#kaidou x y/n
aifanficssssss · 1 year
Y/N's bad luck
Pairing: Saiki Kusuo x Reader
Warning(s): None
A/N: idk what to say man, i love kusuo so much. please tell me if there are grammatical errors, english is not my first lenguaje!
Summary: Y/N has dangerous bad luck. Saiki tries to not get involved with her but for some reason he always ends up saving her anyways.
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Y/n was a new transfer student at PK Academy, and as soon as Saiki Kusuo laid eyes on her, he knew there was something off about her. It wasn't just that she had a cheerful and outgoing personality that clashed with his own introverted tendencies, or that she always seemed to be getting into some kind of trouble - there was something else, something he couldn't quite put his finger on.
But Saiki was content to keep his distance and observe from afar, not wanting to get involved with someone who seemed to be surrounded by such dangerous bad luck. Y/n's misfortunes ranged from tripping on stairs to getting caught in freak weather events, and Saiki didn't want to risk being caught up in her chaos.
That is, until one day when Y/n's bad luck took a particularly dangerous turn. She was walking home from school when a car suddenly careened off the road and headed straight for her. Saiki watched in horror as Y/n froze in place, unable to move out of the way in time.
Without thinking, Saiki used his psychic powers to move Y/n out of the path of the car, barely managing to dodge it himself. Y/n looked up at him, her eyes wide with shock and gratitude, and Saiki found himself unable to look away.
From that day on, Saiki found himself inexplicably drawn to Y/n, even though he knew that getting involved with her could only lead to trouble. But no matter how hard he tried to keep his distance, he couldn't help but find himself saving her from one mishap after another.
It wasn't until one particularly close call that Saiki realized the truth - he wasn't just saving Y/n because he felt sorry for her, or because he was trying to avoid being caught up in her bad luck. He was saving her because he cared about her, more than he had ever cared about anyone before.
As Saiki continued to save Y/n from her dangerous mishaps, he couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility towards her. He knew that if he didn't intervene, something terrible could happen to her, and he couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to her.
But at the same time, Saiki couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards Y/n. There was something about her optimism and resilience in the face of her bad luck that drew him in, even as he tried to maintain a distance.
As time went on, Saiki found himself spending more and more time with Y/n. They would sit together at lunch, work on projects together, and even study together. And while Saiki was hesitant to admit it, he found himself enjoying her company more and more with each passing day.
However, Saiki also knew that his involvement in Y/n's life was a double-edged sword. While he wanted to protect her from harm, he also knew that his psychic powers and involvement could potentially attract more danger towards her.
Despite his reservations, Saiki couldn't help but continue to save Y/n from harm, and he found himself becoming more and more attached to her. He knew that he couldn't keep his feelings hidden forever, but for the time being, he was content to simply be by her side and protect her from harm.
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constellationguy · 19 days
I have a lot of ideas in my head, some in progress, others not, but I want to see what you guys want to see next!
If anyone wants to be tagged in the fic you voted for leave a comment or follow!
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coffeejellou · 4 months
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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Romance can also be disastrous - Chapter two
Pairing: Kusuo Saiki x fem! Reader
•Previous part•
If you are homophobic dni with my series or blog!!!
What to expect: Crack/Comedy, Fluff, angst?, SLIGHT NSFW, Yumehara having a crush on Y/n, Y/n getting jealous
Things to know: "Saiki speaking telepathically to people/one person"
"Saiki speaking w/ his mouth"
Everyone thinking
(Sometimes) Narrator speaking
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In high school love is always in the air, which is something Saiki considers entirely pointless. You knew this, hence was one of the reasons why you had no intention of confessing your feelings to him.
You knew he wasn't into romance at all, so why bother him and cross his boundaries? It just wasn't worth risking your friendship over. Though there was a huge part of you that was shoved deep into your head.
That part was you that just wanted to tell him already, a part that had been bottled up for 5 years already.
You sighed heavily as you entered the classroom with a box of juice in your hand. You took a deep breath, in and out, clearing your head of any thoughts of Saiki, in case he would hear.
As you walked towards your desk, you saw one of your classmates, staring intently at Saiki. Chio Yumehara. She was blushing and had a lovesick smile on her face.
You have got to be kidding me...
Your jaw dropped slightly and your hand bawled up into a fist, breaking the box of juice you had, and making it spill everywhere.
"Crap..!" You whispered to yourself, luckily no one noticed, well except Saiki and Kaidou. "Hey, Y/n, what's wrong? You seem upset." You saw Kaidou offer his handkerchief to you and you smiled, taking it.
"Hey...I'm fine don't worry! I'm just a little tired.." You muttered as you began to clean up the mess on the floor. "I see, fighting all night were you?" You chuckled and nodded. "That's right, thanks for the handkerchief again! I'll make sure to wash it and bring it back tomorrow."
"Well if you ever need to talk, I'm here. Okay?" Your eyes widened slightly, it was rare to hear Kaidou speak without any chunibuyo. But it was always nice.
He walked off while waving goodbye and you headed to your desk, which was right behind Saiki's. You saw him thinking hard about something, and so was Yumehara.
You figured she was trying to probably get closer to Saiki, seeing as you took a peek at her notebook, which had a picture drawn of Saiki. That confirmed your suspicions, she did in fact, like Saiki.
You looked down at your desk before plopping your head down onto it and closing your eyes. You really didn't have enough energy to deal with this.
"Hey wake up. I need your help." You looked up to see Saiki, who was towering over you. "What..?" You asked with a groggy voice. Saiki rarely asked for help, ever. But you figured it was probably something important.
"What do I do again?" You asked Saiki. He had led you to a random hallway, without giving you any information. "Just walk over there and turn the corner."
You sighed and started to walk, Why does he even want me to do this? What's happening..? As you reached the corner you bumped into something or someone. "Ow..!" You fell to the ground and saw papers flying everywhere.
"Oof..!" You heard someone say, looked up only to see Yumehara, who was rubbing her head in pain. "Oh my gosh! Yumehara! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" Yumehara gazed up at you and her face fell in disbelief.
Why does she look like she's disappointed...? You thought before handing her all the papers you had picked up. "Thank you..and don't worry about it, that was my fault.." She muttered before getting up and walking away.
Saiki suddenly appeared from nowhere, "Saiki..what the hell was that about?" You glared up at him, getting up and crossing your arms.
"You know already, don't you?" You scrunched up your face in confusion. "What do you mean?" But then it hit you and you could feel your face heat up. The moment in the classroom when you were jealous of someone else having a crush on Saiki.
"Pfft...that..I dunno what..I was just..-"
"C'mon, we don't have much time.." He took your arm and dragged you back into the classroom, leaving you completely dazed and still a red mess.
"Oh God..she's gonna hate me for this..! You owe me big time!" You huffed out to Saiki, "I'll get you whatever you want, alright? I'm sure she'll find someone else to like soon enough."
You groaned before you saw Yumehara enter the classroom. You quickly ran away from Saiki as she walked in front of him, dropping her handkerchief in the process.
"Oh my goodness, that's really bizarre-" Before she could finish you interrupted her. "Oh Yumehara! You dropped this, here you go!" You picked the pink handkerchief off the ground and handed it to her with a smile.
You saw her glare slightly but she was also trying to keep a smile, "T-T-Thanks..." She grumbled before taking it from your hands and walking off in a pout.
Then, it was your turn to glare, but at Saiki, who looked away. Leaving you muttering angrily to yourself.
I mean I can't lie..even if I'm kinda mad at him at least doing this will probably have her not like him anymore..which is..good.. I guess.
You thought before sitting down at your seat, though it seems you forgot yet again that a certain psychic was just a couple of feet in front of you...
Undeterred, Chio continued on her mission to engage Saiki, however, every one of her plans failed thanks to you, without anyone telling you to do so. Since Saiki only asked you one more time to fail her plans and the rest you accidentally did on your own.
It's raining hard.. good thing I brought my umbrella, or else I'd be soaked. You chuckled to yourself as you put your school shoes away back into your locker and grabbed your umbrella.
You walked out the front doors of the school, only to see Yumehara, standing there on her own. You didn't think twice before going up to her.
"Yumehara! What's wrong? Are you waiting for someone?" You asked, she turned around with a small, "Huh?" Before replying properly.
"O-Oh! N-No..I forgot my umbrella and I think I'm just going to wait for the rain to die down a bit before running to my house quickly.." She smiled sheepishly at you before frowning.
"Here." You handed her your umbrella and her eyes went wide for a second, but then turned into a mess. "W-What! No way! I could never do that to you! I'll be fine I sw-" You interrupted her by taking her hand and placing the umbrella in it.
You put your school bag over your head and ran into the rain before looking back and smiling at her. "Don't worry about it! A pretty girl like you shouldn't be running home in the rain!"
She saw you run off before she held her chest, her face was pink and she had a shocked look on her face.
No one has ever done this for me before...let alone someone as nice as her..and I've never felt like his before! Especially not towards any boys! Heck, even girls......I think I just found my soulmate!!!
Saiki's face dropped, in pure shock as he stood on top of the school. He was going to use his powers to make the rain stop, so Yumehara wouldn't try to share his umbrella with her. But you came along and made her fall in love with you instead.
He was not expecting that...
The rain stopped as you were running and you came to a halt, catching your breath as you did. "Dammit..I'm definitely going to get a cold tomorrow...!"
You then felt a warm hand on your shoulder and you were suddenly in your room. "W-What the..?!"
"Calm down, it's just me." A familiar voice said behind you. Stepping back, you looked to see the pink-haired boy himself. "First off, why were you following me, second of all, why did you telepor-" You interrupted yourself by sneezing loudly and sniffling, wiping boogers off your nose with your sleeve.
"That's why, you're going to get sick if you don't shower right now."
"Oh, who made you the boss of me, huh? I can shower when I wa-" Again you were interrupted but this time by Saiki teleporting you to your bathroom. "Good grief..stop your whining and just shower."
He closed the door behind him, leaving you in your bathroom. You groaned but listened anyway and started undressing.
Meanwhile, Saiki was in your living room, debating on telling you about Yumehara's feelings towards you. He feels it's important to tell you but then again, this was something Yumehara probably didn't want you to know.
In the end, he sighed and decided it was best if you didn't know, or to let Yumehara tell you herself...
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You were in your room, petting your cat and scrolling mindlessly on your phone when it started to buzz. You saw Saiki calling you, it was a very rare occurrence when he did because you actually got to hear his voice and he couldn't read your thoughts most times.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't sit up immediately and start to fumble with your phone as if you were playing hot potato. Your heart was starting to beat faster and your hands were starting to sweat too.
