#similar to how dreams tell you it's something or someone but looking back it's definitely not that person
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kodasea · 1 year ago
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Things aren't always what they seem to be
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azfell-ajcrowley · 1 year ago
Something we didn't notice (part 2)
part 1
Overall, the meta is based on close observation of Aziraphale (for the most part) and Crowley. Without speculation or trying to guess what we haven't been shown (well, almost).
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The Metatron makes it clear that he is watching Aziraphale delivering the "good news". Aziraphale looks back at him.
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The first thing I'd like to explain. The Metatron is talking to Muriel, and then he stares at the window of the bookshop duplicating that gaze toward Crowley. The frame changes and we see Aziraphale looking out the same window, just for a second, but he will do it repeatedly.
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As Crowley starts his monologue, Aziraphale tries to stop him by gesturing for him not to say too much, while looking out the window himself. Aziraphale continues to turn to the window with every meaningful attempt to speak.
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Let's also note that Aziraphale doesn't usually behave in a similar way in conversations with Crowley. Yes, Aziraphale is characterised by active gesticulation, but the constant pauses, averting his eyes from the interlocutor, nervous and jerky movements - these are messengers that angel is holding something back, hiding or simply doesn't want to tell. Most often we see this Aziraphale in conversations with the leadership - God and Archangels.
Here's a prime example, comparing his interaction with Archangels when he's caught off guard and frantically trying to figure out how to get out of the situation.
I don't think Aziraphale is just lying to Crowley here, no. He just has an audience beyond Crowley. He tries to tell everything, knowing he has more than one viewer.
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When Aziraphale mentions the Metatron, he is not just hinting, he points his index fingers - one at the window, another at Heaven, and then in a distinctly active quick motion once more at the WINDOW.
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And again - turns his face to the window at the words about Gabriel failing, and then tilts his head towards the transparent panes of the bookshop.
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The conversation with the Metatron is important, among other things, to assess Aziraphale's behaviour when Crowley is mentioned by his superiors. At the words about their partnership Aziraphale looks frightened: his facial muscles are tense, his forehead and eyebrows are furrowed, and there is a terror in his eyes.
When the God's spokesman concludes his really suspicious speech, Aziraphale swallows nervously and averts his eyes. He certainly doesn't look like someone who's been offered the fulfilment of his cherished dream. And not like someone who believes it.
Aziraphale looks like someone who has just found out what an enormous amount of incriminating information is in his opponent's possession.
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"Tell me you said no. Tell me you said NO." Crowley is definitely shocked and horrified, he thinks the best of his angel. He can't believe what's going on (and he isn't supposed to).
Aziraphale turns his head towards the window again as an answer.
He actually said:
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We see him right before he walks into the bookshop, he never says yes to the Metatron.
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Aziraphale utters his most delusional words while looking out the window. Of course, they're not meant for Crowley. Aziraphale hasn't believed it for a long time, Crowley even more so.
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And then Crowley says "Oh, God", without correcting himself afterwards, because this demon can only hope in God here.
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For a second Aziraphale has a look of hope on his face that Crowley has realised what he's getting at. Then Aziraphale realises that Crowley is trying to confess. He's waited for so long not to realise. He was about to confess too.
Aziraphale already knows everything Crowley is about to tell him, but more importantly, literally everyone already knows it. It's impossible to stay and start pretending again that there's nothing between them.
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Aziraphale has a completely blank stare past Crowley, and then he looks out the window. Again.
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And then the most interesting thing happens. Crowley starts his line "And I would like to spend…" But he turns his head and finally looks out the window, where Aziraphale has been pointing so hard since the beginning of their conversation.
Maybe that's the reason Crowley doesn't complete the sentence. And he begins to pick up different words. Maybe not, maybe the sun from the outside is preventing him from seeing the Metatron.
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In the final part of their conversation, when they move closer to the bookshop's door, Aziraphale looks towards the window again.
After "no nightingales" line he turns away to hide his feelings and pain.
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The cherry on the cake is the kiss, Aziraphale is falling into the abyss. He averts his eyes trying to figure out if the Metatron could have seen what just happened.
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When Crowley leaves, Aziraphale thinks he's lost him. But then, even when the Metatron walks in and says devaluing words about Crowley, Aziraphale can't tear himself away from the window, because now he can see Crowley there. Maybe not everything is lost.
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Aziraphale retreats back to the clock - to the very spot where Crowley was standing a few minutes ago. He looks out the window at Crowley, as if to say, "I stand where you stood, you stand where the Metatron stood."
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grimm-writings · 9 months ago
HI ITS BARD ANON I MISSED YOU!!! insane request but what about a situation where the party + kabru + chil’s family orchestrate a date between chil and reader? like setting them up… i think that’d be so cuteeee
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for the dancing and the dreaming
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…ft! chilchuck x gn! reader
…tags! fluff, post-canon spoilers, chilchuck’s wife remains nameless, i love chilchuck's family can you tell
…wc! 1887
…notes! BARD ANON I’M BACK FROM WAR (burnout) !!!! these two requests are similar so i decided to make ‘em a wombo combo!!! enjoy my loves!
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The woman gives you a kindly smile as she waves you off, you and her ex leaving the tavern.  She sighs and leans back, crossing her arms.
God, Chilchuck is more stupid than she remembered.
How could he possibly miss the affection in your eyes when he called out to you both before you left?  Or how you clearly wanted to ask if you can stay with him longer?  He’s just going to ignore that and consider it all platonic?
What an idiot.  Do I really have to step in for him again?  Just like old times, huh…?
The half-foot taps a finger against her cheek in thought.  Maybe she can push you to confess?  No, you’d probably wave your hands around and insist against having feelings for Chilchuck in the first place.  A heavy sigh escapes her.
Looks like she has to do things the old-fashioned way.
Step 1 – Family
The quickest way to alert someone is to see who the people closest to you know.  Flertom is rather in-the-know about any gossip.  Usually, as a mother, the half-foot really doesn’t want to encourage such things, but for now…
“What’s trendy in dating circles nowadays?”  She asks offhandedly, eyeing a bouquet Flertom bought to gift a possible suitor.  “Is the man still expected to be the one to initiate everything?”
She could nearly scoff at her own words.  Only reason she and Chil got together was pure happenstance.  Practically a blur by now.  He’d be hopeless at actually trying to start anything with you.
The younger woman hums in curiosity, before stopping to think.  “Not really nowadays, no…  If you have enough charisma, you can charm any man into taking you out for a drink.  Why do you ask, Ma?”
Flertom squints as she watches her mother laugh and shake her head in response.  “Oh, I just think your old man might need some… encouragement with a new flame is all.”
Just as she expected, Flertom was immediately on the ball with planning, rushing out to the town in order to visit her sisters and inform them of the operation.  She practically commanded her old mother to see if she could look for any clues about Chilchuck’s possible beau.  With a knowing smile, she remarks that she’s very happy to pay a visit to Melini.
Step 2 – Friends
“You really think something that elaborate could work?!”  Marcille Donato leans forward in her chair.  Her eyes shine with a certain kind of joy at the idea of playing Cupid that amuses the matured half-foot significantly.
She nods.  “I don’t see anything else coming close to pushing them.  Force might be the only way.”
A female tall-man, Falin if recalled correctly, squints and hums, tapping her finger on her chin as she tilts her head.  Her brow furrows.  “From what I know, Chilchuck seems to be more open, but… I don’t know if he has the courage to be truly vulnerable in front of someone like that.”
“No need to tell me twice,” his ex scoffs.
“Oh!”  The king, of all people, seems to have an epiphany.  “We could hold some sort of ball, encourage him to invite a plus one.  That can work, right Kabru?”
All eyes turn to look at the advisor standing to the side, clearly enjoying the conversation but not wishing to intrude.  He startles at the sudden attention, before clearing his throat behind his fist.
“It will take some time to plan, but it could work…  You mentioned having three daughters, ma’am, you can take one as a plus-one, and the two will take each other.”  He’s calm with his conclusion, which the half-foot woman can definitely respect.
“A banquet of all their favourite foods,” the dwarf Senshi, as food-brained as ever, sighs in daydream.
Kabru takes a step forward.  “Though I have to ask,” he enquires, “is it really necessary to call upon all of the king’s advisors and himself for a Cupid scheme?”
Silly boy.  He doesn’t yet realise the stakes.
If Chilchuck and you don’t say something soon, then you may stay silent forever.  This idea might be the best shot they have.
Step 3 – The Preparation
“What’s even the occasion…?”  Chilchuck sighs as he adjusts the sleeves of the formal outfit he’s wearing.  He’s definitely unused to something so high-class.  Being invited as a guest of honour certainly isn’t doing any favours either.
Not to mention, Laios was stupid enough to not even bestow upon you a guest of honour title!  Chilchuck has to go through the means of inviting you as a plus one due to some ‘organisational issues’, as Kabru put it.
What a load of crap.
“I ��unno!”  Puckpatti peeks her head around the corner to look at her father.  “Royals just seem to like their balls!”
“This isn’t one of your period romances…” Meijack’s voice rings from the other room too.
You sit with them, talking amongst one another.  Flertom’s plus one remains a mystery to you, though she assures you that you’ll meet with her when you get there.  You can only assume it’s the girls’ mother but you have no clue why she’s so giggly and secretive about it.
“On the contrary!” Flertom announces.  “I think it’s exactly like a period romance.  Maybe one of us will be swept into a dance so beguiling, you forget there’s a whole ballroom of people!”
You squeal in surprise when Flertom takes your hands and pulls you out of your chair.  You dance together in a fit of giggles.  You only barely miss Chilchuck walking out to meet with you all, a fond smile on his face.
Little do you know, he’s thinking about what it would be like if joy like this could be shared in a household with the two of you.
“Come on now, settle.  Apparently there’s gonna be a carriage taking us to Melini.  I couldn’t fight against the theatrics, according to Marcille…”
“Oh Papa!”  Puckpatti sighs blissfully.  “We truly are living like nobles now!  Maybe you can… ah…”
Both you and Chilchuck spy her eyes darting towards her sisters with unsureness.  How strange.
“You can find… someone nice there!”
“No, Patti.”  Chilchuck shakes his head with a sigh.  “I’m not gonna marry some rich dwarf.”
“You are too cruel, Papa,” Flertom points out with a pout.  “No one will want you if you just keep saying no.”
As the three bicker, Meijack spares you a sympathetic glance, and she rolls her eyes.  Her sisters hardly know subtlety.  Finally she stands up and walks to your side.
“I’m glad you’re here with us,” she says with uncharacteristic softness; she’s similar to her father like that.  “Papa has good taste.”
You go red just as much as Chilchuck.  For a moment, Flertom and Puckpatti wonder if their less romance-focused sister has some secret charisma she’s been hiding up her sleeve this whole time.  It seems to work though, as they chorus their agreements loudly.
“Very good taste!”
“Their formal wear matches yours fashionably well!”
“Just as pretty as Ma too!”
“If not prettier!”
