red. He never talked like this with her before. She could tell he was a bit desperate but that didn’t make him any less genuine. Her heart ached. She was not sure how to feel. She did love him, but that was a while ago. A little part of her would always love Levi, but she was falling for Onyankapon now.
“I’m so sorry, Levi,” she said, barely audible. “I’m sorry. I did feel that way for you a long time ago, but I don’t anymore. I wish you had told me sooner.”
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