But, a deep breath in and a deep breath out helped a little before you answered the phone, "H-Hey Saiki..whatcha need..?" You answered timidly.
"I know I've been asking you for a lot of favors but this will be the last one in a while.."
For a while you didn't respond, shocked to hear how much Saiki's voice changed over the years. The last time you heard him actually talk was in middle school. And then he decided it was best to just not talk with his voice at all, using telepathy to talk to everyone now.
You slipped out of your trance after your cat meowed to you, calling your attention back. "H-Huh? O-Oh um sure whatever you need I don't mind doing favors for you y'know? It doesn't bother me-"
"Well it bothers me, anyway look, Nendou asked me, well no, my mom forced me to go to the beach with him, and I don't want to stay with just him and Kaidou."
"Right, and you want me to come along with you? Sure, I don't have anything planned. But I'm kind of surprised, aren't I just another nuisance, as you'd put it?" There was teasing behind your tone, and you chuckled slightly.
But despite your laughing, you couldn't stop thinking about his damn voice. How deep it has gotten, it was so much different from what you usually hear.
Your mind was wandering off into more about his voice..the things he could get you to do with just a couple of little words out of his mouth. God..what would he sound like during s-
"You definitely are one but it'll be less annoying with you there to get me away from all the other nuisances."
"Fine, I'll go. It's not like it won't be fun. Let me just get ready and I'll meet you guys there, okay?"
"All right, also, stop thinking lewd things about my voice. Or else I'm never using it again."
With that, he hung up, and you were left dumbfounded. You thought he couldn't read your thoughts right now, but then again your houses weren't that far away from each other.
It was honestly more embarrassing that he caught you thinking things like that...You were too distracted in the conversation to stop yourself from thinking whatever you wanted.
You hid your face your hands in embarrassment, and wanted to just disappear. But the beach awaited you.
"Hey Saiki.." You muttered as you came up behind him. The look on your face said you didn't want to be here right now. And honestly so did your thoughts.
I can't even look at him.. I mean he probably doesn't care but I overstepped! He doesn't like nor care for any sort of love. Stupid thoughts! Ruining everything..I should've just faked sick..it would've been believable too since I ran in the rain yesterday..now I gotta deal with the embarrassment of th-
"Hey, L/n! Check out Kaidou, he can't swim! Can you believe it? C'mon tell L/n how afraid you are of the water!" Nendou said, laughing and teasing Kaidou.
You groaned slightly and sighed. You were still in your regular outfit, your swimsuit under. You were honestly a bit insecure about being so naked. It wasn't like your swimsuit showed much skin but the last time you went to the beach was when you were around 12.
"N-No..! That's not true! I know how to swim you jerk..! I-Im not afraid of the water..!!!" Kaidou walked up to the ocean and stepped slightly into the water, before you were suddenly behind him and pushed him in.
To your surprise, he was..kind of drowning? Not really, he sure did act like he was though. He was barely an inch into the water. But flailing his arms and legs around, screaming and yelling in a high-pitched voice.
"Drowning in inch-deep water isn't easy..." Saiki said to you, you turned to him before walking off. "I'm going to change, be right back.."
Saiki looked at your leave, and to be honest, he felt kind of bad, for invading your privacy during the phone call.
It's not like it bothered him you thought things like that, he knew you liked him and you guys were both in high school, hormones everywhere, so, he didn't care. Sure it was surprising when he heard you think things like that about him here and there, but as said before, it doesn't bother him. Mostly because you try to not think of those things about him, you feel extremely guilty about it and he knows that.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and felt like throwing up, but you decided to suck it up and go out anyway. What else were you going to do? Not go out?
You sighed heavily and walked out, wearing your bathing suit, making your way to where everyone else was, and it looked like Hairo had joined all of you.
Looking around you saw Nendou trying to talk to some girls, Kaidou was surrounded by girls, who were saying how cute he was and touching his spikey hair, and Hairo saved Kaidou after Nendou buried him in the sand.
As for Saiki, he was nowhere to be found. "Hey guys, where's Saiki?" You asked all three of them. "Dunno, I think he went to the bathroom or something," Nendou replied.
You nodded and sat on the towel he was on before. Everything was peaceful for a moment before you heard screaming from a girl, you looked over to see her drowning..?!
"Hey hold on a sec! That girl's drowning!" You yelled out and ran off to go save her. Nendou was already on his way, but you decided to go anyway, just in case.
"Kaidou, I'll go rescue her and you go get Hairo!" He yelled out, but Kaidou was next to him, swimming just fine. "oh so you can swim..!" He added but Kaidou didn't realize he was swimming until Nendou pointed it out, leaving him to stop and start to sink into the water.
Now Nendou was carrying Kaidou, while also swimming towards the girl. "Nendou! Don't worry about her I got it! Just take care of Shun..!" He nodded before you got to the girl, who was rapidly sinking. You grabbed her arm and put her on your back.
She was a lot lighter than you expected and as you quickly swam to shore you realized why. Kusuo! Of course..! I have to thank him for this later...
The sun set quickly and the girl was now well and alive, "Thank you for saving my life. I appreciate it, and hey, thank you too for trying, sorry I joked about how ugly your face is..." You smiled and Nendou nodded.
You smiled as you walked next to Saiki, along with Kaidou and Nendou. "I'm glad you didn't ask for her number in return for trying to save her life," Kaidou said to Nendou, you nodded in agreement.
"Hm, I try to be a gentleman, but if that hottie fell in love with me I'm not gonna try and turn her down" He smirked, you heard Kaidou whisper something and Nendou got all mad.
But you weren't really paying attention, your attention was more focused on the beautiful sunset that was in front of you.
"You aren't mad?" Saiki asked you, which caused your mind to lose its train of thought. Huh? What are you talking about?
"Nendou basically got all the credit for just trying to save her, but you actually did save her."
Oh, that. No, it doesn't bother me at all, she's safe and that's what matters, and thank you for helping too, without you, she would've died.
He nodded in return, "Oh right...by the way, I'm sorry for invading your space earlier, I can't help what I hear but I shouldn't have brought it up. I just want you to know, it doesn't bother me..so don't feel like you need to shove your thoughts deep into yourself..."
You stopped and he saw your eyes go wide and your face went red, you were muttering out nonsense that he couldn't understand.
Good grief..I should've just kept that to myself...
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It was very rare for you not to walk with Saiki to school, but you had woken up way too late and by the time you did, you figured Saiki was already at school.
But as you ran past Saiki's house, you caught a glimpse of pink through the corner of your eye and immediately stopped.
"...Saiki..? Why are you-"
"Hurry up, we're already late enough." You blinked in surprise for a moment before nodding and walking along with him.
Luckily his house and the school were only about a 5-minute walking distance so it wouldn't take you guys long to get there.
As you walked quickly next to each other, you couldn't help but think why he would wait.. you've never woken up late for school, so you had never been in this situation before.
Never in a million years would you think that Saiki would wait to walk with you, even if you two were very close.
"I waited for you because my mom would be a pain if I didn't. Can you think a little quieter now?"
You jolted up a bit in surprise but sighed, "What's got your panties in a bunch?" Yes, Kusuo always did seem angry or annoyed but usually, he wasn't. Today it was different though, it looked like he was genuinely mad.
He didn't respond though and just continued to glare, not even sparing you a glance. "Fine, don't tell me. Just don't be rude to anyone else who cares about you."
He finally looked at you, with a bit of a shocked look. But you were already walking ahead, leaving him.
You walked into the classroom alone, as Saiki trailed behind. You sat down at your seat with a sigh, hoping to relax at least a little bit before class began.
But of course, that wasn't the case. You heard loud yelling coming from across the classroom, looking up, you saw it was a bunch of boys panicking while surrounding Teruhashi.
"You've got a crush on someone?!"
"Teruhashi is this a joke?"
"Is it one of us?"
Teruhashi looked extremely nervous, trying to calm all the boys down, (although she was failing miserably). "It's someone I ran into over vacation..."
You felt yourself tense up at that, now it was your turn to be annoyed. Every single time Teruhashi even mentioned liking Saiki you felt all your thoughts turn into jealousy.
You tried not to be because honestly, you were never really a jealous person. You felt there was no reason to be, it only caused problems after all.
But it was so hard trying not to be mad when goddam Teruhashi liked Saiki, the most perfect, pretty, loved, girl there was in the whole universe.
With Yumehara liking Saiki you were jealous, sure. But you didn't hate her, unlike the girl who was right across from you.
You saw her staring at Saiki and you stood up, about to leave to compose yourself, before Teruhashi started up again
"It was the sixth of August when I first fell in love with him.." She closed her eyes and smiled as she spoke, raising a finger.
Yeah, and I've been in love with him for years, try it and come tell me it's all rainbows and sunshine, Teruhashi.
"I remember seeing you that day too, and the guy you were talking with..was Nendou!!" Someone chimed in, you were confused for a second before realizing she probably spoke to him after you had left her.
"YOU ARE WAY OFF IDIOT!" She yelled out, causing the group of guys to jump in fear. It was a surprise to everyone, even to you.
But Saiki had told you what Teruhashi is really like, hence the reason he doesn't like her. So was it really a surprise she burst out like that?
She quickly got back to her persona and started acting all sweet again, lying and telling the guys it was some Russian exchange student.
You groaned slightly in frustration before walking out of the classroom. It was best for yourself if you got out of that room.
"Hey, Y/n!" You heard someone call out to you, you were standing in front of a vending machine that was located near your classroom, this is where you usually went when you needed a drink to calm you down.
"Oh Shun, what's up?" You smiled softly as he ran up to you. "Look, I know this is out of the blue, but will you come with us to spy on Nendou?"
"Huh? Spy on Nendou? Also, what do you mean by 'us'?" He pointed behind him and that's when you saw Saiki.
Your face fell in slight annoyance but you decided to keep talking to them instead of making up some lame excuse.
"Nendou's been acting weird today, don't you think? He'd usually be asking us to go eat ramen with him or do something after school. But he's been real quiet."
You thought for a moment before nodding in agreement, "Now that you mention it, yeah he has been acting strange..alright I'll go with you guys."
Kaidou smirked, before walking away. "Right after school you two! Don't forget!" You smiled before turning back to Saiki. Truth be told, you were trying to figure out if he was still mad. All of a sudden, you remembered something.
You took one of his hands, it startled him slightly but he didn't pull away. You revealed your other hand, which was behind your back, bawled into a fist, and handed him a handful of something.
You took your hands away from his and he stared down at what you gave him, a small bundle of mini coffee jellies, there were about 4 of them.
"Here, take these and stop pouting. If you ever want to talk, I'm here." You mumbled out, he could see the faint blush on your cheeks and he could definitely hear your loud thoughts.