The entire carriage ride to Melini was full of this type of chatter, asking questions about you and Chilchuck’s time together the whole way.  A few times you had to clarify that you are only as close as the rest of your old party were close, but were only met with a few smug “mhms” and “sures”.
Chilchuck can only roll his eyes when he gets the chance to comment on it privately with you.  “I have no idea what’s up with them.”
“Oh, cheer up!”  You laugh softly.  “I’m flattered that they like me.”
Chilchuck can’t help but hear your laugh and chuckle along – music to his ears.  “...Yeah, I’m glad they like you too.”
“Come on!  Ma is here to greet you two!”  Flertom’s voice calls out.
The mastermind has been watching you and Chilchuck the whole time you approach.  Her expression remains neutral, with the smallest sliver of a smile.  Seems like the proximity has been lending itself quite well.
“Well, aren’t you two a pair,” she greets you both.  “Ready to take the ball by storm.”
“Your jokes haven’t gotten any better,” Chilchuck replies.
“And you’re still wearing the same shabby suit from sixteen years ago.”
Chilchuck flushes red once again and you can’t help but laugh, patting his shoulder sympathetically as he hooks his arm through yours.
The watching half-foot knowingly grins.  Yes, you two are definitely going to take it up a level after tonight.
Step 4 – Profit!
The ball came and went.  It goes as typical as the dark-haired half-foot expects.  What really is supposed to be a high-class noble event is a mask for foodies, romantics, and those looking for a fun time.
Senshi’s food was as wonderful as promised, and even if this was all done in the name of romance, Flertom and Puckpatti had to be held down from trying to approach the dwarf with lowered eyelids and twirled hair.  Chilchuck doesn’t need more heart palpitations than he already did.
She did her best to encourage Chilchuck to drink.  She knows better than anyone that his tongue only loosened when he got enough alcohol in him.  It hurts just a little, knowing that this is one of the only ways Chilchuck can be open with someone romantically.
The temptation did cross her to ask how Chilchuck views her now, but she stood against it.  It’s not the night for that.
By the time the party drew to a close, people were exhausted, drunk, in a food coma, or all of the above.  The King had to be dragged over to his quarters, and Marcille had since passed out on Falin’s shoulder, who’s bidding farewell to guests.
The dark-haired half-foot swirls the last of her wine in a glass as she stands outside, making small-talk with the tall-man.  It’s not until you stumble out with Chilchuck clinging to the fabric on your hip that she looks up.
“Do you—”
“No need for help!”  You reassure her with a grin.  “He always seems to get clingy with me when drunk, so I’m kinda used to it at this point!”
Your laughter meets a knowing smile, not knowing exactly what she’s so smug about.  “Yes, he seems to really like you.”
“I sure hope he does, considering he’s accepted my request to go on a date with him.”
Falin perks up enough to wake up the elf on her shoulder.  “A date?”
The half-foot across from you is stunned into silence.  It actually worked.  The atmosphere and passion of it all actually egged you both on!
“Congratulations.”  You’ve seen more emotion from the dark-haired woman than ever before.  Her smile relaxed but her eyes shining, the lines underneath crinkling with happiness.  “Treat him well, okay?”
“Of course,” you reply, and you lean forward a little.  “Thank you for your help.  Kabru couldn’t help but gossip to me.”
You wink and lean up again.  Chilchuck at your side whines for your attention and you laugh, walking towards a carriage.
Safe travels were promised, and the dark-haired half-foot turns to the two blonde women.
The elf blinks slowly, red-faced from drink.
“Did we win…?”
The two other women laugh.  Stories must be exchanged the next time you all meet – especially on your end of things.
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damiansgoodgirll · 6 months ago
I just read “think I need someone older” and omg it was so so angsty and so so good! I was hoping to request sort of the reverse where Damian has a crush on reader (same age gap and everything) and he’s worried that she doesn’t feel the same and all of his conflicting emotions in having feelings for someone much younger than him. Angst would be great too but the ending is totally up to you! 🖤
omg love this idea! a little similar to the other one!
damian priest x reader
likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!!
‼️a little angsty, some feels, sexual tension, age gap between damian and reader
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beautiful angel
damian felt like something was wrong with him but he couldn’t help it. he couldn’t stop looking at you everytime you were at the gym together and you were training with him or rhea. he couldn’t help but love your company, even if it was just for the amount of time he would drop you back home. he just loved being in your presence and he couldn’t understand why.
he felt weird for even looking in your direction sometimes. he was way older than you and in his eyes you were just a young spirit full of life.
you, being in your early twenties, wanted to live your life at fullest. you were building your own career in wrestling, you were trying to do as many fun new things and adventures as you could. and damian felt like if he tried anything with you, he would stop you from doing that.
he was attracted by you. not only by your looks, even if he thought that you were the most beautiful person he ever met, he was attracted by your personality, your kind and genuine self, your funny side, he was attracted by you.
he was happily looking at you as you were training with rhea. he didn’t know what you told her but he didn’t missed the laughs escaping her lips.
“you coming too damian?” rhea woke him from his dream.
“sorry?” he apologised, feeling like the missed all of the conversation you were having before.
“y/n asked us if we want to join her tonight, she’s going to this new club downtown” rhea explained “i’m definitely going”
“oh” he thought about it for a moment. he was a party boy. he never missed going to clubs and having fun but you two never actually went together so he didn’t know how he should behave “yes…count me in” he faked a smile that turned genuine when he saw you happily jumping in the ring.
once you all finished your training, damian offered to drop you off at home, as usual. he was so whipped that he even let you play your pop playlist in his car. he never done that for anyone except you.
“you and rhea went hard today” he laughed watching how tired you were.
“yeah…i think i’ll sleep for a bit and then i’ll get ready for tonight” you replied back.
“what time do you want me to pick you up?” he was natural. he could be your private driver and he wouldn’t care as long as he could spend time with you.
“oh…rhea said around midnight…” you thought about it for a moment. truth was that you didn’t tell them the complete truth. you weren’t going to the club just to have fun as you told the duo, you were going there because a boy asked you out but you were too scared of going alone so you tried to convince them to be your back up in case something happened.
you didn’t really want to meet anyone as you were happily enjoying your youth but when he appeared to ask you out, noticing how good looking he was, you gave yourself a chance.
“midnight…okay, i’ll text you once i’ll be down there” he smiled.
you couldn’t notice how kind he always was towards you. he never minded taking you home, going grocery shopping with you when you asked him, going to the theatre with you even when it was about stupid comedies that he hated. he always offered to train with you. he liked to push you to your limits but he never went to far, always checking in with you.
you couldn’t stop but thinking that all he did was just with you. you knew how close he was with rhea but never once in his lifetime he let her play her music in his car, not even when they both liked the same type of music. he did things for you that he wouldn’t do for anyone else and that feeling made you think.
“here we go angel” the little nickname he used for you made you blush. it wasn’t anything knew for you but yet, the way his voice sounded made you always feel butterflies that you couldn’t understand.
“thank you…see you tonight” you happily said, leaving a soft kiss on his cheek as usual before leaving his car and going strong into your apartment.
damian stood there for a moment. you always kissed him goodbye and to this day, he still wasn’t used to it.
with the biggest smile on his face, he drove back home.
once inside, he took time to wash himself and trying to distract himself from the thought of you. walking half naked in his home, he tried to think about anything else but he couldn’t. everything remained him of you. he went on instagram, seeing if any of his friends posted something new but somehow he always managed to find your profile and look at your pictures.
in his eyes, you were the most beautiful person he ever laid his eyes on but he couldn’t stop wonder what his family and friends would say if they knew he had a crush on you.
the age difference between the two of you was symbolic. hell, he could have been your big brother or father - almost - and he was worried that in your eyes, he was just an old man.
“fuck…” he cursed while scrolling down your instagram. there were pictures of you in your ring gear, in your bikinis, in your pjs. there were selfie with your friends and family. there were a few pictures with him and rhea too and he smiled seeing the sweet captions you wrote under those pictures.
you had him wrapped around your finger and you didn’t even know about it.
he was sure you were sleeping now and he tried to rest a couple of hours before getting ready for tonight, but his mind wouldn’t stop thinking of you. he wanted to text you but he knew he just couldn’t so instead he scrolled through all of your old messages, smiling from time to time when you texted him personal things or just stupid things you read online.
but right when he was thinking of you, he received the notification and that person was you.
rhea asked me if you can pick her up too tonight, she doesn’t feel like driving all the way downtown. she can be annoying sometimes :/
he genuinely smiled. just the simplest text could bring a smile on his face. he replied with an okay before starting to get ready.
he wore just a pair of black leather pants and a white shirt, his rings and necklaces being the main accessories. he looked one less time in the mirror before leaving his house and making his way toward your apartment.
he picked you up first cause he wanted to be able to spend at least 10 minutes alone with you before picking up rhea.
his breath caught in his throat when he saw you walking down the street with the cutest and hottest short green dress you’ve ever worn.
“dios mio…” he whispered. you were flawless. your make up matched your outfit. your hair falling effortlessly on your shoulders. your smile always present on your face.
“hey” you smiled at him before sitting on the passenger seat, knowing that later you would have to fight with rhea for that seat as she always hated sitting in the back.
he greeted you before driving over “that dress looks good on you” he tried to compose himself but your were making it hard, you were making him hard.
“oh thank you…” you blushed “ you don’t look so bad either” you made him laugh.
you could feel the tension while he was driving to rhea. it was like as if he was nervous to be in your presence.
he drove fast, not trusting his own thoughts. of course, rhea fought to be in passenger seat but damian wasn’t having any of that so the moment she stepped into the car, he drove towards the club.
he thought that maybe once there, he could use some distraction.
the moment you entered the club your eyes met the infamous boy you’ve been texting for the past few days. he wasn’t alone either. but before you could approach him, rhea led you and damian towards a little table in the corner, saying that over there you would have more privacy.
damian started to feeling a little uncomfortable. he was used to partying but he couldn’t put his mind together when he was around you.
“it’s a party rhea…let’s dance!” you shouted trying to speak over the loud music.
“i’ll drink something first, you go and have fun! damian are you staying here or are you going?” rhea asked t turning to face damian.
“i’ll order a soda…don’t wanna drink if i have to get your drunk asses back home” he tried to laugh about it but the when he saw boys looking at you, he just wanted to rip their heads off.
“fine…i’ll see you later” you smiled and waved them goodbye.
damian watched you while you were getting loose on the dance floor but when people started to join the party, he lost sight of you. you moved to the back, trying to see the famous boy you wanted to meet but when you saw him dancing with another girl, your heart dropped.
why did he even invite you if he didn’t want to see you?
you moved the bar, wanting to drawn your sorrow in alcohol. the guy at the bar saw how miserable you were and he pitied you so he offered you a strong vodka cocktail. you didn’t know what you were drinking, you didn’t even care, you just wanted to forget how excited you were for tonight and how stupid you were thinking that some guy finally thought about you.
while drinking you spotted rhea already on the dance floor, awkwardly dancing knowing that the clubs weren’t exactly her places. that brought a little smile to her face but the smile suddenly fell when you saw damian dancing with a woman.
no, not a girl. a grown ass woman.
in your eyes, she was beautiful. she was everything you weren’t yet. she had some cute wrinkles when she smiled. a blue dress that fitted perfectly her curves. damian’s hands were all over her body, from her back to her ass and you couldn’t shake those weird feelings away.
maybe it was the alcohol - you thought.
damian didn’t even know the woman’s name. she told him but he didn’t care. the moment he lost sight of you, his mind started to wander ;
what if you were making out with some guy? what if you wanted just to have fun and not have anything serious?
you were young after all, he would have perfectly understood if those were your intentions. but then he spotted you. a drink in your hand and an empty glass next to you, sign that it wasn’t your first drink. you were dozing off and when he looked at the time, he was shocked when the clock signed 2 am already.
two hours passed in what felt like ten minutes and he wondered what did you do all night long. he excused himself from the unknown woman and he walked towards you.
“mariposa…” his voice gently woke you from your own thoughts.
“hey…” he knew something was off.
“i hope you’re not abusing these cocktails” he joked making you chuckle a little.
“this is my second -…”
“third” the barman corrected you.
“oh right…third vodka cocktail…it’s good, it tastes like syrup but alcoholic” you joked, clearly drunk.
“and that’s my sign to take you back home” damian laughed, helping you off the bar stool and keeping a firm hand on your back to make sure you wouldn’t fall.
he signed to rhea and she happily left the dance floor “finally…my feet are killing me” she laughed but her face drop when she saw your condition “what’s wrong with her?”
“she’s drunk” damian laughed.
“i hate boys…” was all that came out of your mouth. your mind wasn’t even thinking at this point, you were just expressing your feelings.
damian wanted to know more about your outburst but the music was making it hard for him to understand your words.
he took you out and back to the car, rhea following behind. she was too tired that she didn’t even want to to fight with you for the car seats.
“why do you hate boys?” rhea asked laughing a little. she knew you could be a little dramatic sometimes.
“i was supposed to meet a boy here but when i saw him, he was dancing with someone else…and she was very pretty…very very pretty” you said half drunk.
damian was pissed. oh, he was beyond mad.
that guy didn’t even know how lucky he was to even be in your presence.
“she couldn’t have been prettier than you” damian whispered “you’re so beautiful, angel” he tried to cheer you up.
you genuinely smiled and put your hand over his bigger one.
too tired, rhea didn’t even know what was going on so she simply agreed with damian.
once rhea was back home, damian felt more at ease being alone with you. he finally could talk with you, comfort you or let you cry if you needed to.
“damian…” you called his name.
“can you stay at my place? i feel like i don’t wanna be alone tonight…” your soft voice said and he nodded, promising you that he wouldn’t have left you alone.
he gently helped you out of the car, his hand on your hips making sure you wouldn’t lose your balance. once inside you kicked your heels somewhere in the room, making damian giggle. he helped you sitting down on your big puffy couch and he gave you some water to drink.
“thanks…” you shyly smiled.
he sat next to you, gently covering you with your pink blanket.
“do you wanna talk?” he offered but you shook your head no.
“i just wanna a hug” at this point you weren’t even drunk anymore, maybe a little tipsy. you were miserable and embarrassed.
damian sadly smiled and opened his arms for you. he could hold you every night.
“it’s okay…” he whispered when he heard you sobbing “angel…it’s okay”
“it’s not…i thought that someone finally liked me…” you cried.
he wanted to scream how much in love he was with you but he didn’t want to overwhelm you know. and the worst, he didn’t want to ruin your friendship.
“hey…you’re young, you told me that you weren’t looking for a man, this was just a boy…you’ll find someone who can appreciate you, i promise you” he softly kissed your head.
“it’s easy for you…you’re hot and all the women want you, you don’t know what it’s like to feel attracted by someone only for that person to ignore you” you didn’t mean to be so rude towards damian, at the end of the day, he was just trying to help you.
“mariposa trust me…i know what it feels like” his words made you curious so you looked at him, letting him continue “i like someone who doesn’t like me back” he chuckled “and she’s the most beautiful person ive ever seen…”
“she’s stupid” you said making him laugh. if only you knew he was talking about you “does she know?”
“i can’t tell her…” he whispered.
“why not?” you were now invested in this conversation.
“i don’t wanna ruin our friendship, she’s special to me” damian tried to hold himself back when he saw your little face scrunch while you were thinking of something to say back. he found you adorable.
“i think you should take the risk…you’ll never know what she feels if you don’t tell her”
“it’s not that simple…i feel like i’m not good enough for her. she’s so full of life, and younger than me…i don’t know if she would like to date an old man like me” he spoke like he was really in love with this person and the fact that he couldn’t have her was hurting him.
“as long as she’s not a minor i would say, go for it” you made him laugh.
“i promise you, she’s not a minor” he couldn’t keep his smile off of his face “i feel like if i do something wrong i might lose her and i couldn’t handle it”
“you really like her uh?” you teased.
“more than you can imagine…” he breathed.
you thought that the situation was serious and you didn’t know why but you felt some sort of jealousy towards this mysterious woman. you’ve never thought about damian like that but you couldn’t stop imagining all the times he’s been sweet and kind with you.
“i wouldn’t mind dating someone older” you said, making damian’s head turning immediately to your face again “as long as he’s treating me right, as long as he respects me and loves me, age is just a number right?”
he looked into your eyes, trying to see if you were lying or if what you were saying was true “yeah…age is just a number” those words gave him a little hope.
there was silence between the two of you. you were both staring at each others, wondering if you should talk or not.
you broke the silence first “she would be so lucky to have you damian…the way you’re always generous and supportive, the way you care about others, i love how you always make sure everyone is okay before you check on yourself” you softly laughed “plus you give the comfiest hugs…i’d be jealous if she wouldn’t let you hug me anymore”
damian found your little confession cute, and even if you were still a little tipsy, he knew you and your words were sincere.
“that won’t happen trust me” his voice thick, sending shivers through your body “but maybe you’re right…i should tell her how i feel”
you nodded, feeling a little jealous about the woman he had a crush on but before you could speak, he gently lifted your chin up, making you look him into his eyes “i’m taking the risk now so please don’t freak out…but i like you, i’ve always liked you…and i know it might sound crazy but you’ve been on my mind since i’ve met you…”
“that was two years ago…” you whispered.
“yeah…i’ve been trying to tell myself that this was only a crush, that it would go away but two years have passed and i’m more in love with you than i was before because i got to meet you, i got to work with you and get to know you better…and i tried to get you out of my head because in my mind this thing couldn’t work, i tried to get with other women but everything reminded me of you” his thumb softly stroking your cheek, making you melt into his touch “this probably is gonna ruin our friendship or we can pretend nothing happened but i needed to say it, you deserved to know…”
you took his hands into yours and softly smiled at him. in that moment you realised that you didn’t need to look for any man, you already had one by your side, ready to risk it all just for you.
“please say something” he begged, worried that he might overstepped.
“i think i just realised how stupid i was for not noticing this before…i always complain and complain and you’re always here for me…you’re always here to support me and cheer me up and i’ve never noticed how much you actually care for me…”
“i will always care about you y/n…” that was all he said before you took control of the situation and gently pushed him to the edge of the couch, hoovering him and sitting on his lap. if you were sober you probably wouldn’t have the courage to do that so you thanked the vodka running through your body before touching his face with your small hands. one look at him was all you needed before softly kissing his lips. he melted into your kiss. his hands moving to your back, keeping you still while your hands moved from his cheeks to his long hair. tugging and playing with them, you both smiled into the kiss.
“i like you too damian…” you whispered making him chuckle.
“well i hope so”
“oh shut up” you joked before kissing him again. you didn’t mean to grind on his lap but when you did, you heard him moan into your mouth, making you shiver.
“fuck…” he whispered.
he needed to have you. he wanted to have you naked for him but not tonight. not like that, with you still half drunk. you made him hard but he knew he could take care of it, right now, he wanted to make sure that you were okay.
“y/n…” he softly said making you look at him “we should go to bed…”
“and sleep” he laughed at your annoyed face “not tonight hermosa…i wanna take things slow with you, i wanna do this right”
you saw that he was being serious so you nodded, trusting damian completely, you knew he was going to treat you the way you deserved and you couldn’t complain - for once.
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 8 months ago
Thoughts on the Seraphim, assuming you have any?
one thing i think is quite interesting in egghead, which hasn't necessarily been highlighted prominently by the narrative but which underlies the whole arc, is the similar treatment of the various artificial humans created by vegapunk: the satellites, the seraphim, stussy, and, to a certain extent, kuma.
i think one of the points of egghead is that it's both inhumane and impossible to try and create a person with no individuality or free will. like, it's immoral, but it also just doesn't work. you can't create a person just to serve your own needs and have them not have any personality or identity of their own; it's antithetical to human nature. one piece consistently says that all things strive, and all things dream, and all things want to be free, and that's why vegapunk's creations keep becoming real people in ways that he didn't intend or foresee.
all of the artificial humans in this arc have some degree of identity and individual thought, even those who were specifically designed to be perfectly obedient. we see this when vegapunk is shocked to hear that s-snake is capable of defying orders to help luffy, and when kuma comes to save bonney despite every fact of science saying that he should be brain-dead.
york's betrayal is also consistent with this. vegapunk didn't see it coming, because he created and viewed the satellites as extensions of himself, but they aren't! they're sentient people with, at least, the potential to develop their own dreams and motivations and goals that don't necessarily align with his. that's what being human is.
in that sense, the fact that vegapunk's downfall is brought about by york's self-actualization is quite karmic. her actions are evil and extreme and cause massive collateral damage, of course, but i honestly think they're also pretty understandable when you consider her as a person who was created to only be an extra limb of someone else, trying to define herself. how else was she ever supposed to be free?
this theme is, i think, particularly embodied in stussy, who is clearly undergoing something of an identity crisis. she's caught between loyalty to the purpose she was seemingly created for and loyalty to the identity and relationships she's developed for herself while living out in the world as her own person; she betrays the latter for the former, which is something that clearly pains her greatly, and then loses the former anyways, leaving her with nothing.
the situation that stussy is put in is really very cruel, and honestly, egghead is a fundamentally inhumane place. it's full of people who are expected to not be people. it's frankly no wonder one of them eventually freaked out and turned evil.
vegapunk pressuring sentoumaru into betraying the world government for him is played for comedy, and it's basically implied sentoumaru would've done that anyways, but at the same time it's rather telling of the way vegapunk tends to treat his subordinates and creations: like their own thoughts and feelings, if they have any, don't really matter. vegapunk doesn't ever intend to be cruel, i don't think, but he's certainly thoughtless and inconsiderate, and when you're dealing with human life that can be just as damaging.
this all brings us back to the seraphim. they're weapons of war, yes, but they're also children who had no say in their own creation, and who clearly have at least somewhat more individuality than vegapunk intended them to have (as we see definitively with s-snake). they're effectively slaves of the world government, currently. even when you look at how they were created, they're products of experimentation on a captive child (king), and two of them, s-snake and s-bear, are cloned from former child slaves themselves.
one piece is a story about freedom. i think one way or another, thematically, the seraphim will have to end up free. i can't predict when or how that'll happen, but everything about egghead and the series as a whole indicates that the desire of living things to be free and dream is irrepressible.