Which consisted of rambling and screaming, he wished he could turn off his telepathy at that moment. But then again, when doesn't he want that?
"Thanks..I really do owe you." Saiki still had to repay the favor you did for ruining Yumehara's plans, going with him to the beach, and now this.
He absolutely hated being in debt to someone, it didn't matter who, he hated it. And you knew this, so you always tried to reassure him. "Don't worry about it, it's no big deal to me. And if you really want to repay me that badly, I'll come up with something. But only if you really want me to."
"Yeah, please do. It's going to bother me, even more than Nendou does. Speaking of, we should probably head back to class."
You nodded in agreement before slightly smirking at him."What now?"
"Nothing. Just thinking about how much of a softie you are."
"His house isn't this way....he's got something going on.." Kaidou whispered to you and Saiki, as you all hid behind a wall.
As planned earlier, you were all trailing Nendou. Kaidou was in some weird disguise, on the other hand, you were in your regular school uniform, and so was Saiki.
"Why are you so excited by this?" Saiki asked him, but instead of responding he struck a weird pose.
"And what's with the outfit? It serves no purpose other than sticking out." You added, though usually you weren't one to judge Kaidou's actions, the disguise seemed a bit much.
"Shut up you two! Hey wait...what's he looking at?" You looked to see him smiling at a little girl with her dad. His smile was awful, scary in fact. He looked like a weirdo.
You all said. "I don't think that thinking the same thing is good.." You mumbled, Saiki nodded.
"Nendou has a thing for little girls?!" Kaidou asked you both, his face looked creeped out and worried. "Doesn't look good...we should probably call the police.."
"Hey, check it out, he's going into a store." You pointed at him, it was strange so it interested all of you.
Nendou went in and very quickly came back with a bouquet of sunflowers.
"Looks like a flower boutique, don't tell me he's got a girl-" Kaidou was interrupted by you and Saiki.
"No not Nendou.."
"Definitely not..."
Nendou started to walk off, all of you following him as he did. He stopped and smiled at another little girl, who was smiling with her father.
"Another one?!"
"That's just gross.." Kaidou muttered under his breath, honestly you didn't want to believe this situation. It's just not like Nendou.
"We'll confirm it after we call the police."
"Hey hold on, I feel like we need more proof, I mean c'mon, lots of people like sunflowers, and it's natural to smile when you see a cute little kid right?" You argued, it really didn't seem like Nendou to be a creep.
Kaidou thought for a moment before agreeing, "Y/n's right, all that is perfectly normal, we can't just stop there without any more evidence!"
"Good point, let's not be rash.."
After following him for a little while longer he went into another shop, "Where's he headed no-"
Kaidou suddenly interrupted you as he looked up at the sign of the store, a cake shop.
"CAKES..?! WOMEN AND CHILDREN CAN'T RESIST SWEET TREATS! SO WHEN YOU COMBINE A WOMAN AND A CHILD YOU GET A LITTLE GIRL!!" He yelled out, pointing to the store and looking back at both you and Saiki.
"Now you're jumping to conclusions.." Saiki said trying to stop Kaidou. But it didn't work, he kept going on and on.
Jesus, make him stop Saiki..
"If I could, I would've already. Trust me"
You sighed in frustration, all this kind of seemed pointless now that you were actually thinking about it. Sure, it was a little creepy, but you were sure there was a reasonable explanation.
Kaidou went on about how Nendou was using the cake and flowers as bait to try and get little girls, but the more he talked the more it sounded like an unreasonable theory.
Nendou came out of the cake shop, holding a small pink box.
"Bummer..they were all out of shortcake..oh well. It's not like anyone will ever eat this.." You all heard him say, he smirked and chuckled as if he was some cartoon villain. It creeped all of you out and made Kaidou freak out even more.
"If it's not for eating it must be bait!" He yelled out and ran off to Nendou. "NENDOU!!!" Nendou turned around in confusion, all he saw was Kaidou running to him at full speed. Everyone was staring.
"YOU'RE SECRETS OUT!! HOW DARE YOU HURT LITTLE KIDS??!!! YOU MONSTER!!" He started punching him, but it sounded like little squeaky balls were hitting Nendou instead. It was no secret that Kaidou wasn't strong but this was surprising to you and Saiki.
"Is that what his punches sound like?"
"Wait..what secret? Do you mean my dad?" Kaidou stopped and you facepalmed. It went quiet for a while, all of you in a bit of shock, Saiki and you weren't as shocked as Kaidou though.
"He's dead?" Kaidou asked as all of you stood in front of Nendou's dad's grave. By now the sun had set and there was no one around.
"I visit him on the anniversary of his bus accident," Nendou explained, you looked down at the grave again, and then back at everyone else.
I knew it wasn't something bad. Nendou is genuinely a nice guy, he wouldn't do anything creepy. He definitely needs to work on his smile though...
"But the flowers and the cake?" Kaidou mumbled out, it was clear he was kind of sad that all his sneaking around was really for nothing.
"Respectful offerings to the dead! It's normal to bring cakes and flowers to a family grave!" Nendou held up the box of cake and smiled.
"To think Nendou's lecturing us on normal.." You heard Saiki's voice but he quickly turned it off once he realized he was still talking to you telepathically.
What's the harm in showing what you're thinking? That's not fair y'know?. You know every little thing I think but when it comes to your thoughts I can't know even a little.
"Yes because they're my thoughts, also how many times do I have to tell you I can't turn off these powers.."
You pouted slightly but sighed and let it go. He was right after all. Like always.
"When did your dad die, Nendou?" Kaidou asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Well, it was before I was born. He died trying to save a little girl who'd run in front of a bus..huh maybe that means he was into little girls.." You cringed at the last part, and so did everyone else.
"Uh..hope not.." Kaidou said, chuckling awkwardly. "That's a dark joke.."
"So if he died before you were born, he must've been pretty young.."
"He was only 18 or 19 years old, here look! I got his picture!"
"Hey, this is just a picture of you!"
"Nah it's him! My mom says I look more like him each year! Weird..!"
"You don't look like him you're, the same!"
Kaidou and Nendou talked and argued a little back and forth. Saiki stayed quiet but you chuckled a little as you heard their bickering.
They really do look alike, it's kinda scary that they look almost like twins. But Nendou has a scar over his left eye, and his dad has over his right. That's a scary thought on its own since they can only be told apart because of one thing. Right, Saiki?
You looked over and saw him up at Nendou's dad's grave, he looked mortified, extremely mortified for that matter. "Hey guys, wanna go get some ramen!?" Nendou called out to you two as he and Kaidou were already walking off.
"Saiki..? What are you looking at?" You asked in a bit of a shaky voice, you weren't scared, you were worried. Seeing Saiki shocked or scared was something you never saw. Ever.
Walking with Saiki alone almost always consisted of awkward silence. But it was different today, Saiki was thinking, and hard. It was obvious, he had his hand on his chin and everything. You'd laugh if you weren't so spooked.
"So are you gonna tell me what you saw..?" As he was about to answer, you reached his house and he saw a piece of mail sticking out.
"Mail?" He took the envelope and it was addressed to him. "What is it?" You peeked over his shoulder and your eyes widened as you read the letter.
"To Mr. Kusuo Saiki, I am someone who knows you're a psychic."
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Next part -> Romance can also be disastrous - Chapter 3 •Coming soon..•
Summary: You and Saiki figure out who sent the letter, and it appears it's some kind of psychic who can see ghosts? You're happy to meet another psychic but Saiki is the opposite. Maybe he's thinking something weird? Who knows. Later, Saiki discovers a cockroach in his house and freaks out, but luckily you come over to save the day..with your cat! But that's not all, Yumehara apparently got a boyfriend to try and get over you, and for some reason, Saiki helps..could he be jealous?
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gelus-ugs · 2 years
Incorrect quotes~ Saiki x Reader
Saiki: “I hate everyone”
Y/n: Shivers
Saiki: Slides a cup of hot chocolate in Y/n’s hands
Saiki: “Take my jacket and drink this.”
Y/n: “Don’t worry, I have a plan A and B!”
Saiki: Raising his eyebrow “What’s plan A?”
Y/n: “Don’t fuck this up”
Saiki: “What’s plan B?”
Y/n: “Don’t fuck up plan A”
Teruhashi: Gasp “Why doesn’t Saiki like me?!”
Saiki: “Would you like the list alphabetically, or?”
Teruhashi: “What does Y/n have that I don’t?!”
Kaidou: “Nothing!”
Saiki: “Everything.”
Y/n: Sneezes
Saiki: “Are you sick? Do you need to go home? Take this medicine and eat this soup. Go rest.”
Literally anyone else: Sneezes
Saiki: “Oh my god, shut up”
Y/n: Yawns
Saiki: “Lights out”
Y/n: “But-”
Saiki: Teleporting them both in bed
Saiki: “I said, lights out”
Y/n: Excitedly “Look! Kaidou drew me!”
Saiki: “No he didn’t”
Y/n: “What do you mean? He-”
Saiki: Crumpling a piece of paper “Like I said: No, he didn’t”
Pt 2
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horrorhot-line · 2 months
so, for those who have been visiting my blog, waiting for my return, hi guy, I'm back <3 I had a lot of things to sort out in my life when I started this blog and every time I came back thinking I'd stay a job or some other thing would pull me back out of writing, I’m sorry for the wait ;-;
good news is, I finally have all the free time in the world to write for the next few months and I'm gonna make the most of it. which means updates will be coming for my saiki x reader series and a few other fandoms...
bad news is, this blog has been catching dust for a long time so I have a lot of cleaning up to do. which means updates will be slow at first.
currently I'm rewriting the whole series, (serendipity, metanoia, and alexithymia are done) and in between I'll post new chapters, in the mean time, I'd like to say I'm redoing my tag list, so if you wanted to be added please let me know.
sneak peak below for a new saiki k chapter, can anyone guess which episode it'll be?
"Would these work?" You asked after you had a 'eureka!' moment, pulling out a strip of motion sickness tablets from your breast pocket. You had brought it with you just in case you felt sickly yourself.
Kaidou's half-shut eyes opened wide when he saw what you offered him. You tried your best not to touch Saiki, who was seated between you two, as you leaned closer to Kaidou so he could see.
"No way, did you buy these just for me? They're the exact same ones I use!" The plane shook violently the minute those words left Kaidou's mouth, and your hand landed on Saiki's thigh as you nearly lost balance. You looked towards the psychic in confusion, watching as his jaw shifted in place like he was clenching it.
Saiki didn't give you a chance to clear up the situation. "No, I gave them to Y/n because she felt sick too," Saiki stated, and Kaidou accepted it as truth immediately, sheepishly apologising to you for assuming. Gobsmacked, you didn't even acknowledge the words of sorry, still trying to wrap your head around what happened.