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astroidology · 2 months ago
astro notessss - part ???
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mars in pisces easily catches feelings because they won’t ever stop thinking about that one person. Most of times they don’t even know the person, it’s just what they feel. And they tend to have a very sweet approach to love, lots of emotions, kinda like not being able to fck around with other people once they’re in love. They also feel like they have to vocalize it to get over it.
mercury in any fire sign (leo/aries/sagittarius) are always having to tell people it’s just a joke lol they tend to be very direct and their type of humor is usually so stupid, it sounds like their making fun of everyone but it’s also usually their love language. they love when people match their energy, they feel free to say anything and they lovee ittt. another thing is If they don’t fck with you, they won’t even bother to talk to you.
moon in pisces struggles a lot to open up. it’s such a weird thing because they wear their heart in their sleeve so everyone knows they’re not doing well, people notice there’s something off, you can even see it in their face and eyes, but a moon in pisces will never be able to fully talk about it, it’s almost like talking about it makes it real and they don’t want any negative feelings. We all know they live in their own dream world, where it’s safe and peaceful and happy. and it’s all good until it hits them; reality. And they hate it. they want to crawl back in bed, fall asleep for days. They need to shut their minds off so it’s very common for them to develop escape mechanisms. really bad habits that make them feel so good.
venus in aquarius is an interesting placement. it reminds me a lot of venus in virgo and I do think they have a lot of things in common but even when they happen to be very similar, I still think venus in aquarius is more complex than that. They need reassurance in any way possible because it makes them feel safe but they are too afraid to committing to someone and having to emotionally depend on someone. And it’s not that they’re disloyal, if anything they’re one of the most loyal placements. they love imperfections, they love the real and raw. they understand there’s more to people and they accept people. but they’re afraid of it. they don’t think someone will be able to love their imperfections, so as soon as they start feeling too much, they take a couple steps back. they suddenly need some space. or at least that’s what they think they need. and it’s always something that they can’t even understand themselves.
Mars in sagittarius are the most passive aggressive unlike the other fire mars (aries/leo). They will never want to be seen as the crazy ones but they say and do things to push people’s buttons. It’s interesting how they can turn the table on others lol they be doing sht and acting so surprised if you do it to them. Usually mars in aries or leo are more out there and direct, they don’t care to look crazy lol … Alsooo sagittarius is very open when it comes relationships, they are prone to cheat because they need the excitement and the adrenaline to keep them motivated. They’re likely into threesomes or polyamory. And are definitely big flirtss lol
Moon in leo are full of strong feelings. This is when leo is taking over the emotions so if they’re sad, they’re going to feel really sad. If they’re happy, you’re able to see it from a mile away. Leo usually wears their heart in their sleeve even though they try to hide their feelings a lot. Leo naturally loves attention but only the good kind. This placements almost feels like wanting to just throw yourself out there but being too afraid to be judged. Pride also plays a big thing here. Whenever they feel offended or unwanted, they’ll go away. They don’t talk. Being alone it’s sometimes not a good thing for this placement because they get so lost in their sadness, they need some good people and some good words to lift them up again.
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sulkingheichou012 · 7 days ago
Into the Dungeon with You
Pairing: Jinwoo x Reader
Genre: RomCom, Action, Future Smut
Warning: Description of violence and profanity.
Summary: Jinwoo frowned as a new system notification appeared before him.
[Special Reward Successfully Claimed.]
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Chapter 1
Y/N had always been a dedicated fan of Solo Leveling. Jinwoo was the definition of her dream man—tall, handsome, disciplined, determined, and fiercely loyal to his family. She had read the manhwa multiple times, written fanfiction, and even imagined scenarios where she’d be by his side, fighting monsters and falling in love.
Tonight was just another one of those nights. Wrapped in her blanket, she was reading a particularly spicy fanfic about Jinwoo when her phone suddenly brightened to an unbearable level. She squinted, thinking it was the auto-brightness acting up, but before she could adjust it—
A flash of white engulfed her vision, her heart pounded, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself in a dimly lit, cavernous space. The air was damp, the ground rough, and the atmosphere eerily silent.
"What the—" Y/N started but froze when she noticed a tall, shadowy figure standing in the center of the room.
Her breath hitched. It couldn’t be...
He stood there, his sharp black eyes watching her with curiosity and wariness. Dressed in his signature all-black combat attire, he looked even more handsome—no, intimidating—in real life. His presence was overwhelming, and Y/N swore her heart was about to explode.
Meanwhile, Jinwoo frowned as a new system notification appeared before him.
[Special Reward Successfully Claimed.]
[Congratulations, Player. You have obtained: One (1) Clueless Woman.]
Jinwoo’s brow twitched. What the hell kind of reward was this?
The girl in front of him—who, by the looks of it, seemed oddly unprepared for a dungeon—was staring at him with wide eyes, her mouth slightly open. She was dressed in a loose satin top and mini shorts, similar to what his sister, Jinah, wore when lounging at home. It wasn’t exactly combat-ready attire.
"...Who are you?" Jinwoo finally asked, his voice calm but firm.
Y/N opened her mouth, then closed it. Then opened it again. This wasn’t a dream, was it?
Her mind raced, trying to process the absurdity of the situation. She had just been reading about Jinwoo in her bed, and now—
Wait. Was this an isekai situation?!
Holy crap, did she just get summoned into Solo Leveling?
She took a deep breath, her fangirl instincts warring with her common sense. This was a life-or-death world, not just a manhwa panel! But also... she was standing right in front of Sung Jinwoo.
Her dream man.
A slow, nervous grin spread across her face. "Uh... hi?"
Jinwoo sighed. "You don’t belong here."
Y/N nodded quickly. "Trust me, I know. But—uh—how do I get back?"
He tilted his head slightly, his expression unreadable. "That’s what I’m trying to figure out."
A silence settled between them before Y/N clasped her hands together. "Okay. Since I’m here anyway... can I at least have a moment to appreciate the fact that I just met Sung Jinwoo in real life?"
Jinwoo blinked. "What?"
Y/N coughed. "Nothing!"
Jinwoo rubbed his temple. He could already tell this was going to be a long, long day.
Jinwoo stood there, arms crossed, watching the clueless woman in front of him. She looked way too relaxed for someone who had just randomly appeared in a dungeon. Instead of panicking or questioning things further, she suddenly took a deep breath, her expression shifting into something almost… dreamy?
Y/N, meanwhile, had made a decision. This is obviously a dream. A ridiculous, once-in-a-lifetime dream where she got isekai’d into Solo Leveling, and instead of worrying, she was going to enjoy it.
Might as well make the most of it.
With hesitant but determined steps, she walked straight up to Jinwoo. He raised an eyebrow but didn’t move, merely watching her with his usual unreadable expression. Y/N swallowed hard.
Okay, here goes nothing.
Before she could second-guess herself, she gently wrapped her arms around him, resting her face against his solid chest.
Oh my god. He’s so firm.
Jinwoo’s entire body tensed. His arms, which had been comfortably crossed, stiffened as he tried to process what was happening. This random woman—who had just popped into existence in the middle of a dungeon—was now hugging him.
What the hell was he supposed to do with this?
Y/N, completely oblivious to his internal dilemma, sighed dreamily. "Ahhh~ this is amazing. Jinwoo, you're so handsome…" She gave him a little squeeze. "And your body! So firm! Wow, I can really feel it now that I’m up close!"
Jinwoo coughed awkwardly, his arms still hovering uselessly in the air. "Uh—"
"And you smell so good," Y/N added, taking a long, dramatic sniff.
Jinwoo flinched.
Did she just—
Did she just sniff him?!
Y/N sighed again, snuggling deeper into his chest. "Mmm… yup. This is the best dream ever."
Jinwoo blinked. "Dream?"
"Yup," Y/N nodded against his chest. "I mean, obviously, this isn’t real. There’s no way I’d actually get transported into Solo Leveling. That kind of thing only happens in fanfics and webnovels. So!" She gave him another squeeze. "I might as well enjoy it while I can."
Jinwoo just stood there, staring down at her, completely at a loss.
How was he supposed to respond to this?!
His Shadows—who were lurking in the background—were watching the scene unfold in silence, clearly as bewildered as their master.
[‘Beru’ has entered a state of extreme confusion.]
[‘Igris’ is contemplating whether to intervene.]
Jinwoo sighed, finally raising his hands. He very, very gently placed them on Y/N’s shoulders, trying to pry her off without using too much force.
"Okay… uh, you can let go now."
"Mmm, five more seconds," Y/N murmured, still not loosening her grip.
Jinwoo exhaled sharply, staring at the ceiling like he was asking the gods for patience.
Before he could get to five, Y/N suddenly lifted her head, her eyes sparkling as if she just had the best idea ever.
"If this is a dream, then I can do this too!"
Before Jinwoo could react, she booped his nose with her finger.
Jinwoo.exe has stopped working.
The great Shadow Monarch, the strongest hunter in existence, had fought countless monsters, defeated god-like beings, and survived near-death experiences. But at this moment?
This clueless woman had managed to break him.
His Shadows, witnessing this madness, quietly retreated into the darkness, pretending they saw nothing.
Meanwhile, Y/N was grinning. "Yup, this dream is perfect."
Jinwoo, on the other hand, was seriously considering if this "special reward" was actually a curse.
Chapter 2 >>
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junnieverse · 2 years ago
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➙ boyfriend jay thoughts
pairing: park jongseong x gn!reader
genre: fluff
request: " Hii <3 Can I request Jay as your boyfriend? "
warnings: lowercase intended, not proofread, mentions of food, this was kinda long, I'm sorry I just kept going
a/n: even if he isn't your bias, I'm sure we can all agree we want jay as our boyfriend. hope you liked your request anon ^_^
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everyone's dream man
the boyfriend you introduce to your parents and they would love him too
jay is THE most husband material man to ever husband material
and seriously he would be the perfect boyfriend in every sense
I see jay as the sort of boyfriend to take care of his s/o with their day to day life stuff such as cooking or helping them clean (very domestic) but also financially
he would love spoiling his partner (and as he should)
be it with small things to things you couldn't even dream of seeing or getting
to jay, you deserve it all, he would even buy you the moon and stars (his words, not mine)
flowers, flowers and oh wait, more flowers
seriously, he always gets you flowers (unless you're either allergic or just don't like the smell of them like me)
very romantic, probably one of the most romantic in enha
very class and sophisticated sort of romantic
giving very much fancy candlelit dinner with the view of the Eiffel tower in Paris
but sometimes instead of splurging to take you out, he prefers a home cooked meal that you could either make together or he makes for you
just like the rest of the group, jay has a way of making you laugh even without trying
your laughter is his favourite sound (no I'm not crying, you are)
shopping together is a big yes!
I imagine as his s/o you would both have similar tastes in style consisting of things that are classy but can also be chic and cute
sometimes he even shops for you if he knows what you like or what you've been wanting
"Remember that blazer you really liked from the last fashion week from Prada, I got it for you so I hope you like it."
doesn't take no for an answer and even if you do try refusing a gift he gives you, he gives you this certain look and then you end up accepting the gift
also carries your shopping bags after shopping so all you have to do is walk beside him looking as beautiful as ever
nap dates are a thing with you and jay
you would both simply cuddle in bed and just sleep together for hours like that and it is definitely his second favourite thing after kissing you
and when he does go on tour and can't cuddle with you, he makes sure to call you every night no matter how exhausted he is because it helps him sleep better after hearing your voice
I'm talking private guitar shows
be it he's just playing random acoustics on his guitar or he's actually working on something new, he will have you listen to it
"Jay you know I'm not good at this stuff, you always sound amazing anyway." you tell him feeling embarrassed at your lack of musical inclination
"Even so, you know you're someone who's opinion matters the most to me angel." he would tell you before kissing your forehead reassuringly
has an incredible memory so he remembers so many small details about you and you find it so heartwarming
you will be clinging to jay because we all know how good he smells and he doesn't mind either
usually isn't the physical affection sort of guy but he secretly loves it whenever you hug or cuddle
the healing era boyfriend for all my heartbroken readers
jay is the perfect boyfriend to help you get back into the dating game as you heal and learn to love and trust yourself and others
oh I cannot forget about the singing
he is definitely going to be singing to you
ask him and he will be your human aux, sings whatever songs you would like
he all in all just loves feeling needed by and taking care of you
your happiness is his happiness in the end
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butt3rmilkbunny · 27 days ago
My current thoughts that have been rattling around in my noggin about Papá Perpetua are so incoherent and I’m posting them here because I think my dad’s tired of listening to me ramble while he plays guitar lol, and I like posting my random thoughts lol.
They are as follows (in no particular order and in no way super detailed or well thought out, very jumbled and stream of consciousness lol):
- Obviously 7 is part of the imagery in all the promo stuff we’ve seen and is significant in some way. We are also technically in era 7 (Nihil, Primo, Secondo, Terzo, Copia, Papa IV, Frater/papa V makes 7). The number 7 can mean sacrifice, purification, consecration, forgiveness, and reward; though I’ve also seen it mean completeness. (I saw a post about the whole 7 imagery a few months back and cannot for the life of me find it now lol.)
So I could definitely see Papa V sticking around for a while.
- I’ve seen an interview clip where Tobias Forge has said he’s developed slight claustrophobia from the mask, and I’ve read that that type of mask makes it harder to sing, but I’ve also seen interviews where it’s said he wouldn’t go completely without the mask. I like to envision a half mask of some sort like the phantom of the opera!
Though I also do believe in the theory that Papá V is Copia’s twin (cause of seestor’s memories in RHRN) (also because who has the most employee of the month awards of Copia has the second most), so maybe we’ll still get a full head mask because they would logically have to look similar enough.
Also also, I’m curious, if Perpetua is indeed Copia’s twin, how Tobias will go about Copia knowing about his twin. Like, will it be a long lost brother situation, surely not if Perpetua’s already within the ministry; but who’s to say. I want more family soap opera!
Phantom of the opera Papá would be fun tho because I LOVE phantom of the opera dearly, and I feel like Ghost would do wonders with the theatrics POTO theming allows for. (Papa of the opera, if you will lol)
- I love that Seestor named her boys ‘abundance/plenty’ and ‘eternal/everlasting’.
On that note, Papa V’s name def makes me think this will be the Papa we have for quite some time. I’ve seen people say that this will be the last Papá we get unless Tobias’s kids take over (I saw so many people adamant that his kids would take over) so who knows. Only time will tell. I’m just excited to see the new lore and also the COSTUMES!
The Papa’s have been getting progressing more sparkly in the costumes so I’m expecting Papa V to have maximum sparkles. Bedazzled to the fullest. (I saw one tweet that was like ‘Tobias Forge is taking so long because he has to bedazzle all of the costumes’ lol)
- My dream for the ghoul costumes for some reason (which I will implement into my own reimagining of the ministry I work on for funsies) is for the costumes to have little bat wings on the back. Idk why I’m so obsessed with the idea but yeah lol. I’m so excited to see the ghoul costumes if they change for Papa V. - I've seen people think it's Terzo, and I've seen some really good points made as to why. A few included the fact that the silhouette in the doorway is the same, that Terzo's foot twitched n the morgue and that there are scratch marks on his coffin, there was something to do with a certain song that maybe hinted at Papa Perpetua débuting when Terzo was Papa, as well as some other ones. While I do enjoy this theory, I'm more of a Copia's Twin theory believer. (Though I did see someone one time theorize that Terzo is Copia's twin lol).
I also saw a theory on tiktok that I cannot find again that talked about how Copia and Perpetua switched when Copia became Papa. I liked the idea though I kind of struggled to grasp it when first reading it lol. The idea is cool though! - I also saw someone on Tiktok point out that all of the songs on the V IS COMING Loma Vista playlist, the first letters spell out SATANIZED. I assume it's the name of a new song, maybe whatever was teased in the fiasco chapter, or maybe the album name.
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13leaguestories · 7 months ago
This came randomly to me after I understood all the characters and their personalities and stuff, buuutttt, how would they react if they went through the dream Roe had at the beginning of S1? The one they told the therapist? And how would they look or respond to Roe after being told that’s what happened to them?
I’m mostly curious about the main crew like Chris, Sydero, Bradley, Rahim etc.
(Absolutely loving superstition and your writing and I’m sitting here waiting for the rewrite like a child waiting to play games with their parent)
It's chugging along, Anon. Hopefully I can share more soon.
So, Chris actually knows about the dream. As he obviously knows why Roe is going to therapy. So canon is Chris does just think it's a dream and agrees with the therapist where they always say it was just a way to explain the trauma in a more child-like manner.
Going through it, Chris wouldn't have told anybody. He'd be traumatized to hell and back but he would have kept it all to himself and tried to rationalize it away.
I'm trying to remember if Sydero knows but I think she knows the gist but not all of it. Either way, she'd probably be able to understand Roe the best since going through her own childhood trauma in Hell with "The Box." Going through it I think she'd come out like how she came out of her own ordeal, traumatized and that trauma is absorbed into her personality.
Not doing Zillah cos he knows what happened and it's kind of hard to transfer someone who knows what happened to a T into something.
Interesting enough, Rahim didn't go through childhood trauma, not in the same way as Syd and Roe so I do think if he did go through Roe's dream then he'd be different but my gosh I can't even imagine how. As he is very much a momma's boy so what would her death + the horror of it do to him. Like, would he be more Sydero coded??
If Roe told him I think he'd try and give them some bullshit excuse or some sentiment that means nothing, mostly because of the angel's hand in everything. He's not good when it hits too close too home.
Amari is a good one because she would 100% be horrified if Roe told her and she would just be speechless. I think she would be horrified of shades after that and she would definitely start asking the important questions like "do all the reaper hybrid kids go through that" and "what would have happened if it worked out like it was supposed too."
She wouldn't survive it I think. I think if Amari lost her mother the same way as Roe, she would not be anything like she is now. She would be so much more of a shell, no bubbly personality or positive outlook.
Chanara doesn't know, doesn't even have an idea of what happens for the reaper hybrids. She knows they exist and Death needs them but that's about it. So, I do think if Chanara knew she would start questioning leadership. She's a good soldier but she's not great at hiding her thoughts when she doesn't agree with something, which is why she mostly tries to mind her own business.
If she went through it I think it would be similar to Roe but mix a bit of Winchester spirit in there. Chanara wouldn't have just chalked it up to a dream and would have doubted the "true story" until she learned of the supernatural and went on a revenge journey.
And lastly, Bradley would probably be like "damn, you too." I might even try to incorporate Roe telling him because I think that at the very least the OG crew (Syd, Chris, and Bradley) should know about it. If Bradley went through it then just add shades too the list of the beings he detests. If Bradley was Roe, Zillah wouldn't have made it because Bradley would have done everything he could too flip the tables and make Zillah pay and wipe him off the face of the planet.
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lyssasdrafts · 10 months ago
★ 𓈒 ݁ STAR—CROSSED (rhysand x reader) ⊹
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chapter three: (written) ✧
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over the weekend, you had thanked mor countless times for the opportunity she’d given you. she had insisted it wasn’t a big deal, but perhaps she wouldn’t understand how much this meant to you, how badly you had wished for a path in photography to be there for you. it had been a dream that you’d given up on for a long time until you started again for fun in your first year, but you would’ve never thought to consider it until you had the safety net of your degree.
“are we getting distracted now, y/n?” rhysand’s words interrupted your thoughts. you can hear the arrogance that coated his voice like honey. he peers above you, leaning over your desk to stare you down.
you had your chin in your palms and had been staring into the distance, but that didn’t mean you weren’t listening. however, a part of you was embrassed to admit that it was rhysand who caught your attention again and not the lesson. shifting your gaze to look up at him, you fake a smile as you respond, “i can promise you that pretty face isn’t distracting anyone, rhysand.”
rhysand quirks an eyebrow at you, almost like he was trying to guess what you were thinking about. “i never implied you were distracted by me in particular,” rhysand says blankly before a smirk makes his way onto his lips. you blink at him, realizing the insinuation about what you’d said. you curse yourself for referring to rhysand as pretty, but he definitely knew what you were talking about. it wasn’t unlike him to wink at people on campus and make small flirty comments when he knew he could talk someone into something. perhaps he’d even tried it on you at some point. it was a skill that you sometimes envied, the only ever way you convinced people was through your clever reasoning. at some point, you’d heard from elain that apparently you also happen to be quite intimidating unintentionally, something she said you had in common with nesta.
you take a moment before you respond, using it to scan rhysand’s figure. he wore his usual dress pants and a white button down shirt, his jacket further showing off his expensive preferences. despite the shiny silver watch and necklace he used to accessorize, he made himself look more casual by undoing the top two buttons of his shirt. you admired his style only because you could tell rhysand takes good care of himself and as a photographer. you recognized his jacket to be from a designer you admired and studied, revealing how his taste could be similar to yours. although he was a bother for you, the bastard didn’t have a bad fashion sense at all.
rhysand continues to stare down at you, while you wanted nothing more than to slap the expression off his face. his gaze made you uncomfortable, it burned into your skin and left your heart beating faster. he was insufferable, always taking pleasure in annoying and distressing you when he could’ve been a friend. in a perfect world, the two of you should be helping each other instead, if only rhysand wasn’t so petty and you weren’t so competitive.
you stand up for your desk, the chair making a squeak that catches the attention of some people sitting around you. those glances in your direction are ignored as you stare back at rhysand, your faces slightly inched closer than when you were sitting down. you give him one last comment before you stride out of class.
“you clearly think so highly of yourself that i’m not wrong. but since i’m not as vain as you, i have better things to do than entertain you.”