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anonymousewrites · 5 months
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Two
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Two: Ghosts and Guardians
Summary: Saiki and (Y/N) meet a new transfer student.
            It was another day at school. (Y/N) and Saiki were sitting next to each other, watching as boys crowded around Teruhashi as usual. Apparently, she had met a boy on August sixth and developed a crush on him. Poor Saiki looked annoyed (more than usual, at least), and (Y/N) was amused since apparently his chance encounter with Teruhashi had garnered a lot of attention.
            That being said, (Y/N)’s stomach clenched strangely at the knowledge that the “perfect pretty girl” liked Saiki. They chose to classify that under “weird” because “my best friend who hates people dating would be weird.” At least Saiki seemed irritated at the attention.
            Other than Teruhashi’s crush, everything was normal at PK Academy (which wasn’t saying much. Nothing could be considered anywhere near normal there). At least, almost completely normal (by their standards).
            “Hey, Saiki, (Y/N), don’t you think Nendou is acting strange today?” asked Kaidou. “Normally, he’d be bugging us to go to a ramen place or something.”
            “True, he is acting a little strange.”
            “He looks sad,” said (Y/N) decidedly.
            “This is fishy. It does make me wonder what the deal is,” said Kaidou, “We should find out what.”
            How do I always get dragged into these things?
            Saiki was once again questioning his life choices. He was hiding around the corner from Nendou with Kaidou and (Y/N). They were tailing their friend who was acting odd. All-in-all, it was the usual concoction of terrible life choices leading him to be stuck with “friends.” At least (Y/N) and Saiki were acting relatively normal. Kaidou….was Kaidou. He had put on a coat, hat, and sunglasses to complete the spy look.
            “His house isn’t this way,” said Kaidou, “I bet something’s up.”
            “Why are you so excited about this? And why are you so used to tailing someone?” commented Saiki.
            “It’s a little creepy,…but hey, we’re not gonna hurt him!” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Hm?” Kaidou noticed Nendou stop. “What’s he looking at?”
            Nendou gave a young girl a strange look.
            All of them had the same thought.
            “Look, he entered a shop this time!” said (Y/N), pointing down the street.
            “Don’t start getting into this, too.” The last thing Saiki needed was (Y/N) going crazy.
            “I might as well have fun,” they remarked.
            “A flower shop? Don’t tell me he has a girlfriend…!” exclaimed Kaidou.
            “No offense to Nendou, but that’s probably not the reason,” said (Y/N), sweat-dropping.
            Nendou emerged with a bouquet of sunflowers.
            “No, that’s definitely not it.”
            “It’s too early to judge. There are many reasons to buy sunflowers,” said Kaidou.
            “He’s entering another shop!” alerted (Y/N).
            “A cake shop? Well, he definitely wouldn’t eat something like that, right?!” cried Kaidou. “Sunflowers, too. He clearly intends to give them to someone. But he doesn’t have a girlfriend to give them to!”
            “Let’s just ask him. This might end up being a little personal. He may prefer to tell us instead of us accidentally finding out,” said (Y/N).
            Saiki glanced at them from behind his glasses. Once again, (Y/N)’s apropos statement made his question whether or not they were a regular person or secretly a psychic. Maye they were just someone with common sense.
            He could directly relate to what they had just said. Saiki had a personal issue: being a psychic, and he didn’t want people to find out if he didn’t want them to (which was all the time).
            Strange…how do they manage to say just the right thing?
            (Y/N) ran up to Nendou. “Hey, Nendou!”
            “Oh, hey, pinky! Wow! Runt and pal are here, too.”
            “Yeah, we’re curious about what you’re up to,” explained (Y/N).
            Only mildly curious. It wouldn’t weigh on my mind.
            “Oh, that’s easy,” said Nendou.
            “Visiting a grave?” Kaidou was surprised. The group was now in a graveyard looking at the Nendou Family Grave.
            (Y/N) nodded in understanding. They had guessed that since Nendou definitely probably didn’t have a girlfriend, the flowers were likely for a relative. (Or that’s what they told themself. They actually didn’t really manage to guess anything).
            “Yeah, my dad’s,” explained Nendou, “Today is the anniversary of his death.”
            Kaidou made the connection. “Then the sunflowers and cake are…”
            “They’re offerings, of course.” Nendou smiled. “It’s common sense to bring flowers and snacks when visiting a grave.”
            “Of course,” agreed (Y/N). It was sweet. For all Nendou’s…stupidity, he had a good heart.
            “When did your dad die?” asked Kaidou.
            “Kaidou! That’s a really personal question,” admonished (Y/N), frowning.
            “Don’t worry, girlie. It’s okay. He died before I was born,” said Nendou, “He died trying to save a kid who ran out into the street.”
            “A hero,” said (Y/N) in awe. That explains where Nendou gets his helpful, sometimes impulsive, attitude.
            “B-but if he died before you were born, then he must’ve died really young,” said Kaidou.
            “Yeah. I think eighteen or nineteen. Do you wanna see his picture? I have it in my wallet.” Nendou looked excited.
            “Sure!” said (Y/N), grinning.
            Nendou showed off the picture. The pair were identical. It was kind of creepy.
            “What?! This is your picture, isn’t it?” cried Kaidou in disbelief.
            “I know, he looks like me, right?” Nendou smiled happily. “Mom says that I look more like him every year, too.”
            “It’s beyond that! You’re practically twins!” (Y/N) was surprised they were so similar.
            After looking over the picture, the group stood up and turned from the grave, readying to leave. Saiki, however, was staring slightly above the grave with a strange, slightly creeped out, look on his face.
            “Saiki?” called (Y/N), “Are you alright?”
            That vision of Nendou’s father was probably just my imagination. Saiki turned around with his usual blank face. “I’m fine.”
            “Great! Let’s go get some ramen!” said Nendou.
            As they began to walk, (Y/N) grinned at Saiki. “I’ve never seen you look like that before. It was almost like you saw a ghost.”
            “I don’t believe in ghosts,” said Saiki. No matter how unreal I am. Unfortunately, the world had a way of going against his desires. (He was not a favorite of any gods that existed).
            (Y/N) walked through the halls, heading to the library to check out some books. They stopped, however, when they spotted Saiki and the transfer student. They instantly became curious since rumors were circulating that he was a medium. Did they believe in psychics or anything? They weren’t sure. They hadn’t really seen any proof for or against the existence of psychics, so (Y/N) kept an open mind. And there was no harm in checking it out.
            “I don’t understand why you would want to hide it…” complained the purple-haired boy.
            “Hide what?” asked (Y/N), nearing the two.
            The transfer student jumped. “Oh-uh! S-Saiki and I are friends!”
            “We’re not,” denied Saiki.
            “Don’t think anything of it,” said (Y/N) to the purple-haired boy. They smiled and laughed. “Saiki never admits people are his friends.”
            “He’s really not,” emphasized Saiki. He really didn’t want (Y/N) to get the wrong idea.
            “Hush.” (Y/N) smiled to the transfer student. “I’m (Y/N) (L/N).”
            “I’m Toritsuka Reita.” Toritsuka smiled “innocently,” but his inner thoughts were very different. Wow, they’re totally hot! “And I’m a medium who can tell you all about your Guardian Spirit!” People love this stuff!
            Saiki leveled a deadly glare at Toritsuka. He sent a message directly to the pervert’s mind, making sure (Y/N) wouldn’t hear. “Stop.” He might not acknowledge (Y/N) was his friend, but he wouldn’t let Toritsuka try anything pervy with them. He didn’t like that idea. And (Y/N) didn’t deserve that.
            Not that that was the issue. It was just Toritsuka being weird that Saiki wasn’t a fan of. Not (Y/N) being bothered in particular.
            “I guess I am a bit curious,” admitted (Y/N), shrugging casually.
            “Hmm, it seems—Oh, whoa!” Toritsuka’s eyes widened.
            “What?” (Y/N) tilted their head.
            Curious himself, Saiki surreptitiously tapped Toritsuka while using his psychometry. Now, he could see the ghosts the medium did. Sure enough, (Y/N)’s Guardian Spirit garnered the reaction Toritsuka had.
            “They’re a sorcerer or a witch!” said Toritsuka. That's intimidating! Immediately, he took a step back. He wouldn’t try to mess with (Y/N) if that was their guardian spirit. Well, at least for a little.
            That explains why (Y/N) always gets out of messes. Saiki found it interesting that (Y/N) was friends with a psychic and had a witch as a Guardian Spirit. Maybe there was a correlation. If that was so, then there was a correlation between god hating him and his own psychic powers.
            “If what you say is true, then that’s pretty cool.” (Y/N) smiled at the idea of having someone looking out for them. “What’s Saiki’s guardian?”
            “I don’t care about it.”
            They shrugged. “Alright, if you say so.” They were pretty curious, but they wouldn’t push.
            Saiki was tempted to smile for a moment but held back. He liked that they respected him enough not to pry. Most of his friends people who bothered him would push for information, but (Y/N) understood that Saiki preferred to keep to himself. They even helped out people like Toritsuka who were especially bothersome (and definitely didn’t deserve their kindness). As usual, the universe decided to mess with Saiki right as he was feeling pleased since just at that moment Teruhashi walked by. Luckily for Saiki (he didn’t get to say that often) she was only passing by.
            However, it was enough for Toritsuka to fall in love (not that it was unusual for people to fall head-over-heels for Teruhashi at first sight). The blush on his face was evident to any passerby. “Wh-wh-wh-who’s that super pretty girl?!”
            “That’s Teruhashi. She just passed by you for no reason whatsoever. You should thank her.” For the first time, Saiki was glad the school’s idol appeared since it meant Toritsuka would stop flirting (and thinking) so much about (Y/N), especially in such perverse ways.
            That was a new thought.
            Did you see all the nooks and crannies on her body, Saiki?! thought Toritsuka.
            Suddenly, Saiki was glad that Toritsuka said stupid things so he could focus on that instead of whatever those thoughts were. “Don’t make it sound so perverted,” said Saiki.
            “Watch out, here comes a swarm of girls,” warned (Y/N).
            The crowd of girls mobbed Toritsuka with questions about their Guardian Spirit.
            (Y/N) chuckled. “He seems quite content with the attention.” They weren’t an idiot; they saw how Toritsuka looked at them and girls. They were polite, but they were careful.
            “Too much for my taste,” muttered Saiki.
            “He’s very…honest with the boys.” (Y/N) sweat-dropped as Toritsuka bluntly told the boys that their Guardian Spirits were “old hags” and an “old geezer.”
            “He’s very obvious,” said Saiki.
            “At least he seems to be honest,” remarked (Y/N), “since he was impressed by Hairo’s.”
            “You believe in psychics? And mediums and all that?” asked the pink-haired boy, glancing at them.
            (Y/N) shrugged. “I mean sure, why not.” They smiled. “Life is more fun with the fantastical involved, ya know.”
            I find it boring and annoying to have this much power. But I can understand their view. Saiki nodded.
            “Hey, what’s my Guardian Spirit?” Nendou appeared out of nowhere.
            “Now that’s something we can both say is interesting,” commented (Y/N).
            “Yes,” agreed Saiki.
            Toritsuka just ignored him.
            (Y/N) sighed. “Man, I really wanted to find out. If Toritsuka tells you, let me know. I’ll buy you coffee jelly in return.”
            Saiki would tell them if he found out anyways. When Toritsuka didn’t tell him later, the only reason Saiki wasn’t disappointed over losing coffee jelly was that he was too surprised to see Nendou’s father was Toritsuka’s Guardian Spirit. During the night, however, Saiki lamented the loss of coffee jelly.
            I’ll just have to go to Café Mami tomorrow and maybe encounter (Y/N).
            It seemed the following day, (Y/N) had the same idea. I wonder if Saiki would like some coffee jelly. What am I thinking? He’s always up for coffee jelly. (Y/N) smiled and went down to Saiki’s house. They rang the doorbell.
            Saiki opened it.
            “Hey, Saiki, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Café Mami with me,” said (Y/N).
            “I have a problem right now.”
            “It must be serious if it keeps you from coffee jelly. What is it?” asked (Y/N).
            “…” Saiki didn’t want to respond since he was slightly embarrassed about his extreme fear of insects.
            “Come on, I won’t tease you,” reassured (Y/N).
            “There’s a roach.”
            “Gross.” (Y/N) shivered at the thought before taking a deep breath and smiling bravely. “I’ll get it. You just hold open the door so I can make a run for it.”
            Saiki nodded and held the door, closing his eyes so he wouldn’t have to see the bug.
            (Y/N) tiptoed into corridor and looked around. Sure enough, there was a roach on the floor. (Y/N) took out their handkerchief and crept closer to the insect. Pouncing, they grabbed it quickly and rushed to the door. “Gross, gross, gross!” They tossed it outside, and then Saiki slammed the door.
            They both breathed a sigh of relief.
            “How about we wait a minute for it to leave the front walk and then go to Café Mami?” murmured (Y/N), their back against the door.
           ��“Are you an angel?” They perfectly anticipate what I’m thinking and make me feel comfortable. It was a strange thought but a true one. It seemed Saiki couldn’t avoid really being friends with (Y/N) and thinking of them as one.
            (Y/N)’s cheeks turned pink. They hadn’t anticipated that or their own reaction, and they stammered out a “Huh?”
            “Nothing.” Saiki avoided speaking again until they arrived at Café Mami.
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eternalfics · 1 month
coild u do... saiki k x male reader that completely gives off the opposite vibes compared to the music he listens to? reader is kind and sweet :3 but he listens to heavy rock, metal, punk rock, jazz punk... allat
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rock and roll!
a/n: OMG SAIKI IM SO SORRH FOR MSISIJG UR BIRTHDAY ARGHHHH but I hope you’ll forgive me with this fic ❤️ also I could only think of bohemian rhapsody for the song part sorry 😭
summary: reader is sweet and innocent !! butt.. plot twistt his music taste isn’t 🤭
warnings: have no idea-
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saiki knew you were sweet, you were as sweet as candy, as sweet as honey, as sweet as sugar. so he didn’t mind being around you. you just seemed to calm him down whenever you were around.
and surprisingly, he didn’t mind hearing you talk or ramble. you were that nice that he’d do favours for you, and everyone knows that they’d rather die than ask saiki to do favours (not me saiki boo boo bear only if you’ll accept it). you were also shocked when you heard that saiki wasn’t this nice until he met you! kaido told you all about it, not sparing any details. (after he blamed it on dark reunion for making a nicer clone of saiki-)
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you and saiki were walking behind kaidou and nendo, only watching as they argued. aren was just tired of them and didn’t even bother to break them up. when you looked at saiki, he had a miserable expression on his face, as if he didn’t want to be there. you only chuckled as you looked at your friend group, “these guys really are miserable.” you thought.
normally saiki waits for you to talk to him, he dosent speak to when he wants to because he thinks he’ll look desperate. however, you had headphones on your head, making you get right into the music! saiki sighs and he decides to speak into your mind. “y/n,” you don’t react. (which saiki is a little bit shocked at.) “is the music really that loud?” he thought and he huffed. guess his second option is physical touch.
saiki tapped you gently on the shoulder, making you flinch but you visibly relax after seeing that it’s just saiki. “oh, saiki, is something wrong?” you ask him immediately. saiki liked that about you, how you always rush to see if anyone’s okay. it’s like you see through people. “why is your music so loud?” saiki asked, he cursed at himself internally for sounding so rude.
“I don’t think I put music this loud! maybe just a little,” you shrug, walking a little slower to chat to saiki. “maybe you could be the judge of that! do you wanna have a listen?” you eagerly give your headphones to him, almost shoving it in his hands. “what a pain,” he sighs, actually speaking, but you’re too excited to realise. he slowly puts on the headphones and-
saiki took the headphones off with shaky hands, an extremely shocked expression on his face. this was NOT what he expected. you only laughed at him, “so, what do you think? not loud, right?”. he only nodded, too shocked to say anything.
kaidou turned around as it was way too quiet behind him, “oh wow, saiki actually has an expression on his face! no, seriously, why’s he so shocked? can he breathe?” nendou immediately turned around to look at saiki.
“I’m coming, buddy!”
“no, wait nendou, kaidou was joking-“
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stannienight · 2 years
Hi, I hope you are well 💗
I was wondering if you could do Saiki K x reader, where reader and Saiki are best friends (and he secretly has a crush on them) and reader just got out of a bad relationship and thinks nobody will ever love them again, so Saiki tries to help them feel better and hint that he likes them ?
let me tell you, i love this ask sm. it has so much potential. for now i just spewed out whatever i could but this is such a lovely trope, especially for someone like saiki
saiki k x best friend reader (after your breakup)
- okay listen. saiki is bad at being subtle. especially when you're so oblivious. it just leads to So Much Chaos
- the fact that you just got out of a relationship makes it hard to pick up hints okay - anyways, saiki isn't focused on getting you to like him or anything. his "hints" just happen to slip out - but it's not just that, right? you're also best friends. SARCASTIC best friends. combine that with your self-deprecation and saiki's inability to handle romance and there's a disaster waiting to happen - you: ugh what if no one ever loves me for who i am? saiki: am i a joke to you? you: yeah saiki: fair enough - you: i hate my ex. i'm going to devote myself to making him regret this saiki: didn't you waste enough time in the relationship? you, now woke: holy shit you're right - you: saiki help me glow up saiki: there is literally nothing i can improve you: IS THAT A DISS? saiki: - he helps you through the breakup, too. in true best-friend fashion, when you call him in the middle of the night with the news, he's in your room within a second. he brings ice cream, a blanket, and for some reason, a cat. you don't even know where he got it from. but you needed it - for the next few days he buys you gifts (which you keep telling him you don't need) but he wants to remind you that even he can do the job of being a boyfriend better than your ex - all your mutual friends are like, how oblivious can she get? and since when is saiki so bold? - saiki has no idea this is a romantic thing to do. "i'm just proving anyone can be better than he was wdym it's just a statistical thing?" - your friends find this whole dynamic hilarious- chiyo especially, the romance fanatic, who has never seen saiki exhibit any emotion - every time you spend time with saiki, kaidou and aren pointedly leave you two alone (dragging a nendo as oblivious as you along with them) whispering and giggling. you're so confused but not complaining - honestly, half the school already thinks you're dating? everyone except the two of you has just accepted it as a fact that you're a thing - dude: so saiki, how's your girlfriend saiki: what girlfriend dude: y/n? saiki: she's not my girlfriend dude: oh really? then maybe i can try confessing to her- saiki: dude: why am i in florida? - yeah okay he's just the tiniest bit possessive since the breakup okay? he doesn't want you getting hurt again - and don't worry he brought the guy back from florida ❤ i had so much fun writing this ong i canNOT imagine saiki being subtle at all or even understanding the line between close friendship and romance. it's all so objective to him and my guy's probably so confused send me asks for hcs, oneshots, or anything in general, even if it’s unrelated to anime or writing! saiki k and haikyu for requests but maybe go through my profile before requesting for haikyu <3
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1-800reki · 7 days
❝Saiki's What?!❞
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Pairing: Kusuo Saiki x GN reader!!
Summary: When you go on a date there are some.. uninvited visitors.
'Gyatt!' ← Thoughts!
"Gyatt" ← Speaking!
'Gyatt!' ← Saiki's thoughts!
"Gyatt!" ← Saiki speaking!
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'Good grief'
Kusuo thought as he heard the thoughts of the people he considered 'nuisances.' He really didn't want them to ruin your average perfect date. "Kusuo? What's wrong?" You ask him with a tilt of your head. You both were sitting at Cafe Mami on a date. You don't go to PK Academy since you're homeschooled. You do live next to Kusuo and were childhood friends which led to you dating.
He never introduced you to any of his classmates as he said they would infect you with their stupidity. Of course, you found that to be an exaggeration. They couldn't be that bad.. right? "It's nothing don't worry about it." He said to you telepathically. You know he has powers and he's grateful you've kept your mouth shut about them. You make him feel happy and normal. Like he's just Kusuo Saiki. Not a physic.
"If you say so.." You say with a suspicious tone of voice. To Saiki, you were a bit.. energetic at times but even with that, you're totally average! He's amazed by it! That's why he fell in love with you in the first place. "A blue-haired girl and some other teenagers are staring at you.." You whisper to him noticing the people staring at Saiki. Saiki groaned internally. He had really hoped that they wouldn't find out but they did.
The group consisted of Nendou, Kaidou, Aren, Chiyo and Teruhashi. They had seen Saiki's pink hair through the window and wanted to join him. What they didn't know was that he was on a date. Nendou just smiled and walked over. He was happy his buddy was with somebody! "Hey, buddy! Who's this?" He asked curiously. Kaidou and Aren followed behind him. They both wanted to know as well.
"Hi! I'm Y/n L/n! And I'm his.." You pause in the middle of the sentence not sure if Saiki wants you to say you were his partner or not. He gave you a subtle nod before you smiled and continued. "I'm his partner!" You finish with a small smile. Nendou smiled happy that his buddy got a partner, Kaidou and Aren looked sort of shocked that Saiki had a secret partner, Teruhashi looked the most surprised but kept a facade and Chiyo just looked happy to meet you.