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you’d actually been in a good mood for your entire ride to the studio, despite your earlier conversation with rhysand. you had brushed it off for once instead of obsessing over every comment and heading to the library, insisting on working harder to beat him.
this was your first professional shoot as a photographer, and you had a likely chance of being asked to keep working with the studio since the previous one had quit. never once would you imagine that posting your account online and building your portfolio that it would be shown to someone at a studio like this one. you didn’t believe in fate, but a part of you thanked every star in the sky that you ended up with mor as your roommate. maybe there was some greater power that brought you and your best friend together.
perhaps this could become a real job for you, unlike what your parents had always insinuated. you could work in engineering after your degree while free lancing as a photographer. perhaps if you were really good and built a name for yourself, you could even do photography full time. you would prove your family wrong, you could find a job that provides for them plenty enough.
the studio lobby is quite modern and newly renovated, you can tell from the moment you walked through the revolving doors of the building. from the running water fountain to the hanging lights over the main desk. checking in was easy as well, once you gave the name of morrigan’s manager you were immediately given an entry pass and escorted to the correct room.
the studio room is smaller than you expected, though it definitely wasn’t underwhelming. the small room was full of lights, with different backdrops in multiple colors. the equipment caught your eye the most, with large heavy professional cameras that you almost didn’t want to touch in fear of how expensive they probably were. these were cameras that you probably wouldn’t ever get a chance to buy on your own without getting a job in photography first.
you’re left alone in the studio room after being told that the model would be out shortly. even though it was a smaller space that the studio offered, you were told that this model was apparently quite promising, but he just preferred to work with few people. you hadn’t realized until now that there wasn’t anyone else working on the shoot with you, though you didn’t really feel like it was your place to request for any staff.
you realized that he would arrive any moment now and notice the door in the back leading to a dressing room. you remind yourself that everything will be alright, that you can handle being alone with a stranger for an hour or two. you didn’t necessarily need to be too nice since you didn’t want to come across as desperate, just polite enough to be professional. your model would likely be a beginner as well, someone who might understand your current position.
in the corner of your eye, you notice a navy blue jacket hanging off a chair, proving your assumption that the model was probably in the dressing room. you can’t help but recognize the design, the style of the fabric that almost looked black from a nontechnical eye and you realize that you’ve seen it earlier.
your eyes widen once the door creaks open and rhysand steps out, fixing his hair before his gaze shifts to look for his photographer. your jaw drops at the sight of him.
“y/n,” rhysand pauses, angling his body towards you before lifting an eyebrow again. “are you stalking me now too?”
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the bat boys are bit mischaracterized at the beginning to show y/n’s misconception of them
y/n is so clearly attracted to rhysand physically… despite hating his personality <3
y/n always wanted to be a professional photographer but their family disapproved and so they decided to go into astrophysics instead :(
@thelov3lybookworm @starsand @lilah-asteria @therealmoonstone @just-a-social-casualty-1 @ashjade19 @girlontheblock @cherry-cin @daughterofthemoons-stuff @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @sweet-chai-amore @kierramofficial @noelli-smv @c-dizzle99 @littlestw01f @marina468
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prismuffin · 2 years ago
Heyo! How do you think Wally West, John Constantine, Hal Jordan, Dick Grayson and Conner Kent, react to accidentally falling asleep on their crush?
I feel like a lot of them would be a flustered mess!
Reader (He/Him)
- OwO
Ahhh I remember you, you requested that Steve Rogers fic huh? Well welcome back to my inbox- sorry it took me a minute I was out way longer than I thought I'd be! Anyways I think-
Wally would definitely be flustered when he wakes up. It'd just slowly dawn on him as you wake him up because he'd be so tired. Like he'd just stare at you with his eyes slowly widening and once he finally realizes he'd shoot so far away from you. His face would be completely red, his blush reaching his neck even and he'd just apologize while refusing to look at you. He'd decline any help on getting to his room and once he's in there he just screams into his pillow while kicking his feet. He just fell asleep on his guy crush. It's all he can think about. He definitely probably has a dream about it.
John wouldn't even be phased. Pfft, yeah he did just fall asleep on you, what are you gonna do about it? Exactly. He has a stone cold expression but fuck is he freaking out inside. He'd probably mumble something about being overworked and if you ask if he's getting enough sleep he'll almost drop his façade at the worry in your voice. He says he's fine, and begrudgingly allows you to help him to his room after you wouldn't let it go. He'd jokingly tell you to tuck him in, and you do. After you leave and he's alone he'd sigh dreamily before catching himself in such a love sick state. He'd smack both of his hands over his face, grumbling about how this random boy makes him feel like some stupid teenager in love. He'd also have dream about you and when he sees you the next morning he can't look you straight in the eye.
Hal would apologize while trying not to stutter too much. He'd feel pretty flustered about it but he wouldn't try and make it a big deal. When you ask if he's getting enough sleep he'd wave you off saying that he was fine but the way your concerned about him has his heart fluttering. He'd allow you to walk him to his room but he wouldn't let you inside, he'd tell you goodnight before he retreated to his sleeping chambers and the minute he shuts that doors his whole calm façade drops. He's cursing at himself for acting like such an idiot and falling asleep on you. It'd be on his mind all night and now he can't go back to sleep. No seriously, the embarrassment is keeping him awake god someone save him. When you see him the next morning and notice he somehow looks even more tired than the night before- you start fawning over him again and it only makes it worse.
Dick would probably be similar to Wally, in the sense that it doesn't immediately hit him. He'd be so tired that after you wake him he'd stare at you for like five seconds before cursing and mumbling an apology. He'd just slowly move off of you and would smile awkwardly while he tries to handle the situation without completely freaking out. When you ask him if he's been getting enough sleep he'll crack a joke about how he isn't and how he's very sleep deprived all the time. He does in fact let you walk him to his room but he's really flustered when you follow him inside to make sure he lays down. After you leave his heart would be pounding as he laid in his bed and similar to Hal he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep immediately. Though, over time he does get there. He to has a dream about you and it only makes him fall deeper in love.
Conner would try and play it off, key word is try here alright. His expression is stoic as he apologizes but they way he refuses to meet your eye and the way his face is practically glowing red is not helping his case. He'd be very embarrassed and would try and leave this situation as quickly as possible. When you ask if he's getting enough sleep he'll say he's fine and would excuse himself to go back to his room so he can get some sleep. But then you suggest walking him there to make sure he's alright and god damn his heart can't take the way you're worrying for him right now it's so god damn cute. Favoritism would take over and he'd allow you to walk him back to his room though he'd be hesitant on letting you inside. Once he's in bed he doesn't necessarily fall asleep easy but it's not cause he can't he just chooses not to as he replays the previous interaction over and over in his mind.
( this was unintentionally in rainbow order but I kinda love that )
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dopecollectorbarbarian · 3 months ago
Hugs, cuddles and affection \ Many characters
Note: it’s just a post with small drafts that I have ever written so each may have different/similar structure so think it’s kind of gatcha box except for the main topics. I thought it would be interesting to share with you.
Merry Christmas!
Galadriel, Elrond, Celebrimor, Gil-Galad
Elendil, Míriel, Isildur, Valandil, Ontamo
Hobbit’s members: Elanor Brandfoots, Poppy Proudfellow, Brandfoots family + Gandalf
Arondir, Bronwyn, Theo
Durin, Disa
Secret characters
✹ Galadriel
She won’t mind cuddles, I suppose! Nevertheless she might be little too busy so you need to ask her.
If she is your friend, she will hold you gently, without hesitation. May it be so that she feels regret to let you go too soon, if there are tasks that require attention.
If she doesn’t trust enough, well… she will hug you. But it feels little different, as if she sees you, but she isn’t seen. She just knows how small gestures may improve someone’s day or mood. Especially when they need that.
✹ Elrond
Almost the same case! He hugs if you ask but… he may feel little caught off guard - he knows that he is quite affectionate (I bet he used to be clingy boy) but sometimes people may find it be annoying.
If he understands that you don’t mind sudden long hugs or cuddles… you must be ready for it! He is going to hug you often - because he loves physical affection too much. Never-mind if you are a lover or just friend.
(I think he prefers to do so when no one sees it because he’s self conscious a little)
✹ Celebrimor
First of all… hardly do you see him when he is not deep in dreams? Definitely he is passionate elf that may get lost in his own ideas even during a dinner. I’m not sure if he is into hugs or not.
But I can tell that if you try to hug him without permission or announce (there is no matter if you are friends or not), he will definitely drop his tool, a stone or scroll just because of surprise.
Will he be angry or not… if it’s not something too important, than he will just coo “Valar, I almost saw Valar! No need to scare me that much”. Or maybe “Ah! You are a little selda!” (Child). And then a quick hug back, just to show that he isn’t angry?
Otherwise - run. He is going to kick you out of his craftroom. Just do it first.
✹ Gil-galad
I see three four scenarios:
First, if you are a citizen of Lindon. Elf. Hugs.
Do you live here? Were you born here? Are your kin? Well, you are his one of his people that he has under his royal wing to take care of so there is the chance to hug him.
He will be caught off guard with the request, but he will be fine. Kings and queens must except that their people may want to hug them, right? He will hug you carefully and gently, as if you were a fragile flower, so that it may felt like a shield. He appreciates when his people love him.
Second, you are his subordinate. Hugs.
Like Elrond or Galadriel.
I suppose, he needs to scold you if it happens little too often.
But it’s not the worst thing, right? One his subordinate is looking for Sauron so much that now her subordinates are almost crying, another helps his friend to steal the dining table. Just do your job.
Third, if You are his lover (second version). Cuddles
Once I took him before but I suppose must add one of funny variations or my head will bomb it soon or later:
He may require hugs in king’s way.
“I require cuddes, as your king I command you”
He doesn’t mind to wait if you have some task. But don’t make him wait too long or he will just (again, if he understands that you are overworking) command again.
Fourth, if you are his friend. Hugs-cuddles.
Have you seen drunk Gil-galad? For some reason I’m sure that he is quite distant when he is sober and the hugs may be little tense. Just a habit. he grumbles that he is busy.
It’s a Rare case, I suppose, that he gets drunk. He is an elf, isn’t he? But it may be so that when you bring a good bottle and you two having fun alone, he may hug you when you are telling a funny story or something really personal. A side hug that may break your ribs haha!
✹ Elendil
This man is strong built like a tower and but he has soul of a dog - so lovely old boy that worries over everyone. (But it doesn’t mean he won’t bark at his puppies children and subordinates when they mess up, of course).
I think he will show soft side to ones who isn’t his subordinate - because you know, he is too worried that they will become reckless. But a shoulder pat or a one-side quick hug to cheer up is in his set of affection gestures.
Also he doesn’t look like a bear, but he has this bear like hugs that can crash ribs, especially if he got a really tense day before that. It shows with whose he loves most even if he tries to control it. So as a lover you may get surprised one day when he hugs that strong.
✹ Míriel
Hugs that are so light but warm that may melt your heart. Smell of papers and ink… aw.
✹ Isildur
One side hugs that may be little awkward especially if he hugs his love but he hasn’t confessed .
✹ Valandil
Gentle hugs that show all his affection. He isn’t shy about feelings - he is sincere bunny. Serious. Very serious bunny.