"Yes, they are, and we're on a date. We would appreciate it if you didn't bother us." Saiki said to them telepathically. Nendou for once got the hint and led the rest of the group out of the cafe. Even though they left Saiki could hear one thought in all of their minds except Nendou of course. That one thought they had was 'Saiki's what?!'
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a/n: I got lazy...
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gurofushi · 1 year
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judgment knights of thunder!
𝜗𝜚 kaidou shun x clumsy fem! reader. (fluff)
“do not fret, my white feathered dove! jet black wings to the rescue!”
warnings; none. <3
🦷 (apologies for any grammar mistakes, english is not my first language^^)
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“im fine, sweetheart. i just scraped my knee.”
“uh– why are those two shouting? are they having an argument?” hairo asked his friends as he watched you and kaidou scream at each other.
“no, y/n just scraped her knee and kaidou freaked out.” kuboyasu explained, shaking his head at the scene.
“BAHAHA LOOK AT HIS FACE–” nendou held his stomach as he laughed at the clueless looking kaidou.
it was true, kaidou had no idea how to help you.
you two had just started dating a week ago, so when he found out that you were so clumsy, he swore to himself that he would always protect you from both the dark reunion and yourself!
but here you were, standing in front him with blood trickling down your knee after you had scratched it against one of the desks around you.
he stared at the wound with both concern and fear,
‘this must be the work of the dark reunion! how dare they hurt my y/n!’
he dramatically clenched his fists and furrowed his brows, as his face twisted into an angered expression.
“d- don't you worry, my white feathered dove! i'll uh.. i'll just use one of my many powers to heal you! yeah!”
he told (shouted at) you, gripping your shoulders and giving you a determined smile.
“you will? oh, please help me, jet black wings! im losing so much blood.. i think im dying!”
you said, looking at him with droopy eyes. you placed a hand on your forehead, pretending that you were about to fall back.
he gasped and quickly caught you, pulling you into his arms.
“don't you give up on me, my dove! i- i'm just charging up my powers for a second, so hang on!”
deep down, you were giggling at how cute he was being right now.
you knew about his hero complex and even though it was a bit weird for a highschool student like him, you found it absolutely adorable. so you always played along with his little shenanigans.
“oh please, jet black wings! i feel the oxygen leaving my lungs already! i think you might need to give me mouth-to-mouth resuscitation..”
“i do?!” kaidou screamed as his cheeks flushed red.
‘what the hell does that have to do with a scraped knee?’ saiki thought to himself.
the pink haired boy sighed internally as he started to get annoyed at how obnoxiously loud you two were being.
he started looking around a class, trying to find a way to possibly shut the both of you up.
soon, an idea popped into his head as his eyes landed on something that might help the situation.
suddenly, a not-so-hard metal box flew on to kaidou’s head, hitting him at high speed.
you gasped, reaching out to cradle his head.
“a- are you okay?! what was that?”
kaidou shrieked and rubbed his head, looking down to see the object that hit him.
he grabbed the box and shook it in his hands.
‘what is this? is the dark reunion targeting me next?!’
he hesitantly opened the box, silently expecting for something to jump out and attack him.
but his eyes quickly lit up as he saw a roll of bandages, rubbing alcohol and some cotton buds.
“aha! j- just as i planned! i feared that i would accidentally hurt you more, knowing that my powers are too strong and out of control.. so i used them to summon the first aid kit, that way i could heal you safely!”
you could only stare at kaidou in awe, watching him as he started to clean your scrapped knee with shaky hands.
‘d- does kaidou really have powers..?’ you thought, blankly staring at the wall behind him.
‘dumbasses..’ saiki thought, resting his head on his chin after you two finally calmed down.
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cloudyzeusy · 9 months
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Saiki's Attachment ||
summary: Saiki loves Kaidou not that he would admit it but everyone knows it was obvious and who could blame him. Kaidou Shun was perfect in his eyes.
pairing: Kaidou Shun X Kusuo Saiki
genre: smut
warnings: Loss of Virginity, Saiki Kusuo is Bad at Feelings, Cute Kaidou Shun
Kaidou Shun was cute…
Something Saiki knew very well not that he'd like to admit it out loud. He had an excitable attitude, cute pudge on his body and was shy to affection (and a big ass). That’s how he earned the nickname pup they had been dating for a while, yet they still hadn’t had sex yet. That was mainly because Kusuo respected Shun’s boundaries he always told him that he wouldn't do something he didn't want to do so he was just waiting for Shun to make their first move.
And that was today they were watching a movie together as a little home date since they had newly moved in together. Kaidou sat on Saiki’s lap pressed firm to his back. He kept moving around unintentionally as he was excited by the action movie playing. Because he kept moving around it caused Kusuo to get aroused he moved around once more and felt something pressing into his back.
“Kusuo is that the remote.” Kaidou asked innocently oh yeah did Saiki forget to mention that he was terribly innocent.
“N-no.” He stuttered trying to keep his dignity and cool down. “Just don’t worry and don’t look down.” Of course, Shun didn't listen he looked down and instantly flushed red as he noticed it really wasn't a remote just Kusuo’s erect cock constricted in his pants. “Just let me leave I'll take care of it.” Saiki excused himself going to manhandle Shun off his lap, but he wouldn't let go. Instead pressed himself closer and turned around and began moving his hands to inside Kusuo’s pants.
“Wha-what are you doing.” Saiki said nervous this is the first time Shun ever made any moves on him. He wasn't sure that he was doing it because he wanted to or because he felt he had an obligation to. He tried to speak up, but Kaidou shushed him as he let loose Kusuo’s raging hard boner. Shun had to admit he was pretty nervous he was new to sex, but he took a deep breath and began kitty licking the tip.
Now that Saiki could see that he actually wanted it he was less worried about it and began ordering him how to suck cock. “Wrap your mouth around the head and use your tongue to lick the underside of it.” He said as he gritted his teeth as he was overwhelmed with pleasure. “A-ah use y-your tongue pup.”
Once Kaidou found a rhythm, he started to hollow his cheeks, sucking lightly, teasing his tongue against the slit of Saiki’s cock confident. He used his hand to stroke the parts of his cock he couldn’t reach when suddenly he felt the back of his head being pushed down further he looked up at Saiki in shock but showed no signs of wanting to stop so Saiki continued. Kusuo shoved his head down onto the rest of the huge cock relishing in the feeling.
Shun couldn't help but moan as he was used with no regard moved up and down, drooling and slurping around the cock. He was given no warning as he was pushed down and ropes of cum was shot into the back of his throat. Saiki sighed content he hadn’t had a chance to get himself off and the bedroom eyes Kaidou gave him didn’t help. “Good job pup I wouldn’t think this was the first time you sucked cock you must be a natural born cock slut.” He said stroking Shun’s hair no plan of stopping he got up and grabbed a towel and some lube and a condom wiping off Kaidou’s face.
He lifted Kaidou up and he undressed Shun carefully and began circling one finger around shuns rim looking for any signs of discomfort before slowly beginning to push in. He added two more stretching Kaidou out like he never had before. Shun continued to moan whorishly combined with the kisses and bites on his neck and mouth and the pounding below it was too much for him a virgin. “You are enjoying this aren't you pup.” Saiki observed as he added another finger.
“A-h uhm ohh yesh.” He moaned barely able to speak. “I-im about to cum.” His moans instantly turned to cries at Saiki denied him moving his fingers out. “B-but why ive been good.” He pouted.
“Of course, you have baby, but I’d rather have you cum around my cock.”  
He moved them to the bed and positioned Kaidou in a humiliating position face down ass up as Shun shook his ass sluttily waiting in anticipation for cock. “Are you that thirsty baby.” Saiki hummed as poured lube in Shun’s hole and put the condom on and teased the bulbous head of his dick around the hole. He pushed in taking it slow and gauging Kaidou’s reaction when all he got were whimpers and moans he pushed the rest of his cock in.
Shun’s hole stretched around him as he buried himself to the hilt inside watching as Kaidou’s legs shook not used to it. Saiki was more aroused knowing he’d be Kaidou’s first and last. He set a steady pace inside the warm hole looking to find that prostate he made one more deep thrust and hit it dead on. Causing Kaidou to cum immediately out his cute little cock and he fell forward laying head on their pillow panting.
“W-wait im not ready.” Kaidou exclaimed pushing on Saiki’s stomach trying to get him to pull out but Kusuo just grabs his arms and puts it in front of him. Ignoring his pleas and pounds into him faster consistently hitting his prostate. He pushed in one last time and ejaculated into the condom. He pulled out and threw the condom into the bin he turned Shun around to face him he felt himself get hard again as Shun was too erotic for him. Kaidou’s cock was flushed pink like most of his body letting out pathetic drops of precome as he had come a few more timed, he had come on his stomach, hair was messed up and he had his arm over his face covering his tear tracks. If he knew Kaidou could handle it he’d go back for more rounds.
“Pup are you alright.” He asked grabbing the towel telepathically gently wiping him down.
“Mhm.” Kaidou hummed struggling to keep his eyes open fighting sleep. “You know what darling… go to sleep I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
Saiki sighed quietly perhaps his mom was right all along all he needed was a person to show him how to love and he’d be crazy over them. She was right he was enamoured with Kaidou and would do anything for him Kusuo loves him so much. He big spooned Shun holding him carefully like he would disappear which was Saiki’s biggest fear losing him. (Which is why Shun’s a bit spoiled).
But anyway, don’t tell Kaidou any of this he’d let it go to his head.
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steggyisnthere · 11 months
Shun Kaidou x Gn! Reader Oneshot
(306 words i think-)
no warnings
i might make this a series if I'm bothered lmfao
You were never really a loner or a majorly popular kid. People just knew you, sometimes spoke to you.
Until today.
A boy, with blue hair, was….punching the air? Constantly mumbling something about ‘the jet black wings’..and ‘the dark reunion’…what the heck? Despite all this, soemthing about this whole situation was making you very curious.
You walked over to him, wanting to know what this whole commotion was about.
You gently tapped his shoulder, grabbing his attention.
“…protect the world- AH! I mean um, it is I, the Jet Black Wings!! Here to protect and save the world from the Dark Reunion!” He says with triumph.
“Uh, hi. What exactly is the ‘Jet Black Wings’ and ‘Dark Reunion’? Is it some sort roleplay game or-”
He suddenly cuts you off, seemingly at annoyed at the idea of this being a childish roleplay game.
“What?!?! No!! It’s all real! The Jet Black Wings is my *secret identity*, but you cannot tell anyone, you hear me? ANYONE! The Dark Reunion are an evil organisation, trying to create a new twisted society!” He rambled on, very delulu. You decided it would be fun to play along.
“Well then, Jet Black Wings, if i’m ever in danger, i’ll make sure to call you.” You smile.
Wait was that flirting? Maybe..
“Ah, I see you can tell my power, dear…..what’s your name?” He questioned.
“I’m Y/N.” You smiled
“Ah well, Y/N, angel of pure light, I will make sure to save you from any danger.” He giggled like a little kid. “Also, you may call me Shun. Shun Kaidou.” Shun grinned at you.
You grinned back.
“Well dear Y/N, Angel of pure light, duty calls, but i’ll see you later!!” Shun said, blushing as he ran away.
This was going to be a fun time.
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coffeejellou · 5 months
So, for my fanfic chapter two, where Yumehara likes Saiki, I was debating on making Yumehara bisexual and at the end in the rain scene, Y/n gives her umbrella to her and that's when Yumehara falls in love with y/n instead. Of course it will still obviously still be a Saiki x reader story and Yumehara will fall in love with Kaidou later on but I thought this would add a fun twist.
Although I don't know how people would react to it, would they love it or hate it? Since of course Yumehara is obviously straight. You can still say no even if you support lgbtq! Saying no to this will basically mean it won't really fit with her character/won't be good in the fic. And that is totally acceptable and understandable!💕💕
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gelus-ugs · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes ~ Saiki x Reader (Pt 2)
Pt 1
Y/n: “Saiki, I made this necklace for you so we match!”
Saiki: “I’m not really into jewelry”
Y/n: Slowly retracting their hands “Oh, okay. I’ll just give it to-”
Saiki: Snatching the necklace and putting it on “No, it’s mine.”
Y/n: “If you drop a bar of soap on the floor, is the floor clean, or is the soap dirty?”
Saiki: “It is literally three in the morning. Go to bed”
Y/n: “Do you have a crush on anyone?”
Saiki: “We’re literally dating”
Y/n: “God, give me patience”
Saiki: “Isn’t it ‘give me strength’?”
Y/n: “If God gave me strength, everyone would be dead”
Y/n: Sobbing
Saiki: “Who did it? I need names, faces, addresses-”
Saiki: “…”
Y/n: “…”
Saiki: Walking away “Goodbye”
Y/n: “WAIT-”
Saiki: “And if you don’t stay away from my partner-”
Y/n: “Wait, we’re dating?”
Saiki: “…”
Y/n: “…”
Saiki: “I literally asked you out”
Y/n: “Wha-?”
Saiki: “…Maybe”
Y/n: “I love you”
Saiki: “I love you too”
Y/n: Grabbing a knife “Who are you and what have you done with Saiki?”
Kaidou: “Hey, Saiki! Wanna-”
Saiki: “Absolutely n-”
Kaidou: “Y/n’s coming”
Saiki: “Date, time, and place?”
Saiki: “I left you alone for five minutes and you spent $500?”
Y/n: “You left me alone in a [insert store]”
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froggy-frogz · 2 years
Heyy! I wanted to request a saiki k x reader? Transmasc!reader who always sleeps? Nendō gives the reader a piggy back ride to the beach with saiki, kaidou, and the rest of the people who bother saiki. And saiki is secretly in love with the reader, but refuses to ask the reader out. And the reader conveniently falls asleep on saiki, and he secretly is freaking out on the inside, while pretending to a book.
A/N: I'm noticing a theme with your requests lol- But I love writing them so I can't complain! Also, I tweaked it a bit teehee.
Saiki x Transmasc!Reader
It was the last period of the day and you were half asleep. You were dozing on and off the entire day, but thankfully either Nendo or Aren was always there to wake you up.
"You still coming to the beach with us, buddy?" Nendo pokes you awake.
Huh, guess you did fall asleep during the last period.
You rub your eyes and look up to Nendo, trying to process what he had said. Beach? Oh yeah right, Nendo, Kaidou, Aren and Saiki were going to the beach. Maybe the girls too, you thought, but you weren't going to ask.
"Yeah," You yawn, standing up.
"Jeez, [Y/n], you not sleep?" Kaidou raises his eyebrow, "This is like the 3rd time this week you've fallen asleep."
"I'm not sure. I try to sleep at least 8 hours," You shrug. You weren't sure why you were always tired but none of your teachers gave you any issues, so you weren't concerned.
You look over, Saiki is in the back of the group, and he's looking at you rather intently. When he sees you looking at him, he looks away.
You were close with Saiki but not as close as you were with Nendo or Kaidou, you just felt like he never wanted to talk to you, but you were told that he was kinda like that, and it wasn't personal.
"C'mon, let's go already, I wanted to go swim." Nendo drags you along, and you snort at your friend, eagerly following him.
You had to have fallen asleep again because when you woke up, you were being carried. You can't help but snort, rub your eyes and look up to see Nendo carrying you.
"Hey, buddy's finally up."
"Yeah, sorry. Again." You say as Nendo sets you down.
By the time you had been asleep, your group had ended up at the beach. You weren't sure how long that was, but this time you had to guess you were asleep for over an hour. How Nendo carried you for that long was impressive.
In minutes, everyone had gotten their swimsuits on and was in the water. Unlike them, you were under the umbrella that Aren had brought, and you were quite content with it. So apparently, was Saiki, who still hadn't gotten out of his school uniform and was right next to you.
"Guessing you don't like to swim either?" You ask, looking over at him.
He looks at you for a second, and then shakes his head, "Not really. I rather just stay over here and read."
"Yeah. I get that." You hum, looking back over to the water, "But it's nice to see them enjoy it."
You pull out your phone, scroll through your notifications, and yawn.
"Why'd you sleep so much?" Saiki asks from next to you.
"I'm honestly not sure. I don't think it's narcolepsy but it's definitely something." You shrug.
He goes quiet again, leaving you to your own devices.
You open your eyes, and you feel someone next to you, and realize that you had fallen asleep, and even worse, fallen asleep on Saiki.
"Oh, shit," You jolt up, clearly embarrassed as you look at Saiki from the corner of your eye, "I'm sorry Saiki."
He looks unbothered, and you weren't sure if your eyes were still hazy but you saw a faint pink blush dusted on Saiki's cheeks.
"It's fine." He says quietly, and you can see his gaze looking back to his book.
You bite your lip, wanting to say something, anything, because of how weird you felt.
"Hey. Did you want to go get coffee after this?" Saiki says, his voice still quiet.
You blink, did he just... ask if you wanted to do something with him?
"Yeah, I'd love too." You smile at him and can see a smile peek up from Saiki's lips.
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anonymousewrites · 4 months
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Seventeen
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Seventeen: Delinquent Run-In and Teruhashi’s Home-Visit
Summary: Kaidou is scared of Aren because he discovered his past, and Saiki is scared of how the world gives Teruhashi whatever she wants.
            After school, which had been normal for (Y/N) but filled with Kaidou’s thoughts of how scared he was of Kuboyasu since he had discovered he used to be a delinquent for Saiki, the three headed back to their homes, walking down the same paths and roads.
            “Saiki, (L/N), want to grab some food?” asked Kaidou as they rounded a corner.
            “Hey,” said a boy in a group of four, much taller and muscular than Kaidou. The group grinned menacingly.
            “I know this is sudden, but could you lend us some cash?” said another in the group.
            Kaidou tried to back away, but one boy dragged him back. Two got on either side of Saiki.
            “You can’t escape either,” said one.
            (Y/N) took a step back, but the last one stepped towards them. “Not you, either!”
            Saiki, Kaidou, and (Y/N) stood in the center of the group of delinquents, cornered.
            “Give us your money!” One grabbed Kaidou by the collar, and Kaidou deflated in fear. “Don’t ignore me!”
            “Leave him alone,” snapped (Y/N), stepping forward.
            Don’t get involved! Saiki didn’t want them getting hurt.
            “Do you want some of what he’s having?” sneered the leader, shoving Kaidou back into a wall.
            (Y/N) narrowed their eyes. They had a pretty good punch, but they saw the metal baton in one of their hands, and they knew they couldn’t do much about that.
            “(Y/N), don’t,” said Saiki, sending the words directly into their mind. He would step in if they got put in danger, but he’d prefer for them to avoid it altogether.
            “H-Hey, ignore them,” said Kaidou bravely (still shaking, though). He lifted up his wallet. “Here’s my wallet.”
            Saiki had to admit, he was proud of Kaidou for drawing the attention intentionally back to himself so that (Y/N) wouldn’t get hurt.
            “Wow, look at all this cash!” said the delinquents gleefully.
            “Now you two,” said another, stepping again towards Saiki and (Y/N).
            Saiki moved slightly in front of (Y/N).
            The delinquent reached out towards Saiki. Kaidou jumped in between and pushed the delinquent back.
            “Run, Saiki, (L/N)!” cried Kaidou, and the three took off away from the delinquents.
            “Wait! Stop right there, bastards!” cursed the boys, running after them.
            Saiki and (Y/N) kept their speed up, staying away from the delinquents, but Kaidou, thanks to his lack of physical ability, started falling back, and the boys grabbed him.
            “Kaidou!” said (Y/N) in alarm, preparing to stop and help him.
            They’re way too nice, sighed Saiki, slowing to a stop. If it was Kaidou, maybe he’d turn back since he helped him escape, but since it was (Y/N), he’d definitely stop.
            “Hey, Saiki, (L/N), what’s up?” Kuboyasu rounded the corner that Saiki had reached intentionally in his run. He paused as he saw Kaidou being held by the delinquents. “What is this?”
            “Kuboyasu, run away!” said Kaidou urgently. He knew Kuboyasu was strong, he’d seen it himself, but his instinct was to sacrifice himself for his friends (rather honorable). “Take Saiki and (L/N) with you and run.”
            “Hey, do you have cash, too?” said one delinquent, walking up to Kuboyasu as the other three kept an eye on Kaidou, Saiki, and (Y/N). “Did you think we would let you just go?”
            Kuboyasu back-fisted the delinquent. “I used to be a delinquent,” he said, letting the boy fall. “So after I transferred, I tried to be a law-abiding citizen.” He walked towards the next delinquent that went running towards him.
            “You’re dead!” he cried.
            Kuboyasu punched him, and he fell to the side. “But this path is tougher than the path of a delinquent,” said Kuboyasu. “I can’t stop myself if others are looking for a fight.” He punched and kicked the next boy. He approached the final delinquent who still held Kaidou tightly. “This is me.”
            “What?” said the delinquent fearfully.
            “Don’t touch my friends!” shouted Kuboyasu, punching him in the face.