✹ Ontamo
“Wanna hugs? Aww, come here!”
And you may be picked up by him if you are too small. He isn’t shy as well.
✹ Sauron
Do you really want his attention?
Well… if he needs it to reach his goals, I think he won’t mind even to cuddle and pamper you in the way you want (or to do even something more) but I’m not sure it will last very long. He doesn’t need affection and he sees it unnecessary. So if he can avoid it, he will.
(Galadriel: Halbrand? Brother?
Puss Sauron: For you, baby, I could be.)
Hobbits’ members
Hobbits never walks alone, nobody is left behind. It doesn’t matter if you are a huge human or a halfing - if you are trustful fellow, you will be always welcome. Especially for the guys below:
✹ Elanor Brandfoot and Poppy Proudfellow
I can’t think of them separately because if you are friend of one if them - you get the second friend too.
And you are two often noticed under an apple tree dozing peacefully. You are hugging each other, a small basket with food - mostly apples of course but there are small bags with wild berries - is next to Poppy. You two had a great productive day.
✹ Largo + Dilly + Marigold Brandfoots
Hm… Largo’s hug would be father’s like and definitely he would put into your pocket something edible like a berry or a snail.
Marigold would worry about condition and safety. Her hugs will be gentle but little distracted by her own thoughts.
Dilly seems to be… that always little imp that isn’t that mischievous actually. I think her hugs will be quick and heartwarming.
✹ Gandalf
I think you are more likely to be a hafling, maybe Elanor’s or Poppy’s sibling. When you met each other for very first time, he noticed similarities between you and your sibling/s. Later, if you were brave enough, you came closer and… well, Gandalf wasn’t that brave actually. He was worried to scare you somehow. But soon you grew warm to each other.
So now you can shamelessly ask for hugs (if you are not shy) and he may even pick you up on his shoulders/back to let you have a fruit that is too high above earth or just to have fun. But he is still cations - he doesn’t want to harm you.
✹ Arondir + Bronwyn + Theo
hugs and family tendency
Arondir accepted Theo, so he will accept you as well - no matter if you are Bronwyn’s sibling or child or Theo’s friend. If you don’t show hostility, he will show respect and support back.
Bronwyn loves her son and loves her second child as well- there is no way for competitions, she will do her best so that you both feel loved and get enough hugs and kisses in head. (The Lullaby too)
If you are a friend, it’s the same case like Arondir’s - till you show malicious behavior, you are always welcome.
Theo… hm.
As a pibling you have the pibling right - to hug your nephew Theo and even to pock his cheeks when he pouts. Of course he pouts - after all, he is a warrior!
He doesn’t mind that much. He is just a teenager.
As a peer/sibling he accepts your affection. Just don’t overdo - otherwise he will kick your ass or tickle or something else to make you give more personal space.
✹ Durin + Disa (elf, hobbit) + children
First… the second trusted elf is in their house, like Elrond.
Durin mutters something like when he hugs his elven friend : “It has been a while! I hope you won’t forget about us with your elvish brain”.
If the elf picks him up, Durin will be grumbling and throwing words “PUT ME BACK NOW I AM NOT YOUT PLUSH TOY”
To Dise’s amusement
When Dise hugs the elf-friend, she is smiling and showing with all her heart that she is happy to see them. Maybe she will squeak in surprise but then laugh.
“You are rascal!”
Also an elf, if they don’t mind children, will be the maim horse of the children (who would refuse to be a horse?)
Durin will chock on his drink when he sees that for very first time.
Hobbits are smaller than dwarfs and for some reason I’m sure that one of them at least once try to pick their friend up - incidentally or for a reason. Their children for sure dare to drag their parents’ friend somewhere and make hobbit to play.
Durin jokes about the height and the fact that his children are as tall as his friend or even taller.
But despite the race they do one thing for sure in two cases - to feed their friend well. And Dise’s argument to put extra portion is almost similar for each other:
- You are a big/small fellow! You need to eat a lot, don’t be shy.
✹ Adar. Hugs. (Almost a drabble lmao)
That’s curious. It’s really curious. Uruks may have ways of showing love, but is there place for affection? How does it look like? Harsh pats on the back? Or just compliments, words of support, that sound so vulgar or rude, that Valar’s creations think they hate each other?
But Adar was an elf, long time ago. Or he is still. Just in different form. In any case, he hasn’t forgotten that completely, expressing it with small rituals. So unnoticeable, like ghost tickles twisted ears.
Tortures mark souls.
So, if you manage to survive and gain his trust or trust of his children (that automatically unlocks his trust) and ask him for hugs for very first time, I think he won’t react at first. Then after a long pause he asks back:
That’s something strange for him. Someone wants to hug an Uruk. Last time when he hugged someone apart from his children was so long time ago that it almost faded in his mind.
He will ask why with his blank voice. The answer will make him think. About past. About his children. Many things and he may forget about the request. In that moment you can hug him and… again, no reaction. Any reaction.
(We must admit that man needs hugs and psychotherapy)
Maybe after the second or the third time (everytime he gets lost in his memories), he will hug back like he would hug his children if they ask him so - almost emotionless but firm hug. But he isn’t likely to hug you first somewhen. It’s just too long process.
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Secret characters!
Finrod, Galadriel’s brother
He seems a tease to me, honestly. To tease you becase you slipped on wet stones? Because of your cute smile or angry huff? He can’t help. After all, to understand what vase contains you need to shake it enough. Not too much, of course - he doesn’t want to loose his friend or even someone more than just friend.
But hugs? He respect personal boundaries and if someone doesn’t want hugs, he won’t ever make someone hug him. And it also includes smaller gestures, but they slip out without his will - adjusting your clothes, taking a feather or other forest things out of your hair, careful you pulling out of the way.
But when you ask for hugs or vice versa, he will hug you gently but firmly, his scent - something really unnoticeable will grip your clothes and skin firmly.
Uruks’ reaction to you hugging Adar:
If someone of his children sees you two cuddling, it will be really funny.
If It’s just one uruk, they will quickly leave to give personal space for Adar. If many see… they might be little self conscious, especially when it’s first time of cuddles. In next time some may dare to cheer and praise. Some of them. Not all. They just don’t know how to react.
They think that dad is kind and wise. No! Not just that - they are sure! But… cuddles? With someone, whom Uruks usually kill or use as a slave?
But later they grow warm to you too despite you acting like an alien for their own taste. Uruks have needs of affection, even if their appearance and manners say otherwise. Just different kind of affection.
His hugs full of wisdom’s love. That you may know that this old elf is just the greatest grandpa. Scent of oil, wood and of this soap foam. Interesting, what’s the smell does it have? Herb like? Flower like?
The elven lord that is approachable and handsome aww.
(I apologize for mistakes, English isn’t my first language)
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izzysillyhandsy · 1 year ago
It is finally time for me to try writing about The Scene.
There's so much happening and changing within seconds. I feel that the whole history of Edward and Izzy is played out here, for (from their point of view) the last time.
We start off with Ed waking Izzy up, taking out his pistol (to Izzy's confusion) and then handing it to Izzy.
They are close, Ed is calm and fully in the moment. It is such an intimate moment, the way Ed tilts his head down in line with the pistol, never breaking eye contact.
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And Izzy, who at first was trying to fend Ed off, now looks at him like this:
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What is actually going on here? It seems like a return to something they've done before, like a memory of a tender moment. Of course, this is right after Ed tells Iz about the dream. Maybe it's just the closeness, or the fact that this must be the first moment in forever where Izzy is the sole focus of Ed.
But I feel that there is a story there, something in their past that makes Izzy - what is it - happy? Nostalgic? Regretful? I don't see turned on here, it's much softer than that.
"Good for you." (slightly sneering) "It was good for me." (completely sincere)
You don't need me to tell you this has more than one meaning.
Ed touches Izzy's hand as he stands up, "It was just what the doctor ordered."
The first half ends - these were the good times. Spending time together with weapons aimed at each other :). I think this was when both were young and relatively innocent, when life was exciting and the two of them were best friends, possibly even closer than that.
But now the second half starts.
"Anyway, it wasn't even like that."
Also has a double meaning.
"No, in my dream - I was standing. Just like this."
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Ed turns his back to Izzy, making this an execution instead of an act of intimacy.
Izzy first raises the pistol, laughs brokenly and desperately. It feels like this was also a situation they'd both been in before. The laugh sounds like "No, we're not doing this. Once was enough."
I think a similar scene happened when they were young, and the next bit strengthens this theory for me.
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Izzy puts his hand over half his face, his voice changes and he calls Ed "Eddie" for the first and only time in the show:
"Oh, you're scared, Eddie? To sc- to scared to do it yourself?"
Hornigold also calls Ed "Eddie", and I think Izzy is kind of channeling Hornigold here. Maybe, back on Hornigold's ship, Ed was ordered to execute someone and couldn't. And maybe Izzy had to do it for him. Maybe Izzy had to do lots of traumatizing things for Ed. Maybe the person executed was someone Izzy and/or Ed cared about. And maybe Ed started to resent Izzy for it. The way Ed is spreading his arms out, the way it seems almost staged - it's like Ed is saying "kill me like you killed him".
OR maybe this is how Izzy pep-talked Ed into becoming Blackbeard, which would be much darker (and harder for me as an Izzy apologist). But Izzy telling Stede that Ed's complete breakdown is like 50% his fault may point to events in the past where Izzy thought he had to push Ed into the Kraken-zone to secure their and their crew's survival. Maybe he did this often, especially at the beginning of their Blackbeard fuckery.
What is remarkable though is that Izzy hides his face with his hand, then forces out the words, almost choking on them. This clearly has importance and history - nothing so far in the whole show was forced out so violently - so I am heavily leaning towards a traumatic experience for Ed and Izzy both. It definitely crashes Izzy down from his nostalgia-high real quick.
Now Izzy's voice changes back to his own, but he speaks really fast and without inflection, trying to get everything over with:
"Go on clean up your own fucking mess I'm not doing it I've been doing it all my fucking life."
(without thanks I might add)
"Fuck off."
Izzy's finally, finally had enough.
Ed acknowledges, resignedly, and leaves. I think he expected it to go this way.
Izzy shoots himself. I think Ed also expected this.
Ed says he loved him best he could. It's over. He goes to his own death.
This scene is only a few minutes long, but as I said in the beginning, I think they're reliving their whole relationship here, first the good times (which are quickly devalued - "But it wasn't even like that") and the bad times (I did this for you, but for nothing - "Fuck off").
As Ed says to Frenchie, he's had closure with Izzy. He's shown him what it was like for him. Izzy's also had closure with Ed. From now on, Ed has to carry the weight of his decisions himself.
Both die.
(and then both indestructible fuckers come back)
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thirstytrashblogger · 1 year ago
Stamp of Approval
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Picture from: @ichimatsu-of-the-day
Ichimatsu x reader oneshot
Summary: Ichimatsu goes to Y/N’s apartment for the first time and meets her roommate.