            Kaidou stared at Kuboyasu, sparkles and tears in his eyes. “Kuboyasu…” he spoke in awe and thanks.
            “Come on. I’ll make sure you guys get home alright,” said Kuboyasu, turning away.
            “Thanks, Kuboyasu,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Saiki just nodded. (Y/N) had ended up alright, so that was enough.
            “Yeah, thanks,” said Kaidou. “I thought you’d be scary as a delinquent, but it turns out you’re still really cool.”
            Kuboyasu glanced at him in surprise. “You knew?”
            “Of course,” said Kaidou, puffing out his chest and returning to his usual self. “Did you think you could deceive my demonic eye?”
            “Really? I thought I blended in perfectly,” said Kuboyasu.
            “We don’t care about your past,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
            “Right!” said Kaidou. “What matters is who you are now and who you’ll be in the future.” He reached out, and Kuboyasu shook his hand.
            “What a nice moment,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Kaidou winced as Kuboyasu’s strong grip hurt his hand.
            “He’s weak,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) chuckled. “Still a nice moment.
            “Kusuo, why are we at your neighbor’s house?” said (Y/N). They had come over to work on homework with Saiki, but they had made a sudden exit from his house to the neighbor’s.
            “Yuuta needs babysitting,” said Saiki.
            “You don’t like babysitting, so why are we really here?” said (Y/N), grinning as they read him perfectly.
            “Teruhashi asked my mom to teach her to make cookies, so she’s coming over. I decided to watch Yuuta over at his house to avoid her,” said Saiki.
            “Got it,” said (Y/N), laughing since Saiki went to such trouble to avoid Teruhashi.
            “Hey, hey, come on, I want to watch TV!” said Yuuta. “Cyborg Cider-man No. 2, Cherry Blossom Lemonade, come on!”
            “Coming.” That show is just an ad.
            The doorbell rang.
            Yuuta ran up the mic to answer it. “Yes?” he said nervously. Clearly, he didn’t like strangers (but not enough to not mistake them for superheroes).
            “Sorry, I made a mistake.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened. It was Teruhashi’s voice on the other side. She had managed to get the house wrong but found the one where Saiki actually was. The universe really does look out for her.
            Yuuta opened the front door and peeked out. “Who are you?”
            Teruhashi panicked. “Sorry, I pressed the button by mistake.”
            Yuuta disappeared and pulled (Y/N) and Saiki to the door for “protection” from the strange lady. (Children were immune to Teruhashi’s charms, which got her frustrated).
            “Come on, Cyborg Cider-man No. 2, Cherry Blossom Lemonade! I need you two to make sure everything’s okay!” said Yuuta. “Someone suspicious is here.” He dragged them into the doorway.
            “Yare yare.”
            “Hi, Kokomi,” said (Y/N), waving. They were as friendly as ever, even if Saiki was disappointed.
            “Saiki? (Y/N)?” Teruhashi blinked in surprise.
            “We have no choice but to return to my house,” said Saiki to (Y/N).
            “I’ll stick with you, and you’ll survive,” said (Y/N) encouragingly.
            That made Saiki felt better.
            “Welcome, Kokomi!” said Mrs. Saiki, smiling at Teruhashi as she entered the kitchen. “And (Y/N), welcome back in. I was hoping you’d stick around, too. Would you like to join us cooking?”
            (Y/N) brightened. “I love baking.”
            That was true. (Y/N) wanted to be a confectioner, and Saiki had the honor to try some of their creations (absolutely delicious and made him fall for them more. The way to someone’s heart, especially Saiki’s, was indeed through their stomach).
            Darn it, I thought I’d get private time with Mrs. Saiki. If she likes me, then Saiki will like me more, thought Teruhashi. Not that it matters, but, after all, boys like a girl more if their parents like her, and I’m the perfect pretty girl, so of course Mrs. Saiki would want me in her family, and then she’ll say that to Saiki, and he’ll say “oh, wow!”
            Yare yare.
            “It has been a long time,” said Teruhashi, smiling at Mrs. Saiki.
            “It has,” said Mrs. Saiki. She smiled. “Oh, and hello to you, too, Yuuta.” She laughed as she looked at (Y/N) and Saiki standing with Yuuta held by Saiki. “From this angle, you two look a married couple.”
            Teruhashi stared at (Y/N) and Saiki, and he nearly sighed as her thoughts spiraled, but his own embarrassment at his mom’s words kept him quiet. He didn’t mind the idea. Marriage was just existing with a person you care about and getting to spend time with them (and hug and kiss them), so that didn’t sound bad at all for Saiki. Not if it was with (Y/N).
            (Y/N)’s cheeks warmed, and they chuckled. “I guess so,” said (Y/N), but they avoided Saiki’s gaze in case that made him uncomfortable. Still, the thought was a nice one. They really liked Saiki. They could spend forever with him.
            “I’ll get the ingredients ready if you two just wait here,” said Mrs. Saiki, completely oblivious to the reactions her words had elicited.
            “Of course, we’ll wait right here,” said Teruhashi, smiling as Mrs. Saiki walked away. She glanced at Saiki and found that Yuuta was staring at her strangely. What’s he looking at? Perhaps he’s experiencing his first love. Smiling, she said, “Hello, Yuuta!” He hid his face in Saiki’s chest, and (Y/N) had to smother a laugh at the intense reaction. This brat, thought Teruhashi. Fine, I’ll try something else. She straightened and picked up the box she’d put on the Saikis’ table. “I brought some cake! Do you want some?”
            “Cake?!” said Yuuta eagerly.
            “Oh, that does sound good,” said (Y/N), and Saiki nodded. Their massive sweet-tooths were always up for some confections.
            They sat down, and Mrs. Saiki rejoined them to open the box. Teruhashi had gotten pieces for herself, Saiki, Mrs. Saiki, and Mr. Saiki, but since Mr. Saiki wasn’t there and she had gotten an extra (due to being a pretty girl), she had enough for everyone.
            “I have an extra piece, so if you would like to, you can have some,” said Teruhashi, smiling.
            “Oh, they look delicious!” said Mrs. Saiki. There was a lemon cake slice, a yellow cake with strawberries on top, a cupcake, a chocolate cake slice, and a heart-shaped cake with “love” written on it.
            Teruhashi’s eyes widened in panic as she saw the last one. That was the free one she’d gotten, but she hadn’t seen it until then. What type of impression would that send to Saiki?!
            “Oh, who is this one for?” said Mrs. Saiki, holding up the heart-shaped cake.
            “Oh, I don’t know!” said Teruhashi quickly. “The chef picked them all out! It was a surprise! I guess he thought it would taste good! It doesn’t mean anything!” Her cheeks were bright pink as she panicked. “Everyone can take whichever one they want.”
            “Alright!” said Yuuta excitedly.
            “Thank you so much, Kokomi,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Thank you.” Saiki would never refuse a sweet.
            Why did he give me that cake? Teruhashi sat down. Still…I would like Saiki to eat that one.
            Her hopes were crushed as Yuuta eagerly bit into the heart-shaped cake.
            After they finished their treats, Mrs. Saiki smiled and said, “Well, thank you so much, Kokomi.” She looked at Yuuta. “Make sure you thank Kokomi. It’s polite.”
            “Thanks, ma’am!” said Yuuta.
            An arrow pierced Teruhashi at the old-woman (in her mind) term.
            Mrs. Saiki didn’t notice and continued, “Would you and (Y/N) like to get started on the cookies, now?” The phone rang before the two could answer, and Mrs. Saiki rose to answer it.
            Teruhashi glowered at Yuuta, imagining all the ways she could get her revenge in the future for him slighting her so terribly.
            Saiki decided to use this to his advantage.
            (Y/N) recycled the cake box and placed the dishes on the counter to be washed later.
            “Oh, I’m sorry, Kokomi, (Y/N),” said Mrs. Saiki, putting down the phone and looking at the two. “I forgot that I had a town council meeting!”
            “Oh, then I’ll come again,” said Teruhashi, bowing.
            “It’s no problem, we’ll do it another time,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Oh, no, no, you can wait here if you want to,” said Mrs. Saiki. “It should end in thirty minutes. Ku, keep (Y/N) and Kokomi company.”
            “I was the one who invited (Y/N) over,” said Saiki.
            I’ll be alone with Saiki! realized Teruhashi.
            (Y/N) and Yuuta are here, thought Saiki.
            “Bye, I’ll be back soon,” said Mrs. Saiki, grabbing her purse and heading out.
            Instantly, Yuuta turned towards Saiki and (Y/N). “Can I watch TV?”
            Don’t you have your own TV? griped Teruhashi inwardly, but out loud, she just said, “Let’s watch TV!” She turned on the TV for him. I cannot get angry at this child. If I can distract him and (Y/N), then Saiki and I can have a moment alone.
            “We’re going to watch TV to avoid Teruhashi, aren’t we?” whispered (Y/N).
            How do they know what I’m thinking? Saiki nodded, and the pair sat down on the couch.
            Teruhashi stared. They’re watching TV, too?! She deflated. I guess we can’t be alone.
            The only one I wanted to be alone with today with was (Y/N), and you interrupted that, thought Saiki.
            “What is this show about? It seems cool,” said Teruhashi, attempting to get Yuuta to like her again.
            “I’m watching this. Be quiet,” said Yuuta.
            Teruhashi was stricken as he rudeness towards her continued. She couldn’t take any more. Swaying on her feet, she turned towards the door. “I just remembered something. I need to go home. Tell your mother I’m sorry.”
            Saiki looked down at Yuuta and smiled proudly. The kid had done what he couldn’t and scared Teruhashi off. Now after Yuuta’s mom got back, he and (Y/N) could spend some time alone. (And maybe (Y/N) would bake for him…that sounded like the perfect day).
            Yuuta just stared intently at the screen as Cyborg Cider-man No. 2 and Cherry Blossom Lemonade fought Baron Cola. Then, a third superhero entered the scene, a woman with blue hair and a sweet smile.
            “I am Peach T Girl!” she declared. “And I am here to help defeat Baron Cola.”
            Oh no. Saiki watched as, in Yuuta’s thoughts, Peach T Girl appeared as Teruhashi—the two looking strangely similar. Not again. No.
            Yuuta leapt up with a grin. He could have all three superheroes here if he got Peach T Girl back. He ran towards the door. “Wait! Peach T Girl!”
            “The world loves her too much,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) chuckled. “More like Yuuta loves that show too much.” They stood. “Come on, if we move out of the living room, Yuuta will make her sit down and talk to him about being a superhero and distract her from you.”
            You’re an angel. Saiki stood and followed (Y/N). Maybe he would get some quality time with them without too many idiots around.
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