Warnings: fluff, cat oc, fem-reader, period cramps, established relationship, fairly new relationship, self-doubt
Ichimatsu waited outside her apartment building for their date, one she had planned and invited him on. He held a small sad crumbled bouquet for her that had been crumpled on the walk to her building. How she found interest in such a bum like him he would never understand but man, did he want this to work out even if it felt like he was just buying extra time before he eventually screwed everything up and scared her away. He looked down at the ground before hearing the recognizable click of the main entrance opening and there she was but she wasn’t in her usual put-together state. Instead, she was wearing comfortable lounging clothes with slightly tousled hair more similar to his everyday look than hers. Nonetheless, she was still radiant and the most gorgeous person he had the honor of laying eyes on.
“Ichi, Hi!” she beamed. 
“H-hey kitten. You feeling okay?” he asked after composing himself, gripping the flowers even tighter than before. 
“Haha,” she blushed at the nickname. “I’m okay just having some cramps right now. I had planned a picnic for us but honestly, I don’t think I have the energy to go out today.” 
“Huh? Oh, okay. I’ll leave then.” He tried not to show his disappointment at rejection but the looming cloud of grey over him was obvious. 
“What!? No don’t leave! I was thinking we could stay in. I made snacks and thought we could cuddle and watch movies. Maybe even take a little nap if we’re feeling it.” She finished. 
He turned back. She really just described the perfect date. He couldn’t believe she truly still wanted to spend time with him. That she would allow him into her home. That she would allow him in her presence while she was in pain. Goddamn, he can’t fuck this one up. He REALLY couldn’t fuck this one up. He stared at her starstruck at her offer before realizing he had not said anything to confirm the dream date. 
“Okay” he yelped out. 
“Great!” she smiled. “Oh, I also wanted you to meet my roommate. She’s also my best friend. I think you’ll really like her.” she added. 
Of course. This will be his biggest test yet. Gaining approval from her friends seems like an impossible task for him. Who in their right mind would approve of a useless NEET like him dating an angel like her? Sure they’ll probably be polite in person but once he leaves they’ll definitely set her straight and before long she’ll tell him to hit the bricks. If this is their last date then he’s gonna make it count though, goddamnit. For the first time in a long time, he’s not going down without a fight. 
“O-oh, yeah. That would be nice.” he played off as they began going upstairs to her apartment. 
Once they made it through the door, he looked around. It was a small apartment. Maybe fit for a couple but definitely no more than one bedroom and the shoes by the door were all Y/N’s. He didn’t see any signs any other people lived there. 
“Amelia, I’m back,” she called as they set their shoes by the door. “Come here, I want you to meet my boyfriend!” she called out excitedly. 
Ichimatsu continued to slowly look around. Nervous about the impending encounter but didn’t seem like anyone else was home. That’s when he noticed a cat tree by the window and some toys littered the ground. 
“She’s usually pretty shy around new people. She might be hiding.” Y/N mentioned. “I’ll check the bedroom.”
“Hiding?” he asked. Pretty weird for someone to hide when called to greet guests but then again he’s been guilty of doing the same. It was then that he felt something on his leg. He looked down to see a little black cat with shining green eyes threading through his legs and purring. He was in awe. Bending down to properly greet the kitty with a soft blush and smile. 
“Hello, sweet thing,” he said letting her sniff his hand before petting her. She purred loudly and began rubbing her face on his sweater. She meowed gently. He meowed back. Now sitting on the floor to continue petting her. He pulled one of the cattails out of the crumpled bouquet and began playing with her. 
Y/n reentered the room. Greeted by the lovely sight of  Ichimatsu playing with her sweet little cat. She enjoyed the scene before he could notice. 
“Oh, so this is what I find?” she began. “My best friend in the arms of my lover” she stated dramatically before giggling. “You even took my flowers.” she joked, joining them on the floor and receiving a headbutt from Amelia. Her own little way of saying she picked a good one to bring home. 
Ichimatsu looked at her even more in love than before. Her best friend is a cat! A very sweet little cat that loves him and approves of him. And they say black cats are bad luck. 
“You could’ve told me she wasn’t a human. I would’ve been way less nervous to meet your roommate.” He mentioned still wearing his wide cute goofy smile. 
“Yeah. Sorry. I guess I forget sometimes it’s kinda weird to refer to her like she’s people but I always talk to her like she is.” She scratched the good spot behind her ears earning an even louder purr. “Well, it seems you two have already met. Ichimatsu this is my best friend, Amelia. Amelia, this is Ichimatsu, my boyfriend.” she held the kitty out to him the long way. Amelia meowed in greeting. 
Ichimatsu reached his hands out gently squeezing Amelia’s front paw pads in a formal greeting. 
“It’s an honor to meet you, Amelia” he responded. Watching Y/N begin playing with the kitty. Waving the cattail in front of her. 
“She really does like you. It normally takes her a good while to warm up to anyone. Not that I would expect anything else from an amazing cat whisperer like yourself.”
Ichimatsu was touched by the compliment. He wondered how few others got the privilege of being this close to them and how lucky he was to be in that select few.
“I’m happy to get her stamp of approval,” he said aloud sweetly. Meanwhile, he was thinking if anything happened to either Y/N or Amelia he’d burn the building down and kill everyone in the world. 
The sweet kitty gave Ichimatsu’s arm a few headbutts before rubbing her face on his sleeve again. 
“Hey, don’t steal him away from me. That’s MY lovely boyfriend, Ami and I intend to keep him as mine.” She joked pulling Amelia into her lap and planting a kiss between her ears. 
Is that truly how she saw him? Did she value him that much? So proudly declaring their dating status and cherishing having him. She chose him and wanted him and trusted him to meet her dearest kitty. Before he even realized it, Ichimatsu leaned down and kissed the crown of Y/n’s head. She looked up in surprise with loving eyes. He hooked his finger under her chin bringing her face close to his. 
“Not even the sweetest of cats can steal me away from my kitten.” he said with the same adoring look on his face making her swoon. The two joined in a long sweet kiss. 
Before long the three of them were cuddled up in a nest of blankets watching movies with snacks around them. Amelia chose to stay in Ichimatsu’s lap purring and kneading the blankets before falling asleep. The flowers he had brought were now in a vase on the table. He wished every day could be like this. He’d found a perfect slice of paradise and never wanted it to go away.  The couple chatted lazily laughing and enjoying each other’s presence. Eventually, they both grew pretty sleepy and Y/n dozed off on Ichimatsu holding onto his side with his arm wrapped around her. As his eyes grew heavy he thought he must have already been dead because this was heaven.
A/N: Some mushy gooey stuff because I can finally write again. Might make more Ichimatsu fics. Comment for more! I have ideas again people! Antidepressants are some magical stuff!
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yantalia545 · 11 months ago
Can we also get reader trying to divorce the axis with the similar reasons as the allies' darling?
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Well, how...unfortunate for you. He had to pull a lot of strings and ask for backhand favors to push you to become his wife in the first place. He's not going to let that go all to waste. You're one of the few people he can actually stand and he's not about to let that go.
Don't you enjoy being his wife? Is there something that he's doing wrong? Whatever it is Japan is more than happy to work on it for you. He knows he's not much for physical contact but if you would like more of that then he'd be more then he'll push that boundary just for you.
Even though you will want to be friends, Japan still feels like you're trying to pull away from him. You better not be divorcing him because you're in love with someone else. Japan can't stand that thought. Why else did he work so hard to obtain you in the first place?
He wants to make sure you're his and only his. Japan may be a bit more closeted about his obsession but he definitely can be possessive over you.
He will show his much darker side after this fight the two of you had over a divorce. You won't leave him. Japan may even try to pull more strings to keep you bound to him. The house may be a bit tense after that but if it keeps you here then he's fine with it. After all, there's no way you can stay mad forever and if you dare try to drag someone else into your marriage dispute then he'll be forced to take even greater actions. He'll kill them brutely right in front of you to make a point. There most certainly will be no other lover.
I could definitely see Japan calling treason against your divorce. The two are you are together to strengthen your countries and your backing out would forfeit your end of the deal. This would lead to a whole mess of things where you'll be blamed every step of the way.
This is all your fault, you know. The two of you could have stayed a happy couple in a fair marriage, but if you want to be a brat a cause more trouble for him then so be it. Japan won't lose on this one. He'll shelter you in a dimly lit room to keep you in place if he has to.
Japan wouldn't let you go unhealthy though. It's his job as your husband to take care of you. You'll be given plenty of meals and exercise alongside him just as long as he's not forced to withhold them as punishment.
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Here comes the tears. Italy's first line of defense will always be crying. He'll cling to you all while begging for you to tell him what he did wrong and how can he fix it.
He was so happy being married to you. It was like a dream come true. Why would you ever want to leave something so amazing?
Again, Italy will make you look like the bad guy here. Guilt tripping you to the max in hopes that you'll just forget about everything and stay. When you still try to leave he'll latch on to you and cry into your legs. Probably sending you falling to the floor. The more you struggle, the more he cries. You can practically hear his heart breaking on the spot. Try to fight him off if you'd like, but when he's determined for something, Italy can be surprisingly strong. His grip on you is just so tight.
"We can talk about this (Y/n). Please don't go." He sobs pitifully.
You can try to coax him to calm down and release you, but you'll have to stay for the night. Either way, you'll end up in your shared bedroom with a locked door rather than Italy snuck out in the middle of the night to lock it on you, or he dragged you in there and then shut the door.
Italy will be paying Germany a late-night phone call, begging for his help with his marriage. He'll do anything to make you stay. He doesn't care how long you have to stay in your room or the number of hug therapies he needs to give you.
The two of you will fix this marriage.
Italy will gather anything and everything to fix your marriage from connection exercises to marriage counselors that are, of course, tailored to fit only his side of the argument. You're the only bad guy here. It's all your fault that he has to go to such lengths in the first place. There's no way his cute self could ever be capable of doing any wrong. Even if he is keeping you hostage in his small villa apartment.
If you ever want to feel the grass between your toes or the wind brushing through your fair again you better give in and fix your problem.
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Germany was in need of some serious comfort and support from you after he had lost everything in a grave war. He swore that you were the only thing he had left, and your stupid boss was trying to take you away from him.
Just the other day he informed you of filing for diverse and it was up to you to break the news to your disheveled husband. Some boss he was. Since Germany has quite a bad reputation for himself as of late, your boss thought that it was wise to withdraw your alliance from him to protect yourself.
And so, here you were in Germany's office with diverse papers in hand. You felt a sour taste in your mouth when you finally handed the papers over to the poor man. He was your friend. Someone you held dearly, but denying your boss wasn't really an option for nations.
Germnay's face hallowed as he quickly glanced at the papers bestowed before him. He should have known this was coming. He couldn't support you like he used to. However, he was selfish. He wasn't going to let you leave without a fight.
It wouldn't be long after Germany built up his forces that would he be knocking at your door. Demanding for your hand in marriage again. Your damned boss who thought to separate him from his love would be brought before you; shriveled and beaten. You were horrified as you were forced to sign the marriage contract Germany had conjured up for you.
And just like that, you were bound to him again. Germany, making sure you'd never slip through his fingers again.
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